Performance Pricing, Inc. v. Google Inc. et al

Filing 241

MOTION to Compel Production of Documents by Third Parties Neal Cohen and Vista IP Law Group, LLP by AOL LLC, Google Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Joint Stipulation Regarding Defendant Google Inc. and AOL LLC's Motion to Compel Production of Documents by Third Parties Neal Cohen and Vista IP Law Group, LLP, # 2 Declaration of Emily C. O'Brien in Support of Motion to Compel, # 3 Exhibit A, # 4 Exhibit B, # 5 Exhibit C, # 6 Exhibit D, # 7 Exhibit E, # 8 Exhibit F, # 9 Exhibit G, # 10 Exhibit H, # 11 Exhibit I, # 12 Exhibit J, # 13 Exhibit K, # 14 Exhibit L, # 15 Exhibit M, # 16 Exhibit N, # 17 Exhibit O, # 18 Exhibit P, # 19 Declaration of Christin Cho in Opposition to Motion to Compel, # 20 Errata 1, # 21 Exhibit 2, # 22 Exhibit 3, # 23 Proposed Order Granting Defendant Google Inc. and AOL LLC's Motion to Compel)(O'Brien, Emily) Modified on 9/25/2009 (sm, ). Modified on 9/25/2009 (sm, ).

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t^J x H ^^ ^. ^ A088 Rev. 1210? Sub a in a Civil Case Issaed by the UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT Central District of Performance Pricing, Inc_ California S[1BPQENA YN A CTV>(L CASE V. Google Inc.; AOL LLC; Microsoft Corp; Yahoo t. Inc.; IAC Search ^ Media, Inc.; and, Inc_ CaSeNttmber: ^ 2:07-cv-932 {LED} (Eastern District of Texas) TO: Vista IP Law Group, LLP 2040 Main St., 9th Floor Irvine, CA 9267.9 I_-: YOU ARE COMMANDED to appear in the United States District court at the place , date, and time speci Pied below to testify in the above case. PLACr: UN fE,S 17MUNY COURTROOM ..-- DATE AND TIh1E ;YOU ARE COMMANDED to appear at the place, date, and tune specif ed below to testi fY at the taking of a deposition PLACE OF DEPOSITION DATE AND TIMH ^..f YOU ARE COMMANDED to produce and permit inspection and copying ofthe fo! lowing documents or objects at the place, dale, and time specified below (list documents or objects}: See ATTACF{MENT A PLACE DATE AND TIME Quinn Emanuel Urquhart Oliver ^ Hedges, LLP 865 Figueroa Street, 10th Floor Los An eles CA 90017 November 6, 200$ 10:30 a.m. L ^ YOU ARE COMMANDED to permit inspection of the following premises at the date and time specified below. PREMISES DATE AND TIME Any organization nat a party to this suit that is subpoenaed For the taking of a deposition shall designate one or more officers, directors, ar managing agents, or other persons who consent to testify on its behalf, and may set forth, for each person designated, the matters on which the person will testify. Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 30(b)(6). IS^IING OFFIC^R^STURE AND TITLE (INDICATE EF ATTORNEY FDR PLAINTIFF DR DEFENDANT) DATE A^"done for ^o^-Inc. AOL LLC and IAC Search ak Media 15SUING OFFICER'S NAME, ABDRFSS AND P}tONE NUMBER 1^12Z^2(}p Emily C. 0`Srien 50 California St., 22nd Floor, San Francesco, CA 99111, Te7_. {915) 875-6323 (See Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 45 (c}, (d ), and (e}, on next page) ^ Election i5 pending in district other than disuict of issuance , start district under case number. ^^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ 'i;, `^`^ `· ^'r=^.3: PAGE ^^ -· AO$8 {Rev. 17107) 5ubocena in a Civil Case (Page 2 PROOF OF SERVICE DATE PLACE SERVED SERVED ON ( PRINT' NAME) MANNER pF SERVICE SERVED BY {PRINT NAME) TITLE DECLARATION OF SERVER I declare under penalty of perjury under the Iaws of the United States of America that the foregoing information contained in the Proof of Service is true and correct. Executed on RATE SIGNATURE OF SERVER ADDRESS pF SERVER Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 45 (c), {d), and (e), as amended on December i, 2007: (e)PnorectrNCn Pt;tuar; Sua[r.Crron SuatrotexA (I} Avoiding Undue 8wden or Fxpease; Sanctions . A parry or anomcy responsible for issuing and Serving a wbpocna must rake reasonable steps m avoid imposing undue burden « expense on a peson subject to the subpoena . Tl[e issuing court must enf«ce this duty and mrposc an appropriate sancGOO - which may include lost comings and reasonable artomc} s fees - otr a parry or attorney who furls to comply. (Z) Camnsand to Produce Materials err Perrmit Inspection. (A} Appearance Not Required . A person canananded to produce documrn[s, not appear in pawn al the: place of prodttcrion or inspection usilrss also rommanded to appear for a dtpositiort hearing , or trial. {8} 4bjrxtions. A person conunanded to product documents or tangible things or to permit iniptaian may serve on nc^ party err attornry daignatcd in the subpotna a written objection to inspecting, copying , testing or sampling any or al[ of the materials or to inspecting the prtmises - or to producing electroniralEy stored information in rho form « Corms requ Wed. The objecion must be saved before the earlier of the time specified far wmpliancc or I4 days after the subpoena is served . ICan objection u made, the fol]ouvtg rules apply: {i) At any time, on notice to the commanded person. drt serving Parry may move the issuing court for an order compelling production err iaspectivn. (u) These acts may be required only as duetted in the order, and the order must protect a person who is neidrer a parry nor a parry's officer from signifrwnt expcasc resuhirrg from compliance. (3) Qr[astrirtg or Modifying a Subpoena. {A) VJlren Requi:rcd. Om timely nto[ion, the issuing court must quash w modify a subpawa drat: ()fails to al]ow a rrasonabk time to comply; (u} requires a person who is neither a party nor a part7 /s officer !o travel more than 100 miles from where that person resides, is employed , « regularly transacts business in person -except that, subject to Rule 45(e}(3} (Bxii), dre person may be commanded ro attend a trial by traveling from any such place within the state whore the trio [ is herd; (iii) requires disclosure of privileged or other protected matter . if no exception or waiver applies; or (iv} subjcus a person to undue burden. (I3} When Pamirtcd . To protix:l a persoa subject to'or affected 6y a subpoena, the issuing carat may, on modoe, quash err modify rho wbpoara if it requires: {i) disclosing a trade secret or other confidrn@a1 researcl>, development' or comrnacial enformation; (u7 disclosing an umetained experts opvrion « infomration brat dots not dcsntbc speclfie aeeurreaus in dispute arxi resttlts from the arpcrts study that was not roquesled b7' a Party: of (iu) a person who is neither a parry nor a pari}rs office to incur substanpal acpenx to travel mace than ! 00 miles to anend trial (C) Spxifyiag Condi ¢ons as an Alternative . In the cirpm,sra,rces described in Rule 45(e}(3 }(]3}, the Court may, instead of quashing err modifying a svbpaena , «der appearance or production undo specified condiuoru if the serving party: (i) shows a substantial need for [ hc testimony or rnatetial that rarugt b< oFFrerwise coca without undue hardship; and (ri) ensures that the subpoenaed person will be seasonably compensated. {d)Dtrrusm Rr^or+ owcTOwSuarorurti (]) Producing Donuncnls or Elearonically Scored lnformatioo . Thtsc proccdures apply to producing documents or deetranically stored infarmalian: (A) Documents. A person resporsding m a subpoena to produce dotauncats must produce them as thry arc kept in the ordinary murx of business or must organiu and Sabel them to cortupond to the catcgarics in the demand. (8) Form for Producing Electronically Stored Information i+rot Specified. If a subpoena dots not specify a form For producing dcctronically scared informatiam , dre person respanding must produce it in a Corm « forms in which it a ordinarily maintained or in a reasonably usable form or forms. (C) Electronically Stated lnformanon Produced in Only One Form . The person responding need not product the same clatraniwlly stored information in more than one form. (D} lnacccssible FJocoroeically Stored lafomrarion. The person responding need [rot provide discovery of electronically stored information Crom sources that the person idmtirtes as not reasonably aceesstble because of undue burdrn err cost . po motion to compel discovery « for a protcc [ivc order, the person responding must show ilea[ the infomaaGOa is ant reasonably accessible bemuse of undue burden err cost . if Ilrat showing is made, the taut may aanetbeless order discovery from such sources if the requesting parry sborvs good wu5c , Considering the limitations of Rulc 26(b}(2}(L^. The court may specify wnditiaQS for the discovery. (2) Claiming Privilege or Protection. (A) Information Withheld . A person widdwlding subpoenaed in!'amcation tinder a claim that it is privileged or subject to protection as trio[-preparation tnate [ ia! coos[. {i} expressly make fire claim; aril {ii} dcsenbe the nature of the withheld documents, communications, « tangrble things in a manner that, without revealing information itself p [ivilegtd err proleded, wild enable tlrc poetics to assess the claim. {8) lnformarion Produced . If information produced cot response to a subpoena is ' subject to a claim of privilege « of pro[axian as trial-prryarasion material , the person making the claim may Wooly any party that rcccived rlre infornratiotr of the claim and the bases for it After being notified, a party most t'romPdY return , sequWer, or destroy d[e specified inforrnatioa and any copies it bas; must trot use « disclose tlx information anal the claim is rrsatved ; must take reasonable steps to retrieve the infamralion if the party disclosed a 6d'ore bang notified; sail may PromPdY Prisett the irrformadon to tEre court under seal Cor a dctemriaation of the claim . The person who prodtrctd the information muu preserve the information rmtil the claim i s resolved. (e) LLNTEMPr. The issuing court may hold in comempt a person who, having barn served , fails without adequate excuse m obey the subpoena. A nonpartys failure to obey mull be exettsed if the wbpowa purports [ o require the nonparty to attend or produce at a place outside the limits of Role 45(cx3xAxu}. EXHIBIT ^^ PAGE ATTACHMI~NT A X. D^FINiTIONS The terms "DOCUMENT" and "DOCUMENTS " include "electronically stored information ," "things" and include everything contemplated by Rules 26 and 34 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. They include any handwritten, typewritten, printed, or photocopied material , including but not limited to, al] correspondencx, memoranda, notes of meetings or conversations {personal or telephonic), reports, summaries, agreements, legal documents, and writings of every description, from which information can be obtained, whether maintained in hard copy or electronic form. "YOU" or "YOUR" means Vista 11' Law Group LLP and includes any o#^ "icers, directors, partners, associates, employees, agents, attorneys, subsidiaries, affiliates, divisions, successors, predecessors, and any other related business entities. 3. "PERFORMANCE PRICING" means Performance Pricing, hnc., and its officers, directors, current and former employees, counsel, agents, consultants, representatives, and any other persons acting on behalf of any of the foregoing, and Performance Pricing, lnc.'s affiliates, parents, divisions, joint ventures, licensees, franchisees, assigns, predecessors and successors in interest, and any other legal entities, whether foreign or domestic, that are owned or controlled by Performance Pricing, Inc., and all predecessors and successors in interest to such entities. 4. "DONEE & LUNER" means the law firm of Dovel & Luner, LLP, and its partners , associates , current and former employees, agents, consultants, representatives, and any other persons acting on behalf of any of the foregoing. 5.. "PricePlay" means, and its officers, directors, current and former employees, counsel, agents, consultants, representatives, and any other persons acting on behalf of any of the foregoing, and I?'s affiliates, parents, divisions, joint ventures, licensees, fzanchisees, assigns, predecessors and successors in interest, and any other sr3ozrz6r^^.^ ATTACHMENT A EXH^B^T ^ 3^ PAGE :t `^?^ ^^. ^_.. ;' legal entities , whether foreign or domestic, that are owned or controlled by PricePlay . com and alt predecessors and successors in interest to such entities, including without limitation Homegopher, Inc. and Adam Sappo, Inc_ 6. The term "LAWSUIT" steal! refer to PERFORMANCE I'RICING's lawsuit against Google Inc., AOI. I.LC, Microsoft Corp., Yahoo! lnc., IAC Search & Media, lnc., and , Inc., the amended complaint filed on October ib, 2007, in the U . S. District Court, Eastern District of Texas , Case No. 2-07CV-432. 7 "COMMUNICATION," "COMMUNICATE," "COMMUNICATED" or "COMMUNICATIONS " shall mean, without limitation, any transrrussion, conveyance or exchange of a word , statement, fact, thing , idea, DOCUMENT, instruction, information , demand or question by any medium , whether by written, oral or other means, including but not limited to electronic communications and electronic mail ("e - mail"). 8. }. "THING" as used herein means any physical object other than a "DOCUMENT." "PERSON" refers to any individual, corporation, proprietorship, association, joint venture, company, partnership or other business ar legal entity , including governmental bodzes and agencies. 10. "IDENTIFY," ( a) when used with reference to an individual, means to state his/her full Warne, hisltrer job title and employer at the time referred to, his/l -Fer last known job title and employer, and his/her last known residence and business addresses and telephone numbers; (b) when used with reference to a document or thing, means to state the date fire DOCUMENT or THING was created; the name of the individual who created the DOCUMENT or THING; the type of DOCUMENT or THING (e.g., letter, memorandum, computer chip, etc _}; the name of the employer or the individual who directed that the DOCUMEN'T' or THING be created ; the name of the individual from whom the DOCUMENT or THING was obtained; and the Warne of the individual who sent and the individual who received the DOCUMENT or TH[NG; the name of the entity andlor individual having possession of the 5130726T]692 .1 ^ A7"TACHMEN't' A EXHIBIT ^ PACE ^ DOCUMENT or THING; and all other specifics necessary to identify the DOCUMENT or THING with su.lficient particularity to meet the requirements for inclusion in a motion to compel discovery pursuant to Federal Rules of Civil Praeedure 26 and 37. if any DOCUMENT or THING was, but is no longer in your possession or subject to your control, state what disposition was made of it and the reasons far such disposition; and (c) when used in reference to an event or COMMUNICATION, means to state the date it occurred, the names and positions of the individuals participating and/or present, the location where it occurred, and a description of the event or the subject metier of the COMMUNICATION. 3]. "REFLECT," "REFLECTING," "RELATE TO," "REFER T0," "RELATING TO," and "REFERRING TO" shall mean relating to, referring to, concerning, mentioning, reflecting, pertaining to, evidencing, involving, describing, discussing, commenting on, eu^bodying, responding to, supporting, contradicting, or constituting (in whole or in part}, as the context makes appropriate. 12. "THE `253 PATENT" means U.S. Patent No. 6,97$,253, entitled " Systems and Methods for Transacting Business Over a Global Communications Network Such as the Internet," al! underlying patent applications, all continuations, continuations-in-part, divisionals, reissues, and any other patent applications in the ` 253 patent family. 13. l 4. "USPTO" refers to the United States Patent and Trademark Office. "PRIOR ART" encompasses , without limita^on, the subject matter. described in every subdivision of 35 U_S.C. section 102 and 35 U.S.C. section Ifl3. 15. "FILE HISTORY" refers to the USPTO records of all COMMUNICATIONS and all DOCUMENTS and things sent between the USPTO and the patent applicant or the applicant's attorneys or agent, in connection with the prosecution of THE `253 PATENT, including without limitation any anal aII reissue or reexamination proceedings regarding THE `253 PATENT. I ti. "Include" and "including" shall mean including without limitation. s^3mnar^agz.^ ATTACHML-'N7 A EXH 1 B IT ^ ^^ PAGE .:^ ^^~ l7. masculine. 18. the singular. The masculine shall include the feminine, and the feminine shall include the `The singular form of words shall include the plural , and the plum] shall include II, INSTRUCTIiONS 1. In responding to this subpoena, you aze requested to furnish all documents or things in your possession, custody, or control , regardless of whether such documents or things are possessed directly by you or your employees, attorneys, or any other person or persons acting on your behalf. 2. In producing documents for inspection, you are requested to produce the original of each document together with aIlnnn-identical copies and drafts of that document. A copy of a document bearing a comment, notation, or marking of any kind, which is not a part of the original, shall be considered a separate document. Any draft, preliminary or superseded version of any document also is to be considered a separate document. 3. x111 documents that are maintained in electronic form should be produced in electronic form even if a paper copy Qf the carne docunoent was produced. 4. 5. Documents attached to each other should not be separated. If any requested document or thing cannot be produced in full, please produce it io the extent possible, indicating what is being withheld and the reason it is being withheld. b. If any requested document is withheld on the grounds of privilege, please provide the information required by Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 26(b)(5}(A}. 7. Please produce documents and things responsive to these^requests as they aze kept in the usual course of business or, alternatively, organized and labeled to correspond to each request to which the documents or things are responsive. 51307l2b73692.1 ATfACI-IMENi' A EXH^^IT ^ GE ^:^ IIl. S>'ECI^C RlQUESTS )FOR>l'RObUCTION I. 2. All DOCUMENTS RELATING TO THE `253 PATENT. All DOCUMENTS RELATING TO any and all applications for reissue of THE `253 PATENT. 3. All DOCUMENTS RELATING TO any and al] requests for reexamination of THE `253 PATENT. 4. AlI patent applications (including drafts), and FILE I^STORIES RELATED TO THE `2S3 PATENT. S. All DOCUMENTS RELATING TO the conception of any alleged invention described , disclosed or claimed in THE `2S3 PATENT. 6. All DOCUMENTS RELATING TO the reduction to practice of any alleged invention described, disclosed or claimed in THE `253 PATENT. 7. All DOCUMENTS RELATING TO diligence between the dates of conception and reduction to practice of any alleged invention described , disclosed , or claimed in THE `253 PATENT. 8. Ail DOCUMENTS RELATING TO the first ^wrilten description, fu^st disclosure, and best ^ortode of practice of any alleged invention described , disclosed, or claimed in THE `253 PATENT. 9. All COMMUNICATION, including correspondence and memoranda, with foreign patens agents or third parties, RELATED TO the prosecution of THE `253 PATENT. l 4. All DOCUMENTS RELATING TO the design or development of any alleged invention described, disclosed, or claimed in THE `253 PATENT, including any invention disclosure forms and prototypes. !I_ All DOCUMENTS and things before June 29, 1999 RELATING TO the manufacture , use, offer far sale or sale of products within the scope or the perceived scope of THE `253 PATENT. st^rz67369z.r A7TAGHIt+i1;NT A EX^f^^lT ^ PAGE ^ ^ ^^. ,^,. 12. All DOCUMENTS RELATING T4 any U .S. or foreign patents or patent applications filed prior to June 29 , I999 RELATING TO any system( s) for affecting the price of a product or service through an activity performed by the buyer for determining price or any alleged invention disclosed , described or claimed in THE `253 PATENT. 13. All DOCUMENTS RELA"PING TO any publications, sale, offer for sale, or public use prior to June 29, 1999 of any sys#em(s) for affecting the price of a product or service through an activity performed by the buyer for determining price or any alleged invention disclosed , described , or claimed in THE `253 PATENT. I4. All textbooks, articles, or other sources consulted, gathered, or reviewed in drafting or prosecuting the patent application for THE `253 PATENT. I5. All DOCUMENTS RELATING TO the prosecution of any U.S. or foreign patents or patent applications, whether issued, pending or abandoned, that claim priority to THE `253 PATENT or from which THE '253 PATENT claims priority, including but not limited to PRIOR ART cited in the prosecution of these patents or patent applications and all DOCUMENTS RELATING TO any opposition proceeding in connection with these patent applications. lb. Ail DOCUMENTS challenging , questioning, analyzing, or otherwise RELATING TO the patentability, validity, enforceability, or infringement of any alleged invention described, disclosed , ar claimed in THE `253 PATENT. 17. . All DOCUMENTS created or discovered in connection with any PRIOR ART search and/or RELATING TO any pre -litigation investigation. 1$. Ali DOCUMENTS RELATING TO any alleged infringement of THE `253 PATENT, including , but not limited to, any DOCUMENTS concerning or relating to prelitigation investigations RELATED TO the alleged i nfringement. 19. All DOCUMENTS supporting any objective indicia ofnon- obviousness of any alleged invention described, disclosed or claimed in THE `253 PATENT , including , bu[ not IimEited to, contentions of commercial success of the invention and/or products embodying the s^aornb^n^ ATI'ACHIvIENI' A ^^^^ EXHIBIT g PAGE `^^ ^ ^^ ,. invention, long-felt but unsolved needs met by those products and/or the invention, failure of others to meet these needs, indus^y recognition of the invention andlor products embodying the invention, and deliberate copying of the invention or laudatory statements by accused infringers. 2©. All DOCUMENTS RELATING TO or constituting license agreements, draft license agreements, licensing correspondence, licensing negotiations , or demand letters for any alleged invention described, disclosed or claimed in THE `253 PATENT_ 21. All DOCUMENTS from any proceeding RELATING TO THE `253 PATENT, including-without limitation-dispute resolutions, contested proceedings, interferences, reexaminations , reissues and charges of infringement. 22. Ali DOCUMENTS RELATING TO any analyses or efforts to design THE `253 PATENT or products or systems embodying the subject matter disclosed or claimed in THE `253 PATENT around other products , systems or patents. 23. All DOCUMENTS recording or RELATED TO the ownership, assignment or conveyance of any interest in THE `253 PATENT. 24. All DOCUMENTS RELATING TO PERFORMANCE PR^CING's patent _ . infringement claims asserted in the LAWSUIT. 25_ Ali DOCUMENTS RELATING TO PERFORMANCE PRICING, PricePlay, or Wayne Lin, ar Acacia Group Technologies. 26. Ail DOCUMENTS RELATING TO any work performed by YOU on behalf of PERFORMANCE PRICING, PricePIay, Wayne Lin, or Acacia Group Technologies. 27. All DOCUlVl11NTS RELATING TO any work performed by YOU for DO'VEL & LUNER RELATING TO PERFORMANCE PRICING, PricePlay, Wayne Li n, Acacia Group Technologies , THE `253 PATENT, or any system(s) for affec#ing the price of a product or service through an activity performed by the buyer for determining price. '28. All DOCUMENTS RELATING TO any contracts or agreements between YOU and PERFORMANCE PRICING, PricePlay, Wayne Lin, or Acacia Group Technologies. sismr^r^i ATTACi-IIvIE3VT A EXHIBfj ^ PAGE _---^3 29. ALL DOCUMENTS RELATING TO any contracts or agreements between YOU and DOj/EL & LUNER RELATING TO PERFORMANCE PRICING, PticePlay, Wayne Lin, Acacia Group Technologies, THE `253 PATENT, or any system ( s) for affecting the price of a product or service through an activity performed by the Bayer for determining price. 30. All DOCUMENTS received by YOU from PERFORMANCE PRICING, PricePlay, Wayne Lin or Acacia Group Technologies. 31. All DOCUIvIENTS received by YOU from DOVEL & LONER RELATING TO PERFORMANCE PRICING, PrieeFlay, Wayne Lin, Acacia Group Technologies, THE `253 PATENT, or any system(s) for affecting the price of a product or service through an activity performed by the buyer for determining Brice. 32. All DOCUMENTS sent by YOU to PERFORMANCE PRICING, PricePlay, Wayne Lin, or Acacia Group Technologies. 33. Ali DOCUMENTS sent by YOU to DOVEL & LONER RELATING TO PERFORMANCE PRICING, PricePlay , Wayne Lin, Acacia Group Technologies , THE `253 PATENT, or any systettn(s) for affecting the price of a product or service through an activity performed by the buyer for determining price. 34. All DOCUMENTS generated in connection with any work performed by YOU, YOUR employees, parhners , agents or assigns, on behalf of PERFORMANCE PRICING, PricePlay, Wayne Lin, or Acacia Group Technologies. 35. All DOCUMENTS generated in connection with any work performed by YOU, YOUR employees, partners , agents or assigns, on behalf of DOVEL & LONER RELATING TO PERFORMANCE PRICING, PrieePlay , Wayne Lin, Acacia Group Technologies , THE `253 PATENT, or any system(s) for affectingthe price of a product or service through an activity performed by the buyer for determining price. 36. All billing records, including invoices, generated in connection with any work performed by YQU, YOUR employees , partners, agents, or assigns, on behalf of PERFORMANCE PRICING, PricePlay, Wayne Lzn, or Acacia Group Technologies. st^rrzbrsa^z .t ^ ATTACHM^t^lT A EXHfBIT ^ PAGE ^`^ .. 37. All billing records, including invoices, generated in connection with any work performed by YOU, YOUR employees , partners , agents, or assigns, on behalf of DOV EL & LUNER RELATING TO PERFORMANCE PRICING, PricePlay, Wayne Lin, Acacia Group Technologies , THE `253 PATENT, or any system(s) for affecting the price of a product or service through an activity performed by the buyer for deterrni.tung price. 3$. All COMMUMCATIONS RELATING T'O PERFORMANCE PRICING, PricePlay, Wayne Lin, or Acacia Group Technologies. 39. All DOCUMENTS RELATING TO any products or systems of PERFORMANCE PRICING , PricePlay or Wayne Lin that RELATE TO THE `253 PATEN I', including without limitation any marketing materials , brochures, proposals , presentations, or technical materials. 40. All DOCUMENTS RELATING TO any PERFORMANCE FRICiNG, PriceFlay or Wayne Lin systems} for affecting the price of a product or service through an activity performed by the buyer for deterrmi _ning price, including without limitation any marketing materials, brochures, proposals, presentations, or technical materials. 4l . All DOCUMENTS RELATING TO any components of PERFORMANCE PRICING's, PricePlay's or Wayne Lin's system{s) for affecting the price of a product or service through an activity performed by the buyer for determining price. 42. All COMMUNICATIONS with attorneys or agents of any of the fallowing: PERFORMANCE PRICING, PricePlay, Wayne Lin or Acacia Group Teciviologies relating to THE `253 PATENT. 43. All COMMUNICATIONS with DOVEL & LUNER RELATING TO PERFORMANCE PRICING, PricePlay , Wayne·Lin, Acacia Group Technologies, THE `253 PATENT, or any system(s) for affecting the price of a product or service through an activity performed by the buyer for determining price. 44. AIi notes or minutes from any meetings or telephone conferences with PERFORMANCE PRICING, PricePlay, Wayne Lin or Acacia Grotrp Technologies or in wh"rch s^3rrracr^s9z^ ATFAGHIv1ENT A EXH ^ B ^T ^ PAGE ^S .^ ^- PERFORMANCE PRICING, PricePlay , Wayne Lin or Acacia Group Technologies were discussed. 45. All notes or minutes from any meetings or telephone conferences with DOVEL & LUNER RELATING TO PERFORMANCE PRICING, PricePlay, Wayne Lin, Acacia Group Technologies , T'HE `253 PATENT, or any system{s} for affecting the price of a product or service through an activity performed by the buyer for determining price. 4b. All DOCUMENTS RELATING TO YOUR retention of any intellectual property RELATING TO any of the work performed for or in connection with PERFORMANCE PRICING, PricePlay, Wayne Line or Acacia Group Technologies. 47. Ail DOCUMENTS RELATING TO YOUR retention of any intellectual property RELATING TO PERFORMANCE PRICING, PricePlay, Wayne Lin, Acacia Group Technologies , THE `253 PATENT, or any. system{s} .for affecting the price of a product or service through an activity performed by the buyer far determining price. 4$. All DOCUMENTS that RELATE TO any other law films in addition to YOU that participated in the prosecution of THE `253 PATENT including but not limited to Lyon & Lyon. 49_ All COMMUNICATIONS with any law firms in addition to YOU that participated in the prosecution of THE `253 PATENT including but not limited to Lyon & Lyon. Sfl. All DOCUMENTS sent by YOU to any other law firms that participated in the prosecution of THE `253 PATENT including but not limited to Lyon & Lyon. 51, Ali DOCUMENTS received by YOU from any other law firms that participated in the prosecution of THE `253 PATENT including but not limited to Lyon & Lyon. 52. All DOCUMENTS REFERRING or RELATING to THE LAWSUIT. st3mrz6rse9zt ATTACEiME^IT A E^HI^^T '^ PA ^E ^^ ^ EXHIBIT A EXNIB^T ^ PAGE ^^ .;^ ^ }^ r'^"-, ,,,.^,, Case 2:07-cv-00432-LED Document ^ 6-^ Filed ^ Q!'i 612007 Page 1 of 6 IN THE UNTfED STATES DISTRICT COCJRT FOR T$E EASTERN bISTRICT OF TE^CAS MARSHALI, bIVISION PERFORMANCE PRICING, INC., a Texas corporation; Plaintiff, vs. GOOGLE INC., a Delaware corporation; AOL LLC, a Delaware linzitecf liability company ; MICROSOFT CORPORATION, a Washington corporation ; YAHOOS INC., a Delaware corporation ; lAC SEARCH & MEDIA, INC., a Delaware corporation; A9.COM, 1NC., a De] aware corporation; Defendants. CASE N0. 2:07-cv-432 (LED) Jary Trial besnanded AMENbED COIVIPI..^^ INT FOIL PATENT INFRINGEMENT Performance Pricing, Inc. ("Performance Pricing ") sues Goggle lnc., AOL LI.C, Microsoft Corporation, Yahool Inc., IAC Search & Media, Inc., and A9.corn, Inc., (collectively "Defendants"} and, on information and belief, alleges as follows: Introduction I. Plaintiff Performance Pricing is the exc}nsive licensee with al] substantial rights in the invention described and claimed in I3nited States Patent No. 6,978,253 entitled "Systems and Methods far Transacting Business Over a Global Communications Network such as the Internet" (the "`253 patent"). Defendants have used, and continue to use, Plaintiff Performance Pricings patented technology in methods and systems that they make, use, sell, and offer to sell, without Plaintiff's permission. plaintiff seeks damages for paten infringement and EXHIBIT PAGE '^ _, ^' Case 2:07-cv-OQ432-LSD L?oc^ment 16-1 Fifed ifl116/2007 Page 2 of 6 an injunction preventing Defendants from making, using, selling, or offering to sell the technology claimed by the Patent without Plaintiff's permission. J'arisdirtion and Yenue 2. This is an action for patent infringement arising under the patent laws of the United States, 35 U.S.C. §§ 271 and 281, et seq. The Court has original jurisdiction over this patent infringement action under 28 U.S.C. § 1338(a}_ 3. Within this judicial district each of the Defendants has committed acts and continues to commit acts that give rise to this action, including using, selling, and offering to sell products, methods, and systems that infringe the claims of the `253 patent. Moreove ,each of the Defendants regularly does substantial business in this judicial district. Vepue is proper in this district pursuant to 28 U.S.G. § 1391(b} and § 1400. Plaintiff Perfaraeance Pricing 4. Performance Pricing, Tnc. is a Texas corporation having a principal place of business in Austin, Texas. Defendants 5. Upon information and belief; Google Inc. is a llelaware corporation having its principal place of business in Mountain View, California {"Cmogle"). Google is registered to do business as a foreign for-profit corporation in the state of Texas. Gaogle's foreign corporation registration lists Corporation Service Company DgA CSC as its registered agent for service of process. EXHIBIT ^ PAGE ^ `^ ^ .. \4f, ,-^, Case 2:07-cv-4{1432-E_1=D Document 16-1 Filed 10116!2007 Page 3 of 6 6, Upon information and belief, AOI., I,LC is a Delaware limited liability company having its principal place ofbusiness in Dulles , Virginia ("AOI,"). AOL is registered to do business as a foreign limited liability company in the state of Texas. AOL's foreign corporation registration lists Corporation Service Company DBA CSC as its registered agent For service of process. 7. Upon information and belief, Microsoft Corporation is a Washington corporation having its principal place ofbusiness in Redmond, Washington {"Microsoft"). Microsoft is registered to da business as a foreign for-profi corporation in the state pf Texas. MicrosoR's foreign corporation registration Iists Corporation Service Company as its registered agent for service of process. 8. Upon information and belies; Yahoo ! Inc. is a Delaware corporation having its principal place ofbusiness in Sunnyvale, California ("Yahoo"}. Yahoo is registered to do business as a foreign for-profit corporation in the state of Texas. Yahoo's foreign corporation registration lists CT Corporation System as its registered agent for service of process. 9. Upon information and belief, IAC Search & Media, Inc., is a Delaware corporation having its principal place ofbusiness in Oakland, California {"IAC"). IAC is registered to do business as a foreign for-profit corporation in the state ofTexas_ IAC's foreign corporation registration lists National Registered Agents, Inc. as its registered agent for service of process. 10. Upon information and belie!;^ Inc ., is a Delaware corporation having its principal place ofbusiness in Palo Alto, California {"'}. PAGE ^ ^ _... ; Gase 2:07-cv-OQ432-Lt^D Document 16-1 Filed 9 0/16/2007 E'age 4 0# 6 first Claim t'or Patent Infringement ^irsfrinaement of the `253 patent 11. Plaintiff incorporates by reference each of the allegations in paragraphs 1 throetgh 10 above and further alleges as follows: 12. The United States Patent and 'trademark Office issued the `253 patent on December 20, 2005. Attached as Exhibit A is what is believed to be a copy of the text of the `253 patent. Plaintiff Performance Pricing is the exclusive licensee with substantially aI rights to the `253 patent, including the rights to pursue and collect damages for any infringement ofthe patent and to obtain injunctive relief to stop infringement. 13. Without a license or permission from Plaintiff Defendants Google, AOL, Microsoft, Yahoo, iAC, and have infringed the `253 patent and, unless enjoined, will continue to do so, by making, using, providing, selling, and offering for sale products, methods, and systems that infringe the claims of the `253 patent inchrding, without limitation the products, methods, and systems of Google's Adl^rords, AOL's Search Marketplace, Microsoft's adCenter, Yahoo's Search Marketing, IAC's Ask Sponsored Listings, and's Clickriver Ads. lA. Plaintiff has been damaged by Defendants' infringement of the `253 patent and will suffer additional irreparable damage and impairment of the value of its patent rights unless Defendants are enjoined from continuing to infringe the `253 patent. 15. Plaintiff is entitled to recover damages from the Defendants to compensate it far the infringement. i6. Plaintiffdemandstrlal by jury of all issues relating to this claim. .4 ^^^^^1^ SAGE 5^ ^^ 0 Case 2:07-cv-n0432-LE© Qacument X6-1 Fiieci 101^I612067 Page 5 of 6 WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays for judgment as follows: A. A decree preliminarily and permanently enjoining Defendants, their officers, directors, employees, agents, and all persons in active concert with them, from infringing, and contributing to or inducing others to infringe, the `2S3 Patent; B. G. Compensatory damages for Defendants' infringement ofthe `253 Paient; Costs of suit and attorneys' fees on the basis that this patent infringement case is exceptional; D. E. Pre judgment interest; and For such other relief as justice requires. Respectfully submitted, Dated : Qctober 16, 2007 By; _ ____.._. / N hire Abernath S. Cal^in.Capshaw_ State Bar No. 0378390Q Email: ^capshawCc^mailbmc_com Elizabeth L. DeRieux State Bar No. 05770585 Email : ederieax^a7, N. Claire Abernathy State Bar No. 24053063 Email: cbernathy@, Brown McCarrall, L.L.P. 1127 Judson Road, Suite 220 i.ongview, TX 75601 Telephone: {903} 236-98U0 Facsimile : {903} 236-8787 5 ^^i I^^l^ PAGE ^a .^^ ^^^ Case 2:07-ev-00432-LED Document 16-1 Filed 10/16/2007 Page fi of 6 Robert M. Parker S Eate $ar No. 15498000 Email: rmparker o-pbat^! Robert Christopher Bunt State Bar No. 00787155 Email: rcbunt(ct ,, e Charles Ainsworth State Bar Na. 007$352] Email: charley@pbatyler_cam Parker, Bunt & Ainsworth, P.C. IOD East Ferguson, Ste. I I I4 Tyler, TX 757D2 'Telephone: (903) 53]-3535 Facsimile: {903) 533-9b87 Gregory S. Dovel CA State Bar No. 135387 E-mail: gra g(u^davellaw.corn _ Sean l.uner CA State Bar No. 155443 _ E-mail : s^na, davell Christin K. Cho CA State Bar Np. 2383 73 E-mail: chrzstin@^ellaw_^gm Dovel & Luner,lLP 20l Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 600 Santa Monica, CA 9040] Telephone: {3 ] 0) ,656-7066 Facsimile : {310} 657-7069 ATTORNEYS FOR PLA1T]TIFF PERFORMANCE PRICING, INC. CERTIF ICATE OF SERVICE T hereby certify that the following caunseI of record who are deemed to have consented to electronic service are being . served this 16^' day of October, 2047, with a copy of this document via the Court's CM/ECF system per l ,acal Rule CV-5{a){3). Any. other counsel of record will be served by ele^ronic mail, facsimile transmission and/or first class mail on this same date. 1 N. Claire Ahern th EXH^B^T ^ ^3 PAGE m.^ _,,, EXHIBIT B EXHIBIT ^_ PAGE s`^ ,. 1 usoas^szs^riz ._ (^> United States Patent ^n (s4) srsr^is ^ i^+.xlacl^ irox 78APLSA4'17Nfr BUSYt+CESS OVER A C1.OE 4t.. ^dT^ HEFPVOBS S11G73 AS T^ lZi1^t^1' n^1 Pstt:nt No.: U3 6,978,253 B2 (asy ])ate of Patent : Dew TA, 2Q05 t)THPR FUBIICK11t71^S Kac1v1F, Tbdd G G+ovaa, Arad : `Davgn of an Inutnclbar^ rysum fiorscmotc Ualch xtoc4oc ," [clcmcl Rcswch: F]ccltaaie Netttrodcftag Appliatioas and PotA-y, vaL S: 04; pp_ 30.1G, 7995.· ^^ A.. r GaapaII sill tAt^ WllL Fim and grmcs^, dd++^tiringAM roL 70, PTa. 44, p. 48, Oq. 25,1999. Ual^oma, 'SF+atsR'!1!D pza:garrs far a Pcbcaaxy Iauub^, ?ffew.'^fidcadgc, p. 3, ]7ec. 9, 1994. ^^} loveata:: woy1^ w ^. 20 w,at^ta lrviucy CA (lfS) 926122 Ra., (·) Naticc: Sabject w auy ,.^..··r 1be tmn of this ^; ;·· palca[ is csimdca or a^ nada 35 IIS.C !54(b) by iD82 daps Uakuocvu, 11tc4talira! To t]a^rclop lc'! by lnltmal Sites, PR Na+anva; F]ic. 3,1998. (2I) Appt. No.: 04J342,866 (22) Alcd (65) r na.29,7.999 Riorllubfk^tloo IIala U.S 2001;0000134{ At Mar. 15, 200t 1CmteG 63.,'Pnim, Click And IIcrc' s 71st F50:^: Yayodync pmas F^ 10 ga pp0 to ce:d thou og5ni ·^, Svar^cr 'PYak Feb. 9, 1998, Q_ F.NIli Hco:,, 1C., "3portscotcga Yayc r.BacJ^ for Vests", i!!fcrkuingNews, va3. 7, ATa. 1, p. ]2, tan IQ 2000. · c7taa try c^nmiocs ..._... __. G06F 17/b0 (Sx? Int. Cl.' ...._... (sz) v.^ C1 ..... _......_W.. 705126;7f^1t<;705fa0D (5^ FSeldofSe>erc5.._..._............_-... i0Sf26,37,27, 705,14, 400·, 4b.3J1, 7, 9, 16, 23,25; 273/^t79-43Z limey ^-,rimy a save (S7) ASS7' 1tAC'1' (5^ ^pzas died US. 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