City of Winter Haven v. Cleveland Indians Baseball Company Limited Partnership

Filing 295

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US District Court Middle District of Florida PLAINTIFFS' EXHIBIT Exhibit Number: 1 6 . 1 8 6:06md01769ACCDAB In Re: Seroquel Products Liability Litigation Date Identified: Date Admitted: Exhibit 16.18 DennisCanty From: Sent: To: Cc: Flaster,Eben [eben.flaster@dechert.coml Friday, January19,20079:32AM; fl<; Fred McConnell, SEphen;Magaziner,; Torregrosa, Brennan; LarryJ. Gornick; DennisCanty;;;;; m; Ksmith@av6lau/.com;; Re:AZ lT inteMews Subiect: A1I -- the course of our (continuing) investigation, we have identified the following additional potential- dj-scussion at the upcoming databases for interviews: f)a rrr l nr:h4r. u l lnlca_L -L rla-t s - C R F / D E N ; D I R M ; C O O L J o h n Sales Tracking Visitor - T o u c h s tone Leaders - PREP S p e a k e r s Bureau/Thought See you on Monday. Thanks, Eben ----Ori ni n: I M - -a-q- s a g e _ _ _ _ _ From: Kelber, Tamar B. <tkeLberESidley. com> To: <jjaffeGweitzfux, com); Flaster, Mrrr=zi nar , Eben; McConnell, Stephen,' t !rvrva . l ! C c : <kal-tmanG1abrampfiunt, com>; Torregrossa, Brennan; l g o r n i c k G l s k g - 1 a w . c o m ( I g o r n i c k Gl s k g - 1 a w . c o m > ; d c a n t y G 1 s k g - 1 a w . c o m ( d c a n t y G l s k g; MPedersonGweitzIux. com <MPedersonGwe zl-ux. com),' f rothGroth-law. com it < 1 r o t h @ roth-1aw. com>; ftrammell Gbpblaw. com < f tramme l lSbpblaw. com>,' <>; <>,' K S m i t h @ a w s -l a w . c o m < K S m i t h Ga w s - I a w . c o m > ; k j G k j e n s e n l a h r . c o m < k j @ k j e n s e n l a w . c o m ) Sent: Thu Jan 18 12:57:48 2001 Subject: Rer AZ IT interviews W e wil-l- meet you in -----Oni rri n: l the lobby. M-c-< q . g e - - - - - -,a From: Jaffe, Jonathan <j j affeGweitzlux. com> To: Flaster, Eben (eben. f1a sterGdechert. com>; Mcconnell, Stephen <stephen. mcconnef 1@dechert. com>,' Magaziner, Fred <f red. magazinerGdechert . com>,' Kelber, Tamar B. <t kelberGSidley. com> C C : kaltmanGlawampmmt. com <kaltman@Iar4rampmmt. com>; Torregrossa, Brennan <brennan. torregrossaGdechert. c o m > , ' l q o r n i c k GI s k g - l a w . c o m < l g o r n i c k G l s k g - 1 a w . c o m > ; d c a n t y @I s k g - l a w . c o m < d c a n t y G l s k g - I a w . c o m > , ' P e d e r s o n , M i k e ( M P e d e r s o n @ w e i t z l u x . c o m >; - I r o t h u Q r o t h - 1 a w . c o m < l _ o t h G r o t h - 1 a w . c o m ) ; r f t r a m m e l l- Gbpblaw. com (ftrammell Gbpblaw. com>; kbai 1ey@bpblaw, com <kbaileyGbpblaw. com>,' CBailey@bpblaw. com <>; Ken Srnith < K S m i t h @ a w s - ] a w .c o m > , . K e i t h J e n s e n < k j G k j e n s e n f a w . c o m ) Sent: Thu Jan 18 11:48:11 2007 Subiect: RE: AZ IT inLerviews F o r whom shou-Id we ask when we arrive siqn in? Thanks. -----Original Mondav? Is there a specific place to go to Message----From: Flaster, E b e n [ m a i l L o : e b e n . f f as t e r G d e c h er t . c o m ] Sent: Monday, January 15, 2001 tI:42 PM Eben,' Keith Jensen; McConne]1, Stephen,. Jaf fe, Jonathan; Magazj-ner, To: Flaster, Fred; C c : k a l t m a n G l a w a m p m m t .c o m ; T o r r e g r o s s a / Brennan; lgornickGl s kg-Iaw. com; dcantyG ls kg-1aw. com,' Pederson,,' lrothGroth-1aw. com,' ftrammel lGbpblaw. com,' k b a i l e y G b p b l a w . c o m i C B a i l e y G b p b l a r 4 r .c o m Subiect: RE: AZ IT interviews Seemed to have forgotten a city: liilmington, DE. That shoufd get -----t^tri ni nr I Maqq The complete address you there. Thanks. is 1800 Concord Pike. From: Flaster, Eben Sent: Monday, January 15, 2001 l-1:38 AM To: 'Keith Jensenr,' McConnell, Stephen;; Magaziner, Fred; tkel,berG Sidley. com C c : k a L t m a n G l a w a m p m m tc o m ; T o r r e g r o s s a , . Brennan; lgorni ckGf skq- faw. com; d c a n t y G l s k q t - l a w . c o m ; M P e d e r s o n G w e it z l - u x . c o m ; l r o t h @ r o t h - l a w . c o m ; f t r a m m e l l G b p b J . a w .c o m , ' k b a i l e y G b p b l a w . c o m , ' C B a i l e y G b p b f a w . c o m Subiect: RE: AZ IT interviews AZrs address is Thanks. -----Ar i n in:l 1800 Concord Pike, DE Yes, letrs start at 9 am. Macc rrom: xeith Jensen imailto;kjGkjensenlarr.coml Sent: Monday, January 15, 2001 11:14 AM To: Ffaster, Eben,' McConnell, Stephen; j jaf f eGweitzf ux. com,' Magaziner, Fred; tkelber@Sid1ey. com C c : k a l t m a n @a w a m p r u n t .c o m ; T o r r e g r o s s a , f Brennan; lgornickG 1s kg-law. com; d c a n t y G l s k g - 1 a w . c o m ; M P e d e r s o n @ w e i tz I u x . c o m ; L r o t h @ r o t h - I a w . c o m ; f t r a m m e l f; kbai leyGbpblaw, com; CBai leyGbpblaw. com Subject: RE: AZ IT intervj-ews Got address -----OriqinalF r.m. Fl aq.tor for 22nd (presumably 9 a m )? Thx Message----El'ren lm: i I t ^.al-ran Fi ecf arOclar-hprt cnml Sent: Monday, 15 January, 2007 10:08 To: Mcconnell, Stephen,' jjaffeGweitzlux-com; Magaziner, Fred; tkelberGSidley. com C c : k a l t m a n G l a w a m p m m t .c o m ; T o r r e g r o s s a , Brennan; lgornickG 1skg-1aw. com,. d c a n t y G l s k g - L a w . c o m ; M P e d e r s o n G w e it z l u x . c o m ; l r o t h G r o t h - l a w . com,. f t r a m m e l -1 G b p b l a w . c o m ; k b a i I e y G b p b l a r r . c o m ; K e i t h J e n s e n ; C B a i l e y G b p b l a w , c o m Subiect: RE: AZ IT intervi ews Jonathan -identify below with the them (by IT witness with In response to your request, we specifically knowledge) AZ's systems and attempt to align 14 categories requested: Daryl Draper: Event Reportj-ng Adverse C]ini-caL Clinical - CLINTRACE; SAM; GESISS - SAMSON Report lIRIS; A M O S , / D i p l o m a t , , 'I M P A C T Communications Trials/Research - GEL Regulatory M e d i c a l - Llterature John Dowling: Sales Ca]l Visitor Instant - PLANET Tracking/IMS - Compass/NORTHSTAR Leaders - Vier,rpoint forum, etc. - NICE; MAX,' ICON; KNOViBOL Speakers Bureau/Thought Message, voicemaj-l-, discussion I note that, since our inj-tj-al disclosure (listed another system, Viewpoint above)/ Thanks, Eben on the subject, we have identified potentially responsive to your request. rri n: I M.a . s s a g e - - - - .From: McConnell, Stephen Sent: Monday, January 15, 2001 9:42 FI.JrI rF^. I - . i- . i ^ . F F ^ D , , ^ . i 'tkelberGsidley. com' r-. rra.!!e\:wur"'.' F'l-aster, Eben; Magaziner, Fred,' ' k a l t m a n @l - a w a m p m r nc.o m r ; T o r r e g r o s s a , ' com' ; Cc: t Brennan,' ' dcantyG 1s kg-' ; 'MPedersonGweitzlux . com' ,' t l rothGroth-law. com' ; ' f trammel-IGbpblaw. com' ,' ' kbai leyGbpbl-aw. com' ; ' k j Gk j ensenlaw . com | ; I CBaileyGbpblaw. com' Subject: Re: AZ IT interviews -----nri No surprise here, but it is my understanding that the AZ databases do not (I know that you were not perfectl-y correspond to your list of categrories. ctaiming that) Frankly, I right now don't have the answer to your question and That being expecting to get the best answers out of the j-nterviews. r I was really . said.. welll,hunt a : : o u n d . - . a n d t r y , t o . . ' g i v e - , y o u . . s o r n e ,s s , r l o f h e L p f l . r l - - - t h o u g h , i r t p r e e i s e . : - - c o r r e s p p o d e ! n c e : b b h w e e n , - r t h b ,d:a t a b a a e s . . a a d c a t e q o r i e s ; . , OriginaL'Mdssage -----From: Jaffe, Jonathan <> 3 ----- To: Ffaster, Eben; Mcconnell-, Stephen; Magaziner, Fred,- Tamar Kelber <tke lberBs idley. com> Cc: Keith Altman <ka>,. Torregrossa, Brennan,. Larry Gornick < l g o r n i c k G 1 s k g - 1 a w . c o m > / ' D e n n i s C a n t y < d c a n t y @1 s k g - 1 a w . c o m > , . P e d e r s o n , M i k e (MPedersoncweit zfux. com>; Larry RoLh <lroth@roth-law. com>,. Fletch Tramme l_ 1 <ftrarnnef>; Kenneth Bailey <kbailey@bpbf aw. com>,' Keith Jensen <kj @kjensenfaw. com>,' Camp Bailey <cbail"ey0bpblaw. com> Sent : Fri- Jan 12 16 : 10 : 0'l 20Q1 Subject: AZ IT interviews It would be very helpful if you could match up your list of database names (beIow) with the correspondinq categories to which they relate. C L I N T R A C E / G E S I S S / S A M , G E L / S A M S O N ,I I R I S , N O R T H S T A R ,NICE, MAX, ICON and KNOWBOL 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) B) 9) 1O r v i\/ AMOS, IMPACT, PLANET, COMPASS, adverse event database sales cafl trackinq database IMS database clinical communications database regulatory database regulatory contact databases clinical trial database medical literature database research report database ^ n n r srrn v h l . vvv r l a rrm ^r ^ +- s;.m u r - Ll - LFd r L1l .d L la rur d^s- e s ri (document management systems used by many p h a r m a c y companies ) 11) visitor speakers bureau and/or thoughL leader databases payments database 12) clinical force rosters 13) field discussion 14) instant message, voicemail, forum and prior website transcripts recovery. databases, and Best regards, Jonathan Jaffe Manager of Software Development Weitz & Luxenberg, P. C. 2r2 .558 .5522 j j affeGweitzlux. com page com] From: Kelber, Tamar B. [mailto:tkelberGSidley. Sent: Friday, January 72, 2001 10:38 AM To: Camp Bailey Cc: Eben. FlasterGdechert . com,' McconnelI, Stephen,' Torregrossa, Nathan A.,' Mil-1er, Rodney K. Subi ect: AZ TT interviews Brennan,' Huey, address in the IT Here j-s our current understanding of the databases we wilf be able to and we will continues, interviews on January 22. Our investigation provide you with updated inforrnation at the beginning of the interviews. DATTyI John DTapeT: CLINTRACE, GESISS/ SAM, GEL/ SAMSON/ IIRIS, AMOS, TMPACT, PLANET Dowling: COMPASS, NORTHSTAR, NICE, MAX, ICON and KNOWBOL -----Ori Fr.)m: rli na I Flesl-.'r- Maq< El-ran lma ilf flaqfarada.horiu i ..1fi1 uvr"I Sent: Friday. January 12, 2001 3:35 pM To: Keith Jensen; McConnell, Stephen,. Camp Bailey; Magaziner, Pred Cc: Jaffe, Jonathan; Keith Al-tman; Torregrogsa, Brennan; Tamar Kelber; Larry Gornick; Dennis Canty; Pederson, Mike; Larry Roth; Fl-etch Trammell-,' Kenneth Bailey; Kelber, Tamar B. Subject: RE: CaII AZ sent the afternoon. -----Original list of databases to Camp, and I forwarded it to you earfi-er this Message----F r o m : K e i t h J e n s e n l m a i l t o : k j Gk j e n s e n l a w . c o m ] Sent: Frlday, January t2, 2001 3:25 PM To: Flaster/ Eben; McConnel-L,Stephen; CampBa-lley; Magaziner, Fred Cc: Jonathan Jaffe,' Keith Altman; Torreqrossa/ Brennan; Tamar Kefber; Larry Gornick,' Dennj.s Canty; Mike Pederson,' Larry Roth,' Fletch Trammelfr Kenneth Bailey Subject: RE: Cal-1 Fred/Eben: Pfease advise whether or not AZ intends to comply (apparently belatedLy) with the first sentence of CMO+2/ paragraph II F whj-ch reads: "On or before January 5, 20A'7, Astrazeneca shaLl provide Lead Counsel- for plaintiffs with a -list of databases that correspond to the proposed order regarding document 14 categories identified in plainuiffs' production and preservation, I and which potenLially contain information relevant t o SeroqueJ- , " Yes or no, pl-ease . the very Steve and Eben have typed LhaL AZ i s apparently willing to compfy with next sentence (regarding intervj-ews) so we'd like to know. -----nri rri n: I Macq F r o m : F I a s t e r , E b e n [ m a i l c o : e b e n . f I a s t e r , : a d e c h e r t .c o m ] Sent: Thursday, 11 January, 2O0T L6:32 To: Keith Jensen; McConneIl, Stephen; Camp Bailey Cc: Jonathan Jaffe,' Keith Altman; To-rregrossa, Brennan,' Tamar Kelber,' Gornick; Dennis Canty,' Mj-ke Pederson; Larry Roth; Fletch TrammellSUD] eCt : HEi: Ua1_L I,arry To what order are you referring? From what f understand, plaintiffs are tomorrow filing objections to the Judge's r-and-r. Be that as it may, there is no need to quibble. to facilitate AZ wants to move forward with the IT witness interviews you want, let me the larger discovery process. If there is something specific know. -----Ari rri n: I Macc F r o m : K e i t h J e n s e n l m a i l t o : k j G k j e n s e n ] - a w .c o m l Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2001 2:04 PM Eben,' McConnell, Stephen,' Camp Bailey To: Flaster, Cc: Jonathan Jaffe; Keith A.l-tman; Torregrossa, Brennan; Tamar Kefber; Gornick,' Dennj-s Canty,' Mike Pederson,. Larry Roth; FIetch Trammel.L Subiect: RE: CaIl Eben, thank you. May I presume 9 am t.he 22nd? Got addre ss,/directions F list of databases Larry pls? And, pls tell me who AZ gave the CMO#2 para. I/5/0'l as ordered. f 've not seen it. Thx. to by -----Ori ni nal Maeq: ge----..--*3 From: Flaster, Eben [mailto: eben. flaster@dechert. com] Sent: Thursday, 11 January, 2007 L2:28 To: Keith Jensen,' Mcconnel-l-, Stephen,. Camp Bailey Cc: Jonathan Jaffe; Keith Altman; Torregrossa, Brennan; Tamar Kelber; Gornick; Dennis Canty; Pederson; Larry Roth,. FLetch Trammeff S u b - ie c t : R E : C a l l Larry f have been in touch with Keith (Altman) on this subject, to and, in an effort move forward v.rith this process, I am willinq to reschedule our other obligati-on (to occur only on the 23rd) such that we can conduct the Seroguel interview on the 22nd. Message----F r o m : k j G k j e n s e n l a w . c o m [ m a i J - t o :k j G k j e n s e n l a w . c o m ] Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2001 7:02 PM To: Mcconnell, Stephen; Camp BaiIey Keith Altmani Torregrossa, Cc: Jonathan Jaffe; Brennan; Eben,' Larry Gornick; Dennis Canty,' Mike Pederson; Larry Subject: Re: CallSteve, if Eben agrees to reschedule an unrelated matter then we'IL all be OK that dav. Eben are we all OK that Sent via BlackBerrv from Cinoufar Wireless -----Original Tamar Kelber; Flaster, Roth; Fletch Trammelf with Keith dav? A. on the 22nd -----OriginaI Message----From: "McConnef1, Stephenrr <stephen. mcconnelf Gdechert. com> Date: Thu, 11 .Tan2007 05:44:58 T o : k j G k j e n s e n l a w . c o m ,C B a i l e y G b p b l a w . c o m C c : 3 j a f f e 0 w e i t z l u x . c o m , k a l t m a n G l a w a m p m m t .c o m , " T o r r e g r o s s a , B r e n n a n " < b r e n n a n . t o r r e g r o s s a B d e c h e r t . c o m > ,t k e l b e r G S i d l e y . c o m , " F l a s t e r , Eben" (eben . ffas ter@dechert. com) Subject: Re: Cafl Keith, - on Yes/ the other witness is avai-lable - indeed, both witnesses are availabfe Are none the 22nd. It would be great to wrap up the interviews on the same day. of the plaintiff lawyers availabl-e to conduct an interview on that day? after Aside from that, as far as I know the other witness is unavail-abLe until lawyer but you the 25rh. If you let us know your schedule (assumi-ng no plainriff can do an j-nterview) , we can almost certainly line something up very shortly thereafter. I am aware of the Judge's order and seriousness and am pleased to hear that pJ-aintif f s' counsel is just as determined to comply with the Judge's orders as are we. I will be getting on an airplane soon and for several hours wonrt have the pleasure of reading your (or anyone else's) But I am sure Tamar, Eben, e-mails. and Brennan can get a handl-e on the scheduling issue. - Steve ,.--sage ----From: Keith Jensen <kj Gkjensen1aw- com> T o : M c c o n n e l I , S t e p h e n ; C B a i l e y G b p b l a w . c o m < C B a i L e y @ b p b l a w .c o m > Cc: jjaffe@weitzlux. corn <jjaffeGweitzlux. com>; kaltmanG < k a l t m a n e Iawamprnnt. com>,' Torregros sa, Brennan,. tkelberG Sidl ey. com <>,' Ffaster, Eben Sent: Wed Jan 10 22:03:23 200"1 Subject: RE: Cal1 ----nri rri nr I Mae Steve , confirm Can the witness be made available before the 25th? I think Eben wilf you that Judqe Baker is quite serious about getting discovery moving and that his order. Camp and I canrt be part of an agreement to amend same. Things Keith are great, thanks, and I hope the same for you. for is -----Ori rri n: I M a e c . a , , . r a- - - - - F r o m : M c c o n n e l l , S t e p h e n [ m a i l t o : s t e p h e n . m c c o n n e ] . le d e c h e r t . c o m J Sent: Wednesday, 10 January, 200'7 LB:.32 T o : K e i t h J e n s e n ; C B a i l e y G b p b - L a wc. o m Cc: l jaf fe@weitztux. com,' kaltmanGlawampmmt com,' Torregrossa, Brennan; . tkelberGSidfey,com; Flaster, Eben Subject: Re: CaflKeith, As per my earlier on the 23rd. messag'e to Camp/ one of the witnesses i-s available So if you'd Iike to come to beautiful downtown Wilmington on that date, we'd be delighted to see you. But for the other witness we will need to find another Do vou have anv druthers? date after the 23rd. LL l r r^ -,^J i r - r 'r ct_Lt .: J _^D . , c I r 1 ,w . - rL l1 - , Y,v u ., w^ L ,l1 - r . a, Steve M-a-c- s a g e - - - - .. From: kj Gkjensenlaw. com <kjGklensenlaw. com> T o : C a m p B a i l e y < c b a i l e y G b p b l a w . c o m > , ' M c C o n n e . l - 1 ,Stephen c o m > ; K e i t h A I t m a n <kaltmanG> Cc: Jonathan Jaffe <jjaffeGwej-tzlux. Sent: Eled Jan 10 79:28:58 200'7 3.e: CalL Subiect: ----nri rri nr'l .i \. 2Jad S t e v e , p e r m y 1 2 : 4 0 p m e m a j - l w h i c h C a m p told me he sent r r a 2 d t i m e . fhc ok and the only other date is Lhe 19th. Pls include me on your response. Kettn lg Sent via -----Ori BlackBerry from Cj ngular Wirel-ess rri rral M --: - -o-< < r g e - - - - F r o m : " Camp Bailey" <CBai leyGbpbl"aw. com> Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2001 1,159:05 : To: "Ke j-th Jensen" <kj> sUDtect: tw: ual r See below. I told them you r,rould respond to stay involved their in question. this set up. Let me know if you want me to getting K. Camp Bailey Attorney at Law cri n.a l M- - - - a g e - - - - - oqq F r o m : M c C o n n e l l / S t e p h e n [ m a i l - t o : s t e p h e n . m c c o n n eL I G d e c h e r t . c o m ] Sent: llednesday, January I0, 200'7 3:17 PM To: Camp Bailey Cc: Torregrossa, Brennan; FIaster, Eben; tkelberGSidley. corn -----Ori arrFrian{-. DF. a^lI Camp, Thanks. It turns out that one of the two interviewees on the is available but the other is not. Would you like to schedule the one interview on the and, meanwhile, I'11 try to t-rack down dates for the other interviewee? * Steve ^--,-age----From: Camp Bailey [mailto: CBaileyGbpblaw. con] Sent: Wednesday, January I0, 2001 1:48 PM To: McConnel , Stephen Cc: Torreg.rossa, Brennan; Flaster, Eben Subject: RE: CaIl cri n: l Meq< -----Ari 23rd, 23rd He I have been trying to get Keit.h avail-abLe to calf, but haven't been able yet. would work for him dld pass along that the 23rd or 19th (in order of preference) and our IT quy, . . Let me know if those work and I wifl re.Iav the messaqe.. - K. Camp Bailey Attorney at law ----.-age----F r o m : M c C o n n e L I , S t e p h e n [ n a i l t o : s t e p h e n . m c c o n n el l $ d e c h e r t Sent: Tuesday, ,fanuary 09, 20O'l 9118 PM To: Camp Bailey -----t'lrininal Mecq , com] Cc: Torregrossa, Brennan; Fl-aster, Subj ect: Re: Ca-l1 I never received a call does not work for you. ----Orirrin.rl Eben from you. What dates I heard do? indirect-ly from Tamar that January 22 ----M.a c, s a g e ,From: Camp Bailey <> T o : M c C o n n e ll , S L e p h e n Cc: Torregrossa, Brennan; Kelber, Tamar B. <tkelbe rGSidley. com> Sent: Mon Jan 0B 18:59:22 2001 Subject: RE: CaIl" Keith Jensen and I will caII you back on this i-n the morning, if possible. K. Camp Bailey Attorney at La\,r M- a e c a g e - - - - - .--From: McConnell, Scephen [mai]to: stephen. mcconnel l0dechert. Sent: Monday/ January 08f 2007 3:48 PM To: Camp Bailey Cc: Torreqrossa, Brennan; Kelber, Tamar B. S u b i ect : RE: Cal-l -----t^lrinin:1 coml Camp, T wanted to chat with you about the IT interviews, ft witnesses are availabfe How does that on Januarv 22. fooks r^rnrlr fnr li ke the r;nrr" two You certainly - Steve -----f)ri seem to be busy these days. P l e a s e c a l - L m e when you free up. rri n: I M- - * ; r g e - - - - - acq Froml cbaileyGbpblaw. com lmailto: cbaifeyGbpblaw. com] Sent: Monday, January 08, 2007 4:42 PII To: Mcconneflf Stephen Subiect: CaIl I am running i nrr nr to another f hinrli meeting n iho right now. I wiII be able to call you back this arrcn fir<f Sent via BlackBerry from m.n r"n.i.r ^ r- , . J . r -. Cingular Wireless T h i s e-mail is from Dechert confidential- or privj leged. se and delete the that LLP, a law firm, informatlon and may contain do not If you are not the i nrended recipient, the e-mai].and any, attaehlnents, Thank -you. i.s i il $ H H t I Sidley Austin 11:55:34: LLP mail server made the following annotations o n 0 1/ 1 8 / 0 1 , IRS Circular 230 Disclosure: To cornply wiLh certain U.S. Treasury regulations, we inform you that/ unl-ess expressly stated otherwlse, any U.S. federal tax advice contained in this communication, including attachments, hras not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding any penalties that may be imposed on such taxpayer by the Internal Revenue Service. In addition, if any such tax advice is used or referred to by othe-r parties in promoting, marketing or recommending any partnership or other entity, investment plan or arrangement, then (i) the advice shoul-d be construed as written in connection with the promotion or marketing by others of the transaction (s) or matter(s) adclressed in this communication and (ii) the taxpayer should seek advice based on the taxpayerr s particular circumstances from an independent tax advi sor. ******************************t(*************************************)t************ ******************* This e-mail is sent by a law firm and may contain j-nformation that is privileged or confidential . If you are nol the intended recipient, p-Lease delete the e-mail and anv attachments and notif v us irunedi-atel-v. ********************************************i************************************ ******************* 10

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