Cambridge University Press et al v. Patton et al

Filing 324

DEPOSITION of Daphne Greenberg, Ph.D. taken on April 21, 2011 by Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press, Inc., Sage Publications, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit D-1, # 2 Exhibit D-2, # 3 Exhibit D-3 - part1, # 4 Exhibit D-3 - part 2, # 5 Exhibit D-4, # 6 Exhibit D-5, # 7 Exhibit P-1)(Rains, John)

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E X H I B I T 2 0UIPX oul 092 aEtJQ Exhibit 2 - 1 Adult and learning development two separate existed as development under falling theory lationship development learning ment The ment and is learning many sonality expression and interpersonal HAN iL300K tD LEARN iNC OF P4OULr the is scholars to the foundation for examines six major aspects and An the is it pirical ALL FOR SUCH of inter development and specific chapter discipline explains and fuel Subsequent theoretical latest BE IS rich and em itinerary AN INVALUABLE SCHOLARS POLICY MUST-READ IN REFERENCE DEVELOPMENT AS WELL AS MAKERS AS CORPORATE HUMAN-RESOURCE FOR OPTIMAL AGING PROMOTE EDUCATION FOR their lat fields research WHO WILL form of integration recognize and provide HANDBOOK THIS to new the literature future for introductory this review of areas contexts so important growth of chapters develop will of these reaches essential learning why key system higher applications IT what the intersection self the together adult pew disciplinethe this at the at learning bring explore foundations also is CCLLC- first to research section per discipline from both learning insight competence and development The It positive meta-cognition new of adult est for including synchronicity borders develop develop This the to ment and and fuels growth of self-efficacy leading the leading learning to in responsible reflective intelligence re advances between capacities in have reciprocal often quite synchronicity in changes lead frequently conversely and however between them exists and advances dear that an important it always study with Recent and practice research have of psychology under education learning made fields RICH AND RESOURCE AND PRACTITIONERS EXECUTIVES AND PERSONNEL Exhibit 2 - 2 Exhibit 2 - 3 Exhibit 2 - 4 Exhibit 2 - 5 Handbook of Adult Development and Learning Exhibit 2 - 6 Exhibit 2 - 7 HANDBOOK OF ADULT DEVELOPMENT AND LEARNING Edited by Carol If oare II OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2006 Exhibit 2 - 8 OXFORD UN 1VflSIfl Oxford University Inc Press research in Town Cape Krrala Dar New Delhi \Vith Austria \rgentuia Cuatemala South Brazil Hungary Korca 2006 Published by Madison Oxford Oxford stored is No rights retrieval in electronic the ibrary Handbook part system prior of of adult this Press New Inc 10016 York Oxford of of permission be reproduced any form in recording Oxford or by or University and edited learning any means otherwise Press Data Cataloging-rn-Publication development Press University issav publication photocopying Congress Preas University or transmitted inierhaniral svithout of Vietnam corn trademark registered reserved Singapore Ukraine Turkey York wsvw.onp All Portugal Universit New Crcece France Republic by Oxford Avenue Toronto Poland Thailand Copyright Nairobi in Czech Japan Switzerland 198 offices Chile Italy Karachi City Mexico Taipei Shanghai Kong Hong Melbourne \liclrid iimpiir Uruversitys York Salaans cx Oxford and education scholarship New Oxford Auckland further that works poblishes of excellence obiective P1tESS by Carol Hoare ml Includes ISBN-IS Adulthood references bibliographical 978-0-19 Psychological \dnlt 0F724 1556 index Learning aspects bare learning and 517190-7 Carol Psychology of Hren 51582006 2005014219 rudc22 9864 Printed in she on United arid States free of America paper i-i Exhibit 2 - 9 To Jenny Two wonderful always In Mary children thought Ray are everything they would memory of my loving Mary Ann Matesevac Elizabeth and who parents Horvath Matesevac without Hren their beand Dad and more and grandparents and Frank and Michael whom.. Exhibit 2 - 10 Hren Buddy Matesevac Exhibit 2 - 11 Preface The idea when in for adult it and and learning artificial suspending some point stopped velopment apart book this aged of consider but sclopment for proposal of svhat At is the volume is discipline this now in not is into Oxford then hand to introduce central and what adult development keep must become and leank as and two As focus In Press on other purpose of the conceptual learnuig which and contributors usto Too integration quickly to of the secting cad nt nsun arc us knows perlsaps elopinent ca rival is that vvavs putcutal Exhibit 2 - 12 set others are even sponsors offer rids is hich ditficult their when rather there between possible Yet foice to ti-ic ouisg account clopedic is ss lean syc theo applications roundly applaud It cucy reciprocity not insight particularly vs many interper practical themselves an to of the thinking volume this boundaries dociplines text door adult development reviews efforts this development ituseraries sustained subor the which in and which of open separately efficacy in to research conceptual md space tuels learning ries uialvses terest one but self web intent reflective cognition as the volume this entertain competence learning and to design in broader we li-ic de the subordinate ofa possibility tliinkimig the of become its or preference by concepts not is authors tually knosvn root that the intelligence encour adult That to sonal 2003 acquiesced Thus de result early others and in hierarchically whether content constructs At and certain dinate the material arranges cabinet file Rather including learning the con attributes sulifield the other to adults treat volume took trausing the without graciously mental Rather into mind inn-ian courses artificial handbook emphasize begin was University editing integrated outset to integrated slowly to to trying and Carlin me it developmental caine Catharine bled course that development equally while ers adult ago years learning clear their in 15 graduate from one became soon about began concurrent development adults sider handbook teaching material quickly and this started us ni-ics inter Thus of the nchionv or and sic uug share hardy PREFACE viii conviction that and internal rich adults resources contexts for although largely unexplored into learn of iii The unison adult and learning the change and grow external life tice provide frontier its Writing els his or her are different each author frames study complete landscape the and learning this to risk is territory and development results stepping But together of reference considers considerable cover of pleased in the Clearly they of do the and adult point theory of currently dissociated area do not development ton ard po Exhibit 2 - 13 and disciplines obvious that as we learn so develop so are we better equipped toward shall will future and in in have been in it syn these which we develop to If between practice it We briskly useful prove adulthood in eessful step of adult connections reciprocal research among dialogue disciplines will it and prac inquiry greater respective learning chronous topics die learning established and lev topical stimulates within working of theory discipline volume this development from of analysis wealth great we If those developmental unified tentially and continually suc it as is we learn .1 Acknowledgments am indebted here offer and this Their put book and aside am most revision process better and to histories as well own some of are All were for this deeply of than she Their put aside the that her good to her associate work books humor on her progress kept Her doctoral Many me going begin re initiatis made Many the were much her the times dissertation were the Crazy is to tion remain un believe well My in data tlse careful to includiug and supportive as her grace colleagues times siipportne good Nashman and too throughout and Exhibit 2 - 14 Lynda me and be ex in synthesizing and gen phase project editor my the for her cheer good design language chapters unparal bonus grateful the entering superior helped spirited the of the reading were material out Dianas to am project ferreting Nelson ssas of of wish was an added goodwill of self infused competent as was me and Bermudez-Rodriguez research erosity her long she ssouian feedback prompt gracious work cellent helpful their phase ginning svho to authors Their and Diana here development from side commitment research advance my at extremely contributing leled several rewriting juncture grateful and sourcefulness more were julie was Cooper am ning reviewers chapters the talented The anonymous the hand svill Bridgetisrn is throughout re in gracious spurts friend ap publication write to willingly the contributed thought short chenshcd project as in their chapters svork grateful address to in only remember An enormously learning Bridget that this but work talents who authors contributions their times in sital sung of the and teaching Some their to commitment their their individual in search tribute were The few words faltered each thank volume parent small have who persons completion to Without surely First to many are only support would to volume this bringing osvn value near its comple nurn improving was highly inany talents julie her friendship numerous Richard West ssere to chronicle Lanthier always Honey behind nie ACKNOWLEDGMENTS the cheering bers project alike on program in working in care unprecedented Oxford At to ated her they are very and goodwill to has an is and led interest assistance great insight appreci me again that ways to Oxford University his appreciate into the gen could my wings have of lost perspective my daughter Jenny without 11cr love the and humor in earing this Exhibit 2 - 15 have all own Without project would marriage who and without the Me life As al eom husband Ray he my in Five love my to am witty Ashlyn Julia joy put unique gave dear field those granted book Wyatt Charlie the is wind An beneath do that thank svho by thoughtful done of me persons they allgive advice in his Finally this not and University would barbs grandchildren inspiration publishing funny Rachelteachers rnitment world ous beautiful children love His my son Ray with Wondeiful and and sightsserious and once know of always not completion timely expertise Hoare Shelley to privileged to were me throughout with tip the ofwork computer goodness Lindsey and Across shown me were the and could endeavor lonely book the brought without questions will always his of fine phase design sometimes bolstered have this Throughout my their line in Ill some time ago erous volumes was of issues staff best I-bare George Press of staff me For competence responses editorial the and Catharine Carlin the Rappaport number prompt the board fortune good love Press Her Jennifer in resolving other from resource invaluable the faculty experience publication its each about University was editor have which the at my The George sabbatical benefit have taken of far Washington leave to concentrated longer to work on time complete Contents Contributors xv Part Do II One Another Adulthood Part and Learning Development Fuel Four in Key Areas Foundations Development Growing of at Discipline the Borders in Karen Thought Carol Hoare Learning and Connection Sharan Adulthood Merriam The Adulthood and Design Issues Adult Development race Sherry and Methodological 52 and Caskie and Willis Schaie Critique Nathan Exhibit 2 - 16 and Development in Adulthood Functionalist Developmental Carol Across Zanjani Emotional and Patricia DeLuca 99 Faika Research Learning Kitchener Development Warner Carolyn Clark for Strohm Intellectual 27 Judgment 73 King and Sonia Development in of Reflective Adulthood 123 Consedine Ma gal and Review xii CONTENTS and Motivation Across Adulthood Regulation the Managing and 13 Laughing Interpersonal Constraints Contexts and Caroline 14 Lang and Development Spiritual Models The in Self-System ft Invin Part Contexts Essential the Learning aud Self-Efficacy Adult and JaneM and Learning 15 Effects Parenthood Self-Directed Jack Developmental Kathleen 16 Work 10 Adult Development Insight The Cultivation and Dam the Learning ick of and Psychotherapy 17 The 219 to Learning Feel Connected Community and Reaches Higher Adult 344 of Feeling Importance Whole Miller The Learning Personality and Development Sinnott Debra of and Berlanstein 18 Culture Learning Learning Development and Adult 407 Heidi Keller and Anne 11 Creativity lhrough the From an Evolutionary Life Mihaly Systems Part VI and Csikszentrnihalyi Major Illuminating Scientific Stages Michael Linda Lam Marie Measured and Applied Creative With Innovators Postformal Adult Development and Learning Jeanne Nakamura 12 Werchan Span 243 Perspective Adult 381 Jan IV Reciprocal and Catalyst Development Part 329 Beyond Carol Hoare Change and of Melvin as Identity Learning Through Transformation and Adult Development Taylor and Children on Adult of Development Berry 196 Journey Developing Adult Daniele Artistico Cervone Autonomy for 169 Development Daniel and Adult and Learning Development in 307 Ronald III Bassett Adulthood Key Concepts Jutta Heckhausen Part 281 Learning of Social 149 Frieder Wisdom levelopment Integrating Challenges Butterflies Gilded at 19 The 255 port Meaning of Commons and Conceptual in Adulthood Theo Bresette Exhibit 2 - 17 and Measurement Development 433 Dawson Tunik CONTENTS 20 Advanced Avenues and Development The Role Judith Robed 21 The 22 Adult Adult Stevens-Long Study Holistic Development Multidimensional Learning Doctoral of 455 Glen and and Rogers Judith Competence of Professional Author Index 537 476 McAuliffe Subject Index Exhibit 2 - 18 563 and Performance Marcia Reisetter Barrier Evolution Garrett in 497 Merjtkowski Hart xii Exhibit 2 - 19 Contributors DANIELE ARTI5TIc0 of Department Baruch 8-215 Email- Belo II BARNER of Department of University Email Street LINDA Dallas TX Email 75202-4841 VA 23173 BASSETr Wisdom 4350 West Minneapolis Harriet MN Commonwealth Email- 55410 DEBRA BERLANSTEIN University Hill MA Avenue 02467 GRACE I. College lacocca Library of Boston College Parkway Email Towson BRESETTE Connell School Chestnut Institute Lake MARIE William 140 CAROLINE Cook Psychology Richmond Corporation 400 South Record The edo BERRY JANE Richmond ROBERT 21252 ilehricDtnwsnn CUNY College One Bernard Baruch Way New York NY 10010 Email MD Baltimore Psychology Lehigh of Ilall Room A32l University Bethlehem Email CA5KIE Education PA 18015 Exhibit 2 - 20 Nursing CONTRIBUTORS xvi CERVONE DANIEL of Department of University 1007W Email at Box Street IL 60607-7137 CAROLYN Development 77843-32 in Harvard Email Box 43rd Street 343922 WI 3922 53234 JU1TA HECKIIAUSEN of Department Health School Center of Road 3381 net Social and Social Behavior Ecology Ecology of CA Irvine Psychology Social University eommons@tiae Evaluation College 02115-6113 MA and Law School Mental Fenwood Boston the HART Research South Email of Psychiatry Massachusetts 74 and Psychiatry Medical 1938 REiSEVrER Educational EQ COMMONS School Milwaukee Department 02912 RI Jack 3400 56 Development Medical 1938 Alverno Email Program Brown JuDi1H Resource TX MICHAEL LAMPORT and Email University College Station Human of Study University Providence CLARK Human AM the for Brown Chicago dcervone@uic.cdu Educational Texas Center Psychology Illinois Harrison Chicago DEMICK JACK 11 Irvine California 92697-708 Email NATHAN CONSEDINE Psychology Center CAROL HOARE Department for Studies of and Ethnicity Human Long 191 Island University NY Ceorge Suite Street IA 11201 Email DC MIIIALY CS1KSZENTMiHALYI RONALD of Center Department Peter Drucker of 62 Arch 1021 Research School Craduate Dartmouth CA Claremont Management of Psycholngy Street University Ontario Kingston 91711 edu IRWIN Queens University Avenue 20052 choare@gwu Quality Life University NW Street Washington and Studies Washington 2134 Email Claremont Counseling/Human Organizational Willoughby Brooklyn of Department Development K7L P46 Email Email HEIDI TnEo DAWSON-TIJNIK Science Cognitive Hampshire Amherst Culture 01002 49069 Sciences Germany DELUCA fur the Human and Development Osnabnieck Email Center Osnabrueck of Seminarstr 20 Email SONIA of Department College MA KELLER University Study of Higher and Education 2117 School University 610 of Postsecondarv PArRICIA Center of Education the Study of Higher and Education Building 2117 Michigan University KmzxG for Aveinie School University Ann Arbor Ml 48 109-1259 Email Ann Arbor Email Exhibit 2 - 21 of of Education Michigan MI 48109 Building Postsecondary CONTRtBUTORS STROHM KITCHENER KAREN JEANNE Education Quality of Life Denver Peter Drucker 80208 Claremont of College University of CO Denver Email NAKAMIJRA Dartmouth 1021 CA Universitat of Philosophical Faculty Halle Institute GLEN Alverno 23c Halle/Saale Email flangsych.uni 3400 Germany Research South 43rd Street WI 53234-3922 CAROL MAGAI Department Psychology Center Studies for of and Ethnicity SCi-IAIE Willoughby NY Suite Street IA University Nittanv Avenue College Email JAN Suite SINNOYF MCAULIFFE GARRErr Educational Education Norfolk and Leadership of Psychology University Building VA Counseling Department Dominion Room Towson University 110 MD Baltimore 23529 21252 Email STEvENS-LONG MARCIA MENTKOWSKI Research Educational Alverno 3400 JUOiTH Email and Evaluation College 2112 Santa Santa South 43rd Graduate ielding Street WI Milwaukee KATHLEEN MERRIAM of Email Email GA Georgia ktaylor@stmars edu Department of and Welfare School Norwich Northheld Email of MILLER Psychology of California 94575 ANNE WERCHAN 30602 smerriam@uga MELvIN Education College Crossing of University Athens CA Moraga Adult Education TAYLOR Extended of Marys Saint Rivers 93109 School Department CA Jniversitv Street 53234-3922 EMail Susz Barbara Barbara Email P.O Box 343922 406 405 PA 16801 State State Pcnnsslvania 135 11201 Development Studies Family University Human of Department and Island Brooklyn WARNER Human Development Old Evaluation P.O Box 343922 Email Email and College Milwaukee 191 Avenue 91711 ROGERS Educational D-06099 Long Manageirieiit Wittenberg Sciences of Psychology Brandbergweg of University Email LANG Martin-Luther Center School Graduate Claremont FRIEDER Research \gder Department VT 05663 University 4604 Social Management Serviceboks University Sociology Studies College 422 Kristiaijsaiid Kristiansand Email Nonvay Exhibit 2 - 22 Work xvii CONTRIBUTORS xviii ShERRY WILLIS Department Family of FAIKA Human Development and Studies Pennsylvania State ZANJANI University 3535 University 135 Nittany Avenue State College PA 16801 Suite 405 Exhibit 2 - 23 Psychiatry of Pennsylvania Market Philadelphia Email Email of Geriatric Department Street Suite 3050 PA 19104 Part Foundations Exhibit 2 - 24 Exhibit 2 - 25 Chapter Discipline at the Borders Growing of Thought Carol Hoare bI handbook This and learning reciprocal That terrelated and augment different does qualitative sult not in imply and relationships make As to may with one ments and of risk sometimes ment cline the in its such this adults than others and rich that negatives volumes our primary emphasis are growth do authors is environ on is positive develop decade how have cause theory avoid within how one the adult only as that been the and the 1978 adult 1987 of adult be of Cranott development research disciplines Just is in It is itself to was the adult Smith and adult different housed educational to consider in development and very as an indi within only seriously of as development adult 1998 whereas handbook this development integral two aging Keyes Abstracts began develop optimal 1998 writing that scholars Aspinwall Davidson development territory Exhibit 2 - 26 us heading scholars education and to other how ask Psychological in subhelds adult of study might Indeed strengths whtb those Kahn subject learning integrated de and not past adults interests There of bidirectionality and and learning associations the con was it used human Bornstein each that the first with is vscll-heing 2003 Rowe young Using cator in of 1993 Furthermore is the in line 2003 Baltes understands propels This advance can Moore development for ment not social terrain Staudinger With do Some of resource positive Baltes middle-class opportunities development positives in re learning advances chart does risk cognition and learning how or development who learning adults development be housed in charting skirting as in change without not is ward question universality connotations Although declines well dual force and in their learning ot subjects in adaptation hirther This areas iiisight joining how might is asking are adulthood development it of excursions greater risk the adulthood cept in uniformly in question in developmental and absence the of learning universality to develop forms positive enhanced respect new addresses how development This in is learniisg and non- be partly psychological exists learning psychology Pourchot and 1998 FOUNDATIONS found in for adult the there blend cal adult base to in an area from emerge and professional which in few data there based safe and until rather attention ap little recently pa rent interest but out minds to ment the ADULT DEVELOPMENT than and development might look for this during much scribed in these and 2002 for of First tamed that of path adults scholars drives of examine and of in their adults In is addition svere of seen adults selves In longer found structed the as adult as In though tIns they robber By their adult of de expressing had developmental to failed des position century in and exist band this of of products social earlier led their prior way hosveser until extension due from Hoare in Much example but to various chapter ask leads development the for portunities volume Miller this adult third in of tenTus beginning penods of adult and to the other in events development ending passing the points of In et al adulthood in and fresh op chapter volume earlier neglect prior than has Schaie Sternberg Clark the in for approach problems this iii begun intelligence their insights 10 facet resides marker has looking learning new chapter adulthood and in Merriam important development conceive and growth of 1994 Orwoll ecologically discovery Kramer 1994 1992 needed volume Baltes Richards psychometric this intellec e.g Diehl and rela important of stages to alien more 1970 and experiences how and dialectical intelligence 2000 We to on Coguen to practical everyday pendence Exhibit 2 - 27 so adults up based King 1981 questions tied bound are Iabouvie-Vief much personal and somewhat is learn to are Perrys research repre learning Sinnott more not and Commons Chiodo life similarly students approach We now and paid college 1986 of period work content Kitchener Labouvie-Vief 1995 William the among Woodruff to enjoyed to as been reflective 1993 Staudinger con 2002 of about adult Adult cognition has part origin-based in change emotions development child ssere and thinking The no fallacy problems as consider has and which in accomplished considered and thinking and increasing abilities been attention when contributions to scientists achievements on of adulthood This daily development potentials children scant is content has environments Zanjani development that adults to elop in earlier representations own unique Armon 1984 re terms positive inattention completed children for in scholars ahsence attributes and generis Learning values id overriding fixations do miniature twentieth the partly contexts us of healthy expect negatives in Freuds to as portrayed recently hood for said to that to relation ways seen roles of adults tual along expectations in ongoing with was its tivistic the disinclined recently niain Erikson guilt be and developmental times the are reason maturity As of absence adults ing of more sentations in of trajectory th0t in develop social and sui in applies constrricts child development has Until other posed largely scholars cognitive maturity and maturity stronger were as that the de for he for thinking might thus tenns during view of not The second shows one expressed what papers ends in this led also absence childhood in Hoare terrain development all should selopment de psychologists barren negatives and adults century as Freud infancy were book unpublished important relative of meut was the behavior what twentieth psychosexual pressions apparent have hood in this better is the svith adulthood thought was we four are insights developmental Freuds ing are receut in Eriksons adulthood into entry which of adult integral lhere century Erik Freud velopment as detail some of seen neglect all which in twentieth to the prior this neglect many important had conceived are for the credit for learning to reasons reasons key reasons examining future and cognition be that givens back Today mental into adult Experts Before childhood intelligence Although OF snapped are bands stretched developmental self-representations competence OF CONCEPTS and of have infancy abilities the at might always early many concepts ships THE NEGLECT it origins and fancy hybrid Theorists point and traits rudimentarily as continuity between stretches developmental albeit fixed ginning developmental rubber band giant as band rescarchers into background limited studies recipro comparatively been has lacking and theorists seen of conceiving and senescence associations thus of though learning necessarily is from one to cross discipline area that are that psychology and societies for discourse willing are educational developiiient professional Vehicles of interests will ssho of shared no are or journals and education area joint this inability linear locked of adulthood time and to and to order de chronology been of to the adult sequence- ____ P1 SUBJECT INDEX 578 51516 teaching technician 48890 thinking tenacious goal retest unconscious TGP pursuit 134 225 alliance 235 232 288 thinking See model also complexity judgment reflective scale 3D WS 290 tipping 57 designs 272 211 for rejection 287 ambiguity 268 See traits 14 transactional skill See transcendental Chades 33t32 also 384 Piaget lM on transfer 32021 314 nature 237n7 237n 227 236n7 355 22628 of niodel 10 of of consciousness 201 measures 203 transformational learning 32 520 52223 34 35 38 41 -14 235 469470 learning 212 transformative learning cycles 3024 personal as integrating domains of levels 15962 42123 28182 aanbutes only 21 284 the 286 of in 293 290 420 28892 scale large of consciousness self-development integrating knowing 29799 233 312 See as and 292 dialectical 97 thinking 301 practical knowledge the Berlin also development 42021 societies 292 development postfonnal exceptional 52325 15557 286 289 outlining as possible transformative spiritual of criteria 423 299304 of 526 302 about meta-knowledge nature 510 303 296 295 293 ot 298 analysis for as leadership transpcrsonal 290 learning 264 control 420 295 290 factor 421 290 295 296 reflective 34 transformational transitions of 42024 on 29192 perspective domains/aspects 236n7 228 84 24 281 282 287 affective 228 of 423 420 implicit theones of stimulus growth of 282 transpersonal activity transformation modes the study to for defined dad 45860 467471 304 synthetic cross-cultsiral 321 226 organizing and and 420 22629 learning-oriented as 182 28 cognitive and 16162 42324 370 negative 73 criteria 226 psychotherapy in development 251 competence 399 386 316 transference-countertransference learning of adult 26 250 attainability the 383 and 124 approaches spirituality with meditation definitions 130 emotion context 16061 widowhood analytical Alexander 368 287 322 of John wisdom consciousness transcendental transference t828-f through traits worldview connection felt development 332 transcendent 62 subjective in Wheeler personality transactionalism 61 257 career changes 493 programs 34 10 recognition well-being professional 233 268 267 112 cognitive knowledge 108 stage vocational training training War vision-logic vocal 285 complexity Vietnam 285 for 352 development 102 ability vertical 59 analysis experiences tolerance 204 205 values verbal sequential of measurement of 6263 validity 3839 time-efficient 351 349 of woik/unit types wisdom three-dimensional preconscious of hierarchical 7374 characteristics and 346 unemploynient unit 234 learning 1113 defined 222 time 32 108 44 232 unconscious 63 reliability therapeutic time groups step 231 227 decline cognitive 23132 rationality 47 technical test 12 4347 development and 322 321 227 experiences and 226 tumors 1415 310 stages/states repetition development for trauspersonal trauuia/traunsatic connected teaching education also 42 ascare213 and See 215 school or expertise 284 284 86 .1 Exhibit 2 - 28 SUBJECT INDEX of age wisdom 28688 and Steinberg role for the the for See 47677 environmental maturity and also 34 effects nations personality See also feminism and paid GDP competence 365 66 and 368 environment in high working alliance wurkii thiough ig the sia intellectual 161 soung adulthood 222 point 64 Exhibit 2 - 29 36469 35153 225 See 22627 10 36667 zero and 345 risk transference 11 development psychotheiapy War 35960 and 345 3697 to 370 contexts World 369 transformation and 35861 complexity identity 46 school 345 learning 35456 autononw work wisdom also professional performsnee intellectual from work 295 and and 355 368 effects transitioning 294 34 college See development in transfer work See womens movement expert 122 also gender to returning work 42 work dynamics of wise people 289 32223 witness women of 324 42 development model sole development 579 1067 also therapeutic 225 alliance Exhibit 2 - 30 Exhibit 2 - 31 Exhibit 2 - 32 Exhibit 2 - 33 ISBN 9780195171907 Exhibit 2 - 34

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