Cambridge University Press et al v. Patton et al

Filing 324

DEPOSITION of Daphne Greenberg, Ph.D. taken on April 21, 2011 by Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press, Inc., Sage Publications, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit D-1, # 2 Exhibit D-2, # 3 Exhibit D-3 - part1, # 4 Exhibit D-3 - part 2, # 5 Exhibit D-4, # 6 Exhibit D-5, # 7 Exhibit P-1)(Rains, John)

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E X H I B I T 1 Case 4S -FJ 08-cv-01425-ODE JSJ L.VJJ 141J Document Filed 235-2 09/30/10 of 19 Page tgiit Use of CopyrightedWorks Education and Research Policy on the As system devoted exclusive the including in to resources copyright right to and applied the citizenry make of face-to-face course the highest providing basic and undergraduate quality research scholarly inquiry graduate and creative education use fair University of copyrighted and materials the right to and copyright and 107 educates holders students as set other copyright and develops faculty forth in and staff U.S 17 about copyright on tools and resources for faculty and licensing regarding 270 Washington U.S.A Content Source of Regents Street USG copynght of the Pisclaimer by the University the University at application of USG materials third-party individuals identifies Board of in the of the four the exercise appropriate activities the law including the application 106 work ownership and determining whether use of and therefore not an infnngement under copyright law facilitates use of materials currently licensed by the University status of fair limited use the Specifically exclusive factors in 17 rights U.S.C exceptions available makes works or display perform with law and where System of Georgia facilitates compliance copyright full fair use rights by faculty and staff in teaching research and service System of Georgia informs of Qontact bringing activities teaching faith of 2009 students and the University University good to endeavors is committed to respecting the rights System of Georgia with copyright that the holders and complying law The University System of Georgia recognizes of copynght holders are balanced under federal copyright law rights by limitations on those rights intellectual The to leading-edge pursuing in System and System and staff in specific System and member institutions to of assist in situation determining would Georgia and who can counsel be provides faculty copyright use fair information and staff law University System of Georgia Privacy Atlanta GA 30334 Copyright Appendix http// Page Exhibit 1 - 1 6/12/2009 Case 108-cv-01425-ODE Lupyngnt roucy uopyngrtt Document USU uerieraiiy rsi Filed 09/30/10 235-2 of 19 Page rac eopyrignt Id Cop of Ceoi nr vi Pohc Lii CopyrightGenerally Most copyright ownership copyrights The negotiating answers of Copyflght provides to and many the creators and distribute and interest display Limitations These to work works The law are One Time and Authors to the exclusive based and rights to integral Copyright diverse Sound to our managing Web servers few fundamental with rights set of limited the private rights of copyright the Progress to promote Inventors exclusive interests the exclusive Right to with owners Science of their the including and respective to on the original and publicly are law listed in the balance of the exceptions intellectual wide of copyright to materials posting aiways begin with balances words of the Conshtution the in of authorship to applies Sections copyright to 107 exclusive of 122 through rights holders and 01 of chapter productive exclusive is rights socially the nght the U.S to Act Copyright new and beneficial make fair fair use of works original Copyright law applies to nearly music issues respect the public the exclusive work copyrighted works their owners work publicly the exceptions uses of works to copies the original of works derivative perform almost will and libraries digital questions arise with questions work reproduce distribute developing other copyright limited gives copyright prepare Related around revolve of Georgia System works agreements intended is Arts by securing for and Discoveries Writings law existing perform useful Copyright the Unrversiw of use law copyright copy the public at arise fair or publication these to principles right that questions new works in all and creative works range of materials recordings computer are protectable programs law Books journals under copyright websites and many other materials are art photographs the reach within of law Also protectable are motion pictures dance choreography and architecture you can see it read hear it or watch it chances are is law One important exception is works of the U.S it protectable by copyright Government Works or created are not subject to copyright published by the U.S Government copyright If it Works are protected automatically without copyright notice or registration These many different works are protected any tangible medium of expression or on the drive of your computer clay in today does not require Office as work but placing notice In the of under copyright if they are original woks words once you create an original work now receives instant and automatic other copyright on the work or registering did in the past The law provides some important benefits you are the copyright owner even without these formalities it http// Exhibit 1 - 2 if the of authorship work and copyright that are fixed on paper in The law protection fix it work with the U.$ Copyright you do use the notice or register the Appendix Page 6/12/2009 Case 108-cv-01425-ODE roncy opyngnt Uopyngflt Document USG Cienerally 235-2 of term basic of works made 120 from creation years works hire often receive works for protection for created today the lasts works for o12 Page many decades for is the copyright explained below of the work The rules of 19 Page Copyright Copyright protection lasts for The Filed 09/30/10 of the life created author the lesser for before of 1978 plus years seventy 95 years either are altogether from In the case publication different and or foreign treatment distinctive Copyright ownership As rule the author general the is initial owner of the copyright owner If you created work made for hire In are the copyright photograph you the work may be employment are an employee and your job employer university System of Georgia create is to of copyrights Ownership and institutions software other forms is governed the that code of the the in work work as an event the copynght intellectual you wrote employer in property by the university If employee that System of book within probably by faculty or took the the copyright is code created the acting owner belongs staff the scope of If to your you your or students Georgia IntelJectual at Propefly Policy For Further Information Full text qf summary Researcfl 2009 the of Qatabase of by Board Contact U.S Copyright Act Copyright Law fundamentals for academic International copyright Kenneth of of the work can be found in copyright Lw and Qrdute Crews USG Regents Disclaimer 270 Washington U.S.A Street Content Source USC Vt UniversIty System oqjqrgJ Privacy Atlanta GA 30334 Copyright http// general iy/ Exhibit 1 - 3 Appendix Page 6/12/2009 Case 108-cv-01425-ODE ne tair Use Lupyrigal roncy The Fair One may make the the nature work the effect four factors intended to character the of use in whether including market each in case and research teaching used the patton of potential the be evaluated to each four factors users factors to arise of the factors receive member at commercial nature or of is and other no one factor such is for the of laws application the University within to work to that outcome While use fair the apply law Working through the and applying the but by understanding many new needs and the of System the purpose alone does not make in order users must analyze to educational of four factors as courts and whole work determine wilt an activities may be compelling solutions work as the copyrighted to of the copyrighted or value interpretation and rules the benefits institutions to subject is Simple important is such use in relation for and character of the use is only one use fair The purpose conclude whether or not the use is fair and therefore lawful Moreover of work use upon should the copyright holders permission The determination reasoned and balanced use depends upon making factors are Section 107 of the U.S Copyright Act Those fair forth substantiality the apply of Page Copyright purposes the copyrighted and of of 19 Page without within is use factors set fair and amount work copyrighted of the is of educational nonprofit All use purpose 09/30/10 Filed 235-2 Use Exception of the four application USU ExceptLon copyrighted fair use of whether Document that technologies continue Georgia Understanding the Four Factors The following weighing is and brief four all Purpose and Character explicitly in university are is more or Nature differently fact other that or education are not work original criticism copies or and for pieces critical examines to different weighing highly use statute fair Keep use in the Additionally whether determining uses over are is to likely commercial uses transformative give transformed mind four that fair factors use requires are fair Is also Courts use has been truly confined also favor defined as favorable for product use The use teaching The treatment statute also to uses it multimedia into be given are that Activities treatment new expression meaning or message new or of new utility such as something into may favorable receive to work mixed of analysis the that that Fair use quotations of works in notes Work of characteristics works types of use fair works work which are relevant uses of consumable in the conclusion classroom use are permitted against creative from reaching mere reproductions in such way as work the copyrighted of the Copyrighted This factor factors Use educational nonprofit paper into of that multiple before of the nonprofit the when likely the context the of changes incorporated is favors support transformative adds to factors so other factors may be considered nonexciusive The law of the four explanation balancing courts including to materials http// the For work being example more used courts readily Quite simply have favor the novels short stories courts concluded fair poetry use and that of have nonfiction modem tended to the unpublished art as apply opposed images Only to those fair use of work fiction and nature portions of review carefully purpose favoring fair use should be used lnstructors should such as test forms and workbook pages that are meant to be used and te/the_fair..useexccptio Exhibit 1 - 4 Appendix Page 61 2/2009 Case JpJASLt Amount of the Amount measured is law Quantity setve Any proper because is use less both user image an to likely 235-2 of 19 Page rage tot Lopyrignt as qualify 09/30/10 Filed IJSU cxcepuon relative use fair always wants nearty the length from the weighs of the work heavily the exact in allowable of of the tight be narrowly should full measures work and entire against fu image or the No qualitatively to taken work usually entire and quantitatively The amount objective of Document Work Used must be evaluated copying of the use their as rair aac utn..y repurchased 425-ODE 08-cv-01 tailored to quantity amount serve exist needed these in the to purposes serious controversies Images generate uthumbnail or low-resolution version amount fair use be an acceptable TMamount Motion pictures are also problematic because even short clips small may borrow the most extraordinary or creative elements of the work One may also reproduce only portion of any work but still take the heart of the work This concept is measure that may weigh qualitative fair against might use on the Value Effect This factor the extent assesses work The of or Market to tor the which Work use serves given as substitute for the markets or potential markets of the use factor For example purpose the purpose of the use is commercial any adverse market effect from that commercial use weighs resulting against fair use If the purpose of the use is non-commercial however an adverse market effect is less likely for the in weighing favor factors Revised Copyright for fair the niarket Occasional of software reproductions All four of on use effect and factor can make in linked closely quotations videotapes must be considered is or the photocopies direct determining to inroads whether may have on the use of no adverse potential work market effect markets Is fair for if but such works use use by the University System of Georpia based upon the fair use resoumes provided by the Office at Columbia University hftpilwww.cqpyjgjit.columbia.edulcopyright/qfour Advisory factors 02009 Board of Rpgents Qontact USC 270 Washington U.S.A Street content USC http Source cLthe DisclaJme S.W University System of Georgia rivacy Atlanta GA 30334 Copyright // use exception Exhibit 1 - 5 Appendix Page 6/12/2009 Case 1425-ODE 08-cv-0 -vflb tcluuuucuun Document Use tat rair to 235-2 USU Utiecklist The use fair in checklist determining circumstances from assist to interpreting As you use the checklist and apply column and even check boxes across against make use The fair weighs the checklist using You should are notice license not need that to direct separate @2009 Coatct familiar with derives from use fair factual the four fair use in each of weight the factors weighs you are probably your project in favor weigh of use fair best positioned to threshold following published to prior be presumed be considered should If not fair use analysis by copyright duties employees as part of their official All are no longer protected by copyright protected is U.S government by questions to 1923 be protected even by copyright if no copyright regarding ot JSG in for nonprofit institutions or federal in of copyright If by your license or permission you or your institution has For example with sore materials are distributed if to license use The work may educational or library link directly work 1101 whether materIals and notice copyright work that to law that work without or sludents use proposed in into falls for the this also web If fair conducting allows specifically instructors on the available legally be available an through so you may be able to use analysis but or display performance course of statutory exception you not teaching need not use analysis fair copyrighted BQard first should the be used to use analysis work to that the checklist of work created fair your U.S activities dispute It the tour use you are likely to check more than one box checked boxes will favor fair use and others will the cumulative falls within allows at exception conduct copyrighted use and distribution copying of Works 1978 after specifically students proper the works conduct your database electronic copy of various present use the work and uses application outhnes law use analysis fair by copyright published first is You do include conduct determine whether first not protected materials All to necessary For example not is whether is you are most use fair contemplated copyright your proposed columns Some concern use Because of balanced use The checklist decision that Before ultimate fair against fair ot Fage Copyright and reasoned making work is to it or in the evaluation to decisions judicial you use of given are important that and factors tool is whether of 19 Page Use Checklist Introduction to the Fair factors Filed 09/30/10 can order be found here to fair use use under or license use under other exceptions should attribution establish complete reasonable and retain and good copy of this faith attempt at checklist applying for each fair fair use use should of any such use arise the Regentsof Disclaimer 270 Washington U.S.A Street Content Source USC Universiy System Georgia Privacy VI Atlanta GA 30334 Copyright Appendix Page http//www.usg.educopyright/site/introduction to the fair Exhibit 1 - 6 use checklist 6fl 2/2009 Case 08-cv-01425-ODE Filed 09/30/10 Document 235-2 Fair Use Checklist Name Class Date or Proiect _______ Course and Term of Title Where consider from against the given or at facts in of the Office fair use Where use fair those facts only of the favor of in should Instructors the Board of fair favoring whether Check counts use outnumber those against than half the factors weighing deciding situation determinative fewer the rights holder total use fair timer pages the factors Where justified permission e.g be used to InstructIons any Work and Publisher Portions is ______ Copyrighted Author use of 19 Page Regents fair use Not justified apply consult to the of all your Legal the use facts total facts No Affairs they have questions if the to regarding present in item or factor single office fair weighing be will on seek shouid split instructors use as opposed that reliance it should instructors are evenly factors fair is favor is their institution at of analysis the four factors For more Policy of the information regarding on the Use of Complete and Copyrighted can be found which Georgia retain on the Weighs faith Favor in including classroom Research Criticism Reporting of El new Use is or Factor copies use sections for the of the System University attempt each at fair use applying of copyrighted use fair should work in any dispute or work purpose in Use activity from use Profiting distribution Use exceeds necessary educational educational Fair For publication Study Weighs Weighs Against For public use changes to Use Non-transformative News Parody or of the Entertainment Scholarship necessary intended for Commercial multiple Comment utility Personal fair http// Fair Use use Transformative for at Purpose and Character Nonprofit Educational for web this checklist and good Factor Teaching use factors please see the in Education and Research use arise such regarding of copy reasonable establish fair Works achieve that which to achieve is your intended purpose your purpose Favor of Fair Use Factor Exhibit 1 - 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8 Appendix Page for subject or derivative User does not own or Restricted access Factor Fair impairs market Significantly Repeated in Supplemental or or Original Numerous copyright holder User for Licensing similar One research Weighs Against Weighs or copyrighted Use stimulates market No or more than necessary is comment Fair Use on market effect significant potential No work to being taught Factor No central work taken criticism or is being taught subject Factor of the heart Amount purpose such as research Fair Use work used entire or portion Portion used whole tailored narrowly comment criticism or work as entire Used of Portion Substantiality test Use Fair Weighs Against Large not central is fiction work workbook Weighs Against work used of used Factor Favor of Fair Use in portion Portion Use Fair Factor Weighs work art music novels Highly creative objectives Use Fair Weighs Against work of 19 Page Work of Copyrighted Fak Use work Factual of Nature 235-2 or Office at Case 108-cv-01425-ODE uulOelines i-tuuitiunai uncy 7P1 Document tor tiectrontc System University 09/30/10 Filed 235-2 tThU tteserves Lopyngrit 01 rage Georuia Oopjriqht of of 19 Page Policy Additional Guidelines for Electronic Reserves The University The primary related of Georgia System function of these resources Course library be made available on electronic instruction supports services to is materials authored teachers professors such as standards by and reserves and students apply to The following reserves electronic with that assure will electronic similar have timely services access to course- notes or exams may use of copyrighted works for syllabi lecture reserves electronic Instructors are responsible on electronic reserves for must complete instructors on evaluating requires copy of the fair as qualifies whether basis case-by-case or permission fair use If before submitting use checklist use of the copyrighted the upon relying material fair work use exception electronic for reserves Inclusion of materials made Materials publication The available and form instructor library submitted for Access course to has completed rather through than be will at the request of the include citation instructor for his or her or other to the of source original unit the of must possess institution lawfully obtained copy of any material on electronic responsible reserves for the should be restricted course Access should by password be terminated students to as and soon as the student course staff should check an electronic scanning Library reserves should reserves and in reserves notice copyright material the reserves available reserves on electronic of electronic enrolled instructors Library on electronic needs educational and to see whether for electronic materials submitted reserves are database or are otherwise legally available If so staff should provide posting should delete the University System staff link the material materials available on electronic reserves at the conclusion of each semester institutions at on electronic @2009 Cntagt Board of USQ of Georgia will impose no charge to students for access to matenals reserves of jhe University Regents Piscialmer Privacy 270 Washington U.S.A Street Content Source USG SW Atlanta System of Georgia GA 30334 Copyright Appendix Page hup// guide iries for Exhibit 1 - 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12 6/12/2009 Case 108-cv-01425-ODE n..niuuC 4..a.snaiLCSt Document uou rciiinssioris 235-2 09/30/10 Filed Page 13 of 19 01 rage uopyrtgrn System of Georcia Copyriaht Pohcy Hft Permissions you are seeking owner may be the transterred or agency to decide Creative @2009 the cost is not to at Commons all license or from use your Washington U.S.A Street Content Source USO is use In some owner may require within is obtain permission The fair within from original instances on behalf of the owner acceptable and of fee or license may also The have the owner you may contact an industry licensing by contacting impnse You have other conditions feel free to negotiate you should use or another copyright exception the terms owner the copyright author agreement Keep mind in the including work for that is not exarnpe the author of the University Regents Oisclaimer Privacy 270 other party permission are of USG some to persons employer or that the copyright your if may have you work or secure conditions necessary of the publisher you Sometimes and by copyright Board Contact cases work copyrighted creator can publisher if permission protected original the copyright other In directly use to Atlanta System of Georgia GA 30334 Copyright http//www.usg.edulcopyright/add itional_resources/permissions/ Exhibit 1 - 13 Appendix Page 13 6/12/2009 Case r%uusuvIiUl 08-cv-01425-ODE tccsuurces the toermryrng rity Ut Document Uwner Copyright System 235-2 of Filed 09/30/10 USU United for identifying source first 2005 XYZ Copyright States the copyright Corporation Copyright Office owner is For information about source is searching ci eage Policy Owner on the work which notice the copyright Another important of 19 Copyright Goorqi Copyrioht Identifying the Copyright The Page 14 the registration often of the claim looks like of copyright this with the records see registration httpIiwww.copyrlghtgovlrecords However the law the copyright publisher Sample or benefactor permission 02009 Board Contact does not require Sometimes usc copyright notice or registration you simply need to contact and ask about the copyright and the any person associated status and ownership original with the owner work may have transferred such as the author letters of Regents.pfJhe.Unjversity Disclaimer Privacy 270 Washington U.S.A Street Content Source USG Atlanta GA System .of Georgfa 30334 Copyright Appendix Page http// resourcesf identifying Exhibit 1 - 14 the copyright owner 1/ 14 6/i 2/2009 Case 108-cv-01425-ODE tunccuvc rr1n Document 235-2 rage us GeorJid Copyright Policy of System of 19 uu LopyrLgra Lnxzlslng I-tgvncLes Univenity Page 15 Filed 09/30/10 .1 Collective Licensing Agencies Collective licensing respective owner copyright These centers or by negotiating for their type of can expedrte the copyright to your centralize search itself usage ownership information copyright either for their in with touch you directly do charge most of these agencies by However putting fee services Select meant are organizations agencies industries Works work below view to on censing information for that agencies industry in Print Online Works Musical Musl Works Works Performance Rights Mechanical Rights Oramatic Works Works Graphic and Sculptural Motion Pictures and other Audio-Visual Works Pictaral Software Comics Works Syndicated Religious Works and Cartoons Editorials In Print Copyrlght Clearance genter The CCC should be your starting can grant permission The Autijors collaboration Authors The Access Licenses for point thousands of you are looking if works many to get permission of literary rights Copyright works under canadian and The organizations Guild and Dramatists The Association Authors of work The ccc Guild The American Society of Journalists Authors Representatives copyright Society The largest licensing agency in the United Kingdom the ALCS book authors to poets and radio dramatists Collecting represents writers of all genres from text Works Most online your best text-based Registry Authors Licensing Online for online instantly sources starting have point contact information However if this Center Copyright Qlearance The CCC should be your starting can grant permission iCopyright Focused on copyrights Musical for point thousands of digital DIrectly information and Works PerformanCe of is contacting the owner not helpful try these or administrator you are looking to get permission works many instantly online If online of the site is usually agencies for text-based work The ccc content Rights Appendix Page btrp/Iwww esources/coilectivej Exhibit 1 - 15 icensing_agencies 15 6/12/2009 Case 108-cv-01425-ODE ouceuve icuuzcCS Performance Document zcensing 235-2 unj ngencies Page 16 09/30/10 Filed uses associated all to 3M Composers of Society association Membership of composers these three Publishers At thors and lyricists songwriters from everything Together artists ASCAP American ut ragc Lupyngrit with public performance of copyrighted music music on overhead speakers in retail space performances playing an music the vast majority of published American licensing agencies encompass are rights concert of 19 musical publishers Broadcast Music1 Inc Performance works and media center licensing SESAC One of the fastest growing London Angeles Musical Works Mechanical Rights and TMcover as mechanical those with song to pursuant known is associated derivatives reproducing offices in New York Nashville work of copyrighted be reproducing the work as part examples has been commercially recorded anyone may obtain would Other composition license by law and set with organizations Los Rights artists Once ringtone rights Mechanical are of another performance Atlanta 115 of the United as the statutory States Copyright Act The fee royalty such as recording collection album of or compulsory for using the material is rate HanyFoxAgency Works Dramatic Dramatic works without permission either in their entirety or in smaller portions may not be publicty performed etc The rights that are needed to publicly dramatic work excerpts acts scenes monologues perform that combines musical work together with etc are choreography staging dialogue costuming special lighting referred to as grand from the creator of the work are typically obtained performing rights Grand performing rights such or as publisher their The non-dramatic fashion are often publicly perform musical play in single piece of music from as small performing rights Small performing rights are typically obtained from organizations such as ASCAP BMI and SESAC To qualify as non-dramatic from musical piece of music taken performance the use of any of these elements is not play may not make use of any form of staging choreography etc even intended to represent musical play For example any part of the original creating steps to your own dance to rights referred to if of piece music from performing musical Dramatists MTi4Musical Rgdgsn Ha use and non-dramatic permission for the grand Library.1 ace Publishing Bakers nc Plays Pioneer Drama BPPI Broadway Pictoral Graphic organizations industry that as rwntefl Organization Music Samuel French Many the use disqualifies It Playjervice Theatre International Tams-Wltmark r4rnatlc play must be sought rights specializes List of in Publishingjpcj and Sculptural Works license contact Instead Play the use of the publisher the dissemination of still images of the free Unfortunately pictum stock or in there the alternative is not real seek out collective agency royalty-free for this organization photography stock Phciojg9nces Appendix Page http// Exhibit 1 - 16 16 6/12/2009 Case 108-cv-01425-ODE nuuiuuuat icesources Motion Pictures Start your search collective of the licensing USU Agencies 09/30/10 Filed Page 17 of 19 Page Copyright of MpyicQatabase agencies Licejg to identify who owns the film listed under the Company are Corporation Pictures Criterion Licenses non-theatrical licenses for public the performances of feature films entertainment in Canada criterionUSA US Inc pictures Swank..MQtlon pcino 235-2 and other Audio-Visual Works Motion Picture provides Ltcenszng with the Internet Credit Some Document international Source world for cinema independent and films classics documentaries Software must be secured Permission Nearly software all CNET CNET through to publishers reproduce distribute perform display may be contacted has comprehensive reviews its download section of software Comics Cartoons and Syndicated their through It also acts as make or homepage on hub derivative the lbr works of software Internet the dissemination of software free Editorials creato Eloon King.Features Sxndicate TribuneMedia Syndicate lomlcsPaqe United Fc$ure Syndicate -ComcZor.c Unversj Press Syq4tate CidgonBank CartoonStock Religious Works CopyrigM.jicensing Christian Revised for Copyright international use by the University System of Georgia based upon the fair use resources provided by the Office at Columbia University http//www.copyrjgtQ9juqg3iedu/ollective-licensjng- Advisoty agencies 2009 Board of ConttctUSG Regants of the Disclaimer 270 Washington U.S.A Street Content Source USG S.W University System of Georgi Privacy Atlanta GA 30334 Copyright Appendix Page http//www.usgdu/copyright/additionaL resources/co llectivejiccnsing_agencies Exhibit 1 - 17 17 6/12/2009 .3 Case 108-cv-01425-ODE Document USU urpnan Works rxsuurees 235-2 Filed Page 18 09/30/10 of 19 Urmersity System of of Page Lopyright Georgia Copyrqht Policy Orphan Works situation is common You want to use work beyond the limits of fair use or other copyright copyrighted down to seek exception You tracked likely copyright owner and have attempted permission but the effort but with burdensome conditions no conclusion simply has produced Worse perhaps you did receive permission or denied high price Perhaps you wrote for permission and the permission was flatly The have little choice but to absorb the bad news and change your plans Much more is when exert an honest but you simply cannot find however effort copyright you owner or your efforts When you cannot identify or locate the current owner the copyright go unanswered materials what do you do when you reach that are sometimes called works In the meantime orphan In some situations and complex you might frustrating dead end mysterious Return to quest of the use faIr When fair you originally evaluated use you may have focused on an assumption about the potential market for the work in question and the possible harm to that market caused by your use of the work If you discover that There is truly no permissions market for this work you should reevaluate the fourth factor in the fair use analysis You may find that this factor now weighs in favor of fair use For more Information visit the fair use pages of the USG Copyright the materials Replace If materials that domain will satisfy and Alter your planned ambitious plans for multiple copies you should your goals available Your works with alternative end dead you reach public Policy for ask yourself In whether many cases use without copyright and colleagues causing or for potential rapid digital copyright works are the only with results works in the owners and Internet access uploading dissemination owner to deny permission for such broad the copyright your ambitious plans to something more modest and holders mind or increase the likelihood that you are within scope of access end your desired or from other uses changing copyright copyrighted specific achieve restriction use of the copyrighted works may have involved scanning digitizing students those you can duplication and controllable fair use dissemination may Reigning may tip either in the the change number of copies the balance in favor of fair use Revised for Copyright 2009 use by the University System of Georgia based upon the fair use resources provided Office at Columbia University httpitwww.copyright..colurnbia.eclu/orphan-works Board Contact of USG 270 Washington U.S.A Content by the Advisoay Source Regqitg of the University Disclaimer Street USG System ofGeorgia Privacy VI Atlanta GA 30334 Copyright http// resources/orphan works/ Exhibit 1 - 18 Appendix Page 18 6/12/2009 Case 108-cv-01425-ODE nUht4uuafli nsuunC nLrl /%CL Document UIJ For 2009 Board Contact to regarding the of Page 19 Gorqia Copyright of 19 Policy requirements Regents.of the University Disclaimer Privacy 270 Washington U.S.A Street Content Source USC of the TEACH Act please visit the University System of JEACH Act of USG 09/30/10 Act more information Georgias Guide Filed LO UriverstySystern TEACH 235-2 SW Atlanta System of georgia GA 30334 Copyright http// Exhibit 1 - 19 Appendix Page 19 6/12/2009

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