RFF Family Partnership, LP v. Link Development, LLC et al

Filing 1

COMPLAINT Verified Complaint against Robert V Wallace, Jeffrey B. Karll, Link Development, LLC, Russell and Associates LLC Filing fee: $ 350, receipt number 0101-3432030 (Fee Status: Filing Fee paid), filed by RFF Family Partnership, LP. (Attachments: # 1 Civil Cover Sheet, # 2 Civil Cover Sheet Category, # 3 Exhibit A - Certificate of Organization, # 4 Exhibit B - Foreclosure Deed, # 5 Exhibit C - Desert Pine Mortgage, # 6 Exhibit D- Certificate of Organization, # 7 Exhibit E - Managers Cert, Cert of Manager, # 8 Exhibit F - Desert Palm Mortgage, # 9 Exhibit G - BD Mortgage, # 10 Exhibit H - Amendment of Mortgage, # 11 Exhibit I - Certificate of Organization, # 12 Exhibit J - Superior Court Complaint, # 13 Exhibit K - Link Land Court Complaint, # 14 Exhibit L - Note, # 15 Exhibit M - Loan Agreement and mortgage, # 16 Exhibit N - Guaranty, # 17 Exhibit O - subordination agreements, # 18 Exhibit P - Assignment, # 19 Exhibit Q - Settlement Agreement, # 20 Exhibit R - Russell Land Court Complaint, # 21 Exhibit S - Land Court Decision, # 22 Exhibit T - Memorandum of Sale, # 23 Exhibit U - redacted P&S)(Briansky, Richard)

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sJS 44 civiì docket she€l. the CIVIL COVER SHEET lReY. l2l07) (sEE iNsTRUcTloNS oN THE REVERSE oF THE FoRM l I. (a) PLAINTIFFS DEFENDANTS Link Devetopment, LLC, Jeffrey Karll, Robert V. Wallace, Jr., in his capacity as Trustee of the BD Lend¡ng Trust and Russell and Associates LLC RFF Famiìy Partnersh¡p, LP (b) County of Resid€ncc o I First Lisred Pla Los Angeles, intiff cA Defendânl County ofResidence ofFirst Listed Suffolk ON U.S. PLAINTII'F CASES ONLY) (EXCEPT IN U.S. PLAINTIFF CASES) NOTE: IN LAND CONDEMNATION CASES. USE THE LOCATION OF THE LAND INVOLVED. (c) Attomeys (lÍ Knovn) Arromey's (Fin¡ Name, Add¡es, drd Teleplúne Nùnrber) Richard E. Briansky and Amy B. Hackeh Prince Lobel Tye LLP, 100 Cambridge St., Boston, MA 02114 (617) 456-8000 IL BASIS OF JURISDICTION €hccan x"ino¡€Boxo Ls.Covemrnerl Plaintir ll t, 2 Goventrnenr Defendâni II. y) CITIZENSHIP OF PRINCIPAL OJ l-deÉlQ-erion (U.S. Covemmcnt Not a Party) 4 PARTIESlpt¿ce an (For Diversit' Cases Only) Citizen ofTlìjs Ðd PTF DEF Ûi ãl Slate lÍcorpo¿red ¿/ PriùciDâl ofBusìDess In Ttus Stale x ODe in one Box.orPrainriñ Box lor DeÎe¡dãnl) PTF DDF Place O ll0lnsùúnce D l2oMarine O l30MillerAct O I40 Negotiâble lnslûment Û 150 O l5l û Medica¡eAct 152 Recovery ofDefaulred O 153 Recovery O 160 (Excl. veteÉns) E O ôloverpây,nenl of Vetenn's Bcnefils Stockholdeß Suirs Oller CoDrEct I95 Co¡tr¿ct P¡oduct Li¿bility 190 Él Citize¡ ofAnother DiveÀirt Srate ll 2 O 2 ofa O3 O 3 loreignNarion ondi€te crtBenslljp of paries nr Itemtu) PERSONALINJI]RY PERSONALINruRY 3Ì0 ÀilPlane O 362 Peßoml IDjùry 3 ¡5 Producl Med. Maìpmctìce I iabiliry ^i?lan€ O 3ú5 reßonallnju./ 320Asaùìr, Lrbel& ?rcductLEbjlity Slânder O 368 Asbestos Pe¡sonal O 30 Fcdeml E¡¡ploycß' I¡ìjury ?roduct Liabìlity Liability 340 Marine PERSONAL PROPERTY 345 MariÌe Prcducl O 170 Other FÉud Liability O l? I Truth in Lerding 350 Motor Velìicle O 380 OtherPeFoDal Prcpedy Dâmge 355 Môrorvelicle Product Ljabiìity I lE5 Propeny Damase 360 Otùer Peßo¡¿l Product Li¿bility 3 84 o5 l¡corpoÉted ¿"dPrincipal Place ol Busin€ss In Aùolher Slate Citizen or Subjec( U.S. A4 422 Appeaì 28 USC 158 620 Other lood & Dtug 625 Drug Related Seiære ofltuperry2r USC 881 630 LiquorLaws 640 R R & 'rnck 28 USC t57 o6 t 400 State Reâppôfl iônúenr 430 Banrs and Bânkìne 4?0 Rackeleer Innumced ¿nd Conpt Organizations ó50AirlineRegs. S¿fety/He¿ltì 490 Cabldsar TV E50 ? l0 Fair Labor Sta¡dards Sccùritievco,r¡odiiiev 8ól HtA (1395f0 E62 720 Labor,Mgnt. ReìatioDs 730 L¿borlMgñL Reloring Black Luùg (923) E63 Dlwc/DIWw (405(s)) 8?5 CùsloftrClBllenge 864 SSrD Tnle XVr 890 Othcr Staturory Actio¡s r2 usc 34r0 740 Rãilway Labor Acl O O 220 Foreclosùre 230 Re¡l Lease & EjcctDreùt CJ 240Tors ro Land O 245 Ton Prodùct Liability O 290AÌl Olb€r Real Prope¡ty 892 Economic Si¿¡ilizarion Act 790 Odrer Labor Liligation .t4t votù8 893 Enviro n€¡klMatteß 791 Empl Ret. Inc. 8?l ,r45 Amer. vDisâbiìities .146 ADìcr. 530 535 540 550 GeneÉl IRS Tlùrd P¿rty 894 Ener8y Allocarion Act 895 FÉedom of ÌnloDation 26 USC 7609 Ie Dcath Penalty 900App€al of Detennination Undú Equål Access Mand¡ì¡us & OtlÌet Civil RielÍs wlDisabilitìes 950 Consr, tutioDaI ly 465 Otler of Inniglatioù ,t40 Other Civil Riglls (placc aD..x,ûo¡c Bor o¡ly) V. ORIGIN Cl I Onginal D 2 Removed fror¡ ll 3 Proceeding Stale Coùrt ite t¡cU.S. Civil VI. CAUSE OF ACTION COMPLAINT: VIII. RELATED CASEISì tF ANy fro'n Remanded Appelìare Court whic} you 28 USC o¡ f-l _ _ 5 Trarufer¡rd I 4 Reinsl¿re.l arc filing (Do not cite j urhdiction¡l Rcopcned from an-otner,d'slrlcl T-t 6 Multidistrict i Litigalion 7 stâtutcs cruse: aclion to enforce rights under loan documents and for declaratory relief CHECK IF THIS IS A CLASS ACTION UNDERF.R.C.P.23 {see rnqruc¡ionsr DEMAND $ CHDCK YES only ifdemanded in complâinl: JURYDEMAND: lYes DOCKET NUMBER AP?LYING IFP MAG.JUDGE 6No

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