RFF Family Partnership, LP v. Link Development, LLC et al

Filing 1

COMPLAINT Verified Complaint against Robert V Wallace, Jeffrey B. Karll, Link Development, LLC, Russell and Associates LLC Filing fee: $ 350, receipt number 0101-3432030 (Fee Status: Filing Fee paid), filed by RFF Family Partnership, LP. (Attachments: # 1 Civil Cover Sheet, # 2 Civil Cover Sheet Category, # 3 Exhibit A - Certificate of Organization, # 4 Exhibit B - Foreclosure Deed, # 5 Exhibit C - Desert Pine Mortgage, # 6 Exhibit D- Certificate of Organization, # 7 Exhibit E - Managers Cert, Cert of Manager, # 8 Exhibit F - Desert Palm Mortgage, # 9 Exhibit G - BD Mortgage, # 10 Exhibit H - Amendment of Mortgage, # 11 Exhibit I - Certificate of Organization, # 12 Exhibit J - Superior Court Complaint, # 13 Exhibit K - Link Land Court Complaint, # 14 Exhibit L - Note, # 15 Exhibit M - Loan Agreement and mortgage, # 16 Exhibit N - Guaranty, # 17 Exhibit O - subordination agreements, # 18 Exhibit P - Assignment, # 19 Exhibit Q - Settlement Agreement, # 20 Exhibit R - Russell Land Court Complaint, # 21 Exhibit S - Land Court Decision, # 22 Exhibit T - Memorandum of Sale, # 23 Exhibit U - redacted P&S)(Briansky, Richard)

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EXHIBIT B :r 'l : F'.,' ' \.¡-4 _ ,1^, I Y&- ' FORECLOSIIREDEED UNDERPOWER OF SALE INMORTGAGE ilt il iltil ilililililil1IililIililililililtil 2006081400450 Bk :25981 Po:40t øe!14!2øø6 13:12: øø DpO ps-1/6 Saugus Hoiding, LLC, a Massachusetts limiled liability compan¡ havirig its usual pl49e of business at c./o Edwards & Angeil, LLP, 101 Federal Street, BostorL MA 02110, the present holder of a Mortgage from Circle Equity Capital, LLC, a Massachusetts limitsd liability compmy to Sàugus Hoiding, LLC ('Mortgagee") datod January 3, 200!, and reborded fl¡ith the Essex County (Southem Dishict) Registry ofDeeds in Book 18143; Page 160 and frled with Essex County (Southern District) Registry District of the La¡id Cou¡t as Decument No. 392894 (the 'Mofgage"), by the power confened by the Mofgage and by every other power it thereunto enabling for One Million Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1,30.0,000) paid, gra-nts, bargains, sells and gives to Liqk Development LLC. a MalsachusettÉ li-pitqd f.iability.comp4v. with ar-r address of229 Berkelev Street. Boston, MA. 021 16. as GrZurtèe, certàih premisqs copveyed tiy the Mortgagg generally tr<nown as offRoute 1 a¡d t)ún fells Parþay a! Sanders Drive (as to First Parcel and Third Parcel) and 1-12 Denise Drive at.p-ia1n.9.né$-|r.e9!þ-4p-e-r-st-ree$ oflDavid Drive as to Second Parcel and Fourth Parcei), Saugus, Massachusetts, ànd dêsd¡ibed as follows: FIRST PARCEL _ NOT iPGTS'TJ'RÉD . That qertain parcel of land in Saqgus, Esöe¡ County, Massachusetts off the east sicle of Route i (Broadway) and off the southcasterty side of an unwrougþt Metropolitan Diskict Cou¡nission layout of March 10, 1932, bounded ¿nil described as follows: : -... iron pin in a stone slown on a planof.adjoining registered land (being l-ard Court Plan No. 15 3 02A. lvith Essex Sôúth Distriit Certificate o f Title No. 10353); thence running NORTII64" 55'37" BAST by Lot B 4s shgwq..on a pl¿Lh datèd November 12, Beginning at an 1981.reyissd Aug. .i, 1992: r'byli4edford Engineering and Suwey and filéd with Esçex South District n.eeistry ãf Oe€ds in Pl:rn Book 173 ,Plan 42, along .a stone wall,. 115,66 t9 in angle; thenco -ftet NORTIT 79" 06' 15" by said Lot B on said planbythe wall" EAST to an angle; souTH 19" 23'08" EAST thence 57.64 feet . by sai.d Lot B on said plan by to an angle; thénce fhe wall, 133.96 feet by said Lot B on said planbythe wâlIbytwo b ounds measuring iespeotiveiy 87.60 feet and 114.50 BÄSTERLY feet; thence still. EASTERLY so_r$ißA_slERr,Y by said. I-ot B on. said Þlan, 370 feet; thence .-.-- þylnl A-Z on said pþ" about630 feet to a point-al--:_ ,¡"- ".*, northerþ grer o,pt 12 on a plan dateil . June 19,'1979 by Carter'& Towers and filed with said Deeds in Plan Book 160 as Plan 97; thence ' SOUTH 58" 22 30" \MEST by Lots 12, 11 aid 10, by the end of Diamond Stree! and by Lots 9, I and 7 as shown on the 1979 plan, 788.82 feet, more or less, to land shown on La¡d Court PlanNo. 306514 filed with Essex South Dishict Certifioate of Title No. 33826; thence NORTHWESTERLY by said land shown on Land Court Plan \To.33065 tA, about 1292.87 feet to a Land Court bound in a wall; thence by tle wall, 49A5 fieøt ta an iron pin in the wriLll shown on Land Court Plan No. 153024; thence NORTr{.13' 59'32" EAST l, SOUTTIEASTERLY by Lot NORTHEASTERLY by Lots NORTIIWESTERLY by Lot 4, 130 feet to the point of begí'."ing, the final th¡ee bounds being by the land shown on Laad Cou¡t Plan No. 153024. :, .. 133.75 feet; thence 1., 2,.3 errrd4,160 feet; antl thence SECOND P.A.RCEL NOT REGISTERED - Those certain parcels ofland in Saugus, Esiex Cqunty, N{assachusqtts situated on Denise Drive. and Diamond Sweet an<l shown as l-ots 1, 3, 5,7,9 ard 11 åna plan entitled iDefi¡itive Subdivision Plan Land in Sairgus" by Carter B. Towers Eng'r Öorp., {ated June 19, 1979 and filed with Essex South- District Deeds in Plan Book 160 as Plan 97. Thero is as appurtenant to the parcels the right to use þ comrnon with all others entitled theteto all streets and ways sho¡vn on sai<l Plan for all puq)oses for which public weys are use<l in the Townof Saugus, incl.uding specifically such rights in Diamond Street a¡d Denise Drive. THIRD PARCEL . - REGISTERED LAND That certain parcel -of land situate in Saugus, County of Essex and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, bounded and described as follows: . NORTIIWESTERLY by the southeasterly line of Lynn Fells Parkway, 11.12 feel; NORTHERLY by land now or formerly of Lillian E. Newhall, 114.26 feet; and NORifT{EASTERLY 13 0 feet, -S.Y-foÉldsrEE-dr.d_fÁditi_;@i-:july:12-2005-iûcrio¡r'GBYERlY '.È' IN WTINESS WHEREOF, the undersip.ed have caused this instrument to bs duly execuredthis âCÙ oay of R 4=t.Skzoos. \J SAUGUS HOLDING, LLC sftLtÞt DËEDS F:E:G 1O EËS!:H S UTH rßr'u ot - i ' 'f ¡*_ ' .MltÅÆç - îlú[ilpâEÇ¡ ' \¿ 1,/ FEE : ¿¡r-!& cAsH +5Ë=E -üB STATEOF COI]NTYOF l" Dar li\êçEet / . on u dav or *'{) rd¿uvor R.çt ta-{- . 2005, before me personally appeared the abõve-damed Josèph \\¡olfer, Mana$el of Saugus Holding, LLC and aoknowledged the foregoing instrument to be fhe ftee aot and deed of Saugus Holding, LLC. fJ\t vt¿n& ovfr ( , rt 0 Notarv Public f ) PrintÑame OaYr{-' Cn MY commission ESå"niñ f Ê(r\trg n,r' rutrong r.r"á,vggg;ffiJ"1^ ¡¡v com"iìãitïRPires L\uulry ruull.u \ / o3rosloQ l-t-t' PrintNameQQtÛrì ftsr. "_\1ìr\ '"' My Commission Expires: Dawn aì tvt:fYrtong*; " ,,,i:::JËiiid:#":ïl;' AFFIDAVIT OF SALE UNDER IiAIE OF MORTGAGE POWER OF We, Joseph Wolfer, Månager arid Gregg Wolfer, Maoager of Saugus Holding LLC, (the "Mortgagee"), named in the foregoing deed, make oath a¡d say that the principal, interest ¡r¡d tax obligations mantioned in the Mortg¿ge above referred to we¡e not paid or rèndered or perfo¡med when due or prior to the date of sale, and that I Published on the 16th day of Junc, 2005, the f3rd day of its Adveñiser, and June, 2005, a¡ld the 30th <lay ofJune, 2005 iu the Sarrgus Advertiser, a newspaper publishe4 o¡ by its title page puçorting to be Íune, published in Saugus, Massachusetts aforesaid andlaving a circulatiou fherein, a notice ofwhich thê'fdllowing is¡1fue !!P:[ S4NDEBS ÞRtv-Þ 'î';+ ''i""1+swÈ.fì.il:. DENISE DRIVË. -.-:_4:i?21æF LEGÄL NOTICE ' :'''') . I . ! 'Fad¡li, timited liâbilìty öor.nþanl, dat-ed ianúary 3, 20Ô2, Êssèx County (Sorihem Éage 160'anii Ïiied viritli' þistrict of the Land co*tl ilhe condítiôns of the Èariìe will be 2oó5, on .the þië -{rs off H.qute-J ,ah,q tyiïn Parcêl and Third.Pärpe¡, 'stre'et ioapãr iiieets ci Föunh.Ëar.9elt hereifì),.itr.ç and dingularr áliC*qq .mg,iel FIRST PAÊOEL _ NOT *à!,ut#,"¡a,inì"i;,..# :òff the east side of tsgqte ¡¡dir af, an ùrìwroüöht March i0, SOUTI po¡nt at 1579 160 as .M( 133ä, bòunded l_ ; "åä Bj/ Vìrtúe ahd in exe¿ution.ot the Power of Salè qoñtqìne. in a i càrtain Mortoaoe o¡ven bv C¡rcle Equ¡ty Cãpltal; LLc' a l,¡"::lqtu:"0¡,t'r',."i;',',.,?!g-,tglryv:-t!.-tÞ.-lef,.g:q!..*f,fi: r\¡aih JB8,B,2 .3065f A thence MöHIGAGÈE;S€ALE OF REAL ESTÁ.TE ls 12p , .EOUTH .Þiamoird i tilonrnwçsì'rhrv ovÌJáiitruå¿ sriôwn s'âoest¡. aoöut i2gz.di leel io a Land U;u'S",r eiu;'iiiii: Oourt bou-rid- in a-walli TERMS OF SALE:

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