RFF Family Partnership, LP v. Link Development, LLC et al

Filing 1

COMPLAINT Verified Complaint against Robert V Wallace, Jeffrey B. Karll, Link Development, LLC, Russell and Associates LLC Filing fee: $ 350, receipt number 0101-3432030 (Fee Status: Filing Fee paid), filed by RFF Family Partnership, LP. (Attachments: # 1 Civil Cover Sheet, # 2 Civil Cover Sheet Category, # 3 Exhibit A - Certificate of Organization, # 4 Exhibit B - Foreclosure Deed, # 5 Exhibit C - Desert Pine Mortgage, # 6 Exhibit D- Certificate of Organization, # 7 Exhibit E - Managers Cert, Cert of Manager, # 8 Exhibit F - Desert Palm Mortgage, # 9 Exhibit G - BD Mortgage, # 10 Exhibit H - Amendment of Mortgage, # 11 Exhibit I - Certificate of Organization, # 12 Exhibit J - Superior Court Complaint, # 13 Exhibit K - Link Land Court Complaint, # 14 Exhibit L - Note, # 15 Exhibit M - Loan Agreement and mortgage, # 16 Exhibit N - Guaranty, # 17 Exhibit O - subordination agreements, # 18 Exhibit P - Assignment, # 19 Exhibit Q - Settlement Agreement, # 20 Exhibit R - Russell Land Court Complaint, # 21 Exhibit S - Land Court Decision, # 22 Exhibit T - Memorandum of Sale, # 23 Exhibit U - redacted P&S)(Briansky, Richard)

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EXHIBIT L PROMISSORY NOTE $I 1- ,400,000.00 ffiffipY October 15, 2007 Boston, Massachusefts Principal. For value received, in installments as herein provided, LINK DEVELOpMENT, LLC, a Massachusetts limited liability company ("Maker"), promises to pay to the order of RFF FAMILY PARTNERSHTP LTMITED PARTNERSHIp, a catifomia limired partrrership ("Holder"), c/o Robert F. Freedman, 226 23'ó st.eet, santa Monica, cA 90402, or at sucir other place as the Holder hereof may from time to time designate in writing, the principal sum of one Million Fou¡ Hundred rhousand Dollars ($ 1,400,000.00), orso Ãrch tir"reoi"" shall from time to time be outstanding hereundeç ûogether with accrued interest from the date of disbu¡sement on the unpaid prin"¡"I ut o *r" "q""i;o?,ft;;;Ë;;ii5r") (the "Interest Rate'). This.Note is referred to as the Note in that certain l-oan Agreemànt of even date between Maker and Holder (the "Loan A,greement"). capitalized'terms used herein without definition shall have the meanings set forth in the Loan Agreement. Maker acknowledges that Th¡ee Hundred rhousand Dollars ($300,000.00) has previously been advanced to Maker hereunder_ p"i-,i* Mâturity Date. The unpaid principal balance hereof, together with all unpaid inr.erest accrued thereorq ifany, and all other arn{unts payable by Maker.undertåe terrns õf the Loan Documents, sh4llbe d;; and payable on March 15, 2008 (the "trnitiat Maturity Date"). If the Initial Maturity.Date or Extended M¿turity Date (as defined below) shoutd d.tl on a day that is not a busiiess day, payment ofthe outstanding prinoipal shalt þe made on the next succeedilg businçs:day and such extension of time shall be included in computing any interest ù respect of-iuch payment. Provided no Default or Event of Defautt has occurred, and frúher provided. that the Maker has received all necessary Approvals for the development of the Þroject, and all appeaþ periods for súch Approvals have expired without appeal being takerL ãr if in Hotderii sote discretion, satisfactory progress has been m¿de toward obtaining such Approvals .for the Project, then Maker may, by giving llolder written notice at least thirty (30)ììys prior to the Initial Maturiry Date, exrend the Initial Maturity Date for one (l) addiìio;d rix 1o¡ .oott period, such thar all amounts due under the torms of the Lo¿n Documents sha[ bà ãue and payable on october 15, 2008 (the "Extended Maturity Date"); provided, however, in the event a Defaul( or Event of Default shall have occurred subsequent to delivery of.Maker,s written notice to Holder prior to the hitial Maturity Date, zuch w¡itten notice shall be ffi,, revoked and the Initiat Maturity Date sha[ not be deemed extended to the Extended Maturity Date. Prepayment. Maker sh¿ll have the right to prepay the l-oari; in whole or in part, at any time prior to either the I¡ritial Maturity Dare, or if exrended, prior ro the Extended Mat*ityb;ì;, with the terms hereof without incrrrring uoy p."puy."nt premium, penalty or fee; provided, il;";;;" however, notwirhstanding Amount a@, 4¿ arfhing to û,å conøined nå."rn, ti"' rritiåiä;;;;" ..*' ^**' "ont.á.y shall if paid, b" .ro.r_."n_,rr¿uùi". Payments. Prior to the ea¡lier to occrr of the kritiar Mahrrity Date, or if extended pirrsuant to ttre provisions of section 2 above,. the Extended Maturi ty Dáte, or accereration of this Not. payments of inrerest only, accrued a*he Interesr Rate ån ,h";;il;;;õ;ì;ffi;*; Note, shall be due and payable as follows: (1) on the date hereof, f.he rnitiar Interest Amount (as defined in the loan '-'""' '-" - * Agreement) shall be deemed eamed, due and payabre and shall be pþaid ø r¡rr¿"ì. All payrnents hereunder sharl be applied first to interest, fees and expenses then due and thebalance, if any, ro principal. Inrerest payable basis of a th¡ee.hund¡ed sixty (360) day yeir counring the actuar r"ru".ã?ã"yî"äprø. In no event shall the Maker be required tb pay any inTerest or other fe". : excess of the maximum permitted Uy apptic"út" t*"*¿*"triib.;;;äñ"-- tuw. ..;h;;;il- - (b) I¡ the event the Maker extends fhe Initiar Maturity Date in accordance with the provisions of secrion 2- of rhis Nors rn" oT:-",-"10 rn be due and payable and this Note shalr not be deemed extended unress and ll unnl the Extended I¡teresL Amount shall have been received by Holder. B*t""¿Jnr"r"riil"""rää;äï ü"-; ("1 All paynents ofprincipal and interest due hereunder shafl be made with¡ut deduction of anypresenr and future taxes, levies, imposts, deductio*, ;;;idrl"i¿1"*-äääî on payments due Êom Maker (excluding raxarion "nrrg", ofthe overail nãt iirco-" ãrI.{oldä)l*d"; amounts shall be paid by Maker. Maker will pay the arnounts necessary suc.t tlrultt ã gros, amount of the principal and interest received by-Hordçr is not ress thanil;ä;à;;il; lq nonvithstanding the foregoing, Horder pa¡æ such raxes, Maker wi:lr reimúuo. Holder for the amount paid. Maker wil fumish HoHá officiat ofpayment ofall taxes- Yî' *.*rffi.orit"rääi; 0l128t64 "$P:' Lawful Money. 5. Principal and interest are payable in lawfur money of the united states orAmerica. 6. Applications of payments; Late Charges. (n) Any pa)'ments received by Holder pursuant to the terms hereofshallbe appried first to sums, other than principal and interest; due Holder pursuant to the l-oan Oo:Trn:nT, next to the paynent of all interesi accrued to iL" ¿"te of su"h paymenr, ifany, to the payment ofprincipal. and the balance, (b) Maker acknowledges tåat the rate payment of any amount due hereunder Holder to tose rhe use of such money and incur;r;-J;;;;;ä;Ä;","ä; will caLrse gnder the l¡an Documen4 inctuaing, *itrro*t li",ìt"ii-"n, adminiòhative and collection cosfs and processing and ac"uunüng th;;;"ä;#;i;#"i rs extremely difñcult to ascertain. Therefore, "*p"n""¡, ifany instaltmeni ñ;;;; i]äï received bvuolderon rhe .r'e dare rhereof, ¡t .r ir Jáiúî"ä 'upon Holder pu's¡rant to Pa¡aeraph l0 hereof and the other amount due and unpaid shall bear interest at the lesser oiit" t igt which mav lawtu[v be charged and cottectea ""t unaerapplicau; evidenced by rhis Nor€ or an ¿'-uar ¡ate w¡ich shatt ui'nìJiercent (5%) Int:ït Rare plus one percent (lZ") per month (rh" ;da""d Rate,,),higher rhan :he computed trom the date on which tbe amount was due and payable;;il paid. däåää.äJ#:i l;il;;;ï; ,""";i,r; il""ä":iörrt; Evènt of DefaulL The occu¡rence ofany ofthe folrowing shafi be deemed to be an event ofdefault(,iEvent of Default") hereunder: (Ð in the pâ1ment of any payment of principar or interest when due pu,Ëu¿nt to the terms hereof; (b) default in the perfonnÀce o. observance of or compliance with any covéna¡it or condition of this Note, any orher Lo- no"u-"ni oi*y than the payrnent provisions refenea to in "it ".îUË"1", î.',n"î subparatafi r"liu"""i*r,rlt'irì"ì yit|rh_$" stafed cure period rherefore, i.¿ ii"å .r"t then wÍthin rhirfy (30).days following rhe initi"f ¿"t" ofioli "*" ¿"f*ft; a defaúlt î*d iläî, ,;iä, 0l1282'64 B&L@ 8. Remedies. upon the occurrence ofan Event of Default and the expiration ofâny cure period therefore, if any, then at the option of Hordeç the entire barance of principal tãgether with a[ accrued interest thereon shall, without demand or notice, immàdiat"iy bec-ome due and payable. upon the occurrence of an Event of Default (and so long as such Event of Defauri shart continue), the entire balance ofprincipal together with all àccrued and unpaid interest shall bear interest at the Agreed Rate. No delay or omission on the part of the horder hereof in exercising any righf under this Note or under any of the other t oan Documents hereofshall operate as a waiver ofsuch right. 9. Waiver. Maker hereby waives di ligence, presentment, protest and demand, notice ofprotest, dishonor TÍ.:onplll:+, olthis Nore, and expressly ãgrees rhat, wirhour in *y *ry "ff""ting rh" liability of Maker hereunder, Holder may extend any maturitydate or the-t-. ø. p;y-"ï ãr any installment due hereunder, accept a¡ditionat security, release any paqr liable hereunder and release any security now or hereafter securing this Note. 10. Attorneys' Fees. If this Note is not paid when due or if any Event ofDefaurt occurs, Maker promises to pay all reasonable costs of enforcement and co[ectior¡ incruding but ngt fimite¿ io, *u¡t coss ;¿ reasonable attomeys' fees, whetbqr or not any action or pioceeding is brougût to enforce the provisions hereof. As used in this Note, "attorneys' fees; and ,,attomeys' feei aud costs. shalt -have the mea¡ings given to such terms in the fìan Agreemen r- 11. '- .severabitity. Every-provision of this Note is i¡tended to be sever¿ble. In the event any term or provision he¡eof is decla¡ed bya couf ofcompetent jurisdictior¡ to be iltegaior irií"ri¿.ø. whatsoever, such illegality or invatidity shall not affect the-balance of the -v." "" ær-. - provisions hereof, which tenns and provisions shall remain binding and enforceabte. ""¿ 12. Interest Rate Limitation. It is the intent of Maker and Horder in the execution of this Note and aü other instruments securing this Note that the loanevidenced hereby b. to- tt i"tion orth" *r.y laws of rhe com¡rionwearth of Massachusetts. "*"*pt Maker ",.rt Holder aird stipurate and agree that none of the terms and provisions contained herein or in any ofthe roân instruments sha[ ever be construed to create a contract for the use, forbearance or detention ofmoney requiring paFnent of interest at a rate in excess of the maximum interest râte pe.mittø to íe ci{ea by the laws of rhe commonwearth of Massa"t *"nr. m.,."h event, if any Holder of this Note shall collect monies which are deemed to i.rte."., *ilñ"ru ä;;i; increase the effective interest rate on this "orrstit.te Note to a rate in excess.irÀ" îåä permitted to be charged by the raws ofrhe "r*ro'î* commonwearth of Mass*rrr."*l"ri'r'rJt ."ä, deemed to consfitufe interest in excess ofsuch maxi*om .rte æ the option ofHorder, --^be credited to the payment of the sums due "hau, h"."u.,i"i o..",u-ø i" pr.t"rl 13. Number and Gender. ln this Note the singular shall include the plural and the masculine sha¡ include the feminine and neuter gender,'and vice versa, if the ;ontext so ."qtti."r. 14. Headings. of each paragraph of this Note are intended solely for construed to be a part of this Note. numbered ::T,j:gj-i:,ï,bf8r1rnfsto be deemed or convemence a¡id are not 15. Choice of Law. THIS NOTE SIIALL BE CÐVERNED BY, AND SIIALL BE CONSTRUED AND "ffiBnx¿r -wni, irñ lyglg-E3_w AccoRDñóÈ C€MMONWEATTH OFMASSACHUSETTS, LAWS PRINCIPLES. WruO{.rIREGARD LAws oF rHE TO CONFLICTS OF B-Ábçt IN W.TNESS WHEREOF, Maker of the date first above written. has executed and derivered this Note under sear as LINKDEVELOPMENT, LLC, a Massachusetts limited tiability company otl2E264 ot 128261 .""4W

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