RFF Family Partnership, LP v. Link Development, LLC et al

Filing 1

COMPLAINT Verified Complaint against Robert V Wallace, Jeffrey B. Karll, Link Development, LLC, Russell and Associates LLC Filing fee: $ 350, receipt number 0101-3432030 (Fee Status: Filing Fee paid), filed by RFF Family Partnership, LP. (Attachments: # 1 Civil Cover Sheet, # 2 Civil Cover Sheet Category, # 3 Exhibit A - Certificate of Organization, # 4 Exhibit B - Foreclosure Deed, # 5 Exhibit C - Desert Pine Mortgage, # 6 Exhibit D- Certificate of Organization, # 7 Exhibit E - Managers Cert, Cert of Manager, # 8 Exhibit F - Desert Palm Mortgage, # 9 Exhibit G - BD Mortgage, # 10 Exhibit H - Amendment of Mortgage, # 11 Exhibit I - Certificate of Organization, # 12 Exhibit J - Superior Court Complaint, # 13 Exhibit K - Link Land Court Complaint, # 14 Exhibit L - Note, # 15 Exhibit M - Loan Agreement and mortgage, # 16 Exhibit N - Guaranty, # 17 Exhibit O - subordination agreements, # 18 Exhibit P - Assignment, # 19 Exhibit Q - Settlement Agreement, # 20 Exhibit R - Russell Land Court Complaint, # 21 Exhibit S - Land Court Decision, # 22 Exhibit T - Memorandum of Sale, # 23 Exhibit U - redacted P&S)(Briansky, Richard)

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EXHIBITN GUARANTY For good und uutoablcons:O::ll1t,,l::":eipr .5 and suftrciency ofwhich are hereby ft"J,äiÏüil"i:::i,J¿, unconditiona'v and inevocably guaranries, i" ì".".ã""" *i,i ä;,"#.Ër""rîd prior writren norice. rhe fulr without any e";.:,""t J;;;aiì"rä"* o:.formance and observance of a, of the Liabirities (as defined herein) of LINK o¡üËiõËrr¿erur LLC, a Massachuserrs rimired liabitirv companv, havinø a pracá e"r.";prãrì"irï"ur'or, ,r1,t "Borrower") to R¡p.erún'v_perrrvaniHe "¡u*ir".rliiõi.""s*"r, ln¿iîi_o poR ¡¡ensHe, " formed (under the name RFF FAM'-vìùrrr'ñîänî,vunsr{* "iär,ä pr.t,".rr,ip L.p., under rhe raws of the state of carifornia) and having an it- zllzlfui*", sanra Monica, califomia 90402 ^a¿r.""- [ä*_"**Hî."ï:Ìi#:i"*r"dr;;'o"s",ã,,i,n*isagua¡a¡rryorpaymenrand BToîî *HEREAS, rhe hï this day enr.ered inro a mortgage loan arrangement Lender (the "Inan")' evidenced wifh the uy ttrat certaií ioui e.q.."-",rt ¿uted as of the daite hereof b.y and berweeu Borrower and.Lena"r, urnong rhat cerrain promissory note in the oríøinal priri"ip"r Four Hundred rhousand and 00/l 00 Dollars 1S I ,+oo,ooî.Ooj i-."r", t,f," ..lOfu,,) an<i secured by, among other things, a Mortgage, secunfy Agreem"n, unå ar.ign nen. of Leases and Rents of even date fiom Borrower ro l-ender which íiu".""..tà. ,'i"'öi""i, oo"¡ued (herein (co'ecrivery, rhe "¡asacace"). Couecrively, the Nore, the Agreemenr and any documenr executed or derivered in con¡ectio" irt"."*iir, rTuìi'uäi"?.."o ro herein as rhe.,t¡an " capi:ralized terms lt¿.rir ;D='çq6 ,A'ivro thein ¿.nned shart have the in the [.oan ag'*-""iin"Ñ"i" and/or ".*¡r" rhe Morrgage, whichever is oif,;iiråì:.ù*a*ra*,), "i-"",.iòi"î,,,ion f"'.^e.";*";ì" M;.r;;äï;an *ø äjiåiitt i;iffå,i""b" WHEREAS, the Gua-rantor is a Member of the Borrower; *HEREAS' the Gua¡anto-r wit derive substanriar direct and indirect benefit from transactions contemplated hy the the Loan D;;"*;äi¿i aete.minø ttar ir is necessary or converuent to the conduct, promotion or attuin*"ni ãiirr"i*rness, and business and invesûnent rnterests, of the Gua¡antor to guaranry the ü"urrr,l"-öãåned herein) --'- s¡svr'*rwò \4ù uç' of the Borrower unde¡ the [,oan Documents; and WHEREAS' if is a condition precedent to the Lender's obligations to make extensions c¡edít under the Lo¿ur Documents th"i ,t ¿nd deriver this G.uaran¡y. " cr".a"t1äiå of NOW, TFIEREFORE, ' rcnaoi""ni".ìäìîj;T'#;"tr#ïi:ïlï::Ti:iïåä1i.:ît":äïäï:" Gua¡antor hereby covenants and agrees ¿¡s ø o*r,-"' '"-"" The following terms as used herein shall have the meanings set for{.h below: B&L 059 "Liabiliry" and "Liab ities', incrude, without timiration, any and a¡ liab¡ities, obrigations ofthe Borrower to the Lender, or"Ç und, nature, and description debts, and exisring or hereafter arising. "Liabitiries', "a"t now aiso i^r"å"r: wirhour Iimitation, (a) eåch obligation ro rcpay arl roans' advances' indebtedness, no,"r, ourigi ions, overdrafls, and amounts now or herealìer at any time owing by the Borrower ,;;;ï;;;". prrsuanr to rhe l¡an Documenrs (including a' future adva¡ces or the like whether or noigr*n pursuanf Lender)' whether or not anyofsuch ur" riquiaui"¿, uniiquiaut"a, primary " ""à,nì*"^, uv,rr" " secondary, secured, unsecured' direct' indirecl absolute, contingent, * oilìy otr,", type,,rrâture, or description, or by reason ofany cause ofaction which the rr,i¿* ."v iJo aganst the Borrower on account ofor rctaring ro rhe [,oan; o. *I^o^lll" l_"" O"""."rä[f i,f no,"" ard other obligarions of rhe Borrower now or hereafter assigned to or herd uy,¡rè-ân¿"., each of every kinã, descriprion' which mav be du" *a o*ning Àã,í,i**lìi-" under or pursuant tonature and rhe Loan Documents; (c) all interest and .ìrr. which may be charged to the Borrower and'/or which may-be "u..y "o"råna "oiourro du"-r..- ,rr" e¿;.;ää ,rr" owing under or pursuant to the Loan Docum#;h"rri*g ,"rr¿". r-m time to time due and witbout rimifafion, payment of alr construction costs for the p.lject; aü ø"r by the Borrower and the expenses in"u,."a""ã "rt".g".;corurection with any account maintained o. puiaiy't'lo L"nd". in ,"rpect ofany agreement between the Borrower and the Iænder or inr,-"-"", 'r"äined by the Borrower to .the Lender (including' withour rimirarion,.cosrg ääned bárow¡, reasorrli" and all court and litigation co_sts a.d "rc"iì""ørr* rrràãiä, -o al[ obligarions of the Bìnower to "*r"vr, r""r, act or to refrâin ûom acting in "*p"n."r); tfre ag¡eement between the'Borrower -ac""¿*L_*ití o. tàåf provisions, "od "orr"rr"nts of u.,), and the Lender ini-t r-"rrt ftmished by the Lender, incruding without limir¿tio", e"*ã;"r;. ã'b;;ä* to deliver lien Fee Borrower to the complerion of the Project, and a guaranfv orp"v-""t øì **t, å""iiia, and other costs rerated which may be incurred oip"id uy tt "ii r*"a". ir ä*"'"øn wirh the project, and to thereto conect any consfruction deficíencies. As used " herein, ,¡" ,"r.;i"iir*r', includes without rimitâtiorL alr obligations and riabiliries whi"n ,rr" l*"ãË. -"îìî"uii.i""o*" liuule for, on accounr o{, result of anv hansactions berween the lènaer á¿ th" e;Ã*- i"d**L,ï*ffiî,üï,,"* or as a which mav arise out of a¡v lette¡ o^rcre¿iior ,", ;;o#;; rimilar insfumenr issued or obtigation incurred by theLnder fo. ,rr" u""o*iãñ¡'""i:îrrower; any which may arise out of any action brought or threatened agairst ,rt" rrJ¿. ut ,ñåorrower, of the Liabiliries of the Borrower, ãr -y gr*-to. o. endorser uv p"J"îin connection wirh the Liabiliries, except in fhe event fhat rinar judgment -v ",¡"r ente^ shal be prima facie evidencJof ,tr" e"rå*".b"i"äãbäo"ri, "g"il;;;";nder. The tænde¡,s book anJ records ," the l,ender absent manifesf enor. "costs of coflection" includes, without rimita{.ior¡ arr reasonabre attomeys, fees and a' ãi*r" iåu ir¡"., this Guanurfy, and a, other in connection withlJrehting po ttre I-¡."Oiiíii*.i"ä.¿irg, withour limiration, cosrs and traver on behalf of the Lender. *i,r,o"t ri*i*ion,i"'äi"o*.ou,.Êpocker expenses incu¡red . costs incurred by the Lender in the administration rnstruments and agreemenrs executed e.xpenses;il;äiänabre 3,"",,i";1":"ir*:åÏ,:iåt:: r,i,,"¿¡"e,'.j,il;ìilä,äå:f ä:ïff tr"i#Í"ï,äîilî:Xf"i¿*"*i.lî;; the Lender' which costs und áxp"rrr", u." directly or indirectly rerated to or in respect of the Lender's efforts to preservg protect, co'ect, o. uiy oi-it tinder,s rights and remedies agairst or " 0l 143225J:\Docsú5902þO0OO\OI l48225.DOC BeL 060 in respect of the Borrower, the Guarantor any other guarantor or other person liable in respect of the Liabilities or any colrateral granted to the Lendeiby the Borrower, ìhe Guarantor, or any such other grr¡¡¿n¡s¡ qr person (whether or not suit is instituied in connection with such eÉforts;. The costs of collection shalr be paid by the Guarantor upon demand made by the Lender and shalr be added to the Liabilities of the Borrower to the Lender, as ifsuch had been lent, advanced, and credited by the Lender to, or for the benefit of, the Borrower. The Guarantor hereby further agrees to indemnify, defend, and hord the lænder harmless any claim brought or threatened against the:L,ender by the Borrower, the Guarantor, any other guarantor or endorser of the Liabitities or any other person (as well as ftom reasonable and expenses in connection therewith) on account of the l,ender,s lttomeys'fees relationship with the Borrower, the Guarantor, or any other guarantor or endorser or tn" riauitirio 1e""i.r*u"r, may be defended, cornpromised, senred, or pursued by the r,ender witrr selection, but at the expense of the Guarantor), unress the same was the "ouns"ioiit "-r.er,¿e¡s resurt or*," Lnà"rt gross negligence or willful rnisconduct. ofand from The Guarantor shall pay on demand interest on all amounts due to the Iænder under this Guaranty, or arising under any o[the tnan Documents, or any other doc,r*"ntr, inat u-"nt., o. -' agreements relative to any collateral securing this Guaranty, from the ti-" tn" r*n¿". n.sf--' demands payment of this Guaranty at a rate equal to the hiþest rate chargeable to the Borrower affer the earlier of (i) demand.or(ii) the occurrence of any-Event of D"Cu,llt; o-ri¿J, hr"** that such amount of interest sha[ not exceed. the interest ihat woura nuu. o"err, but fo. thi. Guaranty, paid by the Bonower in respect of the Liabilities. Any default hereunder by Guarantor ofany orthe terrns and conditions, including any iovenants hereunder, shall be an Event of Defaurt- under the I¡ian Documents. Any and all deposits or other sums at any time credited by or due to the Gua.rantor from the Lender oi any of its.banking or rending affiliates, or any bank acti"g r p*i"ipuot uo¿", any loan arrangement between the Lender and the Borrower, uny or other property of the Guaranr.or in the possession of the rænder, .r "ä4 ár iÀ u.,i.i-rg a{tiate¡' or any lender acting as a participant under any roan, arrangement betõeen the lenalns Lender and the Borrower, whether for safeÈeeping or otherwisi or in ,r-rit t" n"* tt Lender or any of its banking or lending affiliates õr any such parti"¡-r, "i " * -a ,år"iìä, iirn"."ro **** -v o. in tn" porll"rìon or any third party acting on the Lender's behalf (regardl"ss of thå .easoi trtá I-n¿". rru¿ ..""JJ' same or wher'her the Lender has conditionally ãeased the same) shat ar aiL times secutitv fo¡ all of the Liabirities ¿nd for a[ oLrigation "."lri*," th" c;lu"u..;;. i" ,¡" iî.ãr'"ä,,."y "f seloffagainst such Liabilities and agaiirst the obligations ortn" c"..*t* 3LpRliedor Lender including, without rimit¿tion, those arising hereundef at any timq *rrether ¿r are then due and whether or not other collateral is then avaitable toihe L,ender: u" t"ìL ""i ,*r, The obligations ofthe Guarantor hereunder shafl not be affected by any fraudulent, ' illegal, or improper act by the Borrower, nor by any release, discharge o. irruuiAutio+ Uf operation o'f law or otherwise, of the Liab ities, oiby the legal incapacify of the Borráwer, the Guarantor, or any other person liable or obligated to ihe tænder for ãr on the Liabilities. ihe 0f 148225J:\Docs\os902\OOOO0\O I 148225_DOC B&L 061 Guarantor also waives anyand all defenses relating to or resulting from Lender,s failure to acquire' maintain or oerfect any security interest or mortgage lien. I¡terest a¡rd costs of collec{'ion shall continue [o accrue and shall ¿.emed Liabilities guarantied hereby "ontinu"ìo.u" the Bonow". o,. Ji,'Jilî"n"" :,'""i"å'"'H:TJlí.:lî.ïiÏ:n?..;";ì 'h"är;;ìinst oruny unless sooner terminated, this Guaranty shall continue to tre effective or be reinstated, as the case mav be, if at anv time payment of the Liabiliries is rescinded or otherwise must be resroied uv "f ro rhe credirors of the Borrower any representative of the Borrower or or representative or rh"". gooo*J. insolvency' bankruptcy or reorganization ,h" of the Bonower or to the Guarantor or to the creditors of the cuarantor or anv representative of the cu".".,to, à, .epresentative of .he creditors of Guarantor upon the insolvency, uunt-pr"y o.."oìg-;tion of the Guaranto¡ or otherwise,the as though such payments had all not been maáe. *;;; "ll-; ,iã1""àlì,"il;#;i;". äñ.ö; The within instrument incorporates alr discussions and negotiations ^ between the Guaranror and the Lender conce-ü,h; c,,,..iì;äiìïo"r""to*rion provided bv rhe fi:iträff:'fi"$: such discussiãns';;r*iii"ì.ì1"u ri*ii,-åäiv, .îäiäi|"" "*, -.ft;;;äö;#ï¿'.'",T,1",H"ï:li:ii:.1:i:i"ffi ::ni*lifi;k'å'f -' authorized manager or member of ttre renåer äãìrìüL"".*,".. The Guarantor waives presenfment, demand, notice, and protest with respect to the Li¿bilities or rhis cuaranrv, n .tt o *"i*";;;ö:" rhe parr of rhe l-ender, and furrher -ã warves any right to require the Lender f,o pur"r" collateral which the l-ender might. ";;;;;*ed against the Borower or any have båen gr-*Jaã'å*" the obrigations of the Gua¡antor hereunder, and turrher waive. *ri"" r r¿"p""T."ïiir"í o.__ry. " The books and recor, B,.o*";-:t;ir.;ffiî;ïf;::i""iåii.'Hffi,ff ä:"ffii,"#"îH:fj::iä;d.*"*. proof of the irems cont¿i¡ed trre."iÁ aUs"rri muirii;"äoii. The obligafions or*:_O_1r111". hereunder.are primary, w_ith_no recourse necessary by the Lender against the Borrower or any coltateral gr*.rã rçurE.tt Liabilities or against any other person liable for or on tn" riuuiliti""fio. " rhe Guaranror The Gua¡antor assents to anv indutg"n"" hereunder. "grnsr o.'*uiì". i"r,i-"îît *"¿"r may grant or give Borrower and/or the om", o".,oo " a, or on rhe Liabirities. rhe Guaranror aurhorizes the I-ænder o. -oai& any term or condirion of the Liabilities and of the obligationr obrigared to rhe rænder for or on fhe Liabirities, ;";;;är, -v ffi;;;ä;u."J'lä",ij'r-'noo t;;rr;;;""d:ä;,"*"uiu", or*v oä"lo"i"r¡i*r. * without not-ice ,., ...-*"* Åå,o":irr" Gua¡antbr. No compromise, settlement, or rerease by the tænder of the Liabirities ol person (wherher or nor ioinrlv liabre with the àite cuarin;;ä." outigations of any such other ,9i*r" or*få;;;""r;räu,.,og ;i:åïLll'ï:iiåîffi å**:'trå:l*;;;''ä'äií#0"^"'.n"'arrecttheobriga,ionsor 0l 148225J:\DocsS59O2ú0000\0t 148225.DOC BeL 062 The Guarantor shat not.exercise any right of subrogation, reimbursement, indemniry, contribution, or the tike (including any righi to"p.oce"d upon any cotateral granted by the Borrower to the Guarantor) agajn1 th" Bãrro*å. o, uny p"oon tiable or obligated for or on the Liabilities in respect of anyoith" Liub'iti". p.io. t,o tË ão"narge of the Liab ities. , ..The Guar¿ntor agrees.trlat subordinates ro rhe prior to discharge ofthe Liabitities the Guarantor hereby rishrs of the Lender under *reLan or indemnihcation, and any other right to payment from or reimbursement by the Borrower, in connection with or as consequence ofany payment made by the Guu."nto. ná."unão 1á¡ uny right to enforce any right or remedy which-the Lender has or may hereafter have against the Borrower, and (3) any benefit o{, and any right to pu.t,"["t" io *rru¡gr"i"å*îiîr"un". held by the Lender, unrit such time as th" oúrigutåns ""v terminated. ¡oJãil:iü;"^äi'ä ,ïùr"a, ;;"il;;;;ä"i;;"il; illï,* This instrument shalr inure to the benefit of the Lender, its successors and assigns, shalr be binding upon the heirs, successors, representatives, and assigns ofthe Guarantor, and sha applv to alr Liabilirios of the Bonower ana ,,rc"e..ã.ì" ,r,¿"È"á*"r; åîr"äå? successor by operation of Iaw. *y î;v -. . The rights, remedies, powers, privileges, and discretions of the Lender hereunder (hereinafter the "L,ender's Riehtt a!{i Àemedies';l and not exc¡isive ofany rights or remedies which it would otf,"^"i." t *". "rr"u-u"'à-¡"lative ño ã"Uy o. o*i.ri"" bf,h";;;;; exercising or enforcing any of the Rights and Remedies shall operate as, or constitute, a -[ændç1s waiver thereof' No waiver by the Lender of añy of the l¿n¿errs R.ights and Remedies or of any defautt or remedies under anv orh". ugr""-"nríi,h agreement wirh rhe Borrow"., o. "n, -vãth", p;;.;;il;;;"brigared fcr or on rbe Liabiriries, shall operaf.e as a waiver of any ortr"r a¡d Remedies or of any other defaurt or remedy hereunder or thereundor. No exercise or-yãitn",r,"naols Rights -J. ír¿Ããoo u.r¿ no o{her agreement or rransacrion of wharever narure Jntered into n"*"¿ì"iiã r,..åà, ää ru" Guarantor, the Lender and the Borrower, and,/or the r"r¿", ,i*" oîåîî shalt preclgdp any other exercise of.rry Le.alrt rugt irää ""¿ ""vl"r-iä,'r,* one occasion sha' n"*"¿i"" on.any bedeemed a continuing waiver. All of the Lend"rJnigltt"l"a nemedies ¿nd all of the l,ende's rights, remedies, powers, privileges, *d di""."tio; with the Guaranror, rhe Borrowei, or any such ,,t p"Ã"1 altemative o-r exclusive, and may be exercised uy *," r_"oJà. ut ,u"n ti-" o. ti.". ,"Ji" order ofpreference as the Lender in is sole discietio" *"V à"r"."i"¿l- ñî;;i;;ä"ä;i:iff;;i. "i,¡""r-r¿l; ü; i^-, - ;A;;; ;;;;;;ää;r;;ä." ,t"iü;"å;fi; #il*' .*t, This insfrument and at documents which have been or may be hereinafler fumished by the Guaranrorto the r.ende¡ maybe."p.oau"J ryih; ñår; ú;*ypilããe;il",;ilär"o", microfilm, microcard' miniarure phorographi", *";.gtthi;; may destroJ th€ óriginal from which such docum".,i** "r ,o ."p.oduced. Any such reproduction shall be admissible in evidence,as the original itself in any¡uoiciat or administrative proceeding if the original carurot be located after reas-onaUle ' i"t'l- p.".år.i*i,i"îi¿", "fforti 0l ' 148225J:\DoC5\05902\OO0OOUt 148225.DOC B&L 063 This instrument shall be govemed, construed, and interpreted in accordance of rhe commonwearth of Massit *"ttr.' il;ä;;.#"..ubmits ro the jurisdicrion with the laws of rhe commonwealth of Massa"rr"."r,r of rhe courrs ø. iìläJrìäå in connection herewirh as we' purposes in connection with as for a' any, other rel"fi.;;ì;;;"en rhe Guaranror r"îa"a una, in furtherance ofsuch agreement, the Guarantor he."uy l*p.".rty *aives "noiiã any and a, obiections may have as to venue in such coufs *Àì; -"t í" o*.0 onþrum non corr"niens. ln it gr event that the Guarantor the does not.maintain a pìrårp¿î¡n* resid.ence in Massachusetts Guarantor hereby irrevocabþ destg.""r the À" ð""ïãäi .rrn" "r commonwearrh of Massachusetts as.the agent for service ofprocess fo¡ the Guarantor ìí a rhis Guaranrv. rt is the inìention orthe indemnificarion be ribera'v cons,-.¡ ," ,rr"îiãìoiiiiå.*"0- *ay be pur in as good as if the Borrower had promprry, a position puncruary, ili,iîrì,v p"rformed all Liabirities and rhe uuarantor had promptly, punctuairy, ""ã zuir.r.irv-p".ø..ed hereunder. "r¿ cua¡antort;;,ilri:ï1T,fiïïyJî,i,îäi:i;ïi. Any de(ermination that any provision herein is invalid, illegal, or unenlorceable respect in anv insrance sha'¡o1 in any t¡" any other irstance and shalr ""1iåìì;,1;;;il," or enforceabirirv orsuch provision in not affect ttre vatiJi-t¡ r"fJr,'ry, o. çi J,' ur trurccaol [lty ofany other o t any othe provision contained herein. "nro."eability ç"1 GUARANTOR MAY HAV-E IN¿¡¡V ECiIOÑä ËñOCSCON.IC, Ñ LEW õN EOLiITV, W cueuNrv irìÈäuÀo¡rroR AND ru¡ re¡o'ì HEREBY KNowtrvcly +I? voìrn Rrcur ro A rRrAL Br. rrrRy-nv n rr;RËîitö^ru*roNAlr,rr wA_rvE ANy coNNECrroN wrr¡r r¡''s aspìõiloïiñ lyrq+t W'.¡I iñrICr]ENEiVrY, THE GUARANTORour or., cERTFES rHAr No REpRESE¡¡rerùãon"Àääin HEREBY oF rHE LENDER LTNDE&.OR tr\ CONNECTIOì N ¿¡.rsn¡c HAS RE'RESENTED,e>enrssr-y^o_iöriüRùrì;iË.g11rHeîÈ"röÈ"î-or.o*or, IN THE OF LITTGATIO\ S'EK i¿i;NFbîäE THIS WATVEROF JIJRY TRTAL PROVISION.-TFIE 'VENT äUAR;ì.ääËiôXO*,-'OGES THAT RIGHT TO THE LENDER HAS BEEN INDUCED TO E¡¡r¡N ÑiO iHi-iì;öäS LENDING RELATIONSHIP WMH THE BONNOW¡N Et EVONC OirINñîìffäS, THE PROVISIONS cuARANry, n icllrD[.rc wrr'õui ;'ir:ñiflöirr"rr" .*oursroNs OF THIS PARAGRAPH, AND WOUL-D oF r'rs ìr.r ¡'EVE öiir.rËõô"WrrHOUr .NST RECEIVING THIS .UARANTyA.REEMENT._rNrÈeËüe"^Ëö"oi#u.rr^ursFArLrrRE, BANKRUPTCY OR INSOLVENCV ON CU-ONO;iTöN, LENDER MAY FILE AND PROVE ITSCLA.IMFORTHE WHOLE AMO.¡.rTôF À^iY ðrTiI'I OWING WTIHRESPECTTO THE LIABILITIES. persons or parrie. ;ûrJH;;;ffi;ää,:.ï;r'Jj,* other obligations of anv orher The Gua¡antor certifies fhat the Guara¡tor read this Guaranty prior to its execution. [cannof read paragraph] 0l 148225J:\DoCSúS902\OOOOO\0¡ t4E2Z5.DOC B6,L 064 IN WITNESS WHERIOF, the Guarantor has executed this Guaranty as a sealed instrument as of the _ day o f _, ZOOI . Witness: Name: Address z P.r* I ¿z(3 0l 148225J:\DoCS,O5902UOOOO\Ot tCSZZS.DOa B&L 065

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