RFF Family Partnership, LP v. Link Development, LLC et al
COMPLAINT Verified Complaint against Robert V Wallace, Jeffrey B. Karll, Link Development, LLC, Russell and Associates LLC Filing fee: $ 350, receipt number 0101-3432030 (Fee Status: Filing Fee paid), filed by RFF Family Partnership, LP. (Attachments: # 1 Civil Cover Sheet, # 2 Civil Cover Sheet Category, # 3 Exhibit A - Certificate of Organization, # 4 Exhibit B - Foreclosure Deed, # 5 Exhibit C - Desert Pine Mortgage, # 6 Exhibit D- Certificate of Organization, # 7 Exhibit E - Managers Cert, Cert of Manager, # 8 Exhibit F - Desert Palm Mortgage, # 9 Exhibit G - BD Mortgage, # 10 Exhibit H - Amendment of Mortgage, # 11 Exhibit I - Certificate of Organization, # 12 Exhibit J - Superior Court Complaint, # 13 Exhibit K - Link Land Court Complaint, # 14 Exhibit L - Note, # 15 Exhibit M - Loan Agreement and mortgage, # 16 Exhibit N - Guaranty, # 17 Exhibit O - subordination agreements, # 18 Exhibit P - Assignment, # 19 Exhibit Q - Settlement Agreement, # 20 Exhibit R - Russell Land Court Complaint, # 21 Exhibit S - Land Court Decision, # 22 Exhibit T - Memorandum of Sale, # 23 Exhibit U - redacted P&S)(Briansky, Richard)
07 lìillSc 33690s
V. WALLACE JR., Individually
a¡d in his Capacity as Trustee of
Link Development, LLC (hereafter "Plaintiff'o¡ "Link Development") is
a Massachusetts
limited liability company established on August 18, 2005 pursuant to
M.G.L. c. 156C. Ifs sole member is Essam Al Tamimi ("Al Tamimi").
Exhibit A.
Its business address is 2 Prince a+.--+ Þ^"+^^ À,{âêêâ^hrìêêftc
Street, Boston, Massachusetts.
Defendant Stuart H. Sojcher ("Defendant Sojcher") is an individual with a
last known business address of 229 Berkeley Street, Boston, Massachuset'ts Eefe¡tdanúhad a last known residential address
of l5 Stowell Road, Winchester, Massachusetts. On
November 16,2006, Defendant Sojcher was temporarily suspended from the practice of
law in Massachusetts in arr opinion rendered by Justice Francis X. Spina ofthe Supreme
iudicial Court.
Exhibit B.
Robert V. Wallace Jr. ("Defendant Wallace") is the trustee of BD Lending
Trust ("Defendant BD Lending"), u/d/t September 29, 2006, as recorded on October 2,
2006 with the Essex County Registry of Deeds ("Essex Registry"). Defendants BD
Lending and Wàllace have a principal place ofbusiness at 80 Summe¡ Street, Boston,
Defendant Steven A. Ross ("Defendant Ross") is an individual resident
the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Defendant Ross is a named law partner at the
Boston law firm of Gilmartin, Magence, Camiel & Ross LLP ("Gilmartin Ross"), with an
of376 Boylston Street. Boston, Massachusetts.
On Juiy 12,2005, a foreclosure sale ("the Sale") was held for certain
property known as OffRoute
and Lynn Fells Parkway at Sanders Drive and 1-12
Denise Drive ('the Property"), located in Saugus, Massachusetts. See Exhibit C. At the
Sale, Jeffrcy B. Karll
as the Manager
of a company.named Quick Funding
LLC, was the high bidäer for the Property.
Pursuant to the terms
ofthe Sale, August I l, 2005 was
set as the
closing date. Prior to that date, however, Karll assigned to Plaintiff his right to purchase
the Property.
Irorde¡ to-effectuate Plaintiffs assigned interests in purchasing the"
Property, Plaintiff retained Sojcher as its counsel to be registered as a Massachusetts
limited liability company.
On or about August 25, 2005, Plaintiffclosed on the Sale, with Defendant
Sojcher acting as Plaintiffs closing attomey.
Financing for the Sale was provided to plaintiffby a third parry entity
named Desert Pine LLC ("Desert
Pine'). At
the rime of the funding, Desert pine was
registered only as an Idaho limited liability company. See Exhibit
The sole member
of Desert Pine is an individual named Essam Al ramimi, rhe same Al ramimi who is the
sole member of Link Development.
Al Tamimi
had registered Desert pine in Idaho on
January 26,2005, and Defendant Sojcher was instructed to register Desert pine as a
foreign limited liability company in Massachusetts with Al ramimi as the sole member
and manager ofthe company. Thereafter, Defendant Sojcher was to protect Desert pine,s
interests by recording a mortgage against the Propefy in fhe amount of $2,000,000 in
consideration ofthe funding provided to effectuate PlaintifPs purchase ofthe property
("Desert Pine Mortgage").
In derogation of his fiduciary obligations, however, Defêndant Sojcher
failed to register Desert Pine, the morrgagee, as a foreign limited liability company upon
the completion of Plaintifls purchase of the Propefiy. Moreover, in further de¡eliction
hìs obiigations, Defendant Sòjbher also failed to record the foreclosure deed after
Plaintiffpurchased the Properry in August of2005. Adàitionally, Defendant sojcher also
failed to promptly record fhe Desert Pine Mortgage.
It was not until Karll discovered these failures in August of 2006 that
Defendant Sojcher took any corrective actíon. In fact, it was not until August 14,2006',,,,.
nearly a year after the closing ofthe Sale, that Defendant Sojcher finally recorded the
underlying foreclosu¡e deed as well as the Desert Pine Mortgage. As it tumed out,
however, Defendant Sojcher still did not register Desert pine as à foreign limited liability
company in Massachusetts.
Approximâtely one month after he finally recorded the foreclosure deed
and the Desert Pine Mortgage, Defendant Sojcher began a string of fraudulent actions
intended to benefìt himself and harm Plaintiffls interests,
On September 29,2006, Defendant Sojcher registered a limited liability
company named Desert Pine with the Massachusetts Secretary of State. Rather than
registedng Desert Pine on
behalfofAl Tamimi, however, Defendant
Sojcher tegistered
Desert Pine with only himself named as a manager, and with no named members.
Exhibit E.
Also on September 29,2006, Defendant Sojcher further breached his
fìduciary obligation to Plaintiffby purporting to file on behalf of plaintiff a cerrificare of
amendment ("Fraudulent Cert. ofAmendment"), see Exhibit
and an annual report
(Fraudulent Annual Repof'), see Exhibit G. By those filings, Defendant Sojcher
attempted to replace A1 Tamimi as PlaintifPs manager and to substitute himself in that
capacity. Moreover, in Paragraph 5 ofthe Fraudulent Cert. Of Amendment, Defendant
Sojôhèt purports that, "[b]y vote, Stuart H. Defendant Sojcher has been appointed
successor Manager and SOC and real propeny."
In fact, however, there never.\¡r'as such a vote, and Al Tamimi never
appointed Defendant Sojcher as a Manager of Link Development. The true purpose
these fraudi-rlent filings was to give Defendants Ross, BD
Lendiig Trusr plaúsiôfe. .
deniability in order to fund a loan by which both Defendant Ross and Defendant sojcher
would enjoy personal gain, and by which Defendant BD Lending would be able to ¡ecord
a fraudulent mortgage on
which it and Defendant rüallace could attempt to foreclose
when the fraudulent loa¡ was not repaid.
In fact, at or about the time Defendant Sojcher filed the Fraudulent Cert.
ofAmendment and the Fraudulent Annual Report in September,2006, he also was
working with Defendants Ross, BD Lending and Wallace to obtain a loan from
Defendant BD Lending. The initial loan amount was for $600,000 (,.the BD Lending
Mortgage"). According to the terms of the promissory note, which promissory note was
obtained by Link only after thç purported due date, the BD Lending Mortgage was due to
be repaid by Oëtober 29,2006, a mere month after being procured by Defendant Sojcher.
Eventually, a second loan in the purporred amount of$100,000 (..the $100,000 Loan")
was added to the BD Lending Mortgage. The fraudulent
100,000 Loan never has been
registered or recorded against the Property as a mortgage.
Prior to the unfolding ofthe f¡audulent BD Lending Mortgage placed on
the Property by Defendant Sojcher and Defendants Ross and BD Lending, plainriff, in
fact, was seeking to obtain a loan in the amount of$3,500,000 in order to develop some
of the Property. In fact, in or around September of2006, Karll àsked an individual
named Bemard Laverty Ji. ("Laverty") ro assist him in finding funding for the desired
loan. ln tum, Laverty approached Defendant Sojcher for his assistance in locating a
funding source.
Given the nature ofthe Property as undeveloped and the fact that plaintiff
is a fairly new entity; it.lras undêrsrood that obtaining such â lban"bould be more difficùli.
Consequently, Laverty and Defendant Sojcher met with Defendant Ross in an effort to
procure the desired loan, as Defendant Ross is known to have firnding connections fo¡ socalled 'lhard money."
Shortly after Laverty and Defendant Sojcher met with Defendant Ross,
however, Laverty ended up having to be hospitalized for a medical
emergency. Final
arangements regarding the loan and its Íììnding were handled by Defendant
Sojcher and
Defendants Ross, BD Lending and Wallace. At all times relevant
to this complaint,
Delendant Ross was and served in the capacity as the duly authorized
agent and
representative ofDefendants wallace and BD Lending in connection
the BD Lending Mortgage.
Prior ro being hospitalized, Laverty informed Karll thar Defendant
was representing himself as the Manager of Link Development.
KarI, however, knew
that Defendant Sojcher was not the Manager. In fact, on or abouf
August 14,2006,
Defendant Sojcher had signed and provided Karll with a letter affirming
that Karll
himself possessed "the requisíte authority in his capacity as co-manager
tÕ act on behârf
of Link Development LLC with respect ro all real estate mafters invoìving
the company
and ihe real estate that it ou,ns in Saugus, Massachusetts,, (,.Karll
Letter,). See ExhíLit H.
Karll fi¡rther was iriformed by Defendant sojcher that he wourd incorporate
the substance
of the Kar-ll Letter in a formar filing to be made with the Massachusetts
secretarv of stare
("Secretary of State").
Subsequent to Laverty,s advising him of Defendant Sojcher.s claims,
Karll attempted ro contact Defendant sojcher regarding Defendant Sojcher,s
status as the Manager of Link Development. By early October of
2006, having been
unable to reach Defendant Sojcher to d.iscuss this claim, Karlr visited
the website for the
secretary ofstate and leamed that Defendant Sojcher improperry
had fired the Fraudurent
cert. ofAmendment and the Fraudulent Annual Report purporting to establish
thè successor Manager for Link Development.
Upon finding these fraudulent documents, Karl[ quickly inquired to
confirm that Defendant Sojcher had never been made the Manager ofLink Development.
Not surprisingly, Ka¡ll obtained confirmation that Defendant Sojcher was not and never
had been appointed as a Manager, let alone the sole Manager, of Link Development.
Having leamed that Defendant Sojcher fraudulently had fìled documer¡ts
with the Secretary of State, Karll became concemed about the status ofthe property itself
and immediately began researching the Property's status with the Essex Registry. That
research, conducted within the first couple days of October, revealed that the BD Lending
Mortgage had been ¡ecorded at the Essex Registry on October 2, 2006. See Exhjbit
The BD Lending Mortgage also indicates that Defendant Sojcher was acting on behalfof
Defendant BD Lending, as it contains the legend, "After Recording Retum to: STUARTH.
SoJCHER, Ese./ 229
Berkeley Street/ Boston,
MA 02116."
Karll's research also uncovered several other alarming documents related
to fhe fraud perpetrated by Defendant Sojcher and Defendants Ross, BD Lending and
Robert Wàllácê. ln particular, Karll discovered that the various Defendants had recorded
the following with the Essex Registry: a) a document entitled ,.Assignment of Leases and
Rents" purportedly made by Plaintiffto Defendant BD Lending ("Fraudulent
Assignmentl'); b) a document entitled "Subordination Agreement" (.,Fraudulent
Subordination Agreement"), Exhibit J, by which Defendahts Sojcher, Rbäs and BD
Lending purport to subordinate the Desert Pine Mortgage to the fraudulent BD Lending
Mortgage; c) a document entitled ':Desert Pine LLC Certifìcate of Manager" (..Fraudulent
Desert Piie Manager's Certificate") by which Defendant Sojcher falsely stares that he h¡is
the authority to subordinate the Desert Pine Mortgage to the fraudulent BD Lending
Mortgage, Exhibit K; and d) a document entitled Desert Pine LLC Certificate
Organization ("Fraudulent Cefificate of Organizàtion"), See Exhibit
by which
Defendant Sojcher fraudulently registered a limited liability company in the name
DeÁert Pine with only himself named as a manager and no one named as a member,
rather than naming
Al Tamimi in either or both capacities.
Moreover, Karll also noted that it was Defendant Sojcher who filed the
Declaration of Trust for the formation of BD Lending by Robert V. Wallace Jr
('Defendani Wallace'). Because BD Lending Trust, however, appears to be
trust, Plaintiff cannot currently identify those persons named as the beneficiaries of the
Additionally, Karll discovered that Defendant Sojcher had filed a
document entitled "Manager's Cefificate" (':Fraudulent Link Manager's Certificate'),
By this document, Defendant Sojcher fraudulently asserts that "he has been
authorized and directed by all ofthe members ofthe Company to enter into a cerrain loa¡
anangement by and between the Company and BD Lending Trust." Contrary to the
F¡audulent Link Manager's Certificate, however,
Al Tamimi,
the sole member of Link
Development. never has authorized or directed Defendant Sojcher to enter into the BD
Lending Mortgage.
Upôn disöciïeriñg the fraudulent fitings referénced in Paragraphs 22-25,
Karll immediately contacted Wallace directly and advised him thar the BD Lending
Mongage was not authorized by Plainti.ff, and that Defendant Sojcher lacked the
1o enter
into the mortgage on Plaintiffs behalf. In response to Karll statements,
Wallace informed Karll that as of thaf time, no funding had been disbursed pursuant to
the contested BD Lending Mortgage. wallace further statèd that he would meet with
Karll the following week to discuss the matter and informed Karll that Defendant Ross
was the closing attomey for the mortgage.
After speaking with and having info¡med Defendant Wallace that the BD
Lending Mortgage was unauthorized, Karll then contacted Attomey Ross by telephone.
In that conversation, Ka¡ll informed Defendant Ross in no uncertain terms that Defendant
sojcher was not autho¡ized to enter into the BD Lending Mortgage on plaintiffs behalf
and that the mortgage was a fraud against Plaintiff by all persons involved. Defendant
Ross replied by stating that it was his opinion that no fraud had taken place, and that he
felt the documents offered by Defendant Sojcher were legal and proper.
After dismissing Ka¡ll's statements that Defendant Sojcher lacked proper
authority to enter into the BD Lending Morrgage on
stated that even
if Defendanl
plaintifls behalf,
Defendant Ross
Sojcher did lack proper authority, then that was.a matter for
the lender's title company to r.aony about. Defendant Ross concluded by informing Karll
that he would proceed.with the firnding under the BD Lending Mortgage.
Following his conversations with Defendants Ross and Vy'allace, Karll
then provided to both persons documents to prove that Defendant Sojcher was not the
Manager of
Thereafrêr, on October 6, 2006, when rhe Defendants uniformly failed to
take acfion to undo the fraud after having been advised multiple times, Karll sent an e-
mail to Defendant sojcher, with copies sent to both Defendants Ross and wallace onfhat
same date
("Karll E-mail"), advising Defendant Sojcher that
he had five (5) days to undo
the fraudulent recordings he had made at the Essex Registry and Secretary ofstate.
By October I l, 2006, the date referenced in the Karll E-mail for the
undoing ofthe various frauds committed by the Defendants, no corrective action had
been laken. Consequently,
sent further correspondence to Defendant Sojcher as
well as Defendants Ross and Wallace inquiring about the status ofthe fraudulent BD
Lending Mortgage, In response to correspondence sent to him on October 13, 2006,
Defendant Wallace contacted Karll by telephone and informed him that the loan had been
Shortly thereafter, on October 24, 2006, Defendant Sojcher spoke with
Karll about the fraudulent BD Lending Mortgage and informed Karll that the mortgage
was being discharged by Defendant BD Lending. In support of that statement, Defendant
.sojcher provided Karll with a copy ofthe discharge and told Karll thar the discharge
would be filed at the Essex Registry the next day, October 25, 2006. Despite those
assurances, neither Defendant Sojcher, nor Defendants Ross or Wallace filed the
discharge. Consquently, on October 30, 2006 and Novembe
r l,2006,Karll
sent a
facsimile tò each of Defendants Wallace and Ross, respectively, inquiring as to the $atus
ofthe discharge that Defendant Sojcher had indicated would be filed on October 25,
Also on October 24, 2006, Defendant Sojcher sent a letter to plaintiff
("October Sojcher Letter") advising the company that in addítion to the $600,000 amount
listed on the BD Lending Mortgage, he also had bor¡owed
purpose ofpaying
off delinquent taxes.
100,000 for rhe purporred
Exhibit M. As the October Sojcher Letter
acknowledges, Defendant Sojcher acted on his own initiative in borrowing the $100,000.
Defendant Sojcher concludes the letter by characterizing the bonowed $100,000 as
follows: "The loan is of a short term nature and must be paid in six (6) months."
Until approximately one week ago, none ofthe Defendants had provided
Karll, Al Tamimi or Link Development with any of the documents underiying the
fraudulent BD Lending Mortgage. Additionally. despite several requests for such
information, none of the Defendants, to date, has provided Karll, Al Tamimi or Link
Development with any documents relating to the actual funding ofthe fraudulent BD
Lending Mortgage, including documents identifying the persons who received proceeds
from the funding, the accounts to which such disbursements were directed or the amounts
ofsuch disbursements to any ofthe persons who received them.
Plaintiffrestates and realleges Paragraphs l-35 hereofas
Defendants Wallace and BD Lending have no right to execute a
foreclosure on the Property, as the BD Lending Mortgage upon which they are acting is
void as a result offraud.
Defendants Ross, Wallace and BD Lending have known ofthe fraudulent
nature of the BD Lending Mortgage since prior to the time when Defendants Wallace and
BD Lending actually funded the mortgage. Defendants Ross, Wallace and BD Lending
all were advised ofthe fraudulent nature ofthe mortgage, and ofDefendant Sojcher's
fraud against Plaintiffin attempting to procure the mortgage, when Ka¡ll personally
advised Defendants Ross and Wallace ofsuóh fraud in early October, through both verbal
witten communications.
Additionally, Attomey Sam Pollack ("Attomey Pollack"), a former
associate at the Defendant Ross' law firm, admifted that he was aware of the fraudulent
nature of the transaction in his discussions with Attomey Vincent J. DiMento (,.Attomey
DiMento"), the attomey whom Ross originally had engaged to provide the tìtle
commitment lètter that \¡/ould enable the mortgage closing to proceed.
Prior to the funding and closing ofthe fraudulent BD Lending Mortgage,
Ross had requested that Attomey DiMento prepare a title commifment letter (,,Title
Commitment"). In connection with that task, Attomey DiMento initially prepared
a draft
title commitment letter that he provided to Attorney Pollack. After he provided that draft
Title Commitment, Attorney DiMento conducted further due diligence, which resulred in
his learning that Defendant Sojcher was not authorized to consummate the mortgage
transaction, and that Plaintiff was chatlenging the propriety ofthe transaction.
Afte¡.he leÈimed that Defendant Sojcher did not have the authority to enlel
the transaction, Attorney DiMento spoke with Attomey Pollack in that regard. During
the course of conve¡sation with Attomey DiMento about the lack of authority, Attorney
Pollack aìk¡owledged that Defendant Sojcher's attêmpts to procure the mortgage vrere
replete with fraud. On October 3, 2006, as a result ofthose conversations, Attomey
DiMento sent Attomey Pollack an e-mail in which Attomey DiMento expressly informed
Attorney Pollack that the Titlè Commitment was withdrawn, that it was of no further
force and effect and that it no longer was to be relied on by any party. See Exhíbit N.
Following the withdrâwal of the Title Commitment by Attomey DiMento,
Defendant Ross, eíther directly or indirectly, caused another attomey to be retained for
the purposes ofobtaìning the cover
BD Lending and Wallace,
ofa title. commitment on direct behalf of Defendants
On November 15,2006, after hearing rumors that the moÍgage transaction
had closed, Attomey DiMento sent another e-mail to Attomey Pollack regarding the
mortgage and noted in that e-mail that Attomey Pollack previously had acknowledged the
fiaudulent nature ofthe mortgage and that Attorney Pollack has described such
revelations as "appalling." In response to that November 15, 2006 e-mail, Attomey
DiMento received an automated reply indicating that Attomey Pollack no longer worked
for Ross' firm, and that all communications should be directed to Defendant Ross.
Defendants Ross, Wallace and BD Lending, acting either individually or
collectively with Defendant Sojcher, defrauded Plaintiffby their participation with
Defendant Sojcher in the filing with the Secretary of State ofva¡ious false documents,
including the Fraudulent Cert. ofAmendment, the Fraudulent Annual Report and the
fraudulent registration of Desen Pine.
Additionalty, Defendants Ross, Wallace and BD Lending, acting either
individually or collectively with Defendant Sojcher, defrauded Plaintiffs by filing with
the Essex Registry various false documents, including the Fraudulent Subordination
Agreement, Fraudulent Manager's Certificate, BD Lending Mofgage, and Fraudulent
Defendants Ross, Wallace and BD Lending, acting eirher individually or
coilectively with Defendant Sojcher, defrauded Plaintiffs by entering and consummating
the $100,000 Loan without proper authorization from Plaintiff.
Additionally, Defendants Ross, Wallace and BD Lending defrauded
Plaintiffby retaining for their own benefit certain proceeds from the BD Lending
Mortgage. As Co-Manager of Link Development, Karll has leamed that Plaintiff did not
receive any proceeds from the fraudulent BD Lending Mortgage. Rather, the
disbursements were split between the various Defendants Ross, BD Lending, Wallace,
and Sojcher.
In particular, as revealed in the disbursement materialsjust provided to
Plaintiffby Defendants Wallace and BD Lending on December 28, 2006 ("Disbursement
Details"), Defendant BD Lending received $60,000, or ten points, in connection with
funding the lraudulent BD Lending Mortgage. See Exhibit
The Disbursement Details
also reveal that Defendant BD Lending and/òr Defendant Wallace retained an additional
$80,309.00, purpor-tedly for the payment
taxes due to the Town ofSaugus
("the Retaíned Tax Payment"). By the admissions of Defendants BD Lending and
Vy'a.llace themselves,
howeve¡ the amount retained for the payment oftaxes fiom the BD
Lending Mortgage never was used for that purpose. Rather, Defendants BD Lending and
Wallace now maintain that it was the proceeds ofthe $100,000 Loan that were used to
PlaintifÎs outstanding municipal property taxes.
See Exhibit
Despite that
admission, however, neither Defendant BD Lending T¡ust nor Defendant Wallace has yet
to tum over to Plaintiffthe Retained Tax Payment from the BD Lending Mortgage.
The Disbursement Details alsó reveâl that proceeds from the BD Lending
Mortgage were used to pay offdebts dué by and to persons and entities not related to
Plaintiff, and for whom Plaintiff never provided such authorization. For example, the
Disbursement Details reveal that firther understands that proceeds from the BD Lending
Mortgage improperly were paid to Defendant Ross in his capacity as the modgagor on
property occupied by Laverty's father ("Laverty Mortgage"), Iocated at 153 Rowe Street
in Roslindale, Suffolk County ("Laverty Property"). See Exhibits O and Q.
Defendants Ross, BD Lending and Wallace funhe¡ defrauded plaintiffby
disbursing more than $258,000 to Defendant Sojcher. No money that was disbursed to
Defendant Sojcher has been tumed over to Plaintiff.
None ofthe debts paid by proceeds ofthe BD Lending Mórtgage
constituted debt of Plaintiff, and Plaintiffnever instructed or authorized Defendants Ross,
BD Lending or Wallace or to convert funds purportedly intended for plaintiffto pay off
those debts.
Defendants Ross, BD Lending and Wallace, either individually or
collectively with Defendant sojcher, defrauded Plaintiff in their disbursement ofthe
proceeds from the fraud.ulent BD'Lending Mortgage.
As a ¡esult ofthe fraudulent actions ofeach ofthe Defendants Ross, BD
Lending and Vy'altace, Plaintiff has suffered and continues to sufler harm.
Wherefore, Plaintiffseeks damages fo¡ such harm, including the voiding
and/ór discharge ofany obligation of Plaintiff under the BD Lending Mortgage, and such
other reliefas the Court deems just and proper.
(Fraudulent Foreclosure)
Plaintiffrestates and realleges Paragraphs 1-54 hereofas iffully set forth
Defendants Ross, Vy'allace and BD I ending initiated its foreclosure action
shortly after counsel for Plaintiff contacted Defendant Ross in an effort to obtain
documents relating to the BD Lending Mortgage, including the underlying promissory
notes(s) and information related to disbursement
ofthe funding ofthe BD Lending
Thereafte¡, on December 7, 2006, in
effort to commence foreclosure
proceedings on the Property under the purported authority ofthe fraudulent BD Lending
Mortgage, Defendants Ross, Wallace and BD Lending did cause a Notice of Foreclosure
to be published in the Boston Herald ('Foreclosure Notice"). Subsequent to the initial
publication ofthe Foreclosure Notice, Defendants Ross, BD Lending and Wallace caused
the Notice ofForeclosure to be published in the Boston Herald a second time on
December 14,2006.
On December 15,2006, Plaintiff commenced an action in the Suffolk
Superior Court against Defenda¡t Sojcher and Defendants Ross, BD Lending and
Wallace, Docket No. 2006-CV -5242 ("the Suffolk Action"). In connection with the
Suffolk Action, Plaintiff sought and obtained a temporary injunction against Defendants
Ross, BD Lending and Wallace prohibiting them from engaging ín any aitions in
furthera¡ce offoreclosure proceedings against dre Property ("the Temporary
Injunction"). Each of the Defendants Ross, BD Lending and Wallace propetly were
served with the Temporary Injunctíon and the Suffolk Action on December 18, 2006.
On December 21, 2006, in clear contrãvention ofthe specihc prohìbition
of the Temporary Injunction, Defendants Ross, BD Lending and Wallace permitted a
third publication of t'he Foreclosure Notice to be published again in the Boston Herald' In
each publication
ofthe Foreclosure Notice, Defendant Ross was listed
as the attorney
conducting the foreclosure on the Property.
On December 21, 2006, the Superior Court held a hearing on
request for a preliminary injunction in the Suffolk Action. As ofthat date, Defendants
ueither BD Lending nor Wallace, or any agent/representative acting on theii beha$ had
yet provided to Plaintiffthe disbursement information requested initially by Plaintiff
f¡om Defendant Ross and then requested again by Plaintiff on Decemb er 22,200t6 f¡om
Attomey Loeb. Despite not hâving yet provided that critical information, Defendants
Wallace and BD Lending argued at the preliminary injunction hearing that they were
entitied to foreclose on the fraudulent RD Lending Mortgage.
On December 22, 200ó, Plaintiff sent to Attomey Jeffrey Loeb ("Attorney
Loeb"), then-newly retairled. counsel for Defendants Wallace and BD Lending, a letter
requesting a.ll documentary infonnation pefiaìning to the disbursement of both the BD
Lendinþ Mofgage and
Lhe $ 100,000
Subsequently, the Superior Court denied the request fo¡ preliminâ.ry
injunction, holding that it lacked subject matter j urisdiition over the question ofthe
fo¡eclosure action bec¿use one ofthe parcels of the Propeny is registeied land.
During the pendency of the Superior Court's rulíng on the reçest for
preliminary injunction, Plaintiff once again tequested the critical disbursément
infornraiion by letter and facsimile dated December 21.,2006. Finally, in response to that
request, Defendants BD Lending and Wallace provided an initial response. In that
Iesponse, Aftorney Loeb atternpted to validate the propriety of the $100,000 Loan by
asserting that the proceeds from that loan were used to pay Plaintiffs taxes due to thé
Town of Saugus. See Exhibit
Although Defenda¡ts BD Lending and Wallace a'e ful1y
aware that the amount purportedly having been due for Plaintiff
taxes did not amount to
$100,000, the Defendants still failed or refuse to provide complete information relá1ed to
disbursement ofthe full amount ofthe $100,000 Loan.
Theréafter, under separate cover, by letter
date d December
Defendants BD Lending and Wallace finally provided the Disbursement Details to
Plaintiffas previously had been requested th¡ee times.
The actions of Defendants Ross, BD Lending and Wallace in attempting
to foreclose on the fraudulent BD Lending Mortgage constitute a fraudulent foreclosure.
As a result ofthe fraudulent foreclosure efforts of Defendants Ross, BD
Lending and Wallace, Plaintiffhas suffered and continues to suffer harm.
Wherefore, Plaintiffseeks damages for such harm, including the voiding
and/or discharge ofany obligation of Plaintiff under the fraudulent BD Lending
Mortgage, attomeys fees and costs in quieting title to the property by
thii action a¡d such
other ¡eliefas the Court deems just and proper.
(Breach ofGood Faith Foreclosure)
PÏ?x-ntifliestates and realleges Paragraphs l-67 hereofas
IfDefendants Ross, BD Lending and Wallace consider the BD Lending
set forth
Mortgage to be a valid mortgage, then rhey owe plaintiff a duiy of good faith in the
pursuit ofany foreclosure efforts and actions against the p¡operty.
By their actions in pursuing foreclosure against the properfy in the manner
that they have, including but not limited to their refusal and/or failure to provide a proper
aicounting ofthe purported BD Lending Mortgage when requested, Defendants Ross,
BD Lending and Wallace have breached their duty ofa good faith fo¡eclosure.
The breach oftheir obligation to conduct a good faith fo¡eclosure has
harmed and continues to harm Plaintiff.
Wherefore, Plaintiffseeks damages for such harm, including the voiding
and/or discharge ofany obligation ofPlaintiff under the BD Lending Mortgage, attomeys
fees and costs to enforce such obligation, an order that Defendants Ross,
BD Lending and
Wallace immediately provide a full and detailed accounting of the proceeds from the
fraudulent BD Lending Mortgage, a¡d such other ¡eliefas the Court deems just and
(Declaratory Judsment)
Plaintiff restates and realleges Paragraphs 1-72 hereofas iffully set forth
There exists an actual controversy between Plaintiff and Defendants Ross,
BD Lending and Wallace regarding.the rights and obligations ofthe. ftaudulent BD
Lending Mortgage.
The actions ofDefendants Ross, Wallace and BD Lending in publishing
the Foreclosu¡e Notice has caùsed uncertainty regarding Plaintiff s obligations under the
fraudulent BD Lending Mortgage.
result ofthe uncertainty created as to PtaintifT's obtigations, ifany,
under the fraudulent BD Lending Mortgage, Plaintiffseeks the Coun's intervention in
this matter and a determination ofthe rights and obligations under the BD Lending
There exists an actual controversy between Plaintiffand Defenda¡ts Ross,
BD Lending and Wallace regarding the rights and obligations ofthe fraudulent $100,000
The actions ofDefendants Ross, Wallace and BD Lending in asserting its
rights to collect and/or foreclose on the fraudulent $100,000 Loan has caused uncertainty
regarding Plaintiffs obligations under the fraudulent $100,000 Loan.
. 79.
As a result of the uncertainty created as to PlaintifPs obligations,
under the fraudulent $100,000 Loan, Plaintiff seeks the Court's intervention in this matter
and a determination
ofthe rights
and obligations under the $ i00,000.
Additionally, uncertainty
as to the
rights and obligations ofPlaintiffwith
respect to the Desert Pine Mortgage has been created by the fraudulent actions
Defendant Sojcher in his fraudulent registration ofDesert Pine in Massachusetts and the
collective subordination of the Desert Pine Mortgage by Defendants Sojche¡ Ross, BD
Lending, and Wallace.
As a result ofthe uncertainty created as to Plaintiffs obligations with
respect to the Desert Pine Mongage, Plaintiff seeks the Court's
and á determination
ention in this matter
ofthê rights and obligations under the Desert Pine Mortgage,
ând the
priority ofthe real Desert Pine Mortgage with respect to the fraudulent BD Lending
' 82.
Wherefore, Plaintiff requests that
tìis Court
That the BD Lending Mortgage is void ab intitior
That if rhe BD Lending Mortgage is not void ab initio,tJvlt
Plaintiffs performance thereunder is absolved by the collective
and individual fraud
perpetrated by Defendants, by the failure ofDefendants Ross, BD Lending and Wallace
to disburse funds directly, solely and entirely to Plaintiffor by the breach of a good faith
foreclosure by Defendants Ross, BD Lending and Wallace;
That Defendant Sojcher was not authorized to enter into any
mortgage on behalf of
Plaintifl either because
he was not properly authorized by the
.Plaintiff or that neithe¡ the BD Lending Mortgage nor the $100,000 Loan conformed with
the requirements imposed by M.G.L. c. 156C, and, that neither the
BD Lending Mortgage
nor the S100,000 Loan, therefore, is not enfo¡ceable as a mortgage against Pìaintiff;
That the $100,000 Loan cannot properly be considered a mortgage,
irrespective of Defendant Sojcher's authority to enter and consummate that loan;
and BD Lending
That the foreclosure action commenced by Defendants Ross, Wallace
improper and void;
That Defendant Sojcher fraudulently registered Desert Pine in
Massachusetts by naming only himself as the Manager, rather that
failing to name Al Tamimi
Al Tamimi, and in
as the sole member;
That Plaintiff owes no obligation under the Desert Pine Mortgage to
the entity that Sojcher registered as DeseÍ Pine; and
That the Fraudulent Subordination AgreemerLt is yoid ab initio.
(Temporarv and Permanent Iníunction)
Plaintiff restates and realleges Paragraphs 1-82 hereofas if fully set forth
Defendants Ross, Wallace and BD Lending commenced fo¡eclosure
proceedings against the Property in con¡ection with the fraudulent BD Lending Mortgage
by having published the Foreclosure Notice on December ?,2006. Moreover, by letter
dated December 28, 2006, Defendants BD Lending and Wallace have reite¡ated their
intention to attempt to foreclose on the Property, having asserted in that letter that they
now intend to hold the foreclosure on Jantary 29,2007.
IfDefendants are permitted to proceed with the sham foreclosure against
the Property, Plaintiff
will suffer immediate
and ineparable injury, loss or damage in that
the Property may be sold at a foreclosure sale.
Plaintiffs face a reasonable likelihood ofsuccess on the merits oftheir
claims against Defendants Ross, BD Lending and Wallace.
Defendants Ross, BD Lending and Wallace
will not suffer any harm if
injunction is g¡anted against the foreclosure, as their harm is purely economic.
Additionally, in light ofthe prior and continuing conduct ofDefendants
Ross, BD Lending and Wallace in attempting to foreclose on the Property in the manner
they have, their failure to withdraw the Decemtier 21, 2006 publication of the Foreclosure
Notice \Ã,hile the temporary injunction in the Suffolk Action remained in force, their
intransigence in providing the requested information pertaining to the disbursements
made underthe fraudulent BD Lending Mortgage and the fraudulent $100,000 Loan. and
their transparently fallacious explalations regarding lhe payment of Plaintiff
s taxes,
there is valid reason to believe that Plaintifffaces a heightened prospect for harm
temporary injunction does not issue.
Wherefore, Plaintiff seeks
temporary injunction to prevent Defendants
Ross. Wallace and BD Lending from proceeding witL the aforementioned foreclosure
sale. Plaintiff further requests that this Court, after hearing, issue a preliminary injunction
against Defendants to prevent them from proceeding with any further foreclosure efforts
until such time
as the Court declares the rights
ofthe parties pursuant to the fraudulent
BD Lending Mofgage.
Toward that end, Plaintiff requests that this Court endo¡se the
accompanying proposed Temporary Injunction.
WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays that this Court render judgment for and awa¡d
da.mages in favor of
as requested in
this Verified Complaint
Respeclfully submitted,
Bv: % ø**
Russell & Associates LLC
200 Highland Ave. - Suite 304
DATED: Iawary
Needham, MA 02494
(781) 444-srst
I, Jeffrey B. Karll, as Co-Ma¡ager of the Plaintiff in this action, state
under fåe penalties. ofperjury that I have read the foregoing Verified Complaint and that
the allegations contained herein are true and accurate, and that no relevant information
has been omitted.
Signed under the penalties ofperjury
S t day f January,2007
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