RFF Family Partnership, LP v. Link Development, LLC et al

Filing 1

COMPLAINT Verified Complaint against Robert V Wallace, Jeffrey B. Karll, Link Development, LLC, Russell and Associates LLC Filing fee: $ 350, receipt number 0101-3432030 (Fee Status: Filing Fee paid), filed by RFF Family Partnership, LP. (Attachments: # 1 Civil Cover Sheet, # 2 Civil Cover Sheet Category, # 3 Exhibit A - Certificate of Organization, # 4 Exhibit B - Foreclosure Deed, # 5 Exhibit C - Desert Pine Mortgage, # 6 Exhibit D- Certificate of Organization, # 7 Exhibit E - Managers Cert, Cert of Manager, # 8 Exhibit F - Desert Palm Mortgage, # 9 Exhibit G - BD Mortgage, # 10 Exhibit H - Amendment of Mortgage, # 11 Exhibit I - Certificate of Organization, # 12 Exhibit J - Superior Court Complaint, # 13 Exhibit K - Link Land Court Complaint, # 14 Exhibit L - Note, # 15 Exhibit M - Loan Agreement and mortgage, # 16 Exhibit N - Guaranty, # 17 Exhibit O - subordination agreements, # 18 Exhibit P - Assignment, # 19 Exhibit Q - Settlement Agreement, # 20 Exhibit R - Russell Land Court Complaint, # 21 Exhibit S - Land Court Decision, # 22 Exhibit T - Memorandum of Sale, # 23 Exhibit U - redacted P&S)(Briansky, Richard)

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EXHIBIT I] PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT THIS PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT (.ggreen¡g!!l') is made as of the l, by and b.erween REF FAMILy PARTNE. RSHIþ LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, with an offìie at P.o. Box 6090, Beverly Hills, califomia 902i2 as seller .q'SgIer"), and or. its nominee, with a¡ office ar day of January,20l æ læ as purchaser IIIIE 1"gg¡g¡gfl BACKGROUND A. This A$eement is made with ¡eference to the following real and personal ploperty (collectively, the "EfSÞgE'): O) 4,ll that ce.rlain real property tocated in the City of Saugus, County of Essex, Coininón\¡r'ealth of Massachusefls, and commonly known and numb".ã¿ ,, :SZ_Sjg Broadwa¡', as mor.e p4rtiçularly desciibed on Dxhibit A hereto, together with all easements, rights and privileges appurtenant thereto (rhe ..Lápü'[ (2) The brülding located on the Land (the . guilglqC"), together with aü imp;wements appurtenant the-reto (the Buildings and such improverne.tts bei-ng herejnafter collectively refened to as the "!¡qproveme¡¡þ," and the Land-¿nd the lmpro'e-ments being hereinaf{er collectively referred to as the ,,Reãt prooertv'.); (3) Ail fixtures, equipment. fmiture, fumishings, appliances, supplies and o-ther.personal property of every nature and description attached oiperiaining to, orììherwìse used in connection wirh, the Real Properry, owned by seller and loáated wìtùin ihe neal property (the "Pcrgo¡aitv') exoluding oiily thôse {ìxtures, equipment, fumiture, fumishings, applianc'es,' supp.lies and other personal property being ret4ingd by the seller as set forti, on elitiþiì n; a"¿ (4) _. ,.dll. intitngible ptoperty used or usefi.rl in co¡urection with the foregoing, -. includi¡rg, wítþout limitation, any gchitecturâI, inechanicar, electricar and stmctu¡alplais, studieg drawings- specifications, surveys, renderìngs and other teohnical descriptiqns that rerate to the Real Property to the extent Sellei may legally transfer the sânre and same are available, and all otlie¡ conlraol rights, guarantees. licenses, permits and warråüìties B. _ . Seller is prepared to sell, transfer and ionvey the property to purchàsei, and Purchas-er is prepared to purchase purchasé and accept the same from Seiler, á11 for the hereinafter defined) and on the other tei.rns and conditions hereinafter set forth. In consideration oror" ,nuffiffiffis to be legally bound hereby, the parties hereto agree: 1. price las herein contained. and inten<ring sale a¡d Purchase- setler hereþ agrees to sell, trarrsfer and conræy the property to Purchaser, and Purchàjèr hp¡eby agrees to púrcñase and acjept the property from Seller, in gach case fo¡ the Purchase Price and on and subject to the other terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. 2._ Purchase Price. The purchase price for the Property (the ,.Furch¿se price,') is Dolla¡s, which, subject 10 the terms and conditions hereinafter set fdrth. shall be paid by purchaser to Seller as follows: 2,1 Deposit. Concurent lvith the execution and delivery of this Agreement b1i Pruchaser, Purchaser shall deliver to Broke¡ ('Ëgqqyéggg!") by rvÌre tansfer of immediately available Federal Funds, a deposit in the amount ofOne Hund¡ed Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($100,000.00) as earnest money on the signing ofthis Agreement (togethe¡ witl jnterest eamed thereon. the "Deposif') to be held in escrow and delivered ifl accolda¡ce with this Agreement, it bèing understood and agreed that Deposit is non-refundable to pwchaser except in the event that the closing fails to occur solely due to a default hereunder by selìer and except as fufher hereon p¡o. vided. 2.2 Payment at Closins. At the consummâtioÌ of the transaction coñtemplated her€by (the "çlgs¡eg), Purchaser shall deliver to Selle¡ or Seller's designee an amounl equal to the Purohase Price less the Deposit, subject to adjustJhents and appofionments as set forth hereín. The delivery of documents and the disbursernent of funds shall be effectuated af the Closirig. 3. Representations and W¿¡rranties ofseller. Subject to all matters disclosed in any document delìvered to Purchaser by Seller or on any exhibit attached hereto, a¡ld subject to any infòrmation discovered by Purchaser or other information disclosed to Purchaser by Seller or ány dther person prior to the Closirig (all such matters being refened to herein as ''[¡ggE!!q iv,I?1leÌs"), Seller repreSents ând wanants to Purchaser as follows; 3.1 Authpritv, Seller is a limited partnership duly organized arid validly existiirg rurder the laws ofthe State of Califomia is drrly authorized to tiansact business in the Common*ealth of Massachusetts and has all requisite power and authcifity to enter into this Agree$ent a¡d perform its obligations hereunder, The execution and delir.ery ofthis Agreement have been dúly authorized. 3.2 Ño Conflict. To the best of Seller's.actuai knpwledge, the execution and delivery ofihis Agreement and the consùmmation ofthe transactions contemplated hereunder on the part ofSeller do not and will not confliqt r,lith or result in the breach of any material temìs or provisions of, or constilute a default unde¡. or resuh i¡ the creation or imposition of any lien, cla¡ge, or encumbrarice upon any ofthe Property or Assels ofthe Seller by reason of tlre terms of any contract. mortgage, lien, lease, agreement, indenture, instrument orjudgment to which Seller is a party or which is or purports to be bi¡ding upon Seller or which othenvise affecrs Seller, r¡ùich will not be discharged, assqlned or released at Closing. 3.3 No Further Authorizalion. To the best ofseìler's actuaÌ knowledge. no action by an; federal, state or municipal or other governrnental depafment, commission, board, bu¡eau or instrumentality is necessary to make this Agreement a valid instrument binding upon Seller in accordance with its terms. 3.4 FIRPTA. Seller is not a "foreign person" ofthe Intemal Revenue Code. as defined in Section 1445(Ð(3) 3.5 Violations- Claims or Notices. To the best ofscller's knowledge, Seller has not received notice of any (a) violation of any fe<leral, state or local law, regulation or ordinance, which violation has not been rectified, ft) pending or threatened claims or lawsuits âgainst the Seller relative to the Propert-y or that may aflect the p¡operty or arising out ofthe ownership, management or operation offhe Property, (c) i4Titten notice of any claim arising florn the alleged presence on the Property of any hazardous substances, (d) communication, either in writing Or verbâlly from any govemment agency or employee, advising Seller ofpotential or pending enfoicement action on account of environmental conditions at the pioperty, (e) agreement by which any pafy othêr tha¡ the Purchaser may acquire any.interest in the property. Notwithstandirg the fòregoing seller and Buyer acknowledge the currènt action involving a claim of p¡iority of title to the P¡eniises as set forth in the Land court civil Acrion No. l0 MISC 425681 (the "Land Court Action"). 3.5 LimitationsRega¡dineRepresentationsând Waffanries. 3.5.1 Selier's Knowledee. As used in ùis Agreement, or in â-ny other agreement, {ocument, certifisate.or instrument delive¡ed by Seller to purchaser, the phrase ..to the best ofseller's actual knowledge", 'to rhe be$ ofgeller's knowledge" or any similar pkase shall mean the actual, not coirstructive or imputed, knowtedge of Robert Freedman, without any obligation on his part to make a.ny independeit investigation of the matters being represented and rvarranted, or to malie any inquþ ofany othei persons, or to search or examine any files, recoids, books, correspondence and the like. The Pruchaser hereby agrees that recourse under this Agreement is limited to Seller and no claim wi.ll be made agaihst Robert Freedman individual.ly or in his câþàcity as t-he party having Seller's l',noivledge. 3.5.2 .Exception Matters. Seller shall harç no liability whatsoever to purihaser respect to any Exceptio¡r MêJters. If purchaser obta¡ns knowledge of zìúy Excëption Matters with before the closing, Purchaspr ma¡¡ coßu1nmâte t¡e acquisition ofthe property subjecr theretô Furchaser determines to prcçeed with the purchæe o.f the Property pursuant to Article 8 (thereby waiving all-rights to seek a¡d recover Damages (as hereinafter defiîed) agaþqr se.lter); provided. however, ifPurchaser obtains knowledge ofany Exception Manets prior io the Closing, which Ë¡ceptjon Matters mriterially ard adversely affect the value to puIchaser of the tansactions contemplated by this Agreement, Purchaser may, (1) terminate the Agreement ahd all deposits hereunder shall be immediateiy refunded with interest accrued; (2) offset the purchase price bv the adverse value ofthe Exception Matte.r; (3) commence a legal proceeding against Seller allegíng that Seller was in breach ofsuch representation or warranty when made or as of f}re Closing, arid that Purchaser has suffered aètu¿il damageS às a result thereof (a "Proceedine"). If Purchaser shall have timely commenced a Proceeding, and a court of competent juiisdictión shall, pursuant to a flnal, non-appealâble order in coimection with such Prôceeding, determine that (a) Seller was in breach ofa representation or r*.arratty as ofthe date made or as ofClosing, ft) Purcha5er suffered actual damages (a¡ disiinguished from consequential damages) lthe if --t "D¿¡q4geq:') by reason ofsuch breach, and (c) Purchaser did not hare actual or constructive knowledge of such breach on or prior to the date the representation or warra¡ty was made, then Purchaser shall be entitled to receive an amount equal to its Damages. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in no event shall Pu¡chase¡ be entitled to sue, seek, obtain or be awarded Damages 'f¡om Seller, ur ess and until the aggregâte amourìt of Damages exceeds the sum of FIVE THOUSAND and 00/i00 DOLLARS ($5,000.00) (the "Base Amount")., whereupon Seller shall 'be liable to Purchaser for all Damages accfuing above the Base Amount, but in no event will Seller be liable to Purchaser to the extent that the aggregâte Damages to Purchaser exceed the sum of TWO HUNDRED FiFTY IHOUSAND and 00/i00 DOLLARS (5250,000.00). Additionally, Seller agrees to indemnifl Buyer for all costs and experses associated with resôlving the Land Cour{ Action. 3.5.3 Purch¿ìser Notice. Purchaser agrees to inform Seller promptly in writing if discovers that any representâtion or wan"anty ofSeller is inaccurate in any material respect, or it if it believes that Seller has failed to deliver to Purchaser any ilocument or material which it is obligated to deliver herer¡nder. 3.5,4 No Survival. All ôf the representations a¡d \À'arra¡ties ofSeller shall provided for, and none of the represêntations or warranties of Seller merge into the Deed herein contained in this Section 3 shall survive the Closing Date or teÍriination of this Ag¡eemeff. 4. Representaiions and Warranties ofPurchaser. Pqrchaser represents and',r'anahts that: 4.1 íght, Authoritv, Pwchaser is an individual and/or busin€ss ef,tity with the por,l'er and authority to enter into this Agreement and to consummate the transaction full oontemplated hereby. .2 4 Nq Çonflici: App¡ovals. The execution and deliveqy of this Agieement the consummaiion of the t¡ansactions contemplated hereunder on the part of Purchaser does ãnd nort and will not violate a¡y aÞplicable law, otdinancç. statute, rule, regulation, order, decree or j udgment, conflict with or result in the breach of any material terms or provisioirs of, or constitute a default uhder, or result in the creation or imposition ofany lièn charge, or encurnbrance upon any ofthe ptopefty or assçts of the Purchaser by reason ofdre terms ofany contract. mortgage,.lien, lease, agreement, indenture, instrumeni or judgms.nt to which Pu¡chaser is a party or which is or purports to be binding upor Purchæpr qr whích othenryise affects furchaser, which will uot be tlischarged, asswned or released at Closing. No action by any fêderâl, state or nìunicipal or oiher govemmental department, co¡ir¡nission. board, bureau or instrumentality iò necessary to make this Agreement a valid instrument binding upon PurchaSer in accordance with its terms. 4.3 Consent. No consent of aqy third party is requirêd in ordei for Purchaser to enter into this dgreenient and to consuiîmate the transaction conternplaæd by this AgÌeenent (other than those that have been obtained or will be obtained orr or þríor to the Closing). 4.4 Litlsation, There is no action, suit, arbitration, unsatisfied o¡de¡ or judgment, government investigation or proceeding pending against Putchaser which, if adversely detçrmined, could individualiy or ín the aggregate materially interfere wìth the consuirimation of the transaction contemplated by this Agreement other than the Land Cowt Action. The parties agree that the Purchaser's oblìgations hereunder shall be contingent upon the resolution and fiiing ofstipulations of dismissal, with prejudice, by all panies ofthe Land Court Action, and the Super Cou¡ Action (No. 06-5242), and any other litigation which has not been resolved relative to the Property. Additionally, Seller agrees !o indermiry, defend and hold harmless Pu¡chaser from any and all claims relative to these matters and for all costs and expenses associated rvith the Land Court Action, Superior Court Aclion and any other cur¡ent or pending litigation associated with the Property. Jfany such litigation has not been resolved prior to closiûg, then Purchaser may elect to terminate this Agreement and all deposits, with interest, shall be retumed forthìMith. This provision shall suwive tle transfer of the deed. 4.5 ERISA Matters. Purchaser, or its nomiiee, is noû (i) a plan '"vhich is subject to Title I of the Emplqyee Retireme.nt Income Secu¡ity Act of 1974, as amended (*ERISA"). as defined in Section 3(3) ofERISA, nor a plan as defined in Section 4975(eXt) of the Intemal Revenue Code of i986, as imended (each ofthe foregoíng hereinaffer referred to coliectively as a "!þi"); (ii) a'¡govemmentdl plan" as defined in Secdon 3(32) of ERISA: or (iii) a "pa¡ty in inter'est," as defined in Section 3(14) of ERISA, to a Pla& except with respect to plans, ifany, mainrained by Purchaser, nor do the assets of Purchaser constitute 'þlan assets" of one or more ofsuch Plâns .¡/ithin the meaning çf Departmêht of Labor Regulations Section 2510.3-101. Purchaser is actirlg on its own behalf anal not oh account ofor for the benefit ofany Plao. Purchaser has no present intent to transfe¡ the Property to any entity, person or Plan *4rich will cause a violation of ERISA. Puichaser shâll not assign its interest under this Agreement 10 any en¡ity, person o¡ Plan which w-ill cai¡se a violation ofBRISA,. 4.6 OFAC and Related Comoliance. 4,6.1 Pu¡chaser ís in compliance with ttre requirements of Executive O¡de¡ No. 133224,66Fed. Reg.49079 (Sept. 25,2001) (the "9¡:!þI") and other similar requiremeffis contained i¡ the rules and regdations ofthe Office ofForeign Assets Control, Departmenr ofthe Treasury COFACT) and in an}, epabling lçgislation o¡ other Executive Orders or regulations in respect tlrereof (the Order and such other rules, regulátions, legislation, or o¡ders arecollectively called thg ('Qg!ers"), 4.6.2 Neithe¡ Purchaser nor any benefrcial owner ofPurchase¡: (Ð is listed on the Specially Desipated Nationals and Blocked PersonS List maintained by OFAC pursuant to the Order and/or on any other list ofterrorists or te¡rorist organiz¿tions maintained pursuant to any of the rules and regulations ofOFAC or pursuant to any other applicable Orders (such lists are collectively referred to as the "!þþ"); (iÐ is a Person who has been determined by competent authority to be subject to the prohibitions contained in the Orders; or is owùed or controlled by. or acts fo¡ or on behalfof, any Person on the Lists or any other Person who has been dgtermined by competent authority to be subject to the prohibitioris contai¡ed in the Orders, 5. Due Diligence Period- 5.1 The term ''pgq Ðjlgggggdq!", as used herein shall mean the period commencing on the date hereof and ending at 5:00 p.m. Eastem Standard Time on the sixtieth (60rh) day th-ereafter. 5.2 Subject to the tenns and conditions hereol during the Due Diligence Period, Purchaser or its representatives may inspect the Property and conduct sùch tests (including environmental and engineering tests and studies) and irivestigations thereofas Ptuchaser may reasonably require. Purchaser (i) shall give Seller at ieast forty eight (48) hours prior notice ofPurchâser's request to enter rhe Property (which notice may be telephonic), (ii) shall at all times conduct inspections and tests in compliance with applicable law in a ma¡urer so as not to cause any material damage, liability, loss, cost or expense to Selier or the Property, (iii) shall promptly reÈtore the Property substantially to its condition immediately preceding Purchaser's inspections and tests, (iv) shall keep the Property free and clear ofany mechanic's liens or materialman's liens aiising from such inspections ånd tests, (v) shall at all times alloû a representative ofSeller îo accompãny Purchaser or Purchaser's representative(s) whur at the Property provided that Seller shall reasonably cooperate with Pu¡chaser to make a ¡epresentdtive availqblg (vi) In the event ttre Closing does not occur, shall provide Seller, aJ no cost or expense to Seller, with ca.pies of al1 engineering and environmental reports. iab artalyses, appraisaiJand õther reports or studies commissioned and received by Purcbaser in connection with Pu¡chaser'S ínspections and tests (collectively, the "I4gp$tþdBgports"), and (vii) until the Closing occurs hereunder, shall keep the lnspection Reports and the contents thereof and all information a¡d documents provided by Seller to Pùc¡aser puïiuaùt to the last sentence of this Section 5.2 confidential, except to the extent such information is a matter ofpublic infoimation other than as a tesult ofdisclosure by Purchaser, or to the extent that such dis'cJosure is eompelled by law or by regulalòry õrjudicial process, provided, houever, tha! Purchaser may disclose suoh informâtion to ìts agents, advisors, consultants, members, partners¡ invesÏors, affiliates, lenders, advisors, attomeys and accountants (gollectively, "Tianl4çgSn Partigg"), so long as such Transaction Parties are informed by Purchaserofthe confidential naru¡e ofsuch information and are directed by Purchaser to freat suoh information confidentially and to use such information only ih con¡ectic;n wíth the transaction contemplated by tgs Agregmenl (it being agreed that Purqhase¡'s obìigâtio4$ under this Section 5.2 shall sun'ive the termination ofthis Agreement but shall nol su¡ùive thç Clssing). 5.3 Purchaser shall not, and shall not pennit any of its employees, consultants, engineers, conlr¿Elors and agents to conduct any soil lests or sampling or any boririg, digging. drilling or other physical intrusíon of the Property (collectivety, "Te$i!C"), except at reasona¡le times and with the prior written consent of Seller, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed with respect to limited, non-invasive Testing ifPurchaser gives Seller at leasr forty eight (48) höurs prior notice of any such Testing (which notice may be telephonic). In connection with such Testing, Purchaser o¡ each ofPurchaser's contraotors, consuìtants aod other Prrrchaser Parties (aS hereinafter defined) performing any such Testing.shall fumish to Seller, prior to the cÒmmencement of such Testing, in form reasonably satisfactory to Seller. a cerüficate or certificates of insu¡ance, or other satisfactory evidence indicãting that Puchaser a¡d each ofsuch consuhants and contractors have each obtained Commercial General Liabililv Insurance whÏch includes contractu'ãl liábility and produots anal completed operaiions lvith limits not less than $1,000,000.00 pe¡ ocÇurrence ¿nd $i,000,000.00 in the aggregate for bodily injury, including death, and property da4qge combined or such lessor li.irìits as are customary for -6- similar testing at similar þroperties. Purchaser shall, in the event the Closing does not occur for any reason at its sole cost and expense, promptly cause the Propefty to be restored substaitially fo its condition existing prior to such Testing. The consultant's aforesaid insu¡ance cove¡age shall include acts and omissions ofthe insured's contactÒrs. subcofflactors, agents and employees. AII such Commercial General Liability insurance shall name Seller as an additional insureä. In addition, all such certificate(s) or other evidence shall indicate that the coverage described therein is in force as of the date ofthe commencement ofthe applicable Testing and that the coverage evidenced thereby shall not be modified or ca¡celled without at least tetr (10) da).s' prior wïitten notice to Seller. All requirements pursuant to This Section 5.3 with respecl to Testing shall be in addition to all other requitemenfs set foÍh in this Section 5' 5-4 Unless due to the negligence or willful acts ofally Indemnified Parties (hereinafter defined), Purchaser hereþ (i) agrees to protect defend, indemnify and hold Àarmless Seller, its employees, agents, managers, membei's, emplo¡ees, successors and assigns (collectively, the "Indemnilieil Prrtiesl) from and agaiist any and all liabilities, actions, suits, mechanics' liens, judgments, losôes, costs, damages, expenses (including, without limìntion, reasonable attomeys' fees and expenses), ctaims a¡d d.entands ofany n4ture whatsoçve¡ assefted againsl, or suffered or incurred by any of the Indemnifiçd Parties' a¡ising out ofor in any way relaling to the acts or omisSions ofany Purchaser Party (as hereinafter defined) in conducting such inspections, Testing or ûther activìties at the Property by or on behalf of any Purchasêr Party; and (ii) to pay to Seller all costs and expenses, including, without limitation, reasoirable gttomeys' feés an<i disbUrseme s, incuned by Seller in enforcing the obligations of Purchaser .uir.der the provisioris ófthis senfence. The Þr'o\'isioris 'ôf fhis Seçtion 5.4 shall survive the Closing or any earlier tenni ation of this Agreement, The ferm "pt$4a*¿84[", as used herein, means Ptllclìaser or âny agent, employee, consultani, contractor or subcontractor ofPurchaser or any other party claiming under or through any ofthe foregoing panies oranyperson o¡ party rùich, at th.e directio¡ ofPurchaser or any priniípal æ affiliate ofPurchaser, enters upon the Premises to inspect same or perfornÌ ariy Testing. 5.5 lt based on PurchasÊr's invesligation ofthe PropeÍy duiing the Due Períod, Purchaser is not satisfied, in its sole discretion, with the condition ofthe Þiligence Proferty and/or if Purclaser is unable to procuie fmahcing necessary to acquire the Property' then Purchaser may c.anqel this Agfeement by givlng written notice to Seller not later than 5:00 p.m. EST on tþe lasi day Of fhe Drie Diligenie Period. If this Agreement is cancelled by Þu¡çhaser pursuant to the foregoing Þrovisions öf1his Section 5.5, then (A) Purchaser shall be entitled to receii,e the Deþosii and al1 inærest é¿rmed thereolr, alld @) and neither party hereto shall have any further rights, liabilìties or obligations under this Agteement except those that are .e,xpressly provided in this Agreement to the survive the termination hereof. 5.6 Time shall be of the essence ofall dates and time periods set forth in this Section 5. 6. Cgnditions Precedgnt to Þwchaser's Oblisations: ''As Is" Pûchase. All of Purchaser's obligations hereunder are expressly conditioned oh the satisfáction at or before the time of Closing hereuider. or a1 or befo¡e such earlier time as may be expressly staied herein, of each ofthe followíig cóndilions (ary one or more ofwhiçh may be waived in whole or in part by Purchæer. at Purchaser's option): -7 - 6.1 Accu¡acy ofRep¡esentalions- AII of the representations and u'a¡ranties of Seller contained in lhis Agreement shall hâve been true and cor¡ect in all material respects w-hen made, and, subject to the provisions set forth in Article 3 he¡eol shall be true and co¡rect in all material fespects on the date ofClosing with the same effèct as ifmade on and as ofsuch date. 6.2 Perfomrance. Seller shall have performed, observed and complied u,ith atl covenants, ag¡eements a¡d conditions requi¡€d by this Agreement to be performed, material observed and complied with on its part prior to or as ofClosing hereunder, 6.3 Documents and Deliveries. All instruments and documents requi¡ed on part to effectuate this Agreement and the lransactions contemplated hereby shall be Seller's delive¡ed to Pu¡chase¡ and shall be in form and substa¡ce consistent with the requirements herein. 6 .4 Pu¡chase "As Js". 6.4.I EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THIS AG.REEMENT, IT IS I]NDERSTOOD AND AGREED THAT SELLER]S NOT MAKING AND HAS NOT AT ANY TIMË MADE ANY WARR..qNTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND OR C.ITARACTER, ÐXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITTI RESPECT TO THE PROPERTY. INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIM]TED TO, ANY WARR¡,NTIES OR R.EPRESENTAT,ION$ AS TO HABITABILITY, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. PURCHASER ÀCKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT UPON CLOSING pURcHASER AND pURCHASER sHALL Spllen snRr-L sELL AND coNVEy to A,CCEPT THE PROPERTY ''AS IS. WHERE IS. WN ". PURCHASER HAS NOT RELIED AND IVILL NOT RELY ON, AND SELLER ]S NOT LI,ABLE FOR OR BOUND BY, ANYEP.RESS OR IMPLIED V/ARRANTIES, GUARANIIES, STATEMENTS, REPRESENTATIONS OR INFORMATIÓN PERTA I\IING TO THE PROPERTY OR RELATING THERETO (INCLUDING SPECIF]CALLY, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY PROSPECTUS DISTRIBUTED WITH RESP.ECT TO THE PROPERTY). MADE ORFURNISHED BY SELLER, TI{E MANAGERS OF THE PROPERTY, OR AIIY R&q.L ESTATE BROKER OR AGENT REPRESENTING OR PTIRPORTING TO REPRESENT SELLER, TO WHOMEVER MADE OR GIVEN, D]RECTLY OR iND]RECTLY, OR.A,LLY OR IN WRTTING, LTNLESS SPECIFICALI.Y SET FORTII IN THIS ,A,GREEMENT. PURCHASER ALSO ACKNOWLEDGES THAT THE PURCHASE PRICE REFLECTS AND TAKES INTO ACCOUNT TI{AT THE PROPERTY IS BEING SOLD ('AS. IS.- PURCHASER ACKNOWLEDGES AND REPRESENTS TO SELLER THAT PURCITASER HAS CONDUCTED, OR WILL CONDUCT PRIOR TO CLOSING, SUCH INVESTIGATIONS OT THE PROPERTY, INCLUDING BUTNOT LIMITED TO, TI{E P}rySICAL AND EWIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS THEREOF, AS PURCIIASER DEEMS NECESSARY OR DESIRABLE TO SATISFY ITSEL.F AS TO THE CO}IDITION OF THE PROPERTY AND THE EXISTENCE OR NONEXISTENCE OR CURATIVE ACTION TO BE TAKEN WITH RESPECT TO é.NY FIAZARDOUS OR TOXIC SUBSTANCES ON OR -8- DISCHARGED FROM THE PROPERTYI AND WILL RELY SOLELY UPON SAME AND NOT UPON ANY INFORMATION PROVIDED BY OR ON BEHALF OF SELLER OR ITS AGENTS OR EMPLOYEES V/ITH RESPECT THERETO, OTHER TTIAN SUCH REPRESENTATIONS, WARRANTIES AND COVENANTS OF SELLERAS ARE EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT. UPON CLOSING, PURCHASER SHALL ASSUME THE RISK THAT ADVERSE MATTERS, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, CONSTRUCTION DEFECTS AND ADVERSE PHYSICAL AND ENVIRONMËNTAL CONDITIONS, MAY NOT IIAVE BEEN REVEALED BY PURCHASER'S INVESTIGATiONS, AND PURCHASER, UPON CLOSING, SHALL BE DEEMED TO HAVE WAIVED, RELINQUISHED AND RELEASED SELLER (AND SELLER'S OFF]CERS, DIRECTORS, SHAREHOLDERS, EMPLOYEËS AND AGENTS) FROM AND AGAINST ANY AND ALL CLAIM$, DEMANDS, CAUSES OF ACTION (INCLUDING CAUSES OF ACTION IN TORT), LOSSES, DAMACES, L]ABILITIES, COSTS AND EXPENSES (INCLUDING REASONABLE ATTORNEYS' FEES) OT ANY AND EVERY KINÎD OR CHARACTE& KNOWN OR IJ]'{KNOWN, WHICH PURCHASER MIGHT HAVE ASSERTED OR ALTEGED AGAINST SELLER (AND SEI-LERiS OFFICERS, DiRECTORS, SFIAREHOLDERS, EMPLOYEES AND AGENTS) AT ANY TIME BY REASON OF OR ARISING OUT OF ANY LATENT OR PATENT CONSTRUCTION DEFECTS OR PHYSICAL COÀDITIONS, VIOLATIONS OF ANY APPLICABLE LAWS AND ANY A}ID ALL OTHER ACTS, OMISSIONS, EVENTS, CIRqUMSTANCES OR MATTERS REGÀRDING THE PROPERTY. THE PROV]SIONS OF THIS SECTION SHALL SURVIVE CLOSING OR ANY TERMINATION OF THIS AGRËEMENT. 6.4.2 Purchaser heleby agrees that, ifat any time after the Closing. any tltird party or any governmental agency seeks to hold PtuchaSer respoirsible for the presence of, or aly Ioss, cgst or damage associated wiih, Hazardous Materials (as hereinaffer defined) in, on, above o¡ beneath the Real Property or emanatirig therefrom, then tÏe Purchaser waives any rights it may have against Sêller in coirnection therewith including, without limitation, under CERCLA (defined bêlow), and Purqhaser agrees that it shall not (i) implead the Selleq (ii) bring a contribution action or simila¡ action against the Seller or (iii) attempt in any way to hold the leller responsible witþ rçspect to any such mâtter. The ptovisions ofthis Section 6.4.2 shali suryive the Closing. As used hetein, "þZeEIgqM¿ jlgIieÞ" shall mea¡ anil ìnclude, but shall not be limited to a¡y petroleum pioduct ând â11hazá¡dous or toxic substances, wastes Or subst¿mces, ariy substarices which because oftheif quantitiìted concentration, chemical, or active, flammable, exþlosive, infectious or othet characteristics, constitute or may reasoniably be expected to constitute or conlribute to a danger or hazard to public health, safety or welfare ol to the enviroffient, including, without l.imitation, any hazardous or toxic waste or substances which .are included under or regulated (whether now existing or hereafter èíacted or plomulgated, as they may be arrended fiom time to time) including, witbout limitation, the Comprehensive Environmental Responsè, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980,42 U.S.C. Section 9601 et gçS. ("çEBçL{"), the Federal Resource Conservation and Recovery 4c1,42 U.S.C, Section 6901 et seq., simiia¡ state laws.and regulations adopted thereunder. 6.5 Title. Within thirty (30) days after the full execution and delivery of this Agreemenl, Purchasershall obtain an updated title repQrt or cornmitment with respect to the -9- Propeny lrom any title insurance company authorized to do business in the Conrmonuealth of Mâssâchusetts. Pu¡chaser shall have a period often (10) days after receipt ofthe updated tirle report within which to examine said title report. If Purchaser objects to any matteß disclosed in such updated title report not shown on the title report attached hereto, Purchase¡ shall. within said period. notiff Seller in writing specifying the objectionable matters. Seller shall cure ary such matters withi¡ sixty (60) days from receipt ofsuch notice (the "I!!þllurgBeIigg"). in which event the Closing, if it otherwise is scheduled to occur earlier, shall be extended until the èarlier of six.ty (60) days after receípt of such notice or three (3) business days after such matter is cured. If at the expiration ofthe Title Cu¡e Period, Seller, desþite its best effods in good faith, has been unable to cure any such defect, then Purchaser may elect to extend the Title Cu¡e Period for an additional rhirty (30) days for Seller to cu¡e such defects o¡ Purchaser may elect to terminate this Agreement with Notice to tüe Seller ín which event the Deposit, and all interest eamed ihercon. shall be immediately returned to the Pu¡chaser. 6:6 Land Swao. Seller shall consummate the closj¡g a swap of land described in a Settlement Agreernent dated October 30, 2007 consisting of a swap of a certairi portion of the Premises in returin for a certain portion of land bèlonging to the abÈt[er to the noÍh of the Prçmises adding ûontage along Rgute I to the Premises. Seller shall provide Purchaser during the Due Diligence Pe¡iod with drafts ofany and all documents necessàry to effectuate the land SWap, v'hich documenis may nol substantiaily deviate from the final land swap documents. 6.7 Failùe of C¡nditions. ln the event Seller shall not be able to convey fitle to the Property on the Closing Date in accordance $,ith the prclvisions ofthis Agreement. then Puchase¡ shall have lhe option, exercìsable by rwitten nofice to Seller at or prior to Closing, of (a) accepting at Closing such title as Seller is able to convey and./or waiving ary unsatisfied condition precedenf, wilh no deductión from or adjustment of the Purchase Price, or (b) declining to proceed to Closing. .In the lalter event, except as expressly set forth herein, all obligations, liabilities ând rights of the parties under this Agreement shall te¡mÌnate, and the Deposit shall be retumed tO Purchaser. 7. C.losing;Deliveries. .1 Time óf Closine. Tbe Ctqsing shall take place on or before the dare which 7 is ninety (90) days àfter the expiration of the Due Diligence Period *ith TIME BEING OF THE ESSENCE with respect to Pur.chaser's oþligâtion to close cin such date, or such other date to which the Closing may be adjoumed by Seller in accordance with the terms he¡eof (such datç on which the Closing occurs being refeneil to herein as the "Çþ!isÉÐel!g")' The Closing shall lakç placq at the ofhce of Seller's attomey, however, it being understood that neithe¡ Seller nor Pu¡chaser nor their respectivè coûnsel need be physically present at Closing so long as all documents that are iequired to be delivered at Closing are fully executed and available on the elosing Date, and a¡r authorized signalory of each party is available either in person or by telephone and fac¡imile at Closing. 7 .2 Seller Deliveries. At Closing, Seller shall deliver to Púchaser the following. and it shall be a condition to Purchaser's obligatioh to close that Seiler shall lave delivered the same to Purchaser: l0 7.2.1 A quitclaim deed conveying lee simple title to the Real property, fiom seller. duly executed and acknowledged by Seller, subject to such title matters as äre àppro'ed by Purchaser pursuant to Section 6.5. 7.2-2 A bill of sale fo¡ rhe Personalty ftom Seller. 7.2.3 AII books, records and fites maintained by Seiler's property manager relating to the constnìction, leasing, operation and maintenance of the propertl-. - 7.2.4 Such affidavits, letters of indem¡ity or certificares of tirle as the title insurer shall require in order to issue an owner's policy oftitle irsurance free ofany exceptions lor unfiled mechanics' oI materialmen's liens for work performed by Seller prior tó Closing. or for rights ofparties in possession. 7,2.5 A Non-Foreign Affidavit as rêquired by tþe Foreign ("FIRPT{"), as arnended, duly executed by Seller. Investors in Real Property Tax Act 7.2.6 A counterpart original of the glosíng statemeff duly executed by Seller and a certificate Good standing of the business entiti, frbm thg proper govemment authority. 7 2.7 All other instruments and documents re¿ìsonably required to effectuate this Agreement and the lraìrsactions contemplated thereby. 7 .3 Purchaser Deliveries- At CJosing. Purchaser shall dèliver to Seiler the following, and it shall be a conditìon to seller's obligarion ro close that purchaser shall have delivered the same to Seller: 7.3.1 In accordance rvith Seller's iústructions, a rvíre transfer in the amount required under Section 2.2 hereof(subject to the adjustmens provided for in this Agreement), harìsfened to the order or account of Seller or Seller's designee. 7.3.2 A countèryart originâl of the closing statement duly executed by Purchaser. 7.3.3 All other instruments and docuÌnents reasonâbly required to effectì.Ete this Agreement and the transactions contemplated thereby. 8. Aonortionments:Taxes:Exoenses. Ll Anportionments. .l 8.1 Ta,xes and OÞeraliBs Exoenses. All real estate taxes, charges and assessments affecting the Property ("Taxg!), all charges for water; eleclricity, s¿rver rental, gas, telephone and all other utilities ('loperatinq ExÞe¡ses), shall be prôrated on a per diem basis as of midnight of the date immediately preceding the date of Closing. If any Taxes have not been finally assessed as ofthe date ofÇlosing for the cur¡ent fisca] year of the taxing authority, then the sa¡ne shall be a.djusted at Closing based upon the most recenlly issued bills therefor, and shall be re-adjusted when and if fin¿l bills are issued. If any opel4ting Expenses cannol conclusively l1 be determined as ofthe date ofCiosing, then the same shall be adjusted at Closing based upon the most recently issued bills tlrus far and shall be re-adjusted within one hundred twenty (120) days after the end ofthe calendar yea¡ in which the Closìng occurs after final Operaling Expenses are determined. Pu¡chaser hereby agrees to assume all non-delinquent assessments affecting the Property, vr'hether special or general. If Seller is presentþ prosecuting tax abalement proceedings, after the Closing, Seller shall continue to be authorized to prosecute such proceedings, and shall be entitled to any abatement:proceeds obtained in connection therewith. Purchaser agrees afier the Closing, to the çxtent reasonably necessary for Selle¡ to continue to prosecute such proceedings, to reasonably cooperate with Seller, at no cost to Purchaser, in such prosecution, alld also âg¡ees to promptly endorse or pay over to Seller any abatemenl amounts for such years received by Purchaser. 8.1 ,2 Additior¡al Prorations. The following ddditional items shall be prorated as of the date of C.losing: (a) Water charges and sewer renfs on the basis of the fìscal yeæ fo¡ u'hich assessed, subject to the plovisìeus hereof; and (b) Fuel, if any, as estimated by Seller's firel supplier. valued ât the price the¡efor then cha.rged by such supplier including any applicable taxes. 8.2 Exoenses. Each party will pay all its onn expenses incurred in connection with this Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby, including, without limitation, all costs a¡d expenses stated herein to be bome by a partyr and all cif their respective accounting, legal and appraisal fees. Seller, in addition to its other expenses, shall pay at Closing all deed or other transfer taxes and döcumentary stamps payable i.n connection with the purchase and sale of .the Real Property, and one-halfofall escrow fees and closing costs cha.rged by the iitle comþany, if apþlicable. Purchaser, in addition to its other expenses, shall pay at Closing (a) all due diligence costs and expenses, (b) Þremiums for any coverage undei Purchaser's or Purchase¡'s lender?s tifJe inswance policy, (c) suwey cost, and (d) one-half ofall escrow a¡d closing costs charged by the fitle company, ifapplicable. 9. IntentionallvOmitted. 10. Reniedìes. 10.1 Purchêser Def¿iult. In the e\.ent Purchaser breaches or faìls to complete ofthe Property or to perform its obligations under this Agreement, then Seller shall be entitled to receive the Deposit. plus a1l interest eamed and accrued thereon, as liquidâted damages (and not as a penalty). Thereupon this Agrgement shaìl terminate zrnd the parties shall be relíeved ofall fui1her obligations and liabilities hereunder. except as expressly set fofh herein. Purchaser and Seller acknowledge that the damages to Seller resulting from Purchaser's breach would be diffrcult, ifnot impossible, to ascertain with any accì.racy! and that the liquidated damage aftount set forth in this Section represeffs both parties' best effofs to app¡ôximate such poþntial damages. Retention of the Deposit shall be Seller's sole reriredy at law or in equiry. the pur.chAse l2 10.2 Seller Default. In the event Seller breaches or fails, without legal excuse, to complete the sale ofthe Property or to perform its obligations under this Agreeinent, Purchaser may, as its sole remedy therefor, subject to the next pæagraph of this Section I 1.2. either (a) enforce specific performance of this A$eement against Sêller, ór (b) terminate rhis Agreement and receive a return ofthé Deposit, plus ínterest earned and acc¡ued thereon. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, Purchaser agrees its recourse agaÍnst Seller under this Agreement or under any other agreement, documenl, that certìficate or instrument delivered by Seller to Purchase¡ or under any law applicable to the Property or this transaction, shall be strictly limited to Sellerts interest in the Property (or upon consummation ofthe transactj.on contemplated hereunder, to the net proceeds ofthe sale thereof actually received by Seller), and that in no event shall Purchaser seek or obtain any recovery or judgmeni against any of Seller's other assets (ifany) or against any of Seller's partners (or their constituent partners) or any direðtor, manager, member, officer. employee or shareholder ofany of the foregóing. l. 1 Possession. Possession surrendered to Purchaser at Closing. 1,2. Notices. ofthe Prgperty, free of all tenants and occupants, shall be All notices and other communications provided for herein shall be in (or such ofher addrèss as a party may hereafter designate for itself by nôtice to the other parties as required hereby) ofthe party for whom such notice or communication is intended: writing and shall be Iffo Seller: sent to the addtess set forth below Robert Freedman RFF Family Partnership P.Q. Box 6090 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 Fax: With a copies to: Bums & Levinson LLP 125 Sunìmer Street Boston, MA 021l0 Attention: Michael D. MaçClary, Esq. Fax: (617)345-3299 Ifto Fu¡chaser: GFfi' Fax: With a copy to: Michael B. Cabral, Esq. Law Offices of Michaei B. Cabral, LLC 6 Beacon Street Suite lli5 Bosron, MA 02108 -13- Tel:617.248-9800 Fax: 617 -227 -7 69A suoh notice or côrirînunication shall be sufficient if sent by registered or certified mail. retum receipt reqùested, postage prepaid; by hand detivery; by ovemight courier sewice; or by telecopy, rvith an origina! by regular mail. Any such nolice or communication shall be effective when delivered o¡ when delivery is refused- Attomeys are hereby authorized to send and receive nodces on behalfoftheil respecfive clíent and to agree to extensions of time periods. Any 13, Brokers. Purchaser a¡Ìd Seller each represents to the other that it has not dealt with any broker or agent in corurection rv-ith this transaction other than Caroline Ligotti of Otis & Aheam, Inc.who will be paìd $ 120,000 by Seller pursuant to a s€parate agreement. Each party hereby ìndemnifies and hoids ha¡mless the other parry from all loss, cost and expense (including reasonable attorneys' fees) æising out Òf a breâch ôf its representation o¡ undertaking set forth in this Section 13. The provisions of this Section 13 shall sun ive Closing or the termination of this Agreqmeut. 14. Esffow Agent. Escrow Agent shall hold the Deposit in accorda¡ce with the Teüns and provisions ofthis Agreement, subject to the follow{ng: 14..1 Oblieations. Esero\ry Agent undertakes to perform only such duties as are expressly set forth in this Agreement and no implied duties or obligations shall be read into this .Agreement against Escrow Agent. 14-2 Reliance. Escrow Ageni may act in reliance upon any writing or instrument or signature \Ã'hich it in good faith, believes, and ariy state.ment or àssertion contained in such writing or iüstrument, and mây assume th?t any person purporting to give any witing, notioet advioe or iirstrument in connection with the provisions ofthis Agreengnt has been duly authorized to do so. Escrow Agent shall nol be liable in any manner for the sufficiency or Co¡iectiess as to form, ma¡ner and execution, or validity of any instrument deposited in escrow, nor as to the ìdentity. authority, or right ofany person e¡ecuting the same, and Escrow Agent's duries under this Agreement shall be limited to those provided in this Agreement. 14.3 Indemnification, Unless Esc¡ow Agent disçharges ahy ofits d¡ties undçr fhis Ag¡eement in a ne€¡ligent manner or is guilty of willful misconduct with regard to its dutigs underthis Agreemênt, Sellef and Purchaser shall indemnifr Escrow Agent and hold it harmless from any and all clâims, liâbilities, losses, actions, suits or proceediirgs at law or in equity, or other expenses, fees, or charges ofany character or ìutu¡e, which it may incur or with rvhich it may be threatened by reason of its acting as Escrow Agent under this Agreement; and in such con¡ection Seller and Purchaser shall indemnify Escrorv Agent agâinst any and all expenses including reasonable attomeys' fees and the cosl ofdefending any action- suit or proceeding or resistiag any claim in such capacity. 14.4 Dispuies. If the pzirties (including Escow Agent) shall be ii disagreement about the interpretation ofthis Agreement, or about their respective rights and obligations, or the propriety ofany action contemplated by Escrow Agent, or the application ofthe Dçposit, Esorow Agent shall hold the Deposit until the receipt of witten instructions from both Purchæer and t4- addition' iñ any such evenl' Seller or a final order ofa court of competentjudsdiction' -ln to resolve the uut shati noiùe i"q'uitta io, m"^un action in interoleader Ë;;.;; for atl costs and reàsonable attomeys' fees in disagreement. Escrow Agent shai'Ue in¿emninea *V sgch inteçleader action and shall be fully ils capacity as Êscrow agent in å'nirettì"" *itlt judgment in under this Agreement until a final protected in suspending all ot pt" "J;"ities ihe inrerpleade¡ action is received- ;g;;"y, "îit 14.5 have full und counsel. ;J;;t;; its own choice and Counsel. Êscrow Agent may consult with counsel of the opinion of such *a piot""tion io a"cordan"e *'ith "o.pl"t.-authork"ãoo EscrowAgentshattotie#"ttåtU"tiuUt"foranymistakesoffactorerrorsof-.-. o-iitio* oianv kind' unless iaused bv its nesliseüce or willtul ã;;ni u"t. o. misconduct. Agent shall not' by Açknowledqeme¡t' Pù¡chaset agrces that the Esclôw' be disqualified from representing virnre of its services as Escrpw ffiñ'a"t ,t ir egreeäent, of rúe propery if rhis Asfe€'menr shall terminate $tË; i; ;.ffiij;; *,lrãy n oiJ*arketing for any reason 14.6 Agent in 14.6 lnterest. All deposits íntq ihe esdow shall be held by the Escrow Deposit occu¡, all interest eamed on the ¿in interest bearing u""ouni. irìrr" closing shall thç benefit of Pu¡chase¡' If shall be dqemed to t" pitt oiin" O"poiit-and shall accrue to heTeof' then all interest eamed this Agleement shatt te ærminatea pursuant to the teÍrts Depqsit becomes on thJDeposit shall be paid tq PurcLæer, except to the extent that ln iuch event the interest eamed on the payable tó Sellerpursuánt to Section biposit shdll accrue tô the benefit of the Sell€r' I1'l 15. Miscellaneous. l5.lExculpation.Pufchaserag¡gesthalitdoesnothaveandwillnothavealry ¿isclosed ór qndilclosed offrcer" director' employee' agenl, ""tiãnãffifi:iny paren! subsidiary Òr other afftliate of trustee, sharehold"r, purto"r, -".ttt"i, manager, principal, ae;n!'trusJee' mrstee, shareholder' inânagel' rhember' ð"ù"r, *v "mployee, "fn"áidire"tor, p"r"ni, subiidiary- o. other affiliato (cóltectively, r'S9!lglþ ". of "u"t [mù"t..'f , *irì"g out oior in iooneótion wittr t6s agreement or the traqsaqtiqnsofcoñtemplaf€d any liability ËrË;=;;"h^;t"agrees to look solely to Sellø and its assets for the sêtisfac.t:ion or forlhe contemplãtetl hereby, this Agre",".nt o, rh" t*taclioils ãrãùíig"ti"r and ",iri"fir¡rder of a¡/of the covenÃts, w¿frarlties or other agreenenJs conlained herein' oerfoniance any of ;"t io sre o. otl"rwise seek to enfo¡ce any personal obligation against s'ith this Agreement Seller's Àffiliates with respect to any matters aiising out ofor in connection generalþ of the foregoing ãi itr" t*o.u.tìo* contemplated heieby- Wíthout limiting the herety unconditionally ând iÍevocably-waives any orovisions ofthis Section 15.1, Purchaser of aay naturè rvhatsoever it may now oi hereafter.hawe Ãa *,rt"t æ äã ""tion unconditionally and inevocably ieleases and discharges "ä äänrr-d]i"ì:"-Ámriui"r, *¿ r,"r"uv accrue in iã11"¡, gmtiut", from any and all liability whatsoeuer which may now or hereaftér. ou1 ofthis Agreement with o¡ a¡ising ã"rol. 4ga.insi Seller s .Affilílirtes, in connection "fp*"n"r"r cõntemplaied hereby. If ãy action is brought by Purchaser against S¡ller.¡ o, ¡l,e r.uns""tioos ,lgrlement, rhe rfansacrion or subjecr rnatte¡ described o, uri¡ioe out claims or causes of *y ;;;;;r;Ër.lpt ã*h;;;;;;t "ì¡.. ;ffììì"*,;;i;irc io sfihis t5 - hereinortheenforcementhereof'Seller'sAffiliatesshallbeentitledtorecovertiomPurchaserand i;'con¡rection *ith ttt" defense of such action aftomeys' fees, costs a-nd exP#;;;;;J all sette.'s emtiates from and against any and pu¡chaser shali ind"-*rv, *¿ r.,åìiîäi"ss against *¿ ri"tiritv i"zuttiog tto* attv claim o¡ action brought l5 l shall this Section piovisions of in violation oilñs'É;lj*t5.1. The Bind and i":r;;;o'"tdil"g.r, seller,s Afütiates Cfosing' i5 2 Govemingl-aw: surviye lhe termination of this ÇåtÏñäõ; trte law ofthe Commonwealth ofMassachusetts lnure. This Agreement shall u" ã"tã*"J uv pariies hereto and their respective heirs, executors' and shall bi¡d and inure to the uåneni or trré ;á;il;l;t"rt, ttcÇessors, assigns and personal representatives' Agreçmenl nor any Recordins' The parties hereto agree that neither this purchaser agrees that a breach ofthis provision memorandum or notice hereor sñali be iecorded. ¡¡il^greement and keep the Deposit bv purchaser shatt immeaiatAy äü'iiÈ ò"ii"r . ,"r*i*t" anv 15 '3 \¡/ith *ith anv court in ;i;öidffi ffiö;: ï" f'ú"s;i'hi' Ag'""*tnt tU' Seciion' The connection ofthis Sec¡ion provisions litisation hereund"r rt ¡t not u" å"1¡¡iJ" litt"¡ "f 1óJ shall survive the termination ofthis Agreement' 15,4 a¡d every date set Time oflhe Essence' Time is ofthe essence of each forth in this A$eerìent. pæegraphs and . HeadineS. Ths headings preceding the text ofthe atrd shall not constitute a reference tãLiv iot i*ãlni he..or "înitoi*cJof effect' "ubna¡ae.aphs snat thev affect its meaning' construction or 15.5 * ä;?ìñ;Ëleliãninoi in Counterpârts This Agreement may be executed simultaneously together shall oonstilute originat, 6ut all of whioh coüìterparrs, each o¡whiof, sfrafUe i"emååin 1 5.6 one and the samq instrument. |5.TUseofProceeclstoClgarTitle.ToenableSellertomakeconveyanoeas portion thereof herein provitled, Sellei may, td clea¡ the title of any ot al the Purchase Price or any "se provided tha.t provision reasonably or i"tãi".tr, piocured ro, p-.pi*ordins of all instrurnents so ttr" Propertv is located' i., dì;;ffiãffiGG' enJtri$r-"å, #;il;io;ii"f,å"r;. *.ã"ii.-*ãã. in accordancé witt,.o'o"y*#g"f;#;ñt"ijjrä"tion 'i'tri"t l5.SEnrifeAereement:AÍnendments.ThisApreementandtheExhibitshereto conditions äd undertakings between the set foÍh all ofthe promises, covenants, agleements' prior and to trt *uj"át åutter hereof' an<I supersede all or conditions' exp¡ess ot inducements contemporangous agreements and ttriderstandings' *ntAn a n"tãi". fnir egr"ement may not be changed orally implied, oral or wntt"n, "*""pü" ¡v or on-behalf of the party or parties agai-nst bur only by an agr".-"nt io **ifingl å"ry "*".ut.¿ ;;Ë't Ët* ;;i;.ú";t ;-;; å"får"".;m of *v *¿uii, iitanie, modification' l5-g consent or discharge is sought' Date' Seller shall be free to Oneraiion offhe Property' Prior to the Ctosing operate the Property in its discretion' 15 .1 of the time 0 and the calculation Business Days' If, under the terms of this Agreement perù"providããñä"in tL" ctotittg o*" il;; til, Å;;;;.", ot *y 9q1 d"T-to.be determined holidav (Federal' or should fall on Sáturdav' a sundav' a legal 16- Massachusetts) or other date on u.hich banks located in Boston, Massachusetts, are not open for business, then such date shall be extended to the next business dây' 15.11 ConJidentialiw. The parties shall keep Ihe terms of this Agreement confidential (and Purchaser shall keep information it leams about the Property confidential) and shall not disclose such terms and, iì the case ofPurch¿ser, informatio¿ to any other parties withoùt the other paf)"s prior &ritten consent, whìch cqnsent shall be in each party's sole discretion; p¡Ovided, hoÛeve¡, that each Barty may, without obtaining such prior written consent, make such disclosures as may be required by applicable laws or agreements by which such party is bound, and to each such parry's managers, members, offtcers, lenders, employees, attomeys, aciountânts, appraisers, insurance advisors, consultants and sir.nilar third pafy professionals. Casualtv Loss. Notrvithstanding a¡ything herein tq the contrary, i¡ the event of the ãamage or destruction ofor to thp premises by fire, vandalisr¡, or other casuaþ. in excess of $10,0ô0.00 ìn value prior to closing, or in the evenl oftaking of all or a part of the premises by eminent domain, then at Pirchaser's optlon, this Agreeme. nt may be terminated and the Deposit, t'ith all interest, shall be refunded to Purchaser. I 5- i 2 15.13 Risk ofLoss. Risk of loss shali remain with Seller until the recording the Essex County South Regisu-y ofDeeds. deed rvith ofthe 15.14 Ôonformitv ofqremises. It is understood and agreed by the Parties that the premises shall not be in conformity with the title provisions of this Agreement unless: (a) all buildings, structures and jmprõvements including, but not limited 1o,. any drivervays and all means of access to the Property, shall be located completely within the boundary lines of said Property and shall not encroach upon of under the property of any other person or entity; and (b) no buildings, stnictures or improvemerits of any kind belonging to any other person ol entity shall encroach upon or under said P¡operty¡ provided, however, that encroacþing utiliiy easements shall not be .consideréd as a violatiön of the title provisions of this Agreemerrt and ñrrther provided that any such utility easements shall not affect the use of the P¡emises for residenliaL/commercial þurposes; and (c) the Propert) shall abut or have access to a public way, duly laid out or accepted as such by the Cily ofsaugus in which said premises are located; and (d) title to the P¡operty is insurable, for the benefit ofthe Purchaser (for owner's policy) and Purchaser' moÉgage lender (loan poliçy), if applicable, by a title inswance company of Purchaser's choice qualified to do business in Massachusetts and utilizing the American Land Title Assooiation (ALTA) form cunently in use, subject only to those printed exceptions to title normally included in the 'lJacket" to such form or policy. Leases and Occupancy.. Seller shail not between the date ofthis agreement and closing enter into any lease5, licenqes or other occupancy anangements for any 15.15 t7 affecting the premises' without space at the Property, or any contract or other agreements Furchaset's prior written consent. to this 15.16 Title Standards / REBA. Any mattel ol practice arising under or relating Ba¡ Association .tu"du.d of th" M"ttuchùsetß Real Estate ugr."*"oi*fti" deed shall be covered by the said title stãrdard or practice standard uiif,e tin" for d"livery of tire to Ihe extent applicable' i5.lTProoe4vlnsurance'seilerwillcontinuetomaintaininfullforcea¡deffectall insürance as presently canied, until the time ofclosing' favor of any 15.18 Further Encumlrances' Seller will not grant or purport to create in tle Propefi party áay interest in the Property or any part thereof or further encumber third without the prior written notice to the Purchaser' lsignanre Page to Followl - 18 - INWITNESS.WHERT-OF,thepartieshaveexecutedanddeliveredtlìisAgfeemel]taS of the date first above u'r'itten. SELLER: RFF FAI\{ILY PARITNERSHIP LIMITED PARTNERSHIP A Califg.nú By: K"^*"" fia--^grr er .-FìË - Kevin Aheam. President ",ßRç¡=fitq' EXIIIBIT "4" Exhibit A FIRST PARCEL - NOT REGISTERED ThatcertainparceloflandinSaugus,EssexCounty'Massachusettsofftheeastsideof side of an umtought Metropolitan District 1Èroadwayi and off tþe squtheasTerþ ðo--¡ìion luyout of Ma¡ch 10, 1932, bounded and described as follows: Route t L-d regisered iand (being Beginning at an iron pin in a stone shoun on a plan of adjoining of Title No. 10353); thence i5302Á wirh Essex South Disnici Certificate C;;; ä;;îo. runnþg NORTII ó4"55'37', EAST by Lot B as shown g¡ a plan dated November 12, 198tr ¡evised ,q"e. t, lSsz, ¡v Medfoid Engineering and Survey and filed ^ ¡ire* Souih Disuict Registry ofDeeds in Plan Book 173' Plan 42, along a stone wall, 115.66 feet to an angle; thence *iti NORTH 79'06'I5" EAST by said l,ot B on said plan by the rt'au' 57'64 feet to ân ¿ingle; thence SOUTH19"23'08'EASTbysaidLotBonsaidplanbythewall'I33'g6feettoanangle' thence EASTERLY bv said Lot B on said plan by the wall by lwo bounds EASTERLY by said Lot B on said plan, 370 feet; thence ã"u.*ing ,"rp".tivelt 87.60 feet and 1 14.50 feet; tlrence still By Lot A-2 ô4 çaid plarr, about 630 feet to a Point at the most ofiot 12 on a plan dated June 19, i979 b¡' iáJhl.ty "o*"t aqd frted with said Deeds in PIan Book i60 as Carter & Towers SOUTT{EASTERLY Plan 97; thence SOUTH 58"22'30" wESr NORTHWESTERL'Y NORTII 13"59'32" EAST bl, bv Lots 12, i I and l0' bv the ena oi!;.amo1f;s$^eI' Td the I 979 plan, 788'82 feet, nrore or L'ors 9, 8 a¡d 7 as show¡ on with 1.s.. tó land .ho*u on Land Court Plan No- 30651A filed 826; thçnce Essex South District Certificate of Title No' 3 3 bv said land shoun on Land Court Plan No' 3306514' about 1i92.8? feet to a Land Court bound in a rvall; thence on Land by the wall, 49'45 feet fo an iron pin in the wall shown Court Plan No. i53024; thence -l- SOUTHEASTERLY by Lot 1, 133.75 feet; thence NORTHEASTERLY by Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4' '160 feet; and thence NORTHWESTERLYbyLot4,l30feettothepoíntofbeginning,thefinalthree boLrnds being by the land shown on Land Court Plan No' t5302,A'. LLC¡ by The First Parcel hereinabove, being the same premises conve¡'ed to Saugus Holding' on July 12. deed of Saugus Funding Corp. ¡ecõrded uith Essex South District Regisuy* of Deeds 2001 in Book 17407,Page 462. SECOND PARCEL-NOT REGISTERED ThosecertainpalcelsoflandinSau$us,EssexCounty,MassãchusettssitúatedonDenise Drive a¡d Diamond irreet aqd shown as Lots l, 3, 5,7 ,9 and I I on à pla¡ entitled "Definitive Á¡þdivisiqn plan Land ia Saug¡f'by Carter B. Towers-Eng'r Cor-p-, dated June 19, i979 and filed with Essex South District Deeds in Plan Book 160 as Plaq 97' There is, as appurtenant to the parcels the dght to use in common with all others entitled tlereto all streeis a¡á *ays shp*t, on iaid Pla¡ for all purposes for rvhich pu¡lic ways are used in the Town ofsaugur, includiog sp.cifically such rights in Diamond street and Denise Drive. Being the same premises conveyed to saugus Holding, LLC, by deed ofsaùgus Frrnding corp' dateà'Oplober 2ã,200i and ¡ecoided with said Registry ofDeeds in Book l7843,Page 194. THIRD PARCEL _ REGISTERED LAND That cer-tain parcel of land situate in saugus, county of Essex and commonwealth of Massachusetts, bounded and described as follou's: NORTHWESTERLY by the southeasterly line of Lynn Fells Parkway, I I '12 feet; by land now or formerly of Lillian E. Newhall, 114'26 feet: and NORTHERLY NORTHEASTERLY 130 feet, SOUTffiASTERLY i60 feet, and SOUTHWESTERLY 133.75 feet by land now or formerly of Elizabeth Conley, and by la-nd now or formerly of Louis Gq¡ondelis et al, 50'55 feet' WESTERLY All of said boundaries ate determined by the Court to be locateà as show¡ upon plan numbered 15302-4, filed with original certificate of Title No. 10353 in Southem Registry District for Essex County. The above parcel is presently covered by Certifrcate of Tille No. 733i Book 387. I in Registratiorr FOURTH PARCEL _ NOT REGISTERED Those certain parcels ofland in saugus, Essex County, Massachusetts sùuated on Denise Drive and Diamond Si¡eet and shown as Lots 2, 4, ó, 8 l0 and 12 on a plan entitled "DeJinitive Subdivision Plan Land in Saugus" by Carter & Torvers Eng'r Corp., dated June 19, 1979 a¡d filed with Essex South District Deeds in Plan Book 160 as Plan 97. There is, as appunenant to the parcels the right to use in common with all othe¡s entitled public rvays are thereto to all steets and ways shorvri on said Plan for al1 purposes for\rl'hich including specifically sUch rights in Diamond Street and Denise used in the Torw ofsaugus, Drive. The Fourth Parcel hereinabove, being the same premises conveyed to Saugus Holding' LLC, by deed of saugus Funding corp. recorded with Essex South District Registy ofDeeds on July 12,2001 in Book 17407, Pagc 471. J:\Docst4073 j\00û02\01 j48372-DOC

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