RFF Family Partnership, LP v. Link Development, LLC et al

Filing 1

COMPLAINT Verified Complaint against Robert V Wallace, Jeffrey B. Karll, Link Development, LLC, Russell and Associates LLC Filing fee: $ 350, receipt number 0101-3432030 (Fee Status: Filing Fee paid), filed by RFF Family Partnership, LP. (Attachments: # 1 Civil Cover Sheet, # 2 Civil Cover Sheet Category, # 3 Exhibit A - Certificate of Organization, # 4 Exhibit B - Foreclosure Deed, # 5 Exhibit C - Desert Pine Mortgage, # 6 Exhibit D- Certificate of Organization, # 7 Exhibit E - Managers Cert, Cert of Manager, # 8 Exhibit F - Desert Palm Mortgage, # 9 Exhibit G - BD Mortgage, # 10 Exhibit H - Amendment of Mortgage, # 11 Exhibit I - Certificate of Organization, # 12 Exhibit J - Superior Court Complaint, # 13 Exhibit K - Link Land Court Complaint, # 14 Exhibit L - Note, # 15 Exhibit M - Loan Agreement and mortgage, # 16 Exhibit N - Guaranty, # 17 Exhibit O - subordination agreements, # 18 Exhibit P - Assignment, # 19 Exhibit Q - Settlement Agreement, # 20 Exhibit R - Russell Land Court Complaint, # 21 Exhibit S - Land Court Decision, # 22 Exhibit T - Memorandum of Sale, # 23 Exhibit U - redacted P&S)(Briansky, Richard)

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EXHIBIT E li. ü. lr. !! {- u-\ r\ ,/ lil 1111illilrililililil llllllllllllllllll[ 2006100200223 Bk :26141 Ps:e5 1ølø212øø6 iør4røø oTHER Ps 1/1 MANAGER' S CERTIF']CÃ,TE Pursuant to th.e Operatíng .A.greement of t,ink Developmen.t, LLC (the '.Company,,), the urrdersigned. Stuart H. Sojcher, duly authorized agent of Èhe Company, hereby certifies the that }"e Ì¡.ag been autl¡orized and directed by a1l of membere of th.e Company to enter into a certair¡. loarr arrangemeñt by and. between th.e Company aÐ.d BD ï,endirrg Trust, l-n connection with a Term Note dated Septenber 29, t}..e originaI principal arrtourlt 2OO6 of g600,00O.OO,and to execute and deLiwer any and. all docurrenLe deemed reasonably !.eceÉ¡aary to effecÈu.aÈe eaid. loarl arrarlgemerlt. A true copy Attest ¡ jcher, duly authorjt{ed agent and not rndividuaJ.J.y Dated: SepteÐber 29, 2006 in LINKDEVEL.PMENTLLC''ü!}ll}}U}I}l':l)\TÏ\'|TT)¡'lþ'" . cenrmtcÀrp op l4ANecI - I, Stuart H. Sojcher, do hereby certify that I am the duly elected and qualified Manager ofLink Development LLC, a duly existing Massachusetts limited liability company, with a principal address of229 Berkeley Street, Boston, Massachusetts, and that at a Special Meeting, held at held on September 29,2006 at 12:00 p.m. a|229 Èerkeley Street, Boston, Massachusetts,.the following resolutions were unanimously passed: RESOLUTJON: That the timited. liability company is hereby authorized to enter into a certain loan arrangement with Robert Wallace, Trustee of the BD Lending Trust, in the originai principal amount ,: of $600,000.00, and to execute a Mortgage and Note, in ',- connection with the reai estáte located at Route 1 and Lynn Fells Parkway at Sanders Drive a¡d 1-12 Denise Drive at Diâmond Street, in Saugus, Essex County, Massachusetts, and such other loan documents which may be necessary in connection therewith, in order to effectuate the loan arrangement with Robert Wallace, as Trustee of the BD Lending Trust. RESOLUTiON: That Stuart H. Sojcþgr, ![e.qr44ager of the limited liability company, . . is hereby authorized to execute any and a1l closing documents deemed necessary in order to secure and effectuate the loan arfangemsnt. the manager of this'limited liability company b-e. and hereby is, authorized, empowered.and directed to take any and all such action, on behalfofthe limited liability company and to execute and deliver any and all such documents, including, without limitation, any and âll notes, mortgages, agreements, declarations, applications, affidavits, guarantees and other insiruments, as he may deem necessary, advisable oi proper, in order to carry into effect the purpose and intent of the foregoing RESOLUTIOi: That ' ''' ' '' ' resolution a¡d in order'io perfonn any obligations of the limited liabiiity company, or ány other agreements and documents executed and delivered by the limited liability Company pursuant to or in connection with the foregoing resolution. I certify that the above resolutions are in rescinded o¡ amended. n'I c:\D"c-dr! úd scrliõss 6r ù,i*ó;jchdMy Docmoßrc{iúrs m6 full force and effect and have not been revoked, ¿ r,o"*-rctÈo¿o4 ¡.dcl.r.i* oFdopndt LLc Mùusr cdiñ( Aftei-R e coft! ih g R e tu t,n to.. Ii. SOJCHER. ESO 229 Be¡keley Sheet Bosrorl, MA 021l6 STUART '¿ WTINESS my hand and seal this 29ò day of September, 2006 A true ¡ecord. COMMONWEAITH OF MASSACHUSETTS County of Suffolk, ss.: On this 29tr' day of September, 2006, belóre me, the undersigned notary public, personally appeared Stuaf H. Sojcher, who proved to me through satisfactory evidence of identification whicb consisted of Massachusetts drivers license to be the person whose name is signed on tþis document, and acknowledged me that he signed it as Manager, voluntaríly for its stated Notary Public My Commissìon Expires: March 24, 201 I nrnift 'r*tt* ¡xrf,oln¡¡Orr*¡ e¡er¡ l,¡{¿Ztt Ìr CunÚ*: 2 C:þ¡cffiß dd Scni,,sJ\stùd Sõjchc¿,Ì}{y Docñoß\.cliqll Ê116 & ÞocMmß\¡ad¡li' Ad¿¡Lirl DÀ<loph6i LLCMtuBÉ difi'{c dô( s Secr€tary of the Co[¡floflwealt]¡ rowHoMrrMAyc.NCERN: septemtrer zs,2006,ultl-[[}ü[[fll"li]"|l[ïflljþ$r,, 1Øtø212AØA 1Ø'ø4:ØØ I hereby certify that a certificate of organization of Limited Liability company in this office by rvas filed LINK DEVETOPMENT, LLC ìn acco¡dance with the provisions of Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 156C on Äugust 18, 2005. I further certify that said Limited Liability Company has not filed a certificate of and thaÇ so far as appears of record, sata umiæ¿ Li"bitiy c";p;;îã. r.g"r :i.ïlt::':"' .- In testimony of v¡hich, I have he¡eunto affìxed the Great Seâl of the Commonwealüì on the dáte first above written. / ;/.-U*ætu^-"ø*r; Secretary of the Cotnmonwealth Processed By:keb AJTer Recording Retum fo STUART H. SOJCHER, ESO 229 Be¡kelev Sheer Boston, MA 021 16

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