Mirror Worlds, LLC v. Apple, Inc.

Filing 150

CLAIM CONSTRUCTION BRIEF filed by Apple, Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Affidavit, #2 Exhibit A, #3 Exhibit B, #4 Exhibit C - Part 1, #5 Exhibit C - Part 2, #6 Exhibit C - Part 3, #7 Exhibit C - Part 4, #8 Exhibit C - Part 5, #9 Exhibit C - Part 6, #10 Exhibit C - Part 7, #11 Exhibit C - Part 8, #12 Exhibit D, #13 Exhibit E, #14 Exhibit F, #15 Exhibit G - Part 1, #16 Exhibit G - Part 2, #17 Exhibit G - Part 3, #18 Exhibit G - Part 4, #19 Exhibit G - Part 5, #20 Exhibit H)(Cherensky, Steven)

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Mirror Worlds, LLC v. Apple, Inc. Doc. 150 Att. 11 Appeal N o . 1 9 9 7 - 0 1 2 9 Application 08/287,108 Blakely, Sokoloff, Taylor & Zafman 12400 Wilshire Blvd., Seventh Floor L o s A n g e l e s , CA 9 0 0 2 5 PSL/ki -25- 724 FH 402 Do MW .Jus ia. 13 APckets002t57com 03/28/00 1 6 : 3 8 FAX 408 720 9397 B.S.T.&Z. A t t y . D o c k e t No. 04860.P624C PATENT IN T H E U N I T E D S T A T E S P A T E N T AND T R A D E M A R K O F F I C E In re Application of: R i c h a r d M a n d e r , et aI. A p p l i c a t i o n No. 08/287,108 Filed: A u g u s t 8, 1994 For. M E m O D AND APPARATUS FOR ORGANIZING INFORMATION I N A COMPtlTER SYSTEM ) ) ) ) E x a m i n e r . J. Feilds ) ) Art Unit: 2776 ) ) ) ) VIA FACSIMILE (703) 308·5403 ) ) A s s t . C o m m i s s i o n e r for P a t e n t s \ ~ashington, D . C . 20231 0'<:-- \vtl ~-0A'rfl.J Sir: RESPONSE TO D E Q m ; ! t l ON APPEAL I n r e s p o n s e to the D e c i s i o n on Appeal in this application and in r e s p o n s e to ~f4b!' E x a m i n e r F e i l d ' s r e q u e s t f o r a m e n d e d claims w h i c h have b e e n a l l o w e d in the D e c i s i o n on Appeal, please e n t e r the f o l l o w i n g a m e n d m e n t . In the D e c i s i o n on A p p e a l , c l a i m s 24, 31~33, 61 and 84-86 w e r e f o u n d to be allowable. B e c a u s e c l a i m s 2 4 , 6 1 and 84-86 are all d e p e n d e n t c l a i m s which r e q u i r e at l e a s t one allowable i n d e p e n d e n t c l a i m for each set, the f o l l o w i n g a m e n d m e n t a m e n d s c l a i m s 24, 61 and 84 to make each o f t h e s e i n d e p e n d e n t claims, incorporating limitations o f the rejected base i n d e p e n d e n t c l a i m ( a n d i n t e r v e n i n g claims, j f any). R e j e c t e d claims 1-6, 8-23. 25-30, 34-60 and 62-83 h a v e also b e e n c a n c e l l e d in this amendment. IN THE CLAIMS P l e a s e cancel claims 1 - 6 . 8 - 2 3 , 2 5 P l e a s e a m e n d c l a i m s 24, 61 an 84 as i n d i c a t e d b e l o w . 2 724 FH 403 APMW0025714 03/28/00 1 6 : 3 9 FAX 408 720 9 3 9 7 B.S.T.&Z. 141003 w-------:--l-------- 1~ A m e t h o d [as in c l a i m 17] for or,ganizing information in a c o m p u t e r filing system h a y i n g a display device and a first p l u r a l i t y of documents. s a i d m e t h o d comprising: d i s p l a y i n g at s o m e t i m e on said d i s p l a y device a graphical representation o f a first d o c u m e n t and a graphical representation of a s e c o n d d o c u m e n t f r o m said first plurality of documents; c r e a t i n g a collection of d o c u m e n t s c o m p r i s i n g a second plurality o f documents h a v i n g said first d o c u m e n t and said s e c o n d d o c u m e n t ; determining for said collection at l e a s t one o f ( a ) a n internal collective representation of (b) 2 (\ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 a u s e r d e f i n e d specification. wherein s a i d internal coIlective representation is b a s e d on internal representations o f said fiTSt a n d s a i d s e c o n d documents: displa~i.I!g a 12 13 14 gpwhical representation of said collection o f d o c u m e n t s on said display - device' and v i e w i n g at l e a s t one o f the d o c u m e n t s in said collection b y d i s p l a y i n g an indicia of said at least one d o c u m e n t by selecting, f r o m s a i d graphical representation of said collection. s a i d at l e a s t one d o c u m e n t wherein s a i d v i e w i n g comprises p o i n t i n g a c u r s o r on s a i d dhWlay device at a graphical representation of one of said d o c u m e n t s in said collection for a llredeterrnined p e r i o d o f t i m e to reveal .an indicia o f s a i d d o c u m e n t in said collection and wherein s a i d i n d i c i a has multiple p a g e s for a m u l t i p l e page d o c u m e n t a n d w h e r e i n the u s e r v i e w s the m u l t i p l e p a g e s o f said i n d i c i a by signaling to the c o m p u t e r to m o v e f r o m p a g e to p a g e o f s a i d indicia. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 1 5~ A m e t h o d [as in c l a i m 38] for organiZing information in a c o m p u t e r s y s t e m having-a displav device said m e t h o d c o m p r i s i n g : d i s p l a y i n g at some time on sajd display d e v i c e a representation o f a first d o c u m e n t and a representation o f a s e c o n d document; 2 3 4 -2- 3 724 FH 404 APMW0025715 03/28/00 1 6 : 3 9 FAX 408 720 9397 B.S.T.&Z. 141004 5 c r e a t i n g a collection of documents c o m p r i s i n g s a i d first and said s e c o n d documents" d e t e r m i n i n g f o r s a i d collection of d o c u m e n t s at l e a s t one o f (a) an internal collective representation or ( b ) a first u s e r d e f i n e d specification. w h e r e i n s a i d i n t e r n a l c o l l e c t i v e representation is b a s e d on internal re.presentations o f s a i d first and . s e c o n d documents: d i s p l a y i n g a graphical representation of s a i d collection of documents· and d e t e r m i n i n g a further internal re.presentation o f said collection when a t h i r d d o c u m e n t is a d d e d to said c o l l e c t i o n b a s e d on one of: (a) an internal r e p r e s e n t a t i o n o f each o f the d o c u m e n t s in s a i d collection. or Cb) said first or a s e c o n d u s e r d e f i n e d s p e c i f i c a t i o n w h e r e i n s a i d c o m p u t e r s y s t e m has a filing s y s t e m h a v i n g a graphical u s e r interface and said m e t h o d is p e r f o r m e d in p a r t by said filing system and w h e r e i n said r e p r e s e n t a t i o n s o f s a i d first . d o c u m e n t and said s e c o n d d o c u m e n t are graphical representations and w h e r e i n said further internal r e p r e s e n t a t i o n o f said collection is one of said first and s e c o n d user d e f i n e d s p e c i f i c a t i o n s defining a s e l e c t e d u s e r defined s p e c i f i c a t i o n and wherein the u s e r i n d i c a t e s to said c o m p u t e r s y s t e m to add a fourth i t e m to said collection, w h i c h fourth i t e m has an internal r e p r e s e n t a t i o n w h i c h does n o t m a t c h s a i d s e l e c t e d u s e r d e f i n e d specification, a n d wherein, a f t e r the u s e r has i n d i c a t e d to add s a i d fourth i t e m to said collection, said c o m p u t e r s y s t e m p r o m p t s the u s e r to d e t e r m i n e w h e t h e r the fourth item is to be a d d e d to s a i d collection w i t h o u t m o d i f y i n g s a i d s e l e c t e d u s e r d e f i n e d specification o r the fourth i t e m is to be a d d e d and s a i d s e l e c t e d user d e f i n e d s p e c i f i c a t i o n is to be mo~fi~d 6 7 8 9 10 7-- 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 .------·--r~--~--~~Jrmethod·6;i;~i~-8i]fQrQrgani~~g·~;;d'~;;r~T~~;ti~~i~'·;'~~;;;p~;r-~·--~·~,·.. ,'~·~,.~.,"2 / J .,./ filing s y s t e m h a v i n g a d i s p l a y device and a first p l u r a l i t y o f d o c u m e n t s said m e t h o d comprising~ 3 -3- 4 724 FH 405 APMW0025716 03/28/00 1 6 : 3 9 FAX 408 720 9397 B.S.T.&Z. 141005 displaying a graphical i c o n i c representation o f a collection o f said fiTst plurality o f documents: displaying a first i n d i c i a o f a first d o c u m e n t o f said collection by selecting a first p o s i t i o n from s a i d graphical i c o n i c representation s a i d first indicia o f said first d o c u m e n t b e i n g s e l e c t e d for display regardless o f said [lISt position on said g r a p h i c a l i c o n i c representation. wherein s a i d s e l e c t i n g f r o m said graphical iconic representation comprises p o s i t i o n i n g a c u r s o r on said g r a p h i c a l i c o n i c r e p r e s e n t a t i o n , and f u r t h e r comprising: d i s p l a y i n g in series a s e c o n d indicia o f a s e c o n d d o c u m e n t a n d a t h i r d i n d i c i a of a third d o c u m e n t by p o s i t i o n i n g s a i d c u r s o r f i r s t on a s e c o n d p o s i t i o n on s a i d graphical i c o n i c representation nexton a third p o s i t i o n on said graphical i c o n i c representation. I I REMARKS The foregoing a m e n d m e n t s leave only a l l o w e d claims in this application and ' accordingly the a p p l i c a t i o n s h o u l d p r o c e e d to issuance. Respectfully submitted, BLAKELY, SOKOLOFF, TAYLOR& ZAF.MAN Date: N\ a " ~ ~ 1)~ 2000 I 12400 W i l s h i r e B o u l e v a r d Seventh F l o o r L o s Angeles, California 90025-1026 (408) 720-8598 -4- 5 724 FH 406 APMW0025717 03/28/00 1 6 : 3 8 FAX 4 0 8 7 2 0 9 3 9 7 B.S.T.&Z. I4i 0 0 1 BLAKELY SOKOLOFF TAYL,OR & ZAFMAN A Limited Liability Partnership Including Law C o r p o r a t i o n s 1279 Oaki ] Parkway S u n n y v a l e , .allfornla 9 4 0 8 6 (408) 72()"'8598 T e l e p h o n e (408) 7 2 0 - 9 3 9 7 Facsimile Facsimile Transmittal Sheet Date: 3/28/2000 URGENT ( Deliver to Examiner: Joe Feild ) r F a x No. ( 7 0 3 ) 3 0 8 - 5 4 0 3 - ) FROM BSTZ: A t t o r n e y : J a m e s C. Scheller, Jr. U.S. P A T E N T & T R A D E M A R K OFFICE Art Unit: 2776 R e g . N o . : 31,195 P h o n e No. (408) 7 2 0 - 8 5 9 8 Serial No.: 08/287,108 F i l i n g Date: 8-8-94 O u r Ref No.: 0 4 8 6 0 . P 0 6 2 4 C O p e r a t o r : Connie T h a y e r Page 1 o f - - f L Message: Examiner Feild: Attached please find a Response to Decision on Appeal. CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE The documents accompanying this facsimile transmission contain Information from the law firm of Blakely Sokoloff Taylor & Zafman which is confidential or privileged. The Information is intended to be for the use of the individual or entity named On this transmission she~t. If you are not the intended reclplent be aware 'that any disclosure, copying, distribution or use of the contents of this faxed Information Is prohibited. If you have received this facsimile In error, please notify us by telephone immediately so that we can arrange for the retrieval of the original dOCuments at no cost to you. j IF YOU EXPERIENCE ANY DIFFICULTY IN RECEIVING THE ABOVE PAGES, PLEASE CALL (408) 720·8598 AND ASK FOR THE OPERATOR NAMED ABOVE. Certificate of Facsimile Transmission I hereby certify that this correspondence is being t r a n s m i t t e d by facsimile to the Patent and T r a d e m a r k s Office in accordance with 37 CFR § 1.6(d). on 3/28/2000 ~?~ Da.te 1 724 FH 407 APMW0025718 Application No. NoffceofAffowabilHy 08/287,108 Examiner GroupArt Unit Joseph Feild 2776 All claims being allowable, PROSECUTION ON THE MERITS IS (OR REMAINS) CLOSED in this application. If not included herewith (or previously mailed), a Notice of Allowance and Issue Fee Due or other appropriate communication will be mailed in due course. ~ ~ This communication is responsive to Board Decision 10/29/99' Arndt. E filed 3/29/00 _ The allowed claim(s} is/are -,2!::...4!L-:::3,-,-1--,=3""3/.-..C6><-1~a.!.Cnd",,--,=,,84-,--...::<8",,,"6 The drawings filed on are acceptable. o o Acknowledgement is made of a claim for foreign priority under 35 U.S.C. § 119(a}-(d}. o All o OSome* received. []Jone of the CERTIFIED copies of the priority documents have been o received in Application No. (Series Code/Serial Number) _ o received in this national stage application from the International Bureau (PCT Rule 17.2(a». *Certmedco~esn~rece~e~ ~ o Acknowledgement is made of a claim for domestic priority under 35 U.S.C. § 119(e}. A SHORTENED STATUTORY PERIOD FOR RESPONSE to comply with the requirements noted below is set to EXPIRE THREE M O N T H m O M THE "DATE MAILED" of this Office action. Failure to timely comply will result in ABANDONMENT of this application. Extensions of time may be obtained under the provisions of 37 CFR 1.136(a}. o Note the attached EXAMINER'S AMENDMENT or NOTICE OF INFORMAL APPLICATION, PTO-152, which discloses that the oath or declaration is deficient. A SUBSTITUTE OATH OR DECLARATION IS REQUIRED. Qg Applicant MUST submit NEW FORMAL DRAWINGS o because the originally filed drawings were declared by applicant to be informal. ~ including changes required by the Notice of Draftsperson's Patent Drawing Review, PTO-948, attached hereto or to Paper No. 5. , which has been o including changes required by the proposed drawing correction filed on approved by the examiner. o including changes required by the attached Examiner's Amendment/Comment. I d e n t i f y i n g i n d i c i a s u c h as the a p p l i c a t i o n n u m b e r (see 37 CFR 1.84(c)) s h o u l d be w r i t t e n on the r e v e r s e s i d e o f the d r a w i n g s . The d r a w i n g s s h o u l d be f i l e d as a s e p a r a t e p a p e r w i t h a t r a n s m i t t a l l e t t t e r a d d r e s s e d to the O f f i c i a l Draftsperson. o Note the attached Examiner's comment regarding REQUIREMENT FOR THE DEPOSIT OF BIOLOGICAL MATERIAL. Any response to this letter should include, in the upper right hand corner, the APPLICATION NUMBER (SERIES CODE/SERIAL NUMBER). If applicant has received a Notice of Allowance and Issue Fee Due, the ISSUE BATCH NUMBER and DATE of the NOTICE OF ALLOWANCE should also be included. Attachment(s) Notice of References Cited, PTO-892 Information Disclosure Statement(s), PTO-1449, Paper No(s). o o o Notice of Draftsperson's Patent Drawing Review, PTO-948 o Notice of Informal Patent Application, PTO-152 _ o Interview summary, PTO-413 o Examiner's Amendment/Comment o Examiner's Comment Regarding Requirement for Deposit of Biological Material o Examiner's Statement of Reasons for Allowance U. S. P a l e n l and Trademark Office PTO-37 (Rev. 9-95) Notice of Allowability Part of Paper No. 33 _ 724 FH 408 APMW0025719 UNITEDSTATES ~ATMEN1 OF COMMERCE Patent and T r a d e m a r k O f f i c e . NOTICE OF A L L O W A N C E AND ISSUE FEE DUE LM41/0406 BLAKELY, S O K O l . O F F , TAYLOR 8~ ZAFI"1AN 1 2 4 0 0 WILSHIRE B L V D . , SEVENTH FLOOR LOS ANGELES CA 9 0 0 2 5 APPLICATION NO. I FILING DATE I TOTALCLAIMS I .. EXAMINER AND GROUP ART UNIT ,I 277~:. I DATE MAILED 0 8 / : 2 : : : 7 , 10E: RrstNamed Applicant OE1/0:::/94 008 FEILD, J :35 USC , 04106/00 MANDER, l S 4 ( b ) t . e n n e > : t.· - 0 L~,ys. f' ~~~~~I~ET"IOD ANI> APPARATUS FOR O R G A N I Z I N G INFORMATICIN IN A C O M P U T E R ,SYSTEM A n Y ' S DOCKETNO. I CLASS·SUBCLASS I BATCHNO. I K73 APPLM TYPE I SMALL ENTITY I FEE DUE I· DATE DUE 2 04860.P624C 707-526.000 UTILITY NO $1210.00 .b7/06/00 ~OSECUTION ON THE M E R r r s IS CLOSED. THE A P P L I C A T I O N IDENTIFIED A B O V I : HAS BEEN EXAMINED AND IS A L L O W E D FOR ISSUANCE AS A PA TENT. ;SSUE FEE MUST BE PAID WITHIN THREE MONTHS FROM THE MAILING D A T E OF THIS NOTICE OR THIS ....-PLiCATIONS H A L L BE REGARDED ASABANDONED~' THIS STATUTORY PERIOD C A N N O T BEEXTENDED. " 'I . \)OW TO RESPOND TO THIS N O n C E : / Review the SMALL ENTITY status shown above. / If the SMALL ENTITY is shown as YES, verify your current SMALL ENTITY status: J If the SMALL ENTITY is shown as NO: A. If the status is changed, pay twice the amount of the FEE DUE shown above and notify the Patent and Trademark Office of the change in status, or B. If the status is the same, pay the FEE DUE shown above. A. Pay FEE DUE shown above, or B. File verified statement of Small Entity Status before, or with, payment of 1/2 the FEE DUE shown above. II. Part B-Issue Fee Transmittal should be completed and returned to the Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) with your ISSUE FEE. Even if the ISSUE FEE has already been paid by charge to deposit account, Part B i s s u e Fee Transmittal should be completed and returned. If you are charging the ISSUE FEE to your deposit account, section "4b" of Part B-Issue Fee Transmittal should be completed and an extra copy of ·theform should be submitted. III. All communications regarding this application must give application number and batch number. Please directallcommlinications prior to issuance to Box ISSUE FEE unless advised to the contrary. I IMPORTANT REMINDER: U t I l l t y p a t e n t a ItlSUing on applications f i l e d on « a t t e r o e e . ' 1 2 , 1980 tnBy'require payment o f ma/nmn'llfllce f . s . l t ;spatentee's respon$lbillty to ensure timely payment 01maintenance fees when due. PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE c o p y ·U.S. GPO: 1999-454-457/24601 PTOL-85(REV. 10-96) Approvedfor use through 06l3OI99. (0651'()()33-) 724 FH 409 APMW0025720 0/Please type a plus sign (+) inside this box Ot-OO PTO/SB/29 (12/97) Approved for use through 09/30/00 OMB 0651-0032 Patentand Trademark Office: U.S. DEPARTMENT ' O f COMMERCE [+] ,~e. Je,J'. '7I/ 2.- \i~D I J Underthe Paperwork Reduction Act of t995.no personsare requiredto respondto a collection of information unlessit displaysa valid OMScontrolnumber. o ~ ~~~) . ~~~ _I,,~'IJ \l Sub.~ (Ont~ CONTINUED PROSECUTION APPLICATION (CPA) REQUEST TRANSMITTAL Assistant Commissioner for Patents Box CPA W a s h i n g t o n , D.C. 20231 n original, and a duplicate for fee processing. r Continuation or Divisional applications under 37 CFR 1.53(d» . A.r:u:nQo:J~"SS TO: -"'r..u.- Attorney Docket No. -><04"",8",-,6"-"O,,,",.P--,O,,-,,6<>o2,-,4,,",C~~~~~~~_ First Named Inventor Richard Mander et al. Express Mail Label No. EL 431 891 524 US Total Pages _3 _ _ This is a request for a X continuation or divisional under 37 CFR 1.53(d) 0 8 / 2 8 7 108 , (continuation prosecution application (CPA)) of prior application No: filed on August 8 1994 , entitled METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR ORGANIZING INFORMATION IN A COMPUTER SYSTEM FILING QUALIFICATIONS: The prior application identified above must be a nonprovisional application that is either: (1) complete as defined by 37 CFR 1.51(b) and filed on or after June 8 , 1 9 9 5 , or (2) the national stage of an international application in compliance with 35 U.S.C. 371 and filed on or after June 8, 1995. C-I·P NOT PERMITTED: 1.53(b). A continuation-in-part application cannot be filed as a CPA under 37 CFR 1.53(d), but must be filed under 37 CFR EXPRESS ABANDONMENT OF PRIOR APPLICATION: The filing of this CPA is a request to expressly abandon the prior application as of the filing date of the request for a CPA. 37 CFR 1.53(b) must be used to file a continuation, divisional, or continuation-in-part of an application that is not to be abandoned. ACCESS TO PRIOR APPLICATION: The filing of this CPA will be construed to include a waiver of confidentiality by the applicant under 35 U.S.C. 122 to the extent that any member of the public who is entitled under the provisions of 37 CFR 1.14 to access to, copies of, or infomnation concerning, the prior application may be given similar access to, copies of, or similar information concerning, the other application or applications in the file jackel. 35 U.S.C. 120 STATEMENT: In a CPA, no reference to the prior application is needed in the first sentence of the specification and none should be submitted. If a sentence referencing the prior application is submitted, it will not be entered. A request for a CPA is the specific reference required by 35 U.S.C. 120 and to every application assigned the application number identified in such request, 37 CFR 1.78(a). 1. 2. 3. - Enter the unentered amendment previously filed on under 37 CFR 1.116 in the prior nonprovisional application. A preliminary amendment is enclosed. This application is filed by fewer than all the inventors named in the prior application, 37 CFR 1.53(d)4. a . D E L E T E the following inventor(s) named in the prior nonprovisional application: - b. The inventor(s) to be deleted are set forth on a separate sheet attached hereto. A new power of attorney or authorization of agent (PTO/SB/81) is enclosed. Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) is enclosed: a. b. ::. 0..0.. 00 oc:::- 00 4. 5. L :. oeO ...0 0 ......... ~ s ::: .L .L PTO · 1449 Copies of IDS Citations ~ ~ ,~ 12/29/97 -1· ::> 0 w 0 0 0 (1.J .-1(\.1 ;:; ."..-. .. c:::- "- LL.LJ.. C:~ c:; ~:=: oo .-1(\.1 724 FH 410 APMW0025721 Please type a plus sign (+) inside this box [+] PTO/SS/29 (12/97) Approved for usethrough 09/30/00. OMS0651-0032 Patentand Trademark Office: U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Underthe PaperworkReduction k t of 1995.no personsare requiredto respondto a co'lectlon of information unlessit displaysa valid OMB controlnumber. CLAIMS (1) FOR Total Claims (37 CFR 1.16(c)) Independent Claims (37 CFR 1.16(b)) (2) NUMBER FILED 8 (3) NUMBER EXTRA (4) RATE (5) CALCULATIONS - 20 = = 0 X X $...1MO..- = = $0 $ 78.00 4 -3 1 $ 78.00 Multiple Dependent C l a i m s (if applicable) (37 CFR 1 . 1 6 ( d » + $ _ 0_ _ = $0 $ 690.00 768.00 0 768.00 SASICFEE (37CFR 1.16(a)) Total of above Calculations Reduction by 50% for filing by small entity (Note 37 CFR 1.9, 1 . 2 7 , 1 . 2 8 ) . =$ $ TOTAL = $ 6. -- Smail e n t i t y status: a. b. c. --- A small entity s t a t e m e n t is enclosed. . A small entity statement was filed in the prior nonprovisional application and such status is still p r o p e r and desired. Is no l o n g e r claimed. ----- 7. .x, The C o m m i s s i o n e r is hereby authorized to credit o v e r p a y m e n t s or charge the following fees to Deposit A c c o u n t No. 02-2666 a. b. c. Fees required under 37 CFR 1.16. Fees required under 37 CFR 1.17. Fees required under 37 CFR 1.18. is e n c l o s e d . 8. 9. .A..A.- A c h e c k in the a m o u n t of $ 768.00 Other: Copy of postcard with Express Mail Certificate of Mailing lliITE.: -NAME The prior application's correspondence address will carry over to this CPA UNLESS a new correspondence address is provided below. 10. N E W C O R R E S P O N D E N C E A D D R E S S Customer Number or Bar Code Label (Insert C u s t o m e r No. or Attach Bar Code Label here) OR New Correspondence Address Below ADDRESS CI1Y COUNTRY 11. STATE TELEPHONE ZIP CODE FAX S I G N A T U R E OF A P P L I C A N T A T T O R N E Y . OR A G E N T R E Q U I R E D NAME J a m e s C. Scheller Jr. SIGNATURE DATE REGISTRATI~ O O~N --------cJ ~ ~ "'= ~~ ,_00<0 12/29/97 -2 - 724 FH 411 APMW0025722 Assistant Commissioner for Patents Washington, D.C. 20231 INFORMAn O N DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Sir: E n c l o s e d i s a copy of Information Disclosure Citation Form PTO-1449 together with copies of the documents cited on that form. It is respectfully requested that the cited documents be considered and that the enclosed copy of Information Disclosure Citation Form PTO-1449 be initialed by the Examiner to indicate such consideration and a copy thereof returned to applicant(s). P u r s u a n t to 37 C.F.R. § 1.97, the submission of this Information D i s c l o s u r e Statement is not to be construed as a representation that a search has been made and is not to be construed as a n a d m i s s i o n that the information cited in this statement is material to patentability. Pursuant to 37 C.F.R. § 1.97, this Information Disclosure Statement is b e i n g submitted under one of the following (as indicated by an "X" to the left of the appropriate paragraph): _X_ 37 C.F.R. §1.97(b). 724 FH 412 APMW0025723 37 C.F.R. §1.97(c). If so, then e n c l o s e d with this Information Disclosure Statement is one of the following: A certification pursuant to 37 C.F.R. §1.97(e) or A c h e c k for $_ _ for the fee u n d e r 37 C.F.R. § 1.17(p). 37 C.F.R. §1.97(d).' If so, then e n c l o s e d with this I n f o r m a t i o n Disclosure Statement are the following: (1) (2) (3)' A certification pursuant to 37 C.F.R. §1.97(e); A petition requesting consideration of the Information Disclosure Statement; and for the fee u n d e r 37 C.F.R. §1.17(i) A c h e c k for $ for submission of the Information Disclosure Statement. I f there are any additional charges, please charge Deposit Account No. 02-2666. R e s p e c t f u l l y submitted, BLAKELY, SOKOLOFF, T A Y L O R & Z A F M A N L L P Dated: --2../.s--, 2000 12400 Wilshire Blvd. Seventh Floor Los Angeles, CA 9 0 0 2 5 - 1 0 2 6 (408) 720-8598 EXPRESS MAIL C E R T I F I C A T E OF M A I L I N G "Express Mail" mailing label number:._--""""-=<.L4A..~""9 1,,2"'-""J"-E <..31 8 "", 5 , 4 US _ Date of Deposit: July 5 2000 I hereby certify that I am causing this paper or fee to be deposited with the United States Postal Service "Express Mail Post Office to Addressee" service on the date indicated above and that this paper or fee has been addressed to the Assistant Commissioner for Patents, Washington, D. C. 20231 Connie Thayer (Typed or printed name of person mailing paper or fee) ~7~ (Date signed) 724 FH 413 APMW0025724 Form P T O · 1 4 4 9 (Modified) IAtty ' 0 4 8 6 0D~6'"r:c/o~ .P J1' S e r i a l No.: ,"" 08/~b7,108 ~: - (Use several sheets if necessary) List 01 Patents and Publications 8 l a t e \ J ~\\\. '\\ ' ~} ~ RC I0~J::!I/ 1:"'", r\ JU, ' In v r, Applicant: F i l i n g Date: .~:.:..- RIchard Mander, et al. August 8rC9~~. '-u c iOn Ji'>'l~ LUIJO ''- I(UUN ~ REFERENCE Examiner Initials A DESIGNATION Document No. AA AS AC AD AE AF AG AH AI AJ AK AL AM AN AO AP U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS Class SubClass 600 800 Filing date if appropriate 11/12/1991 11/19/1990 I'lL 1fZ/ , 5,442,778 5,442,795 Pedersen et al. Levine et al. 395 395 /" / .. /' -- / / 'j / / No. AQ AR AS AT AU Document No. Dr I FO~N PATENT DOCUMENTS Country Class Sub-Class Translation / I I OTHER A r T ( I n c l u d i n g A u t h o r , T i t l e , D a t e , P e r t i n e n t P a g e s , e t c . ) AV AW / AX. AY AZ Examiner / / _. ;G"'£1)2--J) Date Considered r/Z-6,,0 EXAMINER: Initial if reference considered, whether or not citation is in conformance with MPEP 609; Draw line through cltation if not in conformance and not considered. Include copy of this form with next communication to applicant. 724 FH 414 APMW0025725 t pc-rr.:-l\lcO v L ! .· ' - , ...... '{ JUL 10 zuao rc 2700 ["rAIL ROOM EXPRESS MAIL CERTIFICATE OF MAILING (Date signed), . SeriallPatentNo.: Q8(287:108FilinglIssueDate: August 8. 1994 Client: Apple Computer.'. Inc. . . Title: METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR ORGANIZING INFORMATION· IN A . COMPUTER'SYSTEM . .' . , o e o o o o o BSTZ File No;: 04860,PU624C Atty/Secty Initials: --:J::-,C:<:.:S~I~c,=,"l:::-t _ Date Mailed; . 7 - 5 ...0 0 Docket Due Date: --..;.'-/.7c.::-;;.)j6c;;;:-""0.0. .. _ The foJlo~n~ has been recelved.fn the U.S. Patent & T r a d e m a r k Office on the date stamped hereom AmendmentlResponse~pgs.) Appeal Brief L - pgs.) (in triplicate) · ExpressMailNo.:EI,431891524US Application. Utility L - pgs., with cover and abstract) A p p l i c a t i o n . Rule 1.53(b) Continuation L - pgs.) Application. Rule 1.53(b) Divisional L - pgs.) Application. Rule l.53(b) CIP L - pgs.) Application. Rule l.53(d) CPA Transmittal b p p l i c a t i o n . Design L - pgs.) Application. PCT ~ pgs.) A W l i c a t i o n . pfoYisional L - pgs.) Assignment and O w e r Sheet Certificate of Mailing Declaration &: POA L - pgs.) · DscbueDa:s&Oll&CqlydIr.e!la'sS\lredLelerL--pg;) Drawings: _ _Ii of s~ts ln~ludes _ ' _ ' figures ) o o o o C o .0 o D <-L pgs.) 0 _ __ . _ Montb(s) Extensioh.of Time . Amt $76 8 , 0 0 Illl H n m i o o D s : : I o J u : e S a _ & P J O . I 4 4 l <1 pgs.) 0 Check No. _ 0 Issue Fee Transmittal . AmI: 0 'Notice of Appeal O. Petition for Extension of Tune 0 Petition for _ _- , _ III Postcard 0 Power of Attorney L - pgs.) 0 I'reliminary Amendment L - pgs.) 0 ~IY ! l r i e f L - P g s . ) 0 Respoa'se to Notice of Missing Parts 0 Small Entity DeclMttion for Indep. Inventor/Small Business 0 Transmittal Letter, in duplicate · Fee'Transmittal, in II CheckNo...3.62l.6 C1uPlicate~ Other: copies of cited a r t (2 ref·s) 724 FH 415 APMW0025726 Notice o f Anowabilny Application No. 08/287,108 Examiner GroupArt Unit J o s e p h Feild 2776 All claims being allowable, PROSECUTION ON THE MERITS IS (OR REMAINS) CLOSED in this application. If not included herewith (or previously mailed), a Notice of Allowance and Issue Fee Due or other appropriate communication will be mailed in due course. I6J I6J This communication is responsive to Request for CPA and IDS each filed 7/5/00 _ The allowed claim(s) is/are --,2",-4""-",3,-,-1--,=3".3L..6:::..1",-",a"-"nd~8-,-4-...:::8",,,6 The drawings filed on are acceptable. o o Acknowledgement is made of a claim for foreign priority under 35 U.S.C. § 119(a)-(d). o All o o OSome* received. [fiJone of the CERTIFIED copies of the priority documents have been o received in Application No. (Series Code/Serial Number) *Certmedco~esnotrec~~d: _ received in this national stage application from the International Bureau (PCT Rule 17.2(a»). ~ o Acknowledgement is made of a claim for domestic priority under 35 U,S.C. § 119(e). A SHORTENED STATUTORY PERIOD FOR RESPONSE to comply with the requirements noted below is set to EXPIRE THREE MONTHEROM THE "DATE MAILED" of this Office action. Failure to timely comply will result in ABANDONMENT of this application. Extensions of time may be obtained under the provlslons of 37 CFR 1.136(a). o I6J Note the attached EXAMINER'S AMENDMENT or NOTICE OF INFORMAL APPLICATION, PTO-152, which discloses that the oath or declaration is deficient. A SUBSTITUTE OATH OR DECLARATION IS REQUIRED. Applicant MUST submit NEW FORMAL DRAWINGS o because the originally filed drawings were declared by applicant to be informal. I6J inclUding changes required by the Notice of Draftsperson's Patent Drawing Review, PTO-948, attached hereto or to Paper No. _ _5_ . , which has been o inclUding changes required by the proposed drawing correction filed on approved by the examiner. o including changes required by the attached Examiner's Amendment/Comment. I d e n t i f y i n g i n d i c i a s u c h as t h e a p p l i c a t i o n n u m b e r (see 37 CFR 1.84(c)) s h o u l d be w r i t t e n on the r e v e r s e s i d e o f the d r a w i n g s . The d r a w i n g s s h o u l d be f i l e d as a s e p a r a t e p a p e r w i t h a t r a n s m i t t a l l e t t t e r a d d r e s s e d to the O f f i c i a l Draftsperson. o Note the attached Examiner's comment regarding REQUIREMENT FOR THE DEPOSIT OF BIOLOGICAL MATERIAL. Any response to this letter should include, in the upper right hand corner, the APPLICATION NUMBER (SERIES CODE/SERIAL NUMBER). If applicant has received a Notice of Allowance and Issue Fee Due, the ISSUE BATCH NUMBER and DATE of the NOTICE OF ALLOWANCE should also be included. Attachment(s) Notice of References Cited, PTO-892 o ~ Information Disclosure Statement(s), PTO-1449, Paper No(s). 35 o Notice of Informal Patent Application, PTO-152 o o Interview Summary, PTO-413 o Notice of Draftsperson's Patent Drawing Review, PTO-948 o Examiner's Amendment/Comment o Examiner's Comment Regarding Requirement for Deposit of Biological Material Examiner's Statement of Reasons for Allowance U. S. Patent and TrademarkOffice PTO-37 (Rev. 9-95) N o t i c e of A l l o w a b i l i t y Part of Paper No. 36 _ 724 FH 416 APMW0025727 t . .. . ;1 $ Patent a n 4Trad _ _ rk OffIce UNrrEDSTA~~PARTMENT OF COMMERCE NOTICE OF A L L O W A N C E AND ISSUE FEE DUE TM:) 1 / 1 ( t 1. r::, T A Y L O H 8~ l A F M A N L ? t W O Wn.SHH~E B L V D . , S E V E N T H F L O O R SOKOLOFF. t~U-'lKELY" LOS ANGELES CA 9 0 0 2 5 APPLICATION NO. I FILING DATE I TOTAL CLAIMS I EXAMINERAND GROUP ART UNIT I 217f:. DATE MAILED (1::::,.'207, l O H First Named Applicant 08/0B/94 00(: FElU>, J 10/16/00 ft1f~N[:'ER. :J-S USC is,.'i (b) t e r m e x t.· .. tJ O'~'l~3 · TITLE OF INVENTION ''-IF "1-101) ('IN!) t~F'P{~RfYrUS F O R O m i ( . \ N I Z I N G I NFORt'l?-\T I fJN I N A COft1PI.JTER S Y S T E l v l ATTY'S DOCKET NO. I CLASS-SUBCLASS I BATCH NO. I APPLN, TYPE I SMALL ENTITY t FEE DUE I DATE DUE 0 .1 : 3 6 0 . P 6 2 4 C . 707-526.000 UTIL.ITY NO $1240.00 Ol/16/01 THE A P P L I C A TlON IDENTIFIED A B O V E HAS B E E N EXAMINED A N D IS A L L O W E D FOR I S S U A N C E A S A PA TENT. PROSECUTION ON THE M g R I T S IS CLOSED. THE ISSUE FEE M U S T BE P A I D WITHIN THREE MONTHS FROM THE MAILING D A T E OF THIS N O T I C E O R T H l S A P P L I C A T I O N S H A L L BE REGARDED A S ABANDONED. THIS STATUTORr,eEJiHOD C A N N O T BE EXTENDED. HOW TO RESPOND TO THIS N O n C E : I. Review the SMALL ENTITY status shown above. If the SMALL ENTITY is shown as YES, verify your current SMALL ENTITY status: If the SMALL ENTITY is shown as NO: A. If the status is changed, pay twice the amount of the .FEE DUE shown above and notify the Patent and Trademark Office of the change in status, or B. If the status is the same, pay the FEE DUE shown above. A. Pay FEE DUE shown above, or B. File verified statement of Small Entity Status before, or with, payment of 1/2 the FEE DUE shown above. II. Part B-Issue Fee Transrnlttal should be completed and returned to the Patentand Trademark Office (PTO) with your ISSUE FEE. Even if the ISSUE FEE has already been paid by charge to deposit account, Part B Issue Fee Transrnlttal should be completed and returned. If you are charging the ISSUE FEE to your deposit account, section "4b" of Part B-Issue Fee Transmittal should be compteted and an extra copy of the form should be submitted. III. All communications regarding this application must give application numberand batch number. Please direct all communications prior to issuance to Box ISSUE FEE unless advisedto the contrary. I M P O R T A N T REMINDER: U t i l i t y p a t e n t s i s s u i n g onapplicatJons f i l e d on o r a f t e r Dec. 12, 1980 m a y require p a y m e n t o f maintenance fees. I t is patentee's r e s p o n s i b i l i t y to ensure t i m e l y p a y m e n t o f maintenance fees when due. PATEHT AND TJW)EMARK OFFICE COPY PTOL-'85 (REV. 10-96) Approved for use through 06l3OI99. (0651-0033) ·u.s. GPO:1999-464-457f24801 724 FH 417 APMW0025728 Docket No: 0 4 8 6 0 . P 0 6 2 4 C In re Application of: R i c h a r d M a n d e r , et al. A p p l i c a t i o n No.: 0 8 / 2 8 7 , 1 0 8 F i l i n g Date: A u g u s t 8, 1994 For: METHOD AND ApPARATUS FOR ORGANIZING INFORMATION IN A COMPUTER SYSTEM ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Examiner: J. F e i l d Art Unit: 2176 I s s u e B a t c h No.: T 7 3 Date O f NOA: O c t o b e r 16, 2 0 0 0 Asst. C o m m i s s i o n e r for P a t e n t s W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20231 S U B M I S S I O N OF F O R M A L D R A W I N G S D e a r Sir: T r a n s m i t t e d h e r e w i t h is a c o m p l e t e set of formal drawings, c o m p r i s i n g t w e n t y - e i g h t (28) sheets and sixty-three (63) figures for the above-identified application. Respectfully submitted, BLAKELY, SOKOLOFF, T A Y L O R & Z A F M A N ~~ R e g . No. 3 1 , 1 9 5 12400 W i l s h i r e B o u l e v a r d Seventh F l o o r L o s A n g e l e s , CA 9 0 0 2 5 - 1 0 2 6 (408) 720-8598 F I R S T CLASS C E R T I F I C A T E OF M A I L I N G (37 C.F.R. § 1 . 8 ( a » I hereby certify that this correspondence is being deposited with the United States Postal Service as first class mail with sufficient postage in an envelope addressed to the Assistant Commissioner for Patents, Washington, D.C. 20231 on: January 16 2001 Date of Deposit Connie Thayer Name of Person Mailing Correspondence ~/~~ Signature Date 724 FH 418 APMW0025729 10 11 Memory Mass Storage 12 20 1/0 Controller 21 17 18 22 23 14 Keyboard FIG. 1 724 FH 419 APMW0025730 )I' 50 52 FIG.2a 59'\ (J FIG.2c 66 FIG.2d e I " 57 68 67 64 FIG.2e 724 FH 420 APMW0025731 83 FIG.2f 81 AI!Y 80 FIG.2g it = 77 j!!!!!!iii FIG.4f 54 75 FIG.2h ~71 FIG.2i ~k"70 FIG.2j ~72 ~J 74 73 „ 74 FIG.2k FIG. 21 724 FH 421 APMW0025732 . r 101 ~ =. 103 166~ P' 106 ~ I 110 {112 ~~ ~ f153 153 ~ 10~10~5 13 FIG. 3 105 103 .154 151 152 " 114 157 FIG.4a 169 173 175 FIG.4b 167 173 172 171 176 FIG.4c FIG.4d 185 187~ ~190 ~ MacWrite II document = == 18K on disk gesture annotation Man, Oct 14, 1991, 2:21 AM 204 FIG.5a es ~ J;(" 2 0 5 204 FIG.5b 724 FH 422 APMW0025733 126 pg7/10 o It occurs to me that it would be a worthwhile exercise/to crystallize our vision of One way to do this is to put together a video script (V\fhether or not any video is ever made). What are the (two or three?) important ideas? Whvl will a be more interesting than anything else that will be around in a cou I 0 illustrative uses for tres coo1)? Find: _B_I_a_ck_s_to_n_e _ .....---4---'" 125 Who is the audience fo ~ start for us, to clarify what is 1 , e ac eo, if any, could be for internal advertising (i.e., for other groups that e hope will do things for us and with us and for executive staff to Keep reso rces coming); it could also be for external consumption to create demand for: and interestin the kind of stuff we're doing. What do I want from you? Anything you have on the questions above. FIG. 49 724 FH 423 APMW0025734 JO~\~~ 128 125 ~es'O'J 1\'\(.) The Market I pg7/10 (Blackstone'§1approach t~he project has a n u m b e r of difficult challenges to overcome in the next phase of development. To help u n d e r s t a n d exactly w h a t these challenges are, we need to first review the i n t e n d e d market and how t h a t m i g h t influence industrial design. is d FIG.4h 724 FH 424 APMW0025735 1\'\\} ~7/10 JQ~\~~ Jackl]3lackstone] · 130 ~ [Blackstone'§1approach to the project challenges to overcome in the n e x t phase of u n d e r s t a n d exactly w h a t these challenges a intended market and how t h a t might influe Telephone 314/988-7834 fax 314/988-6475 ~125 142 Edgewood Terrace Commontown, NJ 12458 Image: image 0 a strong sense of styl Find: Blackstone tation for is achable, and foregoing the compl ~ friendly stye. ~ from it's unique physical appearance to t e an ee 0 . s so are. Blackstone id should be the next icon of this style. of? *~ add ima@ from annual report U n i q u e n e s s in the marketplac . Industrial designlis one of the most 128 FIG.4i 724 FH 425 APMW0025736 Jack~lackstone) ~ 142 Edgewood Terrace Commontown, NJ 12458 130 Jack~lackstone) · Find: Blackstone ~ 142 Edgewood Terrace Commontown, NJ 12458 ~ 130 o o one 314/988·7834 fax 314/988-6475 - Find: Blackstone ~one 314/988-7834 · ~ I fax 314/988-6475 ~ 132 ~ 132 130 . · ~ Jack~lackstone] 142 Edgewood Terrace Commontown, NJ 12458 -~ 130 Find: Blackstone o one 314/988·7834 fax 314/988-6475 ~ 132 724 FH 426 APMW0025737 222 I 224 /' 225 FIG.6 252 251~ 250 „ 253 ~ -r~~ --:56 \ ~D . 256 /.i?::-259 258 ~~ FIG. 7 250 252 tt:. 257 305 320 321 312 .~~D [ITO] t fDl ~ 313 m ~ 315 314 ~ 304 FIG.8b FIG.8a B~ 325} FIG.8e 326 724 FH 427 APMW0025738 ~ 350 { 355 356 ~ ~ ~ . ~ ' ~ ~ . mm [8j-~51 -12- ~_~I ~ ~CJ· 351 360 361 352 { 354 355'( { 362 355 c ~5 351 ~ 357 FIG.9a 360 FIG.9b { c 362 · mm ~.. 361 ~ ~D ~ 407 ~ FIG.10b 455 458 .~ 457 · 459 f458 453 _. ~ 453 454 FIG. 11a ~~.:~1 .· 460 473 \ 475 '450 470 ~--, 467 =12 , FIG.11b ~~ ~~~~ tt 450 482 467 481 l t 461 724 FH 428 APMW0025739 505~ ~506 502 FIG. 12a ,r 519 {525 ~ FIG. 12b 555 556 560 561 565 566 570 571 ~551 FIG.13a 724 FH 429 APMW0025740 578 I ' 551 555 556 560 561 565 566 570 571 576 577 Art; Design 575 FIG.13b 724 FH 430 APMW0025741 604 602 603 Just add this item Modify the pile's script Collect items: From: Richard Mander Date: 4/19/91 Re: Design competition update contain the words: r 601 612 design competition interface children schools contain the labels: 617 Add to Script FIG. 14 724 FH 431 APMW0025742 r 702 700 Index new document (count number of times certain words are used in the document) ("tf') Is this a System Initialization and. all documents are n.Qt indexed? No Update number of documents in the filing system which use each of the certain words in the new document (Global document frequency table) For each of the certain words, determine the ratio of the number of times a particular word is used in the document to the number of documents in the filing system which use the same particular word (l.e., determine "tfldf' for the word) Set weight for particular word equal to normalized ratio for particular word Sort weights of new document to give a predetermined number of the strongest weights (e.g., tw1 > tw2 > tw3 ... ). Vector for the new document is the collection of predetermined number of strongest weights Is the new document part of a pile? Yes Determine vector for pile (average of all document vectors in the pile or alternate methods) 703 704 705 707 709 711 719 FIG. 15 724 FH 432 APMW0025743 751 Iscursor pointing to a pile? Yes No Has cursor continued to point to a document on the pile for a predetermined period of time? Yes E2 1-----1~ 752 Arrange pile for viewing 753 Show view cone and display proxy of selected document in the pile 755 Has user pointed to another item in the pile? No 757 759 Has user signalled to page through the selected document? Yes Move to desired page of proxy Yes Is cursor still pointing to pile? No FIG. 16 724 FH 433 APMW0025744 Has user given system a document to file in existing piles? (Put away) Yes No r;:::';\ )------'~'8I Find pile with closest pile vector to the document's vector and place document in that pile (or put aliases of the document into all piles closer than threshold) 803 Has user given system a sample document in order to start a pile? Yes No System uses vector of sample document to find all documents closer than preselected threshold; copies (or aliases) of such documents are stored in pile created from sample document 807 Has user added a document to a scripted pile where the added document does not match the script of the pile? FIG. 17 724 FH 434 APMW0025745 Does user want to modify the pile's script (display dialog box to user) Yes ~-~ Add document to pile System displays existing criteria and/or script for pile 813 System displays proposed script/criteria changes to pile's criteria/script 815 User selects changes to criteria 817 System pulls in copies (or aliases) of all documents on system which match criteria of modified script 819 FIG. 17 Continued 724 FH 435 APMW0025746 )----~ No F Any documents left in pile? Yes Take first document from pile (call it current document) )No- - - -....I@ 855 Determine similarity of current document to each subpile 857 861 Create new subpile with current documents as seed No 859 Sort matching subpiles by similarity to current document Is a document allowed in more than one subpile? Yes Add current document to all matching subpiles above threshold 863 No 869 Add current document to best matching subpile 867 FIG. 18a 724 FH 436 APMW0025747 Any single document subpiles? ) - - - -..... Yes Create "misc." pile 873 Transfer documents from all single document subpiles to the misc. pile 874 Remove single document subpiles 875 Yes Put all documents back in original pile 877 FIG. 18a Continued 724 FH 437 APMW0025748 ep Get desired number of piles from user (maybe a preference set up in advance) t---- 880 ~Jv , ('882 Have desired number of subpiles? ) Yes ... ~ , No ® 884 Compute total similarity of each remaining document to all existing sub piles I'---' Sort documents from least to most total similarity f-.-' 886 Remove document with least total similarity from pile f-- 888 Create new subpile with this document as seed - 890 FIG. 18b 724 FH 438 APMW0025749 Any documents left in pile? Yes Take first remaining document from pile, call it current document 893 Compare similarity of current document to each subpile 895 Sort matching subpiles by similarity to current document 897 Add current document to best matching sub pile 899 FIG. 18b Continued 724 FH 439 APMW0025750 903 Does user want to search for documents matching a set of terms? Yes Define set of terms Create virtual document vector for set of terms Does user want to search for documents matching a sample document? Yes 905 Compare each document vector in filing system with the document vector of a sample document (or vector of virtual document) (e.g., comparing unit dot product of document vector with sample document vector against a preselected threshold) 911 Sort list of documents based on comparison 915 Create and display pile of sorted closest documents (preselected threshold can determine how close and how many documents are shown in list) FIG. 19 724 FH 440 APMW0025751 User selects a pile 951 User selects a method of visualization (e.g., view by ... ) 953 System displays visualization window showing pile within window 955 User selects "0rder by Date" and system orders documents in pile bydate of document 957 User selects "Color by Date" and system displays documents with different colors in pile 959 User selects "Color by Content" 961 System displays documents in pile with different colors according to closeness of a document's vector to the pile's vector 963 User closes visualization window 965 FIG. 20 724 FH 441 APMW0025752 User creates pile by moving one document on top of another document 1001 ~r User moves newly created pile to desired location by positioning cursor 1003 over plinth (base) of new pile and signaling a selection and moving cursor J i, User selects another pile by positioning cursor over its plinth and signaling a selection J 1005 i, User opens this pile by double clicking signal generation means while positioning cursor over plinth (base) of the pile 1007 '-.J 1009 J i, Pile opens in a pile window (or documents in pile are spread-out) i, User closes pile window by positioning cursor over close box and signaling a selection ~ 101 i, User selects a document not in this pile and drags it on top of this existing pile to add it to the pile .--I 101 2 ir Since the targeted pile is a scripted pile and the new document doesn't match the current criteria of the pile, the system responds to added document by displaying a script dialog box user selects to modify the pile's script System modifies pile's script on basis user input (user specifies particular criteria to use in modifying pile's script, e.g. user selects 2 unique words from added document, or a particular label) ~ 10 15 · lJ 101 7 @ FIG. 21 724 FH 442 APMW0025753 User instructs system to add to pile (or system automatically does so after 101 9 J modifying pile's script) - system adds to pile on basis of new script User instructs system to create subpiles of a selected pile based on the contents of the documents ("subpile by content') + + J 10 21 System examines contents of each document and creates several subpiles, each containing similar contents - system assigns a name to each sub pile .:» 1023 t User selects one of the subpiles by positioning cursor over plinth (base) of new pile and signalling a selection - user selects that the system "color by date" this pile System uses date of document in the subpile to select a saturation of a color dependent on the date of the document (e.g., most saturated is oldest document) User removes a document from this subpile by selecting the document and dragging it out of the pile (e.g., user selects the oldest document, based on saturation color) 1025 .J + J 1027 + 1029 .../ 1031 User selects a document not in any pile and selects 'put awayll, causing J system to put document into the closest, in relevancy, piles (or single pile) + FIG. 21 Continued 724 FH 443 APMW0025754 2202 FIG.22a 724 FH 444 APMW0025755 2204 Results 2215 · 2202 ~rs Speedometers Compasses FIG.22b I -. IrfQbject Finder r Find r rz. /2201 I / ' 2204 / ---, I I rffi.esul~ -. / 2202 - Rectangular Thumb ~ ~ tt 0 MouseEnter ~---., 220 3 - ~ 2227 2228 2229 ~ lQ!.sc~ --' I ~ersf:llers 2226 I 2225 L- I' -L' II J FIG.22c 724 FH 445 APMW0025756 2202 B:E l ~l :d] Baha ~2232 2203 2235 ~ ~shes~ 1 2233 Dave's Clips 2236 t Cali clips FIG.22d 2202 t EJl Baha .. ~2232 t 2233 2203 2235 ~ ~ 2236 t Call clips FIG.22e 724 FH 446 APMW0025757 -.. -------PARTB - I S S U E FEETRANSMITTAL ... 8 fOrdOmestIc cannotbe u s e d llIIC)er,lIUChasan Comp1et8end m.nthis form, m g e t h e r with 8f>pIk;abIa f e N , 10: . Box ISSUE FEE AuilJtllm ComrnIuJoner for PatcnbI W a s h i n g t o n , D.C. 20231 "'*:The 0IlItl1IcUaof meIIInli fortlf'fiodler~papers. mal!ngsoCI!le IlIsullFeeT l I I I l l I g m 1 e n l o r f O n n l l l drawlng.1I1UlIIh l M l l t s own oerUflcaIe of malIlng. CClrtIftcatt of Hailing I henIby certifyIhBIthis Issue Fee TranemIlIaIls beingdepositedwith the UnIted Stales POllt8I seM:e wIIh8lIIIcIllnt p o s t a g e fOrftnItd a s s maIllnan enYelOpe I I d c h s 8 8 d to lhe BoxI8SUll Feeadches eboYeon the d!deIrdcatBdbelow. TM:31/1016 BLAKELY, SOKOLOFF, TAYLOR & ZAFMAN 1 2 4 0 0 W I L S H I R E BLVD" SEVENTH FLOOR LOS ANGELES CA 9 0 0 2 5 FlJNGDATE 08/08/94 MANDER, nn.EOF INVENTION 00::: F E I L D , .J 3 5 USC 1 5 4 ( b ) t e r m e x t . 21.76 I) 10/16/00 nays, /yIETHOD AND A F f ' A R A T U S FOR ORGAN I Z I NI?i I NFORMA r I ON I N A COMPU"rt=~R SYSTEfYl A11Y'SDOCKET NO. I CLASSoSUBClASS I BATCH NO. I APPLN. TYPE I SMALl.ENTITY I FEEDUE I DATEDUE 2 04860.P624C 707-526.000 T73 UTILITY NO $1240.00 1 01/16/01 1. Changeof conesponcIence address or indicationof · Fee AcIdrasa'" (37 CFR1.363). Useof PTOformes) and Customer N!Jnberl I I l l recommended, but not required. (1) 1he names of ~ to 3 regislel8d patent 2. r-orprlnllngonthepatel'lttrontpage,1lst o Change of c:orJ'llllflOIl address (or Change of Correspondence Address form PTOIS8I122) attached. attorneys or a g e r D OR. "ematlvely, (2) Itle name of a Single firm (haVIng as a BLAKELY. SOKOLOFF. TAYLOR s ZAFMAN .0 ·Fee Acldrelll\~ Indlcallon (or 'Fee Address'Indication form PTOISB/4nattached. member a regIst8r8d attomey or agent) end Itle namesof ~ to 2 registered pal8nl attorneys or agen1S.1f no nameIslisted, no namewill be printed. 2 3 48. The following fees are enclosed(make check payable to CommIssIOner 11. ASSIGNEE NAMEAND RESIDENCE DATATO BE PRINTED ON THE PATENT (printor type) PLEASENOTE:Unlessan a s s i g n e e Is klenllfIed belOW, no assignee data willappearon the patent. of Patents and Trademarks): Incluslon of assignee dataIs onlyapproplate wtlen an essIgMl8llthas beenpreviously sUxnlItlld to QlJ Iasue Fee Itle PTOor Is b e i n g IIlbmItled ooder s e p a r a t e cover. Co~Jellon 01 this form Is NOT a subsltttue lor !Xl Mvance 0rlIer · · otCopIes t e n ( l 0 ) flUng an assIl1Iment. (A) NAMEOF ASSIGNEE Apple Computer, I n c . 4b.The following fees or deficiency In thes9fees shouldbe charged to: (B) RESIDENCE: (CITY& STATE OR COUNTRy) C u p e r t i n o , C a l i f o r n i a DEPOSIT ACCOUNT NUMBER 0 2 - 2 6 6 6 (ENCLOSE AN EXTRACOpy OF THISFORM) P l e a s e checklI1e appropllat8 assignee category Indicated below (will not be printed on the patent) IssueFee govenvnent CD corporellon or otherprlvategroupentlty ten (10) IndlvIckJaI ~ Advance Order· · of CopIes o o ro The COMMISSIONER OF PATENTS " ' 1 ' 1 ·· ......"....,., .KSJ~ p s t e d to applyItle IssueFee to the eppIlCatIon k1entlfled above. (.Author1zedSlgnature) ,~",,-Clt) .1'ameR ~roh .. t t ,~-:TT" #31 1 NOTE: The I88Ull Fee wil~ eccepted from M'jOrtfioItler than lhe sppIIcant; a ~el8d AIl'.oIn(ty l or uosnl;or the asaigfIIleor Iller patty In Intemstas shown by Itle recotdsof Itle Patentand TradellllllttOlftce. c. l L JL ~ ss I(DIate) I,; I ~. YmJ1E2 . ButirJmHour S'-18ment: ThIs form Is estimatedto take 0.2 hours to c o m p l e t e . TIme w9l vaJY " depending onthe needS of the lncIvIduaI case. Anycomments onthe ll/IlOI.Irt of time.requlred to compktte this form should be sent to the Chief Information Officer, Patentand TradelTl8llc OffIce, Washington, D.C. 20231. 0 0 NOT SEND FEES OR COMPlETED FORMS TO THIS ADDRESS. SEND FEES AND THIS FORM TO: Box Issue Fee. AssIstant Comrnlsslonillr for . , Patenm, Washington D.C. 20231 .. e==m a n . M Rat4! teRa5U INt·." 'I" . 3D · t Underthe PaperNork ReductIonAt;;tof 1995. no p81'l1Ol\S are r e q u i r e d 10respond10a c:oIIee:tlon of information unIee8 It cIspIaysa validOMB control number. TRANSMIT THIS FORM WITH FEE PTOL-8!B(REV.1o-es)AAlIOYed for use1tlrough 06/30199. OMS 085HX133 724 FH 447 APMW0025758 RTIS USE ONLY -4~'--=;""""':~~~-'o£.._-Prepared by Date -#---"",,:-u.o~--='-'--L-t~-IJ~. _~~:::'--I Tracking Number =---L----''-I---f No. of_q.ueries : .. r_---&..------------....J. p. PTO-1449 q. PTOL-85b r. Abstract I?$heets/Figs "'-f./Other Week Date JACKET a. b. c. d. e. Serial No. Applicant(s) Continuing Data PCT Domestic Priority f. Foreign Priority g. Disclaimer h. Microfiche Appendix i. Title j. Claims Allowed k. Print Claim(s) I. Print Fig. m. Searched Column n. PTO-270/328 o. PTO-892 SPECIFICATION MESSAGE -.poeo4oY:~;..o.<;.L.Z-~=--------------_--I a. Page Missing b. Text Continuity c. Holes through Data d. Other Missing Text e. Illegible Text ~. Duplicate Text g. Brief Description h. Sequence Listing i. Appendix j. Amendments k. Other CLAIMS a. Claim(s) Missing b. Improper Dependency c. Duplicate Numbers d. Incorrect Numbering e. Index Disagrees f. Punctuation g. Amendments h. Bracketing RESPONSE initials -+=~_L~.::::::~:.1t=::::::;;::=:::::::..-.------_I i. Missing Text. j. Duplicate Text k. Other ,E-5 (Rev. 02/08/99) -_._-------._'- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 724 FH 448 APMW0025759 * ~~~L ~ ~Clf UNITED STA, ,tDEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE \ APPLICATION FlUNG DATE I * " Address: COMMISSIONER OF PATENTS AND TRADEMARKS Washington, D.C. 2 0 2 3 1 P a t e n t and T h a l e m a r k Office I MANDER FIRST NAMED APPLICANT ATTORNEYDOCKET NO. 0:3/2::::7, 108 08108/94 R 0 4 8 6 0 . P 6.2 4 C . EXAMINER I 7512/0:307 BLAKELY, SOKOLOFF, TAYLOR & ZAFMAN \ 1 2 4 0 0 WILSHIRE BLVD., SEVEl\ITH FLOOR LOS ANGELES CA 9 0 0 2 5 ~ I A7RfiiNtr.. D, ..:( PAPER NUMBER ..38 DATE Mjil~{j: 0:3/07/01 NOTICE OF DRAWING REQUIREMENTS rY1 ( Corrected/substituted drawings for the above-identified application, received in the PTO on are still considered informal tor the reason(s) identified on the attached Form PTO·948. 1 - I <1 - 0 ) o Applicant has the time. remaining in the reply period set In the Notice of Allowability or Notice of Drawing Requirements mailed to overcome the objections raised in the attached Form PTO·948. This reply period may be extended under the provisions of 37 CFR 1.136(a) by filing the appropriate request and fee before the end of the six month statutory period for reply. . ~ ~ T h e PTO. delayed in reviewing the corrected drawings. Applicant is given A ONE MONTH TIME PERIOD from the date of this Notice to provide corrected drawings. EXTENSIONS OF THIS TIME PERIOD MAY BE GRANTED UNDER 37 CFR 1.136(a). ATTACHMENT, PTO-94B ?2 FORM P'J"O.455 (REV. ~97) -2 -0 I Date ·U.S. GPo: 1 9 9 7 - 4 3 3 · 2 1 4 n 0 3 0 1 724 FH 449 APMW0025760 Form PTO 948 (Rev. 8 - 9 8 ) U.S. D E P A R T M E N T OF C O M M E R C E - P a t e n t and T r a d e m a r k O f f i c e A p p l i c a t i o n No. -=2-:::-.;:;8=_J..L.."..-~=--,-.<. NOTICE, OF£> R A F T S P E R S O N ' $ PATENT DRAWtr4&RE:VfEV/ i The d r a w i n g ( s ) filed ( i n s e r t d a t e ) I - I q - 0 \ are: ~ . B. su a p p r o v e d by the D r a f t s p e r s o n u n d e r 37 CFR 1.84 or 1 . 1 5 2 . o b j e c t e d to by the D r a f t s p e r s o n u n d e r 37 CFR 1.84 or 1 . 1 5 2 for the r e a s o n s i n d i c a t e d b e l o w . The E x a m i n e r will r e q u i r e i s s i o n of new, c o r r e c t e d d r a w i n g s w h e n n e c e s s a r y . C o r r e c t e d d r a w i n g m u s t be s u m i t t e d a c c o r d i n g I? the i n s t r u c t i o n s on the b a c k of t h i s n o t i c e . 2. 3. 4. 5. D R A W r : ' - l G S . n e F R \ . 8 4 ( a ) : A c c e p t a b l e categories of drawings: Black ink. Color. _ _ C o l o r d r a w i n g s are not acceptable until petiton is granted. Fig(s) _ _ _ Pencil and 110n black ink not permitted. Fig(s) _ P H O T O G R A P H S . 37 e F R \.84 (b) _ _ 1 full-tone set is required. Fig(s) _ _ _ P h o t o g r a p h s not properly mounted (must use brystol board or p h o t o g r a p h i c d o u b l e - w e i g h t paper). Fig(s) _ _ _ Poor q u a l i t y (half-tone). Fig(s) _ T Y P E OF PAPER. 37 e F R \ . 8 4 ( e ) _ _ Paper not flexible, strong, white, and durable. Fig(s) _ _ _ Erasures. alterations, o v e r w r i t i n g s , i n t e r l i n e a t i o n s , folds, copy m a c h i n e marks not accepted. Fig(s) _ _ _ Mylar, velum paper is not a c c e p t a b l e (too thin). Fig(sl _ SIZE OF PAPER. 37 e F R 1.84(1): A c c e p t a b l e sizes: _ _ 2 \ . 0 cm by 29.7 cm (DIN size A4) _ _ 2 \ . 6 cm by 27.9 cm ( 8 1 / 2 x 11 inches) _ _ All d r a w i n g s h e e t s not the same size. Sheet(s) _ _ _ D r a w i n g s s h e e t s not an acceptable size. Fig(s) _ M A R G I N S . 37 e F R 1.84(g): A c c e p t a b l e margins: 8. A R R A N G E M E N 1 ' O F Y I E W S . 37 e F R 1.84(1) . ;_ Words do riot a p p e a r on a h o r i z o n t a l , l e f t - t o - r i g h t . f a s h i o n when page is either upright or turned so that the top b e c o m e s the right side, e x c e p t for g r a p h s . Fig(s) _' _ 9. SCALE. 37 e F R 1.84(k) _ _ Scale not large e n o u g h to show m e c h a n i s m w i t h o u t c r o w d i n g when d r a w i n g is r e d u c e d in size to t w o - t h i r d s in reproduction. Fig(s) _ 10. C H A R A C T E R OF LINES, N U M B E R S , & L E I T E R S . 37 e F R 1.84(i) _ _ t i n e s , numbers & letters not uniformly thick and well defined, clean, d u r a b l e , and black ( p o o r line q u a l i t y ) . Fig(s) - = - - = _ : 11: S H A D I N G . , 37 e F R 1 . 8 4 ( m ) Solid black areas pale. Fig(s) Solid black s h a d i n g no-tpermit-te-d-.-F-ig-(-:'s)_ _---,._ _ _ _ Shadelines, p a l e , rough and blurred. Fig(s) _ 12. N U M B E R S , L E I T E R S , & R E F E R E N C E C H A R A C T E R S . 37 e F R 1.84(p) _ _ Numbersand r e f e r e n c e c h a r a c t e r s not plain and legible. Fig(s) - : - - - - - : -_ _ _ _ Figure legends are poor. Fig(s) _ N u m b e r s and reference c h a r a c t e r s not o r i e n t e d in the ' s a m e d i r e c t i o m a s a h e view . .3 7 C F R ' 1 . 8 4 ( p ) @ Fig(s) _ _ _ English alphabet not used. 37 e F R 1 . 8 4 ( p ) ( 2 ) F i g s _ '_ _._'<__ · , , '_ Nurnbers.jetters a n d r e f e r e n c e c h a r a c t e r s must be.at least - - .32 cm (liS inch) in height. 37 CFR 1 . 8 4 ( p ) ( 3 ) . Fig(s) " 13. LEAD LlNES. 37 CFR 1.84(q) _ _ Lead lines cross each other. Fig(s) _ - - Lead lines missing. Fig(s) ___ 14. N U M B E R I N G OF S H E E T S OF D R A W I N G S , 37 e F R 1.84(t) _ _ Sheets not numbered c o n s e c u t i v e l y , and in A r a b i c n u m e r a l s b e g i n n i n g with n u m b e r 1. S h e e t ( s ) --:_ 15. N U M B E R I N G OF V I E W S . 37 e F R 1 . 8 4 ( u ) _ _ Views not numbered consecutively, and in A r a b i c n u m e r a l s , b e g i n n i n g with n u m b e r 1. Fig(s) _ 16. C O R R E C T I O N S . 37 CFR 1.84(w) _ _ C o r r e c t i o n s not made from prior P T O - 9 4 8 dated 17. D E S I G N DR:-A-W'-I-N:"':G-:'S-. 37 e F R 1.152 _ _ Surface s h a d i n g s h o w n not appropriate. Fig(s) _ _ _ Solid black s h a d i n g not used for color c o n t r a s t . Fig(s) _ = Top 2.5 cm Left 2.5cm Right 1.5 cm Bottom 1.0 cm SIZE: A4 Size Top 2.5 cm Left 2.5 cm Right 1.5 cm B o t t o m 1.0 cm SIZE: 8 1/2 x 11 _ Margins not a c c e p t a b l e . Fig(s) _ _ _ Top (T) Left (L) _ _ _ _ Right (R) Bottom ( 8 ) 6. V l E W S . 37 CFR \ . 8 4 ( h ) R E M I N D E R : S p e c i f i c a t i o n may require revision to c o r r e s p o n d te d r a w i n g c h a n g e s . Partial views. 37 CFR \ . 8 4 ( h ) ( 2 ) _ _ B r a c k e t s needed to show figure as one entity. Fig(s) _ _ _ Views not labeled s e p a r a t e l y or properly. Fig(s) _ _ _ E n l a r g e d view not labeled s e p a r e t e l y or properly, Fig(s) _ 7. S E C T I O N A L VIEWS. 37 e F R 1.84 (h)(3) _ _ H a t c h i n g not indicated for sectional portions of an o b j e c t . Fig(s) - - , -_ _-,_ _ S e c t i o n a l d e s i g n a t i o n should be noted with Arabic or Roman numbers. Fig(s) _ COMMENTS REV IEWER --,._r_ DATE 3' z. - O l T E L E P H O N E NO. _ A T T A C H M E N T TO PAPER NO. _ 724 FH 450 APMW0025761 INFORMATION ON H O W T ( ) 1. C o r r e c t i o n o f I n f o r m a l i t i e s - - 3 7 C F R 1.85 irF'ttiD~WINGCHANGES >'.,. , File new d r a w i n g s with the c h a n g e s i n c o r p o r a t e d t h e r e i n : The a p p l i c a t i o n n u m b e r o r r h e t i t l e of the i n v e n t i o n , i n v e n t o r ' s n a m e , d o c k e t n u m b e r (if any), and the name and t e l e p h o n e n u m b e r of a p e r s o n to call if the O f f i c e ' is u n a b l e to m a t c h the d r a w i n g s - t o the.properapplicaiiori, sh91.\ra:be p l a c e d q n t h e b a c k o f . e a c h ' hsheet o f d r a w i n g s in a c c o r d a n c e with 37 e F R 1.84(c), A p p l i c a n t may delay filing o f t h e n e w d r a w i n g s u n t i l r e c e i p t o f the N o t i c e o f A l l o w ability ( P T O L - 3 7 ) . E x t e n s i o n s of time may be o b t a i n e d u n d e r the p r o v i s i o n s of 37 e F R 1.136. The d r a w i n g s h o u l d be f i l e d as a s e p a r a t e p a p e r with a t r a n s m i t t a l l e t t e r a d d r e s s e d to t h e D r a w i n g P r o c e s s i n g Branch. 2. T i m i n g f o r C o r r e c t i o n s A p p l i c a n t is r e q u i r e d to s u b m i t a c c e p t a b l e corrected d r a w i n g s w i t h i n the t h r e e - m o n t h s h o r t e n e d s t a t u t o r y period set in the Notice of A l l o w a b i l i t y (PTOL-37). I f a c o r r e c t i o n is d e t e r m i n e d to be u n a c c e p t a b l e by the Office. a p p l i c a n t must a r r a n g e to have a c c e p t a b l e c o r r e c t i o n s r e s u b m i t t e d w i t h i n t h e o r i g i n a l t h r e e - m o n t h period to a v o i d the n e c e s s i t y of o b t a i n i n g an e x t e n s i o n of time and p a y i n g the e x t e n s i o n fee. T h e r e f o r e , applicant s h o u l d file c o r r e c t e d d r a w i n g s as soon a possible. Failure to take c o r r e c t i v e action w i t h i n set (or e x t e n d e d ) period will result in A B A N D O N M E N T o f the Application. 3. C o r r e c t i o n s o t h e r t h a n I n f o r m a l i t i e s N o t e d by t h e D r a w i n g R e v i e w B r a n c h on t h e F o r m P T O - 9 4 8 All c h a n g e s to the drawings, o t h e r than informalities noted by the D r a w i n g R e v i e w B r a n c h , M U S T be a p p r o v e d by the e x a m i n e r b e f o r e the .application w i l l be allowed. No c h a n g e s will be p e r m i t t e d to be m a d e , o t h e r than c o r r e c t i o n of i n f o r m a l i t i e s , u n l e s s the e x a m i n e r has a p p r o v e d the p r o p o s e d c h a n g e s . . 724 FH 451 APMW0025762 ocket No: 04860.P0624C Richard Mander, et a1. Application No.: 08/287,108 Filing Date: August 8, 1994 For: M E T H O D AND APPARATUS FOR ORGANIZING INFORMATION IN A COMPUTER SYSTEM Asst. Commissioner for Patents Washington, D.C. 20231 R E S P O N S E TO N O T I C E O F D R A W I N G R E O U I R E M E N T S Dear Sir: In response to a Notice of Drawing Requirements mailed March 7 , 2 0 0 1 , Applicants hereby submit another set of formal drawings, comprising twenty-eight (28) sheets and sixty-three (63) figures for the above-identified application. Respectfully submitted, BLAKELY, SOKOLOFF, TAYLOR & ZAFMAN ~~!f= ego No. 31,195 12400 Wilshire Boulevard Seventh Floor Los Angeles, CA 90025-1026 (408) 720-8300 F I R S T CLASS C E R T I F I C A T E OF M A I L I N G I hereby certify that this correspondence is being deposited with the United States Postal Service as first class mail with sufficient postage in an envelope addressed to the Assistant Commissioner for Patents, Washington, D.C. 20231 on: April 5, 2001 Date of Deposit Connie Thayer ~ 2 ~ture Name; ; ' P e r s o n Mailing Correspondence _-.L-..->.L--=-:!- $1-5":"0/ _ Date /0-0° 724 FH 452 APMW0025763 10 CPU 11 Memory Mass Storage 12 20 110 Controller Display Controller 19 21 22 17 18 14 --i 23 Keyboard FIG. 1 724 FH 453 APMW0025764 ~. "-'.1 "-, t /'50 _/,55 FIG.2b J?57 52 FIG.2a 59~ (j FIG.2c 66 FIG.2d il 68 67 Mail 61 64 FIG.2e 724 FH 454 APMW0025765 83 FIG.2f FIG. 29· ir = 77 ll11iiii!i FIG.4f 54 75 60 FIG.2h FIG.2i FIG.2j 73 ~ 74 74 FIG.2k FIG. 21 724 FH 455 APMW0025766 ~ 101 ~ ~ 0 ~O 106 ~ 103 I 110 (112 ~<> f153 153 10~1~5 FIG.3 ~ 105 103 '-154 " 114 151 l' 152 ~ 157 ~ 103 FIG.4a 173 FIG.4b 167 FIG.4d 185 187~ ~190 ~~ == gesture annotation M a c W r i t e II d o c u m e n t 18K on d i s k Mon, Oct 14, 1 9 9 1 , 2 : 2 1 AM 204 FIG.5a « -------------- ~~ 205 204 FIG.5b - - - - - _ . - . _ - - - - _.._ - - 724 FH 456 APMW0025767 D pg7/10 It occurs to me that it would be a worthwhile exercise to crystallize our vision of One way to do this is to p u t together a video

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