Mirror Worlds, LLC v. Apple, Inc.

Filing 150

CLAIM CONSTRUCTION BRIEF filed by Apple, Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Affidavit, #2 Exhibit A, #3 Exhibit B, #4 Exhibit C - Part 1, #5 Exhibit C - Part 2, #6 Exhibit C - Part 3, #7 Exhibit C - Part 4, #8 Exhibit C - Part 5, #9 Exhibit C - Part 6, #10 Exhibit C - Part 7, #11 Exhibit C - Part 8, #12 Exhibit D, #13 Exhibit E, #14 Exhibit F, #15 Exhibit G - Part 1, #16 Exhibit G - Part 2, #17 Exhibit G - Part 3, #18 Exhibit G - Part 4, #19 Exhibit G - Part 5, #20 Exhibit H)(Cherensky, Steven)

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Mirror Worlds, LLC v. Apple, Inc. Doc. 150 Att. 18 Figure ISb Get desired numberof piles from user (maybe a preferenceset up in advance) .8.SQ Yes~ No Computetotal similarity of each remaining document to all existing subpiles .8M Sort documentsfrom least to most total similarity . BM Removedocumentwith least total similarity from pile BRa Create new subpile with this documentas seed . .8.2Q 101 FH 121 Do MW .Jus ia. 65 APckets002t59com Figure ISb Continued NOc{ Yes Take first remainingdocumentfrom pile. call it currentdocument End ) m m Comparesimilarityof currentdocument to each subpile Sort matchingsubpilesby similarity to current document .821 Add current documentto best matchingsubpile B22 101 FH 122 APMW0025966 '00---_1 D..e...ti",~ s~t" -t~ ... W\S Or Q,-f'.(.()...-'c-E. y \ or t \J..J.. clo<:,..u.. . . . . e.."'r Veuo,," -h>i"' s<l" o~ t~'('""",~ qI ( J Sort: . t L ~ + Ij)~ . oloc..u..ho..~.s klAse-& ~"1 Co4clriJ0l1 c:,.,.e:at~ ~d.. cltSo(\d1 f i \ e . or .3Clr-t.e.&. 0 , o s -e.sT clow.",",~+~ ('P\(,tS~ ltet~& ~('ti lol& ~ d,..(:h. y YV\t -ve, ~ (\ w dD~ ~ ~u) 'rr\a.'\ 7 ~Ul"V,~ G-~tL s~wr'\ ("\. ..Qtst-) 101 FH 123 APMW0025967 figure 20 cp User selects pile 0 951 .J ~ 953 ! User selects 0 method of uisuellzatlon (e. g. uiew by ··· ) i System dlsploys uisuollzotion window showing pile within w i n d OlD 9 55 j <! 957 C:, \j. \.1 User selects ·Order by Date· ond system orders documents In pile by dote of document ... documents with different colors In pile , 959 I,ji · ~I!: ~ser selects ·Color by Dote· ond system disploys ~ n.J'l ~I 'w" ,,,,., I1Jl \ 961 1n;nr User selects · Color by Content· rU I~ 963 ij,:....-------~{-------...... 1 : ';;! I System displays documents In pile with different colors 8ccordlngto closeness of 8 document's uector to the pile'S uector .r/ User closes uisuellzotlon window ~965 ( END) 101 FH 124 APMW0025968 Figure 21 User createspile by movingone document on top of anotherdocument m User moves newlycreatedpile to desiredlocationby positioning cursor over plinth (base)of new pile and signalling a selection and movingcursor " 1001 User selectsanotherpile by positioning cursor over its plinth and signalling a selection m User opens this pile by double clickingsignal generation means whilepositioning cursor over plinth (base) of the pile " " lOO1 Pile opens in a pile window (or documents in pile are spread-out) " .1002 User closes pile window by positioning cursor over close box and signalling a selection mu User selectsa documentnot in this pile and drags it on top of this existingpile to add it to the pile .lllU Since the targetedpile is a scriptedpile and the new documentdoesn't match the currentcriteriaof the pile, the systemrespondsto a d d e d documentby displaying a script dialog box- user selects to modifythe pile's script " " " " .lOU System modifies pile's script on basis user input (user specifiesparticularcriteriato use in modifying pile's script. e.g, user selects 2 unique words from a d d e d document. or a particular label) uuz ~ 101 FH 125 APMW0025969 Figure 21 continued User instructssystem to addto pile (or systemautoni'8iically does so after modifyingpile's script) - system addes to pile on basis of new script ~ m ~ User instructssystem to create subpilesof a selectedpile based on the contentsof the documents ("subpile by content") m ~ Systemexaminescontentsof each document and creates several subpiles, each containing similarcontents- system assigns a name to each subpile m ~ User selects one of the subpilesby positioning cursor over plinth (base) of new pile and signalling a selection - user selectsthat the system "colorby date" this pile ~ ~ System uses date of documentin the subpileto select a saturation of a color dependenton the date of the document (e.g, most saturatedis oldest document) WI . ~ 1m2 User removesa document from this subpileby selecting the documentand draggingit out of the pile (e.g. user selectsthe oldest document, based on saturation color) J, User selectsa documentnot in any pile and selects "put away", causing system to put documentinto the closest, in relevancy, piles (or singlepile) .1.Qll 101 FH 126 APMW0025970 Sample- Scroller 101 FH 127 APMW0025971 f \ ~~"'CL d-.;tb ~Ol Results 101 FH 128 APMW0025972 101 FH 129 APMW0025973 PRL~T O f DKA~1NG-~ ~J!!Y.G.~AU F Y ;12 b i s e lAJf Gol"ot.-oltu- t ,~ 101 FH 130 APMW0025974 PRL'cTOF DRA\\ofNGS ~J!!!.<!~~ALL y ~ r 5a 101 FH 131 APMW0025975 PRL'H OF D R A \ H N G S ~_ORIGINALLY FIf ....... 71 .i:;-/ 70 101 FH 132 APMW0025976 PRL~T ~_ORIG.~ALL OF DRAWINGS Y Ii" l) 6!' ~I ~:t'lt>~ g e s t u r e aRnotaflOG ~..,.rttt II dooumtnt 18K on disk Mon"oct 1 4 , 1 9 9 1 , 2 : 2 1 AM .~ I ~ ;205 · .;: ."~.":"~::."'.< · · · · · · · ·n ~> :201 ':Ft a. S .b 101 FH 133 APMW0025977 ti'''\{ ,ii!" oj,:::: "n'" i!" I~,,:!: ~ 1 : " " l . i " , , : Ii:,,!; ::~::H m tf;,::, '~: ..F ~:,'~; :::::n H,":',i1\: ;1 ,f~!' \1i::h ,t'lt :~:i:":,:,l:l il;::!, :::1::.:11'1: ;i,:,:::,U 1:i1,,:,:P.. ; : i: ' o "~i i2 " .1:') t~ ." [J . pg7/10 ~ It occurs to me that It wouldbea wo1'thwhlle exerdse t crystallize our vision of One way to do this is to put together a video pt ( w h e t h e r o r n o t eny video Is ever made). . be more What are the (two or three?) Important Ideu? Why interesting than anything else that ,.~, 'mnrdJn ' :SQUp],w,mm1 "'lb~ illustrative uses for. - ':~ ~ f ,g. 5 0 i ~~. v o (~ 11 trescool)? Whatdo I want from you? AnythinSYOu have on the F i g u r e 4g 1d.7 101 FH 134 APMW0025978 Tnf~~nm~~h~o~.~~.n !r'~~~~~ ~~~~=:~~~~~,~~ IJ .~.11"O The Market pg7/10 )~e lO~ ~." Jon In'IS0t6 11.J - - ' I~ .C'l 0 -i ' i "~ i !':"l5= .-II I J -<~ ~ a p p r o a c h tJt'tthe project h a s a n u m b e r of difficult . c h a l l e n g e s to overcome h i the n e x t p h a s e of development. To h e l p u n d e r s t a n d exactly w h a t t h e s e c h a l l e n g e s a r e , w e need to f i r s t review the intended m a r k e t a n d ~gw t h a t m i g h t i n f l u e n s e i n d u s t r i a l dGl!ign. C"l v. o ';2~ .:J Image: ~ t'1lId: ---------is ~ /' ~~ a s t r o n g s e n s e of sW; foregoing the campi ~ friendly style. u n i q u e physical a p p e a r a n c e to the , . s h o u l d be the n e x t icon of t h i s ofl .:> fS&.... ... U n l q u 8 n 8 s s ~t h e marketplac F i g u r e 4h I~q 101 FH 135 APMW0025979 Tn~~~~r~m~'~O~f~.n ",.~~~"~I~~!I ~=~~~=mdl~r~~~~~ lo ~ .C")O ~~ I ~." [J o Jotll(fla~t! D_approacbtothe project challenges to avercomoln the n e x t pliaso of u n d e r s t a n d exactly w h a t t h e s e c h a l l e n g e s a Intended m a r k e t and h a w . 1 h a t m l g b t Infiue 7/10 "~ i ~~. lr J30 o <~ _J r-.. i is ~1;t5 i g n is on8 of tho m o s t \;1 ~ Figure 4i /31 101 FH 136 APMW0025980 'Tn/~~nm~~~G~~·~n H"l~~'~~c~'m~~ ~qn~~:,~~~;~~,~~~ ! \ '30 t ~~ I i2 --i 0 .I 'O":L .e;") . . , .r~'~~ o(~ D And: Blackstone ~ C"l cr. d ~ 13/ I 32.. rlgura 4 j I ~;l. )'30 \30 J~ TnT_ ~~ Catm~ I1Jfl'OO c u}1IJ988-Cl47' And:. 142t 0 ; : · 1: ~ }14m6-7m4 r51 : ~ t "2 i'ind: mackstone . : f!f§l f$ 131 I 32 ' l a u r a 412 101 FH 137 APMW0025981 PRL~T OF DKAY.-LNGS ~_OR1GINALL Y . ........., r> F~. Bel 101 FH 138 APMW0025982 PRL~T ., f' OF DRA~INGS "" ~J!!Y.G.J~NALL y F1 (" 3~2 3S/ ':::::::::: ~.j;~: . F~ 35'I lf07 1'5/ ~0;~. Ill\. ';:: t:J ti::~' ./ 475 101 FH 139 APMW0025983 PRL~T ~_ORIG.~ALLY ( OF DKA~1NGS 1) ~;&' \ ~o.. ~~~i' 101 FH 140 APMW0025984 PRL~T ~_Q.!!G.~ALLY I~ O f DKAYtLNr:, ) · 101 FH 141 APMW0025985 PRL~T O f DRA\HNGS ~J!!!!q.J;NALL yr ~D ./ 101 FH 142 APMW0025986 PRL~T OF D R A \ H N G S ~_ORIqJNALLY r " .( V\~ tU c1.c>t...."-"",,JLYI. 703 c+ t (c..e'J-.V\ t V')\.l.VV\.kr C,.R.'1"'Tc.JV\ t.Jo,.....J! ce...-u""'<.'\.-t ~"<'e ( " ' " t of ar) usu:l iV\. ~~ l1pclo..te. ~~\;..6 SJ l &10'00.1 tAoc...uW\~-+: ~<".( ~o,..d.> sr.o." t')\).'M.DR"C"" w'r.~e.-h IV' ~e... o~ o.-otJ.J.-t'\.t~ \ " l -Th-e.... o.s e, ~().Vn o--t- ~ Q'C"1-a.il-\. y"')~lJ,) ~ O~u..w...e rd: J ~.'I"\ +o...bi) ~707 y-"",i,,\e. F o - r ..e.o..~ e f ~e.. C~yta.\\"\ u..J:.>'<'"J-s, ~~ 1h~ Y \ " \ J Y I \ . b O ' · . (>-t ~ ( A 1''' Y-'b'UJ-to..c~o('"~ i St· us..lCl i " \ +he.. JOc:..M. . . ~ ~e.. V)v."""p~", of- clccuw...v.h i " , ~ -P1'ti ..rJ1t~ ('o-..'tlO +. d.e..t!.. -tk. -rc:. d ~"'-ic.J... use, --the. S;dW\e. Rlt'l""TI'~d'" w\)r~ ' l l ' , e . , J.ete.Y"w;"e. \\t.pld:P.II~.- The wo ... &? 70 C( r---------~-~'----_:__----~---7"'_;'__r ~ 71/ _-----.....,.---.J~------~--------, 101 FH 143 APMW0025987 PRL'WT O f D R A ~ . l N G S AS-_.lG-NALL Y F I L E.l - 0 R-. f .,1 · ..1 ) 1::>~.:Tt"\M'V\~ V..{c..:t~...;-'he.. f')~ or ~ v- ~'1- (f1..Vt-rlJ..~ -o-t iV\ .u aOUtw..e.:!- V~c.±O"..s ""'" e.:ti'\ od ~ ) oJ t..t.""'~fu 101 FH 144 APMW0025988 PRL'cT OF DRA\\oLNGS ~_ORJG.I;NALL YJ 'D _------'1_ . ( 7'53 S how v ce u.) c..oY\.. o..YlJ. J-tSfI--y Y"f"o",", c-f S.Q.. 't.e.:t~ cL d.oUJ,.Yf\~ ~ t IV\ -the... \ tL 7S~ f'{)ove. 'tb o.u;-r f"'~ at 'P'foY...y 101 FH 145 APMW0025989 PRL~T OF DRA~LNG.s ~_OR1G.~ALLY yr ." Figure 17 NO~ Find pile with closest pile vector W the document's vector andplace documentin that pile (or put aliases of thedocumentinlo all piles closer than threshold) ~ NOe@) System uses v e c t o r of sampledocumentw find all documentscloser thanpreselected threshold; copies (Ol' aliases)of such documentsare stored in pile createdfrom sampledocument JW1 101 FH 146 APMW0025990 PRL~T OF ORA~U.G.s ~_ORIGJ~_ALLY r ~ Figure 17 Continued No+r~1 to pile Systemdisplays existingcriteriaand/orscriptfor pile ill Systemdisplays proposed script/criteria changesto pile's criteria/script ill User selectschanges to criteria ill Systempulls in copies (or aliases) of all documents on systemwhichmatchcriteriaof modified script ill 101 FH 147 APMW0025991 PRL~T Of DKA~1NG.s ~J?.!!!.G.~ALLYp ~ Figure 18a NO~ Takefirst document frompile (callit current document) ill Determinesimilarity of current document to each subpile ill Create new subplle with currentdocument as seed .w. Sort matching subpiles by similarity to current document W -----No Yes Add current document to all matching subpiles abovethreshold Add current document to best matching subpile ~ MZ 101 FH 148 APMW0025992 PRL~ T O f DRA wU'iGS ') ~_ORJG.~ALLY ~' F i g u r e 18a C o n t i n u e d NO~ Yes Create "misc." pile m Transferdocuments from all singledocument subpiles to the misc. pile m 101 FH 149 APMW0025993 PRL'H OF DRA~LNGS ~_ORIG.~ALLY F " ' " ' ) Figure ISb Get desired numberof piles from user (maybe a preferenceset up in advance) B&! Ycs{V Computetotal similarity of each remaining document to all existing subpiles BM Sort documents from least to most total similarity .8R2 Removedocument with least total similarity from pile m Create new subpilewith this documentas seed B2Q 101 FH 150 APMW0025994 PRL~T OF DRA~1NGS ~_Q.!Y.G.~ALL Y F'I" 'l Figure ISb Continued NO~ Take first remainingdocumentfrom pile, call it currentdocument End ) m Compare similarity of currentdocument to each subpile m Sortmatchingsubpilesby similarity to currentdocument m Add currentdocumentto best matchingsubpile .822 ~~:: ~:. 101 FH 151 APMW0025995 PRL~T OF DItA",INGS ~J!!!!q~~ALL y F' -» -=----_L ~ _ _ ID~tir'\~ 5<1:"" of--t-.e.."r"""\.S (go ....-JC......:.,...,. 0.,-r-t.o.:t~ y \ or t V-.J.. 4oUJ..-..e..l'\.r V e uo "{' ..fD1'"" S<t" o~ t-l 'rW\~ S o r t .tLr-r CoV'V\f 4..r ,'J 0 ..., Q~ · 1 oloc-u..~d.s bo..se.&. ~'1 '" '115 C,-riee.tQ.. ~A... cltSf\4~ fi\e. of- .s~Y"t.t &. 0 , o s ~.sT ~e.u.w-~+~ C P~ts).ltet~& ~<'ti kol& <:A!t\ ' o...cr~Y-VVl\t'\e.. ~Clu) doS-t ~ ~w 4oC-.U\\ALM:h o..~1L S~Wr'\;"\ 'm.tttl.r ..R.lsf-) 101 FH 152 APMW0025996 PRL'H O f DRA \IIlNGS .""'0" ~_O..!!.GINALL n y -- ep ! 951 .. -- U.ser selects 8 pllr- ~ ~ 95 3 User selects e method o f ulsuellzetlon (e. ge u l e w by on) ! System displays u l s u a l l z a t i o n w i n d o w showing. pile w i t h i n w i n d o w 955 j </ 951 ~ User s e l e t t s ·Order by Dete· ond system o r d e n documents tn pile by d e t e o f document 9S9 ~,~ser selects ·Color by Dote· ond system displays ;~i: .~,. documents w i t h d i f f e r e n t c o l o n In pile ~ 961 ~f: I b. . ~ User selects · Color by Content· I~ ... ! . 963 System displays documents In pile w i t h d i f f e r e n t colors according to closeness o f 0 document's u e t t o r to the pile'S u e t t o r ~ User closes ulsuellzotlon window \ ~96S ( END) 101 FH 153 APMW0025997 PRL'H O f D R A ~ 1 N ~_ORIG.I;NALL Fh....D Y Figure 21 User createspile by movingone documenton top of anotherdocument .lOO1. W User moves newly createdpile to desiredlocationby positioning cursor over plinth (base) of new pile and signalling a selection and movingcursor 1001 User selects anotherpile by positioning cursor over its plinthand signalling a selection ., .lOO5. User opens this pile by double clickingsignal generation means whilepositioning cursor over plinth (base) of the pile · W .1001. Pile opens in a pile window (or documents in pile are spread-out) 1002. W User closes pile windowby positioning cursor over close box and signalling a selection lQll W User selectsa documentnot in ~e and drags it on top of this existingpile to it to thepile .lOU W Since the targeted pile is a scripted pile and thenew documentdoesn'tmatch the currentcriteriaof the pile, the systemrespondsto added document by displaying a script dialog box- user selects to modify the pile's script uns W Systemmodifies pile's script on basis user input (user specifiesparticularcriteriato use in modifying pile's script. e.g, user selects 2 unique words from added document. or a particular label) liU1. ~ 101 FH 154 APMW0025998 PRL~ T OF DRAwLNGS ~ ~_O RIG.lJ'1ALL Y FT Figure 21 continued User instructssystemto add to pile (or systemautomatically does so after modifyingpile's script)· system addes to pile on basis of new script ~ .1.0.12 J, User instructs systemto create subpiles of a selected pile based on the contentsof the documents ("subpile by content") .llW. ~ Systemexamines contentsof each document and creates severalsubpiles, each containing similarcontents- system assignsa name to each subpile m J, User selectsone of the subpilesby positioning cursor over plinth (base) of new pile and signalling a selection - user selectsthat the system"colorby date" this pile m ~ System uses date of document in the subpileto select a saturation of a color dependent on the date of the document (e.g. most saturatedis oldest document) m J, User removesa documentfrom this subpileby selectingthe documentand draggingit out of the pile (e.g. user selectsthe oldest document, based on saturation color) 1m2 ~ User selectsa documentnot in any pile and selects"put away", causing systemto put documentinto the closest,in relevancy, piles (or singlepile) .llUl 101 FH 155 APMW0025999 PRL'fT OF DRA",lNGS ~_OR1G.~ALLY' f ""'t,.,, ( I "P Results Sample S c r o l l e r ." "":- . ,":-»': ..... 101 FH 156 APMW0026000 PRL~T OF DRAWINGS ~_ORIq.~ALLY FT r ~ rJ ~ 1 I( ...".";;:: Thumb ~,.~e t 101 FH 157 APMW0026001 PRL'H OF DRA wiN ~_ORIG.~ALL Y m..tD 101 FH 158 APMW0026002 Please type a plus sign (+) Insld, box [+J PTO/S8I05(11-00) Approved for usethrough 1001/2002. OMB 0651-0032 Patent and TrademarkOffice: U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Underthe Paperwor1< Reduction Act of 1995,no personsare requiredto respondto a collection of Information unlessit displaysa valid OMB controlnumber. UTILITY PATENT A P P L I C A T I O N TRANSMITTAL (Only for new nonprovisional applications under 37 CFR 1.53(b») o t:. ~_ == A t t o r n e y D o c k e t No · ...;O""'4..,.8"'6,..O..P.0.6.""2""4<>oC""2 ... . (maximum 12 c h l r a c 1 I , . ) _ First Named Inventor Title: Richard Mander et al rn.~~, '~=6 METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR ORGANIZING INFORMATION IN A COMPUTERSYSTEM 1------------------------------------..{J.gI E x p r e s s M a i l L a b e l No. ~.E.L..8........79""9,->09"'8""5.U""S'__ .. .. ... 21 ... ... ADDRESS TO: Assistant Commissioner for Patents Box Patent Application W a s h i n g t o n , D. C. 20231 _ ::l~~~ ~i~"""~ :;tiP'~O A P P L I C A T I O N ELEMENTS See MPEP c h a p t e r 600 c o n c e r n i n g u t i l i t y p a t e n t a p p l i c a t i o n c o n t e n t s . 1. 2. 3· x -X- Specification (Total Pages - - - f 1 L ) (preferred arrangement set forth below) - Descriptive Title of the Invention - Cross Reference to RelatedApplications - Statement Regarding Fed sponsored R & D - Reference sequence listing, a table, or a computerprogramlistingappendix - Background of the Invention · Brief Summaryof the Invention · Brief DescriptIOn of the Drawings(if filed) - Detailed Description · Clalm(s) - Abstractof the Disclosure 4. 5· -X-X- D r a w l n g s ( s ) (35 USC 113) Oath or Declaration a. b. (Total Sheets - 2 L ) (Total Pages - . 3 . - ) Newly Executed (Original or Copy) -Xi. Copy from a Prior Application (31 CFR 1.63(d)) (for Continuation/Divisional with Box 17 completed) DELETIONSOF INVENTOR(S) Signed statement attached deleting inventor(s) named in the prior application. see 37 CFR 1.63(d)(2) and 1.33(b). Unsigned. (37 CFR 1 . 7 6 ) c. __ 6. 7. 8. A p p l i c a t i o n Data S h e e t . CO·ROM or CO·R In duplicate, large table or Computer Program (Appendix) __ Nucleotide and/or Amino Acid Sequence Submission (if applicable, all necessary) a. __ Computer ReadableForm (CRF) b. Specification Sequence Listing on: I. CO·ROMor CO·R (2 copies); or c. ii. paper Statement verifying Identity of above copies ACCOMPANYING A P P L I C A T I O N PARTS 9. Asslg'nment Papers ( c o v e r s h e e t & d o c u m e n t s ( s » ·1· 2/09/01 101 FH 159 APMW0026003 1O. a. Sep~. .J 37 CFR 3.73(b) Statement (where there is ·.· assignee) -11. 12. b. Power of Attorney ---X- English Translation Document (if applicable) a. Information Disclosure Statement (IDS)/PTO-1449 ---X14. --X13. 15. 16. b. Copies of IDS Citations Preliminary Amendment R e t u r n R e c e i p t P o s t c a r d (MPEP 503) ( S h o u l d be s p e c i f i c a l l y I t e m i z e d ) Certified Copy of Priority Document(s) (if foreign priority is claimed) R e q u e s t a n d C e r t i f i c a t i o n u n d e r 35 U.S.C. 1 2 2 ( b ) ( 2 ) ( B ) ( I ) . must attach form PTOISB/35 or its equivalent. Other: Applicant --- 17. 1 8 A . l f a CONTINUING APPLICATION, check appropriate box and supply the requisite information: - X . Continuation _ _ Divisional _ _ C o n t l n u a t l o n - I n - p a r t (CIP) J . Feild Group Art Unit - 2 Z Z § . . Of P r i o r A p p l i c a t i o n No.: 081287108 Examiner (which is a - 2 L continuation! _ d i v i s i o n a l l _ CIP of prior application no. 071876 921 , Applicant(s): Also include a Preliminary Amendment to amendthe specification to claim priority. For CONTINUATION AND DIVISIONAL APPS o n l y : The e n t i r e d i s c l o s u r e of the p r i o r a p p l i c a t i o n , from w h i c h an oath or declaration Is s u p p l i e d under Box 5 b , l s considered a part of the d i s c l o s u r e of the accompanying c o n t i n u a t i o n or d i v i s i o n a l a p p l i c a t i o n and is hereby I n c o r p o r a t e d by reference. The Incorporation can only be relied upon when a p o r t i o n has been I n a d v e r t e n t l y o m i t t e d from the s u b m i t t e d a p p l i c a t i o n parts. 1 8 B . Statement u n d e r 37 CFR 3.73(b) for c o n t i n u i n g a p p l i c a t i o n : The u n d e r s i g n e d s t a t e s that (name of assignee) is the assignee o f . the e n t i r e r i g h t , t i t l e , and Interest In the. accompanying patent a p p l i c a t i o n by v i r t u e of an a s s i g n m e n t recorded In the Patent and Trademark Office at Reel. No. _ Frame No. (or a copy of which Is attached). 1 9. Correspondence Address (InsertCustomer No. or Attach Bar Code Label here) _ _ Customer Number or Bar Code Label or _ X _ _ Correspondence Address Below NAME James C. Scheller. Jr BLAKELY SOKOLOFF. TAYLOR & ZAFMAN LLP ADDRESS 12400 Wilshire Boulevard Seventh Floor CITY Los Angeles Country U.S A STATE Califomia ZIP CODE 90025-1026 FAX (408) 720-9397 31195 TELEPHONE (408) 720-8300 .IJlmA~, Name (PRINTITYPE): Signature: c. C"h .. . . A::-- j ) I v D LJ ~ I1... Jr. J Approvedfor usethroug, 1013112002. OMB0651-Q031 U.S. Patentand Trademark Office:U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Underthe Paperwor1< Reduction Pel 011995, no personsare required to respond to a coIlecl1on oIlnfoonatlonunless" displaysa valid OMBcontrolnumber. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. . . . . . -"IIi;;;iWlZMJiiiMiJm~ 101 FH 160 APMW0026004 ·. PTO/SBl17(11-00) Approved for usethrough 1013112002. OMB 0651-0032 Patentand TrademarkOffice:U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Underthe Paperwork Reduction k ; t of 1995.no persons ara required to respond to a collection of Information unlessft displays a valid OMScontrolnumber. FEE TRANSMITTAL FOR FY 2001 TOTAL AMOUNT OF PAYMENT ($) C o m p l e t e If K n o w n : A p p l i c a t i o n No. February 27 2001 F i l i n g Date F i r s t Named I n v e n t o r Richard Mander et al. _ Group Art Unit ---,- _ Examiner Name _ Attorney Docket No. 04860P0624C2 1226.00 METHOD OF PAYMENT (check one) 1. [X] The C o m m i s s i o n e r Is h e r e b y a u t h o r i z e d to c h a r g e i n d i c a t e d fees and c r e d i t any o v e r p a y m e n t s t o : Deposit Account Number D e p o s i t A c c o u n t Name _~0~2~·2~6~6~6 _ _ [ ] C h a r g e A n y A d d i t i o n a l Fee R e q u i r e d U n d e r 37 CFR 1.16 and 1.17 Applicant claims small entity status. Payment Enclosed: - - X . __ __ __ ....._. -_ 2. [ -L _._ ] --_. -_. _. _.- --_. ---- ---_ --- ---_ ..-_S_e.e--37_ .C-F-R-_1. -.27- --.- -- ----- _.- --_ . _ _. . - - Check C r e d i t Card Money O r d e r Other --- ----. FEE C A L C U L A T I O N 1. BASIC FILING FEE Small Entity Fee Fee Code($) 201 355 206 160 207 245 208 355 214 75 Large Entity Fee Fee Code ($) 101 710 106 320 490 107 710 108 150 114 Fee D e s c r i p t i o n U t i l i t y a p p l i c a t i o n f i l i n g fee D e s i g n a p p l i c a t i o n f i l i n g fee P l a n t f i l i n g fee R e i s s u e f i l i n g fee P r o v i s i o n a l a p p l i c a t i o n f i l i n g fee Fee Paid $710.00 S U B T O T A L ( 1 ) $ _.7.1.0-'0"'-"'.. ... .' . - 0 2· EXTRA CLAIM FEES Fee f r o m below Fee Paid T o t a l C l a i m s 22 - 20 = _ 2_ X 18.00 = 36.00 Independent Claims _ 9 _ - 3 = _ 6 _ X 80.00 = 480 00 Multiple Dependent Claims _0_ X = ..",.0'---_ _ **Or n u m b e r p r e v i o u s l y p a i d , i f g r e a t e r ; For R e i s s u e s , see b e l o w . Large Entity Fee Fee Code ($) 18 103 102 80 104 270 109 80 18 110 Small Entity Fee Fee Code($) 203 9 202 40 204 135 209 40 210 9 Fee D e s c r i p t i o n C l a i m s In e x c e s s of 20 I n d e p e n d e n t c l a i m s In e x c e s s of 3 M U l t i p l e d e p e n d e n t c l a i m , If n o t paid **Relssue Independent claims over original patent * * R e l s s u e c l a i m s In e x c e s s of 20 and o v e r o r i g i n a l p a t e n t S U B T O T A L (2)$ 516.00 FEE C A L C U L A T I O N ( c o n t i n u e d > 01/25/01 -1- 101 FH 161 APMW0026005 3. A D D I T I O N A L FEES Small Entity Fee Fee Code ($) 205 65 227 25 139 147 112 113 215 216 217 218 228 219 220 221 138 240 241 242 243 244 122 123 126 581 246 249 279 169 195 196 194 098 091 Large Entity Fee Fee Code ($) 105 130 127 50 139 147 112 130 2,520 920* 1131,840* 115 116 117 118 128 119 120 121 138 140 141 142 143 144 122 123 126 581 146 149 179 169 195 196 194 098 091 110 390 890 1,390 1,890 310 310 270 1,510 110 1,240 1,240 440 600 130 50 180 40 710 710 710 900 300 300 130 130 1,240 Fee D e s c r i p t i o n Fee Paid S u r c h a r g e - late f i l i n g fee or oath S u r c h a r g e - late p r o v i s i o n a l f i l i n g fee or c o v e r s h e e t Non-English specification 130 For f i l i n g a r e q u e s t f o r ex p a r t e r e e x a m i n a t i o n 2,520 9 2 0 * R e q u e s t i n g p u b l i c a t i o n of SIR p r i o r to Examiner action 1 , 8 4 0 * R e q u e s t i n g p u b l i c a t i o n of SIR a f t e r Examiner action Extension for reply within first month 55 Extension f o r reply within second month 195 Extension for reply within third month 445 Extension for reply within fourth month 695 945 Extension for reply within fifth month N o t i c e of A p p e a l 155 F i l i n g a b r i e f In s u p p o r t of an a p p e a l 155 R e q u e s t f o r oral h e a r i n g 135 P e t i t i o n to I n s t i t u t e a p u b l i c use p r o c e e d i n g 1,510 P e t i t i o n to r e v i v e - u n a v o i d a b l e 55 P e t i t i o n to r e v i v e · u n i n t e n t i o n a l 620 U t i l i t y i s s u e fee (or r e i s s u e ) 620 220 D e s i g n · I s s u e fee 300 P l a n t I s s u e fee P e t i t i o n s t o the C o m m i s s i o n e r 130 P r o c e s s i n g fee u n d e r 37 CFR 1 . 1 7 ( q ) 50 S u b m i s s i o n of I n f o r m a t i o n D i s c l o s u r e S t m t 180 R e c o r d i n g each p a t e n t a s s i g n m e n t p e r 40 p r o p e r t y ( t i m e s n u m b e r of p r o p e r t i e s ) For f i l i n g a s u b m i s s i o n a f t e r f i n a l r e j e c t i o n 355 (see 37 CFR 1 . 1 2 9 ( a » For each a d d i t i o n a l I n v e n t i o n to be e x a m i n e d 355 (see 37 CFR 1 . 1 2 9 ( b » R e q u e s t f o r C o n t i n u e d E x a m i n a t i o n (RCE) 355 R e q u e s t f o r e x p e d i t e d e x a m i n a t i o n of a d e s i g n 900 application P u b l i c a t i o n fee f o r earJy, v o l u n t a r y , or n o r m a l 300 publication P u b l i c a t i o n fee f o r r e p u b l i c a t i o n 300 Request for voluntary publleatlon o r republication _ 130 P r o c e s s i n g fee u n d e r 37 CFR 1.17(1) 130 A c c e p t a n c e of u n i n t e n t i o n a l l y d e l a y e d c l a i m f o r p r i o r i t y _ 1,240 _ _ O t h e r fee ( s p e c i f y ) O t h e r fee ( s p e c i f y ) *Reduced by Basic F i l i n g Fee Paid S U B T O T A L ( 3 ) $ - - " 0 ' - -_ _ S U B M I T T E D BY: Jam!s C. Schel '~ Jr. T y p e d or P r i n t e d Name: -~.!..e-"'''--¥ler ''A_'_''~.1..!£!"'-----------_+_-____;---- Signature: C\. [L)u IdiL Date: ;-L-j-'s.;7;/.a..;o.;I'---'---+_ ~ . ; .. o . (408) Reg. N u m b e r : 31 1 9 J J Telephone Number: 720-8~00 WARNING: I n f o r m a t i o n on t h l s f o r m may become p u b l i c . C r e d i t card I n f o r m a t i o n s h o u l d not be I n c l u d e d on t h i s f o r m . P r o v i d e c r e d i t card I n f o r m a t i o n and a u t h o r i z a t i o n on PTO·2038. 01/25/01 -2- PTO/SBl17 101 FH 162 APMW0026006 PTO/SB/17(11-Q0) Approved for usethrouo/1 10/31/2002. OMS 0651-0032 Patent and Trademark Office: U.S. DEPARTMENTOF COMMERCE Underthe Paperwol1< Reduction k t 011995.no personsare requiredto respond10a collection01information unless ~ displaysa valid OMB controlnumber. FEE T R A N S M I T T A L FOR FY 2001 TOTAL AMOUNT OF PAYMENT ($) Complete if Known: A p p l i c a t i o n No. F i l i n g Date E$bruarv 27 2001 F i r s t Named I n v e n t o r Richard Mander et al Group Art Unit _ 1226.00 Examiner Name ~---~~~~~~-------Attorney Docket No. 04860P0624C2 M E T H O D OF P A Y M E N T (check one) 1· [X] The C o m m i s s i o n e r Is hereby a u t h o r i z e d to charge i n d i c a t e d fees and c r e d i t any o v e r p a y m e n t s to: D e p o s i t A c c o u n t Number D e p o s i t A c c o u n t Name [ [ ] ] _~0~2·;;!i2U!6~66~ _ _ Charge Any A d d i t i o n a l Fee Required Under 37 CFR 1.16 and 1.17 A p p l i c a n t c l a i m s small e n t i t y status. Payment E n c l o s e d : - - l L See 37 CFR 1.27 2. -L Check C r e d i t Card Money O r d e r Other FEE CALCULATION 1. B A S I C F I L I N G FEE Small E n t i t y Fee Fee Code($) 201 355 206 160 207 245 208 355 21'4 75 Larae E n t i t y Fee Fee ($) Code 710 101 320 106 490 107 710 108 150 114 Fee D e s c r i p t i o n U t i l i t y · a p p l i c a t i o n f i l i n g fee Design a p p l i c a t i o n f i l i n g fee P l a n t f i l i n g fee Reissue f i l i n g fee P r o v i s i o n a l a p p l i c a t i o n f i l i n g fee SUBTOTAL (1)$ Fee Paid $71000 710.00 2. EXTRA CLAIM FEES .E.x.1u! Fee from below Fee Paid 18.00 3600 22 Total Claims - 20 = - - L - X 4BO 00 BOOO Independent Claims -3L- - 3 = - 6 - - X 0 Multiple Dependent Claims --0.- X . * * O r n u m b e r p r e v i o u s l y p a i d , If g r e a t e r ; F o r R e i s s u e s , s e e b e l o w . Large E n t i t y Fee Fee ($) Code 18 103 80 102 270 104 80 109 18 110 FEE Small E n t i t y Fee Fee Code($) 203 9 202 40 204 135 209 40 210 9 = = = Fee D e s c r i p t i o n C l a i m s in excess of 20 I n d e p e n d e n t c l a i m s In excess of 3 M u l t i p l e dependent claim, i f not paid **Relssue I n d e p e n d e n t c l a i m s o v e r o r i g i n a l patent**Relssue c l a i m s In excess of 20 and o v e r o r i g i n a l p a t e n t SUBTOTAL (2)$ 516.00 CALCULATION (continued) ·1- 01/25/01 101 FH 163 APMW0026007 3. A D D I T I O N A L FEES Small Entity Fee Fee Code ($) 205 65 227 25 Large Entity Fee Fee Code ($) 105 130 127 50 139 147 112 113 130 2,520 920* 1,840* 115 110 116 390 117 890 118 1,390 128 1,890 119 310 120 310 121 270 138 1,510 140 11 0 1411,240 142 1,240 143 440 144 600 122 130 123 50 126 180 581 40 146 149 179 169 195 196 194 098 091 710 710 710 900 300 300 130 130 1,240 Fee p e s c r i p t l o n Fee Paid S u r c h a r g e - late f i l i n g fee or oath S u r c h a r g e - late p r o v i s i o n a l f ! l l n g fee or c o v e r s h e e t 139 130 Non-English specification 147 2,520 For f ! l l n g a r e q u e s t for ex parte r e e x a m i n a t i o n 112 9 2 0 * Requesting p u b l i c a t i o n of SIR p r i o r to Examiner action 1 1 3 1 , 8 4 0 * R e q u e s t i n g p U b l i c a t i o n of SIR a f t e r Examiner action 215 55 E x t e n s i o n f o r reply w i t h i n f i r s t m o n t h Extension f o r reply w i t h i n second m o n t h 216 195 Extension f o r reply within t h i r d m o n t h 217 445 218 695 Extension f o r reply within fourth month 228 945 Extension f o r reply within fifth month 219 155 N o t i c e of Appeal 220 155 F i l i n g a b r i e f In s u p p o r t of an appeal 221 135 Request f o r o r a l hearing 138 1,510 P e t i t i o n to I n s t i t u t e a p u b l l c use p r o c e e d i n g P e t i t i o n to r e v i v e - u n a v o i d a b l e 240 55 P e t i t i o n to r e v i v e · u n i n t e n t i o n a l 241 620 242 620 U t i l i t y I s s u e fee (or r e i s s u e ) 243 220 D e s i g n I s s u e fee P l a n t I s s u e fee 244 300 122 130 P e t i t i o n s t o the C o m m i s s i o n e r P r o c e s s i n g fee u n d e r 37 CFR 1.17(q) 123 50 126 1 8 0 S u b m i s s i o n of I n f o r m a t i o n D i s c l o s u r e S t m t R e c o r d i n g each p a t e n t a s s i g n m e n t per 581 40 p r o p e r t y ( t i m e s n u m b o r of p r o p e r t i e s ) For f ! l l n g a s u b m i s s i o n a f t e r f i n a l r e j e c t i o n 246 355 (see 37 CFR 1 . 1 2 9 ( a » For each a d d i t i o n a l I n v e n t i o n to be e x a m i n e d 249 355 (see 37 CFR 1 . 1 2 9 ( b » R e q u e s t f o r C o n t i n u e d E x a m i n a t i o n (RCE) 279 355 Request f o r expedited e x a m i n a t i o n o f a d e s i g n 169 900 application P u b l i c a t i o n fee for early, v o l u n t a r y , or n o r m a l 195 300 publleatlen P u b l i c a t i o n fee f o r r e p u b l i c a t i o n 196 300 R e q u e s t f o r v o l u n t a r y p u b l i c a t i o n or r e p u b l i c a t i o n _ _---,_ 194 130 P r o c e s s i n g fee u n d e r 37 CFR 1.17(1) 098 130 091 1 , 2 4 0 A c c e p t a n c e of u n i n t e n t i o n a l l y d e l a y e d c l a i m f o r p r i o r i t y _ _ _ O t h e r fee ( s p e c i f y ) O t h e r fee ( s p e c i f y ) *Reduced by Basic Filing Fee PaId S U B T O T A L (3)$---><.0 SUBMITTED BY: T y p e d or P r i n t e d S Ig n a t u re: Reg. N u m b e r : _ D a t e : ---~~"";;"--.L.r-;:;";;,,::::,,,,;;,,-I...Number: WARNING: I n f o r m a t i o n on t h i s f o r m may become p u b l i c . C r e d i t card I n f o r m a t i o n s h o u l d not be I n c l u d e d on t h i s f o r m . P r o v i d e c r e d i t card I n f o r m a t i o n and a u t h o r i z a t i o n on PTO-2038. 01/25/01 ·2· PTO/S8I17 101 FH 164 APMW0026008 EXPRESS M A I L CERTIFICATE OF MAILING "Express Mail" mailing label number: . 1£t.. '{j~/ "7er9 9~G"u 5 Date of Deposit: EE8t?YMfj J . 7 , e t < n l I hereby certify that I am causing this paper or f~e to be deposited with the U n i t e d States Postal S~rvlce "Express Mail Post Office to Addressee" service on the date indicated above and t~at this paper. or~fee has been addressed to the Assistant Commissioner for Patents I W,ashington, D. C. 20231 CONAl/if L#AV5& (Date signed) SeriallPatent No.: Client: Apple Title' ns'lll Computer. Inc, AND APPARAIDS FOR ORGAllIZII/G. *** Filing/lssue Date: F e b r u a r y 2 7 , 2001 A .COMPUTER I~I;ON IN o AmendmentIResponsc C - pgs.) o Appeal Brief < - pgs.) (in triplicate) o Application. Utility < - pgs.· with COverand abslract) I : ] A p p l i c a t i o n . Rule I.S3(b) Continuation L2,g pgs.) o Application· Rule I.S3(b) Divisional < - pgs.) o Application. Rule I.S3(b) CIP < - pgs.) o Application. Rule I.S3(d) CPA Transmittal < - pgs.) o Application· Design < - pgs.) o Application· PCT < - pgs.) o Application , Provisional < - pgs.) o Assignment and Cover Sheet BSTZ File No.: 04860 P0624C2 Atty/Secty Initials: ......J."-'~"-'.s...is:.I...,t"" .. _ Date Mailed: Docket Due Date: _ The following has been received in the. U.s. P a t e n t & T r a d e m a r k O m c e on the date s t a m p e d hereon: E:J 0 II 0 0 0 0 E x p m a Mail No.: ET 82 7 9 9 9 8 5US Manth(s) Extension of Tune i t m l t D I k. . . . . 9 a e n r D & J > 1 O . I 4 4 J & pgs.) Issue Fee Transmittal t ·." Cc;l) Notice of Appeal Petition for Extension of Tune Petition for _ t D 0 C h e d r N o. AmI: .JU.l27 $l.22.6..Jl0 Check No._ _ Amt a 0 0 CI Postcard OPo~ of Attorney < - pgs.) PreliminaryAmendment Reply Brief < - pgs.) L1.L pgs.) o o D CI Certificate of Mailing Declaration & POA Responsc to Notice of Missing Pam Small Entity Declaration for Indep. Invenlor/Small Business Transmittal Letter. in duplicate Fee Transmillal. in duplicate ~Dtts&Oi!&ClJlYcfll"'IbIISi!n'dInrL-PlJ) < - pgs.) 0 1:1 1:2 ; : ; Drawings: _ _I of sheets includes _ _ figures 3 pages 2 page s Other: with signed DeclaratiQD Copy o f p a r e n t a p p l n s e r i a l n o . 0 8 / 2 8 7 . 1 0 8 f i l e d 8 - 8 - 9 4 (92pgEil <3 P B S ) a n d d r a W i n g s ( 2 8 s h e e t s ) , 101 FH 165 APMW0026009 PATENT APPLICATION SERIAL NO. _ U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE FEE RECORD SHEET 03/0712001 tlYUSUF1 00000012 09796292 I ----01 FC: 101 02 FC:!02 OJ FC:l03 110.0(OP Jt ! g: ! ·. 4·~L8~- - - PTO-1556 (5/87) · U . S . GPO: 2000-468-967139595 101 FH 166 APMW0026010 Page 1 o f 1 COMMISSIONER FOR PATENTS UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK O F F I C E WASHINClON. D.C. 2 0 2 3 1 WWW.Uspto.gov FILINGIRECEIPT DATE FIRST NAMEDAPPLICANT ATTORNEYDOCKETNUMBER 091796,292 02/2712001 · Richard Mander 04860.P0624C2 C O N F I R M A T I O N NO. 4465 FORMALITIES L E T T E R James C. Scheller, Jr. BLAKELY, SOKOLOFF, TAYLOR & ZAFMAN LlP Seventh Floor 12400 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90025-1026 '*1o"1c1o"10"010I10'"0I0m0ll5l9I5"I1I7I1II3I*IIII'I"""I"II1I~I""II""111111111111111'"I 1 ""I Date Mailed: 04/10/2001 N O T I C E TO FILE CORRECTED APPLICATION PAPERS F i l i n g Date Granted This application has been accorded an Application Number and Filing Date. The application, however, is informal since it does not comply with the regulations for the reason(s) indicated below. Applicant is given TWO MONTHS from the date of this Notice within which to correct the informalities indicated below. Extensions of time may be obtained by filing a petition accompanied by the extension fee under the provisions of 37 CFR 1.136(a) The required item(s) identified below must be timely submitted to avoid abandonment: · Substitute drawings in compliance with 37 CFR 1.84 because: · drawing sheets do not have the appropriate margin(s) (see 37 CFR 1.84(g)). Each sheet must include a top margin of at least 2.5 em. (1 inch), a left side margin of at least 2.5 em. (1 inch), a right side margin of at least 1.5 em. ( 5/8 inch), and a bottom margin of at least 1.0 em. (3/8 inch); A copy o f this notice M U S T be returned with the reply. Customer Service Center Initial Patent E x a m i n a t i o n Division (703) 308-1202 PART 3 - OFFICE C O p y 101 FH 167 APMW0026011 07Co ~ PATENT Richard Mander, et al. Application No. 091796,292 Filed: F e b r u a r y 2 7 , 2 0 0 1 For: '),>. Examiner: not yet assigned Art Unit: 2673 M E T H O D AND APPARATUS FOR ORGANIZING INFORMATION IN A COMPUTER SYSTEM Asst. C o m m i s s i o n e r for Patents W a s h i n g t o n , D . C . 20231 R E S P O N S E TO N O T I C E TO F I L E C O R R E C T E D A P P L I C A T I O N P A P E R S (FILING D A T E G R A N T E D ) Sir: In response to the Notice to File Corrected Application Papers (Filing Date Granted) m a i l e d April 10, 2001, please find enclosed: (1) (2) a set of substitute drawings with appropriate margins, comprising twenty-eight (28) a copy of the Notice to File Corrected Application Papers. sheets and sixty-three (63) figures; and If any additional fee is required, please charge D e p o s i t A c c o u n t No. 02-2666. A duplicate of this R e s p o n s e is e n c l o s e d for deposit account c h a r g i n g purposes. Respectfully submitted, BLAKELY, SOKOLOFF, T A Y L O R & Z A F M A N Reg. No. 31,195 1 2 4 0 0 W i l s h i r e Blvd. Seventh F l o o r Los Angeles, CA 90025-1026 (408) 7 2 0 - 8 3 0 0 I herebycertIfY that ttllt ~1dorI=o b b:tnCI dcpcJaftDd . With the United" States Postal Sorvlce AIfInIt c b a miIJI WIth lulflclent pOltag. In on onvolopo Dddr· · · od 10 tho Alilitant Commlialonar for Patcate. WDlblneton. D.C. 1Ol11 Cft S/'1jt> r' ''''',-'" ~~~~ Dl tJA- \-t . z ; r F · c~" - w " ." . _ _-.," , , ,,, _ -- o .· [j)Ww'5i"-:iW~·· 101 FH 168 APMW0026012 PATENT Application No. 09/796,292 Filed: February 2 7 , 2 0 0 1 For: METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR ORGANIZING INFORMATION IN A COMPUTER SYSTEM ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Examiner: not yet assigned Art Unit: 2673 ~--::---:---:-----::--::::--------) Asst. C o m m i s s i o n e r for Patents Washington, D.C. 20231 R E S P O N S E TO N O T I C E TO F I L E C O R R E C T E D A P P L I C A T I O N P A P E R S (FILING D A T E G R A N T E D ) Sir: In response to the Notice to File Corrected Application Papers (Filing Date Granted) mailed April 10, 2001, please find enclosed: (1) (2) a set Of substitute drawings with appropriate margins, comprising twenty-eight (28) a copy of the Notice t o F i l e Corrected Application Papers. sheets and sixty-three (63) figures; and I f any additional fee is required, please charge Deposit Account No. 02-2666. A duplicate o f this Response is e n c l o s e d for deposit account charging purposes. Respectfully submitted, BLAKELY, SOKOLOFF, T A Y L O R & Z A F M A N G : i I 1 , L SiGNeD BY James C. Schoeller r . - - - - Reg. No. 31,195 12400 Wilshire Blvd. Seventh F l o o r Los Angeles, CA 90025-1026 (408) 7 2 0 - 8 3 0 0 ---- I herebY CIttlfy th:d Ihb com:epoIllb= b ~ ~ . .111 the United State:s Po:ItId BaMo::IIlI tnt c=c I I I d 1lltth " lulflctent .POltIO_ In an onv'. lo@!! ~~d~od· to tho Alilitant Commlilloncr for PalcfttD.l7UNJI8ICftt D.C. I02lt In DI~p<~55"~.·.. ".·'. SI zyW1J S""~CGim I . . D:ID 101 FH 169 APMW0026013 Page 1 o f 1 UNITED STATES PATENT AND T w . D E M A R K OFFICE COMMISSIONER FOR PATENTS UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK O F F I C E WASHINCroN. D.C. 2 0 2 3 1 WWW.uspto.gov APPLICATION NUMBER FILINGJRECEIPT DATE FIRST NAMEDAPPLICANT ATTORNEY DOCKETNUMBER 091796,292 0212712001 Richard Mander 04860.P0624C2 CONFIRMATION NO. 4465 FORMALITIES L E T T E R James C. Scheller, Jr. BLAKELY, SOKOLOFF, TAYLOR & ZAFMAN LLP Seventh Floor 12400 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90025-1026 1111111111111111111111 mlllill mllllllll~11I1111I11I11111 *oco00000005951713* ~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ~IIIIII Date Mailed: 04/10/2001 NOTICE TO FILE CORRECTED APPLICATION PAPERS F i l i n g Date G r a n t e d This application has been accorded an Application Number and Filing Date. The application, however, is informal since it does not comply with the regulations for the reason(s) indicated below. Applicant is given TWO MONTHS from the date of this Notice within which to correct the informalities indicated below. Extensions of time may be obtained by filing a petition accompanied by the extension fee under the provisions of 37 CFR 1.136(a) The required item(s) identified below must be timely submitted to avoid abandonment: · Substitute drawings in compliance with 37 CFR 1.84 because: · drawing sheets do not have the appropriate margin(s) (see 37 CFR 1 . 8 4 ( g » . Each sheet must include a top margin of at least 2.5 cm. (1 inch), a left side margin of at least 2.5 cm. (1 inch), a right side margin of at least 1.5 cm. ( 5/8 inch), and a bottom margin of at least 1.0 cm. (3/8 inch); A copy o f this notice M U S T be returned with the reply. 101 FH 170 APMW0026014 ~613101 10 CPU 11 Memory Mass Storage 12 20 I/O Controller. Display Controller 19 21 22 17 18 23 14 ~ Keyboard I FIG. 1 101 FH 171 APMW0026015 52 FIG.2a 59~ FIG.2c ~ 66 FIG.2d ~ 1'57 68 67 Mail 61 64 FIG.2e 101 FH 172 APMW0026016 83 FIG.2f FIG. 29 ~ = 77 75 liliiiiii~ FIG.4f 54 60 FIG.2h s.~~.'" 71 FIG.2i ~70 FIG.2j 73 ~ 74 74 FIG.2k FIG. 21 101 FH 173 APMW0026017 {112 ~ ~ \.. ~ 105 103 114 157 ~ FIG.3 FIG.4a 175 173 FIG.4b 167 172 171 176 FIG.4c FIG.4d 185 187~ J?190 ~~ MacWrite gesture annotation II document === 18K on disk Mon, Oct 1 4 , 1 9 9 1 , 2 : 2 1 AM 204 FIG.5a « ~~ 205 204 FIG.5b 101 FH 174 APMW0026018 "!rD''!!''!l1=' 5 1]'" 2 f J l 2 :31 f# ,r,i:: 1£:;',111] o pg7/10 I t occurs to me that it w o u l d be a worthwhile exercisq to crystallize our vision of One way to do this is to p u t together a video script (vthether or not any video is ever made). W h a t are the (two or three?) i m p o r t a n t ideas? W h be m o r e interesting t h a n a n y t h i n g else t h a t w i l l be a r o u n d in a cou 1 of years? W h a t are the illustrative uses for I? 81 k t why is Find: _ __c_s_o_n_e a _ t r e s cool)? .----.1-----"125 Who is the audience fa @ ( st~rt for us, to clarify w h a t is 1 , ea deo, if any, could be for internal advertising (i.e., for other g r o u p s t h a t e h o p e will do things for us and w i t h us a n d for executive staff to Keep res rces coming); it could also be for external consumption to create d e m a n d fa and interest in the k i n d of stuff we're doing. W h a t do I w a n t f r o m y o u ? A n y t h i n g y o u h a v e on t h e questions above. FIG. 49 101 FH 175 APMW0026019 T (lJ-h T ; 5 n ID21EJ! 2 9f;J; .,Jj::::1f~ { ) Jo~ \~'O~e'5 128 125 'c~ 1\ \ A() "'" . The Market I pg7/10 ( B l a c k s t o n e ' s l a p p r o a c h t~he project has a n u m b e r of difficult challenges to overcome in the next p h a s e of development. To help u n d e r s t a n d exactly w h a t these challenges are, we need to first review the intended market a n d how t h a t might influence industrial design. is FIG.4h 101 FH 176 APMW0026020 ~~~~(] lal"yTS [.:].m ·2f~ '9:ff!L'·~~',:¥.] 2 ~7/10 Jo~ '~a~\ 0 l Jack[Blackstonej . Commontown, 142 Edgewood Terrace NJ 12458 130 [Blackstone'§approach to the project c h a l l e n g e s to o v e r c o m e i n t h e n e x t p h a s e 0 . u n d e r s t a n d exactly w h a t these challenges a i n t e n d e d m a r k e t a n d h o w t h a t m i g h t influe] Telephone 314/988-7834 fax 314/988-6475 125 ~"",,,,,,",,...Jo,.,. .JoJ:;,.. ,,,,,0<,; . . . . . :4 from annual report is one of the m o s t ta tion for lis achable, a n d from it's lOnnl,.,.-I= i~;are. Blackstone 128 FIG.4i 101 FH 177 APMW0026021 1=' O + i ! T · S 0 . . 2 f:# ~?:. 9 6 , : ! 6 0 130 · Find: Blackstone ~ Jack~lackstoneJ 142 Edgewood Terrace Cornmontown, NJ 12458 - - one 314/988-7834 fax 314/988-6475 130 Find: Blackstone o o - ~ 132 ~ 132 Jack~lackstoneJ 142 Edgewood Terrace Cornrnontown, NJ 12458 130 · ~ Jack~lackstoneJ 142 Edgewood Terrace (ommontown, NJ 12458 ~ 130 one 314/988-7834 fax 314/988-6475 · ~ ~ - one 314/988-7834 fax 314/988-6475 ~ 132 101 FH 178 APMW0026022 220 222 ~ I 225 230 224 ?' FIG.6 FIG.7 305 ( 315 ~ 304 FIG.8a 314 , FfG.8b B~ 325} FIG.8e 326 101 FH 179 APMW0026023 I 350 355 356 $ f_~I ~. ~ m~-:1 351 360 361 352 { 355 354 {355 {362 [] 355 FIG.9a 360 FIG.9b { 362 ~.. 1 [] ~D ~. 361 · m mr;j FIG. 1Gb 407 FIG. 11a FIG.11b 101 FH 180 APMW0026024 501~ 505 ~ J>' 506 502 FIG.12a f ' 519 o FIG. 12b 555 556 560 561 565 566 570 571 " 551 FIG.13a 101 FH 181 APMW0026025 578 { ' 551 555 556 560 561 fI='-~~-LL1-t-.--- ,...-,----=-----. '-LI--565 ,........"..-.....:.----. 566 570 571 575 576 577 FIG.13b 101 FH 182 APMW0026026 604 602 603 607 608 609 Just add this item Modify the pile's script Collect items: --...11----1'- r 601 From: Richard Mander Date: 4/19/91 Re: Design competition update contain the words: 605 612 design competition interface children schools contain the labels: 617 Add to Script FIG. 14 101 FH 183 APMW0026027 r 702 Index new document (count number of times certain words are used in the document) ("tf') Yes C\ ~r.j 700 703 704 Is this a System Initialization and all documents are not indexed? No Update number of documents in the filing system which use each of the certain words in the new document (Global document frequency table) For each of the certain words, determine the ratio of the number of times a particular word is used in the document to the number of documents in the filing system which use the same particular word (i.e., determine "tf/df' for the word) Set weight for particular word equal to normalized ratio for particular word Sort weights of new document to give a predetermined number of the strongest weights (e.g., hV1 > tW2 > tW3 ... ). Vector for the new document is the collection of predetermined number of strongest weights Is the new document part of a pile? Yes Determine vector for pile (average of all document vectors in the pile or alternate methods) n, 1 01 .~ ""\1 705 ~l r~j fIi! ' ul' ~l, Il$lll :a~ ~:j 707 C~~ ""1- 709 711 719 FIG. 15 101 FH 184 APMW0026028 No r----....:.....----~ 751 Is cursor pointing to a pile? Yes No Has cursor continued to point to a document on the pile for a predetermined period of time? Yes E2t-~ 752 Arrange pile for viewing 753 Show view cone and display proxy of selected document in the pile 755 Has user pointed to another item in the pile? No Has user signalled to page through the selected document? )757 '------------, ~ Yes 75 8 759 Move to desired page of proxy Yes Is cursor still pointing to pile? No FIG. 16 101 FH 185 APMW0026029 Has user given system a document to . file in existing piles? (Put away) Yes No ~ )-----1~~ Find pile with closest pile vector to the document's vector and place document in that pile (or put aliases of the document into all piles closer than threshold) 803 Has user given system a sample document in order to start a pile? Yes >-------J~0 No ~ System uses vector of sample document to find all documents closer than preselected threshold; copies (or aliases) of such documents are stored in pile created from sample document 807 Has user added a document to a scripted pile where the added document does not match the script of the pile? FIG. 17 101 FH 186 APMW0026030 811 Does user want to modify the pile's scri~ Add document (display dialog box to user) ~ to pile .J Yes System displays existing criteria and/or script for pile 813 System displays proposed script/criteria changes to pile's . criteria/script 815 User selects changes to criteria 817 System pulls in copies (or aliases) of all documents on system which match criteria of modified script 819 FIG. 17 Continued - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ i J . I · · . ~ i ' M ~ ~ ~ 101 FH 187 APMW0026031 Any documents left in pile? Yes No }O--O-~I@ '- Take first document from pile (call it current document) .,. . . },855 857 861 Create new subpile with current documents as seed No Determine similarity of current document to each subpile 859 Sort matching subpiles by similarity to current document Is a document allowed in more than one subpile? Yes Add current document to all matching subpiles above threshold 863 No 869 867 Add current document to best matching subpile FIG.18a 101 FH 188 APMW0026032 Any single document subpiles? Yes Create "mise," pile ~~~ ~ ~i ;~ .873 "',J a;! Transfer documents from all single document subpiles to the misc. pile 874 ru .$1 ~1 Fti Remove single document subpiles U~j Col ~,~~ ~875 ~." ,~,~~ 1:1 ~.h (876 Any improvement this pass? ) No Yes Put all documents back in original pile l{ 877 End ) FIG. 18a Continued 101 FH 189 APMW0026033 Get desired number of piles from user (maybe a preference set up in advance) - - 880 ~.~ ., (882 Yes ..- Have desired number of subpiles? / No 'It .... ® 884 Compute total similarity of each remaining document to all existing subpiles ---....... Sort documents from least to most total similarity ---' 886 ; Remove document with least total similarity from pile .' , - 888 Create new subpile with this document as seed I FIG.18b r- 890 . _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ . _ - - _ . _ . _ - - - - _ _--... 101 FH 190 APMW0026034 (891 Any documents left in pile? Yes Take first remaining document from pile, call it current document I.:! )NO )lie End ) 893 ...0 'j ~" iJI ~:! ro Compare similarity of current document to each subpile ru .ffli 1~ r a95 0 lffi1 ~ol, l"'\ Sort matching subpiles by similarity to current document 897 Cj ~"lh .A;~= Add current document to best matching subpile 899 FIG. t8b Continued 101 FH 191 APMW0026035 903 Does user want to search for documents matching a set of terms? No Yes Define set of terms Create virtual document vector for set of terms 907 Does user want to search for docurr~ matching a sample document? Yes -.I 905 Compare each document vector in filing system with the document vector of a sample document (or vector of virtual document) (e.g., comparing unit dot product of document vector with sample document vector against a preselected threshold) 911 Sort list of documents based on comparison 915 Create and display pile of sorted closest documents (preselected threshold can determine how close and, how many documents are shown in list) FIG. 19 101 FH 192 APMW0026036 '- User selects a pile ----~r951 953 User selects a method of visualization (e.g., view by ... ) System displays visualization window showing pile within window 955 User selects "Order by Daten and system orders documents in pile by date of document 957 User selects "Color by Date" and system displays documents with different colors in pile 959 User selects "Color by Content" 961 System displays documents in pile with different colors according to closeness of a document's vector to the pile's vector 963 '--- User closes visu, -li- ation window --- a z ~ 965 FIG. 20 101 FH 193 APMW0026037 User creates pile by moving one document on top of another document t ~ 01 User moves newly created pile to desired location by positioning cursor 1003 over plinth (base) of new pile and signaling a selection and moving cursor J User selects another pile by positioning cursor over its plinth and signaling a selection User opens this pile by double clicking signal generation means while positioning cursor over plinth (base) of the pile Pile opens in a pile window (or documents in pile are spread-out) User closes pile window by positioning cursor over close box and signaling a selection · · + t J 1005 .:. 1007 · ~o J 9 10 11 User selects a document not in this pile and drags it on top of this existing pile to add it to the pile Since the targeted pile is a scripted pile and the new document doesn't match the current criteria of the pile, the system responds to added document by displaying a script dialog box user selects to modify the pile's script . " .:» 101 2 + 10 15 J System modifies pile's script on basis user input (user specifies particular criteria to use in modifying pile's script, e.g. user selects 2 unique words from added document, or a particular label) · , ·. l-/ 101 7 @ FIG. 21 101 FH 194 APMW0026038 User instructs system to add to pile (or system automatically does so after 1019 modifying pile's script) - system adds to pile on basis of new script J 1021 User instructs system to create sub piles of a selected pile based on the contents of the documents ("subpile by content") V System examines contents of each document and creates several subpiles, ~23 each containing similar contents - system assigns a name to each subpile 1025 User selects one of the sub piles by positioning cursor over plinth (base) of new pile and signalling a selection - user selects that the system "color by date" this pile System uses date of document in the sub pile to select a saturation of a color dependent on the date of the document (e.g., most saturated is oldest document) User removes a document from this subpile by selecting the document and dragging it out of the pile (e.g., user selects the oldest document, based ". on saturation color) ~" . User selects a document not in any pile and selects "put aw.ay", causing system to put document into the closest, in relevancy, piles (or single pile) k-J LJ 1027 L/ l-J 1029 1031 FIG. "21 Continued 101 FH 195 APMW0026039 2202 FIG.22a 101 FH 196 APMW0026040 2204 Results 2215 2202 ~rs FIG.22b i Compasses ~dometers ~A-2217 2204 2202 Rectangular Th~mb MouseEnter M 2228 ({) ~ 2229 2203 ~ers~lIers 2226 2225 FIG.22c 101 FH 197 APMW0026041 2202 Fido at Play tJ El a a a a ~2231 Baha ~2232 Car Crashes.fa. Dave's Clips 2234 Cl \0 I;'I! \C~ 2203 a'J ,,~J r~,l ru ,. U b'l ~~ FIG.22d g +~ ." ~:l1 2202 Fido at Play Baha ~2231 ~2232 2203 2235 ~ 101 FH 198 APMW0026042 FIG.22e Atty. D o c k e t No. 0 4 8 6 0 . P 0 6 2 4 C 2 PATENT IN T H E U N I T E D STATES P A T E N T AND T R A D E M A R K OFFICE In re Application of: Richard Mander, et al. Application No. Filed: F e b r u a r y 27, 2001 For: M E T H O D AND APPARATUS FOR ORGANIZING INFORMATION IN A C O M P U T E R SYSTEM _ ) ) ) ). ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Examiner: Not yet assigned Art Unit: Not yet assigned -------------,) Asst. C o m m i s s i o n e r for Patents W a s h i n g t o n , D.C. 20231 PRELIMINARY AMENDMENT Sir: Prior to examination of this application, please enter the following ·amendments. IN THE S P E C I F I C A T I O N At the beginning of the specification on page 1, please add the following: -- This application is a continuation of co-pending U.S. Patent Application Serial No. 08/287,108, filed A u g u s t 8, q ! ) / ~ . /.I~. Application No. 07/876,921, filed April 30, 199~WhiCh is a continuation o f U.S. Patent 1 b« 11d0"11l.1 199~--. 6,2..'13..72.'£ ---_\ IN T H E CLAIMS Please cancel without prejudice claims 1-72 and add the following claims: ~ (New) A method for organizing and viewing information in a computer filing ~l 2 system having a display device and a first plurality of documents, said m e t h o d comprising: 101 FH 199 APMW0026043 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 displaying a graphical iconic representation of a collection of said first plurality of documents; displaying a first indicia of a first document of said collection by selecting a first position from said graphical iconic representation, wherein said first position on said graphical iconic representation is capable of being at any one of a plurality of locations on said graphical iconic representation and wherein said selecting from said graphical iconic representation comprises positioning a cursor on said graphical iconic representation; and displaying in series a second indicia of a second document and a third indicia o f a third d o c u m e n t by positioning said cursor first on a s e c o n d position on said graphical iconic representation next on a third position on said graphical iconic representation. \ ~ 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 ) Cjl ~n ",,~! ~4J! Oil n~ ]¥ (New) A method as in c l a i m : l 5 wherein said indicia is displayed adjacent to said ,,- ru ~Jll graphical iconic representation of said collection. m >';"ft ~~l ~.~ f;~ m ~. , (New) A m e t h o d as in claim ~wherein during said displaying in series said ~ (New) A method as in claim~wherein said second indicia is displayed adjacent to '::) said graphical iconic representation and said third indicia is displayed adjacent to said graphical iconic representation. )/7. (New) An apparatus for organizing and viewing information in a c o m p u t e r filing system having a display device and a first plurality of documents, said apparatus comprising: -2- 101 FH 200 APMW0026044

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