Mirror Worlds, LLC v. Apple, Inc.

Filing 150

CLAIM CONSTRUCTION BRIEF filed by Apple, Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Affidavit, #2 Exhibit A, #3 Exhibit B, #4 Exhibit C - Part 1, #5 Exhibit C - Part 2, #6 Exhibit C - Part 3, #7 Exhibit C - Part 4, #8 Exhibit C - Part 5, #9 Exhibit C - Part 6, #10 Exhibit C - Part 7, #11 Exhibit C - Part 8, #12 Exhibit D, #13 Exhibit E, #14 Exhibit F, #15 Exhibit G - Part 1, #16 Exhibit G - Part 2, #17 Exhibit G - Part 3, #18 Exhibit G - Part 4, #19 Exhibit G - Part 5, #20 Exhibit H)(Cherensky, Steven)

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Mirror Worlds, LLC v. Apple, Inc. Doc. 150 Att. 6 ,:" / 50 5a 724 FH 101 Do MW .Jus ia. 12 APckets002t54com 11 ~70 724 FH 102 APMW0025413 -, ' ~. :2.01 '+="t a. S 1 724 FH 103 APMW0025414 CI pg7/10 It occum to m e t h a t it w o u l d be a w o r t h w h i l e exercise tp ctysto.lUze o u r v i s i o n of One way to do this is to put together a videoperlpt. ( w h e t h e r o r not a n y v i d e o is e v e r made). .- 1'1 . be m o r e W h a t are t h e (two o r three?) i m p o r t a n t ideas? W h y interesting t h a n a n y t h i n g else t h a t l i m e 'UZl'pddn ' £Ql m 1o / i ,'IjlD1 What illustrative uses l o r . Blackstone Irescool)? io '~5 W h a t do I w a n t f r o m you? Anythingyou h a v e o n t h e F i g u r e 4g 1c?7 \ ~ ~ ~ ~ 724 FH 104 APMW0025415 b11/10 I1 The Market ) . ; l 'B pg7/10 Jon ln'.s"t6 ,r --. ~ approach .,tt'he project h a s a n u m b e r of difficult challenges to overcome h i the n e x t p h a s e of d e v e l o p m e n t To help u n d e r s t a n d e x a c t l y w h a t these challenges a r e , we need to first review the intended m a r k e t a n d j f " t h a t m i g h t influense i n d u s t r i a l d ; ; i g n . _ D 1;2 S Image: im a s t r o n g s e n s e of s t i foregoing the compl friendly sWle. is ofl U n i q u e n e s s. . . . t h e m a r k e t p l a e F i g u r e 4h I;>.. q ~ ~ 'S ~ ~ 724 FH 105 APMW0025416 o J()'fIlt\'lag D 1_ _ a p p r o a c h to t h a J:3 0 project c h a l l e n g e s to overcome in t h e n e x t p h a s e of u n d e r s t a n d exactly w h a t t h e s e c h a l l e n g e s a i n t e n d e d m a r k e l a n d !i\IJW t h a t m i g h t j n t l u e o , ~ : : ' ~ 1 ~f$ " · ;u;t~ .. . Image: 1 f Fta........." ~ Find: - - - - - - - - - - ais ~ ~1;1.5 \ -;;l ~ f r i e n d l y swJe· u n i q u e p h y s i c a l a p p e a r a n c e to t h e 100" s h o u l d be the n e x t i c o n of t h i s of1 ~ U n i q u o n o u. . . . t h o m a r k o , p l a c o : I Figure 4i 131 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 724 FH 106 APMW0025417 \ '30 i . l:., - / f. ~ - _.:..j J~ 1't2 t D ~.I';' . : : " Cmmontown. flJ 124~ ftnd: Taracr [] 314/988-04~ find: mackstone ~ '14/986-7m4 mackstone f$ 13/ J'_ ffi$ I :;,;t. I 32.. Figure 4 j J00c.0~~~ c find:, )30 130 ~l;" __ t 1'ntow2rt~ Cmma n, u fl4~ .r: ali: ~ fax 514/988-04n "'<·-·"§f"·""·',.u,w,,-o" ,~-,.t'=~,;~",." '14/986-7854 '",''' ,~,.,". , "%1%'*"" =.,...,- tiB S 131 I 32 ~ F i g u r e 40 l '32- ~ ~ ~ ~ 724 FH 107 APMW0025418 t d.~D ~ ~~d... ~~cf'1/tJ% (7 ( . <L ;(.;le ~5 07/8 76921 F~. Bel 724 FH 108 APMW0025419 I' 3S1 351 3((>0 · .' .~. .",/., .(,.. ; , "~'~&. ' , .3{P/ \~'~.:~~ i. . 3b O ~ , 't07 3{P\ lOa.. 1&51 'h~. l\ 0.. Ll5?> tlfso J./75 ./ 724 FH 109 APMW0025420 SIS Sc1.C ~ 51 7 { - S .:15 1=1'0' l2...b '5(7 S'B 724 FH 110 APMW0025421 ?5: ?-41778769Bt5 J;(Q<D S~I S71 :: 724 FH 111 APMW0025422 - gII 7 8II~ 6 9 2..1 ~ I I ·. -------------------- 724 FH 112 APMW0025423 15 -977876921 \. ~ 7.00 V\~uJ """0'' ' 00 :t:r.::: U-yTcUv\ "",o~J.s.. ~'('e. u , U...d... ~V\ oe...-u~"\.t ('"'"tf") d..<>~'U.""'JL"t\.1: C<...o\J...Y\.t V"l'IJ.~"'" ~ ~~ I 7()3 U p J..o..te... ()\)..'N\b,2YQ~ ~o~-t l'I.h. \"1 lOS -/ -f-~\;'~ sJ st-<-~ w'h~~ o s e, ~o.~ c+ ~ c.R.'("'\-a..tl\ wo'("""cU iY" ~e.. (H.w J..oc..\.L""'~.d l & ) 0 ' 0 0 1 Aoc-u"",,Lvo.."\:: ~<.t ~"f'\ t-,,",b~ ~e.. J .c 7 0 7 citTe.. Y-"",iV\t 4k. CA F o ~ ~t1... e f ~e.. ce.'rt(lt~ uJcy-J-s ~ l'o..tlo .c~ -the... Y'\'"\J.~("'. c;.{ t,"-e..t ~o «:tl '~usu!. i " , -the.. J.Cc..N-..... ~ -teo ~e.. V\v."",h.e..y- c.f ~Qc..uW\..uo.h i " \ ~ f t ' l i ..fJ1t~ G'o. 'rb'~~r . 'C', e., J-ete.Y'" '''-e. W ~"'-Ic.J.... use, ~e.. ::;aW\,. R(fY-T"~t1r- W'ilr-~ \\ t f I elf'/.fc «: the. u J o ( ' J ~7oq d r------_:__-~c----:-------...,...-----:;--;" ..... f" '71/ _...,,------......,...------l~------:-----------...., 724 FH 113 APMW0025424 F\ v-e. 15 L ...... 000 .,00 ....'" :<::1::1: 1:;>.t--tt'l\M.'\'\e t Y\ v-e.d"S'.,,~~ ~'r or iftle.. (0... v~{'~(f- "'-+ 6-.\1 aoUJ.-"""e..:±- T" ).(.. v~d-o .. .s a..l t.t.-.r n fu ~~~od~) 724 FH 114 APMW0025425 J_------'L / 7'53 .-- .xC,...c:>Y\... - -~7t5S -, o..Y1J- Shou.) Vl~W r-ro~'1 o-f: ~.Q..~e.e.:ttl d. ,~-th~ \ Ie, ~csfl~ d.oc.u.W\~ ..... t ~~ tc')ovt. to o.uior f~~ ~ p~oxy ,_..... _._..... _ _ . . _ - - _ . _ - - _ . _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ! 724 FH 115 APMW0025426 F i g u r e 17 NO.@ Yes w Find pile with closestpile vectorto the document's vectorand placedocument in thatpile (or put aliases of document into all piles closerthan threshold) too &U NO.@) all documents closer than preselected th.reshold;oopies (or System uses vectorof sample document to find aliases) of such documents are stored in pile created from sample document am Nor~ 724 FH 116 APMW0025427 Figure 17 Continued No+E(~ '::J Systemdisplays existing criteriaand/or scriptfor pile ill Systemdisplays proposed script/criteria changes to pile's criteria/script ill User selects changes to criteria .811 Systempulls in copies (or aliases) of all documents on system whichmatch criteria of modified script .8..l2 724 FH 117 APMW0025428 F i g u r e 18a Yes NO~ Take first documentfrom pile (call it currentdocument) ill Determine similarity of current document . . to each subpile m No Yes . Sort matching subpiles by similarity to current document Create new subpile with current document as seed ~1 ssa I Add current document t o all matching subpiles a~ threshold Add current document to best matching subpile &12 724 FH 118 APMW0025429 F i g u r e 18a Continued NO~ Yes Transferdocuments from all singledocument subpiles to the misc. pile m Remove singledocument subpiles szs Put all documents back in original pile sa 724 FH 119 APMW0025430 F i g u r e ISb Get desired numberof piles from user (maybe a preference set up in advance) ssn Yes '"0 Compute total similarity of each remaining document to all existing subpiles .8.M Sort documents from least to most total similarity ~ Remove document with least total similarity from pile sas Create new.subpile with this document as seed . .820 724 FH 120 APMW0025431 Figure I S b Continued NOG] Yes Take first remaining document from pile, callitcunentdocument m Compare similarity of current document to each subpile sss Sort matching subpiles by similarity to current document B21 Add current document to best matching subpile B22 724 FH 121 APMW0025432 ' > - - _ ~ I D..<'-7 ,.. . . e,. S~t- ¢ f - t~'T"""'.s Cl..-\:~ Y\'l"" t II-.J.. q o ' - ' J . - e . " , t V e uo "," . -f;,'("" S < T o-t t t 'r""~ e.-","{. q, } ( c:..'C"t:cAte... ~A.. ~~Sf\~~ f\\e. of- .s~Y't.e J <0,os .esT he..u.w-~+~ ('P'ns.L ~j{& -Th.('u lolril U f i \ clcrQ.YW\t,\e.. ~tlW d . o k ' ~ ~ w 'm.d.Y\7 ~~'~H..,.h G-~ e, s~w t\.' h ( ..QisT) 724 FH 122 APMW0025433 Figure 20 User salects . p~le 0" J 951 User seletts!e method of ulsuollzotion i(~ ·.g. Diew by no) ~ 953 ! System dlsploYS.l'isuolizotion window showlngpiltt ~ithin window User selects ·Ordet ~Y,DGte· ond system orders dotumen~~ in pile by dote of docu:ment l-t-I I ) 9 55 ~ 951 ~ User selects ·Color by p~te· t!nd system disploys documents wlthldlfferent colors In pile I I· , r, I User selects DIC:olor by Content· I. : > ~ 961 System dlSPl8ys~ofuments In pile with different colorsoccotdlng to closeness o f 8 document's uector to the pile's Bettor User tlO$GS UlsuGlizotion window ~965 CEND ) 724 FH 123 APMW0025434 F i g u r e 21 [ User creates pile by moving one document on top of another document 100l User moves newly created pile to desired location by positioning.cursor over plinth (base) of new pile and signalling a selection and moving cursor " " m W User selects anotherpile by positioning cursor over its plinth and signalling a selection m .. User opens thi~pile·by doubleclicking signal generation means whilejpositioning cursor over plinth (base) of the pile lOO1 Pile opens in a pile window (or documents in pile are spread-out) .lOO2 User closes pile window by positioning cursor over close boxand signalling a selection '" - mu '" User selectsa document not in this pile and drags it on top of this existing pile to add it to the pile " " ~ lillZ Since the targeted pile is a scripted pile and the new document doesn't match the currentcriteriaof the pile, the systemresponds to added document by displaying a script dialog box- user selects to modify the pile's script .1!lU .. System modifies pile's script on basis user input (user specifies particular criteria to use in modifying pile's script, e.g, user selects 2 unique words from added document, or a particular label) lQ11 ~ 724 FH 124 APMW0025435 -: :\ . .:'\. :.: o F i g u r e 21 continued User instructs system to add to pile (or system automatically does so after rhOdifying pile's script) - system addes to pile on basis of new script ~ .llll2 , ,~ content") User instructs system to create subpilesof a selectedpile based on the! contents of the documents (ltsubpile by . m . ~ m Systemexamlnes contents of each documentand creates several subpiles. each containing similar contents - system assigns a name to each subpile i ~ User selects one of the subpiles by positioningcursor over plinth (base) or new pile and signalling a selection - user selectsithat the system "color by date" this pile .lim ~ System uses date of document in the subpile to select a saturation of a'Color dependent on the date of the document (e.g.most saturatedis oldest document) . 1021 ,~ User removes a document from this subpile by selecting the document and dragging it out of the pile (e.g, user selects the oldest document. based on saturation color) 1022 ~ User selects a document not in any pile and selects "put away", causing system to put document into the closest. in relevancy. piles (or single pile) mu 724 FH 125 APMW0025436 Sample S c r ol l e r 724 FH 126 APMW0025437 724 FH 127 APMW0025438 ah t B'?a"a3~ t 01;< 33 Car Crashes t ~ ;2.3 tf 724 FH 128 APMW0025439 ? \1 t ,-e 724 FH 129 APMW0025440 & ...... ~ "" . . .,~~ Ad O r i l i u U , ,~;}~ --.. _.. . __ . -,-_.,~. - .. .~.... .~--._------ -._ .. , ..... _- ..\' (", 1\il., -~ / . ' I .··. "'/' S'f J- , :' J?57 h'c' ;).. c , "f\ ~. 01 d. 724 FH 130 APMW0025441 " """" -e77B769~ 724 FH 131 APMW0025442 IHture annotattoD ~\irft. II dooumtnt 18Kon disk Mon"Oot 14" 1991,,2:21 AM 724 FH 132 APMW0025443 I d. (P [J I ~""~ ~t r pg7/10 joOo, .( if "t: ~ j. It o a : u m to m e t h a t i t would bea worthwhile oxordso II' aystallizo o u r v W o n of O n e w a y t o do thlJ 11 to put t o g e t h e r 0. videopaipt ( w h e t h e r o r not a n y video i" (. } 1 11 ... u o v e r made). " "\~ ' ~J . be m o r e W h a t am the ( t w o o r t h r e e ? ) I m p o r t a n t ideas? Why InteMSting t h a n a n y t l i i n g else t h a t ~JJ M U m m d i p , &glJP',wl1JW1lJQlblet illustrative uses f o r . trescool)? hi \ 'J 5 W h a l do I w a n t from you? Anythlngyou h a v e o n tho ~ e.bove. l I ~ " F i g u r e 4g 1;;27 ~ ~ ~ ~ 724 FH 133 APMW0025444 '( t L.l7/,O J()tlln'.a~e&"~ . The Market pg7/10 .~..t,; .. ).;te I.1 l t.~ i£ I:'. . i _ a p p r o a c h b~he p r o j e c t h a s a n u m b e r of difficult c h a l l e n g e s to Overcome h i t h e n e x t p h a s e o f development. To h e l p u n d e r s t a n d o x a c t l y w h a t those c h a l l e n g e s a r e . we need to f i r s t review the tha~~j~bt i n f l u e n s e i n d u s t r i a l d ; ; i g n . intended market a n d if;' ~l.IId".i 1;;15 . . . ~. Image: a s t r o n g s e n s e of sw: foregoing the c o m p l ~ ~ ~ " U C l U l g j 1UI1.& l i b friendly s1yle. / .....~. from itls ' u n i q u e p h y s i c a l a p p e a r a n c e to t h e oak a n ee of its software. Blackstone s h o u l d be tho n e x t i c o n of thitJ s~ ' . aI of1 L1t'~ a d d 1mB(JfJ from annu report U n l q u o n o l l. . . . t h o m a r k o t p l a c q r l n d u s t r i a l design is one of the m o s t a (' F i g u r e 4h .' l:;t q ~ ~ ~ ~ 724 FH 134 APMW0025445 '11 ~,r; . ~ ..~ ~~ o Joflld'lri' ~Qpproach to the project challenges to OY8I'CODlO In the next phase of 7/10 l .i; ~ r~ !. !.l.. "IS ~J 130 . -11-1;1.5 it ~~~~~~;~:jI 1 ·. .. ~ u n i q u e p h y s i c a l a p p e a r a n c e to the<. · . · · shouldbethe n e x t leon of this ~~:S ; ~~--: :, ~__ m'--UNM is oft -Ill Uni'luonoll...fwthe m a r k e t p l a c o : I )-;) ~ ~. . Figure 4i 131 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 724 FH 135 APMW0025446 ~-i~ .. ~U. iB as cl , 724 FH 136 APMW0025447 ~I t ~rv-; .. .~,.~ 724 FH 137 APMW0025448 ./ 1-/75 724 FH 138 APMW0025449 S'oS ~ 1/ t" S" 0 ~''''';'' -t- 724 FH 139 APMW0025450 rrun. v t lJl'~ A.I Ortl~U,. pu.... ,L378 Em 724 FH 140 APMW0025451 it'J..Q.t. ot Ol'~ A.8 OTiaixloaUy P U e d 724 FH 141 APMW0025452 ~ nl··/·O~"Qn1 . .( V\~u.J cJ,.()~'-L""'SLY\.t C,.,Q.'"'rTcUV'\ o c - u W\.(. ",-1: <.Jo,....J~ tX.'<"e. 7()3 Cc...o\J...V\t Y')\J.~"'" a+ u.sLd. ~V'\ ~ ") ( . . t. f U p cko...t.e. l"')'\}.'M,b.2"&"" o~ ~ou.J, ....... t vo..t~ \ " l ~e... ~ ~ \ ; . ~ S'Jst-(~ w\--\:t.h \ , , ) , H. .A.().~ ~ (.t'C"\a..ih. ~o'\'"'"cU iY"t ~e.... n.e.w o..oc...v..."",~.d 0-+ l &)o'o~t cA.oc:...u"",~*: ~<~ u , i o -e- 1.'(', -ro..b~) . -o-C- -~- - -e-r - -e- - -;.-~'-ta-i-" - : - -J-.s:, -d-t-T-.-.,. ."."i.-i\.... .~. , -~ - ~ . ( . r . . .: F' " , .~"e ('~tl. ( . ) o «: ~707 &, ,. ~ us.u:!.. i"'\ +he. J. oc-\J- ...... ~ t~ -t'Ke.. VlV."""~-'!..""" o f cl()c..uW\~ i " , -r~ f l ' : ; d ..!'jJtu.-.... oCt- -the.... Y\u~r ~4: + , ' - U 0... f l " v-b·u.J.,A.r . ~"'l~ cs e, (,'.e., J.et(,Y"w ;. ~ #.e. saw.e. \\ t f (d:f-I/.f.cr Rtr..... ·:h·~D.r- w~r~ Th~ uJo("d, ~70q r------~-=__"'----~----__r--__::__rl f _-=-------:----.--J~-----'---:----------....., 71/ 724 FH 142 APMW0025453 1:> A.'T t." ,···J \'\e v -e c:..:t ~ -r: ~ ,?n e, (~Vt-r4.~ ~-t 6-Ll oUJ.-w.~ v~c...to V' oS \""- """~~od!.) ~~ r,l~ a Y' or ~\ t-t..... hfu 724 FH 143 APMW0025454 .u,,< U Oril~117 '~. Ut "t-.- ' --,--_ _- - ' L ~" .- J - - - - - - - - + _ - - "'1/" ~ ~ t q , ( / 7'53 ~-=;;.....----.;~--------.oy .-- ..Jt-. -:-----, ~7~S S h o w v c« w c...o~e... l'"("O'lo..~ 0'; 0'Y'lJ. 5.QJtc.:f::1t i~ 1"'he.. \ Ie, d.. d.ou.a.-~ . . . t ' ~\Sf/., 7S~ rc'love. to P"~ of o.t~i p('oY..'1 724 FH 144 APMW0025455 ----\.--. ~....,~~~ nl-/O~ Figure 17 NO.e Ye3 w Find pile with closest pile vector to the document's vector and place document in thatpile (or put aliases of the document into all piles closerthan threshold) &l3. NO~ Yes System uses vector of sampledocument to find all documents closer than preselected threshold; copies (or aliases) of such documents are storedin pile createdfrom sample document '" .801 NOt:G) 724 FH 145 APMW0025456 Figure 17 Continued No -I> Add ~ent to pile Systemdisplays existing criteriaand/or scriptfor pile ill Systemdisplays proposed script/criteria changes to pile's criteria/script ill User selects changes to criteria ill System pulls in copies (or aliases) of all documents on system which match criteria of modified script ill 724 FH 146 APMW0025457 Figure 18a NOr) Takefirst document from pile (callit current document) ill Determine similarity of current document . to each subpile m Create new subpilewith currentdocument as seed .w. Yes . Sort matching subpiles by similarity to current document ~ ~--No Yes Add currentdocument to all matching subpiles above threshold Add current document to best matching subpile ~ ID 724 FH 147 APMW0025458 '''''' . Figure 18a Continued NOe) Yes Create "misc. pile sza It Transferdocuments from all singledocument subpiles to the misc. pile lli. Remove singledocument subpiles szs Put all documents back in original pile sa 724 FH 148 APMW0025459 Ad . -- .,..... . orll~ll,. ru~ ·······~l/ Figure ISb Get desired number of piles from user (maybe a preference set up in advance) B.BQ Yes~ No Compute total similarity of each remaining document to all existing subpiles ~ Sort documents from least to most total similarity B£Q Remove documentwith least total similarity from pile .m. B2Q Create new subpile with this document as seed . 724 FH 149 APMW0025460 Aai Or:f.8~U7 ru~ . .!-.,.. ·.· , -. --( .~ Figure ISb Continued NOt{ Yes Take first remaining document from pile, callit current document End ) m Compare similarity of current document to each subpile .825. Sort matching subpiles by similarity to current document .821 Add current document to best matching subpile ~ 724 FH 150 APMW0025461

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