Freshub, Inc. et al v. Amazon.Com Inc. et al

Filing 1

COMPLAINT ( Filing fee $ 400 receipt number 0542-12267080), filed by Freshub, Inc., Freshub, Ltd.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2 Exhibit 2, # 3 Exhibit 3, # 4 Exhibit 4, # 5 Exhibit 5, # 6 Exhibit 6, # 7 Exhibit 7, # 8 Exhibit 8, # 9 Exhibit 9, # 10 Exhibit 10, # 11 Exhibit 11, # 12 Exhibit 12, # 13 Exhibit 13, # 14 Exhibit 14, # 15 Exhibit 15, # 16 Exhibit 16, # 17 Exhibit 17, # 18 Exhibit 18, # 19 Exhibit 19, # 20 Exhibit 20, # 21 Exhibit 21, # 22 Exhibit 22, # 23 Exhibit 23, # 24 Exhibit 24, # 25 Exhibit 25, # 26 Exhibit 26, # 27 Exhibit 27, # 28 Exhibit 28, # 29 Exhibit 29, # 30 Exhibit 30, # 31 Exhibit 31, # 32 Exhibit 32, # 33 Exhibit 33, # 34 Exhibit 34, # 35 Exhibit 35, # 36 Exhibit 36, # 37 Exhibit 37, # 38 Exhibit 38, # 39 Exhibit 39, # 40 Civil Cover Sheet)(Palmer, John)

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EXHIBIT 7 US009 165320B1 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: Belvin US 9,165,320 B1 (45) Date of Patent: (54) AUTOMATIC ITEM SELECTION AND 7. E: ck ORDERING BASED ON RECIPE 8,117,199 B2 * wal - 8,146,799 B2 388 Oct. 20, 2015 se r 705/28 OWa. 2/2012 Ghani et al. .................. 707/734 4, 2012 K. 8,296,194 B2 8.412,579 B2 4/2013 Gonzalez (73) Assignee: Amazon Technologies, Inc., Reno, NV 8.412,590 B2 4/2013 Elliott (US) (*) Notice: 10/2012 fetal. (75) Inventor: Brandon W. Belvin, Kirkland, WA (US) E. 8,706.572 B1 * 4/2014 Varadarajan ................. 705/27.2 2002fOO 10637 A1 2002fOO26363 A1 1/2002 Lieu et al. 2, 2002 D , Jr. Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 2002.0029149 A1 3, 2002 patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U.S.C. 154(b) by 622 days. 2002/00953.45 A1 2003,0004831 A1 2003/0018536 A1* 7/2002 Panelli et al. ................... 705/26 1/2003 Owens 1/2003 Eggebraaten et al. .......... 705/26 2003/01 10088 A1* (21) Appl. 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ABSTRACT user can quickly and conveniently purchase the items. In other instances, a purchase transaction for the selected items Ben . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 7. can be automatically initiated following the selection of the 7/2006 Bezos et al. ................. 705/26.7 9/2006 Silva et al. ................... TO5/26.8 4/2009 Brown et al. 1tems. 19 Claims, 5 Drawing Sheets * Receive recipe data ? 202 E. Arieldata Laos referenced in catalog Receive reops selection / 206 s Select o,Gims from Ly-208 <> 210 Siirit Ordia -y 2000. Systems and methods enable the selection of one or more recipes by a user. Items available for purchase from an elec tronic marketplace can be selected based on the recipe selec tion. In some instances, the selected items can be automati cally placed or added to a virtual shopping cart such that a U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS R: ck 13, Stockton LLP References Cited $33. Nov. Primary Examiner Naeem Haq 705/27.2 7,082,407 B1 * 7,103,566 B2 * 7,523.302 B1 InformationWeek, (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Kilpatrick Townsend & See application file for complete search history. (56) Reservations.”. Retrieved from Dialog File: 275, Acci: 02449434.* Continued (Continued) Proviceigering r212 -- Receive order confirmation u?" - Submit order for processing / 216 Receive recipe feedback from Ly-213 US 9,165,320 B1 Page 2 (56) References Cited U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 2005/0038719 2006, OO64347 2006/0178947 2006/0224401 2007/0O84919 2008, OO86318 2008/O1998.35 2008.O3OO993 2009, OO37288 2009, O144081 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 2, 2005 3, 2006 8, 2006 10, 2006 4, 2007 4, 2008 8, 2008 12, 2008 2, 2009 6, 2009 Young et al. Robinson et al. Zsigmond et al. Hunt Petrovich Gilley et al. Yeager Rozenblatt Christensen Harlan 2009, 0234712 2010, O292998 2011/0055044 2012fO253828 2013/0052616 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 9, 2009 11, 2010 3, 2011 10, 2012 2/2013 Kolawa et al. Bodlaender et al. Wied1 Bellacicco Silverstein et al. ........... 434f127 OTHER PUBLICATIONS U.S. Appl. No. 13/158,323, filed Jun. 10, 2011. U.S. Appl. No. 14/034,840, filed Sep. 24, 2013. U.S. Appl. No. 13/347,444, filed Jan. 10, 2012, Titled: “Portioned Ingredient Recipe Completion'. * cited by examiner U.S. Patent Oct. 20, 2015 Sheet 1 of 5 US 9,165,320 B1 S. OO Application 104 Server 106 116 120 U.S. Patent Oct. 20, 2015 US 9,165,320 B1 Sheet 2 of 5 200 U-vReceive recipe data ASSOCiate itemS referenced in recipe data with items referenced in Catalog data Receive recipe Selection Select One Or more itemS from 204 206 208 Catalog data 210 Subrit Order? Provide information regarding 212 Selected itemS ReCeive Order COnfirmation Submit Order for processing Receive recipe feedback from LSer FIG. 2 214 216 218 U.S. Patent Oct. 20, 2015 Sheet 3 of 5 US 9,165,320 B1 300 N Browser EILE EDIT VIEW EAVORITES TOOLS HELP Address Apple Cake Recipe Ingredients: Nutritional Value Calories 7 Apples 500 Calories per slice 2 Cups of Flour Total Fat 2 Sticks of Butter 20 g A Teaspoon of Baking Soda Total Carbohydrate 1 Cup of Sugar 60 g Directions: Mix Ingredients into a large bowl Bake at 400 degrees FILE EDT VIEW FAVORS Address 1. Salad mol 3. Guacamole * * * * * 406 O w J.-S. 4. AVOcado and Pear $1.00 and $5.00 $5.00 and $10.00 $10.00 and $20.00 Greater than $20.00 Calories s300 Calories O 300 Calories O 500+and 500 Calories Foods to Avoid Smoothie FIG. 4 U.S. Patent Oct. 20, 2015 Sheet 4 of 5 US 9,165,320 B1 500 EILE EDIT VIEW EAVORITES OOLS HELP Address Div GO Shopping Cart ShipOind Information Avocado - Recipe : Guacamole John Doe Quantity: 1 City, State 12345 Price: S100 1234 Example Lane Order Summary Items: S23.00 Shipping: S 5.00 Pear - Recipe: Salad Quantity: 1 Total: $28.00 Price: $2.00 Place your order Tossing Spoons - Recipe: Salad Quantity: 1 Price: $20.00 600 FIG. 5 602 EILE EDIT VIEW FAVORITES TOOLS HELP Address D. VEGO Shopping Cart Shippind Information 1. Recipe: Avocado and Pear Salad Ingredients in Cart: Pear, Avocado, Lettuce, Dressing Update Ingredients 604 Price: $7.00 John Doe 1234 Example Lane City, State 12345 Order Summary Items: $30.00 Shipping: $5.00 2. Recipe: Steak and Musnrooms ecipe: Steak and Mush Ingredients in Cart: Rib eye Steak, Mushrooms Update Indredients \ Price: $13.00 Total: $35.00 Place your order 606 3. Recipe: Cheesecake Ingredients in Cart: Sugar, Crust, Cream Cheese Update Ingredients Price: S10.00 FIG. 6 U.S. Patent Oct. 20, 2015 Sheet 5 of 5 700 Browser FILE EDIT VIEW FAVORITES TOOLS HELP Address Please Rate the Recipe You Recently Tried AVOcado and Pear Salad Stars: irrir six A Comments: FIG. 7 US 9,165,320 B1 US 9, 165,320 B1 1. AUTOMATIC ITEM SELECTION AND ORDERING BASED ON RECIPE BACKGROUND In recent years, purchase transactions conducted over the Internet have grown considerably. Today, millions of people access the Internet to purchase a wide variety of goods and services. For example, many people use the Internet to pur chase books, computers, vehicles, clothes, jewelry, furniture, and/or the like. One area of web commerce exhibiting rapid expansion is in the area of food purchase and delivery. Today, many online retailers enable users to conveniently purchase their groceries online. In an effort to improve user shopping experiences, many online retailers currently provide purchase recommendations to their users. For example, a retailer might recommend that a user purchase a particular desktop computer model that is available from the retailer. While providing recommenda tions can help users in their purchasing decisions, current recommendation schemes are limited particularly in the area of food purchase and delivery. 10 15 items such that the items are delivered to him or her. In other instances, embodiments can, without Substantial user inter vention, create a purchase order following the selection of the one or more items. In this way, a user does not need to access a virtual shopping cart to make a purchase. Rather, the user simply needs to make a recipe selection in order to have items for the recipe ordered and/or delivered to him or her. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS 25 Various embodiments in accordance with the present dis closure will be described with reference to the drawings, in which: FIG.1 illustrates an environment in which various embodi ments can be implemented; FIG. 2 illustrates a process for selecting items for purchase based on one or more selected recipes in accordance with one 30 embodiment; FIG. 3 illustrates an example of an interface that can be generated for display to allow a user to select a recipe in 35 accordance with one embodiment; FIG. 4 illustrates an example of an interface that can be generated for display to allow a user to select a recipe in accordance with another embodiment; FIG. 5 illustrates an example of an interface that can be generated for display to allow a user to view the contents of a virtual shopping cart assembled based on one or more selected recipes in accordance with one embodiment; FIG. 6 illustrates an example of an interface that can be generated for display to allow a user to view the contents of a virtual shopping cart assembled based on one or more selected recipes in accordance with another embodiment; and FIG. 7 illustrates an example of an interface that can be generated for display to allow a user to input rating informa tion and comments for a recipe in accordance with one 40 45 In some embodiments, the selection of the one or more items from the electronic marketplace can be based on any Suitable user preference criteria, such as price ranges, food allergies, religious requirements, favored food genres, prepa ration skill levels, preparation times, associated diet plans, caloric values, etc. For example, a user might have previously indicated that he or she wishes to stay within a S10.00 budget for preparing a meal. As such, embodiments can select items available from the electronic marketplace that meet the price requirements of the user. Illustratively, a recipe input by a user might require the use of Vanilla extract. The user might have previously indicated that the recipe cost less than $25.00 to complete. As such, embodiments might selecta generic bottle of vanilla extract over a more expensive branded bottle of vanilla extract in order to keep the cost of the recipe within the $25.00 budget. Through automatically selecting items for recipes and either placing those items into a virtual shopping cart or initiating a purchase order on behalf of a user, embodiments can improve the speed and convenience of shopping for gro ceries online. Illustratively, at present, users can spend a large amount of time manually searching for the required ingredi ents of a recipe. Furthermore, some recipes can be cryptic or hard to understand. As such, users can often find it difficult to 50 embodiment. DETAILED DESCRIPTION Systems and methods in accordance with various embodi ments of the present disclosure enable the selection of one or more recipes by a user. In some embodiments, items available for purchase from an electronic marketplace can be selected based on the recipe selection. In certain embodiments, the selected items can be automatically placed or added to a virtual shopping cart Such that a user can quickly and conve niently purchase the items. In other embodiments, a purchase order for the selected items can be automatically created following the selection of the items. In such embodiments, a specific user confirmation to create the order might not be required. After the items are purchased, the items can be delivered or shipped to the user. 2 Illustratively, embodiments can enable a user to input one or more recipes. For example, a user can select one or more recipes from a recipe catalog provided by an electronic mar ketplace. Upon receiving the recipe selections, embodiments can select one or more items available for purchase from the electronic marketplace. Each selected item can be an item that is required to complete the one or more recipes. For example, a recipe may require the use of an apple, as Such embodiments can select an apple item available for purchase from the electronic marketplace. As another example, a recipe may require the use of a stand mixer, as a result embodiments can select a particular brand of stand mixer available for purchase from the electronic marketplace. In some instances, after selecting the one or more items, embodiments can present, to the user, information for the one or more items as part of a virtual shopping cart or shopping bag. From the virtual shop ping cart, the user can initiate a purchase transaction for the 55 60 select the appropriate items to purchase. Embodiments, by automatically identifying appropriate items for use with a recipe can significantly improve the convenience of shopping for groceries. In embodiments that automatically initiate pur chase orders for a user without a specific user purchase con firmation, the speed and convenience of shopping for grocer ies can be further improved. FIG. 1 illustrates an example of an environment 100 for implementing aspects in accordance with various embodi ments. As will be appreciated, although a Web-based envi ronment is used for purposes of explanation, different envi ronments may be used, as appropriate, to implement various embodiments. The environment 100 shown includes both a 65 testing or development portion (or side) and a production portion. The production portion includes an electronic client device 102, which can include any appropriate device oper able to send and receive requests, messages, or information over an appropriate network 104 and convey information back to a user of the device. Examples of such client devices US 9, 165,320 B1 4 embodiments, an application server can function as a devel opment server, and separate production and testing Storage may not be used. The data store 110 can include several separate data tables, databases, or other data storage mechanisms and media for storing data relating to a particular aspect (e.g., catalog data for items available for purchase, recipe data including one or more recipes, etc.). For example, the data store illustrated includes mechanisms for storing production data 112 and 3 include personal computers, tablet devices, multimedia digi tal players, cell phones, handheld messaging devices, laptop computers, set-top boxes, personal data assistants, electronic book readers, and/or the like. In some embodiments, client device 102 can store data files (e.g., cookies) that can be transmitted over network 104 to, for example, Web server 106 in order to convey identification and/or other information. Network 104 can include any appropriate network, including an intranet, the Internet, a cellular network, a local area net work, or any other such network or combination thereof. Components used for Such a system can depend at least in part upon the type of network and/or environment selected. Pro tocols and components for communicating via Such a net work are well known and will not be discussed herein in detail. Communication over the network can be enabled by 10 15 wired or wireless connections, and combinations thereof. In this example, the network includes the Internet, as the envi ronment includes a Web server 106 for receiving requests and serving content in response thereto, although for other net works an alternative device serving a similar purpose could be used as would be apparent to one of ordinary skill in the art. The illustrative environment includes at least one applica additional mechanisms in the data store 110. The data store tion server 108 and a data store 110. It should be understood that there can be several application servers, layers, or other elements, processes, or components, which may be chained or otherwise configured, which can interact to perform tasks Such as obtaining data from an appropriate data store. As used herein the term “data store” refers to any device or combina tion of devices capable of storing, accessing, and retrieving data, which may include any combination and number of data servers, databases, data storage devices, and data storage media, in any standard, distributed, or clustered environment. The application server can include any appropriate hardware and Software for integrating with the data store as needed to execute aspects of one or more applications for the client device, handling a majority of the data access and business logic for an application. The application server provides access control services in cooperation with the data store, and is able to generate content such as text, graphics, audio, and/ or video to be transferred to the user, which may be served to the user by the Web server in the form of HTML, XML, or another appropriate structured language in this example. The handling of all requests and responses, as well as the delivery of content between the client device 102 and the application server 108, can be handled by the Web server. It should be understood that the Web and application servers are not required and are merely example components, as structured code discussed herein can be executed on any appropriate device or host machine as discussed elsewhere herein. Fur ther, the environment can be architected in Such a way that a test automation framework can be provided as a service to which a user or application can Subscribe. A test automation framework can be provided as an implementation of any of the various testing patterns discussed herein, although Vari ous other implementations can be used as well, as discussed or Suggested herein. The environment also includes a development and/or test ing side, which includes a user device 118 allowing a user Such as a developer, data administrator, or tester to access the system. The user device 118 can be any appropriate device or machine, such as is described above with respect to the client device 102. The environment also includes a development server 120, which functions similar to the application server 108 but typically runs code during development and testing before the code is deployed and executed on the production side and is accessible to outside users, for example. In some user information 116, which can be used to serve content for the production side. The data store also is shown to include a mechanism for storing testing data 114, which can be used with the user information for the testing side. It should be understood that there can be many other aspects that may need to be stored in the data store, Such as for page image information and access right information, which can be stored in any of the above listed mechanisms as appropriate or in 25 110 is operable, through logic associated therewith, to receive instructions from the application server 108 or development server 120, and obtain, update, or otherwise process data in response thereto. In one example, a user might Submit a search request for a certain type of item (e.g., a food item). In this case, the data store might access the user information to Verify the identity of the user, and can access the catalog detail information to obtain information about items of that type. The information then can be returned to the user, such as in a 30 results listing on a Web page that the user is able to view via a browser on the user device 102. Information for a particular item of interest can be viewed in a dedicated page or window of the browser. 35 40 Each server typically will include an operating system that provides executable program instructions for the general administration and operation of that server, and typically will include a computer-readable medium storing instructions that, when executed by a processor of the server, allow the server to perform its intended functions. Suitable implemen tations for the operating system and general functionality of the servers are known or commercially available, and are readily implemented by persons having ordinary skill in the art, particularly in light of the disclosure herein. The environment in one embodiment is a distributed com 45 50 55 puting environment utilizing several computer systems and components that are interconnected via communication links, using one or more computer networks or direct connections. However, it will be appreciated by those of ordinary skill in the art that such a system could operate equally well in a system having fewer or a greater number of components than are illustrated in FIG.1. Thus, the depiction of the system 100 in FIG. 1 should be taken as being illustrative in nature, and not limiting to the scope of the disclosure. An environment such as that described with respect to FIG. 1 can be used to provide items for consumption by potential customers. As used herein, the term “item' can refer to any thing, such as a product (e.g., food or kitchen equipment), an electronic embodiment of or reference to a product, a service, or a system, that can be ordered, purchased, rented, used, transferred, or otherwise consumed and/or accessed via a 60 65 network request or electronic Submission as part of an elec tronic transaction. A request can include any appropriate request sent over an appropriate system or network, Such as a request submitted to a Web page over the Internet or a mes sage sent via a messaging system to a content provider, for example. In an example in accordance with one embodiment, a user of an electronic marketplace is able to send requests from a client device 102 over a network 104 that are received by an US 9, 165,320 B1 5 application server 108 to allow the user to input recipes, browse for recipes, browse items offered by the electronic marketplace, etc. Using any of a variety of methods known or used in the art, the user is able to input recipes; search for and browse recipes; and search for and browse items offered by the marketplace. The user can be presented with any appro priate information available for each recipe and/or item. For example, the user can be provided with a description and price for a food item. In the embodiment, the user can select items that he or she would like to consume by using a virtual shopping cart or other repository for items. When the user is finished selecting items for a given transaction, the user can be presented with an interface allowing the user to purchase the items. It should be appreciated that various approaches exist within the scope of the various embodiments. In some embodiments, a server of a content provider, Such as a provider of an electronic marketplace can store, on data store 110, catalog data. The catalog data can include infor mation regarding one or more items that are available for purchase from the electronic marketplace. In some embodi ments, the catalog data can include information for items available for purchase directly from the provider of the elec tronic marketplace and/or items available for purchase from third party vendors associated with the electronic market place. In some embodiments, the information for items in the catalog data can include, for example, item prices, item fea tures, item images, item specifications, item descriptions, Video clips, audio clips, user comments, reviews from both paper and online-based periodicals and/or the like. Illustra tively, a package of lettuce available from the electronic mar ketplace can be associated with a price and user reviews for the product. In some embodiments, a server of a content provider can additionally store, on data store 110, recipe data. The recipe data can be received from any suitable source, including one or more third party entities. In some embodiments, the recipe data can include one or more recipes. Each recipe can be associated with certain recipe attributes, metadata, tags, and/ or the like. For example, each recipe can be associated with a set of attributes indicating the recipe’s caloric value, associ ated diet plans, associated food genres, religious approvals, preparation skill levels, preparation times, serving numbers, meal type (e.g., breakfast, lunch, dinner, anytime, etc.) and/or any other suitable recipe related vector. Illustratively, a recipe can be associated with a first attribute indicating an Italian food genre and a second attribute indicating that the recipe is in accordance with kosher requirements. Each recipe can further include instructions for cooking a particular dish or meal. The instructions can include text, images, video, audio, hyperlinks, and/or any other Suitable multimedia elements. In some embodiments, each recipe can reference one or more food items, kitchen equipment items, and/or the like. Embodiments of the present invention can analyze the instructions (e.g., parse text-based instructions) of each recipe to identify the one or more items referenced by the recipe. For example, a recipe can reference use of a Sugar ingredient and a mixing bowl. Embodiments of the present invention can perform a parsing operation on the text of the recipe in order to identify the aforementioned Sugar ingredi ent and mixing bowl item. 10 dient with the item. 15 As another example, embodiments can associate or map items belonging to the same class or category. In particular, embodiments can determine that an item referenced in a 25 30 35 recipe is associated with a particular item category. Embodi ments can further determine items referenced in the catalog data are also associated with the same item category. Embodi ments can, based on the determinations, associate or map the item referenced in the recipe to the items referenced in the catalog data. Illustratively, an ingredient of a recipe can be identified as being associated with a cabbage category. Anapa productanda Savoy product referenced in the catalog data can also be identified as being associated with the cabbage cat egory. As such, embodiments can associate the ingredient in the recipe with the napa and Savoy products referenced in the catalog data. In this way, items referenced in a recipe can be associated with items referenced in the catalog data without requiring that the items include identical or similaridentifiers. Associations between an item and a category can be deter mined in any suitable manner. For example, associations can be manually provided or input by a user or group of users. As another example, associations can be determined based on a Suitable algorithm. Illustratively, associations can be deter mined based on a fuzzy logic algorithm. Embodiments can further associate items referenced in a 40 45 50 recipe with items referenced in the catalog databased on user input. For example, embodiments can enable a recipe editor, system administrator, or any other suitable user to associate an item referenced in a recipe with one or more items refer enced in the catalog data. Illustratively, embodiments can provide an interface that enables a recipe editor to associate an ingredient in a particular recipe with, for example, a straw berry item, a blueberry item, and a raspberry item referenced in an electronic marketplace's catalog data. In some embodiments, items from a recipe can be associ ated with alternative items. For example, a recipe might specify a button mushroom. Embodiments might associate the button mushroom with a button mushroom item refer 55 enced in the catalog data of an electronic marketplace. Embodiments might additionally associate the button mush room with an alternative item in the catalog data, Such as a cremini mushroom. In some embodiments, it may be prefer able to select an alternative item instead of a standard item. Selection of an alternative item over a standard item can occur for any suitable reason. For example, an alternative might be selected because a user has indicated that he or she does not 60 Embodiments can further associate one or more of the identified food items, kitchen equipment, and/or the like with one or more items referenced in an electronic marketplace's catalog data. For example, a recipe can include an apple ingredient. Embodiments can associate or map the apple ingredient in the recipe with an apple product referenced in the electronic marketplace's catalog data. As another 6 example, a recipe can include a mushroom ingredient. Embodiments can associate or map the mushroom ingredient with a button mushroom product, an oyster mushroom prod uct, and a chanterelle mushroom product, each of which can be referenced in the electronic marketplace's catalog data. Embodiments can associate or map items referenced in a recipe with items referenced in an electronic marketplace's catalog data in any Suitable manner. For example, embodi ments can associate items through identifying those items with identical or similar identifiers. Illustratively, an ingredi ent referenced in a recipe and an item referenced in the cata log data can both include the term “apple' in their names or descriptions. As such, embodiments can associate the ingre 65 like the original ingredient specified in a recipe. As another example, an alternative might be selected in order to enable a recipe to meet certain user preferences, such as a caloric Value, a price range, etc. Determination of a specific alternative item for a standard item can be performed using any Suitable criteria or informa tion. For example, alternative items can be determined based on associated food item categories, food item taste profiles, US 9, 165,320 B1 7 information provided by a recipe editor, crowd-sourcing information, and/or the like. Illustratively, users of the elec tronic marketplace (via a suitable interface) might recom mend that a certain cheaper ingredient be used in a recipe over a more expensive counterpart. Based on this crowd-sourced information, embodiments might determine that the cheaper ingredient is a Suitable alternative for the more expensive ingredient. According to some embodiments, recipes and information for items available for purchase from an electronic market place can be presented to users in various fashions at various locations and times, such as during item discovery (e.g., searching, browsing, etc.) and/or at various points in an order pipeline. For example, a user can access a web page associated with the electronic marketplace to browse for one or more recipes. Upon deciding on a particular recipe, the user can select the recipe. Embodiments can thereafter populate the user's vir tual shopping cart with the items needed to complete the recipe. Thereafter, the user can access the virtual shopping cart to obtain information regarding the different items needed to complete the recipe, and also to create a purchase order for the items. In some instances, rather than populating a virtual shopping cart, embodiments can automatically cre ate a purchase order on behalf of the user. In doing so, items needed by the user to complete the selected recipe can be automatically delivered to the user. As another example, a user can access a recipe web page available from the server of a third party content provider, Such as the website of a cooking periodical. The web page may include a hyperlink, button, or any other Suitable inter face element for purchasing the items needed to complete the recipe. In some instances, by clicking on the interface ele ment, a virtual shopping cart for the electronic marketplace can be populated with the items needed to complete the recipe. The user may later access the virtual shopping cart to initiate a purchase transaction for the items. In other instances, rather than populating a virtual shopping cart, embodiments can automatically create a purchase order on behalf of the user. In this example, transfer of the information for the recipe from the third party content provider to the electronic marketplace can occur in any suitable manner. Illustratively, information for the items necessary for the recipe can be transmitted from a server of the third party content provider to a server of the electronic marketplace. Upon receipt, embodiments can select one or more of the items from the electronic marketplace, and either populate a virtual shopping cart or automatically create a purchase order 5 10 15 on historical user data. In some instances, the historical user 25 30 35 40 45 on behalf of the user. In some embodiments, an algorithm can be employed to select one or more items from the electronic marketplace. The one or more items can be those items needed to complete the recipes selected by the user. The algorithm can consider any 50 suitable criteria or combinations of criteria to select the one or more items. In some embodiments, the algorithm can con sider a set of user preferences in order to select the one or more items. User preference criteria can include any suitable criteria, such as food allergy criteria, serving number criteria, a calorie requirement, a diet plan, an exercise plan, a religious requirement, a meal preparation skill level, a set of preferred food items, price criteria, a set of food item exclusions, etc. For example, items referenced in a recipe can be associated with more than one item available for purchase from an elec tronic marketplace. Illustratively, a vanilla extract ingredient in a recipe might be associated with 10 different brands of vanilla extract available from the electronic marketplace. As part of his or her userpreferences, a user might have indicated 8 that he or she wishes to have the cheapest option for complet ing a selected recipe. In order to reduce the cost of the recipe, the algorithm might select the brand of vanilla extract with the lowest price. In some embodiments, the algorithm can Swap items in a recipe to allow the recipe to meet the criteria provided by a user's preferences. For example, a particular recipe might require a relatively expensive portabella mushroom that would cause the recipe to cost more than $10.00 to complete. The algorithm might, in order to reduce the cost of the recipe, swap out the portabella mushroom with a more cost effective button mushroom alternative. As another example, a particu lar recipe might require a particular ingredient that does not meet the religious requirements specified by a user. The algo rithm might Swap out the ingredient for an ingredient that meets the religious requirements of the user. As still another example, a particular recipe might require an ingredient to which a user has indicated he or she is allergic. The algorithm might Swap out the ingredient for an ingredient to which a user has indicated he or she is not allergic. In some embodiments, the algorithm can select items based 55 60 data can include data specific to the user. In certain imple mentations, the algorithm can analyze the purchase history of the user to determine items that the user might prefer to be used in the selected recipes. As a simple example, a user might have previously purchased frozen pizzas, dried pasta, and parmesan cheese. Each of the aforementioned items might be associated with a single product brand. Based on this information, the algorithm might selector be more inclined to select items associated with the same product brand. In some embodiments, historical user data can additionally or alter natively include aggregate user data collected by the elec tronic marketplace (e.g., via a server). In some implementa tions, the algorithm can determine those items that are most popular and/or most highly rated by users of the electronic marketplace. Based on this information, the algorithm might select or be more inclined to select items that are relatively popular or highly rated. In some embodiments, the algorithm can select items based on training data provided by the user. Embodiments can obtain the training data in any suitable manner. For example, the training data can be based on ratings previously provided for items that the user has previously purchased. The training data can be additionally or alternatively be based on ratings provided by the user for a series of example items. Illustra tively, embodiments might present the user with a series of example items. The user can provideratings for each example item. In some embodiments, the ratings can indicate the user's relative like or dislike for a particular item. The algo rithm can use the ratings provided by the training data to determine those items that the user might tend to prefer. Embodiments can use any combination of item attributes (e.g., brand name, caloric value, price, etc.) and other infor mation gleaned from the training data to determine those items that the user might tend to enjoy or prefer. For example, the algorithm might determine that the user tends to prefer brand name items over generic items. As a result, the algo rithm might be more included to select brand name items for the user. As another example, the algorithm might determine that the user tends to prefer low cost food items. As a result, the algorithm might be more inclined to select cheaper food item options for the user. In Some embodiments, where a user has selected more than 65 one recipe, the algorithm can determine whether any dupli cate ingredients are shared among the recipes and adjust the quantity of any duplicate ingredients accordingly. Illustra US 9, 165,320 B1 9 tively, a user may have selected three recipes. Each recipe can require, for example, a slice of bread. The algorithm can determine that a single loaf of bread would be sufficient to complete each of the three recipes. As such, only one loaf of bread would be selected (rather than, for example three loaves—one for each recipe). In this way, a user can obtain a Sufficient amount of ingredients necessary to complete his or her selected recipes while avoiding over purchasing the quan tity of the ingredients. In some embodiments, as discussed, information for one or more items available for purchase from the electronic mar ketplace can be presented to a user via a virtual shopping cart upon the user's selection of a recipe that requires the items. The user can thereafter initiate a purchase transaction by providing an order confirmation. In other embodiments, the one or more items might not be presented to a user prior to initiation of the purchase transaction. Rather, a purchase transaction can be automatically initiated for the one or more items. In such embodiments, the user can have previously provided payment and shipment information, which can be securely stored in, for example, data store 110. As such, the purchase transaction and shipment of the items to the user can proceed without substantial user intervention. In some embodiments, a user can indicate that the delivery of certain items is to be spread out or suitably distributed over a time period. Illustratively, a user might select two recipes and a number of items associated with the recipes for pur chase. The user might further indicate that he or she would like to make the first recipe on Monday, and the second recipe on Tuesday. As such, only items associated with the first recipe would be delivered on Monday. Items associated with the second recipe would thereafter be delivered on Tuesday. FIG. 2 illustrates a process for selecting items for purchase based on a selected recipe in accordance with one embodi ment. In this example 200, recipe data can be received at block 202. The recipe data can be received from, for example, one or more third party entities. As discussed, the recipe data can include one or more recipes. In some embodiments, each recipe can include instructions specifying, for example, the use of certain items, such as ingredients, kitchen equipment, etc. At block 204, the items specified in each recipe can be associated with items referenced in the catalog data of an electronic marketplace. The items referenced in the catalog data can be those items that are available for purchase from the electronic marketplace. At block 206, a recipe selection can be received from a user. The recipe selection can include information regarding one or more recipes that the user would like to prepare. In some embodiments, the recipe selection can additionally include user preferences. The user prefer ences can include any suitable recipe Vectors, including price ranges, caloric values, religious requirements, preparation 5 Once the user is satisfied with the different items in his or her 10 15 25 30 35 40 45 face element 302. Interface element 302 can be any suitable interface element, such as a button, hyperlink, drop down box, etc. According to Some embodiments, upon selecting interface element 302, embodiments can automatically gen erate a virtual shopping cart for the user. The virtual shopping cart can include the items referenced by the cake recipe. Illustratively, upon selecting interface element 302, a virtual shopping cart for the user can be automatically populated with 7 apple items, a package of flour, 2 Sticks of butter, a package of baking Soda, and a package of Sugar. The items in the virtual shopping cart can be those items available for purchase from an electronic marketplace. In some embodi ments, upon selecting interface element 302, embodiments can automatically create a purchase order for items refer enced by the cake recipe. For example, an order including 7 apple items, a package of flour, 2 sticks ofbutter, a package of baking Soda, and a package of Sugar can be processed and delivered to the user. 50 55 some embodiments, the selection of the items can be influ 60 formed as to whether an order for the one or more items should be automatically created. The determination can be performed based on any suitable criteria or information. For example, the user might have indicated previously that an order for any selected items should be automatically created. If it is determined that an order should be created, the process can proceed to block 216. Otherwise, the process can proceed result of the user selecting an order Submit selection or similar option, for example. At block 216, the order can be submitted for processing such that the items can be delivered to the user. At a later time, feedback for a selected recipe (e.g., rating information) can be provided by the user at block 218. While FIG. 2 shows a specific set of steps, there can be several additional and/or alternative steps that can be used with the steps shown in FIG. 2 or fewer steps in any appro priate order, in accordance with various embodiments. FIG.3 illustrates an example of an interface 300 that can be generated for display to allow a user to select a recipe in accordance with one embodiment. In this example, a user can view a web page that includes information for a recipe. The web page can include recipe instructions, list of ingredients, nutritional values, and other information. Illustratively, FIG. 3 shows an apple cake recipe that includes the ingredients (e.g., apples, flour, etc.) required to complete the apple cake. The example additionally includes directions for making the apple cake and nutritional information. In some embodiments, interface 300 can include an inter skill levels, food items to avoid, and/or the like. At block 208, enced by the user preferences and purchase history provided by the user. At decision 210, a determination can be per virtual shopping cart, a confirmation can be received from the user for the order at block 214. The confirmation can be a one or more items can be selected. The items can be those items that are needed complete the selected one or more recipes. Illustratively, a user can select a recipe for a salad. As Such, the items (e.g., food items, kitchen equipment) needed to complete the salad can be selected from the catalog data. In 10 to block 212. At block 212, information regarding the selected items can be provided to the user. In particular, the selected items can be placed in a virtual shopping cart, which can enable a user to view various information regarding the selected items. The information can include price informa tion, quantity information, item descriptions, specifications, ratings, etc. In some embodiments, the user can change, update, or add additional items to the virtual shopping cart. 65 Interface 300 can be presented in any suitable location. For example, in some embodiments, interface 300 can be accessed from a server of the electronic marketplace. As another example, interface 300 can be accessed from the server of a third party entity. Illustratively, a user can access interface 300 via a server associated with the website of a cooking magazine. Upon selecting button 302, information for the selected recipe, including the items referenced by the recipe, can be transmitted to a server of the electronic mar ketplace. FIG. 4 illustrates an example of an interface 400 that can be generated for display to allow a user to select a recipe in accordance with another embodiment. Illustratively, inter face 400 shows a list 402 including a salad recipe; a prawns with chutney recipe; a guacamole recipe; and an avocado and pear Smoothie recipe. As shown in FIG. 4, a set of user preferences 404 is displayed that enables a user to specify criteria that can influence the recipes presented in list 402. In US 9, 165,320 B1 11 this example, a user can be presented with pricing ranges, calorie ranges, a field related to foods exclusions, and a field for inputting favored food genres. As shown in FIG. 4, the user has, for example, specified that any listed recipes cost greater than $20.00. As discussed, the recipes in list 402 can meet certain user preferences input by the user. For example, the user may have indicated that green beans and onions be avoided in any selected recipes. As a result, each recipe in the list might not include green beans or onions as ingredients. In some embodiments, not all the user preferences are required to be met in order for a recipe to be presented. In certain embodi ments, list 402 can be updated dynamically. More specifi cally, as a user changes or updates his or her user preferences, list 402 can be automatically updated (e.g., new recipes pre sented, recipes removed, recipes re-ordered, etc.) in real-time or Substantially real-time to reflect changes in the user pref 10 15 CCS. In some embodiments, list 402 can be ranked or ordered. According to some embodiments, recipes ranked higher can appear at the top of list 402 while lower ranked recipes can appear at the bottom of the list. The rankings of the recipes can be based on any Suitable criteria or combinations of criteria. In certain embodiments, recipes can be ranked based on how closely the recipes meet a user's preferences. For example, recipes that meet a greater number of the user's preferences can be ranked higher. In some embodiments, recipes can be ranked based on user historical data and/or user provided ratings. In the example of FIG. 4, the recipes in list 402 are ranked based on the star rating for each recipe. A recipe’s individual starrating can be the average rating for the recipe provided by an electronic marketplace's users. In this example, users can provide a recipe with a rating between one and five stars. Recipes with more stars can be rated and ranked higher than recipes with fewer stars. Illustratively, the salad recipe has a 5 star rating 404 and as Such is rated higher than the guacamole recipe, which has a 4 star rating 406. As a result, the salad recipe is positioned higher on list 402 than the guacamole recipe. In some embodiments, interface 400 can be used in addi 25 30 35 40 tion or in alternative to interface 300 shown in FIG. 3. Illus tratively, embodiments can enable a user to select a recipe while viewing detailed information for the recipe (e.g., view a web page regarding a recipe that includes instructions and an ingredients list, etc.). Embodiments can further enable a user to select one or more recipes from a list of recipes. In the 45 view, as shown in interface 400, detailed information, such as an ingredients list, might not be presented to the user. FIG. 5 illustrates an example of an interface that can be generated for display to allow a user to view the contents of a virtual shopping cart assembled based on one or more selected recipes in accordance with one embodiment. In the example, the virtual shopping cart includes a list 502 of one or more items selected for purchase. As shown in FIG. 5, the list includes an avocado item, a pear item, and a tossing spoons 50 55 item. Each of the aforementioned items can have been auto matically added to the virtual shopping cart based on recipes previously selected by the user. The avocado, pear, and toss ing spoons items can represent those items that are available for purchase from the electronic marketplace. In some embodiments, each item in the list can include various pur chase information, such as a price for the item, a selected quantity to be purchased, etc. For example, the pear item is shown as being $2.00 in price. In certain embodiments, each item in the list can include the recipe with which it is associ ated. For example, the pear item includes a description 504 that indicates that the pear item is associated with (e.g., to be 60 65 12 used for) a salad recipe previously selected by the user. In this way, a user can be apprised of the particular recipe with which each item in his or her shopping cart is associated. Upon reviewing the information displayed by interface 500, a user can cause a purchase transaction to be initiated by clicking on a suitable interface element. For example, inter face 500 includes a “Place your order” button. Following the purchase transaction (which may also include the input of payment information, shipping information, etc.) the items listed in the virtual shopping cart can be distributed or deliv ered to the user. In certain embodiments, any deliveries of items to the user can further include physical copies of each selected recipe with which the items are to be used. In some embodiments, the physical copies can include bar codes or Some other recipe identification mechanism. In the event the user wishes to make a recipe again, the user can use a Suitable optical device (e.g., a mobile device camera, webcam con nected to a computer, a bar code scanner connected to a computer, etc.) to conveniently provide a recipe selection to a server of the electronic marketplace. FIG. 6 illustrates an example of an interface 600 that can be generated for display to allow a user to view the contents of a virtual shopping cart assembled based on one or more selected recipes in accordance with another embodiment. Interface 600 can be similar to interface 500 shown in FIG.S. However, rather than presenting a list based on the items selected for purchase, interface 600 can be based on the one or more recipes previously selected by the user. In particular, interface 600 includes a list 602 including those recipes pre viously selected by the user. As shown in FIG. 6, list 602 includes an avocado and pear Salad recipe, a steak and mush rooms recipe, and a cheesecake recipe. As further shown in FIG. 6, each recipe in the list 602 can include a description listing the items that are currently in the shopping cart. For example, description 604 lists the ingredients needed to com plete the steak and mushroom recipe. In addition, description 604 notes that these ingredients are currently in the user's virtual shopping cart. As also shown in FIG. 6, an interface element 606 (e.g., a hyperlink) can be used to update the ingredients in the shopping cart. For example, a user might currently own or have in his or her possession, a rib eye steak. As such, the user might click on interface element 606 to remove the rib eye steak from the cart. As discussed with respect to FIG. 5, a user can click on the “Place your order button to initiate a purchase transaction. As also discussed, any deliveries of items to the user can include physical copies of each selected recipe with which the items are to be used. In the event the user wishes to make a recipe again, the user can use a suitable optical device (e.g., a mobile device camera, webcam connected to a computer, a bar code scanner con nected to a computer, etc.) to conveniently provide a recipe selection to a server of the electronic marketplace. FIG. 7 illustrates an example of an interface 700 that can be generated for display to allow a user to provide feedback for a recipe in accordance with one embodiment. In some embodiments, a rating system can be provided. The rating system can enable a user to indicate his or her relative satis faction with a recipe that the user has previously tried. In this example, the rating system is based on a star rating system. In particular, a user can provide a star rating between one and five stars. In certain embodiments, a high star rating can indicate that a user is relatively satisfied with the recipe. The provided rating can be used in any Suitable manner. For example, embodiments can use the ratings to later determine other recipes that the user might like or dislike. As another example, the rating can be averaged with the ratings provided by other users for the recipe. In some embodiments, interface US 9, 165,320 B1 13 700 enables a user to provide comments or a review of the recipe. In particular, a user can input any comments via text field or interface element 702. The comments can be viewed by users of the electronic marketplace in order to assess a particular recipe. It should be appreciated that while the interfaces shown in FIGS. 3-7 show use of specific interface elements (e.g., text fields, etc.), any Suitable interface elements or combination of interface elements can be used (e.g., a list, checkboxes, radio buttons, etc.). In some embodiments, a user can provide input or infor mation regarding Substitutions or alternative ingredients for a recipe. For example, a recipe may require an apple as an ingredient. A user may indicate, through a suitable interface, that Substituting the apple in the recipe for a pear would make the food dish produced from the recipe taste better. Embodi ments can use Such information in the future to suggest Sub stitutions or alternatives for the recipe to, for example, other 10 In one embodiment, the user can use the camera to take 15 USCS. In some embodiments, rather than selecting and browsing for recipes, a user can have recipes automatically selected based on his or her user preferences and/or other data (e.g., purchase history, etc.). Based on the selected recipes, items can be selected and placed in a virtual shopping cart, or automatically purchased and delivered to the user. Illustra tively, a user can indicate that he or she wishes to adhere to a certain diet plan. Embodiments, can select one or more reci pes that meet, either alone or collectively, the requirements of the diet. For example, a user might indicate that he or she is currently on a low carbohydrates diet plan. Embodiments can select recipes that collectively provide a nutritional value that meets the requirements for the diet plan (e.g., selecting reci pes that limit carbohydrate intake to a certain level). 25 30 35 40 45 scribed to the service. In some embodiments, a user can provide information regarding food items the user currently owns or is available to the user. Recipes can thereafter be presented to the user based on the food items that the user previously input. In some embodiments, each of the recipes can include, as an ingredi ent, at least one of the food items. After being presented with the recipes, the user can select one or more of the recipes. In response to the selection, embodiments can identify those items available from the marketplace that are needed, in addi tion to the food items provided by the user, to complete a set of ingredients needed to prepare the recipes. Embodiments can thereafter either place the additional items in a virtual shopping cart associated with the user or automatically ini tiate a purchase transaction to purchase the additional items 50 55 60 on behalf of the user. Embodiments can, in Some implementations, enable a user to input the food items that he or she currently owns or has available by using a portable device. Such as a mobile phone, tablet device, multimedia player, hand-held Scanner, camera, pictures of barcodes on the packages or labeling of certain food items. The barcodes (either an image of the barcode or information related to the barcode e.g., a barcode value) can be matched against a bar code database stored on, for example, data store 110 to determine the food items in the user's possession. In a second embodiment, the user can use the camera to In certain embodiments, a user can Subscribe to an auto matic recipe selection and delivery service that is based on his or her user preferences (e.g., price range, diet plans, food allergies, etc.) and/or other data. For example, a user Sub scribing to the service can indicate that he or she has a budget of S100 every week. Based on this information, embodiments can automatically select recipes that collectively cost $100 each week to produce. Based on these recipes, food and other items can be automatically purchased and/or delivered to the user on a periodic basis. For example, the user can receive a first delivery of items on Thursday and a second delivery of items on Friday. The service may continue to automatically select recipes and deliver items needed for those recipes until the user indicates that he or she no longer wants to be Sub 14 etc. For example, a user can use an RFID reader module of a mobile device to scan an RFID tag embedded in or attached to the package of a particular food item. The information obtained by the reader module can be received and processed by embodiments in order to determine a food item that the user currently has in his or her possession. As another example, a user can use a camera module of a mobile phone to take pictures of food items that the user currently has in his or her possession. The pictures can thereafter be received and processed by embodiments in order to determine the food items that the user currently has in his or her possession. For example, the images can be analyzed by Amazon Mechanical TurkTM or any suitable algorithmic systems. 65 take a suitable picture of one or more food items. The picture can be analyzed using a suitable algorithm to determine the food items that are the subjects of the picture, and therefore in the user's possession. For example, a user can take a picture of a particular food item. An algorithm can determine, based on the image characteristics of the picture that the picture includes a banana. As another example, a user can take a picture of his or her refrigerator. An algorithm can identify, based on the image characteristics of the picture, each of the individual foods in the user's refrigerator. Illustratively, the algorithm can determine that a cartoon of milk and a stalk of celery are in the user's refrigerator. In a third embodiment, the algorithm use optical character recognition (OCR) to process the labels (e.g. packaging labels, sticker labels, etc.) of the food items in a picture. Through processing the text of the labels, the algorithm can identify the specific food items in a picture. In some implementations, an algorithm can automatically fragment a picture into multiple portions and process each portion individually to determine the food items identified in the picture. In other implementations, a user can individually identify or tag regions (e.g., each region can include an indi vidual food item) of the picture in order to enable the algo rithm to fragment the picture for processing. Although certain embodiments described above are described with respect to physical items, the methods and systems can be equally applied to items that are electronically fulfilled. For example, a user may be presented with the environmental impact information associated with the deliv ery of a physical medium containing a movie (e.g., a DVD, Blu-Ray disc, etc.) versus the environmental impact of the delivery of a movie downloaded or streamed to a user's selected client device over a network, such as the Internet. As discussed above, the various embodiments can be implemented in a wide variety of operating environments, which in some cases can include one or more user computers, computing devices, or processing devices which can be used to operate any of a number of applications. User or client devices can include any of a number of general purpose personal computers, such as desktop or laptop computers running a standard operating system, as well as cellular, wire less, and handheld devices running mobile software and capable of supporting a number of networking and messaging protocols. Such a system also can include a number of work stations running any of a variety of commercially-available operating systems and other known applications for purposes US 9, 165,320 B1 15 Such as development and database management. These 16 ware, such as applets), or both. Further, connection to other computing devices such as network input/output devices may be employed. Storage media and computer readable media for containing code, or portions of code, can include any appropriate media known or used in the art, including storage media and com devices also can include other electronic devices. Such as dumb terminals, thin-clients, gaming systems, and other devices capable of communicating via a network. Most embodiments utilize at least one network that would be familiar to those skilled in the art for Supporting commu nications using any of a variety of commercially-available protocols, such as TCP/IP. OSI, FTP, UPnP, NFS, CIFS, and AppleTalk. The network can be, for example, a local area network, a wide-area network, a virtual private network, the Internet, an intranet, an extranet, a public Switched telephone network, an infrared network, a wireless network, and any munication media, Such as but not limited to volatile and 10 combination thereof. In embodiments utilizing a Web server, the Web server can run any of a variety of server or mid-tier applications, includ ing HTTP servers, FTP servers, CGI servers, data servers, Java servers, and business application servers. The server(s) also may be capable of executing programs or Scripts in response requests from user devices, such as by executing one or more Web applications that may be implemented as one or more Scripts or programs written in any programming lan guage, such as Java R., C, C# or C++, or any scripting lan guage, such as Perl, Python, or TCL, as well as combinations thereof. The server(s) may also include database servers, including without limitation those commercially available from Oracle(R, Microsoft(R), Sybase(R), and IBM(R). The environment can include a variety of data stores and other memory and storage media as discussed above. These can reside in a variety of locations, such as on a storage medium local to (and/or resident in) one or more of the computers or remote from any or all of the computers across the network. In a particular set of embodiments, the informa tion may reside in a storage-area network ("SAN) familiar to those skilled in the art. Similarly, any necessary files for performing the functions attributed to the computers, servers, or other network devices may be stored locally and/or remotely, as appropriate. Where a system includes comput 15 mentS. The specification and drawings are, accordingly, to be regarded in an illustrative rather than a restrictive sense. It will, however, be evident that various modifications and 25 changes may be made thereunto without departing from the broader spirit and scope of the invention as set forth in the claims. What is claimed is: 30 1. A computer-implemented method comprising: receiving, by a computer system, a request for recipes from a user device; receiving, over a network, a picture of one or more food items that are not needed for an order associated with the request for recipes, the picture captured by a camera 35 module associated with the user device, the user device in communication with the computer system via the network; erized devices, each Such device can include hardware ele ments that may be electrically coupled via abus, the elements including, for example, at least one central processing unit (CPU), at least one input device (e.g., a mouse, keyboard, controller, touch screen, or keypad), and at least one output device (e.g., a display device, printer, or speaker). Such a system may also include one or more storage devices, such as disk drives, optical storage devices, and Solid-state storage devices such as random access memory (“RAM) or read only memory (“ROM), as well as removable media devices, memory cards, flash cards, etc. Such devices also can include a computer-readable storage media reader, a communications device (e.g., a modem, a network card (wireless or wired), an infrared communication device, etc.), and working memory as described above. The computer-readable storage media reader can be connected with, or configured to receive, a computer-readable storage medium, representing remote, local, fixed, and/or removable storage devices as well as storage media for temporarily and/or more permanently containing, storing, transmitting, and retrieving computer-readable information. The system and various devices also typically will include a number of Software applications, modules, services, or other elements located within at least one working memory device, including an operating system and application programs, such as a client application or Web browser. It should be appreciated that alternate embodiments may have numerous variations from that described above. For example, customized hard ware might also be used and/or particular elements might be implemented in hardware, Software (including portable soft non-volatile, removable and non-removable media imple mented in any method or technology for storage and/or trans mission of information Such as computer readable instruc tions, data structures, program modules, or other data, including RAM, ROM, EEPROM, flash memory or other memory technology, CD-ROM, digital versatile disk (DVD) or other optical storage, magnetic cassettes, magnetic tape, magnetic disk storage or other magnetic storage devices, or any other medium which can be used to store the desired information and which can be accessed by the a system device. Based on the disclosure and teachings provided herein, a person of ordinary skill in the art will appreciate other ways and/or methods to implement the various embodi 40 45 50 fragmenting, by the computer system, the picture into plu rality of portions and processing each portion of the plurality of portions to identify the one or more food items included in the picture; providing, over the network, a listing of recipes for presen tation to the user device, wherein a recipe included in the listing of recipes references, as an ingredient, at least one of the one or more food items identified in the picture: receiving, from the user device, a selection of at least one recipe from the listing: identifying, by the computer system, a set of catalog items, wherein each catalog item in the set of catalog items is needed to complete the at least one recipe; automatically adding, by the computer system, the set of catalog items to a virtual shopping cart associated with a user that does not include the one or more food items 55 60 65 identified in the picture, wherein at least one catalog item in the set of catalog items is a non-food item; providing, over the network, the virtual shopping cart to the user device, wherein the virtual shopping cart includes purchase information for each catalog item in the virtual shopping cart; and creating, by the computer system, the order for the set of catalog items, the set of catalog items being based at least in part on a first catalog item that the user has previously purchased. 2. The computer-implemented method of claim 1, wherein the non-food item is a kitchen appliance, a utensil, an item of cutlery, an item of cookware, an item of bakeware, or an item of tableware. US 9, 165,320 B1 17 3. The computer-implemented method of claim 1, further comprising Substituting a catalog item in the set of catalog items with one or more alternative catalog items, wherein the Substituting is based in part on at least one of the following: food allergy criteria, serving number criteria, a calorie requirement, a diet plan, an exercise plan, a religious require ment, a meal preparation skill level, a set of preferred food genres, price criteria, a percentage of food items to be used, an amount of food items to be used, or a set of food exclusions. 4. A computer-implemented method comprising: receiving, by a computer system, a request for recipes from 18 11. A computer-implemented method comprising: receiving, by a computer system, a request for recipes from a user device; receiving, over a network, a picture of one or more food items that are not needed for an order associated with the request for recipes, the picture captured by a camera module associated with the user device, the user device in communication with the computer system via the network; 10 a user device; receiving, over a network, a picture of one or more food items that are not needed for an order associated with the request for recipes, the picture captured by a camera 15 module associated with the user device, the user device in communication with the computer system via the network; receiving, via the user device, information identifying regions of the picture, a particular region of the regions including an individual food item; fragmenting, by the computer system, the picture into a plurality of portions and processing each portion of the plurality of portions to identify the one or more food items included in the picture based at least in part on the information identifying the regions of the picture; providing for presentation, to the user device, one or more recipes, wherein each recipe of the one or more recipes references, as an ingredient, at least one of the one or more food items identified in the picture; receiving, from the user device, a selection of at least one recipe; identifying, by the computer system, a set of catalog items, wherein the set of catalog items are needed to complete the at least one recipe; and automatically adding, by the computer system, the set of catalog items to a virtual shopping cart associated with a 25 30 35 user that does not include the one or more food items 40 identified in the picture, the set of catalog items being based at least in part on a first catalog item the user has previously reviewed, wherein at least one catalog item in the set of catalog items is a non-food item. 5. The computer-implemented method of claim 4, wherein 45 the non-food item is a kitchen tool. 6. The computer-implemented method of claim 4, wherein the picture includes at least one of the following: an image of the at least one food item, an image of a barcode associated with the at least one food item, or an image of a label associ 50 ated with the at least one food item. 7. The computer-implemented method of claim 4, further comprising Substituting one or more catalogitems in the set of catalog items with one or more alternative catalog items. 8. The computer implemented method of claim 7 wherein the substituting is based in part on at least one of the follow ing: food allergy criteria, serving number criteria, a calorie requirement, a diet plan, an exercise plan, a religious require ment, a meal preparation skill level, a set of preferred food genres, price criteria, a percentage of food items to be used, an a user device; 55 receiving, over a network, a picture of one or more food items that are not needed for an order associated with the request for recipes, the picture captured by a camera module associated with the user device, the user device in communication with the computer system via the network; 60 amount of food items to be used, or a set of food exclusions. 9. The computer-implemented method of claim 4, wherein identifying the set of catalog items is based at least in part on user purchase history data. 10. The computer-implemented method of claim 4, wherein identifying the set of catalog items is based at least in part on training data. fragmenting, by the computer system, the picture into mul tiple portions and processing each portion of the mul tiple portions to identify the one or more food items included in the picture; providing, over the network and via the user device, one or more recipes, wherein each recipe of the one or more recipes references, as an ingredient, at least one of the one or more food items identified in the picture; receiving, from the user device, a selection of at least one recipe; identifying, by the computer system, a set of catalog items, wherein the set of catalog items are needed to complete the at least one recipe; and creating, by the computer system, an order for the set of catalog items that does not include the one or more food items identified in the picture, the set of catalog items being based at least in part on a first catalog item a user has previously returned, wherein at least one catalog item in the set of catalog items is a non-food item. 12. The computer-implemented method of claim 11, wherein the non-food item is cooking equipment. 13. The computer-implemented method of claim 11, whereincreation of the order results in the shipment of the set of catalog items to the user. 14. The computer-implemented method of claim 11, wherein the picture includes at least one of the following: an image of the at least one food item, an image of a barcode associated with the at least one food item, or an image of a label associated with the at least one food item. 15. The computer-implemented method of claim 11, wherein the processing includes performing optical character recognition on the picture. 16. The computer-implemented method of claim 11, fur ther comprising Substituting a first catalog item included in the set of catalog items with a second catalog item, wherein the substituting is based in part on at least one of the follow ing: food allergy criteria, serving number criteria, a calorie requirement, a diet plan, an exercise plan, a religious require ment, a meal preparation skill level, a set of preferred food genres, price criteria, a percentage of food items to be used, an amount of food items to be used, or a set of food exclusions. 17. A computer-implemented method comprising: receiving at least one user preference criteria; receiving, by a computer system, a request for recipes from 65 receiving, via the user device and over the network, infor mation identifying regions of the picture, wherein a par ticular region of the regions includes an individual food item; fragmenting, by the computer system, the picture into mul tiple portions and processing each portion of the mul tiple portions to identify the one or more food items included in the picture based at least in part on the information identifying the regions of the picture; US 9, 165,320 B1 19 causing presentation to the user device and over the net work, of one or more recipes based on the at least one user preference criteria, wherein each recipe of the one or more recipes references, as an ingredient, at least one of the one or more food items identified in the picture: 5 receiving, from the user device, a selection of at least two recipes; identifying, by the computer system, a set of one or more catalog items, wherein the one or more catalog items are needed to complete the at least one recipe; 10 creating, by the computer system, an order for the set of catalog items that does not include the one or more food items identified in the picture; and identifying, by the computer system, a first delivery date for a first Subset of the set of catalog items and a second delivery date for a second subset of the set of catalog 15 items. 18. The computer-implemented method of claim 17, wherein the at least one user preference criteria includes at least one of the following: food allergy criteria, serving num ber criteria, a calorie requirement, a diet plan, an exercise 20 plan, a religious requirement, a meal preparation skill level, a set of preferred food genres, price criteria, a percentage of food items to be used, an amount of food items to be used, or a set of food exclusions. 19. The computer-implemented method of claim 17, fur- as ther comprising initiating a periodic purchase transaction for the set of catalog items. k k k k k 20

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