Motorola Mobility, Inc. v. Apple, Inc.

Filing 94

NOTICE by Motorola Mobility, Inc. of Filing Brief on Claim Construction (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit, # 2 Exhibit, # 3 Exhibit, # 4 Exhibit, # 5 Exhibit, # 6 Exhibit, # 7 Exhibit, # 8 Exhibit, # 9 Exhibit, # 10 Exhibit, # 11 Exhibit, # 12 Exhibit, # 13 Exhibit, # 14 Exhibit, # 15 Exhibit, # 16 Exhibit, # 17 Exhibit, # 18 Exhibit, # 19 Exhibit, # 20 Exhibit, # 21 Exhibit, # 22 Exhibit, # 23 Exhibit, # 24 Exhibit, # 25 Exhibit, # 26 Exhibit, # 27 Exhibit, # 28 Exhibit, # 29 Exhibit, # 30 Exhibit, # 31 Affidavit)(Giuliano, Douglas)

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Exhibit 19 to Motorola’s Opening Claim Construction Brief July 28, 2011 Webster's Third New International Dictionary O F THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE UNABRIDGED REG. U. S. PAT. OFF. Utilizing all the experience and resources of more than one hundred years of Merriam- WebsteP dictionaries EDITOR I N CHIEF PHILIP BABCOCK GOVE, Ph.D. AND THE MERRIAM-WEBSTER EDITORIAL STAFF MERRIAM-WEBSTER INC., Publishers EXHIBIT 19 SPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS, U.S. A. PAGE 1 Merriarn-~ e b s t en is the M ~ You ahodd look for whm you r E books it the purdasc of didionarie or Otherfine me the publishing reputation of a company that has 1831 and is your assurmce ofq~al'tty authorw. and fibraryof mngress ~ a t d o & g m l i a t i o n Data Main entry under title: @ 8 ~ ~ ~ - 2 0 1 - lsmite).-IsB~ P87779-m2-x (blue -. 1 ISBN 0-87779-7-2 (impend buckram) 1 Endish l~pgYIDi~tiOnan~. I. GWC PhiliP ~ a d c , k , . 1902-1972. 1 . ~ernam-webste~, 1 Inc. - PE1625.W36 1993 EXHIBIT 19 PAGE 2 desertion descent mrfm ' m+ym (it a p p a n that the water is broken - noyhueSby s p k m g against the rock% and that thcrdorc !he ts r p e n d t c u b r -Anthony Trollope) b : a descendmg way as a downgrade o r stairway) C obs :the lowest part o and dust (from the extremat upward of t h r head t the 6 a a sudden dixonc+,ng below thy foot -Shak.) of hts Inappearance (as for a vtdt) (unprepared for the of the laws) b ' a hostile n i d o r redatory assault (the ~syrianLupon Israel) (- o f t h e locusu) 6 :a step downward in a scale of gradation' speclJ, :one seneration in an ancutral lineor genealog&al La, e ( h s e l g r c e s h o w 11 -s) 7 :a former method o! d~sllllattonan whlch the matenal waa heated in a v& havtng IU outlet underneath so that the vapors produced were forced to descend scent (n.)] : to rid of scent Ideascant \ )dqrent\ vt [den. Enalirh law :the descent of an edtste to an dement heir by the death of one who held it adverse1 to the real owner which rior to 1833 barred tee latter's rtgtt of entry so that he f o u l 1 recover only by rutnlt - comnarc Aovmw . -- + CBd; refa- mjustice, dewadation (thcy have been to arcseasfully &&shed from c n i t i d m l u a t i n and rhcot.ticaf 9 a : rinr to. constituting o r concerbcd with empirical tbinps o r rensltlzed that they arc unable to recognize the most obvious b c t s -Alfred Kantomwicz) 6 :to f m (as by psycbotherevcnu o r with thctr parts. characteristics, or functions (expres?om) (- disciplines) b : factually grounded or m- apy) of the emotional charge investing a complex formauve rather than nonnative, prcscnptive, emotive, le.sensitizer \"+\ n :a desensitizing agent: as a :a drug which makes it possible that reduces sensitivity to pain (a aprioristi-+ or analytical (- judgments) (- theories) (that thlr mcanlng shall be called "-'' whcn the responses evoked to drill and fill tceth painlessly -Jmdurrrlol & E n rneerinfl are cognitions and shall be called "emotive" when the re- Chemistry) b :a c h c ~ i c e l(a! a dye) that reducca $ s m s r of to sponres evoked are attitudes -Asher Moore) 3 a of o modi- u v ~ t y a photographsc mater~al radiation uru \:dcta:rel, usu -ed.+V\ 4, cop [fr. D e e r [yina word: ex resdn the quality, kind, or condition of w?at !s denoted by t i c modlified term <hot in "hot water" and stck nnckname for the state of Utah and from 1849-1850 offtcral In "a sick man" are adjecttves) distinguished from Mormon name for the Utah territory fr. dcseret honeybee, coined in the Book of Mormon (Ether i:3)1 :of or from Utah territory o r the state of Utah dea.en \'deza(r)lt, usu Id-CV\ n -s [ME. fr. OF. fr. L L . deserturn. fr. .I neuL of desenlu. nast Dart. of deserere t o duert, fi. de- i- srrere to join t6iether.more at m l m l compare CoMPARAnyE 41 5 :char- 1 a nrchnic ! a wild uninhabited and uncult~vatedtract :a grammar) (a 7 study) . or cmrt or athleu woodland acterized by ktnshlp name clarser that apply m part only to d&istc unoccuptcd 13" :Y*ILDERMSI. w m any of the formerry unsettled reuons lineal rclaliva (as grandfather father son grandchild) and in part only to collateral relati;es ( a r ' u n c k cousm. nephew) of the U. 5 between the MlsrisllDPl r l v a and the Rocky moun. regardless of the ru of the connecting relatives (regarded most European systems as and those of primitive peoples as classificatory -R.H.Lowie) - compare n*JslrtcAToRY - \-tlvll, -li\ ndv - de.mrip.the-ness of a conunent and characterized byscanty rainfall a p of lesa \-t5vn*\ n -ES Bdesc,fiptive \'\,n -s :n distinctive word. phrase, or wntmce than 10 inches annually) b :a more or lczr harren tract rncanabic of supwruna any cons~daable ~opulal8on wltnout an appltcd to a part~cular product in advertisin& ariificial watcisuppli C: an area of an ocean believed to be descrlpvve nnat0my.n :anatomy dealtng with the character. devoid of marine lnfe 3 :a secluded lacefor secretworship form stze and osltton of organs and parts n desc&ptivh b i b l ~ g m p I y :a bibliagraphical record in com- by the Huguenots durinq the years 1#5-1802 when Protesin plete detail of the ph s ~ c echaracteristics and puhlishin&his- tantism was under arorer~ntion France 4 :a dcrolatinrr or l tory of the books!ated s ~ i e properly including an forblddtng provpr;t (afrom pathless empuners. bleak s ac.wunt of internal prlntlng varlanls requtsltc for textual rrleevcd changclcrsnar or monotony, fut~lrty 01 effort. or dcst~tutlon of mental or sptntual anrma?ton or samulauon) CIIIlcISm of darknus -Beverley bEscriptive b o t a n y n :a branch of botany dealing with the (ton figures lost in an immense (lost in a of doubt) (eagle still soar between the svrt~matiedacrintion o r din~nostic characters of plants brary rocedure by which a summit of Parnassus and the Corinthian gulf, but they look hook or other Item iq identified and Bucrrbed by m o r d ~ n down unon a of human historv -Mark Van Doren) des.ertr\" in sense 1 usu Nkc ID&T\ ad1 [ME fr O@ fr. L mrint. and collatton-contrast4 desertus] i archarc :D E S ~ ~ E D (the boat deck &n;utt&ly . with su6jcct corologinx . . OescriDhve geometrs n :the theory of gecmctw treated by -Waldo Frank) 2 a:daolate and sparsely occupied or unmeans of projections. JWCIJ ' the theory of projectink an w- occu ied ' INHOSPITABLE (so a country as the Highlands of L Smith) b : uncultivated and unlnhabited actly defined body 'so as i o deduce both projectrve and ~ c o t E n d ~ d a r n :barren like a dwerl (o"c could scarcely find a more tract metrical ptopertia from its pr,ojections. the projections usu. for a wtder) 3 :h a v ~ n g habitat tn a . d a u t (- flora and its being made on two planed at nght angles to each other Ee.scriP.UV-ism \-tb.vinm\ n -s 1:a theory of ethics accord- fauna) 4 :peculiar to or adapted to ltfe In a d e s m (sturdy Ins to wh~ch only descriptiveor empirical statements arc mean- boots) ingful 2 : advocacy or use of the methods of descriptive de-sert \dl'nrlt. dl'-. -r5l.-zail. nsu Id.+V\ p -s [ME deserte. fr. OF fr. fern. of deserr (past part. of deservrr to deserve), fr. linguistics de-scriR.tivdst \:v%l\ n -s 1:an advocate of dwcriptivism L der&vltus. osst oart. of deservire to scrvc zea10ud~- more 1 at DE~ERVEI'a i the quality or fact of bein6 woithy o! o r 2 :a specialist in descriptive linguistics deservine of rewards or recomacnm o r of reaurtal or nuntshde.scrip.tiv:i?.Uc \.:a-,vtstik\ adj :of, relating to, or based is &entially ~nddinablee k e t in o n d ~ r ~ p t t v t s- de.aDIiQ-tiv4! \-tL(a)lF\ odv men1 (t6e concept of m terms of exnttng practicer and ideas -0.H Sabme) :s de.scnp.tor \dl'akripta(r) also -,t6(a)r pr .*(a)\ n -s [L of describer. fr. L dercriptvr -or1 : ~dent~fytngugn s y m b 2 c o m ~ l e x actions callinn for such rehlrns (in the midst is an or s \-t(a)rE\ n - ~ [ L descseriptus E -ory] : DE- seated Justice to award t o i a c h according to his --Carleton Brown) 2 a :rcward o r punishment deserved or eamed by scRtPnvE our Ee-scrip.tnm \d6'skriptam dF1-\ n pl desCII~.ta \-la\ [L, one's qualities o r acts (not wc~ghtng -s but pardontng o u r offenses -Missole Romanurn) (by dint of much caballing and fr ncut. or descrl rust pasi part. 01dwribere t o describe much dwelling u on his own -s he triumphed over hls cnembre at DrscRlsEPpht~or:something that is described de.scfive \da'skriv. -rEv\ vt -ED/-!w/-s [ME descriren. fr. O F mia-Virsinna $oolf> b deserts .I! awards dueforsuMrior dercrivre. fr. L describerel Scot DESCRIBE (let me fatr Na- or $"feriri;~u;~r~tu dr & i G - i n r k & s n s h i p (book re,bwcrs . frequently p r a m the l i n t venture of a wrrter beyond ID ture's face -Robert R,amr\, -ldes.crv \djtskri. dT-\ vt .ED/-INO/-s [ME descrien. h. O F just -s -Harrison Smith) 3 : worthmess or excellence of descriei to proclaim, decry more s t DE?RV] 1a :tospy out character as adduced by a good course of conduct (he won the rather than throuah family or come to see a p with watch!ul attention and careful ob- ao~ointmenton mounds of secvatton of thc drrtant, uncertaon, or obscure (the grass war piistire> m - o u r desert \"\ vb -ED/.INO s [ F d(l~rter. fr. LL desertare. fr. L htnh in the meadow. and there was no -in* her -Gmrnc derertus, past part. of k s e r e m to d a e R - more at WFSEUTI rt 1 :to withdraw from or l a v e aermanentlv or less often tcm%arily (as a place) :~ u k ( f a r m & scontinu; to the land to take up factory work) (the smile -in# his broad face the memory -T.S. -T.B.Costain) (phrases which never Eliot) 2 a :to turn away from (what has previously engaged ~dWCIY -ES obs :discovery o r view from ifar n one) u p . by withdraw,ing~rupportor disrupting bonds of d e - s m \ O d e + \ vt [descum (n.)l :to rid of scum \ deka'SnZo dZk-\ n cop [NL, fr. F r d s attachment o r duty :reject In order to take up something else (who 30 years before upon beln -ed by .her N L cia] :a qenus of annual : ABANDON Ddscounrln t174b Fr. b o t a n s (comtng al or biennial herbs (family Cruciferae) of Amertca and Europe lover had taken ;o her bed - - ~ a r b r e t ~ e l a n f ) the Prohibition party) (he -ed prose for the comdiffering from memben of the genus Sirymbrivm in having a last to pubescence of stellate or forked hairs and commisinn the g e y t i n g rhythms of poetry -Tyrus Hillway) b :to leave . ehrnd or give up (as a person) - used with to (forced 10.iansy mustards - see TANSY MUSTARD the m t of the miners to lhetr fate) C :to renounce manta1 Be-seam \(')dE+\ vt [de- reom (n.)] :to chip out or fl?me. cut seams o r other similar surface defects from (stmitintshed relations by quitting the eom ny of (one's spouse) 3 a :to break away from or break oP?-iation wtth (some matter metal) involving legal or moral obligatzon or some object of loyalty) Be.sea.son.+im \dj.~q(~)na,l-%dF-\ vr[dcseasonal : B ~ A (not propose to the 100-year-old Monroe DocY -ire] :to adjust (as an tndustry) to conttnuons rather than trjnc-A.H.Vandenberg tl951) (would be n calamity if t h v seasonal o cratlon 1aes.e.craPe \ ~ e e + r s t . -lea-, usu-zd.+v\ rt - i n / - t ~ o / s ~ d e - wlencea -ed the ideal of accurate and verifiable syslematrc D :to abandon -secrate (as in consecrate, v.)] 1 a :l o violate the sanctity knowledge for its o,wn sake -M.R.Cohcn) (milnary service) w~thoutIcave :forsake In nolation of duty of by divertine from s a d purpose by contaminating, o r , ~ defilinp (thev desecrotcd theshnne outnnht- barnainln~ 1 % (autltv of -in= his fellow soldiers) 4 : to dron away o r the MG~lcm merchants -Tame) (11 wourd the Ltncolz Memortal to ha\e an obrrously false votce speak from the statue there-N Y . Tlmcr Mox )<the qutvertnn host whose house has been profaned and whose religion desecrated-W.L.Sullivan) h :to divest of sacred character or treat as unhallowed (many cemeteries e r e desecmrcd) 2 archoic :to dedicate (someone o or oomcthinnl l false pods l condemn to an evil fate 3 :to treat (an o b h t d ven;rat~on reverent devoclon. or adm~ra(lo") lrrevercntly or contempt;ously oftcn tn a way to provoke outragcon the onrtof others (lhtsl nreat memory .has been deseciated. . . -Margery AIiinhim) (Amerkans love the scenic outdoors, and they do not want to see it desecrated 4 : to make d a o l s t e (churned up -R.LNeuberger) lawns and drives and desecrated houses with their broken windows - ~ . ~ . ~ . k a i s . m r a t c (as in corueIdes-e-crate \-.krat. -&St\ adi [dccrate adj.)] ' W E ~ A W les-e:wat.er70r des-e.cra.tor \-,krid.o(r)\ n -s :one that desccrata the nU 1es.e.cra.Uon \ .s'krZshan\ n s 1: act o r t n i r m of deKuat8np (1 Lave heard this c h o w sung tn a umfonn -Warwid; fortiuimo right from the beginnins. What a Bratthvaite) (the United Natiom ma8 of Authority may be subtect to -a World F ~ Encw.) 2 :the condition of beinn P - - - - 9: - -sun- - -- N~X~I~) - - -- - + 9 - + - - . ...- .. - - - - + + - + + :ESPY. PEICEIV. .. de-s&b-er \ - b a ( r y a y that dcscribc~ 2 Brit :an instrument (livinp details about trains moving or scheduled to move between mven m i ---nu per,.i ?-ze P-;~ \dj'skri(o)r dP-, - \ : w that dacriu 3n -s o deSUiea pres 3d sing 0) IKKXY de.s&pl \ d ~ % k r it. ( )~z.s-\ ad] [L drrriphrr past part of drscri&ml 1 ar&lc :&sauna 0 archaic :;~ocru.e~ deWXiQtP 1 oJ D . X R ~ P ~ U M d e - s w l p t l b n \dl'skripshan dF-\ n 4 [ME dcscripdoun f r M F o r L; MF dc.rrip!ion ' fr. L description-, descrlptia' fr: the dr~r:lptnr Jon-. -lo -3onj 1: act o r an Instance o / d r scnb~ng: a : dtscrihingor a represcnuuon roducep by a aa a d-ibtng of lomething material o r tmrmtenal &of t h ? w is a mode o f classification which in turn furnishes matffnl for (the meuculous a more eacral classification -V.F.lcnzen) S. I of t L rocks d u c h of the Pnlcozoie svstems -Am*?. l ; . 0 s C ( i C l ) ( i & d i ; a I Oi0 iurdGe.i&i~OOltin~ i o): 1 .! hii pictura both enable o o r to say "so that*%what he's,lrkc" smcll : c o m m i t i o n intended ~romnnlyto -J.M.Shona): m p-nt to @i i d o r imagiiation graphically i n d in detail f a untt of ob~ecuve suhtscuve a a a ~ e n c c u r scene. -n. or scnwuon A o u o n ) tn t&tbooks in disuncu~ihtnga acpuate itwary genre. EOmpre a n o s m o N (11 is the urpose of auch - that cxolains why thnr t y ~ t c a mcrtU and femnnu s l arc what Ih+lr are 2 namelyl rr$ctr&, minuteness accuracy (L: detail fullnsketchiness. misleadinnncrs - ~ . ~ . i o u l m i n K. Biicr) b f a r m t m c ~ t o fthe proptrues of a thing or i u relations to o h t h i w raving to tdentify it :,a u n t v w l desiplruuon of .a object by m a n s of a phrasz beslnntng with the or a as ?be present king of the Eklplanr" or "a house next to mv ohice") c :a d e u r i ~ t i w statanent or account oftcn mntnsled m t h anolyrl, and ralvarion d :an individualizing o r ident~frinp daignation (as 8 name, l a e l , epithet) (the "wax" u B misnomer since tho substancc~safar-J.N.Goldsmith) 1 o h a :nscnIPnoN b :ONROLLMEHT 3 :kind or c h a n a e r e d ~ M d e t ~ m i n e dby salbent features (each state . mar still confer them upon an alien. or.. .upon any class or -of pasons -R.B.Taney) (oppqsed to any lax of w radical a -) 4 obr r pictorial reprMntatlon S a :a tracing out of a geometrical f i p r e b :a traversing of a epurse (the rocket's of a hi@ arch~ng curve) 6 ; specificatton of the boundariu 8 a v aoeurscv for l e d ournoses of 1 ~ ~ of h n d wath r u f f r ~ e n t $ y i i ~ ~ m r t n agdeed of transfer) sgllS&e n ~ i on.lst \-sh(a)n*t\ n -s 1 :one proficient In d o scrrption 2 :oucrlprrvtm de.scrip.tion-le9. \-rhanlk\ 4 :being wtthout description be-s&PUo W-so-lue \dS'rkriDshFd~~lr)'s5~.>nn [L n dacription o? the m n l . : matt& mo&ly'desc;ibtivi of ihe m of the p a n i u and not cascntial to the validity of a =document - m m p a p D f S R j N A m P-NAE Ide.mrlD.tlv0 \dd'sknnt~v. dle-. -tZv o l r ~-tav\ ad! f L L di&riprZ~&~ir d & r r & n ; +--ivw -iv;j-1 :&vii<ddc~ scribe : cha;acteri+cd by description : representational thmunh wesentation of obauved facu (a m~nutaanatomh l and ndknerally a.ccount of thc.hrpc fulvow orangutan -B.A Poc) (oul~utung formattonr, h a w been given nama: the Devil's Chair it 80 f a t ht& -Amer. CPrlda poetry -Yvor W i t a s ) distinSeries: Mlnn.) (purely + - + - . . + - - - . . . . ... -. . . . .. . eaert date n :s r m eserted ad1 :left without the accwtomed aecumncr cornpan or support :AIJANK~D@Dr s + r a n ( f o u ~ d m shelrw in.. -stack) <stood there, mouon/ess wtthout d a m I ~ k e ah1 a at sea. of all winds -~.I'.&th) - de-serf-ed-h a! d - - + i & - i r : i Jeserro; fr. d e b r u t &j one who iorsakts a dut;. acaure, or anyone to whom heow&tervice; erp: a m e m b a of a mtlitary force who deserts esert fever or d e s e r l rheumatism n :a mild form of uw. c~dioidomycorirresrmbling ~nflucnra c s e n lox n 1:a fox (Vulpcr irucopur) of the wa(ern d a a N ?f Asia 2 :the ktt fox (Vulwr mocmtlr) of the southwedtM - - - - - - + U.b. esert gum n : any of several trcer of the -nus Eucalyptus (csp. E. rudls) low anltbush (Atridex b m m e l y ~ r a ) arid of esert holly n reg~on*of the:&uthvestcrn U.S. and Mextco ytth smooth blulnh grcen o r silvery.prickly-edged foliage that 1s often used for Chrutmas decorallon e.+tic \d('nrd?k, de'-\ ad] :belonging or p c u l i i r t or o havtna the dtsttncttvc character of a desert (the red hills d o t t d wlth junlper -D.C.Pcattic) :found in a desert (a roil ma be rich In nutrients) (a climate) a , [jdesert d \:dw(r):ttkalss\ .coleus] : dwelling in a desert B.8er.tiOlt \d5'wlshan dF'- -231 -z*I\ n -S[bW' Or LL' b W fr LL descrton- deserko & desertus us -ion- -lo'-ionJ 1': th6 act or an instance df d-ting: a :a b a n d o b e n t of a - + + - EXHIBIT 19 PAGE 3 -+

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