Motorola Mobility, Inc. v. Apple, Inc.

Filing 94

NOTICE by Motorola Mobility, Inc. of Filing Brief on Claim Construction (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit, # 2 Exhibit, # 3 Exhibit, # 4 Exhibit, # 5 Exhibit, # 6 Exhibit, # 7 Exhibit, # 8 Exhibit, # 9 Exhibit, # 10 Exhibit, # 11 Exhibit, # 12 Exhibit, # 13 Exhibit, # 14 Exhibit, # 15 Exhibit, # 16 Exhibit, # 17 Exhibit, # 18 Exhibit, # 19 Exhibit, # 20 Exhibit, # 21 Exhibit, # 22 Exhibit, # 23 Exhibit, # 24 Exhibit, # 25 Exhibit, # 26 Exhibit, # 27 Exhibit, # 28 Exhibit, # 29 Exhibit, # 30 Exhibit, # 31 Affidavit)(Giuliano, Douglas)

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Exhibit 20 to Motorola’s Opening Claim Construction Brief July 28, 2011 I , J • Web- ter's II s New College Dictionary The New Y ork Put:Jic " Librarv ~---- ~ Houghton Mifflin Company Boston . New York 7\ (' I': ( , I' / t i\, ", (fi ll) ') I..~ EXHIBIT 20 PAGE 1 I. ' • " words all: included in this Dictionary on the basis of their usage. wqrds t,pal arc kn~n to have CU lTenl trademark rcgisttaliomfa rc $hov"n with an initi al capital and all: also identifjed as tr~derri'arh. N()~inv~tig.a tiqD. ~a$ bUn made-of common: laW: tudemark-,~ghI 5 in an y word, because such invcstigation is impraCticable. The' ind usioo of any word in this Dictionary ;s not, however, an eXp rC$S ion of the Publisher's opinion n to whether or not it is subject to propriet ary righu. Indeed, no definition in this Dictionary is to be rCglIrtled as affeGti~ the va lidity of any t rademark. Copyright e 1995 by Houghton M ifflin ComP<l0Y. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be n:p roduced or tra nsmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, includin,g phOtocopying and recording. or by any information storage Or retrieval s)'Stem without the pri or written perm ission 01 Houghton Mifflin Company unless such copying is e:xpressly permitted by federa l copyright law. Address inquiries to Rderence Permissions, Houghton Mifflin C01I!l!any, 222 Berkeley Street, Boston MA 02116 . ,'..... -.,~ ~ . l ..lll~it.Qions n imuth al eq uidistant project ion and sinusoidal ,? itoj~lf>n C 1986 by The American Congress on Surveying and 1·r 1\ MapPI,lIg. '. ,. iL~t&y' of Congt/!.$s Call1loging·;n· Pu/;>licati(m Data ,i. ".,'i ~ ,;;.-\ ~:r' ~ V'l;: 1 ( ! I':YeMt~'~.'1 new college dictionary. " p" " cm. ISBN Q..395·70869·9 lalk. paper) I. F.ngli~h language _ Dictionaries. I. Webster's lI11ew Riverside University dictionary PEI628. W55164 1995 423 - de2.0 Printed in the United States EXHIBIT 20 PAGE 2 95·583.l ae lndbn p~intbru8h _ indis criminate "au.,.o. "'" ladian paintbh.. h n. A plan' 01 1M c.ruillc;'" llurinc Ilo>wti .plk•••u~ bJ bripl, coL>rtd tudian pip e n. II ",,,y whi.e, oc, ... pinklolo woodbood pL.n~ _"'PI w" ~ ",,'eli•• ko~. atod • ....wi", flowa. UnJf""" 1"1 Indic,ed. 1. '""'" II wt~ .. n .t......... ' ~",. P'''Y w"h ,he .~m"' ...;"" 01. <ti ........ Othe, 0/1 ...... dr.wn ... .., • pw>«u, lnc mom<"f .... ""'nd ond ",,"'n,ed by. i". dil.~,."n . n"-dlI' .....,', -d,f' ... ", HI (!-It < OfL < l>. 1rJ. diifuu,o "". no< • dil/.,cnt diH"''''_II. ,"",ked by • l",k 01 bin 1. No< ..... war'" ,1>0 Ofho:<. l. 11.1""1 "" m... ed 1«1"" _.or Of oJ", Ollie, , w"bDo. a,..m.ncc. ~ . H";na "" p'''icuJ. iMe"" Of 5. Na,he. "'" mu, h flO. '00 1M',"" ..""'.... TI , 6. N'''M' ""'" flO, """, ""'lOCO<. 7. N,j,he, ""',_ w""'l-'. No, I."""....t' """"L , . 8io:O. Undtlfncft<iatod, .. <.11. 01 ,,,.... -;".~If ' k l .c " u 1·dll' " .......dll ' ,...., n _ in.dil'lc,_ .. MN_ in.dil_f.. , ... nt.i. m 11<t""",,,...... n.'.m, -d1I ',... ·1 n. The bello! p'''''.'''''' '.".,& .... <On«'.' "'''''''1(:. ",,""' Of IDtibn pfpc "._I, ,h.... 11&....." ,U 01 I,ko y.1Ul"y. -I.· dil' 1",·ca. _Io. n. in_d'·'''. II.' ........ ·Ifrt') afro in _dl'len .. !'fIn') n. (l>,. indio .if"a.) Ooc ",'m: or IU ...... in_d i_IC1IC" lln'dl-/>nJ1 n. Po-tt<"_ in_d ia·"· ,,oul (In-dli ' .· .. >I)ndi 1 lU<_ "",-, < ,.. d" .......... ,1 ...] 1. i.mnc or OCC,u.lnl n.>mr>11y in, _ill< "0' Of incI'-nou. '" , ,,~,,y.. <n.,,_ l. Iftwn,lc .. i"uO\<. _i" .oIil1'c_nou._ l y oily. _I._ cII.·............u.",tI nll/. IMt " Oft. < LIt_i"d4ml- P<plrt. o ... ;n _d i _l~n. ~n · "I·i ond'J4",!D nwl :...du. ... qft<I.lO Iock.l l. Wi' ..... '.he ........ n ..Itoi".... , ,,.. "'...,,".... 1. Ardoot/c. LKk, nl 01 old"' ...... -no I .... '''ul. or """1 "'....... - •• · oIl-Ju,-ly ndv, i n.di·lul .cd ~,,'tIr·,es "1d. -dH nn;, Ate/l.",," I... Not a .. full~ tboug., ~.., or ....... t<d.. b. SIu",I... or <1Iao<K. L Noo d,,,.ttd. in_di_p lt·i·bI .. lln'tIr-jt.'u-b;!, ·dl·! ord,. OJ!",ul, 01 i"'l'Ol',b, to dlSD'. - ill' 1Ii_ • .,.. · i.bll"_'y n , _In ·d l.", •• ' I.hl, "dv, In_tll'P's.t'o ," lIto'eII-ito ·"",.. -dl-) n. I . '",bili" !D di3<" ""'" 'hin4- ap. 1oocl 1. Dlot.,..,I." or ;11 ...... COOl""" by 0..11"'''''''' ;n.dlp ('In-don ' ) ad;. (M2 11>01'1"' '' Off " ..... ind.,m" , ,n·, .... + d~u.. wor,h,.( Oln. I . Un_"',. L Sh,mel. 1 ,di.",...lul. In.d".".nt nn·<II,'n,m)tJd/ M .. k«Ib,Ofh lk d w"h ,ndrpu, ... _I n.dl.· .......I, ndv. i". di,_ n"_tio" (In'dI,·,.;' .... ) n. (ME ;ndi! ... ,;""n " 1M. totd! < md,t....i. tor<pd .. in·. "'" • d.,...... Anct' ornu .. d 1r,.-0110< unjus<, ""... Of ""WO"by ta· "I.I, 1 1n-dIa'nI·"I_ .. pI_ . ..... (l>,. 10><I"""... " ......""'" ""w,,,,hy. _ OK '''''''''' 1 I. •. Humili"l "" dq:, ....... Of >bu . .. " .. ''''.0'. ~ ........ """ ,1.01 011 ...... """'l p,ide ... ..".. nI dip''' 1 ... O"'.T.1. OM. "Tho lock 01 difJ,lty or ' - . i... di -so ~n·Ir-"'1 n.. pi, ·1\0. Of _",d . (s.,. ...r/lJO < L". looJ 'um < C k. iDdrlor ~,m''''''') . lnd''n (4,.,. < ",di•. Indl.·I I ... . pl.n,o/ ,Ite ....... Ir>d,ro("•. nI"n )'I<~",. bI ... d,."ufi , ~ . .... "l" . , , - pion" ..",a" Of ,.loud 10 ,ho Mp L A blue dye flo,", ..... '" Of Olio" pI.,." 01 .Jlj·, J.llo,k blue, pay"" ~ .... blu<-ind"o b,;nli"g •. A ,m,U btrd, ..... U,i... <rD ..... .,. No"..... emu.1 ..... ,I>< m .... 0/ whidt Ius <loop·blue pln_ i"di,n . n . k ~ n. A _ _ _ bluo,h·bl""k .... k.. corei,.,. ,II< lOIl,hun Unotod Sta,.. and n<o' IM'~ MnXo. ;n_dilt· o_tl" (In4ta' .." ... 1,,'dI'16") II • .l'~Of"" • ..",.] A dari·ir!.' "1", lIi"" ~ C,.tI.,N,ob 'h, pom1" tololri~I"''''' nI " d;1Q. in_di _, ect lln'''·rtk,' , ..J\·)Mf I. Not ~ .... "", 10.0. 1. .. Not " •• >&!t, '0 'he po; n~ .. ,n . .kin 'e'lCtlM .... uro... ~_I"'''' "g.' 'M c>!ldtd, P•...,....l. Not i,«, I, pl.",,, 1<:0., t.M; .......... . muttl> _1"'d ;' ..,,,,'ly ~dv _ in ",,_IIt,· _lit, pt<><Ioog:oI.,.,ho",. ,ha, .. abo,,,,,, "",i"., D,,.,...,,,,,, I """'ion, <ind,,,,,, ' _ n. . _r_ "",,,,cr. o<Il· ....« ~"CtJ'T<)U>, QOCU ..... '''''''0'"''''' .dj. CO m........,: "'" 1"'''1 SU' ;P" 10 • • "",Ie'" .," , m oO<;T ""'''io.on or tn.rt. <In iJooj',,. ' ndi ..... ct dl,cour.e " Dt ......... ~'I", ,he _ _ '" -"" ,",'h <""""l"'" " ........,ieI! ........ to """fo"" ,he ""nt t. ,h. S<tllUCO on wh",h il ;, included, ;n_d i.,c,,_t inn ""·di-rtk' ....... .JI·I n, I. n.. .,.wi', Of , ..,. be,ns indim:t. 1.1.ock .,. .1,,«,10:0, A''''''''-~'''' l . I.II<lt 0/1" '''' 1 ",,,,,,,... , ....VIOUI.~ "'. .. indi ..... ct !iShti", n _ Illum,n.""" by r<flc<tri Of d;Hu.od j,v>, Indi rect obien ,..... , .. mmot"'] "",""I ,ndo'''':1I, ,fle««i b)o " 0/. YUI>. .. in ....,.n •• ,oIq..... ;ndi,ec . .. " ... .... \.>. I,vied"" ......... wbo ul".,,,,,,ly pau 011' "..,.ted .." oc,_ m. t.rRlrn" ,he ' ..... 0 "t1K,. ••"".. ".«. ,~ in. d i •• <>p.' 'IX Ott,.,... poY«! "" '0 ,he ,ho for", oJ hlv,., pnca. l!n'd(·.I"to· ) ad, ~k,nc 1Ii..."I"'" _i~ ·dl • . crcc"I, _I.·.i.·",..,.,.' ..... n _. ~ '~IU'>ICIOI in ·d's·erel., llo'cI!·,krt. ', MI;. Nt!< d.. lo..1 or d,.",bl. inlO 1<1 u~""". ; n ·d ,. _,,",_.,o .. (rft·cIr ..k~'" an) n, I. Lack 01 d"" .. ,,,,,, , "'" i""" CIOU'~"" 2. An "It'" ;...u.._ .., "''"nlt) <Idi ' ' lo. lllt'Jr·'''''m' (II i " .d ; ~_cr'm·i_na . ... I. Lack,,,, ,n JI",;, 10,,,1.. , <indo"'''''' ....... 'PI'h"d"" '" forte'> ~ Ilophauni , < 'nd,,.,,,"' .............. ,. ]. Not "'nod ..... 4. Not f'" ';I'''' '«""""''' ' .~, EXHIBIT 20 PAGE 3 I"he, 6 ,oe: :I t ~ t be (, p<tto', for h~' whioh oi no;", .;0 ' 0

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