Amgen Inc. v. F. Hoffmann-LaRoche LTD et al

Filing 534

DECLARATION re #532 Memorandum in Support of Motion, #531 MOTION for Summary Judgment That Dr. Lin's Asserted Claims are Definite, Adequately Described and Enabled BY RENEE DUBORD BROWN by Amgen Inc.. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit Ex. 1#2 Exhibit Ex. 2 - 1#3 Exhibit Ex. 2-2#4 Exhibit Ex. 2-3#5 Exhibit Ex. 2-4#6 Exhibit Ex. 3-1#7 Exhibit Exhibit 3-2#8 Exhibit Ex. 3-3#9 Exhibit Ex. 4-1#10 Exhibit Ex. 4-2#11 Exhibit Ex. 4-3#12 Exhibit Ex. 5-1#13 Exhibit Ex. 5-2#14 Exhibit Ex. 5-3#15 Exhibit Ex. 5-4#16 Exhibit Ex. 6-1#17 Exhibit Ex. 6-2#18 Exhibit Ex. 6-3#19 Exhibit Ex. 6-4#20 Exhibit Ex. 6-5#21 Exhibit Ex. 7#22 Exhibit Ex. 8#23 Exhibit Ex. 9#24 Exhibit Ex. 10#25 Exhibit Ex. 11#26 Exhibit Ex. 12#27 Exhibit Ex. 13#28 Exhibit Ex. 14#29 Exhibit Ex. 14#30 Exhibit Ex. 16#31 Exhibit Ex. 17#32 Exhibit Ex. 18#33 Exhibit Ex. 19#34 Exhibit Ex. 20#35 Exhibit Ex. 21#36 Exhibit Ex. 22#37 Exhibit Ex. 23#38 Exhibit Ex. 24#39 Exhibit Ex. 25)(Gottfried, Michael)

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Amgen Inc. v. F. Hoffmann-LaRoche LTD et al Doc. 534 Att. 23 Case 1:05-cv-12237-WGY Document 534-24 Filed 06/20/2007 Page 1 of 8 EXHIBIT 9 10108500 CTI-MA 548440 74 MA )noisiviD lacidemoiB( .V.B srehsilbuP ecneicS reiveslE 7891 ·' 05.30$/78/9571-2200 ecnerefeR lanoit :snoitaiverbbA .noitaraperP -anretnI ,PRI ;manibmocer ,R ;namuh .uH ;yraniru .U :nit .A.S.U .02319 -eioporkt·e ,)KLE :yassaonummioidar ,AIR AC ,skaO dnasuohT ,negmA ,eirgE .C.J :ot ecnednopserro-C desaercni yllamron era slevel OPE mures hguoht -lA .)0891 ,rebarG dna kavipS ;8791 ,ztnarK dna rebarG( sllec doolb der fo noitcudorp eht gni -taluger rof elbisnopser si dna yendik eht ni ,ylevis -ulcxe ton hguohtla ,ylniam decudorp si ,00063 fo thgiew ralucelom tnerappa na htiw enomroh nietorpocylglylais a ,)OPE( niteioporhtyrE noitcudortnI )5791 .nosmadA( lailimaf ro )0891 te snelbas -eD( cipotce ylirassecen ton tub semitemos ,OPE fo noitcudorp-revo etairporppanI .)7891 ,.la te hcabhcsE :6891 ,.la te sniZ ;6891 ,.la te slraeniW :6891 ,.la te nosmadA( OPE suonegoxe htiw tnemtaert yb detcerroc eb yam aimena eht ,deed -nI .)4891 ,.la te elginoGcM ;9791 ,.la te oraC( aimena fo ytireves eht rof wol yletairporppani era slevel OPE mures ,stneitap eseht ni ,dna deriapmi yllausu si aimena ot esnopser ni noiterces OPE desaercni eht ,esaesid laner nI .deifitnedi neeb evah snrettap noitcudorp lamronba lareves ,)6891 .oraC dna velsrE :5891 ,setoC dna egdelliM ;2791 ,llettiL dna thcerbbA ;8691 ,hcniF dna nosmadA( aixorepyh yb desaerced dna aimena ro aixopyh yb siseioporhtyrE :niteioporht'.,2rE ;AND tnanibmoceR ;yassaonummioidaR :sdrow yeK .OPEuH-R morf devired stnegaer gnisu depoleved eb nac selpmas lacinilc ni OPE fo noitamitse eht rof ytivitisnes dna yticificeps etairporppa gnivah sAIR taht etacidni ,seirotarobal owt ni yltnednepedni deniatbo ,stluser esehT .snoitanimreted yassaoib oviv ni htiw deerga setamitse ycnetop AIR ,denimaxe erehw .dna tnetsisnoc erew elpmas yna rof setamitse yc.netop ,sAIR tnairav owt eht fo hcae roF .dradnats eht fo taht morf yltnacifingis reffid ton did sepols .esohw senil esnopser-esod evag selpmas ,detset tnairav yassa hcae rof dna AIR hcae nI .OPEuH-R dna OPEuH-U fo snoitaraperp deifirup yllaitrap dna ares namuh tnaveler yllacinilc dedulcni detset selpmas ehT .sdradnats sa desu ylsuoirav erew OPEuH-R dna .I-TAC dna noitaraperP ecnerefeR lanoitanretnI dn2 eht ,snoitaraperp OPEuH-U owT .stnegaer devired-OPEuH-R gnisu stnairav yassa evig ot decalper yllaitneuqes erew aresitna OPEuH-U-itna dna OPEuH-U-IS21 nehw derapmoc erew selpmas rof setamitse ycnetop dna senil esnopser-esod ,stnegaer devired-OPEuH-U gnisu depoleved sAIR detadilav owt fo hcae nI .aresitna ytiniffa hgih dna recart-Is:l fo noitaraperp eht ni OPEuH-U rof tnemecalper a sa OPEuH-)R( tnanibmocer fo esu eht detagitsevni ew ,OPE )uH( namuh )U( yraniru deifirup ylhgih fo ytilibaliava eht yb detimil neeb sah )AIR( yassaonuamnioidar yb )OPE( niteioporhtyre fo noitamitse eht ecniS )7891 yraunaJ 62 detpecca ,6891 rebmeceD "a2 devieceR( .K.U .nodnol ,daetspmaH ,lortnoC dna sdradnatS lacigoloiB rof etutitsnI lanoitaqr, dna ,.xddiM ,worraH ,ertneC hcraeseR lacinilC ,.A.S:,.I ,02319 AC ,skaO dnasuohT ,negmA maT .C.R dna saD seniaG .E.R ,t enaL .j ,2 setoC yraM .p ,t eirgE .C.J negonummi dna recart sa niteioporhtyre tnanibmocer gnisu niteioporhtyre namuh rof syassaonummioidar fo tnempoleveD 74340MIJ rciv·lE 5.__ 142-532 )7891( 99 ,zdohteM lacigolonummi fo lunruoJ Case 1:05-cv-12237-WGY Document 534-24 Filed 06/20/2007 Page 2 of 8 20108500 CTI-MA 648440 '74 MA tnerappa ot deifirup saw OPE devired yranirU OPE fo noitacifieuP T-enimarolhe ro )8791 ,kcepS dna rekarF( negodoi rehtie gnisu deraperp OPEuH-U-IS2· .ediza muidos ·520.0 dna nimubla mures enivob %1.0 ,ICaN Mm 051 gniniatnoc ,4.7 Hp ,etahp -sohp muidos mar 01 saw taehid yassa ehT .)AC ,alloJ aL ,mebcoiblaC( rotaviteani nierkillaK fo U 001 deniatnoc sebut yassa llA Lm 0.1 fo emulov lanif a ni )9803 .on 402 C8( muresitna OPEuH -U-itna tibbar htiw h 42-02 rof C°4 ta detabucni sdohtem dna slairetaM .yassaoib oviv ni esuom cimehtyeylop eht ni deyassa erew seip -mas detceles ,OPE evitca yllacigoloib serusaem AIR eht taht yfirev ot ,noitidda nI .OPEuH-R morf deraperp stnegaer yb decalper erew OPEuH -U tsniaga muresitna dna recart OPEuH-U htob ro a erew )l-TAC tsniaga AIR yb detarbitac OPEuH-R deifirup ylhgih ro ,ressawdloG eneguE .rD yb dedivorp ,Rm/U 0·11 ta noitaraperp OPEuH-U ,l-TAC( dradnats ro elpmas OPE :a dahtem AIR )R-itna/R( rehtie nehw de·mreted erew selpmas tset rof muresitna OPEuH-g-itna dna OPEuH-R-I·I )U-itna/R( )R-ima/U( muresitna OPEuH-U-itna dna OPEuH-R-I·:· muresitna OPEuH-R-itna dna OPEuH-U-I·2t )U-itna/U( recart muresitna OPEuH-U-itna dna OPEuH-U-I·:· :stnairav yassa ruof gniwollof eht etareneg ot stnegaer devir -ed-OPEuH-g yb decalper erew muresitna ro/dna ,stnegaer devired-OPEuH-U gnisu depolev A -ed yllanigiro ,dohtem AIR hcae nI .ylevitcepser ,b dna a sdohtem detadilav ydaerla gnisu ,B dna ni demrofrep erew sAIR ,seirotarobal owt syassaonummioidaR .601 x 1 1 fo noitulid lanif a ta woleb deliated b dna a sdohtem AILI htob ni desu saw tI .yduts tneserp eht ni esu rof nesohc saw ,muresitna gnizi -lartuen a ,3 .on 592 C8 muresitna OPEuH-R-itnA .OPEuH.R ot seidobitna desiar slamina llA .doirep htnom-4-3 a revo )tnavujda etelpmoc s'dnuerF htiw deifislume( OPEuH-R deifirup ylhgih neewteb fo latot a fo snoitcejni fo g·t 0001-04 lamredartni elpitlum yb stibbar etihW dnalaeZ weN ni desiar er·,v OPEuH-R ot seidobitnA noitcudorp muresitna OPEuH-R.itnA .)5891 ,.la te niL( yhpargotamorhc otnu setamitse ycnetop dna sevruc esnopser-esod gol AIR fo sepols eht ,dohtem AIR hcae nI .aresitna OPEuH-U-itna tnereffid dna slocotorp tnereffid desu syassa owt esehT .OPEuH-U morf deraperp stnegaer no desab hcae sAIR detadilav ydaerla owt fo rehto ro eno rehtie ni denimaxe erew ecit -carp lacinilc ni deretnuocne eb ot ylekil selpmas fo egnar ediw a fo evitatneserper eb ot detceles slairetam tseT .seirotarobal owt ni yltnedneped -ni tuo deirrac erew snoitagitsevni ,stnegaer devir -ed-OPEuH-R eht gnisu sAIR eht etadilav oT .enomroh larutan eht fo noitamitse rof yticificeps etairporppa eht evah OPEuH-R morf devired stnegaer no desab sAIR rehtehw enimreted ot tuo deirrac saw yduts tneserp ehT .)6891 ,5891 ,La te eirgE( syassa tnereffid fo yteirav a ni OPEuH-U morf elbahsiugnitsidni dna evitca yllacigoloib si hcihw ,OPEuH-)R( tnanibmocer deifirup ylhgih fo stnuoma egral dedivorp evah )5891 ,.la teniL ;5891 ,.la te sbocaJ( eneg OPE namuh eht fo noisserpxe dna gninolc tnecer ehT .aresitna OPEuH-U-itna ytiniffa hgih dna recart-l·2t fo noitaraperp eht rof OPE )uH( namuh )U( yraniru deifirup ylhgih htob fo ytilibaliava eht yb detimil neeb sah ,revewoh ,sAIR OPE fo esu daerpsediw ehT .)6891 ,.la te setoC ;5891 ,.la te ahcizdeW ;2891 ,.la te egeR ;2891 ,.la te aicraG ;2891 ,setoC ;1891 ,ressaw -dloG dna relffeoK ;9791 ,ressawdloG dna doow -rehS( sredrosid lacigolotameh fo sisongaid dna noitagitsevni eht ni loot lufesu a dedivorp ydaer OPE rof )AIR( syassaonummioidaR -la evah .selpmas lacinilc ni OPE fo noitamitse eht rof syassa fo rieht rof -loc laitneuqes gnisu eneg OPE namuh eht htiw demrofsnart ylbats sllec yravo retsmah esenihC fo aidem denoitidnoc-llec eht morf ytienegomoh te tnerappa ot deifirup saw OPEuH-R .)7791( .la ekayiM fo erudecorp eht gnisu aimena citsalpa .htiw tneitap a fo eniru eht morf ytienegomoh ytilibaliava eht seriuqer dna tnemeganam lacinilc tnatropmi eb yam seitilamronba eseht fo noitingoceR .aimehtycylop ecudni dna rucco yam 632 Case 1:05-cv-12237-WGY Document 534-24 Filed 06/20/2007 Page 3 of 8 30108500 CTI-MA '·48440 '74 MA .tcejbus cirhpena na 51-1 neewteb ni deyassa erew selpmas detsil eht ,a dohtem roF .stnairav yassa ruof eht fo hcae ni deyassa saw selpmas tnereffid fo yteirav ediw a fo eno yn· nehw tnetsisnoc erew setamitse ycnetop .b dna a sdohtem AIR rof ,I elbaT ni detartsul -li sA .stnegaer devired-OPEuH-U gnisu deniat -bo esoht ot tnelaviuqe eb setamitse ycnetop taht si stnegaer devifed-OPEuH-R no desab sdohtem rehtonA yassa fo noitadilav eht rof yassa morf mures ni OPE laner-artxe dna ,aimena cit tnemeriuqer stnairav tnereffid gnisu AIR yb setamitse ycnetoP fo -salpa htiw tneitap a ,'3goloite deirav fo saimehtyc -ylop htiw stneitap ,stcejbus lamron morf ares dna OPEuH-R dna OPEuH-U fo snoitaraperp deifirup yllaitrap dedulcni yehT .nam ni seiduts lacigoloi -syhp dna lacinilc ot tnaveler eb ot ylekil slairetam evitatneserper erew detset snoitaraperp ehT detset ·.elpmaS .yas .sepols -sa erofeb emulov lanigiro eht driht-eno ot retaw dezinoied ni dednepsuser dna dezilihpoyl saw )lm 52( mures namuh lamroN .)1691( mahgnaB dna setoC yb debircsed sa yassaoib esuom cimehtycylop cixopyhxe eht ni esod rep ecim evif gnisu denimreted saw ytivitca lacigoloib oviv nI yassaoib OPE oviv nI fo noitamitse esicerp rof wef oot tub ,sesylana lacinilc enituor ni desu eb thgim naht erom saw ,)ruof ,31 mures morf ,ro eerht( selpmas mures eht rof detset slevel esod fo rebmun ehT .)Bt .giF ni nwohs( OPE fo noitcudorprevo etairporppani dna ygoloite nwonknu ,arev arbur ylsuoirav aimehtyc -ylop htiw stneitap eerht morf dna )OPE lanerart -xe( tneitap cirhpena na ,tcejbus lamron a morf ares evitatneserper dna )OPEuH-U fo noitaraperp erupmi na( PRI eht yb detareneg senil esnops -er-esod gol fo sepols eht neewteb ecnereffid tnac -ifingis on dewohs ecnairav fo sisylana ,b dohtem fo stnairav ruof eht fo hcae roF :b dohteM .3 + 56 saw ,OPEuH-R fo noitaraperp detarbilac a ,dradnats eht rof epols eht ,yassa emas eht nI .ylevitcepser ,7+76 dna 5+86 ,6+06 erew ebut yassa rep 1·/005 dna 57 neewteb slevel xis ro evif ta detset hcae ,)AC ,enivrI ,cifitneicS enivrI( loop mures eno dna selpmas mures laudiv -idni owt yb decudorp senil esnopser-esod gol fo )ES + sepols eht ,2 .giF ni nwohs sA .yassa eht ni stceffe xirtam mures edulcxe ot dna ecnaveler lac -igoloisyhp rieht fo esuaceb liated erom ni denima -xe erew ares namuh lamron rof senil esnops -er-esod fo sepols eht ,a yassa fo R-itna/R tnairav ni ,noitidda nI .A1 .giF ni detartsulli sa amrehtyc morf mures dna OPEuH-U -ylop htiw tneitap a dna OPEuH-R fo snoitaraperp deifirup yllaitrap neewteb edam erew snosirapmoc esehT .denima -xe ·noitaraperp tset lla dna dradnats eht yb detareneg se'·ruc esnopser-esod gol fo sepols eht neewteb secnereffid tnacifingis on erew ereht dohtem fo stnairav ruof eht fo hcae nI :adohteM senil ,a esnopser-esod AIR fo sepolS st .dradnats sa desu saw )PRI( noitaraperP ecnerefeR lanoitanretnI dn2 ehT .)3691( .la te doowneerG fo dohtem T-enimarothc eht yb detanidoi saw OPEuH -R .a dohtem morf stluser htiw ytilibarapmoc rof gnidnib recart fo noitibihni tnecrep sa desserp -xe erew sesnopseR .000001:1 fo noitulid lanif a ta 97113251/87R muresitna tibbar gnisu )2891( setoC yb debircsed yassa eht fo )3891 ,.la te setoC( noitacifidom saw b dohteM :b dohtem AIR .dnuob saw OPEuH -U-I·I recart eht fo %02-01 hcihw ta 000001:1 fo noitartnecnoc lanif a ta desu saw ydobitna ehT .noitaraperp OPEuH-U erup %1 a htiw stibbar gnizinummi yb detareneg saw muresitna OPEuH -U-itna ehT .gnidnib recart fo noitibihni tnec -rep sa d·serpxe erew sesnopseR .retnuoc aarmag a ni detnuoc dna eciwt dehsaw ,g×00021 ta niar 3 rof erutarepmet moor ta noitagufirtnec yb detcelloc erew stellep brosihcaT ehT .noitabucni erutarepmet moor niar 5,· a yb dewollof ,)AC ,alloJ aL ,mehcoiblaC ,sllec suerua succocolyhpatS ot detagujnoc GgI tibbar-itna taog( brosihcaT fo lm 3.0 fo noitidda eht yb OPE-I52· eerf morf detarapes saw OPE-IS-· dnuob-ydobitnA .C°,· na rof deunitnoc noitabuc ta h 02-81 lanoitidda ·seR -ni eht dna dedda saw )3691 te doowneerG( 732 Case 1:05-cv-12237-WGY Document 534-24 Filed 06/20/2007 Page 4 of 8 40108500 CTI-HA 848440 74 MA dohtem yassa fo R-itna/R eno tnairav .ES +_ deliated era sepolS yb deyassa )0--3(( lamron namuh ,lE--O( loop mures selpmas dradnats lamron ,)-·,a dna laudividni owt OPEuH-R rof senil ,)e--e( esnopser-esod goL .2 .giF .)I elbaT fo trap rewol( lavretni laicudif %59 yassa nihtiw eht yb nwohs ,esac siht ni ,si setamitse fo ytilibairav ehT .tnairav hcae ni ylsuoenatlumis detset erew selpmas lla hcihw ni yassa elgnis a ni deniatbo erew b dohtem fo stnairav ruof eht rof detnes -erp snosirapmoc eht ,tsartnoc nI .ytilibairav yassa -retni stcelfer erofereht )1 elbaT fo noitrop reppu eht ni MES eht yb nwohs( setamitse fo ytilibairav ehT .sesod neves dna eerht neewteb ta detset erew selpmas ,yassa hcae nihtiW .syassa tnereffid DEYASSA ELPMAS ·O EMULOV GNISAEI:ICNI selpmas dna )I( PKI .)4( 31 ,),·( 21 ,)lE( ll ,)I( 01 .))C( 9:1 elbaT ni detsil ares namuh tneitap cimehtycylop dna )t,( OPEuH-U dna ,)O( OPEuH-R deifirup yllaitrap :1 elbaT ni detsil eht saw dradnats ehT :B .)lC( selpmaS .1-TAC tsniaga detarbilac OPEuH-R fo noitaraperp deifirup ylhgih saw stnairav yassa eerht rehto esoht fo tesbus ,B(b dna )senil eht rof dna I-TAC saw syassa U-itna/U eht rof )e( dradnats ehT :A .)senil thgiarts yb detcennoc sesnopser dehtooms .A sdohtem AIR fo stnairav ruof eht fo hcae yb deyassa selpmas dna dradnats OPE rof senil esnopser-esod goL .1 .giF lp lm 352 ,U lm PR )elacs J=II ebut yassa rep esoD 8.0 Ulm 3,52 08 -02 -08 · 008 001 J-.---L -001 tp 61 008 001 lp 61 008 R-ItnA/U lp61 0· 001 R-ttnA/R U.UnA'·I U-·rA",U B ELPMAS FO EMULOV GN13AERCNI A 832 Case 1:05-cv-12237-WGY Document 534-24 Filed 06/20/2007 Page 5 of 8 50108500 CTI-MA 948440 74 MA .a dohtem AIR fo stnairav ruof eht fo hcae yb dna yassaoib oviv ni eht yb deniatbo sretit OPE neewteb ecnereffid tnacifingis on saw ereht ,detset -er -itsevni lacinilc dna hcraeser htob ni deretnuocne eb ot ylekil slairetam fo egnar a fo evitatneserper eb ot detceles erew deiduts selpmas tseT .enomroh larutan eht fo ecalp ni enomroh tnanibmocer eht morf devired stnegaer gnisu sAIR ni detam -itse eb nac OPE namuh larutan dna tnanibmoc htob taht wohs ereh detroper seiduts ehT noissucsiD selpmas evif eht rof ,I elbaT ni nees sA .yassaoib oviv ni esuom cimehtycylop eht ni deyassa erew snoitaraperp OPEuH-R dna OPEuH-U deifirup yllaitrap dna selpmas mures namuh detceleS aviv ni dna AIR yb setamitse OPE yassaoib fo nosirapmoC gol eht fo trap raenil eht 1o tnemecalpsid .yassa eht fo tnairav hcae ni selpmas dna dradnats rof dettif epols nommoc a htiw senil esnopser-esod hcihw setamitse ycnetop gol eht rof slavretni laicudif eht morf deniatbO eht sa denimreted .sesod neves dna eerht neewteb ta deyassa erew selpmaS )277 3-739 2( 833 3 )326 3-1472( 0513 )556 3-420 3( 323 3 )457 3-329 2( 223 3 noitcudorp OPE etairporppani htiw detaicossa aimebtyc'·loP )31( arbur 171-31( 51 )22-51( 81 )71-31( 51 )32-71( 02 aimchtycyloP 121( )26-84( 55 )96-05( 95 )06-05( 55 )46-94( 65 cirhpenA 111( elamef ,lamroN 113-42( 82 )23-32( 72 )33-72( 03 )03-32( 72 101( 185-44( 15 )45-93( 64 )65-44( 05 ni "yassa )05-93( 54 )nwonknu ygoloite( aimehtycyloP )9( )lacretni laicudif · 59 yassa nihtiw( lm/Ulm ,B "Gotarobal )2 n( elgnis n( n( 9.41 morf setamitsE )2 n( 0.2 + 5.42 9.1 ± 0.42 )lm/Ulm( )2 n( n( 0.81 II loop lamroN )$i )2 11 11 4.4:5 6.12 1.4 + 8.42 )2= n( 8.2:5 5.62 )1 11 )2 n( 3.1:5 9.62 11 n( 9.02 )lar/Ulm( )lm/Ulm( VI ekam .lamroN elamef )7( 11 n( 4.02 ,lamroN )6( n( 1.42 n( 4.02 11 mn( 0.72 11 =·( 7.71 )1 =n( 0.52 )lm/Ulm( III elam ,lamroN elam ,lamroN )5( )4( )3( 11 =n( 0.61 )l =n( 8.51 11 =n( 1.71 )lm/UIm( 121 --n( 1.1 + )2 11 )2 n( )3 )2 11 n( )4 n( 3.03 4.2 ± 6.92 6.3 -t- 6,62 )lm/Ulm( loop )lar/UI( aimena lamroN )I )7 n( 9.41 n( 8.31 n( n( 262 7.1 :t: 0.71 1.1 ± 1.72 )2 n( 5.1 :t: 3.71 citsalpA )2( 11 n( 6.81 n( )2 n( n( )3 n( 41 _+ 092 21 ± 552 42 ± 072 71 ± 962 )lar/Ulm( tneitap cimehtycyloP )1( )2 n( 1.1 )3 n( 1.61 11 n( 7.41 7.2 __ 9.91 )2 n( 6.2:5 3.51 )5 n( 0.1:1 0.91 )lm/UI( OPEuI|-U deifirup yllaitxaP )lm/UI( OPEuH-R deifirup yllaitraP OPE n( ·4 4618:581054 151 .( 0321:t32344 yassa )2 U n( #noitanimreted aviv ni 7024 ± 84264 rebmun n( MES ± deifirup ylla·traP tnednepedni fo -itnA/R R OVIV NI btnA/R yassaoiB )5 n( )2 n( 2032 ± 51821 9793:569893 A ,·ota·bal morf setamit·E R-ifBA/U U-itnA/U tnairav yassaoaummioidaR YASSAOIB YB DNA sAIR OWT FO STNAIRAV YB NI'IE[OPORHTYRE FO SETAMITSE ELBAT 932 Case 1:05-cv-12237-WGY Document 534-24 Filed 06/20/2007 Page 6 of 8 60108500 CTI-MA 058440 nibolgomeH fo 74 MA _933 .p )kroY weN .ssiL .R ydutS eht rof nalA( .gnihctiwS sehcaorppA latnemtrepxE .).sdE( siuhnciN .W.A dna soluoponnayotamatS .G :nI .niteioporhtyre namuh dna yeknom tnanibmocer fo noitaz -netcaraalC )5891( .K.F ,niL dna .P ,iaL ,.J ,enworB ,.C.J ,cngE .8311 .65 siraP .prH .ereS .niretu cmorbif te cilubolg.)loP )0891( .J .ttinwlcsresseM dna .A.O ,affoB ..G .etsikncetS ,.B .snelbaseD .382 .513 .deM .J .lgnE weN .sisotycorht'De fo noitagitsevni eht ni niteioporhtyrc cvitcaeronummi mures fo noitanmrreteD )6891( .C .dieR dna .C.T ,nosraeP ..M ,yzcnisseM ..M.S ,siweL ,.A.J ,niY uiL .L.C ,etoD ..M.P ,setoC .·01 .p )hgrubnidE ,enotsgniviL llihcruhC( ·tsimehC lacinilC rof syassaonummI ,).sdE( eirroC .TLI.J dna retnuH .M.W :nI .sesnopser mures cificeps-non etag -itsevni dna ytivitisnes desaercni edivorp ot nitcioporhtyrc lo noitacifidoM namuh rof yassaonummioidar )3891( .E.R ,saD seniaG dna .E.C ,gnn-araC ,.M.P ,setoC .5601 ,191 erutaN .erusserp decuder ot ta sti dna siseioporhtyre fo lortnoc lamron eht fo gnidnatsrednu ruo ot dedda ydaerla evah selpmas lacinilc ni OPE fo AIR yb setamitsE .tnemtaert gnirotinom ni dna ypareht morf tifeneb dluoc ohw stneitap gniyfitnedi ni lufesu eb yam enomroh eht rof syassA .saimena niatrec fo tnemtaert eht ni esu sti fo ytilibissop eht pu denepo sah OPEuH-R fo seititnauq egral fo ytilibaliava eht ,stnegaer cit -songaid dna hcraeser gnidivorp ot noitidda nI .selpmas fo sepyt tnereffid fo egnar ediw a ni OPE yassa nac dna tneinevnoc rof dezimitpo eb nac hcihw syassa esu poleved ot ,stnegaer devired-OPEuH-U dna -R fo noitanibmoc a ro ,stnegaer devired-OPEuH-R eht esu ot elbissop si ti taht nwohs evah ew ,suhT .ycnetsisnoc elbakramer dewohs llits setamitse ycnetop ,recart a sa desu saw OPEuH-R-I52t ro OPEuH-U-I52t rehtehw fo evitcepserri ,muresitna OPEuH-R-itna nommoc a ria erusopxe ni niteioporht·re dna .M.P fo yassa-oiB yb cimehtycylop edam ecim )1%l( .R.D .mahgnaB ,·etoC .724 yb decalper erew ares -itna OPEuH-U-itna owt eht nehw ,eromrehtruF .ycnetop fo setamitse ralimis evag negitna recart OPEuH-R-I521 htiw OPEuH-U-I52· fo tnemecalper .05 .lotameaH .J .rB .setamitse fo ecnaveler lacigoloisyhp eht dna dohtem yassa eht fo ytidilav eht rof ecnedivE .I ni niteioporhtyre evitcaeronummI )2891( ..M.P ,setoC .944,39 .dcM .nilC .baL .J .stneitap cirhpena dna cirhpen cimeru ni slevel niteioporhtyrE )9791( .J.A .velsrE dna .r ,yarruM ,.O .relliM ,.S .nworB ,.J ,oraC .065 .941 .icS .dacA .Y.N .nnA .saimehtycylop eht. dna nitcioporht)rE )8691( .A.C ,hcniF dna .W.J ,nosmadA .a25 ,)1 .lppus( 86 doolB .lairt lacJ.pilc II-I esahp fo stluseR :)OPEuHr( nitciop .orhtvre namuh tnanibmocer htiw )DRSE( esaesid laner e·?ats-dne fo aimena eht fo noitcerroC )6891( .W.J ,hcabhcsE dna .K.J .enworB ,.R.M ,gninwoD ,.C.J ,eirgE ,.W.J ,nosmadA .383 ,21 .lotameH .ereS .aimehtycylop lailimaF )5791( .W.J ,nosmadA .45 ,23 .loisyhP .lppA .J .sedutit ni noitazitamilcca gnirud ecim dna amsalP )2791( .K.J ,ldttiL dna .H.P ,thccrbbA -la tnereffid ot ,smetsys esoht fo htob nI .eniru namuh morf OPE tsniaga desiar hcae aresitna tnereffid dna sloc -otorp tnereffid yrev desu yduts ruo rof tniop gni -trats eht demrof hcihw sdohtem AIR owt ehT .OPE evitca yllacigoloib gnirusaem si AIR eht taht gnitseggus sdohtem tnereffid eht yb detamitse noitartnecnoc OPE eht neewteb tnem -eerga doog saw ereht ,yassaoib oviv ni dna AIR htob denimaxe selpmas evif eht fo hcae roF .enomroh larutan eht fo noitamitse rof yticificeps yb niteioporhtyre secnerefeR .OPE fo noit deriuqer eht evah stnegaer devired-OPEuH -R nopu desab syassa taht tseggus atad ehT .)I etats lacinilc eht ot etairporppa erew yeht tnaveler erehw dna desu tnairav yassa eht fo tned elbaT( -nepedni erew selpmas lla rof setamitse ycnetop ,noitidda nI .yassa eht ni dradnats eht sa desu ni eht -araperP ecnerefeR lanoitanretnI eht gnidivorp rof noitazinagrO htlaeH dlroW eht dna ,yassaoib oviv gnimrofrep rof sekuD .P .rD knaht eW stnemegdelwonkcA .sredrosid lacigolotameh fo noitagitsevni eht ni esu enituor rieht -rep stnegaer devired-OPE tnanibmocer no desab sAIR OPE fo ytilibaliava eht woN .ygolohtap noitaraperp OPE eht fo taht morf tnereffid yltnac -ifingis ton erew ,detset snoitulid eht rof ,hcihw sepols htiw senil esnopser-esod gol evag detset selpmas ,deiduts sdohtem AIR owt eht fo stnairav ruof lla nI .OPEuH-R fo noitaraperp deifirup yllaitrap a dna OPE yraniru namuh fo stcartxe fo detsisnoc selpmas tset rehtO .ygoloite nwonk -nu fo aimehtycylop dna saimehtycylop yradnoces dna yramirp ,aimena citsalpa htiw stneitap morf dna ,)OPE lanerartxe( tcejbus cirhpena na dna ,stcejbus lamron morf ares dedulcni yehT .s·/oitag O42 Case 1:05-cv-12237-WGY Document 534-24 Filed 06/20/2007 Page 7 of 8 70108500 CTI-MA 158440 74 MA ,eirgE ._R ,gnillamS ,.J ,nworB ..H.C ,niL ,.S ,sgguS ..K.F ,niL .44 ,49 .dcM .nretnI .nnA ni yassaonummi -oidar .amrehtycylop htiw stneitap gnitaulave niteioporhtyrE )1891( .608 .313 erutaN ANDc dna .niteiopothtyre .E ,ressawdloG dna .P.H ,relffeoK namuh fo senolc cimoneg fo noitaziretcarahc dna noitalosI )5891( stneitap .9231 ,ii tecnaL .sisylaidomeah cimeana ni tnemtaert niteioporhtyrE)6891( .B ,teraV dna .N .llavedasaC ..F .ognolreteP ,.P-.J ,engiatsaC ,.S ,snoleD ,.C .teraN ..H .sierK ..L ,ihrereB ..J .faargniZ ,.T ,ekeurD ,.B .sniZ .5711 ,ii tecnaL ·sisylaidomeah cinorhc yb deniatniam stneitap fo aimeana eht no AND tnanibmocer morf devired niteiopor -ht_,2re namuh fo tceffE )6891( .M.P ,setoC dna LI.M gni -nwoD ,.C ,dieR ,.J,M ,drappiP ..O.D ,revilO ..3·.C ,slraeniW .314 ,96 .icS .nilC ,aimehtyeylop tuohtiw dna htiw esaesid gnul cixopyh ni niteioporhtj·te evitcaeronummi mureS )5891( .C.R .maT dna .P.J .notsyoR ,.C.A .dnalweN ,.W.D ,yepmE ,.M.P ,setoC _A.J ,ahcizdeW .T ,ekayiM dna .T .uzamihS ,.M ·atikawaK ,.F.E ,hcstirF ,.R .kciweH ,.S.S ,senoJ ,.J ,arhecS ,.A ,nosfuM ,.JR ,nam ,.D.S ,llieN ..R ,frodsreduR ,.C ,rekameohS ,.K ,sbocaJ .411 ,98 .J .mehcoiB .ytivitcaoidar cificeps -fuaK hgih fo enomroh htworg namuh delebal-I· fo noitaraperp ehT )3691( .S.5 ,revolG dna .M.W ,retnuH ,.C.F ,doowneerG .15 ,92 .deM .veR .nnA .noitcudorp llec der fo lortnoc eht dna niteioporhtyrE )8791( .B.S ,ztnar.K dna .E.S ,rebarG .426 .99 .deM .nilC .baL .J .sgnieb namuh cimehtyc -ylop dna slamron ni slevel gnitalucric :niteioporht·re fo yassaonummioidaR )2891( .P.E .etiknorC dna .E.M .U ,rednalintt ..N.S ,ebbE ,.FL ,aicraG .948 ,08 .nummoC .relliM ,.O.H .seR ,gnittuC .syhpoiB .mehcoiB Liruo¢ylglynehpid-6,3-orolhcart htiw noitanidoi -et-6,4,3.1 .edimarolhc elbulos ylgniraps enarbmem llec dna nietorP )8/"91( .C.5 .kcepS dna .J.P ,rekarF ,613 .deM .J .lgnE weN .lairt lacinilc tI-I esahp :ndeioporhtyre .37 fo stius namuh tnanibmocer htiw esaesid laner egats-dne fo aimena eht fo noitcerroC )/"891( .W.J ,nosmadA dna .K.J .enworB ,.R.M ,gninwoD ,.C.5 ,eirgE ,W.5 ,hcabhcsE .506 .p )nodnoL ,sserP cimedacA( 1II senomroH yendiK .).dE( rehsiF .W.J :nI .stnemerusaem niteioporhtyre ssenlufesu lacinilc ehT )6891( .J ,oraC dna .J.A ,velsrE .312 .271 ygoloibonummI .niteioporhtyre namuh tnanibmoc -er fo stceffe lacigoloib dna noitaziretcarahC )6891( .K.D ,seniH dna .K.J .nworB ,.K-.F ,niL ..G .liarF ,.R ,gnillamS ..M_A .nehoC ,.K .ikoA ,.5 ,enaL ..W.T .dnalkcirtS ,.C.J ,eirgE .113 ,641 .5 .deM snikpoH snhoJ .siseioporhtyre fo noitaluger eht dna niteiopothtj,rE )0891( .E.S ,rebarG dna L.J .kavipS .588 .1,5 doolB ,niteioporht'sre rof yas -saonummioidar A )9791( .E .ressawdloG dna ,B.J ,txcowrehS .928 .001 .deM .nilC .baL .J .sredrosid citeiopomeh htiw stneitap dna stcejbus nam -uh lamron ni slevel mures :niteioporhtyre rof yassaonum -mioidar A )2890 .W.J .rehsiF dna .J ,snikoorB ,.B.A .egeR .8555 ,252 .mehC .loiB .J .niteioporhtyre namuh fo noit -acifiruP )7791( .E ,ressawdloG dna .H.K.C ,gnuK ,.T ,ekayiM .063 .95 .loisyhP .lppA .J .niner amsalp ot noitaler sti dna edutitla hgih ta snamuh ni niteioporhtyre mureS )5891( .M.P ,setoC dna .S.J .egdelliM .734 .52 .tnI yendiK .ycneieif'/usni laner ni siseioporhtyre fo noitibihni dna ycneicifed niteioporhtyrE )4891( ,W.J .rehsiF dna ..KLI ,kcuddahS ,.D.J ,nillaW ,S.J.R ,clginoOeM .0857 ,28 .A.S.U .icS .dacA .ltaN ,corP .eneg niteioporht'·re namuh eht fo noisserpxe dna gni -nolC )5891( .E .ressawdloO dna .H.P .laL ,.M.$ ,iwardaB ..Z ..F .nitraM ..M.G ,xoF ,.K.K .nchC ..C.J lyksnibatS 142 Case 1:05-cv-12237-WGY Document 534-24 Filed 06/20/2007 Page 8 of 8

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