Filing 60

MOTION for Summary Judgment Filed by AMERICAN EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATION, INC., AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, INC., NATIONAL COUNCIL ON MEASUREMENT IN EDUCATION, INC. (Attachments: #1 Statement of Facts Points of Authority, #2 Statement of Facts Statement of Undisputed Facts, #3 Declaration Declaration of Jonathan Hudis, #4 Exhibit Ex. A, #5 Exhibit Ex. B, #6 Exhibit Ex. C, #7 Exhibit Ex. D, #8 Exhibit Ex. E, #9 Exhibit Ex. F, #10 Exhibit Ex. G, #11 Exhibit Ex. H, #12 Exhibit Ex. I, #13 Exhibit Ex. J, #14 Exhibit Ex. K, #15 Exhibit Ex. L, #16 Exhibit Ex. M, #17 Exhibit Ex. N, #18 Exhibit Ex. O, #19 Exhibit Ex. P, #20 Exhibit Ex. Q, #21 Exhibit Ex. R, #22 Exhibit Ex. S, #23 Exhibit Ex. T, #24 Exhibit Ex. U, #25 Exhibit Ex. V-1, #26 Exhibit Ex. V-2, #27 Exhibit Ex. W, #28 Exhibit Ex. X, #29 Exhibit Ex. Y, #30 Exhibit Ex. Z, #31 Exhibit Ex. AA, #32 Exhibit Ex. BB, #33 Exhibit Ex. CC, #34 Exhibit Ex. DD, #35 Exhibit Ex. EE, #36 Exhibit Ex. FF-1, #37 Exhibit Ex. FF-2, #38 Exhibit Ex. FF-3, #39 Exhibit Ex. FF-4, #40 Exhibit Ex. FF-5, #41 Exhibit Ex. FF-6, #42 Exhibit Ex. GG, #43 Exhibit Ex. HH, #44 Exhibit Ex. II, #45 Exhibit Ex. JJ, #46 Exhibit Ex. KK, #47 Exhibit Ex. LL, #48 Exhibit Ex. MM, #49 Declaration Declaration of Marianne Ernesto, #50 Exhibit Ex. NN, #51 Exhibit Ex. OO, #52 Exhibit Ex. PP, #53 Exhibit Ex. QQ, #54 Exhibit Ex. RR, #55 Exhibit Ex. SS, #56 Exhibit Ex. TT, #57 Exhibit Ex. UU, #58 Exhibit Ex. VV, #59 Exhibit Ex. WW, #60 Exhibit Ex. XX, #61 Exhibit Ex. YY, #62 Exhibit Ex. ZZ, #63 Exhibit Ex. AAA, #64 Exhibit Ex. BBB, #65 Exhibit Ex. CCC, #66 Exhibit Ex. DDD, #67 Exhibit Ex. EEE, #68 Exhibit Ex. FFF, #69 Exhibit Ex. GGG, #70 Exhibit Ex. HHH, #71 Exhibit Ex. III, #72 Exhibit Ex. JJJ, #73 Declaration Declaration of Lauress Wise, #74 Exhibit Ex. KKK, #75 Exhibit Ex. LLL, #76 Declaration Declaration of Wayne Camara, #77 Exhibit Ex. MMM, #78 Declaration Declaration of Felice Levine, #79 Exhibit Ex. NNN, #80 Exhibit Ex. OOO (Public Version), #81 Exhibit Ex. PPP, #82 Exhibit Ex. QQQ, #83 Exhibit Ex. RRR, #84 Exhibit Ex. SSS, #85 Exhibit Ex. TTT-1, #86 Exhibit Ex. TTT-2, #87 Exhibit Ex. UUU, #88 Declaration Declaration of Kurt Geisinger, #89 Declaration Declaration of Dianne Schneider, #90 Text of Proposed Order Proposed Order, #91 Certificate of Service Certificate of Service)(Hudis, Jonathan). Added MOTION for Permanent Injunction on 12/22/2015 (td).

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EXHIBIT H Case No. 1:14-cv-00857-TSC-DAR Liberating America s secret, for-pay 4t25t2014 lar'r,s - Boirç Boing llÞrr I i rvv\\Àas g ô o z u È ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiËffiffi Liberating America's secret, for-pay laws trr ii-ii ¿,: ËË at ro:29 pm Mon, Mar t9, zorz IEdi tor,s note: Thís morning, t I found a an enorrnous, goLb box w aíting f or me at my post-off íce box- Aff ixed to ít was q stícker wsrníng me that by accepting this box ínto my possessÍon, I was makíng myself líable paper were US laws -- laws for nearly $u mÍllÍon ín damages. The box was f ult of paper, and printed on the that no one is ollowed to publÍsh or distribute wíthout permÍssion. cgyl Malauud,Boing Boíng's glorious box of weírd (here are the unboxing pÍcs for føvorite rogue archivist, ís the guy who sent me this your pleaasre). I was expecting ít,because he asked me in qdvance íf I mínded being one of the zs entíties who'd,receívethislaw-bombondeposit. Iwasonlytoogladtoaccept--ontheconditionthatCatlwríteus o,guestedítorialexplaíníngwhatthÍswosall about.Hewastruetohísword.-Coryl Bourtc Bon¡c To: Cc oE LA\^r The Standards PeoPle TheRestofUsPeoPIe Fno¡¿: carl Malam"a, BgþJiçrFçlqytç"'9lg R¡: "Codels Law"-Lessig I¡v L Orrrcr¡r Guusr MgLIonANDUM Our Right to Replicate the Law Without a License law are secret, and you're only allowed to rcad them if you pay standards body thousands of dollars for the right to find out what the law of the land is? Did you know that vital parts of the US a buying privately-produced technical public safety standards that have been incorporated into U.S. federal law. These public safety standards govern and protect a wide range of activity, from how bicycle helmets are constructed to how to test for lead in water to the safety characteristics of hearing aids and protective footwear. We have started copying those 73 standards despite the fact they are festooned with copyright wamings, shrinkwrap agreements, and other dire warnings. The reason we are making those copies is because citizens have the right to read and speak the laws that we are required to obey and which are critical to the public safety. public.Resource.Org spent $7,414.26 on the Web, the standards people came When peter Veeck posted the Building Code "f 93-Y9Y. TS"+*-q after him with a legal baseball bat. The standards people run private nonprofit organizations that draft model laws that states then adopt as law, through a mechanism known as incorporation by reference. 1t39 http://boi ng boing .neU2O1Z03l lgliberati ng -americas-secret.l'ìtml AERA_APA-N CM E_OO3 1 764 412512014 Liberating America's secret, for-pay larae - Boirg Boing Peter thought the people of his town should be able to read the law that governed them. But the standards people were adamant that the model building codes were their copyright-protected property ¡nd that nobody could post this informatioir w-iiiit¡uL a iicense, nobociy couici copy their property without paying the tollmaster, The U'S. Court of Appeals disagreed, saying that there is a "continuous that .the law,, whether articulated in j ud.icial opinions or legislative acts or ordinances, is in the public domain and thus not amenable to copyright ." Veeck v. Southern Building Code Congress, zgs F.3d Tq 6¡th Círcuit, zoo2). fi. "If a Law Isnt Fubtic, rt trsnt a Law"-Justice ste¡lhen Breyer Based on the Veeck decision-and a long line of other court opinions that steadfastly maintain that public access to the text of the laws that govern us is a fundamental aspect of our democratic systemPublic' has been posting the buitding, fire, plumbing, and other siate public safety codes since zooT' For the last two years, weVe taken the public safely codes of California and convèrted them t" "HT.Y!: A group of students in the RDC rural mentoring program have converted the formulas and graphics to SVG and IvIATHIIL_, and we put the whole thing into an open code repository. However, the building, ñre, and plumbing codes are just a subset of the technical standards that have become law. Despite the zooz Veeck decision, standards incorporated. by reference continue to be sold forbig bucks. Big bucks as in $65 for a z-page standard from the Society of Automotive Engineers, Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards in 4e cFR s s7r Big bucks as in for a 48-page rgoe ;t;ndar¿ rrom unáerwtit"tr; r"¡"rãiori". ,ãår.,ìr"å p""t of the osHA ". workplace safety standards in 29 CFR S æro. required as part of the g8+z Public' has a mission of making'uhe law available to aii citizens, and these technical standards are a big black hole in the legal universe. We've taken a gamble and spent g1,4t4.z6to buy of these technical public safety standards that are incorporated into the U.S. 73 Ç""iç g{ FSg9l"l ASggl+ligl9. w" made z5 print copies of each of these standards and bound each document in a red/white/blue patriotic C.sRt¡r¡c¿t¡ Or Ilco¡pon¿r¡ol stating that the documents are legally binding on citizens and residents of the United States and that "criminal penalties mav applv for noncompliance!,, UI. Our gzzg.z Million Gamble on print ;,.W..[i:þEriirco¡ie-i'y9 ,*áyfá:í.fif:,,F_.iär¡lili;.hè¡áu-ó,ð.riiJ:æ,iiÉe4reätáh.d, nIèdtiä:[äkäå,¿ãirïiöüËãhd ;þruaêntrriisttb.Èpintmiil¡iadngtä.è.s-órl gid#úrnén wittr r pri"t *" are able to rimii "aitior,, distribution with none of those infinite-copy side effects we know and love about our digital world. Print seemed to be a medium the standards people and the legal people could relate to. rcknÑ-f ält'lhè,¡ffiri¿rit,warnings;t¿¡ o¡ust Êti,fhffik-'-piäg'iËêma'rtó;iþlrd.'ò-ihürêä: hot rhetoric that accompanies theäes documents that the producers rnal''¡ot"6¿ta&.únüálylËiiclrmstances. .ortirru"";il;;" ,*r;i|; Those of ygu.famltlar ¡4rith sta-tu-tory damages for unlawful replication of a document is $go,ooo "opvrigrr'i,ffirr,tlr*:t6,rn;g 0", irrfrJ.rion. So, *rr"n tfrougl, are not entirted. ro cgpyrigþ! proråçtion, a¿-ã,*¿i:66ç-e"'.¡r,i¿¡î 'strongly'ualiêie,ttiái'th.èrao¿unuts ** http:/iboing boing .nel.!2)12l13h9lliberati ng -americas-secret. html AE RA_APA_N CM E_OO3 1 765 412512014 Liberating America's secret, for-paylaws - Boing Boing timited print run is in any case definitely fair use, if a judge were to decide that what we did was Èreaking the law, 25 copies of 73 standards works out to ûzTs,Tío,ooo in potential liability, White whales may make bigger bets, we draw the line at $273 miltion. Those copies were bound up in 27.9-pound boxed sets and dispatched to 3 classes of recipients: the Standards Development Organizations (SDOs) with a Nor¡cs o¡ I¡¡coRpoR¿r¡o¡¡, stating that comments must be received by Public.Resource.Org by May l,2ou. The recipients include the American National Standards Institute, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, American Society for Testing and Materials, British Standards Institute, IEEE, International Organization for Standardization, National Fire Protection Association, National Sanitation Foundation, Society of Automotive Engineers, and the Underwriters' Laboratories. 7 sets were sent to U.S. government offices, including the White House, Senate (Senators Grassley 1o sets were sent to and \n/hitehouse), House (Representatives Issa and Lofgren), N1!iolalalçþiyçt, Administrative Conference of the United States, and the -Fe_dgrylJ"r"?d" ÇqT.TiP-s¡,q1, Copyright Office raising zr points of Iaw and policy ranging from excessive CEO compensation to cahootenizing in restraint of trade. The remaining copies have been reserved for public exhibition and legal d.efense, including copies furnished to faculty, two copies for the M3in¡!ry?+ M94¡3, EFF, the Ha-rvat{ "!ly.lçþoql and one to our legal counselor, David Halperin. Upon the close of the May t comment period, it is our intention to begin posting these Z3 standards in HTML and begin the process of providing a unified, easy-to-use interface to all public safety standards in the Code of Federal Regulations. It is also our intention to continue this effort to include all standards specifically incorporated by reference in the 50 states. That the law must be available to citizens is a cardinal principle.of law in countries such as we will expand our efforts to i.nclude those jurisdictions ry. I+4i?. and the V4Iç4_ $i_ngrlom, ana as well. A Poll Tax on Access to Justice The argument for the status quo is that it costs money to develop these high-quality standards and that it is the stated public policy of government that these standards shall be developed by the private sector using a voluntary, consensus-b ased approach. (Having spent a lot of time with these documents, we can vouch that many of these standards are very high-quality technical documents. This is important stuff and groups like AS_ME and NFPA do a great job.) AII nonprofits need money and SDOs are no exception. But, no matter how you slice the cheese, you can't do this on the backs of the informed citizenry. Access to the law is a fundamental legal right. Do these organizations need the revenue from standards sales in order to keep making high-quality standards? While SDOs have come to rely on this very lucrative monopoly over pieces of the public domain, a look at their revenue streams and executive compensation levels indicates that perhaps they don't need quite as much as they're getting. They all have a variety of revenue streams in addition to document sales ranging from membership fees to conferences to training and directed research (often done with grants, subsidies, or direct support from government). As sot(c)(3) nonprofits with an explicit goal of making their standards into law, SDOs have moral and legal obligations to make those standards that have already become law available to the public and in no case can they prohibit others from doing so. The scale of these operations is indicated in Table I which lists the CEO compensation for ten leading standards-making nonprofits. (ISO refuses to divulge executive compensation despite their status as a nongovernmental organization based in http://boi ng boing .nell2OlZl3l l9lliberati ng -americas-secret.lrtml Switzerland.l 3ß9 AERA APA NCME 0031766 Liberating America's secret, for-pay 4125t2014 lavrrs - Boirg Boing Table r: Cornpensat¡on of Major Nonprofíts Involved Ín Standards Setting F-ank- Na¡neof Nonnroñt r]reanlzation Nameot-Leader Year Anrount Underwriters' Laboratories L *------ K. a National Sanitation Foundation Tlar¡in J. P-ir;-L c+^--l^-l^ !!1LlOl1 JLAltUAlqÞ rlvvvalu l^-+i+,,+:^r11Ð LlLU Uúr1 2009 Williams T ar^rlnr ôññô Lv¿3 èr r 1^ ôiô +++v,vÉ a\E1r aVLV ôr ^^^ .¡r,U¿y l\ arronar tlre rrotectlon James M. Association Shannon nf ^¡:--^l F:-^ n--!^-!: - American National Standards Institute þ. ¡lù1lvl lllLelf zoog 2009 Thomas Engineers Loughlin The United States of America Barack Obama G. $42o.9 60 20n American Society of Mechanical ro. David L. Schr-rtt q./,2) tap. 2009 Prendergast fi+zz,t+tz tnno James fiTBz,ú47 2009 Thomas Society of Automotive Engineers ô $9r6,roZ James A. lilL,tuflal r¡! JU! 9926.114 Saranjit Bhatia IEEE L 92,075384 $ The status quo assumes that the only way to fund a standards-making process is to charge lots of money for the enil product. But that is a self-serving self-delusion. The SDOs would actually grow aíd lJ¡vrPEl i¡ lrr -- vPùrr 4rr ^-^- crrvl¡v.rrllsrrL, ^*";-^--^-+ drrq ^h.¡ +l-'^" Ll1çI '.'^"ll vvvq¡q -^-+^;-1" LclLdlrl1y ^âFR, Ldlry ^,,+ uuL ÉL^;LtlÉI1 ll¡¡Þùlv¿¿ -;^^:^ ¡tlulc ^€g^-+:.-^l-. strELlrvcly. They might need to change their business models, but hasn't the internet made the rest of us change our business models? 1/. "Let Every Sluice of Knowledge tse Set A-Flowing"-John Adarns The internet was built on open standards that are freely available. Many readers may not realize it, but there were originalty two Intefnets. The one we use is based on TCP/IP and was developed by the iETF and other groups such as the WsC. But, there was another Internet calted _OP_en Qyplç1r: (OSi) which was being pushed in the rs80s and early rseos by the International Jllgfçg+199"t*i9l Organization for Standardizaiion (1SO) and other SDOs. The OSI Interne'¡- was based on very expensive standards and it failed miserably. It was open that won and open that scaled. It is our contention that the physical standards that we're posting are j ust as important as Internet standards. By making things like the National Fuel and Gas Code, the standard for safety in wood and metal ladders, or the standards for safety and hygiene in water supplies readily available to all without testriction, we rnake society better, People can read the siancìarcìs and iearn, they can improve upon them by making searchable databases or better navigational tools, they can build new kinds of businesses. Innovation and education are just two of the benefits of opening up this world, but at the root are basic issues of democracy and justice. We cannot tell citizens to obey laws that are only available for the rich to read. The current system acts as a poll tax on access tojustice, a deliberate rationing and restriction of information critical to our public safetv. That system is morally wrong and it is legally unconstitutional. http://boingboing.neV2üZ0?l9tiberating-anrericas-secret,html 4139 AERA_APA-NCME-OO3 1 767 Liberating Arnerica's secret, for-pay lau,s - Boing Boing 4n5t2014 v[. Supporting Materials office In response to a petition drafted by Professor Strauss or_Çg-I-qgr-þl"q _l-gq "lç_4-"ql,the public as to whether they should provide of the Federal Register is taking comments from the greater public access to standards incorporated by reference. YouhaveuntilMarchzStorespondPleaseletthemknowwhatyouthink! rne Administrative Conference of the United !!-g!ç_q recently considered the issue of Incorporation by Reference, but ended up not taking any significant action. A particularly strong letter of protest was submitted by EFF. For makers and doers interested in the craft of public printing, we posted photographs ofthe construction of these boxes of in our print factory. A copy of the packing sl.ip that was in the boxes, including the ÀIor¡ce Or Ilvconponerro¡u. the shipping manifest, and the T letters of transmittal to government officials is available for your review as a PDF file as is a sample CsRr¡r¡cerr O¡ I¡¡co¡poRar¡o¡¡. MORE: CAROUSEL . COPYTIGHT. LAW . POLITICS Ì. More at Boing Boing The r9e+ World's Fair opened 50 years ago today Hannibal: Guilt is a divine beast of burden in "Su-zakana" [Season z, episode B recap] ADVERTISEMENT http://lcoi ng boing .nell201V03l l9liberatì ng -americas-secret.html 5ß9 AE RA_APA_NCM E-OO3 1 768 4t25t2014 Liberating America's secret, for-pay laus - Boirg Boing ut Responses to "Liberating Arnerica's secret, for-pay laws" T)iI:"''* ll:r .gii "n:: ? Gene Poole says: March rg,zoJz at 9:47 pm Either make all laws freely available to the public or accept ignorance of the law as a valid defense. Seems cheaper to make the law available. Reply Lemoutan says: March 20,zoJz at u:o3 am youwant to achieve something,Iegísløte for íts opposíte" I suppose you couid also level the playing field by making oll laws pay-per-view. And you wouldn't get a free By the principle of."If n¡cc cimnlr¡ lta¡rrrca \rñrr rÁrôÉ ¡ l¡rnz-mel¡orvs 'r!r! Reply ii.: , " '; ' i.l il i. - ãa'^ â+^ guulrLu ^-a-^. ù' sdY March zo,zoJz at u:o8 am They are not exactly laws. It's more along the lines of a law saying, "if you want to make protective shoes You have to adhere to standard u3 by standards organization XYZ." This is, of course, still outrageous but is typically intended for professionals and enterprises for whom this isn't a huge expense. There are real secret (criminal) laws whose mere existence is completely hidden from the public. Not sure if we should use the same words to describe those and standards. Edit: Also, read Bahumat's comment below; he's spot-on, standards are important and expensive to produce. Difficult to solve; if everything were funded by the public you'd have people complaining that they shouldn't have to pay just so some protective shoe manufacturer (evil http://boingboing.neV20lZ03ll9liberating-an€ricas-secret.html 6/æ AERA APA NCME 0031769

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