Filing 60

MOTION for Summary Judgment Filed by AMERICAN EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATION, INC., AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, INC., NATIONAL COUNCIL ON MEASUREMENT IN EDUCATION, INC. (Attachments: #1 Statement of Facts Points of Authority, #2 Statement of Facts Statement of Undisputed Facts, #3 Declaration Declaration of Jonathan Hudis, #4 Exhibit Ex. A, #5 Exhibit Ex. B, #6 Exhibit Ex. C, #7 Exhibit Ex. D, #8 Exhibit Ex. E, #9 Exhibit Ex. F, #10 Exhibit Ex. G, #11 Exhibit Ex. H, #12 Exhibit Ex. I, #13 Exhibit Ex. J, #14 Exhibit Ex. K, #15 Exhibit Ex. L, #16 Exhibit Ex. M, #17 Exhibit Ex. N, #18 Exhibit Ex. O, #19 Exhibit Ex. P, #20 Exhibit Ex. Q, #21 Exhibit Ex. R, #22 Exhibit Ex. S, #23 Exhibit Ex. T, #24 Exhibit Ex. U, #25 Exhibit Ex. V-1, #26 Exhibit Ex. V-2, #27 Exhibit Ex. W, #28 Exhibit Ex. X, #29 Exhibit Ex. Y, #30 Exhibit Ex. Z, #31 Exhibit Ex. AA, #32 Exhibit Ex. BB, #33 Exhibit Ex. CC, #34 Exhibit Ex. DD, #35 Exhibit Ex. EE, #36 Exhibit Ex. FF-1, #37 Exhibit Ex. FF-2, #38 Exhibit Ex. FF-3, #39 Exhibit Ex. FF-4, #40 Exhibit Ex. FF-5, #41 Exhibit Ex. FF-6, #42 Exhibit Ex. GG, #43 Exhibit Ex. HH, #44 Exhibit Ex. II, #45 Exhibit Ex. JJ, #46 Exhibit Ex. KK, #47 Exhibit Ex. LL, #48 Exhibit Ex. MM, #49 Declaration Declaration of Marianne Ernesto, #50 Exhibit Ex. NN, #51 Exhibit Ex. OO, #52 Exhibit Ex. PP, #53 Exhibit Ex. QQ, #54 Exhibit Ex. RR, #55 Exhibit Ex. SS, #56 Exhibit Ex. TT, #57 Exhibit Ex. UU, #58 Exhibit Ex. VV, #59 Exhibit Ex. WW, #60 Exhibit Ex. XX, #61 Exhibit Ex. YY, #62 Exhibit Ex. ZZ, #63 Exhibit Ex. AAA, #64 Exhibit Ex. BBB, #65 Exhibit Ex. CCC, #66 Exhibit Ex. DDD, #67 Exhibit Ex. EEE, #68 Exhibit Ex. FFF, #69 Exhibit Ex. GGG, #70 Exhibit Ex. HHH, #71 Exhibit Ex. III, #72 Exhibit Ex. JJJ, #73 Declaration Declaration of Lauress Wise, #74 Exhibit Ex. KKK, #75 Exhibit Ex. LLL, #76 Declaration Declaration of Wayne Camara, #77 Exhibit Ex. MMM, #78 Declaration Declaration of Felice Levine, #79 Exhibit Ex. NNN, #80 Exhibit Ex. OOO (Public Version), #81 Exhibit Ex. PPP, #82 Exhibit Ex. QQQ, #83 Exhibit Ex. RRR, #84 Exhibit Ex. SSS, #85 Exhibit Ex. TTT-1, #86 Exhibit Ex. TTT-2, #87 Exhibit Ex. UUU, #88 Declaration Declaration of Kurt Geisinger, #89 Declaration Declaration of Dianne Schneider, #90 Text of Proposed Order Proposed Order, #91 Certificate of Service Certificate of Service)(Hudis, Jonathan). Added MOTION for Permanent Injunction on 12/22/2015 (td).

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EXHIBIT FF-5 Case No. 1:14-cv-00857-TSC-DAR I of2 task-id=107019567 task that queued this [File last modified: 2.4 years agr requested: UTC: 2014-10-30 16:41:30, PDT: 2014-10-30 09:41:30] [Time historv details dow¡rload metaclata üanage Task started at: UTC: 2012-05-26 2O'.O7:58 ( PDT: 2012-05-26 13:07:58) Task pid: 16320 ssh -À, -n -c arcfour'lpetabox/sw/work/bup.php task_id:1 0 7 0 I 95 6 7 eidentif ier:gov. Iaw. aera. standards . 1 9 9 9 e s erver:ia6 0 0 5 0 0 . us . archive . org&cmd=bup . phpeargs=dir t 3Dt2 52F1t252FitemsS 252Fgov .law. aera. standards. 19 99t2 6prevtaskt3Dl0 70 I 07 B B& submittime:20L2-O5-26+2043À.07 t3À5Sesubmitter:carlt40media. orÇ&prioríty:5 &wait_admin:0 & f inished=o, : I task_id=1 0 7 0 I 9 5 57 & identif ier=gov. Ia¡s. aera. standards . I 9 9 9e server:ia600500. us. archive. org&cmd:bup. php&args=dir *3D*252F18252ritemst252îgov. law. aera. standards. 1999$2Gprevtaskt3D10701078B& submitti-ne:2O]-2-O5-26+20*3À07t3À58&submitter:carlt4Omedia. org&priority:- coT 5 &wait_admin:0 & f ini shed:0 I ltask_idl =:> []-070195671 ¡identifierl =:> [ lserver] ::> [] 1999 I lcmdl ==> lbup.php] largsl::¡ ¡6i¡:*2F1tzF'!r.aera.standards.1999&prevtask=l07OL07BBI ¡submittimel ==> I2OL2-O5-26 20207:5Bl lsubmitterl ==> [] lpriorityl ==> t-51 lwait_adminl ==> tol lfinishedl ==> t0l args =:> Ãrray ( dír ¡ =¡ / t / Ltems / gov. law. aera. standards IPrevtaõk] :> 107010788 I . 19 99 ) finish( ). . . ÀSSIGNING ... done [format]s in _tites.:rml fF MISSING... file info from _files.:¡rnl FOR FILES THÀT NO LONGER EXIST. ... done Setting file permissions for 1999. this is a public item. REMOVING sync-ing item,.. I PDT: 2OL2-O5-26 13:07!59 J Executing: /petabox/sw/bin/ it ems / gov. law. aera. standards. 1999 ...sunk in 0 seconds. / L/ sychronizing item to the backup server... I ] Executíng: ssh -.4. -n -c arcfour,archive,org "mkdir -p /var/tmp/bup-tink/20L2-o5-26lt/items && lusr/øín/rsync -av --delete -b --backup-d'ír:/var/tmp/bup-tink/2012-05-2611/i-rems r6ync:// /items_t/ /l/ítems && /petabox/sw/bin/'ll/items Now PDT: 2AL2-A5-26 13:07:59 / aera. standards. 1999 ' " receiving incre¡nental file list gov. Ialr. aera. atandards. 1999 / gov. law.aera. standards. L999 / aera. standards. 1999.djvu gov. law. aera. standards. 1999/aera. standards. 1999.epub gov. law. aera. standards. 1999/aera. standards. 1999. gif sov . law. aera . srandards . 11tr1ÊTËîññffiñf:Ê9fi;Ärsï;Fbbyy . sz https // nogl I07 019 567 : IA-AERA.O21 2 task_id=107019567 task that clueued this fFile last modified: lTime request€d: UTC: 2014- 10-30 I 6:41 :30, PDT: 20 14- 10-30 09:41 :30I history details dowuload ¡netadata manage 2l of2 years agr Yvv.rqw gov. Iaw. aera. standards . 19 9 9 I gov . lanû. aera. etandards . 19 9 9 f iles . t<n1 gov. law. aera. standards. t999 /gov. law. aera. standards.199g_meta.)ctrI eent 253 bytes received 80683560 bytes 32273525.20 byteslsec total size is 95606397 speedup is 1.18 Calting Metadata: :clear_caehe ( ' aera. standards. 1999' ) [tota1 task time: 3.0 seeonds] TÀsK FTNISHED wrTH succEss at uTc: 2OL2-O5-26 2OzO8:.02, ( PDT: 20L2-05-26 l-3:08:02) ljil* l¡rt nrxlrlìÈd. J.d 3r*rri s¡1ir I https:l/ 19567 IA-AERA-022 I of 3 task id=107034141 history cletails download metadata ilranage task that queuecl tlús [File last modified: 2.4 years ago requested: UTC: 2014-10-30 16:41:33, PDT: 2014-10-30 09:41:331 ] flir Task started at: UTC: 2012-05-26 23246:51 ( PDT: 20).2-05-26 16:46:51) Taak pid: 30022 esh -À -n -c arcfour '/petabox/sy/work/archive.php task_id=10703414 feidentifier:gov.1aw. aera. standards. 1999&server:ia600500. us. cmd:archive. php&arge=update_modet3D1t2 6comment$3Ds3putt26delete_from_gourcet3D2 $2 6from_ur1t3Drsynct253Àt252Ft252Fhd.www38 . g3dnst2 52Fs3 1t252Fs3fSbbebSe-a265-4b6a-8 c.e5-c5l2f7 85e094-gov. law. aera. gtandards. 1999t252Ft26dir t3Dt252F1t252Fitens* aera. etandards. 19 9 9&submittime=2012 -05-26+23\344 6t3.A'51& subnitter=carlt4 Omedia. org&priority=-5 ¡*rait_admin=0û f inished=O' 034 14 leidentifier=gov. lanr. aera. gtandards. 1999û archive. org&cmd=archive. php&args=update_modet3Dlt26commentt 3De3put$26delete_from_eourcet3D2 t2 6from_urlS3Drsynct25 3At252Ft252Fhd.sww38 . s3dnst252Fs3 1t252Fs3fBbbebSe-a265-4b6a-8 ce5-c5l2f7 aera, standards. l999t252Ft26dir t3Dt252F1$252Fitemet252Fgov. Iaw. aera. atandards . 1999&auhrittime=2012-05-26+23t3À4 6t3A5fû submitter=carlt4 Omedia. org&priority=-5 ¡rait_admin=0& f inished=0 l GOT: I task_id=107 Itask_id] ==> [ 107034141¡ Iidentifier] ==> [ standards. 1999 ] I server] ==> [] [cnd1 ==¡' [archive.php] Iargs] ==> [update_mode=1&co¡mnent=e3-put&delete_from_gource:2&from_url=rsynct3At2F t2Fhd.www3B . s3dnst2Fs3 1t2Fs3-f BbbebSe-a265-4b6a-8ce5-c5 12f7 85e094gov. law. aera. standardg. 19 99$2F&dir=t2Flt2Fitemst2Fgov. law. aera. standarda. 1999 l Isubmittime] ==> [2012-05-26 23:46:51] Iaubmitterl ==> [carl€] [priority] ==> [-5] [wait_admínl ==> [01 [finiahed] ==> [0] arga ==> À.rray ( [update_mode] =¡ 1 [coment] :> e3-Put [delete_from_eource] =) 2 Ifrom_url] => rayncs//hd.r¡ww3B.s3dng/s31/s3-fSbbeb8e-a265-4b6a-Bce5-c512f785e094gov. law. aera. standarde. 19 99l I dír ¡ =; / t / it.ens / gov. law. aera. standardg . 199 9 ) Getting file(s) Bce5-c5 12 from url: rsync://hd.wwwsg.s3dns/e3L/s3-f8bbeb8e-a265-4b6a- f 7 85e09 4 -gov. Iaw. aera. gtandards . L9 99 / I PDT: 20l2-05-26 16:46;53 ] Executing: /usr/bin/rsync --timeout=3600 --safe-links -rltDv -Lk --contimeout=30 ' rsync : / /hd.www38 . s3dns /s31./e3-fBbbeb8e-a265-4b6a-8ce5-c5 12f7 85e094gov. law. aera. etandardg. 19 99l ' ' / 1/items /gov. Iaw. aera. standards. 1999 ' receiving incremental file list gov. law. aera. etandards. 19 99_met,a. :snl sent 65 bytes received 1753 bytes 3636.00 bytea./sec total size is 1611 apeedup is 0.89 ....Checking /1/it,erns/ for new zotero zips... ASSIGNING ... done [fornat]s in _fiIes.:cnl IF ]IISSING... finishO... Adding parent collections: additional_collections Ioaded meta Xlltl, f rorn: / l/items./gov. law. aera. standards. 1999 /gov. Iaw. aera. standarde. 1999_meta.:<ml modifying element: coì-Iection[2] with value¡'additi<¡nal_collectione' found (2) "collection" li¡e'ni{f l¡fr,i¡rticd: J-.t }rðr} a{' l htçs:// IA.AERA.O23 2of3 task_id=107034141 task that queued this [File last modified: 2.4 years ago] requested: UTC: 2014-10-30 16:41:33, PDT: 2014-10-30 09:41:331 history details download metadata rnanage flir checking and formatting new ¡neta.:snl with xmllint¡ I PDT: 2OL2-O5-26 L6t47224 ] Executingz ltar/bín/:<mllint --format 'lvar/tmp/autoclean /gov. Iaw. aera. standards. 1 999_tmp.:cnl ' > ' /var / trnp/autoclean /gov. Iaw. aera. standards. 1 999_fmt. :<rnl' Iformat]e in _fileg.¡<rn1 IF ]IISSI¡¡G... Updating checksum(s) for gov.Iaw.aera.gtandardg.l999_meta.:cnl... computing size: 1708 mtime: 1338076044 verified: false updated: true ASSIGNING ... done REUOVING ... file info from files.:ûnl FoR FILES THÀI NO I,ONGER EXIST. done made changes. SAVING new ... done version of files.r(ml to disk... Queuing update for Search Engine to handle when it is able. Search Engine update queuedl Updating metadata table Setting file permiegions for ThÍs is a public item. Sync-ing item... I PDT: 2012-05-26 16247227 ] Executing: /petabox/ey/bin/dsync,py /l/items /gov. law. aera. gtandards. 1999 .,.sunk in 0 eeconds. sychronizing item to the backup server... I PDT: 2OL2-O5-26 ]-6247t27 ] Executing: ssh -A -n -c arcfour "mkdir -p /var/tmp/bup-tink/2oL2-o5-26l1/itens && lusx/bín/raync -av --delete -b --backup-dir=/var/tmp/bup-tink/2OL2-O5-26It/ite¡na tøyncz//í / /t/iterns && /petabox/sw/bin/ '/llítems /gov. law.aera. standarde. l-999' " receiving incremental file list gov. law. aera. standards. 19 9 9/ gov. law. aera. standar da . 79 9 9 / gov. lanr. aera. standards . 19 9 9_f iles . ¡(mI Now gov. law. aera. st.andards . 199 9,/gov. law. aera. standarde . 199 9_meta. :cnl sent 125 bytes received 3981 bytes 2737.33 bytes/aec total size is 956061-57 speedup is 23284.50 Deleting from hd.www38. I PDT: 2012-05-26 7624'1t28 ] Executing: ssh -A -n -c arcfour hd.www3S.s3dns.ue.archive.orq'lbin/r¡n -rfv /l/íncoming/REMofE suBl{ITls3-f8bbeb8ea2 65-4b6a-Bce5-c5 12 f 7 B 5e0 9 4-gov. law. aera. standards . Lg 9 I /' e€€€€€€€e€e€e€€€eeeeee€ee€e€e€€€€€€ee€€eeee€eeee€eeeeee€€€€ € ¡ùARNING: POSSIBLE DNS SPOOFING DETECTEDI € eee€e€e€€€ee€e€e€€€€ee€€e€e€ee€ee€e€€ee8e€ee€€eeeee€eeeeÊ€€ The RSÀ host key for hd.¡¡v¡ has changed, and the key for the correeponding IP addrese 2O7.24L.226.L5L is unchanged. Thie could either mean that DNS SPOOFING ie happening or the IP address for the hoat and lte host key have changed at the game time. Offending key for IP in le.Xc/ash-/seh_known-hoste:838 ee€e€€€€e€e€€G€eß0Êee€€eee€e€€€e€€€€e€e€eê€eeeeee€eee€e€€8e Í¡ÀRNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICÀTION HAS CIIANGEDI € € €e€€€ee€€€€ee€e€eee€€e€€e€€eee€€8e€ee€ee€e€e€e€e€eeeeee€eee IT IS POSSIBIE THÀT SOMEONE IS DOING SOMETHI!¡G NÀSTYI could be eaveedropping on you right nor¡r (man-in-the-¡niddle attack) It is also possible that the RSA host key hae just been changed. The fingerprint for the RiSkll¡¡lnr*dttËdJ ,l'llyr€rt.'¡¡q¡t!lte host ie Someone lrtçs://catalogd.arclú t ,A_AERA-024 3 of 3 task_id=107034141 history details download nìetadata rnanage task that queued this [File last morlified: 23 years ago ] Fir requested: UTC: 2014-10-30 16:41:33, PDT: 2014-10-30 09:41:331 authentication ie disabled to avoid man-in-the-middle attacks. Keyboard-interactive authentication is disabled to avoid man-in-the-¡niddle attacke. Agent forwarding ie disabled to avoid man-in-the-middle attacks, removed' / 1 / incoming/REMOTE_SUBMIT/ s 3-f SbbebBe-a2 6 5 -4b6 a- 8c eS -c5 L2f7 85e0 9 4 Password gov. Iaw. aera. standards. 19 99,/ aera. standardg. 199 9_meta.:sul ' removed directory: '/1/incoming/nBlorr'._SUBMlT/g3-fSbbeb8e-a265-4b6a-8ce5-c512f785e094gov. law. aera. standards. 19 99' ÀRCHIVE TASK SUCCESST Calling liletadata: : clear_cache ( ' gov.1aw. aera. standardg. ltotal taek time: 36.0 seconds] TASI( FINISHED ÍIITH SUCCESS at UTC: 2OL2-O5-26 23247228, ( PDT: 2012-05-26 f¡k https :// 141 I 999 ' ) larl lurtllrcd; l.d ¡r'arl u*u, 16¿47¿28) I IA.AERA.O25 I of2 task_id=107040689 historv details download mefadata @Se task that aueued this [File last modified: 2.4 years ago ] [Time requested: UTC: 2014-10-30 16:41:35, PDT: 2014-10-30 09:41:351 flask started at¡ Ufc¡ 2Ol2-O5-27 01143125 ( PDT| 2012-05-26 18r43t25) Task pids 1554 ssh -À' -¡ -c arcfour '/petabox/sd¡¡ork/archive.php task_1d-107040689e tdentifler:gov. Ian¡. asra. standards.1999& årchlve. org&cmd-archive.php& args-update_urcdet 3D1 t2 6co@ontt 3Ds3 putt26deletê_from_sourcêt3D2t26from_urlt3Draynct253At252Ft252Fhd.ww!r38 . s3drs$252Fs32t252Fs3-Od6/¡e431-71¡03-4€b4b07e-1 13ådob85af3-gov. laH.aera. standards. 1999t252tr$26next_cDd$3Dderivet26dir t3Dt252Flt2szFitèrDst252Fgov. law. aera. standàrds . 1999&subtnlttime-2OI2-o5-27+o1$3À4313425Ê sutxnitter:carlt 4 Otûed1a. orgtprlorlty:-5 &wait_admin:0 & f lnished-0' cOBr Itask_Ld:l0?04068g&ândàrds.1999& args=updat _mode*3D1$26comentt3Ðs3- putt26delête_from_sourcet3D2t26froD_urlt3Drsynct253At252Ft252Fhd.rrvr¡38. s3dns$2s28s32*z52Fs3-0d64ê431-7403-4eb4b0?a-1 13ådobgsaf3-gov.1eir. aera. standards. 1999t252Ft26nêxt_cmdt3Dderlvet26di¡ t3Dt252F1t252Fitenst25zPgov. law. aera. standards . 1999&submittlm€-2o'2-o5-27+01t3À43t3425& submitter-cårlt{ Otûedla . org&prlority:-5 &walt_adnin:0 ef 1¡ished- 0 l [task_id] :> [10?040689¡ [identlf iêr ] =:> [ gov. 1àlr.aera. standardË. 1999 I la€lvêrl :> [1¿årchl-vê.orgl [cmd¡ :-> [archlve.phpj :=¡ [ update_node=1&co¡mrent-s3-put&delete_from_source-2 &from_ur1-rslmct3Àt2F I args ¡ t2Fhd.w!¡w38. s3dnst2Fs32i2FE3-0d64ê431-7403-4eb4-b07å-1 13ad0b85af3-gov. law. aera. standards. l999t2¡.& next_smd-derive&dir-t2FltzFl.temstzFgov. lan¡. aera. standards. Isubrnittlme] -:> [2012-05-27 Ol. 43t251 lsubmittêr] ::> ¡carì-Smedia.orgl 1999 | lpriorityl :-> f -sl fnait_adninl -=> [o¡ [flnishedl --> [o] årgs ::> Àrray ( lupdate_nodel :> 1 ¡comentl -> s3-Put ldelete_from_eourcsl -> 2 rs]mcrl/hd.wirr38.s3dns/s32ls3-od64e43l-7403-4eb4-b074-113ad0b854f3gov. law. aera, standards. 1999/ Ifron_urtt'> [next-cndl -> derlve I dir ¡ =¡ / t I ltems I gov. law. aera. standårds . 1 9 9 9 ) cetting file(s) fron url¡ rslmc¡//hd.¡¡ww38.Ê3dns/s32ls3-od64e43r-7¡103-4eb4-b07a-1134d0b85ef3gov. law.aera. standardg. 1999/ I PDT| 2012-05-26 18r43r25 I Executing: /usr/bJ-n/rsync --tlmeout=3600 --safe-links -rltDv -Lk --contimeout:30 'rsync r //hd.nwn38. s3dnÉ/a32ls3-Od64è431-7¡¡03-4eb4-b07a-l 13ad0bg5af3gov. law. aera. standards. l 999 l " / Ll tLems/gov.1aw. aera. standards. 1999 ' receivJ-ng incre¡nental fl-Ie list aera. standàrds . 19 gg_Ecàndata. xml aera. standards. 19gg_scandata.xml_neta. txt sent 612 b1Èes receÍved 3592 bytês 2802.67 bytes/sec total size i€ 65070 speedup is 15.48 . .checklng /r/ltens/gov. Iaw. aera. standards. 1999 for neÍt zotero zips. .. àssIcNINc lfornat]Ë ln filos.xnl IF üIssING... source*"" to source:'original" cItANGINc aera.siandarãs.1999_Êcandata.mrl-meta.txt ÀssIGNINc "eera.ståndards.1999 scãndata.xml meta.txt' to format '¡tetadàta" ... done nade changes, sÀvINc new versLon .,. of files.x¡nl to disk... done finish( ).. . ÀSsIGl¡IXc [fornat]s ln _files.:<¡t¡l IF XISSING. .. checksum(a) for aera,standards. 1999_Bcandatà.¡o1.. . computlng true sizet 63430 mtlme¡ 1338083001¡ verifl-ed¡ false chêcksla(s) for aera.standards.1999_scandata.:m1_meta.txt... conputing true mtime: f338083004 verified¡ true Bizê¡ 1640 ... Updating updatedr Updatlng updatedr done REllovINc ... file lnfo fro¡n flles.¡strl made changesr sÀvlNc new ... FOR FILES THÀT No IONGER EXISt... done done verslon of _files.x¡l ì I rtr l;:t:r:rlJrl¡¡d. ¡J l{i}1 i".' https :// to disk... , IA.AERA.O26 task_id=107040689 2 historl details dow¡rload metadata ¡g¡pÂgg. task that qr¡et¡ed this of2 lFile last modified: 1.4 yecrs ago] [Time requested: UTC: 2014-10-30 16:41:35, PDT: 2014-10-30 09:41:35I sèttlDg ff Ie perurisslons for Thls is a publlc ltem. gov. law. aera. Êtåndards. 1999. syr¡c-ing item... I PDT! 2012-05-26 18t{3r56 I Executlngr /petabox/swlbin/ /l/iteurs /gov. law. aera. atandards. 1999 ...sunk 1n 0 aeconds. sychronizing item to the backup Ëerver... I PDT| 2012-05-26 18¡43156 | ExêcutLngr esh -A -n -c arcfour .nkdLr -p /var/tnp /bup-ttnk/2ot2-O5-27lLltteùÉ && luarlbtn/tsync -av --delete -b --backup-d1r-/varltry¡/bup-ttnk/20r2-O5-27 /1/itens reyncr// /r/itens t& /petabox/swlbin /dsync. py' I t / jtt;ans / gov. lan¡. aera. stendards. 199 9',' rece.lvlng Lnc¡e¡ental flle llst gov. Iaw. aera. standards. 1999 / gov. law. aera. standardg. 1999 /aera. atandards. 199 9 scandata. ¡(mI gov.).aw.aera.atenderds.l999/aera.stå¡rdards.1999 msta.txt Now gov. ).aw. aera. standards. 1999/gov. Law. aera. stendaids. 1999_f11aã. xr01 ãent 672 bIÈ,eE receivêd 6051 bytes 13446,00 b¡rtes/sec total slze fs 95608099 epeedup l-s 1¡1221.05 Deì-etf-ng f rom hd.r*nr3 8. s3dna. uB. erchive. org I PDT' 2012-05-26 18143157 ¡ Exêcutlngr ssh -A -n -c arcfour '/bln/nn /Z/LneomLnglREI.tCIE_SIIBI.IITls3-0d6¡!e431-?403-4eb4-bO7a-113ed0b85å¿.standards.1999/' eeêeeeeeeeeee8eeeeeêee -rfv eeeeeee eee€ eeee eee e€ eeeee eee ee eeeee e YTANNITGT POSSI.BI¡E DITS SPOOFII{G DETECTEDI E E ee ee e eeÊ€eeeeee e€ ee eee e ee€eÊ e€ eeeeeee€Êee ee eeeeeeeee€ ee€ eee e for has changed, and the key for the corresponding IP address 2O7.24I.226.L5L The RSÀ host key 1s unchanged. This could eittrer mean that is happeuing or the IP address for the hoet and lts host kêlz have changed at the same time. OffendJ-ng key for IP J-n /etclesh/sstr knoçn hostar838 DNS 9POOFfNG ee€€€eÊe€eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee€eee€ee€eeeEeeeee¡eeeeeeeeeê€eeeee E WAn!rING! NEUqTE HOSI IDE¡¡TIFICATION HÀS CTTâI¡GEDI eêe€eee€eÊeeeeeêeeeeêeeee€ê€€eeeeeeeêêeeeêeêeeeee€eeêeeeeee IT IS POSSIBI,E T¡TAT SOUEONE IS DOIITG SOUETHII{G NÀSTYI ê SoÍr€one could be on you right now (man-1n-the-middle attack) It ie also posslble tbat the nSÀ host key has Just been changed. The fingerprint for th€ 93 ¡ 0er 1dr 56r lbr 9f r 00 ¡aO r RSÀ key seut by the reuote ab¡ laraetd6 te9 rc2 r fer 23. t host is Please contact your systen ad¡ninistrator. correct hoet key in /root/.seh/k¡ovm_hosts to get rLd of this nessage. offending key tn /root/. ssh/known_hosts¡f{ Paaã\tord ¿uthenticatlon ls disebled to avoid man-1n-the-¡nlddle attacks. Keyboård-interactive authentication is digabled to avold nan-in-the-middls åttacks. Àgent forrtarding 1s dieabled to avoid man-1n-the-urLddle attacks. Àdd removed'/2/Ínconing/REHoTE_suBxrT/s3-0d64ê431-?403-4èb4-b0?àrds.1999 /aera. standards. 199ó scandaTa.x¡l' renþved'/Z/lncouringTnfHOrB-SUBf{IT/s3-0d6¡¡e431-7403-4eb¡¡-bo? /aera. standards. 199 9 acandata. :onl meta. txt' removed directoryr '72linconrlng/nÉroæn_sUsl,llT/s3-0d64e431-?403-4eb4-b07a*113adobgsàf3gov. law.aera. standarda. 1999 | ÀRCHM lfÀSN SUCCESS! Calling l{Etedetar r c lear_ceche (, goe. Iew. aera. gtandards. 1 999' ) Itêm qu€ued for derive taskl [total taEk time¡ 32.0 secondal TÀSK PINISI{ED WIÎH SUCCESS at IIIC¡ 2012-05-27 01r43¡57, ( PDTt 2012-05-26 18r43¡57) I I rk liat l::rrJrfit¡!; 3.d r¡¡1. r¡r, , https :l/ IA-AERA-027

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