Filing 60

MOTION for Summary Judgment Filed by AMERICAN EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATION, INC., AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, INC., NATIONAL COUNCIL ON MEASUREMENT IN EDUCATION, INC. (Attachments: #1 Statement of Facts Points of Authority, #2 Statement of Facts Statement of Undisputed Facts, #3 Declaration Declaration of Jonathan Hudis, #4 Exhibit Ex. A, #5 Exhibit Ex. B, #6 Exhibit Ex. C, #7 Exhibit Ex. D, #8 Exhibit Ex. E, #9 Exhibit Ex. F, #10 Exhibit Ex. G, #11 Exhibit Ex. H, #12 Exhibit Ex. I, #13 Exhibit Ex. J, #14 Exhibit Ex. K, #15 Exhibit Ex. L, #16 Exhibit Ex. M, #17 Exhibit Ex. N, #18 Exhibit Ex. O, #19 Exhibit Ex. P, #20 Exhibit Ex. Q, #21 Exhibit Ex. R, #22 Exhibit Ex. S, #23 Exhibit Ex. T, #24 Exhibit Ex. U, #25 Exhibit Ex. V-1, #26 Exhibit Ex. V-2, #27 Exhibit Ex. W, #28 Exhibit Ex. X, #29 Exhibit Ex. Y, #30 Exhibit Ex. Z, #31 Exhibit Ex. AA, #32 Exhibit Ex. BB, #33 Exhibit Ex. CC, #34 Exhibit Ex. DD, #35 Exhibit Ex. EE, #36 Exhibit Ex. FF-1, #37 Exhibit Ex. FF-2, #38 Exhibit Ex. FF-3, #39 Exhibit Ex. FF-4, #40 Exhibit Ex. FF-5, #41 Exhibit Ex. FF-6, #42 Exhibit Ex. GG, #43 Exhibit Ex. HH, #44 Exhibit Ex. II, #45 Exhibit Ex. JJ, #46 Exhibit Ex. KK, #47 Exhibit Ex. LL, #48 Exhibit Ex. MM, #49 Declaration Declaration of Marianne Ernesto, #50 Exhibit Ex. NN, #51 Exhibit Ex. OO, #52 Exhibit Ex. PP, #53 Exhibit Ex. QQ, #54 Exhibit Ex. RR, #55 Exhibit Ex. SS, #56 Exhibit Ex. TT, #57 Exhibit Ex. UU, #58 Exhibit Ex. VV, #59 Exhibit Ex. WW, #60 Exhibit Ex. XX, #61 Exhibit Ex. YY, #62 Exhibit Ex. ZZ, #63 Exhibit Ex. AAA, #64 Exhibit Ex. BBB, #65 Exhibit Ex. CCC, #66 Exhibit Ex. DDD, #67 Exhibit Ex. EEE, #68 Exhibit Ex. FFF, #69 Exhibit Ex. GGG, #70 Exhibit Ex. HHH, #71 Exhibit Ex. III, #72 Exhibit Ex. JJJ, #73 Declaration Declaration of Lauress Wise, #74 Exhibit Ex. KKK, #75 Exhibit Ex. LLL, #76 Declaration Declaration of Wayne Camara, #77 Exhibit Ex. MMM, #78 Declaration Declaration of Felice Levine, #79 Exhibit Ex. NNN, #80 Exhibit Ex. OOO (Public Version), #81 Exhibit Ex. PPP, #82 Exhibit Ex. QQQ, #83 Exhibit Ex. RRR, #84 Exhibit Ex. SSS, #85 Exhibit Ex. TTT-1, #86 Exhibit Ex. TTT-2, #87 Exhibit Ex. UUU, #88 Declaration Declaration of Kurt Geisinger, #89 Declaration Declaration of Dianne Schneider, #90 Text of Proposed Order Proposed Order, #91 Certificate of Service Certificate of Service)(Hudis, Jonathan). Added MOTION for Permanent Injunction on 12/22/2015 (td).

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EXHIBIT X Case No. 1:14-cv-00857-TSC-DAR g. -_HH,B-iii ^î^ï'^" $ õ:Þô.-.,-) 6z H,<-f , I - ll/ç.liona| Archiv e s and Re co rds,4dmiytístrstion Office of tke Federal Register .A,nguåt 3, 20$9 Mr. Carl S{alamud & CEO Fubtic.Resource,nrg President ÐearÈ'Ir. Malamud: I arn responding io your Freedorn r¡f Infognatian Act (FOIA) request. In your ]efter you requwt copies of all technioal slar:dmds incorpc'rat*d by referenee into tlre Code cf Fcderal Regulations (CFR). Under thç FOtrÂ,, Fedçr¿l Registerpublications, inoluding the datly F'ederøl Register xd the CX'R. are not subject ûo the request for¡ecords provisions of the taw, -See 5 U.S.C. 552{a)(3)(A) (FOIA re.quests do not applyto rçcords made avâiiable through the LFR under 5 U.S,C. 552(aXl)i. Ailditionally, ttre FOIA states that technical standards that a¡e "reas:onably availa'úle tc tbe class of person affectd thereby [are] deemed published in the Federal Regisier when incorporated by referencc thrr'çin with the approvai of the Ðirpctor of the Fedsal Register," See 5 U.S.C. 552{a}(1), Because these eta¡dards are deertedpubliehed in the Federsl Regßter when ihe Þileetor åpproves agencies in+orporafion by reference requesls these staudårds åTe not subject xo the request provision of the FOIA. As you ccrectly poínt put in yorn letter, the Director af th,e Federal Register established reguiations in 1 tlFRprut 51 t1ial goiern the incorporation byreferÈnce aprproialproçess. Ås part of ihis process, the standnrd rnust he readily avaiiablp and useable to the class of perecrns affected by the regulation. i gflR 51.7(a[4). In addifion, secnion 51.9(b.X4) *make ân requÌres that ageocies oJücial showing" that ttle pübücation is available by setting out in ihe regulation texi *'hare and bow copies of the stand.ards may be inspecfed and obtaibed fsrthe "maririim ccmvEniearoe cf the us*r.- I cER 51.g(bx4), As stated in the OFRtegrrlationso agencies are to list the publisher urforsation so that rcßu1aled ontities car: prirchase a copy sfthe standard that has been incorporated by refernarce. 1 CIR 51-9. Aciditionally, agencies need to líst Eontact ínforrnation for the ageËcy and for tbe OFR so that fte class of affecied parties may inspect the inco¡poralied matcrials eithçr at the agency issning the regulation or at the oER. see, I cFR s L3(aX3) snd s l .9(bXa), 'lVhile the standards themselves are ¡ot set out ín their urtirety ia the CFR text, there is ønougfo infoænetion s¿t out in the regulation text that ålfeÆted pârliÈ$ can obtai¡r or inspect these staîdards in o¡der to compiy with the regulatiun. Üontrsry to yrw suggestions, thøre is no fþderal law, regulation. or Prssidetrtial mesrolandum thot require.s st¿rrdæds incorpor*ted by referance to be sel out jn fir1l texf the CFR or posted verbatirn on fte Nationsl Archives a¡rd Rscor¿s Adminisfr'átion Heral i¡ UJ. m¿il ad¡be*ç: 7@rPen¡sylva¡ûa À-,'aug NW. Wsarungton, rc, yi{rtf&{tffrl Oífice }ocaHon 3ü0 ì{crth Capitol sheet, NW, guitÊ 7ût, 1+æht€ÈÊr¡, DC ãJ!æAZM lftgister web sites; häp://-+ww.archíveagov/federal-regisþ øntlhrfu:/ / www,pmrr* PROAERA_00010247 {NÀRÀ) wÊb$iÌe, À¡ discussed ålioveo Utu Uç¡S provides th¿t the rtateriaJs,approved fcrr incorporatlon by refereuce iuto ihe CFR åre "de.erned;publishedin the FçdsÌalRegisTer.'n The r+qUire*rents for ìncorporation byræference approùal clearly stste that egencies mwt provide ìnfor¡r-ntion for purchase or exsmination of the materåals; under Ìhese requirements, publlsher iuformation, inciuding phone numbsrs and web'sitss, are .sct out in the regulatiùn t€sçt Additíonatrly, agency ç'lntûËt infonl¿tion is providerl in the regulation iext so lhat affected pertíes ca¡ conlact the agency dirertly regâtdiüg the inco¡porated standatd. Thus, rr,aterials incorpôrated by feference sre reåsonably available to drose affected by the regulations becøuse the regulations clearly state:at:lcast ihree entities frbcl r.vhich the Íuateri¿ls canbe *itherput+based or examine'l Ås you nots i:r your letler. we do not fist¡ibute copies of malerials inc.orpolated üy 'V/e reference. do allow individ¡lais and onlities to çxair:ine tilese materials iil otn ofTicõ, 'We have also posted det-qilÈd inslnrctions çn how to request an a¡:pointment rvith ow office ùo exarnine IBR'd materials and the localions wbere the mate:{als are housed. These instruotions lo ecràmine tbese rlatflials can u-e,forlrtd at þt{p:/¡þç¡r"¡.archives. eov/federai"reEistcr/cÉ/ibr.lopaü¡.n1#find. r few years ago, The OFR began accessionirig materials ilcorporated by reference to ourparent âgðtc% N,{,RA, und€r û1rr approved ¡e+ords tcheduie. This mearr.q tlmt ,qomc of the míIteiiâis yflt mãy wisb to inspbct sre lÐcated at olher NAR¡\ façilities. 1[rs havs:postsd information Õn our records schedr¡le on our website, bltg/ ywvi,E-rchÍv$.9ûv/fix1eÌal-rcgisterÅifrlib¡-1ocs-tians,hhûl#firtçI lFyou have questioiu rcgarding where certain standarCs are stored, please cÕntsrt the l"egal Afïaits and Foiícy éiaf! who main"ain box indexes of acoessio¡cd standards iucorporated by reference intç the CF'** Yoü rffry contact the legat staffat the OFR by tolephone 202741-6030 or emåil fedreg;legel@¡qt¿ gor'. Itleas€ note that beginning Because of the large amount cf ma{erials you arÊ requesting to pxamine and the }imited ståf,f rÈsoruçe¡ at our oflice, we sffnngly ¡'ecorunend that you c.ontact the agency that incorporated the materials to examine them at theil officçs. However, if you wish to review the materials at the OFl, please contafit tbe Legal .,4.ffairs and Poliøy stafflo rnflke prealrangefilenls fo ínspect our holdingg, 'rjVe Círcuifs decision in Yeeek v. Southern BuiWing Codø Cortgress,293 2W?\ l/e foltow NAlL{rs policy as set or$ Ín itsrËgulatíans on are au/are of the 5ú F.3d 791 (5rh Circuit arçhivsd copyrighted matcrials- See, 36 CER 1254.62. -Althougþ o:any o:f our library hofdings are in thepublic domain aç products of eraployees or agønts cf,the Federal Governrnml, so:nç docume.trts incorporated by reference do or may have oopytight protection. You sre responsíbJe for obtaiiring any nÊcÈBsarypermissí'rn ftlr uso, copying, and publication Êom copyright holders and for any other agplicablepruvisio¡s of the Çopyr.igtìt Act flitle 17, Ureíted Staies Ccde). U.E, mar address; $BÕ1 Adslphf Bond, C.g}lgge Park. MD 20740'60Ð1 Offr+e loôatlon: &00 North ßapfto} Street, ltlV, Suíts 700, W*Fhhgiçn. ÞC e00')24244 FotlBrål RFÉHer wbb slbôl fitÞ:Jš¡út,fâderâfuÊgbkn gûv PRÛAERA_ÚTO1 T24Û Aìthougb fhese .lBR rnaterials are avail¿bte ro the public and will trp made availablc to you flrr,exarninatiçn in our offioe as described above, thís lettcr sonstitutes a deni^al of yonr FOIÀ rçquçst. If you want to appeol the decicion of lhe Office of fhe Feder'¿l Register, you must puf your appeai in writing and send it to: Deputy Archivist of ttre United Statçs National Archives & Reco¡ds Àdministu'ation {ATïN: FOIA Àppeals Staf$ Roorn 4200, 860tr Adefphi l4,oad College Parlq MD, 2{J7 40-6001. Sincerelg Director of tbe:Federal Register .ÙFflce U,S, ¡nE0 adürÞæì 8€01 Ad€lphi RÈàd, CôllÐgÐ Pãll{, MÐ ?014O€0S1 localf¡n: Ê00 q'údrth Capltd Sùgçt, NW, SrlltË 700, \trsshþrgtiiñ, ÐC 20tJÐ2;42tt4 F€d$Bi ReÐlsber r,sb slte3r http:1¡rÞìri,ÞdÊrÊìlÞ8lslËr{Ktv PROAERA OOO10249

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