Filing 60

MOTION for Summary Judgment Filed by AMERICAN EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATION, INC., AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, INC., NATIONAL COUNCIL ON MEASUREMENT IN EDUCATION, INC. (Attachments: #1 Statement of Facts Points of Authority, #2 Statement of Facts Statement of Undisputed Facts, #3 Declaration Declaration of Jonathan Hudis, #4 Exhibit Ex. A, #5 Exhibit Ex. B, #6 Exhibit Ex. C, #7 Exhibit Ex. D, #8 Exhibit Ex. E, #9 Exhibit Ex. F, #10 Exhibit Ex. G, #11 Exhibit Ex. H, #12 Exhibit Ex. I, #13 Exhibit Ex. J, #14 Exhibit Ex. K, #15 Exhibit Ex. L, #16 Exhibit Ex. M, #17 Exhibit Ex. N, #18 Exhibit Ex. O, #19 Exhibit Ex. P, #20 Exhibit Ex. Q, #21 Exhibit Ex. R, #22 Exhibit Ex. S, #23 Exhibit Ex. T, #24 Exhibit Ex. U, #25 Exhibit Ex. V-1, #26 Exhibit Ex. V-2, #27 Exhibit Ex. W, #28 Exhibit Ex. X, #29 Exhibit Ex. Y, #30 Exhibit Ex. Z, #31 Exhibit Ex. AA, #32 Exhibit Ex. BB, #33 Exhibit Ex. CC, #34 Exhibit Ex. DD, #35 Exhibit Ex. EE, #36 Exhibit Ex. FF-1, #37 Exhibit Ex. FF-2, #38 Exhibit Ex. FF-3, #39 Exhibit Ex. FF-4, #40 Exhibit Ex. FF-5, #41 Exhibit Ex. FF-6, #42 Exhibit Ex. GG, #43 Exhibit Ex. HH, #44 Exhibit Ex. II, #45 Exhibit Ex. JJ, #46 Exhibit Ex. KK, #47 Exhibit Ex. LL, #48 Exhibit Ex. MM, #49 Declaration Declaration of Marianne Ernesto, #50 Exhibit Ex. NN, #51 Exhibit Ex. OO, #52 Exhibit Ex. PP, #53 Exhibit Ex. QQ, #54 Exhibit Ex. RR, #55 Exhibit Ex. SS, #56 Exhibit Ex. TT, #57 Exhibit Ex. UU, #58 Exhibit Ex. VV, #59 Exhibit Ex. WW, #60 Exhibit Ex. XX, #61 Exhibit Ex. YY, #62 Exhibit Ex. ZZ, #63 Exhibit Ex. AAA, #64 Exhibit Ex. BBB, #65 Exhibit Ex. CCC, #66 Exhibit Ex. DDD, #67 Exhibit Ex. EEE, #68 Exhibit Ex. FFF, #69 Exhibit Ex. GGG, #70 Exhibit Ex. HHH, #71 Exhibit Ex. III, #72 Exhibit Ex. JJJ, #73 Declaration Declaration of Lauress Wise, #74 Exhibit Ex. KKK, #75 Exhibit Ex. LLL, #76 Declaration Declaration of Wayne Camara, #77 Exhibit Ex. MMM, #78 Declaration Declaration of Felice Levine, #79 Exhibit Ex. NNN, #80 Exhibit Ex. OOO (Public Version), #81 Exhibit Ex. PPP, #82 Exhibit Ex. QQQ, #83 Exhibit Ex. RRR, #84 Exhibit Ex. SSS, #85 Exhibit Ex. TTT-1, #86 Exhibit Ex. TTT-2, #87 Exhibit Ex. UUU, #88 Declaration Declaration of Kurt Geisinger, #89 Declaration Declaration of Dianne Schneider, #90 Text of Proposed Order Proposed Order, #91 Certificate of Service Certificate of Service)(Hudis, Jonathan). Added MOTION for Permanent Injunction on 12/22/2015 (td).

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EXHIBIT W Case No. 1:14-cv-00857-TSC-DAR g g ,EffilBlr ,\ h\"^)¿ au,,-"-aX å..- ^ -)^ E=tt @41 Hslrz-lt{ PffBã,fÇ.ffi.H$ffitrR#ffi .tR# - A Nonproíit Corporation Open Source .ILrnerica's Operating System "lt's Not Just à Good ldea-It's The Law!" July 14, 2009 Gary M. Stern, Ceneral Counsel National Archives and Records Administration NCC-Room 3110 8601 Adelphi Road College Park, MD 20740 Dear Mr. Stern. This is a request under the Freedom of lnformation Act (FOIA), jt U.5.C. 5 552 as further specified in the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) FOIA Regulations, 36 C.F.[1-. 5 1250. The purpose of this request is to obtain copies of all technical standards that have been lncorporated By Reference into the Code of tederal Regulations. ln addition to the requirements of the FOIA, this request should be granted because it is for access to the text of the binding laws that govern the operations and activities of government as well as all citizens. This request should be granted based on the specific requirements of 1C.F.R. 5 51 governing the lncorporation By Reference mechanism, the requirements of tJ[48 Circular A-130, the policies of our new President, and long-standing principles of due process and equal protection clearly stated by the courts. Incorporation Bv Reference and the Gode of Federal Retfulations The U.S. Code requires publication in the Federal Register of "rules of procedure," "substantive rules," and other information published by agencies of the executive branch. However, the Act specifies "matter reasonably available to the class of persons affected thereby is deemed published in the Federal Registerwhen incorporated by reference therein with the approval of the Director of the Federal Register-" 5 U.S.C. 5 552(a). According to the NARA lncorporation By Reference Manual: "Congress authorized incorporation by reference in the Freedom of lnformation Act to reduce the vof ume of material published in the Federal Register and C.F,R.. (See 5 U.S.C. 5 552(a) and 1 C.F.R. 5 51). Congress gave complete authorityto the Director of the Federal Register to determine whether a proposed incorporation by reference serves the public i nte rest." I C.F.R. 5 51, NARA spells out several requirements bywhich the lncorporation By Reference mechanism is carried out, including a requirement that the publication be ln PROAERA OOO1O{53 FOIA Request, Page ulr Êlã r¡,i+h ^l---.1 IJTaLLU ^^ rrrL Àl ^D^ ln -rl,li+inn ¡, +Lo ^o.Þ.-nic'm LrrL rrrllr i< nttita nrarica tadt¡irinn 2 t spec¡fic version of a specific standard, and substantial requirements of notice, need, and limitation of scope, as well as an affirmative determination for each standard by the Dírector of the Office of ihe Federal Register. Nowhere in the U.S. Code orthe C.F.R. is there an exemption of these technical standards from the requirements of the FOIA to make records available- However, NARA does appearto have an informal policy, not published in the C.F-R. or other formal regulat¡ons, with prom¡nent notices that proclaim "OFR does not distribute IBR materials" and "This site does not link to or contain standards incorporated by reference into tf'¡e CFR." [emphasis in original at the CFR v¡eb site.] What f lltn Specifically Ãskinq Foz lwould like NARA to make available some or all of the standards that have been Inrnrnnreted Rrr Refer-cnrc f hrnunh ânv nnF nf the fn!lnr¡¡ino mechanÍsms: . NARA can simply scan all IBR materials and make them available in the E-C.F.R, web site you ma¡ntain in conjunction with the Government Print¡ng Office. " NARA can allow Public.Resource.Org to scan or photocopy the materials at the office of Federal Register's downtown Washington, DC location. While there is a procedure for doing this listed on your web site it seems to indirate pricr approval is required of each copy request and it also appears you may not allow more than limited copying. . NARA can furnish the materials to Pubiic.Resource.Org as photocopies or electronically under the usual and customary procedures of the FOIA. lam particularly interested in technical standards from Undenvriters Laboratories, the American National Standards lnst¡tute, and other standards that are expensive and unavailable on the lnternet and in public libraries. Foryour convenience, a specific list of the standards lam interested in is attached as Appendix A. lt is important to stress thatthese materials we are seeking are not readily available through other means: o For example, Underwriters Laboratories Standard 727, "Oil-Fired Central Furnaces," is a key safety standard that has been incorporated by reference into numerous parts of our Code of Federal Regulations including 10 C.F.R. 5 434.4O3.7,10 5 C.F.R. +31.76(c)(1), and 24 S C.F.R. 200. To purclrase this LZ4-page standard costs $708 and the WorlrJcal,.OrE system shows that the only library in the United States with a copy is the Washington State Department Labor & lndustries library. " Li[<ewise, Underwriters Laboratories Standard 1191, "standard for Components for Personal Flotation Devices," is mandated bythe U.S. Coast Guard in 46 C.F.R. 55 160.002 , t60.047, 160.048, 160,049, 160.050, 160.052, 160.053, 160.055 , 160.060, 160.064, 160.076, 76A.A77,160.150, 160.155, 160.176, 164.019, and 164.023. Yet, the only copy of this standard listeel in Worldcat.Org is in the University of Wisconsin-Madison Ceneral Library System (1,700 miles away from my location) and it is the wrong version of the standard. To purchase the document costs $1,120. . The only reasonably complete collections of ANSI documents available to the public in the United States appear to be at the lllinois State Library in Springfield, lllinois and the Linda Hall Library in Kansas Cìty, Missouri. ñõ^^-ñ rñ.Lr¡lEfa,,LT A UUU tU ^^^A^AEA lO.t FOLA. Request for Ner¡r¡s Request, Page 3 Media Fee Status Public.Resource.Org asks that we not be charged search or rev¡ew fees for this request because we qualify as a "representative of the news media" pursuant to the FOIA and 36 C.F.R. 5 12 50.2(q). Public.Resource.Org, lnc. is a 501(c)(3) public charity chartered to make government information more broadly available w¡thout fee to any and all users. We have been (ert¡fied as a "news media" requester for the purposes of obtaining and publishing government records under the FOIA and other acts by the Department of the Army, the Department of the Air Force, the Department of Veteran Affairs, and the Food and Drug Administration. I would be happy to furnish copies of these determinations at your request. Public.Resource.Org is also engaged in aJoint Venture with the NationalTechnical lnformation Service ('NT|S") under Agreemerrt No^ l.lTES-1832 to more broadly disseminate hundreds of hours of video materials from the government onto the lnternet. Documents from this current FOIA request wÍll be promptly published, joining over 90 million pages of U.S. çlovernment documents we have made available on the lnternet. Due to our extensive publication activities of both raw materials and edìtorial products, Public.Resource.Org is a "representative of the news media" under the FOIA and agency regulations. As such, this request is subject onlyto duplication fees after the first 100 pages. However, all duplication fees should be waived, as discussed below, because disclosure of the information requested above is in the public interest. Request for a Public Interest FeeWaiver Public.Resource.Org is entitled to a waiver of duplication fees because disclosure of the requested information is in the public interest within the meaning of 36 C.F.R. 55 1250.58 and 1250.60. This request clearly satisfies these criteria. A fee waiver is appropriate here because Public.Resource.Org has no commercial interest in the disclosure of the requested records. Public.Resource.Org is a 501(cX3) nonprofit organizations and will derive no commercial benefit from the information at issue here and will distribute all documents widely at no charge on the lnternet. Under 36 C.F.R.5 1260, several criteria are listed to be used in evaluating our request. This request meets all 6 of those criteria: . As mentioned above, the primary legal materials published and binding on all citizens is the very essence of "operations and activities of the Federal Government" under 36 CFR 5 1260(a)(1). . Becalrse these materials are out of the reach of most Americans and are only available in a small handful of libraries, this activity will release "meaningful information about Federal Covernment activities that [are] not already publicly known" under 36 CFR 5 1260(a)(2). " Technical standards are the very nuts and bolts of our public safety, general environmental, and other codes will "advance the understanding of the public on the issue" under 36 CFR 5 1260(a)(3). " Public.Resource.Org has published over 90 million pages of primary legal materials and we have substantial exper¡ence working with technical standards PROAERA_0001 01 55 FOIA. Request, Page 4 E^.. tuf - utLduc5, J )^--)-- " " )^^^^--ç--si^^ -^tL^,.^^-+ì-^ u(f t¡uf t5ttdt¡¡¡g d¡t tÃpttrtJc i^ ^- - (iluruu9rr uilucr)rqr¡u¡t¡9 ilr ut d *L^-^.,^L,,^A^--+^^Ài^- ^E u¡ these records" under 36 CFR 5 1260(a)(a). Public.Resource.Org maintains one of the most popular and visible document servers on the lnternet for legal information and have demonstrated significant expertise to "disseminate this information to a [rroad spectrum of the public" under 36 CFR 5 1260(a)(s). Disclosure of this material, making available standards that govern our daily activities but have been inaccessible to those without significant wealth w¡ll "ieacj to a significantiy greater understanding of the Covernmeni by the pubiic" under 36 CFR g 1260(a)(6). It ¡s part¡cularly important to note that our prior work in making available public safety codes at the state level has demonstrated that the general public has a tremendous ¡nterest in reading and consulting these technical standards. The building, electrical, t^-:l-t-..,^ --L^-^,-) ^LL^-^t^+.. -l--^)^-t-.---r^:--purJil)rt<u PuuilL 5dlcr,y LrJutr5 vvtr -.,L1;-L^l fJtuf f tutf tgr uuiltst , ertsvdLUf , ilre, df tu uLiltst -..L1:- f^- -ll JU tut dil trn states have been extremely popular not oniywith specialists in the trades but with the general public, journalists, homeowners, and many others. Lirnitation of Fees lf you decide thatwe qualify neither as News Media or for a Public lnterest Fee Waiver, we agree to pay fees up to a maximum of $5,000. lf $5,000 is not sufficient to fully sat¡sfythe request of all IBR documents, please provide a partial response with $5,û00 .^'^¡th ^Í uuLur¡l!rrtJvYUt ttt vt A^-,,äôhf. lfìEl¡trt- l-iA.liæ-+i^¡a fT¡¿lav fiI\¡TE ñivarrl-v I-l Aô anå rf i+la Å.A. lrrespective of your determination under the FOIA, we respectfully submit that NARA is required to make this information available under the requirements of the ECovernment Act and related statutes and regulations- ln particular,44 U.S.C. S 1510(a) requires that the Code of Federal Regulations contain the "complete codifications of the documents of each agency of the Covernment having general applicability and legal effect, issued or promulgated bythe agency by publication in the Federal Register or by filing with the Administrative Committee." Nowhere are standards incorporateci by Reierence exciuded from this requirement. Publication of the C.F.R. is governed under the provisions of OMB Circular A-130 which states that "the free flow of information between the government and the public is essential to a democratic society" and requires that agencies, to the maximurn extent possible, "disseminate information dissemination products on equitable and timely terms." Requiring purchase of a $L,l"Z0 document in order to read the iaw of the iand is not equitable and does not promote a democratic society. The policies of the E-Government Act and OMB promoting dissemination of government information should be considered in light of the clear, unequivocal l:nnrr:no nf tha Þracidonr'< Jú ¡!'s¡r .r J !¡¡rr¡rrr ?1 ?009 Mgr.noratrdunr: "ln the face of doubt, prevails." The President's instructions are very clear: "All agencies should openness adoþt a presumption in favor of disclosure, ín order to renew their commitment to the principles embodied in FOIA, and 1o usher in a new era of open Government. The presumption of disclosure should be applied to all decisions involving FOIA-" I'KL,¡{EK/{ UUU"ÍU'ICÞ FOIÄ Request, Page 5 Given the lack of any specific regulations governing disclosure of materials lncorporated By Reference, qiven the importance of these core materials, and given the clear, unqualified language of the President, NARA should disclose this material. Prirnary Legal Materials Must Be Ãvailable To fhe Public ln Veeckv. Southern Building Code Congress,293 F.3d79I (5th Circuit,2002), Chief Judge Edith H. Jones clearly stated that "a continuous understanding that 'the law,' whether articulated in judicial opinions or legislative acts or ordinances, is in the public domain and thus not amenable to copyright." ChiefJudgeJones and the 5th Circuitwere ruling consistentlyw¡th a long line of decisions dating back to Wheaton v. Peters, 33 U.S. (il Fet.) 591 (1834) which stated that "the law, which, binding everycitizen, is free for publication to all, whether it is declaration of unwritten law, or an interpretation of a constitut¡on or statute." a It ¡s important to note that the Veeck decision was specifically on point in addressing the mechanism of lncorporation By Reference, the same mechanism used by NARAfor the documents we are requesting. lndeed, when the Veeck decision was appealed to the Supreme Court, the Court specifically invited the views and then followed the strong recommendation of the Solicitor Ceneral in denying certiorari and upholding the decision. ln that Amicus Brief, Solicitor General Olson stressed that the standards incorporated by reference are "indistinguishable from other laws of general applicability that the public has always had the right to copy freely." Brief for the United States as Amicus Curiae, Nlo" 02*355, May 2003. The purpose of the Federal Register system is to notify citizens what laws they must obey. Access to the materials that make up the regulations of the executive branch is a foundational issue of our system of government. There can l¡e no due process or equal protection underthe law if the texts that make it up are not avaifable for citizens to read. This FOIA request should be granted because it is the very purpose of the Office of the Federal Register to broadly disseminate the law and this request w¡ll further that purpose. Timeline for Response As the FOIA provides, lwill anticipate a determinat¡on on this requestfrom your office within 20 working days. Thank you for your consideration of this request. Respectfully yours, Carl Malamud President & CEO Pu b lic.Res ou rce. Org PROAERA OOOIOI57 Appendix A Standards Incorporated by Reference and Requested Under FOIA Office of the Federal Register, Code of Federal Regulations For More lnl'ormation, Please Consult the Standards lncorporated By Reference Database National lnstiÌute of Standards and Technology, hrrp://srancìtrd5,qovi sibr/querVi index,cfm Specifícatíons and Guidelines for ÀIuminu¡n Structures/ Part 1-¿\, síxth Editl-on, octobeï 1994, ancl part l 35*80 Specifications for Àluninunr Sheet Metal llork in auilding CÕnstruction ÀLuminum Association, 900 19th Stïeet. NIf, r l{asi ÃÀI-RMÄ Specifications for Anhydtous Àmrronia HoselAgriculture Ànrnonia lhstilute-Rubber Manufacturers (AÀI-RMA) Àssociatir:n, 1400 ¡ AÀMA 605-98 Voluntary Specification Requirements and Test Priocedures for High Perforrnance organic Coatings on Aluminum Extrusions AÀMÀ 1503,1-1988 Volutrtary Test Method for Tìrermal- Transmittance and Condensatj-on Resistance of t^lindows, Doors, ancì Glazed I'lall- Sec AA ÀIuminum Desiçn Manuål' À-A-ASM ¿ ÀÀ¡lA 1504--88 ÀAMA AAìrIA Voluntary Standard6 fo¡ Ther¡nal Performance of WindotJs, and Glazed hrall SectionÊ in Manufactured Housing in Manufactured Housing DoorÞ^ 1701.2-95 Voluntary Standard PTlmary windohr and S:.Idlng GIass Doox for Ut!Iization 1704-1985 Vofuntary Standard Egress window systems for Utilization ÃÀMA-800-92 Voiuntary Specifications andTesè Methods for Sealants ATnerican Àrchitectural Manufacturers Àssociation ÄÄMA-I503.1-BB VoLuntary Test Method for Thermal lransmittance and Condensation Resistance of Windor,¡s, Doors and Giazed WalI Sectic ÀÀSHTO Guj-de Lo Metríc Corversion, ÀÀSHTO, 1993 Bridge Design Specifications, First EdiÈion, AASHTO 1994 (U.S. Unit6), Marrual "Manual for Condition Evaluation of Bridges," second edition A-ASHTO St¿rnclard Specifications for Movable Highway Bridges, ÀÀSHTO 1.988 AASHTo Standard Specifications for Structural Sùpports for Highr.ray Signs, LuminaÍres and Traffic Slgnals¿ AÀSIt,Io 1994 AASHTO Tr¿Lffic ûngineering Metric Conversion Factors, 1993-Àddendurn to the Guide to Melric Conversion, AÀSHTo, Octobe¡ I993 À-ASHTO, À Policy on Design Standards IntersLaLe System, ÀASHTO, January 2005 AÀSHTO, A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and SlreetÉ, ÀÀSHÎO 2001 A-llerican Àssqciatino of State Hj.ghway anil Traffic Offici. AASHTo¿ Tnterim Specifícations-Brldges/ ¡\ASHTo 1993 ÀASHTO, fnterim Specifications-Bridges, AASHTO 1994 AASHTOT Tnterím Specífications-Bridges, ÀÀSHTO 1995 ÀBS cuide for High Speed craftr 1997 ABS Rul-es for Building and Classitlg À].uninum Vessels (1975) ABS Ruies for Building and Classing Mobil-e Offshore lrilling UnitÈ- (1994) ÄBS Ruies for Building and Classing Mobil-e Offshore Drilting Units/ 1998 ÀBS Rul-es for Building and Cl-assing Reinforced Plastic VesseIs, I9'18 ÀBS Ruies for Building and Classíng steel Vessels (L995) ÀBS Ruies for Building and Classing Steel Vessels fot Service on Rivers and Intracoastal l.Jatet:ways. 1995 ÀBS Rures for Building and Classing Steel" Vessels Unde¡ 61 MeLers (200 feel) in Length, 1983 ÀBS Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels. 1981 ÀBS for Building and Classing Steel Vessels, 1986 ÀBS RuLes for Building and cl-as6in9 Steel Vesselsr 1989 ÀBS Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vesselsf 1995 ÀBS Ruies for Buil-ding and Classing Steel- Vessel-s, 1996 ÀBS Rules for Building and C1assing SteeL Vesselst L997 ÀBS Ru:-eB for Building and Classing Stee1 Vesse1s, 1998 .A,BS U.S. SiuÞplenent to ÀBS Rules for Mobile offshore lrilling Unit.s, l- Junê 1998 ABS U,S, l;upplement to ABS Rul-es for Steel vessels for Vessels on rnÈernationat voyages, 1 Àugust 1997 ÀBS U.s. Supplement to ÀBS Rules for Steel Vessels for Vessels on International Voyagesf 2l Qctobet:1995 ÀBYc A-I-78-"l4arine LPG-Liquefied Pet¡oleum cas Systems" ÀBYC A-1-93-Marine Liquified Pet.roleum Gas (LPc) SysLems ABYC A-3-7O-"Recommended Practices and Standards Covering Galley Stoves', AASIITO LRFD i\¡\SIlTo -a n o !, m 7' !, I ct C) C) A ct or ao Appendix A, Pãge 1 ABYC ABYC ÀByc ÀtsyC A-3-1993 Ga11ey Stoves A-7-1970 Recommended Practices and Ständards Covering Boat Heating System6 i\-16-89-Electric Navigation Lights A-16-9? American Boat and Yacht Councilr Inc., 3069 Solômons Island Road, Edgewäterr Mal:ylànd 21037-1416:r ÀtsyC A-16 EleÕtÏic AByC A-22.-78-"Marine CNHompressed NaturaL Gas Systems" A-22-93-Marine Comp::essed Natural Gas (cNG) Systems E-1-1972 Bonding of Direct-Current Systelns ABYC ABYC ABYC E-8-198S-Àlternating Current (AC) Electrical Systems on Boa!6 Alternating-current (Ac) El-ectriõal Systems on Boats AByC E-8-1994 E-9-198l-Recomnended P¡actices and Standards Covering Direct Current (DC) Electrical E-9-1990 Direct-ct1l:l:ent (DC) Electr.ícal Systems on Boats H-2-1989-Ventilation of Boats Using Gasoline AByC H-2.S-"Ventilation of Boats using Gasoline-Design and construcùion" (1981) ABYC H-22-86-DC Electric Bilge Pumps operating Under 50 Vofts À.tsyC Systems on tsoats ABVC ÀBYC ABYC H-24-93-{asoline Fuel SysLens (g) and (h)-"Fuel Strainers and Fuef Filters" (19?5) ABYC H-25-198l-portable Fuel Sysèems and Portable Containers for FLammable Liquids. May.I2' I981¡,ByC H-25-1986 American Boat and Yacht Council (ÀBYC), 3069 Solomons Island Road, Edgewater, MD 21037-1416m H-25-1986-Po::tabIe AByc Il-25-1994-Portable GasoÌine Fuel Systems for Flammable Liquids ABYC H-32-87-Ventilation of Boats Using nieoel Fuel ABYC H-33-1989-Diesel FueI Systens ABYC p-1-19?3.American Boat and Yacht Council (,\BYC) P-1-?3r Safe Installation of Exhaust Systems for lropulsion and ÀuxiLrary ÀByC p-1-1986-Installat-ion of Exhaust Systems for Propttlsion and Auxiliary Engines ã.ByC p-l-L993-Installation of Exhaust SysLems for Propulsion and AuxiJ-iary Engines Àtsvc H-24.9 ABYC F-4-8g-Marine Inboa¡d Engines ACGIH American Conference of Governmental Industrial llygienists (ACGIH)/ 1014 Bloadwayr ÀCGIH Chaptel- 3, '.LoÕal Exhaust Hoods', and Chapter 5, "Exhaust System Design Pr-.ocedul:e" Fuel l'1aõl Cincinnati, Ol1 45202r Threshold limit value ôf "Industrial Ventil-ation: À Manual of Re( ÀCGIH's ,'Industrial- Ventifation: A l,lanual of Recommended Pr:actice" (22nd ed" 1995); or ÀCI 211.1-89 Standard practice for Sefecting Proportions for Normai, Heavyweight and Mass Concl:ete Àmerican Concrete Institute ÀCI 211.2-91 Standard Practice for SeLecting Proportions for Structu::al lightweight Concrete ACI 213R-87 Guide for Structural Lightroeight Aggregate Conc¡ete ACI 301-99 Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings AcI 302.1R-80 Guide for Concrete Rloor and SLab construction ÀCI 304R-89 Guide for Measuring, Mixing, Transporting and PIacíng Côncrete ACI 305R-77 Hot weather Concreting (Revised 1989) ÀCr 306R-78 coLd weather concreting (Revised 1988) AcI 311.4R-80 Guide for Concrete Inspection (Revised 1988) AcI 315-80 Guide for Detailing of concrete Reinforcement ACI 31g-89 Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Structur:aI Plain Concrete (Revised 1992) ! n o Þ m 7 o <) rÞ C) o ('r ID AcI 322-72 Struclural Plain Concrete ACf 347-78 Recommended Pract-ice for Concl:ete Formwork (ReaPProved 1984) ÀCI 357R-84 Guide for the Design and Construction of Fixed Offshore Concl:ete Structures, L984¡ rêappl:oved 1997 ÀcI 504R-77 Guide to Joint Sealants for Concrete Structures Acr 506-90 Recommended Practice for Shotcreting ACI 515.1R-?9 À cuide to the Use of Water:proofing, Dampproofing, Protective and Decorative Barrier Systems for Concrete (Revised 1! ÀcI 533. LR-69 Qual"ity Standards and Tests for Precast concrete tlafi Panels ACf 531.2R-69 Sel,ection and Use of MateríaLs for Precast ConcTete WaIl Panels ÀCI 533.3R-70 Fabrication, Handling and Erection of Precast Concl:ete I^¡aLl Panels ACf Standard 318-95, euildÍng Code Reguirements for Reinforced Conc.rete (ACI 318-95) and Cor,nentary (ACI 318R-95) AFPA Design Values for Joists and Rafters 1992. AFPÀ' AFPA Span Tab]e6 for Joj.sts and Rafters-Ps-20-70r 1993, å'FPÀ' À.FllA Wood Structural Design Data, 1989, Revlsed 1992/ ÀFlA. ÀGÀ Àmerican cas Association (ÀGÀ) (1) "Purging Principles and Practicesr'¡ (3rd edition, 2001). ÀGÀ Àmerican cas Association Report No, 3: Orifice Metering of Natural- Gas and Other Related Hydrocarbon Fluidsr Part 1: Generai- Ec AGÀ¡merican Gas Àssociation Transmission Measurement Committee Report No. 7¡ Measurement of Gas by Turbine Mete¡s (Second Revisio¡ Append¡x A, Page 2 of Petroleum Measurenent Shandards, ChapLer 3-Tank Gauging. Secì:ion 1À, Standa.rd P¡actice fo¡ the Manual Gauging of petl of Petroleum MeaEurement Standards,Section 1B-standard Practice for Level Measurement of Liquíd llydrocarbons itr Statione of ?etroleum Meâsurement Standards,Section z-Standard Practice for Gaug:ng PetroLeum and Petroleun ?Toducts in Tank Cars Manual of Petroleum Meâsurement stàndä.rdsrSection 3-Standard t'ractice for Level- Measurement of Liquid Hydrôcarbons in Stationar Manual of Petroleum Measurement StandardsrSectíon 4-Standard Practice for Level- Measu¡ement of Liquid Hydrocarbons on Marine Ve Manual, of Petroleum Measuremenl StandardsrSection 5-Standard Practice for Level- Measurement of Light Hydrocarbon Liquids Onboar Fipelj-ne Resea¡ch Comnitlee, Project ÞR-3-805, "À t'Iodified Criterion for Evaluating the Remain:nq Strength of Corroded Þipe," Pipeli,ne Research Comittee, rroject pR-3-805, "a Modifìed Criterion for EvaluaÈing the Remaining stl:ength of Corroded pipe,,, I Requi¡:ement6 for Ga6 connectors for connection of Fixed Àppliances for outdoor Install-ation, Park Trail-ers, ancì Manufactured (À Requirements fÕr Gas cônnectôrs fÒr connection of !-ixed.Applíances for Outdoôr Install-ation, Þark Trailers, and Manufactured (t Ajr Condj.tionjng contractor:s of Ame):i,ca :1.51.3 l.6th Street, Nt^I., trrlashì.ngton/ DC 20036, (202) 481-9370. Load Calcu]ation foi: Resident å.ISI Specl.fication for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members-ÀIsT-1996. ÀrVCA 210-'l4 Air Movement and Cantrol Àssocj-a.Lion, 30 W. University Drive, Àrlington HeighLs, fL 60004:, À.\,tcA 2LO-14: Laboratory Mel AMCA 210-74 Figure 12. Air l4oving and Ccnditioning Àssociation, 30 WeÊt Uníversity Drive, Arlington Heights, 1!,linois 60004. American f\ssocialion of Textile Chemists and Col-orists Test Method 79-2000. Absorbency of Bleached Textiles (reaffirmed 2000). Àmerican Àssociation of Textife chemists and colorists Test Method 118-1997, oil Repellency: Hydrocarbon Resistance Test (reaffirne Amerícan llerbal Products Àssocíatlon, Herbs of Commer:ce, 1992 ediÞion Anel:ican l:nstitute of Íinbe:: Constructicn (ÀITC) 200-83, InsÞection Manual, 1987 edition, available :tronr ATTC, 333 I\fèst H;l,mpclen Àv€ ÀNSI C33,2-56 Safety SLandard for Transforner-fyFe Àrc lrlelding I"Iashines ANSI C33,2-L956 Safety Standard for Transformer-Type Arc-I,lelding Vachines, ÀNSI C37,04 Rating Structure for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers Rated on a Syrùnetrícal Curr-ent Basis, 1979 - IEEE ÀNSI c3?.12 for Àc High-Voltage circuit B¡eakers Rated on a Sl¡mmeÈ.ricai- current Basis-Specification cuide, I99l ÀNSI C37.1-3 IEEE Standard for Low-Voltage ÀC Potr'er Circuit usecl in EnclosLrres¿ 1.990 ÀNSI C37.L4 IEEE Slandard for Low-Voltage DC Powe¡ Circuit Breakers Used in Enclosures, 1992 ÀNSf C63.1i-2003: "lfethods of Measurement of Rad-Lo-Noj-se Emissions fron Low-Voltage Electrical and Electronic Equipnert il Lhe Range ANSI C63.17-1998: "l4ethods of Measuremenl of the Electromagnetic and operational Compatibiiity of Unlicensed Pe¡sonal Conununicatior ÀNSI c72,1.-L972 section 4.3.1 of Household Àutomatic Electlic Sto.rage TyÞe tr^Iater Heaters, À-t¡SI c72,!-I972 ÀNSI C78.1--L99t "for Fiuorescent lrânps-Rapid-Start Types-Dimensionaf and El-ectrical CharaÒteristics" ÀNSI C7B.?--1.991 "for Fluorescent Lamps-Preheat-Start Types-Dinensional and Dlectr:ical- Characteristics of Fiuorescent T,amÞrj,, ANSI C78.3-1991 "for Fl-uorescent Lamps-Instènt-Start and Cold-Cathocle Types-Dimensionai and ELectricål- Characteristics¡' ÀGÀ ÀGA ÄGA ÀGÀ ÀGÀ AGA AGÀ AGA ÀGÀ AGÀ ManualManualManual- { ANSI C78.21-1989 "Incandescent Lamps-PÀR and R Shapes" ANSI C78,375-1991 "for Fluo¡escent Lamps-Guide for Eleclrical l.{easurementÊ" ANSI C79,L-L994 "NonencLatlrre for üIass Buibs-Intended for Use wiÈh Electric Lamps' -(¡ 7J o Þ nl n )r I g) c) o c) o) c) ANSI C81.L0-1976 Specifications for Electric l,amp Bases and Hoiders-Screw-She1i Types ÀNSI C82,3-1983 "for Reference Ballasts for Ffuorescent Lamps" ÀNSf CSD-1-1982 with Adclenila CSD-]a-1984r Controls and Safety Devices for ÀutomaticalJ-y lired BoiLers/ November 15r 1984 ASÞ18 ÀNSI D1.4-92 Structural Welding Code-Reinforcing Sì:eel. ÀNST/AWS D1.4-92, f992. ANSI D1.9-95 Bridge !üeiding Code, ANSI/AÀSHÎO/ÀI¡¡S Dl.5-95, AASHTO. ANSI H23,1-70 Seaml-ess copper ÍIater Tube Specificatj.on ÀNSf H23.1-1970 (ASTM 888:69) Specification for Seamless Copper Water Tube¡ ANSI H38.7-69 Specifícation for Aluminun Aìloy Seamless Pipe and Seamless Extruded Tube ÀNSI IT9,2.-L99I Imaging Meclia-Photographic Processed Fi-Lms, PLates, and EncLosures and Stol:age Containers. ANSI J6.6-7I Standard Specification for Rubber lnsulating Gloves ANSI Xl3.1-67 rdentification of Gas Ma6k CanÍÊter6 ÀNSI X13,).-L967. Identification of cas-Mask canj.sters, ÀNSI K6I.L American Nationaf StandaÌd for the Storage and Handiing of Ànhydrous À.Ìmonia, ÀNSI K6I.l Àmerican National- Standard Fundamentals Governing the Design and Operation of Locaf Exhaust Systens | 29.2-1960 ÀNSI K61,J.-66 Safety Requirements for the Storage ancl Handling of Ànhydrous À¡mnonia ÀNSI N13.1-1969 "Guide to Satnpl-ìng Àirbcrne Radioactive Materials in Nuclea¡ Facilj-ties." IBR approved for 61.93(b)(2)(ii) and 6t,l ANSI Nl4.L Uranium llexafl-uoride-Packaging for fr.anBporl, I97I, I982, 1987 | L990t 1995 and 2001 Editions ANSI 01.L-'54 (R 61) Safety Code for Woodh'orkinq Machinery ÀNSI lerformance Requirements for Àir Àdmittance Valves for Plumbing Drainage Systems, FixtuÌe and ts¡anch Devices-ÀSsE St.andard #lI ÀNSI PLunbing Fixtllre Setting Compound-TTF f5364-1975. ÀNSI PLunl¡ing Fixtures ( General Specif ications )-FS WW-P-S418/cEN-19 I 0, ÀNSI 51.4-71" (R 76¡ Specification for Sound Level llelers Appendix A, Page 3 S1.4-19g3 Specification for Sound Level Meters, .\merican National Standa¡ds Institub.e, s1.4-1983, incorporation by relerence S1,4-7gg3 Specification for sound Level MeterE, American Natíonal standards InEtitute, s1'4-1983, incorporalion by refere¡ce S1.4-1983 Specification for Sound ],evel l,leters, Amendment S1.44-1985. Sl,l1-71 (R 76) Specification fôr Octave, Hal-f-Octave and Third-Octave Band Filter Sets Sl.6-69 Specifications for Audioñeter.s S3 -6-196g Àmerican National Slandard Specification for Audiometers, ANST S3.6-L969 53.Zz-Lgg6 - NSI s3.22-1996 '.specificalion of Hearing Aid Characteristics," ANSI s3.22-1'996 IÀSA 70-1996¡ (Revision of ÀNsr 5 S12.13 Part I, Peïformance Requirement6/ combuÊtible Gas Detector6, 1986 t\NsI T1.506-19g0 l\merican National standard for Telecornmunj.cations-Netr,¡ork Performance-Trans¡nission specifications for switched Exc ANSI Z-124.9 Plastic Urinai- Fixtures' 1994. ANs.t u4-1.-68 Requirements for Sanitatj.on in Pl.aces of EmpJoyment ÀNSI 29.1-51 Safety Code fo:: ventilation and operation of open surface Tanks ANSI 29,1-71 practices for VenLilation and Operation of Open-Surface Tanks ANST 29.1-1971 Practices for ventilation and operation of open-surface Tanks, .âNSI 29.2-60 Fundamentals Governing the Design and Operation of Local Exhaust Systems ANSÌ 29.2-79 Fundamentals Governing the Design and Operation of Local Exhaust Systems ÀNSI Z9 -Z-Ig7g fundamentals Governing the Design and Oper:ation of Local Exhaust Systems; ANSI 212.2-Lg62 (Rl.96g) (Code for the prevention of Dust Explosion in woodworking and wood Fl-ou:: Manufacturing Pl-ants), ÀNSI 212 .72-68 Standa¡d for the Prevention of sulfur Fires and Expìosions ANSI 212.12-1968' Prevention of Sulfur Firee and Explosions, ÀNSI u 12,20-62 (R 69) code for the prevention of Dust Explosions in hlood!.'orking and wood Fl-our Manufactuling Piants ANSI 22I.1-2000 Household Cooking Gas Appliances-ANSI 227'7-2000' ANsI 221.1-2000. Household Cooking Gas Ä.ppliances.ã.NSI 221.5.1 Gas Clothes Dryers Vol-ume 1, Type 1 Clothes Dryers-ÀNsf ?'2L.5.7-/cSA' 7.1-M99-1999 with Àddendum 221.5.1a-1999. I\NSI 22I.10.1-199g Gas l^Iater Heaters-Volume 1, Storage Water Heaters rvith lnput Ratings of 75,000 BTU per hour or Less-ÀNSI zZI-lO. ANS] 221.10.1-199g r,¡ith Addendw 221.10,1a-2000. Ga6 l{ater Heaters-volume 1¡ Storage l'¡ater HeaterË r,¿ith Input Ralings of 75'000 BTl. ANSI 221.10,3-1998 CSA 4.3-M98. and its Àddenda, ÀNSI 221'10'3a-2000/ csÀ 4.3a-M00, ÀNSI 221 15-1997 Manually Operated Gas Valves for Appliances, Àppliances Connector Valvesr and Hose End Valves ANSI 22L15-1997 Manually operated Gas va.lves ÀNSI 221,15-1997 Manually Operaled Gas Valves for Àppliances, Àppliances Connector VaLves, and Ilose End Valves ÀNSr z2l.IS/CGA, g,I-Mg7-lgg1. Manually operated Gas Valves for Àppliances, Àppliance Connector Valves and Hose End valvesANST 221.15/CGA Manually Ope::ated Gas Valves for Appliances, AppJ-iance Connector valves and Hose End valves-ANSl 22L.15/CGÀ 9.1-M9; ANsr 221,19-1990 Refrigãrators using cas Fuel-ANSr z2!.19-1990. r,¡ith Addendurn ANsr 221'194-1992 a\d zzI.19b-1995' ANsr 221.19-1990 Refïi;erators using GaB Fuel--ÀNsI 221.I9-1990, etith Addendum ÀNsr 221'l9a-L992 and 221-19b-1995ÀNSt 221.20 Automatic Gas tgnition sy6tem6 and components-ÀNsI 22I.20 with Àddendull z2)".204-2000ÀNSI 221.20 Àutomatic Gas Ignition Systems and Components-ÀNsI Z2I'20 t/ith Addendum 221'20a-2000' ANsr 221'21 Autornatic valves for Gas 'Appriances-ÀÑsf zzL'2r/csA 6'5-2000' ANSI 221.21ICSA 6-5-2000, Automatic valves for GaÊ Àpptiances-AN9I 227.2I/CS¡- 6'5-2000. ANSI 221,22-79g6 Relief Valves and Autonatic Gas Shutoff Dévj-ces for Hot water Supply Systems-ÀNsl zzL'22-1986t ÍIith Addendum zzl.i ÀNSI z2l.22-1986 Relief Valves and Àutomatic Gas Shutoff Devices for Hot water Supply Systems-ÀNsI zZI'22-1986, with Àddendum z2l'i ANSI 221.22/CSA 4.4-Mgg Refief valves and Àutomatic Gas shutoff Devices for Hot wat-er: suÞply systems-ANsl 22I.22/cs¡' 4.4-M99t 1999. ÀNSI 221.22/Cs'A.4.4-Mgg I :.9gg., ReJ-ief vafves and Àutomatic Gas shutoff Devices for Hot water suPPLy systemsÀNSI 221.23-1989 Gas Appliance Thermostats-ANSr Z2I.Z3-L989, v¡ith Àddendum Z2I'23a-L99I' ANSI 22I.23-19g9 GaE Appliance Thermo6tat6-ANsI ZZl.23-L999, v¡ith Addendum 22I'23a-L99I' ANSI 221,24 Connectors for Gas Appliances-ÀNsI ZzL24/CGA 6,10-M97-1997' ANSI 221,24/cGA 6'10-M97-1997' Connectors for Gas Àppliances-' ANST 221.30-64 Requirements for Gas Àppliances and Gas Piping rnstallations ANSI zZl.30-1964 American Nationaf Standard Requirements for the InstaLlation of Gas AppJ.iances and Gas Pipinq zZI'30-f964 ÀNSI 221.40.1 Gas Fired Àbsorption Summer: Àir Conditioning ApPliances-ANSI 221.40'1lCGÀ 2'9I-M961996. ANSI 221 .40.I/cG¡. 2,91-M951996. Gas Fired Absorption Sumner Air Conditioning ApplíancesANSI Z2t,41,-!g9O Ga6-fired Central Furnaces (Except Direct Vent System central Furnaces)-ANSI 221',47-7990 l¡ilh Àddendum 221 '47a-l9t ÀNSI 221.47-1990 with Àddendum 221,47a-I990 and Z2I.47b-I992. Gas-FiÌed Central Furnaces (Except Direct vent sysLem centraL Furnac€ ÀNSI 221,47-lgg} "Gâs-Fired Central Furnaces/" IBR approved for S431'76' ÀNSI 221.56-1994 "Gas-Fired Pool Heaters," section 2'9' ÀNSI 224 .22-57 Method of Measurernent of ReaI-Ear Attenuation of Ea¡ Protectol:s at Threshold ÀNSI ANSI ÀNSI ÀNSI ANSI ANSI ÀNSI ANSI ! n o m n r> o o o (f o) J ¿ ¿ Appendix A, Page 4 ANSI 226.t-Lg?7 (including 1980 Supplement), Safety Code fo¡ Safety Glazing Materials for Glazing l"totor Vehicles operarting on ¡and ANSI 233.1-61- Installation of Blower and Exhaust Sys-LemE for Du6t¡ Stock, and Vapor Removai or Conveying ÀNSI 233.L-66 Install^ation of Blower ancl Exhaust Sy6bems for Dust, Stock, and Vapor Removal or conveying ÀNSI 233.1-1961. Installation ôf Hi-ower and Exhaust Systems fôr Dust, Stóckr and Vapor lì.emoval- or Conveying, ANSI 214.1*1991 Third-Party Cer:tification Programs for Productsr Processes, and Sertftces ÀNSI 234,1-1987 À¡nerican National Standard for Certification, Third-Party Certification Program ÀNSI 234.1-1993 Third-Part-y Certification Programs fo¡ P¡oducts, Processes, and Services" ANSI 235.1-68 Specification6 for Accident Prevention Signe ÀñSI Z4l-91. Pe.rsonal Protection-Protective Footwear ÀNSt 241-1983-Àmerican NatiÕnal- Standard fôr personal Prôtection-Þrotective Fôotsreår. ANST 241-199.1. "Ànericañ National- Standard f or Per:son¿rl Footweal:r,' ÀNSI 241.1-1967 Americàn Natiorral Stand¿rrd for Men's Safety-Toe lootwear, ANSf 249.1 "Safety in Welding' Cutting and À1lied Processes," sections 4,3 and E4.3 (1999) (incorporated by r-eference, see SgSl.ZZl ANSI 253.1-67 Safety Color Code for Marking Physical Hazards and the Identification of Certaín Equipment ÀNSf 253.1-1953.American National standard Safety tolor Code fot Marking Physical Hazards and the ldentificalion of Certain Equipme ÀNSI 254.1-1963 Àmeridan National Standard Safety Standard for Non-Medical X-ray and Sealed Gamma-Ray Sôurces, ÀNSI 254.1-1963 ANSI 287.1-1968 Practice of occupational ancì Educational Eye and Face Protection ANSI 287.1-1979 P¡:actice for Occupational and Educational Eye and Face Protèction, 1979 ÀNSI 287..1-1989 "American National Slanclard P¡actice for Occupational and Educational- Eye and Face proLecLion,,' ANSI 288'2 "American National Standard for Respiratory Protection," (1992) (incorporated by reference, 6ee SB5t,27). ÀNSI 288,2-69 Practices for Respiratory lrotection ÀNSI 288.2-1969 "Amel:ican National Stanrlards Practices for Respiratôry lrïotection ÀNSI 288,2-Ig69 ANST 288.2-L99? Àmerican National, Standard for Respiratory Protection ANSI U 88.:¿-1980-P¡:actices for Respiratory Protection ÄNSI 289.1-69 SafeLy Requil:ements for l¡rdustrial Eead Protection, 1969 ANSI 289.1-86 Protective lleadwear for lndustrial ttorkers Requirements ÀNSI 289.1-1969 Safety Requit'ement for IndustriaL Head pr-otection ANSI 289..i-I981-Safety Requirements for IndùstriaL Head protection. ANSI 289.1-f986 Personnef ?Totection-Prolective Headrvear for Industrial glor:kers-RequJ.rernents ¿'NSI 289.1-1959 "American National- Stanclard Safety Requirements for Industrial Head Protection,,, ÀNSI 289':L-1986 "American National Slanrlard for Personnel Protection-Protective Headv¡e¿rr for Indus.Lrial krorkers-RequiremenÈs,,, ANSI 289.;¿-71 Safety Requirements fo¡ Industrial Protective HelmetÊ for Elect¡j-ca1 Workers, C1a6s B ANSI 289'1-1986 "Personnel Protection-?rotective lleaclwear for fndustrial Workers-Requ.irements,' ÀNsI 297'1-1984 safety l'erformance specifications and Methôds of Test foï safety Giazing Materials Used in tsuil-dings, ÀNsI z9?.I-1! ANSI 297.1-I984 "Safety Peïformance Specifications and t4ethods of Test for safety Glazlng Materials Used in Buitdings.,' ANSI 297.1-1984. såfety Pe::formance Specifications and Methods of Test for Safety clàzìng Use¿t in BuildingANSI 2124.1-1987. Plastic Bathtub Units wi-th Addenda Z124.Ia-1990 and 2L24.16-1991ANSI 2124.1a-1990 Plastic Bathtub Units with Addenda ZI24.7a-r990 arld 2124.16-1991-ANsr 2L24.1-1987. ANSÏ 2124 '2-7987. Plastic Shower Receptors ancl Shower StaLi.s r¡ith Addendum 21.24.2a-1990- ANSI 2124,Z-7987. ÀNSI 2124.2a-1990 Plastic Shor+er ReceptÕrs and Shower StalLs with Àddenduîn zI24.2a-I990-À*\,5I z)-24.2-19S?. AN*SI 2124. ÀNSI ÀNSI ANSI ÀNSI ÀNSI ÀNSI ÀNSf ÀNSI ANSI ÀNSI 3-1986. Plastic l,avat-ories r,¡ith Addendum 2124. 3a-I990- 2124.3a-1990 Plastic Lavatories wlth Àddendum Z!24.3a-199o-ÀNSt 3,I24.3-1986. 2124.4-1986. Plastic q¡ater CloseEs, Bo\'/ls, and Tanks with Addenda 2724,4a-I990- AÌ)SI 2124.4-1986. 2124.4a-1990 PlaË¿ic water CLo6ets, Bowls, and Tanks \,¡ith Addenda ZL24.4a-199o-ANSI 2124.4-1985. 2124,5 Pl-astiõ Toilet (Water Closets) Seats, 1997, 2124.5-1989 American National Standard for Plastic Toifet Seats (tJater closet Seats) 2124.7 Prefabricated Plastic Spa Shellst 1997. c) 2124,9 Plastic UrinaL Fixtures, 1994. 2136,1 "Safe Use of.Lasets," (2000¡ (incorporated by reference, see S8SI.27), 2245,2-!992 ("Arnerican National Standard fot Refuse Collection, Processing, and DiÊposal Equipment-Stationàry Co:r,pactors-Safet 2245'5-L990 ("Àmerlcan National Standard for Refuse collection, Froeessing, and DLsposal-Baling Equipment-Safety Requirements. llNsr/AÀMÀ 101-1988 Voluntar:y specificatj.ons for Àluminum lrime tr'ùindosrs and Sliding cl-ass Dool:s ANSI/AÀì'1-A 1002.10-L983 Voluntary Specificat-ions for Àluminum Insulating Storn Products foï lrlindows and Slj.,ling class Doors m Ã.llsf/AÀMA 1402-1986 Standa¡d 'u 7J Þ n Þ I c) c) o c) o) h) å.À1SI/AÀMÀ IL02.7-I989 Voluntary Specifications for ÄIuminum Storm Doors Specifications for Àluminum Siding, Soffit and Fascia (ÀNSI Appr-oved 1989) Appendix A, Page 5 ÀNSï/AÄMÀ/NI.IWDA 101/I .S,Z-g7 Voluntary Specifications lo¡ ÀIuminun, Vinyl (PVC) and !,rood ltrindov¡s and Glass Doo¡s-ANSI/ÀÀMA/NVIT'¡DÀ lC practice for Evaluation of slrength Test Results of concrete (Reapproved 1983) fof wood ÄNSï/ÄFpÀ NÐS-20001 National Design specifications for wood construction, 2001 EdiLion, with supplement, Ðe6ígn VaLues 198663-25-3 ÀNSI/AGA zZL.22-86 Refief Valves and Àutomatic Shutoff Devices fôr Hôt Water SuPpty Systeinsr March 28t ANsr/Acr 214-17 Recommended cor ANSI/AÍlA 4135.4-1982 Basíc Hatdboard (Reaffirmed 1988) ÀNSI/AHA 4135.6-1990 Hardboard Sidinq ANSr/AHA 4194.1-1985 CelluLosic Fiber Board ANSI/AIIAM DIl¡_l ÀNsr/I\HAM HRF-L-2004 ',Energyt ?erfornance and capacity of Household Refrigerators, Refriqerator-Freezers and Freezers"' Recomnrênded Practice fÕr Alphanumeric computer-outPut MicrÔforns-operational PråctiõÉ MS5-1 992 neóe;nber 21 , 1992, Standard fotr Tnfo]:matjon and Inage MaDôgeÌnent-Mjcrofi.che- ÀNSï/AT.IM ÀNSr/ArrM MSL4-1996 Àugust B, 19t6, stanclarcl Recommendecl Practice-specifications for 16mm and 3s¡Tur RorL Microfilmof Ì4icroforlns. - AN5I/ÀIrM Ms19-1993 Ãugust 1g, 1993. SÈandard Recom¡nended P¡actice-IdenLification ANSï/AIIM MS23-1998 Juie 2, 1998, Standard Recornmended Practice-Production' Inspection' and Quality A6surance of First-Generatío¡ source Ðocuments on 35mrn Micrc - ÀNSr/ArrM MS32-L996 February 16t Lgg6, Standard Recommended of Engineering MS41-1996 Jury 161 1996, Dimensions of unitized Mic¡ofiIm carriers and Àpertures (ÀPertur-e, camera, copy and rmage carc - ÀNSr/ÀrrM controi of Duplicaì - ÀNSr/ArrM Ms43-199g ,¡unË z¡ 199g. standard Recommendecl Practice-operational Procedures-rnspection and Oualíty for Evidence of Det Mj-croforns - ÀNSr/ArrM MS45-1gg0 January 22t rggo. Recommencìecì P::actice fol: rnsFection of stored silve):-Gelatin ÀNSI/AISC 360-05 Specification for Structural Steel- Buildings (FÀ 2005)f "MethodË of leE ANsï/American soci¿ty of Heatingr Refrigerat, and Air-conditioning Engíneers (ASHRÀE) standard 29-1988 Mosaic-Parquet Hardboard SIat Flooring ANSI/APA L-1984 ANSI/ARI ZI0/Z4O-B} Unitary Ait-Conditioning and Air-Sou¡ce Heat Pump Equipment-ÀNSI/ARI 2I0/240-89' ANSI/ARI 210/240-89. Unila;y Air-conditioníng and ¡'iÏ-source Heat PL¡mp BquipnentÀNSI/AS¡IRÀE L5-94 Safety cocle for Mechanical RefrigeratiÕn ANSI/ÀSIIRÀE 34-?8-Nunber Designat:ion of RefrìgeranLsr approved 1978' ANST/ASHRÄE 55-LggZ Therrnal Environmental CondÍtions for Human Occupancy' ÀNSI/ASHRAE 62-19gg Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor' ÀiÏ Quality' centraf Eurnaces and Boilers"' (witÌ ÀNSr/ASHRÀE 103-r993 ,.Methods of Testing for Annual FueI utilization Efficiency of ResidentialBottÌed, Canned, ancl Other Seaied Beverages." ÀNSI/ASHRAD Standaïd 32.1-2004,,,Methodi of Testing for Rating Vending Machines for Residential Buildings . January 2004, Ànerican ÀNSI/ÀSHRAE/IESNÀ Standard g0,1-2004, Energy Standa¡d for Buildings Excêpt Loç,¡-Rise 05,2-r9gJ.âmerican National stanãard for wood Products-structural Glued La¡ninated Timber for utiiity structures, availabl ÀNsï/ÀsME Drop Lines for conFtruction and rnduÊtrj - ANsr/AsME A10,14-l-97s-Requirements for safety Belts, Harnes6eEr Lanyards. Lifelines, and construction and Demolition use, 1991 for ANSI/ASME À10,14-1g91 Requ.irements for safety Belts, Harnesses, Lanyards and LifeLines ANSI/ÀSME À11.1-1965 (R 70) Practice fo¡ Industrial Lighting ANSI/ASì4E ÀI1.1-1965 (R-1970). Practíce for IndustTiaf l'ighting¡ ÀNSI À13'1-l-956 ÀNSf/ÀSME À13.1-1956 Àrnerican National Standard Sêheme for the Identj.flcation of Piping Systemsr Safety Code for Portable úlood Ladders, Supplemented by ÀNSI Al-4.Ia-17 ANSI/ASME À14.1-1968 ÀNSI/ASME À,14.1-1975 safety RequirementE for Portable wood Ladders - ANSI/ASME A14,1-1990 Safety Requirements for PortabLe hlood Ladders ÀNSI/ÀSME A14.2-1956 Safety Code for Portab.Ie Metal- Ladders, Supplemented by ANsI À14.2a-?1 ÀNSr/ASME AL4-2-Ig72 Safety Requirement-s for Portable Metal Ladders -ÀNsr/ÀSMEA'14.2-IggoSãfetyRequirementsforPortableMetafLadders Al-4.3-1956 ÀNSI/ASME A14.3-1g56 emerican t¡ational standard safety code for lixed Ladders' ANsl ANSI/ASME A14,5-1992 Safety RequirementE for Portable Reinforced Flastic Ladders 417.14 (1967)¡ À17,1b (1968); ÀNSI/ÀSME A17.1-1965 Safety code for Elevators, Dumbwaíters and Moving waLks, Including Supplements, and Escalators ÀN6r/ASME A17.1-1984 inctuãing supplements A 17,1a and ts-1985-safety code for Elevatórs - ANSI/ASME 417.1-1993 Safety code for Elevators and Escalators' 1993 ANSI/ASME À12.1--87 Safety Code for Elevatol:s and EscaLators Including the À17'lb-89 Àddenda gJalks' Ar?.1-1965, inciuding Supplements À17.1a-l967, Ar7'l ANSr/ASI"IE À17.1-1965 Safåty code for Elevator:s, Dumbwaiters, and Moving Erratar 1995), 1994 ANSI/ASME At7.1A-1994 eddeida to ANSr/ASME A17.1, safety code for ElevatorE and Escalators ¡including of El'evators (rnspector's Manl ÀNSr/ASME ALl,2_:'36D including suppelements AI7.2a-Lg65 and A17 '2b-I967. Fractice for the rnspection ANSI/AS¡4E À90.1-1959 Amet:ican National Safety Standard for Manlifts ÀNSI/ÄSME Ag2.?-7g69 "Vehicle Mounted Elevaling and Rotating I'¡oIk PIätforms," cement Mo¡tar ÀNSI/ÀSME.à10g,1À-92 specifications for InstaLlation of ceramic Tiie, in the t{et Set Method with Portland - ANST/AsttE A112.1.2-7ggI Air: Gaps in rlumbing syslems-AsME À112.1.2-1991. _ ÀNSI/AIIM MSI-1995 August 8t Lgg6t Standard T n o m n o o o rÞ (f o, (d Append¡x A, Page 6 À112.1.2-L99! - Àir Gaps in Plurnbing Systemsl¡tater Heater Relief Valve Drain Tubes-ASME A112,4.1-1993, ^172,4.1-1993 ANSI/ASI{E À112.4.1-1993. water Heater Relief vaLve Drain TubesPlastic Fittings for Connecting Waler Closets to the Sanitary Drainage sysLern-Àst'tE À112.4.1-L999. - ÀNSI/ÀS¡lE ^rr2.4.3-L999 ANST/Ã.SME À112.4.3-1999, Pl-astic Fíttings for Connecling l.late.r C.Icsets to the Dt:ainage SystelIts ÃNST/ASME 4112. l4 .1-1975 Backflor.¡ Valves-. ÄÀ1SI/ASME - ÀNST/AsME ÀNSI/ASME À'112. I I . 1M-19 89 Plurnbing Fixture Fittings-ÀSME/ANSI À1 12 ANST/ASME 4112. 18 .1M-1989 . Plurnbing Fixture Fittíngs- . 1 8 . 1M-19 89 . - ANSI/ÀsME A112.18.1M-1996 "Plurnbing Fixrure Fittings. " ÀNSI/ASME À112.18.IM89 PLunìbing Fixture Fittings ANSI/AS¡4Eì Al 12.18.114-1996 Performance Requirements for Backf].ow Protectjon Devices and Systems in plDmbing Fixtut:e Fittj-ngs-ÀSt'fE Al Performance Requirements for Backflow Protection Devices and Systeíns in PJ.umbing Fixture ¡ittings- ANSI/ASI'IE 4112.18.6-1999. Front Fog Lanp, SAE J583, AugusL 2004, incorporation by reference approved for 5393.24(b\. - ANSI/ASI{E 4112.18,7-I999 Deck Mounted Bath/Sho!¡er Transfer valveE with Integral Backflov¡ P¡otectio¡-ASME 4112.18.7-1999. À.NSI/ASME À112.19.114-1987 Enameled Cast Iron Piumbing Fixtures-AIISI/ÀSME A112.19.lM-1987, ÀNSI/ASME À112.19.1M-1987. Enameled Cast Iron Plumbing ¡ixturesANSI/ÀSME Àr12.19.2(M)-1990 Vitreous Chjna Pfumbíng Fixtur:es-ANSI/ÄSME A1,12.19.2(M)-1990. ANSI/ÀSME À112. 19.2(M)-1990. Vitreous China Plumbing FixturesÀNSI/ASME À112.19.314-1987 Stainless Steel FixLures (Designed for Residential Use)-ANSI/ÀSME 4112.19.3M-198?. ANSI/ASME 4r12.19,31,1-1987. Stain1es6 Steel Plumbing FixtureE (Designed for Residential Use)ANSI/ASì4E À112.19.4(M)-l-984 Porcelain Enameled Formed Steel P1u¡nbing Fixtures-ÀNsI/ÀSME A112,1.9,4(M)-1984, ÀNSI/.àSME À112.18.314-1996. ÀNSI/ASME ÀI12.19,4(M)-I984.. Porcelain Ename]ed FÒrmed Stee1 Plu¡bing FixturesANSI/AS¡48 À112.I9 .5-1979. Trim for water Closet, Bor,,rJ-s, Tanks, and Urinal-sÀNSI/ASME À112.19,6-1995 Hydraulic Pe¡formance Requirements for Water Cl-osets and Urinals, ASIIE À112.19.6-1995. ANSI/ASME À112.19.6-1995 "HydrauLic RequiremenLs fo¡ trlate¡ Closets and Urinafs." ANSI/ASME À112.19.6-1995. ÊIydraulic Pe¡formance RequirementE for ì{ater Closets and Urinals, ÀNSr/ASME À112.19.7M-1987 ú/hirlpool Bathtub Àpp1ì.ances-ASME/ÀNSI A112,1-9,7M-1987. ÀNSI/ASME À112. 19 ,714-1987. Whirlpool tsathtub ÀppliancesÀNSI/ASIIE 4112.19.8M-1989 Suction Fíttings for Use in Swirnming Pocls, Wading Pools, Späs¿ Hot Tubs, and Whirtpool Bathtub ÀpÞliarcr: ÀNSI/ASME ÀI12.19,8M-1989. Suction Fittings for Use j-n Swimming ?ools, Wading Poo1s, Spas¡ Hot Tubs, and llhirJ,poot Bathtul¡ Àpp-ianc ANSI/ÀSME À112. 19 .9M-1991 Àlon-Vitreous Ceramic Plumbing Fixtures-AslqE 4112. I9 .9M-1991. ÀNST/ASME À112. 19. 914-1991. Non-vitreous Ceramic Plunbing FixturesÀNSI/ASME À112,21,3M-1985 Hydrants for Utiiity and Maintenance Use-ANSI/ÀSME A112,21.3t"1-1985. ÀI12.2I.314-1985. Hydrants for Utility and Maj-ntenance UseÀ112.25.1-1969 i{ater Hammer ÀÛesters-À.\SÏ A112.26.1-1969 (R 1975). ÀNSI/ASME À119. 19 .10-1994 Duaf FIush Device6 for tr'later CLosets-ÀSyE À119. 19.10-1994. ÀNSI/ASME À119.19.10-1994. Dual Flush Devices for waLer Closets- ÀNSI/ÀSYIE ÀNSI/À,SME 1' 71 c) Þ m n Þ I c) c) c) ct ol å¡ ANSI/ASME 4120.1-70 Säfery Code for Powered Platforms for Exterior Buil-ding Maj-ntenance ANSI/ASME À135, 4-1995 Basic Hardboard-ANsÏ/AHA A135. 4-1995. ÀNSI/ASI4E ÀI35.5-1995 P¡efj,nished Hardboard Paneling-ANSI/ÀHÀ À135.5-1995. ÀNSr/ASME À135. 6-1998 Hardboard Siding-ANsr/AHÀ À135. 6-1998. ÀNSI/ASME À137.1-1988 Specifications for Ceramlc TiIe ÀNSI/ASME Ä.f90.1-1992 For r¿¡ood producEs-Strucbural Glued LaminateC Timbe::-ÀNSI,/ÀITC À190.1-1992. ANSÏ/ASÌ4E A208, r-1999 Particleboard-ANsr A208. 1-1999. ÀNSr/ASME À208. 1-1989 Wood Particl-eboard ÀNSI/ASÌ4E 81.1-82 Unified Inch Screw Thleads (UN and UNR ThIead ¡crTrL) ANSr/AS¡4E Bt.20.L-1983 Pipe Threads, General PurÞose (Inch)-ANSr/ASME 8I.20.1-1983. ANSI/ASME 81.20.1-1983. Pipe Th¡eads, General Purpose (Inch)ANSI/ASI,IE 81,20,3-76 (reaffirmed 1982) Dry6eal Pipe Threads (rnch) ÀNsr/ASME 87.1-1964 Safety Code for lhe U6e, Care, and Protection of Àbrasive wheeLs ÀNsI/ASME B7.L-l970 Ã"1lerj-cân NatiônaL Standaxd Safety L'ode for the Use, care, and Protection of Abrasive l¡¿heeLs, ^ANSI 87.1-1970 ÀNSI/ASME 87.1-1970 Safety Code for the Use, Care, and Irrotection of Abtasive Wheels ÀNSI/ASME 8I5.1-1953 (R 1958); Safety Code for Mechanical- Por.¡er Ttansmission ÀÞparatus, ÀNSI/ASì4E 816.1-1975 Cast Iron Flanges and Flanged Fj-ttings, Class 25 | L25t 250 and 000 À.NSI/ASME 816,1-1998 "cast rron Pipe Fianges and Flanged Fittings," Appendix A, Page 7 ANSI/ASME ANS T /ASME ÀNSI /ÀS¡'IE ÀNS I /ASI'TE ÀNS T /ÀSME ANST /ASME ANSI/ASME ANSI /ASME ITNSI /A5¡48 I /ASME ANSI /ASME å.NS ÀNSI/ÀSME ÀNSI /ASME ANS T /ASME ANS I /ASME ÀNS I /ÀSME ANSI /ASME å,NS T ANS ANS ÀNS /ASME I /ASME I /ASME r /AS¡4E ÀNSI /AS¡,IE ANST /ASI4E ÀNSI /ÀSME ANS T /ASME ANS T /ASME ANS I /ASME ÀNSI/ÀS¡48 ÀNSr/ASl'18 816.3-1985 Malleable Iron Threaded Fittings, Classes 150 and 300 816. 3-1992 l4alleable rron Threaded Fittings-ANSI/ASME 816' 3-1992. 816.3-1992. MalLeable Iron Threaded Fittinqs816,4-1985 cast Iron Threaded Fittings, classes 125 and 250 816 -4-7ggT Gray rr:on Th.readed Fittings-ANSI/ÀSME 816.4-1992 816.4-1992. Gray Iron Threaded Fittings816.5-1981 Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings 816.5-1988 pipe Flanges and Flanged FittingÊ 1988, including 1992 Addenda and Errata 816.5-1977 steel Pipe llanges, Flanged Fittings 816.5-2003 (Octôber 2004) "FiPe Ffanges and Flanged Fittings." BI6 - 5-200J P, Fl,anges and Flanged Fj ttj.ngs 816.9-1985 Factory-Made Íürought Steel Buttweiding Fittings 816.9-2003 (February 2004) "Factory-Made Wrought Steel Butt Welding Fittings" 816.1-0-1986 Face-to-Face and End-to-End Dimensions of Ferrous Valves 816.11-1980 Forged Steel Fittings' Socket-Welding and Threaded 816.14-1983 Fe.rrous Pipe Plugs, Bushings, and Locknuts with Pipe Threads 816.15-1985 Cast Bronze Threaded Fíttings' Ciasses 125 and 250 816.15-1985 cast Bronze Threaded Fittings, Classes 125 and 250816.18-1984 ca6t coppeÌ Àl]oy Solde¡ Joint PreESure Filtings 816,20-1g73 Ring-Joint caEket6 and Grooves for Steel Pipe Fl-anqeB VIII, Division I' PreËÊul:e VeEËe1Ë. 1986 vlith addenda 8L6.22-7g|g Wrought Copper and Copper À1loy Solder-Joint Pr:essure Fj.tting-ASME/ANSI B16'22-L989' 8L6.22-Ig8g. Wrought Copper and Copper Alloy soldelr-Joint Preasure Frtting8t6.23-7992 Cast Copper Alloy Solder:-Joint Drainage Fittings-DhÌV-ÀSME 816.23-1992. 816.23-1992 Cast Copper ÀIloy Soldel-Joint Drainage Fittings-DWV-. 816.24-1979 Bronze Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings, Class 150 and 300 816.25-1986 Buttvreldíng Ends 816.26-1988 cast Copper Àlloy Fittings for Fiared copper Tubes-ASME/ÀNSI 816'26-1988. 816.26-198s cast copper ÀItoy Iittings for Fla¡ed copper Tubes-. 8I.6.28-1986 Wrought Steel Buttweìding Short Radius Elboe¡s and Retur:ns I /ASME 816.29-1986 l{rought Coppeï and l^lrought Copper Àlloy Solder-Joint Ðrainage Fittings-DW-ASME/ÀNSI 816.29-1986. ÀNSI/ASI4E BL6.29-7986. I^Irought Copper and Wrought Copper Al-Ioy Solder-Joint Drainage Fitlings-DwV- àNS ANST/ASME ÀNSf/ASME ANS I /ASME ÀNSI/ASI"IE ANS I /ASME ANS I /ASME ANS T /ASME ÀNSI /ASME ÀNS I /ASME ANS T /ASI4E ANST/ÀSME ANSr/ÀS1'1E ANSI/ASME ANST/ASME ÀNSI/ASME ÀNS I /ASME ANSf/ASME ANSI/ASME ANST/ÀSME T n o Þ m I 7 Þ o o () o o) Ol ANSI /ASME ÀNSI/ÀSI4E ANST/ASI'IE ÀNSr/ÀSME ÀNSf/ÀsME 816.31 Non-Ferrous Flanges, 1971 B16.34-88 Valves-Flanged, Threaded and Welding End 8L6.42-87 Ductil-e Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings. 818.2.1-81 Square and Hex Bol-ts and Screws¡ Inch Series Classes 150 and 300 818,2.2-87 Sguare and Hex Nuts EzO.I-1957 Safety Code for Conveyors, Cableways, and Related EquipnenL' 830.2-43 (R 52) safety code for Cranes, Derricks, and HoiEtE 830,2.0_1967 Àmerican National Standard Safety Code fo.r- Overhead and Gantry Cranesr ANSI 830'2'0-1967 830.5-1968 Ameliôan National Standard Safety Code for Crawler, Locomotive' and Truck Cl:anes' ÀNSI 830.5-1968 830-6-1969 AmeTican Nationaf Standard Safety Code for Derricks, ANSI 830.6-L969 831.1-1955 coÉ{e for Pressure 831.1-1986{ode fo¡ Pressure 831.1-1967 Code for Pressure 831,1-200l-power pipinq, and Piping Piping' Pot¡e¡ Piping Piping, ANSI 831.7-I967 with addenda 831.1-1969 B3L,l-a-2002-,\ddenda to ÀSME 831.1-2001 (incorporated by referencef see S851'27); 83I.1,0-7967 and addenda ts31.10a-1969. Fuel Gas I'iping/ 831.2-1968 - Powel lllping, 831.1a-61 Àddenda to ÀNSI 831 ' 1 ( 1955 831.2-68 Fuel Gas PiPing 831.2-1968-Fuel- Gas Piping (incorporated by reference¡ see S85f.27); 831.3 Chemical Plant and Petroleum Refinery Piping, 1987 (including 831.3a-1988' 831.3b-1988, and 831.3c-1989 addenda) 831.3 chenical PIant and Petrofeum Refinery Piping, 1993 B3Ì.3-66 Petrol-eum Refinery l',ipj-ng 831.3-200z-Proõess PiÞing (incorporated by reference, see S85I.27) ; 8j7.4-2002 (October 2002\ "PLpeline Transportation Systems for Liguid Hydroëa.rbÒns and Othe¡ Liquids" 831.4-2002-pipeline Transportation Syslems for Liquid Hydrocarbons and other f,iquids (incor-porated by r:eference, see S85: ) Append¡x A, Page I ÀNSI/ASME 831.5-1966 Addenda 831,5a (1968) Refrigeration Pì.ping, 831,5-1987 Refrigeration Pípíng, 1987 ÀñSI/ÀSME 831.5-1966 Refriç¡eration Pipj-ng Code, Ainerican National Standards lnstitute, 831.5-1966 with addenda 831.1a-I968, ÀNSI/ÀSME 831.5-200l-Ref::igeration PipÍng and Heat Transfer cômpônents, and 831,5a-2004, Addenda to ÀSME 83f.5-200i (incorpo:--ated ÀNSI/AS¡4E 811.8-2003 (Febntary 2004) "Gas Transrnission and Distríbution Piping Systems', ÀNSI/ASME 831.8-2003 (February 2004) "Gars Transmission and Distribution Pipinq Systems." ÀNSI/ÀSME I}31.8-2003 Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systerns ANSI/ASME 831.8-2003-€as Tlansmission and Distribution Piping Sysbems (incorporated by reference, Fee S851.2?); ÀNSI/ASME 831.8S-2004 "SuFFleinent to 831..8 on Managing System Integrity of Gas Pipelines.,' ÀNsI/ASME 831.8s-200l-Managing Systen Integrity of Gas Pipelines (incÕrÞorated by reference, see S851.27); ANSf/ASME BJ.l .9-1996-Btrildlng Services Pi-ping (-i.ncorpor:ated by reference, see S851..27); ÀNSI/ASME B-31"L1-2002-Slurry Transportation Þiping Systens (incorporated by reference/ see S851.27); ancì ÀNSI/ASME B31G-1991 (Reaffirrned; 2004) "Manual for Determining the Retnaining Strength of Corroded Pipelines" ANSI/Asl4E 831G-1991 (Reaffirmed; 2004) "Manual for Deterrnining the Remaining Strength of Corloded pipelines.,, AllsI/ASME B3Lc-l991-Manual for Deternining Remaining StTength of Corrodecì Pipe!.ines (incorporated by reference. see S851.27). ÀNSI/ASÀ48 836.10-1979 l,ielded and Seamless Wrought SteeI Pipe ANSI/ASME 836.10-1979 welded and SeamÌess ç^lrought Steel Pipe ÀNSI/ÂSME 836.10-1979 trlel^ded and SearnLess I¡lr:ought Steel Pipe. ANSI/ÀSME 836.10-1979. Welding and Seaml.ess Wrought SteeL PipeANSI/ASME 836.10M-85 weldecl and seamlese wrought steel Pipe ÀNSI/ASME 836.19M-85 Stain:-ess Steel Fipe ÀNSI/ASME 856.1 1959, Safety code for: Pc'wered Indust::iaL Trucks, pages I and 13 ÀNST/ASME 856.1-69 Safety standat:d for Powered Indust-ria] Tmcks ANSJ/ASME ÀNSI/ASME 856.1-1969 - "Àme::ican National Standard for Powered Industrial- Trucks, ÀNSÌ/ÀSME 856.1-1969 American National Slandard Safety Code for Pov¡ered Industrial k Part II, Trucks, A:\SI 856.1-f969 856.6-1992 (wilh addenda), Safety Stanciard for Rough Terrain Forklift Trucks (with addenda)f "safety Standard for Rough Terrain rorklift Trucks"r ÀNSI/AS¡,18 857,1-65 compressed Gas Cylincler Vãlve Outlet and Inlet Connections ÀNST/ÀSME 857.1-1965 Amer:ican National Standard Compr:essed Gas Cylinder VaÌve Outfet ancì Inlet Connections, ÀNSI/ASME 893.5 Recommended practice for the use of Fire Resistant I'luids fo¡ FLuid Pover Systems, L979 ANSI/ÀSME 8I75.1-l^991 Safety Requirernents for Gasoìine-Por'¡ered Chain Sarvs 19I0.266 (e) (2) (i). ANSI/ASME 8175.1-1991 "safety Requiremenls for Gasoline-Powered Chain Sav¡s" ÀNSI/ÄSQc Q9001-1994 Quality Systems-Moclel for Quality Àssurance j.n Design, Developr,ent, Production, Installatron, and Servicing, i ÀNSI/ASQC Q9001-1994 Quality Assurance in Design, DeveLopinent, Irr:oduction and ServicincJ, 1994 ÀNSI/Associ,ation of Home ApFliance Manufacturers (ÀHÀ1V) Standard HRI-1-2004, "Energy, Performance and Capacity of Househol.d Refrig€ ANSI/ASTM "Stândard Test Method for Length and Length Distribution ôf CÒtton Fibers (ArÌay Method), ÀNSI/ÀSrM D 1140-77 (1982) ÀNSl/.ASME ÀNSI/ASME 856.6-1992 À¡lSI/ASTM D3536-76 "SLanda¡d Test Methocì fo¡ Volecular Weight Àverages and Molecul-ar t'Ieight DisLribubion of Poiystyrene by Liquid I 4f56.2-1989 Standard for Borecl and Preassembled Locks and Latches ÀNSI/BOMA 265.I-7996 Standard Method for Measuring Fioor Areas in Office BuiJ.dings (the BOI{A Standard), approved Junc 7, 1996t IBR ÀNSI/EIÀ .-159-A-84 EIÀ Standard Colors for Color IdenLificatìon and Coding, ANSI/HPS Ì,113.1-1999 "Sampling and Monitoring Releases of Airborne Radioactíve Substances fron the St-acks ancì Ducts of NucÌear Facil ANSI/HPVÀ HP-1-1994.Ajnerican NationaL Standard for Hardwood and Decorative PLyk'ood-ÀNsI/HPVA HP-l-1994 (Äpproveit 1995). ANSI/ICEÀ S-84-608-1988 Standatd For Tel.ecommunications Cable, FiIIed, Polyolefin fnÊulated, Copper Conduct.or Technicai Requirement ANSI/ICEA S-84-608-f988 Standard For Tel.ecomnunications Cable, filleci, Polyolefin Insulated, copper Conductor Technicai Requirement ANSI/BHìtrA ANSI/ICEA S-89-648-1993 St.rndard For Tel-ecommunications 1l 71 o Þ nl 1) )r I c) c) c) -l c) o) oì Aerial Service Wire ÀNSI/IcEÀ S-89-648-1993 Standard For Telecommunications ÀeÌial- Service tiire, Techni-caJ" Requirements (appl:oved by ANSI July Il, L991 ÀNSI/IEEE 743-1984 IEEE Standard Methode and Equipment for Measuring the Transmission Characteristics of Analcg Vo:ce Frequency Cir ÀNsI/IEEE Àmerican Nationai- Standard fnstitute/fnstitute of Electrical- and El-ectronics Engj.neersr Inc. (.äNSI/IEEE), 1993 National- I ANSI/IEEE C2-I997 National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) ANSI/rso:;-3-1995 ÀNsI/NAP¡I rT2.18-1996, March 8, 1996, American National Standard for Photography-Density Measurements-part 3: Sp€ ANSI/Iso 5,2-1991 ÀN6I/NÀP¡Í IT2,!9-1994, February 20¡ 1995, lLrìerican National Standal:d for PhotograÞhy-Density Measurements-lart 2t ÀNsI/Iso 543-1990 (ÀNSI IT9.6-1991) PhotograÞhy-Þhotographic Films-Speôificaliôns fol: Safety I'ilrn; and, ANSI/rSO 3334-1991 ANSI/ÀTIM MS51-1991r Mây 10, I99L, Micrographics-ISO Resolution Test Chart No. 2-Descripticn and Use. ÀNSI/ñÀPM IT9.l--1.992 Imaging Media (FiJ-n)-Silver-Gelatin Type-Specifications for StabiJ-ity. ÀNSI/NÀPM IT9.1l-1993 lmaging tuledia-P¡ocessed Safety Pholographic Films-storage; and Appendix A, Page I ANSI/NÀÞM ANSI/NÀpM ¡\NSI/NAPM ÀNSI/NEMÀ ÀNSI/NKCÀ 119,18-1996 Lnaging À{aterials-F¡ocessed Photog::aphic Plates-Storage }ractices. T.Tg.20-Igg6 Imagíng Haterials-Reflection Prints-Storage Practices. IT9.23-1996 Imäging HaterLals-Polyestel Base Magnetj.c Tape-Storage. WD-6-wiring Devices, Di¡nensional- Requirements, 1988 ÀLÉ;1.I-1985 Recommended Perfornance and ConstTuction Standatid6 for Xitchen and Vanity Cabinets (Àpploved t4arch 18/ 1986) ANSI/NSF 14-1990 Plastic Pipinq Componenls and Rel-ated Materials-ANSI/NSF 14-1990. ÀNSf/NSF 14-1990. Plastic Piping Components and Related MateriaÌs- ÀNSI/NSF 14-1990. ANSI/NSF 24-1988 plumbíng System Components for Manufactured Homes and Recreationai VehicleE-ANSI/NSF 24-7988. ANSI/NSF 24-1988.. plumbing System Components for Manufactured Homes and Recreational VehiclesÀNSI/NSF 61-2001 Drinking Water System Cômponents-Heafth Effects-ANSI/NSF 61-2001. ANST/NSF 61-2001 Dri.nkíng \,tater system comPonents-Hea.lth effects.ANSI/NSF 61-2001. Dr:inking l,üàter: System Components-Health EffectsÀNSI/NSPI-1-91 Standard for PubIic Swinuning Pools rs ÍS Is ÀNSI/ñWI,üDA Is ANSI/NWI,üDA ÀNSI/NIÄIWDA å,NSI/NWWDA 1-87 rnduElry Standard for Ì'trood Flush Doo¡s 2-87 rndustry Standard for wood windows 3-BB rnduslry Standard fo¡ Wood sliding Patio Doo¡s 6-86 InduslÏy Standard for wood Stile and Rail Doors å,NSI/pTMÀ IT9.2-1998 April 15¡ 1998, .A.merican Nationaf Stândar-d for Imaging Material"s-Photographic Processed Films, Pl-atesr and Pa[ ÀNSI/pIMÀ IT9.11-1998 Imaging Materials-Processed Safety Fhotographic Films-Storage. ANSf/PIMÀ I19.25-1998 Imaging Material-s-optical Disc Media-Storage. ANSI/RESNA Standard wc/Vo1,1-1998 Section 13, "Determination of Coefficient of Friction of Test Surfaces" (ÀNSI/RESN¿' WC/VoI'1-199t ÀNSI/SAn 226,7-Lgg6,,American National Slandard for Safety Glazing Ivlaterials for GJ-azing Motor Vehicl-es and Moto¡ Vehicle Equipnent ÀNSI/SÃn 226.l-Lgg6 Àmerícan National Standard foT Safety GIazíng l4alerials for Glazing Motor and Mot-or Vehicle Equípment 194): "Home Digital Netwoxk Interface Specification with Copy Protection"'2001 241): "Digita1 Video Service Multiplex and Transport System Standard fo¡ CabIe Te1evision," 2003 234): "service Information Delivered out-of-Band for Digital Cab1e Televísíon," 2002 ÀNSI/TIA project Z5 Data Ovel:view-New Technology Standards P!-oject-Digital- Radio Technical Standards, approved March 3¡ 2000. TeLec ÀNSI/TIA project 25 DES Encryption Pïotôcol, approved January 23t 2DD]. t Tel-ecommunications Industry Àssociation, ANSI/TIÀ/EIÀ-102'¡ ÀNSI/TIÀ project 25 FDMA Common Àil: Interface-New Technology Standards Pr:oject-DigitaÌ Radio Technicaf Standard6, approved April 1I ÀNSI/TlÀ project 25 FDMÀ Corùnôn Àir Interface-New Technology Standards Project-Digital Radio Technj-cal Stanclards, approved ÃpriI 15 ÀNSI/TIÀ project 25 packeL Data Specification-Nevr Technology Sì:andards Project-Digital Radio Technical Standa¡ds, approved March 3, ÀNSI/TIA projec¿ 25 Radio Control ?rotocol (RC?)-New Technology Standards Project-Digital Radio lechnical Standards' approved Marc¡ ANSI/TIA project 25 vocoder Descri-ption, approved May 5, 1998, lelecommunications Industry Àssociation. ÀNSI/TIA/EIA-102'BÀBA-1998. ÀOAC,,Official Methods of Ànal-ysis of the ÀOAC International-," (fôrmeriy the Àssociation of Official Ànalytiôal Chemists), 15th Ed. ÀOAC¡ Official Methods of Ànalysís¡ lBth Ed. Revísion 2t 2007 ("Ìatest edition" is specified in some places - doubiecheck!) ÀpÀ 1999 edition of the standards for Educationaf and Psycholôgical- Testing ÀpÀ construction and Industrial Plywood (r,Iith fypical APA lrademarks)-PS 1-95. ApÀ DeEign and Fabrication of All-Plywood Beams-APA H-8158 (PDS Supplement #5), 1995. ApA. Design and Fabrication of Glued Plywood-tumber Beams-APA-S 812Q, Suppl. 2-I992' ÀpA Design and Fabrication of Plywood Curved Fanels-ÀtsÀ-S 81lM, supPl. 1, 1990. APA Desígn and Fabrication of Plywood sandr,¡ich Panels-ÀPÀ-u 8148r Suppl. 4r 1990¡,pÀ Design and Fabrication of Plywood Stressed-Skin Pânels-ÀPÀ-U 813L, Suppl. 3f 1990. ApA Design/Con6trucLion Guide, Residential and commercial-APA 830-P-1996. APA Panel- Design Specification-APA D410À' 2004' AET Zc American petroleum Institute Specification for Offshore Pedeslaf Mounted Cranes (API Spec 2C) - ÀIlI 2C Specification for Offshole Pedestal Mounted Cranes, Sixth Edition' MaÏch 2004, Effective Date: Septembel 2004/ Àl'I Stôck l. ÀpI ZD Recommended Practice for OFeration and Maintenance of Offshore Crane6 (ÀPI RP 2D)¿ - ÀpI 2D Recômnended Practiõê for Opêration and Maintenance ôf Offshore Cranes, Fifth Edition' June 2003' ÀPI Stóck Nô. G02005 AFI 2FpS Rp for planning, Designing, and Constructing, Floating Production Systems ApI 2RD Recommended Practj-ce for Design of Risers for Floating Production Systens (FPSs) and Tension-Leg Piatforms (TLPB)' First Ec AFI 2SK Reconmended practice for Design and å,nalys!6 of StatiÕnkeeping Systens for Floating Structures, Thi¡d Editlon/ OÕtober 200: À.pI 2SM Recommended practice for DeÉign, ¡4anufacture, Installation, and Maintenance of SynthetÍc Fiber Rôpes for Offshore MÕoring' Apf 2T Recommended Practice for Planning, Designing, and ConstTucting TensJ.on Leg Pl-atforms, Second Edition' August 1997, ÀPI Stoc} ÀPI 5! "specification for Line Piper" l43td edition and errata, 2004) ApI 5L1 ,,Recommended Practice for Railroad Transportation of Line Pipe," (6th edition,2002) ÀNSI/SCTE 26 2OOI ÀNSI/SCTE 54 2003 ANSI/SCTE 65 ZOOZ T n o m n I o o o o ql \¡ (forrnerly (formerly (formerly DVS DVS DVS Append¡x A, Page 1o API 6A Specification for Wellhead and Christmas Tree Equipment, ÀNSI/APIfication 6À, ñineteenth Edition, JuIy 2004; al-so available API 6AVt Specification for Verifícation TeBt of wel-lhead Surface Safety Valves and Underr¡ater Safety Valves for offshor:e Service, I API 6D "P:ipellne Valves," (22rLd edition, January 2002) - ÀPI 6D "Pipeline Val-ves" (22nd edition, Janua.ry 2002) APT ÉiD Spec.ificalion for F-ípe1i-ne Valves, T\uenty-second Edition, January 2002; also available as ISO 14311:I999, MODr Pet.roleum anc API 9À Specification for Wire Rope, Section 3, Proper:ties and Tests for Wire and I,Iire Rope, May 28, 1984 AÞI 128 (t4ay 1958) Specification fo¡ Ðolted Production Tanks, 1lth Ed., With Supplernent No. 1, I4ar. 1962 APr 128 SJrecífication for Bolted P¡oduction Tanks, Eleventh Edilion, May 1958, and Slrpplement 1, March 1962; API 12D (i\ug. 1957) Specifícation for L¿rrge Welded Production Tanks, 7th Ed. AÞI 12D SPecificatiôn fôr Large t/'Ielded Productiôn Tanks, Seventh Edition, Àugust 1957; or APT 128 "Speci.f 1l N C) þ m 7J ¡t I c) c) c) d c) o) o0 ì cation for Shop Wel-ded Tanks f or: Sto:l:age of Procluct.ion l,i,qui,ds, " (1f th editi-on, 1994 ) ÀPI 12F {l,Iar. L96L ) Specif -i-catj-on f or S¡iall Wel-ded P¡oduction Tanks, 5th Ed. ÀPI 12F Specification for SmaLi Weided Production Tanks, Fifth Editj-on, Àlarch 1961, APT 144 Specífication for Subsurface Safety Vaive Equipment, Tenth Edition, llovember 2000; also available aE lso I04J2:1999, petrol AFT 148 Recommended Practice for Design, Instailation, Repair and oÞeration of Subsul:fäcè Safety valve Systems, fifth Editionf octc ÀFI 148 Recomended Practice for Design, Instalfation, Repair:, and Operat-ion of Subsurface Safety Valve Systems API 14C ÀnaIysis, Design. Installation and Testing of Basic surface Safety Systems for Offsho¡e Production Platfoïmsf t986 API 14C Reconmended Pr-actice for Analysj-s, Design, Installation, ancì Testing of Basic Surface Safety Systems for offshore Procluclic AÞI L4E Reco¡n¡nended Practice for Design and Instal-laLion of Offshore Production PÌatform Pj-ping Systems, Fifth EdiLion, October l, AFI 14F Recommended ?ractice for Desiqn and Instal-iation of Electrj-ca1 SyÊtemË for Fixed and Fioating Off6hore Pet¡ol-eum FaciL:ties API 14F Reconunended Practice for Design and Instaliation of ELectrical Systems for Fixed ancl Fioatinq offshore petroleum FaciLj-ties ÀPI 14Fz Recommended Practice for Design and Installation of El-ectrical- systems for I'ixed and Floating offshore l,etrol-eum Facil-itie API 14ltz llecommended Practice for Design and lnstailation of Electricai Syslens for Fixed and Floating Offsbore Petroleum Fac.ilitir API 14G Recomended Practice for Fire Preventj-on and Conlrol on open TyÞe offshore Production PIåtforms, Thircl Edition., Decemì:er L, AFI 14H Recomended P¡actice for Instailation, l"laintenance, and Repair of Surface Safety VaIves and Underwater Safety Vafves Offshc AFI 14J Recommended PracLíce for Design and Hazards Analysis for offshore Production Facilities, Second Edttion, May 2001, ÀpI sto( API L7J Specificatíon for Unbonded Flexible Pipe/ Second Edition, November 1999; Er-rata dated May 25,2007¡ Àddendum 1, June 2003, ÀIrI 53 Recommended Practice for Bfowout Prevention Equipment Systems for Drill:ng Wells, 1984 ÀPT 53 Recomrnended Practices for Bl,owout- Prevention nquipnenl Systems for: Drilling well-Ê ( ÃPI 53 Recom¡nencled Practices for Blowout Prevention EquiÞment Systems for Driliing We1ìs, Third Edition/ llarch 1997; reaffj.ïmed SeË API 65 Recomended Practice for Cementj-ng Shallow Water Flow Zones in Deep Water I,Ie11s, Fi¡st Edition, Sept-ember 2002, À!f Stock Nc API 80 "GuideLines for the Deflnition ol On6hore Gas Gathering T,ineett' lIËl. ed:tion, April 2000) AFf 500 Reconmended Practice for Classificatj.on of Locations for ELectrical fnstaLlations at PetroieuÌn FacilLties, Cl,assj.fied as Cl API 505 Recornmended Practj-ce for Classification of Lócations for ElectricaL Installations at Þett:oLeu¡n Facilities, Classified as Cl ÀPI 510 "llressure Vessel InsÞection Code: I"faintenance fnspection¿ Rating, Repair, and ÀIlerationr', (8th edition, 1997 including Àdc APf 510 Pl:essxre VesseI Inspection Code: In-Service Inspection, Rating, Repair, and Àl"terationr Do\,rnstream seqment, Ninth EctitJ-on, ÀÞI 550 Manual on InsLallation of Refinery Instruments and Conl-¡ol Systems, Pari: ff-Process SLrean Anaiyzers, SecÈìon i-Oxygen Anai API 620 "De6ígn and Con8tructj-on of Lar:ge, We1ded, Low-Pres6ure Storage Tanks," (10th edition, 2002 including ÀddenduÌn l) API 620 Fourth Ed. (1970) including appendix R, RecoÍì,-nended Rul-es for Design and construction of Large Welded Low Pressute Storage ÀIrI 620 Reconr"'nended Rules for the Design and Construction of Large, Welded, Lolr-Pressure StÕTage Tanks, thlrd Edit:on, 1966 ÀPI 650 "Uelded Steel Tanks fo¡ Oíl Storage," (10th edition, 1998 íncluding.Addenda 1-3) ÀPI 650 (.t966) Welded Stee-r. Tanks for Oil- Sto¡agèr 3rd Ed. ApI 651 "Cathodic P¡otectj-on of Àboveground Þet¡oleurn sLorage Tanks," (2nd edit.ion, Ðecernber 1997) API 652 "ì.ining of Aboveground Petroleu¡ì Storage Tank Boltoms," (2nd edition, December 1997) API 653 ":fank Inspection, Repa-r, Àlteration, and Reconstruction," (3rd edj.tion, 2001 incLucling Addendunr 1, 2003) l\I'I 1104 "t{elding of Fipel-:nes and Related Facilities," (19th edition, 1999 including october 31, 2001 er.rata) API 1104-1968 Standard fot WeJ-ding Pípe Lines and Related FaciLities, API 1130 ''Computatiónal Pipeline Ffonitoring for Liquid PipeJ.ines," l2nd edition, 2002) API 1162 "Public AwareneBs Programs for Pì-peline Opel:ators," (1st edition, December 2003) API 2000 "Venting Atrnospheric and Lo&'-Pr.eBsure Stoxage Tanks," (5th edj-tion, April I998) API 2000 Venting Atmospher:c and Lor//-Pressure Storage Tanks (Nonl-efrigerated and Reffiger-ated), Third Editlon/ Janua¿-y 1982 (reaffj API 2003 "Protection Against Ignitions Àrislng Out of Static, Lj-ghtning, and Stray Currents,' (6th edition/ 1998) API 2003 llrotection Àgainst lgnitions Àr'ising Out of Static, Lightning ãnd Stray Currents, 199.1 API 2026 "Safe Àccess/Eclress InvoJ.ving Floating Roofs of Storage Tanks in Petrol,eum Selvice," (2nd edì-tion, 1998) API 2201 (1963| Welding or llot Tapping on Equipment Containing llammables Appendix A, Page 'l 1 ÀpI 2201-1963, I,Ielding or Hot Tapping on Equipment Containing Flalnmables' ApI 2350 ,,Overfitl protection for Slorage lanks In Petïoleum Facilitieer" {2nd edition, 1996) ÀpI 2509 B Shop Testing of Autonatic riquid Level Gages, Bulletin 2509 B, December 1961 (Reaffixned August 1987, october 1992). for API 2510 ,,Design and Construêtion of LPG Instal-l-ations," (8th editiÔnr 2001) Àpr 2517 Evapoiative Loss from Externai Floating-Roof Tanks, Third Edition, Febluary 1989' rBR approved for SÉi3.11L and S63.2406' ApI 251? The Evaporation Loss From Externat lloating-Roof Tanks, Publication 25L7, second edition' February 1980' for S52.741(a)(3) .Apr z51B Evaporalive Loss frorn Fixed-¡oof Tanks, second Edition, october 1991, rBR approved for 563.150(g)(3)(i)(c) of subpart G o1 Apr 2551 Measurement and calíbration of Horizontal Tanks, FirÊt Edition, 1965; reaffirmed March 2002, ÀPr stock No. H25510 reaffirr'ed February 20[ ÀpI 2552 usÀ standard Method for Measuxement and calibration of Spheres and spherÕj.ds, lirst Edition, 1966;stock No. H25550 AFr 2555 Method for Liquid calib::ation of Tanks, First Edition, septeìnber 1965; ::eaffirmed March 2002; Alr Apr 2556 Recornmended pr:actice for correcting Gaùge TabLes f or: f ncrtìstat:i.on, second Edj.lion, August I993; reaff -i'r:med November 2o03, Àpr Bulletin 2INT-EX, rnlerim Guidance for: À.ssessment of Existing offshore slructures for Hu¡ricane conditions, May 2007 ÀpI Bulfetin 2INT-MET, Interin Guidance on Hurricane Conditions in the Gulf of l"lexico, May 2007 2519), Firsl Edition, Apríl 1997, rI (MPMS) (fo::neriy A?r Publicalions 2517 and Àpr Manual of ?erroleum Mea6urement specífications petroleumf Fetrochemical and Natural Gas rndustry/,\Nsr/ÀPrficatj-on Q1' seventh I specification for euality progiams for the Apr e1 Recorìnended tsractice for planning, Designing and cônstructing Fj-xed offshore Pfatforns-t'lo::king Stress Design, Tv¡entl ÀpI Rp zÀ-vtsD, Þß.T ztT/240-89 Unitaïy Aír-Conditioning and Air-SouTce Heat Pump Bquiprnent .u;itafy Air-conclitioning ancl Ai¡-source Heat Purnp Equipmentr" IBR approved for s131-96. aft:- 2:ro/240-2003 publishecl in 2003, pubiished in 2006 by ARI. AI{T zLO/Z4O-2006 means the tes.L standard,,Unitary Air-CondiLioning and Air-Source Heat Pump Equipment" ARr 310/380-2004 (CSA{744-O4J published in 2004, "standard for Packaged Te¡minaI Àir-condítione::s and lteat Pumps ARI 340/360-2004 ,,peÌforrnance Ráting of commerciaL and Industrial unitary Àir-Conditioning and Heat PumÞ Equipment." ÀllI 810-2003 "Performance Rating of Äutonatic commercial lce-Makers"' .ARI 1200-2006 ,,peïfoïmance Rati;g of Commercial Refrigerated nísp1ay Merchandisets and Slorage Cabinets'" and storage cabinets." ÀRI 1200-2006 section 5, "Rating Requirements for Renote commercial Refrigerated Display Mer-chandisersEngineers ("ASAE") recorunend¿ Às.x R313.1-1971 (,,soil cone penetrorneter"), as reconfirmed in t9?5, American society of Agricultural Buildings and othe¡ structur€ AS.E 7-Bg rhe design wind loads for Exposure c specified in ÀNsr/AscE 7-88, "l4ini¡num Design Loads for ASCE 7-l9Bg Mini¡num Design Loads for Buildj.ngs aûd Other St!-uctures-AsCE 7-1988. ÀSCE 19-1996 Structurai applications of Stee1 Cables for Buildings-ASCEI9t L996. units'" ÀSHRAE 23-2oO5 "Melhods oi testing for Rating Positive Displacement Refrigerant complessors and condensing .,¡letháds of Testing for Rating Positive Displacement Refrigerant compressÔrs and condensing 23-2005 means the tè6t standard ASHRÀE ÀSHRAE 3i-20OS,,Methods of Testing for Rating Unitary Äir-Conditioning and Eeat Pump Equipment-" ,,Methóds of rãeting for Rating unita.ry Air-conditioning and Heat Pump Equipment" published j ASHRÂE 37-20Ð5 means the test standard published in 1986 and reaffirned in 2( ÀSHRÀE 41,1-g6 (RA 01) means the test standard "standard Method for Temperature Measurenent" ASHRÀE 41,L-1986 (Reaffirmed 2001)r "standard Method for Temperature MeasuÌement." pubtished -in 1987 and reaffirn A'HRÃB 4L-2-87 (RA 92) means the test standald "standard Methods for Laboratory -Airfl-ov¡ Measurement" 4I.2-r9g7 (Reaffirmed 1.g92lt "standard Methods for Laboratory AirffÔw Measurement-" ASHRÀE published in 1994 and reaffi¡med i¡ ÀSHRÀE 4L.6-94 (RÀ 01) means the test standard "Method for Measurement of Moist Ài¡ Properties" ÀsHR][E 4r.6-7994 (Reaffirmed 2001), "standard Method for Measurement of MoiÉt Air PropertieÉ," of Volatile Refrigerants" published in ÀSHRÀE 41.9-00 means the test standard,,Calo¡i¡neter Test Methods for Mass FIow Measurements ÀSltRÀE 41.9-2000 ,,Cal-oïineter Test Methods for Mass Flor.¡ Measu¡ements of Volatile Refrigerants." of lesting Fans for Aerodynarn.ic Performance Rating" ASHR_AE 51-gg/AMCA Standard 210-19gg rneans the test standard "Laboratory Methods means the test standarcl "Methods of Testing for Rating for Seasonal- Efficiencl' of unj-taxy Àir conditioners anc ASH¡_LE l15-95 RÀ(05) ,,Methods of Tes.tinq for Rating for seasonal Efficiency of unitary Ai¡ conditioners and Heat Pump6"' À5HRÀE 116-1995 (RÀ 2005). ASHRÀE 1997 ASHRÀE Handbook of Fundamentals, Inch-Pound Edition, chapters 22 through 27 ASHRAE chapter 22 of the 1989 ASHRÀE ltandbook of Fundamentals of Testing Fans fol ÀSHRÀE/Air Movement and control Àssocj-ation Intet:national, tnc. Standard 3I-I999/2L0-1999, "Laboratory Methods entitled /,Bnergy Efficient Design of Nev¡ Buildings Except Low-Rise Residentiaf Buildings¡" r¡ith Àddenda 90.1 ASHRÀE/TESNA 90.1-1989 ! n o Þ m n Þ I o o o t) o) ao ¡.SHRÀE,/IESNÄ Standard 90' 1-1989 ASME Boiler and p¡essure vessel- code ASME Boiler and pressure Vessel Code ASME BÕiler and pressure Vessel- Code tsoiler Boiler ÀSME Boiler ÀsI4E Boiler À,S¡,IE ÀSME and and and and Pïessure Pressure ?ressure pressure Vessel Vessel Vessel. vessel- section I, Powel: Boilers, July 1989 l¡ith 1989 addenda Section Vr NondeÊtructive Examination (1986)38.25-3(a)(1) Section V/ Nondestructive Exanination (1986)151'04-7(a)(1) Code' Sec. VIIf, 1949' 1950, L952, 1956, 1959t and L962 Ed' Code, Sec- VIII' 1968 Code. Sec. VIII, Unfired Pressure Vessels, Including Adctenda (1969) code, section r, "Rules for construction of Power Boile¡sf" {2004 edi!íon, including addenda throuç Append¡x A, Page 1 2 Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section I, For'Jer Boilers, JuJ-y J.989 vrith 1989 addend Boiler and Preesure Vessel Code, Section I, RuIe6 for Construction of Pov¡er Boilers; including ÀppendiceÊ 2004 Edition; and Jr ÄSME BoiLer and Pre6sure Vessel Code, Section IV, Rules for constxuction of Heating Boj-Lers; inclucling AÞpendices I, 2, 3, 5, 6, ar ÀSME tsoiL{rl: and Þressure Vesse} Code, Section IX, "Welding and tsrazing Qualificationsr,' (2004 edit.ion, inciuding addenda through Jr ASME Boiler and Pressure VeÉsel, Code, section IX, ûIelding and Brazing Qual-ifications, July I9B9 vrith 1989 addenda. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessef Code, section V, Nonclesti:uctive Examination (1986) À'SME BoilÊr and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Division 1, "Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels,. (2004 eciiLion, incl-uc ASME Boiler and Pressure vessel Code, Section VIII, Division 1, Pressure vessels/ 1989r v¡ith Addenda issued December 31, t9g9 (.AS¡ ASt'fE Boiler and PreFsure VesseL code, section vrrr¡ Division 1. PreEsute vesseigr July 1989 with 1989 addenda ÀSME tsoil:r ånd Þlessure Vessei côde, SeëÈion VIII, ¡ivisíon 2. "Rul-es for constructíôn of Pressure Vessefs-ÀIternative Rulesf,' (Zt ASME and PÌ:essure Vessel Code, Section VIIT, RuLes fo¡ Constrllction of Pressu::e Vessels; Di.visi,ons I and 2 | ZD04 E,Ci.tion; Ju ASlnlE BoiL:r and Pressure Vessel- Code, Section VIII/ Rules for Construction of Unfirecl Pressure Vessels, 1963 ASME BoiÌer and lressure Vessel Code: Section I, Poler Boil-ers, 1986 wlt.h addenda ASI'ÍE Code for Pressure Vessels. 1968 Ed. ASME Code for Unfired Pressure Vessels for Pètroleum Liquid6 and cases of the ÀpI ancl the ASME, 1951 Ed. ASM¡ fnter:im Supplemenl 19.5 on Instruments and Àpparatus: Àpplicatiôn, Part lI of FIuid Meters, 6th Edi*.ion (1971), IBR approved f Ast'fE l'tFC-3M-2004 (Revision of ÀSME l4Fc-3M-1989 (R1995))r Measurement of Ffuid FIow in Pipes Using orifice, Nozzì,e, and venlirri ÀSME M¡'C-4M-1986 (Reàffirmed 1997), MeaÉ;ut:ement of cas Flov, by Turbine Meters ÀSME ¡'1Fc-5M-1985 (Reaffir¡ned 1994)' Measurement of Liquid FIow in CLosed Conduits Usinq Transit-Time Uj-trasonic Florùmet-ers ASME MFC-6M-1998 MeaÉure¡nent of Fl-uid Flow in Pipes Using Vortex Flowmeters ÀSME MFc-7M-1987 (Reaffirmed 1992)¿ Mea6urement of Gas Flow by Means of criticat Flow VenturÍ Nozzìes ÀSl,tE ¡,lFc-gM-1988 (Reaffirmed 200I), Measurement of Liquid Flow in Closed Condults by f{eighing Method ASt'f¡ NQÀ-?-a-l990 addenda, par:t 2.1, l-o ÀSME NQÀ-2-1989 edition "Quality Àssurance Requj.t:ements for Nucieaï Facitity Àpplications;r, ÀSÀ'fE NQÀ-3-I989 edition, "QuaL:ty Àssurance Pr:ogram Requirements for the Col-Iection of Scientific ancl Technical Infor:natio¡ for Sit ASME Nucl:ar Quality Assurance (NQÀ) standard, NQÀ-1-1989 ed-LLion, "QuaIj-Ly Àssurance Program Requirernents for Nuclea¡ FacrliLies;^ ASME Performance Test Code 4.2 (1,99L), ?est Code for Coal Pulverizers ÀSl'lE PTc 'i.1-1964 (Reaffirmed:.991), For'¡er Test codes: Test code for Stean Generating Units (vrith 1968 and 1969 Àcldenda), IBR apprc ÀSl4E PTC 19,10-1981, Flue and Exhâ.ust Gas Ànal-yses []art 10r Instruments and Àpparatusl, IBR approved for 560.106(e)(2] of subpart ÀSMn QRO-I-I994 Standard for the Qualifì.cation and Certification of Resource Recove.ry I'acility operatot:s¿ IBR approved for SS60.56e ÀSME SPPE-L-L994 and SPPE-i-d-l996 Àddencla, Quality Àssurance and Certification of Safety ancl PolLution Prevention Equipment Usecl j.¡ ÀSNT "Reccrmended Practice No. sNT-Tc-1Þ. (1988), Personnel Quaiification and CerÈification in Nondestructive Testing,, ASNT "Recommended ?¡actice No' SNT-TC-14 (1988)' Personnel puaì-ification and Cerlification in Nondes¡ructive Testing,,A¡nerican Socj AS0c 09000-1*1994 0uality ¡fanagement ancl Qualj.ty À,ssurance Standards Guiclelines for selection and Use American Society for çuaiity ÀSOc Q900.t-1994 Quality systems-Mode1 for Quality Àasurance in Design, Development, Production, rnstallariÕn, and Servicing; ÀSQc 89002-1994 Suality Systems-Mode1 for Quality Àssurance in Production, tnstallation, and Servicing; ÀSQC Q9003-1994 Quality Systems-ModeJ- for Quality Àssurance in FinaI Inspection and Test; ASQC Q900¡i-I-1994 Quality ¡lanagement ancl çuality System ¡lements-Guidelines ASSE 1001 ANSI Perforinance Requirements for Þipe Applied AtmoEpheric Type Vaculrm Breakers-ÀSsE 1001 (AsSE/ANSI-1990). ASSE 1001 AssE/ANSI-1990). Performance Requi::ements for Pipe Applied Atmospher.Lc Type Vacuum Breakers-ÀssE 1001 ( ÀssE,/ÀNsI-1990). ÀS.sE 1002-1986 perfonmance Requirements for Water Closet FÌush Tank Fiil Va1ves (tsallcocks)-ÀSSE 1002 tìevision 5-1986 (ÀNSI/ÀSSE-1S .A'SSE 1002" Performance Requirements for Water Cl-oset Flush Tank FiIl Valves (Ballcocks)-ASSE 1002 Rev-ision 5-1986 TANSI/ ASSE-f9791 ÀSSE 1006 (ÀSSE/ANSI-I986). llumbing Recluirernents fo¡ ResidentiaL Use (Household) DishwashersASSE 1006 Plumbing Requirenìents for Residential Use (Household) Dishwashers-ÀSsE 1006, (ASSE/AÌìSÌ-I995). ASSE 1007-1986 ANSI Petformance Requirements for Home Laundry Equipment-AsSE 1007-1986. ÀSSE 1007-1986, Performance Requj.rements for Home Laundry Equipment- ASSE 1007-1986, ÀSSE 1008-1995 ANSI lerformance Requirelrrents for Household Food Waste Disposer Units-ASSE 1008-I986, ÀSSE 1008--1986. Performance Reguirement6 for llousehold Food l,laste Disposer Units- ÀSSE 1008-1986. ÀSSE 10lL-1981 ANsI Performance Requirements fôr Eose Connection Vacuum Breakeïs-AsSE 1011-1981 (ANSI-1982). ÀSSE 1014-1989 ANSI Þerfo-rnìance Requirements for llancì-heId Showers-AsSE 1014-1989 (ANSI-1990). ASSE 10I4--1989 (ANSr*1990). Performance Requirements for Hand-hel-d showeÌÊ- ASSE 1014-I989 (ANSI-I990). ASsE L016--1988 ÂNsI Ferformance Requirements fór Individuaf rherncstatic Fressure Balancing and combination contt-ôi for Bathing Fac ÀSSE I017-1985 A¡lSI Þerformance Requirements foÌ Temperature A.ctivated Mixing Valves fôr Primary Domestic Use-ÀSSE 1017-1986. ÀSSE 1017--1986. Performance Requirements for TenFerature Activated Valves for Prirnary Domestic Use- ÀSSE 10f7-1986. ÀSSE 1019 ÀSSE/ÀNSf 1019-1978' Performance Requi::ements for WalI Hyclrants, Frôst Proof Àutomatic Draining¡ Ànt:--Backflow Types- ÀSS ASSE 10I9-1978 ANSI Performance Requirements fo¡ l^Iall Hydrants¡ FrosL Proof ÀuÈomatic Draining, Ànti-Backfiow Types-À-ì,tsI/ASSE 1019" .ASIIE AS!{E T' n c) )r tÌl 7' !r I c) c) c) -a c) \¡ c) Appenclix A, Page 13 ÀSSE 1023 ÀNSI pe¡fo¡rnance Requirenents fór Hot Wate:: Dispensers, Household Storage îype ElectrieaL-ÀSSE 1023' (å'NSI/ÀSSE-1979). ASSE 1023 ÃSSE-I929), terformánce RequirementÊ for Eot l,rater Dispensers, Household Storage Type Electrical-AsSE 1023, (ÀNSI/ ASSE-l i\SSE l0Z5-197g performance Requirements for Diverters for Plurnbing Faucets with Hose Sprayf Ànti-Siphon Type, Residential Àpplrcatj ÀSSE 1037-1990 ÀNSI Performance Requirer,ents for Pressurieed Devices (Flushometers) for Irlumbing Fixtures-ÀSSE 1037-1990 I for Pressurized FlDshing Devices ( for Plurnbíng Pixtules- ÀSSE 1t Þerformãnce Reguirements for Diverters for Plumbing Faucets r,¡ith Hose Spray, Anti-Siphon Type, Residential Àpplications ÀSSE-197g), ÀSTM AZ0lA Z0M-97a, Standard SpecificaLion for General Requirements for Steel PIates for Pressure Vessels ASTM A20/A Z¡M-.g3a Standard Specífication for General Requirements for Steel Pjates for P¡essure veESelF ASTM A36/A 36M-g7at Standard specification for carbon Structural steel ÀSTM A4?-68 Malleable Iron castings ÀSTM A47-90 (1.995), Stãndard Speci.fication for: Ferl:jtic MaLleab],e Iron Castjngs ASSE 1037-199û (ÀNsI-1990). performance Requirements ÀSTM À47-68 ÀSTM Ã,47-68 MalleabIe Iron Castings ASÎM 453-69 Welded and Seamless Steel Pipe A53-93 standard specification for pipe, Stee1, Black and Hot-Dipped, zinc-coated, l^lelded and Seamiess-ÀsTM 453-93. ÀSfM A53-98 Standard Specification for Pipe, Steeff Bl-ack and Hot-DipPed' Zinc-CÕàtedr Welded and Seamiess ASTM A53-69 Grade B nfectríc Resístance Welded and Electric Ffash vJelded Pipe pipe, Sleei¡ Black ancl llot-Dipped, Zinc-Coated, Weided and Seamless- ASTM À53-93. å,STM A53-93. Stancla¡:cì Specification for ,,standard specification for Pipe, steel, Black and Hot-Dipped, zinc-coated weLded and seamless" ASTM AS3/A53M-04a (20041 ASTM A74-92 Standard Specification for Cagt Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings-AsTf[ I\74-92. ASTtl A74-92. Standard Specification for Cast Iron Soit Pipe and Fittings- ÀSTM 474-92. ÀSTì4 A99-?6 g2 (neapproved 1987)¡ Standard Specification for Ferromanganese, incorpo::ation by reference (IBR) approved for S60.261. ASTM Al.00-6g lqt 93¡ Standard Specification for Ferrosilicon, IBR approved for S60-261. ASTM À101-73 93, Standalcl Specification for Ferrochromiumr IBR approved for S50.261' ÀSTM A106-95 Standard Specification for Searnless Carbon SteeL Pipe for High-TemPeralure Service .standard specification for seamless carbon sleel Pipe for: High-Temper:ature service" ASTM A106/A106M-04b (20õ4) .ASÎM ASTM ASTM ÀSTM 4109-91 Standard Specification foI steelf stl:ip/ carbon, cold-Rolied; 4126-66 Gray Iron casting for Valves, Fl-anges and Pipe Fitting A1Z6-95 Standard Specifiiation for Gray Iïon Castínqs for Valves, Flanges, and Pipe Fíttings ÀsrM A126-66 ¡,STM å,134-96 Standard Specification for Pipe, Stee1, Electric-Fusion (Àrc)-Welded lSizes NPS 16 ASTM À135-9?c Standard Specification for Electric-Resistance-I^felded Steel Pipe ASTM A139-96 Standard Specification for Electric-Fusion (Arc)-Welded Steel Pipe (ÑPS 4 and Over) and Over) ÀsrM À153-g2 (Reapproveã rsez)/ standard specification for zíne coating (Hot-Dip) on rrôn and steel Hardr+are; ÀSTt4 A17B/l\ 17814-95r Standard specification fot: Electríc-Resistance-h'elcled carbon steel and carbon-¡4anganese steel Boiier and Super ÀsT¡4 A17glÀ 17gM-g0a (1gg6), standa.rd specification for seamLess cold-Drawn Low-Car:bon steel Heat-Exchanger and condenser Tubes ÀSTM.A1B2/A IBZM-IIc, Stanåard Specification for Forged or Rolled Ä1loy-Stee1 Pipe Flanges, Forged Fittings, and Valves and Parts I ASTM A192lA L92M-91 (1996), stanãard specification for seamless carbon steel Boiler Tubes for High-Pressure service ÀSTM A193/À 193M-9sa, Standard Specification for Aìloy-Steel ancl Stainiess Steel Bolting Materials for Hígh-TeÍiÞeratule Service ÀsTM À194/A 194M-98b, Standard Specification for carbon and À11-oy steel ÀsTM A197-87 (7992), Standaïd specification for cupola Malleable Iron Nuts for tsolts for High !ressure or High Temperature servic A203/À 203M-97, Standard Specification for P¡essure Vessel Plates, Àlloy SteeJ-, NickeÌ À210/A 210M-95, Standard Specification for Seamless Medium-Carbon Steel Boiler and SuperheaLer Tubes A2l3/A 213M-95ar Standard Èpecification for Seamless Ferritic and Austenitic ÀIloy-SteeI Boiler, Superheater' and Heat-Exchanç A214lÀ 274M-g6. Standard specification for El"ectric-Resistance-hfelded carbon steei Heat-Exchanger and condenser Tubes ÀsTM À226lÀ 226M-g5, Standard specification for Electric-Re6istance-welded carbon steel Boile¡ and superheater Tubes fol H.j-gh-Iress ÀsTM A234lA 234y1. g7 r Standard speCificatíon for Piping Fittings of l¡Irought carbon steei and Àlloy steer for Moderate and High Tenp€ ÀSTM A240lA 240M-99b Standard Specification for Heåt-Resisting Chromium and Chromium-Nj-cl<eL Ståinless SteeI P1ate, Sheet and Strip ASSM ÀSTM ASTM ASTM ! n o m I n Þ o c) (f o \¡ À242-8I Standard Specification for High-Strength Lovt-Alloy Structu¡a1 Steel A249lA 24g$-g6at Slandard Specification for Welded Austenitic Steel Boiler, SuPerheaterr Heat-Exchangerr and condenser Tubes j-n Austenitiõ stainless steel6 A262-93a standal:d practices for Detecting susceptibility to Intergranular Attack À26slA 26BM-96, Standa¡d Specification for Seamless and Welded Ferritic and ¡'làrtensitic Stainless Steel Tubing fol: General sel ÀsTt4 4276-98 Standard specification for stainless steel Bars and Shapes ÀSTM A2B5-78 pressure Vessel PLates, Carbon SteeIr Low- and Intermecliate-Tensiie St.rength ÀsTM À300-5g steel plates for P¡essure Vessels for se¡Vice a! LoW Tempelatures ÀSTM ASTM ASTM ASTM Appendix A, Page 14 ASTM 4302/À 302M-93 Standard Specifica.Lion for Pressu¡e Vessel Plates. Àl1oy Steel, Manganese-lulolybclenurn and Manganese-Mo.lybdenum l ASTI4 4307--97 Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Bol¿E and Studs, 60,000 PSI Tensile Strength À'SfM 4312/A 312M-954' Stanclard Specification for Seamless and We1ded ¿\ustenitic Stainless Steel pipes ÀS.Il4 4320/A 320M-97, Standard Specification for Àlloy/Steel- Bolting Materials for Low-Temperature Service Al33-€i7 Seamless and I,IeIded Steel Pipe for Low-TemperatuÌe Service Specification for SeamLess and tfelded SteeI Pipe fo¡ Low-Tenperature Service ASTM 4333/À333M-05 "Standard Specification fo¡ Seamless and Welded Sleel Pipe for Lo!.¡-Temperature Se:vice', ASTM 4333/'4333M-05 (2005) "standard Specification for Seaniess and tJelded Sleel pipe for Lorv-Tempeïaiure service.', ÀSTM À334/À 334M-96/ Standard Specification for Seamless and Welded carbon and Àlloy-Steel Tubes for f,ow-Temperature Service ASTM ASfM 4333/A 333M-94, Standard ASTM 4335/A 335¡4-95a/ stanclard Specification for Seamless Ferrltic À11oy-Steel Pipe for High-Tempera-rure Se¡vice ASTM Al50/À 150¡4-97, Standard Speci.fication for Carbon and Low-À1.].oy Steel, For:gì.ngs, Requi.::ìng Notch Toughness Testjng for ( À351/À 35lM-94a, Standard Specification for Castj-ngs, Austenitic, Austenitic-Ferritic (Duplex), for Pressure-ContainincJ pal:ts ASTM 4352/À 352¡4-93 (1998), Standa¡d Specification for Steel CasLings, FerriÈic and MarLensitic, fo¡ Þr:essure-containing t¡arts. suj ASIM 4358/A 358M-954' Standard Specificat.íon for Electric-Fusion-!,le1ded Austenitic Chromium-Nickel Alloy Steel pipe for ttigh-Tempet ASTI'1 4366/'A 366M-91., Standard Specification for 5tee1, Sheet, Carbon, Cold-RoIl-ed, comnercial- eual:ty; ASTM À369/À 36914-92' Standard Specification for carbon ànd Ferritic À11oy Steel ?orged and tsored Pipe for High-Tenperatul:e Service ÀSTM 4370--974 standal:d Test Methods and ¡efinitions for MechanicaÌ Testing of Steei products ÀSTM A370--94 Standard Test 179.102-1i 779.702-4; Methods and Definitions fo¡ Mechanical Testing of SieeI proclucts ÀSTM A3?2/À372M-03 (2003) ''Sta¡idard Specificabion for Carbon and ALloy SÈeeL Forgings for Thin-I,talied pressure VesseLs.', ASTM 4376/A 376M-96, Standard Specification for seamlesË AuÊtenitic SteeI Pipe for High-Temperature centïaI-Station Service ASTI4 ÀSTM 4381,--96 (Reapproved 2001) "Standard Specification for Metal-Arc l,lelded Steel Pipe for Use With Transnission Syst ÀS'IM ¡,391-65 (ANSI G61. 1-1968 ) Àl-Loy Sleel Chain ÀST¡4 4395-68 Ductile Iron fcr Lr6e at Elevated Temperatures ÀSTM Ä,395/À 395M-98, Standard Specification for Ferritic Ductj.le lron Pressure-Retaining castings fo:: Use at El-evatecì Temperatures ASTM 4403/À 403M-98, Standard Specification for Wrcught Aust'enitjc Stainless SLeel Piping Fittìngs ASÎM 4420/A 420M-96a, Slandard Specifj-cation for Piping Fitlings ÀSTM 4441--81 Standard Specification for High-Strength Low-Àlloy TI n o Þ rTl 7l !' I Cr (f e J, cl :l NI of Wrought Car:bon Steel and Aiì.oy SteeI for Lov¡-Tempel:ature Servic Structural Manganese Vanadium SteeL AST¡4 À482-76 93, Standard Specification fôr Ferrochromesilicon, ItsR apptoved for 560.261. ÀSTl4 Ä481--64 74 (Reapproved 1988), Standa::d Specification fo.r Sificomañganese, IBR approved for S60.261. ÀSTM 4495--76 94' Standard Specification for Calcium-Silicon and Calcium Manganese-Silicon, IBR approved for S60.261. ASTM 4505-87 Standard Specification for Stee1, Sheet and Strip, A11oy, Hot-Rolled and Cold-Ro1led, General Requirements for; ASTM 451.4'-81 Standard Specification for High-Yield Slrength Quenched and Tempered Al-loy Steel Plate, Suitabte for Welding å.sTM ^4515/'A 515M-03 Standard Specification fox Pressute vessel Platesf carbon steel-r for Intermediate- and Higher-Temperature Servj ÀS'IM A5I6/A 516M-90 Standard Specification for Pressu¡e Vessel Plates, Carbon Steèl-, for Moderate and Lov,'el:-Temperature Servic,: ÀS'Il4 À'520-'97 Standard Specification for SupF:Lementary Reqüirements for Seamless and Efectríc-Resistance-hrelded Carbon Steel Tubular ÀSTM A'522lA 522M-95br Standard specification for Forged or RoLled 8 and 9? Nickel- ÀIloy Steel F1anges, Fittings/ Val-ves, ancl pârts ÀSTM 4525-'9Lb Shandard Specification fo¡ General Requirements for Steel- Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized¡ by the HoL*Dip plocess; ÀSTM 4526/A 526M-90, Standard Specificatíon fo.r steel Sheet, zinc-coated (GaLvanízed) by the Hot-Dip procesË, cornnercial euali.Ly; ASTI1 ¡\536-.84 (1993), Standa.rd Specification for Ductile Iron Castings ÀS'1'¡4 À537/À 5.17ì4-91 Standard Specification fôr I'ressure Vessel Platesf Heat-T¡eated, Carbon-Manganese-Silicon Steel ÀSTM 4539-90a SÞecification for Bfectric-Resístance-weìded Coiled Steel Tubing for cas and FieÌd Oj-l l,ines, ASTM, A539-90a ÀSfM 4539-1999 standard SpecificatÍon for Electric-Resistance-lleldecl Coiled Steel Tubing for ca6 and FueI OiI Lines, ASTM À539-199S ÀSTM À539--90a Specification for E.lect¡ic-Resistance-Weided Coiled Steel Tubing for Gas and Fieid Oil Lines, ASTM A569lA 569M-914r Standard Specificalion for Stee1, Carb,:n (0,15 Maximumr Percent), Hot-Rolled Sheet and Strip ConKnercj_al- {)uaLj ÀSfM 4572--82 Standard Specification for Low-ÀILoy côlumbian-Vanadium SteeLs of Structurai- euality ÀSTM A5?5-.96 Standard Specification for Steel- Bars, Carbon, Merchant Quality, M-Grades ÀST¡4 4576-.90b (I995), Standard Specification for Sleel- Bars, CarbÒn, Hot-I.¡rought, SÞeciaI Quality ÀSTM 4588-81 Standard Specification for High-Strength Low-ÀIl-oy StructuraL Steel $¡j-th 50 Ksi lliniinum Yield Point to 4 :-n. Thicr ÀSTM 4606--75 Standard Specification for Stee1 Sheet and Strip Hot- Roll-ed and cold-Ro1l-ed, High-strength, Low-Alloy, with Impr(rved ASTM 4607--98 Standard Specificatíon fot Steel, Sheet and Strip, High-Strength, Low-Àl1oy, Columbíum o¡ Vanadium, or Both. Ho:-F.olle ÀSTM 4612*72a High Strength Steel PlateE for Pressure Vessels for Moderate and Lower Tenperature Service À,ST¡.1 À621lA 62Iùl-92, Standard Specification fÒr steel, sheet ahd ritrip, catbón/ Hot-Rolled, Drawing gualityt ÀSTM 4633--794 Standard Specification for Nornalized High-Strength Low-Alloy Sttuctura.L Steel, 1979 Eclition ÀSTM 4640--91 Standa¡d Specification for Zinc-Coated SteeI Strand for Messenger Support of Figure I Cabl-e; ASTM A6?1-04 (2004) "Standard SpecificaÈion fot: Elect.ric-Fusion-Weided Steel- Plpe for Atmospheric and Lov,'er Temperatures,, Append¡x A, Page 15 A6?1-04 (2004) .,Standard Specification for Electric-Fusion-lfelded SteeL Fipe for Àtmospheric and Lol¡e¡ Temperàtures"' A6Z2-96 (Reapproved 2001) iStandard Specification for Electric-Fusion-Welded SteeI Pipe for High-Pressure Service at Moderate ,,standard Specificatlon for carbon and Àlloy Steel Pipe Electric-Fusion-WeLded for High-Pressure sel AS¡M t\691-98 (Reapproved 2002) ÀsTM À715-81 Standa¡d specíficatiôn for steeL sheet and strip, Iìôt-Rol-led, High-strength¡ Low-ÀI1oy with Irnproved FÔrnabilj-ty' 198l ASTM Al00g/À 1008M-03 Slanda¡d Specifícation for Steel, Sheet, Cold-Rofled, Carbon, Structuraff l.ligh-Strength Low-ÀIIoy and High St ASTM A1011/À 1011M-03a Stancla¡cl Specification for steel, Sheet and Strip, Hot-RoIJ.ed, Carbon. Stl:uctural. High-Slrength Low AIIoy e ÀS'IM Adjunct F 1626, Symbols for Use in Àccordance with Regulation U-2/20 of the 1974 SoLAS Convention as mended PcN: 12-616260-t ÄSTM AdJunct F 1626, symbols for use in Accordance with Regulation fi-2/20 of the 1974 sor,As convention, PcN 12-616260-01' 'o 1995 ÄSTM B3-90 Standard Specification for Soft or Ànnealed Copper Wire; ÀSTM 816-92 Standatd Specification for ¡ree-Cutting Brass Rodr tsar¡ and Shapes fôr tlse in Scr:ev,¡ Machines ASTM BZI-96 Standard Specìfì,cation for Navðl Br.ass Rodr Bar:. ancl shapes ÀsTì4 826/B 2614-97, Standard specification for Àluininum-Àlloy sand castings AST¡4 833-91 Standard Specificalions for Tinned Soft o¡ Annealed CopPer Wire for Elect¡ical- Purposes. ASTM B4Z-93 Standard Specification for SeamleEs Copper Pípe, Standard Sizes-ASTM 842-93, .a.sTM 842-96 Standard Specification for seamless coppel Pipe, Standafd sizes ASTM Ð42-93, Standard Specification for Seamless Côpper Pipe' Standard Sizes- ÀSTM ts42-93. 843-91. -ê.STM 843-91 Standard Specification for Seamless Red Brass Pipe, Standarcl Sizes-ÀSTM ASTM 843-96 Stanclarcl Specification fo¡ Seamless Red Brass Pipe. Ståndard Sizes ASTM 843-91, Standard Specification for Seamless Red Brass Pipe, Standard Sizes- ASTM 843-9I' ASlM 868-95 Standard specification for seamleÊÊ copper Tube, Bright Ànnealed ÀSTM 875-97 Standard Specification for Seamless CopÞer Tube ÀsTM 885-96 Standard specification for Aluminum-Àl]oy Die castings ÀSTM I}88-66À Seanless Copper I'laleL Tube å,STM ASTM ASTM BBB-69 Seamless CoPPer Water Tube specification fo¡ seamless copper water Tube, ASTI'{ 888-93 ASfM 888-96 Standard Specification for SeamleÊ6 CoPPer Water Tube ÀSTM Bg8-66a Standard Specificat.ion for Seamless Copper Water- Tube¿ ASTM 888-66a ASTI4 E8B-93, Standard Specification for Seamless Copper Wate¡ Tube- ÀSTM 888-93. \ ÀSTM 896-93 Standard Spècification foï Coppet:-Silicon Àtloy ?1ate, Sheet, Strip, and RolÌed Bar for Genei:aL ?urposes ancl PressLlre Specification for Copper and Copper-ÀIloy Seamless Condense¡ Tubes and Ferl:ule Stock ÀSTM 8111-95 Standard ÀSTM 8117-64 Salt SPraY (Fog) Test ASTM BL17-97 Standard ?ractice for operating SaIt Spray (Fog) APparatÙs ÀsTM 8117-90 Standard Test Method of SaLt Spxay (Fog) sestj'ng; ÀSTt4 Þ117-97 ,,standard practice for operating Salt spray (Fog) Àpparatus" (ÀsTM 8117-97) is hereby incorporated intô s7'3-2 by lefÉ ÀST¡t B1z2lB Iz2yI-gS¡ Standard Specifi-ation for copper-Nickel-Tin AIÌoy' coppei:-Nickel-zinc À1loy (Nickel Silver¡ | and coPÞel:-Nickt .ã,STM Bj.Z4-96 Standard SpecÍfication for Copper and Copper ÀILoy Forginq Rod, Barr and Shapes ÀSTM 8127-98 Standard Specification for Nickel-Copper AIIoy (UNS NO4400) Flater SheeL, and Strip ASTM 8152-97a Standard Specification for Copper Sheet' Strip, ?Iate, and Roll-ed Bar ASTM 8161-93 Standard Specification for Nickel seamless Pipe and Tube ÀsTM 81.62-93a Standard specification for Nickei Plate' sheet, and strip ÀST¡4 Bt65-93 Standard Specification of Nicke.l-CoPPer Altoy (UNS NO4400) Seanl-ess Pipe and Tube ÀSTM 8167-97â standaïd èpecification for Nickel-chromium-Iron ÀIloys (UNS No6500r No6601¡ No6603, No6690' No6025' and No6045) sea;n: ASTM 8171-g5 S.Landard Specification for copper-Àlloy Pi-a!e and Sheet for Fressule VesseIs, condensers, and Heat Exchanger-s ASTM BI93-87 Standard Test Method for Resistivity of EÌectricai Conductor [laterials; ÀSTM 8209-96 Standard Specification foI Àfuminum and Aluminun-ÀIl-oy Sheet and PLate ÀSTM 8209-93 Standard Specífication for Àluminum and ÀIuminum-ÀIloy Sheet and ÌIãte ÀSTM 82I0-68 A.LuTîinum-ÀIIoy Drawn Seamless Tube6 ÀSTM 8210-95 Standard Specification for .ã.Luminum and Aluminun-ÀIl-oy Drawn Seamiess Tubes ÀSTM 8221-76 Aluminurn ÄIloy Exlruded Ba¡s, Rods, Shapes, and Tubes ASÎM 8224-80 Standard Classification of Coppers; ASTM 8224-91 Standard Classification of Coppers¡ ÀsTM 8234-95 Standatd Speêifícation for Àluminun and ÀIuminun-Àl.l-oy Dral.Jn seamless Tubes for condensers and Heat Exchangers ÀsTM 888-93 Standard -g 7 o m I n Þ o o o o { ASr¡4 B2 41-6 9 ÀsTM 8241/E 24IM-g6, Standard .ASTI4 specification for Àl-uminum and Aluminum-ÀIloy seamless Pipe and sea¡niess Extruded lube 8251-93. Standa¡d Specification fo¡ General Requirements for i,Jrought Seamiess Copper- and Copper-ALloy lubes- ÀSTM 8251-93. Append¡x A, Page 16 8280 A-95. Standard SpecificaL,ion for Seaml-ess Copper Tube fo¡ Àir Condibioning and Refrigeration Fieid Se¡vice- ÀSTM 8280. AAsTM B2B0-97 Standard Specification for SeamlesB Copper Tube for Air conditioning and Refrigeration Field ?\STI'1 B2B0--1995 Slandard Specì-flcation for Sea¡rless copper Tube for Aír Conditioning ancl Refrigeratlon Service, ÀSTÌ4 B2g0-1995 ÀST¡4 ts283--96 Standard SPecification for Côpper and Copper-Àlfoy Ðie Forgings (Hot-Pressed) ASTM Bl06--92 Standard Specífication for CoÞÞer Drainage Tube (DIüV)-ASTI'Í 8306-92. ÀSTM B315--93 Standard Specification for Sea¡nless Copper AIìoy Pipe and Tube ASTM Standard Specification for Facto¡y-Made Wrought Aluminurn and ÀIum:nurn-AlJ.oy l,Ietding Fittings "Standard SpecificaÈion for Electrodeposited Coatings of Copper Pìus NickeI pius Chromium and Níckel ptus Chromiurn,, (l ÀSlM 8539--90 Standard Test Methods for Measuring contact Resistance of Electrical connections (static contacts); ÀSTM 8557--84 Tension Testing wrought ancl câst ÀIuminuin and Magnesium-Àl1ôy products ASTM I}580--79 Standard Speci.fícatíon for Ànodi-c Oxj-de Coatings on Äluminun, (Re-aÞproved 2000) ASTM 8633--85 Standard Specification for ElecLrodeposj-ted Coatings of 2inc on Iron anci Steei; ÀSTM 8694-86 Standard Specification for Copper, Copper A11oy, and Copper-Clad SLainIess SLeeI Sheet and Strip for ElecLrical Cable ASTì'I 8736--92a Standard Specification for Aiu¡ninum, ÀIuminum A1ioy, and Aluminum-Clad Steel Cabie Shiel-ding Stock; ¡.STl4 8858M-95 Standard Test Melhod for Deternination of Susceptibiì-ity to Stress Corrosion Cracking in Copper Àl-1oys Using an Àmrnor ÀSTl4 C12-91 Standard tJractice for Instãlling Vitrified Clay pipe Lines ÀSTM C33-99a, Standard Specification for Concrete Agqregates À.STM c36lc 36M-99 Standard Specification for: cypsum WalLboarcì-ÀSTM c36lc 36M-99, 1999. ASTM C94l(: 94M-99 Standard Specification for Ready-Mixed Concrete ASTM C150--99 Standard Specification for Portland Cement ÀSTM cL77-85 (1993), Standard Test Method for Steady-State Heat Flux Measurenents and T'hernal Transmission propertj-es by Means of t ÀSTM cl77--04 "sÈandar:d Test Method fo¡ Steady-State Heat Fl-ux MeasureinenÈs and Thermal Transmission lroperties by Means of the Guat ÀSTl4 C208-72 Insulating Board {Cellulosic Filret), Stïuctural and Decorative (Reapproved 1982) ÀSTM C209--84 Standard Methods of Testing InsuJ-ating Boar:d (cellulcsic Fiber¡, Structural and Decorative ASTM C216--9lc Sbandard Specifica.Lion for Facing nrick- (Solid Masonry Units Made from Clay or Shale) ASTM C220-91 Standard Specification fo¡ Flat Asbestos-Cement Sheets ASTI4 C22L--91 Standard Specification fot Corrugated Àsbestos-Cement Shèets ÀSTM C223--91 Standard Specification for Àsbestos-cement Siding ÀSTt4 C330--99, Standatd Specification for Lightweíght Aggr:egates for Structural Concrete ÀSTM C509--91 Standard Specification for Elasiomeric Cellul-ar Preformed casket and Sealing MateriaL ÀSTM C5I6--80 Standard Specification for Ver¡niculite Loose Fill The¡mal fnsulatj-on (Reapproved l-985) ASTI4 C518--91 Standard lest l4ethod for Sleady-State Heat Flux Measure¡nents and thermal Transmission P::operties by Mean6 of the Heat ASTPI C51.8-04 "standard Test Method for Sready-State Therma-! îransnj-ssion Properties by Means of the Heat F.l-ow Meter Apparatus.,, ÀST¡4 c549--8I Standard Specification for Þerlite Loose !'i11 Insulation (Reapproved 1986) ÀSTl4 C554-88 Standard Speci.fication for RubbeT Gaskets for Case l¡on Soj-l- Pipe and Fittings ASTM c564-88. Standard Specification for Rubber caskets for Cast Iron Soil- Pipe and ¡ittingsÀSTM c564-BB. ASTM C578-92 Standard Specj-fication for Rigid, Celfular Þolyshyrene Thermai InsulaLion ASTM C595--98 Standard Specífication for Blended Hydraulic Cenents ÀSfM C640-83 Standard Specification for Insulation Board, Therlnal- (Cork) ÀS'Ilt C726--88 Standard Specification for MineraL Fiber and Roof Insulation Eoard ÀSTM 8361-.95 ASTM 8456-95 "Standar:d sÞecificatíon for Cellulosic Fiber Loose-Fiil Thermal Insufatíon.,, C739-91 Standard Specification for CelluLosic Fibe¡ (Wood-Based) Loose-Fii-l- Thermal Insul-ation C754-88 Standa¡d Specification for InstallaÈion of SteeL Franing Membe¡s to Receive Screw-ÀtLached Gypsum C834-91 Standard Specífication for Latex Sealants C841.--90 Standard Specification for Tnstall"åtion of Interio.r Lathing and Furring c842-85 Standard specffication for Àpplication of Interior GyÞsun tLaster (Reapproved 1990) C843-92 Standard Specification for Àpplicatíon of cypsum Veneer plaster C844--85 Standard Specification for AppJ.ication of cypsum Base to Receive cypsum Veneer pLaster C846--76 Standa¡d for Applicatìon of Sb¡uctu¡al Insulating Board (Fiberboard) Sheathing (Reapproved l982) C864--90 Standard SpeciÍication for Den6e El-astonreric Compression Seal caÊkets, Settj-ng BLocks and Spacer6, ASTI"I C739--03 ÀSTM ÀSTM ÀSTM ÀSTM ÀS'I¡4 ÀSTM ÀSTM ÀSTM ASTM Ït n o Þ rn 7l I C) c) C) c, \l 'Þ. AsTl4 c926-90 Ståndard Specification for Alpl-ication As.IM c1016-91 Standard specj.fication fot Flat GIass ASTM ÀSTM AST¡4 of PÕrtland cement-Based piaster Cl045-01 "Standard Pra:tice for Calculating ThermaÌ Transmission PToperties fron Steady-State Contlitíons.,' e1048-9L Standard Specification for Heat-Treatecì FLat Glass-Kind HS, Kind FT Coatecl ancl UncÒated class c1114-00 "Standard Tesb ì4ethod for Steady-State The¡mal Transmissj-on Propert.j-es by Means of the Thin-Heater Apparatus.', Appendix 4,, Page 17 ÀSTM ASTM ÀsTIl ÀSTM ÀsuM tr CTM ASTM ASlM ¡\STM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ÀSTM À.ST¡4 ÀSIT¡4 CIl4g-02 ',Standard Specification for- Self-Suppo::ted Spray Àpplied Cellufosic The¡mal Insulation. " CJ.Z24-03 ,,Standard Specífication for Reflective Insulation for Building Applications Properties for curinq and Sealing Concret c1315-95 Standard Specification for Liquid Membrane-Forming compounds Eaving Special "' c1363-g7 ..Standard Test Method for the Thermal Perfôrmance ôf tsuil-ding Àssernbliês by Means Ôf a Hot Eox APParätus." c1171-04a "standard Test Method for Determination of Emittance of Materials Near: Roo;n Te¡npel:ature using Portable Emíssometel:s. c1374-03 ,,slanclarcl Test Methocl for Determination of Instailed Thickness of Pneumaticaily Applied Loose-Fiil Buildi.nq Insulatic CISpI-301-90 Standard SpecificaÈion for Hubless Casl I¡on SoiI Pipe and Fit.Lings for Sanitary ànd Storn Drain. hTaste' and Venl D5-65 Test for Penetration by Bítuminous Materials D5-65 Test for Penetration for Bitu¡ninous ¡'laterials/ D-5-65 D9-87 ( Igg2l I Standard Termínology Reiating to lfood D56-70 Test for Flash Point by Tag C-]osed Tester D56-70) Stanclarcl Method of Test for Flashpoint by Tag CLosed Tester ( ÀSTM D-56-70) D86-62 Test for Distiflation of Petroleum Products D86-82 Standard ì'lethod for Diçtillation of Petroleum Products DB6-62 Standard Method of Test for Distillatíon of Petroleun Products' ASTM D-86-62 DB6-78 BZt g0t 9.1, 95, 96, Distillation of Petroleun Products, rBR approved for S560.562-2(d)' 60.593(d)' 60.5914(d)' and 60.f D86-82 "standard Method for DistiLlatíon of PetroieuÌn Products," D88-56 Test for Saybol-t Viscosity D88-81 "standard Test Method for Saybolt Viscosity," ASlM Dg2-g7 standard Te6t Method for Flash and Fi¡e ÞointE by cleveland open cup ASTM ÀSTM ÀSTT4 D93-TL Test for FIash Point by Pensky Martens D93-97 Standard Test Methods for Flash Point by Fensky-Martens Closed Cup Testel: D93-71 Standard Method of Test for FlashpoinL by Pensky-¡4artens Closed Tester ( ) D1,27-60 (,,Standarcl Methocl of Test for Melting Point of Petl:olatum and Microcrystalline Wax" (Revised 1960)' D129-00 ine-pptor"d 2005), Standard Test Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Froducts (General Bomb Method), fBR approved for S60.1 D1"zg-64 7g, 95, 00, Stanåard Test Method for Sulfur ín Petroleum ?roduct6 (Generai Bomb l4ethod)' IBR approved for 5560'106(j)l D150-87 Standard Test Methods for A-c Í.ôss clÌaracteristics and Permittivity (Dielectric constant) of solid Efectrical Insulatj D156-g2',Standaïd Test Method for Saybolt Col-or of Petroleum Products (SaybôIt Chromometer Method)," D156-82,,Standaïd Test Method fof Sayboft Co.lor of Petroleun Products (Saybolt ChTomometef Method)," À CTM D240-00 Standard Test Method for Heat of Combustion of Liguid Hydrocarbon Fuels by Bomb Calorineter, for appendices A¡ D and I IBR approved for SS6( ÀSTM D240-j6 92, Standard Test Method for Heat of Combustion of Liquid lTydrocarbon Fuels by Bomb Calorimeter, lest Methods for D-C Resistance o¡ Conductance of Tnsulating Materialsi ASTI4 DZ57-gl Standard petxoLeum and Petroleum Products, IBR aPproved for appendix A: Method 19, section 12.: ASTM D270-65 75, Standard Method of sampling and Pet¡o1eun Produets (Hydroineter Method) ÀSTM D2g7-g2 (Reapproved 2000), standard Test Method for API Gravity of crude Petroleum ASTM D3Z3-94 Stanààrd Test Method for Vapor Pressure of ?etroleum Products (Reíd Method) fÒr Testing and Mat ¡,STM D323-68 ,,Standard Method of Test for Vapôr Pressure of Petroleun Products (Reid Method)r" Àmerican Society 94, Tes.L MeÈhod for Vapor pressure of petrol-eum Froducts (Reid Method), rBR approved for 5560.111(I)' 60.11la(9)' 60-l ÀSTM D323-82 ÀSÎM D3B1-80 "standard Test Method for Existent Gum in Fueis by Jet Evaporation," ÀSTM ÀSTM ÀSTM ÀSTM ASTM ASTM ÀSTM ÀSTM ASTT4 ÀST}4 ÀSTM å,STM ASTM ASlM AST¡4 ASTM À.STM T n o Þ m n Þ I o o o o \¡ ûr ASTM ÀSTM ÀSTM ASTM ASTM ÀSTM ÀSTM Specification for CLassification of Coal-s by Rank, ÀSTM D 388-17 D3gB-99 Standard Classificatíon of Coals by Rank, incorporation by reference for appendix I of this partD3gg-38 Class I, Group 2¡ "standard Specifications for Cl-assification of Coal by Rank"' D3gB-77 90, 91r 95, 98a. 99 (Reapproved 2004)E1 / Standard Specification for CLassification of CoaLs by Rank, IBR approveci for D3Bg-72 90, 91, 95, 9Ba, Standa¡d Specification for Cl-assification of coals by Rank, rBR aPProved fo¡ 5560,251(b) and (c) of D388-99.1 Standard Ctassification of coals by Rank'1 IBR approved for s63.7575' D396-90a standatd specification for FueL oils D396-02a Standard Specification fo¡ Fuel oils,l IBIì aPPIoved for s63'7575. D396-78 g9, 90, gZt 96, 9g, St-andard Specificat-ion for Fuel Oils, IBR approved for 5560.4Ib of subpârt- Db of t-hís part-' 60.41( D412-98À ,,standard Test Methods for Vulcanized Rubber and Thermoplastic El-astomers-Tensionr" D4lJ-g2 (1993), Standard Test l"lethods for Rubber Property-Àdhesion to F1exible Subst¡ate D445-65 lest for Viscosity of Transparent and Opaque Liquids D445-65). Standard Method of Test for Viscosity of Transparent and Opaque Liquids ( ASTM D445-65). D445-74 ,,Test for Klnematlc Vlscosity ôf Transpalent and Opaque Lfquids," D465-82 "standard Te6t Methods fol Acid Number of Ro6ín¿ " D3BE-77 Standa¡d D388-92 Standard Classification of CoaIs by Rank s Appendix A, Page 1 I ÀSTM D471 Standard D 47L. tunerican Society for Tesì:ing and Mate¡iaLs, 1,00 Barr HarboÌ ASTM D47l--96 Standard TeBt Method for Rubber Froperty-Effect of Liquíds ASTM D509--70 (Reapproved 1981)¡ "Standard Methods of Sampì-ing and Grading Rosin,,' ASTM 0523--89 (Reapprôved 1999), Standarcl Test Methôd fór Specular cfôss, ÀSTl4 D523-89 Standard Test Method for Specular closs/ IBR apÞroved for S63.782. ASTI{ D566-76 (Reapproved 1982)¡ "Standard Test Method for Dropping ASTtI D5?0-95 Standard Test Method for Water Àbsorption of Plastics Ðrive, West Co¡sholr.ocken, PA 19428-2959, Point of Lubricating Grease," for Evaluatíng Degree of Rusting on Painted Steel Surfaces; D611-82 "standard îest Methods for 1\niline Point and Mixed Ànil-ine Poínt of Petroleum Products and Hycìrocarbon Soi.vents/'. ÀS'I!I D635-97 Standard Test Method fôr Rate of Burning and/or Extent and lime ôf Burning of PLàstics in a Horizontar I'osition ASTM D638--01 "Standard Test- Method for Tensj.le Proper:ties of Plastjcs.,, å'STl4 D665--98 Standard Test Method for Rust-Preventing CharacterisLics of Inhibrted MineraL oil in lhe Pl:esence of tnlater ÀSTM D72l--56T "TentaÈ Method of TesL for Oil Content of Petroleu:n $taxes" (Revised 1956) ASfi4 D6l0.-85 (Reapproved 1989)r Standa¡cl Te6t Method ASTM ASîM D729--8I "Standard Specification for Vinylidene Chl-oride Molding Compounds," ASll4 D737--75 standard TesÈ Method for Àir Perlneability of Textile Fabrics, incorporation by ASTI4 D751-95 Standard Test Methods for coated Fabrics ASTM D781-1968 SLandard Test Methods for Puncture and reference {IBR) aÞproved January 2it It Stíffness of Paperboard, and Corrugated and Solid Fiberboard, ÀST]I4 D-781-196f for Conducting Tests on Paint ancl ReLated Coatings and llateriaLs using Fil-tet:ecl Open-FLalr,e Carbon-Ã,] ASTM D835-85 Standard Specification for Refined Benzene-A85, IBR approved SepLernber 14, 1989 for S61.2?0(a). ASTM D836-84 standard Specification for Industrial G¡ade Benzene, IBR approved Septentber 14, 1989 for S61,270(a). ÀSTI4 D882--97 Standard Test Method for Tensil-e ProÞertieo of Thin Plastic Sheeting ÀSTM D938--7I (Reapproved 19Bl), "Standard Test ¡4ethod for: Congealing Pclint of PetróIeum Waxes, Including lretr:o.atum,,, À.sTM D968--81 "Standard Test- Methods for Àì¡asion Resj-stance of Organic Coalings by the Falling Àbrasive TesteÍ/,, ÀSTI4 D975--91 Standard Specification for DieseL Fuel- OiIs ASTM D975-98 Standard Specification for Diesel Fuej- Oil-s ASÎM D975--78 96,98a, Stanclard Specification for Diesel FueI Oils, IBR approved for 5560,111(b) of Eubpart X of this parr and 60.11 ÀSTl4 D1004-944 Standard Test Method for Initiai Tear Resistance of Plastic Fil"m and Sheeting ÀSTì,1 D10.17-89 standard Test Methods for Evaluating the l,roperties of !{Òod-Base Fibe¡ and Particle pa:re} Mate¡ials ÀSTM D1072-06 Standard Test Method for TotaI Sul-fur in fue1 cases by Combustion and Barium Chforide Titration ÀSTM D1072-80 90 (Reapproved 1994). Standard Test Method for TotaÌ Sulfur in FueL cases, IBR appr:oved for- 560.335(b)(10)(ii). ÀSTM D1072-90 (Reapproved 1999), Standard Test Method for Sulfur ir: Fuel- Gases, IBR approved for 560.4415(a)(I)(_ii). ASTì4 D1137-53 75t Standard Method for Analysis of I'latural Gases and Reiated Types cf ca6eouÊ Mixtures by the Va6s Spectïo:neterr rBI ÀSTl4 DLl93-77 9Lr Standard Specification for Reagent Water, IBR approved for appendix B: -\4ethod 101, Section 7.1.1i Melhod 101À, Se AS'r'M D12l'/-993 (Reapproved 1998), standard Test Method for nensity and Relative Density (Specific ctavity) of Liquids by tsj-ngham Þl ÀSTl4 D123tì-82 "Standard Test ¡4ethod for ¡loru Rates of ThermoÞlastics by Extrusion Plast.ometer,,' ÀSTM Dl.23B-90b Standard Test Method for Flor¡ Rates of ThermopLastj.cs for Extrusion Plastoneter ASTM D1243-?9 "Standa¡d Tesh ¡,lethod for Dilute Solution Viscosity of Vinyl Chloride Pol-ymers,', ASTM D1248-84 (1989¡, Stanclard Specification for polyethylene Plastic MoLding and Extrueion Materials, ASTM D124tl-84(1989) Standard Specification fo! PoLyethylene Plastj.cs l,tolding and Extrusion t{aterialsi ÀSTI.1 D1250-07 , Standard for Use of the Petroleum Measurement Tables ASTM D1266-81 9Lt 98r Standard Test Method for Su.Ifur in Petrofeun Pr:oducts (Lamp Method), IBR approved Ío¡ 5560.f.06(j)(2) and 60.: ÀSfM Ð1.266-98 (Reapproved 2003)é1, Standard Test Method for sui.fur in Petroleum lroducts (Lamp Method), IBR approved for S60.14L51e ASTM ÐL298-99 Standa¡d Test Method for Densily, Rel-ative Density (specific eravity) or ÀPI cr-avity of Crude pet-roleum and Liquid pe ASTM D1303-55 [ReapProved 1979], "Standard Test. Method for Total Chlorine 1n Vinyl ChLoride Po:-]¡mers and Copolymers,,, ÀSTM Ð1331-89 Standa¡d Test Methods for Surface and Interfacial- Tension of SoLutions ôf Surface Àctive Àqents, IBR åppïoved for ap¡ ÀSTM D135-3-78 "Standard Test Method for Nonvolatife Hatter in Volatile Solvents for Use in I'aint, Varnish, Lacquer¡ and Reia-,ed prc ÄSTM DL38{;-78 "Standard Test l,lethod fol Àcid Nurnber (EnpirícaJ-¡ of Synthetic ancl Natural I^¡axes" (Revised 1978) ASTM D1386-78 "Standard Test Method for SaponificatiÕn Number (Enpirical) of Synthetj.c and NaturaL Waxes" (Rev.j.sed l97g) ASTM Dl387-78 "Standard Test Method for Àcid Nu¡nber (Empirical) of Synthetic and Natu¡al l.Jaxes" (Rev.ised 1978), ASTM D1415-88 "Standa¡d Test Method for Rubber Property-International Hardnes6" ÀSTM Dl.4l-B-81 "Standard Practice for Rubber and Rubbe.r Latices-No:nenclaturer" ÀSTM D143¿:-82 (1988)' standatd Test Method for Detetnining Gas Permeabilíty characteristics of I,Lastic Film and sheeting ÀSTM DL457-56T "Test for ThermaL fnstabl-illty index of TetrafluoroethyJ.ene llomopolymer,' (Revised 1956) ÀSTM 01475-85 Standa¡d Test Method for Density of Paint, Varnish, Lacquer, and Rel-ated Products A'ST¡'[ D1475*60 (Reapproved 1980), 90, Standa¡d lest Method for- Density of Faint, Varnish Lacquer, and Related Products, lB1ì. approvec ÀSfM D822--89 ståndård Pl:actice 'I) ¡, c) )r m 7J )r I c) c) () I c) \t ql Appendix A, Page 19 Test MeLhod for DensiLy of Paint, Varnish Lacquer, and Related Products, IBR approved for S63'788, appendix D1475-98 [Reappïoved 2003), "standard TeÊt Method for DenEity of Liquid Coatings' Tnks, and Related Products," IBR approved fc D14g0-93 (Reapproved 1997), Standard Test Method for Density and Relative Density iSpecific Gravity) of Vj.scous Materials by I Dl4g1-93 (Reappt-ôved 199'1), Standard Test l.,lethod fol: Density and Rel-ative Density (Specific Gravity) of ViscÕus Materiafs by I ÀST¡{ D1492-78 ,,Standard Test Method for Bro¡nine Index of Aromatic llydrocarbons by Coulometric Tittation," AST¡4 D1492-70 (,'stanclard Test Method for Bromine Index of Aronatic Hydrocarbons by Coulonetric TitTation") ASTM D1500-82 ,,standard Test Method for ÀSTM Color of Petroleum Products (ÀSTM Col-or Sca.ì.e)," ASTM D1505-68 (Reapproved 1979), "standard Test Method for nensity of PIa6ticE by the Density-Gradient Technique'" ASTM D1505-85 (ReapFroved 1.990), "standard Test Method for Density of Plastics by the Density-Gradient Technique"' ÀsTM D1518-g5 (1990)/ Standard Test Method for Thermal Tr:ansmittance of Textile Matel:iäls ASTM D:t525-87 ,,Standard Test Method for VTCAT Soften,íng Temperðture of Pl,asti.cs," ASTM D1535-89 Standàr:rl lest Method for specifying color by thê Munsel-l system; ASTM D1552-01 Standard Test Method fo¡ Sul-fur j-n Petroieu¡n Products (tligh-Ternperature À{ethod} ASTM D1552-03 Standa::d Test Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Products (t1igh-Temperature t'{elhod}' IBR approved fo¡ S60.4115(a}(1)(i). ASTM D1552-83 95, 01, Standard Test Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Products (High-Temperature Method). IBR approved for SS50.106(jl ÀSTM D155?-91 Test Method fo¡ Laboratory compaction characteristics of SoiI Using the Modified Method (56r000 f1;-Ibf/1L3(2,700 kN-n ,,Standard Test Method for Dilute Solution Viscosíty of Dthylene Polymers"' .A.STM D1601-78 ASTM D1613-96 Stanclard Test MethoÊl for Àcidity in Volatile So.l-vents and Chemical Intermediates Used in Paint. Varnish. Lacquerr ånÊ ASTM D162L-94 Standard Test Method for Compressive Properties of Rigid CelIular Pfastics ASTM D1622-93 Standard TeEt Method for Apparent DenEity of Rigid Cellular: Plastics å.sTM D1640-83 (Reapproved 1989), Standard Test Methods for Drying, curing, or FiIn tormation of organic coatings at Roor! Temperatur ASTI.{ D1646-92 ,,standard Test Method for Rubber-Viscosity and Vulcanization Characteristiõs (Mooney Viscometel:)/" ÀSTM D1654-92 Standard Test Method foï Evaluation of Painted or Coated Specimens Subjected to Corrosive Environments; ÀSf'M D1592-58 Test for F]ammability of PLastic Sheeting and Cellular PLastics ASTM D1693-70 (Reapproved 1988), Standard Test l"lethod for Environmentaf Stress-Cracking of Ethylene Plastics; ASTM D1709-01 Standard Text Methods for Impact Resistance of Piastic Filrn by the Free-Falling Dart Method ASTM D1747-62 (Reapproved 1978), "standard Test Method for Ref¡active Index of Viscous Materiafsf" ÀST¡t D17g5-96b Standard Specification for: Poly (Vinyl Chtoride)(lVC) I'lastic Pipe, Schedu.les 40, 80, and 12056'60-25 ,,Standat:d Test Method for Àpparent Viscosity of Plastisofs and Organosols at Lov¡ Shear Rates by B1 ÀSTM D]g24-66 (ReapProved 1980), ÀSTM D1826-94 (Reapproved 1998), Standard fest Method for Cal-orific (Heating) Val-ue of Gåses in Natural Gas Range by continuous Rec ÀSTM D1g26-?7 94, S:andard Test Method fo¡ Calo¡ific Value of Gases in Natural Gas Range by Continuous Recording Calorimete¡, IBR ASTM D1835-03a Standard Specification for Liquified Petroleurn (LP) GaÊes'L IBR approved for S63.7575. ASTM D1835-87 9Lt g7r 03a, Standard specification for Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gases. IBR approved for ss60,41Da of subPart Da of t ÀSTII D1475-90 Standard ASTM ASTM ÀSTM ¿ Specification for Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gases ÀSTM D1838-64 CoÞper Strip CoÛosion by Liquefied PetÏoleum (LP) Gases ÀSEM D1922-00a SÈandard Test Method for propogation îear Resistance of PLastic Fil-m and Thin Sheeting by Pendulum Method ASTM D1945-96 (Reapproved 2001), Standard Test Method for Ànalysis of Natural Gas by Gas Chronatography ASTM D1945-64 76, gL, 96t Standard Method for Ànalysis of NaturaL Gas by GaE Chromätography, tBR approved for 560.45(f)(5)(i). ÀsTM D1835-97 Standard AST'M D1946-77 Standard Method ÀSTI.1 for Analysis of Reformed Gas by Gas ChromatograÞhy Ð2013-04 Standard ÀSTM D1946-90 (Reapproved 2006¡, Standard Practice for Analysis of Reforrned Gas by Gas Chromatography ASTM D1946-77 90 (Reapproved 1994)¡ Srandard ttethod for Ànalysis of Reformed cas by Gas chronatography, rBR approved for SS60.18(f) ÀSTM D1946-77 g0, 94t Standal:d Method for ÀnaLysis of Reformed Gas by Gas Chromatography, IBR aPProved for 563.11(b)(6), ÀSTM D1962-67 (Reapproved 7979), "standard Test Method for Saponification Value of Drying Oils, F ASTM D2013-01 Standard Practice for Preparíng coat samples for Analysis ÀSBM D2013-01 Standard praëtice for preparing coal- samples for.\nalysis/L IBR aÞproved for tabLe 5 to subpart DDDDD of this part. ASTI,{ ÀSTM ÀSTM ASÎM T n o m I n Þ o (t o o -.t \¡ ÀSTt4 ÀsTM ÀST¡{ ÀSTM ÀsTM I,râctíce for preparing CoaI Samples foï Ànaiysis, IBR apÞroved for table 6 to subpalt DDDDD of this part. D20I3-72 g6t Standard t'lethod of preparing Coal Sarnples for Àna1ysis, IBR approved for Appendix A: }4ethod 19, Section 17'5,2.I' D2015-77 (Rêapproved 1978), 96/ Standard Test yiethôd for Gross Calorific vål-ue of Sofid FueL by thê Ädiabatic Bomb Calorimete¡ D2016-7A 83, Standard Test Methods for Moisture Content of wood, IBR approved for Àppendix A: Method 28, Section 16.1.1. D20gg-00 standard Test Method for Dynamic water Resístance of shoe upper Leather by the Maeser water Penetration îeÊter, IBR D2117-BZ ,,Standard Test Method for Melting !oint of SemicrystalLine Potymers by the Hot Stage Microscopy Methodr" D2133-56 "specifications for Acetal Re6in Injectíôn Molding and Extrusìon Materiais" (Revised l9éi6)' D2I61-56 Conversion Tabl-es ¡or SUS D2197-86 (Reapproved 1991), Standard Test Method for À.dhesion of Organic Coatings by Scrape Adhesion; D2216-05 "standard Test Methods fo¡ Labo¡atory Dete::mination of I'tatet (Moistur:e) content of soil and Rock by Mass," IBR applro\ ¿ Appendix A, Page 20 D2234-00 Standa¡d PracLice fo¡ Col-lection of a Gross Sample cf CoaI D2234-00,1 Standard Practice for Collection of a Gross Sample of Coal,1 IBR approved for: table 6 to subpart DDDDD of this part ÀSlM D223¿l-76 96t 97b, 98' Standard Methods for Collection of a cross Sampfe of Coal, IBR àpÞroved for Àppendix À: l4eÈhod 19, Sectj ÀSTM D223¿I-D2234M-03 Standard P¡actice for collection of a GrÕss SmpLe of côal, IBR approved for table 6 tô subpaït DDDDD of this ÀSTl4 D2235-BB Standard SÞecifj-cation for So.Lvent cement for Acrylcnitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (À.BS) plastic piÞe and Fittings-ÀSTt4 D; ÀSTM D2235-88. Stanclard Specification far Solvent Cement for Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) Plastic Pipe ancl litti:rgs-.àSTM ÄSTM D2236-70 ("Standard Method of Test for Dynanic Prcper-ties of Piastics by Means of To¡:sionai Pendulu:n," ASTM D2241-96b Standard Specification for Poly (Vinyl- Chloride)(PvC) PresFure-Rated Pipe (SDR Series) .ASTM ASTM for Testing f,[ater Resistance of ccatings in 100? Relative Hunidity; 78' 88r standard Test Method for Àromâtics in Light Naphthas and Àviation GasÕIÍne by Gas chromatôgraphy, IllR approve Standard Recomrnended Practice:Eor Installing Bi.tumi-ni-zed Fiber Drai-n and Sewer (ReaÞpr:oved 1984) ÀSTl"1 D2321-89 Standard Practice for Underground Installation of Ther:moplastic Pipe for Sewers and Other Gravity-Flow Applicaiions ASTM D2359-B5a 93, SLandard Specification for Refined Benzene-535, IBR approved September 14, 7989 fo¡ S61.270ta). ASTI4 D2369-87 Standard Test Method for Volatile Content of Coatings ASIM D2369-81 87, 90' 92t 93t 95r Standard Test Method for Volatile Content of Coatings/ IBR approved fot: Äppendix À: l'lethocl 24, Sc ÀS'I'M D2369-93 95, Standard Test Method for Vofatile content of Coatings, IBR apprôved for S63,78S, appendix À. ASIlM D2372-85 Standard Method of Separatíon of VehícLe fr:om Solvent-Reducible Paints ÀSTM D238?--76 Standard Test Method for Iieat of Combustion of Hydrocärbon Fuels by Bonrb Cal-o::imete¡ (High-Precision l'lethocl). IBR àFF ÀSTM D2382,-76 88, Heat of Co¡nbustion of Hydrocarbon Fuels by Borrb Calori¡neter (High-Precision Þtethod), IBR approved June 6, 1984 fc ASTI4 D2464-964 Standard Specification for Threaded Poly (Vinyl chloride)(PVc) PlaËtic P-ipe Fittings Schedule ÀST¡4 D2466-97 Standard Specification for PoIy (Vinyl Chloride)(PVC) Plastic Pipe Fittingsf Schedule ÀSTM D2467-964 Standard Specification f6r Poly (Viny1 chloride)(PVc) Pfastic Fj-pe Filtings, Schedure ÀSTl4 D2502-92 (Reapproved 1.995), Standard fest Methocl for Es¿imation of Molecu.Lar Weight (Retative l4olecLr-Iar Mass) of petrol,eu:m Oij ÄSTM D2503-92 (Reapprovecì 1"997)r Standard Test Methocl for Rel-alive MoÌecular Mass (Molecular tr{eight) of Hydrocarbons by Tìrermoelect ÀSTM D2503-82 "Slandard TesL Melhod fo¡ Molecular Weight (ReJ-aì:ive Molecula¡ Mass) of Hyrirocarbons by ThennoeLectrj-c Measurement oJ ASTM D2501i-67 77t 88 (Reapproved 1993), Noncondensable Gases in C3 and Lighter Hydrocarbon Products by ca6 Chromatography, TBR appl ASTI4 D2501:-67 7"lt 88 (Reapproved 1993). Noncondensable Gases in C3and Lighter H1'drocarbon PToductË by Gas Chromatographl¡, IBR apprc ÀS.IM 02513-87 "Standard Specification fcr ThermÒplðstic cas Pressure Pipe, Tubing, and Fittings,,, ASTI4 D2511-99 "Standard Specification fcr ThetmoÞ-lastic Gas PTessure Pipe, Tub.lng, and fíttings.,' ÀSTM D25L7-00 "Standard Specification for Reinforced Epoxy Resj.n Gas Pressur:e Pipe and Fittings." ASTì4 D2564-91a Standard SpecificaLion for SolvenÈ Cenents for PoIy (Vinyl Chloride) (FVC) Plast.ic ?iping Systems-ASTM D2564-91a. ASTM D2565-70 "Slandard Recommended Practice for operating Xenon-Arc Type (water-Cooled) Light- and t{atel:-Expo6ure Apparai:uE fcr E> ASTM D2565-92 Standard P¡actice for operating Xenon Arc-Type LighÈ.-Exposure À with and Without Water for ExÞosure of ptastj ÀST¡4 D258{.-68 (Reapproved 1985), 94, Standard Test Method for lgnition Loss of Cured Reinforced Resins, IBR approved foï S60.685(cJ AS'II4 D2597-94 (Reappr:oved 1999), Standard Test Method for Analysis of Demethanized Hydrocarbon Liquid Mixture6 contaíning NitrÕgen ÀSEM Ð2622-98 Standa¡d Test Method for SuIfur in Petroi-eum Products by Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Íl-uorèscence Spectrometry ASTM D2622-05 Standard Test Method for Sulfur j-n Pet¡oleun ProducLs by Wavelengt.h Dispersive x-Ray f'Iuo¡escence SpectromeLry, IBR. ASîM D2622-87 94t 98' Standard Test Method for Sulfur in Pet¡oleun ProductÊ by Wavelength Dispersive X-Ray FluoreEcence SÞectrometl ÀSTM D2661.-91 Standard Specification Acryfonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ÀBS) Schedule 40 Pl-astic Dra:.n, waste, and vent pipe and fitÌ ASTM 02661-91. Standard Specification Àcrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ÀBS) Schedule 40 Plastic Draì.n, Waste, ànd Vent pipe anC Fit ASTM D2665-9lb Standard Specification for PoIy (Vinyl Chloride) (PVc) Plastic Drain, I^laste, and Vent Plpe and Fittings-AsTu D2655-S ÀSlM D2665-97b Standard Specification for PoIy (vinyl Chloride)(PVC)Plastiê Drain, Waste/ and Vent Pipe and Fittings ÀSTM D2655-91b. Standard Specification for Poly (Vinyl Chlo¡ide) (PvC) Plastic D¡ain, waste, and Veni: Pipe and Fit.bings- ÀSl'M Þ266: ASIM D2697-86 Standard TeÊt Method for Volume NonvolatiLe Malter in Clear or Pignnented Coatings ASIM D2697-86 (Reapproved 1"998), "Standard Test Method fÕr Vol-ume Nonvolatile Matter in Clear Õr F:-qmented Côatings/. IBR apprcved ÀSTM D277?-98 Standafd l,ractice for Dete.rmination of I'recision and tsias of Applicable Test Methods of Committee D-19 ôn Water-I62.C ASTM D279r"-92 Standard lest Melhod for Re6istance of Organic Coatings to the Effects of Rapid DefoTmation (hpact); ÀSlM D2842-97 Standard Test Method for Water Absorption of Rigrd CelluLar PIasÈics ASTM D2846-92 Standard Specification fo¡ Chlorinated Þo1y (VinyL Chloride) (CPVC) Pl-astic Hot- and Cold-!¡ater Distribution SysEemsASTM D2846-92. Standard Specification for Chlorinated Poly (VinyL Ch).oride) (CPVC) PlaËtic Hot- and Cold-r^Iater Distribution Systenr ASTI4 D2857-70 (Reapproved I977 )f "Standard Test Method for Dilute Solution Viscosity of Pofymers," ÀsTl4 D2B6:{-95 Standard Test Method for l4easuring the Minimum oxygen Côncentration to Support Candle-like Com.bustion ôf p1âstics (O} ÀSTM D2879-96 standard Test Method for Vapor Pressure-Temperature Relationship and fnitial- Decomposition TenÞerature of Liquids by ASTM D2879-81 96, 97, Test Method for Vapor Pressure-Temperature i.el-ationship and Initial Dècompos:tion Temperature of Liquids by ÀSTM D2879-83 96r Test l4ethod for Vapor Pressure-Temperature RelaÞionship and InitJ-al Decomposition Temperature of r,iquids by Isote I\STÙ4 D2247-92 Standard PracÈice ÀSTM D226'i-68 ÄSTM T¡ ñ o Þ tTl NI !, I ct ct c) c¡ \l q) J Appendix A, Page 21 ASTM DZB?9-83 Standard Test Method for Vapor Pressure-Temperature ASTM D2880-90a Standard Specífication for Gas Turbine Fuel oils Relationship and Initj-a] Decornposilion Tetnperatu¡e of Liquids by 96t Standard SÞecification for Gas Turbine FueI oils' IBR approved for 5560'111(b)r 60.1114(b), and 60.335(d). J,latter in Wate¡ by Àqueôus-Injectiôn Gas Chromatographyf ItsR apt by the Monodisperse DOP (Dioctyl Phthalate) Snoke Test ASTl.l D2986-7! 78t 95a, Standard Method for Evaluation of Air, Àssay Media by the Monodisperse DOP (Dioctyl Phthalate) Smoke Test, ì ASTM D2986-7! 78,95a, Standard Method for EvaluaLion of Ai¡, Assay Media by the l4onodisperse DO! (DiocLyl Phthalate) Srnoke Test, l ÀSTM D3172-89 standard P¡actíce for P¡oximate Ànalysis of Coal and Coke ASTM D3173-02 Standard Test Method for Moisture in the ì\naLysis Sample of Coal and Coke/1 IBR approved for tabie 6 to subpart DDDDI À.STÀ.1 D3173-03 Standat:d Test MeLhôd for Moisture in the Ànal-ysis Sample of CoaI Ànd Côke' IBR apPr:Õved fo¡ table 6 to subpart DDDDD ÀSTM Dll7J-73 87, Standar:d Test Method for Mojstur:e iñ the Anal.ysi.s SampLe of Coa-ì. and Coke, TBR aÞDl:oved fol: Appenclix A: Method l.! ÀSTM D3174-00 Stanclard Test Method for Ash in !he Ànalysis Sanple of Coal and Coke from CoaL ASTM D3176-89 (Reapproved 2002), Standard Practice fo¡ Ultimabe Analysis of CoaI and Coke ASTM D3176-89 Standard Practice fo¡ Ultinate Analysis of Coal and Coke ¡.SfM D3176-74 89, Standard Method for Ultimate Analysis of Coai and Coke, IBR approved for 560.45(f)(5)(i) and Àppendix À: Method l ASTM D3177-02 (Reappr:oved 2001), Standard Test Methods for Total Sul-fur in the Ànalysis Sample of Coal and Coke ASTM D3177-75 89r Standard Test Method for Total Sulfur in the Analysis Sample of Coa-]" and Coke, IBR appr:oved for Ãppendíx À: Methc ÀSTM D3178-73 (Reapprovecl 1979), 89, Stancla::d Test Methods for: Carbon and Hydrogen in the Ànalysis SamPle of CoaL and Coke, IBR ap¡ ASTM D3Z3B-95 (Reapproved 2000), Sèandard Test Method for Calculation of Carbon Distribution and Structuraì G.roup Ànalysis of Petrc ASTM D3245-96 Standa¡d Test Method for Sulfur in Petroieuin Gas by Oxìdative Microcoulornelry Ã.STlt D3246-05 Standard Test Method for Su1fur j-n Petroleum Gas by Oxidative Microcoulometry, IBR apploved for 560'4415(a)(1)(ii)' ÀSTM D3246-81 92,96, Standard Test Method for Sul-fur in Petrofeum Gas by Oxidative Microcoulomet.ry, IBR approved fo¡ S60.335(b)(1( ÀSTM D3257-93 Standard Test Methods for Àromatics in Mineral Spirits by Gas Chromatography, IBR approved for S63.786(b). .à.STM D3270-73T 80 | 97t 95, Standard Test Methods for Änalysis for Fluoride Content of the Àtmosphere and Pi.ant Tissues (Semiautomal ÀSTM D3275-89 ,,Standard Specification for E-CTFE-Fluoroplastic lvlolding, Extrusi-on, and CoaÌ:ing Materials," ASTM D32g6-85 96, Standard Test Method for GrosE Calorific Value of CoaI and Coke by the Tsoperibol Bomb Calorimeter, IBR approved A.STM D3309-92a Standard Specification for Polybutylene (PB) Plastic Hot- and CoLd-Water Distribution Systêms-ÀSTM D3309-924. ASTì4 D3J09-92a. Standard Specification for Polybutylene (fits) Plastic Hot- and Cold-Water Distribution Systems- ÀSTM D3309-924. .ASTI4 D3311-92 Standatd Specification for Drain¡ Waste, and Vent (DWV) ?lastic Fittings Patt-erns-AsT¡4 03311-92. å.STM 03311-92. Standard Specification fol Drain, tr¡astef and Vent (DWV) Plastic Fittings Patterns- ÀSTM D3311-92. ASTM D3349-86 Standard Test Method for Absorption Coefficient of Carbon Black Pigmented Ethylene Piastj.c; ASTM D3370-76 95a, Slandard Practices for Sarnpiing ¡later' IBR approved for 560.564(j). ÀST'M D35gB-98 Standard practice for Calculating Heat Value, Compressibility Factor. and Re-l-ative Density of Gaseous Fue1s, for appc ASTt.l D3656-8g StAndard SpeCifications fôt: InSect scrêening and Louver cloth woven From vinyl-coated Glass Yarns ÀSTt4 D3679-92 Standard SÞecification for Rigid Poly (Vinyl Chloride¡ (PVC) Sid:ng å.STI,,I D36g3-94 (Reapproved 2000), Standard Test Method for Trace Efements in CoaI anci Coke Àsh Àbsorption,1. IBR approved for table ÀST'M D36B¿-01 S.handard Test Method for Total Mercury in CoaI by the Oxygen Bomb Cornbustion/Atomic Alsorption Method,l IBR approved ASTM D37g2-86 Standard TeÊt Method for Wateï Content of hlater-Reducible Þaínt6 by Ði::ect Injection into a Gas Chr:omatograph ÀsTM D3792-7g gL, Standal:d Test Method for water content óf water-Reducible Paints by Direct Injection into a Gas chl:omatograirh/ I! .ð.STM D3792-91 Standard t4ethod for vùater content of water-Reducibl-e Paints by Direct Injection intÒ a Gas Chromatograph, ItsR aPprov€ ÀSÍ'M D39]2-80 (Reappr:oved 1989), Standard Test Method fo¡ Chemlcal Resístance of Coatings Used in L-ight-Water Nucleal: Power P]ants, ÀSTM D3912-80 Standa¡d Test Method for chemical Resistancê of coat:.ngs Used in Liqht-Water NucÌear Power Plantsr IBR approved for t ASTM D3925-81(Reapproved 1985), Standard Practice for Sampling Liquid Paints and Related Fj-glnent Coatings ASÎM D3928-89 Standard Te6t Method for Evaluation of GIoss or Sheen Uniformity; ÀSTM D3953-91 Standard Specification D3953-91, Standard Specificatj.on for Stl'appingr' Flat Steei and Seals ÀSTM D3953-1991 Standard Specification fo¡ StraÞping, FIat Steel and Seals-ÀSTM D3953, 1991. ÀSTM D3953-97 Febïuary 1998, Standard Specificatíon foÏ StTapping, Flat Steef and Seaisr Àmericañ Society for Îesting and Materiâ-l ÀSTM D3953-97 Standard Spêëification for Strapping, FIat Steef and Seafsr Àmerican Society for Testing and llaterials (ÀSTM)/ D3953ÀSîM D3980-87 Standard Ptactice for Interl"aboratory Testing of Paint and Related Materials ASTM D4012-81(Reapproved I9B7), Standard TeEt Method for i,later in Painte and Paint Materials by KarI Fische¡ Method ÀsrM D4017-g1 g0, 96a, Standard Test Methôd for water in Faints and Paint Material-s by the Kari- Fischer Titration ¡'¡ethodr IBR apprc ÀSfM D4017-90 95a, Standard Test Þiethod for Water in Faints and Paint Materials by the XarI Fischer T.itratíon Melhod' ItsR approved ÀSrM D4052-96 (ReaÞÞroved 2002)¡ Standard Test Method for Density and Re.Iative Density of Liquids by Digital Density Meter ÀSTM D4057-95 (Reapproved 2000)f Standard Practice for Manual Sarnpling of Petroleum and lel¡ol'eum Products ASTM D4057-81 95, Standard Pt:actice for Manual Sampling of Petroleum and Petroieum Pl:oducts, IBR apploved fo¡ Àppendix À: l'{ethod 1! ÀSfM D2BB0-78 ÀSTM D2908-74 gI, Standard Dractice for Measuring Volatile Organic ÀSTM DZ9B6-95A Slandard P¡actice for Evaluation of Àir Assay Medía É T n o m n I o o o o -.t (.o Appendix A, Page 22 ÀSTM D4057-95 (Reapproved 2000), Standa¡d Practice fo¡ ManuaL Sarnpling of Petrol-eum and PeLroleum Producl.s, IBR approved for S60..i1 ASÎM D4066-96a Standard Classification System for l.lylon Injection and Exlrusion Mater:ials (PA) ASTM D40B?.-89 Standard Test Method for Effects of Gan'na Radiation on coalings for Use in Light-Water Nuclear Fower Plants, IBR appl ÀS'IM D4082-89 Standard I'est Method for Effects of Garnma RadÌation on coalings for Use in Light-Wàter Nuclear Þôwer Plants, incorpor ÀSTl4 D4084-05 Standard Test Method for Ànaiysis of Hydrogen Sulfide in Gaseous Fueis (Lead Acetate ReactÍon Rate Method) / IBR apprc ASTM D4084-82 94, Standar:d Test Method for Ana]-ysis oi Hydrogen SuLfide in Gaseous Fueis (Lead Acetate Reaction Rate Method)/ IBR ¿ ASTM D4l-01-82(1988) SLandard SpecificaLion for Pr:opylene PIasL:c InjecLion and ExLrusion MaL.erials; ASTM D4177-95 (Reapproved 2000), Standa¡d Practice fo¡ Automatic Samplj-ng of Petloleu¡n and Petroleum products, IBR approved for S6( ¡\STM D4206-96 Standard Test Method for Sustained Burning of LiquiC Mixtures Using the Smal1 ScaIe open-cuÞ Apparatu6 ASTì4 D4219-02 Standard Test Methods for Suifur ìn the Ànalysis Sarnple of coal and coke Using High-Temperature Tube l¡Drnace Côìnbustj ÀSTM D4239-85 94, 97, Standard Test Methods for Su.l.fur in the Ànaì.ysi.s Sanpl.e of Coal ancì Coke High îemperature Tube FLrrnace ÀSTl4 D4256-89 94. Standard Test MethÕd for Dete;:mination of lhe Decontaminabil-ity of Coalings Used in Light-Water ¡luclear- Power Pl,¿ ASTM D4268-93 SLandard TesL MeLhod for TesLj-ng liber Ropes ASTI4 D429r:-98 Standard Test Method for Sulfu¡ in Petroleum and Petroleum Products by Energy-Dispersive X-ray Fì-uoreEcence Spectro:n€ ÀSTM D429rt-O2 Standard Test- Method for Sulfur in Petr:oLeum and Petroleum Products by Energy-Dispersive X-Ray FLuorescence SpectroÌnc ÀSTM D4294-03 Standard Test Method for SuIfur in Fetroleum and Petroleum Frôdxcts by Energy-Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroìn€ ASTM D4359-90 Standard Test Method for Determining Whether a Material -is a l, cr a Solid ÀSTM D4420-94 Standard Test Method for: Detelmination of Àromåtics in Finished GasoLine by Gas Chl:oma'hogt:àphyr IBR approved for S61. ASTM D4442-92 SLandard Tes.L Methods for Direct MoisLure Conì:ent Mea6ulement of Wood and Wood-BaEe t4aLerj-a1s-ÀSu'1 D 4442-92 (Re-appt ASTI4 D4442-84 92r Slandard TeËt Methods for DiTect Moisture Content MeaBurement in l,lood and Wood-base Materialsr IBR appl:oved for,Ë ÀSTM D4444-1992 Standard Test Methods for Use and Calibrat!on of tland-HeId Moisture Meters-AsTM D4441, L992, ÀSTM D4444-92 Standard Test Methods for Use and Calibration of Hand-Held Moisture Meters, ItsIì approved for Àppendix À: Method 28r f ÄSTM D4457-85 Standard Test- Method for Determination of Dichloromelhane and 1,1,l-Trichloroethane ín Þaints and Coert-ings by Direct ASTM D4468-85 (ReaÞproved 2000Ì, Standar-d Test Method for TotaI Sul-fur in Gaseous Fuel-s lry Hydrogenolysis and Rateometric Colorimet ÀSTM D4565-90a Standa¡d Test Methods for Physical and Enviromentai Pe¡formance Properties of Insula.l-ions and Jackets for Telecomr ÀS1ì4 D4566-90 Standard TeÊt MethodË for Eleclrical Perfornance Prcperties of InEulatj-ons and Jackets for Telecomunications Wire a¡ ASTM D456tì-86 Standard Test Methods for Evaluating compatíbility Between cable Filling and Flooding compounds and Polyol-efin cabl-e ÀSTM D460fi-O1 Standard Test Method for Determ-inatíon of Àrsenic and Seieniurn in CoaI by the Hydride Generation/Àtomic i\bsorption t!€ ÀSTM D4629-02 Standard Test, Method for T'r'ace Nitr:ogen in Liquid Petroleurn Hydrocatbon.s hy Syringe/Inlet Oxidative Combust-ion ancl Cl ÀSTM 04734-87 96r Standard Specification fo¡ Refined Benzene-S45, IBR approved Septernber 14, 1989 for S61.270(a), ASTM D4809-00 Standard Test Method for Iieaì- of ComÌ:usLion of Liquid Hydrocarbon Fuels by Bomb Calorimeter (Precision MeLhod¡ ASTM D4809-95 Standard Teet Method for líea¿ of Co¡nbustion of Liquid Hydrocarbon Fuels by Bonù Calorirneter- (PÌecision Method), IBR ¿ ÀSTM D4809-95 Standard Test Method for F:eat of Combustion of Lj-quid Hydrocarbon ¡uels by Bonò Calorirnetel: (Ft'ecision Method)/ lBR e ÀSTM D4809-95 Standard Test Method for lìeat of Conbustion of f,iquid Hydrocarbon FueLs by tsonb Calorimeter (Precision Method), ftsR ¿ ÀSTM D48I0-88 [Reapproved ].999], Standard Test l4ethod for HydTogen Suffide in Natural Gas Using Length of Stain Detector llubes. IBI ASTI4 D4840-99 (Reapproved 2004), "Standard Guide for Sample Chain-of-eustody Procedures," ÀSTM D487?.-88 Standard TesL MeLhod fo¡ Dielectric testing of wire and CabLe Fiiling Compounds; ASTI4 D4891-89 (Reapproved 2006), Standard Test Method for Heating value of GaEeE in Naturaì Gas Range by Stoichionetric Combustion, ASÎM D4956-04 Standar:d Specification for Retrorefl-ective Sheeting for Traffic control, Àmerican Society Õf Testing and Materiais, .F ÀSTl4 D4956-04t 2004 Standard Specification for Retrol:eflective Sheeting for Traffic Controi, Àmer:icail.Socì-ety of Testing and,Yaterj ÀSTt4 D4986-98 Standar:d Test- Method for Horizontal Bur:ning Characteristics of Cell-ular Polymeric Materials ASTM D5066-91 (Reapproved 2001), "Standard Test Methocl for Dete¡mination of the Transfer EffÍciency Under Production conditions for ÀSTM D5087-02 "Standa¡d Tesb Method for Determining Àmount of Volatile Organic Conpouncl (VoC) Released f::om Solventborne Àuto:notiv€ ASTM D5198-92 [Reapproved 2003], Standald Practice for Nitric Acid Digestion of Solid Waste,l IBR approved for table 6 to subpart I å.STu D522t)-92-"Standard Test Method for Determlnation of Butane Wcrking capacj-Èy ôf Àctivated car:bon," reapproved 2005, IBR approv€ ÀSTM D528?-97 (ReapÞr:oved 2002), Standard p.ractice for Àutonatic Sampling of Gaseous Fuels, IBR approved for S60.441-5(a)(1), D5291-02 Standard Test Methods for Instrumental Determination of Carbon, Hydrogen, and Nitrogen in Petroleum Product6 and Lubr D5291-02 Standard Test Methods for Instrumental- Determination of Carbon, Hyd.rogenr and Nitrogen in PetroLeum PToducts and Lubr ÀSTM D5373-02 (Reappl:oved ?007) Standard Tes! Methods fo.r fnstrumental Deterhination of Carbon, Hydroqenr and Nitragen in Labo¡ator ASîÌ4 D5373-02 (Reapproved 2007)¡ "Standard Test Methods for Inst¡umental Determination of Carbon, tlydrogen, and Nitrogen in Laborat ASIM D5403-93 SÈandard Test Methods for VolatiIe Content of Radiation curable Materials, IBR approved for Appendix À: Method 24t Se ÀSTM D545-l-06 Standard Test Method for Deterrninalion of Total Sul-fur in Liqht Hydrocarbons, sÞark Igrition Engine FDel, Diesel- Engj ÀSTM D5453-00 Standard Test Method for Determinalion of Total Sulfur in Light Hydrocarbons, Motor Fuel-s and 0iLs by ULtra./iolet ¡LL ÀSTM D5453-05 Standa::d Test- Method for Dete¡mination ôf TôtaI Sulfur in Light ilydrocarbons, Motor Fuels and OiIs by ULtraviolet Ih ÀSTM D550/:-01 Standa¡d Tesù Method fo¡ Dete¡minaÈion of Suifu¡ Coinpounds in Natur:al Gas and caseous fuels by Gas ch¡oinatography anc ASTI.{ ÀSEM 1' 7l c) Þ nt 7' )r I c) c) ct c, o: o Append¡x A, Page 23 Fetroleutn Products by Boat-Inlet ChemÍlu¡ninescence, IBR app::oved I CoaI and Coke, for appendices A, D, and F of thi.s part. i\STM D5865-03a Standard Test Method for Gross CaLorific Value of CoaI and Coke,1 lBR approved for table 6 to subpart DDDÐD of this ÀSTM D5865-04 Standa::d Test Methôd for Gross Calorific Value of Coal- ând Coke, IBR approved fôr table 6 tô subpart DDDDD ôf this p¿ 60.46{c)(2}' and ÀSltM D5865-98 Standar:d Test Method for cross Calorific Va.Iue of Coal and Coke' IBR approved for 560.45(f)(5)(ii)' ASfì,l D5965-02 ,,standard Test Methods for Specific Gravity of Coating Powders," fBR approved for SS63.3151(b) and 63.395f(c). ÀSTl4 D6053-00 Standa¡d Test Method for Determination of Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Content of Electrical Varnishes, AST¡4 D6093-97 (Reapproved 2003), "standard Test Method for Percent Volume Nonvolatil-e Matter in Clear or Pigrmented Coatings Using e ÀSTM D6216-98 Standard practice for opacity Monitor Manufacturers to Certify Conformance r.¡ith Design and Performance Specifications À,STM D6ZZB-98 (Reappr:oved 2003), Standard Test Method for: Determination of SuLfur Cômpôunds in Natural Gas and Gaseous Fueis by Gas ÀSTM D6266-00a ,,Test Method for: Dete::míning the Àmount of Vo.l.atile Organi.c Compoltnd (VOC) Released fr:om hratelrboïne Automotjve Coatj ÀSÍ'M D6323-98 (Reapprovecl 2003)f Standàr:d Guide for Laborätor-y Subsampling of Media Related to Waste Management Àctivj-ties¿1 IBR aE ASTI4 D6348-03 Standard Test MeLhod for Determination of Gaseous Compounds by Ext::active Direct fnte¡face Fou¡i-er Transfortn fnfrarec ASTM D6348-03 Standa¡d Test Method for Determination of GaEeouF Compounds by Exlractive Direct Interface Fourier Transform Tnfral:ec ÀsTM D635?-04 Standard lest Methods for Deternination of Trace El-ements in Coai, coke, and Combustion Residues from CoaI Utilizatic ÀSTM D6366-99 Standa¡d Test Method for Total Trace Nitrogen and Its Derivatives in Liquid À.ronatic Hydlôcarbons by Oxidàtive Combus ÀSTM D6420-99 (ReapÞt:oved 2004)r Standards Test Method for Deternination of Gaseous Organic Compounds by Dírect fntel:face Gas Chro¡ ASTI{ D6522-00 (ReapÞrovecl 2005), Standard Test Method for Determination of Nitrogen Oxides, Carbon Monoxide, and Oxygen Concentr-at.j ASTM D6522-00 Standard Test Method for Dete¡mination of Nitrogen Oxides, Carbon Monoxide, and Oxygen Concent.rations in Ernissions fr ASTM D6667-01 Standard Test Method for Deternination of Tolal- Volatile Sulfu:: in Gaeeous Hydrocarbons and Liquefied Pet.roleun Gaser AST¡{ D6667-04 Standaxd Test Method for Deter¡nination of Total VolatiIe Sulfur in Gaseous llydrocarbons and Liquefied }etroleum Gases ÀSTlt D6?21-01 Standat:d Test Method for DeLer¡nination of Chlorine in Coal by Oxl-dative Hydrolysis Microcoulometry, IHR approved for ASTIID6TZZ-0I Standard Test Method for Total Mercury in Coal and CoaI Combuslion Residues by the Direct Combustion Ànaiysis, IBR a¡ ÀSTM D6784-02 Standard Test Method for ElementaI, Oxidized, Particl-e-Bound and TotaI Mel:cury in Flue Gas Generated from CoaI-Fired ÀSTM D6911-03 ,,Guide for Packaging and Shipping Environnenta.I SarnpLes for Laboratory Analysis," for appendix K of this part, sect:ic ASTM D7036-04 Standa¡d Practice for Competence of Air Emission lesting Bodies, for appendices A, B, and E of this part. ÀsTM E8-g1 Standard Test Methods of Tension Testing of Metallic Matelials¡ and ÀSTI4 E8-99 Standard Test Methods for Tension Tesling of Metallic Materials ÀSTM E1l-95 Standaïd Specificatì-on for Wire CfoLh and Sieves for Testing Purposes ASTM E23-96 Standard Test Methods for Notõhed Ba¡: I¡npåct Testing of Metallic Mate¡ials ÀSTM 823-98 Standard Test Methods for Notched Bar Inpact Testing of MeLallic Mate¡ials ASÎM 828-67 ,,Standard Test Method for Softening Poínt by Ring and Ball- APParatu6" (Reapp::oved 1977), ÀSTM E28-67 (Reapproved f9821, "standard Test Method for Softening Point by Ring-and-BaIl- Àpparatus," AST¡4 829-90 Standard FractÍce for: Usíng Significant Digits in Test Data Èo Determine Conformance with Specification ÀST¡4 EZ9-90 Standaïd practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to Determine Conformance vtith Specífícationsl ÀSTM 850-82 86, 90 (Reapproved 1995), Standard Practices for Apparatus Reagents, and Såfety Precautions for Chemical Analysis of Me å,STM 872-80 ,,Standard Methods of Conductíng Strength Tests of PaneIs for Buil-ding Construction" ¡,SfM E72-80 Standard Methods of Strength Tests of Pane.Ls for Building Construction ÀS'IM Eg4-01-2001 Standald Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of nuilding l"laterials¡ ASTM Ð84-01t 2007 ÀSTM EB4-98 Standard Test Methôd for Su¡face tsurning Characteristics of Building rYaterials ASTM 884-01 200I Standard Test llethod fol: Surface Bur:ning Characteristics of BuiJ-ding Materials, å,STM 896-95 Standaïd Test Methôds for VJaÈer Vapor Trànsmission ôf Materials ÀSltM E96-95 Standard TesÈ Methods for Water Vapor: Transmission of MateriaLs¡ ASTM E100-72-L978 Standard Specification for ASTM Hydrometerst" (E L00-72 (1978)) AsrM 8112-88 Standard Test Methods for Determining Àverage Grain Size ÀSTM 8112-95 Standard Test Methods for Deternining Average Grain Síze' I996 Edition ÀSTì.4 Dll4-95 Standaïd Pïactice foï Ul-trasonic PuLse-Echo StTaight-Beam Examination by the Contact Method ÀSTM 8119-88 ,,Standard Test Methods for Fire Tests of Building Construction and Mater-ials" ASTM E119-98 Standard Te6t Methods for ¡ire Tests of Building Construction and Materiais. ASTM E131-8la ,,Standard Definitions of Terms and SynrboiE Relatlng to Molecul-ar-SpectroscoÞy"' ASTM 8162-87 ,,Standard TeËt Method for Surface Flamrnability of Material-6 Using A Radiant Heat Energy Souxce." ÀsTM El62-94 Standard Test Method fol: surface Flammabiiity of Materia-ls using a Radiant Heat Energy source, AS'I¡4 E16B-67 77, g7r General Techniques of Infrared ouantitative Analysis, IBR aÞproved for 5560.4854(d)(1), 50.593(b)(2), 60.5934( ¡,ST¡4 8169-63 77, 93, General Techniques of Ultraviolet ouantitative Àna].ysis' IBR approved for SS50.4BSa(d)(1), 60.593(b)(2)¿ 60'5! ASTM E1B0-g5 Standard practice for Deterrnining the Precision of ¿,SIM Methods for Analysis and Testing of fndustrial Chemicals' for ÀSTM D5?62-02 Standa¡d Test Method for Nitrogen in Pet¡oleuln and ASTM D5865-0La Standard Test Melhod for Gross Catorific Vaiue of -o n o m n Þ I o o o o æ Append¡x A, Page 24 Standa¡d P¡actice for ÐeLe¡ the P¡ecj-sion of ÀSTM Methods for Ãnalysis and Testing of Indusì:¡ial Chernicals, IBR 8208-95a Standard Test Method for Conducting Drop-ûIeigh'¿ Tesl to Deternine Nil-Ductil:.ty Transition Temperature of Ferrit.:"c Sl E2l3--98 Standard Practice for Ultrasonic Examination of Metal Pipe and Tubing ASTM 8220-86 Standard Method for calibration of Thermôcôup-Les by Cômpä.risôns Têchniques, incorporation by reference (ItsR) appr'rved ÀSTM 8260--7J 91, 96, General Gas Chromatography ?rocedllres, .tBR approved for 5560.485a(ct)(1)¡ 60.593(b)(2), 60.593a(b)(2), and 60.( ASTM 8260-.91 96, General Practice for Packed Column Gas Chrornatography, TBR approvecl for 5563.750(b)(2) and 63.785(b)(5). ÀSTM 8283--91 Standard lest Method for DeLernining the Rate of Air Leakage Through Exterior Windovrs, CurLain Wails, and Doors U::der ASfÌ4 8300-86 Standard Practice for Sampling Industrial Chemìcals, for g52.741(a)(4)(i)(A)( 2 ). 8324-79 "sb.andard Test Method for Relative Initial and:inaL MeltJ-ng Points and the Melting Range of organic chenicals/" ^sfM ÀSTM 8330--90 Standard Test Method for Struõtural Performance of Exterior I,lindows, Curtain tlalfs, ånd Doors by Unifôrn Ståiic A.;-r Ft ÀSTl,1 E33l-86 Standard Test Method for: lJater Pe¡etration of Exte::i.or: wi.nclows, Curtain t{aììs, and Doors by Unì-form Static Àiï Pr:¡lssut å.STt4 8380-82 Metric Þractice, IBR approved for 559.208(k). ASTM E380-91a SLandard Practices for Use of the International Systerns of Units (SI) (the Modernized l"leLric Sysl-en) ASTM E408-71 (Reapproved 20û2)r "Standard Test Methods for Total Normai nmittance of Surfaces Usíng Inspection-tr1eter Techniquer:." ASTì4 8515--95 (Reapproved 2000), Standard Test Method for Leaks Using Bubb1e E¡nission Techniques, IBR apÞr:oved for 563.425t:)(2I. ASTM 8648-97 StandaÌd Test Method for Criticaf Radiant Flux ôf F1Õor-Covering Systems Using a Radiant Heat Ener:gy Source .è.STM ]]662-97 Standard Test Method for Specific Optical Density of Smoke Generated by Solid Material-s ÀSTM E711-'87 (Reappr:oved L996)r Standard Test Methocì for cross Calorific Value of Refuse-Derivecl Fuei by the BorLb Cal"orimetel:,I IB¡ ÀSTM 8773*97 Standard Test Methods for Àccelerated lleathering of Sealed fnsulating class Units ASTM 8774-97 Slandard Specification for the Classification of the Du::ability of Sealed InÊulating Glass Units ASTM 8776--87 (Reapproved 1996), Standard Te6t Method for Forr¡s of ChLorine in Refuse-Derj-ved Fuel,l, IBR approved for table 6 to sut À51'14 E87l--82 (Reapproved 1998), Standard Method of l"loisture Analysis of Particulate Wood Fuels,l IBR apprôved for table 6 to sllbpal ÀSTM ]1885--88 (Reapproved 1996). Standard Test Methods for Ànafyses of I'fetals in Refuse-Deríved Fuel. by Àtomic Àòsorption Spectroscc ÀSTM E180-.93 å.STM ASTM 81136-93 (1993), Standard Specification for a Radial Standard Refe¡ence Test Tirer E1333-96 SLandard Test Method for Determining Formaldehyde Levels from Wood Froducts Unde¡ Defined Test Conditìons Using ,a Lar 81337-90 (Reapproved 1996), Standa¡d Test Method for DeLermiuing Longj-tudlnal Peak Braking Coefllicient of Paved Surf¿rces UEinç .A.STM F34-76 (ReappÌoved 1980), "Standald Te6L Method for Liqul-d Extraction of Flexibl-e Barrier Materiais, ÀSTM F496--97 (Standald Specification for In-Service Care of Insulatìng Gloves and Sleeves, L997 ¡ ÀSTM F628-9 1. Standard Specification for Acrylonitrile-Butad.iene-i3tyrene (ABS) Scheclu,Ie 40¿ ?lastic Drain, I\taste, and Vent- Pipe h¡j.l ÀSTM F631-93 Ståndård Guide for CoIJ.ecting Skimmer Performan¡:e Data in Controlied Environments ASTM F682-82a (1993). Standard Specification for I^lroughL Carbon SteeI Sleeve-Type Pipe Couplings ASTM F715-.95 Standard Test tlethods for Coated Fabrics Used fo¡ oil spiil ConÈro1 and Storage ASYM 8722-82 (1993), Standard Specification for Weided Joints for Shipboard Pj.pì-ng Systems ÀST¡4 F1003-86 (f992), standard Specificatj.on for Sear:chlights on i4otor Lifeboats ÀSTM ASTM ASTM ÀSTM ÀSTM ÀSTM F1007-86 [1996), standard Specification for Pipe-Line Expansion Joints of the Packed Slip rype for ¡,farine Àpp.ication F1014-92 Standard Specifj.cation for Flashlights on Vesseis. F1020-86 (1996), Standard Specification for line-Blind Valves for Marine Àppl-ications Specification fo¡ El-ectrofusion TyÞe Polyethylene Fittings for outside Diameter Controll-er Polyethyl':ne I (1993)r standard specification for Circul-ar MeEal-Iic Bellows Type Expansion Joints for Pl-ping Àpplications ÀS'I'14 F1122-87 (I992)f Standard Speôification fo¡ Quick Disco¡nect CoupÌings ASTM F1123-87 (1993)r Standar:d Specification for Non-Metalli-,: Expansion Joints å.SfM F1139-88 (1993), Standård Specification for Steam Traps ancì Drains56.60-2 ASTM F1155-98 SLandard Practice for Selectiorr and Application af Piping System MateriaisAppendix A; Appendix ts ASTI4 F1I72-8S (I993), Standard Specification for FueI Oil MeLe¡s Þf the Volumetric Positive Displacernent Type ASTM F1173-95 Standard Specification for Thexmosetting Resin Fiberglass Pipe and Fittings tÕ be Used for llarine Applications ASll4 FI055-1998 "standard ¡,STI'I F1120-87 Fl.I95-94 Standard Specification fo¡ Sliding llatertìght .Dôor Asseinblies (f994)/ Standard Specification for SLiding l.¡atertight Door Control- Systems (f993), Standard Specification for Ca6t (ÀIl- Temper:ature and Pressures) and Welded P.i-pe Line Strainers (150 psig and {1993)r Standard Specification fo¡ Fab¡icated (l.Ielded) Fipe Line St¡ainers (Above 150 Þsig and 150 Degr:ees F) {1993), Standard Specification for Fiuid Condi'Lioner ¡ittinqs in Piping Applrcations above 0 DegreeÊ F (1995). Standard Specification for Spill Valves for U6e in Marine Tank Liquid overpreËsure Protection6 Applications ÀS'IM Fl271-91 {I997), Standârd SÞecification for Tank Vent FLame Affeste¡s ÀSTt4 F1321.-92 Standard Guide for Conducting a Stability Test (Lightweight Survey and fnclining ExÞeriment) to Determine the Light ASTM F1321-98 Standard Specification for Shipboard Incinerators6S,25-9 ASTM FL38?-93 Standard Specification far Performance of Mechanj-cally Attached Fittings56.30-25 AsTI.,1 -U n C) Þ rft n .nl I cl o c! C¡ q) NT ASTl,l F1197-89 ÀSTM Fl199-88 ASTM F1200-88 ASTM F1201-88 ASTM FJ.Z71-90 Append¡x A, Page 25 S Specifica.tion for Per:for¡nance of Gasketed Mechanical Couplings for Use in Piping Applicabionss6.30-35 F1546 [or] F 1546 M-96, Standard specification for Firehose Nozzles F1548-94 Standard Specification fox the PerfornLance of Fittings for Use w:-th Gasketed Mechanical coupiíngs, Used in PiÞing F2324-03 "standard Test Method for Prerinse splay valvesr" octÔbeI, 200f. ÀsTM F1476-95a Standa¡d ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM ÀSTM ASTM ATSC Àptr G2I-90 Standard Pïactice fot: Determining Resistance of Synthetic ?olymeric Materials !o Fungi; and c23-90 Stanclard practice for operating LighL-Exposule Apparatus (Carbon-Arc TyFe) tr¡trith and l^Iithout Waler for ExPosul:e of Nonme G26-?0 ,.Standard Reconunended Practice for Operati-ng Light-and Water-ExPosure ÀPparatus (Xenon-Al:c Type) for ExPosure of Nomet A/52: "ATSC Standard Diqital Àudio Compressíon (AC-3)," 1995 ATsc A/53 parts 1-6t 2007 "ÀTSc Digital Television Standard"' (January 3t 2007) as listed below: ATSC,\/68Þ: .,ATSC Þïogram and System Infôrmation ProtocoÌ for- Ter:restrial Broadcast and cabler" (Revisiôn B) March 18f 2003f and I¡ ATSC A/658: ,,ATSC sta;da::d: p:rogram and System Info¡:mati.on Pr:otocol, fot: Te.rl:estl:ial Rroadcast and Cabì.e (Revision B), " Mal:ch 18' 2t 1 date ATSC A/65C: ,,ATSC program ancl System Information Protocol fol: Terrestrial Broadcast and Cable, Revision c DJith Ànendment No. Ässocation .è.WpA A1-91 Standard Uetnods for Ànalysis of C¡eosote and Oil-Type Preservatives. funerican I'Iood Preservers AI{PA AZ-91 Standard Methods for Analysis of Waterborne Preservatíves and Fire-Retardant Formulations. AWPA Ä3-91 Standard Methods for Determining Penetration of Pr:eservatives and Fi::e Retardants. AWPA À5-91 Standard Methods for Ànalysis of oil-BÔTne P¡ese¡vatives, A6-8g Method for the Determination of oil-Type ?reservatives and water in woodA7-75 Stanctard Wet Àshing Proceclure fol: PrePâring Wood for Chemical Analysis. Àt{pA A9-90 Standa¡d Melhod for Analysis of T¡eated Wood and Treating Solutions by X-Ray SpectroEcopy. At4pA All-g3 Standard Method for Analysis of îrealed wood and Treatíng solutionE by Àtomic Âbsorption spectroscopy. ,AWPA C1-91 Àlf Timber Products-Preservative Treatment by Fressure Processes, ÀI"lPÀ c4-91 Poles-Freservative Treatment by Pressure Processes' ÀI.¡?À Cg-g1 western Red Cedar and AIaska Yellow Cedar Poles-Preservative Tt:eatinent- by the FuIl-Length Thcl:nä1 PTocess. ÀWpÀ C10-91 Locìgepole Pine Pofes-Preservative Trealment by the Ful1-Length Thermal- Process. ÀI{pA C12-90 Western Larch Poles-Futl-Length P¡ese¡vat-ive Treatment by Thermal Process' AWPA 141-90 Standard for lhe Purchase of Trealed Wood Products' AwPÀ M2-91 Standard for InsPection of lreated Timber Products' ÀwpA M3-81 Standard Quality control Procedules for wood Preserving Plants. AWPA M4-91 Standard for the Care of PreSel:valive-Treated I'lood PToducts. (Coastal Water Usê). å,1^lpÄ p1/pl3-91 Standard for CoaI Tar Creosote for Land and. Fresh lÍater and Ma::ine Al.ilPA P5-91 SLandards for l'laterborne Preservatives' AI.IPA .è,f^IpA P8-91 Standards for oil-Borne Prese::vatíves' pg-g1 standards for solvents and Formulations for or:ganic Preservative systems. ÀWs 83.0-41 standard Qualification I'rodedure Àws 83,0*41 Standard Quafification Procedure' ÀI^iS Àws D1-1-73 À¡rerican welding sôciety structural !.trelcling côde D1-1-73 is available frôn the A¡neriëan welding society, Inc./ 550 N.l'I. ÀwS Dl .0-l-966 Code {or welding in Building Construction Al,ûS D1. 1:2000 Structural Helding code-steel Aws D1,4-98 Structural Welding code-Reinforcing Steel À.Ws D2.0-69 SpecifícatiÕns for Welding Highway and Railway tsridges Ar.¡s D2.0-69 Specifj.cations for welding Highway and Railway Br:idges' Aws Al.lPA AWPA Specification for Underwater l¡{elding D8.4-SL Recommended P¡actices for Àutomotive lrlelding Design D8,4-61 Recornmended PracÈj.ces for Àutomotive welding De6ign, Aws , ÀI,tS D10.9-69 Ståndard euaLificatiôn of welding P¡ocedures and Welde¡s for Piping and Tubing, AÍJS ÀWS Dl4.4*72 ,,Classification and Applicalion ôf Welded Joints for Machinery and Equipment"' AI.¡WÄ C207-55, Steel ? Flanges' 1955 American hrater works Society At¡S D3.6M:1999 ÀI^fS AWS BOCA . National Building Code, 1993 Edition' BoCÀ National- Mechanical- Code' 1993 Edition BoCA National Plumbing Code, 1993 Edition' ! w o Þ m n I Þ o () o o æ OJ Editionf including the 1993 amendments council- of Àmerican uuilding offiéials CEÀ-542-B: ,,CEA Standard: Cable Television Channel Identification Plan," JuIy 2003 cEÀ-766-À: "U.S. and Canadian Region Ratíng Tables (RRT) and Content Advisory Descriptors for Transport of content Àdvi60ry rnform¿ CEÀ-931-À, ,,Remote ContrôI Command Pass-thÏough Standard foÌ Home Networking," 2003 CcA 1957 Standa¡d Hose Connection Standard cABo one and Two namiiy Dwelling code, !992 Append¡x A, Page 26 CGÀ 1958,RegulerL,or Connectj.on Standard CGA and RMA (Rubber Manufacturer's AssociatÌon) Specification foì: Rubber lrlelding CGÀ C-6 (1968) StandardÊ for Visual Ins¡:ection of Compressecl GaÉ Cyl-inders CGA C-8 (1962) Standard for RequaÌification of ICC-3HT Cyfinders CGÀ C-3 Standards fot $ on Thin-Walfed Steel Cyltnders I I994 CGÀ C-5 Cylinder Service tife-Seamless Steel lligh Pressure Cyl-inders, 1991 CGÀ C-6 SLandards for Visual Inspect:ion of Steel Compressed Gas Cyt_inders, 1993 CGA C-6-1968 andcompressed Gas Assocíat:ion Parnphlets Hose (1958) c-6.1 c-6.2 CGÀ C-6.3 cGÀ c-7 À Stancìards for Visual Inspection of High Pressure Àluminum compressed Gas Cylindersí 2002. Fourth Edition Guídelines for Visual Inspect:Lon and Requalification of Fiber lìeinfotced High p¡essure cylinders, 1996, ,fhird Editiôn Guj-delines for: Visual Inspect:Lon and Reqr-ral.ification of T,ow Pressur:e Aluminum Compressed Gas Cylinder:s, ,l99:1. Guide for the Preparation of Precautionary Markings for Compressed Gas Containers, appencJix À, issuecl 1992 (6th Eclition) CGA C-8 SLandard for Requalification of DOT-3HT Cyiinder Design, 1.985 cGA cGÀ cGÀ c-8-1962 CGÀ C-l1:Recom¡ìended Practices for Inspection of compressed Gas cyiinders CGÀ C-l2 Qualification Procedure for Acetylene Cy-Iinder Design, 1994 CGÀ c-]3 Guidel,ines for Periodlc Vísual Inspection and Requalification of cGÀ cGÀ CGA CGÀ CGÀ cGÀ c-14 :Proceclut:es for Fire Testing of DoT Cyi-inder Pressure at Tir(e of Månufacturet 2OOL, Thircì edition Acetylene Cyìinders, 2000, Four-th Eclition ReLief Device SysteÌns I I919 G-l (1966) Acetylene G-1.3 (1959) Acetylene lransmission for Chemical Syntheois c-l.4 (1966) Standard for Àcetylene Cylinder Char.ging plants G-7.1 (1966) Corrrnodity Specification G-8.1 (1964) Standard:tot the Installation of Ni'Lrous Oxide systems at consumer Sites ccÀ c-1-19 6 5 cGÀ G-1 .3.-1959 cGA G-1 . 4.-19 6 6 cG.A, CGÀ G-2.2 lentative Standard Method fôr Determining l,linimum of 0.2t Water in Anhydrous Ammonia, G-4,1 Cleaning Equiprnent for oxygen Service, 1985 1985 cGA G-8 .1--7964 CGÀ cGÀ P-L (1965) Safe Handling ôf CompÌessed Gases P-3 (1963) Specificaticns, Properties, and Recom¡nendations for Packaging, Transportalion, Storage and Use of tunmonium Nit¡ate ccA P-1-1965 CGÀ P-20 Standaxd for the Classification of Toxic cas Mixtures, 1995 cGÀ s-1,1 (1963) and 1965 Àddenda. Safety Release Device standards--cylínders for conpressed Gases CGA S-1.2 (1963) Safety Release Device Standards/ Cargo and Portable Tanks for Compressed Gases CGÀ S-1.2 Safety Relief Device Standards-cargo and Portabl-e Tanks for Compressed Gasesr 797954.15-25 Compressed cas Àssociation (c( S- ¡'low Test of Safety Relief Valves, L979 S-1.3 (1959) Safety ReleaEe Device StandardË-compressed Gar Storage Contaíners cGA S-1 Safety Relief Ðevice Standards CGÀ S-1'1 Pressure Relief Device Standards-Part l{ylinders for Compressed Gases, 2001 (}rith the exception of paragraph 9,1.,1.1) cGA S-1.1 Pressure Relief Device Standards-Parl l{yJ-inders for Compressed Gasesf 2003 (r\Ìith the except-ion of pal:agraph 9.1.1.}) cGÀ 5-1.1"-1963 and 1965 addenda and CGÀ S-1.2 Safety Relief Device Standa¡ds Parl 2-Cargo and PcrLabÌe Tanks fo¡ Compressed Gases, I980 CGA CGA cGÀ s-1.2-1963 cGÀ S-7 uethod CGÀ 'lJ 73 c) Ìt TTI n CI cf cf cI cf for Sel-ecting Pressure Relief Devices for conp.ressed cas Mixtures in Cy;inders / Lgg6 Technical Bulletín TB-2, Guidelines for InsÞectiôn and Repair of MC-330 and I4C-331 Cargo Tanks, C-1 Dor¡ble Braided Nylon RoÞe Specifications DBN, Januaty 1984. t9B0 Cordage Institute' 350 Lincoln Street, Hingham¡ MÀ 02043, cIÀ-3, Standarcl Test MethoÉls for Fiber Rope Including Stanclard Termin¿ CRS-I Polyester/Polypropylene Composite Rope Specificaticns, Three-St¡and and Eight-Strand Standard constructj-on, May l9?9; NRS-I llylon Rope Specifications, Three-Strand and Eight-Strand Standard Construction, Vay 1979; and PETRS-2 Pol-yester Fiber Rope, 3-Strand and 8-Strand constr-uctionE, Januàry 1993; cÕr..dage Instiute CI PPRS-2 Polyplopylene Fiber Rope/ 3-Str:and and 8-Strand Ccnstructions, August L992i CISPI-HSN-85, the Specifícatíon for Neoprene Rubber Gaskets for HUB ahd Spigot Cast Iron Soil Pipe and Fittingg CMÀÀ Specificatj.on 1861, Speci-ications fo¡ Electric Overhead Cranes C¡ane Manufactulers Association of Àmerj-ca, Inc., Speòification No. 61 Þ I c) c) c) -¡ c) oo ,{r Appendix A, Page 27 Internàtional Standa¡d C390-93, Energy Efficiency Test Methods for Three-Phase Induction Motors , Test I'lethod (1), Input-Outpu't EI ,,Suggested practices foï Raptor Protection on PoruerLines: The State of the Àrt in 1996"'published by the Edison Electric Ingtit EIÀ-608: "Recommended Practice for Line 2l Data Service," I994 EIÀ-708-B: 'Digital Tefevision (DTV) Cl-ôsed Captioningr" 7999 EIA-744 ,,Transport of Content Aclvisory Information Using Extended Dala Service (XDS)r" f997 EIA-455-20 Measurement of Change in Optical Transmittance; EIÀ-455-254 Repeated Impact Testing of Fiber Optic CabIes and Cabl-e Àssemblies; EIÀ-455-308 Frequency Domain ¡4easureTnent of Multimode Optical Fiber Information T¡ansmission Capacity; EfA-455-31.8 Fiber Tensile Proof Test Method; EIÀ-A55-37À Lôw or High Temperature Bend Test fol: Fiber OPtic Cable; nTA-455-41 Co;npress j-ve T,oadì.ng Res,i.stance of F,i ber Optic Cab les; EI.A-455-458 Method for l4easuring Optical- Fiber Geomet::y Using a Laboratory Microscope; EIA-455-464 Spectral- Attenuation Measurement for Long-Length Graded-Index Optical Fibers; EtA-455-4BB MeaEurement of Optical Fiber Cladding Diameter Using Laser-Based InEtrumentÊ; EIÀ-455-51À pulse Distoïtion Measurement of Mul-tinode Glass Opticai Fiber Information Ρ:ansmission Capacity; EIÀ-455-53À Àttenuation by Substitution Measurement fôr l,lultinode G¡aded-fndex optical Fibers or Fiber Àssemb.Iies Used in Long l,enc EtÀ-455-55Fl End-viev, Methods for rYeasuring Coati¡g and Buffer Gêometry of OÞtical Fibers; EIA-455-58À Core Dia¡neter Measul:ement of Graded-Index oFtical Fibers; EIA-455-59 Measurement of Fiber Þoint Defects Using an OTDR; EIA-455-61 MeaÊurement of Fiber or Cable Attenuation Using an oTÐR; EIÀ-455-78À Spectral-Attenuation Cutback Measurenent for Single-Mode Optical Fibers; EIÀ-455-814 compound Fl-ow (Dr:ip) Test for Filled Fiber optj-c cable; EIÀ-455-828 F.luid Penetration Test foT Fluid-Biocked Fiber optic cable; ETÀ-455-85à Fiber optic CabIe Twisl Test¡ EIA-455-86 Fiber opLic Cabfe Jacket Shrinkage; ElA-455-89À Fiber Optic Cable Jacket Eiongation And Tensile strength; and EIÀ-455-1.044 Fiber optic cable cyciic Flexinq lest, EIA-455-164A Single-Mode Fiber Measurement óf Mode Fieid Diameter by Far-Fie1d Scanning; EIÀ-455-165Ä Mode Field Diameter Measurenent Near Fiefd Scanning Technique; EIÀ-455-1674 Mode FieId Diameter, Variable Aperture in the Far FieId; EIA-45S-16gÀ Chromatic Ðispersion tr{easurement o{ Multimode Graded-Index and SingIe-Mode optical Fibers by Spectral Group Delay Meas EIÀ-455-159A Chromatic Dispersion Mea6urement of Single-Mode optícal- Fibers by the Phase-Shift l4ethod; EIÀ-455-170 CabLe Cutoff l¡{avelength of si.ngle-Mode Fiber by Transmitted Power; EIÀ-455-1?3 Coating Geometry Measurenent for Optical Fiber Side-View Methodi EIÀ-4S5-174 Mode Field Ðiameter of SingLe-Mode Opticat Fiber by Knife-Edge Scanning in the rar Field EIÀ-AS5-175A Chroinatic Dj.spersion Measurement of SingÌe-Mode Optical Fibers by the Differential Phase Shift Method; EIA-45S-1?6 Method for Measuring Optical Fibe¡ Cross-Sectional Geometry by Àutonated Grey-Sca1e enalysis; EIÀ-455-1774 Numerical Apertuïe MeaEulement of Gr:aded-Index Qptical FiberËi EIA-455-17g Meaaurements of StriÞ Force Required for Mechanicaily Removing Coatings from OPticaf Fibers; and EIÀ-598 Color Coding of Fiber opric Cables EJMA llxpansion ¡oini Manufacturers Àssociation Tnc. (EJl,lÀ), Standards of the Expansion Joint l'lanufacturei:s Association. 1980 EMÀ MG1-1993 Motors and Generators , with Revisions It 2t 3 and 4 (El-ectrical Manufactulers Àssociation Standards Publication) ¡CI 69-l preEsure RaÈing Standard for: Steam Traps56.60-1r Fl-uld Cont¡ois Institute fnc. (FCI) Fertilizer Institute Standards for the Storage and llandting of Agricultu¡al Anhydrous Anunonia' M-1' ¡MER CLass Nu¡nber 31501 Àudibl-e Signal Devices, December, 1974 Factory Mutuaf Engineering and Research, ÀTTN: Libra¡ian, 1151 Bostc ¡MER Cl-ass Numbel 3210t Thermôstats for Àutomatic fire Detection' .Tuly, 1978 ¡MER Clas6 Number 3230-3250: Srnoke Actuated Detectors for Àutomatic Fire AlarÌn Signa.l-íng. Februaryt I976 FMER Cfass Numbel:3260: !']-ame Radiation Deteêtors for Àulomatic Fire AÌarm Signaling, Septemberr 1994 FMER Cfass Number 3820: Electrical U¿ilization Equiprneht, SePtenìber, 1979 cag Burning Heating Appliances for Manufactured Homes and Rec¡eational Vehicles, Fourth Edition, with 1998 revisionsepe Etandaid ZITz-g6t gal-culation of cross Heating Val-ue/ Relative Density and compressibility Factor fôr Natural Gas l'{Íxtures fl:ôn GÞÀ Standard 226I-00, Analysis for Natural Gas and SimiÌar Gaseous Mixtures by Gas Chromatography, for append.ices D/ F, and G of tl GRI 02l0057 (2002) ,,Internãl Corrosion Direct Àssessment of Gas îransinission Pipelines l4ethodoiogy'" cfI cRI-89/0176 "LNGFIRE: À Thermal Radiation Mode.I for LNG Fires," (June 29r 1'990) Gas Technology Institute (GTI): cTI GRI-96/0396.5 ,,Evaluation of Mítigation Methods for Àccidental LNG Releases, Volume 5: Using FEM3A for LNG Accident ConsequencÉ CSÀ ! æ o Þ m I n Þ o o o o co ûr Appendix A, Page 28 GTI GTI-01:/0049 (April 2004) "L,NG Vapor Dispersion Prediction v¡ith the DEGÀDIS 2.1: Dense Gas Dispersion Model Íor l,NG Vapor Dìsper HPVA Structural DeEiqn Guide far Hardwood Plywood Í1al1 PaneIs-HPVA Desi-gn Guide HP-Sc-96t 1996, IADc-Dccs-'l/1991, Guidelínes fcr lndustrial Systen Dc cabl-e for Mobile offshore Ðrilling Units, 1991 International Àssociation of t IAPMO 2003 edition of the Unifôrm Plumbing côde IAPì.4O ?S 2-89 Maleriaf and Propel:ly Standard for Cast B¡ass and Tubing P-TraÞs- IÄPMO PS 2-89. ÎAPMO PS 4,-90 Material and Property Standard fo¡ Drains for Þrefabricated and Precast Showers- IAPMo PS 4-90. IAPMO PS 5-84 Maherial and Properhy Standard for Special CasL lron Fj.LLings- fAPMO PS 5-84. IAPMo PS 9-84 Material and Property Standard fo¡ Diversion Tees and Twin ltaEle Elborv- IAPMo !S 9-84. IAPMo Ps l4-89 Material and F.roperty Standard for FlexibIe MetaLlic water connectors- IAPMo PS 14-89, IAPMO PS 23-89 Material and lrc,perty Standard for Dishwasher Drain Àirgaps- lAl't4o PS 23-89. TAPl"lO PS ll-9 1. Materia.l- anC Proper:ty Standards for Backf.low Preventio¡ Àssemb.i iesÎAPMO PS l1-91 Material and Þroperty Standards fo¡ Backflov¡ Prevenlion Ässembl-les- TÀPMO PS 31-91. IAPMO TSC 9-1997. Standa¡d fo¡ Gas Supply Connectors for Manufactured Homes- ]ÀPMO TSC 9-1997. IAPMO lSC 22-85, Standard fc¡ Porcelain Enanneled Formed SteeI Plunbing Fixtures- IAPMO lSC 22-85. 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Energy Conservation Code, 2004 Supp1ement Edition, January 2005 IcS International Chamber of Shipping, 12 carthusian Stleet, London EclM 6EBr EngJ.and., Guide to Helicopter/Ship opelations, Third IEC 56 Hi<¡h-Voltage AlternaLing-Cur¡ent CircuiL-Breake¡s, 1987, (Including Ame¡rdrnent It 1992, Amendnren.L 2, L995, and Amendment 3, i IEC 68-2-52 Basic Environmental Testing ProcedureÊ, Part 2: Tests, TeEt KB: Sal-t Mist, Cyciic (Sodj-urn Chloride Solution), 1984 x IEC 79-0 Electrical Àpparatus for Explosive Gas Àtmospheres, Part 0r General RequireTnents, 1983 (Incl-uding Amendment 2, i991\ IEC 79-1 Electricai- À for Explosive Gas Àtmospheres, Part 1: Constructj-on and Test of Flainepl:oÕf Enclosures of Electr:ical J IEC 19-2 El-ectrical Apparatus for Explosive Gas AtmosÞheres, ?ar:t 2: EiectTicaf Àpparatus-Type of Protection "p", 1983 IEC 79-5 EÌectrical- Àpparatus for Explosive Gas Àtmospheres, Part 5: Sand-Fil-led Àpparatus. First Edit:-on (L967), lncorpor:ating th€ TEC 79-6 EfecL¡ical Àpparatus for Explosive Gas ÀLmospheres, Part 6: Oil-fmers-ion'o', 1^995 lEC 79-7 lllectrical Apparatus for Exploeive GaË Atmospheres, Þart 7: Increased Safety "e", L990 (lnc.Iuding Amendment 1, L991, and f fEc 79-11 Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Gas Atnospheres, Part 11: Intrinsic Safety "i", I99I IEC 79-15 El-ectrical- Apparatus for Expiosive Gas Àtmospheres, Parh 15: Efectl:ica.I Àpparatus with Type of tsrotection "n", 1987 IEc 79-18 Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Gas Atmospheres, Part 18: Encapsrrialíon "m" I 1992 IEC 92-3 llÌectrical InstaLl"ation in Ships, Pa¡t 3: Cables (constructi.on, testing and instal-Lations) Second Edition, 1965. as amende IEC 92-101- El-ectrical InsLallations in Ships, Part 101: Definibions and Generai Requirements, 1994 (Including Amendnent 1, 1995) IEC 92-201. Electrical Installations in Ships, ?art 201: System Design-General 1991r aBË,92-202. Electrical- InstaLlations in Ships. Part 202: system Design-ProtecÈion, 1994 IEC 92-301. Elect¡ical Installations in Ships, Part 301: Equipnent-Generators and Motors, 1980 ltncl-uding Amendment Lt I99+, anC Àne IEC 92-302 nlectrj"cal Installations in ShiÞs, Part 302: EquiprnenÈ-S\ritchgear and Contr:olgear Assenbl,íes, 1980 (Including l\mendment IEC 92-30:Mectrical- Instal.l-ations in Ships, Part 303: Equipment.-Transformers for Power and I.lghting, 1980 IEC 92-304, Xlectrical Inst,allations in Ships, ParL 304: Equipnen.t.-Semiconductor Converters, 1980 (fncluding "A".nendment l-, i-995) Electrical Instal.Iations in Shipe, ?art 306: Equipnent.-Luminai¡es and Accessories, 1980 Efectrical Instal-lations in Ships, ?art 35ûr Low-Voltage Shipboard Power cables-General construction and Test llequj-rener IEC 92-352 lllectrical Instâl-lations in Ships, Fart 352: Choice and Installation of Cabies for Loer-Voltage lower Systens, 1979, (lnr IEc 92-353 Electrical Instaffations in Sh-ips, Part 353: Sing1e and Mufticore Non-radiaÌ FieId Pov¡er Cables with Extruded Solid Insr: IEC 92-401- El-ect¡ical Instaflations in Ships/ Part 401: InstaLlatÍon ancl Test of Completed InstaLl-ation, 1987 IEC 92-501- Electrical InstallaLions in Ships, Part 501: Special leatures-Electric Propulsion Fl-ant, 1984 IEc 92-5Ð2 Electrical Inst.allations in Ship6, Part 502: Tankers-Speciai Feature6, 1994 IEc 92-503 El-ectrlcaL lnstaLlations in Ships, Part 503: Special Ieatures-A.c. Suppiy systems with Voltages in the Range Above LKV IEC 92-504 E1eôtrical Installations in Ships, I'art 504: Special Features{ontrol and InslrumentaÈión/ tg94 IEC 179 errtit.Ied "Preci6ion Sound Level Meters," dated 1973. IEC 225 entitfed "Octave/ Hal-f-Octave, Thircl Octave Bànd Filters Intended for the ÀnaLysis of Sounds and Vib¡ations," dated 1966. IEC 309-L--Plugs Socket-Outlets and Coupl-ers for Industrial Purposes: Part 1, General Requirements, I979 IEC 309-2--Plugs Socket-Outlets and CouplerB for Industrial Purposes; Par.L 2, DimensionaL lnterchangeabJ-Irty Requirements for Pj-n ar IEc 331 Fire resisting characte¡istics of electric cables I L970 IEC lf2-1 Tests on Electric Cables Under Cohditíons, Part I: Test on a Single Vertieal- Insulated Wi¡e or Cable, 1993 IEC 332-3 Tests on El-ectric Cables Under Fire Conditions¡ Part 3: Test on bunched wires or cabies, 1992 IEC 363 Short-Circuit Current EvaLuation with Special Regard to Rated Sho¡t-Ci¡cuit Capacity of Circuj-t-Breakers in lnstalLations j IEC 529 DÉ:grees of protection Frqvided by enclosures (IP Code) 1989 TEC 92-306 TEC 92-350 u 1t v, c) !r nl 7' Þ I c) a c) ct cû gl Appendix A, Page 29 IEC 53J Electrornagnehic Compatibility of Electricai and Elect¡onic Installatj-ons in Ships, L977 IEC 561 enti¿led,,Elect¡o-acoustical Measuring Equipnent for Aircraft Noise Certification," firat edition, dated 1976. IEc 651 entltled "Sound Level Meters," fltsf edition. dated 1979' rEc 705,'Methods foÌ Measuring the performance of Microwave ovens for Household and similar Purpôsesr" Section 4, Methôds of Measur IEC 705 Àmendment 2, ,,Methods for: Measuïing lhe Peïformance of l{ícrot¡ave Ovens for I'lousehoÌd and Similar Fulposes," Section 4' }1et} IEC 804 entitlecl "Integrating-averaginq Sound Level Meters¿" first edition, dated L985. IEC g47-Z Lovr-Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear. Part 2: circuit Breakers, 7989 (Includinq Anend¡nent 7, 7992 and tunendnent 2' 199: IEC 1092-1 Ed 1,0, ,,G1oba1 Marítime Distress and Safety SyËtem (GI4DSS)-Part 1: Radar tranEponder-Ma¡ine Search and Rescue (SART)-{t IEC 13g18-1:2000(E)i ,.Information Technology Generic Coding of Moving Pictures and Àssociated ^Audio Information: Systems/" 2000 IEc 60034-1 (1996), Rotating efectrical machinesf Pål:t 1: Rating and performanõe r r.rith Amendment I (1997), Sectiôn 3: Duty , claus TEC Êi0014-12 (.1.980), Rotat-íng electrícal rnachínes, Paït :l 2: Star:tiñg per:formance of s:i ngle-speed thr:ee-phase cage i.nductjon ñotors IEc 60050-411 (1996)r Intern;tionai Electrotechnical Vocabulary chapter 41.1: Rotating machines , sections 411-33-07 and 4LI-37-26, IEc 60022-1 (1991), Dimensj-ons and output Series for Rotating Electrical Machines-Part 1: Fraine numbers 56 to 400 and flange nurnber 0, General - IEC 600?g-0 Fourth Êdition, 2004-01) , Electrical Apparatus for Explosíve Gas Atmospheres, Part FlaÌneproof Requirements ( ( Encl-osu::es "d" Gas Atmospheres, Part - IEC 60079-1 rifth Edition, 2003-11) Electtical Apparatus for ExpiosiveDefinitions and general"l¡requirements"'Àugust 2002. IEC 60092-101 Edition 4.It "E)-ectrical installations in ships-par-t l-01: IEC 60533,,D.lectr:ical and electronic ínstaLlations in ships-Electromagnetic conpatíbilíty"'November:1999].EC 60942 entitl-ecl "Electroacoustics-Sound Calibrators," edition 2.0' dated 1997. IEc 60945 ,,Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems--Gene¡al- of testing and required tÉ ,,Meaeurement Free-FieId Calibration of Laboratory Standard Mlc::ophone - IEC 61094-3 entitled ,,Measurenent Microphones-Part 3: Primary Method for Working Standard Microphones", edition 1.0, dated 1995. Microphones-Part 4t Specifications for - IEc 61094-4 entitled IEC 61094-3 entitled,,Measutement Microphones-Pat:t 3: Primary Method fo¡ Free-Field Calibration of Laboratory Standard Microphones IEC 61094-4 entitled,,MeasuïeÌnent Microphones-Pal:t 4: Specificalions for l,¡orking Slandard t"fj.cÍophones", edition 1-0, dated 1995. IEC 61097-3 Ed l.0r ,,GlobaL naritime dist::ess ancÌ safety system (GMDSS)-part 3: Digital selectj-ve cal-1:ng (DSC) equipnent--Operatior IEC 6L097-4 Ed 1,0, ,,Global mariti¡ne distress and safety system (GMDSS)-parl 4: INMÀRSÀÎ{ Ship Earth Station and fNMARSÀT enhancec TEC 61097-5 First Edition,,Global maritime dist¡ess and safety EyEtem (GMDSS)-part 5: InmarEat-E Emergency position indicating radJ rEc 61097-6 "GLobal maritime distress and safety system (GMDss)-part 6: Narrof'¡band teleglaph equipment for the recc IEC 61097-7,,G1obal rnaritime distress and safety system (Gl'lDSS)-part 7: Shipborne VEF radiotelephone trãnsmitter and receíver-OPer¿ IDC 610g7-g Ed 1.0¿ ,,Global Maritime Dislress and safety system (GMDSS)-Part 8; Shipbolne watchkeeping receivers for the reception IEC 61097-9 Ed 1,0r ,,GLobal- Maritirne Distress and Safety System (GMDSS)-Part 9: Shipborne Transmittel:s and Receivers for Use in the IEC 61097-10 Ed 1.0, ,,GIobaI Maritime Distress and SafeLy System (Gl"lDSS)-Parl 10: INMARSÀT-B Ship Earth Station Eguipmenl-Operatior :jEC 6LOgl-j-Z Ed 1,0, ,,GlobaI marítime distress and safety system (GMDSS)-part 12: Survival craft portable two-way VHF radiotelephor rEc 61097-13 First editionf ,,Global- maritime distress and safety system (GMDSs)-part 13r INMÀRSÀT F77 ship earth statj.on equipmentIEC 61162-1 Secónd Edition, ,,Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems-Digital interfaces-tia.rt l: Singl"e ta! IEC 6I162-100 Edition 1,0¡ "Mat:itime navigation and radiocomrnunication equípment and systems-Digital inteÏfaces-Parl 100: Singie te ]-¡rC 6LZ6O entitled ,,Electroaéoustics-Octave-Band and Fraêtiona-t-Octave-Bå.nd fiLters", edition 1.0¡ clated 1995. IEC 6LZ6S enti.Lted ,,Instt:uments for Measurement of Aircraft Noise-Performance Requirements for Systems to Measure one-Third-octaveïEc 61993-2 Firet Edition, ,,Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equiprnent and systems-Autornatic identification systems (Àrs) IEEE 32-7972 IEEE 45-1977 Recommended Practice for Eleclric Installations on Shípboard Instal.Iations on Shipboal:cl/ 1983 - IEEE 45-1983 TEDE Recommended Practice for ElectricEl,ectrical. and ElectÌ-onics Terms, 1992 - IEEE 100-1992 The New IEEI Standard Dictionary of - IEEE ILZ-LI96 Tesl Frocedu¡e for polyphase Induction Motors and Ge¡rerators , lest MeLhod Br Inpu.L-output tvj-th Loss Segl:egation , IEEE 320 Applicatíon Guide for Àc High-voltage circuit Breakers Rated on a syiTùnetr:cal curtent Bas:.s (ANSr/IEEE C37.010-79\t L979 IEEE 331 A¡¡lication cuide for Lov¡-Vo1ta9e Àc NonintegraLl-y Fused Power ciTcuit Breaker6 (Using separately Mounted current-Linitinç - IEEE 455-IgB5, IEEE Standard Test procedure for Measuring Longltudinal tsalance of TeleÞhohe Equipnent operating in the voice tsan. IEEI 730-1989 Standard for Software Quality Àssurance Plans IEEE 1202-1991 IEEE Standard fo¡ Flame Testing of cables fôr use in cable lray in Industrial and conmercj-aJ. occupancies, 1991 ( IHo Technical Resolution A3,11-"ENC/SENC Distribution OFtion", as published in the "Resolutions of the International ttydrographic 'tt n o m à I o o () J () æ \¡ IIT Il1inoís InEtitute of TechnoLogy Research Institute (IrT) Reportr "Development of MobiLe Home Fire Test Methods to Judge the Fj Illurninating Engineering society LM-9-88/ "IES Approved Method fôr the Electricaf and PhÕtometriÕ Measurements of lluorescent Lanps Illurninatinf nngineerin! society of North Àmerica Lighting Handbook, Reference and Appiicatiôn, 8th Editiônr 1993' chapter 6' Light ïLLurninatint engineerin! society of North Àmerica LM-16-1993/ "TESNA PracticaL Guide to Colorimetry of Light sources" L¿ - Illuminating lngineering Society of North À¡ne¡ica LM-20-L991,'IESNÀ Approved Method fôr Photometri.c Testing of Reffector-TypeGe¡ Illuminating Èngineering Society of No¡th Ànerica LM-45-91, "IES Approved Melhod for Eiectrica.l and Photometric Measurements of Appendix A, Page 30 1J 7A c) Ìt m 7J I c) c) o -t c) oo o0 - III-uminating Engineering Socj.ety of North Àlnerica LM-58-l-994, "IESNA Guide to Spec.t-roradioneì-ric l,leasuremenLs" I1!-unínat,ing Engineering Socíety of North Àme¡ica LM-66-1991, "IES Approved Melhod for the Electrical and Photometric Measurem,ents IME lamphLet No. 17, 1960, Safety in the HandLíng and Use of ExÞlosives IMo À.264(VIII) Àmendment tô chapter VI of the InternatiÕnâl Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1960, ResoJ"utic,n À.264(VIIIj rMo À.265 (vrTr) IMo å,.328(IX) Code for the Construction and Equipinent of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bul,kr 19?6 fMO 4.414 (XI) Code for Co¡rstruction ancl Equipmenh of t"lobiÌe Offshore Drilling UniLs. IMO 4.467(XII) tnternational l4aritime OTganization (TMO) 4.467(xII), Guideìines for Àcceptance of Non-Dìrplicated nudder Àctuators I IMo À.520(13) Code of Practice for the Evai-uation, lesting and Àcceptance of Prototype Novel L:fe-Saving Appliances and Àrrangement IMO À.520(13) code of Þractice fôr the Evaluatiônr Testing and Àcceptance of lJrotôtype Novel Life-saving Appliances ànd Àrïãngemen1 lMO 4.515(1.1) Fecommendatjons on Emer:gency Towi,ng Requirement.s for Tankelrs, Novenrber 17, l98l IMo À.649116) Code for the Const¡uction and Equipinent of Mobiìe offshore Drilling UniLs (MoDU Code), 19 october 1989 with a¡r,enclrrenì IMO .A'.654. (16) Graphical Syrnbols for Fi::e ControL Plans TMO 4.657(76) Instruct,íons for Action in Survj.val Crafl, 19 Novenber 1989 TMo À.658(16) "Use and Fitting of Retro-Reflective Material6 on Life-Saving Àppliances", dated Novembet L9B9 IMO À.688(17) I'ire Test Procedures For l-gnitability of tsedding components, ResoÌuti-on Ä,688(l?), dated 06 November 1991 TMo 4.689(17)-Recommendalion on Testíng of l,ife-saving Appliances, 27 November I991, including amerdments through ResoLution MSC.51 fMO À.739(18) Guidelines fot: the Authotj-zation of Organizations Àcting on Behå.lf of the Acìministration, ìIovernber- 4/ 1993 IMO À.741(18) International ManagemenL Code for the Safe operaL.ion of Ships and for ]¡o:Iution Prevention, November 4, 1993 fMO 4,753(18) Guidelines for the Applicartion of Pl-as',ic Pipes on Ships56.60-25 IMo 4.750(18) "Synbo1s Related to Life-f;avj-ng Àppliances and Arrangenents", dated 17 November 1993 IMo À'788 (19), Guidelines ôn lmplementation of the lnternàtionaL Safety l,lanagenent (ISl4) code by Àdministrations, NoverJf,er ?3, Igt TMo À342(:IX) Recommendation on Performance Slandards for Ä.utomatic Pi]-ots, adopted November 12l 1975 IMo Circular 443, Measures to Prevent Unlawful Àcts.Against Passengers and Crews on Board Ships September 26¿ 1986 IMO Code For Exist,ì-ng Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bul-k. 1976 IMo Conference ¡esolution il, Adoption of amendments to the Ànnex to the TnteÌ:national- Convenlion for the Safety of Life at Sea/ t9; IMo Inter-Ìlational convenlion for the Safety of Life at Sear 1974 (soLAS 74) Consolidated Edition, (Inciuding 1992 ¡r,endments to sol IMO Medical Fi.rst Àid Guide for Llse in ¡\ccidents Involving Dangetous Goods IMO ì'IDPC.59(13) Revised Guidelines for the fnpìenentat.ion of Annex V of MARPOL 13/7563.25-9 IMO MSC C:ircular 599, Revised Guidelines fÕr Passenger Safety Instructionsr 17 July I995 IMO MSC,4(48) Inlernational- Code for the Construction and Equipmen.b. of Ships carryinc_¡ Dangerous Chemicals in Bul-k (IBC Code), 1994 TMO MSC.5(48) International Code for the Construction and Eguipment of Ships carrying Liguefied Gases in BuIk, (IGC Code), 1993 IMo MSc.35(63) Adoption of Guidel-ines for Emergency Towing Arranqement on Tankers, May 20, L994 IMo MSc,74169) Annex 3, Recommendation on Pelfornance Standards for a Universa: Shipborne ÀutÒmaÈic Identification Systen (AISlr ac IMO Publication No. 240-Et lnternatiohaÌ Code for the Safe carriage of Grain in Bulk IMO Seafarer's Training, Certi:ication and Watchkeeping Code (STCW Code) IMo SN/Circ.227 Guidelines for the Instal.lation of a Shipborne Automai-ic Identificatìon System (ÀIS), daLed January 6, 200J fMo SoLAS International Convention for Safety of Life at sear L974, and 1988 Pr:otocol lelating thereto, 2000 Amendments, effective IMo STcw-The International- Convention on Standards of Training, ceÌtifrcation and tlatchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978, as amended, (51 IMO Synbo-ls Related to l,ife-Saving Àppìiances and Àr¡angement.s, Resolution À.760(18), daÈed L? November 1993 TMO Use and Fitting of Retr:o-Reflective Materials on Life-Saving Appliances, Resolution À.658(16), dated 20 November 1989 INÀISBSIEQ nådvextent Interchanç¡e PayLrack (WEo-007, VersiÒn 000, January 15, 2005, q'ith minor cotrections appJ-iecl Ma¡ch 25¡ 2005, ar InLe¡naLional- Code of BoÈanical Nomenclalure (Tokyo Code), 1994 edition, a pubiication of the International- Àssocìation for Þlant 1 fSA RP 12'6, Wiring Practices :or Hazarclous (Classified) LocationË Ingtrumentation Part- I: Intrinsic Safety, 1995, The Internation¿ ISo 307-1984(E) "Pl-astics-Polyamides-Determination oi Viscosity Number,', ISO 535-1991(E) Paper and board-Deter:mj-nation of wateÌ absorptiveness-Cobb method fSO 1496-1: L990 (E)-Series 1:reighÈ containers-Specification and testingf Part L: General- cargo containers. I¡ifth Editíon¡ (Augus ISO 1496-3-Series 1 freighl containers-Specification an¿l testing-Part 3: Tank containers for liquiclsr gases and pressurized dry buJ ISo 243I-1984(E) Standard Cup Melhod ISO 2592-"1973(E) Petroleun products-Determination of flash and fire points--Cleveland open cup method ISO 2919-1980 (E) Sealed radioactive sources--CLassification ISO 3036-1975 (E) Board-DeteÌ¡nination of Þuncture resistance ISO 3574-1986(E) Cold-reduced carbon steel sheet of commercial and drar,¡ing quaìities ISO 3791 "Office Machines änd Data Processing Equipment-Keyboard Layouts for Numeric Applicatì-ons/" First Eclition 1976{E}. ISO 3807-2 Cylinders for acelyì.ene-Basic requirements-Part 2: Cyl-inders lrith fusibie piugs, ¡irst edition, March 2000, (E) Appendix A, Page 31 ISO ISO ISO ISO 4126-1 Safety valves-Pa¡t 1: General Requirements, Dece¡nber 15, 1991, First EdiLion 6406 Gas cylinders-Seamless steel gas cylinders-Periodic inspection and !esting' Second edition' February 2005' (E) 6892 Metallic materials-TensiLe lesting, JuIy 15. 1.984, FLrst Edition 7ZZ5 Gas cylindeïs-precautÍônary labels, First edition, Nôvember 1994' (Corrected and reprinted Àugust 1995)' (E) tso 7866 Gas cy1índers-Refillable seamless aluminum alloy gas cylinders-oesígn, construclion ancl testing, First editíon' June 1999, ISO 8115 Cotton bal-es-Dírnensions and density, 1986 Edition ISO B1?B-4t 7996(E), ReciprocaLing Internal Combustion Eng.J-nes-Exhaust Emission MeasurelnenL-Part 4r Test Cycles fo¡ Diffe¡ent Engir ISO 8316 t \987 (E) Mea6urement of Líquid Flov¡ in closed Conduits-Method by Collection of the Liquid in a Volumetric Tank ISo 9809-1: Gas cylinders-RefilIable seamLess steel gas cylinders-Design. construction and testing-Part 1: Quenched and tempered st ISo 9809-Z: Gas cylinders-Refil-lable seamless steel gas cylinders-Design, construction and Èesting-I'ari- 2t ouenched and temPered s1 TSO 9g09-Jr Gas cylì-nders-Refj.1.l abl.e seamless steel gas cyl:inders-Desjgn, constl:uctj.on õnd testjng-Part 3: Normaljzed sfeel. cyì.i.nde ISO 9931 (December, 1991) "Coaì.-Sanpling of PuLverized Coai Conveyed by Gases in Direct Fired Coal Systems¡" fBR apFroved May 23, 1 ISO 9978:1992(E)-Radiation protection-Sealed ¡adioactive sources-Leakage test methods. First ndition' (February 15, 79921 ISo 10297 Gas cylinders-Refillable gas cylinder valves-Specification and type testing, First edition' I'fay 1999' (E) ISO 10461 Gas cylinders-Seamless alurninum-aIloy gas cyiinders-Periodic inspect.ion and testing' Second edition' February 2005' (E) ISo 10462 Gas cylinders-Transportable cylinders for dissolved acetylene-Periodic inspection and maintenance, Second editíon, Febru¿ ISO 10602:1995(E) Februal:y 1r 1995, Second edition, Photogr:aphy-Processed silver-gelatin type black-and-¡r'hite fiJ-lrSpecifications i ISo 11114-1 Tr:ansportable gas cyLindel:s-Cornpatibitity of cylinder and val-ve materiaLs with gas contents-Þart 1: Metallic mate::ia1s, of cylinder and valve ¡nate¡ials vrilh gas contenLs-Þart 2: Non-metallic materj ISO 11114-2 Transportable gas cylinders{ompatibility ISo 11117 Gas cylinderÊ-vaÌve protection caps and valve guardF for induÊtria1 and medical gas cylinders-De6ign, con6truction and t€ ISO 1111g Gas cylinders-Non-refillable metallic gas cyi-inders-Specifj.cation and test nethods/ First edition, October 1999' (E) ISo 11119-1 Gas cylinders-Gas cylinders of composite construction-Specification and test methôds-I'alt 1: Hoop-wrapped composite gas ISo 11119-2 Gas cylinders-Gas cylinders of composite constructíon-Specificalion and test methods-ParL 2: FttIly wrapped fibre r:einfc ISo 11119-3 cas cyl-inders of composite constluction-Specification and test methods-Par:t 3: Fully wrapped fitrre reinforced composite ISo 11120 Gas cylinders-Refil]-ab1e seamless steel tubes of water capacity between 150 L and 3000 L-Design' construction and testinç ISo 11621 Gas cy1índers-ProcedureÉ for change of gas service' First edition, April L997, (E) ISO 11623 Transportable gas Õylindeïs-Periodic inspection and testing of cornposite gas cyfj-nder-'6/ Fir-st edition, March 2002, (E) ISO 13256-1 published in l9gg, ,,water-sotìrce heat pumps-Testing and lating for performance-Part 1: I¡¡ater-tô-air and brine-to-air h¿ ISO 13617 (1995)63.25-9 Shipbuilding-shipboard Incinerators-Requirements/ ISO 1g911; 2000(E)r First edition, Novenber 1/ 2000, Imaging ¡nateriaLs-Processed safety photographj.c filrns-Storage Þl:åctices. ITU (?¡ Third Edition of the International Special Committee on Radio Interference (CISPR), P,¡b' 22, "Information Technology Equipn ITU E.161, ,,Arrangement of Digits, Lettel:6 and Symbols on Telephone6 and Other DeviceE that Can Be Used for Gaining AccesE lo a Tel ITU E.164,1,,Se¡ies E: Overall Net!¡ork Operation¡ Telephone Service, Service Operation and Human Factors; Operationf Numbering/ Ror ITU M,476-5 "Dlrect-printing relegraph Equipment in the Maritime Mobile service," vrith Annex' 1995, or ITU M.492-6 ',eperational pïocedures for the use of ÐiTect-Printing Telegraph Equipment in the Maritime Mobile Service"' ITU M.493-1l,,Digital Selective-calling system for use in the Maritime Mobile Service," with Annexes I and 2r 2004¿ and ITU M.493-11 ,,Digital Sel-ective-cal-1ing Systein for Use in -L.he Marilirne Mobile Ser:vice," v¡iLh Ànnexes 1 and 2, 2004' ITU M.540-2 ,,opeiational and Technical Characterístics for an Automated Direct-printing TelegraPh System for Prornuigation of Navige tTU M.541-9 ,,olerational procedu¡es for the use of DJ-gital selective-calling Equipment in the Maritine MobiIe service," with Annexe ITU M.541-9 ,,oþerational procedu¡es for the Use of Digital selective-calling Equipment in Lhê Maritime Mobile Service," with Ànnex€ ITU M.541-9 ,,olerational pïocedures for the use of Dígíta1 Selective-Calling Equipnent in the Mal:itiTne Mobile Service"'r+íth À.nnext ITU M.625-3 ,,Direct-printing Telegraph Equiprnent Employing Automatic Identification in the Maritime Mobil-e Service," with Ànnex' 1ç ITU M.625-J ,,DirecL-printing Telegraph Equipment Empl-oying Àutomati-c Identification in the l4aritime Mobile Service," r.¿ith Annex, 1! ITU M.625-3t,,Direct-printing Telegraph Equipment Employing Automatic Identification in the Maritime Mobile Service," with Annexr i ITU M.628-3 ,,Technical Characteristics for Search and Rescue Radar Tr-ansponders," l¿ith Ànnexes' I994' ITU M.633-f, "Transmission characteristics of a satellite emergency position-indicating radiobeacon (sâtellite EIIRts) system operati tTU M.g2l Optionaf Expansion of the Digital SeÌective-Cal-ling System for Use in the Maritime Mobile ServÍce, lg92 ITU M.824-2 "Technicaf Parameters of Rådar Beaêons (R.ACONS)," vrith Annexesr 1995. fTU M.gZ5 CharacèeriÊtics of a Ttansponde¡ System Using Digital Selective-Cal-ling Techniques for Use with VesseI Traffic Se¡vices ITU M.IL71-3,,Techniques for measurement of unrvanted emis6ion8 of radar systemsr" including Annexes 1 and 2 and a1I apPendiceË' 20( ITU M. !37I-L Technical chaïacteristics for a universal Ehipborne autorìatic identification system using tine division multiple acêes LR Lloyd,s Register of shipping (LRl-100 Leadenhal-i street, London EC3À 3tsP,/ Rules and ReguLations for the classification of Ships LR Lloyd,s Register of shipping supplemental Requirements, I9 september 1998 LR RuLes and Regulations for the Classification of Yachts and Smal,f Craft/ as amended through 1983 LR Type Àpproval System; TesL Specification Number f, 1990-161.002-4(b)' Lì-oyd's Register ¿ -o n o m n I o o o J (f co rl, Appendix A, Page 32 l"lSS SP-6-85 Standard Finishes for ContacL Faces of Pipe llanges and Connecting-lnd Fl-anges of Val-ves and FiL.t'ings - Vanufacturers MSS SP-9-R7 Spot Facing for: Bronze, Iron and Steel Flanges MSS SP-25-78 Standard Markíng System for Valves, Fitlings, Flanges and Unionst L978, Manufactu.rers StandardÍzation Socj-ety (MSS) for Valves, Fittings, Flanges and Unions SP-44-85 Stee-I Pipe Line F-ange6 I'ISS SP-45.-87 ByÞãss and Drain Connection Standard l"lsS SP-51-86 Cl-ass 150LI,J Corrosion Resistant CasL Flanges and Flanged FiLtings t"lSS SP-s5.-85 Quality Standard for Steel- Castinge for valvesf FlangeË and Fitrings and other Piping Conponents MSS SP-58-83 Fipe Hangers and Supports-l'lateriais. Ðesign and Manufaeture MSS SÞ-61-85 Pressure TesÈing of Steel I.¿a1ves I'lSS SP-67-8J Butterfly Valves MSS SP-69.-83 Pipe Hangers and Suppo::ts-Se1eclion ancl Application l"lSS SP-72-87 Ball Valves with Flanged or Butt-Welding Ends for General Service MSS SP-73-86 Brazing Joints for Wrought and Cast Copper Alioy Solder Joint Pr:es6ure 3íttings - MSS SP-75-2004 "specification for Higir Test Wt:ought Butt WeLding Fittings" l.lSS SP-83'-87 Steel Pipe Un-ions, Socket-t/¡elding and Tl'Lreaded I'ISS SP-44--1996 (Reaffirmedi 2001) "Steel- Pípe Line Fl.anges." NACE RP0l69-2002 "Control of External Corr-osion on Underground or Submerged Metal.J-ic Piping Systens" I'lSS SP-25.-88 Standard Mar-kj-ng System I'ISS NACE RP0502-2002 "Pipeline External Corrosion Direct Assessment MeLhodology" l'lEQ-00I Nort.h Àmerican Enerqy $tandards Boal:d t¡hoiesal-e Eiectric QuadTant , Business Praclices for OÞen Acce6s Same-Time l I'IEQ-002 Business lractices for open,\ccess Information systems (oASIS) Standards & corì¡îunication Protocols (wEel.lEQ-003 open Àccess Sa¡e-Tj.Tne l:nformation Systens (oÀSIS) Data Dictionary (WEQ-003, Version 000, January 15, 2005, with in-i NAESBÍ{EQ IIEQ-004 Coordinate Interchange (IIEQ-004| JDne 22, 20061¡ NAESBÍ{EQ I'IEQ-005 Area Contr:ol Errot (ACE) Equation S¡:ecial Cases (WEQ-005, Version 000, January 15, 2005/ with minor corrections a¡ NAESBfrIEQ I{EQ-006 Manual Time Error Co¡¡ection (WEQ-006, Version 000, JantLary 15, 2005, lv.iLh minor correcrions appl-Led luta¡ch 25, 20(. NAESBWEQ I{EQ-011 Ga6/Electïic Coordination Standards (tlJfQ-o11, Version 1, as adopted in Recommendation R04021 July 8/ 2005}. NE¡.ÍA 2,3 19837 InsLructions for the Hanclling¡ Installation¿ operationr and Maintenance ôf MÒtor control- centers, 1983 NEMA 2.4' NEI4A and IEC Devj-ces for Motor Service-À Guide for Unde¡standing the Differences¡ -I989 I'IEMA 250, Enclosures f or Electrical Equi-pment (1000 Volts t"Iaximum) r 1991 NEMA EW-1 (1962) Reguirements for Electric Àrc [,IeJ-ding Â,Þparatus NEMA ICS 2, Industrial Cont¡o1 and Systems Controllers, ConLr:actors, and Overload Relays Rated not rno¡e than 2000 t¡olts ÀC or ?50 \ NEMA MG1-1993 Motor6 and Generators , wiÈh Revisione It 2, 3 and 4, Ì.IEMA t^¡c-3/ Rubber Insulated Wire and CabLe for the Transmission and Distrj.bution of Electrical Energy, 1980 (with revisj-ons througÌ NEMÀ l{C-8, Ethylene-?ropyJ-ene-Rubber-Insulated Wire and Cable for the Transmission and Distribution of Electrical.[jnergy/ l9g8 ($rit NFPA 10-1994 Standard for l¡ortable Fire Extinguishers (1994 Edition). NFPA 10-2002 Standard for lortabl-e Fire Extinguishers NFPA 11-2005 Standard for: Low-, Medium-, and High-Expansion Foam NFPA L2-2005 Standard on Cärbon Dioxide Extinguishing Systems NFPA 124-2004 Standard on Halon 1301 fire Exti.nguishing Systems NFI'A 13-1996 Standard for ì:he:nstallation of Sprinkler Systens NÀESBWEQ I.IAESBWEQ NAESBWEQ NFPÀ NFPA NFPA NFPA NFPA 13-21)02 Sta[dard for the ]nstallatj-on of Sprinkler Systems Standa¡d for the InstaLLation of Standpipe and Hose Systems Standard for 9Jater Spray Fj.xed Systems for Fire prob.ection Dry Chemical Extinguishing Systems Dry ChenicaL Extinguishing Systems NFIÀ 17-2t102 Standa¡d for D¡y Chemícal Extinguishing Systems NFPA l7A-.t986 Wet Chemical ExtrnguiÉhinç¡ Systems 14-2003 15-2001 17-1985 17-1994 NFPA 174-1994 Wet Chemical Ext:nguishing Systems 20-1996 Standard for the Instal-latj-on of Centrifugal Fire Pump6 (1996 Edition). NFPA 25-21102 tnspection, Testing, and À{¿rintenance of water-Based Fj-re Protection Systems NFPA 30-1969 Flarn¡nabl-e and cômbustibl-e Liquids Code NF?A 30-1993 Flammabl-e and Combustible Liquids Code, 1993 NFPA 30-2003 "FlammabIe and Combustib]-e Liquids Code" NFPA 31-1997 Standard for the Instal-l-atj.on of OiI Burning Equipment, N¡'På. l1-1997 NFPA 32-1970 Standa¡d for Dry Cleaning Plants NFPA '11 n c) )r il N Þ I c) c) c) c) () c) Appendix A, Page 33 for Spray Finishing Using flarr,rnabLe and Combustible Material for Dip Tanks Containing FlammabIe or Combuslible Liquids NFpl\ 34-1995 Standard for Dip Tanks containing F1ammabIe or combustible Liquids NFPA 35-1970 Standard fór the Manufacture ôf organic coatings NFPA 36-1967 Standard fol: Solvent ExtTaclion Plants NFPA 37-19?0 Standarcl for the Installation and Use of Stationary Comì:ustion Engines and Gas Turbines NFpÀ 40-1997 Standa¡d for the Storage and Handling of Cellulose Nitrate Motion Picì-u¡e I'ilm (1997 Edition). UFpA 40-1994 Standard for the Storage and Handling of CelLulose ¡litrate Motion Pícture Filrn NFPA 42-1997 code for the Storage of Pyroxylin Plastic (1997 Edition)' NFPA 51ts-1962 Standard for Fire Prevention in Use ôf Cutting and l{elding Proêesses¡ NFPA Standard 5LÐt 1962 NF?A 5lB-:1.962 Stañdard for Fíre Pr:otectjon i.n Use of Cuttj.ñg and l^Ieldi-ng Pl:ocesses NFpÄ 518-L994 Standard fo:: Fire Prevention in Use of CutLing and i.Ielding Processes I I994 NFPA 54-1969 Standa¡d foilLhe Tnstallation of Gas Appliances and Gas Píping NFPA 54-2002 National Fuel Gas code-NF?A 54-2002/ANSr 2223'I-2002' NFPA 54A-1969 Standard for the Install-ation of Gas Piping and Gas Equipment on Industl:ial Premises and Certain Other Premises NFpÀ 5B-1969 Standard for the Storage and Handling of Liquefied letroleum Gases (ÀNSI 2106.f-1970) NFPA 58-2001 Standard for the Storage and Handling Líquefied Petroleum Gases. NFÞA 59-1968 Standard for the Stor:age and Handling of Liguefied PetToLeum Gases at Utility Gas Flants LP-Gas Plant Code." NFPA 59-2004 "Utility NFPA 594-2001',Standard for the P¡oduction, Storage, and Handling of Líquefied Natural GaË [LNG)." NFPA 62-1967 Standard for the Prevenlion of Dust Explosions in the Production' Packaging' and HandLing of Pulverized Sugar and NFPA 68-1954 National Fit:e Pïôtection Àssociation Explosion venting Guíde, NFPÀ 70-1990 National Electrical Code (also known as ANSI/NFPA 70-1990) NFPÀ 70-1993 National Electrical Code' 1993 Edition NFPÀ 70-1996 , National Elect¡ical Code (NEC) , 1996 NFPA 70-2002 , National Electrical Code, 2002 edition {NEC 2002 Code). NFPÀ 70-2005 "National. Electrical cÕde"' NFpÀ 33-1969 Standard NF?A 34-1966 Standard NFPA NFPÀ NFPA NFPA NFPA NFPA NFPA NFPA NFPÀ NFPA NFPA NFPA NFPÀ NFPA NFPA ! n o rft F rÞ o o o o (o J 70-1999 70À Dlectrical Code for One a¡d Ttro Family DweIlings' 70E "standard for ELectrical- Safety in the Workplace," (2004) Cocc 72-1993 National Fire Àlarm Code, 1993 72-1996 National Fire Àlarm Code (1996 Edition). 72-2002 National FiIe Alarm code 77-1993 Recommended Pradtíce on Static Electricity, 1993 78-1968 Lightning Protection Code 80-1968 Standard for Firê Doors and l{indows 80-1970 standard for the Installation of Fire Doors and l,Iindov¡s 864-L969 Standard for Oven and Furnaces Deaign, Location and Equipment 908-1996 Warm Aj-r Heating and Ai¡ Conditj-oning Systems, NFPA 908¡ 1996 Edition. 91-1969 Standards for tslowe¡ and Exhaust Systems 91-1961 American National Standard Installation of Blower: and Exhaust Systems for Dust, Stock¡ and VaPor Removal or Conveyingi 928-199s-Smoke Management Systems in Ma]ls, Àtria, and Large Axeas NFpÀ 96-1970 Standa¡d for the Installation of Equipment for the RemovaL of Smoke and Grease Laden Vapors f¡om Comme¡cia1 Cooking ac 1996 NFPA 99-1996 standard for Health care Facilities' NFPA 101-1970 Code for ],ife Safety From Fire in Buildings and Stluctures NFI'A 101-1994 , National File Protection Association's Life Safety Code (1994 editiÕn) NFPÀ 101-1997 , Life Safety Code (1997 Edition). NFPà 101-2000 , Life Safety Coder 2000 edition NFPA 101-2003 2003 edition of the NalionaL Protection Àssociation I-ife Safety code, NFPÀ 101 NFPA 203M-1970 Manual on Roof Coverings, NFPÀ 221. standald for Fire waLls and Fire Barrier walls (1994 Edition). NFPA 231 Standard for- General Stórage [1998 EdLtion)' NFPA 23lc Standard for Rack Storage of l{aterial-s (1998 Edit-ion). NFPÄ 232 Standard for the ?rotection of Records (1995 Edition)' NFpÀ 232À Guide fo¡ FÍre P¡otection of Àrchives and Records Centels (1995 Editíon). Append¡x A, Page 34 251-1969 SLandard MeLhods of Fire I'ests of Buildinq Construction ancl l"laterials Fire TeEtE of Buílding Construction and t'Iaterials, L990 NFPA 255-1996 Standard Method of Test of Su¡face Burning Characteris¿ics of Buj.lding Materj.als NFFÀ, 255 , 7996 ÀJPPÀ 261-.r-994 Test For Determining Resistance ôf Mock-up LJphofstèred Furniture Materiai Àssenìblies tÕ lgnition by Sr,ôldering clgar€ NFPÀ 302-1968 Fire Pr:otection Standard for Motor-CÏaft (ÞÌeasure and Commercíal-) l.lFPÀ 302-1980 "Pleasure and Con'ünerciaJ. otor Craft, " Chapter 6 (1980 ) NFPA 302--1989 Fire ProLecLion SLandard for Pleasure and Conunercial Crafi:. 1989 IIFPA 302-:1994 Fire Protectj-on Standard for PleaEure and Connercial Mot.or Craft, 1994 Edition NFPÀ 302-1998 Fire Protectj.on standard for Pleasure, and commerciai Motorcraft NFPÄ ¡IFPA 251-1990 l.lFPA 302-:1968 standard for Fire Protection for Motorcraft¡ NEPÀ NFPA 306-.1980 "Control of Gas Hazar:ds on Ve6sels" (1980) I'IFPA 306-1993 ControL of G¿rs Hazàrds on VesseIs, 1993 Edition NFPA 385-:1966 Reconunended Reguì.atory SLandard for Tank Vehicles No, 302-1968, for Flammable and Combusuible Liquids Standard for Purged Enclosures fo¡ Electricai Equipnent in Hazardous Locations Standard for Purged and ?ressurized Enclosure6 for Electrical- Equipment, 1993 Standard for Type Designations, ÀÌeas of Use, Maintenence, and Operation of Powered Industrial Trucks NFPA 566-1965 Standar:d for the Tnstallatíon of Blrlk Oxygen Systems at Consumer Sítes NFPA 566-1965 Standard for Bufk Oxygen Systems at Consumel: Sites, NFPÀ 656-:1959 (Slandard for Dust Hazards in spì-ce Grrnding pl-ants) NFPA 70I-1996-Fire TeÊtÊ For Flane-ReEiElant Textiles and Films NFPA 750-2003-standard on 9tater Mist Fj-re Protection Systems, 2003 edj-tion NFPA 908-1996 vlarm Àir Eeating and Air Conditioning fìystems, NFPÀ 908, I996 EditiÒn, NFPÀ 1403--2002 Standard on Live Fire T::aining Evolutrons I'IFPA 496-:t967 I.IFPA 496-:l.993 NFPA 505-1969 NFPÀ 1963--1989 Fire Hose Connections 1963-1993 Fire Hose Connections, 1993 Editìon NFPÀ 1971-1975 Prolective Clothing for SlrucLural Fire Fighting NFPÀ l.lFPÀ 1971'-2000 Standard on Prolective EnseTnble for Structuraf Fire Fighting 1971--1975 "Pl:otective Clothing for Structurai i¡ire Fighting," NF?A 1971-2000 Standard on PTotectíve Ensemble for St-ruclural Fir:e Fighting NFPA 1976-2000 Standard on Protective Ensemble for Proximity Fi::e Fighting 1981.-2002 Standard on Open-Circuit Self-Contained Breathing Apparahus fo¡ Fire and Emergency Se.rvj-ces 1982--1998 Slandard on Personal Àlert Safety SyEt-ems (PÀ5S) 1983-2001 Standard on Fire Service Life Safety Rope and System components NFPÀ 10-2002 Standarcl for Portabl-e fire Extinguishe¡ NtsPA 2001--2000-Standard on clean Agent I'ire Extinguishing systems, 2000 edition NFPA 2001-2004 Standard on Cl-ean Agent I'íre Extinguishing Systems NFPÄ NFPA l.lFPA NFPA 5000-2003 Euilcling construction ancl Såfety code, Plant InsÈitute/ Definition and Tesl- procedures for Arrurnonium Nitrate FerLilize¡ NWI¡]DA f.S.4-81 water Repelient PreEervative Non-Pre6sure Treatment for ¡,tiliwork. NFPÀ NFPI National- Food (Nov. 1964) I.S,4-81 water RepeL:ent Preservative Non-?ressure Treatment for Mil-l-work. International- Safety Gnide fo¡ oil. Tankers and Terminals/ Sections 9.1, 9.2t 9.3 and 9,5, Fourth Ed., 1995 OCIMF OiI Cornpanies Inter¡¿ìtional- Marine Forum (OCTMF) 15th Floor, 96 Victoria Streetr London SI{18 5JtI Engiand., Ship to Ship Trans OCIM¡'OiI Companies InternåtionåI Marine Fo.rum (OCIMF)/ InternationaL Safety Guide for OiI Tankers and Terminafs, Sectión 6.10/ For ÞÞI TR-3/:¿004 (2004¡ "Pol-icies and Procedures for Developing Hydrostatic Design Basis (EDB), PreEsure Design Basis (PÞB), Strength RTCM Paper f2-78lDO-100 Radio lechnicai commiÊBion for MariÈime Servi.cee, 655 Fifteenth Street. NW., Suite 300r Washington, Dc 200( RgcM Pape:r 191-93/Sc112-X, RTclt RecÕilùnended Standards for Maritine Radar Equipment Install-ed ôn Ships of 300 Tons Gross Tonnage anc RTCM flaper I94-93lSCl04-STD, R?CM Recofiunended Standal:ds for Differential NÀVSTÀR GPS Servicer Vel:sion 2,I, L994 SAE 581 Àuxiliary UÞper Beam Lamp6, Society of Àutomotive Engineers (SAn) J58f¡ July 2004, incorporation by reference approved for SAE 755 (1961) SAE Recommended Practice: Crane l,oading Stability Test Code SAE ÀRP 8664, entitled "Standard Values at Atmospheric Àbsorption aE a Fì.hction of Temperature and Huinidity for Use in EvaLuatl-ng 3 SAE J100:revised June 1995r "C-ass'A'Vehicle GJ.azing Shade Bands" (SÀ-E Jl00, rev. June 95) SAE J168-:1970 ("Protective enciosures-test procedures and perfornance requirenents"), SAE Jl85,-Iune 1988, Recommended Practice for Access Systeins for off-Road Machines SÀE J211 "Instrumentation for Impact Testsr" Parts I and 2, dated March 1995. SAE J211 :lnstrumentation fo¡ Impact Test, June 1988, is avai]-able from the Society of Àutomotive Engineers, Inc,, 400 Co¡monwealth SÀE J211 OCT 1988. "Instrum.entation for Impact Tests¡" Class 1000, is available froni The Society of -è,utomotive Engineers/ Inc., 40( NWWÐÀ oCM.F 1l n c) Þ n'l 77 I c) o c) c) (l¡ l\) Append¡x A, Page 35 rev. Ma¡ 95, "Instrunentàtion for ImpacL Test-Fart 1-Ëlect¡onic Instrumentation," J21I/2 Rev. Mar 95 "Instrumentation for Impact TeEtE-Parl 2-Photographic In6lrumentation" SAE J231 Januaty i.981, "Minirnum Performance Crlteria for Falting Object Protective Struclures sÄË J211/1 SAE (FOPS)" J378 Mårine Engine Wiring-l984 J386 June 1985, "Operatol: Restraint Systems for Off-Road [{ork ¡'lachines" J397 April 1988, "Deflect!.on timiting Volume-RoPS/FOPS Laboratory Evalualion" J533b-1972 Fla¡es For Tubing, SÀE-JS33b-1972 J55? High tensíon Ignition CabIe-1968 J581 Auxiliary Upper Beam Lanps, Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) J581, July 2004, incorporation by reference approved for J5B3 Eïont Fôg Lamp, SÀ¡ J583, August 2004, incor:poratíôn by reference approved for 5393,24(b). J5B5 Môt:ch 2000, TaiJ. Lamps (Rear Positi.on Lamps) fo:: Use on Motor T.,ess Than 2012 min jn Overall Width, SÀ8,f585/ Mar J586 Stop Lamps for Use on l4otor Vehicles Less Than 2032 mm in OveralL l^Iidth, SÄE J586, March 2000, incorporation by xefer:ence J5BB Turn Signal Lamps for Use on Motor VehicLes Less Than 2032 nun in Overall Width, SAE J588' March 2000' J592 Sídemarker Lamps for Use on Road Vehicles Le6s Than 2032 mm in Overali Width' SAE J592, AuguËt 2000' inco.r:poration by refe J594 Reflex Reflectors. SAE J594, December 2003, incorpolation by reference approved for S393.26(cI' J595 Directional Flashing Optical Warning Devices for Àuthorized Emergency, Maintenance, and Service Vehicl"es, SÀ-8,1595, Janual J673 revised April 1993, ,,Àutomotive Safety Glasses" (SAE J673r l:ev. April 93) J765 Crane Loacl-Stability Eest Code, Society of Àutomotive Engineers (SÀE) J765 JB26 ,,DeviceÊ for Use in Defining and Measu¡ Vehicle Seating ÀccoûL'nodation"'SAE J826 (rev. JUI 95) JB45 optical Rarning Devices for Authorized Emergency, Maintenance, and Set:vice Vehicl-es' SÀE J845' May 1997, incorporation by J1040 April 198B, ,,Performance Cr-iteria for'RoLlover Protective Structures (ROPS) fol Construction' Earthmoving' Forestry, and sAE J1127 Battery Cable-1980 SAE J1128 Low Tension Primary Cable-l975 SAE J1292 Automobiie, T::uck, Truck-Tractor, Trailer, and Motor Coach l,liring. SÀE J1292t October l9Sf incorporated by reference ap¡ SAE J1318 Gaseous Discharge Warníng Lamp for Authorized Emergency, Maintenance, and Service Vehicles, SÄE J1318, May 1998, incorpor SAE SAE SÄE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE J1475-1984-Hydraulic llose Fitting for Marine Applications J1527DEc85 Marine Fuel Hoses-l'985 J1731 7994-12 "Sign convention for veh:-cl-e cr:ash Testing" J1733 Information Report. titled "sign Convention for Vehicle Crash Testiñg," dated Decenber 1994. J1817 Long Stroke Àir Brake Àctìrator Ma¡king, SÀE Jl817, July 2001, incorporation by reference approved for 5393.47|e\' J192g-Devices P¡oviding Backfire Fla¡ne Control for Gasoline Engines in Marine ApplicatJ.ons, ÀugusL 1989 sAE J1942-198g-HoEe and Hose Aseenilllíes for Marine Applications sAE J1942-1992 Hose and Hose Asse¡nblies for Marine Applications' 1992 SAE J2040 Mar:ch 2002/ Tail Lamps (Rear Posilion LanLps) for Use on Vehicles 2032 ITìm or More in Overall Width, SÀ-E J2040/ ¡,141:ch 20( SAE J2261 Januaïy 2002. Stop Lanps and Front- and Rear-Turn Signai Lamps for Use on Motor Vehíc-les 2032 ftrm or in Overall I^Iídt SÈE JZ26L Stop Lamps and Front- and Rear-Turn SignåI Lamps for Use Õn Motol Vehicles 2032 m or more in OveraLl l'Iidth, SÀE J2261r i SAE Z26.l-fgg6 American National Standa¡d for Safety GiazJ-ng Materials for Glazing Motor Vehicl-es and Motor Vehicle Equipment Oper¿ SBCC Standard Plumbing Code, 1991 Edítion, SBCC Standard Building CÕde 1991 Edition, including 1992/L993 revisions Southern Building Code Congress StsCC Standard Gas Code, 1991 Edition SBCC standard Mechanical Code, 1991 Editíon, including 1992 revisions, and SCTE 28 2003 (formerLy DvS 295): "Host-POD Interfaêe Standald,' 2oo3 SCTE 40 2003 (formerly DVS 313): "DigitaL Cable Netr,Jork Inter:face Standa¡d," 2Q03 SCTE 41 2003 (formerty DvS 301): "POD Copy ProtectÍon System'' 2003 SEI/ASCE 7-02 ,,Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and other Structures," (2002 edition) ' 6EI/.\SCE Specification for the Design of Cold-Fôrïned Stainless Steel Structurai Members-SEl/ÀSCE B-O2t 2002' Southern pine Inspection Bureau, Special Product Ru]-es for Structural. Industr.t-al' and Raiiroad-Freight Car Lumber, October 15. 19S Southern pine Inspection Bureau, Standa¡d Grading RuLes for Southern Pine Lumbe¡r October 15' 1991r Standard Specificalion for Hubl-ess Cast Iron Soil Pipe and Fittings for Sanilary and Sto::m Drain, f{aste' and VenL Þiping APplicatic SAE SAE SAE SAE SAE SÀE T à o Þ m I n Þ o o o o (o G) TpI DeEign Specifications for Metai Plate and 9lood Connected TruBses-TPf-85. TTP 1536.A-1975,. Plumbing Fixture Setting CompoundUL 19-1978 "v,Ioven Jacketed, Rubber Lined Fire Hose" llL L9-1992 Lined Fire Hose and llose Àssembl-ies UL 30 Standard for Metal Safety Cans, 7th Ed., March 11r L985, revised March 12, 1985 and March 3, L987' UL 3B Standard for Manually Àctuated Signal-ing Boxes for Use (\tith Fire-Pì:otective Signaling Systems, 1994 Appendix A, Page 3ó UL 44 Sta¡rdard fo¡ Rubber-InsuLated Wire and Cable, 1991 (including UL 50 Standard fo.r Enclosures for Electrícal Equípment, 1995 revisions Lhrough February, 1996) VL 57-I976 Electric Lighting Fixtures UL 58-61 fiteeL Underground Tanks for Flammabl-e and combustible Liquids¿ 5th Ed, UI,62 Standard for Flexible Cord and Fíxtirre \{ire, 1991 (including revisions Èhrough February, 1996) UL 80 Standard for Steel Inside Tanks for Oil--Burne¡ Fuel, Seirlember 1963, UL 83 Sùa¡rdard for Thennoplastic-Insulated Wi¡es and Cables, 799I (including ¡evisions through March, 1996) UL 94 Test6 for Flammability of Pl"a6tic Materials for Par:ts in Devices and Appiiances, fourth edition, dated June 18, 199:t, UL 103 Factory-Built Chimneys for Residential Type a¡rd Building Heating Àppliances, Ninth Edition-Ul 103/ 1995¡ with 1999 revisions UL 103 Sixth Edition revised as of Septenber 3f 1986, standard fôr chimneys, È-actôry-built, Residentiai Type and tsuilding Heat:ng Ì UL, 109-l 997 v¡ 2001 lievisi.ons. Tube Filtings for Fl ammable ancl Cornbustí.bL,e Fluids, Ref rì.ge:rati.on Service, and Marine Use/ S j.xtb UL I27-L996 Factory-Built Pireplaces. Seventh Editio¡r-UT. 12'1-1996, rrith 1999 revisions. IJL 142-68 Steel.A.bove Ground Tanks fo¡ Flanunable and Combustible Liquids UL 174-1996 Household Electríc Storage Tank Water Heaters, Tenth Edition-Ul 174-1996, k'ith 1997 revisions. UL 181-1996 Factory-Made Air Ducts and Connectors, Ninth Edition-Ul 181, 1996 with 1998 revisions. UL 1814-1994 Standard for Safety ciosure System8 fo¡ use with Rigid Àir Ðucts and Àir Connectors, UL 18LÀ, 1994¡ wj-th I99B revisio¡ UL 217-1993-Single and Multiple Station Smoke Detectors UL 268 St¿\ndard for Smoke Detectors for Fire Protective Signaling Systems, 1989 (incJ-uding::evisions through June 1994) IJL 295 St¿rndard for oiL Burne.rsf Seventh Edi.Eion, Aìrgust 22, I98D (Revisions through Àugust 1985) UL 307À-1995 with 1997 Revj.sions Liquid FueI-burning Healing Appl-iances for Manufactured Homes and Recreationai Vehicles, UL 3078-1995 GaB Burning ueating Appl-iances fot Manufacturecl Homes and Rec.reational Vehicles, Fourth Edition, with 1998 revisions-t UL 311-I994 Roof Jacks for Manufaclured Hómes and ReÕreational- Vehicles, Ej-ghth Edition-Ul 3IIt I994t with 1998 revisions. UL 343 St¿Lndard for Pumps for oil Burning Appliances, Sixth Aditicn, July 17. 1986 UL 441-1996 cås Vents, Ninth Edition-Ul 441t 1996 with 1999 revisions, UL 486À-1992 I¡lire Connectors and So.ldering Lugs for Use wiLh Copper ConducLors UL 489 St¿rndard for Molded-Case Circuit Breakers and Ci¡cuit-Breaker Enclosures, 1991 (including revisj-ons lhrough June, 1995) UL 489-1995 Môlded-Case Circuit Breàkers and Circuit-Bteaker Encl-csur-es UL 514À stândar:d for l,letal-Iic outlet Êôxês, 1991- (including revisi-ons thr-ough Àprì1, 1995) UL 514B Standard for Fitlings for: Conduil and Outlet Boxes, 1989 (incÌuding revisions through Àprii, 1995) UL 514C Standard for NonmetalLic Outl-et Boxes, Flush-Device Boxes, and Covers, 1988 (including revisions through Àpri1. 1995) UL 52L Slandard for Heat Detectors for Fire ProtecLive Signaling Systems, 1993 {including revisions through OcLober 1994) UL 569 Piç¡tai1s and Flexibl.e HoBe Conneclors for f,P-cas, Seventh Edition-Ul 559, 1995 r^'ith 2001 revisions. UL 569-1995 figtails and Flexible Hose Connectors fol'LP-cas, Seventh Edition-Ul, 569. 1995 with 2001 revisions. UL 569-1995 Pigtails and !-l.exible Hose ConnectÒrs for: LP Gas UL 595-1991 Marine-Type Electric f,ighting Fixtures Ut 6lL central-Station Burglar-Alarm Sy6tems (Februar:y 22t 19961, UL 710-1990 as arnended through September 16. 1993-Exhaust Hoods FÐr Comnìercial Cooking Esuipment UL 723-1993 aE arlended through April 20, 1994-Surface Burning Characteristics of BuiLd:-ng l.tateriafs Ê uL 727-1994 uI" 127-L994 "Standard for Safety oil-Fired Cent¡aI Furnaces," ItsR approved for S431.76. -t¡ 7' c) Þ nt 7t Þ I c) c) ct -l c, (t ¡T uf,737 Fireplace Stoves, Eight Edition, with 2000 revisions*U], 737, 1996. UL 737-L996 FirepJ-ace Stoves, Eight Edition, with 2000 revisions-Ul 737, 1996. UL 783-79 SLandard for Safety, El-ect¡ic Flashlights for Use in Hazardous Locations, Clåss 1, crouls C and D, 1979. IJL 827 Centraf-Station Alarm Services (April 23, 1999). UL 864 Standard for ControÌ Units for FiIe-PÏotective SiqnåIing Systems, 1991 (including revisions thrÕugh May 1994) UI, 913 (as revised AÞriI 8, l9;5). UL 913 Standard for IntrinÉically Safe Apparatus and Associated Àpparatus for Use in Ciass It TIt and IfI Divísion l¡ Hazarclous UL 1042-1994 ¡ Stancìard for Efectric Baseboard Heating Equipment, 1994 (incl-ud:ng revj,sions thrôugh Novernber/ 1995) UL 1056-198g-Fire Te6t of UphoJ.stered Furniture UL f058-1989 as amended through April 19, 1994-Halogenated Agent Extinguishing System Units uL I072 Standard for Mediunì-vol.tage Power cabLeE¡ L995 lincluding revisions through Januaryf 1996) UL 1076 lroprietary BurgÌar Àlarn Units and systeins (February 1, 1999). UL 1096 EfectTic Central Air Heating Equipment-UL 1096-Fourth EdiÈion-1986 with revisions July 16/ 1986, änd January 30¡ 1988. UL 1102-199z-Non j.ntegraL lfarine FueI lanks UL 1l04 Standard for Ma¡ine Na,.¡igation r,ights, 1981 (including revisions through May, 1988) Appendix A, Page 37 (Cl UL UL UL UL UL UL 1110-1988 as ainended through }4ay 16, 1994-Marine Combustible Gas Indicato::s 1111-1988-Maríne Carburetor Flame Arresters 1114 Marine (USCG Type .¡\) flexible Fuel Line Hose-1987 1123 "Matine Buoyant Devices"r Februal:y 17t 1995 1121-1987-Standard for Malíne Buoyant Devices' 1128 Marine Blowers-l977 uL 1180 "Fully Inflatabl-e Recreational Personal Ffotation Devices"' May 15, 1995 UL ll8s-Standard for portable I'lar:ine Fuel Tanks, Second Edition, March 13, L978, revised JuIy 6, 1984' UL 1191 "components for Personal Flotation Devices"' May 16' 1995 uL 1191 First Editiôn (standard for components for Personal Flotation Devices)f as revised March 29' 1977. uL l 1.96 standarcì f or: Fl.oating i.Iater:l.ights, second Editi on Mar:ch 23 | 7987 . UL 1203 Stanclard for Explosiån-proof åncl Dust-Ignition-Proof Eiectricai Eguipnent for Use in Hazardous (cJ.assified) l,ocationsr 1991 uL 1309 Standard for Marine shipboard cab1e, First edition, July 14, 1995 22l UL l3l3-standard for Nonrnetalliõ Safety Cans fo¡ Petroleum Products, lst Ed., March 15, 1982r revised January 3, 1984 and March l3L4-standard for Special-FropoFe containers, 1st Ed,. JuLy 7, 1983, r'evised February 7t 1984 and September 23' 1986, UL UL,1426 Cables fôr Boats-lg87 water Heaters UT, l45J-19g8 as amended through June 7, 1994-ELectr:ic Boostet: and Commercial Storage Tanl( U! 1482-1995 SoLicl-Fuel Type Room Heate¡:s, Fifth Edition-Ul L482t L995, with 2000 revisions' UL I517 "Hybrid Personal Flotation Devices"' UL I569 Standard for Metal-Clad CableÊ, 1995 (including revisions thr:ough Ap::ii, 1996) UL 15?0 Standard for Fluorescent Lighting Pixtures, 1988 (including revisions thl'ough Àprii, L996) UL 15?0-1995 Fluorescent Lighting Fixtures UL 1571 Standard for Incandásceni Lighting fixtures, 1995 (incìuding revisions thl:ough ÀÞril' 1996) May. UL Ls72 stancìard for High rntensity Discharge Lighting Fixtures/ 1995 (including revisions through1995) 1996) UL 1573 Standard for Stáge and Studio Lighting Utits, 1994 (including revisions through February' UL 1574 Standard for Track Lighting SyEtems, 1995 (inciuding revísions through JuIy' 1995) uL 15a1 Refer.ence standar-d foi nlectrical- ç^1i1'es, cables, and Fiexible cor-ds, 1991 (inciuding revisiÕns through Janua::y, 1996)1995, ! UL 181g-1995 Standard for Safety cl-osure Systems for use with Flexible Air Ducts and Aj-r connectorsf Filst Edition-Ul 181ts, UL 1995 Heating and Cooling Equipment, Second Editíon, with 1999 l:evisions-Ul 1995/ 1995. ELectric Room Heaters, Second Edition, r*ith 1998 revisions-ul 202L-L991. uL 20zl-Lgg7 Fixed and ¡.ocåtián-oedicatedg, rnvestment securities (with conforming and l"liscellaneous Amendments to Àrt:cles r, 3' commercial code, Revised e¡ticle uniform United States ?harmacopeia (USP)/National Forrnulary (NF) de8cribed in USP 30/NF 25, May I,2007 United States pharnracopial Convention, Inc.f United States PharmacoPeia, 23d Revision¡ January 1/ 1995 uspc.The united st"t.è pharrnacopoeia (lventÍeth Revisíon, officiaì from JuIy/ 1980) united states Fharmacopoeia convention' rnc./ uspc Natíona.I Formulary (Fífteenth Edition, off-icial fl.on JuIy 1' 1980)" Íùest coast Lumber Inspãction Bureau, Standard No. 17, Grading RuLes for West Coast Lumbêr, September 1, 1991' a wj-re Rope users Manuai, zoa Edition, I,¡ire Rope Technical Board November 1985, incorporation by refe¡ence approved for S393.104(e). VüAÀ S-100 Household Commericial and Portable Exchange [^tater Softeners-l985 WOn S-ZOO Household and Commercial water Filters-L988 water Quality Association WeÀ 5-300 Point-of-Use, Low Pressure Reverse Osmosis nrinkinq Vlater Systems-l984 w8À S-400 Point-of-Use Distill-ation Drínking I'Iater Systens-l986 1998, it wsrDÀ-T1, 1998 Reco¡Tûnended stanclard specifiãation fôr- Synthetic hreb Tiedowns, f¡Ieb sling and Tiedôwn Àssociation' l'¡sTDÀ-T1' ¿- T n o m E Þ I o o o o (o (ì Append¡x A, Page 38

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