Filing 60

MOTION for Summary Judgment Filed by AMERICAN EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATION, INC., AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, INC., NATIONAL COUNCIL ON MEASUREMENT IN EDUCATION, INC. (Attachments: #1 Statement of Facts Points of Authority, #2 Statement of Facts Statement of Undisputed Facts, #3 Declaration Declaration of Jonathan Hudis, #4 Exhibit Ex. A, #5 Exhibit Ex. B, #6 Exhibit Ex. C, #7 Exhibit Ex. D, #8 Exhibit Ex. E, #9 Exhibit Ex. F, #10 Exhibit Ex. G, #11 Exhibit Ex. H, #12 Exhibit Ex. I, #13 Exhibit Ex. J, #14 Exhibit Ex. K, #15 Exhibit Ex. L, #16 Exhibit Ex. M, #17 Exhibit Ex. N, #18 Exhibit Ex. O, #19 Exhibit Ex. P, #20 Exhibit Ex. Q, #21 Exhibit Ex. R, #22 Exhibit Ex. S, #23 Exhibit Ex. T, #24 Exhibit Ex. U, #25 Exhibit Ex. V-1, #26 Exhibit Ex. V-2, #27 Exhibit Ex. W, #28 Exhibit Ex. X, #29 Exhibit Ex. Y, #30 Exhibit Ex. Z, #31 Exhibit Ex. AA, #32 Exhibit Ex. BB, #33 Exhibit Ex. CC, #34 Exhibit Ex. DD, #35 Exhibit Ex. EE, #36 Exhibit Ex. FF-1, #37 Exhibit Ex. FF-2, #38 Exhibit Ex. FF-3, #39 Exhibit Ex. FF-4, #40 Exhibit Ex. FF-5, #41 Exhibit Ex. FF-6, #42 Exhibit Ex. GG, #43 Exhibit Ex. HH, #44 Exhibit Ex. II, #45 Exhibit Ex. JJ, #46 Exhibit Ex. KK, #47 Exhibit Ex. LL, #48 Exhibit Ex. MM, #49 Declaration Declaration of Marianne Ernesto, #50 Exhibit Ex. NN, #51 Exhibit Ex. OO, #52 Exhibit Ex. PP, #53 Exhibit Ex. QQ, #54 Exhibit Ex. RR, #55 Exhibit Ex. SS, #56 Exhibit Ex. TT, #57 Exhibit Ex. UU, #58 Exhibit Ex. VV, #59 Exhibit Ex. WW, #60 Exhibit Ex. XX, #61 Exhibit Ex. YY, #62 Exhibit Ex. ZZ, #63 Exhibit Ex. AAA, #64 Exhibit Ex. BBB, #65 Exhibit Ex. CCC, #66 Exhibit Ex. DDD, #67 Exhibit Ex. EEE, #68 Exhibit Ex. FFF, #69 Exhibit Ex. GGG, #70 Exhibit Ex. HHH, #71 Exhibit Ex. III, #72 Exhibit Ex. JJJ, #73 Declaration Declaration of Lauress Wise, #74 Exhibit Ex. KKK, #75 Exhibit Ex. LLL, #76 Declaration Declaration of Wayne Camara, #77 Exhibit Ex. MMM, #78 Declaration Declaration of Felice Levine, #79 Exhibit Ex. NNN, #80 Exhibit Ex. OOO (Public Version), #81 Exhibit Ex. PPP, #82 Exhibit Ex. QQQ, #83 Exhibit Ex. RRR, #84 Exhibit Ex. SSS, #85 Exhibit Ex. TTT-1, #86 Exhibit Ex. TTT-2, #87 Exhibit Ex. UUU, #88 Declaration Declaration of Kurt Geisinger, #89 Declaration Declaration of Dianne Schneider, #90 Text of Proposed Order Proposed Order, #91 Certificate of Service Certificate of Service)(Hudis, Jonathan). Added MOTION for Permanent Injunction on 12/22/2015 (td).

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EXHIBIT I Case No. 1:14-cv-00857-TSC-DAR Page 1 of4 Making Laws More Public Transcript - On The Media Ffficr$r:Tîr..\ÌiË1 l]*,eR*ùN¡ Submit Q .ar ß ã t d: N Sd.ß *uË i " I'{Aiiiliü I { df tSLt -.,^^., :::vaÏ. :..:. :! &å. ' Låi,'úS 1"1ílR[ î-ÌLiI a,,rgS$ll., tù¿ n^.,t, {P':r 1 !'tÍ1a.1 ¡J, ¿ur; :&Æffiwffiffiffiqtrffiw; FBHg*Sgãå&qgq#q#$* Ë * üü Lü'\'Ë$ Y¡I üñ.Rl$$ffi @'i.y,i@ S*S 'Þnrlntr $h{nTI ' LD: Yürr think rr.edia citnershix :l nl,:ai:*? ¡-ow ab,:.1:t iir* issi:e ci lr¡nsì-'aiè:tryirCc,,,¿¡,ra''"r',si¡ieijiÈiaÌC^tds?ttyas*r:*i.',;¡1 ir:ì:-c!i:ri-ì{esrjliiiiüa G.ÀRFif *l.Eil0t'¡.,. .':.'.[!l!tFI ,:,,', îilllçlçlÀflE,, ccnfctrridirg anti ;,rçt:i,i;Ì,,' (¡n-Ír--reiji;alr ¡;r.:i;ltin. ìiraÍ i:ì. Ji,e rìâÌsf-jÍ Èiaíìaar+s iiel Ìh* i:Èv+fiirent uses ta r¡,'r¡ti: iSws ,¡iÉ L¡nav.ìi:3ble io tne pt¡hl¡û. unìÉss:ne ::rirhlic È,ays iloiìey t,j r ta see ìherÌì. '' Ptltûefi::., ¡Hr,sûnci ut , tÍ0ÊBlrstT,, ';lìis iiifhs hêl* rloir ol iiâr: ll'ìafenìt:+. a gÕvefriììêiìì li'snspsieni:¡' fid\.,í)rìat* airc ¡rresics:n( cÍ pL:bìic.t*scurce-oig. *e beiiaves saÍet;" :ìicnil;^íiis shorli* hÊ easìiv eriessibìe lc' niì ciiize:rs ír':í ir:li:. Sir i'.ìaiz:nrl¡tj'* oíl;riíliì¿i!ìi:¡!-: lras ¡:i:rr':ied ir::r tl':.::, dcuqì¡ gL) Oi-rfcì':3l\rr e r::r;iiy ?.i cl th,lÉi:, slatìdat{$. çtiirh he','v:ll ¡:u$lish ûiì:iìÈ. cL:Fví:!ìlìl rt i'o r:a;;vrigiit. i.ìèrl. !{sic.nì.ì ba,cii Tc í.)íì Sa ilìere aie legLiiaiiolrs oL,t ïher€ the I 1lìrv ärr tl:i, li¡ly oí !i:i !ùirij, ii!l::t? ¡le i-.r-rili oiì iiênd.^r{is des:çned b'", ii:a iirciL:rtry, a:rci tÅRL Må,LÀil{UD: üh, absoiui.: l\;. il,rese 3{lo a;rìc¡ìllj iù!ytì. 1-irey'ie lats ci gr irtiai +p;:iical:iiit;;. 'f i¡i n:rai:s iiìet âváiybÕ{ty :íì ihe i,jrii?ÈÕ :)tâlÊs fìas i+ *b*,v fieo:, f h*¡' f:av* ,:ii¡r-rìnai pe¡êlties an,i th¡i¡ r* c¡iii,:¿ì t¡ the ¡-.:-ibiic safat;; BûÈ G;1RFÌËLÐi \,1reil ,tivi:' rì1ù a for insiaÍìce . ffi{Jtrtrffiffiî CS.RLf.4ÀLAl'4tfü: \{lù:1,il:¡sla:rdslrjíoipoilaLrl¡fiist'xîirigr:ishcrÈ,:neùtàllrlâidToí dt!iliiirg \,,'¡iie:. s\tst+ír, (vríììp.ì1er¡î-s snd Ìl¡eií hee:ifì åfiÈcls, î¡e stiìrijsid fÒi le$Íiriü läí l33c ¿nd','!riÊií. ThÈse are ;rlt thiiiEs vóL: n-1av iecestaril-V víenì ic' I€sd ei¡ery deV, bu,t the¡, ¿ü;tiainlv sio:¡icì L:r] ai'¡iiaLrle ti: a t:nail businesc Þers-.n ahd tiìùy sìrù!:ld ¡ù â{¿iilalìli! tù an e ngin+eriftg sl'r:dÊnt. ovaii;¡irl+ lr) ê jÕtjinalisi. ior rxar¡þie. thet* ¿re îirnd',ìrds ihñl sav tir:nEs tiie ¡,6'.¡ =¡.¡1 nÕi usr: leaíi pei:ìi *Íì rïalle,:í schaols. ¿.riiii whal thË is\-.j sni:",ù is fou si¿il illri i:sê leac paint. lr-:rì t,û dÉf:r:ù lead pailt'. iii th-. follo'.'v:r:S s;iarìcarri d-.ri eisp€d trr", in t:ì:s,e, lh+ ÀiiiÊíirxri Socieîv lcr'ì'á,íTiìg an.ì MaÌelials. kt':cwn as i\-î;h'1. ¡\ni-ì tii*se stande:is aie pi,:t:y exoansi..;e: iirei"ie 5il to 'lûi: dciìais íoi ä ùcuplÐ of Þaçes. Ar:i so, ií vou'ie ä coiìsc¡êtt:úL]È s{::rû-:ji È\ii:ìLìilai. ¡t's lJotìna ¿+sl'¡çr,¡ hr:riir--ds r:r llir¡:.r::¡:nis of c^{elìars si¡1ply ït rãerl iiìêse sÍ.êÍdijrc$ tö -.,Ée \¡;hal Lhe'r' . Fffi.NT I^.89ÌlSSNf$N:Y l**{S L.¡ ! ìJ Ë:l [e$Å.{sJJ,l.$lLü$$ Elame, Shame, or Deny? Ca iifornia's #DroughÌShaming The Denizlist ftfystique Roiiing Stone's Fallol¡t at UVA Climate Feedback The Guardian Takes A Bì)S CÅRFIËL$; lces tì-iilt Èrlìccl L\rirìciÞal îÂ\iÉ Ììo o::l,Jr ¡rêai,t sl¿ìiìdari.:$ iiar iÇ Þ3',J Ì5e +r.qar:ir.aÍiori ilat lìas pirblist¡¿cl Lhern') ü1 ÍJeft¡rìç:iose' S{ Every Edit You've Ever Facebc'ck Pcst ls Visible g ^EXHlBlf n * þ¡.a\a¡,r,nrç,-cJ ióL É il,J @ /x t-l É.5[,, À J(r*l( http://wrr-w'.onthemedia org/story/19921í-maktnglaws-more-public/transcript/ ì 1,,_.J 4t14tZjr5 AERA_APA_N CM E-O O 32 07 5 Making Laws More Public Transcript - On The Media Page 2 of 4 N'losti'r'. t[-rç:-s+ sf¡;irr.ìaiigai4 -sfi¡1¡;j¡r n{)iåveil¿::il(ì irr pu!>l:r: iii¡i¡rir's. Íi<: the oirl'¡ \'e;l.r yoi.J .:¿n gei'em ¡ito s1-.nnd th* :nclìey o: pr-.3':ìì!-'i-v go io \fuiìslì¡lgic,r: ihere's {iíìe L)lsciri','ij oìÎc¿l in thù iLAUûi-lsl CíÍlùr cf ll-ìè Fe deral ile¡Jis9¡i liìat iiüù cnc ùcfìy .:l tvr:1 sl¡¡e¿rc thiìt's b-.eri i¡cr¡ipnlafeC b¡.", reì*reirrx. A:rii íi '",ot¡ (;êt :nirì{ç,vcl.:r $/ei' fo lli¿:i r¡{í:c+, Ì'ci.; fiìi$iri Þ+ abie i+ te,¡d ihâi siariiãrd. Ç,qRt fulål-S,$di,ÌS- ËûSG¡\RplÈLÐ: \r\,ù:1.ûrìtììa3:r:,jli:ci¡ltt:eFeceral lilgistsr',arorì'iir¿iìeSii:¿it¡i\ir!':ir.:d i¡ Íi:ll c'L il:ê liilq iì:r¡; ir -sccpiri.Í'ì The Unreported Story, Part 1: Thê Bui.ien <¡f Proof Episr:des 7 g g: A Chånge in tho The Cance¡ Shov;: Pait 2 FEEÐS O¡'i The '',ï;riia 2,:d;asl ili+ :;c..irai then th6! :i¡ncard ii-.e:"' sillr:-.!-v cubiìeh tiie íact th¡i iire si¿ndei-C ¡¡s beeìr :lcolpcr:ted. ^rÌc .:.Ì thê È!,âiìiards LìoCv tlìat seilr it. Sc íf yc.Lì ..viìrìi io iû.ùiJ iiìù lL:;l ie,(! af lilù FrLii iiìe 3a:Lìíù!s lâi..,, -r'¡r¡¡ håve tLr !Ð ivh*iê Íhese riÕri-pr+fj[a:r arâ ieSdqu¡;íieiêrj xi'gr) tn liiÊ W*.b arìÇ. atìd ti¡,RL l"{ALÀ\,1lJÞ. i:.ìeguieiic:rs pâr* 3r-= Êr.ìhl:srÈ)d in ír1:ì SlJi lfiey .1¡1x'¡ puiriic frr i¡ìî-"Ê ì;linùs. îlìÕre is a ¡:iiriciple in Ai:reliia:'r iai¡,,tl-:at tl-.e !3ì'i ccûsil'l f¡. :ir¿ r.=¡r.l¿ pr"O*no. li a¡a.ì ha.a!:<:¿;ri i:r2{ if:a¡ä q h^.'11$rriñhf l ¡v¡i¡abi* fîr ev€ryb,ccìy. ll,.e:r aJl ,:f a .'\nd :f )./o,-r :Jí:ii t{i the li - Sù\'e'ñtr:ùr-11, ii ì:,:ion¡;s il irn i ¡.::r:¡:¿ nâ,ie"io Íhaige 'lCC cic,il¡¡s i¡ reac ìhe l¡rr, ¡rddei: it Lre¡on:e s a p.:ll iâx r:r aciurs io iirstiùe EûS GÀR9-ìËLD: ìlìerî ii; arì ex$erse :jiiaîii€C st3ìì*îrir. Lre ...1 iirÊ ¡îr' Lrr develoi;ìrig êrd r,'aiiíli,*,S JhÊ5è itis \...o:k. t:ìãn rr,rhet he;:;-.e ns? if rïe i,rkÈ ihe ievenue elvev íio:Tl ilìos€ $..ho do \r'.,råll. lhrre l ll..'o arsrì,ers to ì:ìat. l)iå is ihñi thÊ ncn.praíits ihai ieveìo¡: s9¿iiii3ids h¿ivc â Io! of iìíÍeiûnt reiJ',!îue òiiEärÌìs. Tiiùy Co c:oDíÉtùl'ì(Ès, tþ,ú:r'cc csii:lirxiior. 'ì-îç'l deÌ,+l(ìp ÊÌaÍìiìa'ii$ iiìei äreíì t lê,.v. iíì ì'ar)T, li:e v'*st i¡¡jioír:v .,Í Ìhe;r aianc¡ris aie nal. Ând so. :naybe ine,v neeci :o;d;usi ilieir birsiiress inodeì. ¡raiticr"rlariy çirre:r the laÇl tilai iney a[e å rìorì-ir[clit pr.t+iti: cirarit',;. CÀñL f'.{,{LÁÍ,4Uü. 1lì,rs.J ihal Sü\,,âìríìiìls:ri ir¡:s s-riiii<ed iio re eporisìfiiiiilÊs. ¡t siì:d. grÈ. *r; c?rì de,.reioped siândarcs :n ìli€ !aw, ar:il ir¡e v¡n i hnve t,: p,3¡' ::nytl:i:rg. Árìd lhû â1:i; **ÈÔljiü :¡û! ljei srirûlvÐd ui: 3,ú lilis âíi! iile Lìiiiie íìs th¿it re Êi tc iùsri lf:s:3!,,. Aircwsr ¡iui¡i¡er ii:!l in.:c,ilicrâtã f:-.;s is th€sî privÊlei'ji *SSGÅRFlËLnì V\ê:1. jÍn--nì1.i(.ingSr¡içi¡¡riÌa:r'tl:)ilt:Isîîrnstornei.i¡¡:tlheiç:'s¡;piafli ¡ihvi, sü!ution to a;i ri thìs, rìrd thal is fcr tiìe ûrvâ:'rrrreilt ;Í. pây a ix¿ci Íîã ta ên!' rf these thitr.i ¡rri7 cÌcaÈ¡zatrr¡rs ícr pt,:vidìnç lhi) siarìdarcs:nat tìiù ço,.,e inrliliit Èù,i! ûn io 3ijûpt f;Á.RLI'$ALA\¡{JÞ.'i'h¡jtsr:ìa'r,hî{)risrva-.'r+<j*ii5rj'iihîrî'sèi:Õu;):c.,ftlìiì1$SÌùicrLrk3i -irsi ûí aìì. tììese c'ioãr:¿aiions thåt ceveic¡-i the stårrCards. i:iîv'Íû ger:ing lire gcìC s*ai c,f iLÀUCiiSl U:llted Siâtils rLcvùi:r:nent, änd :1â!'s Vrcílh a :ùt ìo lhe.:rì- li ilìears lhat iie¡' ç*u sel: [r5iÍì:íì!ì ¡;riC ceitiÍicalioil 5n{-. al: srrls îf thirùs Ånrl sçt. I iit:nk iirrl' a¡rpio,",aì f-orn thÉ hnve a pub:ic iìhliçatioiì. lirithercareo:iìêrsùlilì¡ùr:r,slicnùÈcali¡:le!:ìèÍr-ìiotilola!lÈar:cs:lyi|ig.'Lùù|., lîç.!'iiii ççìnç lc; i¡c*:i:crate ïouí sfuÍi b;",reieienr.e lnl.o is*.'. ilia:",i)e ìlìey hsvs e prri:iicr)þligiltior tc share a liiiie t'ii nore." i knri\t a nie:rbef cf Co¡rgligss t¡ñl ','ras i:rvestíg;t:ng Inzìi4at *i:iin3 llìÊ BP üii s*¡li, ,,'jâfìlÉ:{ì lù iead â sl¿:ndâírÌ ila,.'irìS lù do lvith piÞûliì':û sâlêiy. änd was told !:1sl ii u,.r::irì ¡:¡:< Ì.iíìaÌ ;^ì:âra iôr lì;iì i.1 råâ,"{ thãi 41r412015 M E_0032076 AERA_APA-NC Making Laws More Public Transcript - On The Media üÅRFlf;L$: A:l ti¡¡ii, ycu zie dcing ",r¡;ìi ii nîâks sr.¡É thiìt FCIS $Õ íìså liie }l¡i:ìiç':; thes* sla:rdaicls? r-:aìell:pirrri cri'<Jiscfosule l¡r¡ri \,vÈ hai,e rricess Ta Page 3 of4 ri(ìfìi. lc, :.irìc\v, 'fcx¡s :r,r ¿iilr-,'rl lìlü ),e ar 2tûù û,À.RL f'.$ÀLåT'4üÞ. îi:.¡r¿ \¡,¡as a lJuy na¡ie¿.i Fele r !¡erlr':s il cei:ìd¿d 1¡3iiiìo Te.(â5 BLriidir:g üo<ie. ri:*:icl iÈ av¿:iiaLrls. lind s.:. i:." i,ver';ta:¡d boucht thri; ft.'ì¡rjei ijr:ftji¡g Cçi{e eirrl h+ *i¡l ii o* Íl,e int{:ilìê[. Ar¡j il r'*,'ní lo ùr)çri, ¡¡i-'d ii weiri i:p fc llie i!fir C¡rcr.:ii. /rn<j lirs FiSl Cìrcçíi snii, r.'ell. \¡cu (nì-1\:Í. nìavbe ihât L\odei br.Jildì¡ü oûde i3i: rcpyíiÍji! \'yne n !t ças a ir:oiel i)üìi.jinlJ i:cde. Lriri ur:r¡s il is !nc.:i¡r:iaie d ¡y l¿ìir into !:ri¡ lìrlilr¡;¡:¡¡ Cr;dg qri 'ìg.x:+s, ii þ:¡¡; iir: cçÞr"t:!ìlìi aniJ, i.íì+lÊfûie, Pêtgï \"sccii i::; af:c,.^",eC la) pesl those. l:a i iilh ùi: ot.:il rjeci:.;ioir ,"i,ês 5;pÈcíìiçâ:lv ¿ b6u: :hÈ '¡¡¡3ç $ç jidiirg íirde . 'ì iìá í-ìorje ç f i.:rìersl Ë,eiluisTiÕiìsir. diì'fiìrei'rl. -f ¡l; Ëifth f;ii.r:u:f rJiij irof k:oi.:sl iîiiîíei laYy. V.ç bel:e,,,e il:c ì¿eeck ilecisÍon iiiîÐ, :n Íîct, âi--,pi-\'tc pirbiic îafel¡; 5¡¡¡1¡¡r¡s ircorpor¿li;* iÍ alÉ C,lcg.:f -I ie coral lle isvo fJ:ckùi ?3 úi:irùûL. ând g-..liaf¡aíì5. lTh¡ch rs r¡*hl"'v,'e EûB GARFIELD; Sa ;r¡¡¡'¡¿ sô,v:ng, ifllÕr)d îu¡ ci-lL:iic tho:;l ùir -l'nì orrblishi:rE ilisîe, ..ciÌì¿ a:rd gei n:e. CÀRL f$ALAf'4i-¡ù: ì'ic. i'nì nôt sayíng ic,ine ani¡ çet r-ire. i n-r $¿\,i:rü 'ì rìñ,./È ine :içtþ,t Tc Fìu¡iisi: li;Érð, ¡:.ìeas.: ltlave r:le aicr:e." An¿l sc, we seirt ¡':r.tì¡-:e tc ¿:ll tiìesû i,ün-íirlrÈtÈ -.ìiìc, ¿r:r.i :-=t lfteiir :.lnr:rr 1r\ai \ì,e ve :i:rl¡*c ;')'iì crÍ Íhe Í::1af-ìcaid-s eilc ìniçtrl l{) frui}lìsit iiìêfn ürì The äet. ¡ìnd i..'e hcpe thei, jr.¡st leåvâ us alr re, lìie they ilr rr"'ìtb tne Buii$íirg Cc'ria=. Bû*GARFIËLñ: liiiif';oi:a¡esLleCardyouíi!ji':tbäcblirder\Èecl<.tf:atyc,.rl':ãvèiilir ìr,,iìä1. is irr.'cr+cre:.çri ir' pUbiiç i¡,"v iii*ir iiì:s issue e: ì:ir¡ii:îÍÌ. t's a v,,il-win ilr ycu. urìlils ycrÌ. \'cu k::i"rv. i+s;-!¡se. ¡ifiaiclu:*o ri3Ì:l lc, ptrblish :{ìrìS last ìviil }r f {]ARL MÂ,LÀ¡\{|}S: tir¡eil. I ¡nsan we *eiieve the l¡ir¡ is cn rr:r side, anc i+* hcpe .,rv; iie hope is th¿it i1 '¡,¡il; clariir' ii:iv ¡ssuc ol ¡¡v,, rnirst bÉ a'; io +i,'Êì'.';i.?i:\i. il. gùès ijli the \'eãj" barii( f+ *iê iorrndii;ç¡ rf ihe Uíì;lçd -clêiêr erd fhe ..,.",E - r:,cr't liiìçaie. Sr:t if v,'e di-r JiiìSate. a,r¡.,cnfi¡,r ¡'anctifr¡:¡^n:l >nd.,:r.; ià:' 1Sî4 inât saic that theíi is nc ccÞi¡iiglt '{ì$ lhere i$ iì ri$k fh3t we da Tiris ô.rr'1.êrec r'ô:,:1 ¿la.ìêi^..e ìn lire !arv. Sû !rô !iink \.,ie tir'ê \Âbô^i.n r¡ f:*farc ic 'l! ryìir. ailil ss ¡j ies,Jil fiiÊ iiìiv r.}ogir lìíJncy iï)Ígv*r. Htt,+ cc,ri'i thiiik a¡a:'l: happe:r. BûÐ üARFlËLù: C;:ri. nìa:rv tiìair:is ûS.RL ¡$ALAi"'llJÐ : Tlirink 1j*¡n. F*S GARFIfiLÞ: C¿:rì [',1a!at¡uC [[4lJl-)lO l-rÌr Àlil.l :s fríes:ceñt.)f Pi.:bìiî ììes+t¡re:e. ilìal'.r Frrhlì., Íe:rcìirce ûre . r-Jl'JDF-Ri C:rinti;iü Lip- iÌ\il1ådiai1 s.:ilc'*iE nre fÂiline cr iì.it îaÌlirg. Tìrll is ün thÈ N'ledie GUESTS: Ca¡i Malanrud HOSTPD 9Y: ûr:Lr Garfie ic! http://u' 99276-mal<tng-laws-more-public/transcript/ 4114120r5 AERA APA NCME OO32O77 lvfaking Laws More Public Transcript - On The lVledia Page 4 of 4 'ì'ÄGS: iraospsrera¡ Sack io stciy: f;'!a ^,., ti:rg La'-irs l.lÉr,.ìi Puliic. ts".^"á*"'ì+""."¡,'"g'*pÈN"t iJìTi*Àiiff*j$llå$j ri:".:,,,rìii:.: i iiiîrii¡::il:i¡i,.,! i :i:riir:i:rl:Sr i rrljÁ,îii)rti.:[i | :.:::fii::]:rìt.i: 6-mal<tng-laws-more-public/transcripl 4lI4l20I5 AERA APA NCME OO32O78

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