Oracle Corporation et al v. SAP AG et al

Filing 1201

Declaration of Tharan Gregory Lanier in Support of 1182 Statement Declaration of Tharan Gregory Lanier iso Joint Statement Regarding Exhibit Objections filed bySAP AG, SAP America Inc, Tomorrownow Inc. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2 Exhibit 2, # 3 Exhibit 3, # 4 Exhibit 4, # 5 Exhibit 5, # 6 Exhibit 6, # 7 Exhibit 7, # 8 Exhibit 8, # 9 Exhibit 9, # 10 Exhibit 10, # 11 Exhibit 11, # 12 Exhibit 12, # 13 Exhibit 13, # 14 Exhibit 14, # 15 Exhibit 15, # 16 Exhibit 16, # 17 Exhibit 17, # 18 Exhibit 18, # 19 Exhibit 19, # 20 Exhibit 20, # 21 Exhibit 21, # 22 Exhibit 22, # 23 Exhibit 23, # 24 Exhibit 24, # 25 Exhibit 25, # 26 Exhibit 26, # 27 Exhibit 27, # 28 Exhibit 28, # 29 Exhibit 29, # 30 Exhibit 30, # 31 Exhibit 31, # 32 Exhibit 32, # 33 Exhibit 33, # 34 Exhibit 34, # 35 Exhibit 35, # 36 Exhibit 36, # 37 Exhibit 37, # 38 Exhibit 38, # 39 Exhibit 39, # 40 Exhibit 40, # 41 Exhibit 41, # 42 Exhibit 42, # 43 Exhibit 43, # 44 Exhibit 44, # 45 Exhibit 45, # 46 Exhibit 46, # 47 Exhibit 47, # 48 Exhibit 48, # 49 Exhibit 49, # 50 Exhibit 50, # 51 Exhibit 51, # 52 Exhibit 52, # 53 Exhibit 53, # 54 Exhibit 54, # 55 Exhibit 55, # 56 Exhibit 56, # 57 Exhibit 57, # 58 Exhibit 58, # 59 Exhibit 59)(Related document(s) 1182 ) (Froyd, Jane) (Filed on 8/2/2012)

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EXHIBIT 15 A-5995 Cflsqoi.t.anl Atm Juan To Ls Fw READ I2.Ot2io7AM 1W H..ut fli OtiS la Ywi.ilet As per our rie to wivecsaXn him th pmase woth snurid this laniSaieem neal arid to ck to vete asSgi temporary We Hawwtli for list it Juan FyaL1 Ta UL aa tit fliwty May lt.20064fl READ FYi As yoo know Hawcnh ths wosld allow santd Sn.iaset Ms This notified mt based aid by IS.wth tnslatmait so Wbai we tim Jeff oa aid sills sail Field LEers Dug a pot to Qug a4.v4 lack ft aid miaji be dii be and tbet .Me to In pin let nit know y1e we IF that aimed fir that bause we needed we to SSSj Sm Itt proSily Jk tum ate getlng and fly to Lie able to mWSn to mjnd with no ibm SI St Hawfl -tin this salnpe sir wv conm itS na lot Omcle has 11th rd would and loss fot when MCO.IIMUS lieu to second that deinoones IWL.-s fwib ynyu..l iSa lathe aaasioe we will seek ronl The in can aa4t t_.tfl stsomn re-build Sattsaecamtwillawaylfwedotdo Pleat license Is .dd mppoet wak we and 4J.i be ptiod uid be.y bcathdal -t_ i.Slomsldp isiar petaliy mentioned also in n.Upaaa Would s.lmiissiaui revi team that stating nm ales will osS the the Isg this by tng to which with thaeoO ie atSqipxt $fl to SAP to bC Ms apes to to .jliadcms aistiag ntove IiQApp agmed we Se gong that conmilimeit the rW odfrr zeSt dcpit cmi to zovi ov 36 moat paled without paying ibcwm on the ranalnln foatpSi ad proyidig their -sI-4 Henley that at telthomMp tM log iWtEIJ Craig thaIleniag ihdw to gi n-I on bnw Qtg Tars the .- Wb Dug vay them fret beet .bae ____ has beet ---s fladine IL advise fat paled ol Sne Si to piovide account nt level re.lim this Our olnoam is neepdaaal qSkly 0.1g Kathy WtdREAD IWtThu.II fluly Co u3. FYI Kty2 lrflmaon Tpon to Oracle proposal 33311 Aflomeys ORCL.OW2632 Eyes Oily tnrai tap C- Ha t1MMt DZflNDAMT Ms .7 10S4 libel ________ FroinShelley Moses-Reed ToCraig Tate CCjeff.henley@ Shelley Moses-Reed@ John mUcsl11mgn@Qickcon1 Boucher mail MARY.AL1CE.COLELLO phn.Boucher@ KiVHLIDSYQoraclccom LindseyKathleen TM.STEDrac1ecom StederJames References2OOO5 oracle.coni craig.tate ColelloMary Torn Marth ar@orac1corn chaluvadi.sridh Alice .us.orac1ecom wrote Craig Tate Jeff dont this if you have had chance to look at this Since yet or not revised the date/time of their request for you yesterday Haworth with their CEO to dinner on May 23 know to meeting sent Regards Craig From Craig Tate Sent Wednesday 1215 PM May 10 2006 To John Cc mike.schhmpen Tom FW Subject Boucher Haworth response response in to Marth E-mail Oracle LindseyKathleen Shelley StederJames Moses-Reed proposal Jeff Haworths you with this email trail below still not this time of year but their defection to SAP and that from happening prevent have made and our responses Reduce support they own Our response wW to $250k to current gave satisfied Sorry to level them this of consumption reduced their am burden genuinely concerned am going to do everything think of to can As quick reminder here are the demands especially 320 support licenses this year of the about they 2800 from $l.lm Park the rest of the licenses and reinstate when they turn them back on no reinstatement or back support fees and at the current run rate 58% discount vs our policy of reverting to list less 25% std discount Our response We waived reinstatement fee but will charge them back support for the updaterights portion of support 68% of total support We did agree to maintain their current discount vs repricing back support It took me for weeks of attempts involving mention yonr helpthanks back and forth with etc not to hqapp support concession we did Still not good this also represents opinion Obviously enough in Haworths big revrec issue for those of us on the license side but am beyond about our being concerned at this point and just trying to do the accountinglcompensaton right thing Highly Confidential Information Attorneys to get the Eyes Only 0RCL00272833 mis tewonh oany pmrtisses Os It with 350018 as both D.adcpiient hoolted buang 10 k.en have e%xrse deS autoSed authoed one but again liws to want at llioisiay yw 40$ yGur at to Itwoith rpoto rw.tswed have aid We Hawvrth kneaded goals prowled with rnle In .AsUh.. for this an this stage ale also Conædenbs Sumtftt exeastve in as mud the at sit bridging ow goi he SMMy couple their dosng when standaid yet agsn to next can tiM given Saa ymaiff Lany Ml you aware ot further arxior theE vt CEO and Q4es sin not tmtcedly he to the hgflest there for sin how their osy are ceaistc it is CEO rst roq.ast advice th.i w.Sved m9it have adv4ce what they are nlcrg and talk at beck-s401 req.aet mdc Wig for any Thndty b.J.... forward have is graatty appreMad So for .--l Grac our lad .1 we Hawulh 111 belief optin as have as and world been long stazd.g dais jstomer mit clear thu tie art loyal set no the Oracle Infonnabon email to be arid ee ouflied In your pivposal we were .t -Sdsd to is that be Oig leon s4ainss biaiiees value related to future price request we wil be charged be badc maIntenance on Iwi.e be 1111 you St Gfl bacft maintenance Wi aiM we have pi rate svucture our qiored aapiig that Paybig t..4a. the past several conni staff snarl of mit mtomsrdeserves Per my attathed yoan We have been qu4te deer and we si fllidSd to coows negoatiotn aid bsit tat we as sqasting caisSns mat are rustily avd able In qSte ExeaJtNe tar iyo p.t right nsTThan yaw Pave eke uheled the outcome with the dnanld by the outcome and Steve IMI Orad has Isle sub-maJ sesnEigly It ewecStfl HigiVy is It naftet the to ha granfrig 040 the list at gsswd quite other touch lbar Oracle .imirr goAg bach of SM Weckicy Ity 212006 t% AM Og Thtc diSiaJtbnt at the at Near as to-dam any the ted Situ9 Hu i-.- PmirM We Pelt going Holland niake 8s401 ci Pn viii a% e.p.a mast above may of Uie Studag alauxte we has been iporadic meeting Grade ftac.el Ia whith snarl ho On at emaitises 04 pasted then with ttSii lisa Icr ses vm Oracle requsea saajtve lesS -..J cw as fat dt at Porn Steve reletiorship with Ai wediIcsity below deai with about flfl wont to rte bth 75% Vien siC give need tin CAWs sic CO up atmng none hans wodi wilt inS to wtfl%g ncern auth of aid we rigN be tie formal Customer Relatore eaculing been pressing the new ssnce mat coirpanias the because Oracle with tme Ills 75% dIscount CO have that ago ielatiosE 4ISS are team and 1% lbs Agreed Moses-Asses months 6u.w must reome the ould mess ago why forseeabe futse the In Ssls thaasion unU hold licerses many on the itle but no U_uiIII flit the tutwe OVSrbOI4t they diet pn Oid betas -S wfl Or-- I... las 5y5W pefl flt Tfl response .a. yea mis ofl.nJ nave iewU4 edniensi that Attorneys ow orige Wig busIness Eyes Only relatknshIp is ernigli to vina the On ow We masks ve confidence ORCLOO2 72834 Oracle that sm pertnw big good CEO Franco Bianedil and DiaS We have as sse Mt Ptnn acoapt this Invitation Div assS.Q nw and coifl and our would to like rneel window next via return e-mail hour attendees with Thureday this levS diii authoiized asailives 1mm 1000 AM to noon here HOII1IU by end at day Thway May 11200$ the highest wee4c We meedng for that need to see Oiacle thai is al with committed an to isies ytu Nv VP thecti of deal irdoation 1w Hawctth Hane.i Global kltwTnaflon Services twuth it 616-393-3359 Freai 712 PN 515/2006 FrI To Mn USathsz ig Karttn Randy RE Hamdt Subject called the LrtaaE tiaadc.wn1 Tate 011g ant you on Oit and discuss to Wednesday hopefully exec your assistant gave you iessage but as know these realize you were locking for some answers yesterday you cflfficalt issue and we have had to go through our interna approval very no less than times this on our past week to reach agreewient process bestIfin1 We liade your requestssgnificant progress today and position are believe Oc we Chairman the getting to will call we be in Jeff to provide position you specifics early week next ivolved assured flawotth has gotten so test directly attention frotti Oracle Please feel free visibility and week 513cell phone this weekend Dr titie next fly my Henley appropriate on directly 7031529 Reqards Craig nsa Afl% Kni Suit ________ 451 PM May 02 2006 Ta Pam dSnidsflSiorade.cttn Kettering j1pnjtJi and Orade Cg an aid most concerned incSng actively tenbon we that the set of issues that sid bflng the necessary As you know1 rxilnts HigNy Confidential wosihy our of cense are not require energy to making Otac4e I-4awonh agreement us hoped fcc rSSonstlV attention rapid the trust that progress thought you 10 it in take torwad moving wise to these bflng to your on board resolution under negotiation That said there are some attention mb-mellon Attorneys Eyes Oily ORCLOO2 72835 Haworth must reduce maintenance its to obligations current its level of consumption Haworths it from Haworth it to is Haworth it the to Haworth or economic the value in equation this relationship if to and park reinitiate licensed its assets no with back maintenance abandon make Haworth to ability new acquire licenses neutral dollar in ways if those investments must have to willing value continue must have the is of the reflective are not obligations technology must change must be able penalties OR maintenance current receives value better additional in has provided its is it with Oracle schedules deployment before agreements go-forward investments licensing for Order Management and Manufacturing Haworth new Haworth for is detailed not compelled and none like it Haworth feels like Oracle Haworth has expressed professional Haworth new modules and invest under to price holds current Technology or none the of above If Haworth in way in cannot that actions are of not supportive deep concerns evaluated solutions that makes abandoned has been its words Tar support Oracle regarding services etc has thoroughly alternative LI continue to for must improve the relationship with Oracle feels Haworth for plans matter Haworth LI deployment required Applications Haworth may has provided functionality Oracle from both reconcile fully enables it ongoing investments of an application four remaining its and technology outstanding optimize these to market and has very viable the competitive greatly reduce the amount will investments with perspective issues or without it act will Oracles assistance Oracle has been working on an answer for the last three weeks and has missed every deadline that Haworth has set forth in order to keep its business on schedule LI Lii Haworth has had executive review global standards further at realize that this in plain commitment Ann Highly to is leadership has real worded Should Oracle wish our success please feel but to it is work strategic sessions planning and viable alternatives it rather strongly view IT now where needs to make makes those investments and point how Haworth forward and and now my those decisions whom with nature to for to Haworth is that will affect the next bring such 10 years an agenda with us and demonstrate free to contact me immediately Harten Confidential Information Attorneys Eyes Only 0RCL00272836 VP Global Information Systems Inc Haworth 616-393-3369 Highly Confidential Information Attorneys Eyes Only 0RCL00272837

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