Oracle Corporation et al v. SAP AG et al

Filing 1201

Declaration of Tharan Gregory Lanier in Support of 1182 Statement Declaration of Tharan Gregory Lanier iso Joint Statement Regarding Exhibit Objections filed bySAP AG, SAP America Inc, Tomorrownow Inc. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2 Exhibit 2, # 3 Exhibit 3, # 4 Exhibit 4, # 5 Exhibit 5, # 6 Exhibit 6, # 7 Exhibit 7, # 8 Exhibit 8, # 9 Exhibit 9, # 10 Exhibit 10, # 11 Exhibit 11, # 12 Exhibit 12, # 13 Exhibit 13, # 14 Exhibit 14, # 15 Exhibit 15, # 16 Exhibit 16, # 17 Exhibit 17, # 18 Exhibit 18, # 19 Exhibit 19, # 20 Exhibit 20, # 21 Exhibit 21, # 22 Exhibit 22, # 23 Exhibit 23, # 24 Exhibit 24, # 25 Exhibit 25, # 26 Exhibit 26, # 27 Exhibit 27, # 28 Exhibit 28, # 29 Exhibit 29, # 30 Exhibit 30, # 31 Exhibit 31, # 32 Exhibit 32, # 33 Exhibit 33, # 34 Exhibit 34, # 35 Exhibit 35, # 36 Exhibit 36, # 37 Exhibit 37, # 38 Exhibit 38, # 39 Exhibit 39, # 40 Exhibit 40, # 41 Exhibit 41, # 42 Exhibit 42, # 43 Exhibit 43, # 44 Exhibit 44, # 45 Exhibit 45, # 46 Exhibit 46, # 47 Exhibit 47, # 48 Exhibit 48, # 49 Exhibit 49, # 50 Exhibit 50, # 51 Exhibit 51, # 52 Exhibit 52, # 53 Exhibit 53, # 54 Exhibit 54, # 55 Exhibit 55, # 56 Exhibit 56, # 57 Exhibit 57, # 58 Exhibit 58, # 59 Exhibit 59)(Related document(s) 1182 ) (Froyd, Jane) (Filed on 8/2/2012)

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EXHIBIT 18 Foundation A-5058 for Defendants Trial Exhibit A-5058 Foundational Support Cummins Sept 16 2008 Depo Tr 12610-19 Sanabria as Lyskawa May working in Oracles sales as the 30b6 testimony identifying Lori group identifying Lori Sanabria working as in group Ransom Sept 26 2008 Depo Barradas sales Tr 10825-1092 2009 Depo Oracles support support Rule director Tr 284-21 Rule of critical accounts and 30b6 testimony identifying describing Oracles critical Carlos accounts team Duggan Aug responsibilities 2009 Depo Tr of support sales 181-23 Rule support renewal/sales testimony describing representatives Cummins Sept 16 2008 Depo Tr 345-22 that 30b6 24-25 representatives report to Rule 30b6 testimony indicating regional managers and associated job responsibilities Duggan Aug support sales 2009 Depo representatives ORCL000 12545 Oracle support SVI-1 0S747v1 sales representative Tr 2316-24 Rule with production in 30b6 testimony regard to communications with 2006 document identifying located ORCL000 at identifying Oracle Lori Sanabria 12545 duties customers as Oracle of RICHARD CUMMINS September 16 2008 HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION -ATTORNEYS EYES ONLY Page UNITED STATES DISTRICT DISTRICT NORTHERN SAN OF FRANCISCO COURT CALIFORNIA DIVISION --OOoORACLE Delaware CORPORATION Corporation ORACLE USA INC Colorado and Corporation ORACLE INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION California Corporation Plaintiffs Vs SAP No EDL 07CV--0l658--PJH AG German Corporation Delaware AMERICA INC CORPORATION TOMORROWNOW INC Texas and DOES Corporation 150 Inclusive SAP Defendants ________________/ VIDEOTAPED RULE ORACLE RICHARD CONFIDENTIAL Reported Job 412495 By 16 ARLEN Merrill Legal 800 2008 255 Pages INFORMATION WENDY OF CUMMINS September Volume HIGHLY DEPOSITION CORPORATION Designee Tuesday 30b ATTORNEYS CSR 4355 CRR EYES ONLY RMR Solutions 8699132 e6a0856a-Oee4-4b35-albf-ca2Oaf8a26bc RICHARD IIIGHLY September 16 2008 ATTORNEYS EYES INFORMATION CUMMINS CONFIDENTIAL ONLY 126 Page Arid You were 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MR break for the McDONELL See day Im Counsel you then Thank week next to you going sir VIDEOGRAPHER 170 videotape number Cumrnins Going This four off the in end deposition record the the marks the of time of Richard is 502 --o0othe Whereupon 502 was deposition adjourned at p.m 10 declare 12 t3 the 14 _____________ foregoing 15 _____________ under is and true ____ California penalty perjury Subscribed correct this of iS day that at of 2008 19 Signature of Witness 20 21 22 23 24 25 253 Merrill Legal 800 Solutions 8699132 Errata Sheet Deposition Rick of Cummins September 16 2008 Reason Page Line Change 41 21 -22 Change Juans manager to is responsibility Juan is responsible service Clarification delivery for service delivery managers Change 14 No havent havent 124 talked to talked hundreds to customers to No Clarification of customers about TomorrowNow Change less 151 to more Correction Change welcome 176 Change Hutton 207 Change McGee Change were new to renew Change or doesnt to does 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before That 13 the nothing thereafter was under 12 in disinterested by said me by truth and shorthand 10 was witness the cause within-entitled place Certified Shorthand ARLEN Reporter truth REPORTER OF AREN CSR No 4355 the or NANCY ANN LYSKAWA HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL 2009 May ATTORNEYS EYES ONLY Page UNITED STATES DISTRICT NORTHERN SAN INC corporation OF FRANCISCO ORACLE CORPORATION Delaware corporation USA DISTRICT COURT CALIFORNIA DIVISION ORACLE Colorado and ORACLE INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION California corporation Plaintiffs vs SAP SAP AG German AMERICA corporation INC DOES No 07CV-1658 PJH corporation INC Delaware TOMORROWNOW Texas corporation 1-50 inclusive and Defendants VIDEOTAPED NANCY DEPOSITION ANN WEDNESDAY HIGHLY REPORTED BY LYSKAWA MAY 2009 ATTORNEYS CONFIDENTIAL HOLLY OF THUMAN CSR No EYES 6834 ONLY BNR CRR 1418130 Merrill Legal 800 Solutions 8699132 031ab974-06d8-49e3-9e6a.fie2ccaf3ao5f NANCY HIGHLY ANN LYSKAWA 2009 May ATTORNEYS CONFIDENTIAL ONLY EYES 108 Page 122041 MS 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your your the recall files did you were do Merrill dont recall the month or year when copied not Legal 800 not Solutions 8699132 031 ab974-06d0-49e3-9o6a-BoZccafSaOSf NANCY ANN LYSKAWA CONFIDENTIAL 170510 2009 EYES ONLY May ATTOPNEYS HIGBLY documents 170512 MS HOUSE 170513 THE 170520 MR COWAN 170521 questions No Im not WITNESS we have foundation Lacks thats think for all the the moment 170524 MS HOUSE Forever 170530 MR COWAN Are 170532 MS HOUSE No 170533 MR COWAN Youre done THE VIDEO 170535 10 170537 11 Videotape 170541 12 Going 170544 13 170916 15 170916 16 170916 17 170916 18 170916 19 170916 22 right have you any Go 21 170916 Do All 20 170916 done we bye 14 170916 Say off OPERATOR No in the record This the deposition the Time noted 505 time marks of now the Nancy is end of Lyskawa 505 p.m o0o declare the foregoing is ______________ .Jf.4._-t_- under true and of penalty correct California perjury that Subscribed this I/day at of 2009 ANCY ANN LYSKAWA 23 24 25 236 Merrill Legal Solutions 800 8699132 MerrillLegal Solutions INSTRUCTIONS To assist you directions in pages to the back is Please insert corrections making below This FOR READING/CORRECTING the If additional of the final read it version After completing of your deposition them follow and the attach transcript If you find any errors or changes you wish to make on the errata sheet beside the page and line numbers of the original transcript do NOT make any changes any of the questions your sign the please review Signature line and return ERRATA Page please furnish sheet errata you are in possession on the transcript the designated testimony DEPOSITION carefully the corrections Do NOT change above your deposition pages are necessary please If directly to YOUR the last page transcript of the errata to sheet your attorney SHEET Line Change_____________________________________ Reason_______________________________________ Change__________________________________ Reason_____________________________________ 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Corporation ORACLE INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION California Corporation Plaintiffs Vs SAP No EDL 07CV01658PJH AG German Corporation Delaware AMERICA INC CORPORATION TOMORROWNOW INC Texas and DOES Corporation 150 Inclusive SAP Defendants ____________________________________/ VIDEOTAPED RULE ORACLE 30b BUFFY Friday September CONFIDENTIAL Reported Job 413275 By RANSOM 26 ARLEN Merrill Legal 800 2008 ATTORNEYS INFORMATION WENDY OF CORPORATION Designee HIGHLY DEPOSITION CSR 4355 CRR EYES ONLY RIW Solutions 8699132 01652c0f-03f1.4044-8ac2-ea9291ef6837 BUFFY HIGHLY RANSOM INFOTION CONFIDENTIAL 26 September 2008 ATTORNEYS ONLY EYES 28 Page Whats next the with Spoke item from Barradas Carlos 83 Exhibit on critical accounts 0928 Nho Bartadas Carios is Hes directt accounts aritical of critical accounts Critical accounts is- that provides management That are organization 0928 And whats 12 implementation Nhat 14 So software 16 found 17 consulting 13 They 19 issues 20 their go 21 their is or risk is if 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421893 Solutions 8699132 f2f3l2ff-3d87-4268-a7b3-2b05efa96663 DUSGAN PAUL HIGHLY 2009 August ATTORNEYS CONFIDENTIAL ONLY EYES 18 Page 092947 If okay- refer 092950 what 092956 which 092958 If 093003 Support 093005 responsibilities 093001 of will we at we the top responsible og3018 renewing number 11 representative 093023 12 quotation to that 093029 13 typically 30 to 093032 14 That 093034 15 up O93038 16 then 093043 11 other 093045 18 09304B 19 responsible OS3053 20 same 093054 21 application 093057 22 093057 23 093059 24 25 customers for for to be would sales support time that at advance the is sending renewal obtain In that support wbuld representative renewal when for you indicate renewals thats division order purchase and system follow then move on and to are that are they referring you in Within Oracle be renewals terms to the of sales software This would the of support for software okay the representative customers So the the representative That in days customer that of customer 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directions you follow please the If the line changes and/or number If do not make any changes and Please do NOT After completing designated Main Street change 4th Floor the br furnish any errors or changes you wish on the errata change sheet you wish corrections line sign the please and return San Francisco the last Errata CA 94105 ERRATA Page testimony to on the face by listing the to page make of the transcript any of the questions your review Signature find you corrections Please your deposition pages are necessary please of the errata sheet and then reference to additional pages to the back your transcript carefully corrections DEPOSITION of the page sheets to them to or fax sheet above errata Merrill Legal 415 357 Solutions the at 135 4301 SHEET Une Change 1Th Reason 2G Change Reason Change Reason t/pf IN 1P4 i- 1LS rItfo 5u Z..CQ zoa Page Line Reason -ri ii- Change Reason A-r It -t Change 1ThPo Change_______________________________________ 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255 Pages ATTORNEYS INFORMATION WENDY OF CUMMINS September Volume HIGHLY DEPOSITION CORPORATION Designee Tuesday 3Db CSR 4355 EYES CRR ONLY RMR Solutions 8699132 e6a0856a.Oee4.4b35.albf-ca2Oaf8a26bc CUNNINS september 16 2008 ATTORNEYS EYES INFORMATION CONFIDENTIAL RICHARD HIGHLY ONLY 34 Page likely ways TomortowNow is 0944 in get how kind from with relationship correct rep support license relate report reps and manager regional that does do yeLl How me through the to license you loop the The did so to up say rep 0944 did You 10 meant II support And 14 support 15 onto support 16 back or 1-7 thatTs 18 they out theyre 19 do than 21 be responsible 22 to returning the group is that for teports any up to get something other new of what involved through make them bringing group you other that would license sal-es stuff already customers 23 MS HOUSE 24 THE 2S will there trying with me back customer bring the bac1c their parameters of then there come structure to trying then 20 issues outside 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Reason Change Juans responsibility Juan manager managers to is Change 14 No talked to is responsible havent havent 124 2008 talked hundreds of to service Clarification delivery for service customers delivery to No Clarification customers about TomorrowNow Change less 151 174 23 Change to welcome 176 Change Hutton 207 Change 219 245 to Change 14 to the above IF changes to Oracle Correction Correction Murquia to new Correction Hunt Correction renew Correction to or doesnt Signrej7 72687826.1 to Change 232 Subject McGee Change were 22 more to does or doesnt Correction IT i5erffy that Correction the transcript is true and correct ate CERTIFICATE WENDY ARLEN Reporter hereby foregoing deposition truth the said me by and therein witness said 11 computer review 14 requested 15 deponent 16 period the of to tell but are in the either attorney 19 deposition nor in 20 this that 21 parties and any any way the at of of typewriting the the by deposition was not made the reporter the by during the 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corporation INC Delaware TOMORROWNOW Texas corporation 150 inclusive and Defendants VIDEOTAPED DEPOSITION August HIGHLY REPORTED BY CONFIDENTIAL SARAH OF ATTORNEYS Merrill Legal DUGGAN 2009 LUCIA BRANN 800 PAUL CSR EYES 3887 ONLY 42l893 Solutions 8699132 f2f312ff-3d87-4268-a7b3-2b05efa96663 CUGGAN PAUL HIGHLY 2009 August EYES ATTORNEYS CONFIDENTIAL ONLY 23 Page Can 094305 094906 of one creating 94907 the describe you forecasts those NFL ALINDER Objection 0949.15 THE WITNESS Can 094916 MR DELAHUNTY 0941-3 in methodology and Vague ambiguous 094920 and 094925 these service support forecasts 094929 The How 10 forecasting 09493e 11 percentage 094945 12 use 094947 13 typically 094950 1-4 the 095003 15 09500 16 095006 17 responsible 095009 18 forecasts 095012 19 20 095019 21 sotne cases 095021 22 with that 095025 23 from quotation managers create of one zi1l th track sale Ogst14 the to refer you reptesentatives D493.4 to representatives that that clarify you in track date the our and OKS which conversations numbers in out standard How do those determine The the manager customer to and getting Is record Legal 800 the who likelihood rollup be of in the tracking purchase created and of are the closing representative wouid are reps creating or communications eventually Merrill forecasts sales system we there on of reporting individuals the slipport And based directors terms the between the those is renewals and for in likelihood system support verbal managers those to 25 to clcse of constant safes with and in contact cycle the customer order those Solutions 8699132 f2f31 2ff-3d874260-a7bS-2b05e1a96663 HIGHLY 113457 PAUL DUGGAN CONFIDENTIAL 2009 August ATTORNEYS EYES ONLY Whereupon 113457 concluded the at was deposition a.m 1124 oOo 113457 113457 declare 113457 foregoing 113457 under 5asI of is true and of perjury penalty correct Subscribed California kufrosi this the at -7 day 2009 _____ Paul Duggan 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 80 Merrill Legal Solutions 800 8699132 MerrillLegal Solutions FOR READING/CORRECTiNG INSTRUCTIONS To assist please them the changes directions br and below If read make insert the the line changes and/or number reference do not make any changes Please do NOT change After completing Main Street your Signature 4th FlOor you br testimony furnish sheet any errors or changes you wish to on the errata sheet by listing the page you wish corrections to on the face make of the transcript any of the questions review please sign the last page of the errata sheet above the line and return the Errata sheets to Men-ill Legal Solutions at 135 CA 94105 San Frndsco ERRATA Page your deposition find then the change and to DEPOSITION pages are necessary please of the errata corrections and Please designated If your transcript carefully corrections additional and attach the pages to the back Please and making in you follow YOUR or fax them to 415 357.4301 SHEET Line Change______________________________ Ff Reason IiE change Reason -rtF -ic_cl Change Reason 1m FO fj lZtS Page Line change Reason Ei iZ-tS4 i-r RtSk Po Change Reason tZ1 1/ jz Po Change Reason_______________________________________ Change Reason_____________________________________ Change Reason_______________________________________ Change Reason_____________________________________ Reason Change_______________________________________ to the above changes certify that the transcript is made certify that the transcript is ________ Subject _______ No changes have been signature true and correct true and correct date CERTIFICATE OF LUCIA BRANN SARAH certify that Reporter hereby foregoing deposition the truth whole REPORTER was the me by and truth Certified Shorthand witness in the sworn to tell duly but nothing the the truth in the time and within-entitled cause That shorthand place me by therein 10 witness 11 computer was said and thereafter That review 14 If 15 provided to 16 appended that the reduced direction my before 13 taken down disinterested person stated under 12 deposition was to and at the testimony of typewriting the said by supervision of the completion in deposition hereto of the requested 17 transcript any the changes reporter further made attorney 19 deposition nor in 20 this cause and that 21 parties either or any the the that.I of any was by during certify 18 for was the am not requested and deponent allowed period not parties of counsel to the in the event am to any of related or said way interested not are of the thereto DATED _______ 24 25 SARAH LUCIA BRANN CSR No 3887 From Sanabria Lori Sunday To patrioia.murguia@oraCle.COm Subject RE Attachments Hi 23 152 AM Sent update April Risk At 2006 Report 4-22-06xls Patricta lye updated have This the spreadsheet attached is the first lime for List and me so let roe know if you have any questions below it thanks ---Original From Sent To Message----- Patricia Friday Murguia April 21 914AM 2006 RE Subject Sn At Risk Report are added you to my distrtuon here was the latest UPDATE only show those tat ar in Ne9oUa1on ciao From Sent Len Sanabria Thursday At Subject Hi 20 AprIl To MURGUIA 2006 537 PM PATRICIA Risk Report Patricia Cart you please add me to your at risk report and also send me me the most recent report so that an update it thanks Lori Sanabria Sales Support ORACLE 4500 oracle Fax Line Urie supr sarylca Lane CA Peasanton Direct Representative 94586 9251694-5075 719/757-4220 email Global Confidential ori.sanabLQradQQrn Support Canter/Customer Care 1/800-477-5738 0RCL00012545

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