Oracle Corporation et al v. SAP AG et al

Filing 1201

Declaration of Tharan Gregory Lanier in Support of 1182 Statement Declaration of Tharan Gregory Lanier iso Joint Statement Regarding Exhibit Objections filed bySAP AG, SAP America Inc, Tomorrownow Inc. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1, # 2 Exhibit 2, # 3 Exhibit 3, # 4 Exhibit 4, # 5 Exhibit 5, # 6 Exhibit 6, # 7 Exhibit 7, # 8 Exhibit 8, # 9 Exhibit 9, # 10 Exhibit 10, # 11 Exhibit 11, # 12 Exhibit 12, # 13 Exhibit 13, # 14 Exhibit 14, # 15 Exhibit 15, # 16 Exhibit 16, # 17 Exhibit 17, # 18 Exhibit 18, # 19 Exhibit 19, # 20 Exhibit 20, # 21 Exhibit 21, # 22 Exhibit 22, # 23 Exhibit 23, # 24 Exhibit 24, # 25 Exhibit 25, # 26 Exhibit 26, # 27 Exhibit 27, # 28 Exhibit 28, # 29 Exhibit 29, # 30 Exhibit 30, # 31 Exhibit 31, # 32 Exhibit 32, # 33 Exhibit 33, # 34 Exhibit 34, # 35 Exhibit 35, # 36 Exhibit 36, # 37 Exhibit 37, # 38 Exhibit 38, # 39 Exhibit 39, # 40 Exhibit 40, # 41 Exhibit 41, # 42 Exhibit 42, # 43 Exhibit 43, # 44 Exhibit 44, # 45 Exhibit 45, # 46 Exhibit 46, # 47 Exhibit 47, # 48 Exhibit 48, # 49 Exhibit 49, # 50 Exhibit 50, # 51 Exhibit 51, # 52 Exhibit 52, # 53 Exhibit 53, # 54 Exhibit 54, # 55 Exhibit 55, # 56 Exhibit 56, # 57 Exhibit 57, # 58 Exhibit 58, # 59 Exhibit 59)(Related document(s) 1182 ) (Froyd, Jane) (Filed on 8/2/2012)

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EXHIBIT 19 sII5 Watz Tracy-LAW From gewa Pickedrig Sent To Trent Subject RE FW Cathy It Octoor Thursda not iDE TomorrowNow hi appear jawer deactryoted go Jn Suppoa Mairnetianco Jim ann does 517 PM 2005 21 Dock Gathyt be to we the are or maintenance of much evAn th result ha the ooa we we goIng We riad make detsEoo with if to trangiffiflon ilm have to 9Dm9 cost at need Wiio PesI the Is no erisurs at the loss JUE the 35052 cnmpIo to to any if Oracle mainutom at Now we Tomorrow byeaflyNoventher thIs determine oppoflniW ot and conwact cn flcefles and do be Now Tomorrow the CfOVemQe Bethna Moge CS ...On1gicm FronltTrent Sent Wednesthy Probably RV RE sublet riot pi Othna JO Mnance TomormwNow sice we ml 2005 Octoor To Ecdc Jim Pickelng 10% Inomase 2U05 rojeUng are Suppart 616 over ne$ the Or year so alginal Message Promt To Bodc Jim Wcdnay sent Trert FW Subject- th Aithoufib slight JOE Thrr.orrowflow Mahitenari has schedule th JOE at PM Uewna plemeritaOon reduccn user base been not 200 SUpkxlTt in if finalized Europe In Heflit goes remainder of JDE E%rope 496 The would there be would useis be 3007 convened in Notsura this creates ClgIu Ieueragawennad lie Message cty Winday October05 Ftom Tren Sent Tg Betthm RE Subject am 05 October PIorflq Cathy riot Slice equt TorpcrowNow liv as 2005 343 PM BOdJI1n JOE of deptoymeot lo r1ntorance SAP We Support wifl corinue userstoJDE unI acid The SAP out rolled Jill1 Do you have From P4eirlg Seit Wednesday Subjeth pieces oe moilng bI JD1 Message OrighiS T0 Tmnt what tdrwhen IthietLrw Cathy Re FW Bettina Ocober Bocic 2005 37 PM JThi TomorrowNuw IDE Manance Support AM0285 5/28/2009 TN-Confidential nformatjon UNfrel NORTHERN STATES CsNo 4G1-cv-0t658 TWFENTANT flare COURT OP CALiFORNIA DISThICt DISTRICt Exhibit PJII/E Ne A-5002-l Admi _________________ By fttoie ttuenmn Ocpoty Cink Page2of4 Cathy and Jim spoke with Oracle TomorrowNow to their of next into looking One way to sell With maintenance selling price but it and beyond price year for JDE to be more competitive with support we need to gather some data to help them sell that price decrease was to look at how many users would their lowering are management decrease chance about They this information decrease was Oracle Can either of thinking was it help with you their best estimating this information Bettina Message-- -OrigInal From Trent Cathy Sent Tuesday To Bock think European TomorrowNow TomorrowNow with Oracle the is it 06 2005 933 PM Bethna Pickering AN RE Subject spoke September Jim JOE and they also spoke with fine Support seem actually choice right also he was presence Maintenance to with more provide and service since than have it Pieter they Message- ---Original From Bock Jim Sent Tuesday September 06 2005 602 PM To Pickering Cathy able to are close be to appears equivalent you Cathy TomorrowNow confirm Bettina do any now this Trent Bettina FW RE Subject JDE the service enough further diligence to Maitenance right levels choice market this any downside without Were you Bob with on TomorrowNow Support to know if competitors It is worth before the energy to we commit Thanks Jim Message -Original From Pickering Bett.ina Sent Thursday To Jim Trent Bock FW FW Subject FYI until Jim looks it From Pickering so you described TN-ConfidentIal Information could still JOE sign Maitenance up Support early but would not be billed Stephens@tomorrownow.comj September 01 2005 1128 AM Bettina TomorrowNow JOE Maitenance Support Bettina Just 5/28/2009 we Stephens Re FW Subject In TomorrowNow like AM Message Bob Sent Thursday Hi 01 2005 1130 Cathy 1/1/06 Original To September to response know was her the to your also nature contacted of our quesflons this though not morning by Cathy Trent and and processes services in the order in which you asked AM0286 Page3of4 Since maintenance your for potential slight approximately that time to current its to assist software probem would be Their billed no is contract and interact and actual if with up with our services to above you pay execute to waiting on The Amgen could comfort each are that they used other the benefits to the are which until required not renewing already that period during with being is time 30-day in the supported no at to to the expiration prior Oracle give that they effective cost to would payment Amgen 1/1/06 contract be not with we would have and Immediately to way TomorrowNow in this helps for Feel free any to your would have been issues impacted dients contact resolved by the anticipated me any with and apply you year-end other rush questions you have Best signed based period new might for applied any subsequent we had to custom and have 30 days support be not potential Hopefully you comfortibe support annual would by delayed or problem written notice knowledge would begin feel Oracle with advance All be fixes available 1/1/06 11/30/05 through would Support Your 2005 have not use would existing up sooner are signing Any in effectIve We any though is we dont have if transition this could there 12/31/05 levels downloading that might previously requirement up in doing it the for prepare fixed expires service in versions was when of legardless would be date that fix Oracle Amgen Without reasons develop to 30-days period various with degradation wishes Bob Bob Stephens Senior Account Executive EnterpriseOne and World TomorrowNow Inc Tel 239 390-7670 Gel 979 Solutions 571-8702 iIckerlng bettlflapflgefl.COm Bettina To BobStepheiistomn cc 0910112005 0154 FW Subject TomorrowNow Bob left as 5/28/2009 TN-Confidential Information you signing awn on up this early as other well but than it please help us understand helps them smooth out the value proposition demand AM0287 JOE Page4of4 We ke would which expense we If wait renewal early need do if could 2006 until our in degrade cant we the we to we book pay in off but the 2006 2005 Do clarify if dont understand maintenance as 2005 in payment require you the 2006 if 2005 in sign up we lore In addition particulars service you levels please we if dont we would take advantage of experience this early any renewal offer Bettina Message Original From Bob Stephens Senb Tuesday To August 30 2005 133 PM TomorrowNow Subject JDE Maitenance Support Hi Bettina You said to early to back get begin savings with your migration full in evaluting our Let our support to will SAP is in late support exceed August/early services in September detail $300000/year Is Amgens for each it year complete wishes Bob Bob Stephens Senior Account Executive EnterpriseOne arid TomorrowNow Cot bob TN-Confidential Information Solutions Inc Tel 5/28/2009 World 239 979 still annual me know Best touch 390-7670 571-8702 AM0288 until too BINGHAM MCCUTCHEN LLP DONN PICKETT SEN 72257 donn.pickettbinghai1ieotn GEOFFREY HOWARD S.N 157468 geoff HOLLY HOUSE SBN 136045 ZACHARY ALINDER SBN 209009 BREE Three HANN SBN Embarcadero 215695 breeiiannbinghantcom Center CA 941 11-4067 415 393-2000 415 39.3-2286 San Francisco Telephone Facsimile BARG SBN 60230 j.fb@bcltiaw.eorn MARCO QUAZZO SEN 142182 CHRISTOPH ERD JENSEN SBN 235108 JOHN BARG COFFIN TRAP LEWIS LLP 350 California Street 22nd Floor San Francisco CA 94104-1435 415 228-5400 415 228-5450 Telephone 10 ii 12 Facsimile DOREAN DALEY SBN 129049 JENNIFER GLOSS SBN 154227 ORACLE CORPORATION 500 13 Oracle Redwood Facsimile 15 Attorneys Oracle 94070 650 650 Telephone 14 CA for 506-4846 506-7114 USA Oracle Plaintiffs Corp Systems MIS Sop7 Parkway City Inc EMEA Ltd Oracle Oracle and Intematioia1 Co.rp J.D Edwards Europe Ltd 16 17 UNITED STATES 18 NORTHERN 21 22 23 DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA SAN FRANCISCO 19 20 COURT DISTRICT Colorado ORACLE USA INC corporation ORACLE INTERNATiONAL CORP California ORACLE SYSTEMS corporation Delaware ORACLE CORP corporation EMEA LTD an Irish private limited and iii EDWARDS EUROPE company LTD. an Irish 24 private limited Case No 07-C V-01 658 Before Hon CompIaiit Filed March PJH EPT Philis Hamilton 22 2007 DECLARATION OF CUSTODIAN OF RECORDS OF AMGEN INC company Plaintiffs 25 SAP 26 27 AG German corporation SAP iNC Delaware corporation TOMORRO\VNOW INC Texas AivIERICA corporation and DOES 1-50 inclusive Defendants 28 .. DECLARA1i U.S D.C CeN OF CUSTOIMAN Civ OF RFCORDS OF INC. O7.CV.lSPJtJEDLj 640052.1 DECLARATION OF CUSTODIAN Sheila Martin declare am All declaration as follows the over OF RECORDS made statements of age in 18 and declaration this to competent testit upon my based are the to facts stated in personaJ and knowledge Records this Management belief am Amgen Inc California currently Amgen am and ii for 12 Procedure 13 AG authorized 14 Northern issued Case No District near the copies business Executive Director address Entcprise One Amgen is Center Thousand Drive at Oaks certify such by records Documents Things served on Arngen 2009 in the matter and plaintiffs 07-CV-Ol 658 of the following custodian authorized on June EDL P31-I produced in the pending in described business to response USA of Oracle United Subpoena Federal Rule to pursuant Civil records States inc et of SAP al Court District Civil th for of California The 15 17 to 45 al complete the duly of Documents Production et my as 799 9320-1 am io and employed documents produced and prepared time of the events in by Amgens recorded to response in personnel subpoena are true plaintiffs the ordinary The documents are Bates course of their and correct duties at or AM000I -AM0879 labeled as United States 18 declare under 19 20 true 21 and eorrct and penalty that this of perjury under declaration the executed laws the Thousand Oaks that 23 California the Ibregoing on August is 24 2009 is at of By SHEILA MARTIN 24 25 26 27 28 Tc.rr O1tCLARtT1ON OF CUSTOIM AN OP IECORDS OF AMGEN INC SD.C.CaeN.Civ.G7-CV4t655P3HEOL M0052..l BINGHAM MCCUTCHEN DONN PICKEfF SBN LLP 72257 HOWARD HOUSE SBN GEOFFREY SBN 157468 HOLLY 136045 ZACHARY ALINDER SBN 209009 BREE HANN SBN 215695 Three Embarcadero Center CA 94111-4067 415 393-2000 415 393-2286 San Francisco Telephone Facsimile BARG SBN 60230 MARCO QUAZZO SBN 142182 JOHN CHRISTOPHER BARG 350 JENSEN SBN 235108 LEWIS TRAPP LLP COFFIN California 22nd Street San Francisco California 415 228-5400 415 228-5450 Telephone 10 Floor 94104-1435 Facsimile 12 DORIAN DALEY SBN 129049 JENNIFER GLOSS SBN 154227 ORACLE CORPORATION 13 Redwood ii 500 Parkway M/S Oracle City Telephone 14 Facsimile is Attorneys Oracle for CA 650 650 506-4846 506-7114 Oracle Plaintiffs Systems .5op7 94070 Corp Oracle USA Inc Oracle International EMEA Ltd and J.D Edwards Corp Europe Ltd 16 UNITED STATES DISTRICT 17 NORTHERN 18 DISTRICT COURT OF CALIFORNIA SAN FRANCISCO 19 21 22 ORACLE USA INC Colorado corporation ORACLE INTERNATIONAL CORP California corporation ORACLE SYSTEMS Case CORP 20 Complaint Filed REVISED NOTICE EMEA Delaware LTD an Irish company and J.D 23 LTD an Irish corporation private limited PJH 07-C V-01658 Hon Before EDL Phyllis Hamilton March 22 2007 limited EDWARDS private ORACLE No EUROPE company OF SUBPOENA OF AMGEN INC FOR THE PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS 24 Plaintiffs __________________________________________ 25 SAP AG German corporation 26 AMERICA INC 27 corporation Delaware TOMORROWNOW INC BRG1 and 28 DOES SAP corporation Texas 1-50 inclusive Defendants COFFIN Lw1s NOTICE OF U.S.D.C Case SUBPOENA FOR THE PRODUCTION No Civ 07-C V-01658 PJH OF DOCUMENTS EDL 612017.2 TO ALL PARTIES AND THEIR ATTORNEYS PLEASE TAKE NOTICE of Civil Amgen Procedure 350 California the documents DATED Street 22nd described May 20 in Inc on June that shall Floor OF produce 2009 at the to the offices 94104 subpoena served JOHN 2009 to pursuant CA San Francisco Exhibit RECORD of Rule 45 of the Federal Coffin Barg number telephone with Lewis this Rules Trapp 415 LLP 228-5400 notice BARG MARCO QUAZZO CHRISTOPHER JENSEN BARG COFFTN LEWIS TRAPP LLP By 10 1sf 11 Jensen Christopher Attorneys for International EMEA Ltd Plaintiffs Corp and Oracle USA Inc Oracle Systems Corp Oracle J.D Edwards Europe Ltd Oracle 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 MPG ComM LEWIS Tjtpp 28 NOTICE OF U.S.D.C Case SUBPOENA No Civ FOR THE PRODUCTION 07-Cv-01658 PJH OF DOCUMENTS EDL 612017.2 Rev wAOSS I2/07Suboocnu Civil in case Issued by the UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT Central USA INC ORACLE et of District California al SUBPOENA SAP AG Delaware German SAP AMERICA INC INC Texas corp Corp Number MISC Case TOMORROWNOW corp CIVIL CASE IN 07-CV-1658 United TO AMGEN do Eric INC McDermott Los Northern Esq Levinrad 2049 Emery Will Angeles San in PLACE above the Suite East District Francisco to the in appear States United District court the at place date and time PLACE OF AND TIME to appear the at place and time date below specified to testify DATE YOU ARE COMMANDED date and SEE EXHIBIT time to produce and below specified list Trapp LLP 350 CA 94104-1435 Coffin Lewis Barg San Francisco YOU ARE COMMANDED permit or and copying inspection documents not organization or to permit managing party agents or to California 22nd Street of the onii of the this suit FE that DATEAND Floor premises following Federal consent Rule 1SSUG to 94104-1435 of Civil Procedure DTITLEINDICATEtFATTORNEY ER7%IGNATURE NAME DRESS Jensen Tel 415- arg or objects at the 28-5411 to district other than TIME 930 at the date and time its of deposition behalt and may shall set designate forth below specified one each or more person officers designated 30b6 DATE FORPLAINTIFFORDEFENDANT for for 5/20/2009 Plaintiffs Lewis LLP Trapp 350 California Street 22nd E-mail district Federal olsuance RnIe of state Civil district Procedure under case 45 number and on nexi page Floor am AND TIME AND PHONE NUMBER Coffin See pending on testify thrson wilIli FICERS Christopher the taking for subpoenaed is who Attorney actton documents following 6/1/2009 inspection othpersons matters ISSUING deposition AND TIME DATE Any of taking objects PREMISES directors the attached PLACE If at case DEPOSITION place to COURTROOM YOU ARE COMMANDED above below specified case OF TESTIMONY in the California Division 3800 DATE LI of in Pending Court District CA 90067-3208 YOU ARE COMMANDED testify Park Century EDL PJH States San Francisco CA the BINGHAM MCCUTCHEN DONN PICKETT SBN LLP 72257 SBN 157468 HOWARD GEOFFREY HOLLY HOUSE SBN 136045 ALINDER SBN 209009 ZACHARY BREE HANN SBN 215695 bree.hann@ Three Embarcadero Center CA 94111-4067 415 393-2000 415 393-2286 San Francisco Telephone Facsimile BARG SBN 60230 MARCO QUAZZO SBN 142182 JOHN CHRISTOPHER JENSEN SBN 235108 BARG COFFIN LEWIS TRAPP LLP 350 California 10 11 12 Telephone Facsimile Floor 94104-1435 California 415 415 228-5400 228-5450 DORIAN DALEY SBN 129049 JENNIFER GLOSS SBN 154227 jennifer.gloss ORACLE CORPORATION 500 Parkway M/S Oracle 13 Redwood 14 Telephone Facsimile 15 22nd Street San Francisco cdj Attorneys Oracle City for CA 650 650 506-4846 506-7114 USA Oracle Plaintiffs Systems 5op7 94070 Corp Oracle International Inc EMEA Ltd Oracle and Corp J.D Edwards Europe Ltd 16 17 Issued by the 18 UNITED CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 19 20 STATES DISTRICT COURT ORACLE USA INC. Colorado corporation et CASE NO 07-C V-1658 PJH EDL al. 21 Pending Plaintiffs 22 23 SAP AG German AMERICA INC 24 corporation Delaware TOMORROWNOW and DOES in UNITED STATES DISTRICT NORTHERN DISTRICT OF INC. SAP COURT SAN FRANCISCO DIVISION corporation Texas corporation 1-50 inclusive Defendants TO THE SUPOENA FOR THE PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS TO AMGEN INC EXHIBIT 26 Production 27 28 BAJtG Coff IN LEWIs TItAJl Date May 18 2009 TO SIJPOENA FOR THE PRODUCTION FXIIIBIT U.S.DC Case No Ov 07-C V-Q1 658 Pifi OF DOCLMFNTS EDL 612005.2 TO SUBPOENA TO PRODUCE DOCUMENTS EXHIBIT TO AMGEN INC PLEASE TAKE NOTICE Procedure within produce method LLP 350 California 10 possession 11 inspect or data and control copies or create copies Unless otherwise The 16 Inc 17 successors 18 others 20 including and all of all and 23 assigns of Tipp purporting definitions term herein and/or its Lewis 415-228- agreed that by upon are Your in to representatives shall each to apply of the Requests and recorded to act Oracle and on case and and behalf and means current all and or under affiliates the all include all affiliates administrators and independent term TommorowNow Texas party Amgen divisions officers other non directors employees or persons organizations of each control predecessors of the foregoing contractors includes thereof means and corporation term Documents computerized all plaintiffs Oracle divisions all third-party current USA Inc et all predecessors successors software and No Ov 07-CV-0I658 PJH means and includes electronic TO SUPOENA FOR THE PRODUCTION EXHIBIT foregoing mean and and former services support all divisions provider predecessors assigns thereof The U.S.D.C the Your each of the foregoing TomorrowNow Inc typed of and subsidiaries accountants former subsidiaries The 27 each of former temporary employees 24 successors and attorneys The current You Arngen current assigns or acting 22 LWIs its and 21 28 maybe mutually as Oracle permit Tel 94104-1435 Inc recognized Coffin Barg Civil such inspection the following indicated terms agents consultants 19 BAJ1G CA of Amgen other by Jensen described things or Rules that request mail Christopher place Federal below 15 26 and the DEFINITIONS 13 25 for U.S San Francisco thereby of originals 12 14 to of Oracle the in such timeand at 45 collectively Floor electronic andlor custody al documents 22nd Street 930 a.m. at et such delivery direct documents the parties Inc Rule to pursuant depositing and service 5411 on June 12009 the by district its of courier Trapp USA Oracle plaintiffs THAT taped graphic without or other limitation matter in written whatever printed form OF DOCUMENTS EDL 612005.2 whether final in or writings Documents of of writings records data 11 image 12 orders 13 computations 14 chemical 15 jottings on or computer invoices and 18 reflecting or agents representatives 25 call 26 between 27 1W1G including or another by electronic network media such LEWIS ro files Evidence and other insertions notations reports email telephone hard drives backup on or each or original correspondence cards data document printouts books hardware ledgers journals summaries compilations worksheets films drawings tape or phonographic the voicemail tapes disks and as records digital chance Related Concern Relating evidencing discussing means government connection charts or digital or transcripts drafts any natural or agency the matter Concerning mean organization of referencing discussed corporation company person other or to consisting pertaining with at cognizable partnership law and its and employees term Communication including or without any telephone prearranged two or more Persons means any transmission limitation any of call formal whether between or or not two informal such contact the or any Persons any whether conversation was by chance from information following more and of or one Document or not or such meeting prearranged formal informal 28 The term Customer Connection means COFFIN TRAPP or logs data activity from containing messages spreadsheets software Relate Person any e-mail was records of original the to respect any presentations entity The 24 and limited constitute that Procedure of Civil to copies graphic term 21 to in variations minutes having any logical or factual firm association Person differs diagrams describing 20 23 other video Rules not is statements tel-ms The 22 that but checks photographs constituting 19 includes copy storage things of the Federal 1001 vouchers charts The about Rule of and materials all notes 16 17 to as but not limited databases bills process such diaries web pages files any limited 34 of the Federal Rules further logs computer removable not meaning Rule notes or any calendars 10 the of meaning including marginal memoranda within Documents the corrections message the but including Documentss term any versions draft recordings within The copy or TO SLTPOENA EXHIBIT U.S.D.C Case No Ov FOR THE PRODUCTION 07-cV-01658 PJH any Oracle-maintained support website OF DOCUMENTS EDL 612005.2 And Software associated server for E-Delivery including associated with those including The term Download whole or in connected infrastructure 10 The and programs 11 entire 12 Documents 13 code all of family and 11 or subject fixes documentation term 14 study alter manipulate 15 otherwise And with physical identifiable things from information network that or replication transfer is of part outside an in source Persons another Related and/or Siebel to and code And or copy without Oracle any fixes limitation materials branded Systems Software to means and all and updates means Materials whole replicatein the across products patches Support all or in to partor with interact INSTRUCTIONS 17 With 18 excludable 19 on the Document 20 positions 21 received 22 recipients 23 the 24 revealing 25 and character from and said respect discovery Document the information of the With the 28 redacted of occupations responsive those including for material is identified all Ce No civ 07-CV-Q1 658 PJH authors withheld in the of and prepared Document or the size to claimed the date and and bcc volume of or quantity Document the general including and titles reproduced recipients the identify appearing numbers produced cc or otherwise without matter subject memorandum notes Document portion date addresses telephone sufficient is immune privileged senders recipients the privilege letter is preparation who individuals that the You contend Document in is privileged only in part produce form provided redacted and the basis for the claim of privilege TO SUPOENA FOR THE PRODUCTION EXHIBIT known last which to non-privileged and description Document e.g respect Documents iv and COFFIN USD.C present You contend that the provide ii the name Document withheld 27 Document to iii the number of pages 26 LEwls all Assistant copying Materials distribute reverse-engineer software or tangible and control reference 16 BAJtG or such programs concerning Use server customers Systems hardware Change other updates Edwards other via Support and data any or Persons that patches ID PeopleSoft The to Software term data computer to Siebel any duplication Document file any the internet through computer 10 of part and available means and Documents addresses protocol website the Edwards Materials Support internet locations JD PeopleSoft is stated in that accordance the with OF DOCUMENTS EDL 612005.2 number Instruction above Document once If Your in longer details possession the concerning ustodian present of The as necessary might otherwise _5 11 12 not limited construed as term to each gender as in each 19 case Documents All is state address of the the the following disjunctively Requests all and conjunctively which information as includes and any the plural be shall and vice versa construed and all and as including each the term shall but be be shall construed to refer the to masculine feminine or neuter shall be the specified from January relevant 2005 to time for Your constituting and period to response these June 30 2008 FOR PRODUCTION between You and TomorrowNow PeopleSoft Siebel and/or Systems JD Edwards Concerning Software And Support Materials ii system logs manifests 24 iii records Siebel Oracle PeopleSoft received COFFIN U.S.flC.CaseNo Civ logs application-level spreadsheets and development Materials 28 proxy logs reports network Relating logs to such scripts Software Materials TomorrowNows PeopleSoft iv web database And Support 26 BG and title no is most inclusive Commimications Oracle 23 27 Document and the name otherwise REOUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.1 21 25 the or scope. construed REOUESTS 20 22 identify be construed comprehensive be destroyed and every 17 18 of or You to shall their shall form of any word is shall Unless otherwise requested outside including any or as the scope of the singular term the be to Any pronoun 15 16 use welt as within bring be construed The 13 14 to The 10 and terms lost including known if been You Document such Document any such order in of has or control custody loss but existed Systems Siebel of Software Support Materials for Oracle JD Edwards software and and/or Systems by provided and to and/or JD Edwards Downloaded by You Software from And Support TomorrowNow 07-CV-Qlo5SpJHpDi 612005.2 made or otherwise servers available You from TornorrowNow to REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.2 Documents All Your Materials by Communications internal Your for and You installation the Concerning of ii local TomorrowNow And Software software environments made remote software or and JD Edwards PeopleSoft Siebel Systems andlor Oracle TommorowNow between Communications any including and Support environment available You to by TomorrowNow REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.3 All Documents and Communications 10 Communications 11 TomorrowNow 12 andlor 13 marketing materials 14 PeopleSoft 15 TomorrowNow 16 JD Your as Edwards Siebel All Your Concerning software branded provided and Your internal Your Concerning Documents and existing software Communications or 19 representations 20 and 21 Documents and 22 and software Siebel PeopleSoft to Relating or actual any proposed products applications You by TomorrowNow JD Edwards of Oracles for software enterprise to or negotiation provider support and/or Systems consideration 18 use Systems including services support of any for Oracle from ii any Communications contracts or showing constituting considered any proposed REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.5 actual ii 23 of licensing all All Relating past or authorizationin 25 Software And software proposed contracts licenses policies Related incorporated and any way TomorrowNow from considered to present Documents 24 Communications or mannerfor Support Materials to requests 27 or or including agreed-upon and on behalf of Connection or contractual and of software any licensing conditions Your TomorrowNow to terms ordering TomorrowNow from Concerning including or negotiations services terms agreements constituting from Customer 26 permission Use but not or 28 All Documents for the provision and Communications EXHIBIT U.S.D.C TO SUPOENA FOR THE PRODUCTION Case No Civ 07-CV-0165g PJH OF of login identifications constituting and credentials limited Concerning or or Download to any REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.6 by TomorrowNow COFFIN LEWIS You and TmorrowNow REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.4 17 ARG between passwords TomorrowNows DOCUMENTS EDL 612005.2 You that request media installation Edwards Siebel All JD or code in in part as party reasonable 16 subpoena 17 impose 18 include but The 20 21 things 22 inspection is 26 27 BJtG LEwls 28 serve all stored which lost to the the to Case OF and TomorrowNow and Software branded software You to products selling No civ this Support application or others PROCEDURE CIVIL of Procedure Civil provides in appear or information sampling attorney designated in the materials the at or such time the or inspection form or forms requested that duty this and which sanction copying may of place or testing Documents commanded 14 in to subject or tangible production or trial within if shall fee papers person may compliance enforce inspection person rule this shall attorneys hearing for specified or Of person appropriate permit subpoena on issued an of service expense was duty and and information books not d2 or reasonable appear for deposition of the designated 07-CV-01655 of produce stored testing party burden subpoena and to need paragraph time undue breach in TO SUPOENA FOR THE PRODUCTION EXHIBIT Use to PeopleSoft or You between for the issuance the earnings premises copying upon of electronically commanded before any or electronically USD.C material for any Oracle JD 45 of the Federal Rules responsible commanded of inspection or to person inspection producing Rule that or attorney Subject service services imposing behalf not limited unless subpoena or Subject to Subpoenas avoid on designated 23 permit code source applications actions andlor Systems providing attorney to the party sampling of 25 Siebel andIor plans OF THE FEDERAL RULES or an court 2A or software with assigns E-Delivery Communications efforts with 45 steps upon 19 or agents follows 14 24 connection Protection of Persons take its or Oracle devices any PLEASE TAKE NOTICE 13 15 Edwards RULE 11 of any PeopleSoft branded including TomorrowNows 10 12 electronic and/or Systems Documents Concerning source CDs via or FOR PRODUCTION NO.7 REQUEST Materials TomorrowNow provide days is of the If after less subpoena to service than 14 written premises objection -- is or and produce of days the after objection to made to producing the party OF DOCUMENTS Pm EDL 612005.2 the serving the subpoena premises except commanded copying or an of at to order to resulting the may notice the issued the to production who any person protect or inspect was subpoena upon compel to shall compel from significant expense party order the materials sample which by subpoena time for an any an the serving test or copy inspect of the court order party sampling Such or testing the move produce to officer made an to pursuant been has objection be entitled not shall from the inspection If person inspection not is party testing or quash copying or sampling commanded 3A the modify On subpoena 10 ii 12 more than 13 business 14 15 in in which the not at or the request 28 to attend to or affected subpoena travel trial not is where to subject person that FXHIBIT officer resides person the provisions to of privileged of party to travel c3Biii of from any such place travel to or regularly employed is of clause or other undue to this place transacts such rule within the state and no matter protected exception or burden of trade disclosure requires of events an secret unretained in dispute or occurrences or other confidential research and experts resulting or opinion from the of party information experts study not made any party or more than issued of person 100 miles quash shows who to or is not attend modify substantial need party trial the TO SIPOENA FOR THE PRODUCTION or an officer the court subpoena for COFFIN TRAPP or an party commanded be disclosure by the subpoena is time for compliance who disclosure iii requires expense shall commercial information or specific 25 issued subpoena ii 24 LG that requires describing 27 person subjects 20 23 was subpoena or BIf 22 which by held trial is iv development court reasonable from the place order in waiver applies 19 26 allow iii requires 18 21 to person except may person the it requires 100 miles 16 17 if fails 11 motion timely the may or if testimony to the or to protect party incur person in material substantial to subject whose behalf the that cannot be OF DOCUMENTS USDCCaseNoCivM7-CV-OI65SPJIEDL 612005.2 otherwise met addressed will be undue without Duties in Responding lA are kept they the usual course the in which the person information 13 stored 15 undue 16 discovery 17 of 18 from 19 26b2C burden undue 21 sources or subject 22 be 23 produced to if by that If privilege 26 any 27 party 28 and or of that party must may EXHIBIT US.D.C as received the person No only civ them produce to as with correspond is as shows conditions the the o7-cv-o1658 sequester Pill electronically usable need not the information same the produce not provide or to the court cause good electronically is withheld documents material of the the information to until the the order of whom because discovery limitations the the basis the claim is that communications person specified claim it is be made expressly shall the subpoena claim and or destroy from person nonetheless on contest to party in response the because Rule of discovery of demanding accessible considering the claim the electronically reasonably accessible may materials nature quash not is of discovery not reasonably as sought for the trial-preparation or disclose producing form or need subpoena to produced the information return for form or forms that are reasonably in made party enable to forms or discovery is TO SLPOThA FOR THE PRODUCTION Case production is in identifies compel to subject of or subpoena trial-preparation information protection use shall them label must produce subpoena showing specify information it the information that that description promptly not may sufficient is that the requesting protection supported 25 TRAPP if The court 24 LrV1s cost or 2A When 20 CoffiN show form subpoena maintains to On motion must sought burden such subpoena form responding cost or and organize the specify to one from sources information is or appearance documents produce to shall or to responding person 14 ordinarily more than in not responding person person stored subpoena of business does subpoena 11 12 order may the demand stored iiiformation in to responding if forms court whom to person Subpoena to person in the categories 10 the compensated reasonably the that assures conditions specified upon and hardship or privileged and shall not things claim that making is subject the for it After information resolved and to claim of claim may notify being notified any copies receiving it party has may OF DOCUMENTS EDL 612005.2 promptly receiving party the information present disclosed The retrieve it claim to the court the information who under before notified DATED May 20 produced must information it of must take reasonable information If the steps to until the BARG JOHN 2009 preserve the the claim resolved is person the being determination for seal MARCO QUAZZO CHRISTOPHER BARG By COFFIN Jensen /s/Christoher Attorneys 10 JENSEN LEWIS TRAPP LLP for International EMEA Ltd Plaintiffs Corp Oracle USA Inc Oracle Systems Corp Oracle and J.D Edwards Europe Ltd Oracle 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 BARG 28 CoffiN LEWIS _________ TO SUPOENA FOR THE PRODUCTION EXIHBIT U.SD.C Case No civ o7-cv-o1655 PJH OF DOCUMENTS 10 DL 612005.2 McDermott Emery Will Boston Brussela Munich New Strategic alliance June 26 London Houston Rome County Orange with VIA U.S San Los Angeles Stems Diego VeINY Mtami Milan Eric Levinrad elavmnradCmwe.cocn D.C Wasthoglon 13105519370 MWE ClrŁna Law Shanghai Offices 2009 MAIL Jensen Christopher Barg Dsseldorf Chicago York Lewis Coffin Trapp LLP 22nd 350 California Street Floor San Francisco CA Re Inc.s Response Amgen 94010-1435 to Subpoena Oracle USA Inc SAP et AG et al Dear Chris Enclosed Arngen If find please Inc.s you have Amgen to Response any questions Inc.s production Subpoena feel please and documents Amgen Incs free to contact Bates privilege labeled AM0001 AM0879 log me ScerelYg/ Eric Levinrad Enclosures cc Donn Pickett Dorian Daley LAS99 US 2049 and privilege log only response response and privilege log only 1735456-1.041925.0129 practice Century conducted Park through East Suite McDermott WlR 3800 Angeles Los Emery California 90067-3208 Telephone 310.2774110 Facsimile 310.2774730 AMGEN INC LOG PRIVILEGE Privilege Number Bates Number From CC Recipient Date Sent NA DiPrizio Vito Rawles Lee Betiria Pickenng Miciano Zeverly Jane Pickering Betina Jane Pickering Betina 12/1/05 1105 AM house DiPrizio Vito Davis Kimberly Betina Pickering Confidential house 12/1/05_1122AM NA Rawles Vito Lee 12/1/05 942AM house Rawles DiPrizio Lee Pickering Betina Jane Zeverly 12/13/05 1111 AM Betina Vito DiPnzio Vito Rawles Lee Attorney-Client communication DiPrizio Vito outside Zeverly Jane DiPrizio Vito Zeverly Jane 12/1 440 3/05 PM outside NA DiPrizio Vito Pickenng Betina 933AM 12/15/05 outside Rawles NA Pickering Betina Attorney communication Betina Pickering 1050 12/2/2005 AM house Lee 446 12/5/2005 PM outside Vito RawlesLeej 12 AM0136 Lee Wilfred Williams Mike A1v10136 Williams Mike Lee Wilfred Hieu I-lieu PM 12/5/20055.20 5/2/2006 1020 AM house 5/2/2006 1041 AM house 14 AM0133 NA NA NA with jieyClientPnvilege with in- with in- NA Attorney-Client counsel with AMO13I-AM0132 Bates Privilege Attorney-Client Privilege ri with in- ______ email Privilege ______ with counsel communication Privilege Attorney-Client communication Attorney-Client with ________ communication Privilege Attorney-Client communication Privilege Attorney-Client communication to Privilege with counsel Attachment Privilege Attorney-Client communication counsel Confidential Pickering Bettina outside Pnvilege Attorney-Client communication counsel Confidential Pickering Bettina Le 13 Satins Pickering Le Client Privilege with counsel 12/2/2005 ________________ DiPrizio Privilege in- counsel idential 11 with counsel Confidential 10 Privilege in- counsel Confidential Confidential NA with Attorney-Client communication Jidentialcommunication NA Client in- counsel Confidential AM0879 with ________ Pickering DiPrizio communication counsel Confidential NA Attorney counsel.1 Confidential NA Privilege Miguel Vito DiPrizio Zeverly for with counsel Confidential Davis Kimberly Miciano NA outside communication Miguel DiPrizio Vito NA 1639 12/13/2005 Basis Description Confidential numbered Amgen Confidential Information Financial SAN FRANCISCO Calendar and Received ERIC LEVINRAD Bar State No Dates 169025 McDER1OTT 2049 Century Los Angeles Telephone Court to be Services 292009 June Entered _________________ EMERY WILL LLP ____________ Park East Suite 3800 CA 90067-3218 310 277 4110 ______________ 310 277 4730 Facsimile atrocesed____________ Received Attorney for via BoxlFax/ECE Third Party Witness AMGEN INC Proccssed Issued by bythe COURT UNITED STATES DISTRICT CENTRAL DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA 10 11 12 ORACLE USA INC corporation et Colorado al 13 Court Northern San Francisco Plaintiffs 14 SAP AMGEN AG German corporation SAP AffiRICA INC Delaware corporation TOMORROWNOW 17 in United District Division of States corporation 18 and INC DOES INC.S SUBPOENA Texas 1-50 inclusive Defendants 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 LAS99 i73392S-I.O4I925.O12 AMOEN INC.S RESPONSE TO SUBPOENA Distnct California Case No 07-CV- 1658PJHEDL 15- 16 CASE NO Misc ACTION Pending RESPONSE TO PARTY PROPOUNDING RESPONDING PARTY ONE Nos Pursuant to Rule Amgen hereby Plaintiff Subpena 45 of the Federal and objects Production 1-7 of Rules to responds set forth in USA ORACLE of documents Exhibit AMGEN INC Procedure Civil Plaintiff the production requesting for Requests specific AMGEN INC THIRD PARTY WITNESS NUMBER SET ORACLE USA INC PLAINTIFF to the INC.s Oracle and by Amgen the to Requests Subpoena or as follows GENERAL OBJECTIONS The 10 11 Requests 12 forth 13 as general objections and following by Oracle and propounded No below specific waiver constituting 14 Amgen 15 to 16 archival 17 and 18 objection are is hereby intended of any general to objects statements apply to each within incorporated to each set response should not be construed and constitute of the particular objection the Requests to the extent they purport to require Amgen which provides documents produce which sources databases cost This objection 19 The 20 electronically 21 not reasonably 22 23 information 24 confidential 25 obligations 27 Procedure 28 by LAS99 the different and Federal the to the Requests that contain and/or private from or in excess of Civil need not provide that the to the or of undue discovery burden 45dl Procedure of person identifies as cost extentthat any Request Amgens to the extent that of those created by Amgens Procedure because Amgens in seeks proprietary information the Requests Rules Rule or constitute to of Civil Federal of undue burden objects Local Rules to maintained are accessible from sources because accessible secret not reasonably information objects information that subpoenaj and/or documents trade are made pursuant stored Amgen 26 is person responding Amgen stored or electronically the responses are made and the Local Rules 1733925-1.041925.0129 AMOEN INC.S RESPONSE TO SUBPOENA they seek Federal to impose Rules of Civil pursuant to and as limited Amgen to the objects to Requests the by the attorney-client privilege the attorney work applicable protections privileges inadvertently attorney work to and not intended to that product information or not operate as of any inadvertently return Insofar as 10 be deemed 11 limited the production be to waiver 12 of any privilege with respect 13 andlor documents 14 information not cuently 15 information and/or 16 convenient 17 relevant 18 to the 19 unduly to that in the possession that or less burdensome claims or defenses overly Amgen Definitions to the 22 burdensome ii 23 or 24 excess 25 include 26 the parties to 27 from defects objects extent are expensive to they are inconsistent assertions such objections LAS99 this Amgen by the further and fact that objects to Rules are to the Definitions deemed be document or control of Amgen information nor reasonably information seek more are that TO EXHIBIT TO THE SUBPOENA neither is calculated with the Requests to lead would be oppressive to the purported overly broad or at purported general different least defined application from PRODUCTION OF or in Rules iv are disputed terms that of these follows FOR THE such of the words and the Local the very in or unduly meaning customary obligations as instructions 1733925-1.041925.0129 AMGEN INC.S RESPONSES be to iii they seek other sources that they seek may only ii they from the these Requests duplicative inaccurate and to shall and/or of Civil Procedure the breadth with respect copies thereof or impose other and is production they seek ambiguous incorporate limiting waiver action or such response compliance unclear iii seek and/or Without in this annoying Federal of purported action iv Amgen privilege the that with the ordinary and phrases they purport to defme created obtained Defmitions and the in the extent custody expensive of admissible evidence discovery of those be may document and/or cumulative the extent that reserves the right to demand information to other any applicable privilege or right such Requests unreasonably documents the parties 21 28 are To protection of any by Amgen particular to the burdensome less 20 to that objects and/or attorney-client or Amgen of any information waiver Amgen waiver information produced the privilege information other any by protected any other or doctrine shall doctrine product inforition protected or doctrines of similar effect any information produces they seek extent DOCUNENTS by suffer Amgen of the Definitions paragraph current and former assigns of each consultants others the definition 10 Rules current officers administrators and or under and independent employees vague and is and ambiguous the of each control definition employees agents persons organizations or other contractors the sJ successors and predecessors directors all Your in and all of is of the foregoing on the grounds under that overly broad compound and beyond the scope of permissible discovery burdensome unduly all purporting to act on behalf temporary Amgen You divisions all affiliates and of the foregoing Or all including and attorneys accountants acting of the extent they purport to include to subsidiaries the definitions to objects Federal the of Civil Procedure Amgen 11 12 Concern 13 defmition 14 permissible discovery Concerning or is compound 17 reserves 18 Requests 19 Amgen 20 propounded Amgen 21 which be involved 22 the 23 such 24 but have diligent and to has in it may information documents the and faith good alter additional possession further or to on Definitions and the beyond the upon facts presently its on documents or other not been located despite information and/or in evidence response and good Amgen or to if proceedings other matters these Requests or in whether re now in faith efforts 28 1733925.1.041925.0129 TO TIlE SUBPOENA FOR THE PRODUCTION OF in or not existence 27 TO EXHIBIT that addition to 26 AMGEN INC.S RESPONSES any were 25 LAS99 Amgen to documents any subsequent matters are newly discovered diligent of responses and objections to these reserves the right during produced the scope known custody or control at the time these Requests to rely that grounds comply with these Requests change responsive and/or documents evidence effort Relate Relating Related of Civil Procedure based are of burdensome Federal Rules supplement produce its of the paragraph responses herein and the right to the definition overly broad unduly 16 represent in under Amgens 15 to objects DOCUMENTS RESPONSES FOR PRODUCTION TO REQUESTS NO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION All Communications between You TomorrowNow and and constituting concerning Oracle PeopleSoft Systems and/or JD Edwards Siebel And Software SupportMaterials ii system logs database manifests Support 10 11 Siebel PeopleSoft Oracle to Relating reports servers 15 RESPONSE or otherwise and such scripts And Software made by And Software by You from TomorrowNow to Downloaded provided for and Systems and/or JI Edwards Siebel available Materials Support Systems and/or II Edwards software Support Materials received 14 of Software development PeopleSofi 13 16 and spreadsheets TomorrowNows iv 12 records logs network logs logs application-level proxy Materials iii Oracle web You from TomorrowNow to TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.1 Amgen incorporates by each reference 17 objects to this request on the ground 18 objects to request to the extent 19 from 20 Amgen 21 of its above General Objections Amgen and/or proprietary business information this disclosure 22 by the additionally 23 Amgen 24 responsive 25 require 26 reasonably responds as to without follows non-privileged extraction that attorney-client objects Subject to and that waiving documents recovery accessible because improperly seeks privilege this request Amgen or it is it to the the production the extent that will comply with in itspossession sources of undue burden it work this as seeks and general Amgen of documents and/or the attorney foregoing from archival compound further protected product Amgens specific confidential objections request by producing custody or control that such archived do not documents and cost 27 28 LAS99 1733925-1.041925.0129 AMGEN INC.S RESPONSES TO EXHIBIT TO THE SUBPOENA FOR THE doctrine PRODUCFION OF DOCUMENTS are not REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.2 All Documents and Your Communications internal Communications between You and TomorrowNow including any Support Materials for Your Oracle PeopleSoft software made environment available to by TommorowNow And of Software the installation Concerning Systems and/or JD Edwards Siebel and ii local environments remote software or You by TomorrowNow TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.2 RESPONSE Amgen of its General Objections by reference each incorporates objects to this request on the ground 10 objects to this request to the extent 11 from 12 Amgen 13 above Amgen Amgen and/or proprietaty business information disclosure the additionally 15 Amgen to this objects 16 responsive extraction require Amgen documents non-privileged or recovery accessible because it it is seeks privilege in from archival 18 reasonably 19 work and/or the attorney that this sources product doctrine confidential request by producing such as protected objections specific custody or control possession further Amgens seeks it general and comply with its of documents the production the foregoing will compound improperly request to the extent waiving follows as responds that attorney-client Subject to and without 14 17 by that archived that do not documents are not REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.3 20 All Documents 21 internal 22 or actual 23 PeopleSoft 24 products 25 Relating 26 software 27 software use of to Concerning TomorrowNow as Siebel Systems and/or including support any services and cost Communications between You and and Communications of undue burden or negotiation Your software support provider JD Edwards marketing for Your consideration TomorrowNow materials branded Oracle PeopleSoft Siebel to You by Oracles applications TomorrowNow Systems and/or JD Edwards and ii any Communications from TomorrowNow Concerning Your existing contracts 28 LAS99 1733925-1 041925.0129 AMGEN INC.S RESPONSES TO EXH1B TO THE SUBPOENA FOR TIlE Your of any proposed software enterprise provided for and PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.3 RESPONSE Amgen by reference each incorporates objects to this request on the ground objects to this request to the extent from disclosure the by Subject to and Amgen responsive without recovery accessible because from its arid/or the in its archival reasonably 11 Amgen further protected product doctrine objections specific request by producing or control custody such as sources 10 attorney work this possession Amgen of documents general and comply with will compound the production foregoing above General Objections improperly seeks it the waiving documents or is it privilege Amgen non-privileged extraction require that attorney-client follows as responds that of that do not documents archived are not REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.4 12 13 14 All Documents or actual proposed services 16 terms and 17 licensing 18 RESPONSE 19 of software licensing or contractual terms and conditions of software incorporates to this request on the ground 21 objects to request to the extent 22 from this disclosure by Subject to 25 responsive 26 require 27 reasonably including proposed or agreed-upon past or present contracts and incorporated by reference each objects Amgen considered any licenses agreements Related to any policies TmorrowNow 20 24 all TomorrowNow to considered Relating ii or constituting TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.4 Amgen 23 from ordering Documents from cost Communications showing or representations negotiations 15 and of undue burden and responds the that attorney-client and without waiving as follows Amgen non-privileged extraction that documents or recovery accessible because is it it of its from archival this possession sources of undue burden and general as above Amgen Amgen further of documents protected work and/or the attorney comply with will compound the production the foregoing in General Objections improperly seeks privilege its product objections specific request by producing custody or control such archived that do not documents and cost 28 LAS99 1733925-1.041925.0129 AMGEN INC.S RESPONSES TO EXHIBIT ATO THE SUBPOENA doctrine FOR THE PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS are not ii REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.5 All Documents or and Communications authorizationin Download limited any way And Software or mannerfor Support of TomorrowNow to Use or but not including the provision of login identifications for passwords or TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.5 RESPONSE Amgen incorporates to this request on the ground 10 objects to this request to the extent 11 from disclosure by Subject to the and of by reference each objects 12 or on behalf Your permission Materials from Customer Connection to any requests by TomorrowNow credentials and Concerning constituting that that attorney-client without is it the 13 Amgen 14 responsive 15 require 16 reasonably 17 compound and general Amgen work Amgen further of documents the production foregoing above Objections and/or the attorney privilege waiving General improperly seeks it its protected doctrine product objections specific REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.6 responds non-privileged extraction 18 follows as Amgen documents or recovery because accessible All Documents 19 TomorrowNows 20 with source code 21 material for 22 software RESPONSE in this possession its from archival sources of undue burden Communications as request by producing custody such or control that do documents archived not are not and cost constituting and Concerning applications 23 and comply with will 24 or installation 25 objects to 26 objects 27 from TomorrowNow provide CDs media via Siebel electronic or any of devices its or agents or assigns Oracle Systems and/or PeopleSoft E-Delivery branded TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.6 to this this disclosure incorporates by reference each request on the ground request to the extent by the Subject to and LAS99 You any Oracle JD Edwards Amgen 28 request that that that attorney-client without waiving it is it of General Objections improperly seeks privilege the its compound the production general Amgen of documents and Amgen further protected work product and/or the attorney foregoing above specific objections 1733925-1.041925.0129 AMOEN INC.S RESPONSES TO EXHIBIT TO THE SUBPOENA FOR THE PRODUCTION OF doctrine DOCUMENTS Amgen Amgen extraction recovery accessible reasonably or because from comply with will non-privileged documents responsive require follows as responds in its this possession archival of undue burden custody such as sources request by producing or control that do not documents archived not are and cost REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.7 All Documents TomorrowNows Concerning Materials including any Communications or JD Edwards source code application 10 or 11 RESPONSE Siebel in actions Use Software to Systems and/or PeopleSoft connection with providing branded services and Support software or selling products to You others 12 TO REQUEST FOR PRODUCTION NO.7 Amgen incorporates by reference each 13 objects to this request on the ground 14 objects to request to the extent 15 from this disclosure 16 by the Subject to and 17 Amgen 18 responsive 19 require 20 plans and/or efforts between You and TomorrowNow as responds that attorney-client without follows waiving Amgen or recovery accessible because from is it the General its archival sources of undue burden of documents and general this possession as Amgen compound and/or the attorney comply with above Objections the production foregoing will in its improperly seeks it privilege non-privileged documents extraction reasonably that of work Amgen further protected product doctrine objections specific request by producing custody or control such archived that do documents not are not and cost 21 22 Dated June McDERMOTT 262009 WILL EMERY LLP 23 24 By________________________________ ER1C LEVINRAD 25 Attorney for Third Party Witness AMGEN INC 26 27 28 LAS99 1733925-L0419250129 AMOEN INC.S RESPONSES TO EXHIBrI TO THE SUBPOENA FOR THE PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS PROOF OF SERVICE am employed age of 18 East and not Suite County of Los Angeles in the party to the within 3800 Los Angeles On July 26 2009 State served the following CMJECF Electronic offices of addresses Electronic set the above forth Filing caused Filing NEF pursuant is documents to Fed.R.Civ.P.5dl to automatically by the generated INC.S be transmitted to mail at the e-mail electronic Notice of ECF system upon to the e-mail address NEF of an electronic The when e-mailed completion filing of record in the case shall constitute the proof of service as required by Fed.R.CivP.5d1 copy of the NEF shall be attached to any document in the traditional manner upon any party appearing pro served Se 10 MAILJ 11 as and processing Service Under 12 am follows that for the practice Service on the same course of business 13 Under with postage 14 the United SEE declare this declaration under this court at penalty was executed FEDERAL 18 whose mailing with the United States of collection Postal was deposited with the United was executed in the ordinary envelopes was were sealed and correspondence day this declaration practice the thereon fully prepaid placed for collection and mailing on this date States Mail at Los Angeles California addressed as set forth below 15 16 that with the finns practice familiar readily of correspondence Postal States 17 Park TO THE SUBPOENA FOR the above above by listed addressees over the 2049 Century is AMGEN documents TO ORACLE USA INC.S EXHIBIT PRODUCTION OF DOCUMENTS the address 90067-3218 California RESPONSES TIlE am of California my business action declare direction ATTACHED SERVICE of perjury that on July that service LIST the foregoing 26 2009 at am employed was made is true and correct in the office of member of the 19 LAS99 1733925-1.041925.0129 AMGEN rNCS RESPONSES TO EXHIBIT TO THE SUBPOENA and that Los Angeles California FOR THE PRODUCTION OP DOCUMENTS bar of in SERVICE Jensen Christopher John LIST BArg Marco Quazzo BARG COFFIN LEWIS TRAPP LLP 350 California Street 22nd Floor San Francisco CA 94104-1435 Phone 415228-5400 Fax 415228-5450 Donn Pickett Howard Geoffrey House Holly Alinder Zackary Bree Haan 10 BINGHAM MCCUTCHEN Three 11 Embarcadero CA San Francisco Phone 415 LLP Center 94111-4067 393-2000 12 Fax 415393-2286 13 DorianDaley Jennifer 14 Gloss ORACLE CORPORATION Oracle Parkway M/S Sop7 94070 RedwoodCityCA Phone650506-4846 Fax 650506-7114 500 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 10 LAS991733925-I.0419250129 AMGEN C.5 RESPONSES TO Eff TO TI SPOA FOR PRODUCTION OF DOCENTS

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