Filing 204

LARGE ADDITIONAL ATTACHMENT(S) to Public Resource's Second Motion for Summary Judgment by PUBLIC.RESOURCE.ORG, INC. 202 MOTION for Summary Judgment filed by PUBLIC.RESOURCE.ORG, INC., 203 SEALED MOTION FOR LEAVE TO FILE DOCUMENT UNDER SEAL filed by PUBLIC.RESOURCE.ORG, INC. (This document is SEALED and only available to authorized persons.) filed by PUBLIC.RESOURCE.ORG, INC.. (Attachments: # 1 Public Resources Statement of Disputed Facts, # 2 Public Resources Evidentiary Objections, # 3 Public Resources Request for Judicial Notice, # 4 Declaration Carl Malamud, # 5 Declaration Matthew Becker, # 6 Consolidated Index of Exhibits, # 7 Exhibit 1, # 8 Exhibit 2, # 9 Exhibit 3, # 10 Exhibit 4, # 11 Exhibit 5, # 12 Exhibit 6, # 13 Exhibit 7, # 14 Exhibit 8, # 15 Exhibit 9, # 16 Exhibit 10, # 17 Exhibit 11, # 18 Exhibit 12, # 19 Exhibit 13, # 20 Exhibit 14, # 21 Exhibit 15, # 22 Exhibit 16, # 23 Exhibit 17, # 24 Exhibit 18, # 25 Exhibit 19, # 26 Exhibit 20, # 27 Exhibit 21, # 28 Exhibit 22, # 29 Exhibit 23, # 30 Exhibit 24, # 31 Exhibit 25, # 32 Exhibit 26, # 33 Exhibit 27, # 34 Exhibit 28, # 35 Exhibit 29, # 36 Exhibit 30, # 37 Exhibit 31, # 38 Exhibit 32, # 39 Exhibit 33, # 40 Exhibit 34, # 41 Exhibit 35, # 42 Exhibit 36, # 43 Exhibit 37, # 44 Exhibit 38, # 45 Exhibit 39, # 46 Exhibit 40, # 47 Exhibit 41, # 48 Exhibit 42, # 49 Exhibit 43, # 50 Exhibit 44, # 51 Exhibit 45, # 52 Exhibit 46, # 53 Exhibit 47, # 54 Exhibit 48, # 55 Exhibit 49, # 56 Exhibit 50, # 57 Exhibit 51, # 58 Exhibit 52, # 59 Exhibit 53, # 60 Exhibit 54, # 61 Exhibit 55, # 62 Exhibit 56, # 63 Exhibit 57, # 64 Exhibit 58, # 65 Exhibit 59, # 66 Exhibit 60, # 67 Exhibit 61, # 68 Exhibit 62, # 69 Exhibit 63, # 70 Exhibit 64, # 71 Exhibit 65, # 72 Exhibit 66, # 73 Exhibit 67, # 74 Exhibit 68, # 75 Exhibit 69, # 76 Exhibit 70, # 77 Exhibit 71, # 78 Exhibit 72, # 79 Exhibit 73, # 80 Exhibit 74, # 81 Exhibit 75, # 82 Exhibit 76, # 83 Exhibit 77, # 84 Exhibit 78, # 85 Exhibit 79, # 86 Exhibit 80, # 87 Exhibit 81, # 88 Exhibit 82, # 89 Exhibit 83, # 90 Exhibit 84, # 91 Exhibit 85, # 92 Exhibit 86, # 93 Exhibit 87, # 94 Exhibit 88, # 95 Exhibit 89, # 96 Exhibit 90, # 97 Exhibit 91, # 98 Exhibit 92, # 99 Exhibit 93, # 100 Exhibit 94, # 101 Exhibit 95, # 102 Exhibit 96, # 103 Exhibit 97, # 104 Certificate of Service)(Bridges, Andrew)

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EXHIBIT 40 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA - - AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR : Case No. TESTING AND MATERIALS d/b/a: 1:13-cv-01215-PSC-DAR ASTM INTERNATIONAL; : : NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION : ASSOCIATION, INC.; and : : AMERICAN SOCIETY OF : HEATING, REFRIGERATING, : AND AIR-CONDITIONING : ENGINEERS, INC. : Plaintiffs, : : vs. : : PUBLIC.RESOURCE.ORG, INC., : Defendant. : ___________________________: AND RELATED COUNTERCLAIMS. : ___________________________: Videotaped 30(b)(6) deposition of American Society for Testing & Materials, through DANIEL SMITH, held in the offices of Veritext Philadelphia, 1801 Market Street, Ten Penn Center, Suite 1800, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103, commencing at 10:43 a.m., July 24, 2015, before Linda Rossi Rios, a Federally Approved RPR, CCR and Notary Public. PAGES 1 - 292 Page 1 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 APPEARANCES: 2 3 On behalf of the Plaintiffs 4 MORGAN LEWIS & BOCKIUS LLP BY: J KEVIN FEE, ESQUIRE 5 1111 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, D C 20004 6 (202) 739-5353 jkfee@morganlewis com 7 8 On behalf of the Defendant, 9 Public Resource Org, Inc 10 FENWICK & WEST LLP BY: MATTHEW BECKER, ESQUIRE 11 and ANDREW P BRIDGES, ESQUIRE 12 555 California Street 12th Floor 13 San Francisco, California 94104 (415) 875-2389 14 mbecker@fenwick com abridges@fenwick com 15 16 A L S O P R E S E N T: 17 THOMAS B O'BRIEN, JR , Vice President 18 and General Counsel, ASTM International 19 CARL MALAMUD, Public Resource Org (via telecon) 20 RYAN ARMSTRONG, Videographer 21 - - 22 23 24 25 1 Exhibit 1291 Certificates of Copyright 122 Registration, 2 ASTM000001 - ASTM000168 3 Exhibit 1292 Check, ASTM049368 171 4 Exhibit 1293 2011 Membership renewal 173 invoices, 5 ASTM086030 - ASTM086031 6 Exhibit 1294 Organizational Membership 181 Directory 7 Exhibit 1295 E-mail chain with 187 8 attachment, ASTM025633 - ASTM025640 9 Exhibit 1296 Membership application, 195 10 ASTM068894 11 Exhibit 1297 2010 ASTM International 201 Committee Membership 12 Application, ASTM079420 13 Exhibit 1298 ASTM Application, 204 14 ASTM073844 15 Exhibit 1299 ASTM Applications, 205 ASTM066848 - ASTM066853 16 Exhibit 1300 Membership application, 209 17 ASTM067024 18 Exhibit 1301 Membership applications, 210 ASTM066871, ASTM069213, 19 ASTM069058, ASTM080176, ASTM061450, ASTM063146, 20 ASTM063147, ASTM065682 & ASTM066345 21 Exhibit 1302 Compilation of documents, 229 22 ASTM066829, ASTM067015, ASTM067321, ASTM067813, 23 ASTM070124, ASTM071068, ASTM074751, ASTM075283, 24 ASTM060533, ASTM051140, ASTM081145 25 Page 2 1 2 I N D E X WITNESS PAGE 3 DANIEL SMITH 4 By Mr Becker 10 5 By Mr Fee 288 6 7 E X H I B I T S 8 MARKED DESCRIPTION PAGE 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Page 4 1 Exhibit 1303 Compilation of documents, 232 various Bates from 2 ASTM069093 to ASTM057841 3 Exhibit 1304 2010 Membership Renewal 235 Invoice, 4 ASTM075697 5 Exhibit 1305 2011 Membership Renewal 238 Invoice, 6 ASTM082973 7 Exhibit 1306 E-mail chain, 239 ASTM101777 - ASTM101779 8 Exhibit 1307 E-mail chain, 243 9 ASTM099502 - ASTM099506 10 Exhibit 1308 8/20/14 E-mail with 244 attachment, 11 ASTM003314 & ASTM003315 12 Exhibit 1309 ASTM Collaboration Area, 253 ASTM103272 13 Exhibit 1310 ASTM Membership 255 14 Application, ASTM103274 - ASTM103276 15 Exhibit 1311 Record Retention Policy, 257 16 ASTM003501 - ASTM003522 17 Exhibit 1312 11/21/08 E-mail with 260 attachment, 18 ASTM088320 - ASTM088325 19 Exhibit 1313 Web site screenshots, 261 ASTM001792 - ASTM001800 20 Exhibit 1314 Screenshots, 263 21 ASTM001801 - ASTM001813 22 Exhibit 1315 ASTM Member Application 264 Forms, 23 ASTM052816, ASTM052817, ASTM062194, ASTM062195, 24 ASTM062198 & ASTM062199 25 Exhibit 1316 Regulations Governing 266 ASTM Technical Committees Exhibit 1284 ASTM International 34 Participation and Acknowledgement Form, ASTM103273 Exhibit 1285 Intellectual Property 60 Policy of ASTM, ASTM103277 - ASTM103284 Exhibit 1286 Intellectual Property 64 Policy of ASTM International ("Policy"), ASTM103285 - ASTM103290 16 Exhibit 1287 Intellectual Property 65 Policy of ASTM International ("Policy"), 18 ASTM003445 - ASTM003448 19 Exhibit 1288 Intellectual Property 68 Policy of ASTM 20 International ("Policy"), ASTM003437 - ASTM003441 21 Exhibit 1289 Defendant 88 22 Public Resource Org, Inc 's Amended Notice of 23 Rule 30(b)(6) Deposition of American Society for 24 Testing and Materials 25 Exhibit 1290 Exhibit A from Complaint 121 17 Page 3 Page 5 2 (Pages 2 - 5) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Exhibit 1317 Participating Membership 277 2 Applications, ASTM064686 - ASTM064692 3 Exhibit 1318 E-mail chain with 277 4 attachment, ASTM087493 - ASTM087497 5 Exhibit 1319 2011 ASTM International 278 6 Committee Membership Application, 7 ASTM061183 8 Exhibit 1320 How To Standards Writing 279 101 New Standards 9 Exhibit 1321 How Standards are 280 10 Developed article 11 Exhibit 1322 8/13/08 E-mail, 281 ASTM073852 12 Exhibit 1323 Bates Numbers of 284 13 Assignment Documents 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 - - VIDEOGRAPHER: We are now on is record. Please note that the microphones are sensitive and may pick up whispering and private conversations. Please turn off all cell phones or place them away from the microphones as they can interfere with the deposition audio. Recording will continue until all parties agree to go off the record. My name is Ryan Armstrong representing Veritext Legal Solutions. The date today is July 24, 2015, and the time is approximately 10:43 a.m. This deposition is being held at Veritext located at 1801 Market Street, Suite 1800, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and is being taken by counsel for the defense. The caption of this case is American Society for Testing and Materials International, et al. V Page 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Page 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 DEPOSITION SUPPORT INDEX Direction to Witness Not To Answer Page Line Page Line 161 21 286 13 241 7 286 20 242 12 287 1 243 5 287 10 286 2 287 22 Request For Production of Documents Page Line Page Line (None) Stipulations Page Line 10 3 Questions Marked Page Line Page Line (None) - - - Public.Resource.Org, Incorporated. This case is being held in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, Case Number 1:13-cv-01215-EGS. The name of the witness is Dan Smith. At this time the attorneys present in the room and everyone attending remotely will identify themselves and the parties they represent. Our court reporter Linda Rossi, representing Veritext Legal Solutions, will swear in the witness and we can proceed. MR. BECKER: This is Matthew Becker and Andrew Bridges of Fenwick & West for the defendant Public.Resource.Org. MR. FEE: Kevin Fee from Morgan Lewis on behalf of ASTM. MR. BRIDGES: We also have somebody there -MR. O'BRIEN: Tom O'Brien from ASTM. MR. BRIDGES: And then on the Page 7 Page 9 3 (Pages 6 - 9) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 phone is Carl Malamud of Public.Resource.Org. MR. FEE: I'm sorry. I did hear the caption had EGS at the end. That's the wrong caption now. It's re-assigned ending with PSC-DAR. Before we get started, I want to reserve reading and signing for the witness. - - DANIEL SMITH, after having been duly sworn, was examined and testified as follows: - - EXAMINATION - - BY MR. BECKER: Q. My name is Matthew Becker of Fenwick & West for the defendant Public.Resource.Org, and I'll be taking your deposition today. Could you, please, state your full name for the record? A. Daniel Gerald Smith. Q. Mr. Smith, have you ever had 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A. Yes. Q. If at any point you do not understand a question, will you, please, let me know and I'll try to clarify the question? A. Yes. Q. And if you answer my question, I'll assume that you understood. Does that make sense? A. Yes. VIDEOGRAPHER: The time is now 10:46. We're going off the video record. - - (A recess was taken.) - - VIDEOGRAPHER: The time is now 10:46. We're back on the video record. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Mr. Smith, if you ever need a break for any reason, please let me know and we'll take a break as long as I'm not in the middle of a line of questioning. If I am in the middle of a line of questioning, then I'll ask that we can finish that line of Page 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 your deposition taken before? A. No. Q. Mr. Smith, have you ever been involved in any lawsuits before? A. No. MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. Remember give me a second to object first. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Mr. Smith, let's just go over the rules so that you're familiar with them. In a deposition I'll be asking the questions and you'll be providing answers to those questions. Do you understand that you're giving testimony under oath today as though -- today as you would in a court of law? A. Yes. Q. And do you understand that the court reporter is taking down everything that you say? A. Yes. Q. And that means that we need audible responses to everything, not nods and gestures. Page 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 questioning and then you can take a break. Does that sound good? A. Yes. MR. FEE: That's fine. We'll let you at least finish your question and get an answer. BY MR. BECKER: Q. And if you come to realize at any point that one of your answers is not completely correct, will you, please, let me know and we can address it? A. Yes. Q. And after the deposition, the transcript is prepared, you'll have a chance to review it and make changes to it. However, if you make any changes, I will be able to comment on those changes. Do you understand? A. Yes. Q. Mr. Smith, is there any medication or other reason that might prevent you from giving your best testimony today? A. No. Q. Is there any reason that you can think of that might prevent you from Page 11 Page 13 4 (Pages 10 - 13) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 giving your best testimony today? A. No. Q. Mr. Smith, what do you do for a living? A. I work for ASTM International. Q. And when you say you work for ASTM International, what do you mean? A. I'm the vice -MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. You can answer. THE WITNESS: I'm the vice president of technical committee operations. BY MR. BECKER: Q. And what is technical committee operations? A. It's a division within ASTM. Q. What does technical committee mean? A. Technical committees develop standards. Q. When you say "standards," what do you mean by that? A. Consensus standards. Q. By "consensus standards," what 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 technical committee? A. A group of experts that develop standards. Q. And who are those experts? A. Volunteers. Q. And are they only volunteers? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. THE WITNESS: For the most part from my knowledge, they're all volunteers. BY MR. BECKER: Q. How does a technical committee go about developing standards as you say? A. They use our consensus process. Q. What is the consensus process? A. It's two levels of voting starting with the subcommittee and then the main committee. Q. What's the difference between a subcommittee and a main committee? A. A subcommittee is typically smaller with a more narrow interest. A main committee has broader interest. Q. So within a technical committee, then, there is -- is there just Page 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 do you mean by that? A. Documents. Q. Any documents? A. Specifications, test methods, practices, guides, classifications and terminology. Q. Does the term "standards" have any specific meaning to you? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. THE WITNESS: I'm not sure what you mean by that. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Can you define what a standard is? A. Just what I said previously, it's a test method, a specification, a practice, a guide, classification or terminology. Q. And you say that the technical committees develop standards. How do -actually, let me back up. What is a technical committee? A. I'm not sure how to answer that. I'm not sure what you mean by that. Q. How would you define a Page 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 one main committee? A. A main committee is a technical committee. Q. And are there numerous subcommittees? A. Yes. Q. And how many subcommittees on average? A. It varies. Q. Could you give me a range by which it might vary? A. The best of my knowledge, maybe from 3 to 40, 50. Q. When you say there is a consensus process that involves voting in the subcommittee and then voting at the main committee level, can you elaborate on that process? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. THE WITNESS: They vote on standards so the folks on that committee will vote on whether or not they agree or not agree with the content of the standard. BY MR. BECKER: Page 15 Page 17 5 (Pages 14 - 17) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. Is that agree or don't agree on the content of a draft standard or the finalized standard? A. A draft standard. Q. Could we just back up a little bit and could you walk me through how a standard is developed at ASTM? A. It varies, but it could be by -- it starts typically with a task group. Q. And what does the task group do? A. They'll develop the content of the draft. Q. And who composes the task group? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. THE WITNESS: The task group is typically made up of volunteers who wish to serve on the task group. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Are -- is everyone in a task group an ASTM member? A. No, not necessarily. Q. In what situations would individuals who are not members of ASTM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 average? A. It varies, but it could be anywhere from 3 to 30 approximately. Q. And you said that the task group develops the content or the original draft of a standard. Is that correct? MR. FEE: Objection. Lack of foundation. THE WITNESS: From my experience, that's what a task group does. BY MR. BECKER: Q. How is a task group initially formed? A. It's formed by a group of volunteers who want to develop a standard or a revision to a standard. Q. Do the members and -- excuse me. Do the ASTM members and nonmembers of ASTM who compose task groups generally have the same or similar interests? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for speculation. THE WITNESS: I don't know. I Page 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 compose members of the task group? MR. FEE: Objection to form. THE WITNESS: I'm not sure what you mean by that. Could you repeat that or say that differently? BY MR. BECKER: Q. Let's see. Are -- let me back up just a moment. Are any members of the task group also members of ASTM? A. Yes. Q. But some members of the task groups are not members of ASTM? A. Could be. It's mostly members. Q. And why would individuals who are not members of ASTM be members of the task group? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for speculation. THE WITNESS: From my experience, because they're interested in the standard that's being developed. BY MR. BECKER: Q. How large are task groups on Page 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 would think they would have a variety of different interests. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Are there any characteristics other than ASTM membership that would distinguish ASTM members who are members of task groups and those members of task groups who are not ASTM members? MR. FEE: Objection to form. THE WITNESS: The members pay the $75 membership fee. Nonmembers don't pay the membership. That's the only thing I can think of. BY MR. BECKER: Q. How does a task group go about developing the initial draft of a standard? A. They could do it in a variety of ways. Q. Could you give me some examples? A. They could do it through the use of our collaboration areas, an online space that allows them to develop the draft. Q. And in what other ways? A. They could do it through course of e-mail. Page 19 Page 21 6 (Pages 18 - 21) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. And in what other ways? A. Through a meeting. Q. And in what other ways? A. None other come to mind at this point. Q. Are there any differences in how a task group would develop a draft of a standard today versus how they might have developed a draft of a standard in the 1970s or 1980s? MR. FEE: Objection. Lack of foundation. Calls for speculation. You can answer. THE WITNESS: Just from common sense, we wouldn't have had our Web tools, they wouldn't have been able to use our Web tools or our virtual meeting technology in the '70s. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Do you know how task groups developed drafts in the 1970s and 1980s? A. I don't know firsthand, but my guess is they would have done it at meetings. Q. When did ASTM first provide the online collaboration areas for the use by 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 outside of ASTM. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Do you know how drafts of the -- of ASTM standards were exchanged between task group members prior to the introduction of the online collaboration area by ASTM? A. My guess would be through mail and fax. Q. Do you know if that mail and fax of drafts was facilitated by ASTM? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. THE WITNESS: I would imagine that some of them would have been facilitated by ASTM and others would not have been. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Prior to the introduction of the online collaboration area, were there specific forms that task group members were made to fill out when drafting drafts of ASTM standards? MR. FEE: Objection to form. THE WITNESS: I believe we had forms starting in about 2003 on our Page 22 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 task groups? A. Guessing, it was sometime probably in the early 2000s roughly. Q. How long have you been at ASTM for? A. About 23 years. Q. So you were at ASTM for roughly a decade, at least a decade prior to when the online collaboration area was first rolled out. Is that correct? A. Approximately. Q. So prior to when the online collaboration area was rolled out, how did task groups develop draft standards at ASTM? A. To my knowledge, it would have been at meetings. Q. Were these meetings organized by ASTM? A. Some of them. Q. But other meetings might not have been organized by ASTM, is that what you're saying? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. THE WITNESS: They could. They could organize their own meetings Page 24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 membership applications that required members to assign all rights to ASTM. BY MR. BECKER: Q. So the membership, the forms on the membership applications for ASTM that asked individuals to assign all rights to ASTM, as you said, started in 2003 and didn't exist prior to that date? A. I believe that's correct. Q. And this just concerned the membership applications. Correct? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. THE WITNESS: We also had them on our renewal forms, membership renewal forms. And then we also had them on our work item registration, and then our collaboration. BY MR. BECKER: Q. What is a work item registration form? A. It's for essentially opening up a new work item. Q. What is a work item? A. Either a revision to a standard or development of a new standard. Page 23 Page 25 7 (Pages 22 - 25) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. And when was the language that you say concerns assignments of rights introduced to the work item form? A. I think it was in about 2003, '04, '05, somewhere in there. Q. So somewhere in the 2003 to 2005 period, you're not certain precisely when? A. I believe so. Q. But it didn't exist on those forms prior to at earliest 2003? A. That's correct. Q. Who fills out a work item form? A. A member. Q. Is it only ASTM members who fill out work item forms? A. If a member would ask a staff person to help facilitate filling out a form, they may do that. Q. What is a collaboration form? A. The collaboration, if a member wants to initiate a collaboration area, they have to go through an online process to initiate it. Q. Just so I understand, is that 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 work item registration forms for ASTM? A. No. Q. And those individuals I described a moment ago, do they fill out collaboration forms for ASTM? A. Yes. Q. They do. Are they required to fill out collaboration forms for ASTM in order to participate in the development of a draft of a standard? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. THE WITNESS: Yes. BY MR. BECKER: Q. From approximately what year forward have individuals who are members of ASTM task groups but not themselves members of ASTM been required to fill out collaboration forms in order to participate in the drafting of an ASTM standard? A. To my knowledge, since the beginning. Q. When you say "since the beginning," what do you mean? A. When we had -- when we created the form. Page 26 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 to create the online collaboration area that you had described earlier as being a location online provided by ASTM where members of a task group could go to help develop the draft for a standard? A. Yes. Q. And so the collaboration form was only introduced after the collaboration areas had been provided by ASTM to its members? A. Yes. Q. And when, again, did you say that that was? A. I think it was about 2003. Q. People who are members of task groups for developing standards but are not themselves ASTM members, do they fill out membership applications for ASTM? A. No. Q. And those individuals who I just described a moment ago, do they fill out renewal forms for ASTM? A. No. Q. And those individuals who I just described a moment ago, do they fill out Page 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. So that would be approximately 2003, you're saying? A. Yes. Q. Were individuals who were members of task groups but not themselves members of ASTM required to fill out any forms in order to participate in the drafting of an ASTM standard prior to 2003? A. Not to my knowledge. Q. Is there any means by which ASTM claims that individuals who are -- who were members of task groups but not themselves members of ASTM have assigned any copyrights that they might have in the drafts of the standards that were created and eventually published through ASTM -- to ASTM? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for a legal conclusion. Instruct you not to disclose any communications you might have had with counsel regarding that subject. If you have an independent knowledge that is responsive, you can answer that. THE WITNESS: I don't know. Not to my knowledge. Page 27 Page 29 8 (Pages 26 - 29) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 BY MR. BECKER: Q. Today when individuals who are members of ASTM task groups but not members of ASTM fill out collaboration forms, does ASTM believe that by doing so those individuals are assigning their copyright interest to ASTM in the draft of the standard that they have created? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for a legal conclusion. Again, I instruct you not to disclose your communications with counsel. But if you have an understanding otherwise, you can answer. THE WITNESS: I believe it does. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Does ASTM believe that it does? MR. FEE: Same objection and instruction. THE WITNESS: I would think so, yes. BY MR. BECKER: Q. What are all the forms that nonmembers may provide to ASTM in the course of their activities with the technical 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 interest to ASTM. Q. And who is given this form? A. A task group or an individual who might be bringing something forward to contribute to ASTM. Q. Were all members of ASTM task groups given this form that you're describing? A. No. Q. What members of ASTM task groups were given this form that you're assigning? A. If an individual is bringing a significant -- like a document to ASTM that they wanted to convert into an ASTM standard. Q. When you say "a document," what do you mean by that? A. A piece of paper. Q. In what instances would individuals have brought documents such as you're describing to be converted into an ASTM standard? A. If an individual wanted to take a document that they had and make it into an ASTM standard, they brought it forward to Page 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 committees? MR. FEE: Objection to form. Vague as to time. You may answer. THE WITNESS: The collaboration form. No other forms come to mind that a nonmember would submit to ASTM, but there could be some. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Are there any other means by which nonmembers of ASTM who are themselves members of an ASTM task group may assign their copyright interest to ASTM other than the collaboration form? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for a legal conclusion. I instruct you not to disclose your communications with counsel. If you have any other responsive information, you can provide that. THE WITNESS: We had a form that we did use for assigning rights to ASTM. BY MR. BECKER: Q. What form is this? A. It's a form for assigning Page 32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ASTM. Q. Could you give me some examples of why somebody might do that? A. Because they want to make it into an ASTM standard. Q. Would this be individuals or companies that had previously drafted standards that they would then like to see turned into ASTM standards? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for speculation. THE WITNESS: Could be. BY MR. BECKER: Q. What years -- from between which years were -- was this form that you're describing used? A. I think it was created in approximately 2002 or somewhere in that area. Q. Is this document still used? A. I'm not aware of any recent use, but it may have. Q. Do you know if this document was produced to Public.Resource? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for speculation. Page 31 Page 33 9 (Pages 30 - 33) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 THE WITNESS: I don't know. MR. BECKER: Counsel, do you know if this document was produced to Public.Resource? MR. FEE: I'm not here to answer your questions. You might want to look at the documents that we sent you today or yesterday. I think that would be what he's talking about. THE WITNESS: It was in the packet. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Do you know what the title of the document that you're describing is? A. No, I'm not sure. It's just one page. Q. Is it the ASTM International Participation and Acknowledgement Form? A. I'm not sure. If I could see it, I could tell you. - - (Exhibit 1284, ASTM International Participation and Acknowledgement Form, Bates ASTM103273, was marked for 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A. Yes. Q. Could you tell me what this document is? A. I believe it's a document that we would give an individual who is interested in bringing forward a document to have it become an ASTM standard. Q. And is this document the document that you had described just earlier being a form for assigning rights to ASTM? A. Yes. Q. And you said that you believe this document was first used in 2002. Is that correct? A. I believe that's about right. Q. Is this form required for all members of a task group to fill out? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. THE WITNESS: No, not to my knowledge, it's not. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Is this form required for all members of a task group who are contributing to the drafting of a standard under ASTM? MR. FEE: Objection. Are you Page 34 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 identification.) - - BY MR. BECKER: Q. I'm handing you what's been marked as Exhibit 1284. A. Yes. Q. This document was produced by ASTM last night at approximately 9:00 p m., and the document is Bates labeled ASTM103273. And the document is titled: "ASTM International Participation and Acknowledgement Form." Is this the document that you were just describing when you said there was a form for assigning rights to ASTM? A. Yes. MR. FEE: Objection to the extent that your preamble is you're asking him to respond to any of that, you should ask him that separately. If you're asking him to respond to your question is this the document, I don't have an objection. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Do you recognize this document? Page 36 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 done? Objection to the extent it calls for a legal conclusion. Also vague. THE WITNESS: No, not to my knowledge. BY MR. BECKER: Q. What individuals does ASTM require to fill out this form? MR. FEE: Objection. Asked and answered. You can answer again. THE WITNESS: We would give this form to an individual who is interested in providing a document to ASTM to make it into an ASTM standard. BY MR. BECKER: Q. And so on this form where it says number 1, "I am submitting my original material," regardless of that statement, this document is not required if a member of a task group were to be drafting original material for the use in the ASTM standard draft so long as he was doing so directly with the task group itself and not bringing in outside documents? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for Page 35 Page 37 10 (Pages 34 - 37) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 a legal conclusion. Vague. Confusing. You can answer if you can. THE WITNESS: I think I'll answer it by just saying the purpose of this form is for when an individual wants to bring a document into ASTM to make it into an ASTM standard. BY MR. BECKER: Q. So this document is not required of every member of a task group who contributes original material to an ASTM standard draft? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. To the extent it calls for a legal conclusion. THE WITNESS: This form would not be. BY MR. BECKER: Q. When is the last time, to your knowledge, that this form, Exhibit 1284, was used by ASTM? A. I don't know. Q. Do you have any guess as to what year this form was last used by ASTM? MR. FEE: Objection. Lack of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Participation and Acknowledgement Form has ever been signed and returned to ASTM? A. I don't know for sure, but I would guess it has been. Q. And what's your basis for guessing that it has been? A. I vaguely remember instances where we would have to use this. Q. And what instances were those? A. I can't remember. Q. What other information do you recollect in conjunction with those instances where you believe that you had to use this form as you describe it? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. THE WITNESS: The only thing I can remember is members interested in bringing forward documents that they were interested in having become ASTM standard. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Prior to the introduction of the Participation and Acknowledgement Form in approximately 2002, was there any means by which ASTM had members of task groups who Page 38 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 foundation. Calls for speculation. THE WITNESS: I don't know. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Do you know any specific standards that this form was used in conjunction with? A. I don't know offhand, no. No specifics. Q. Does ASTM retain the signed copies that it receives of this Participation and Acknowledgement Form? A. I'm not sure. Q. Do you know how many of these Participation and Acknowledgement Forms have been signed and returned to ASTM? A. No. Q. Do you have any approximate guess as to how many of these Participation and Acknowledgement Forms have been signed and returned to ASTM? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for speculation. THE WITNESS: No. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Do you know if this Page 40 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 contributed original contents to the drafts of ASTM standards but were not themselves members of ASTM thereby transferred their copyrights to ASTM? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for a legal conclusion. To the extent -you shouldn't disclose any communications you had with counsel regarding the subject matter. If you have independent information that you can share, go ahead and answer with respect to that. THE WITNESS: I'm not aware of any formal forms that we used prior to 2003. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Are you aware of any informal means by which individuals such as those that I just described in my previous question might have transferred their copyright to ASTM? MR. FEE: Same objection and instruction. THE WITNESS: I'm not sure what you mean by "informal." Page 39 Page 41 11 (Pages 38 - 41) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 BY MR. BECKER: Q. I'm simply asking because you say you're not aware any formal forms that are used prior to 2003. So I'm asking if there were any informal means by which ASTM believes that individuals transferred their copyright to ASTM prior to 2003? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for a legal conclusion. You shouldn't disclose your communications with counsel on this subject, but if you have other information, you can answer about that. THE WITNESS: I don't believe -we didn't feel like we needed any formal, any formal assignment paper. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Why didn't ASTM feel like it needed any formal assignment paper? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for a legal conclusion. You shouldn't disclose any communication you had with counsel regarding the subject, but if you have any other information that's responsive, you can answer 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 THE WITNESS: Not at this time. BY MR. BECKER: Q. The basic understanding that you just described, how is that basic understanding documented? MR. FEE: Objection. Again, instruct you not to disclose communications with counsel on that subject, but if you have other information, you can go ahead and disclose that. THE WITNESS: I'm not sure what you mean by "documented." BY MR. BECKER: Q. Are there any documents that reflect the basic understanding that you just described concerning the reasons for individuals contributing in the drafting of ASTM standards? A. No, we didn't feel like documentation was needed. Q. Does ASTM have any documents to support its position that there was a basic understanding between the members who -excuse me, let me rephrase that. Page 42 1 about that. 2 THE WITNESS: Because we felt 3 that there was a basic understanding, 4 there is a basic understanding today 5 and there's been a basic understanding 6 for as long as ASTM has been around 7 that the reason they come to the table 8 is for the sole purpose of developing 9 an ASTM standard that will receive a 10 logo, and that will be copyrighted and 11 be distributed. Our members buy the 12 resulting standards from ASTM. We've 13 never, that I can recall, have had a 14 member or a nonmember take issue with 15 ASTM selling the resulting copyrighted 16 standard to them and to others. I 17 believe that the reason they come to 18 the table is because they want -19 they're there for the sole purpose of 20 having a standard that will have an 21 ASTM logo on it. 22 BY MR. BECKER: 23 Q. Anything else? 24 MR. FEE: Same objections and 25 instructions. Page 44 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Does ASTM have any documents to support its position that there was a basic understanding between the individuals who drafted ASTM standards and ASTM that the copyright in those standards were to belong to ASTM? MR. FEE: Objection. Instruct you not to disclose communications with counsel on that subject. If you're aware of other documents, you can go ahead and respond with respect to them. THE WITNESS: I'm not aware of any documents. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Just a moment ago you were describing the reasons why people participate in the drafting of ASTM standards. Could you describe some of the incentives for individuals to participate in the drafting of ASTM standards? MR. FEE: Objection. Lack of foundation. You can answer. THE WITNESS: In general, you can say that an individual would -- or Page 43 Page 45 12 (Pages 42 - 45) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 a company or an individual would be interested in having an ASTM standard that they could say their product or service is in compliance with. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Are there any other reasons? MR. FEE: Objection. THE WITNESS: I'm sure there are other reasons, I just can't think of any right now. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Does ASTM have any forms by which companies have assigned any copyrights that they may have in the draft standards to ASTM? MR. FEE: Objection. To the extent it calls for a legal conclusion, I instruct you not to disclose communications with counsel on this subject, but if you have any documents to identify, go ahead. THE WITNESS: I'm not aware of any. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Does ASTM distinguish between 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 you might think are responsive to that. If you have other information, you can go ahead and answer. THE WITNESS: My understanding is that the members join as individuals, and that when they come to an ASTM meeting, they're contributing their own knowledge to the ASTM standard. BY MR. BECKER: Q. When you say that's your understanding, is that also ASTM's understanding? A. Yes. MR. FEE: Same objections. THE WITNESS: Yes. MR. FEE: And instructions. BY MR. BECKER: Q. When you say "members join as individuals," does this also include individuals who are government employees? A. Yes. Q. Does ASTM believe that government employees who are acting within the scope of their employment by the federal Page 46 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 companies and individuals in the -- in its 1 understanding of the granting of copyright 2 rights to ASTM? 3 MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. To 4 the extent I understand it, I think it 5 calls for a legal conclusion. To the 6 extent you think that requires you to 7 disclose any communication from 8 counsel, you shouldn't do so. If you 9 understand you have non-privileged 10 information that is responsive, go 11 ahead and provide it. 12 THE WITNESS: I'm not sure what 13 you mean by that question. 14 BY MR. BECKER: 15 Q. Let me rephrase. If an 16 individual fills out a form that ASTM 17 believes assigns a copyright to ASTM but that 18 individual is employed by a company and is 19 acting in the scope of employment, does ASTM 20 believe that a copyright is granted to it? 21 MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for 22 a legal conclusion. Calls for 23 speculation. You shouldn't disclose 24 any communications with counsel that 25 Page 48 government join as individuals when they join ASTM? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for a legal conclusion. Calls for speculation. Instruct you not to disclose communications with counsel on this subject, but you can answer if you have other information. THE WITNESS: I'm not sure what the individual members believe. I believe our committees believe that the input they get on the standards are from that individual, the individual knowledge that they're providing, not necessarily a company or a government position. BY MR. BECKER: Q. And what's your basis for believing that that is what the members of the committee believe? A. Just my experience. Q. What experience are you referring to? A. My experience with working with technical committees. Page 47 Page 49 13 (Pages 46 - 49) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. Can you provide any specific examples? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. THE WITNESS: I've managed probably 20 maybe different committees during my time. A specific example would be D04 road and paving committee. BY MR. BECKER: Q. And could you, please, describe what instances you're referring to? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. THE WITNESS: Instances of what? BY MR. BECKER: Q. Instances where you believe that the participation of government, federal government employees constituted their participation in an individual capacity and not in their capacity as employees of the federal government? A. Just like I said, my experience. I'm not sure how I would be able to characterize a specific example. Q. Could you refer to particular individuals who you -- who were members, who 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 relate to? MR. BECKER: This relates to the issue of ownership and copyright. The forms that were provided to us include -MR. FEE: I'll let you answer his question. THE WITNESS: I don't know. MR. FEE: We've been going about an hour, could we take a short break now? MR. BECKER: In just a couple of minutes or so. MR. FEE: I'll give you a couple more questions. I'm ready to take a break. Go ahead. BY MR. BECKER: Q. What communications do you have with individuals who were employed by the federal government and participated in at least one of those 20 different committees that you managed that reflected their participation in an individual capacity and not as federal government employees? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for Page 50 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 are employed by the federal government that you interacted with in your management of these 20 different committees that you believe were participating in their individual capacity and not as employees of the federal government? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for a legal conclusion. THE WITNESS: No, I don't know. I don't know for sure. BY MR. BECKER: Q. The membership fees for federal government employees, are these typically paid by the individuals or paid by the federal government? MR. FEE: Objection. This is beyond the scope, I think, of any of the topics we're here to have testimony today. Does this have something to do with one of the three topics? MR. BECKER: I don't believe this is beyond the scope. This has to do with -MR. FEE: Which topic does it Page 52 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 a legal conclusion. Compound. THE WITNESS: I'm not sure what you're asking. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Do you have any specific communications that reflect your belief that individuals who you interacted with on one of these 20 different committees that you manage were participating as in their individual capacity and not as federal government employees? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for a legal conclusion. Compound. THE WITNESS: I don't have any concrete examples that I can think of. BY MR. BECKER: Q. And do you have any specific observations that you can think of that would show that individuals who participated in one of these 20 different committees were acting in their individual capacity and not as employees of the federal government? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for a legal conclusion and compound. THE WITNESS: Again, just my Page 51 Page 53 14 (Pages 50 - 53) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 experience in sitting in the meetings and observing the individual members contribute to the development of the standards. BY MR. BECKER: Q. What about those contributions of those members gave you that impression? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for a legal conclusion. Compound. THE WITNESS: I'm not thinking of any one example. I'm just thinking over time in all of my different committees and all the different meetings that I've attended, to me it appears that people are contributing off the cuff spontaneously in the development of the standard. BY MR. BECKER: Q. When they participate, do members of the federal government use their federal government issued e-mail addresses? MR. FEE: Objection. Compound. Calls for speculation. THE WITNESS: They may or they may not. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 you mean by "differently." BY MR. BECKER: Q. Is there a specific classification that's given to government employees who participate in the development of standards under ASTM? A. They're given a classification just as all other members are. Q. And what is that classification? A. It could either be a producer, user, general interest, depending upon the scope of the committee. Q. Would a federal government employee count as a producer? A. I can't think of a situation where they would be. Q. Would a federal government employee count as a user? A. They may. Q. Would a federal government employee count as a general interest member? A. They may. Q. In what circumstances might a federal government employee count as a user versus a general interest member? Page 54 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 BY MR. BECKER: Q. What is it about off-the-cuff or spontaneous contributions that you think means that these individuals are participating in their individual capacity and not as federal government employees? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for a legal conclusion. THE WITNESS: Just my belief based on what I'm observing that I think it's a very spontaneous conversation, people providing contributions based on what they believe, not necessarily what their company believes. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Are individuals who participate -- excuse me. Are federal government employees who participate in ASTM committees or task groups classified differently than other individuals who participate in those committees or task groups? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. THE WITNESS: I'm not sure what Page 56 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A. It depends on the scope of the committee. Q. Could you give some examples? A. On my road and paving committee, federal highway would be considered a user. MR. FEE: We've been going quite some time. I asked to have a short break. We're going to take a break now, no question pending. MR. BECKER: We can take a break. VIDEOGRAPHER: Time is now 11:48. We're going off the video record. - - (A recess was taken.) - - VIDEOGRAPHER: The time is now 12:02. We're back on the video record. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Mr. Smith, do you have any additional recollections or other information that you would like to add in response to any Page 55 Page 57 15 (Pages 54 - 57) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 of the questions we've discussed so far today? A. Relative to our members' awareness that they're assigning copyrights to ASTM, I believe you had asked that question prior to 2003. Q. Yes. A. ASTM also has an Intellectual Property Policy that makes our members aware of that as well. Q. And when was ASTM's Intellectual Property Policy first instituted? A. I'm not sure, but I believe it was in the '90s. Q. Is there anything else other than ASTM's Intellectual Property Policy that you believe contributes to ASTM's belief that there was an understanding that the copyright of individuals who participated in the drafting of ASTM standards was owned by ASTM? MR. FEE: Objection. Asked and answered. Are you asking him to repeat all the other things he mentioned before or are you excluding 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 - - (Exhibit 1285, Intellectual Property Policy of ASTM, Bates ASTM103277 - ASTM103284, was marked for identification.) - - BY MR. BECKER: Q. I'm handing you what's been marked as Exhibit 1285. Is this the Intellectual Property Policy of ASTM that you had just mentioned? A. Yes, I believe this is a version of it. Q. Are there multiple versions of the ASTM intellectual property policy? A. I believe there were at least two or three. Q. This says it was approved on April 28, 1999. Correct? A. It does say that. Q. It says that at the top of the first page and at the bottom of the last page. Is that correct? A. That's correct. MR. FEE: Objection. It says Page 58 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 those? MR. BECKER: Were there other things that he mentioned before? MR. FEE: Oh, yeah. I'll be honest. Actually I shouldn't say that. But you're asking him to list everything he can think of now again? MR. BECKER: In terms of documents. MR. FEE: Oh, documents. MR. BECKER: I don't think there was anything else, was there? MR. FEE: Your prior question wasn't limited to documents, that's why I said that. THE WITNESS: Is it before 2003? BY MR. BECKER: Q. Yes. A. I'm not aware of any other documents. Q. Is there anything else that you have to add to your earlier testimony other than your mention of the IP Policy? A. I can't think of anything at this time. Page 60 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 adopted on the last page, not approved. BY MR. BECKER: Q. And for the record, this is the document Bates number ASTM 103277 to ASTM 103284 titled: "INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY POLICY OF ASTM." It says at the top of page Bates number ASTM103277 "Approved 28 April 1999." Is that correct? A. Yes. Q. Was this the first edition of the Intellectual Property Policy of ASTM? A. I believe there was one prior to this. Q. Do you know when the Intellectual Property Policy of ASTM that existed prior to this was created? A. No. Q. Do you have any idea? A. I think it was at some point in the '90s. Maybe mid '90s, but I'm not sure. Q. Does ASTM have any record of an Intellectual Property Policy prior to this one, Exhibit 1285? A. I'm not sure. Page 59 Page 61 16 (Pages 58 - 61) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. Do you know how many versions of ASTM's Intellectual Property Policy have been formally adopted by ASTM over the years? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. THE WITNESS: I'm not sure. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Do you know who drafted the ASTM Intellectual Property Policy? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. You're asking about 1285? BY MR. BECKER: Q. Exhibit 1285. A. I'm not certain. Q. Do you know who might have drafted Exhibit 1285? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for speculation. THE WITNESS: I'm not certain. BY MR. BECKER: Q. When you say you're not certain, you mean you have no idea? A. I would assume it would have been under general counsel. Q. And who would that have been on April 28, 1999? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 counsel and when Tom O'Brien took over as general counsel? A. I'm not certain. - - (Exhibit 1286, Intellectual Property Policy of ASTM International ("Policy"), Bates ASTM103285 ASTM103290, was marked for identification.) - - BY MR. BECKER: Q. I'm handing you what's been marked as Exhibit 1286. This is the document produced by ASTM last night as Bates number ASTM103285 to ASTM103290, titled: "INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY POLICY OF ASTM INTERNATIONAL ('POLICY')." Do you recognize this document? A. It's our Intellectual Property Policy. Q. What is the relationship of this Exhibit 1286 to the document 1285 that we were just discussing? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. THE WITNESS: It appears to be a Page 62 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A. It would have been Moe Brooke. Q. Can you spell that for me, please? A. B-R-O-O-K-E. Q. Do you know approximately what years Moe Brooke was the general counsel of ASTM from? A. Roughly from maybe 1980 to late '90s. Q. And who took over as general counsel after Moe Brooke? A. Tom O'Brien. Q. And Tom O'Brien is the current general counsel. Is that correct? A. Correct. Q. Do you know when Tom O'Brien took over as general counsel of ASTM? A. I think it was in about 2004. Q. So was there anybody who was the general counsel of ASTM between Moe Brooke and Tom O'Brien? A. I don't believe on staff we had anybody between Moe Brooke and Tom O'Brien. Q. Was there a gap of some years between the time when Moe Brooke was general Page 64 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 revision. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Can you tell me what the date is that's in the top right-hand corner of this document? A. It appears to be 3/17/10 maybe. I assume. Q. At the bottom of the last page it says, "As amended by the ASTM International Board of Directors, October 28, 2003 and April 13, 2010." Is that correct? A. It does say that. Q. Does this appear to be a redline showing the changes to the Intellectual Property Policy of ASTM that were instituted in 2010? A. That's what it appears to be. - - (Exhibit 1287, Intellectual Property Policy of ASTM International ("Policy"), Bates ASTM003445 ASTM003448, was marked for identification.) - - BY MR. BECKER: Page 63 Page 65 17 (Pages 62 - 65) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. I'm handing you what's been marked as Exhibit 1287. This is a document produced by ASTM as Bates number ASTM003445 to ASTM003448. Do you recognize this document? A. It appears to be a draft of the Intellectual Property Policy. Q. Why do you say that it is a draft of the Intellectual Property Policy? A. Or perhaps a version, I should say. Q. Do you know what the date of this version is? A. At the top it says, Originally approved April 1999 [as read], and then on the back it says, "As Amended by the Board of Directors, ______2003." Q. Do you know if this version of the ASTM Intellectual Property Policy went into effect? A. I don't know for sure, this particular version. Q. Who would know? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for speculation. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 preparation for your deposition today? A. I believe it was one. Q. Do you know which version that was that you reviewed in preparation for your deposition today? A. The current 2013 -- or 2010 rather. The one that was adopted in 2010. Q. Is the one adopted in 2010 the most recent version of the ASTM Intellectual Property Policy? A. To my knowledge, yes. - - (Exhibit 1288, Intellectual Property Policy of ASTM International ("Policy"), Bates ASTM003437 ASTM003441, was marked for identification.) - - BY MR. BECKER: Q. I'm handing you what's been marked as Exhibit 1288. This is the document produced by plaintiffs as Bates number ASTM003437 to ASTM003441. Do you recognize this document? A. Yes. Page 66 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 THE WITNESS: I don't know. Our general counsel could probably figure it out, I think. I don't know if this is the -- I just don't know if this is the exact version that was approved -BY MR. BECKER: Q. Did you review the -A. -- by the board. Q. Excuse me. I'm sorry, go ahead. A. I don't know if this is the exact version that was adopted by our board in 2003 since the exact date is not at the end. Q. Did you review this document in preparation for your deposition today? A. I don't know if I reviewed this exact document. Q. Did you review any versions of the ASTM Intellectual Property Policy in preparation for your deposition today? A. Yes. Q. Do you know approximately how many versions of the ASTM Intellectual Property Policy that you reviewed in Page 68 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. What is this document? A. It's the ASTM Intellectual Property Policy. Q. What is the date of this version of the ASTM Intellectual Property Policy? A. It was originally approved in April of 1999. This particular version was amended by the ASTM International Board of Directors on October 28, 2003, and April 13, 2010. Q. So this is the most current version of the ASTM Intellectual Property Policy then? A. I would think. Q. Is this the version that you reviewed in preparation for the deposition today? A. Yes. Q. And on the final page of Exhibit 1288 it says at the bottom, "As amended by the ASTM International Board of Directors October 28, 2003 and April 13, 2010," whereas on the front it says -- at the top of the front page it says, "Originally Page 67 Page 69 18 (Pages 66 - 69) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Approved 28 April 1999." So this document appears to list three different versions of the ASTM Intellectual Property Policy. Is that correct? A. Yes. Q. What is your basis for believing -- excuse me, let me rephrase. After reviewing these dates, do you still believe there was a version of the ASTM Intellectual Property Policy that existed prior to April 28, 1999? A. I believe we did. Q. What is your basis for believing that there was a prior version of the ASTM Intellectual Property Policy? A. I just seem to recall, but I could be wrong. I thought there was. Q. If there was a prior version of the ASTM Intellectual Property Policy prior to April 28, 1999, that was formally adopted by ASTM, who would know that? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for speculation. THE WITNESS: I don't know. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 a legal conclusion. You shouldn't disclose any communications you've had with counsel regarding that subject. If you otherwise can respond, go ahead. THE WITNESS: I'm not a lawyer, but in reading page 4 of the policy part D, I believe that that does do what you asked. BY MR. BECKER: Q. That is the section V policy part D? A. Yes. Q. Would you, please, compare that section V part D for Exhibits 1285 and Exhibit 1288? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague if that's the question. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Do you see any differences between section V part D in the Exhibit 1288 versus Exhibit 1285? A. I'd have to go through it word by word. Is there anything particular that -- Page 70 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 BY MR. BECKER: Q. Did you discuss the existence of a version of the ASTM Intellectual Property Policy that existed prior to April 28, 1999, with anyone in preparation for your deposition today? A. No. Q. Do you know why the ASTM Intellectual Property Policy was revised on at least two occasions? MR. FEE: Objection. To the extent that that calls for you to disclose communications with counsel, you shouldn't disclose those, but if you know otherwise, you can answer. THE WITNESS: No, I don't. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Looking at Exhibit 1285, the April 28, 1999, version of the ASTM Intellectual Property Policy, does ASTM believe that this Intellectual Property Policy grants it any copyrights in the drafts of standards created by individuals who are not employed by ASTM? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for Page 72 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. Do you see that in the 2013 -excuse me, 2010 edition, Exhibit 1288, it adds the line, "Each member agrees by such participation and enjoyment of his/her annual membership benefits, to have transferred any and all ownership interests, including copyright, they possess or may possess in the ASTM IP to ASTM"? A. I do see that. Q. Why did ASTM insert this sentence into the ASTM Intellectual Property Policy? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for a legal conclusion. I instruct you not to disclose any communications you had with counsel regarding that subject. THE WITNESS: I don't know. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Do you have any knowledge about the revisions that were made to the ASTM Intellectual Property Policy subsequent to the 1999 version? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. Compound. You can answer yes or no. Page 71 Page 73 19 (Pages 70 - 73) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 THE WITNESS: Maybe. MR. FEE: Or maybe. BY MR. BECKER: Q. When you say "maybe," what do you mean? A. I'm not sure exactly what you mean. I know I can see right here there were revisions, I could read these. 1286, like the difference, the differences, but... Q. Could you tell me what is the purpose of the clause at part IV C in Exhibit 1286? MR. FEE: Objection to the extent it calls for a legal conclusion. To the extent your understanding of the purpose of any -MR. BECKER: Excuse me. MR. FEE: -- changes in clauses is based upon communications with counsel, I instruct you not to answer. MR. BECKER: Let me say -- let me rephrase. BY MR. BECKER: Q. I meant Exhibit 1288. MR. FEE: Same objections and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 question, go ahead and answer. THE WITNESS: I would imagine our general counsel would know. BY MR. BECKER: Q. If you look at Exhibit 1285, does clause IV C exist in that document? A. I don't see it. MR. FEE: Objection. The document speaks for itself. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Do you know why ASTM introduced that clause at section IV C subsequent to the April 28, 1999, version of the ASTM Intellectual Property Policy? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for a legal conclusion. You shouldn't disclose any communications with counsel regarding that subject matter. If you otherwise know why that was done, you can answer it. THE WITNESS: No. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Is ASTM aware of any ASTM members seeking legal advice to explain any of the language in the ASTM Intellectual Page 74 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 instructions. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Let me restate for the record. In Exhibit 1288, what is the purpose of the clause at part IV C? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for a legal conclusion. To the extent of your understanding of the purpose of that clause is based on communications with counsel, you shouldn't disclose that. If you have another basis for understanding the purpose of that clause, go ahead and answer. THE WITNESS: I don't know what that means. It seems like it's very legal speak. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Who would know? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for speculation. To the extent that your answering that question would require you to disclose communications that you've had with counsel, you shouldn't disclose those. If you otherwise know who would know the answer to that Page 76 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Property Policy? MR. FEE: Hold on a second. You can answer it yes or no or maybe. THE WITNESS: I'm not aware of any. BY MR. BECKER: Q. If you don't know what the clause at section IV C means, why would you expect an ASTM member to know what that clause means? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for speculation. Mischaracterizes his testimony. You can answer. THE WITNESS: I don't know. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Does ASTM know whether any ASTM member actually understands this language -MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for -BY MR. BECKER: Q. -- in the IP Policy? MR. FEE: Vague. Calls for speculation. THE WITNESS: I don't know either way. Page 75 Page 77 20 (Pages 74 - 77) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 BY MR. BECKER: Q. Does ASTM know one way or another whether any members actually understand the language in its Intellectual Property Policy? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for speculation. THE WITNESS: I can't think of any evidence either way. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Returning to Exhibit 1288, section V D, it says, "If requested by ASTM International, such Participants and committee members agree to execute any and all documents deemed necessary or appropriate by ASTM International to transfer and effectuate ownership of all such rights, including but not limited to copyrights, they may possibly have in ASTM IP." And the first page, first paragraph says, "...Standards, Draft Standards, Adjuncts, Certification Programs and related materials, Technical Papers, Research Reports, Manuals, Software, Training Course Materials and Logos collectively referred to as 'ASTM IP'"? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 in that draft standard to ASTM? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for a legal conclusion. THE WITNESS: I'm not sure I understand that question. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Just to back up a moment. When -- in your previous answer when you said that the only situations you can recall are the ones we talked about earlier using that form, were you referring to Exhibit 1284, the ASTM International Participation and Acknowledgement Form? A. Yes. Q. Returning to my question, let's see if I can clarify. Section V D says, "If requested by ASTM International, such Participants and committee members agree to execute any and all documents deemed necessary, or appropriate by ASTM International to transfer and effectuate ownership of all such rights, including but not limited to copyrights, they may possibly have in ASTM IP." Once a -- once an individual Page 78 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A. Where were you reading that first sentence? Q. That was from the first paragraph on the front page under "INTRODUCTION," it defines ASTM IP as those items that I just listed. A. Okay. Q. So returning to section V D, are you aware of -- excuse me, is ASTM aware of any instances where it has requested individuals to agree to execute any documents necessary to transfer copyright ownership to ASTM? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. THE WITNESS: The only situations that I can recall are the ones that we talked about earlier using that form. I seem to remember that there were instances where we used that form, but I don't know the specifics about them. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Subsequent to the drafting of any standards, has ASTM ever retroactively asked an individual to assign their copyright Page 80 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 has contributed to the drafting of an ASTM standard, has ASTM ever asked an individual to assign the copyright in a draft document that he or she has already created to ASTM? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for a legal conclusion. THE WITNESS: I really don't know either way. It's possible. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Other than your reference to Exhibit 1284, are there other instances in which ASTM has asked an individual to execute an assignment of copyright to ASTM? A. Yes. Q. What instances are those? A. On our work item registration process, there is a click through that requests that that individual assign all rights to their contributions both past and present as well as on our membership application and also on our renewal application and also on our collaboration area. Q. And those are the online forms that you referred to earlier today as having Page 79 Page 81 21 (Pages 78 - 81) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 first been instituted in approximately 2003. Correct? A. Correct. Q. Who would know if ASTM has ever asked an individual to assign the copyright in a draft document that that individual has already previously created to ASTM? MR. FEE: Objection. Assumes facts not in evidence. You can answer. THE WITNESS: Yeah, I don't know who it would be because it would depend on which committee it involved. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Would a staff member be involved in that or would it simply be a volunteer committee member? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. THE WITNESS: Involved in what exactly? BY MR. BECKER: Q. In the request for an assignment of copyright for a work that had already previously been created by an individual to ASTM? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 BY MR. BECKER: Q. Yes. A. No. Q. Did you speak with any ASTM staff members about documents that ASTM believes generally assign copyright to ASTM -MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. BY MR. BECKER: Q. -- in preparation for your deposition today? A. In general, yes. And then there were also a few specific forms, forms that had actual members renewing or applying for membership. Q. And who did you speak with, excluding counsel, regarding the subjects of copyright assignments to ASTM in preparation for your deposition today? A. Specific examples of? Q. Both specific and general examples. A. In general I talked to Marge Cassidy, our treasurer. Q. Anybody else? Page 82 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A. And that they would bring it in 1 to ASTM for the develop -- as developing as 2 an ASTM standard? 3 Q. They -- or that they had 4 developed as part of an ASTM committee but 5 had not executed any assignments to ASTM for 6 that document. 7 A. I'm sorry, is your question who 8 would know that? 9 Q. Yeah, who would know that? 10 A. The staff person, whoever the 11 staff manager for that particular committee 12 would be would have knowledge of that. 13 Q. Would the ASTM general counsel 14 have knowledge of whether an assignment was 15 made concerning a particular work to ASTM 16 subsequent to the creation of that work? 17 A. Maybe. 18 Q. Did you speak with any ASTM 19 staff members about any assignments of 20 copyright to ASTM in preparation for your 21 deposition today? 22 MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. 23 THE WITNESS: Particular 24 assignments? 25 Page 84 A. Jim Thomas, our president. Q. Anybody else? A. John Pace, our vice president of -- our vice president of publications. Q. Anybody else? A. Phil Lively, our vice president of technology. Q. Anybody else? A. Kathie Morgan, our executive vice president. Q. Anybody else? A. I believe that's everybody. Q. What did you speak with Marge Cassidy about in preparation for your deposition today? A. Just any information that she would have relative to assignment of copyright by our members. Q. And what did you learn from Marge Cassidy? A. Nothing. Q. What did Marge Cassidy say about assignment of copyright from ASTM members? A. She really didn't have any Page 83 Page 85 22 (Pages 82 - 85) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 knowledge. Q. Did you approach Marge Cassidy or did she approach you in preparation for your deposition today? MR. FEE: Objection. Lack of foundation. THE WITNESS: I didn't initiate it and she didn't initiate it. We called a meeting. Our general counsel called a meeting. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Who was in attendance at that meeting? A. Our legal team and Marge. Q. Do you know the date of that meeting? A. It was yesterday. Q. How long did you meet for? A. Maybe 10, 15 minutes. Q. What did you speak with Marge about at that meeting? A. Just wanted to get her perspective on anything that has to do with assigning copyright. Q. And what was Marge's 1 (A recess was taken.) 2 - - - 3 VIDEOGRAPHER: The time is now 4 1:58. We're back on the video record. 5 This begins disc two. 6 - - - 7 (Exhibit 1289, Defendant 8 Public.Resource.Org, Inc.'s Amended 9 Notice of Rule 30(b)(6) Deposition of 10 American Society for Testing and 11 Materials, was marked for 12 identification.) 13 14 15 - - BY MR. BECKER: Q. Mr. Smith, I'm handing you 16 what's been marked as Exhibit 1289. This is 17 the "PUBLIC.RESOURCE.ORG AMENDED NOTICE OF 18 RULE 30(B)(6) DEPOSITION OF AMERICAN SOCIETY 19 FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS." Do you recognize 20 this document? 21 A. I do. 22 Q. Have you seen this document 23 before? 24 A. I believe I have. 25 Q. And do you understand that you Page 86 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 perspective? A. She didn't have much of a perspective as someone who works in accounting. But she's a senior staff person who has been at ASTM for a long time, so I was interested in that. Q. How long has Marge Cassidy been at ASTM for? A. 50 years. Q. Did you ask Marge about the assignment of copyright at ASTM prior to your tenure at ASTM? A. Yes. Q. And what did she say about that? A. She didn't really remember anything of significance that I can share. Q. Do you recall any details about your conversation with Marge Cassidy about the assignment of copyright? A. No. VIDEOGRAPHER: The time is now 12:54. We're going off the video record. This concludes disc one. - - - Page 88 1 are testifying on behalf of ASTM today? 2 A. I do. 3 MR. FEE: Just so the record is 4 clear, he's testifying on behalf of 5 ASTM with respects to Topics 2, 3 and 6 24 only. 7 MR. BECKER: And for the record, 8 Public.Resource.Org had requested that 9 ASTM provide a witness on additional 10 topics beyond 2, 3 and 24, and ASTM 11 has refused to provide that additional 12 witness that was requested. 13 MR. FEE: That's not correct. 14 You've had a witness on every other 15 topic. Jeff Grove. Jeff Grove, 16 G-R-O-V-E. 17 MR. BECKER: And as we've 18 discussed, Public.Resource.Org does 19 not believe that Jeff Grove was a 20 sufficient witness on many of those 21 topics and, therefore, has requested a 22 witness on the topics on which 23 Mr. Grove was deficient. 24 MR. FEE: Suffice to say we 25 disagree with that. Page 87 Page 89 23 (Pages 86 - 89) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 BY MR. BECKER: Q. Mr. Smith, you understand that you are responsible for preparing to answer questions on the topics on which you've been noticed and which you are appearing on behalf of ASTM. Correct? A. Yes, I believe it's 2, 3 and 24. Q. And have you prepared to answer questions on Topics 2, 3 and 24? A. Yes. Q. And you understand that you are answering these questions on those topics on behalf of ASTM? A. Yes. Q. Mr. Smith, when did you prepare to answer topics at deposition today? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. THE WITNESS: Yesterday and on Tuesday. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Tuesday of this week? A. Correct. Q. And when were you first notified that you would be appearing as the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A. I reviewed our current ASTM Intellectual Property Policy. Q. Did you do anything else to prepare for the deposition today? A. I met with the people that I mentioned previously. Q. Did you review any other documents other than the ones that you've just listed a moment ago? A. I reviewed documents that had the Bates numbers associated with them. Q. Do you know which documents that have Bates numbers associated with them that you reviewed? THE WITNESS: Do we have them somewhere, the ones that we produced? MR. FEE: You have to answer his questions, I can't give you the answers. THE WITNESS: I'm sorry. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Do you recall the titles of any of the documents that you reviewed that had Bates numbers on them? A. There were specific examples of Page 90 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 witness for the deposition today? A. I think we found out, exactly the date was sometime in maybe the first week in July. Q. Have you done any preparation for your deposition today between the first week of July and Tuesday of this week? A. Yes. Q. What did you do to prepare during that time period? A. I reviewed the membership screens, the renewal screens, the work item registration pages and -Q. Did you do -- I'm sorry. A. -- any ASTM intellectual property files. Q. And when you say the membership screens, the renewal screens, and the work item registration pages, are you referring to the same pages that you had discussed near the start of our deposition today? A. Yes. Q. And when you say that you reviewed any ASTM intellectual property files, what do you mean by that? Page 92 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 memberships that were filled out by a member. I think it was a renewal that may have been completed by a member. Screens that I had mentioned. There were other documents I'm not thinking of right now, but yes. Q. The other documents that you reviewed, did they all have Bates numbers on them? A. Yes. Q. So were there any other documents other than the ones that you described just a moment ago specifically that you reviewed in preparation for your deposition today that did not have Bates numbers on them? MR. FEE: Objection. Asked and answered. Go ahead. THE WITNESS: I don't believe so. BY MR. BECKER: Q. When did you meet with Jim Thomas in preparation for your deposition today? A. On Tuesday, whatever day that was. On Tuesday, last Tuesday. Page 91 Page 93 24 (Pages 90 - 93) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. What did you discuss with Jim Thomas when you met with him then? A. I asked Jim about any memory that he has relative to assignments of copyright. Q. And what did he say? A. Pretty much what I've explained to you relative to formally getting documentation from our members on assignment from 2003 to the present relative to our renewal forms, membership application forms, collaboration area. And then prior to that, Jim's recollection and feelings were that copyright assignment from our members was a very basic understanding that our members had and our staff have had, the sole purpose they come to an ASTM meeting is to develop a standard that's going to result in an ASTM approved standard with a logo on it that's copyrighted. Q. Did Mr. Thomas identify any basis for his belief that copyright assignment from ASTM members was a very basic understanding, as you described it, that ASTM members had with the purpose of developing an 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. Did Jim Thomas say all of that to you? When I say "all of that," I'm referring to your previous statement that you attributed to Jim Thomas, were all of those statements from Jim Thomas? MR. FEE: Objection. Compound. THE WITNESS: Jim has told me and I have seen Jim do these presentations. BY MR. BECKER: Q. When you spoke with Jim Thomas on Tuesday, did he say that a member has never challenged the copyright assertions by ASTM? A. Yes. Q. And when you met with Jim Thomas on Tuesday, did he say that the fact that ASTM sells standards to its members is a basis for why there may be an understanding that by ASTM members, that their contributions would be copyrighted by ASTM? A. He had indicated that the fact that we sell the standards back to our members is probably a real good indication that there's a basic understanding from our Page 94 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ASTM standard? A. Can you explain? Q. Let me rephrase that. Did Mr. Thomas identify any basis for his belief that ASTM members had an understanding that their drafts would be -- that the copyright for their drafts would be held by ASTM? A. I think his basis was on the fact that we've never had a member that has really questioned, that we can recall, or challenged ASTM copyrighting something. Another basis being that we sell our standards and our members are some of our biggest customers, so they're buying the standards from us. Jim Thomas has provided numerous presentations at different committee meetings announcing about this lawsuit and what the ramifications potentially could be. How it could affect our business model and how we want to maintain our low entry for participation, $75 membership, no meeting fees, and we sell our resulting standards so that we can support our operations. And the members, based on the presentations that I've seen, have embraced that concept. Page 96 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 members that we are copyrighting the material that they contribute. Q. Did Jim Thomas say anything else to you when you met with him on Tuesday? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. THE WITNESS: I can't think of anything else specific that he said. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Did you ask Jim Thomas any questions when you met with him on Tuesday? A. No, I don't think I asked him any questions. I think the meeting was basically to discuss copyright assignment. And I don't know if -- it was more of a discussion, I don't think we had -- I had questions. I mean, I didn't need to ask questions. It was a discussion. Q. A moment ago you referred to the $75 fee. Do ASTM members -- excuse me, let me rephrase. Do individuals have to pay ASTM a fee to participate in the standard drafting process? MR. FEE: Objection. Asked and answered. Page 95 Page 97 25 (Pages 94 - 97) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 THE WITNESS: They have to pay $75 to be a member, but they don't have to pay $75 to participate. So an individual can participate without paying ASTM. BY MR. BECKER: Q. What are the differences that individuals who are members of ASTM enjoy in their participation in the standard drafting process versus individuals who are not members? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. THE WITNESS: They get to -free volume of standards and they get to vote. When it's on the ballots, they get to cast votes. Nonmembers do not. BY MR. BECKER: Q. When you say "on the ballots," what ballots are you referring to? A. On the technical standards. Q. Are those ballots for voting up or down on the revision or creation of particular standards? A. Correct. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A. No. Q. When was that meeting? A. That meeting was yesterday. Q. So Mr. Pace provided no information to you on the subject of copyright by individuals to ASTM? A. No. MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. BY MR. BECKER: Q. A moment ago you referred to presentations by Jim Thomas. Can you give any specific -- can you tell me about any specific presentations by Jim Thomas that you think address issues of copyright ownership by ASTM? A. I can't recall any presentations that he did specific on that subject. Q. What presentations were you referring to? A. At ASTM conferences where we have breakfast meetings with all of the individuals attending that meeting, are invited to a breakfast meeting. And we hold them in four different committee weeks; in Page 98 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. Have you had any other communications with Jim Thomas about your deposition today other than the meeting you had with him on Tuesday? A. No. Q. And have you had any communications with Marge Cassidy in preparation for your deposition today other than the meeting that you had with her? A. No. Q. You said you met with John Pace, the vice president of publications, as well in preparation for your deposition today. Correct? A. Uh-huh. Q. What did you discuss with Mr. Pace? A. Any knowledge that he would have relative to the assignment of copyright from our members. Q. What did Mr. Pace say? A. He didn't provide any input. He didn't have any knowledge. Q. Did you discuss any other issues with Mr. Pace at that meeting? Page 100 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 January, April, May and June of every year. I've heard Jim Thomas talk about what I said at those breakfast meetings. Q. Do you recall on what dates Mr. Thomas spoke about those issues at breakfast meetings? A. I can't provide specific dates. Q. Do you have general dates as in this year, last year or the year prior? A. I believe it was this year was mentioned. And it was probably last year as well. Q. Do you recall Mr. Thomas mentioning anything on this subject prior to last year? A. I can't say for sure. Q. Are these breakfast meetings recorded in any way? A. No. Q. Are there any minutes kept of the breakfast meetings? A. No, but we have annual -- our annual meeting -- we may have minutes from our annual meeting, but I'm not sure. I think we might have slides actually, Page 99 Page 101 26 (Pages 98 - 101) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 presentation slides that are available for our annual meetings. Q. You said you also meet with Phil Lively, the vice president of technology. Is that correct? A. Yes. Q. When did you meet with him? A. I met with Phil yesterday. Q. What did you speak with Phil Lively about yesterday? A. About copyright assignments for members to ASTM. Q. And what did Phil Lively tell you? A. About his involvement and help with having the language that we talked about earlier on the membership application screens and the membership renewal screens and the collaboration area screen and the work item registration screens. Q. When you say, "the language that we talked about earlier," are you referring to language that ASTM believes assigns copyright from individuals to ASTM? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 helped create the electronic version of the forms that appear on the ASTM Web site. Is that what you're saying? MR. FEE: Objection. Compound. THE WITNESS: I'm not sure what exactly you mean by that, but essentially he was able to accomplish getting the language up onto the screens so that the members can acknowledge the statement during the process. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Did Mr. Lively draft any of the language on the membership application or renewal forms or any of the other forms that you're describing? MR. FEE: Objection. Compound. THE WITNESS: I don't believe so. BY MR. BECKER: Q. What did Mr. Lively tell you about the work that he did related to copyright assignments? A. Just that he could remember helping with putting the information up on Page 102 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 a legal conclusion. THE WITNESS: The language that we talked about that is on the membership applications, yes. That the members acknowledge when they're either registering a work item or joining as a new member or renewing their membership or opening up a collaboration area that assigns all of their past, present and future contributions to ASTM standards -into ASTM standards to ASTM. BY MR. BECKER: Q. What was Mr. Lively's involvement in the language that you are referring to? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. THE WITNESS: He helped us with, from a technology standpoint, getting that language up onto our Web site, onto the screens. BY MR. BECKER: Q. So you're saying that Mr. Lively was involved in the -- Mr. Lively did not draft the language, but Mr. Lively Page 104 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 the Web screens, and he could remember when he was a staff manager back in the very beginning time, I think it was early '80s when he was a staff manager, and kind of reiterating what I had previously said about there being an understanding that our members understand that their contributions to ASTM, is well understood that we're going to copyright that material. Q. Did Mr. Lively provide any basis for his statement that there was an understanding in the early '80s that ASTM would copyright the material provided by individuals that was incorporated into the standard drafts? A. Can you repeat that question? Q. Yes. Did Mr. Lively provide any basis for his statement that there was an understanding in the early '80s that ASTM would copyright the material provided by individuals that was incorporated into the standard drafts? A. No. I think it was just his belief just as it was my belief. Q. Did you discuss anything else Page 103 Page 105 27 (Pages 102 - 105) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 with Mr. Lively at that meeting? 1 A. Not that I can recall. 2 Q. Did you have any other 3 communications with Mr. Lively in preparation 4 for your deposition today other than that 5 meeting yesterday? 6 A. No. 7 Q. And did you have any other 8 communications with John Pace in preparation 9 for your deposition today other than your 10 meeting with him yesterday? 11 A. No. 12 Q. You said that you also met with 13 Kathie Morgan, the executive vice president, 14 in preparation for your deposition today. Is 15 that true? 16 A. Yes. 17 Q. And when did you meet with 18 Kathie? 19 A. Yesterday. 20 Q. What did you discuss with 21 Kathie at your meeting yesterday? 22 A. We discussed the form that we 23 had here, 1284, and her recollection of what 24 that form was used for. 25 THE WITNESS: Yeah, I'm not sure. I think it -- it was -- I think it was in the early 2000s. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Taking a step back, when you spoke with Phil Lively yesterday in preparation for your deposition today, did you ask him when the Web forms were first set up that included language concerning copyright assignments on the ASTM Web site? MR. FEE: Objection to form. Compound. THE WITNESS: I don't believe I asked him. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Did Mr. Lively tell you yesterday when the Web forms that include language concerning copyright assignments on the ASTM Web site were first set up? MR. FEE: Objection to form. Compound. THE WITNESS: I don't believe he -- I don't believe he said. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Other than Marge Cassidy, Jim Page 106 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. That's Exhibit 1284 you were referencing? A. Yes. Q. What did Kathie Morgan say about Exhibit 1284? A. She thought that that form was used by ASTM whenever an individual who was bringing forward a full document into ASTM, that we would want to have that form filled out which would assign the copyright of that information to ASTM. Q. Did Kathie Morgan tell you anything else about Exhibit 1284? A. Not that I can recall. Q. Did Kathie Morgan tell you when Exhibit 1284 was first used by ASTM? A. I think -- I don't know for sure. I think our recollection was the same as mine earlier, that it was about, you know, maybe prior to 2003. Q. When you say "prior to 2003," approximately what year do you believe that this form, Document 1284, was first used? MR. FEE: Objection. Asked and answered. Page 108 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Thomas, John Pace, Phil Lively and Kathie Morgan, was there anybody else that you met with in preparation for your deposition today? A. Besides our legal team? Q. Yes. A. No. Q. And other than those individuals, was there anybody else that you communicated with in preparation for your deposition today? A. No. Q. Collectively about how much time would you say that you spent in preparation for your deposition today? A. Maybe 15 hours. Q. Returning to Exhibit 1288, the ASTM Intellectual Property Policy from 2010, please turn to section VI B, "Intellectual Property Other Than Standards." That's Bates numbered ASTM003440. Can you, please, review subsections 1a and b from this document. For the record, that's section VI B1a and VI B1b. Please tell me when you're done reviewing it. A. [Reviewing document.] Okay. Page 107 Page 109 28 (Pages 106 - 109) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. This section says it relates to "Intellectual Property Other Than Standards," and it says, "ASTM International recognizes different ways to assign intellectual property rights: ...When individual authors submit manuscripts of technical papers for publication by ASTM International, the author must sign an agreement (Author Agreement) whereby ownership of the material is assigned to ASTM International...." Why does ASTM have a special agreement for authors of intellectual property other than standards? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for a legal conclusion. To the extent you can answer that question without disclosing communications with counsel, you may go ahead and do so. THE WITNESS: I don't know. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Do you know who would know? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for speculation. THE WITNESS: I would -potentially in part the ASTM general 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 BY MR. BECKER: Q. Does ASTM believe that if a standard was prepared in the course of the author's employment by the U.S., Canadian or British governments, that a copyright exists in that standard? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for a legal conclusion. Instruct you not to disclose any communications with counsel regarding that matter. If you can answer it without disclosing those communications, go ahead. THE WITNESS: I don't know. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Who would know? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for speculation. THE WITNESS: I would potentially think that our ASTM general counsel would know. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Is there anybody else who would know? MR. FEE: Same objection. THE WITNESS: I don't know. Page 110 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 counsel. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Is there anybody else who would know? MR. FEE: Same objection. THE WITNESS: I don't know. BY MR. BECKER: Q. This document again goes on to say, ".. however, if a technical paper was prepared in the course of the author's employment by the U.S., Canadian, or British Governments, ASTM acknowledges that copyright does not exist." Why does ASTM acknowledge that copyright doesn't exist if the technical paper was prepared in the course of an author's employment by one of these federal governments? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for a legal conclusion. Instruct you not to disclose communications with counsel regarding that subject, but if you have knowledge from some other source, go ahead and answer. THE WITNESS: I don't know. Page 112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 BY MR. BECKER: Q. Does ASTM recognize a distinction between standards and intellectual property other than standards in terms of its copyrightability when created by someone who is acting in the course of their employment by the U.S., Canadian or British governments? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. Confusing. Compound. Calls for a legal conclusion. Instruct you not to disclose any communications with counsel regarding that matter. If you have other information you can share, go ahead. THE WITNESS: I really don't know. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Just to rephrase so we have a clear question here, does ASTM recognize a distinction between standards and intellectual property other than standards in terms of its copyrightability when created by someone who is acting in the course of their employment by the U.S. government? Page 111 Page 113 29 (Pages 110 - 113) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. Compound. Calls for a legal conclusion. Instruct you not to disclose communications with counsel regarding the subject. If you have other information you can share, go ahead. THE WITNESS: I don't know. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Who would know? MR. FEE: Calls for speculation. Objection. THE WITNESS: Potentially our general counsel. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Did you discuss this issue in preparation for your deposition today? A. No. Q. Did you inquire about the copyrightability of material created by employees of the federal government in the course of their employment with the federal government in preparation for your deposition today? MR. FEE: Hold on one second. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 recent version, so let me read that again. Section VI B1b states, "When ASTM International contracts, subsidizes, or agrees with writers, authors, editors, or others to prepare or otherwise help create ASTM IP other than technical papers as given in 1a above, a 'Work for Hire' Agreement must be signed in which copyright is acknowledged to reside in ASTM International or will be assigned to ASTM International." Have you ever seen one of these "Work for Hire" Agreements that's referenced in this clause? A. Not that I can recall. Q. Do you know of any situations in which a "Work for Hire" Agreement as described in clause VI B1b has been executed? A. I don't know of any specific ones that have been executed. Q. Did you discuss the existence of any "Work for Hire" Agreements in preparation for your deposition today? A. No. Q. Do you know of any "Work for Hire" Agreements that have been executed with Page 114 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 You can answer it yes or no. THE WITNESS: I don't think we did. Not that I -- I can't recall that we talked about that specifically. BY MR. BECKER: Q. The next clause of the Intellectual Property Policy states, When ASTM contracts, subsidizes, or agrees with writers, authors, editors, or others to prepare or otherwise help create ASTM Intellectual Property other than technical papers as given in 1a above, a "Work For Hire" Agreement must be signed in which copyright is acknowledged to reside in ASTM or will be assigned to ASTM [as read]. MR. FEE: You skipped the word "International" there twice, for the record. MR. BECKER: Excuse me. BY MR. BECKER: Q. You're right, I'm looking at the earlier version of the Intellectual Property Policy, it appears that international has been inserted into the more Page 116 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 respect to any ASTM standards? A. No. Q. Have any "Work for Hire" Agreements been executed with respect to any ASTM standards? A. I'm not aware of any, but there could have been. Q. Who would know? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for speculation. THE WITNESS: Whoever the vice president of technical committee operations has been for, you know, however long you want to go back. BY MR. BECKER: Q. I'm sorry, so that would be -you're saying that the previous vice president of technical committee operations prior to yourself would know, might know if there had been any "Work for Hire" Agreements executed in relation to ASTM standards? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for speculation. THE WITNESS: They might. And our general counsel might know as Page 115 Page 117 30 (Pages 114 - 117) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 well. BY MR. BECKER: Q. How long have you been the vice president of technical committee operations? A. Six months. Q. Who was the vice president of technical committee operations prior to you? A. Kathie Morgan. Q. How long was she the VP of technical committee operations at ASTM? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for speculation. Lack of foundation. THE WITNESS: Roughly seven years, eight years. BY MR. BECKER: Q. And who was the vice president of technical committee operations prior to Kathie Morgan? A. Ken Pearson. Q. How long was he the vice president of technical committee operations? A. Probably 25 years. 20 to 25 years. Q. Do you know who the vice president of technical committee operations 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. Do you know who would know if an Intellectual Property Policy existed prior to April 28, 1999? A. Yeah, I would like to go back, if I could, to a previous answer that I provided. Q. Please do. A. With respect to my meeting with Jim Thomas, Jim Thomas also had discussion during that meeting relative to his belief that there was an Intellectual Property Policy prior to 1999. Q. And did Jim Thomas state what his basis was for thinking that there was an Intellectual Property Policy prior to 1999? MR. FEE: Objection. THE WITNESS: I believe he was just saying he remembered one, he recalled that there was one. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Did you do anything to try to get a copy of any Intellectual Property Policy that may have existed prior to 1999? A. No. Q. Is there anyone other than Jim Page 118 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 was before Ken Pearson? A. I think it was Jim Thomas. Q. Do you know how long Jim Thomas was the vice president of technical committee operations? A. No. Q. When you spoke with Kathie Morgan in preparation for your deposition today, did you discuss "Work for Hire" Agreements with her? A. No. Q. You stated earlier that you're not certain if an Intellectual Property Policy existed prior to April 28, 1999. Is that correct? MR. FEE: Objection. Mischaracterizes his testimony. THE WITNESS: You're saying that I wasn't sure -BY MR. BECKER: Q. Yes. A. -- whether there was? Q. Yes. A. Yeah. I thought I recalled that there was. Page 120 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Thomas who would know whether an Intellectual Property Policy existed prior to 1999? A. I don't think so. MR. BECKER: Counsel, given Topic Number 2 in the Notice of Deposition, we need somebody who is able to say definitively whether an Intellectual Property Policy existed prior to 1999. MR. FEE: Do you have any other questions for him or are you done? MR. BECKER: No, we're continuing. MR. FEE: Okay. Go ahead. - - (Exhibit 1290, Exhibit A from Complaint, was marked for identification.) - - BY MR. BECKER: Q. I'm handing you what's been marked as Exhibit 1290. This is Exhibit A from the Complaint filed by plaintiffs. Do you recognize this document? A. I don't think I looked at this Page 119 Page 121 31 (Pages 118 - 121) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 document. 2 Q. Well, this is the listing of 3 standards that ASTM is asserting are 4 infringed by Public.Resource.Org. 5 - - 6 (Exhibit 1291, Certificates of 7 Copyright Registration, Bates 8 ASTM000001 - ASTM000168, was marked 9 for identification.) 10 - - 11 BY MR. BECKER: 12 Q. I'm handing you what has been 13 marked as Exhibit 1291. These are the documents produced as Bates number ASTM000001 14 15 to ASTM000168. Do you recognize this 16 document? 17 MR. FEE: Objection. 18 Mischaracterizes what has been marked 19 as 1291 as one document. 20 THE WITNESS: I think I saw an 21 example of one yesterday. 22 BY MR. BECKER: 23 Q. What is Exhibit 1291? 24 MR. FEE: Objection. Lack of 25 foundation. A. It was just in the materials along with other Bates numbered documents. Q. Do you recall which Certificate of Copyright Registration you viewed yesterday? A. No. Q. Was it only one Certificate of Copyright Registration that you looked at? A. I believe so. Q. Did you have any discussions with anyone in preparation for your deposition today concerning Certificates of Copyright Registration by ASTM? MR. FEE: You can answer it yes or no. THE WITNESS: Yes. BY MR. BECKER: Q. And who did you have these discussions with? A. I had a discussion with Kathe Hooper. Q. Anybody else? A. Other than the legal team, I don't think so. Q. I don't believe that Kathe Page 122 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 THE WITNESS: They look like they're examples of Certificates of Copyright Registration. BY MR. BECKER: Q. I will represent to you that Exhibit 1291 is all of the Certificates of Copyright Registration that ASTM has produced to Public.Resource in this action. You said you saw an example of one of these Certificates of Copyright Registration yesterday? A. Yes. Q. Was that in preparation for your deposition? A. Yes. Q. And in what context did you see an example of the Certificate of Copyright Registration? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. THE WITNESS: I'm not sure what you mean by "context." BY MR. BECKER: Q. Were you shown an example of the Certificate of Copyright Registration by anybody? Page 124 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Hooper was one of the people that you listed as an individual that you spoke with in preparation for your deposition? A. Yeah, we -- I didn't -- we did not have a special meeting with her. Q. What did you discuss when you spoke with Kathe Hooper in preparation for your deposition today? A. We discussed why, when this form was filled out, why we had checked off the box yes to question 2a about "Was this contribution to the work a work made for hire." Q. And why is that, that box 2a was checked off on the copyright registrations? A. She said that the copyright office had told her to fill out the form that way. Q. Did she say why the copyright office told her to fill out the form that way? A. I don't believe so. Q. Was she the one who prepared the copyright registrations? Page 123 Page 125 32 (Pages 122 - 125) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A. I think she started back in 1984, I think she may have said. Q. Do you know who was filling out ASTM Certificate of Copyright Registration forms prior to Kathe Hooper? A. A name was mentioned yesterday, but I don't recall the name. Q. Was that individual Robert L. Meltzer? A. I recognize that name, but I don't know if Robert Meltzer was the one that was filling out this form. Q. Do you know who Robert Meltzer is? A. He was a former vice president of publications. Q. Did Kathe Hooper say what communications with the copyright office led to her decision to check box 2a of the copyright registrations? A. What led her to fill out this form that way? Q. Did she say what communications she had with the copyright office that led her to fill out the forms to check box 2a? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. Do you know what had been the discussion with the copyright office by Kathe Hooper's predecessor concerning checking box 2a? A. Do I know? MR. FEE: Objection. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Yeah. MR. FEE: Vague. THE WITNESS: I only know what Kathe Hooper told me. BY MR. BECKER: Q. And what precisely did Kathe Hooper tell you about that? MR. FEE: Objection. Asked and answered. THE WITNESS: That the copyright office had informed Kathe Hooper's predecessor to check box yes to the answer -- to the question on 2a. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Did Kathe Hooper tell you any information about what her predecessor had said to the copyright office that led to the copyright office telling her to check box 2a? Page 126 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A. She had said that her predecessor had a conversation with the copyright office, and they had informed her that it should be filled out that way. Q. Do you know if Kathe Hooper had any interactions with the copyright office in which the copyright office told her to fill out the registrations by checking box 2a? A. I don't believe she did. Q. What is Kathe Hooper's role at ASTM? A. She assists the vice president of publications. Q. How long has Kathe Hooper held that role for at ASTM? A. I can't say for certain, but I think she said yesterday, since about 1984 she was in that role. Q. And currently the vice president of publications is John Pace. Correct? A. Correct. Q. Do you know how long John Pace has held that role for? A. It's been about 11 years. Page 128 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A. No. My understanding is it was just a question on how to fill out the form. Q. Did ASTM ever have a lawyer review the applications for copyright registration? A. I don't know. Q. Do you have any knowledge about what information the copyright office had obtained from ASTM when it said to check box 2a? A. No. Q. If ASTM had provided different facts concerning the material that was being copyrighted, that might call for a different answer to whether box 2a should be checked on the copyright registration form. Correct? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for speculation. Calls for a legal conclusion. Calls for expert testimony. You can answer if you know. THE WITNESS: I don't know. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Why is ASTM listed as the author under section 2a? Page 127 Page 129 33 (Pages 126 - 129) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A. I think the copyright office told us to fill out the form in that manner. Q. Did Kathe Hooper tell you that the copyright office said to fill out the copyright registration form by putting American Society for Testing and Materials under name of author, section 2a? A. Yes. Q. Did Kathe Hooper tell you anything else about listing ASTM under the name of author field in section 2a? A. No. Q. Are there any documents that reflect ASTM's communication with the copyright office concerning how to fill out section 2a of the forms for copyright registration? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for speculation. This is beyond the scope. You can answer. THE WITNESS: Not that I'm aware of. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Are there any letters that reflect ASTM's communication with the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 concerning how to fill out section 2a of the forms for copyright registration? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for speculation. Beyond the scope of his designation. You can answer. THE WITNESS: I don't know. Maybe the people that worked in our publications department at the time that that question was -- at the time that the copyright office had informed us. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Do you know who was the president of publications as of the time that ASTM communicated with the copyright office regarding how to fill out section 2a of the copyright registration forms? A. I believe it was Bob Meltzer, Robert Meltzer. Q. Do you know if Robert Meltzer is still alive? A. I don't know for sure. MR. FEE: Matt, is now a good time to take a break? MR. BECKER: We can in just a Page 130 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 copyright office concerning how to fill out section 2a of the forms for copyright registration? MR. FEE: Objection. Same objections as before, plus you just answered that question. You can answer it again. THE WITNESS: Not that I'm aware of. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Are there any internal memos that reflect ASTM's communication with the copyright office concerning how to fill out section 2a of the forms for copyright registration? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for speculation. It's beyond the scope of his designation. You can answer if you know. THE WITNESS: Not that I'm aware of. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Who would know whether any documents exist that reflect ASTM's communications with the copyright office Page 132 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 moment. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Please turn to page ASTM000107 of Exhibit 1291. I will represent to you that this is the earliest copyright registration that ASTM has provided to Public.Resource in this action. Under section 2-1, in the section that says, "NAME OF AUTHOR," do you see that it lists "American Society for Testing and Materials," and then says, "Was this author's contribution to the work a 'work made for hire,'" and then checks the box yes? A. Yes. Q. And then on the next page, do you see that under the "CERTIFICATION" near the bottom of the page, it lists "Robert L. Meltzer," and then has his -- what appears to be his signature -A. Yes. Q. -- with a date of January 31, 1980? A. Yes. Q. Is it your belief that as of at least January 31, 1980, Kathe Hooper's Page 131 Page 133 34 (Pages 130 - 133) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 predecessor had had a conversation with the copyright office in which they instructed her to check the box saying that the -- scratch that. Is it your understanding that as of at least January 31, 1980, someone at ASTM had had a conversation with someone from the copyright office in which that person from ASTM was instructed to check the box saying that the work was a "work made for hire," and listing the name "American Society for Testing and Materials" under the "NAME OF AUTHOR" field? MR. FEE: Objection to form. THE WITNESS: I'm not sure I understand the question. If you could rephrase it, I'm a little lost. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Sure. Is it your -- after looking at this document, page ASTM000107 to 108, is it your understanding that as of at least January 31, 1980, someone at ASTM had a conversation with someone from the copyright office in which that person from ASTM was instructed to check the box saying that the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. Mr. Smith, do you know which standards at issue in this litigation each copyright registration that ASTM has provided corresponds to? A. I'm not sure I get the question. Q. If you look at, we were just discussing ASTM000107 in Exhibit 1291, that's a standard, the title of the work is "1980 ANNUAL BOOK OF ASTM STANDARDS, Part 1:Steel-Piping, Tubing, Fittings." Is that correct? A. Correct. Q. Do you know how many standards are in the 1980 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Part 1:Steel-Piping, Tubing, Fittings? A. No. MR. FEE: Objection. Beyond the scope of his designation. THE WITNESS: No, I don't. MR. BECKER: I would disagree, I don't think this is beyond the scope of his designation. This has to do with the -- with copyright ownership Page 134 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 work was a "work made for hire," and listing the names "American Society for Testing and Materials" under the "NAME OF AUTHOR" field? MR. FEE: Objection. Form. Go ahead. THE WITNESS: Yeah, I believe that's right, I just don't know when that con -- I don't know when that conversation exactly was made. BY MR. BECKER: Q. But you believe it was as of at least January 31, 1980? A. I don't know. It could have been before that. I really don't know. MR. BECKER: All right. We can go off the record. VIDEOGRAPHER: The time is now 3:08. We're going off the video record. - - (A recess was taken.) - - VIDEOGRAPHER: The time is now 3:20. We're back on the video record. BY MR. BECKER: Page 136 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 and the chain of title. This is -MR. FEE: You just asked him how many chapters essentially there were in a book. MR. BECKER: Well, that's one of the questions I have, is related to this particular registration. It's a registration for a work. MR. FEE: We disagree for the record. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Are there multiple standards listed in the 1980 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Part 1:Steel-Piping, Tubing, Fittings? MR. FEE: Same objection. THE WITNESS: Yes. BY MR. BECKER: Q. How do you know that? A. Because it's our volume of standards and volumes contain more than one standard. Q. Is there a way to confirm -excuse me, scratch that. Do you know how to determine Page 135 Page 137 35 (Pages 134 - 137) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 how many standards are in the 1980 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Part 1:Steel-Piping, Tubing, Fittings? MR. FEE: Same objection. THE WITNESS: I don't know if there would be a way to find that out today. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Why not? MR. FEE: Same objection. Beyond the scope. THE WITNESS: I just don't know if we still have that information from 35 years ago. BY MR. BECKER: Q. How would you go about trying to determine how many standards were in the 1980 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Part 1:Steel-Piping, Tubing, Fittings? MR. FEE: Same objection. THE WITNESS: I would probably ask our publications department if we had any record of the index for that book. And if we did, you can count them. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 MR. FEE: Same objections. THE WITNESS: He might. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Who else is in the publications department other than Kathe Hooper and John Pace? MR. FEE: Objection. Beyond the scope of his designation. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Let me rephrase. Who else other than -A. 50-some people. I don't know. Q. Let me rephrase. Other than John Pace and Kathe Hooper, who else might know whether the -- whether copies of all of ASTM's publications are kept? A. I don't know. MR. FEE: Objection. Beyond the scope of his designation. THE WITNESS: I don't know. MR. FEE: Calls for speculation. BY MR. BECKER: Q. If you look at Exhibit 1290 and compare it with -- compare the second page of 1290 with ASTM0000107, the copyright Page 138 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 BY MR. BECKER: Q. Would you be able to determine this from anything else other than the book itself or an index for that book? MR. FEE: Same objection. THE WITNESS: I don't know. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Does ASTM keep complete copies of every book it has published? MR. FEE: Same objection. THE WITNESS: I don't know. I don't think so. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Who would know? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for speculation. Beyond the scope. THE WITNESS: Maybe folks from our publications department. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Would Kathe Hooper know? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for speculation. Beyond the scope. THE WITNESS: She might. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Would John Pace know? Page 140 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 registration page that we've been discussing, you will see that in the middle of the page, page 2 of Exhibit 1290 it lists ASTM A370 as a designation, the edition 1997e2, "Standard Methods and Definition for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products" with a registration certificate number TX 434-207. Do you see that? A. Yes. Q. Do you see that the registration number TX 434-207 corresponds with the registration number in the top right-hand corner of the page ASTM000107 from Exhibit 1291? A. Yes. Q. Do you know how ASTM confirmed -- do you know if ASTM confirmed that ASTM standard A370 1997e2 was in the 1980 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Part 1:Steel-Piping, Tubing, Fittings? MR. FEE: Objection. Beyond the scope of his designation. THE WITNESS: I don't know if you're suggesting that because the registration certificate numbers in Page 139 Page 141 36 (Pages 138 - 141) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Exhibit 1291 and A370 in Exhibit 1292, if you are suggesting because they are the same certificate numbers, that that confirms that this standard is in this volume? Is that what you're asking me? BY MR. BECKER: Q. Well, I'm wondering if that does confirm that. A. I don't know because I'm not sure how the registration number process really works. I don't know for sure. Q. So do you have any way of telling us which standard that is at issue in this litigation corresponds to which of the copyright registrations that ASTM has provided to Public.Resource? MR. FEE: Objection. Beyond the scope of his designation. You can answer. THE WITNESS: I don't know. I don't know. MR. BECKER: I just want to state for the record I strongly disagree that this is beyond the scope 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 is suing Public.Resource over in this litigation? MR. FEE: Objection. Beyond the scope of his designation. You can answer. THE WITNESS: No. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Do you know if the 1980 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Part 1:Steel-Piping, Tubing, and Fittings is available in ASTM's digital library? MR. FEE: Objection. Beyond the scope of his designation. THE WITNESS: I don't know. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Do you know how to determine what works are available in ASTM's digital library? MR. FEE: Objection. Beyond the scope of his designation. THE WITNESS: I think it's searchable. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Searchable by whom? MR. FEE: Same objection. Page 142 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 of his designation. Topic 2 says, "All elements of the Chain of Title of copyright ownership, including copyright authorship and ownership of component parts of the Works-At-Issue in this case." The issue of what standards are covered by which registrations seems very relevant to the question of copyright ownership, at least to the extent that ASTM is claiming copyright ownership. Are you still objecting that this is beyond the scope of his designation? MR. FEE: Yes. Just like every other deposition objection, they're not going to get resolved here, they get resolved, if necessary, at a later date. BY MR. BECKER: Q. In preparation for your deposition today, did you speak to anybody about how to correlate the copyright registrations that ASTM has provided to Public.Resource with the standards that ASTM Page 144 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 THE WITNESS: By standard. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Can members of the public search ASTM's digital library? MR. FEE: Same objection. Objection. Vague also. THE WITNESS: If you pay for it in a subscription. BY MR. BECKER: Q. So members of the public cannot search ASTM's digital library unless they pay for a subscription? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. Beyond the scope of his designation. THE WITNESS: Correct. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Returning to Exhibit 1291 and turning to the next page, ASTM 00108, it's the back of this same copyright registration form that we've been discussing. The section near the top that says, "PREVIOUS REGISTRATION," and it says that -- checks yes for the box that says, "Has registration for this work or for an earlier version of this work, already been made in the Copyright Page 143 Page 145 37 (Pages 142 - 145) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Office?" And then it says, "give: Previous Registration Number," and the registration number "TX 226-040 Year of Registration 1979" is provided. Is that correct? MR. FEE: Objection. Mischaracterizes, eliminates portions of that section. THE WITNESS: That reads as you said. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Do you know if the standard ASTM A370 1997e2 was featured in this other work that's registered as TX 226-040 with the year of registration 1979? MR. FEE: Objection. Beyond the scope of his designation. THE WITNESS: I don't know for sure. I don't know. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Do you know how somebody would determine what work is referenced by this registration number that's provided? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. Calls for speculation. Beyond the scope of his designation. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 than 1977? A. Yes. Q. And in what case would there be more recent versions? A. If the committee successfully balloted a revision to the standard. Q. In what circumstances would a revision result in a change of the year that's listed from 1977 to a different year? A. If it was approved, if a revision was approved in a different year, it would be provided that year date. Q. But for the version that is marked as 1977e2, was that version first released in 1977? A. It depends when it was -- it depends. If it was approved at the end of 1977, it could have been published in 1978. Q. Would it have been published any later than 1978? Excuse me, would it have been first published any later than 1978? A. This particular 1977 version, I wouldn't have -Q. Yes. Page 146 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 THE WITNESS: I think it's this, 1 the 1980 Annual Book of ASTM Standards 2 or the 1979 book correlates with this 3 registration. 4 BY MR. BECKER: 5 Q. For ASTM A370 1997e2, what does 6 the 19 -- excuse me, did I say -- let me 7 rephrase that. 8 For ASTM A370 1977e2, what does 9 1977 designate? 10 A. It means that's the year that 11 that version was approved. So A370 may have 12 been a new standard that was first approved 13 in 1977, or it could have been revised and 14 that version was approved in 1977. 15 Q. So 1977 is the year of most 16 recent either approval or revision? 17 MR. FEE: Objection. Compound. 18 Vague. Mischaracterizes his testimony. 19 THE WITNESS: Not necessarily. 20 There could be -- there could be more 21 recent versions. 22 BY MR. BECKER: 23 Q. For ASTM A370 1977e2, could 24 there have been more recent versions of it 25 Page 148 A. I wouldn't have thought that it would be published any later than 1978. Q. Does ASTM release a new version of the Annual Book of ASTM Standards every year? A. Yes. Q. What is contained in the Annual Book of ASTM Standards? Is that every standard that ASTM -- excuse me. Is that every ASTM standard that is current as of that year? MR. FEE: Objection. Compound. THE WITNESS: The Annual Book of ASTM Standards comprises a collection of volumes, so there are specific volumes of ASTM standards. This Part 1:Steel-Piping, Tubing, Fittings is a volume. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Would volume have been -- would there have been a 1979 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Part 1:Steel-Piping, Tubing, Fittings? A. Yes. Q. Would there have been a 1978 Page 147 Page 149 38 (Pages 146 - 149) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Part 1:Steel-Piping, Tubing, Fittings? A. I don't know specifically if there would be -- you know, if it was called the same thing, a Part 1 or -- because sometimes we have to reshuffle our volumes depending -- as they get bigger, we have to manage the size of each volume. So I don't know if it was -- would have been called Part 1 or something else, but I also don't know if the same exact standards that were in there in 1979 are not necessarily in there in 1980. Q. Would ASTM A370 1977e2 have been published in an Annual Book of ASTM Standards prior to 1980? A. Most -- yeah, most likely, yep. Q. Do you know why ASTM has not provided Public.Resource with the copyright registrations for any such volumes prior to 1980? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for speculation. Beyond the scope of his designation. THE WITNESS: I don't know. BY MR. BECKER: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A. Yes. Nothing is technically significant. Q. Returning to ASTM000108, just below where it lists the information under "PREVIOUS REGISTRATION," it has a section that says, "COMPILATION OR DERIVATIVE WORK" which says, "PREEXISTING MATERIAL." And then below that it says, "1979 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Part 1." And then below that, "MATERIAL ADDED TO THIS WORK," it says, "Compilation of previously published text plus additional text." Do you know what that additional text is that was added to the 1979 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Part 1 to create the 1980 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Part 1? A. I don't know exactly what that text was, but it's -- my guess is that it means revisions to the standards that were included in the 1979 book that are also included in the 1980 book, but there are also revisions, and any new standards that were approved that were not in the 1979 book but made it to the 1980 book. Page 150 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. Why are some standards re-approved? MR. FEE: Objection. Beyond the scope of his designations. THE WITNESS: The technical committees make the decision as to whether or not they want to re-approve the standard through the consensus process. BY MR. BECKER: Q. And in what situations are standards re-approved? MR. FEE: Same objection. THE WITNESS: If the committees want -- it's up to the committees. So if there's -- if the committees are happy with the current state of the standard and they don't feel like there's any revisions that are necessary, then they can initiate a ballot for a re-approval. BY MR. BECKER: Q. And does that re-approval mean there are no changes from the previous version? Page 152 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. Is the basis of your previous statement that typically the next years' Annual Book of Standards includes standards that had been recently approved or changed in that past year? MR. FEE: Objection. Mischaracterizes his testimony. Vague and confusing. THE WITNESS: Can you restate that? BY MR. BECKER: Q. Yeah. Maybe I'll just ask you, what's the basis for your guess that the revisions to the standards that were included in the 1979 book are -- excuse me. What is the basis for your statement that your guess is that any revisions to the 1979 book of standards that resulted in the 1980 book of standards is attributable to new standards or revised standards within that past year? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. Confusing. THE WITNESS: I'm not sure I completely understand what your Page 151 Page 153 39 (Pages 150 - 153) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 question means, but I'll just explain it that if there -- let's just say, for example, that there's a standard that is in the 1979 book. If that standard is revised, then the revision is included in the 1980 book. Does that kind of answer your question? MR. BECKER: Yes. BY MR. BECKER: Q. And generally that's the case for any successive Annual Book of Standards. Is that correct? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. Compound. THE WITNESS: Yeah, that's the way it works. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Is there a log of every revision over time to any particular standard from its first creation? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. THE WITNESS: ASTM is 115 years old, so I don't think there is a log that exists for standards that were approved in our early stages. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 compound. THE WITNESS: It's internal to ASTM, but we do make historical versions of standards available from our Web site. I believe we started that from 19 -- it might have been like 2000. BY MR. BECKER: Q. And who maintains these logs? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. THE WITNESS: It's part of our automated system. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Who is in charge of that automated system? A. I guess the system itself, our technology area. Q. Would that be the VP of technology who is in charge of that? A. Uh-huh. Yes. I'm sorry. Q. On Exhibit 1291, please turn to ASTM000149. And when you have that open, please also flip to ASTM000155. If you look at ASTM000149 under the section 2-1, it says, "AUTHOR OF (Briefly describe nature of this Page 154 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 BY MR. BECKER: Q. Does ASTM keep a log of every revision over time to any particular standard from its first creation for those standards that have been created in the past ten years? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. THE WITNESS: We might. It's possible. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Do you know who would know whether this is the case or not? A. I just don't know the particular time frame. You say ten years, I don't know if it's ten years or what the time frame is that we have it in our system. Q. So are you saying that a log exists but you're not certain how far back it goes? A. Correct. MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. THE WITNESS: Correct. BY MR. BECKER: Q. And is that log publicly available or is that only internal to ASTM? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague, and Page 156 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 author's contribution)," and it says, "Entire Text." In contrast, if you look at ASTM000155 under section 2-1 "AUTHOR OF (Briefly describe nature of this author's contribution)," it says, "Collective Work." Do you know why ASTM has said that under one registration, that they are the author of the entire text, but under a -this other registration, ASTM000155, ASTM says that it is a collective work? A. I don't know why. MR. FEE: Objection. Mischaracterizes the document. Did you answer? Sorry. THE WITNESS: I'm sorry, too. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Who would know why there is this difference between these two copyright registrations? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for speculation. THE WITNESS: I don't know. BY MR. BECKER: Q. You don't know who would know the answer to that question? Page 155 Page 157 40 (Pages 154 - 157) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 MR. FEE: Objection. Asked and answered. THE WITNESS: I don't know. Bob Meltzer maybe since it was from 1980. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Please turn to ASTM000167 of Exhibit 1291. This is a copyright registration for "F1193-06 Standard Practice for Quality, Manufacture, and Construction of Amusement Rides and Devices." Is this a registration for a single standard by ASTM? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for a legal conclusion. THE WITNESS: It appears to be. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Is F1193-06 just one standard? A. Yes. Q. Why has ASTM here registered a single standard whereas for the bulk of the registrations that are provided by ASTM to Public.Resource they have registered entire volumes of standards? MR. FEE: Objection. I think I need to talk about a privilege issue before he can respond to that 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 copies were available prior to them being available in the volume, we began filing separate registrations. BY MR. BECKER: Q. At approximately what time did ASTM begin filing for separate registrations? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. THE WITNESS: I'm not exactly sure. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Was it prior to 2013 when ASTM first started filing for individual registrations of individual standards? A. Yes. Q. The standard listed in ASTM000167 that we're discussing says its year of completion was 2006 and date of first publication was March 3, 2006. But the effective date of the registration as stated in the top right-hand corner is April 10, 2013. Was this standard first registered in 2013? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for speculation. Calls for a legal conclusion. You can answer. Page 158 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 question. Go outside for one second. VIDEOGRAPHER: The time is now 3:56. We're going off the video record. This concludes disc two. - - (A recess was taken.) - - VIDEOGRAPHER: The time is now 4:02. We're back on the video record. This begins disc three. MR. FEE: If you could just read back the question so he can respond. - - (The court reporter read the pertinent part of the record.) - - THE WITNESS: My understanding was that back when we only published books and we didn't make our standards available as separates, we would copyright, we would submit copyright registrations for the entire volume. As we began making standards available as single standards available for purchase, we began -- and those single Page 160 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 THE WITNESS: Yeah. I really don't know. BY MR. BECKER: Q. If you look in Exhibit 1291 at the four registrations immediately preceding this registration we're discussing as ASTM 00167, so that's the pages ASTM 00159 to 166. These are all copyright registrations from 2013 -- excuse me, March 5, 2013, but they concern standards that were first published many years prior to 2013. Is that correct? MR. FEE: Objection. Compound. Calls for speculation. THE WITNESS: I don't know for sure. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Do you know if ASTM filed for these registrations in preparation for litigation with Public.Resource? MR. FEE: Objection. I'm going to instruct him not to answer that question. THE WITNESS: I won't answer that question. Page 159 Page 161 41 (Pages 158 - 161) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 MR. BECKER: Counsel, why is it that you're instructing him not to answer that question? MR. FEE: If it's done in anticipation of litigation, it's work product. You're asking him for work product. MR. BECKER: Counsel, I'm not certain if I agree with that. This is a public filing. MR. FEE: It doesn't matter if you agree with it. I'm not -- you can say whatever you want, but his instruction is what it is, he's going to follow it. MR. BECKER: Counsel, I'll state for the record that I believe that this concerns a public filing and it's not work product. MR. FEE: The reason why something was done is not contained in these public filings. That's what you're asking him. If you want to ask him questions about what appears in the case of public filings, feel free. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 those. THE WITNESS: I'm not aware of any other business reasons for why we filed these as we would for any other standard that we produced. BY MR. BECKER: Q. What are the business reasons for filing for Certificates of Registration for any of these standards under ASTM's name? MR. FEE: Objection. To the extent that requires you to disclose attorney-client communications, you shouldn't do so. If you're aware of business reasons separate and apart from legal communications, you can go ahead and answer. THE WITNESS: My understanding is that we copyright these standards so that we can sell them and support the operations of the organization. BY MR. BECKER: Q. What are ASTM organizational members? A. Organizational members are essentially members that wish to support ASTM Page 162 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 MR. BECKER: Counsel, I'm not interested in any attorney-client communications here. I'm simply asking about the reasons why ASTM took a particular action here. MR. FEE: I've instructed him not to answer. He said he's not answering the question. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Do you still refuse to answer this question? A. Yes. Q. What was the business reason for filing any of these five registrations that I just discussed that were filed in 2013? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for a legal -- strike that. Objection. To the extent that that requires you to disclose attorney-client communications, I would direct you not to do so. If you are aware of business reasons unrelated to attorney-client communications, you can disclose Page 164 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 through a larger membership fee of $400. Q. Is there any distinction other than the payment of $400 that separates organizational members from individual members? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. Beyond the scope of his designation. THE WITNESS: Organizational members may get some other fringe benefits that the individual members don't receive. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Do organizational members constitute organizations as apart from individuals? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. Beyond the scope of his designation. THE WITNESS: Organizational members get to designate a particular individual on the committee. Others that would join ASTM from that organization would be considered individual members. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Do individuals who are not part Page 163 Page 165 42 (Pages 162 - 165) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 of any organizations typically sign up for organizational memberships? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. Beyond the scope of his designation. THE WITNESS: I don't know. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Can organizational members be members of technical committees? A. Yes. As a matter -MR. FEE: There's no question pending. BY MR. BECKER: Q. I'm sorry, what were you about to say? A. I believe all organizational members are members of technical committees Q. Have any organizational members executed copyright assignments for ASTM? A. Not to my knowledge. I'm sorry, can you repeat that question? Q. Yes. Have any organizational members executed copyright assignments for ASTM? A. Through the membership applications that we talked about earlier, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 answered. THE WITNESS: No. Organizations designate a member, an employee to participate on technical committees. BY MR. BECKER: Q. What's the difference between what you just said and an organizational member designating an individual to participate on technical committees on its behalf? MR. FEE: Objection. Mischaracterizes his testimony to the extent it purports to summarize it. You can answer. THE WITNESS: An organizational member is an individual, it's not the organization. So the organization designates a member, an employee to be a member to represent it on a technical committee. BY MR. BECKER: Q. When you say the organization designates an employee to be a member to be a representative on a technical committee, when you say representative, do you mean a Page 166 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 through the renewal applications that we talked about earlier, if they're involved in a collaboration area, they would make an assignment, and if they registered a work item, they would make an assignment. Q. So those are the same -- the same assignment language that would relate to individual members you're saying would also relate to organizational members when organizational members sign up for membership? A. Correct. Q. How do organizational members participate in technical committees? A. The same way as participating members, individual members. Q. Can you elaborate on that? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. THE WITNESS: I don't think I can. There's no difference. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Do organizational members designate an individual to participate on their behalf? MR. FEE: Objection. Asked and Page 168 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 representative of that organization? A. Maybe. Q. Does ASTM have any knowledge as to whether organizational members, when they designate an individual to participate in a technical committee, whether those organizations are designating that individual on the organization's behalf? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. May call for a legal conclusion. THE WITNESS: I think it varies. I think organizational -- again, organizations that choose to support ASTM through an organizational membership designate an individual to participate on a technical committee. That individual may be contributing to the content of ASTM standards as an individual even as an organizational member, not necessarily representing the organization's -- the organizational views. BY MR. BECKER: Q. For organizational memberships, does the organization itself typically pay Page 167 Page 169 43 (Pages 166 - 169) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 the $400 fee? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for speculation. THE WITNESS: I don't know for sure. Not necessarily. But probably in most cases, probably. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Do you know of any instance when a person indicated that he or she disagreed with his or her organization's position with respect to an action on a technical committee? A. No. Q. Do you know of any instance when an individual indicated that he or she was specifically speaking on his or her own behalf as apart from the organization that he or she is part of? A. No. Q. Are any U.S. federal agencies organizational members of ASTM? A. I don't know. Q. Who would know if any federal agencies are organizational members of ASTM? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 MR. FEE: Objection. This is beyond the scope of his designation. THE WITNESS: No. MR. BECKER: For the record, I don't believe that this is beyond his designation as this concerns an organizational membership renewal. MR. FEE: I don't think he was designated to authenticate checks from 2013, but we'll agree to disagree. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Does this document indicate to you that the Department of Consumer Affairs from the State of California had paid for an organizational membership renewal with ASTM? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for speculation. Beyond the scope of his designation. THE WITNESS: I guess you could assume that. I don't know for sure. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Do you have any reason for thinking this -- that's not what this document shows? MR. FEE: Same objections. Page 170 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 speculation. Also beyond the scope of his designation. THE WITNESS: We have an organizational member directory on the Web site. BY MR. BECKER: Q. And where on the Web site is that organizational member directory located? A. I think it's on the membership page. - - (Exhibit 1292, Check, Bates ASTM049368, was marked for identification.) - - BY MR. BECKER: Q. I'm handing you what's been marked as 1292. This is the document produced by plaintiffs as Bates number ASTM049368. Do you recognize this document? A. No. Q. Do you have any reason to believe that this document produced by ASTM is not authentic? Page 172 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 THE WITNESS: No, no reason not to believe. - - (Exhibit 1293, 2011 Membership renewal invoices, Bates ASTM086030 ASTM086031, was marked for identification.) - - BY MR. BECKER: Q. I'm handing you what's been marked as Exhibit 1293. This is the document produced by plaintiffs as ASTM086030 to 086031. Can you tell me what this document is? A. It is a 2011 membership renewal invoice. Q. It is a different 2011 membership renewal invoice on each side. Correct? A. Yeah. For different persons, yeah. Q. And these persons are employees of NIST. Is that correct? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for speculation. Beyond the scope of his Page 171 Page 173 44 (Pages 170 - 173) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 designation. THE WITNESS: It says here they're from NIST. BY MR. BECKER: Q. NIST is a federal agency. Correct? MR. FEE: Same objections. THE WITNESS: I believe. Sorry. I believe so. BY MR. BECKER: Q. And they both give their NIST e-mail addresses. Is that correct? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for speculation. Beyond the scope of his designation. You can answer. THE WITNESS: The e-mail addresses are on this piece of paper. BY MR. BECKER: Q. And the e-mail addresses say Correct? A. Yes. Q. And the addresses that they provide are for NIST. Correct? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for speculation. Beyond the scope of his 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 where on these renewal invoices, if anywhere, language exists that would assign any copyright that Charles E. Gibson or Benjamin K. Tsai, the individuals listed on these membership renewal invoices, might have granted to ASTM? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for a legal conclusion. Compound. You can answer if you know. THE WITNESS: No, there's language in the middle of both pages beginning with "You agree...." BY MR. BECKER: Q. Is that where it says, "You agree, by your participation in ASTM and enjoyment of the benefits of your annual membership, to have transferred and assigned any and all interest you possess or may possess, including copyright, in the development or creation of ASTM standards or ASTM IP to ASTM. For additional information, please see the ASTM IP Policy, available at"? A. Yes. Q. For these membership renewal Page 174 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 designation. THE WITNESS: Yes, the NIST address is on these pieces of paper. BY MR. BECKER: Q. And did -- the credit card information and payer is the same for both renewal invoices. Correct? MR. FEE: Objection. Beyond the scope of his designation. THE WITNESS: It appears that the names are the same. BY MR. BECKER: Q. And that name appears to be Aruella Kuehl, K-U-E-H-L. Aruella is spelled A-R-U-E-L-L-A -- excuse me, that's Arvella, A-R-V-E-L-L-A. MR. FEE: Objection. Beyond the scope of his designation. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Is that correct? MR. FEE: Same objection. THE WITNESS: If that's -- yeah, that's the way you want to spell it. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Could you, please, indicate Page 176 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 invoices, are individuals required to check any box showing that they have read and understand the provision that I just read out loud? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. Compound. THE WITNESS: I don't see here where there's a box to check off. BY MR. BECKER: Q. For the membership renewal invoices, are the members required to sign anywhere on the renewal invoice? MR. FEE: Same objections. THE WITNESS: I don't see anywhere else other than the signature for where the credit card information is. BY MR. BECKER: Q. And if an individual pays by some other means that doesn't require a credit card, would it not be necessary to sign this membership renewal invoice at all in order to get a membership renewal? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for speculation. Form. Page 175 Page 177 45 (Pages 174 - 177) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 THE WITNESS: I don't know. I guess you could sign a check. The only other way you could pay is through a check, so you could sign a check. BY MR. BECKER: Q. It also lists electronic payments. Correct? A. Yes. Q. So if somebody were to provide an electronic payment, then they would not need to sign anywhere on this form. Is that correct? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for speculation. THE WITNESS: I suppose. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Is there any means through the membership renewal invoice that ASTM ensures that it has the understanding and assent of the individual renewing his or her membership that any copyright he or she has in the development or creation of ASTM standards is to be assigned to ASTM? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 that we read. BY MR. BECKER: Q. And my question is, is there any means through the membership renewal invoice that ASTM ensures that it has the understanding and assent of the individual who is renewing his or her membership that any copyright he or she has in the development or creation of ASTM standards is to be assigned to ASTM? MR. FEE: Same objections. Plus asked and answered. THE WITNESS: Plus what? MR. FEE: Asked and answered. THE WITNESS: Same answer. BY MR. BECKER: Q. It's a yes or no answer. MR. FEE: No. Answer it however you want to answer it. THE WITNESS: Within the 2011 membership renewal invoice, there is this clause that we feel is -- informs the members that they're assigning their copyright to us within their participation at ASTM. Page 178 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 confusing. Calls for speculation. Calls for a legal conclusion. THE WITNESS: Through the original membership application, through the work item registration process, and through the collaboration registration process. BY MR. BECKER: Q. My question was with regards to the 2011 membership renewal invoice. I'll read it again. Is there any means through the membership renewal invoice that ASTM ensures that it has the understanding and assent of the individual renewing his or her membership that any copyright he or she has in the development or creation of ASTM standards is to be assigned to ASTM? MR. FEE: Objection to form. Vague and confusing. Compound. Calls for speculation and calls for a legal conclusion. THE WITNESS: Within the 2011 membership renewal invoice, the only thing that is there is this language Page 180 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 BY MR. BECKER: Q. How does ASTM know that a member has read that clause? A. We don't. Q. How does ASTM know that a member agrees with that clause? MR. FEE: Objection to the extent it calls for a legal conclusion. Also calls for speculation. You can answer. THE WITNESS: We don't know for sure. - - (Exhibit 1294, Organizational Membership Directory, was marked for identification.) - - BY MR. BECKER: Q. I'm handing you what's been marked as Exhibit 1294. It's a document titled: "Organizational Membership Directory." This is two separate printouts combined. It is the A to K listing and the L to Z listing. It's something -- it's over 100 pages long. Page 179 Page 181 46 (Pages 178 - 181) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Do you recognize this document? Yes. MR. FEE: Objection. You should really look at the document before you answer that question. THE WITNESS: The first page I do. I mean, if this is just the organizational directory, I'm aware that it exists and I recognize it. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Is this the organizational directory? A. It appears to be. Q. Is this the organizational directory that you were discussing earlier today that lists the organizational members of ASTM? A. Yes. Q. This is the -- just to be clear, this is the organizational membership directory of ASTM. Correct? A. Yes. Q. Unfortunately I don't think that this document has page numbers on it, but if you look, let's see, at the 11th from A. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. A. Okay. Unless I'm on the wrong page. MR. FEE: Let me see your page. THE WITNESS: Maybe you meant the 12th page in? BY MR. BECKER: Q. Yes, I meant the next page. Do you see the U.S. Air Force now? A. Yes. Q. Okay. So does this indicate to you that the U.S. Air Force is an organizational member of ASTM? MR. FEE: Objection. Beyond the scope of his designation. THE WITNESS: It would appear to be. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Looking at this page and the following two pages, which lists a number of U.S. federal agencies, please tell me if any of them participate in standards development at ASTM? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. Beyond the scope of his designation. Compound. Page 182 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 last page, please. This page, in about the middle of the page you'll see the U.S. AIR FORCE, U.S. AIR FORCE NONDESTRUCTIVE INSPECTION OFFICE, U.S. AMC LOGSA PSCC, the U.S. Army Engineering Research & Development Center and the U.S. Army Natick Soldier RD&E Center. Let me know when you see that. A. Yes. Q. Does this indicate to you that a number of federal agencies are organizational members of ASTM? MR. FEE: Objection. Beyond the scope of the designation. THE WITNESS: Yes. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Such as the U.S. Air Force, for instance. Correct? MR. FEE: Same objection. THE WITNESS: I don't see the U.S. Air Force on here. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Just above the middle of the page, right below the ASTM logo that's in the middle of the page. A. I have EPA that's below that. Page 184 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 THE WITNESS: I'm not sure how to answer that other than if you had asked me a specific question. I might know some of them, but I mean, they're members, but also I'm not sure how you define "participation." BY MR. BECKER: Q. Do any of these U.S. government agencies that are listed in those three pages I mentioned help to draft standards at ASTM? MR. FEE: Objection. Compound. Vague. THE WITNESS: For my -MR. FEE: Sorry. THE WITNESS: That's okay. I mean, I can give you one example from my personal experience is the USEPA participates on our environmental assessment committee. BY MR. BECKER: Q. And when you say they participate on the environmental assessment committee, do you mean that they assist in the drafting of standards? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. Page 183 Page 185 47 (Pages 182 - 185) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 THE WITNESS: They make contributions at the meetings. BY MR. BECKER: Q. And do those contributions end up in the final approved standards? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. THE WITNESS: I don't -- I can't say specifically. BY MR. BECKER: Q. What kind of contributions do they provide at these meetings? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. THE WITNESS: Oral contributions. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Do they provide any written contributions? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. THE WITNESS: They may through the balloting process. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Do they vote on standard drafts or revisions? MR. FEE: Objection. Form. THE WITNESS: They may. They have the opportunity to. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A. Yes. Q. Did you ever receive this e-mail that's Exhibit 1295? A. I may have. Q. Do you have any reason to think that if you had -- that you did not receive this e-mail produced by ASTM that has your name listed under the cc line? A. No. Q. Do you have any reason to believe that this document provided by ASTM is not authentic? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for a legal conclusion. THE WITNESS: I have no idea. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Is that a yes or a no? A. I don't know. I don't see any reason why it wouldn't be. Q. If you turn to the second page, it says -- this is an e-mail from Sarah Petre, P-E-T-R-E, to Jeff Grove that says -in which you are cc'd at Is that correct? A. Yes. Page 186 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 - - (Exhibit 1295, E-mail chain with attachment, Bates ASTM025633 ASTM025640, was marked for identification.) - - BY MR. BECKER: Q. I'm handing you what's been marked as Exhibit 1295. Could you, please, take a moment to try to put the pages for the previous exhibit back in the same order that they were provided to you, if possible? MR. BRIDGES: I'll do that. Hand them to me, I'll do that. THE WITNESS: I think that's the order. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Do you recognize this document that has been provided to you as Exhibit 1295? It is Bates number ASTM025633 to 025640. A. No. Q. Are you copied on this e-mail that's Exhibit 1295? Page 188 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. And it says, "Jeff: Attached is a summary of all the potentially relevant standards related to the UE's efforts that focus on the environmental footprint of products and services. This list is more over inclusive. I also included a list of the EPA members that participate in E50 or E60." Is that correct? A. That's what it says. Q. Then if you turn to Bates number ASTM025637, the second paragraph from the top says, "The following representatives from EPA participate on the relevant ASTM committees...," and then lists a number of individuals. Is that correct? A. Yes. Q. Do you know any of these individuals that are listed? A. Yes. Q. Which individuals do you know? A. I know Deb Goldblum. I know Sven-Erik Kaiser. And I know Patricia Overmeyer. Q. Who is Deborah Goldblum? A. She works in the EPA. It's -- Page 187 Page 189 48 (Pages 186 - 189) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 I'm not sure what region it is, but it's in Philadelphia, office in Philadelphia. Q. Do you know what her position is? A. I don't. Q. Do you know what Sven-Erik Kaiser's position is? A. No. Q. Do you know what Patricia Overmeyer's position is? A. No. Q. How do you know Deborah Goldblum? A. Through my work on Committee E50 on environmental assessment. Q. And how do you know Sven-Erik Kaiser? A. The same. Q. And how do you know Patricia Overmeyer? A. The same. Q. How has Deborah Goldblum participated on the Committee E50? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. THE WITNESS: She brought 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A. Just roughly maybe 2009. 2008, 2010, in that time frame. Q. What happened after Deborah Goldblum brought forward her idea in that committee? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. It's also beyond the scope of his designation. THE WITNESS: I believe the committee formed a task group to develop the standard. BY MR. BECKER: Q. And what happened at the task group to develop that standard? MR. FEE: Same objection. Beyond the scope and calls for speculation. THE WITNESS: I mean, there were many task group meetings, they had discussions about developing content. BY MR. BECKER: Q. What was Deborah Goldblum's idea for a standard concerning green cleanup, to the best of your knowledge? MR. FEE: Objection. Beyond the Page 190 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 forward an idea for standards. BY MR. BECKER: Q. What idea was that? A. It was there were standards for green cleanup. Q. So she brought forward the idea for a standard for green cleanup? A. Yes. Q. And what happened with her idea? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. THE WITNESS: She presented -my recollection is that she presented it to the subcommittee in E50. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Was that standard -- excuse me. Was that idea that Deborah Goldblum presented made into an official standard under ASTM? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. THE WITNESS: I'm not sure. I'm no longer with that committee. BY MR. BECKER: Q. What year is this that Deborah Goldblum brought forward that idea? Page 192 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 scope of his designation. THE WITNESS: It was, I think, for remediation at a construction site. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Do you know any other details about Deborah Goldblum's idea for green cleanup? MR. FEE: Same objection. THE WITNESS: No. BY MR. BECKER: Q. What aspects of remediation at a construction site did Deborah Goldblum's idea concern? MR. FEE: Hold a second. THE WITNESS: I really -MR. FEE: Hold on. THE WITNESS: I'm sorry. MR. FEE: Objection. Beyond the scope of his designation. Also asked and answered. Go ahead. THE WITNESS: I really don't know. I'm not a technical person. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Did Sven-Erik Kaiser provide Page 191 Page 193 49 (Pages 190 - 193) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 any contributions for standards or standard revisions for Committee E50? MR. FEE: Objection. Compound. Form. You can answer. THE WITNESS: I don't know. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Did Patricia Overmeyer provide any contributions for standards for Committee E50? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. THE WITNESS: I don't know other than they -- Patricia participated at the meetings and attended meetings. MR. FEE: Matt, why don't we take a break, we've been going an hour and a half. MR. BECKER: Just a moment. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Did Patricia vote in the Committee E50? A. I don't know. MR. FEE: Objection. Beyond the scope of his designation. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Do you know if Deborah Goldblum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 marked as Exhibit 1296. This is the document produced by plaintiffs as Bates number ASTM068894. Can you tell me what this document is? A. It appears to be a membership application, but I -- an older version of a membership application. Q. And what does the -- there's a -- it looks like a stamp with some handwriting in the bottom right-hand corner. It says, "ACCT #," "ORD #," "DEC 02 2008," "PROCESSED BY: DG." And then it has some other numbers associated with it. Do you know what that is? A. The account number is the -- is that individual's membership number. So when you join, you get assigned a membership number. I don't know what the order number is. Dec 02, 2008, is, I guess, the date that was processed by ASTM, but I don't know for sure. Q. And do you know who DG is when it says, "PROCESSED BY: DG"? A. No. Q. Does that designate an Page 194 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 voted in Committee E50? MR. FEE: Same objection. THE WITNESS: No, I don't know. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Do you know if Sven-Erik Kaiser voted in Committee E50? MR. FEE: Same objection. THE WITNESS: I don't know. MR. BECKER: We can take a break. VIDEOGRAPHER: The time is now 4:57. We're going off the video record. - - (A recess was taken.) - - VIDEOGRAPHER: The time is now 5:05. We're back on the video record. - - (Exhibit 1296, Membership application, Bates ASTM068894, was marked for identification.) - - BY MR. BECKER: Q. I'm handing you what's been Page 196 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 individual or a department? A. I don't know. Q. Does this stamp indicate that this form has been processed and entered into the system -MR. FEE: Objection. BY MR. BECKER: Q. -- at ASTM? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. It's beyond the scope of his designation. THE WITNESS: I really don't know the specifics of processing these forms. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Who would know whether this stamp in the bottom right-hand corner of this page designates that this application has been processed into ASTM's system? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. Beyond the scope. Matt, can you explain to me how this has anything to do with these three topics you are supposed to be talking about today? Page 195 Page 197 50 (Pages 194 - 197) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 MR. BECKER: Yeah. It's a membership application. That's one of the ways that ASTM claims that it gets assignment of rights. MR. FEE: And the identity of who DG is is relevant to all this because of what? MR. BECKER: Because this is -this is a feature on the membership application and I need to understand what it means. MR. FEE: I'll let you ask that question, but I'm not going to allow too many more questions along these lines, but go ahead. MR. BECKER: I think this is perfectly relevant right here. My question goes to whether this was entered into the system and whether this person is, therefore, a member of ASTM. MR. FEE: Do you want to read back the question? Or do you know what it is? THE WITNESS: I'm not -- I'm a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A. Could have been. I don't know for sure, though. Q. Do you know who else might have been the head of internal sales in 2008? A. I'm not exactly sure. Q. Could you show me where, if anywhere, on this document Exhibit 1296 there is language that ASTM believes it is assigned copyright through? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for a legal conclusion. To the extent that question calls for you to disclose attorney-client communications, I'd instruct you not to do that. If you have an answer otherwise, you can go ahead and answer. THE WITNESS: I don't see the language on this form that was on the other forms. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Is there any language on this page that would transfer copyright from the individual who is listed on this form, Diana, I believe it's M-E-N-A-G-E-D to ASTM? Page 198 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 little -MR. FEE: You can answer. THE WITNESS: No. Just for clarity, I'd like it repeated, if possible. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Who would know whether this stamp in the bottom right-hand corner of this page designates that this application has been processed into ASTM's system? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. Beyond the scope of his designation. THE WITNESS: Possibly somebody who works in our customer service department back in 2008. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Who heads the customer service department at ASTM? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. THE WITNESS: Derek Franco is the director of our, I believe it's called internal sales. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Was Derek Franco the head of internal sales in 2008? Page 200 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for a legal conclusion. To the extent the answer would disclose attorney-client communications, I instruct you not to disclose that. You can answer if you have knowledge of it otherwise. THE WITNESS: I don't see any language on this particular form that would indicate that. - - (Exhibit 1297, 2010 ASTM International Committee Membership Application, Bates ASTM079420, was marked for identification.) - - BY MR. BECKER: Q. I'm handing you what's been marked as Exhibit 1297. This is the document produced by ASTM as ASTM079420. Do you know what this document is? A. It says, "2010 ASTM International Committee Membership Application." Q. Is there any language on this document, Exhibit 1297, that would assign copyright from the applicant to ASTM? Page 199 Page 201 51 (Pages 198 - 201) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for a legal conclusion. To the extent that question would require you to disclose attorney-client communications, I instruct you not to do so. If you can answer otherwise, go ahead. THE WITNESS: I don't see any language on here similar to the language that we had talked about earlier. BY MR. BECKER: Q. The applicant here, Raymond Ortiz, is an organization member of the Defense Energy Support Center. Is that correct? MR. FEE: Objection. Mischaracterizes the document. THE WITNESS: I don't see how you're figuring out he's an organizational member. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Excuse me, let me rephrase that. Raymond Ortiz says -- lists his 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 that is on the form. - - (Exhibit 1298, ASTM Application, Bates ASTM073844, was marked for identification.) - - BY MR. BECKER: Q. I'm handing you what's been marked as Exhibit 1298. This is a document produced by ASTM as ASTM073844. Can you tell me what this document is? A. It looks like it's an ASTM application. Q. Is there any language on this document that -- Exhibit 1298, that ASTM believes assigns copyright from the applicant to ASTM? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for a legal conclusion. To the extent that question would require you to disclose attorney-client communication, I instruct you not to do so. If you have other responsive information, go ahead and do so. THE WITNESS: I don't see the Page 202 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 organization name as "Defense Energy Support Center." Is that correct? A. That would appear to be right. Q. And he lists a, looks like a military e-mail address. Is that correct? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for speculation. Beyond the scope of his designation. THE WITNESS: That's what would appear from this form. BY MR. BECKER: Q. It would appear that Raymond Ortiz is a member of the military. Is that correct? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for speculation. Beyond the scope of his designation. THE WITNESS: I suppose that looks like that's the case. BY MR. BECKER: Q. And it appears that someone else, Zoe Fitzsimmonds is paying by credit card, Visa, for Mr. Ortiz's committee membership application. Is that correct? A. That's the name that appears, Page 204 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 language on this form that was on the previous forms. BY MR. BECKER: Q. When you say "the previous forms," are you referring to Exhibit 1293? A. Correct. Q. But you're not referring to Exhibit 1297 or Exhibit 1296. Correct? A. Correct. - - (Exhibit 1299, ASTM Applications, Bates ASTM066848 ASTM066853, was marked for identification.) - - BY MR. BECKER: Q. I'm handing you what's been marked as Exhibit 1299. These are the documents produced by ASTM as ASTM066848 to ASTM066853. Could you tell me what these documents are? A. Looks like they're ASTM applications. Q. These are ASTM applications that are in Spanish. Correct? Page 203 Page 205 52 (Pages 202 - 205) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A. Would appear to be that. 1 Q. Are they membership applications? 2 A. I believe they are. 3 Q. Is there any language on these 4 membership applications that ASTM believes 5 assigns ASTM any copyright by the applicants? 6 MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for 7 expert testimony to the extent it 8 requires a translation, to the extent 9 it is in Spanish. Calls for a legal 10 conclusion. To the extent that that 11 question requires the disclosure of 12 any attorney-client communication, you 13 shouldn't disclose it. You can answer 14 it otherwise. 15 THE WITNESS: I don't know. 16 BY MR. BECKER: 17 Q. Do you speak Spanish? 18 A. No. 19 Q. Have you seen this document 20 previously? 21 A. No. 22 Q. In preparation for your 23 deposition today, had you spoken with 24 anybody -- excuse me, let me rephrase. 25 reports on the use of ASTM standards. Q. Are those national standards bodies that you're describing government bodies or private bodies? MR. FEE: Objection. Beyond the scope of his designation. THE WITNESS: I'm not exactly sure. BY MR. BECKER: Q. What uses of ASTM standards do these national standards bodies report to ASTM? MR. FEE: Same objection. THE WITNESS: I'm not exactly sure. I just think in general use, but I've never seen one of the reports. BY MR. BECKER: Q. When you say "general use," what do you mean by that? MR. FEE: Same objection. THE WITNESS: How they may be utilizing ASTM standards within their country. BY MR. BECKER: Page 206 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 In preparation for your deposition today, have -- had you communicated with anyone at ASTM about membership applications that were not in English? A. No. Q. I will submit to you that there is no assignment language on this document. MR. FEE: Move to strike that to the extent you're ever going to try to use it for something. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Do you know what an MOU affiliation is? A. It stands for Memorandum of Understanding. Q. What is a Memorandum of Understanding? A. It's part of our MOU program that we have with developing countries. Q. What is the MOU program? A. It's roughly that we will provide on a gratuitous basis standards to national standards bodies of developing countries. And in return, they provide us Page 208 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. When you say how they are utilizing ASTM standards within their country, when you say "they," are you referring to these standards bodies? MR. FEE: Same objection. Vague. THE WITNESS: I believe it's how they're -- the people are utilizing them. If they're referenced in regulation or if they're being used. BY MR. BECKER: Q. When you say "the people," are you referring to the actual citizens of that -- those countries? MR. FEE: Objection. Beyond the scope. Matt, I'm going to let him answer this question, but you are so far off of the topics now, that this is going to be the last question on this topic. You can answer it. Go ahead. THE WITNESS: I'm not sure. - - (Exhibit 1300, Membership application, Bates ASTM067024, was Page 207 Page 209 53 (Pages 206 - 209) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 marked for identification.) - - BY MR. BECKER: Q. I'm handing you what's been marked as Exhibit 1300. Could you, please, identify this document? A. It says at the top "Laboratory Inspection Program," but it would appear to be a membership application. Q. I'll note that this document is produced by ASTM as ASTM067024. Is there any mention of copyright assignment or ASTM's IP Policy on this document? MR. FEE: Objection to form. THE WITNESS: I don't see that language on here, no. - - (Exhibit 1301, Membership applications, Bates ASTM066871, ASTM069213, ASTM069058, ASTM080176, ASTM061450, ASTM063146, ASTM063147, ASTM065682 & ASTM066345, was marked for identification.) - - BY MR. BECKER: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 respective years, 2007 through 2014? MR. FEE: Objection to form. THE WITNESS: There probably was, yes. BY MR. BECKER: Q. How do you know that? A. Well, because I know our applications, we have applications that have the language that we spoke about earlier that was on, was it 1293, Exhibit 1293? We have copies of membership applications that have that language on there. Q. Exhibit 1293 is a membership renewal invoice. Correct? A. Yes. Q. And a membership renewal invoice is different from a membership application. Correct? A. Yes. Q. So when you say that there are different versions, do you mean that there is different versions of the membership applications for each year or that there is a membership application and there also is a membership renewal invoice -- Page 210 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. I'm handing you what's been marked as Exhibit 1301. This is a compilation of documents that were provided by ASTM as single pages. It is one example from each year from which ASTM has provided a membership application starting with the 2007 membership application and ending with the 2014 membership application. And the Bates numbers are ASTM066871, ASTM069213, ASTM069058, ASTM080176, ASTM061450, ASTM063146, ASTM063147, ASTM065682 and ASTM066345. Are these the ASTM membership application forms for the years 2007 through 2014? MR. FEE: Objection to the extent the witness has cherry picked pages of membership applications that were produced to you; to form as well, and compound. THE WITNESS: These are versions of the application from these years. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Were there multiple versions of the ASTM membership applications for these Page 212 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 MR. FEE: Objection. Form. BY MR. BECKER: Q. -- for each year? A. We have membership applications for these years that have that language from Exhibit 1293 on them. Q. How do you know that there are membership applications for all of the years 2007 through 2014 that have the same language that is from the 2011 membership renewal invoice Exhibit 1293? MR. FEE: Objection to form. THE WITNESS: Because I believe we put the language on the renewal forms and the application forms at the same time. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Why would there be membership applications that do not have the language that you're referring to? And to -- let me -- hold on. Let me clarify. By the language that you're referring to on Exhibit 1293, you're referring to the purported copyright assignment language that starts with "You Page 211 Page 213 54 (Pages 210 - 213) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 agree. By your participation in ASTM...." Correct? A. Yes. MR. FEE: Hold on. Objection to form. THE WITNESS: Sorry. MR. FEE: It's compound. Calls for a legal conclusion. THE WITNESS: The language that I'm talking about is on Exhibit 1293 that begins with "You agree, by your participation...." BY MR. BECKER: Q. Why do you believe that ASTM put the language that you're referring to on the renewal forms and the application forms at the same time? A. That's what I recall. Q. Recall from what? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. THE WITNESS: Just what I remember. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Do you know when ASTM first used the language that you're referring to 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. How many different forms of membership application existed in 2007? A. I don't know. Q. Do you know how many different forms of membership application ASTM had for the year 2008? A. No. Q. Do you know how many forms of membership application ASTM had for the year 2009? A. No. Q. Do you know how many forms of membership application ASTM had for 2010? A. No. Q. How about for 2011? A. No. Q. Or 2012? A. No. Q. Or 2013? A. No. Q. Or 2014? A. No. Q. Do you know why ASTM has different membership application forms? MR. FEE: Objection. To the Page 214 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 from Exhibit 1293? A. Not exactly sure. Q. Do you have any idea as to what year ASTM first started using that language that appears on Exhibit 1293? A. I thought it was in about 2005. Q. Do you have any way to confirm when ASTM began using that language that was featured on Exhibit 1293? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. THE WITNESS: Not right here, now. BY MR. BECKER: Q. How would you go about confirming that? A. I would ask our general counsel. Q. Is there any other way that you would confirm that? A. Not right now. Q. Is there anyone who would know other than ASTM's general counsel when the copyright assignment language that you're referring to from 1293 was first used by ASTM on membership forms? A. I'm not sure. Page 216 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 extent that your answering that question would disclose attorney-client communications, you shouldn't disclose that. You can answer otherwise. THE WITNESS: No. My experience has been that if we go to a very focused individual conference, there may be a -- it could be the staff manager prepares an application for that particular committee and did not use the most current application. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Is there a difference between ASTM membership application forms and ASTM committee membership application forms? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. THE WITNESS: We have a type of membership that's called a participating membership where you join technical committees. And then we also have informational members that just joined ASTM but they do not join a particular technical committee. But I'm not aware of a difference Page 215 Page 217 55 (Pages 214 - 217) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 between a committee membership application and a membership application. BY MR. BECKER: Q. If you look in this Exhibit 1301 at page Bates number ASTM063146 and compare that with ASTM063147 following it, do you see that ASTM063146 is a 2012 membership application whereas ASTM063147 is an ASTM committee membership application? A. Yes. Q. Can you, please, indicate where, if anywhere on ASTM063146, the 2012 membership application, there is any language that ASTM believes assigns it copyright from the applicant? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for a legal conclusion. To the extent that requires you to disclose attorney-client communications, you shouldn't do so, but you can answer otherwise. THE WITNESS: At the top it mentions that by applying or renewing your ASTM membership, you acknowledge 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 BY MR. BECKER: Q. And what's that answer? MR. FEE: Same objection again. Asked and answered. THE WITNESS: At the top of the page it says, "YOU ACKNOWLEDGE YOU HAVE READ AND AGREE TO ABIDE BY ASTM'S INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY POLICY." BY MR. BECKER: Q. But does it include the text from the Intellectual Property Policy that it says that the membership applicant must abide by? MR. FEE: Objection. Asked and answered. BY MR. BECKER: Q. It's a yes or no question. MR. FEE: He can answer the question however he feels appropriate. THE WITNESS: If you're asking me if the actual text of the Intellectual Property Policy is on this membership application, the answer is no. BY MR. BECKER: Page 218 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 you have read and agree and abide by ASTM's Intellectual Property Policy. The policy is available in the ASTM Web site ( and/or by request to ASTM International headquarters [as read]. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Does this document, ASTM063146, include any of the text from the ASTM Intellectual Property Policy? MR. FEE: Objection. The document speaks for itself. You can answer. THE WITNESS: The document speaks for itself. It references the intellectual -- recognizes and says, "YOU ACKNOWLEDGE YOU HAVE READ AND AGREE TO ABIDE BY ASTM'S INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY POLICY." BY MR. BECKER: Q. But does it include the text from the ASTM Intellectual Property Policy that it requires members to abide by? MR. FEE: Same objection. THE WITNESS: Same answer. Page 220 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. This application is filled in by hand. Correct? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for speculation. THE WITNESS: It appears to be. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Does ASTM ever receive requests for its Intellectual Property Policy by anybody other than Public.Resource.Org? A. Possibly. Q. Do you know one way or the other? A. No. Q. Who would know? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for speculation. It's also beyond the scope of the designation. THE WITNESS: Anyone who has ever received a request would know. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Are you personally aware of any requests? MR. FEE: Same objection. THE WITNESS: Not that I can think of. Page 219 Page 221 56 (Pages 218 - 221) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 BY MR. BECKER: Q. On the next page, ASTM063147, it has different language concerning the ASTM Intellectual Property Policy than the 2012 membership application that we were just discussing. Is that correct? MR. FEE: Hold on one second. You can answer. THE WITNESS: Yes, that language is different. BY MR. BECKER: Q. The language that's on ASTM063147 is similar to the language that's on Exhibit 1293, the 2011 membership renewal invoice. Is that correct? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. THE WITNESS: Yep, that looks correct. Slightly different. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Why is this language different for the 2012 committee membership application than for the 2012 membership application? MR. FEE: Objection. To the extent that would require you to disclose attorney-client 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 MR. FEE: Objection to form. I also object to the extent it calls for attorney-client communications. You shouldn't disclose any communications between you and counsel, but you can answer otherwise. THE WITNESS: I believe the language that is at the top of ASTM063146 was language that we used prior to the language that we used that's contained on ASTM063147. BY MR. BECKER: Q. But if you then turn the page to ASTM065682, that's a 2013 membership application, and it has the same language concerning the ASTM Intellectual Property Policy as on ASTM063146. Correct? A. That's what it looks like. Q. If you turn the page to the following page, the 2014 membership application also has that same language. Correct? A. Yes. Q. So ASTM has continued to use this language into 2014? Page 222 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 communications, you shouldn't do so. If you can answer otherwise, go ahead. THE WITNESS: My perspective is that they're the same thing. They're both intended for an individual to join a particular committee. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Why is the copyright -- you say they're the same thing, the copyright assignment language? MR. FEE: Same objection and instruction. THE WITNESS: No, I believe the form is the same thing. It serves the same purpose. It's an application so an individual can join the technical committee. BY MR. BECKER: Q. And my question was about the actual language that ASTM believes concerns copyright assignment. Why is there a difference in the language concerning ASTM's IP Policy on ASTM063146 as opposed to the language concerning ASTM's IP Policy on ASTM063147? Page 224 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. THE WITNESS: That's what it would appear to me. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Who knows how many different versions exist for the membership applications during each year from 2007 to 2014? A. I don't know if anybody knows. Q. Why is that? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for speculation. THE WITNESS: My experience as being a staff manager is I don't think people think about the version of an application that's being used. I think it's viewed as a tool that enables an individual to join a technical committee. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Who creates the membership applications such as the 2014 membership application ASTM066345? A. I'm not sure who creates it. Maybe our customer relations. Maybe it's our Page 223 Page 225 57 (Pages 222 - 225) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 membership department. But ASTM knows. Q. How can you find out how many versions of the membership application exists for each year from 2007 to 2014? A. I don't know if you can figure it out. I don't know if there's a way. Q. Who knows how many different versions exist for ASTM committee applications during each year from 2007 to 2014? A. Did you say who would know how many versions? Q. I said -- yes. A. I don't know who would know. I don't know if anyone would know. Q. Has Public.Resource received all applications and renewals of all participants in all standards that ASTM is seeking to enforce in this lawsuit going back to the first creation of the standards at issue in this litigation? MR. FEE: Hold on one second. Objection. Calls for speculation. Calls for a legal conclusion. It's beyond the scope of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 what the question means, collection -"collected for production." BY MR. BECKER: Q. Has ASTM looked for and located in order to comply with its discovery obligations in this case all applications and renewals of all participants in all standards that ASTM is seeking to enforce in this lawsuit going back to the first creation of the standards at issue in this litigation? MR. FEE: Objection. It's beyond the scope of his designation. Calls for speculation. Legal conclusion. THE WITNESS: I don't know. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Who would know? MR. FEE: Same objections. THE WITNESS: Possibly our general counsel. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Would anybody other than ASTM's general counsel know? MR. FEE: Same objections. THE WITNESS: I don't know. Page 226 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 his designation. You can answer if you know. THE WITNESS: I have no idea. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Who would know? MR. FEE: Same objections. THE WITNESS: I don't know. Maybe possibly our general counsel. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Would anyone other than ASTM's general counsel know? MR. FEE: Same objections. THE WITNESS: I don't think so. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Has ASTM collected for production all applications and renewals of all participants in all standards that ASTM is seeking to enforce in this lawsuit going back to the first creation of the standards at issue in this litigation? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for speculation. Beyond the scope of his designation. Calls for a legal conclusion. THE WITNESS: I don't understand Page 228 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 - - (Exhibit 1302, Compilation of documents, Bates ASTM066829, ASTM067015, ASTM067321, ASTM067813, ASTM070124, ASTM071068, ASTM074751, ASTM075283, ASTM060533, ASTM051140, ASTM081145, was marked for identification.) - - BY MR. BECKER: Q. I'm handing you what's been marked as Exhibit 1302. This is a compilation of documents produced by ASTM as ASTM066829, ASTM067015, ASTM067321, 067813, 070124, 071068, 074751, 075283, 060533, 051140, 081145. MR. FEE: I object to the use of cherry picked documents assembled in this manner -MR. BECKER: That's fine. MR. FEE: -- used as an exhibit. MR. BECKER: That's fine. There are many more like this. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Once you've had a chance to Page 227 Page 229 58 (Pages 226 - 229) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 look at them, can you tell me what these documents are? A. I believe these are portions of our renewal notice that we send each year. Q. When ASTM members return the renewal letters that ASTM sends them, do they sometimes return only portions of the renewal letters? MR. FEE: Objection. Beyond the scope of his designation. Calls for speculation. THE WITNESS: Possibly. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Do you know one way or the other? MR. FEE: Same objections. THE WITNESS: No. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Who would know? MR. FEE: Same objections. THE WITNESS: I don't know. I suppose the people at our customer relations department that receives the invoices to process. BY MR. BECKER: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 The only possible thing I can think of is that they're only including a portion of the renewal notice that pertains to the payment. I believe it's about a four-page form or five-page form that has other information on there. - - (Exhibit 1303, Compilation of documents, various Bates from ASTM069093 to ASTM057841, was marked for identification.) - - BY MR. BECKER: Q. I'm handing you what's been marked as Exhibit 1303. This, again, is a compilation of documents produced by ASTM. It starts with ASTM069093, and I won't read all of the page numbers in between, but I'll simply say that the last page is Bates number ASTM057841. MR. FEE: Object to this exhibit as well as being cherry picked portions of documents or document production. Page 230 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. Did you speak with anyone in preparation for the deposition today about individuals who had returned partial membership invoices that did not include any discussion of ASTM copyright or ASTM IP Policy? A. I believe you asked if I talked to any of the people who returned partial and the answer to that is no. Q. I'll read back my question. Did you speak with anyone in preparation for the deposition today about individuals who had returned partial membership invoices that did not include any discussion of ASTM copyright or ASTM IP Policy? A. No. Q. Is there any reason why ASTM would remove any mention of ASTM copyright or ASTM's IP Policy from membership renewal invoices once they had received them from members? MR. FEE: Objection. Beyond the scope of his designation. Calls for speculation. THE WITNESS: No, I don't know. Page 232 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 MR. BECKER: And as I noted before, there are many more documents that ASTM has produced that look just like these. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Could you tell me what these documents appear to be? A. The same as the previous exhibit. Q. When you say "the same as the previous exhibit," do you mean it is a partial membership application or partial membership renewal form? A. Looks like it's the payment information from the renewal form. Q. It appears for some of them such as the second page ASTM069635, that this payment section of the renewal form has been torn off from the rest of the renewal form. Correct? MR. FEE: Objection. Beyond the scope of his designation. Calls for speculation. THE WITNESS: I don't know that. BY MR. BECKER: Page 231 Page 233 59 (Pages 230 - 233) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. How so? MR. FEE: Same objections. THE WITNESS: I just don't know that. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Who would know that? MR. FEE: Same objections. THE WITNESS: I guess if the person who processed this back in 2008 would remember, maybe that person. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Is there any way to find out whether, when these renewal invoices were sent in to ASTM, if they included just this single third section of the ASTM renewal invoice? MR. FEE: Same objections. THE WITNESS: No, other than by asking people that processed these. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Does ASTM keep the original copies of renewal invoices that it receives from members? MR. FEE: Same objections. THE WITNESS: I don't know. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Renewal Invoice, Bates ASTM075697, was marked for identification.) - - BY MR. BECKER: Q. I'm handing you what's been marked as Exhibit 1304. This has been produced by ASTM as ASTM075697. Can you tell me what this document is? A. It says it's the "2010 Membership Renewal Invoice." Q. It would appear that somebody has crossed out language on this renewal invoice and it includes the language that references the ASTM IP Policy. Is that correct? MR. FEE: Objection. Mischaracterizes the document. THE WITNESS: Yes. It looks like that information and other information is crossed out. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Does somebody review the membership renewal invoices when they are delivered to ASTM? A. We have someone that processes Page 234 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Probably for a certain period of time. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Who would know? MR. FEE: Same objections. THE WITNESS: People on our internal sales. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Anybody else? MR. FEE: Same objections. THE WITNESS: Not that I'm aware of. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Do you know any specific people in ASTM's internal sales that would know the answer to that question? MR. FEE: Same objections. THE WITNESS: Possibly Derek Franco. BY MR. BECKER: Q. And what is Derek Franco's role at ASTM? A. He's the director of internal sales. - - (Exhibit 1304, 2010 Membership Page 236 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 that. Q. Is a membership renewal ever refused for crossing out the language referencing the ASTM IP Policy? MR. FEE: Objection. Beyond the scope of his designation. Calls for speculation. THE WITNESS: I have no idea. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Who would know? MR. FEE: Same objections. THE WITNESS: I don't know. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Does ASTM attribute any significance to the IP Policy language being crossed out in membership invoices that are returned to it? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for a legal conclusion. To the extent that question requires you to disclose attorney-client communications, you shouldn't do so. If you can answer that question otherwise, go ahead. THE WITNESS: I don't know. But our online renewal process does not Page 235 Page 237 60 (Pages 234 - 237) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 allow you to not acknowledge it. BY MR. BECKER: Q. ASTM continues to this day to accept mail-in membership renewal forms. Correct? A. Yes. - - (Exhibit 1305, 2011 Membership Renewal Invoice, Bates ASTM082973, was marked for identification.) - - BY MR. BECKER: Q. I'm handing you what's been marked as Exhibit 1305. Can you tell me what this document is? A. It says it's the "2011 Membership Renewal Invoice." Q. And this document has the ASTM IP Policy crossed out as well. Correct? MR. FEE: Objection. Mischaracterizes the document. THE WITNESS: There's a line through the section 2. BY MR. BECKER: Q. And section 2 includes the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 produced by ASTM as ASTM101777 to 101779. Is that you addressed on this e-mail as Smith, Dan at [as read]? A. Yes. Q. Do you recognize this document? A. No. Q. Do you have any reason to believe that you did not receive this document? A. No. Q. Do you have any reason to believe that this document is not authentic? A. No. Q. Do you know which retreat this document is referring to when at the top line of the e-mail it says, "One more 'talking points' document for the retreat"? A. It was most likely for our spring 2012 retreat. Q. What was the purpose of the spring 2012 retreat? MR. FEE: Objection. This is beyond the scope. Explain to me how this has had anything to do with the three topics. Page 238 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 AS -- the language referencing the ASTM IP Policy. Correct? A. Yes, the statement is in there, "You agree, by your participation...." Q. For the record, this is document Bates number ASTM082973. MR. BECKER: We can go off the record. VIDEOGRAPHER: The time is now 6:06. We're going off the video record. This concludes disc three. - - (A recess was taken.) - - VIDEOGRAPHER: The time is now 6:14. We're back on the video record. This begins disc four. - - (Exhibit 1306, E-mail chain, Bates ASTM101777 - ASTM101779, was marked for identification.) - - BY MR. BECKER: Q. I've handed you what's been marked as Exhibit 1306. This is a document Page 240 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 MR. BECKER: This has to do with a document that he is included on. MR. FEE: That's it? MR. BECKER: We have a 30(b)(6) designee and we can ask him documents that relate to his work with ASTM. MR. FEE: I'm going to instruct him not to answer that question. MR. BECKER: This also has to do with copyright issues. MR. FEE: Copyright issues. If it has to do with one of the three topics, he's not going to answer your question about it, and I don't think it has to do with any of the three. You haven't articulated even an argument that it does. MR. BECKER: I disagree, and I believe that the witness should answer any questions that are posed to him that we have. And we are entitled to be able to ask the witness about his background and his operations with ASTM. MR. FEE: This isn't about his Page 239 Page 241 61 (Pages 238 - 241) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 background. I'm instructing him not 2 to answer this question. 3 MR. BECKER: We are entitled to 4 ask the witness what we want. As a 5 30(b)(6) witness, we can ask him in 6 his individual capacity, and this 7 e-mail is fair game under that. 8 BY MR. BECKER: 9 Q. Mr. Smith, are you going to 10 answer the questions that we ask regarding 11 this document? 12 MR. FEE: No, he's not. 13 THE WITNESS: No, I'm not. 14 MR. BECKER: Counsel, I believe 15 that's in violation of the 30(b)(6) 16 requirements. 17 MR. FEE: The court's order said 18 that this was supposed to be on the 19 three topics that we've been talking 20 about all day. That's what the basis 21 for this deposition is. 22 MR. BECKER: The 30(b)(6) rules 23 allow us to ask questions of the 24 30(b)(6) designee. They don't have to 25 be focused purely on those topics, but 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A. Yes. Q. Do you recognize this document? A. No. Q. Do you have any reason to believe that this document is not authentic? A. No. Q. Do you have any reason to believe that you did not receive this document at the time it was sent? A. No. Q. Do you have any reason to believe that you didn't review this document at the time that it was sent to you? A. I'm not sure. - - (Exhibit 1308, 8/20/14 E-mail with attachment, Bates ASTM003314 & ASTM003315, was marked for identification.) - - BY MR. BECKER: Q. I'm handing you what's been marked as Exhibit 1308. This is a document produced by ASTM as Bates number ASTM003314 to 15. Page 242 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 if they are outside of those topics, you can always object to them, but you cannot instruct your client not to answer the question. MR. FEE: The court has specifically ordered what the subject matter of this deposition is going to be. It did not include anything other than those three topics, so I'm instructing him not to answer. MR. BECKER: I disagree. MR. FEE: Disagree. MR. BECKER: The court instructed -- - (Exhibit 1307, E-mail chain, Bates ASTM099502 - ASTM099506, was marked for identification.) - - BY MR. BECKER: Q. Mr. Smith, I'm handing you the document that's been marked as Exhibit 1307. This is the document produced by ASTM as ASTM099502 to ASTM099506. Do you see that you are cc'd on this document? Page 244 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 MR. BECKER: I'll note simply to counsel that in the court's order concerning the deposition for today, the court did not limit the deposition to any topics. The court simply denied the plaintiff's motion for a protective order and ordered that a deposition was to commence. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Mr. Smith, do you see your name listed under the "To" line for Exhibit 1308? A. Yes. Q. Did you receive this e-mail? A. I'm sure I did. Q. Mr. Smith, do you -- is this document as produced by ASTM authentic? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for a legal conclusion. Beyond the scope of his designation. MR. BECKER: How is a request for authentication a -MR. FEE: Subject to the federal rules of evidence. MR. BECKER: Authentication? BY MR. BECKER: Page 243 Page 245 62 (Pages 242 - 245) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. Mr. Smith, is this a correct copy of the -- this e-mail that you received? A. It could be. There's only one -- looks like there's only one metric attached here. Q. And is that the document titled: "GMAC.DOCX," that's the first attachment listed in the e-mail? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for speculation. THE WITNESS: There's only one attachment here, GMAC. BY MR. BECKER: Q. What is page 2 of this document? A. It's one of the five metrics that we have in 2015. Q. What do you mean "one of the five metrics"? MR. FEE: Objection. This is beyond the scope of his designations. Does this have something to do with respect to three topics that are the subject of today's deposition? MR. BRIDGES: Absolutely. MR. FEE: How? 1 Q. And when you say "we," are 2 you -- do you mean ASTM? 3 A. Correct. 4 Q. And who specifically at ASTM is 5 focusing on these five projects? 6 A. Our organization. 7 Q. And what are the five different 8 metrics? 9 MR. FEE: Objection. This is 10 beyond the scope. Did any of the five 11 metrics have to do with ownership of 12 copyrights? 13 THE WITNESS: No. 14 MR. BECKER: I'd like to know 15 what the background of this document 16 is. 17 MR. FEE: Is there any link to 18 the topics that are at issue in this? 19 MR. BRIDGES: He's explained 20 that, Counsel. 21 MR. FEE: It's turned out that 22 it has nothing do with copyright 23 issues. 24 MR. BRIDGES: You don't get to 25 ask him the questions. Page 246 1 MR. BECKER: This concerns the 2 federal government participation in 3 the creation of standards. 4 MR. FEE: And that is relevant 5 to which of your three topics? 6 MR. BECKER: Copyright ownership 7 and assignments and chain of title. 8 MR. FEE: This is respective 9 works at issue. Do you contend that 10 this document has something to do with 11 the work at issue? It's seven years 12 after the most recent work of issue. 13 MR. BECKER: But it still 14 concerns the, potentially the works 15 that are at issue given some of the 16 discussions that are on this document. 17 MR. FEE: I'll give you a little 18 bit of leeway on this, but frankly I 19 don't see that that's going to be the 20 case. Go ahead. 21 BY MR. BECKER: 22 Q. What are the five metrics that 23 you were mentioning? 24 A. We have five different metric 25 projects that we have focused on in 2015. Page 248 1 MR. FEE: He's already said it. 2 If you can link this to one of your 3 three topics, go ahead, but he's not 4 going to spend the next ten minutes 5 talking about a topic that's beyond 6 the scope of his designation. 7 MR. BECKER: The document 8 concerns the 1,500 federal agency 9 participants in ASTM technical 10 committees. I would like to know what 11 the background of this document is and 12 why it was created. 13 MR. FEE: If you want to ask him 14 about the 1,500 federal government 15 participants, go ahead. 16 BY MR. BECKER: 17 Q. What are the five metrics? 18 MR. FEE: Objection. Beyond the 19 scope. Go ahead. Let him ask a 20 couple more questions. 21 THE WITNESS: That's fine. This 22 is one metric. We have another metric 23 that is investigating whether or not 24 there would be a value to hire 25 technical expertise within ASTM staff. Page 247 Page 249 63 (Pages 246 - 249) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 We have another metric that is piloting new technology for collaborating in development of documents. We have another metric that is evaluating a technology options for consolidating or having a content management system, a unified content management system. And there's another one that I'm not thinking of right now. BY MR. BECKER: Q. What is -- what metric does this document concern? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. THE WITNESS: It deals with coordinating, it says it right at the top. Addresses government interaction issues and creates an ASTM Government Member Advisory Committee to advance the following objectives. BY MR. BECKER: Q. What is the ASTM Government Member Advisory Committee? A. There is not one. Q. So the ASTM Government Member 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 would know? MR. FEE: Same objections. THE WITNESS: Not for sure. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Was Jim Thomas in charge of this metric? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. THE WITNESS: No. MR. FEE: Calls for speculation. Beyond the scope of his designation. THE WITNESS: No. BY MR. BECKER: Q. The top bullet point statement on the second page says, "Take inventory of the existing 1,500 Federal agency participants in ASTM technical committees to identify areas of under-representation and participation." Do you know if that figure of 1,500 federal agency participants in ASTM technical committees is correct? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. THE WITNESS: It's probably ballpark. BY MR. BECKER: Page 250 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Advisory Committee was never created? A. No. Q. Does ASTM plan to -- is ASTM still considering creating a Government Member Advisory Committee? MR. FEE: Objection. Beyond the scope. THE WITNESS: We're considering it. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Who prepared this metric? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. THE WITNESS: I'm not sure. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Who would know? MR. FEE: Objection. Beyond the scope. Calls for speculation. THE WITNESS: Jim Thomas. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Would anybody else besides Jim Thomas know who prepared this? MR. FEE: Same objections. THE WITNESS: Possibly. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Can you name anybody else who Page 252 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. Who would know what the exact number of federal agency participants in ASTM technical committees is? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for speculation. Beyond the scope of his designation. THE WITNESS: Perhaps somebody in our membership department. It's a figure that changes on a daily basis. - - (Exhibit 1309, ASTM Collaboration Area, Bates ASTM103272, was marked for identification.) - - BY MR. BECKER: Q. I'm handing you what's been marked as Exhibit 1309. This is the document that was produced by ASTM last night as Bates number ASTM103272. It's titled "ASTM Collaboration Area." And it appears that it was printed on -- it was printed yesterday. Could you tell me what this document is? A. I believe it is a picture of an image on our Web site that indicates a member must agree to the language that's stated Page 251 Page 253 64 (Pages 250 - 253) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 there before joining a collaboration area. Q. Is this the ASTM collaboration area language concerning the ASTM IP Policy and copyright that you had discussed earlier today in the deposition? A. Looks like it's very similar, yeah. Q. When you say it's "very similar," is there any differences that you see between this and the version that is on the ASTM Web site that you were describing earlier today? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. THE WITNESS: I meant that this is very similar to the language that we talked about earlier that was on the renewal form. BY MR. BECKER: Q. When you described earlier that participants in technical committees who set up an ASTM collaboration area would have to agree to language concerning copyright and the ASTM IP Policy, were you describing this document 1309? MR. FEE: Objection to form. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 the membership application as it currently exists on the Web? A. It might be, or it might be part of it. Q. What is missing, if anything, from this document if it is the membership application on the Web? A. This appears to be the 2003 version, so I don't think this is the most recent version. It appears that there is language at the very bottom of page ASTM013275, it asks for acknowledgment about reading and understanding ASTM's Intellectual Property Policy, and agree to abide by its terms, [check off box]. Q. It says, "put in weblink" there. Do you know why it says that? A. No, I don't know why. Q. Does this appear to be a draft of the ASTM membership application as of approximately 2003? A. I would -- I can't say for sure but since it says, "Costs for 2003" up top, I would say that's probably correct. Q. Do you know if this precise Page 254 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 THE WITNESS: When earlier was that? BY MR. BECKER: Q. At the start of the deposition. MR. FEE: Same objection. THE WITNESS: I may have been. I'm not sure I recall the beginning of the deposition, but I think that's right. - - (Exhibit 1310, ASTM Membership Application, Bates ASTM103274 ASTM103276, was marked for identification.) - - BY MR. BECKER: Q. I'm handing you what's been marked as Exhibit 1310. This is the document produced by ASTM last night as Bates number ASTM103274 to ASTM103276. Do you recognize this document? A. It looks like it's our membership application that we have on our -on the Web. Q. Is this a correct depiction of Page 256 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 version of the ASTM member application was ever implemented online on the ASTM Web site? A. I don't know for sure, but I'm guessing it was since this looks like a picture from the ASTM Web site. Q. Who would know for certain? A. I don't know if anybody would at this point since it was an online application. MR. BECKER: Let's go off the record. VIDEOGRAPHER: The time is now 6:40. We're going off the video record. - - (A recess was taken.) - - VIDEOGRAPHER: The time is now 7:01. We're back on the video record. - - (Exhibit 1311, Record Retention Policy, Bates ASTM003501 - ASTM003522, was marked for identification.) - - MR. FEE: Before we get started, Page 255 Page 257 65 (Pages 254 - 257) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 I just want to say that Mr. Smith has been available to be deposed since 10:00 a.m. this morning. It's now 7:00. We have about 55 minutes left. We're not staying past 8:00. So if you're going to take any other breaks, it better be short. That was a 20-minute break and I think a complete waste of time. Go ahead. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Mr. Smith, I've handed you what's marked as Exhibit 1311. This is a document produced by ASTM as 003501 to 3522. Could you, please, identify it? A. It says, "RECORD RETENTION POLICY." Q. Is this ASTM's record retention policy? A. Yes, I believe it is. Q. Have you -- did you review ASTM's record retention policy in preparation for the deposition today? A. I reviewed it very briefly. Q. Do you know what category under the record retention policy that membership 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 of Records," section III. - - (Exhibit 1312, 11/21/08 E-mail with attachment, Bates ASTM088320 ASTM088325, was marked for identification.) - - BY MR. BECKER: Q. I'm handing you what's been marked as Exhibit 1312. This is the document produced by ASTM as ASTM088320 to ASTM088325. It is an e-mail with an attachment that says, "ASTM International Author/Copyright Owner Agreement." Is this attachment a correct copy of the ASTM International Author/Copyright Ownership Agreement? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague as to time. Beyond the scope of the designation as well. THE WITNESS: I'm not sure. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Who would know whether this attachment is a correct copy of the ASTM International Author/Copyright Ownership Agreement? Page 258 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 application forms would qualify as? MR. FEE: Objection. It's beyond the scope of his designation. THE WITNESS: Are you referring to any particular pages? BY MR. BECKER: Q. Yes. If you look at ASTM 3502 and 3503, it says, "Types of Records." That includes "Temporary Records," "Final Records" and "Permanent Records." And then it also has B is -- section B, "Types of Records That have Legal or Regulatory Periods of Retention," "Accounting and Corporate Tax Records," "Corporate Records," "Employment and Employee Records," "Bank Records," and "Legal Records." A. I don't know what category membership application would fall under, would just -- I'm not sure. Q. Do you know what category the ASTM IP Policy would fall under? MR. FEE: Objection. Beyond the scope. THE WITNESS: No, I don't know. I'm not very familiar with the "Types Page 260 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 MR. FEE: Objection. Beyond the scope. THE WITNESS: I would have to read it first to possibly give you an answer. Our publications department might be able to tell you whether or not this is the correct Author/Copyright Owner Agreement since it's a journal paper, relevant to a journal paper. - - (Exhibit 1313, Web site screenshots, Bates ASTM001792 ASTM001800, was marked for identification.) - - BY MR. BECKER: Q. I'm handing you what's been marked as Exhibit 1313. This document was produced by ASTM with Bates number ASTM001792 to 1800. What is this document? A. This looks like it is screenshots from our Web site for how an individual would renew their membership. Page 259 Page 261 66 (Pages 258 - 261) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. Is this a correct copy of the current language for the renewal -- for the membership renewal process on the ASTM Web site? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. THE WITNESS: These are Web screenshots, so I'm not sure if this is the current version or not. It's kind of hard to read, but it looks like it was -- I mean, it could be current. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Did you review the membership renewal online application in preparation for your deposition today? A. Yes. Q. Is there any reason why you think that this may not be an accurate copy of the current membership renewal process on the ASTM Web site? A. No. Q. Looking at Exhibit 1313, on the second page near the top of the page ASTM001793, does that depict the membership renewal screen that discusses a copyright and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A. This is for joining a technical committee. It's a participating membership application. So on page ASTM001802 you select the type of membership that you want to purchase. And in this particular instance the screenshots show that they've selected the participating member. And then after that it's an example of what one would see if they selected the organizational membership. And then the informational and then the student. - - (Exhibit 1315, ASTM Member Application Forms, Bates ASTM052816, ASTM052817, ASTM062194, ASTM062195, ASTM062198 & ASTM062199, was marked for identification.) - - BY MR. BECKER: Q. I'm handing you what's been marked as Exhibit 1315. This is a document -- this is a number of documents Bates labeled ASTM052816 to 817, ASTM062194 to 195, and ASTM062198 to 199. Would you, please, tell me what these documents are? Page 262 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 the ASTM IP Policy? A. Yes. MR. FEE: Objection. The document speaks for itself. THE WITNESS: It's a little tough to read, but it would appear that way. - - (Exhibit 1314, Screenshots, Bates ASTM001801 - ASTM001813, was marked for identification.) - - BY MR. BECKER: Q. I've handed you what's been marked as Exhibit 1314. This is the ASTM document Bates labeled ASTM001801 to 1813 Could you, please, identify this document? A. This looks like screenshots of the path that an individual could take to access the membership application and complete it and submit it online so that they can join a technical committee. Q. Is this for joining a technical committee or is this for getting an ASTM membership? Page 264 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 MR. FEE: Object to the use of randomly selected documents stapled together as one exhibit. You can answer. THE WITNESS: It says at the top in English "ASTM MEMBER APPLICATION FORM." BY MR. BECKER: Q. Is this an ASTM member application form that's in English and Chinese? MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for expert testimony to the extent you're asking him to speak to what language this is. THE WITNESS: I've never seen this application before, but it says ASTM member application form. It's perhaps something that we used as a service to have Chinese members or have Chinese individuals join ASTM. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Are you aware of any discussion of copyright or the ASTM IP Policy in these forms that are in both English and Chinese Page 263 Page 265 67 (Pages 262 - 265) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 that I've provided here as Exhibit 1315? MR. FEE: Same objections, plus lack of formation -- or foundation. Sorry. THE WITNESS: I'm not aware of whether there was or there was not. - - (Exhibit 1316, Regulations Governing ASTM Technical Committees, was marked for identification.) - - BY MR. BECKER: Q. I'm handing you what's been marked as Exhibit 1316. Could you, please, tell me what this document is? A. The front page says the "REGULATIONS GOVERNING ASTM TECHNICAL COMMITTEES." Q. What are the Regulations Governing ASTM Technical Committees? A. It's essentially this entire document if it's all included here. Q. Does it appear to be all included there? A. I'd have to go through it, but 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. What do staff members do to assist the members of technical committees? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. THE WITNESS: General assistance. Provide them with advice on regulations, on our form and style manual. We have interlaboratory study program that assists our members. A variety of things. I don't know if there's anything specific that you want me to focus on. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Does -- how does ASTM staff members assist individual -- assist technical committee members in the drafting or revision of standards? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. THE WITNESS: We have -- we provide them with editorial assistance, so we'll provide editorial help within the documents. Our interlaboratory study program is responsible for organizing round-robin studies for collecting the data and doing the number crunching in order to Page 266 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 it could. Looks like it. 1 Q. What is the purpose of the 2 Regulations Governing ASTM Technical 3 Committees? 4 MR. FEE: Objection. Beyond the 5 scope. Vague. 6 THE WITNESS: Technical 7 committees follow the regulations and 8 develop member standards. 9 BY MR. BECKER: 10 Q. Do you use the Regulations 11 Governing ASTM Technical Committees in the 12 course of your work with ASTM? 13 A. Yes. 14 Q. How do you use them? 15 A. As staff people, we advise our 16 technical committees on the regulations so 17 that they -- the regulations can be followed 18 in the development of their standards. 19 Q. Do staff members do other 20 things to assist the members of the technical 21 committees? 22 MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. 23 THE WITNESS: Yes. 24 BY MR. BECKER: 25 Page 268 produce precision statements. Our ILS team will produce the research reports which are referenced in the standard. We will help -- we have a graphics department that will create graphics for the standards, for committee members. We have an up-front editor that provides a great deal of assistance if we have a draft that needs to be put into proper ASTM form and style. We provide them with assistance on language for caveats that are placed in the ASTM standards. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Anything else? A. We provide an awful lot of assistance, but nothing else that comes to mind at this particular time. Q. When you say editorial assistance, what do you mean by that? A. Grammatical things. We'll inform members if they have mandatory language in a non-mandatory section, that that's outside the form and style policy. Or vice versa, if they have non-mandatory Page 267 Page 269 68 (Pages 266 - 269) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 language in a mandatory section, we'll provide assistance in tweaking that language so that it's within the form and style guidelines. Q. Anything else in terms of editorial assistance other than grammatical assistance? A. We could take a document and place it and organize it so that it has the relevant sections as defined in the form and style manual. Q. Do you mean to reorganize a draft standard, is that what you're saying? A. Yes. Q. What are -- excuse me. Anything else in terms of editorial assistance? A. Our editors will also take a document that's been approved through our balloting process, if it's a new standard, they'll put it into publication format and work with the technical contacts to make sure that everything looks good prior to publication. Q. When you say they put it into 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 BY MR. BECKER: Q. Is that the same grammatical changes that you were referring to before? MR. FEE: Objection. Mischaracterizes his testimony. Vague. BY MR. BECKER: Q. I'm sorry, what did you say? A. The editors could work with the technical contacts to incorporate editorial changes, grammatical or reorganization of content. Q. Who are the technical contacts? A. Who are they? Q. Yeah. A. They are individuals that take the lead in developing a new standard or in developing a revision to an existing standard. Q. Are those volunteers or are those employees of ASTM? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. Calls for a legal conclusion. THE WITNESS: They're volunteers. Page 270 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 publication format, does that involve any changes to the content of the draft standard? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. THE WITNESS: It involves taking what was balloted in the Word format and placing it into our XML format that we use for producing PDFs. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Is that a no? MR. FEE: Objection. You can answer the question however you like. You don't have to answer it yes or no. THE WITNESS: Did you ask me is that a no? BY MR. BECKER: Q. Yeah. A. What was -- can you repeat the original question? Q. The question was, when you say you put it into publication format, does that involve any changes to the content of the draft standards? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. THE WITNESS: It could, editorial changes, yes. Page 272 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 BY MR. BECKER: Q. What did you mean when you said precision statements? A. Precision statements are included in test methods. Q. What are precision statements? A. Precision statements include statements on repeatability and reproducibility. Q. What do you mean by that? A. For a test method, a statement of repeatability would be a laboratory taking the ASTM test method and running the test in the laboratory several times. And they take the results of that test and they see how close each iteration is. And if the results are very close, then that would indicate good precision. If it's -- if the results are not close, then that would indicate poor precision. So that's what repeatability is. Then reproducibility is at least six labs doing the same thing as what I just described as that one lab. And then the reproducibility is a statement that analyzes the results from all six or more labs. Q. Do the same precision Page 271 Page 273 69 (Pages 270 - 273) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 statements appear in different standards? A. In test methods. Q. For test methods they do? A. Yes. Q. What is the work that the graphics department does? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. THE WITNESS: Graphics, I don't know exactly everything that they do, but they will take figures that are perhaps old from years ago and we will use them in our technology, update them to make them more user friendly. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Are these figures that were created by committee members or how are these figures created that the graphics department would update? MR. FEE: Objection to form. THE WITNESS: I would assume by the committee members. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Do members -- do committee members vote on the changes that -- or additions that you just described? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 significantly when it's transformed into the published version. BY MR. BECKER: Q. When you say it's not changed significantly, what do you mean? A. There could be editorial changes. So that's a service that our editors perform. When they're putting it into the published version, they will work with the technical contact to incorporate any editorial changes that may have been agreed upon by the committee. Q. You mentioned caveats in ASTM standards. What are those? A. There are caveats that are in our form and style manual. Q. Are those -- what exactly are the caveats in the form and style manual? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. THE WITNESS: I wouldn't be able to name all of them for you, but there are caveats related to the use of units, so the standard will -- the -there will be a caveat that will identify the use of units within a Page 274 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 MR. FEE: Objection. Mischaracterizes his testimony. Vague and ambiguous. THE WITNESS: Yes. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Do committee members vote on the final versions of ASTM standards? A. I'm not sure what you mean by "final versions." Q. Do committee members vote on ASTM standards, on the final appearance of ASTM standards? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. THE WITNESS: The final appearance, the published format? BY MR. BECKER: Q. Yes. A. No. Q. Do ASTM committee members vote on the content that appears in the final form of ASTM standards? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. THE WITNESS: The content that is balloted and approved through our consensus process is not changed Page 276 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 particular standard. We have certain safety caveats and hazardous caveats. I think we have a caveat that deals with mercury being used in the standard. I'm sure there are some others. - - (Exhibit 1317, Participating Membership Applications, Bates ASTM064686 - ASTM064692, was marked for identification.) - - BY MR. BECKER: Q. I'm handing you what's been marked as Exhibit 1317. This document has been produced by ASTM as ASTM064686 to 64692. What is this document? A. This looks like a copy of an old application that was downloaded and saved from our Web site and that was filled out by hand. Best guess. - - (Exhibit 1318, E-mail chain with attachment, Bates ASTM087493 ASTM087497, was marked for Page 275 Page 277 70 (Pages 274 - 277) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 identification.) - - BY MR. BECKER: Q. I'm handing you what's been marked as Exhibit 1318. Does this exhibit appear to show an individual who was attempting to renew his application, membership application with ASTM by phone -A. I'd have to read it. Q. -- and e-mail? A. [Reviewing document.] Looks like, based on what I'm reading here, they were trying to renew the membership by phone, but it doesn't say that it actually happened. Q. Can ASTM members renew their membership by phone or e-mail? A. They could. It's not -- I don't think it's very common, but they could. - - (Exhibit 1319, 2011 ASTM International Committee Membership Application, Bates ASTM061183, was marked for identification.) - - BY MR. BECKER: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Standards Writing 101 How To [as read]. It looks like something that was written in Standardization News back in 2000. Q. Does this document accurately reflect the way that standards were developed at ASTM in approximately March of 2000? MR. FEE: You're going to have to read the whole document to answer that question. THE WITNESS: This was, I believe, a way that an individual could request the development of a new standard. BY MR. BECKER: Q. So there were other ways that an individual could request the development of a new standard as of March 2000? A. Yeah, they could make a request from the subcommittee or by the subcommittee chairman. - - (Exhibit 1321, How Standards are Developed article, was marked for identification.) - - - Page 278 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. I'm handing you what's been marked as Exhibit 1319, document produced by ASTM as Bates number ASTM061183. What is this document? A. It says, "2011 ASTM...Committee Membership Application." Q. Does this document appear to have a line crossed through the language concerning the ASTM IP Policy? MR. FEE: Objection. The document speaks for itself. THE WITNESS: I can't say that that's a line or whether that's an indicator towards the individual's account number. - - (Exhibit 1320, How To Standards Writing 101 New Standards, was marked for identification.) - - BY MR. BECKER: Q. I'm handing you what's been marked as Exhibit 1320. What is this document? A. I'm not sure. It says Page 280 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 BY MR. BECKER: Q. I'm handing you what's been marked as Exhibit 1321. This document was printed from the ASTM Web site at What is this document? A. It looks like maybe an article. MR. FEE: Objection. Lack of foundation. THE WITNESS: Maybe an article we have on our Web site that helps provide guidance for our members. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Do you know what a US TAG ISO list is? A. A US -Q. US TAG ISO list. A. United States Technical Advisory Group ISO list, I don't know if that refers to the list of members that are serving on the technical advisory group. - - (Exhibit 1322, 8/13/08 E-mail, Bates ASTM073852, was marked for identification.) Page 279 Page 281 71 (Pages 278 - 281) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 - - BY MR. BECKER: Q. I'm handing you what's been marked as Exhibit 1322 which has been produced by ASTM as ASTM073852. Can you tell me what this document is? A. It's an e-mail from Tom O'Toole to our customer service department. Q. Does this refresh your recollection at all as to what a US TAG ISO list is? A. I'm assuming it's the membership list, because it says, "...listed as members of the US TAG to ISO TC 160." Q. Is that an ASTM membership list? A. It appears that it's ASTM subcommittee C14.92, holds the US TAG to the ISO technical committee 160. MR. BECKER: All right. Let's go off the record and take a short break. VIDEOGRAPHER: The time is now 7:44. We're going off the video record. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A. I believe I can. MR. FEE: Do you want to mark that? MR. BECKER: Yeah. Let's mark this as the next one. - - (Exhibit 1323, Bates Numbers of Assignment Documents, was marked for identification.) - - BY MR. BECKER: Q. Is this your answer to my question? A. Yes. Q. Is this correct to the best of your -- is this Exhibit 1323 your answer to my question concerning Topic 24? A. Yes. Q. Is this Exhibit 1323 correct, to the best of your knowledge? A. Yes, to the best of my knowledge. Q. Who prepared this document, Exhibit 1323? A. I'm not sure. I think our Page 282 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 - - (A recess was taken.) - - VIDEOGRAPHER: The time is now 7:49. We're back on the video record. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Looking at Exhibit 1289 which is the Amended Notice of Rule 30(b)(6) Deposition, topic -MR. FEE: Hold it. Let him grab it. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Okay. Do you have it? A. Yeah. Q. If you turn to page 7. Topic 24 is -- on which you've been designated is, "The bates numbers of at least one instance of every form of assignment with which You claim a person assigned any copyright in the Works-At-Issue to You." Could you, please, provide the Bates number of at least one instance of every form of assignment with which ASTM claims that a person assigned any copyright in the Works-At-Issue to ASTM? Page 284 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 counsel. Q. Were you provided this document, Exhibit 1323, by counsel? A. Yes. Q. What did you do to confirm that Exhibit 1323 is accurate? A. I didn't go through number by number. Q. Did you look at any of the Bates numbers that are listed on this Exhibit 1323 and confirm that they corresponded with any assignment language? A. We looked at them yesterday, yes. Q. Did you look at all of them? A. I believe I did. Q. All of the Bates numbers that are listed? A. I don't know if I looked at the exact Bates numbers to correspond -- to correspond with each individual document, but I believe I looked at all of the documents. Q. Has there been any impairment to the operations of the ASTM technical committees that has arisen in the past five Page 283 Page 285 72 (Pages 282 - 285) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 years? MR. FEE: Objection. Vague. Beyond the scope of his designation. What topic does this relate to? I'm instructing him not to answer unless there's a topic that this relates to. BY MR. BECKER: Q. In your work with the ASTM technical committees, are you familiar with of any difficulties that have arisen in the past five years that concern the operations of the ASTM technical committees? MR. FEE: Can you identify any topic that that relates to? I take your silence as refusal to do so. I'll instruct him not to answer. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Have -- are you going to refuse to answer that question? MR. FEE: Yes, he is. THE WITNESS: Yes. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Has there been any lack of resources for the operations of the ASTM technical committees in the past five years? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. Are you refusing to answer that question? A. Yes. MR. BECKER: Then I'm going to end the deposition now and reserve my right to follow up on those questions -MR. FEE: Just so the record is clear -MR. BECKER: -- and the questions that counsel instructed the witness to refuse to answer. MR. FEE: Okay. We're now at six minutes and 50 -- six hours and 55 minutes of testimony, just so the record is clear. I have one or two questions for you. - - EXAMINATION - - BY MR. FEE: Q. Would you turn back to 1323. A. Yes. Q. I just want to make sure that we're clear about one question. You see in the middle, slightly above the middle of that Page 286 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 MR. FEE: Can you identify a topic to which that relates? I take that as a no. I'll instruct you not to answer that question. MR. BECKER: I don't have to identify any topics to which that relates. BY MR. BECKER: Q. Will you answer that question? MR. FEE: No, he won't. THE WITNESS: No. BY MR. BECKER: Q. In the scope of your work with ASTM, are you familiar with any lack of resources that members of ASTM technical committees have encountered in the past five years? MR. FEE: Can you identify any topic to which that relates? MR. BECKER: I do not have to identify a topic. MR. FEE: If you don't do so, I'm going to instruct him not to answer. BY MR. BECKER: Page 288 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 page it says, "Bates Range of Paper Membership Forms," and it says ASTM034596 through ASTM0088302. Did you review approximately 54,000 pages in connection with the creation of this document? A. No. MR. BECKER: Object as to form. BY MR. FEE: Q. Would you turn to Exhibit 1313. A. I'm afraid I -Q. That is, I believe, the membership renewal -A. Got it. Got it. Q. -- pages of their screenshots. A. Yes. Q. Do you recall Mr. Becker pointed you to, I believe, language on the second page of this document and asked whether or not that had any language related to the IP Policy or assignments? A. Yes. MR. BECKER: Object as to form. BY MR. FEE: Q. Are there any other portions of what's been marked as 1313 that relate to the Page 287 Page 289 73 (Pages 286 - 289) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 IP Policy or assignments? 2 MR. BECKER: Object as to form. 3 THE WITNESS: There is 4 additional language. This document 5 identifies membership renewal Web 6 screenshots for different types of 7 members. So I identified page 2, and 8 then there's also additional language 9 on page ASTM001796 as well as 10 ASTM001798. And I believe that's it. 11 MR. FEE: I have no other 12 questions. 13 Do you have any other questions 14 or is he done? 15 MR. BECKER: No, no redirect. 16 MR. FEE: Great. Thank you. 17 THE WITNESS: Thanks. 18 VIDEOGRAPHER: The time is now 19 7:57. This concludes the videotape 20 deposition of Dan Smith. 21 - - 22 (Witness excused.) 23 - - 24 (Deposition concluded at 7:57 25 p.m.) 1 I declare under penalty of perjury 2 under the laws that the foregoing is 3 true and correct. 4 5 Executed on _________________ , 20___, 6 at _____________, ___________________________. 7 8 9 10 11 _____________________________ 12 DANIEL SMITH 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Page 290 1 2 3 Page 292 CERTIFICATE I do hereby certify that I am a Notary 4 Public in good standing, that the aforesaid testimony was taken before me, pursuant to 5 notice, at the time and place indicated; that said deponent was by me duly sworn to tell 6 the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth; that the testimony of said 7 deponent was correctly recorded in machine shorthand by me and thereafter transcribed 8 under my supervision with computer-aided transcription; that the deposition is a true 9 and correct record of the testimony given by the witness; and that I am neither of counsel 10 nor kin to any party in said action, nor interested in the outcome thereof. 11 WITNESS my hand and official seal this 12 7th day of August, 2015. 13 14 15 ____________________________ Notary Public 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Page 291 74 (Pages 290 - 292) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [& - 199] & & 1:15 2:4,10 4:20 5:11,24 9:16 10:19 183:5 210:22 244:17 264:16 0 00108 145:18 00159 161:7 00167 161:7 003501 258:13 01215 1:3 9:5 02 196:11,19 025640 187:22 04 26:5 05 26:5 051140 229:16 060533 229:15 067813 229:14 070124 229:15 071068 229:15 074751 229:15 075283 229:15 081145 229:16 086031 173:13 1 1 1:25 7:6 37:17 136:11,16 137:14 138:2,19 141:20 144:9 149:17,22 150:2,5,10 152:9,15 152:17 1,500 249:8,14 252:15,20 10 3:4 7:6,15 86:19 160:20 100 181:25 101 6:8 279:18 280:1 101779 240:1 103277 61:5 103284 61:6 108 134:21 10:00 258:3 10:46 12:11,17 11 127:25 11/21/08 5:17 260:3 1111 2:5 115 154:22 11:48 57:14 11th 182:25 12 7:6 121 3:25 122 4:1 1284 3:9 34:22 35:5 38:20 80:11 81:11 106:24 107:1,5,13 107:16,23 1285 3:12 60:2,9 61:24 62:10,12,15 64:22 71:18 72:15 72:22 76:5 1286 3:14 64:5,13 64:22 74:8,12 1287 3:16 65:19 66:2 1288 3:19 68:13,21 69:21 72:16,21 73:2 74:24 75:4 78:11 109:17 1289 3:21 88:7,16 283:7 1290 3:25 121:16,22 140:23,25 141:3 1291 4:1 122:6,13 122:19,23 123:6 133:4 136:8 141:14 142:1 145:17 156:21 158:7 161:4 1292 4:3 142:1 171:12,18 1293 4:4 173:4,11 205:5 212:10,10,13 213:6,11,23 214:10 215:1,5,9,23 222:14 1294 4:6 181:14,20 1295 4:7 187:2,9,21 187:25 188:3 1296 4:9 195:20 196:1 200:7 205:8 1297 4:11 201:11,18 201:24 205:8 1298 4:13 204:3,9 204:15 1299 4:15 205:11,18 12:02 57:20 12:54 87:23 12th 2:12 184:5 13 7:5 65:11 69:10 69:23 1300 4:16 209:24 210:5 1301 4:18 210:18 211:2 218:6 1302 4:21 229:2,12 1303 5:1 232:9,16 1304 5:3 235:25 236:6 1305 5:5 238:8,14 1306 5:7 239:19,25 1307 5:8 243:16,22 1308 5:10 244:16,23 245:11 1309 5:12 253:11,17 254:24 1310 5:13 255:11,18 1311 5:15 257:21 258:12 1312 5:17 260:3,10 1313 5:19 261:13,20 262:22 289:9,25 1314 5:20 263:9,15 1315 5:22 264:13,21 266:1 1316 5:25 266:8,14 1317 6:1 277:8,15 1318 6:3 277:23 278:5 1319 6:5 278:20 279:2 1320 6:8 279:17,23 1321 6:9 280:22 281:3 1322 6:11 281:23 282:4 1323 6:12 284:7,16 284:19,24 285:3,6 285:11 288:21 15 86:19 109:16 244:25 160 282:14,19 161 7:5 166 161:8 171 4:3 173 4:4 1800 1:18 8:20 261:22 1801 1:17 8:19 181 4:6 1813 263:16 187 4:7 19 147:7 156:6 19103 1:19 195 4:9 264:24 1970s 22:9,21 1977 147:10,14,15 147:16 148:1,9,15 148:18,23 1977e2 147:9,24 148:14 150:13 1978 148:18,20,22 149:2,25 1979 146:3,14 147:3 149:21 150:12 152:8,14,21,24 153:15,18 154:4 1980 63:8 133:22,25 134:6,22 135:12 136:9,15 137:13 138:1,18 141:19 144:8 147:2 150:12 150:15,20 152:16 152:22,25 153:19 154:6 158:4 1980s 22:10,21 1984 126:2 127:17 199 264:24 Page 1 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [1997e2 - 739-5353] 1997e2 141:4,18 146:12 147:6 1999 60:19 61:9 62:25 66:15 69:8 70:1,12,21 71:5,19 73:23 76:13 119:14 120:3,12,15,23 121:2,9 1:13 1:3 9:5 1:58 88:4 1a 109:22 115:13 116:7 2 2 7:7 89:5,10 90:7 90:10 121:5 141:3 143:1 238:23,25 246:14 290:7 2-1 133:8 156:24 157:3 20 7:5 50:5 51:3 52:21 53:8,20 118:22 258:8 292:5 2000 156:7 280:3,6 280:17 20004 2:5 2000s 23:3 108:3 2002 33:18 36:13 40:24 2003 24:25 25:7 26:4,6,11 27:14 29:2,8 41:15 42:4,7 58:6 59:16 65:11 66:17 67:13 69:10 69:23 82:1 94:10 107:20,21 256:8,21 256:23 2004 63:18 2005 26:7 215:6 2006 160:17,18 2007 211:6,14 212:1 213:9 216:2 225:7 226:4,9 2008 192:1 196:11 196:19 199:15,25 200:4 216:6 234:9 2009 192:1 216:10 201 4:11 2010 4:11 5:3 65:11 65:16 68:6,7,8 69:11,24 73:2 109:18 192:2 201:11,21 216:13 235:25 236:9 2011 4:4 5:5 6:5 173:4,15,17 179:10 179:23 180:20 213:10 216:15 222:14 238:8,16 278:20 279:5 2012 216:17 218:8 218:13 222:4,21,22 240:19,21 2013 68:6 73:1 160:11,21,22 161:9 161:9,11 163:16 172:10 216:19 224:14 2014 211:8,15 212:1 213:9 216:21 224:20,25 225:8,22 226:4,10 2015 1:20 8:15 246:16 247:25 291:12 202 2:6 204 4:13 205 4:15 209 4:16 21 7:5 210 4:18 22 7:7 226-040 146:3,13 229 4:21 23 23:6 232 5:1 235 5:3 238 5:5 239 5:7 24 1:20 8:15 89:6,10 90:8,10 283:16 284:17 241 7:5 242 7:6 243 5:8 7:6 244 5:10 25 118:22,22 253 5:12 255 5:13 257 5:15 260 5:17 261 5:19 263 5:20 264 5:22 266 5:25 277 6:1,3 278 6:5 279 6:8 28 60:19 61:8 62:25 65:10 69:10,23 70:1 70:12,21 71:5,19 76:13 119:14 120:3 280 6:9 281 6:11 284 6:12 286 7:5,5,7 287 7:6,6,7 288 3:5 292 1:25 2a 125:11,14 126:19 126:25 127:8 128:4 128:20,25 129:10 129:15,25 130:7,11 130:16 131:2,14 132:1,16 3 3 7:15 17:13 20:3 89:5,10 90:7,10 160:18 3/17/10 65:6 30 1:14 3:23 20:3 88:9,18 241:4 242:5 242:15,22,24 283:8 31 133:21,25 134:6 134:22 135:12 34 3:9 35 138:14 3502 259:7 3503 259:8 3522 258:13 3:08 135:18 3:20 135:24 3:56 159:3 4 4 72:7 40 17:13 400 165:1,3 170:1 415 2:13 434-207 141:7,11 4:02 159:9 4:57 195:12 5 5 7:6 161:9 50 17:13 87:9 140:12 288:13 54,000 289:4 55 258:4 288:14 555 2:12 5:05 195:18 6 6 1:14 3:23 88:9,18 241:4 242:5,15,22 242:24 283:8 60 3:12 64 3:14 64692 277:16 65 3:16 68 3:19 6:06 239:10 6:14 239:16 6:40 257:13 7 7 7:5 283:15 70s 22:18 739-5353 2:6 Page 2 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [75 - answer] 75 21:11 95:21 97:19 98:2,3 7:00 258:4 7:01 257:19 7:44 282:24 7:49 283:5 7th 291:12 8 8/13/08 6:11 281:23 8/20/14 5:10 244:16 80s 105:3,12,19 817 264:23 875-2389 2:13 88 3:21 8:00 258:5 9 90s 58:15 61:21,21 63:9 94104 2:13 9:00 35:8 a a.m. 1:19 8:17 258:3 a370 141:3,18 142:1 146:12 147:6,9,12 147:24 150:13 abide 219:1,18,23 220:7,12 256:14 able 13:17 22:16 50:22 104:7 121:7 139:2 241:22 261:7 276:20 abridges 2:14 absolutely 246:24 accept 238:4 access 263:20 accomplish 104:7 account 196:15 279:15 accounting 87:4 259:13 acct 196:11 accurate 262:18 285:6 accurately 280:4 acknowledge 103:5 104:10 111:14 218:25 219:17 220:6 238:1 acknowledged 115:15 116:8 acknowledgement 3:10 34:18,24 35:12 39:11,14,19 40:1,23 80:13 acknowledges 111:12 acknowledgment 256:12 acting 47:20 48:24 53:20 113:6,24 action 123:8 133:7 163:5 170:11 291:10 activities 30:25 actual 84:14 209:13 220:21 223:20 add 57:25 59:22 added 152:10,14 additional 57:24 89:9,11 152:12,14 176:21 290:4,8 additions 274:25 address 13:11 100:14 175:3 203:5 addressed 240:2 addresses 54:21 174:12,17,19,22 250:17 adds 73:3 adjuncts 78:21 adopted 61:1 62:3 67:12 68:7,8 70:21 advance 250:19 advice 76:24 268:5 advise 267:16 advisory 250:19,23 251:1,5 281:19,21 affairs 172:13 affect 95:19 affiliation 207:14 aforesaid 291:4 afraid 289:10 agencies 170:20,24 183:10 184:20 185:9 agency 174:5 249:8 252:15,20 253:2 ago 27:21,25 28:4 45:16 92:9 93:12 97:18 100:10 138:14 274:11 agree 8:11 17:23,23 18:1,1 78:14 79:11 80:18 162:9,12 172:10 176:12,15 214:1,11 219:1,18 220:7 239:4 253:25 254:22 256:14 agreed 276:11 agreement 110:8,8 110:12 115:14 116:7,16 260:14,16 260:25 261:9 agreements 116:12 116:21,25 117:4,20 119:10 agrees 73:3 115:9 116:4 181:6 ahead 41:11 44:10 45:11 46:21 47:12 48:3 52:16 67:10 72:5 75:13 76:1 93:17 110:18 111:24 112:12 113:15 114:7 121:14 135:5 164:16 193:21 198:15 200:16 202:7 204:24 209:21 223:2 237:23 247:20 249:3,15,19 258:9 aided 291:8 air 1:7 183:2,3,16,20 184:8,11 al 8:25 alive 132:21 allow 198:13 238:1 242:23 allows 21:22 ambiguous 275:3 amc 183:4 amended 3:22 65:9 66:16 69:9,22 88:8 88:17 283:8 american 1:2,6,15 3:23 8:24 88:10,18 130:6 133:10 134:11 135:2 amusement 158:10 analyzes 273:23 andrew 2:11 9:16 announcing 95:17 annual 73:4 101:22 101:23,24 102:2 136:10,15 137:13 138:1,18 141:19 144:8 147:2 149:4,7 149:13,21 150:1,14 152:8,15,16 153:3 154:11 176:16 answer 7:3 12:6 13:6 14:10 15:23 22:13 29:23 30:14 31:3 34:5 37:10 38:2,4 41:11 42:12 42:25 45:23 48:3 49:7 52:6 71:15 73:25 74:20 75:13 75:25 76:1,20 77:3 77:13 80:8 82:10 90:3,9,17 92:17 110:16 111:24 112:11 115:1 120:5 124:14 128:20 129:15,20 130:20 131:7,18 132:5 Page 3 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [answer - assign] 142:20 144:5 154:7 157:14,25 160:25 161:22,24 162:3 163:7,10 164:16 168:14 174:15 176:9 180:15,17,18 180:19 181:10 182:5 185:2 194:4 199:2 200:15,17 201:3,5 202:6 206:14 209:17,20 217:5 218:21 219:13,25 220:2,18 220:24 222:8 223:2 224:6 227:1 231:9 235:15 237:22 241:8,13,19 242:2 242:10 243:4,10 261:5 265:4 271:11 271:12 280:8 284:12,16 286:5,16 286:19 287:4,9,24 288:1,11 answered 37:10 58:23 93:17 97:25 107:25 128:16 131:6 158:2 168:1 180:12,14 193:21 220:4,15 answering 75:21 90:13 163:8 217:1 answers 11:13 13:9 92:19 anticipation 162:5 anybody 63:19,23 84:25 85:2,5,8,11 109:2,9 111:3 112:22 123:25 124:22 143:22 206:25 221:9 225:9 228:22 235:8 251:20,25 257:7 apart 164:14 165:14 170:17 appear 65:13 104:2 184:15 203:3,10,12 206:1 210:8 225:3 233:7 236:11 256:19 263:6 266:23 274:1 278:6 279:7 appearance 275:11 275:15 appearing 90:5,25 appears 54:15 64:25 65:6,17 66:6 70:2 115:24 133:18 158:14 162:24 175:10,13 182:13 196:5 203:21,25 215:5 221:5 233:16 253:20 256:8,10 275:20 282:17 applicant 201:25 202:13 204:16 218:16 220:12 applicants 206:6 application 4:9,12 4:13,16 5:14,22 6:6 81:21,22 94:11 102:17 104:14 179:4 195:21 196:6 196:7 197:18 198:2 198:10 199:9 201:13,22 203:24 204:3,13 209:25 210:9 211:6,7,8,14 211:22 212:18,24 213:15 214:16 216:2,5,9,13,24 217:10,12,15,16 218:2,3,9,10,14 220:23 221:1 222:5 222:21,22 223:15 224:15,21 225:16 225:23 226:3 233:12 255:12,23 256:1,7,20 257:1,9 259:1,18 262:14 263:20 264:3,14 265:6,10,17,18 277:19 278:7,8,22 279:6 applications 4:15,18 6:2 25:1,5,11 27:18 103:4 129:4 166:25 167:1 205:12,23,24 206:2,5 207:4 210:19 211:18,25 212:8,8,11,23 213:4 213:8,19 225:7,22 226:9,17 227:16 228:6 277:9 applying 84:14 218:24 approach 86:2,3 appropriate 78:15 80:20 220:19 approval 147:17 151:21,23 approve 151:7 approved 1:21 60:18 61:2,8 66:15 67:5 69:7 70:1 94:19 147:12,13,15 148:10,11,17 151:2 151:12 152:24 153:4 154:25 186:5 270:19 275:24 approximate 39:17 approximately 8:16 20:3 23:11 28:14 29:1 33:18 35:8 40:24 63:5 67:23 82:1 107:22 160:5 256:21 280:6 289:4 april 60:19 61:9 62:25 65:11 66:15 69:8,10,23 70:1,12 70:21 71:5,19 76:13 101:1 119:14 120:3 160:20 area 5:12 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18:7,22,25 200:8 283:19,24 19:10,13,16 20:20 assigning 30:6 31:21 20:21 21:5,6,8 31:25 32:12 35:14 22:24 23:4,7,14,18 36:10 58:4 86:24 23:21 24:1,4,7,11 180:23 24:15,21 25:2,5,7 assignment 6:13 26:15 27:3,9,17,18 42:16,19 81:13 27:22 28:1,5,8,16 82:23 83:15 85:17 28:17,19 29:6,8,11 85:23 87:11,20 94:9 29:13,16,16 30:3,4 94:14,23 97:13 30:5,7,17,24 31:6 99:19 167:4,5,7 31:10,11,12,22 32:1 198:4 207:8 210:12 32:5,6,10,14,15,22 213:25 215:22 32:25 33:1,5,9 223:10,21 283:18 34:17,22 35:8,10,15 283:23 284:8 36:7,10,24 37:7,14 285:12 37:14,21 38:6,7,11 assignments 26:2 38:21,24 39:9,15,20 83:6,20,25 84:18 40:2,19,25 41:2,3,4 94:4 102:11 104:23 41:21 42:5,7,18 108:10,18 166:18 43:6,9,12,15,21 166:22 247:7 44:19,22 45:1,4,4,6 289:20 290:1 45:18,21 46:2,12,15 assigns 47:18 46:25 47:3,17,18,20 102:24 103:9 48:7,9,23 49:2 204:16 206:6 55:20 56:6 58:5,8 218:15 58:21,21 60:3,10,15 assist 185:23 267:21 61:5,6,7,12,16,22 268:2,14,14 62:3,8 63:7,17,20 assistance 268:5,20 64:6,14,16 65:9,15 269:9,12,17,20 65:20 66:3,19 67:20 270:2,6,7,17 67:24 68:9,14 69:2 assists 127:12 268:8 69:5,9,13,22 70:3 associated 92:11,13 70:11,16,20,22 71:3 196:13 71:8,19,20,24 73:8 association 1:5 73:8,10,11,21 76:11 assume 12:7 62:22 76:13,23,23,25 77:9 65:7 172:20 274:20 77:16,16 78:2,12,16 78:19,25 79:5,9,13 79:24 80:1,12,17,20 80:24 81:1,2,4,12 81:13 82:4,7,25 83:2,3,5,6,14,16,19 83:21 84:4,5,7,18 85:23 87:5,8,11,12 89:1,5,9,10 90:6,14 91:15,24 92:1 94:17 94:18,23,24 95:1,5 95:7,11 96:14,18,20 96:21 97:19,21 98:5 98:8 100:6,15,21 102:12,23,24 103:11,12,12 104:2 105:7,12,19 107:7,8 107:11,16 108:10 108:19 109:18 110:3,7,10,11,25 111:12,14 112:2,19 113:2,20 115:9,11 115:15,16 116:3,6,9 116:10 117:1,5,21 118:10 122:3 123:7 124:13 126:4 127:11,15 129:3,9 129:12,24 130:10 132:15 133:6 134:7 134:9,22,24 136:3 136:10,15 137:13 138:2,18 139:8 141:3,16,17,18,19 142:16 143:10,24 143:25 144:9 145:18 146:12 147:2,6,9,24 149:3 149:4,8,9,10,14,16 149:21 150:1,13,14 150:17 152:8,15,16 154:22 155:2,24 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229:5 astm073844 4:14 204:4,10 astm073852 6:11 281:24 282:5 astm074751 4:23 229:5 astm075283 4:23 229:6 astm075697 5:4 236:1,7 astm079420 4:12 201:13,19 astm080176 4:19 210:20 211:10 astm081145 4:24 229:7 astm082973 5:6 238:9 239:6 astm086030 4:5 173:5,12 astm086031 4:5 173:6 astm087493 6:4 277:24 astm087497 6:4 277:25 Page 6 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [astm088320 - becker] astm088320 5:18 260:4,11 astm088325 5:18 260:5,11 astm099502 5:9 243:17,24 astm099506 5:9 243:17,24 astm101777 5:7 239:20 240:1 astm101779 5:7 239:20 astm103272 5:12 253:12,19 astm103273 3:11 34:25 35:9 astm103274 5:14 255:12,20 astm103276 5:14 255:13,20 astm103277 3:13 60:4 61:8 astm103284 3:13 60:4 astm103285 3:15 64:7,15 astm103290 3:15 64:8,15 attached 189:1 246:5 attachment 4:8 5:10 5:17 6:4 187:3 244:17 246:8,12 260:4,12,14,23 277:24 attempting 278:7 attendance 86:12 attended 54:14 194:13 attending 9:9 100:23 attorney 163:2,21 163:24 164:12 200:13 201:3 202:4 204:21 206:13 217:3 218:20 222:25 224:3 237:21 attorneys 9:7 attributable 153:20 attribute 237:14 attributed 96:4 audible 11:24 audio 8:10 august 291:12 authentic 171:25 188:12 240:12 244:5 245:16 authenticate 172:9 authentication 245:21,24 author 110:7,8 129:25 130:7,11 133:9 134:13 135:3 156:25 157:3,8 260:13,16,24 261:9 author's 111:10,17 112:4 133:11 157:1 157:4 authors 110:5,12 115:10 116:4 authorship 143:4 automated 156:12 156:15 available 102:1 144:10,17 155:24 156:4 159:20,23,24 160:1,2 176:22 219:3 258:2 avenue 2:5 average 17:8 20:1 aware 33:20 41:13 41:17 42:3 45:10,13 46:22 58:9 59:19 76:23 77:4 79:9,9 117:6 130:21 131:8 131:20 163:23 164:2,13 182:8 217:25 221:21 235:10 265:23 266:5 basis 40:5 49:18 awareness 58:4 70:7,14 75:11 94:22 awful 269:16 95:4,8,12 96:19 105:11,18 120:14 b 153:1,13,16 207:23 b 1:3,14 2:17 3:7,23 242:20 253:9 63:4 88:9,18 109:19 bates 5:1 6:12 34:24 109:22 241:4 242:5 35:9 60:3 61:5,8 242:15,22,24 64:7,14 65:21 66:3 259:11,11 283:8 68:15,22 92:11,13 b1a 109:23 92:24 93:7,14 b1b 109:23 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96:25 43:22 44:2,14 45:15 basically 97:13 46:5,11,24 47:15 48:10,18 49:17 50:9 Page 7 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [becker - beyond] 50:14 51:11,22 52:2 52:12,17 53:4,16 54:5,18 55:1,16 56:2 57:11,22 59:2 59:8,11,17 60:7 61:3 62:6,11,19 64:11 65:2,25 67:6 68:19 71:1,17 72:10 72:19 73:19 74:3,17 74:21,23 75:2,17 76:4,10,22 77:6,15 77:20 78:1,10 79:22 80:6 81:9 82:14,21 84:1,9 86:11 88:14 89:7,17 90:1,21 92:21 93:20 96:10 97:8 98:6,18 100:9 103:13,22 104:12 104:20 108:4,15,24 110:20 111:2,7 112:1,14,21 113:1 113:18 114:9,15 115:6,20,21 117:15 118:2,15 119:20 120:20 121:4,12,20 122:11,22 123:4,22 124:17 128:7,12,21 129:23 130:23 131:10,22 132:12 132:25 133:2 134:18 135:10,15 135:25 136:22 137:5,11,18 138:8 138:15 139:1,7,13 139:19,24 140:3,9 140:22 142:7,23 143:20 144:7,15,23 145:2,9,16 146:10 146:19 147:5,23 149:19 150:25 151:10,22 153:11 154:8,9,17 155:1,9 155:22 156:8,13 157:16,23 158:5,15 160:4,10 161:3,17 162:1,8,16 163:1,9 164:6,21 165:12,24 166:6,12 167:21 168:5,21 169:23 170:7 171:6,16 172:4,11,21 173:9 174:4,10,18 175:4 175:12,19,24 176:13 177:9,18 178:6,17 179:8 180:2,16 181:1,18 182:10 183:15,21 184:6,17 185:7,20 186:3,9,14,20 187:7 187:18 188:16 191:2,15,23 192:12 192:21 193:5,11,24 194:6,17,18,24 195:4,9,24 197:7,15 198:1,8,16 199:6,16 199:23 200:21 201:16 202:12,22 203:11,20 204:7 205:3,16 206:17 207:12 208:9,18,25 209:11 210:3,25 211:23 212:5 213:2 213:17 214:13,23 215:13 217:13 218:4 219:7,20 220:1,9,16,25 221:6 221:20 222:1,11,19 223:7,18 224:12 225:4,20 227:4,9,14 228:3,16,21 229:10 229:20,22,24 230:13,18,25 232:14 233:1,5,25 234:5,11,20 235:2,7 235:12,19 236:4,21 237:9,13 238:2,12 238:24 239:7,23 241:1,4,9,18 242:3 242:8,14,22 243:11 243:13,20 244:21 245:1,9,20,24,25 246:13 247:1,6,13 247:21 248:14 249:7,16 250:11,21 251:10,14,19,24 252:4,12,25 253:15 254:18 255:3,16 257:10 258:10 259:6 260:8,21 261:18 262:12 263:13 264:19 265:8,22 266:12 267:10,25 268:12 269:14 271:8,15 272:1,7 273:1 274:14,22 275:5,16 276:3 277:13 278:3 278:25 279:21 280:14 281:1,13 282:2,20 283:6,12 284:4,11 286:7,17 286:22 287:5,8,12 287:20,25 288:4,9 289:7,16,22 290:2 290:15 began 159:23,25 160:3 215:8 beginning 28:21,23 105:3 176:12 255:7 begins 88:5 159:10 214:11 239:17 behalf 2:3,8 9:20 89:1,4 90:5,14 167:24 168:10 169:8 170:17 belief 53:6 55:9 58:18 94:22 95:4 105:24,24 120:10 133:24 believe 24:24 25:9 26:9 30:5,15,17 36:4,12,15 40:13 42:14 43:17 47:21 48:23 49:10,11,11 49:20 50:15 51:4,22 55:14 58:5,14,18 60:12,16 61:13 63:22 68:2 70:10,13 71:21 72:8 85:12 88:24 89:19 90:7 93:18 101:10 104:18 107:22 108:13,22,23 112:2 120:17 124:9,25 125:23 127:9 132:18 135:6,11 156:5 162:17 166:15 171:24 172:5 173:2 174:8,9 188:11 192:9 199:21 200:25 206:3 209:7 213:13 214:14 223:13 224:7 230:3 231:7 232:4 240:8,12 241:19 242:14 244:5,8,12 253:23 258:19 280:11 284:1 285:16,22 289:11,17 290:10 believes 42:6 47:18 55:15 84:6 102:23 200:8 204:16 206:5 218:15 223:20 believing 49:19 70:8 70:15 belong 45:5 benefits 73:5 165:10 176:16 benjamin 176:3 best 13:22 14:1 17:12 192:24 277:21 284:15,20 284:21 better 258:7 beyond 51:17,23 89:10 130:19 131:17 132:4 136:19,23 138:11 139:16,22 140:7,18 Page 8 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [beyond - certificates] 141:21 142:18,25 143:13 144:3,12,19 145:14 146:15,24 150:22 151:3 165:7 165:17 166:4 171:1 172:2,5,17 173:25 174:14,25 175:8,17 183:12 184:13,24 192:7,16,25 193:19 194:22 197:10,21 199:12 203:7,16 208:5 209:15 221:16 226:25 227:22 228:12 230:9 231:22 233:21 237:5 240:23 245:18 246:20 248:10 249:5,18 251:6,16 252:10 253:5 259:3 259:22 260:18 261:1 267:5 286:3 bigger 150:7 biggest 95:14 bit 18:6 247:18 board 65:10 66:16 67:8,12 69:9,22 bob 132:18 158:3 bockius 2:4 bodies 207:24 208:3 208:4,4,11 209:4 book 136:10,15 137:4,13 138:2,18 138:24 139:3,4,9 141:19 144:9 147:2 147:3 149:4,8,13,21 150:1,14 152:8,15 152:16,21,22,24,25 153:3,15,18,19 154:4,6,11 books 159:19 bottom 60:22 65:8 69:21 133:17 196:10 197:17 199:8 256:11 box 125:11,14 126:19,25 127:8 128:3,19,25 129:9 129:15 133:13 134:3,9,25 145:23 177:2,8 256:15 break 12:21,22 13:1 52:10,16 57:9,9,12 132:24 194:15 195:10 258:8 282:22 breakfast 100:22,24 101:3,6,17,21 breaks 258:6 bridges 2:11 9:16,21 9:25 187:14 246:24 248:19,24 briefly 156:25 157:4 258:23 bring 38:6 83:1 bringing 32:4,13 36:6 37:23 40:18 107:8 british 111:11 112:5 113:7 broader 16:23 brooke 63:1,6,11,21 63:23,25 brought 32:20,25 190:25 191:6,25 192:4 bulk 158:19 bullet 252:13 business 95:19 163:13,23 164:3,7 164:14 buy 43:11 buying 95:14 c c 2:1 74:11 75:5 76:6,12 77:8 291:1 291:1 c14.92 282:18 california 2:12,13 172:14 call 129:14 169:10 called 86:9,10 150:4 150:9 199:22 217:19 calls 19:18 20:23 22:12 29:17 30:9 31:14 33:10,24 37:2 37:25 38:14 39:1,21 41:5 42:8,20 46:17 47:6,22,23 49:3,4 51:7 52:25 53:12,23 54:8,23 55:7 62:16 66:24 70:23 71:12 71:25 73:13 74:14 75:6,19 76:15 77:11 77:18,22 78:6 80:2 81:5 102:25 110:14 110:22 111:19 112:7,16 113:10 114:2,11 117:9,22 118:11 129:17,18 129:19 130:18 131:16 132:3 139:15,21 140:21 146:24 150:21 157:20 158:12 160:23,24 161:14 163:17 170:2,25 172:16 173:24 174:13,24 176:7 177:24 178:14 179:1,2,20,21 181:8 181:9 188:13 192:16 200:10,12 201:1 202:1 203:6 203:15 204:18 206:7,10 214:7 218:17 221:3,15 224:2 225:11 226:23,24 227:21 227:23 228:13 230:10 231:23 233:22 237:6,18 245:17 246:9 251:17 252:9 253:4 265:12 272:23 canadian 111:11 112:4 113:7 capacity 50:18,19 51:5 52:23 53:10,21 55:5 242:6 caption 8:23 10:4,5 card 175:5 177:16 177:21 203:23 carl 2:19 10:1 case 1:2 8:23 9:2,4 143:6 148:3 154:10 155:11 162:25 203:19 228:6 247:20 cases 170:6 cassidy 84:24 85:14 85:20,22 86:2 87:7 87:19 99:7 108:25 cast 98:16 category 258:24 259:17,20 caveat 276:24 277:3 caveats 269:12 276:13,15,18,22 277:2,2 cc 188:8 cc'd 188:23 243:25 ccr 1:21 cell 8:7 center 1:18 183:6,7 202:15 203:2 certain 26:7 62:13 62:18,21 64:3 119:13 127:16 155:17 162:9 235:1 257:6 277:1 certificate 123:17 123:24 124:3,7 126:4 141:7,25 142:3 certificates 4:1 122:6 123:2,6,10 Page 9 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [certificates - complete] 124:12 164:8 certification 78:21 133:16 certify 291:3 chain 4:7 5:7,8 6:3 137:1 143:2 187:2 239:19 243:16 247:7 277:23 chairman 280:20 challenged 95:11 96:13 chance 13:14 229:25 change 148:8 changed 153:4 275:25 276:4 changes 13:15,16,17 65:14 74:18 151:24 253:9 271:2,21,25 272:3,11 274:24 276:7,11 chapters 137:3 characteristics 21:4 characterize 50:23 charge 156:14,19 252:5 charles 176:3 check 4:3 126:19,25 128:19,25 129:9 134:3,9,25 171:12 177:1,8 178:2,4,5 256:15 checked 125:10,15 129:15 checking 127:8 128:3 checks 133:13 145:22 172:9 cherry 211:17 229:18 232:23 chinese 265:11,20 265:21,25 choose 169:13 circumstances 56:23 148:7 citizens 209:13 claim 283:19 claiming 143:11 claims 29:11 198:3 283:24 clarify 12:4 80:16 213:21 clarity 199:4 classification 15:17 56:4,7,9 classifications 15:5 classified 55:21 clause 74:11 75:5,9 75:13 76:6,12 77:8 77:10 115:7 116:13 116:17 180:22 181:3,6 clauses 74:18 cleanup 191:5,7 192:23 193:8 clear 89:4 113:20 182:20 288:8,15,24 click 81:17 client 163:2,21,24 164:12 200:13 201:3 202:4 204:21 206:13 217:3 218:20 222:25 224:3 237:21 243:3 close 273:15,16,18 collaborating 250:3 collaboration 5:12 21:21 22:25 23:9,13 24:6,19 25:17 26:20 26:21,22 27:1,7,8 28:5,8,18 30:4 31:4 31:13 81:22 94:12 102:19 103:9 167:3 179:6 253:12,20 254:1,2,21 collected 227:15 228:2 collecting 268:24 collection 149:14 228:1 collective 157:5,10 collectively 78:25 109:13 columbia 1:1 9:4 combined 181:23 come 13:8 22:4 31:5 43:7,17 48:6 94:17 comes 269:17 commence 245:8 commencing 1:19 comment 13:17 committee 4:11 6:6 14:12,15,18 15:22 16:1,12,18,20,23,25 17:1,2,3,17,22 49:20 50:8 56:12 57:2,5 78:14 80:18 82:13,17 83:5,12 95:16 100:25 117:12,18 118:4,7 118:10,17,21,25 119:4 148:5 165:20 168:20,24 169:6,16 170:12 185:19,23 190:14,23 191:22 192:5,10 194:2,8,20 195:1,6 201:12,22 203:23 217:11,16 217:24 218:1,10 222:21 223:6,17 225:19 226:8 250:19,23 251:1,5 263:22,24 264:2 268:15 269:6 274:16,21,23 275:6 275:10,19 276:12 278:21 279:5 282:19 committees 5:25 14:20 15:20 31:1 49:11,25 50:5 51:3 52:21 53:8,20 54:13 55:20,23 151:6,14 151:15,16 166:8,16 167:14 168:4,9 189:14 217:21 249:10 252:16,21 253:3 254:20 266:9 266:18,20 267:4,8 267:12,17,22 268:2 285:25 286:9,12,25 287:16 common 22:14 278:18 communicated 109:10 132:15 207:3 communication 42:22 47:8 130:14 130:25 131:12 204:22 206:13 communications 29:19 30:12 31:16 41:8 42:10 44:8 45:8 46:19 47:25 49:6 52:18 53:6 71:13 72:2 73:15 74:19 75:9,22 76:17 99:2,7 106:4,9 110:17 111:21 112:9,12 113:12 114:4 126:18,23 131:25 163:3,21,25 164:12,15 200:14 201:4 202:5 217:3 218:20 223:1 224:3 224:4 237:21 companies 33:7 46:13 47:1 company 46:1 47:19 49:15 55:15 compare 72:14 140:24,24 218:7 compilation 4:21 5:1 152:6,11 211:3 229:2,13 232:9,17 complaint 3:25 121:17,23 complete 139:8 258:8 263:21 Page 10 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [completed - copyright] completed 93:3 completely 13:10 153:25 completion 160:17 compliance 46:4 comply 228:5 component 143:5 compose 19:1 20:21 composes 18:14 compound 53:1,13 53:24 54:9,22 73:25 96:6 104:4,17 108:12,21 113:10 114:2 147:18 149:12 154:14 156:1 161:13 176:8 177:6 179:20 184:25 185:11 194:3 211:20 214:7 comprises 149:14 computer 291:8 con 135:8 concept 95:25 concern 161:10 193:14 250:13 286:11 concerned 25:10 concerning 44:17 83:16 108:9,18 124:12 128:3 129:13 130:15 131:1,13 132:1 192:23 222:3 223:22,24 224:16 245:3 254:3,22 279:9 284:17 concerns 26:2 162:18 172:6 223:20 247:1,14 249:8 concluded 290:24 concludes 87:24 159:4 239:11 290:19 conclusion 29:18 30:10 31:15 37:2 38:1,15 41:6 42:9 42:21 46:18 47:6,23 49:4 51:8 53:1,13 53:24 54:9 55:8 72:1 73:14 74:15 75:7 76:16 80:3 81:6 103:1 110:15 111:20 112:8 113:11 114:3 129:19 158:13 160:25 169:10 176:8 179:2,22 181:9 188:14 200:11 201:2 202:2 204:19 206:11 214:8 218:18 226:25 227:24 228:14 237:19 245:18 272:23 concrete 53:15 conditioning 1:7 conference 217:8 conferences 100:21 confirm 137:23 142:9 215:7,18 285:5,11 confirmed 141:17 141:17 confirming 215:15 confirms 142:4 confusing 38:2 113:10 153:8,23 179:1,20 conjunction 39:6 40:12 connection 289:4 consensus 14:24,25 16:14,15 17:15 151:8 275:25 considered 57:6 165:22 considering 251:4,8 consolidating 250:6 constitute 165:14 constituted 50:17 construction 158:9 193:3,13 consumer 172:13 contact 276:10 contacts 270:22 272:10,13 contain 137:21 contained 149:7 162:21 224:11 contend 247:9 content 17:24 18:2 18:12 20:5 169:18 192:20 250:7,8 271:2,21 272:12 275:20,23 contents 41:1 context 123:16,21 continue 8:11 continued 224:24 continues 238:3 continuing 121:13 contracts 115:9 116:3 contrast 157:2 contribute 32:5 54:3 97:2 contributed 41:1 81:1 contributes 38:11 58:18 contributing 36:23 44:18 48:8 54:15 169:17 contribution 125:12 133:12 157:1,5 contributions 54:6 55:3,13 81:19 96:21 103:11 105:7 186:2 186:4,10,13,16 194:1,8 conversation 55:12 87:19 127:2 134:1,7 134:23 135:9 conversations 8:6 convert 32:15 converted 32:21 coordinating 250:16 copied 187:24 copies 39:10 139:8 140:15 160:1 212:11 234:22 copy 120:22 246:2 260:15,23 262:1,18 277:18 copyright 4:1 30:6 31:12 41:20 42:7 45:5 47:2,18,21 52:3 58:19 73:7 79:12,25 81:3,13 82:5,23 83:21 84:6 84:18 85:18,23 86:24 87:11,20 94:5 94:14,22 95:6 96:13 97:13 99:19 100:6 100:14 102:11,24 104:23 105:9,13,20 107:10 108:10,18 111:12,15 112:5 115:15 116:8 122:7 123:3,7,10,17,24 124:4,8,13 125:15 125:17,20,25 126:4 126:18,20,24 127:3 127:6,7 128:2,17,24 128:25 129:4,8,16 130:1,4,5,15,16 131:1,2,13,14,25 132:2,10,15,17 133:5 134:2,8,23 136:3,25 140:25 142:16 143:3,4,9,11 143:23 145:19,25 150:18 157:18 158:7 159:21,21 161:8 164:18 166:18,22 176:3,19 178:22 179:16 Page 11 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [copyright - deficient] 180:8,24 200:9,23 201:25 204:16 206:6 210:12 213:24 215:22 218:15 223:8,9,21 231:5,15,18 241:10 241:11 247:6 248:22 254:4,22 260:13,16,24 261:9 262:25 265:24 283:19,24 copyrightability 113:5,23 114:20 copyrighted 43:10 43:15 94:20 96:21 129:14 copyrighting 95:11 97:1 copyrights 29:14 41:4 46:13 58:4 71:22 78:18 80:23 248:12 corner 65:4 141:13 160:20 196:10 197:17 199:8 corporate 259:13,14 correct 13:10 20:6 23:10 25:9,11 26:12 36:14 60:19,23,24 61:9 63:14,15 65:11 70:5 82:2,3 89:13 90:6,23 98:25 99:14 102:5 119:15 127:21,22 129:16 136:12,13 145:15 146:4 154:12 155:19,21 161:12 167:12 173:19,23 174:6,12,20,23 175:7,20 178:8,13 182:21 183:17 188:24 189:8,15 202:16 203:2,5,14 203:24 205:6,8,9,25 212:14,18 214:2 221:2 222:6,15,18 224:17,22 233:20 236:15 238:5,19 239:2 246:1 248:3 252:21 255:25 256:24 260:14,23 261:8 262:1 284:15 284:19 291:9 292:3 correctly 291:7 correlate 143:23 correlates 147:3 correspond 285:20 285:21 corresponded 285:12 corresponds 136:4 141:11 142:15 costs 256:23 counsel 2:18 8:22 29:20 30:12 31:17 34:2 41:8 42:11,23 44:8 45:9 46:19 47:9,25 49:6 62:23 63:6,11,14,17,20 64:1,2 67:2 71:13 72:3 73:16 74:20 75:10,23 76:3,18 83:14 84:17 86:9 110:18 111:1,22 112:10,20 113:13 114:4,14 117:25 121:4 162:1,8,16 163:1 215:16,21 224:5 227:8,11 228:20,23 242:14 245:2 248:20 285:1 285:3 288:10 291:9 count 56:14,18,21 56:24 138:24 counterclaims 1:11 countries 207:20,25 209:14 country 208:24 209:3 couple 52:12,14 249:20 course 21:24 30:24 78:24 111:10,16 112:3 113:6,24 114:22 267:13 court 1:1 9:3,11 11:16,20 159:14 243:5,13 245:4,5 court's 242:17 245:2 covered 143:7 create 27:1 104:1 115:11 116:5 152:16 269:5 created 28:24 29:15 30:8 33:17 61:17 71:23 81:4 82:7,24 113:5,23 114:20 155:5 249:12 251:1 274:16,17 creates 225:21,24 250:18 creating 251:4 creation 83:17 98:23 154:20 155:4 176:20 178:23 179:17 180:9 226:20 227:19 228:9 247:3 289:5 credit 175:5 177:16 177:21 203:22 crossed 236:12,20 237:16 238:19 279:8 crossing 237:3 crunching 268:25 cuff 54:16 55:2 current 63:13 68:6 69:12 92:1 149:10 151:17 217:12 262:2,8,11,19 currently 127:19 256:1 customer 199:14,17 225:25 230:22 282:8 customers 95:14 cv 1:3 9:5 d d 1:3 3:1 72:8,12,15 72:21 78:12 79:8 80:16 200:25 d.c. 2:5 d04 50:7 daily 253:9 dan 9:6 240:3 290:20 daniel 1:16 3:3 10:11,24 292:12 dar 1:3 10:6 data 268:24 date 8:15 25:8 65:3 66:12 67:13 69:4 86:15 91:3 133:21 143:19 148:12 160:17,19 196:19 dates 70:9 101:4,7,8 day 93:24 238:3 242:20 291:12 deal 269:8 deals 250:15 277:3 deb 189:21 deborah 189:24 190:12,22 191:17 191:24 192:3,22 193:7,13 194:25 dec 196:11,19 decade 23:8,8 decision 126:19 151:6 declare 292:1 deemed 78:15 80:19 defendant 1:10 2:8 3:21 9:17 10:19 88:7 defense 8:22 202:15 203:1 deficient 89:23 Page 12 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [define - disclose] define 15:13,25 185:6 defined 270:10 defines 79:5 definition 141:5 definitively 121:7 delivered 236:24 denied 245:6 department 132:8 138:22 139:18 140:5 172:13 197:1 199:15,18 226:1 230:23 253:8 261:6 269:5 274:6,17 282:8 depend 82:13 depending 56:11 150:7 depends 57:1 148:16,17 depict 262:24 depiction 255:25 deponent 291:5,7 deposed 258:2 deposition 1:14 3:23 7:1 8:10,18 10:21 11:1,12 13:13 67:16 67:21 68:1,5 69:17 71:6 83:22 84:11,19 85:15 86:4 88:9,18 90:17 91:1,6,21 92:4 93:14,22 99:3 99:8,13 106:5,10,15 108:7 109:3,11,15 114:17,23 116:22 119:8 121:6 123:14 124:12 125:3,8 143:16,22 206:24 207:2 231:2,12 242:21 243:7 245:3 245:4,8 246:23 254:5 255:4,8 258:22 262:15 283:9 288:5 290:20 290:24 291:8 derek 199:20,24 235:17,20 derivative 152:6 describe 40:14 45:19 50:10 156:25 157:4 described 27:2,21 27:25 28:4 36:9 41:19 44:4,17 93:12 94:24 116:17 254:19 273:21 274:25 describing 32:8,21 33:16 34:14 35:13 45:17 104:16 208:3 254:11,23 description 3:8 designate 147:10 165:19 167:23 168:3 169:5,15 196:25 designated 172:9 283:16 designates 168:18 168:23 197:18 199:9 designating 168:8 169:7 designation 131:18 132:5 136:20,24 140:8,19 141:4,22 142:19 143:1,14 144:4,13,20 145:14 146:16,25 150:23 165:7,17 166:4 171:2 172:2,6,18 174:1,15 175:1,9,18 183:13 184:14,24 192:8 193:1,20 194:23 197:11 199:12 203:8,17 208:6 221:17 227:1 227:23 228:12 230:10 231:23 233:22 237:6 245:19 249:6 252:10 253:6 259:3 260:19 286:3 designations 151:4 246:20 designee 241:5 242:24 details 87:18 193:6 determine 137:25 138:17 139:2 144:16 146:21 develop 14:20 15:20 16:2 18:12 20:16 21:22 22:7 23:14 27:4 83:2 94:17 192:11,14 267:9 developed 6:10 18:7 19:23 22:9,21 83:5 280:5,23 developing 16:13 21:16 27:16 43:8 83:2 94:25 192:20 207:20,24 272:17 272:18 development 25:25 28:9 54:3,17 56:5 176:20 178:23 179:17 180:9 183:5 184:21 250:3 267:19 280:12,16 develops 20:5 devices 158:10 dg 196:12,22,23 198:6 diana 200:24 difference 16:19 74:9 157:18 167:20 168:6 217:14,25 223:22 differences 22:6 72:20 74:9 98:7 254:9 different 21:2 50:5 51:3 52:21 53:8,20 54:12,13 70:3 95:16 100:25 110:4 129:12,14 148:9,11 173:17,20 212:17 212:21,22 216:1,4 216:24 222:3,10,18 222:20 225:5 226:7 247:24 248:7 274:1 290:6 differently 19:5 55:21 56:1 difficulties 286:10 digital 144:11,17 145:4,11 direct 163:22 direction 7:3 directly 37:22 director 199:21 235:22 directors 65:10 66:17 69:10,23 directory 4:6 171:4 171:8 181:15,22 182:8,12,15,21 disagree 89:25 136:22 137:9 142:25 172:10 241:18 243:11,12 disagreed 170:10 disc 87:24 88:5 159:4,10 239:11,17 disclose 29:19 30:11 31:16 41:7 42:10,22 44:7,11 45:8 46:19 47:8,24 49:6 71:13 71:14 72:2 73:15 75:10,22,24 76:17 111:21 112:9 113:12 114:4 163:20,25 164:11 200:13 201:3,5 202:4 204:21 206:14 217:2,4 218:19 222:25 224:4 237:20 Page 13 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [disclosing - electronic] disclosing 110:17 112:11 disclosure 206:12 discovery 228:5 discuss 71:2 94:1 97:13 99:16,24 105:25 106:21 114:16 116:20 119:9 125:6 discussed 58:1 89:18 91:20 106:23 125:9 163:15 254:4 discusses 262:25 discussing 64:23 136:8 141:1 145:20 160:16 161:6 182:15 222:6 discussion 97:15,17 120:9 124:20 128:2 231:5,14 265:23 discussions 124:10 124:19 192:20 247:16 distinction 113:3,21 165:2 distinguish 21:6 46:25 distributed 43:11 district 1:1,1 9:3,4 division 14:17 document 32:14,16 32:24 33:19,22 34:3 34:14 35:7,9,10,12 35:22,25 36:3,4,6,8 36:9,13 37:13,19 38:6,9 61:5 64:13 64:18,22 65:5 66:2 66:5 67:15,18 68:21 68:24 69:1 70:2 76:6,9 81:3 82:6 83:7 88:20,22 107:8 107:23 109:22,25 111:8 121:24 122:1 122:16,19 134:20 157:13 171:18,21 171:24 172:12,24 173:11,13 181:20 182:1,4,24 187:19 188:11 196:1,4 200:7 201:18,20,24 202:18 204:9,11,15 206:20 207:8 210:6 210:10,13 219:8,12 219:14 232:24 236:8,17 238:15,18 238:21 239:6,25 240:5,9,12,15,17 241:2 242:11 243:22,23,25 244:2 244:5,9,12,23 245:16 246:6,14 247:10,16 248:15 249:7,11 250:13 253:17,22 254:24 255:18,21 256:6 258:13 260:10 261:20,22 263:4,16 263:17 264:22 266:15,22 270:8,19 277:15,17 278:11 279:2,4,7,11,24 280:4,8 281:3,6 282:6 284:23 285:3 285:21 289:5,18 290:4 documentation 44:21 94:9 documented 44:5,13 documents 4:21 5:1 6:13 7:9 15:2,3 32:20 34:7 37:24 40:18 44:15,22 45:1 45:10,14 46:21 59:9 59:10,14,20 78:15 79:11 80:19 84:5 92:8,10,12,23 93:4 93:6,11 122:14 124:2 130:13 131:24 205:19,21 211:3 229:3,13,18 230:2 232:10,17,24 233:2,7 241:5 250:4 264:22,25 265:2 268:21 284:8 285:22 doing 30:5 37:22 268:25 273:21 downloaded 277:19 draft 18:2,4,13 20:6 21:16,22 22:7,9 23:14 27:4 28:10 30:7 37:22 38:12 46:14 66:6,9 78:21 80:1 81:3 82:6 103:25 104:13 185:10 256:19 269:9 270:13 271:2 271:22 drafted 33:7 45:4 62:7,15 drafting 24:21 28:19 29:7 36:24 37:20 44:18 45:18 45:20 58:21 79:23 81:1 97:22 98:9 185:24 268:15 drafts 22:21 24:3,11 24:21 29:14 41:1 71:22 95:6,7 105:15 105:22 186:21 dsmith 188:23 240:3 duly 10:12 291:5 e e 2:1,1,16,16 3:1,7 4:7 5:7,8,10,17 6:3 6:11 21:25 54:21 63:4 89:16 174:12 174:16,19 175:14 175:15,16 176:3 187:2,24 188:3,7,21 188:22,22 200:25 200:25 203:5 239:19 240:2,16 242:7 243:16 244:16 245:13 246:2,8 260:3,12 277:23 278:10,16 281:23 282:7 291:1 291:1 e50 189:7 190:15,23 191:14 194:2,9,20 195:1,6 e60 189:8 earlier 27:2 36:9 59:22 79:17 80:10 81:25 102:17,22 107:19 115:23 119:12 145:24 166:25 167:2 182:15 202:11 212:9 254:4,12,16 254:19 255:1 earliest 26:11 133:5 early 23:3 105:3,12 105:19 108:3 154:25 edition 61:11 73:2 141:4 editor 269:7 editorial 268:19,20 269:19 270:6,17 271:25 272:10 276:6,11 editors 115:10 116:4 270:18 272:9 276:8 effect 66:20 effective 160:19 effectuate 78:17 80:21 efforts 189:3 egs 9:5 10:4 eight 118:14 either 25:24 56:10 77:25 78:9 81:8 103:6 147:17 elaborate 17:17 167:17 electronic 104:1 178:7,11 Page 14 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [elements - extent] elements 143:2 eliminates 146:6 embraced 95:25 employed 47:19 51:1 52:19 71:24 employee 56:14,18 56:21,24 168:3,18 168:23 259:15 employees 48:21,24 50:17,19 51:5,13 52:24 53:11,22 55:6 55:20 56:5 114:21 173:22 272:21 employment 47:20 48:25 111:11,17 112:4 113:7,25 114:22 259:14 enables 225:18 encountered 287:16 energy 202:15 203:1 enforce 226:19 227:18 228:8 engineering 183:5 engineers 1:7 english 207:5 265:6 265:10,25 enjoy 98:8 enjoyment 73:4 176:16 ensures 178:19 179:13 180:5 entered 197:4 198:19 entire 157:1,8 158:21 159:22 266:21 entitled 241:21 242:3 entry 95:20 environmental 185:18,22 189:4 190:15 epa 183:25 189:7,13 189:25 erik 189:22 190:6,16 193:25 195:5 esquire 2:4,10,11 essentially 25:21 104:7 137:3 164:25 266:21 et 8:25 evaluating 250:5 eventually 29:16 everybody 85:12 evidence 78:9 82:9 245:23 exact 67:5,12,13,18 150:11 253:1 285:20 exactly 74:6 82:20 91:2 104:6 135:9 152:18 160:8 200:5 208:7,14 215:2 274:9 276:17 examination 10:15 288:18 examined 10:12 example 50:6,23 54:11 122:21 123:9 123:17,23 154:3 185:16 211:4 264:8 examples 21:19 33:2 50:2 53:15 57:3 84:20,22 92:25 123:2 exchanged 24:4 excluding 58:25 84:17 excuse 20:18 44:25 55:18 67:9 70:8 73:2 74:17 79:9 97:19 115:20 137:24 147:7 148:20 149:9 153:15 161:9 175:15 191:16 202:23 206:25 270:15 excused 290:22 execute 78:14 79:11 80:19 81:12 executed 83:6 116:17,19,25 117:4 117:21 166:18,22 292:5 executive 85:9 106:14 exhibit 3:9,12,14,16 3:19,21,25,25 4:1,3 4:4,6,7,9,11,13,15 4:16,18,21 5:1,3,5,7 5:8,10,12,13,15,17 5:19,20,22,25 6:1,3 6:5,8,9,11,12 34:22 35:5 38:20 60:2,9 61:24 62:12,15 64:5 64:13,22 65:19 66:2 68:13,21 69:21 71:18 72:16,21,22 73:2 74:12,24 75:4 76:5 78:11 80:11 81:11 88:7,16 107:1 107:5,13,16 109:17 121:16,16,22,22 122:6,13,23 123:6 133:4 136:8 140:23 141:3,14 142:1,1 145:17 156:21 158:7 161:4 171:12 173:4,11 181:14,20 187:2,9,12,21,25 188:3 195:20 196:1 200:7 201:11,18,24 204:3,9,15 205:5,8 205:8,11,18 209:24 210:5,18 211:2 212:10,13 213:6,11 213:23 214:10 215:1,5,9 218:6 222:14 229:2,12,21 232:9,16,22 233:9 233:11 235:25 236:6 238:8,14 239:19,25 243:16 243:22 244:16,23 245:11 253:11,17 255:11,18 257:21 258:12 260:3,10 261:13,20 262:22 263:9,15 264:13,21 265:3 266:1,8,14 277:8,15,23 278:5,5 278:20 279:2,17,23 280:22 281:3,23 282:4 283:7 284:7 284:16,19,24 285:3 285:6,11 289:9 exhibits 72:15 exist 25:8 26:10 76:6 111:13,15 131:24 225:6 226:8 existed 61:17 70:12 71:4 119:14 120:2 120:23 121:2,8 216:2 existence 71:2 116:20 existing 252:15 272:18 exists 112:5 154:24 155:17 176:2 182:9 226:3 256:2 expect 77:9 experience 19:21 20:10 49:21,22,24 50:22 54:1 185:17 217:6 225:13 expert 129:19 206:8 265:13 expertise 249:25 experts 16:2,4 explain 76:24 95:2 154:1 197:22 240:23 explained 94:7 248:19 extent 35:18 37:1 38:14 41:6 46:17 Page 15 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [extent -] 47:5,7 71:12 74:14 74:15 75:7,20 110:15 143:10 163:19 164:11 168:13 181:8 200:11 201:2 202:2 204:19 206:8,9,11 207:10 211:17 217:1 218:18 222:24 224:2 237:19 265:13 f f 291:1 f1193-06 158:8,16 facilitate 26:18 facilitated 24:11,15 fact 95:9 96:17,22 facts 82:9 129:13 fair 242:7 fall 259:18,21 familiar 11:11 259:25 286:9 287:14 far 58:1 155:17 209:18 fax 24:9,11 feature 198:9 featured 146:12 215:9 federal 48:25 50:16 50:20 51:1,6,12,15 52:20,24 53:10,22 54:20,21 55:6,19 56:13,17,20,24 57:5 111:17 114:21,22 170:20,23 174:5 183:10 184:20 245:22 247:2 249:8 249:14 252:15,20 253:2 federally 1:21 fee 2:4 3:5 9:19,19 10:3 11:6 13:4 14:9 15:9 16:7 17:19 18:16 19:2,18 20:7 20:23 21:9,11 22:11 23:23 24:12,23 25:12 28:11 29:17 30:9,18 31:2,14 33:10,24 34:5 35:17 36:18,25 37:9,25 38:13,25 39:21 40:15 41:5,22 42:8 42:20 43:24 44:6 45:7,22 46:7,16 47:4,22 48:15,17 49:3 50:3,12 51:7 51:16,25 52:6,9,14 52:25 53:12,23 54:8 54:22 55:7,24 57:7 58:22 59:4,10,13 60:25 62:4,9,16 64:24 66:24 70:23 71:11,25 72:17 73:13,24 74:2,13,18 74:25 75:6,19 76:8 76:15 77:2,11,18,22 78:6 79:14 80:2 81:5 82:8,18 83:23 84:8 86:5 89:3,13 89:24 90:18 92:17 93:16 96:6 97:5,19 97:22,24 98:12 100:8 102:25 103:17 104:4,17 107:24 108:11,20 110:14,22 111:5,19 112:7,16,24 113:9 114:1,11,25 115:17 117:9,22 118:11 119:16 120:16 121:10,14 122:17 122:24 123:19 124:14 128:6,9,15 129:17 130:18 131:4,16 132:3,23 134:14 135:4 136:19 137:2,9,16 138:4,10,20 139:5 139:10,15,21 140:1 140:7,18,21 141:21 142:18 143:15 144:3,12,19,25 145:5,13 146:5,15 146:23 147:18 149:12 150:21 151:3,13 153:6,22 154:13,21 155:6,20 155:25 156:10 157:12,20 158:1,12 158:23 159:11 160:7,23 161:13,21 162:4,11,20 163:6 163:17 164:10 165:1,6,16 166:3,10 167:18,25 168:11 169:9 170:1,2,25 172:1,8,16,25 173:24 174:7,13,24 175:8,17,21 176:7 177:5,13,24 178:14 178:25 179:19 180:11,14,18 181:7 182:3 183:12,18 184:3,13,23 185:11 185:14,25 186:6,12 186:17,23 188:13 190:24 191:11,20 192:6,15,25 193:9 193:15,17,19 194:3 194:10,14,22 195:2 195:7 197:6,9,20 198:5,12,22 199:2 199:11,19 200:10 201:1 202:1,17 203:6,15 204:18 206:7 207:9 208:5 208:13,21 209:5,15 210:14 211:16 212:2 213:1,12 214:4,7,20 215:10 216:25 217:17 218:17 219:11,24 220:3,14,18 221:3 221:15,23 222:7,16 222:23 223:11 224:1 225:1,11 226:22 227:6,12,21 228:11,18,24 229:17,21 230:9,16 230:20 231:22 232:22 233:21 234:2,7,17,24 235:4 235:9,16 236:16 237:5,11,18 238:20 240:22 241:3,7,11 241:25 242:12,17 243:5,12 245:17,22 246:9,19,25 247:4,8 247:17 248:9,17,21 249:1,13,18 250:14 251:6,12,16,22 252:2,7,9,22 253:4 254:13,25 255:5 257:25 259:2,22 260:17 261:1 262:5 263:3 265:1,12 266:2 267:5,23 268:3,17 271:3,10 271:23 272:4,22 274:7,19 275:1,13 275:22 276:19 279:10 280:7 281:8 283:10 284:2 286:2 286:13,20 287:1,10 287:18,22 288:7,12 288:20 289:8,23 290:11,16 feel 42:15,18 44:20 151:18 162:25 180:22 feelings 94:13 feels 220:19 fees 51:12 95:22 felt 43:2 fenwick 2:10 9:16 10:19 2:14 2:14 Page 16 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [field - general] field 130:11 134:13 135:3 figure 67:2 226:5 252:19 253:9 figures 274:10,15,17 figuring 202:20 filed 121:23 161:18 163:15 164:4 files 91:16,25 filing 160:3,6,12 162:10,18 163:14 164:8 filings 162:22,25 fill 24:21 26:16 27:17,21,25 28:4,8 28:17 29:6 30:4 36:17 37:8 125:18 125:21 126:21,25 127:7 129:2 130:2,4 130:15 131:1,13 132:1,16 filled 93:1 107:9 125:10 127:4 221:1 277:20 filling 26:18 126:3 126:12 fills 26:13 47:17 final 69:20 186:5 259:9 275:7,9,11,14 275:20 finalized 18:3 find 138:6 226:2 234:12 fine 13:4 229:20,22 249:21 finish 12:25 13:5 fire 1:4 first 11:8 22:24 23:9 36:13 58:12 60:22 61:11 78:19,20 79:2 79:3 82:1 90:24 91:3,6 107:16,23 108:8,19 147:13 148:14,21 154:20 155:4 160:12,17,21 161:10 182:6 214:24 215:4,23 226:20 227:19 228:9 246:7 261:4 firsthand 22:22 fittings 136:11,17 137:15 138:3,19 141:20 144:10 149:17,23 150:2 fitzsimmonds 203:22 five 163:14 232:6 246:15,18 247:22 247:24 248:5,7,10 249:17 285:25 286:11,25 287:16 flip 156:23 floor 2:12 focus 189:4 268:11 focused 217:8 242:25 247:25 focusing 248:5 folks 17:21 139:17 follow 162:15 267:8 288:6 followed 267:18 following 184:19 189:12 218:7 224:20 250:20 follows 10:13 footprint 189:4 force 183:3,3,16,20 184:8,11 foregoing 292:2 form 3:10 19:2 21:9 24:23 25:20 26:3,13 26:18,20 27:7 28:25 31:2,5,13,20,24,25 32:2,7,11 33:15 34:18,24 35:12,14 36:10,16,22 37:8,12 37:16 38:5,16,20,24 39:5,11 40:1,14,23 47:17 79:18,20 80:11,13 106:23,25 107:6,9,23 108:11 108:20 125:10,18 125:21 126:12,22 129:2,16 130:2,5 134:14 135:4 145:20 177:25 178:12 179:19 186:23 194:4 197:4 200:19,24 201:8 203:10 204:1 205:1 210:14 211:19 212:2 213:1,12 214:5 223:14 224:1 232:5,6 233:13,15 233:18,19 254:17 254:25 265:7,10,18 268:6 269:10,24 270:3,10 274:19 275:20 276:16,18 283:18,23 289:7,22 290:2 formal 41:14 42:3 42:16,16,19 formally 62:3 70:21 94:8 format 270:21 271:1 271:5,6,20 275:15 formation 266:3 formed 20:14,15 192:10 former 126:15 forms 5:22 24:20,25 25:4,14,15 26:11,16 27:22 28:1,5,8,18 29:7 30:4,23 31:5 39:14,19 41:14 42:3 46:12 52:4 81:24 84:13,13 94:11,11 104:2,15,15 108:8 108:17 126:5,25 130:16 131:2,14 132:2,17 197:14 200:20 205:2,5 211:14 213:15,15 214:16,16 215:24 216:1,5,8,12,24 217:15,16 238:4 259:1 264:14 265:25 289:2 forward 28:15 32:4 32:25 36:6 40:18 107:8 191:1,6,25 192:4 found 91:2 foundation 20:8 22:12 39:1 45:23 86:6 118:12 122:25 266:3 281:9 four 100:25 161:5 232:5 239:17 frame 155:13,15 192:2 francisco 2:13 franco 199:20,24 235:18 franco's 235:20 frankly 247:18 free 98:14 162:25 friendly 274:13 fringe 165:9 front 69:24,25 79:4 266:16 269:7 full 10:23 107:8 future 103:10 g g 89:16 200:25 game 242:7 gap 63:24 general 2:18 45:24 56:11,21,25 62:23 63:6,10,14,17,20,25 64:2 67:2 76:3 83:14 84:12,21,23 86:9 101:8 110:25 112:20 114:14 117:25 208:15,19 215:16,21 227:8,11 228:20,23 268:4 Page 17 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [generally - hire] generally 20:22 84:6 154:10 gerald 10:24 gestures 11:25 getting 94:8 103:19 104:8 263:24 gibson 176:3 give 11:7 17:10 21:19 33:2 36:5 37:11 52:14 57:3 92:18 100:11 146:1 174:11 185:16 247:17 261:4 given 32:2,7,11 56:4 56:7 115:13 116:6 121:4 247:15 291:9 giving 11:15 13:22 14:1 gmac 246:12 gmac.docx 246:7 go 8:11 11:10 16:13 21:15 26:23 27:4 41:11 44:10 45:11 46:21 47:11 48:3 52:16 67:9 72:4,23 75:13 76:1 93:17 110:18 111:24 112:12 113:15 114:6 117:14 120:4 121:14 135:4,16 138:16 159:1 164:15 193:21 198:15 200:16 202:7 204:24 209:20 215:14 217:7 223:2 237:23 239:7 247:20 249:3 249:15,19 257:10 258:9 266:25 282:21 285:7 goes 111:8 155:18 198:18 going 12:11 52:9 57:7,9,14 87:23 94:18 105:8 135:18 143:17 159:3 161:21 162:14 194:15 195:12 198:13 207:10 209:16,19 226:19 227:18 228:9 239:10 241:7,13 242:9 243:7 247:19 249:4 257:13 258:6 280:7 282:24 286:18 287:23 288:4 goldblum 189:21,24 190:13,22 191:18 191:25 192:4 194:25 goldblum's 192:22 193:7,13 good 13:2 96:24 132:23 270:23 273:16 291:4 governing 5:25 266:9,17,20 267:3 267:12 government 48:21 48:24 49:1,16 50:16 50:17,20 51:1,6,13 51:15 52:20,24 53:10,22 54:20,21 55:6,19 56:4,13,17 56:20,24 113:25 114:21,23 185:8 208:3 247:2 249:14 250:17,18,22,25 251:4 governments 111:12 111:18 112:5 113:8 grab 283:10 grammatical 269:21 270:6 272:2,11 granted 47:21 176:6 granting 47:2 grants 71:22 graphics 269:4,5 274:6,8,17 gratuitous 207:23 great 269:8 290:16 green 191:5,7 192:23 193:7 group 16:2 18:9,10 18:15,17,19,22 19:1 19:10,17 20:5,10,13 20:15 21:15 22:7 24:5,20 27:4 31:11 32:3 36:17,23 37:20 37:23 38:10 192:10 192:14,19 281:19 281:21 groups 19:13,25 20:21 21:7,7 22:20 23:1,14 27:16 28:16 29:5,12 30:3 32:7 32:11 40:25 55:21 55:23 grove 89:15,15,19 89:23 188:22 guess 22:23 24:8 38:23 39:18 40:4 152:19 153:13,17 156:16 172:19 178:2 196:19 234:8 277:21 guessing 23:2 40:6 257:4 guidance 281:12 guide 15:17 guidelines 270:4 guides 15:5 h h 3:7 175:14 half 194:16 hand 65:4 141:13 160:20 187:15 196:10 197:17 199:8 221:2 277:21 291:11 handed 239:24 258:11 263:14 handing 35:4 60:8 64:12 66:1 68:20 88:15 121:21 122:12 171:17 173:10 181:19 187:8 195:25 201:17 204:8 205:17 210:4 211:1 229:11 232:15 236:5 238:13 243:21 244:22 253:16 255:17 260:9 261:19 264:20 266:13 277:14 278:4 279:1 279:22 281:2 282:3 handwriting 196:10 happened 191:9 192:3,13 278:14 happy 151:17 hard 262:9 hazardous 277:2 head 199:24 200:4 headquarters 219:6 heads 199:17 hear 10:3 heard 101:2 heating 1:6 held 1:16 8:18 9:2 95:7 127:14,24 help 26:18 27:4 102:15 115:11 116:5 185:10 268:21 269:4 helped 103:18 104:1 helping 104:25 helps 281:11 highway 57:5 hire 115:14 116:7,12 116:16,21,25 117:3 117:20 119:9 125:13 133:13 134:11 135:1 249:24 Page 18 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [historical - instruct] historical 156:3 hold 77:2 100:24 114:25 193:15,17 213:21 214:4 222:7 226:22 283:10 holds 282:18 honest 59:5 hooper 124:21 125:1,7 126:5,17 127:5,14 128:11,14 128:22 130:3,9 139:20 140:5,14 hooper's 127:10 128:3,18 133:25 hour 52:10 194:15 hours 109:16 288:13 huh 99:15 156:20 i idea 61:19 62:21 188:15 191:1,3,6,10 191:17,25 192:4,23 193:7,14 215:3 227:3 237:8 identification 35:1 60:5 64:9 65:23 68:17 88:12 121:18 122:9 171:14 173:7 181:16 187:5 195:22 201:14 204:5 205:14 210:1 210:23 229:8 232:12 236:2 238:10 239:21 243:18 244:19 253:13 255:14 257:23 260:6 261:16 263:11 264:17 266:10 277:11 278:1,23 279:19 280:24 281:25 284:9 identified 290:7 identifies 290:5 identify 9:9 46:21 94:21 95:4 210:6 252:17 258:14 263:17 276:25 286:13 287:1,6,18 287:21 identity 198:5 iii 260:1 ils 269:1 image 253:24 imagine 24:13 76:2 immediately 161:5 impairment 285:23 implemented 257:2 impression 54:7 inc.'s 3:22 88:8 incentives 45:19 include 48:20 52:5 108:17 219:9,21 220:10 231:4,14 243:8 273:7 included 108:9 152:21,22 153:14 154:6 189:6 234:14 241:2 266:22,24 273:5 includes 153:3 236:13 238:25 259:9 including 73:6 78:18 80:22 143:3 176:19 232:2 inclusive 189:6 incorporate 272:10 276:10 incorporated 9:1 105:14,21 independent 29:22 41:10 index 7:1 138:23 139:4 indicate 172:12 175:25 183:9 184:10 197:3 201:9 218:12 273:16,18 indicated 96:22 170:9,15 291:5 indicates 253:24 indication 96:24 indicator 279:14 individual 32:3,13 32:23 36:5 37:12 38:5 45:25 46:1 47:17,19 49:10,13 49:14 50:18 51:5 52:23 53:9,21 54:2 55:5 79:25 80:25 81:2,12,18 82:5,6 82:25 98:4 107:7 110:5 125:2 126:8 160:12,13 165:4,10 165:20,23 167:8,16 167:23 168:8,16 169:5,7,15,17,19 170:15 177:19 178:21 179:15 180:6 197:1 200:24 217:8 223:5,16 225:18 242:6 261:25 263:19 268:14 278:6 280:11,16 285:21 individual's 196:16 279:14 individuals 18:25 19:15 25:6 27:20,24 28:3,15 29:4,11 30:2,6 32:20 33:6 37:7 41:18 42:6 44:18 45:3,20 47:1 48:6,20,21 49:1 50:25 51:14 52:19 53:7,19 55:4,17,22 58:20 71:23 79:11 97:21 98:8,10 100:6 100:23 102:24 105:14,21 109:9 165:15,25 176:4 177:1 189:15,18,20 231:3,12 265:21 272:16 inform 269:22 informal 41:17,25 42:5 information 31:18 40:11 41:10 42:12 42:24 44:10 47:11 48:2 49:8 57:24 85:16 100:5 104:25 107:11 113:14 114:6 128:23 129:8 138:13 152:4 175:6 176:21 177:16 204:24 232:7 233:15 236:19,20 informational 217:22 264:10 informed 127:3 128:18 132:10 informs 180:22 infringed 122:4 initial 21:16 initially 20:13 initiate 26:22,24 86:7,8 151:20 input 49:12 99:22 inquire 114:19 insert 73:10 inserted 115:25 inspection 183:4 210:8 instance 170:8,14 183:17 264:5 283:17,22 instances 32:19 40:7 40:9,12 50:11,13,15 79:10,19 81:11,15 instituted 58:13 65:16 82:1 instruct 29:18 30:10 31:15 44:7 45:7 46:18 49:5 73:14 74:20 111:20 112:8 113:11 114:3 161:22 200:14 Page 19 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [instruct - ken] 201:4 202:5 204:22 241:7 243:3 286:16 287:3,23 instructed 134:2,9 134:25 163:6 243:14 288:10 instructing 162:2 242:1 243:10 286:5 instruction 30:19 41:23 162:14 223:12 instructions 43:25 48:17 75:1 intellectual 3:12,14 3:16,19 58:8,12,17 60:2,10,15 61:6,12 61:16,23 62:2,8 64:5,16,19 65:15,19 66:7,9,19 67:20,24 68:9,13 69:2,5,13 70:4,11,16,20 71:3 71:9,20,21 73:11,22 76:14,25 78:4 91:15 91:24 92:2 109:18 109:19 110:2,4,12 113:4,22 115:8,12 115:23 119:13 120:2,11,15,22 121:1,8 219:2,10,16 219:18,22 220:8,11 220:22 221:8 222:4 224:16 256:13 intended 223:5 interacted 51:2 53:7 interaction 250:17 interactions 127:6 interest 16:22,23 30:7 31:12 32:1 56:11,21,25 176:18 interested 19:21 36:5 37:13 40:17,19 46:2 87:6 163:2 291:10 interests 20:22 21:2 73:6 interfere 8:9 interlaboratory 268:7,22 internal 131:11 155:24 156:2 199:22,25 200:4 235:6,14,22 international 1:3 2:18 3:9,15,17,20 4:11 6:5 8:25 14:5,7 34:17,23 35:11 64:6 64:17 65:10,20 68:14 69:9,22 78:13 78:16 80:12,17,21 110:3,7,10 115:18 115:25 116:3,9,10 201:12,21 219:5 260:13,15,24 278:21 introduced 26:3 27:8 76:11 introduction 24:6 24:18 40:22 79:5 inventory 252:14 investigating 249:23 invited 100:24 invoice 5:3,5 173:16 173:18 177:12,22 178:19 179:10,13 179:24 180:5,21 212:14,17,25 213:11 222:15 234:16 236:1,10,13 238:9,17 invoices 4:4 173:5 175:7 176:1,5 177:1 177:11 230:24 231:4,13,20 234:13 234:22 236:23 237:16 involve 271:1,21 involved 11:4 82:13 82:16,19 103:24 167:2 involvement 102:15 103:15 involves 17:15 271:4 ip 59:23 73:8 77:21 78:19,25 79:5 80:24 116:6 176:21,22 210:12 223:23,24 231:5,15,19 236:14 237:4,15 238:19 239:1 254:3,23 259:21 263:1 265:24 279:9 289:20 290:1 iso 281:14,17,19 282:10,14,19 issue 43:14 52:3 114:16 136:2 142:14 143:5,6 158:24 226:21 227:20 228:10 247:9,11,12,15 248:18 283:20,25 issued 54:21 issues 99:25 100:14 101:5 241:10,11 248:23 250:18 item 25:16,19,22,23 26:3,13,16 28:1 81:16 91:12,19 102:19 103:6 167:5 179:5 items 79:6 iteration 273:15 iv 74:11 75:5 76:6 76:12 77:8 j j 2:4 january 101:1 133:21,25 134:6,22 135:12 jeff 89:15,15,19 188:22 189:1 jim 85:1 93:21 94:1 94:3 95:15 96:1,4,5 96:7,8,11,16 97:3,9 99:2 100:11,13 101:2 108:25 119:2 119:3 120:9,9,13,25 251:18,20 252:5 jim's 94:13 jkfee 2:6 john 85:3 99:11 106:9 109:1 127:20 127:23 139:25 140:5,14 join 48:5,19 49:1,1 165:21 196:17 217:21,24 223:6,16 225:18 263:22 265:21 joined 217:23 joining 103:7 254:1 263:23 264:1 journal 261:10,11 jr 2:17 july 1:20 8:15 91:4,7 june 101:1 k k 63:4 175:14 176:4 181:23 kaiser 189:22 190:17 193:25 195:5 kaiser's 190:7 kathe 124:20,25 125:7 126:5,17 127:5,10,14 128:2 128:11,13,18,22 130:3,9 133:25 139:20 140:5,14 kathie 85:9 106:14 106:19,22 107:4,12 107:15 109:1 118:8 118:18 119:7 keep 139:8 155:2 234:21 ken 118:19 119:1 Page 20 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [kept - levels] kept 101:20 140:16 kevin 2:4 9:19 kin 291:10 kind 105:4 154:7 186:10 262:9 know 12:4,21 13:11 20:25 22:20,22 24:3 24:10 29:24 33:22 34:1,3,13 38:22 39:2,4,7,13,25 40:3 51:9,10 52:8 61:15 62:1,7,14 63:5,16 66:12,18,21,23 67:1 67:3,4,11,17,23 68:3 70:22,25 71:8 71:15 73:18 74:7 75:14,18,24,25 76:3 76:11,19 77:7,9,14 77:16,24 78:2 79:20 81:8 82:4,11 83:9 83:10 86:15 92:12 97:14 107:17,19 110:19,21,21 111:4 111:6,25 112:13,15 112:20,23,25 113:17 114:8,10 116:15,18,24 117:8 117:13,19,19,25 118:24 119:3 120:1 120:1 121:1 126:3 126:11,13 127:5,23 128:1,5,10 129:6,21 129:22 131:19,23 132:6,13,20,22 135:7,8,13,14 136:1 136:14 137:19,25 138:5,12 139:6,11 139:14,20,25 140:12,15,17,20 141:16,17,23 142:10,12,21,22 144:8,14,16 146:11 146:17,18,20 150:3 150:4,9,10,17,24 152:13,18 155:10 155:10,12,14 157:6 157:11,17,22,24,24 158:3 161:2,15,18 166:5 170:4,8,14,22 170:23 172:20 176:9 178:1 181:2,5 181:11 183:7 185:4 188:18 189:17,20 189:21,21,22 190:3 190:6,9,12,16,19 193:6,23 194:5,11 194:21,25 195:3,5,8 196:14,18,20,22 197:2,13,16 198:23 199:7 200:1,3 201:19 206:16 207:13 212:6,7 213:7 214:24 215:20 216:3,4,8,12 216:23 221:11,14 221:19 225:9 226:5 226:6,11,14,14,15 226:15 227:2,5,7,11 228:15,17,23,25 230:14,19,21 231:25 233:24 234:3,6,25 235:3,13 235:14 237:10,12 237:24 240:14 248:14 249:10 251:15,21 252:1,19 253:1 256:17,18,25 257:3,6,7 258:24 259:17,20,24 260:22 268:9 274:9 281:14,19 285:19 knowledge 16:9 17:12 23:15 28:20 29:9,22,25 36:20 37:5 38:20 48:8 49:14 68:11 73:20 83:13,15 86:1 99:18 99:23 111:23 129:7 166:19 169:3 192:24 201:6 284:20,22 knows 225:5,9 226:1,7 kuehl 175:14 l l 2:16 126:8 133:17 175:14,15,15,16,16 181:23 lab 273:22 labeled 35:9 263:16 264:23 laboratory 210:7 273:11,13 labs 273:20,24 lack 20:7 22:11 38:25 45:22 86:5 118:12 122:24 266:3 281:8 286:23 287:14 language 26:1 76:25 77:17 78:4 102:16 102:21,23 103:2,15 103:20,25 104:8,14 108:9,18 167:7 176:2,11 179:25 200:8,19,22 201:8 201:23 202:9,10 204:14 205:1 206:4 207:8 210:16 212:9 212:12 213:5,9,14 213:19,22,25 214:9 214:15,25 215:4,8 215:22 218:14 222:3,9,12,13,20 223:10,20,22,24 224:8,9,10,15,21,25 236:12,13 237:3,15 239:1 253:25 254:3 254:15,22 256:11 262:2 265:14 269:12,23 270:1,2 279:8 285:12 289:17,19 290:4,8 large 19:25 larger 165:1 late 63:8 law 11:17 laws 292:2 lawsuit 95:17 226:19 227:18 228:9 lawsuits 11:4 lawyer 72:6 129:3 lead 272:17 learn 85:19 led 126:18,21,24 128:24 leeway 247:18 left 258:4 legal 8:14 9:12 29:18 30:10 31:15 37:2 38:1,14 41:6 42:9,21 46:17 47:6 47:23 49:4 51:8 53:1,13,24 54:9 55:8 72:1 73:14 74:14 75:7,16 76:16 76:24 80:3 81:6 86:14 103:1 109:5 110:15 111:20 112:8 113:11 114:2 124:23 129:18 158:13 160:24 163:18 164:15 169:10 176:8 179:2 179:21 181:8 188:14 200:11 201:2 202:2 204:19 206:10 214:8 218:18 226:24 227:23 228:13 237:19 245:18 259:12,16 272:23 letters 130:24 230:6 230:8 level 17:17 levels 16:16 Page 21 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [lewis - matter] lewis 2:4 9:20 library 144:11,18 145:4,11 limit 245:4 limited 59:14 78:18 80:23 linda 1:20 9:11 line 7:4,4,10,10,14 7:18,18 12:23,24,25 73:3 188:8 238:22 240:15 245:11 279:8,13 lines 198:15 link 248:17 249:2 list 59:6 70:3 189:5 189:6 281:15,17,19 281:20 282:11,13 282:16 listed 79:6 92:9 125:1 129:24 137:13 148:9 160:15 176:4 185:9 188:8 189:18 200:24 245:11 246:8 282:13 285:10,18 listing 122:2 130:10 134:11 135:1 181:23,24 lists 133:9,17 141:3 152:4 178:7 182:16 184:19 189:14 202:25 203:4 litigation 136:2 142:15 144:2 161:20 162:5 226:21 227:20 228:10 little 18:5 134:17 199:1 247:17 263:5 lively 85:6 102:4,10 102:13 103:24,24 103:25 104:13,21 105:10,17 106:1,4 108:6,16 109:1 lively's 103:14 living 14:4 llp 2:4,10 located 8:19 171:8 228:4 location 27:2 log 154:18,23 155:2 155:16,23 logo 43:10,21 94:19 183:23 logos 78:24 logs 156:9 logsa 183:4 long 12:22 23:4 37:22 43:6 86:18 87:5,7 117:14 118:3 118:9,20 119:3 127:14,23 181:25 longer 191:22 look 34:7 76:5 123:1 136:7 140:23 156:23 157:2 161:4 182:4,25 218:5 230:1 233:3 259:7 285:9,15 looked 121:25 124:8 228:4 285:13,19,22 looking 71:18 115:22 134:20 184:18 262:22 283:7 looks 196:9 203:4 203:19 204:12 205:22 222:17 224:18 233:14 236:18 246:4 254:6 255:22 257:4 261:23 262:9 263:18 267:1 270:23 277:18 278:11 280:2 281:7 lost 134:17 lot 269:16 loud 177:4 low 95:20 m m 200:25 machine 291:7 mail 4:7 5:7,8,10,17 6:3,11 21:25 24:8 24:10 54:21 174:12 174:16,19 187:2,24 188:3,7,21 203:5 238:4 239:19 240:2 240:16 242:7 243:16 244:16 245:13 246:2,8 260:3,12 277:23 278:10,16 281:23 282:7 main 16:18,20,22 17:1,2,16 maintain 95:20 maintains 156:9 making 159:23 malamud 2:19 10:1 manage 53:8 150:8 managed 50:4 52:22 management 51:2 250:7,8 manager 83:12 105:2,4 217:10 225:14 mandatory 269:22 269:23,25 270:1 manner 130:2 229:19 manual 268:7 270:11 276:16,18 manuals 78:23 manufacture 158:9 manuscripts 110:6 march 160:18 161:9 280:6,17 marge 84:23 85:13 85:20,22 86:2,14,20 87:7,10,19 99:7 108:25 marge's 86:25 mark 284:2,4 marked 3:8 7:17 34:25 35:5 60:4,9 64:8,13 65:22 66:2 68:16,21 88:11,16 121:17,22 122:8,13 122:18 148:14 171:13,18 173:6,11 181:15,20 187:4,9 195:22 196:1 201:14,18 204:4,9 205:13,18 210:1,5 210:22 211:2 229:7 229:12 232:11,16 236:2,6 238:10,14 239:21,25 243:18 243:22 244:18,23 253:13,17 255:13 255:18 257:23 258:12 260:5,10 261:15,20 263:11 263:15 264:16,21 266:10,14 277:10 277:15,25 278:5,23 279:2,18,23 280:23 281:3,24 282:4 284:8 289:25 market 1:17 8:19 material 37:18,21 38:11 97:1 105:9,13 105:20 110:9 114:20 129:13 152:7,10 materials 1:3,15 3:24 8:25 78:22,24 88:11,19 124:1 130:6 133:10 134:12 135:3 matt 132:23 194:14 197:22 209:16 matter 41:9 76:18 112:10 113:13 162:11 166:9 243:7 Page 22 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [matthew - mid] matthew 2:10 9:15 194:13,13 180:23 182:16 10:18 meltzer 126:9,11,13 183:11 185:5 189:7 mbecker 2:14 132:18,19,20 217:22 219:23 mean 14:7,19,23 133:18 158:4 230:5 231:21 15:1,11,24 19:4 member 5:22 18:22 234:23 265:20 28:23 32:17 41:25 26:14,17,21 37:19 267:20,21 268:1,2,8 44:13 47:14 56:1 38:10 43:14 56:21 268:14,15 269:7,22 62:21 74:5,7 91:25 56:25 73:3 77:9,17 274:16,21,23,24 97:16 104:6 123:21 82:15,17 93:1,3 275:6,10,19 278:15 151:23 168:25 95:9 96:12 98:2 281:12,20 282:14 182:7 185:4,16,23 103:7 168:3,8,16,18 287:15 290:7 192:18 208:20 168:19,23 169:20 membership 4:4,6,9 212:21 233:11 171:4,8 181:3,6 4:11,16,18 5:3,5,13 246:17 248:2 184:12 198:20 6:1,6 21:5,11,12 262:10 269:20 202:14,21 203:13 25:1,4,5,11,14 270:12 273:2,9 250:19,23,25 251:5 27:18 51:12 73:5 275:8 276:5 253:24 257:1 264:7 81:20 84:15 91:11 meaning 15:8 264:13 265:6,9,18 91:17 94:11 95:21 means 11:23 29:10 267:9 102:17,18 103:4,8 31:9 40:24 41:18 members 18:25 19:1 104:14 165:1 42:5 55:4 75:15 19:9,10,12,13,14,16 166:24 167:11 77:8,10 147:11 19:16 20:18,20 21:6 169:15 171:9 172:7 152:20 154:1 21:6,7,8,10 24:5,20 172:15 173:4,15,18 177:20 178:18 25:2 26:15 27:3,10 176:5,17,25 177:10 179:12 180:4 27:15,17 28:15,16 177:22,23 178:19 198:11 228:1 29:5,6,12,13 30:3,3 178:21 179:4,10,13 meant 74:24 184:4,7 31:11 32:6,10 36:17 179:15,24 180:4,7 254:14 36:23 40:17,25 41:3 180:21 181:15,21 mechanical 141:5 43:11 44:24 48:5,19 182:20 195:20 medication 13:21 49:10,19 50:25 54:2 196:5,7,16,17 198:2 meet 86:18 93:21 54:7,20 56:8 58:3,9 198:9 201:12,22 102:3,7 106:18 76:24 78:3,14 80:18 203:24 206:2,5 meeting 22:2,18 83:20 84:5,14 85:18 207:4 209:24 210:9 48:7 86:9,10,13,16 85:24 94:9,14,15,23 210:18 211:6,7,8,13 86:21 94:17 95:21 94:25 95:5,13,24 211:18,25 212:11 97:12 99:3,9,25 96:18,20,24 97:1,19 212:13,16,17,22,24 100:2,3,23,24 98:8,11 99:20 212:25 213:4,8,10 101:23,24 106:1,6 102:12 103:5 104:9 213:18 215:24 106:11,22 120:8,10 105:6 145:3,10 216:2,5,9,13,24 125:5 164:23,24,25 165:4 217:15,16,19,20 meetings 22:23 165:5,9,10,13,19,23 218:1,2,9,10,14,25 23:16,17,20,25 54:1 166:7,8,16,16,17,22 220:12,23 222:5,14 54:14 95:17 100:22 167:8,9,10,13,16,16 222:21,22 224:14 101:3,6,17,21 102:2 167:22 169:4 224:20 225:6,21,22 186:2,11 192:19 170:21,24 177:11 226:1,3 231:4,13,19 233:12,13 235:25 236:10,23 237:2,16 238:4,8,17 253:8 255:11,23 256:1,6 256:20 258:25 259:18 261:25 262:3,13,19,24 263:20,25 264:2,4,9 277:9 278:8,13,16 278:21 279:6 281:5 282:13,15 289:2,12 290:5 memberships 93:1 166:2 169:24 memorandum 207:15,17 memory 94:3 memos 131:11 mention 59:23 210:12 231:18 mentioned 58:25 59:3 60:11 92:6 93:4 101:11 126:6 185:10 276:13 mentioning 101:14 247:23 mentions 218:24 mercury 277:4 met 92:5 94:2 96:16 97:4,10 99:11 102:8 106:13 109:2 method 15:16 273:10,12 methods 15:4 141:5 273:5 274:2,3 metric 246:4 247:24 249:22,22 250:1,4 250:12 251:11 252:6 metrics 246:15,18 247:22 248:8,11 249:17 microphones 8:4,8 mid 61:21 Page 23 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [middle - objection] middle 12:23,24 141:2 176:11 183:2 183:22,24 288:25 288:25 military 203:5,13 mind 22:4 31:5 269:18 mine 107:19 minute 258:8 minutes 52:13 86:19 101:20,23 249:4 258:4 288:13,14 mischaracterizes 77:12 119:17 122:18 146:6 147:19 153:7 157:13 168:12 202:18 236:17 238:21 272:5 275:2 missing 256:5 model 95:19 moe 63:1,6,11,20,23 63:25 moment 19:8 27:21 27:25 28:4 45:16 80:7 92:9 93:12 97:18 100:10 133:1 187:11 194:17 months 118:5 morgan 2:4 9:19 85:9 106:14 107:4 107:12,15 109:2 118:8,18 119:8 2:6 morning 258:3 motion 245:6 mou 207:13,19,21 move 207:9 multiple 60:14 137:12 211:24 n n 2:1,16 3:1 200:25 name 8:13 9:5 10:18 10:23 126:6,7,10 130:7,11 133:8 134:11,12 135:3 164:9 175:13 188:8 203:1,25 245:10 251:25 276:21 names 135:2 175:11 narrow 16:22 natick 183:6 national 1:4 207:24 208:2,11 nature 156:25 157:4 near 91:20 133:16 145:21 262:23 necessarily 18:23 49:15 55:14 147:20 150:12 169:20 170:5 necessary 78:15 79:12 80:20 143:18 151:20 177:21 need 11:23 12:20 97:16 121:6 158:24 178:12 198:10 needed 42:15,19 44:21 needs 269:10 neither 291:9 never 43:13 95:9 96:13 208:16 251:1 265:16 new 6:8 25:22,25 103:7 147:13 149:3 152:23 153:20 250:2 270:20 272:17 279:18 280:12,17 news 280:3 night 35:8 64:14 253:18 255:19 nist 173:23 174:3,5 174:11,23 175:2 174:20 nods 11:24 non 47:10 269:23,25 nondestructive 183:3 nonmember 31:6 43:14 nonmembers 20:21 21:11 30:24 31:10 98:16 notary 1:21 291:3 291:15 note 8:4 210:10 245:1 noted 233:1 notice 3:22 88:9,17 121:5 230:4 232:3 283:8 291:5 noticed 90:5 notified 90:25 number 9:4 37:17 61:5,8 64:14 66:3 68:22 121:5 122:14 141:7,11,12 142:11 146:2,3,22 171:19 183:10 184:19 187:21 189:11,14 196:2,15,16,18,18 218:6 232:20 239:6 244:24 253:2,19 255:19 261:21 264:22 268:25 279:3,15 283:22 285:7,8 numbered 109:21 124:2 numbers 6:12 92:11 92:13,24 93:7,15 141:25 142:3 182:24 196:13 211:9 232:19 283:17 284:7 285:10,17,20 numerous 17:4 95:16 nw 2:5 o o 2:16 63:4,4 89:16 o'brien 2:17 9:23,23 63:12,13,16,21,23 64:1 o'toole 282:7 oath 11:15 object 11:7 224:2 229:17 232:22 243:2 265:1 289:7 289:22 290:2 objecting 143:12 objection 11:6 14:9 15:9 16:7 17:19 18:16 19:2,18 20:7 20:23 21:9 22:11 23:23 24:12,23 25:12 28:11 29:17 30:9,18 31:2,14 33:10,24 35:17,23 36:18,25 37:1,9,25 38:13,25 39:21 40:15 41:5,22 42:8 42:20 44:6 45:7,22 46:7,16 47:4,22 49:3 50:3,12 51:7 51:16 52:25 53:12 53:23 54:8,22 55:7 55:24 58:22 60:25 62:4,9,16 64:24 66:24 70:23 71:11 71:25 72:17 73:13 73:24 74:13 75:6,19 76:8,15 77:11,18 78:6 79:14 80:2 81:5 82:8,18 83:23 84:8 86:5 90:18 93:16 96:6 97:5,24 98:12 100:8 102:25 103:17 104:4,17 107:24 108:11,20 110:14,22 111:5,19 112:7,16,24 113:9 Page 24 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [objection - owned] 114:1,12 117:9,22 118:11 119:16 120:16 122:17,24 123:19 128:6,15 129:17 130:18 131:4,16 132:3 134:14 135:4 136:19 137:16 138:4,10,20 139:5 139:10,15,21 140:7 140:18 141:21 142:18 143:16 144:3,12,19,25 145:5,6,13 146:5,15 146:23 147:18 149:12 150:21 151:3,13 153:6,22 154:13,21 155:6,20 155:25 156:10 157:12,20 158:1,12 158:23 160:7,23 161:13,21 163:17 163:19 164:10 165:6,16 166:3 167:18,25 168:11 169:9 170:2,25 172:1,16 173:24 174:13,24 175:8,17 175:21 176:7 177:5 177:24 178:14,25 179:19 181:7 182:3 183:12,18 184:13 184:23 185:11,25 186:6,12,17,23 188:13 190:24 191:11,20 192:6,15 192:25 193:9,19 194:3,10,22 195:2,7 197:6,9,20 199:11 199:19 200:10 201:1 202:1,17 203:6,15 204:18 206:7 208:5,13,21 209:5,15 210:14 211:16 212:2 213:1 213:12 214:4,20 215:10 216:25 217:17 218:17 219:11,24 220:3,14 221:3,15,23 222:16 222:23 223:11 224:1 225:1,11 226:23 227:21 228:11 230:9 231:22 233:21 236:16 237:5,18 238:20 240:22 245:17 246:9,19 248:9 249:18 250:14 251:6,12,16 252:7,22 253:4 254:13,25 255:5 259:2,22 260:17 261:1 262:5 263:3 265:12 267:5,23 268:3,17 271:3,10 271:23 272:4,22 274:7,19 275:1,13 275:22 276:19 279:10 281:8 286:2 objections 43:24 48:15 74:25 131:5 140:1 172:25 174:7 177:13 180:11 227:6,12 228:18,24 230:16,20 234:2,7 234:17,24 235:4,9 235:16 237:11 251:22 252:2 266:2 objectives 250:20 obligations 228:6 observations 53:18 observing 54:2 55:10 obtained 129:9 occasions 71:10 october 65:10 69:10 69:23 offhand 39:7 office 125:18,21 126:18,24 127:3,6,7 128:2,18,24,25 129:8 130:1,4,15 131:1,13,25 132:10 132:15 134:2,8,24 146:1 183:4 190:2 offices 1:16 official 191:18 291:11 oh 59:4,10 okay 79:7 109:25 121:14 184:1,10 185:15 283:13 288:12 old 154:23 274:11 277:19 older 196:6 once 80:25,25 229:25 231:20 ones 79:17 80:10 92:8,16 93:11 116:19 online 21:21 22:25 23:9,12 24:6,19 26:23 27:1,3 81:24 237:25 257:2,8 262:14 263:21 open 156:22 opening 25:21 103:8 operations 14:13,16 95:23 117:13,18 118:4,7,10,17,21,25 119:5 164:20 241:23 285:24 286:11,24 opportunity 186:25 opposed 223:23 options 250:6 oral 186:13 ord 196:11 order 28:9,18 29:7 177:23 187:12,17 196:18 228:5 242:17 245:2,7 268:25 ordered 243:6 245:7 organization 164:20 165:22 168:17,17 168:22 169:1,25 170:17 202:14 203:1 248:6 organization's 169:8,21 170:10 organizational 4:6 164:22,24 165:4,8 165:13,18 166:2,7 166:15,17,21 167:9 167:10,13,22 168:7 168:15 169:4,12,14 169:19,22,24 170:21,24 171:4,8 172:7,15 181:14,21 182:8,11,14,16,20 183:11 184:12 202:21 264:9 organizations 165:14 166:1 168:2 169:7,13 organize 23:25 270:9 organized 23:17,21 organizing 268:23 original 20:5 37:17 37:20 38:11 41:1 179:4 234:21 271:18 originally 66:14 69:7,25 ortiz 202:14,25 203:13 ortiz's 203:23 outcome 291:10 outside 24:1 37:24 159:1 243:1 269:24 overmeyer 189:23 190:20 194:7 overmeyer's 190:10 owned 58:21 Page 25 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [owner - placing] owner 260:13 261:9 ownership 52:3 73:6 78:17 79:12 80:22 100:14 110:9 136:25 143:3,4,9,11 247:6 248:11 260:16,24 p p 2:1,1,11,16 188:22 p.m. 35:8 290:25 pace 85:3 99:12,17 99:21,25 100:4 106:9 109:1 127:20 127:23 139:25 140:6,14 packet 34:11 page 3:2,8 7:4,4,10 7:10,14,18,18 34:16 60:22,23 61:1,7 65:8 69:20,25 72:7 78:20 79:4 133:3,15 133:17 134:20 140:24 141:1,2,3,13 145:18 171:10 182:6,24 183:1,1,2 183:23,24 184:2,3,5 184:7,18 188:20 197:18 199:9 200:23 218:6 220:6 222:2 224:13,19,20 232:5,6,19,20 233:17 246:14 252:14 256:11 262:23,23 264:3 266:16 283:15 289:1,18 290:7,9 pages 1:25 91:13,19 91:20 161:7 176:11 181:25 184:19 185:9 187:11 211:4 211:18 259:5 289:4 289:14 paid 51:14,14 172:14 paper 32:18 42:16 42:19 111:9,16 174:17 175:3 261:10,11 289:1 papers 78:23 110:6 115:13 116:6 paragraph 78:20 79:4 189:11 part 16:8 72:8,12,15 72:21 74:11 75:5 83:5 110:25 136:10 136:16 137:14 138:2,18 141:19 144:9 149:16,22 150:1,5,9 152:9,15 152:17 156:11 159:15 165:25 170:18 207:19 256:4 partial 231:3,8,13 233:12,12 participants 78:13 80:18 226:18 227:17 228:7 249:9 249:15 252:16,20 253:2 254:20 participate 28:9,18 29:7 45:17,20 54:19 55:18,20,22 56:5 97:22 98:3,4 167:14 167:23 168:4,9 169:5,16 184:21 185:22 189:7,13 participated 52:20 53:19 58:20 190:23 194:12 participates 185:18 participating 6:1 51:4 53:9 55:5 167:15 217:20 264:2,7 277:8 participation 3:10 34:18,23 35:11 39:10,14,18 40:1,23 50:16,18 52:23 73:4 80:12 95:21 98:9 176:15 180:25 185:6 214:1,12 239:4 247:2 252:18 particular 50:24 66:22 69:8 72:24 83:12,16,24 98:24 137:7 148:23 154:19 155:3,13 163:5 165:19 201:8 217:11,24 223:6 259:5 264:5 269:18 277:1 parties 8:11 9:10 parts 143:5 party 291:10 path 263:19 patricia 189:22 190:9,19 194:7,12 194:19 paving 50:7 57:4 pay 21:10,12 97:21 98:1,3 145:7,11 169:25 178:3 payer 175:6 paying 98:5 203:22 payment 165:3 178:11 232:4 233:14,18 payments 178:8 pays 177:19 pdfs 271:7 pearson 118:19 119:1 penalty 292:1 pending 57:10 166:11 penn 1:18 pennsylvania 1:19 2:5 8:21 people 27:15 45:17 54:15 55:12 92:5 125:1 132:7 140:12 209:8,12 225:15 230:22 231:8 234:19 235:5,13 267:16 perfectly 198:17 perform 276:8 period 26:7 91:10 235:1 periods 259:12 perjury 292:1 permanent 259:10 person 26:18 83:11 87:4 134:8,24 170:9 193:23 198:20 234:9,10 283:19,24 personal 185:17 personally 221:21 persons 173:20,22 perspective 86:23 87:1,3 223:3 pertains 232:4 pertinent 159:15 petre 188:22 phil 85:6 102:4,8,9 102:13 108:6 109:1 philadelphia 1:17 1:18 8:20 190:2,2 phone 10:1 278:8,13 278:16 phones 8:7 pick 8:5 picked 211:17 229:18 232:23 picture 253:23 257:5 piece 32:18 174:17 pieces 175:3 piloting 250:2 piping 136:11,16 137:14 138:2,19 141:20 144:9 149:17,22 150:2 place 8:8 270:9 291:5 placed 269:13 placing 271:6 Page 26 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [plaintiff's - produced] plaintiff's 245:6 plaintiffs 1:8 2:3 68:22 121:23 171:19 173:12 196:2 plan 251:3 please 8:4,7 10:22 12:3,21 13:10 50:10 63:3 72:14 109:19 109:21,24 120:7 133:3 156:21,23 158:6 175:25 176:22 183:1 184:20 187:10 210:5 218:12 258:14 263:17 264:25 266:14 283:21 plus 131:5 152:12 180:11,13 266:2 point 12:2 13:9 22:5 61:20 252:13 257:8 pointed 289:17 points 240:17 policy 3:12,14,15,17 3:17,19,20 5:15 58:9,12,17 59:23 60:3,10,15 61:7,12 61:16,23 62:2,8 64:6,7,16,17,20 65:15,20,21 66:7,9 66:19 67:20,25 68:10,14,15 69:3,6 69:14 70:4,11,16,20 71:4,9,20,22 72:7 72:11 73:12,22 76:14 77:1,21 78:5 92:2 109:18 115:8 115:24 119:14 120:2,12,15,23 121:2,8 176:22 210:13 219:2,3,10 219:19,22 220:8,11 220:22 221:8 222:4 223:23,24 224:17 231:6,15,19 236:14 237:4,15 238:19 239:2 254:3,23 256:14 257:22 258:16,18,21,25 259:21 263:1 265:24 269:24 279:9 289:20 290:1 poor 273:18 portion 232:3 portions 146:6 230:3,7 232:24 289:24 posed 241:20 position 44:23 45:2 49:16 170:11 190:3 190:7,10 possess 73:7,7 176:18,19 possible 81:8 155:8 187:13 199:5 232:1 possibly 78:19 80:23 199:13 221:10 227:8 228:19 230:12 235:17 251:23 261:4 potentially 95:18 110:25 112:19 114:13 189:2 247:14 practice 15:17 158:8 practices 15:5 preamble 35:18 preceding 161:5 precise 256:25 precisely 26:7 128:13 precision 269:1 273:3,4,6,7,17,19,25 predecessor 127:2 128:3,19,23 134:1 preexisting 152:7 preparation 67:16 67:21 68:1,4 69:17 71:5 83:21 84:10,18 85:14 86:3 91:5 93:13,22 99:8,13 106:4,9,15 108:7 109:3,10,15 114:17 114:23 116:22 119:8 123:13 124:11 125:3,7 143:21 161:19 206:23 207:1 231:2 231:11 258:21 262:14 prepare 90:16 91:9 92:4 115:11 116:5 prepared 13:14 90:9 111:10,16 112:3 125:24 251:11,21 284:23 prepares 217:10 preparing 90:3 present 9:8 81:20 94:10 103:10 presentation 102:1 presentations 95:16 95:24 96:9 100:11 100:13,17,19 presented 191:12,13 191:18 president 2:17 14:12 85:1,3,4,6,10 99:12 102:4 106:14 117:12,18 118:4,6 118:16,21,25 119:4 126:15 127:12,20 132:14 pretty 94:7 prevent 13:21,25 previous 41:19 80:8 96:3 117:17 120:5 145:21 146:1 151:24 152:5 153:1 187:12 205:2,4 233:8,11 previously 15:15 33:7 82:7,24 92:6 105:5 152:11 206:21 printed 253:21,21 281:4 printouts 181:22 prior 23:8,12 24:5 24:18 25:8 26:11 29:8 40:22 41:14 42:4,7 58:6 59:13 61:13,17,23 70:12 70:15,19,20 71:4 87:11 94:12 101:9 101:14 107:20,21 117:19 118:7,17 119:14 120:2,12,15 120:23 121:2,9 126:5 150:15,19 160:1,11 161:11 224:10 270:23 private 8:6 208:4 privilege 158:24 privileged 47:10 probably 23:3 50:5 67:2 96:24 101:11 118:22 138:21 170:5,6 212:3 235:1 252:23 256:24 proceed 9:14 process 16:14,15 17:15,18 26:23 81:17 97:23 98:10 104:11 142:11 151:9 179:6,7 186:19 230:24 237:25 262:3,19 270:20 275:25 processed 196:12,20 196:23 197:4,19 199:10 234:9,19 processes 236:25 processing 197:13 produce 269:1,2 produced 33:23 34:3 35:7 64:14 66:3 68:22 92:16 122:14 123:7 164:5 Page 27 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [produced - read] 171:19,24 173:12 188:7 196:2 201:19 204:10 205:19 210:11 211:19 229:13 232:17 233:3 236:7 240:1 243:23 244:24 245:16 253:18 255:19 258:13 260:11 261:21 277:16 279:2 282:5 producer 56:10,14 producing 271:7 product 46:3 162:6 162:7,19 production 7:9 227:16 228:2 232:25 products 141:6 189:5 program 207:19,21 210:8 268:8,22 programs 78:22 projects 247:25 248:5 proper 269:10 property 3:12,14,16 3:19 58:9,12,17 60:3,10,15 61:6,12 61:16,23 62:2,8 64:6,16,19 65:15,20 66:7,9,19 67:20,25 68:10,14 69:3,5,13 70:4,11,16,20 71:4 71:9,20,21 73:11,22 76:14 77:1 78:5 91:16,24 92:2 109:18,20 110:2,5 110:13 113:4,22 115:8,12,24 119:13 120:2,11,15,22 121:2,8 219:2,10,19 219:22 220:8,11,22 221:8 222:4 224:16 256:14 protection 1:4 protective 245:7 provide 22:24 30:24 31:19 47:12 50:1 89:9,11 99:22 101:7 105:10,17 174:23 178:10 186:11,15 193:25 194:7 207:23,25 268:5,19 268:20 269:11,16 270:2 281:12 283:21 provided 27:3,9 52:4 95:15 100:4 105:13,20 120:6 129:12 133:6 136:3 142:17 143:24 146:4,22 148:12 150:18 158:20 187:13,20 188:11 211:3,5 266:1 285:2 provides 269:8 providing 11:13 37:13 49:15 55:12 provision 177:3 psc 1:3 10:6 pscc 183:4 public 1:22 145:3,10 162:10,18,22,25 291:4,15 public.resource 33:23 34:4 123:8 133:7 142:17 143:25 144:1 150:18 158:21 161:20 226:16 1:10 2:9,19 3:22 9:1 10:20 88:8,17 89:8 89:18 221:9 9:18 10:2 122:4 publication 110:7 160:18 270:21,24 271:1,20 publications 85:4 99:12 126:16 127:13,20 132:8,14 138:22 139:18 140:4,16 261:6 publicly 155:23 published 29:16 139:9 148:18,19,21 149:2 150:14 152:11 159:18 161:11 275:15 276:2,9 purchase 159:25 264:5 purely 242:25 purported 213:24 purports 168:13 purpose 38:4 43:8 43:19 74:11,16 75:4 75:8,12 94:16,25 223:15 240:20 267:2 pursuant 291:4 put 187:11 213:14 214:15 256:16 269:10 270:21,25 271:20 putting 104:25 130:5 276:8 q qualify 259:1 quality 158:9 question 12:3,4,6 13:5 35:22 41:19 47:14 52:7 57:10 58:6 59:13 72:18 75:21 76:1 80:5,15 83:8 105:16 110:16 113:20 125:11 128:20 129:2 131:6 132:9 134:16 136:6 143:9 154:1,7 157:25 159:1,12 161:23,25 162:3 163:8,11 166:10,20 179:9 180:3 182:5 185:3 198:13,18,23 200:12 202:3 204:20 206:12 209:17,19 217:2 220:17,19 223:19 228:1 231:10 235:15 237:20,23 241:8,14 242:2 243:4 271:11,18,19 280:9 284:13,17 286:19 287:4,9 288:2,24 questioned 95:10 questioning 12:23 12:24 13:1 questions 7:17 11:12,14 34:6 52:15 58:1 90:4,10,13 92:18 97:10,12,16 97:17 121:11 137:6 162:24 198:14 241:20 242:10,23 248:25 249:20 288:6,10,16 290:12 290:13 quite 57:7 r r 2:1,16 63:4 89:16 175:15,16 188:22 291:1 ramifications 95:18 randomly 265:2 range 17:10 289:1 raymond 202:13,25 203:12 rd&e 183:6 read 66:15 74:8 115:16 116:1 159:11,14 177:2,3 179:11 180:1 181:3 198:22 219:1,6,17 220:7 231:10 Page 28 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [read - remember] 232:18 240:3 261:4 262:9 263:6 278:9 280:1,8 reading 10:8 72:7 79:1 256:13 278:12 reads 146:8 ready 52:15 real 96:24 realize 13:8 really 81:7 85:25 87:16 95:10 113:16 135:14 142:12 161:1 182:4 193:16 193:22 197:12 reason 12:21 13:21 13:24 43:7,17 162:20 163:13 171:23 172:22 173:1 188:5,10,19 231:17 240:7,11 244:4,7,11 262:17 reasons 44:17 45:17 46:6,9 163:4,23 164:3,7,14 recall 43:13 70:17 79:16 80:9 87:18 92:22 95:10 100:16 101:4,13 106:2 107:14 115:3 116:14 124:3 126:7 214:18,19 255:7 289:16 recalled 119:24 120:19 receive 43:9 165:11 188:2,6 221:7 240:8 244:8 245:13 received 221:19 226:16 231:20 246:2 receives 39:10 230:23 234:22 recess 12:14 57:17 88:1 135:21 159:6 195:15 239:13 257:16 283:2 recognize 35:25 64:18 66:4 68:23 88:19 113:2,20 121:24 122:15 126:10 171:21 182:1,9 187:19 240:5 244:2 255:21 recognizes 110:3 219:16 recollect 40:12 recollection 94:13 106:24 107:18 191:13 282:10 recollections 57:24 record 5:15 8:3,12 10:23 12:12,18 57:15,21 61:4,22 75:3 87:24 88:4 89:3,7 109:23 115:19 135:16,19 135:24 137:10 138:23 142:24 159:4,9,15 162:17 172:4 195:13,18 239:5,8,11,16 257:11,14,19,21 258:15,17,21,25 282:21,25 283:5 288:7,15 291:9 recorded 101:18 291:7 recording 8:10 records 259:8,9,9,10 259:11,14,14,15,15 259:16 260:1 redirect 290:15 redline 65:14 refer 50:24 reference 81:10 referenced 116:12 146:21 209:9 269:3 references 219:15 236:14 referencing 107:2 237:4 239:1 referred 78:25 81:25 97:18 100:10 referring 49:23 50:11 80:11 91:19 96:3 98:20 100:20 102:23 103:16 205:5,7 209:4,13 213:20,23,24 214:15,25 215:23 240:15 259:4 272:3 refers 281:20 reflect 44:16 53:6 130:14,25 131:12 131:24 280:5 reflected 52:22 refresh 282:9 refrigerating 1:6 refusal 286:15 refuse 163:10 286:18 288:11 refused 89:11 237:3 refusing 288:1 regarding 29:20 41:9 42:23 72:3 73:16 76:18 84:17 111:22 112:10 113:13 114:5 132:16 242:10 regardless 37:18 regards 179:9 region 190:1 registered 146:13 158:18,21 160:21 167:4 registering 103:6 registration 4:1 25:16,19 28:1 81:16 91:13,19 102:20 122:7 123:3,7,11,18 123:24 124:4,8,13 126:4 129:5,16 130:5,17 131:3,15 132:2,17 133:6 136:3 137:7,8 141:1 141:6,11,12,25 142:11 145:19,22 145:23 146:2,2,3,14 146:22 147:4 152:5 157:7,9 158:8,11 160:19 161:6 164:8 179:5,7 registrations 125:16 125:25 126:20 127:8 142:16 143:8 143:24 150:19 157:19 158:20 159:22 160:3,6,13 161:5,8,19 163:14 regulation 209:10 regulations 5:25 266:8,17,19 267:3,8 267:11,17,18 268:6 regulatory 259:12 reiterating 105:5 relate 52:1 167:7,9 241:6 286:4 289:25 related 1:11 78:22 104:22 137:6 189:3 276:22 289:19 relates 52:2 110:1 286:6,14 287:2,7,19 relation 117:21 relations 225:25 230:23 relationship 64:21 relative 58:3 85:17 94:4,8,10 99:19 120:10 release 149:3 released 148:15 relevant 143:8 189:2,13 198:6,17 247:4 261:10 270:10 remediation 193:3 193:12 remember 11:7 40:7 40:10,17 79:18 Page 29 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [remember - role] 87:16 104:24 105:1 214:22 234:10 remembered 120:18 remotely 9:9 remove 231:18 renew 261:25 278:7 278:13,15 renewal 4:4 5:3,5 25:14,15 27:22 81:21 91:12,18 93:2 94:11 102:18 104:15 167:1 172:7 172:15 173:5,15,18 175:7 176:1,5,25 177:10,12,22,23 178:19 179:10,13 179:24 180:4,21 212:14,16,25 213:10,14 214:16 222:14 230:4,6,7 231:19 232:3 233:13,15,18,19 234:13,15,22 236:1 236:10,12,23 237:2 237:25 238:4,9,17 254:17 262:2,3,14 262:19,25 289:12 290:5 renewals 226:17 227:16 228:7 renewing 84:14 103:7 178:21 179:15 180:7 218:24 reorganization 272:11 reorganize 270:12 repeat 19:4 58:24 105:16 166:20 271:17 repeatability 273:8 273:11,19 repeated 199:4 rephrase 44:25 47:16 70:8 74:22 95:3 97:20 113:19 134:17 140:10,13 147:8 202:23 206:25 report 208:11 reporter 9:11 11:20 159:14 reports 78:23 208:1 208:17 269:2 represent 9:11 123:5 133:4 168:19 representation 252:17 representative 168:24,25 169:1 representatives 189:12 representing 8:14 9:12 169:20 reproducibility 273:8,20,23 request 7:9 82:22 219:5 221:19 245:20 280:12,16 280:18 requested 78:12 79:10 80:17 89:8,12 89:21 requests 81:18 221:7,22 require 37:8 75:21 177:20 202:3 204:20 222:24 required 25:1 28:7 28:17 29:6 36:16,22 37:19 38:10 177:1 177:11 requirements 242:16 requires 47:7 163:20 164:11 206:9,12 218:19 219:23 237:20 research 78:23 183:5 269:2 reserve 10:8 288:5 reshuffle 150:6 reside 115:15 116:9 resolved 143:17,18 resources 286:24 287:15 respect 41:12 45:11 117:1,4 120:8 170:11 246:22 respective 212:1 247:8 respects 89:5 respond 35:19,21 45:11 72:4 158:25 159:12 response 57:25 responses 11:24 responsible 90:3 268:23 responsive 29:23 31:18 42:25 47:11 48:1 204:23 rest 233:19 restate 75:3 153:9 result 94:18 148:8 resulted 153:19 resulting 43:12,15 95:22 results 273:14,15,17 273:24 retain 39:9 retention 5:15 257:21 258:15,17 258:21,25 259:13 retreat 240:14,17,19 240:21 retroactively 79:24 return 207:25 230:5 230:7 returned 39:15,20 40:2 231:3,8,13 237:17 returning 78:11 79:8 80:15 109:17 145:17 152:3 review 13:15 67:7 67:15,19 92:7 109:21 129:4 236:22 244:12 258:20 262:13 289:3 reviewed 67:17,25 68:4 69:17 91:11,24 92:1,10,14,23 93:7 93:13 258:23 reviewing 70:9 109:24,25 278:11 revised 71:9 147:14 153:20 154:5 revision 20:17 25:24 65:1 98:23 147:17 148:6,8,11 154:5,19 155:3 268:15 272:18 revisions 73:21 74:8 151:19 152:20,23 153:14,18 186:22 194:2 rides 158:10 right 36:15 46:10 65:4 74:7 93:5 115:22 135:7,15 141:13 160:20 183:23 196:10 197:17 198:17 199:8 203:3 215:11 215:19 250:10,16 255:9 282:20 288:6 rights 25:2,6 26:2 31:21 35:14 36:10 47:3 78:17 80:22 81:19 110:5 198:4 rios 1:20 road 50:7 57:4 robert 126:8,11,13 132:19,20 133:17 robin 268:23 role 127:10,15,18,24 235:20 Page 30 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [rolled - side] rolled 23:9,13 room 9:8 rossi 1:20 9:12 roughly 23:3,7 63:8 118:13 192:1 207:22 round 268:23 rpr 1:21 rule 3:23 88:9,18 283:8 rules 11:11 242:22 245:23 running 273:12 ryan 2:20 8:13 s s 2:1,16,16 3:7 safety 277:2 sales 199:22,25 200:4 235:6,14,23 san 2:13 sarah 188:21 saved 277:19 saw 122:20 123:9 saying 23:22 29:2 38:4 103:23 104:3 117:17 119:18 120:18 134:3,10,25 155:16 167:8 270:13 says 37:17 60:18,21 60:25 61:7 65:9 66:14,16 69:21,24 69:25 78:12,20 80:16 110:1,3 133:8 133:11 143:1 145:21,22,23 146:1 152:6,7,8,10 156:24 157:1,5,10 160:16 174:2 176:14 188:21,22 189:1,9 189:12 196:11,23 201:21 202:25 210:7 219:16 220:6 220:12 236:9 238:16 240:16 250:16 252:14 256:16,17,23 258:15 259:8 260:12 265:5,17 266:16 279:5,25 282:13 289:1,2 scope 47:20 48:25 51:17,23 56:12 57:1 130:20 131:17 132:4 136:20,23 138:11 139:16,22 140:8,19 141:22 142:19,25 143:13 144:4,13,20 145:14 146:16,25 150:22 151:4 165:7,17 166:4 171:1 172:2 172:17 173:25 174:14,25 175:9,18 183:13 184:14,24 192:7,16 193:1,20 194:23 197:10,21 199:12 203:7,16 208:6 209:16 221:17 226:25 227:22 228:12 230:10 231:23 233:22 237:6 240:23 245:18 246:20 248:10 249:6,19 251:7,17 252:10 253:5 259:3 259:23 260:18 261:2 267:6 286:3 287:13 scratch 134:3 137:24 screen 102:19 262:25 screens 91:12,12,18 91:18 93:3 102:17 102:18,20 103:21 104:9 105:1 screenshots 5:19,20 261:14,24 262:7 263:9,18 264:6 289:14 290:6 seal 291:11 search 145:4,11 searchable 144:22 144:24 second 11:7 77:2 114:25 140:24 159:1 188:20 189:11 193:15 222:7 226:22 233:17 252:14 262:23 289:18 section 72:11,15,21 76:12 77:8 78:12 79:8 80:16 109:19 109:23 110:1 116:2 129:25 130:7,11,16 131:2,14 132:1,16 133:8,8 145:20 146:7 152:5 156:24 157:3 233:18 234:15 238:23,25 259:11 260:1 269:23 270:1 sections 270:10 see 19:7 33:8 34:19 72:20 73:1,9 74:7 76:7 80:16 123:16 133:9,16 141:2,7,10 176:22 177:7,14 182:25 183:2,7,19 184:3,8 188:18 200:18 201:7 202:8 202:19 204:25 210:15 218:8 243:24 245:10 247:19 254:10 264:8 273:14 288:24 seeking 76:24 226:19 227:18 228:8 seen 88:22 95:25 96:8 116:11 206:20 208:16 265:16 select 264:4 selected 264:6,9 265:2 sell 95:12,22 96:23 164:19 selling 43:15 sells 96:18 send 230:4 sends 230:6 senior 87:4 sense 12:8 22:15 sensitive 8:5 sent 34:7 234:14 244:9,13 sentence 73:11 79:2 separate 160:3,6 164:14 181:22 separately 35:20 separates 159:20 165:3 serve 18:19 serves 223:14 service 46:4 199:14 199:17 265:20 276:7 282:8 services 189:5 serving 281:21 set 108:8,19 254:20 seven 118:13 247:11 share 41:11 87:17 113:14 114:6 short 52:10 57:8 258:7 282:21 shorthand 291:7 show 53:19 200:6 264:6 278:6 showing 65:14 177:2 shown 123:23 shows 172:24 side 173:18 Page 31 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [sign - standards] sign 110:8 166:1 167:10 177:11,22 178:2,4,12 signature 133:19 177:15 signed 39:9,15,19 40:2 115:14 116:8 significance 87:17 237:15 significant 32:14 152:2 significantly 276:1,5 signing 10:8 silence 286:15 similar 20:22 202:9 222:13 254:6,9,15 simply 42:2 82:16 163:3 232:20 245:1 245:5 single 158:11,19 159:24,25 211:4 234:15 site 5:19 103:20 104:2 108:10,19 156:5 171:5,7 193:4 193:13 219:4 253:24 254:11 257:2,5 261:13,24 262:4,20 277:20 281:4,11 sitting 54:1 situation 56:15 situations 18:24 79:16 80:9 116:15 151:11 six 118:5 273:20,24 288:13,13 size 150:8 skipped 115:17 slides 101:25 102:1 slightly 222:18 288:25 smaller 16:22 smith 1:16 3:3 9:6 10:11,24,25 11:3,10 12:20 13:20 14:3 57:23 88:15 90:2,16 136:1 240:2 242:9 243:21 245:10,15 246:1 258:1,11 290:20 292:12 society 1:2,6,15 3:23 8:24 88:10,18 130:6 133:10 134:11 135:2 software 78:23 soldier 183:6 sole 43:8,19 94:16 solutions 8:14 9:13 somebody 9:22 33:3 121:6 146:20 178:10 199:13 236:11,22 253:7 sorry 10:3 67:9 83:8 91:14 92:20 117:16 156:20 157:14,15 166:13,20 174:8 185:14 193:18 214:6 266:4 272:8 sound 13:2 source 111:24 space 21:22 spanish 205:25 206:10,18 speak 75:16 83:19 84:4,16 85:13 86:20 102:9 143:22 206:18 231:1,11 265:14 speaking 170:16 speaks 76:9 219:12 219:15 263:4 279:11 special 110:11 125:5 specific 15:8 24:20 39:4 50:1,6,23 53:5 53:17 56:3 84:13,20 84:21 92:25 97:7 100:12,13,17 101:7 116:18 149:15 185:3 235:13 268:10 specifically 93:12 115:5 150:3 170:16 186:8 243:6 248:4 specification 15:16 specifications 15:4 specifics 39:8 79:21 197:13 speculation 19:19 20:24 22:12 33:11 33:25 39:1,22 47:24 49:5 54:23 62:17 66:25 70:24 75:20 77:12,23 78:7 110:23 112:17 114:11 117:10,23 118:12 129:18 130:19 131:17 132:4 139:16,22 140:21 146:24 150:22 157:21 160:24 161:14 170:3 171:1 172:17 173:25 174:14,25 177:25 178:15 179:1,21 181:10 192:17 203:7,16 221:4,16 225:12 226:24 227:22 228:13 230:11 231:24 233:23 237:7 246:10 251:17 252:9 253:5 spell 63:2 175:23 spelled 175:14 spend 249:4 spent 109:14 spoke 96:11 101:5 108:6 119:7 125:2,7 212:9 spoken 206:24 spontaneous 55:3 55:11 spontaneously 54:16 spring 240:19,21 staff 26:17 63:22 82:15 83:11,12,20 84:5 87:4 94:16 105:2,4 217:9 225:14 249:25 267:16,20 268:1,13 stages 154:25 stamp 196:9 197:3 197:17 199:8 standard 15:13 17:24 18:2,3,4,7 19:22 20:6,16,17 21:16 22:8,9 25:24 25:25 27:5 28:10,19 29:8 30:7 32:15,22 32:25 33:5 36:7,24 37:14,21 38:7,12 40:20 43:9,16,20 46:2 48:9 54:17 80:1 81:2 83:3 94:18,19 95:1 97:22 98:9 105:15,22 112:3,6 136:9 137:22 141:4,18 142:4,14 145:1 146:11 147:13 148:6 149:9,10 151:8,18 154:3,5,19 155:3 158:8,11,16 158:19 160:15,21 164:5 186:21 191:7 191:16,19 192:11 192:14,23 194:1 269:3 270:13,20 271:2 272:17,19 276:23 277:1,5 280:13,17 standardization 280:3 standards 6:8,8,9 14:21,22,24,25 15:7 15:20 16:3,13 17:21 Page 32 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [standards - take] 23:14 24:4,22 27:16 29:15 33:8,9 39:5 41:2 43:12 44:19 45:4,5,18,21 46:14 49:12 54:4 56:6 58:21 71:23 78:20 78:21 79:24 95:13 95:15,22 96:18,23 98:14,21,24 103:11 103:12 109:20 110:2,13 113:3,4,21 113:22 117:1,5,21 122:3 136:2,10,14 136:16 137:12,14 137:21 138:1,2,17 138:18 141:19 143:7,25 144:9 147:2 149:4,8,14,16 149:22 150:1,11,15 151:1,12 152:9,15 152:17,20,23 153:3 153:3,14,18,19,20 153:21 154:11,24 155:4 156:4 158:22 159:19,23,24 160:13 161:10 164:9,18 169:18 176:20 178:23 179:17 180:9 184:21 185:10,24 186:5 189:3 191:1,4 194:1,8 207:23,24 208:1,2,10,11,23 209:2,4 226:18,20 227:17,19 228:7,10 247:3 267:9,19 268:16 269:6,13 271:22 274:1 275:7 275:11,12,21 276:14 279:17,18 280:1,5,22 standardsdevelop.... 281:5 standing 291:4 standpoint 103:19 stands 207:15 stapled 265:2 start 91:21 255:4 started 10:7 25:7 126:1 156:5 160:12 215:4 257:25 starting 16:17 24:25 211:6 starts 18:9 213:25 232:18 state 10:22 120:13 142:24 151:17 162:16 172:14 stated 119:12 160:19 253:25 statement 37:18 96:3 104:10 105:11 105:18 153:2,17 239:3 252:13 273:10,23 statements 96:5 269:1 273:3,4,6,7,8 274:1 states 1:1 9:3 115:8 116:2 281:18 staying 258:5 steel 136:11,16 137:14 138:2,19 141:6,20 144:9 149:17,22 150:2 step 108:5 stipulations 7:13 street 1:17 2:12 8:20 strike 163:18 207:9 strongly 142:24 student 264:11 studies 268:24 study 268:7,22 style 268:6 269:11 269:24 270:3,11 276:16,18 subcommittee 16:17 16:20,21 17:16 191:14 280:19,19 282:18 subcommittees 17:5 17:7 subject 29:21 41:9 42:11,23 44:9 45:9 46:20 49:7 72:3 73:17 76:18 100:5 100:18 101:14 111:22 114:5 243:6 245:22 246:23 subjects 84:17 submit 31:6 110:6 159:21 207:7 263:21 submitting 37:17 subscription 145:8 145:12 subsections 109:22 subsequent 73:22 76:12 79:23 83:17 subsidizes 115:9 116:3 successfully 148:5 successive 154:11 suffice 89:24 sufficient 89:20 suggesting 141:24 142:2 suing 144:1 suite 1:18 8:20 summarize 168:13 summary 189:2 supervision 291:8 support 7:1 44:23 45:2 95:23 164:19 164:25 169:13 202:15 203:1 suppose 178:16 203:18 230:22 supposed 197:24 242:18 sure 15:10,23,24 19:3 34:15,19 39:12 40:3 41:24 44:12 46:8 47:13 49:9 50:22 51:10 53:2 55:25 58:14 61:21 61:25 62:5 66:21 74:6 80:4 101:16,24 104:5 107:18 108:2 119:19 123:20 132:22 134:15,19 136:5 142:11,12 146:18 153:24 160:9 161:16 170:5 172:20 181:12 185:1,5 190:1 191:21 196:21 200:2,5 208:8,15 209:22 215:2,25 225:24 244:14 245:14 251:13 252:3 255:7 256:22 257:3 259:19 260:20 262:7 270:22 275:8 277:5 279:25 284:25 288:23 sven 189:22 190:6 190:16 193:25 195:5 swear 9:13 sworn 10:12 291:5 system 155:15 156:12,15,16 197:5 197:19 198:19 199:10 250:7,8 t t 2:16 3:7 188:22 291:1,1 table 43:7,18 tag 281:14,17 282:10,14,18 take 12:22 13:1 32:23 43:14 52:10 52:15 57:9,11 132:24 187:10 194:15 195:9 252:14 258:6 Page 33 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [take - time] 263:19 270:8,18 272:16 273:13 274:10 282:21 286:14 287:2 taken 8:21 11:1 12:14 57:17 88:1 135:21 159:6 195:15 239:13 257:16 283:2 291:4 talk 101:2 158:24 talked 79:17 80:10 84:23 102:16,22 103:3 115:4 166:25 167:2 202:10 231:7 254:16 talking 34:9 197:25 214:10 240:16 242:19 249:5 task 18:9,10,14,17 18:19,21 19:1,9,12 19:17,25 20:4,10,13 20:21 21:7,7,15 22:7,20 23:1,14 24:5,20 27:4,15 28:16 29:5,12 30:3 31:11 32:3,6,10 36:17,23 37:20,23 38:10 40:25 55:21 55:23 192:10,13,19 tax 259:13 tc 282:14 team 86:14 109:5 124:23 269:2 technical 5:25 14:12 14:15,18,20 15:19 15:22 16:1,12,24 17:2 30:25 49:25 78:22 98:21 110:6 111:9,15 115:12 116:6 117:12,18 118:4,7,10,17,21,25 119:4 151:5 166:8 166:16 167:14 168:4,9,20,24 169:6 169:16 170:12 193:23 217:21,24 223:16 225:19 249:9,25 252:16,21 253:3 254:20 263:22,23 264:1 266:9,17,20 267:3,7 267:12,17,21 268:2 268:14 270:22 272:10,13 276:10 281:18,21 282:19 285:24 286:9,12,25 287:15 technically 152:1 technology 22:18 85:7 102:5 103:19 156:17,19 250:2,5 274:12 telecon 2:19 tell 34:20 36:2 65:3 74:10 100:12 102:13 104:21 107:12,15 108:16 109:24 128:14,22 130:3,9 173:13 184:20 196:3 204:10 205:20 230:1 233:6 236:7 238:14 253:22 261:7 264:25 266:15 282:5 291:5 telling 128:25 142:14 temporary 259:9 ten 1:18 155:5,13,14 249:4 tenure 87:12 term 15:7 terminology 15:6,18 terms 59:8 113:5,23 256:15 270:5,16 test 15:4,16 273:5 273:10,12,12,14 274:2,3 testified 10:12 testifying 89:1,4 testimony 11:15 13:22 14:1 51:19 59:22 77:13 119:17 129:20 147:19 153:7 168:12 206:8 265:13 272:5 275:2 288:14 291:4,6,9 testing 1:3,15 3:24 8:24 88:10,19 130:6 133:10 134:12 135:2 141:5 text 152:11,12,14,19 157:2,8 219:9,21 220:10,21 thank 290:16 thanks 290:17 thereof 291:10 thing 21:13 40:16 150:5 179:25 223:4 223:9,14 232:1 273:21 things 58:24 59:3 267:21 268:9 269:21 think 13:25 21:1,13 26:4 27:14 30:20 33:17 34:8 38:3 46:9 47:5,7 48:1 51:17 53:15,18 55:3 55:11 56:15 59:7,11 59:24 61:20 63:18 67:3 69:15 78:8 91:2 93:2 95:8 97:6 97:11,12,15 100:14 101:25 105:3,23 107:17,18 108:2,2 112:19 115:2 119:2 121:3,25 122:20 124:24 126:1,2 127:17 130:1 136:23 139:12 144:21 147:1 154:23 158:23 167:19 169:11,12 171:9 172:8 182:23 187:16 188:5 193:2 198:16 208:15 221:25 225:14,15 225:17 227:13 232:1 241:14 255:8 256:9 258:8 262:18 277:3 278:18 284:25 thinking 54:10,11 93:5 120:14 172:23 250:10 third 234:15 thomas 2:17 85:1 93:22 94:2,21 95:4 95:15 96:1,4,5,11 96:17 97:3,9 99:2 100:11,13 101:2,5 101:13 109:1 119:2 119:3 120:9,9,13 121:1 251:18,21 252:5 thought 70:18 107:6 119:24 149:1 215:6 three 51:20 60:17 70:3 159:10 185:9 197:24 239:11 240:25 241:12,15 242:19 243:9 246:22 247:5 249:3 time 8:16 9:7 12:10 12:16 31:3 38:19 44:1 50:6 54:12 57:8,13,19 59:25 63:25 87:5,22 88:3 91:10 105:3 109:14 132:8,9,14,24 135:17,23 154:19 155:3,13,14 159:2,8 160:5 192:2 195:11 195:17 213:16 214:17 235:1 239:9 239:15 244:9,13 257:12,18 258:9 260:18 269:18 Page 34 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [time - vague] 282:23 283:4 290:18 291:5 times 273:13 title 34:13 136:9 137:1 143:2 247:7 titled 35:10 61:6 64:15 181:21 246:7 253:19 titles 92:22 today 8:15 10:21 11:15,16 13:22 14:1 22:8 30:2 34:8 43:4 51:19 58:2 67:16,21 68:1,5 69:18 71:6 81:25 83:22 84:11 84:19 85:15 86:4 89:1 90:17 91:1,6 91:21 92:4 93:14,23 99:3,8,14 106:5,10 106:15 108:7 109:4 109:11,15 114:17 114:24 116:22 119:9 124:12 125:8 138:7 143:22 182:16 197:25 206:24 207:2 231:2 231:12 245:3 254:5 254:12 258:22 262:15 today's 246:23 told 96:7 125:18,21 127:7 128:11 130:2 tom 9:23 63:12,13 63:16,21,23 64:1 282:7 tool 225:17 tools 22:16,17 top 60:21 61:7 65:4 66:14 69:25 141:12 145:21 160:20 189:12 210:7 218:23 220:5 224:8 240:15 250:17 252:13 256:23 262:23 265:5 topic 51:25 89:15 121:5 143:1 209:20 249:5 283:9,15 284:17 286:4,6,14 287:2,19,21 topics 51:18,21 89:5 89:10,21,22 90:4,10 90:13,17 197:24 209:18 240:25 241:13 242:19,25 243:1,9 245:5 246:22 247:5 248:18 249:3 287:6 torn 233:19 tough 263:6 training 78:24 transcribed 291:7 transcript 13:14 transcription 291:8 transfer 78:16 79:12 80:21 200:23 transferred 41:3,20 42:6 73:5 176:17 transformed 276:1 translation 206:9 treasurer 84:24 true 106:16 291:8 292:3 truth 291:6,6,6 try 12:4 120:21 187:11 207:10 trying 138:16 278:13 tsai 176:4 tubing 136:11,16 137:14 138:3,19 141:20 144:10 149:17,22 150:2 tuesday 90:20,22 91:7 93:24,25,25 96:12,17 97:4,10 99:4 turn 8:7 109:19 133:3 156:21 158:6 188:20 189:10 224:13,19 283:15 288:21 289:9 turned 33:9 248:21 turning 145:18 tweaking 270:2 twice 115:18 two 16:16 60:17 71:10 88:5 157:18 159:4 181:22 184:19 288:15 tx 141:7,11 146:3,13 type 217:18 264:4 types 259:8,11,25 290:6 typically 16:21 18:9 18:18 51:13 153:2 166:1 169:25 u u 175:14,15 u.s. 111:11 112:4 113:7,25 170:20 183:2,3,4,5,6,16,20 184:8,11,20 185:8 ue's 189:3 uh 99:15 156:20 understand 11:14 11:19 12:3 13:18 26:25 47:5,10 78:4 80:5 88:25 90:2,12 105:7 134:16 153:25 177:3 198:10 227:25 understanding 30:13 43:3,4,5 44:3 44:5,16,24 45:3 47:2 48:4,12,13 58:19 74:16 75:8,12 94:15,24 95:5 96:19 96:25 105:6,12,19 129:1 134:5,21 159:17 164:17 178:20 179:14 180:6 207:16,18 256:13 understands 77:17 understood 12:7 105:8 unfortunately 182:23 unified 250:7 united 1:1 9:3 281:18 units 276:23,25 unrelated 163:24 update 274:12,18 use 16:14 21:21 22:17,25 31:21 33:21 37:21 40:8,13 54:20 207:11 208:1 208:15,19 217:12 224:24 229:17 265:1 267:11,15 271:7 274:12 276:22,25 usepa 185:17 user 56:11,18,24 57:6 274:13 uses 208:10 utilizing 208:23 209:2,8 v v 8:25 72:11,15,21 78:12 79:8 80:16 89:16 175:16 vague 11:6 14:9 15:9 16:7 17:19 18:16 23:23 24:12 25:12 28:11 31:3 36:18 37:3 38:1,13 40:15 47:4 50:3,12 55:24 62:4,9 64:24 72:17 73:24 77:22 79:14 82:18 83:23 84:8 90:18 97:5 98:12 100:8 103:17 113:9 114:1 123:19 128:9 145:6,13 146:23 147:19 Page 35 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [vague - witness] 153:7,22 154:13,21 155:6,20,25 156:10 160:7 165:6,16 166:3 167:18 169:9 177:5 178:25 179:20 184:23 185:12,25 186:6,12 186:17 190:24 191:11,20 192:6 194:10 197:9,20 199:11,19 209:6 214:20 215:10 217:17 222:16 225:1 250:14 251:12 252:7,22 254:13 260:17 262:5 267:6,23 268:3,17 271:3,23 272:6,22 274:7 275:2,13,22 276:19 286:2 vaguely 40:7 value 249:24 varies 17:9 18:8 20:2 169:11 variety 21:1,17 268:9 various 5:1 232:10 vary 17:11 veritext 1:17 8:14 8:19 9:12 versa 269:25 version 60:13 66:10 66:13,18,22 67:5,12 68:3,9 69:5,8,13,16 70:10,15,19 71:3,19 73:23 76:13 104:1 115:23 116:1 145:24 147:12,15 148:13,14,23 149:3 151:25 196:6 225:15 254:10 256:9,10 257:1 262:8 276:2,9 versions 60:14 62:1 67:19,24 70:3 147:22,25 148:4 156:4 211:21,24 212:21,22 225:6 226:3,8,12 275:7,9 versus 22:8 56:25 72:22 98:10 vi 109:19,23,23 116:2,17 vice 2:17 14:8,11 85:3,4,6,10 99:12 102:4 106:14 117:11,17 118:3,6 118:16,20,24 119:4 126:15 127:12,19 269:25 video 12:11,17 57:14,20 87:23 88:4 135:18,24 159:3,9 195:12,18 239:10 239:16 257:13,19 282:24 283:5 videographer 2:20 8:2 12:10,16 57:13 57:19 87:22 88:3 135:17,23 159:2,8 195:11,17 239:9,15 257:12,18 282:23 283:4 290:18 videotape 290:19 videotaped 1:14 viewed 124:4 225:17 views 169:22 violation 242:15 virtual 22:17 visa 203:23 volume 98:14 137:20 142:5 149:18,20 150:8 159:22 160:2 volumes 137:21 149:15,16 150:6,19 158:22 volunteer 82:17 volunteers 16:5,6,10 18:18 20:16 272:20 272:25 vote 17:20,22 98:15 186:21 194:19 274:24 275:6,10,19 voted 195:1,6 votes 98:16 voting 16:16 17:15 17:16 98:22 vp 118:9 156:18 vs 1:9 w walk 18:6 want 10:7 20:16 33:4 34:6 43:18 95:20 107:9 117:14 142:23 151:7,15 162:13,23 175:23 180:19 198:22 242:4 249:13 258:1 264:4 268:11 284:2 288:23 wanted 32:15,23 86:22 wants 26:22 38:6 washington 2:5 waste 258:9 way 77:25 78:2,9 81:8 101:18 125:19 125:22 126:22 127:4 137:23 138:6 142:13 154:16 167:15 175:23 178:3 215:7,17 221:11 226:6 230:14 234:12 263:7 280:5,11 ways 21:18,23 22:1 22:3 110:4 198:3 280:15 we've 43:12 52:9 57:7 58:1 89:17 95:9 141:1 145:20 194:15 242:19 web 5:19 22:15,17 103:20 104:2 105:1 108:8,10,17,19 156:5 171:5,7 219:4 253:24 254:11 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226:9 230:4 years 23:6 33:14,15 62:3 63:6,24 87:9 118:14,14,22,23 127:25 138:14 153:2 154:22 155:5 155:13,14 161:11 211:14,22 212:1 213:5,8 247:11 274:11 286:1,11,25 287:17 yep 150:16 222:17 yesterday 34:8 86:17 90:19 100:3 102:8,10 106:6,11 106:20,22 108:6,17 122:21 123:11 124:5 126:6 127:17 253:21 285:13 z z 181:24 zoe 203:22 Page 37 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 Commonwealth o f Pennsylvania Rules o f Civil Procedure Title 231, Chapter 4000 Deposi ti ons and Discovery Rule 4017 (c) When the testim ony is fully tran sc ribed a copy of the deposition with the original signature page shall be submitted to the witness for inspection and signing and shall be read to o r by the witness and shall be signed by the witness, unless the inspection, reading and signing are waived by the witness and by all parties who attended the taking of the deposition, o r the witness is ill o r canno t be found or refuses t o s ign . Any changes in form or subs tan ce which the witness desires t o make shall be entered upon the deposition by the person before whom it was taken with a statement of the rea sons given by the witness for making the changes . If the deposition is not signed by the witness within thirty days of its submission to the witness, the person before whom the deposition was taken shall sign it and s tate on the re co rd the fa ct o f the waiver o r of the illness o r absence o f the witness o r the refu sal to sign together wi th the reason, if any, given therefor; and the deposition may then be used as fully as though signed, unless the court holds that the reasons given for the refusal to sign require rejection of the deposition in whole or in part . DISCLAIMER : THE FOREGOING CIVIL PROCEDURE RULES ARE PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY . THE ABOVE RULES ARE CURRENT AS OF SEPTEMBER 1, 2014 . PLEASE REFER TO THE APPLICABLE STATE RULES OF CIVIL PROCEDURE FOR UP - TO - DATE INFORMATION .

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