Filing 204

LARGE ADDITIONAL ATTACHMENT(S) to Public Resource's Second Motion for Summary Judgment by PUBLIC.RESOURCE.ORG, INC. 202 MOTION for Summary Judgment filed by PUBLIC.RESOURCE.ORG, INC., 203 SEALED MOTION FOR LEAVE TO FILE DOCUMENT UNDER SEAL filed by PUBLIC.RESOURCE.ORG, INC. (This document is SEALED and only available to authorized persons.) filed by PUBLIC.RESOURCE.ORG, INC.. (Attachments: # 1 Public Resources Statement of Disputed Facts, # 2 Public Resources Evidentiary Objections, # 3 Public Resources Request for Judicial Notice, # 4 Declaration Carl Malamud, # 5 Declaration Matthew Becker, # 6 Consolidated Index of Exhibits, # 7 Exhibit 1, # 8 Exhibit 2, # 9 Exhibit 3, # 10 Exhibit 4, # 11 Exhibit 5, # 12 Exhibit 6, # 13 Exhibit 7, # 14 Exhibit 8, # 15 Exhibit 9, # 16 Exhibit 10, # 17 Exhibit 11, # 18 Exhibit 12, # 19 Exhibit 13, # 20 Exhibit 14, # 21 Exhibit 15, # 22 Exhibit 16, # 23 Exhibit 17, # 24 Exhibit 18, # 25 Exhibit 19, # 26 Exhibit 20, # 27 Exhibit 21, # 28 Exhibit 22, # 29 Exhibit 23, # 30 Exhibit 24, # 31 Exhibit 25, # 32 Exhibit 26, # 33 Exhibit 27, # 34 Exhibit 28, # 35 Exhibit 29, # 36 Exhibit 30, # 37 Exhibit 31, # 38 Exhibit 32, # 39 Exhibit 33, # 40 Exhibit 34, # 41 Exhibit 35, # 42 Exhibit 36, # 43 Exhibit 37, # 44 Exhibit 38, # 45 Exhibit 39, # 46 Exhibit 40, # 47 Exhibit 41, # 48 Exhibit 42, # 49 Exhibit 43, # 50 Exhibit 44, # 51 Exhibit 45, # 52 Exhibit 46, # 53 Exhibit 47, # 54 Exhibit 48, # 55 Exhibit 49, # 56 Exhibit 50, # 57 Exhibit 51, # 58 Exhibit 52, # 59 Exhibit 53, # 60 Exhibit 54, # 61 Exhibit 55, # 62 Exhibit 56, # 63 Exhibit 57, # 64 Exhibit 58, # 65 Exhibit 59, # 66 Exhibit 60, # 67 Exhibit 61, # 68 Exhibit 62, # 69 Exhibit 63, # 70 Exhibit 64, # 71 Exhibit 65, # 72 Exhibit 66, # 73 Exhibit 67, # 74 Exhibit 68, # 75 Exhibit 69, # 76 Exhibit 70, # 77 Exhibit 71, # 78 Exhibit 72, # 79 Exhibit 73, # 80 Exhibit 74, # 81 Exhibit 75, # 82 Exhibit 76, # 83 Exhibit 77, # 84 Exhibit 78, # 85 Exhibit 79, # 86 Exhibit 80, # 87 Exhibit 81, # 88 Exhibit 82, # 89 Exhibit 83, # 90 Exhibit 84, # 91 Exhibit 85, # 92 Exhibit 86, # 93 Exhibit 87, # 94 Exhibit 88, # 95 Exhibit 89, # 96 Exhibit 90, # 97 Exhibit 91, # 98 Exhibit 92, # 99 Exhibit 93, # 100 Exhibit 94, # 101 Exhibit 95, # 102 Exhibit 96, # 103 Exhibit 97, # 104 Certificate of Service)(Bridges, Andrew)

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EXHIBIT 85 2019 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS TITLE 24, PART 3 Based on the 2017 National Electrical Code" V [ << First J ( < Prev j[ Table of Contents ] ( Next> ] [ Last » ] Ci.I NFPA' A JC EXHIBIT De~fv~\(, '\ - \ C\. - l '\. Date _ _ Rptr._ WWW.DEPOBOOK.COM .. 8/16/2019 Pnnions or this pohlitmion arc rcpmduc•cd with pcrmi!>Sion from the National Electricnl Code"', 2017 edition, copyright O 2016 Notim,nl Fire Pm1cction Assodotion, Quincy, MA 02169. All rish1 rosorved. No ponioot< of NEC" n»t<tfal may he n:produccd s c.x'-·cpt with pcnnissioo of the National Fire Pro1cc1ion Asscr.:.ia1inn. ISDN 97S-1-S570J-914-I Copyri1,h101020 16 National El«:tric:tl Code Held By Fire Prote<:tion Assnci:itiDn I 13,ucryrnnrch f>Jrk (P.O. Box 91<16) Quincy. MA 02269-9959 Printed in 111c United Stmcs V << First j[ < Prev ] [ Table of Contents J [ Next> j ( Lost:,:, [i.] NFPA https :// .. . 8/16/2019 -A - ~ I Preface ! ·n1i.s c,locumcnt i!=. P:m 3 of thirteen pnns of die ollici3.l tri~nninl l.:Om,pil:1tinn and publication or the adoption$, amcn<lmcnt.s and rcpcnl of .Jdminisu·ativc rcgulntion~ to Califrmlia Code. ofRcg11/atiom, nrle 24, alsn referred ,o ns 1hc Califonu'a Duildi11B, Srmtdatdf Code. This P.:11t is k"llown .-.~ the California Electrical Code. and incorporntcs, by .1dop1ion, the 20 l 7 edition of the Nntional J:.'h•crrit'ill (',,ode M the Nation:,! Firu Prott""rtion Ass.ocia1ion wi1h the Califomia nniendmcnts The Califcmia /Juildi11g Siamlmt!s Cr1de is published in its entirety every three year~ by order of the C;,slifornia legislature. with supplemcntis published in imen•cning ·nrn Califomia legislature delegated :unhority 10 various State agencies, bo,1nfa, and dcpru1mcn1s. to create building r~gul:uions to jmplcmcm the Smte·s s1ruutes. These huHding rcgu1Jtions or s1andards. have- 1he i;ame force of la\v. nnd 1:'.lkc effect 180 dnys. afrer 1heir publicntion uoless othcnvisc Slipul:,tcd. Th,· Califomiti IJ11ildi".f.: S1a,1dards Code :1pplics to occup:mcics i1\ the S1.i1c of California ,'\S tiJJJHlf=ited. A .::ity, county. or city ~nd coumy mny c..-.1:1.blish more 1e.-.uic1ivc building ~•andMds rcas:onubiy nc'-·cs.o;ary bet.."ttu..i:.c of Iot.-al climatic. geological or topographic.11 couditioos. findings: of lhe local condition(s) :llld lhe adopted 1~aJ building standard(s) muM be llled wilh the California Building Swndards Comntission to h~ome effective :ind may not be effecti,·c sooner llmn the dale lilcd with the C:11ifomi:1 Building St:mdar<ls Cotnmi~ion :md io no C':\SC soo11c r th:ul 1hc df.::<"Jive dace ol' thi.,. i:di1ion or Cal(famia Hui/ding Sumdal'd.t Code. Loc:11 building sr:mdards lhac were adop1cd :md applic:iblc to previous editions of the Cal{fomia BuUdin.c: du 1101 apply 10 1his cdi1ion witl,ou, approprim" adop1ion and 11te required filing. c,,11, 'Ib familiori1.c yourself with the fom,:u of thi~ code~ it is suggested tbm use~ review the following contcn1.c;: • How To Distinguish Model Cotlc Lomgn:1ge From Calirtlmi:i Anl(:ndm<:nLr,; • M~rrix Adoption Tnblcs, Joc..•ucd at 1hc beginning of each chapter.\ tow:ml impnwing Should you find pul>Jic';Hion (e.g., lyfX,gfitphfCa1) ..:1tors or inconsil)1COcii.:s in this i;odc or \l,dsh to offor co1 ib rormat. please iddress your comm(.nt.s to: California Building Srnndnrds Commission 2525 Na1oma; Park Drive. Sui,c l 30 Sacramcruo, CA 95833-2936 Phone: (916) 263-091.6 Web P:ige: ww\v.dgS.c:'\.gov/hs.c Em:1H:· V ( « First Ij < Prev ] [ Table of Contents ] ( Next> ] [ Last >> (i.] NFPA 8/16/2019 Aclrnowledgemc111s The 2019 UdifamiQ Elecfrfrt1I Code {Code) was dc\·dopcd through 1hc outstanding c:oll::ibura1ivc. efforts ur the D~panmcnt of Housing and Communit)' Dcvelopmenr, Division of Staie Architect. Office of the Sime Piro Marshal. Office of S1n1cwidc Health Plattni11s and Oc\'clopnic11t, Cnlifornio Energy Commission. California Deportment of Pu blic Health, C'11ifomia Stoic L:mds Com• mi~sinn. Boord of Sime und Coinn1u11ity Cnrrcc1ir,n,, and the Califomia Building St:mdartl, Commi ssion (Commi~sion), This collaborath·c effort indudcd the :issist:mcc of the Commission's CO<lc Advisol")' Conuniuccs and 111a11y other volunteers who wni·kcd lirdcssly to assist the Commission in the pruduction of this Code, Gl.wc,nor Edmund G. Brown Jr. Member.< of the Building Staudards Commission Sc,.,rctary MM}'bcl Bntjcr - Chair Steven \Vi nke-I - Vicc~Chair Raj Patel Elky Klau$.hr"1Jt!<:r Larry Bnoth Erkk Mikiten Kent S:t~rtl.::i Pct~r San1illnn Jm•ilyn Ale£rc Mia Mor\'clli - Executive Director Michael L. Nc;1m1:1n - Deputy Exccu.tlvc Dir"'-ctor For questions on California slnle :tg<ni.:y amendmems : pll!ast: re for to lhe contm.·l list on the followin!!, page. V ( « First ] [ < Prev ] [ Table of Contents j[ Next> ] ( Last,-> Ii] NFPA https :// es-and-standards/fr ... 8/16/2019 .... ,,.. ,•· ...,]'':. ~- ., .. ,.-.,•,, ·'.~ ...,,·.:..,· ' ·, ', How to Disti11g11ish Between Model Code Language 111uf Californi11 .4me11dme111S Tu disti nguish bclwc-cn model code lnnguagc. Md the i.neorp,mucd Cnlifonti.i nrncndmcn ts. inclmling cxclu!.i\'c Califoniia .:mmdords, C:,iifomin amcndmcn !S will appear in iialic.1. ! Symbols in the mnr£ins indknlc the Sta tus of code ( hn.nge:!- :is follows: /SFMJ C A TI1is s)·mbol identities which Stalt! ~gency(s). by its ··:1 cm11ym". h:is :unendccJ a sec-tion of 1he model code. For a (Omplcte listfn.g of the S!tHe :,gency acron)'t1 . .siee the App:lk:uion Section wilhin Chapter I. 1s T11is symbol indicmcs o California amcndmcm has been niadc !o the model code. This syn1bol indiom~ !ho, 11 change has been ninde ion Clllifomi11 nmcndrnen1. > ·n1 : -. ymbol inclica1cs ddt.1.inu ut"Ctlifornia l:m,;uagc. is N01i\TIONS USF.0 IN Tl-IE NATIONAi. ET.T!.CJ'RJC,11, COVE TI1c- following nol~lion :1ppc;1rs in the Nm;o,u,J Eh•cu icol Codr lo :tiJ 1he \H,cr ; I Change.., ulher ll1au edilorial arc iudicale<l wilh gray slu:uJin~ wi lhiu section.,. An en Lire ligul't ~•1> wilh gr.i)' shadin~ in4-licalcs tio11 n change to an existing figure-. New sections, tab ll!S, ;md figures arc intli i::ited b;· a bold, italic Nin :1 ~.r~1y box 10 ihc lefc llf 1hc 1 1ew mrnciia l. ,\ n N nut to an Article 1i1lc ind icite~ 1hot fhc ent ire Article i:c; new. \Vhcrc one or more complc1c p·t1r;ign1phs have been deleted, the deletion is indic:ucd by.n bullc1 (•) between the r :i-r::1graph$ tha1 n::n1nin . - V « First j( < Prev ] [ Table of Contents ] [ Next> J[ Last » (I) NFP.Ai <lards/codes-and-stan <lards/fr .. . 8/16/2019 NFPA CA MEC_ARrtCLE 89 NFPA CA NEC_ARTICLE 90 CHAPTER l CALIFOk:-!IA MATRIX Al)OP'TJ()N TABl.r.S NFPA CA NEC_Ci-'.01 NFPA CA NEC_CK02 ARTICLE 100- DEFINITIONS SSC AdOpl ingAg ency i SSC. CG S FU I 2 l ·AC ! Adopt Enllro Article Adc,pl cntiro Ar Iida as nmendcd (.-,mended :.~·cn5 listcd bclM) X X X OSHPO IA 2 l OSA AC ss SS'CC 1 HCD X X X X X NFPA CA NEC_CH03 ! OP>< j ' Sj ~ I l 1 NFPA CA fl.!EC_C1-iC4 NFPA CA NEC_Q-i05 X X X X NFPA CA NEC_a;oo Adopl onl)' 1ho:.e :;cet~ that o..R: ~stodbc1cw X NFPA CA NEC_Q-i07 I Anicic!Soction Coorcinalcn {$C:ltd1Vtl) ~llas:!ecl Solar Phol.oi.dtaic ~rs.tern f!vilj;no (E:a;ro_ ,tion) IX I X X ) X X XI X X X X X ·1 X I I i i : I I X NFPA CA NEC_QjCB NFPA CA 1-JEC_Cf-i0:9 NFPA CA NEC_Annexes A_C NFPA CA NEC_AMexes O_J NFPA CA NEC_lndex ARTICLE 110- REQUIREMENTS FOR ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS OSA HCD I I! 2 fAC ss SS/CC SSC BSC· CG $FM I OP~' , X X X X i Adopling Agenev Adopl Enliro J.r1i,:Jo Adopt ontiri! A.ttkio n ;1mond~d (:11m1m&d OS..-tPD IA 2 l X X x X X XI I x_ X X X X X I I ! X X X ; ! X X X X ! I 4 I X scctons IGled bcl01,) Adopt 0:11'11 h0$e scc:tlcos thiilt are 11$1 od bolo.-1 ftr;ielo,'SCl'(lion 110.2 I 110.lS{C) ~10.13 Excopr/M X X Xi x I i V ~ EJ ( TobloofCor1 1onts ) ~ ~ -·-···-·-·•'------------ 8/16/2019 NFPA CA NEC _FM t<FPA CA NEC_ART!ClE 69 NFPA CA NEC_ARTICLE SO CHAPTER'? CALlf'O~V\ M1\TRIX ADOPTIO~ TABLES NFPACANEC_CH01 ARTICLE 200 - NFPACA NEC Cl·I02 _ USE AND IDENTIFICATION OF GROUNDED CONDUCTORS HCO ! BSC- AdopUno Ag:cney BSC X j ! CG CSA SFM 1 2 AC SS XXX NFPAC/\NEC_CHJo OSHPO SS,CC 1 1R 2 3 4 S OP~ !11 XXXXXX NFPACA NEC_CH04 NFPACANEC_CH()5 ltfopl cnWo ~!lido u amMOOd (amond'o'.11 scc1iu:1 rl$1@d below) s NFPACANEC_CH06 Adopl onl)' lhOO(; $e<:llolS lhoJ.ue l.steo bob·•1 . NFPACANEC_CH07 ~:. NFPACANEC_CHOa ' NFPA CA NEC_CH09 ARTICLE 210 - NFPA CA NEC_ Annexes A_C BRANCH CIRCUITS 1DSC I ,__ •P~""-g~Ag~""-.,, Ad · ~-------+-e_sx_c i___,,_s_F_-+-......-+-•-c...... .... CG Mx 2 ' x s;;_s+-s_s x x'+-' ,cc_+- x R_,._x2_,..a+-'x - '+-~!_ x -+-x Af1c,ol EnlitA Arli:le Adapt ont:m Ar15do ::I."> :1ma,rfad (amended t.<.>etions liS!(!ij bulow) HCO OSI. OSHPO OPH NFPA CA NEC_Annexes D_J I I NFPACANEC_lndex X X 210.12\A) 210.;Q(O),IE) ! : ; X Ai!upl onl:, tl1 S~'<;lic.•ns u1a1 a1e I s~"<I ose b~bw ! ARTICLE 215 - FEEDERS t-Ad PU.,,.•~g-•~9•_,,'"f~-------+-es_c_! s_i_g_t-S_F,--M+...;c~-+-_C+-Sc-~S-t/.-s_,,SIC,---C+c1+-1Rcs+-"+-p-•~ ... ~ - A _ 2 ;+-,+-s+-D-Pi-t ,_, _ -i: Adcpl Entiml-.rticio1 X i X X X X X X X X X X ! Adopl o,,r,c .Attie!c ~s a1tw:r1rJc.d (:iimcnd'OO sccuoos r~co 0010w) Mo-;I On!/ those $CC1 b'I$ :ve I.Sled ,. ! ;~; . balJ,\' ARTICLE 220- BRANCH·CIRCUIT, FEEDER, AND SERVICE CALCULATIONS l osc- 8SC Adopt Enlim X i i CG HCO SFM 1 2 05A •c XXX SS SS,CC X OSHPO 1 1R 2 Adopl c.nfm Artlclo ;.i:: ~mmOOct (srn,nd;,cf ~ OP.< : < 5 :1 XXXXX --: seetiens lislcd below} { <<Fl,sl } 3 { Tabluorconhlnts J V ~ ~ 8/16/2019 ,_ ~ · ·••:::i-~' ... -:·,_ . ·f ,', . • 1 11-t; • • _ 11 11_. . . , - - t·· -. ~ . ,c::..a • 1• ~•11u..111o.;: ,',:.·,., <•·;::I NFPA CA NEC_FM NFPA CA ! IECJ'.RTIQE 89 NFPA CA NEC_ARTIC\.E 90 C:.liA l'1"ER J CA LlfOR.NI,\ :\MTRIX A0017T'IONTABLEs NFPA CA NEC_CH01 ,_ NFPACANEC_CH02 ARTICLE 300- GENERAL REQUIREMENT$ FOR WIRING METHODS AND MATERIALS ! Adopting A9enc:1 i Ad'./'Jfll ,Enlirt: /HfW:lc 85CCG esc X HCO SFM X 1 2 C-SHPO CSA AC X X ss X X ' X ] M.Qflf entro Articlo ..-.s ::unt::idcd lR X 2 ~ X X OPH " X ! ~ ' X :11 -- - - I - - - I - ,_ l (~err.:1('(1:seciiol'l5-listed belov,) j .Atiopl onl1 llltr:!C' s~liom. lht::il ar~ l,slelf I I Articli!'!Soc:lion 00 ARTICLE 310 - ~SC i Ad0pt EnUn: A~ICla X ! (ilfl1Cndod J.CtG1ion:; --··-·-·· --- -- ·- --- --···-' CONDUCTORS FOR GENERAL WIR ING IAtlopllng Agency i IAdop1cnt ro ,.:iJ11ct~ ~s omendoo •--NO BSCCG SFM X HCO CSA 1 2 AG 5S SS/CC X X X X 1 X OSHPO OPH 1A 2 3 5 X X X X X • i '. NFPACA NEC_CH05 NFPA CA NEC_CH06 ' NFPA CA NEC_Cf-lOS i' NFPACA NEC_CH09 ·' ' NFPA CA NEC_Annexcs A_C NFPA CA NEC_A1mexes D_J NFPA CA NEC_ lndex :1 1 ErJcd bolO-,._) NFPACA NEC_CH07 ·, ,. -~ ' { IAdopt onl•t tho!ic :cctlon::> tiinl ore r:::.:cd j·' !U cbw I NFPA CA NEC_CH04 r babw 1 NFPA CA NEC_CH03 •. !·. i ArJcli,,'Scdiai ! -- -~- -- -- -- _..__j -- ~· :~ '; ARTICLE 312 - CABINETS, CUTOUT BOXES, AND METER SOCKET ENCLOSURES I Adopllng Agency I /wi;:ipt Entire Aru:b SSCCG SFM BSC X X IICO ·-- 2 AC l X X X ,- CSMPO OSI\ ss X I - :i •Ts- 2!'.!.~1i ,-ii~,- X X X X X X ' : !Adt.tpl oufro Arliru- as amom1cd i 1..vncnd('(I sor.lioM liS1i,d bolo,\·) i t:~~! i _., only Ihos<= s«tioos I hat ~•c tislod ~,:k:l!l,'Scc.iibo ; ; I . ARTICL E 314 -OUTLET, DEVICE, PULL, AND JUNCTION BOXES; CONDUIT BODIES; FITTINGS ; AND HANDHOL E ENCLOSURES I Adop1ino Agency I esc j Adopt En""' A,ticlo X SSCCG HCO ,__ SFM I 2 AC X X X CSHPD CSA ss SSICC 1 1R X X X X ., 2 3 5 X X X X i An opt cm tire Ar11cJg :-,s amt':icki-d j j(a'TK'ndcd scccicm.; listed bo5ov,) IAdopl oul,r ihosti sections thul .urct 1se<1d . b4.:',w ~ ~ ( T.iblo or Conhmts l ~~ tlPl·d il i ! i V ~~- -codes-and-standards/codes-and-standards/free-access?mode ... 8/16/20 19 .. I -- "· - -~ - _ 11 ..~ • 9 I - .. , -" ~= .: 1 NFPACANEC_FM .' l<FPA CA NEC_ARTICLE 89 ' NFPA CA NEC_ARTICLE 90 ~/ NFPA CA NEC_CH02 CHAPl'EJl 4 C:\l1FORNIA MATRtX AOOPTtON TABl..f.S ,i ARTICLE 400 - FLEXIBLE CORDS ANO CABLES i esc- l t.ccrit Enlim Artidn Ac!c:pt cn:jrt- Artldo ti!; :vnendGd 'Sfl.l HCO ,2 X SSC! C() t.doptio9 Anene / DSA X X X I j AC ss X O.'l>!PD i -~ -- (ameo:;f'JU ~C"C'lions ri.:it-::-J te!owJ Adept only lhore :!jcction:; :hat urc lis~ DPH I i i\SICC I' 1R ?. 3 4 .s X IX X X X X X ---- -- ·-- --- ·~ :; ! NFPA CA NEC_CH03 ...:., ' NFP/, CA NEC_CH04 f· :'! ~-, •·., NFPA CA NEC_CH05 ; ,·; I I i I ARTICLE 402 - FIXTURE WIRES HCC BSC ) CG ! SFM 1 2 AC X l X X X i l esc- i Adopting Ag~ncy Aoopi Encm'o Arlf<:lo OSA 0St1PO OPH I ss SS'CC , , I 1R 2 3 4 5 X X I XI X X X X X I Adopt cn!lr.:! A.r:1:de as arr,endc<l (amordcd !.CC.Jon:: li~to1 t-ctcw,; Ac:opt on:y &hroo ::;a::.ion~ :hol nrcllstcxl I i M-cc,.;cc1ion !esc. l esc I X i !SFM ! X AC ss OSHPO SS'CC!·1-T 1R ~2-- ·4 --5 3 X X I I _l)'.'.'!.J1 i I X X X 'i x X I X •i X X X RECEPTACLES, CORD CONNECTORS, AND ATTACHMENT PLUGS {CAPS) I HCO ) BSC· ) Adopt Entiro Artldo X ; t,ccp! entire Ar1:do JS 31"1londcd (aroon:J.ed soeuons. !ts..ilJCI tElow} Aoopt on·y tho~'3! soc:ions 1l~J aro Jrs\'.X:I ' i I t®w ~~( _ X I OS/\ !X X ss SS.'OC X esc i CG ! SFM I 1 2 AC Adop11ng Agoncy ..... _, .,' _, 1 .. ....-- . /: !:':'t t~ ; ! NFPA CA NEC _lnc!e:.: ! X X ! .;o4FPN NFPA CA NECj\nnexes D_J :,,; X .;04.4(C) __ --· ... ~-..:-: NFPA CA NEC_Annexes A_C , ·Jt OSA X ; i Artdc/S~~n _,_.,. ' 2 X X i b:.-it>\'/ L. . HCO ·- ! Acqlton'y~osce-:ions :hat :uoli~~ CG ('!: f..~, ARTICLE 404 - SWITCHES Acq>I En6ro Arli(IO NFPA CA NEC_CH09 ...:(t I Adopting Agency NFPA CA NEC_CH06 ..1 ;, ~; :.:,; [ A6opt en!l,e A11:de dS ;srner,c!Ed (-'mon,fad se,::tions rist@o:::I b':towji , !i/ ..... !,-·.; I txtow ! NFPA CA NEC_CH07 .. ,1 Af1:defSo.e-iion i NFPA CA NEC_CHOO ~l be:ow ARTICLE 406 - NFPA CA NEC_CH01 X I T.Jblo of Conlonts X 2 1I • II I X , _ ,, X l~ ~ ., ,. ,., 3 4 5 X ____.1._ _ _ _ ·----··- .._,...... .....____ ..... -· · --•-"• ----- ___ .. _ __, - - •·--• DPH OSHPO I 1 ! 1R I I I I X X !I i V i ... I [~1 1 N FP/( JI 8/16/2019 • • 'JI.• - ~11111 - ,., 11_,,,, : 1: j; l"HAPTER !i CAllt"ORN IA MA.TR IX .AOOPTIO:\I T,\8LE$ ., ! NFPA CA NEC_FM NFPA CA NEC_ARTICI.E 89 NFPACA NEC_ARTIO..E 00 ;)' NFPA CA NEC_CH01 .': i NFPACANEC_CH02 ARTICLE 500- HAZARDOUS (CLASSIFIED) LOCATIONS, CLASSES I, II, ANO Ill, DIVISIONS 1 AND 2 ! :SSC· Adopting Agertev BSC X Ucpl Erll1 Art!(ID rQ ACcpt entire ..\rtld0 as aml:!f"IC8cl torncrdc,j :cction~ ~ted t:clow) i (,'(; I X ' Accpt onl:,i !ho.Jo .:::iqclioo,:i. that oro b t.;~j ; l AniClll'/S8:C1iGn I l OSHPD -~ ! DPH ss 1 j 2 ( AC X NFPA CA NEC_CH03 NFPA CA NEC_CH04 X NFPA CA NEC_CH0S ! i I i I I llekiw DSA HClJ ) SFM NFP/1 CA NEC_CH0S NFPA CA NEC_CH07 NFPA CA NEC_C MD8 I ~----------~---~-~-~~-~-~.- ---·- - - __ J , , NFPACANEC_CH09 ) ; NFPA CA NEC_Annexes A_C ARTICLE 501 - CLASS I LOCATIONS NFPA CA NEC_Alln~xes D_J NFPA CA NEC_lndex ARTICLE 502 - CLASS II LOCATIONS 9SC· Adopllng At)itl'\CY BSC Accpt Enliro lv1iclo X CG HCD f OSA SF'A 1 i 2 i AC SS X ! OSHPD SS.O:: X ' XX IA 2 3 • X OPH 5 XXXX Ac'cpt onlirl! Artido as ~rn~dtcl (auttm:.ll!'J :s<:.>ciions tislOO lttJtn•;-) A~1only hno :;cc!loos Lhcit arc- ll:.tYJ bC!-bi.-.. i i ARTICLE 503 1 AdopUog Ag°"cy ~En11:"cArtfcto esc l :~~ only lho,;:o secilons 1h31 wo ti$t;Jd X SSC- CG CLASS Ill LOCATIONS HCC ! 0SA CSMPO DPH sFM - ,-'"2-;-A-c:--rs'"s:--rs'"""'.m:--r-2--,--3,-•,-s-1---11 ~ 1 , 1 X ii XX XXXXXX I v 1--- - - ~ - - - --Jot •idw'~,~---~-~-~-~~! -~~~~-~~~~~~~~-~-~ ~ ~ ~ ( Tabluof Conluot~ J ~ ~ ~ ' Ci] : NFPA https :// codes-and-standards/all-codes-and-standards/ codes-and-standards/free-access?mode=v... 8/16/2019 . . .. _ 11 .. . ~! II_ - I f Adopting Agency BSC r Mop! Enti19 Ar1icle X I SSCCG SFM \ 2 AC X X X QSHPO DSA ss X X 3 DPH [ 5 \ 1A 2 X X X X X X 4 1Adopt onCre Anicl3. as ame:ided 1 - I NFPA CA NEC_FM ,1'!.,<f.r NFPA CA NEC_.o.RTICLE 89 NFPA CA NEC_AR'flClE 90 ~~ ;:,\ ARTICLE 600- ELECTRIC SIGNS AND OUTLINE LIGHTING ! "" :· I CHM.,-E.~ OCALlfO:-t.Nf,\ MATRIX AIXWTJON l ABLI::$ HCD '-;:I ,. i :~• ' NFPACANEC_CH01 NFPACA NEC_CH02 NFPA CA NEC_CH03 NFPA CA NEC_CHO< NFPA CA NEC_CH05 ~[ (amor1d~ Sl?clicns r;:szw btlcu.) ~: J Ac.topt Orf/ lh~c $ctlions thal OIO Es.I.Cd Jbob'N NFPA CA NEC_CH06 ~ Artkl~/SccliOtl ------ ! - -~- - -...I - • -•••N - - - '?' ARTICLE 604-MANUFACTURED WIRING SYSTEMS ! HCO SSCSSC CG SFM \ 2 AC X X Mopting Agenev I Adopt Enlire Miele X OPH I GSHPO OS< ss X J. .. lR 2 3 4 X X X X X !Adopl cnt-re Al1iel~ .:.s NFPA CA NEC_CHOS NFPACA NEC_CH09 NFPA CA NEC_Annexes A_C NFPA CA NEC_Annexes O_J s 1 X NFPA CA NEC _CH07 NFPA CA NE<:_Index :1 ! I (3mcndod :,;cctiorc lir.1 bob,.,) cd i j Adcpc onl1 lho::iC~,c<,1icn3 L CHO 1 'lat ::i1ed i l ; fbebw I Acid~:SCciion i ! ARTICLE 605 - OFFICE FURNISHINGS M •• - • - ~ - - - N N N - N • « i J AdopUng Agcn~y osc l Ao'op1 El'llill> J..r1i:te X HCO ... .. ,...._ CSA OSHPD SSC· ---··· . CG SFM 2 AC ss SS.<;C ·,Tiii 2 3 s X X X X X X X X X ---, • .:-;. i',, ..., " ! Al:ic~Seclion ARTICLE 610 -CRANES AND HOISTS I SSC Adopt Enlir;, Afli~ X CG CSA HCO BSC- Adopting Agooey SFM X , 2 AC ss I SS,CC X X OSHPO 2 3 . 1A X X X X X X I (Mlcncfco scc!Jons llsloo bekm) I AdOpt M111tiose st<:tions 1 rue I sled ha1 be l n, : 5 i i i i : ,r.;:/0,S,, . ~ ! Tdblo of Contents J E ] ~ - DPH I I I Adopt ontiro Attid., a<S ilffl.)."Kfod { <<: Fits! ) ,- j I A<lopl on1'1 tbos~!b'lS. lhat 3re E!.tod bcb",•, I " - . 11 i (an,<'ndOO sections listed beto.v) 1 •.. · t ~., ! Adopl cn1'1c, A,tic.C!) ,as ;unen~ I I N ON-I! ~\ "-" :~ V [i.) NFPA . https ://www. nfpa. org/codes-and-standards/all-codes-and-standards/codes-and-standards/free-access?mode=... 8/16/2019 ·: .· ·.-· ·.·· :·. ~~.. :...: .... .,.. : .. -.. l ·a NFPA CA MEC_FM NFPA CA NEC_ARTICLE 89 NFPA CA NEC_ARTICl E 90 (;HAP'f'f::m i CALIHlR:'lll.'\ MATRIX ADOPTION T.o\UL~ NFPA CA NEC_CH01 ARTICLE 700 - NFPA CA NE-C_CH02 EMERGENCY SYSTEMS ssc. HCD DSA NFPA CA NEC_CH03 I DPH OSHPO NFPA CA NEC_CHOd 1-"" pl_lng-"-0'-A"-g,_n_'--------+=-'-'·+c-'-·c,'--ll-$'--F-M-+--; cy 1 l-'2-+-A-'-C+s:;-'·+=...c ·.'+l-'-A+2+3+4-+-+--. l i Adopl Eniro Afli,.,o X X X X X A:dCOt eQtfro Anrcte ss amended' X X X X X NFPA CA NEC_CH05 [tm10hdcd ~clotl:i li:;lod l:Jd cw} NFPA CA NEC_CHOO A-dopt o'III-/ lho=o oei=l ~ tbal 0.,0 li:..IOCI MFPA CA NEC_CH07 bobw ArticlelSection 700.3(AJ X --~- ~- ,!_ _ -~ )£_ X X X 700.3(8) 70O. 12{8)12)\'//Elt.1. 2. & 3 ARTICLE 701 - MFPA CA NEC_CHOO NFPA CA NEC_ CKOO I xxxxxx xxxxxx i 700.3(C) ~--11 NFPA CA NEC_An naxes A_C NFPA CA NEC_Annexes D_J NFPA CA NEC_lndex LEGAU.V REQUIRED STANDBY SYSTEMS BSC· HCD oSA ·-··-····· ·-.. ··-···· OSHPD ·---....... or,,] ..op...1 =-- •Y - - - - - - - -+ as-' CG 6F- _- ' _ c 1ng A9=·'-"_,' _ -'- c•I- -'-'--+'-- M 1 • AdoplEntircAn~...lo Atfopl cntirt Aniclc ~ oma:tded (amcnde<I secLons lislcd bd:>o'J) Adopt onty1ho5e scc:tic:ns tha1 arelis.lcd X • !. .•~~ ~ ~ .2-~ ~ .!._ _:_ .!_ __ j~ . )( X X X X X [I )C )( bolo,, -· · Th(! • ~a&.c:n lndl~ta • Ito.( Ille SL11! Fara t.lmt':a1'Ci iMkl~i:>n 0 1 :h,t (fl;ip:er or irld 'lfWll tOC'.i!Ot C. IC :t::ipl eJ ,bll) 10 et'l/Chhlitt. !:ubjN.l 1 MCD t 0 ARTICLE 702 - Acfoptlng Agenc.y Adopl Entire Articlo Ado pl Onl"f't Attic~ M amended {&mondOO SGC:lons lislod bolow) Ad'®I only thos.osedic:ns lh:JI arc lisktO bcbrJ OSC X OPTIONAL STANDBY SYSTEMS BSC. CG Sr-M X ,_, ;c o _ _ -+--~_SA --f-~-,-R O~l.':._30 -; .. -.:-. OPti O~ 1 I 2 AC SS SS/CC 1 X XIX X X , )C X , )C 1.'1 • -, X X V [ << f irst ] EJ T~!.l lo u,f Cc>nf-0111:. } EJ ( last» ] liT N FPA https ://www. 8/16/2019 MFPA CA NEC_FM ·l NFPA CA NEC_ARTICL.E 9:J CHAP'TER I C:,\J.lfORNIA M,ITI\I., ADOPTION TIIBLES ., ARTICLE BSC Adopl Entite Arlicla • SA SSC· CG SF<A X AC SS MFPA CA NEC_CK01 , · OSHPD 1FI SSICC X X 2 3 4 NFPA CA NEC_CH02 ' eoo- COMMUNICATI ON CIRCUITS AdQpllng Agency NFPA CA NEC_ARTICLE 89 NFPA CA NEC_CH03 5 NFPA CA NEC_CH04 X X X X IX NFPA CA NEC_CHOS Adopt tinfo-e Miel~ as ame:'\dl!d (~cooed seeUoi~ lisleO u-e.owJ l NFPACANEC_CH06 Adopt onl- UlC'l:e aocticns lhBI ai o bled J bob'll NFPA CA NEC_ CH07 NFPA CA NEC_CHOS ---~··_J ARTICLE 810 - SSC. Adopllng Agency eSC Adopl Enlira Artide AcJopl cnlitO Aniclo ~ atnl:fllJCd t::v-ncf\dod seclWJns: li~od below) ,\dept on!y thoscsoctk:in!: lh::H :uc li!:IC<l NFPACAN EC_CH09 NFPACA NEC_l,nn.xes A..C RADIO ANO TELEVISI ON EQUIPMENT CG X HOO Sf M , I 2 AC X X X CSHPO OSA SS.ICC X X ss I 2 1R X X 3 OPH ' ! 1 ~ 5 NFPA CA NEC....An11exes O_J NFPACA NEC_l nde>: X X X X ' ! bobu t Anlcl~.'S~bn ' ARTICLE 820 - COMMUNITY ANTENNA TELEVISION AND RADIO DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS Adopting Ag<tncy Adopl E.nliro Articlo Adopl &nb,o Aniclo u ;1mo:,cfod SSC BSCCG X HCD $FIA X 1 2 X X AC • SA ss OPH OSHPO I X X IA 2 X X 3 ' 5 ! ·1 X X X X ., 1 [ilt'l'ICncled soctiORS HSU?<l O(!b,•1) -·--· Adopl onl:t those :.ectO'ls that aro LslCcl . -~ ' be-bu Artida!Soction ARTICLE 830- NETIVORK•POWERED BROADBAND COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS BSC· Adopting Agency BSC Adapt EntiroArllclO X CG HCD ' I OSHPD ' I Adopt ont:, ~octlons lhal aro Es.1od ( TabloofConumls ] DPH SSiCC I I rn 2 3 5 X IX X X X X X I Adapt enltro AAlclo as amanOOd jamondod ~ctiCf\G: lrstod b-c-1ow) ~ ~ DSA SFM 2 AC 5S X X X X ~ ~ v: Ci.] NFPA" I https://www. ew 8/16/2019 I 1 ; _I'\ : j MFPACANEC_FM ij ,;,l 1 . ·l ! ;~ \ c ii CHAP'll=R 9 CJI.LIFOR:'IIA M:\TRIX ADOPTt()N " AULl:S I ,; CHAPTER 9 -TABLES escAdoptlng Atiency Adopl !:nftfOAl1ICla BSC X (,"G os, HCD I Sft,1 X 1 X XI ss SS'CC 1 X 2 l AC OSHPO 1R 2 3 4 X X X X I X X X i Adopt tnt;ru Artie!& 2.S amended (&mendocf !Cct!c~ li:.tcd bcl:J-,.,.) .\,Jopt en!:, lh~o ~oc.tioo~ lhllt o.rc NFPA CA NEC_('.HO<I i NFPACA NEC_CHC6 NFPA CA NEC_CH07 ! ArJem;secton NFPA CA NEC_CH02 NFPA CA NEc_a;r,5 i bcbw NFPA CA NEC_CH01 NFPA C,\ NEC_CH03 OPH 5 NFPAO. NEC_ARTICLE89 NFPA CA NEC_ARTICLE 90 NFPA CA NEC_Oi08 i -- ··- --·-- -; , :; NFPACA MEC_a-100 NFPA CP. NEC_Annexes A_C NFPA CA NEC_A.nnexes D_J NFPA CA NEC_lnde>.: V ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ -- - - - - - - -~--------------,[~] - _______ ~ ~ [ T.ilitoorconte-nts ) ~ ( Las!>> ) "1 NFP.A: l-codes-and-standards/codes-and-standards/free-access?mode=vi... 8/16/2019

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