Filing 204

LARGE ADDITIONAL ATTACHMENT(S) to Public Resource's Second Motion for Summary Judgment by PUBLIC.RESOURCE.ORG, INC. 202 MOTION for Summary Judgment filed by PUBLIC.RESOURCE.ORG, INC., 203 SEALED MOTION FOR LEAVE TO FILE DOCUMENT UNDER SEAL filed by PUBLIC.RESOURCE.ORG, INC. (This document is SEALED and only available to authorized persons.) filed by PUBLIC.RESOURCE.ORG, INC.. (Attachments: # 1 Public Resources Statement of Disputed Facts, # 2 Public Resources Evidentiary Objections, # 3 Public Resources Request for Judicial Notice, # 4 Declaration Carl Malamud, # 5 Declaration Matthew Becker, # 6 Consolidated Index of Exhibits, # 7 Exhibit 1, # 8 Exhibit 2, # 9 Exhibit 3, # 10 Exhibit 4, # 11 Exhibit 5, # 12 Exhibit 6, # 13 Exhibit 7, # 14 Exhibit 8, # 15 Exhibit 9, # 16 Exhibit 10, # 17 Exhibit 11, # 18 Exhibit 12, # 19 Exhibit 13, # 20 Exhibit 14, # 21 Exhibit 15, # 22 Exhibit 16, # 23 Exhibit 17, # 24 Exhibit 18, # 25 Exhibit 19, # 26 Exhibit 20, # 27 Exhibit 21, # 28 Exhibit 22, # 29 Exhibit 23, # 30 Exhibit 24, # 31 Exhibit 25, # 32 Exhibit 26, # 33 Exhibit 27, # 34 Exhibit 28, # 35 Exhibit 29, # 36 Exhibit 30, # 37 Exhibit 31, # 38 Exhibit 32, # 39 Exhibit 33, # 40 Exhibit 34, # 41 Exhibit 35, # 42 Exhibit 36, # 43 Exhibit 37, # 44 Exhibit 38, # 45 Exhibit 39, # 46 Exhibit 40, # 47 Exhibit 41, # 48 Exhibit 42, # 49 Exhibit 43, # 50 Exhibit 44, # 51 Exhibit 45, # 52 Exhibit 46, # 53 Exhibit 47, # 54 Exhibit 48, # 55 Exhibit 49, # 56 Exhibit 50, # 57 Exhibit 51, # 58 Exhibit 52, # 59 Exhibit 53, # 60 Exhibit 54, # 61 Exhibit 55, # 62 Exhibit 56, # 63 Exhibit 57, # 64 Exhibit 58, # 65 Exhibit 59, # 66 Exhibit 60, # 67 Exhibit 61, # 68 Exhibit 62, # 69 Exhibit 63, # 70 Exhibit 64, # 71 Exhibit 65, # 72 Exhibit 66, # 73 Exhibit 67, # 74 Exhibit 68, # 75 Exhibit 69, # 76 Exhibit 70, # 77 Exhibit 71, # 78 Exhibit 72, # 79 Exhibit 73, # 80 Exhibit 74, # 81 Exhibit 75, # 82 Exhibit 76, # 83 Exhibit 77, # 84 Exhibit 78, # 85 Exhibit 79, # 86 Exhibit 80, # 87 Exhibit 81, # 88 Exhibit 82, # 89 Exhibit 83, # 90 Exhibit 84, # 91 Exhibit 85, # 92 Exhibit 86, # 93 Exhibit 87, # 94 Exhibit 88, # 95 Exhibit 89, # 96 Exhibit 90, # 97 Exhibit 91, # 98 Exhibit 92, # 99 Exhibit 93, # 100 Exhibit 94, # 101 Exhibit 95, # 102 Exhibit 96, # 103 Exhibit 97, # 104 Certificate of Service)(Bridges, Andrew)

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EXHIBIT 86 ·STATE'OFCALlF.DRNlA ·s·u1NbARb : GREEttJ1ENt· A , 51_ ~1 ;! (~ev 0~lo;)) 0 : 'Af3S.El:MliJ'l:T.NUUBER; : Ma:a-J\Yt - -- - - - - -- -~------ -~--=-"""'""'-;,;,;,;,.,:-i•i~i@ii_~,,.Jl-,,Nc_'-N"" ;-,,: ..;...,~.;..,..----~_;_i ·; ,__- ~--,~p""•it~,..:• t th1s.Aweema::i_i·;-.enter-;d:in:t{) baiwae;'.~~State.t f\_g;!WY~nct'ti:is_ pqlrector Tiatnea··b?]qvi: !s_ ''na ·AGi:r1i::ft{ rm!lt. Dt;ipar/nwrjt citGer~~raL-$einti~s, Califqmla Builtji_ng $1and~(d~:¢ornmtssion: CONT&ICTOR:S.«~Mfi. . Nationaff=fre P,ro. ectiqn:Assotiiation f 2, Tlie (erln ofUiis May 1:, 201 a: )-\grn~roenfll!( PP1AAn,~~~;qi;$ :,pproyal{v,-hlcyi?Vor Is Islet 11J.r9l!-.91, Qes;e.mber3i, ~0{9 3. 'Phe n1aximum,·amouMf $0.0.0 ,oH~l~i.\gr~~nJent I~: ZQl'.Q!J9,lli;u·$ A. The:pSir11e.s~gi:e.e to 'c~h'!p]y wllh, h.e:lerms.and c6t~dltlonsiof the following1 .ex11lblts wfllch'are,by tliis ref~reriee patl of:lha 1Agfeemerit. . . 0 ~~!bit' A,- ~9qpEf¢.f WP!:~ m~a;;- ·7·es :2 PagEis l=xblblt "A, -Ai techrm!ntA.,.;Oe·pos'iiory,L1brt1rles E~hib:it A, ·f\t<a·cii;rn.13nt s"' s~lt;i9l_ DapQsllory !;.lbi:arles iV[j :E)lbjb_it /i,,; :At{aphmenJo·- G0{J1J.Adoplion,/jycle E.«l~ibit B _ -:Payment..<1hd Co;Tipensatiori PrrMsions .Exhibit c•-;-- Genaral C()ridltlcns 4 ·pages :f: :Pag· e ,2-'J:>ages· lerms·snd <Irc -trn: iioms-sfiowrnvllii an Arierfsk·(?i ora /J9retrim.)orporaled by r9ierence f:!rT~·m<Jrlo,J>a(tpfOJts:fJgrof/mant:cifl alt~choti hereto._ .ThesedOCi.11nan(s·can·be.''.1ei~ed;~l\.vWw.dgs.C8.ffOv(ols!Resoor:oe,<JIStan'd81dContr_eqtUmgilag(J;E}.spx IN WiTlilE.$$ WHEREo"F; fh!S AQreemorifhiis boen~ oxactit"ed _ itre:p~~li~s·_!1~~i9; ~, .,..D""A"":rs.,,.-$""JG"" . ~,::·i;""o"" .r..,., _ (0t-i_ 'P.,,~l~'R l9""U_l' s. .. :JJ,··Uo .,.,, ,;;;, ...,pp.,Ntiil.fl'i!r.;f,,J.._:~ o11:;:;T;:;:tE;:;-O;z,F"l';tdE;;;RS;;:;O.,N;S _ win' ;JGr->Nrn~~;;;G-- ~ ---.......J.....:.;;;___,:_ kirnberl;y :.. Ponies, btvislon Diracfor, 'Prodltct Development 1~'.l.t,man;h ~,k, ,:M,cy, ~ ~ 169 STATE OFCAL.IFORNIA Qepa.rJment·o'f(leneral Seh.i!ces, :Suild1lig:Sta11dardS-Commi~ioh ,~_.:..-~A'-"".:.,'>..,..___).. ,.o.,.,·.,. . . _,...,,-= 'P .D•---"· t-1: h •.·· ,;,. I:: .. MAY !l I 2016 . J - ~F.Fi1::~oF:lE~AlSERv.iri:i:sD!:i?T: 01',GENEflAUSl:flVlCES - -~ : 'o Exomplpcr. PRINTED NAMF. AND- ITLE:,~ -PERSON.SIGNll-:GT fv1] a·Marile1u, -1:xMLtiva Difector ,APbRESS _ . AOENC'I N~IME -~?' ne'.~J' ~ _;,_.,;._.;..__ \ ;< - .252- ::Nl;itornei.~.Park Drive, Suite.1 5 ·30 sacram. nt,\ CA~5833 e Li JC EXHIBITl Depbh'¥?tt \) ·€.-\ (, ',;-\ '1 -i °'I Date_ _ _ Rptr._ _ Wl.VW.DEPOBOOK.COM PR0_ 00263324 Bulldlng Standards Cotnmlsslori 2016 Ca.Jlfornla Electrical Code Publication Agreement Contract #3188107; Exhibit A; Page 1 of7 EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF ·WORK The 2016 California Elect1ical Code (California Code of Regulations, Tftle 24, Part 3) is based · on the 2014 National Electrical Code®. The California Electrical Code includes both provisions of the model code and amendments to the code adopted by California. The National Fire Protection Association, Inc. (NFPN 1) owns the copyright to the National Electrical Code and the acronym (NECe). 1. PROJECT SUMMARY Pursuant to Health and Safety Code Sections 18928.1 and 18942, the California Building Standards Commission (CBSC} and Natlonal Fire Protection Association (NFPA) will . oordinate 111e publication of the 2016 California Electrical Code (Title 24, c Part 3). All activities hereto that are the responsibility of the NFPA may be carried out by or through an NFPA approved authorized 'licensee or subcontractor at the discretion of NFPA. The description NFPA and NFPA and/or Authorized Agent and Llcensee Is used interchangeably, except where noted. A. W HEREAS, NFPA is the sole owner of t he copyright to the NFPA 70@ National Electrical Code® 2014 Edition, as well as the trademark to t he title National Electrical Code® and the acronym NEC® {hereinafter referred 1o as "2014 ~EC"):' and B. WHEREAS, CBSC periodically adopts, approves and codifies electrical code . standards and amendments, which may be based on an ex!_ting r(]Odel ~l§9trloal s code, and publishes them as the California Electrical Code, California Code of Regulations, Trtle 24, Part 3 (hereinafter referred to as the "CEO"); and c. WHEREAS, CBSC desires to publish a 2016 edition of the CEC containing.those portions of the 2014 NEC, as adopted by CBSC, that have been approved and codified by CBSC, tt1osa porllons of the 2014 NEC that have been modified by CBSC, and the California amendments thereto {hereinafter referred to as the "20·16 CEC''); and D. WHEREAS, NFPA and CBSC desire to publish t he 2016 CEC in a pre-assembled loose-leaf and fully integrated format on or before July 1, 2016; and E. WHE:REAS, NFPA and CBSC desire to mako arrangements for annual amendments to the 2016 CEC (hereinafter referred to as the ''2016 CEC Supplements"), errata supplements, and emergency supplements. NOW THEREFORE, In consideration of the mutual covenants set forth herein and for other · · good and valuable consideration, the Parties agree as follows: PRO_00263325 , <B~tclihg -Standards Gbrnmlsslim Q(}16,Electr.lcaJOo@ ·puJ.:JU aalJ'on Agreem~oi ",~raracH/~1~~'10'7; E}d:ifoitA; Page; 2,~f:'T · i ·I ~- J:i'R(iJ~eT "Eil::SPf{E.SEN:tAr:tv~s: A : 'heProJe-atitepres· ntaflve'il-j'udrif,.©' lh~'ijBn;rj ofilj!~ a.9re~.rn.eDtwi.U:O,e: 1 e t ijpri_ti;a_c:,'tQr'S' :Q'atifrae\Adtnlra\~t.r:ami :t{Ei~1i1;, ·i!~:5:Nafoma.s P-artJ~rl~e-#f.~ill ~f;l~l'Jlfa.rt.tP.r <i3A~~~ij [~1~) ~ey·$-. '~$§ Q ;\!{-ev1h.d'ay@tlct~t~a·.gov· ..D..ehM.RaWe~ i~l~A i : atfer¥marcl::t i;,.arf< a . Q~fhsy-. M~--~ .t$9/f~ . .{~rf:1);c$.EJ,}-,7$.~ l$. :dto.s~@iifpa.6rg ;a. A~Y i:il'oar,1~·$.sJ~ - Y:it1t~Gttir'S·»wJMt:repr-e~renfa~:es::: must i5e re.-pttrtl:!!l :t~ ~lil~O 4 QS,'$.~J.C'Qr.itmctA®:Jfnlstrato~ and Nf~A llllme:dfafe(y,.rn Wl'i~nQ. -· 1 :M'E ·~o-R• ' AN·"'j~o!t-'..,.../1,1: •a. ". ··• '' M ' l - - :,t: · ~ , Rr.;.~.' , -. · v.. : ·:-c.:..1.J:i .Wa.~ c 'G .. ~i'.ant-0.f l:icens-e,for: 06.0. - ' ;:.. ' - - - ·- - - l l t i 1 ' 1,. fuJiJJtsti,:Pifilh .r~prtnt.;w, ;Qls1rit,,ijt~-?:lt<o-r,~f.1X!J:~!;},f!.e.pfthe.,LiGf/[llae,\'.! Pro.petls, ·_ d thii!t h,1\ts !~ij@ft madifl'~!'.f W Qa$g ~Iion 1h~'((~,IJ•-WliJ'.9 ''t'~m1~ and oo:n.difior:r~.: in t~~' ~watlf lfl:at·NF~AJm!ab.ha_Ji~ ijftl{Q'.ation o·r. ~trninate~-f)].~ Ag_rggme_ r s f Ql;:>Q ome-rw.!'$. .di-sconrtoues l()'S:n ot roai,a.-.a-va1fa'151~ 'for:"safathe C.o.i:le, · e . fheD -0'.B.$:.CI m~¥ caue,e (Q: ~Trit amt p.ub'.!l's.h'~[ !l)rafiyJm.i-es ·Qf-~l'.iiii;·Code:that if;iwt,\$ peep:;.QJQ~)JI~~r{;;i,y: Q~{?for i~ ~J;if;. iaPFI fot §fSt~rfu tt~~-P\J~Iic·t1nxfl ~ublishi,:,. ·!th:e,reof ist~o.~r:ntnene~¢J;>:y N;~'_P'A ;qr, yntu pr)!?, I\Un~r'.l:Jlrt~\ei~rar ~ dMg {ilJO}.i!fterpublltitltloti "Gi:Hfue: rn~t:a'd!fJQ°n :ofil't& CE~c Wil!i.t:r~v,~r 9~~~li~ .H. Ur~;:witno.ut '.(fQftlJleJit5.S:tfo~ NE'1:A-- if~f ant tlm.e;r.Ii!bntq·tlt~:-~'!sCt:Jt.ltlhu~t(~p o:r pm' IWFP'Athe.:Cfl,d~,batofl'.\~$: fijmp.urali~Y::~ ut;of j:lr1.tal',o:r·unat:anabl?j• ~Jh~~I~l'iJfgrrlheT,~f y1;1nnot·P§ fvrn.~lxecl Wthln tli_Uo/·:{$OJ ~:rs·aftsr ln~~~ i_ ar.e teetue'.stwcHor p(treh'a,$.~ ~¥ a,1:1,y:p~l'}n -o-r !'.;)nt)Jy:, tJS:SC: 1 11:;i;~:wlfhcruf 'b:eln~nn vielaftb-tt ofthte • iM:~transferab1e licensa-:~r¢-Jis1biJ h~rt'll~\ 'Ci\lLI!!g~ p1 . f ~q. iBl:ifr1 c;f pubii'sh. :ny. rlf fhe:ui:iaval/ahfe:docrm1ents·i!Ot lt~',e'W.F) ·1:1se-and 'for-a~~ iol h~ a : P,11 in qua.ritl.tte. to·. meet 1rmrre.dlate,demat1d, tmtll Ni=PA mcotnntel'.lc. i:s blfo: s E PRO_00263326 Building Standards Commission 2016 California Electrical Code Publicatiori Agreement Contract #3188107; Exhibit A; Page 3 of 7 furnishing copies or until one hundred and eighty (180) days after publication of the next edition of the CEC, whichever occurs first, without compensating NFPA. 2. Make such changes to the Licensed Property as.CBSC determines are' required for the Code. 3. Affix copyright and trademari< notices to the Code as directed by CBSC and required by NFPA~ 4. Post all supplements which may contain material copyrighted by NFPA on the NFPA website In "read-only'' format B. By CBSC. CBSC hereby grants to NFPA an exclusive, worldwide license to copy, print, publish, distribute and sell the Code and all Code Supplements in accordance with th0 terms of this Agreement. 5. SERVICE DETAILS . A. Technical Services. Immediately after the execution of this Agreement, NFPA shall commence the following services: 1. NFPA shall, in accordance with"the specific formatting requirements and editorial and publication timetable herein, print, publish and make available to the State of Califomla, local governmental agencies, and to the general public, copies of the Code In a loose-leaf format. The Code shall be p1inted and published Jn a fully integrated format that incorporates, into a fully merged, contiguous and pre~assembled document, all portions of the 2014 NEC approved and codiflecl by the CBSC, those portions of the 2014 NEC that have been modified by the CBSC, and all qalifornla amendments. 2. NFPA shall print and publish all 2O16 CEC Supplements on a regular basis so ; I l that all customers have available an accurate and up-to-date Code, provided, however, that NFPA shall not be required to print, publish and distribute special supplements for minor or Inconsequential errors or changes. Special supplements for minor or inconsequential en"Ors and/or changes shall be posted on NFPA website and shalt be provided to CBSC fo1• posting on CBSC's website In a "read-only" format. 3. t'-WPA has provided CBSC with three (3) copies of the final text corresponding to the printed version of the· 2013 Coda, and three (3) copies of all 2013 supplements, supplements In response to emergency regulations, and all related errata sheets, in an electronic version in efectronlc fo!'mat that allows editing of text solely for code development purpcses. PRO_00263327 Building Standards Commissioo 2016 California Electrical Code Publication Agreement Contract #3188107; Exhibit A; Page 4 of 7 6. WORK DETAILS A. NFPA shall, in accordance with the specific fonnattlng requirements and editorial and publication timetable set forth herein, print, publish and make available for sale to the State of California, local governmental agencies, and to the general public on or before July 1, 2016 or at a later date as set by CBSC, copies of the 2016 CEC In a loose-leaf format wherein all portions of the Licensed Property that have been approved and codified by Cl3SC, including those portions of the Licensed Property that have been modified by CBSC, as well as California amendments thereto, are fully merged and Integrated into a contiguous and pre-assembled form and not provided as separate sheets. To meetthe JuIy·1, 2016 publication date, CBSC must deliver to NFPA the proofed and approved final text on or before May 15, 2016. In the event CBSC fails to deliver to NFPA the proofed and approved final text on or before May 15, 2016, NFPA shall be provided with a period of 45 days from .receipt of delivery of said final text from CBSC in which to prtnt, publish and make available for sale the Code.· B. All those portions of the Licensed Property, be it cl1apters, sections, provjsions, tables, appendices, references, etc., which CBSC or any authorized agency does not adopt as a part of Title 24 shall bo shown with a stril<e through the language in the code. NFPA will show non~adopted language in legislative (strike thru) text and will note as not adopted by tile Slate on each page. C. All Errata and/or Supplements to the 2014 Licensed Property as originally adopted by CBSC as the Code which are thereafter generated by NFPA shall not be printed . in the Code unless expressly approved by the CBSC. D. CBSC shall submit to NFPA and/or Authorized Agent and Licensee its modifications to the 2014 Licensed Property. Within a reasonable time after.tho receipt thereof from CBSC, NFPA and/or Authorized Agent and Licensee shall furnish to CBSC a . copy of tile initial draft of the Code for review by CBSC. E. ·WITHIN a reasonable time after receipt of the inttial draft of the 2016 CEC from NFPA and/or Authorized Agent and Licensee,, CBSC shall submit its revisions to the initial draft to NFPA and/or Authorized Agent and Licensee. Within a reasonable time after receipt of CBSC's revisions to the initial draft, NFPA and/or Authorized Agent and Licensee shall make any further modifications and submit to CBSC a sec.'Ond draft. F. WITHIN a reasonable time after receipt of the second draft of the Code ·from NFPA and/or AL1thorized Agent and Licensee, CBSC shall submit its revisions 1o the . second draft to NFPA and/or Authorized Agent and Licensee. Within a reasonable time after receipt of CBSC's revisions to the second draft, NFP/\ anct/or Authorized Agent and Licensee shall make an~, further modifications and submit to CBSC a final draft. G. NFPA and/or Authorized Agent and Licensee shall thoroofter publish and make available for sale to the Siate of California, and to the general public, copies of the PRO_00263328 Building Standards Commission 2016 California Electrlcal Code Publication Agreement Contract#3188107; Exhibit A; Page 5 of7 Code. If CBSC promptly delivers to NFPA and/or Authorized Agent and licensee the submissions from CBSC as set forth in paragraphs above, NFPA shall ensure that the Code is available for sale within 1hirty~five (35) days of receipt from CBSC of-fully proofed and approved final text in either electronic format or camera ready copy. H. Time Is of the essence: 1 .. Because the Code may have significant effects on the txJfety of the State's built environment and its citizens, time is of the essence in performing t11e herein duties. 2. The July 1, 2016, date to publish the Code is of critical Importance, Publication is defined as the documents being printed and available for delivery. 3. CBSC and t-:JFPA shall commit staff and resources to expedite their diligent work and coop·erate toward the within Publication schedules and goals. 4, Due to the variations of their size and complexity, it is impossible to herein establish schedules for Publication of any Sup'plsments or Errata. Therefore, when CBSC submits any Supplements or Errata to NFPA, a Publication Schedule of milestone dates, includlng a Publication and Effective date, shall. be mutually determined. That Publication Schedule, due·to possible coordination with other contractors, is of crftlcal importance. NFPA shall notify CBSC within 15 calendar days following creation of the Publication Schedule if they, for valid reason(s)·glven, cannot meet the Schedule and Include a proposed Schedule which they can meet. CBSC must concur in the acceptance of any now Schedule. Wltl1out such no11fication, or concurrence with a new Publication Schedule, CBSC shall expect NFPA and/or Authorized Agent and Licensee to abide by the proposed Schedule. 5." ·Neither NFPA nor CBSC shall be held liable or responsible for any times or dates set out in this publication agreement if such failure to meet that time or date comes about as a result of any strike, unauthorized work stoppage, civil unrest, legal requirement or impediment, storm, fire, flood or other act of God for which NFPA or CBSC Is not othetwlse responsible. I. Formatting, layout and other requirements not contained herein for publication of the Code will be set forth and/or.confirmed in subsequent correspondence between the Parties. Said formatting, layout and other requirements include, bu1 are not limited to, the following: · 1. Code a. A "pre-ass~mbled code" numbered consecutively, printed oi1 20 lb. or 24 lb. stocl< (depending on page count), 84 or higher brightness, 8-1/2" by 11" white paper In a seven-hole loose-leaf format confi_guration - the same configuration as that used for the 2013 CEC. b. The black body copy font shall be 10 pt. Times Roman with bold section num~ers. Headings shall be 10 pt. Helvetica bold. c. Each binder volume that has a ring metal greater than 2" shall be equipped with front and bacl< heavy~duty page lifters and, when containing PRO_00263329 Building Stahdards Commission 2016 Callfornia Electrical Code Publication Agreement Contract #3188107; Exhibit A; Page 6 of7 more than one Part of Title 24, a heavywweight reinforced tab dlvlder shall be included. d. Volume binders shall conform to the design and colors selected by CBSC and sized appropriately for the contents which shall be shrink wrapped to ensure completeness. · · e. NFPA and/or Authorized Agent and Licensee will Integrate existing 2014 Licensed Property language with California amendments to be reviewed and approved by CBSC. First review and schedule will be agreed upon by the parties. f. NFPA and/or Authorized Agent and Licensee and GBSC will work out a schedule for completion of the code to ensure publication and its availability on or before July 1, 2016. Attachment C, Califomia Triennial Code Adoption Cycle Schedule will be used as the basis for developing this schedule. 2. Index will it appears in the 2014 Licensed Property with California amendments as necessary. 3. italics shall not be used to identify defined terms. · 4. The front of each volume shall contain the following documents, This Information will be provided to NFPA and/or Al.Jtl1ori2ed Agent and Licensee by CBSC no later than April 1, 2016: a. CoverArt b. Preface c . Acknowledgement 'l d. California Agency lnform~tion Contact List ·1 e. How to Distinguish Between Model Code Language and Californla I Amendments · 5. California language will bo in italics or other form as specified by codification. I l l 6. J'.'.11 chapters will begin on a right hand page. 7. Running heads will read "2016 California Electrical Code" etc. 8. State-agency acronyms will be used throughout the 20i6 Code. 9. NFPA and/or Authorized Agent and Licensee will subrnit binder specifications 'for approval by CBSC. 10. The Matrix Adoption Table will be in the front ·of each correlating chapter of the Code and avallabl0 as a supplement so it can be Inserted in the front of each Code. 11. NFPA and/or Authorized Agent and Licensee shall supply a postage-paid return card for each purchaser to apply for complimentary automatic receipt of all supplements and errata sheeis. NFPA and/or Authorized Agent and PRO_00263330 Building Standards Commission 20'16 California Electrical Code Publication Agreement Contract#3188107; Exhibit A; Page 7 of7 Licensee wlll maintain the mailing list, and print, m•ail and verify dellve1y of supplements and errata sheets. 12.A card may be placed in the Code advertising other NFPA and/or Authorized Agent and Licensee publications. J. Supplements and Errata 1. Supplements to the code shall be printed on 20 lb. light blue paper, sevenhole drilled and be indlvidually shrink-wrapped. · 2. Supplements shall be printed to Insert by page substitution and contain a publication, effective date and 'Blue' on the bottom of each page. 3. Regular supplements shall be published as needed .. 4. Emergency supplemenis shall be published on an "as needed basis." 5. Errata Sheets sl)all be printed on 20 lb. buff paper, seven-hole drilled and be lndlvldually shrink-wrapped. 6. Errata Sheets shall be printed to insert by page subsiitution and contain a publication, effective date and 'Buff' on the bottom of each page. 7. The number of the supplements shall be the number of the page where the section and paragraph reside~ followed by .1, .2, .3 etc. K Distribution 1. NFPA shall establish a distribution method in consultation with th_ CBSC. e .2.. NFPA shall distribute a minimum of 200 complimentary copies of the Code as per 11st provided by CBSC on or before Jl1ly 1, 2016 3. NFPA may wholesale the Code to o1her re-sellers in California. 4. NFPA reserves the right to include advertising material of related support products/services in distribution of the Code, provided said material is not a part of the official text of the California Electrical Code. Any advertising would be clearly denoted and Included as a separate insert. PRO_00263331 Building Standards Commisslon 2016 California Electrical Code Publicallon Agreement Contract #3188107; Exhibit A, Attachment A; Page 1 of 2 Exhibit A, Attachment A Depository Libraries Under the provisions of the Library Distribution Act (Government Code sections 14905, 14906, and 14907), the libraries listed below have contracted with the Department of General Services to serve as complete or selective depositories. They agree to provide adequate facilities for the shelving and use of the publications deposited with them render reasonable service without charge to qualified patrons, and retain all publications received until authorized to dispose of them. Complete Depository Libraries One copy of each state publication as defined in Government Code section 14902 must be placed on deposit with each complete depository. In addition, provisions of the State Administrative Manual authorize those libraries mari<ed with an asterisk in the 11st below to receive the number of copies recorded ·after the ently. · California State Archives, 1020 O Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 California State Libra1y, Information Resources and Government Publications, P.O. Box 942837, Sacramento, CA 94237•0001 {IMS: 900 N Street, E-29) (two copies) California State University, Chico, Merriam Library, Government Publications Dept., Chico, CA 95929-0295 Fresno Cotmly Free Library, Government Publir-atlons, 2420 Mariposa St., Fresno, CA 937212285 Library of congress, Anglo•American Acquisition Division, Government Documen1s Section, . .1Q1 Independence Av~ S.E., Washington,. D.C., 20540-4172 .. Los Angeles Public Library, Serials Division, 630 W. Fifth St., Los Angeles, CA 90071-2002 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Llbr1:iry, Government Publications, San Jose State University, One Washington Square, San Jose, CA 95192-0008 San Diego Public Library, Government Publications Unit, 330 Park 131vd., San Diego, CA . 92101 San Diego State University, Malcolm A. Love Library, Government Publications & Maps Division, 5500 Campanile Drive, San Diego, CA 92182-8050 San Francisco Public Llbrary, Government Information Center, 100 Larkin St., San Francisco, CA 94102 . Green Library, Receiving,_ Stanford University libraries, 557 Escondido Mall, Stanford, CA 94305 University of California, Berkeley, Government Documents Technical Services, 250 Moffitt · Library, Berl<eley, CA 94720-6000 · University of California, Davis, Shields Library, Government lnfonnation' and Maps Department, 1DO North West Quad, Davis, CA 95616-5292 University of California, Los Angeles, Charles E. Young Research Library A4510 Government . Information, Box 951575, Los Angeles, CA 90095•1575 University of California, San Diego, Government Documents Unit, 9500 Gilman Drive o·t 75P, La Jolla, CA 92093-01.75 . PRO_00263332 Building Standards Commission 2016 California Electrical Coda Publication Agreement Contract #3188107; Exhibit A, Attachmenf A; Page 2 of 2 Univarsity·of California, Santa Barbara, Library, Serials Receiving, Santa Barbara, CA 93106- 9010 .! i i ' PRO_00263333 Building Standards Commission 2016 California Electrical Code Public~tionAgreement Contract#3188107; Exhibit A, Attachment B; Page 1 of 4 Exhibit A, Attachment B 'Selective Depository Libraries Selective depositories receive one copy of each printed publication distributed by the Office of State Publishing. They also receive publications distributed directly by issu·ing agencies. Special subsets of the Selectlve Depository Libraries ai·e the Law Libraries. They receive one copy of each printed publlcatlon from OSP and a single copy from Issuing agencies. Law library depositqrles differ ln having special document retention requirements pursuant to section 14909 of the California Government Code. Law Libraries are indicated in this list by the term "Law" before their entiy. AK. Smiley Public Library, 125 West Vine St., Redlands, CA 92373 Law Bernard E. Witkin Alameda County Law Libra1y, 125-12 St., Oakland, CA 94607-4912 Alhambra Public Library, 101 South First Street, Alhambra, CA 91801 Butte County Library, 1820 Mitchell Avenue, Oroville, CA 95966-5387 California Polytechnic State University, Library-Government Documents Section, 1 Grand Avenue, San Luis Obispo, CA 93407 Californla State Polytechnic University, Pomona, Library-Serials Unit, Building 15, Suite 1919, 3801 W. Temple Ave., Pomona, CA 91768-2557 California State University, Bakersfield, Walter Stiern Library, Library-Documents Section, 9001 Stockdale Highway, Bakersfield, CA 93311-1099 Califomla State University, Dominguez Hllls, Library-Government Doeuments, 800 E.Viciorta St., Carson, CA 90747 California State University, Fresno, Henry Madden Library, Government Documents Dept., 5200 N. Barton, M/S ML34, Fresno, CA 93740-8014· Callfomla State University, Fullerton, Library-Documents State, P.O. Box 4150, Fullerton, CA 92834--4150 . Callfomla State University, East Bay, Library-Documents, 25800 Carlos Bee Blvd. Hayward, CA 94542 California State University, Long Beach, Library Government Documents, 'I 250 Bellflower Blvd., Long Beach, CA 90840-1901 California State Universlfy, Los Angeles, John F. Kennedy Library, Government Information Services, 5151 State·universlty Dr., Los Angeles, CA 90032~ 8300 California State University, Nmthridge, Oviatt Library Government Documents, 18111 Nordhoff St., Northrldge, CA 91330-8328 California State University, Sacramento, Library-Documents, 2000 State . University Dr., East, Sacramento, CA 95819-6039 California State University, San Bernardino, Library, 5500 University Parkway, SanBernardlno, CA 92407M2397 CaHfornia State University San Marcos, Library, State Documents, 333 S. Twin Oaks Valley Road, San Marcos, CA 92096-0001 PRO_00263334 Building Standards Commission 2016 California Electrical Code Publication Agreemen1 Contract #3188107; Exhibit A, Attachment B; Page 2 of 4 Law Law Law Law Law Law California State Universlty, Stanl~laus, Library, Documents Dept., One Unlverslty Circle, Turlock, CA 95382-0299 California State Unfverslty, Board of Trustees, Office of Governmental Affairs, CA 915 L Street, Suite 1160, Sacramento, CA 95814 Calffornla Judicial Center Library, 456 Golden Gate Avenue, Room 4617, San Francisco, CA 94102 California Western School of Law Library, 225 Cedar St., San Diego, CA 921013090 Chula Vista Public Library, 365 F Street, Chula Vlsta, CA 91910 Contra Costa County Library, Documents Section, 1750 Oak Park Boulevard, Pleasant Hill, CA 94623-4497 Court of Appeal Library, Second APP?llate District, 300 S. Sprtng St., Los Angeles, CA 90013 El Centro Public Library, 1140 N. lmperiai Ave., El Centro, CA 92243 Fremoni Main Library, 2400 Stevenson Blvd., Fremont, CA 94538-2326 Garden Grove Regional Branen, Orange County Public Library, 11200 S'lanford AVenue, Garden Grove, CA 92840 · Golden Gate University Law Library, !536 Mission St., San Francisco, CA 94105 Hastings College of the Law Library, 200 McAllister St., San Francisco, CA 94102 Honnold/Mudd Library, Government Publications Dept., Claremont Colleges, 800 N. Dartmouth Ave., Claremont, CA 91711-3907 Humboldt County Library, Public Services Division, 1313 Third Street, Eureka, . CA 95501- 0533 Humboldt state University, Government Documents Section, 1 Harpst Street, Arcata, CA 95521 · Inglewood Public Library·, 101 West Manchester Boulevard; Inglewood, CA 90301-1771 Kern County Law Library, 1415 Truxtun, Room 301, Bal<ersfield, CA 93301 Kern County Library, Calffornia Documents Dept., 701 'fruxtun Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93301-4517 Law Kings County Law Library, 1400 West Lacey Boulevard, Hanford, CA 93230 Long Beach Public Library, 101 Pacific Avenue, Long Beach, CA 90822-1097 · Law Los Angeles County Law Library, 301 W. First St., Los Angeles, CA 90012-31 00 County of Los Angeles Public Libra1y, Lancaster Library, 601 W. Lancaster Blvd., Lancaster, CA 93534 Coun{y of Los Angeles Public Library, Norwalk Library, 12350 Imperial Highway, Norwalk,CA 90650 Law McGeorge School of Law, Library, Documents Dept., 3282 Fifth Ave., Sacramento, CA 95817 Monterey County Free Libraries, Seaside Branch Library, 550 Harcourt Avenue, Seaside, CA 93955 Napa City~County Libra1y, 580 Coombs Street, Napa, CA 94559-3340 Oakland Public Library., 125 Fourteenth St., Oakland, CA 94612 Lc1w Orange County Public Law Library, 516 N. Flower, Santa Ana, CA 92703~2354 PRO_00263335 Building Standards Commission 2016 California Electrical Code Publlcation Agreement Contract #3188107; Exhibit A, Attachment B; Page 3 of 4 Law Law Law Law Law Law Law Law Law Law Law Pasadena Public Library, 285 East Walnut Street, Pasadena, CA 91101-1556 Redding .Library, Attn. Government Documents, 1100 Parl<yiew Ave., Redding, CA 96001 Redwood City Public Library, Documents, 1044 Middlefield Road, Redwood City, CA 94063-1808 Richmond Public _Library, Government Documents Dept., 325 ClVic Center Plaza, Richmond, CA 94804 Riverside County Law Library, 3989 Lemon St., Riverside, CA 92501-4203 Sacramento County Public Law Library, 609 Ninth St., Sacramento, CA 95814 Sacramento Public Library, Central Library-Reference Department, ~28 I Street, Sacramento, CA 95814-2508 · San Bernardino County Law Llbrary, 402 North ' D" Street, San Bernardino, CA 92401 San Bernardino Public Library, Documents, 555 W. Sixth St., San Bernardino, CA 92410 San Bernardino Valley College Library, 701 South Mt. Vernon Avenue, San Bern:;.irdlno, CA 92410 San Diego County law Llbra1y, 1105 Front Si., San Diego, CA 92101w3999 San Francfsco Siate University, Government Publications Dept., J. Pal.ll Leonard Library, 1630 Holfoway Ave., San Francisco 94132w4030 San Joaquin County Law Library, l<ress Legal Center, 1st floor, 20 N. Sutter St., Stockton, CA 95202 San Luis Obispo City-County library, P.O. 8ox 8107, San Luis Obispo, CA ·9~403 . San Luis Obispo County Law Library, 1050 Monterey St., Room 125, San Luis Obispo, CA 93408 San Mateo County Law Library, 710 Hamttton St., Redwood City, CA 94063 San Mateo Public Library, 65 West Third Avonu0, San .Mateo, CA 94402-1592 Santa Barbara County Law Library, Courthouse, 1100 Anacapa St, Second Floor, Santa Barbara, CA 93101 Santa.Barbara Public Library, P.O. Box 1019, Santa Barbara, CA 93102-1019 Santa Clara County Law Library, 360 N. First St., San Jose, CA 95113-1004 Santa Clara University, Government Documents Dept., Mic~el Orradre Library, 500 El . Camino Real, Santa Clara, CA 95053-0500 Santa Cruz County Law Library, 701 Ocean St., Rm. 070, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 Santa Cruz Public L:lbrary, Documents Section, 224 Church Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 Santa Maria Public Library, Reference Dept., 421 S. McClelland, Santa Maria, · CA 93454 Santa Monica Public Library, 601 $anta Monica Blvd., Santa Monica, CA 90401 Sonoma County Law Library, 2604 Ventura Ave., Santa Rosa, CA 95403 Sonoma County Library, 211 E Street, Santa Rosa, CA 95404 So'lJthwestern University School of Law Library, Government Documents, 3050 Wilshire · I PRO_00263336 . Building Standards Commission 2016 California Electrical Code Publication Agreement Contract#3188107; Exhibit A, Atlacllment B; Page 4 of .4 Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90010-1106 . . · Law Stanford University, Law Libra1y, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, CA 943058612 Stanislaus County Free Library, 1500· I Street, Modesto, CA 95354-1166 Stockton-San Joaquin County Public Library, 605 Notih El Dorado Street, Stocl,ton, GA 95202 Thousand Oaks Library, Technical Services Dept., 2331 Borchard Rd., Newbury Parl<, CA 91320 Law University of California, Berkeley, Law Library, Boalt Hall, Berkeley, CA 947207210 Law Law Library Documents Dept., University of California, 400 Mrak Hall Drive, Davis, CA 95616-5203 University of California, lrvlne Libraries, Government lnfonnation Department, 8l1lld,ing 520, Ayala Science Library Receiving Dock, Irvine, CA 92697 Law University of California, Los Angeles, Law Library, 1106 Law Building., 405 Hllgard Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90095-1458 University of California, Riverside, Rivera Llbrary, Government Publications, P.O. Box 5900, Riverside, CA 92517-5900 University of California, Santa Cruz;, University Library, Government Publications, 1156 High Street. Santa Cruz, CA 95064 Law University of La Verne College of Law Llbn:1ry, 320 East D St., Ontario, CA 91764 Law University of San Diego, School qf Law Library, 5998 Alcala Parl<, San Diego, CA 92110-2492 Law University of San Francisco, Zies Law Library, l~endrick Hall, 2130 Fulton St., San Francisco, CA94117 Law University of Southern -Cal!foml.a, Law Library, 699 Exposition Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90089-0072 University of Southern California, Government Documents, Von Kleinsmid Library, 3518 Trousdale Parkway, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0048 Law Ventura County .Law Library, Courthouse, 800 S. Victoria Ave., Ventura; CA 93009-2020 . Law Whittier College School of Law, Library, 3333 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa, CA 92626 PRO_00263337 Fl\iflalng $ta,n9~rq~ Po.mml~~Ji;>.!) ~ 1~ -¢ ~r~ctdP,?}'¢.ode-P.ulillca-tt.on Agreement 0 Cotttrt:trn #a.t~&1,07f il:!!<lilblt:A,, Attacllitfe.tit-~; Pa·§e il1 -oJ 1 ,exbfbft:A,. Attachment to: ...~Ot6Jl'.lt~rw~mln9 . o:de.Ad(:ipfa:sn Cycr ' ~ ~ ';~l!: .IJJitJ1!,i\!, i @JIIS(1!? ~l~Jl~: PR0_ 00263338 Bulldlng Standards Comtnlsslon 2016 Qalifornla Electrical Code Publication Agreement Contract#3188107; Exhibit B; Page 1 of2 EXHIBIT 8 PAYMENT AND COMPENSATION PROVISIONS A. Compensation. In consideration of the opportunity provided to NFPA by CBSC to make sares of the Code, no fees, royalties or other payments of any nature shall be required to be paid by CBSC to NFPA with respect to. this Agr-00men1 or the licenses granted hereunder. · B. Sale of Code, NFPA agrees to furnish the Code In loose-leaf fortnat on the following basis: 1. NFPA shall make the Gode, desctibed in Exhlbi_t A Paragraphs 5 A 1. and 5 A 2., available to the State, local governmental agencies, and the general public at a price established by NFPA that will entitle the purchaser to receive all 2016 CEC Supplements, supplements to the 2016 CEC-ln response to emergency regula1ions, and all rel_ted Errata sheets from NFPA at no additional charge. a 2. Any bookstore or other vendor n;ay purchase the Code from NFPA for resale and may resell the same at any price which will entitle the purchaser to receive all subsequent 2016 CEC supplements, supplements to the 2016 CEC in response to emergency regulations, and all related errata sheets from NFPA at no additional charge. • 3. NFPA shall provide CBSC with three (3) copies of the final text corresponding to tho printed version of the 2016 Code, and three (3) copies of all 2016 supplements, supplements in response to emergency regulations, and all related errata sheets, In an ele<,'tronlc version in electronic format that allows editing of text solely for code development purposes. 4. NFPA may sell the Code in any formats it so chooses, including but not limited to: priryt, eBool<s, and subscription service. 5. NFPA and/or Authorized Agent and L!censee will send the state an annual report · of units sold. Reports must be malled to: CBSC Contract Adm;nistrator f<evin Day 2525 Natomas Parf< Drive #130 Sacramento, CA 95833 C. State Code Distribution. The Library Distribution Act (LOA) established a system to distribute California State agency publications to libraries ln order to make such PR0_ 00263339 Building Stanrlards Commission 2016 California Electrical Code Publication Agreement Contract #3188107; Exhibit B; Page 2 or 2 publications Widely available to residents of the State of California .. During the tenn of this Agreement, NFPA shall deliver complimentary copies of the 2016 CEC, and automa1ic~lly, any 2016 CEC Supplements, supplements to the 2016 CEC In response to emergency regulations, and all related errata sheets, directly to -the Deposit Libraries listed in Attachmeni A hereto in the quantities set forth the1·eln, and one copy each to the Selective Depository Libralies listed in Attachment B hereto and copies to the-State agencies as directed by CBSC. NFPA shall obtain and retain proof of delivery of all materials distributed in accordance with this provision and make copies of such proof of delivery avalfable to CBSC upon written request until one year after termination of this Agreement or be willing to shlp addltional complimentary copies upon request. 1. NFPA shall deliver up to 30 complimenta1y copies of the Code to CBSC and then deliver one complimentary copy for each new Commissioner appointed after June 1, 201 B to CBSC, ln addition to ihe delivery of the orlglnal 30 copies untll one hundred and eighty (180) days after the Publication of the next edition of 2016 Code. CBSC shall provide with names and delivery addresses of the current and any new Commissioners as well as notifying NFPA of any . terminations. · 2. NFPA shall deliver up to 200 compfimentary copies of the Code, together with any 20i 6 CEC Supplements, directly to the following state. agencies in the quantities specifled by CBSC. D. Subscription Service. In order to ensure that the 2016 CEC purchased from NFPA or any bookstore or other vendor is accurate and up to date, beginning from the time of the initial publication, NFPA shall make available to all purchasers of the 2016 CEC, all 201tl. CEC Supp[ernents, all suppfc1ments to the 2016 CEC in response to emergency regulations, and all related errata sheets, at no additional cost. NFPA shall provide all purchasers with a subscription registration card which enables them to automatically receive such updates to the 2016 CEC in either print or electronic format, whictiever1i1e purchaser chooses. Electronic versions shall clear!~, distinguish and identify errata and supplement sheets with footer notes on each page as follows: '[Effective date]; Supp[ement, Blue', '[Effective date}, Errata, Buff'. Subscription to this service shall result in the subscriber being provided with cm entire, up-to-date 2016 Code. I I ii I E. Funding. . NFPA understands and agroos that under certain provisions o'f Calrfornla law, CBSC may not obligate Itself by contract to an extent In excess of an amount appropriated therefore by the State Legislature as approved by the Governor. PRO_00263340

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