Filing 204

LARGE ADDITIONAL ATTACHMENT(S) to Public Resource's Second Motion for Summary Judgment by PUBLIC.RESOURCE.ORG, INC. 202 MOTION for Summary Judgment filed by PUBLIC.RESOURCE.ORG, INC., 203 SEALED MOTION FOR LEAVE TO FILE DOCUMENT UNDER SEAL filed by PUBLIC.RESOURCE.ORG, INC. (This document is SEALED and only available to authorized persons.) filed by PUBLIC.RESOURCE.ORG, INC.. (Attachments: # 1 Public Resources Statement of Disputed Facts, # 2 Public Resources Evidentiary Objections, # 3 Public Resources Request for Judicial Notice, # 4 Declaration Carl Malamud, # 5 Declaration Matthew Becker, # 6 Consolidated Index of Exhibits, # 7 Exhibit 1, # 8 Exhibit 2, # 9 Exhibit 3, # 10 Exhibit 4, # 11 Exhibit 5, # 12 Exhibit 6, # 13 Exhibit 7, # 14 Exhibit 8, # 15 Exhibit 9, # 16 Exhibit 10, # 17 Exhibit 11, # 18 Exhibit 12, # 19 Exhibit 13, # 20 Exhibit 14, # 21 Exhibit 15, # 22 Exhibit 16, # 23 Exhibit 17, # 24 Exhibit 18, # 25 Exhibit 19, # 26 Exhibit 20, # 27 Exhibit 21, # 28 Exhibit 22, # 29 Exhibit 23, # 30 Exhibit 24, # 31 Exhibit 25, # 32 Exhibit 26, # 33 Exhibit 27, # 34 Exhibit 28, # 35 Exhibit 29, # 36 Exhibit 30, # 37 Exhibit 31, # 38 Exhibit 32, # 39 Exhibit 33, # 40 Exhibit 34, # 41 Exhibit 35, # 42 Exhibit 36, # 43 Exhibit 37, # 44 Exhibit 38, # 45 Exhibit 39, # 46 Exhibit 40, # 47 Exhibit 41, # 48 Exhibit 42, # 49 Exhibit 43, # 50 Exhibit 44, # 51 Exhibit 45, # 52 Exhibit 46, # 53 Exhibit 47, # 54 Exhibit 48, # 55 Exhibit 49, # 56 Exhibit 50, # 57 Exhibit 51, # 58 Exhibit 52, # 59 Exhibit 53, # 60 Exhibit 54, # 61 Exhibit 55, # 62 Exhibit 56, # 63 Exhibit 57, # 64 Exhibit 58, # 65 Exhibit 59, # 66 Exhibit 60, # 67 Exhibit 61, # 68 Exhibit 62, # 69 Exhibit 63, # 70 Exhibit 64, # 71 Exhibit 65, # 72 Exhibit 66, # 73 Exhibit 67, # 74 Exhibit 68, # 75 Exhibit 69, # 76 Exhibit 70, # 77 Exhibit 71, # 78 Exhibit 72, # 79 Exhibit 73, # 80 Exhibit 74, # 81 Exhibit 75, # 82 Exhibit 76, # 83 Exhibit 77, # 84 Exhibit 78, # 85 Exhibit 79, # 86 Exhibit 80, # 87 Exhibit 81, # 88 Exhibit 82, # 89 Exhibit 83, # 90 Exhibit 84, # 91 Exhibit 85, # 92 Exhibit 86, # 93 Exhibit 87, # 94 Exhibit 88, # 95 Exhibit 89, # 96 Exhibit 90, # 97 Exhibit 91, # 98 Exhibit 92, # 99 Exhibit 93, # 100 Exhibit 94, # 101 Exhibit 95, # 102 Exhibit 96, # 103 Exhibit 97, # 104 Certificate of Service)(Bridges, Andrew)

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EXHIBIT 44 1 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 2 FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 3 4 AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING 5 AND MATERIALS d/b/a ASTM 6 INTERNATIONAL; NATIONAL FIRE 7 PROTECTION ASSOCIATION, INC.,; 8 and AMERICAN SOCIETY OF HEATING, 9 REFRIGERATING, AND AIR-CONDITIONING 10 ENGINEERS, INC. 11 12 13 14 Plaintiffs, vs. CIVIL ACTION FILE NO. 1:13-CV-01215-EGS PUBLIC.RESOURCE.ORG, INC., Defendant. 15 16 30(b)(6) VIDEOTAPED DEPOSITION OF 17 STEVEN COMSTOCK 18 March 5, 2015 19 10:20 a.m. 20 1075 Peachtree Street 21 Suite 3625 22 Atlanta, Georgia 23 30309 Lee Ann Barnes, CCR-1852, RPR, CRR 24 25 PAGES 1 - 199 Page 1 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 APPEARANCES OF COUNSEL 2 3 On behalf of the Plaintiff American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning 4 Engineers, Inc : KING & SPALDING LLP 5 ANTONIO E LEWIS, ESQ 100 N Tryon Street 6 Suite 3900 Charlotte, North Carolina 28202 7 704 503 2583 704 503 2622 (facsimile) 8 alewis@kslaw com 9 On behalf of the Plaintiff National Fire Protection 10 Association, Inc : 11 MUNGER TOLLES & OLSON LLP THANE REHN, ESQ (via telephone) 12 560 Mission Street 27th Floor 13 San Francisco, California 94105 415 512 4000 14 thane rehn@mto com 15 On behalf of the Plaintiff American Society for 16 Testing and Materials d/b/a ASTM International: 17 MORGAN LEWIS & BOCKIUS JORDANA S RUBEL, ESQ (via telephone) 18 J KEVIN FEE, ESQ (via telephone) 1111 Pennsylvania Ave , NW 19 Washington, D C 20004-2541 202 739 5118 20 202 739 3001 (facsimile) jrubel@morganlewis com 21 jkfee@morganlewis com 22 23 24 25 1 INDEX OF EXAMINATION 2 WITNESS: STEVEN COMSTOCK 3 EXAMINATION PAGE By Mr. Bridges 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Page 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 Page 4 1 INDEX TO EXHIBITS 2 Defendant's Exhibit Description Page 3 Exhibit 1076 Defendant's Amended Notice 9 4 of 30(b)(6) Deposition of ASHRAE 5 Exhibit 1077 Technical Proposal 52 6 Exhibit 1078 E-mail Chain 67 7 Exhibit 1079 Terms of Use for ASHRAE org 101 8 Website 9 Exhibit 1080 E-mail Chain 111 10 Exhibit 1081 Multiple User License 112 11 Exhibit 1082 Copyright License and 118 Distribution Agreement 12 Exhibit 1083 E-mail Chain 122 13 Exhibit 1084 E-mail Chain 123 14 Exhibit 1085 E-mail Chain 124 15 Exhibit 1086 E-mail Chain 125 16 Exhibit 1087 E-mail Chain 127 17 Exhibit 1088 Multiple User License 129 18 Exhibit 1089 E-mail Chain 131 19 Exhibit 1090 License and Distribution 132 20 Agreement 21 Exhibit 1091 E-mail Chain 132 22 Exhibit 1092 E-mail Chain 133 23 Exhibit 1093 E-mail Chain 136 24 Exhibit 1094 E-mail Chain 145 25 Exhibit 1095 E-mail Chain 149 APPEARANCES OF COUNSEL (Continued) On behalf of the Defendant Public.Resource.Org: FENWICK & WEST LLP ANDREW P. BRIDGES, ESQ. MATTHEW B. BECKER, ESQ. 555 California Street San Francisco, CA 94104 415.875.2300 415.281.1350 (facsimile) 7 8 9 10 Also Present: Carl Malamud (via telephone) 11 Spencer Bush, Videographer 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Page 3 Page 5 2 (Pages 2 - 5) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 INDEX TO EXHIBITS 2 Defendant's Exhibit Description Page 3 Exhibit 1096 E-mail Chain 150 4 Exhibit 1097 Copyright Permission 151 5 Request 6 Exhibit 1098 E-mail Chain 151 7 Exhibit 1099 E-mail Chain 152 8 Exhibit 1100 E-mail Chain 157 9 Exhibit 1101 E-mail Chain 158 10 Exhibit 1102 E-mail Chain 161 11 Exhibit 1103 E-mail Chain 163 12 Exhibit 1104 E-mail Chain 167 13 Exhibit 1105 Membership Dues Revenue 171 14 Exhibit 1106 Life-To-Date Sales for 90 1 171 15 Exhibit 1107 Projected Revenue 174 16 Exhibit 1108 Sales by Customer Type L 178 17 Exhibit 1109 Sales by Customer Type 179 Report 18 Exhibit 1110 E-mail Chain 180 19 Exhibit 1111 E-mail Chain 183 20 Exhibit 1112 E-mail Chain 184 21 Exhibit 1113 Letter dated 4/19/10 186 22 Exhibit 1114 E-mail Chain 188 23 Exhibit 1115 Various Reprint Requests 189 24 Exhibit 1116 E-mail Chain 190 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Deposition of STEVEN COMSTOCK March 5, 2015 (Reporter disclosure made pursuant to Article 8.B of the Rules and Regulations of the Board of Court Reporting of the Judicial Council of Georgia.) VIDEOGRAPHER: This is the beginning of the videotaped -- the 30(b)(6) videotaped deposition of Steven Comstock. Today's date is March 5, 2015, and the time on the video record is 10:20 a m. Would counsel please introduce themselves for the record. MR. BRIDGES: This is Andrew Bridges and with me is Matthew Becker of Fenwick & West of San Francisco, representing the defendant Public.Resource.Org. And also participating or listening in by telephone is Carl Malamud. MR. LEWIS: Antonio Lewis, King & Spalding, on behalf of plaintiff American Soci- -- Society of Heating, Refrigerating -- Refrigeration, and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Incorporated. VIDEOGRAPHER: And counsel on the phone? MS. RUBEL: Jordana Rubel, Morgan -- from Page 6 1 INDEX TO EXHIBITS 2 Defendant's Exhibit Description Page 3 Exhibit 1117 E-mail Chain 191 4 Exhibit 1118 E-mail Chain 192 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Page 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, here representing American Society for Testing and Materials. MR. REHN: And Thane Rehn from the Munger Tolles & Olson law firm, representing the National Fire Protection Association. MR. BRIDGES: I think that's everybody. VIDEOGRAPHER: Will the court reporter please swear in the witness. STEVEN COMSTOCK, having been first duly sworn, was examined and testified as follows: EXAMINATION BY-MR. BRIDGES: Q. Good morning, Mr. Comstock. A. Good morning. Q. How long have you worked for ASHRAE? A. A little bit over 40 years. Q. What's your current title? A. Director of publications and education. Q. How long have you had that title? A. The -- I was director of publications and communications in 1985, and then the education component was added -- I'm going to guess now -- that was probably about 2000. Q. Have you ever had your deposition taken before? Page 7 Page 9 3 (Pages 6 - 9) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A. Yeah, about 12 years ago I had one taken. Q. Is that the only deposition? A. That's the only one. Q. What kind of case did that involve? A. That was a personnel matter for our organization. Q. Did you testify at trial? A. No, I did not. Q. Did you have a chance to meet with Mr. Lewis or other counsel before this deposition to prepare for the deposition? A. Yes, I did. Q. I'll ask you to look at Exhibit 1076 -(Defendant's Exhibit 1076 was marked for identification.) Q. (By Mr. Bridges) -- which is Defendant's Notice of 30(b)(6) deposition of ASHRAE. Please take a look at it, Mr. Comstock. Do you understand that you are here today testifying as a representative of ASHRAE on Topics 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 18, 23, 24, 30, and 31? A. Yes, that's my understanding. Q. When did ASHRAE start providing a reading room for public access to ASHRAE's standards? A. We made selected standards available for 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 public access to some of its standards? A. We were actually hoping to increase our sales of those standards. It would be to the -- to allow somebody to view those standards, but not be able to download those standards or print those standards. So that would drive demand for those -for those standards. Q. What was ASHRAE's experience in that regard? A. It was -- our experience was that it was relatively flat. It didn't have -- seem to have much of a positive impact, nor in -- in that case did it seem to have a negative impact. Q. Does ASHRAE have information about how many persons have accessed the standards in its reading room? A. We did. We changed the -- the -- the software platform from which they were made available for viewing. We originally used -- we originally used a RealRead vendor-supplied system and then we went -- they went out of business, I believe, and then we switched to iWrapper. But I -- I know for certain when we were with RealRead, we would track the views. There was no registration so we wouldn't know who those people Page 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 read-only access, and I believe that was about 15 years ago. I don't have the exact date. It was in that -- that range of time. Q. How did ASHRAE select what standards to make available? A. These are our -- our most popular standards, the ones for which there was the greatest demand. Q. How many standards -- strike that. How many current standards does ASHRAE publish? A. I don't have the exact number. My recollection would be in the neighborhood of -- of 75. Q. How many of those standards are on ASHRAE's reading room available to the public now? A. At the current time, I believe there are 10 of those standards available. Q. Does ASHRAE also make available through its reading room earlier versions of those 10 standards? A. We provide -- we provide the current versions of those standards. Q. But not the earlier versions? A. I believe that's the case. Q. Do you know why ASHRAE began providing Page 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 were, but we did track views. I think we do so with iWrapper, as well, now, but I know for certain it was done with RealRead. Q. Do you recall any statistics regarding the number of accesses of various standards? A. I -- the -- the -- the most prominent of those standards was 90.1, and I think if my recollection is correct, I believe maybe 40-, 45,000 views of the 2010 version of that -- that -- that standard over the course of the time it was made available. Q. And was it ASHRAE's experience that the effect of the public access to the 90.1 standard was somewhere between nothing and minimal? A. That's -MR. LEWIS: Object to the form. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) You can answer. A. I didn't see much of an impact one way or the other. Q. Does ASHRAE still sell earlier versions of its current standards? A. Yes. Q. How much -- strike that. Roughly how much revenue per year does Page 11 Page 13 4 (Pages 10 - 13) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ASHRAE gain from either sale or licensing of its 1 standards for persons to either own or have access 2 to? 3 A. It will vary a little depending upon where 4 documents are in -- in their various revision cycles. 5 Looking at a little more granul- -6 granular level to build that, it would be 300- to 7 $500,000 in print sales, another 300- to 400,000 in 8 PDF sales, and then it -- it may be as much as -9 from standards component, maybe $800,000 in -- in -- 10 in -- in royalties network-type sales and another 11 20,000 in CD sales. 12 So if you add those up, that would be about 13 the -- the total, with some variation depending upon 14 the -- the year -- where we are in the revision 15 cycle. 16 Q. That sounds to me like somewhere between 17 1.5 and $1.7 million in your total? 18 A. That soun- -- that sounds accurate. 19 Q. You said it depends on where ASHRAE is in 20 the revision cycle. 21 By that, you're referring to the fact that 22 ASHRAE, like other standards development 23 organizations, updates standards every few years; is 24 that correct? 25 say, are in the 1.5 to $1.7 million range. What amount of that or what percentage of that would be older versions? MR. LEWIS: You have to let him finish the question. Object to form. THE WITNESS: Then -- then that would be -if I had to make a guess, it would be somewhere between 5, 8 percent. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) And what do you base that estimate on? A. I would base that on my having to make a -approve print runs. Typically, what happens is when we run out of inventory and we have to replace, replenish our inventory, those requests go through my office. So that's -- that's something I would routinely see. Q. How does ASHRAE decide -- strike that. Are you familiar with the concept of either adoption or incorporation of standards into law or regulation? A. I'm not -- I'm not extremely knowledgeable about that. I have a passing understanding of that that I would have in my role as the publications director, but that is a process I don't personally engage in for ASHRAE. Page 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A. That's correct. 1 Q. How does the revision cycle affect ASHRAE's 2 sales? 3 A. There is an increase within the -- the 4 first year of a revision cycle and then there'll be 5 a -- a -- a -- a dropoff. However, there still 6 continues to be demand for the -- for the -- the -7 the previous editions, which is why we sell them. 8 So I don't know the exact nature of that, 9 but there does -- there is a -- a jump that we would 10 see in -- in those revision cycles after a new 11 standard is released. 12 Q. Do you have an estimate as to what 13 percentage of ASHRAE's revenues from publications 14 relates to older versions of current standards? 15 A. I really do not know. I know they're a 16 component of that. Breaking that -- the older 17 versions down, I'm not -- I'm not sure what that -18 that percentage would be. 19 Q. If you had to make an estimate, what would 20 your estimate be? 21 A. Older versions -- and this is -- could -22 could you repea- -- in terms of the total sales of 23 standards? 24 Q. Right. The total sales of standards, let's 25 Page 16 Q. But you understand that some standards of standards development organizations get adopted or incorporated into law and others do not get adopted or incorporated -A. I do. Q. -- into law; right? Are you familiar with which ASHRAE standards are incorporated into law? A. I am not. I know some are. Q. Do you know roughly what percentage of ASHRAE's standards are incorporated or adopted into law or regulation? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: That's -- that -- I do not, and that's an area that's outside of -- of what I do. I look at the -- the demand for the -- for the standards and the -- the inventory and the print runs and make sure that we have adequate inventory to deliver our demand, but I do not track what states or how many states or municipalities may -- may -- may adopt or include the standard. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Are you aware of any facts that would allow you to determine whether Page 15 Page 17 5 (Pages 14 - 17) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 there's a relationship between sales or licenses of a standard and incorporation of that standard into law -MR. LEWIS: Objection. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) -- or regulation? A. No. We don't -- that's -- that's not a metric that we use at all. I mean, I imagine, you know, perhaps you -- you look at where sales are from, but we don't do that. That's not part of our business. And I would think that the -- there's people who do work in our industry do work across states, across municipalities, but that's not a metric that we -- we keep as part of our business operation. Q. Apart from keeping a metric, do you have any, let's say, anecdotal experience observing that incorporation of a particular ASHRAE standard leads to a jump in sales of that standard? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: Really, no. I have -- I mean, there'll be times when somebody will say to me, "Steve, how do I find an older version of a standard in our bookstore," because we're -we -- we have to put on education, training 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 standard before the revision has been on the reading room -- strike that. Is "reading room" a term that you use at ASHRAE? A. We do not. Q. What do you use -- what term do you use for the facility by which the public can view ASHRAE standards for free? A. I believe we call it free viewing. Q. Free viewing? A. Free viewing. Q. When ASHRAE revises a standard and the standard before that revision has been available for free viewing, does ASHRAE replace the older version of the standard with the newer version of the standard for free viewing as soon as ASHRAE issues the standard? A. Yes, we do. Q. And does ASHRAE then take the older version of the standard out of the free viewing facility when that happens? A. Yes, we do. Q. Is there a reason why ASHRAE removes the older standard from the free viewing? A. That's been our process going back to when Page 18 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 related to that standard. 1 So I have anecdotal questions that are 2 asked or comments that are made to me along 3 those lines, but nothing that's -- that -- that 4 would, you know, trigger that back to specific 5 sales totals. 6 Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Is there anything that 7 can tie it to a general trend of sales, in your view? 8 MR. LEWIS: Objection. 9 THE WITNESS: I don't believe so. I mean, 10 I -- we sell -- when a new standard -- a -- a 11 new version of a standard is -- is published, 12 there's interest in the market to buy that 13 standard, and if stan- -- if older versions of 14 standards are still relevant, we sell those 15 standards and continue to sell those. 16 Q. (By Mr. Bridges) In what circumstances 17 would an older version of an ASHRAE standard be 18 relevant in the marketplace? 19 A. I assume that would be because it's -- it's 20 referenced in -- in legislation or regulation or -21 or codes. I think it would probably depend upon what 22 the owners of the -- the -- the -- the owner of a 23 building may have in their specifications. 24 Q. When ASHRAE revises a standard and the 25 Page 20 we first started the free viewing, which is the -- 15 years ago or so. And the -- the -- the reason for that is -is we always wish to have the most current application of the technology used. So the -- the -the notion is that as a standard is revised, it's a -- it's a better application of the technology that's current at the time. So we -- it -- it -- it's always been our -- our preference to -- to have -- to -- to move the market towards the more current version of the standard because of the application of technology. Q. Now, I think you mentioned a few minutes ago -- and please correct me if I'm wrong because I don't want to misquote you -- that there are some times when people want older standards but they aren't in stock and so there has to be a new print order for those; is that correct? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: Actually, our objective is to never have them out of -- out of stock. It's -usually, I will be asked a question, "Steve, do we have these in stock," and I will say, "Yes." And we go through a process where we have a -- a trigger -- this is what we do for all of Page 19 Page 21 6 (Pages 18 - 21) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 our publications. There's a trigger point when you get to a certain level of inventory, that's when somebody in my group will say, "We're running low. Do we wish to reprint this item?" And then they usually will recommend a print run and I approve that or -- or modify that. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Do you print the previous versions of standards in smaller print runs than the current versions of standards? A. Most likely. Q. How many do you generally print in a print run, let's say, for a seven-year-old standard? A. Well, it -- that would be somewhat dependent upon the standard. If it's -- if it's 90.1, for example, we do anywhere from maybe 500 to 750 copies. But -- and -- and part of the -- the printing technology has changed where print -smaller print runs are now more feasible with newer publishing technology. Plus when items are ordered for print from our on-line bookstore, in fact, right now it's print on demand. So in that case, there's always print copies available because of the technology we employ. This is more for inventory that we have for 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 THE WITNESS: That's -- to my understanding, that's correct. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Are you familiar with the analogous free viewing facilities of ASTM and NFPA? A. I have never gone to their sites to experience those, but I was aware they do offer free viewing. (Thereupon, there was an interruption in the proceedings.) Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Whom do you consider your counterparts to be at ASTM and NFPA? A. At -- at ASTM, I would consider my counterpart John -- John Pace. At NFPA, I am not sure who my counterpart is. Q. Are there persons at NFPA with whom you discuss publication issues from time to time? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: With -- with -- with NFP- -yes, I -- I have discussed publication issues with NFPA, I think most recently three, four years ago. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Do you recall whom you had those discussions with? A. Well, there were two people. One I had a Page 22 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 off-line orders, orders that come in outside of the bookstore. Q. You referred just now to print on demand. What does that mean in this context? A. It -- it means when an order comes in through our on-line bookstore, that order then is transmitted to a -- to a copier and that document is reproduced on demand as that order comes in, packaged, and put in the mail, entered into the mail stream for delivery. Q. Does ASHRAE do that printing? A. No. We use a -- we use a vendor, a supplier, for that. Q. Does ASHRAE provide a different type of print on demand option where the customer would be able to print it himself or herself on his or her own equipment on demand? A. When a customer purchases a PDF copy from us, the customer has the -- has the ability and the -- the license to make -- to make a copy for themselves. Q. I believe you mentioned that there's no registration requirement for the free viewing; correct? MR. LEWIS: Objection. Page 24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 telephone conversation with and the other was a e-mail exchange, one a lady. I think Michael was maybe the fellow. I -- I don't recall. The woman was maybe Julie. I'm stretching now, but... Q. Do you recall ever learning that ASTM and NFPA have registration requirements for their free viewing facilities? A. No, I think I have heard that over the -over the years of my knowledge of what they've done. I wouldn't -- and I'm -- I wouldn't swear to the fact that they've -- that they would have those processes, but I -- I think that John Pace had mentioned to me once they do that. Q. Have you ever discussed with them the relative -- strike that. Did you ever discuss with them any considerations as to why an organization would or would not impose a registration requirement? A. No, I never have. Q. Coming back to 90.1, is that the most popular standard that ASHRAE provides? A. Uh-huh (affirmative). It is. Q. How would you briefly describe the scope and purpose of 90.1? A. 90.1 provides guidance for the design and Page 23 Page 25 7 (Pages 22 - 25) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 operation of buildings that are energy efficient. Q. Is it true that some people credit 90.1 with significant energy savings at the national level because of its implementation in building design and operation? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: What I hear mostly is -- what I hear is it's -- there's a -- there's savings that can be achieved over the previous editions of the standard. So when a new edition of that standard comes out, it would be -- I -- I hear that it will be a 15 percent energy savings over a building constructed from the previous version or 30 percent savings. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Do you know how many copies of 90.1 ASHRAE has sold or distributed or provided access to? And my question is specific to the 2010 edition. A. For ASHRAE providing access -- and this would be, say -- you said 90.1 2010; is that right? Q. Right. And actually, by this I don't mean through the free facility, I mean -A. So -Q. -- on a paid or -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 those sources. Q. Do you have an estimate of something analogous to a circulation figure for an -- sorry, for ASHRAE 90.1? MR. LEWIS: Object to form. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) You understand what I mean by "circulation figure" in this context? A. I'll -- well, I'll answer by saying I'm also the publisher of our magazines -Q. Right. A. -- so each of our magazines has a circulation statement, which -- which verifies how many copies of the magazine are put into the mail -Q. Right. A. -- and made available -Q. Right. A. -- or accessed online. There is nothing analogous to that sort of statement for our public -- for our standards actively. Q. And I understand that there's -- there's not an industry standard circulation number as there is for magazines when we're talking about books, but just trying to get a sense of the -- the number of persons that ASHRAE believes have interacted with Page 26 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A. Yeah. Q. -- or -A. Yeah. Q. -- on a pay basis. A. Yeah. 90- -- my recollection is 90.1 2010 would be in the neighborhood of 7,000 to 9,000 copies that -- that we would have provided access to. There may be a few more -- a few other more outlying copies that would be part of a CD collection that would include -- that would have included 90.1, so maybe that's another 500 or so. Q. And did these numbers include numbers of copies of 90.1 that distributors may have sold? A. It -- it -- it would not include the -what we call the value-added distributors, the -which is -- reaches a big percentage of the market for us. Those would be the groups that would take our standards and make them available to customers along with the standards of other organizations, or they could also sell -- just resell our standards. And typically, those would be large percentage of network licenses and so on. So it does not -- to answer your question, that number would not include sales from -- from Page 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 90.1 in the 2010 edition, whether that is by physical copy sale, whether it's by bundled or value-added sale, whether it's by license, whether it's by some subscription or network license, but I'm omitting from this question the free reading facility. MR. LEWIS: Object to form. THE WITNESS: That would be pure conje- -I -- I do not know. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) What -- is there a standard retail price for the current version of ASHRAE 90.1? A. Yes, there is. Q. How much is that? A. That's what I'm -- I believe the ASHRAE member price for the current edition of standard 90.1 is $99. I believe the list price is $120. Typically, our member discount is 15 percent. Q. Does ASHRAE have a figure of -- strike that. Does ASHRAE have an understanding of the approximate revenue that it has gained from the sale or licensing, direct or indirect, of the ASHRAE 90.1 standard? A. We would have the information that would represent the revenue from the copies that we sell. Page 27 Page 29 8 (Pages 26 - 29) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 When it comes to the revenue that is derived from the -- these value-added resellers, we wouldn't -- we do not have a specific breakdown of what component of that total rev- -- revenue is attributable to 90.1. Q. And I understand there may be no specific breakdown because when somebody's selling a compendium they don't charge on every piece of it, but do you have an estimate, based on the relative importance of 90.1 in those compendia, of what the revenue stream is to ASHRAE that the ASHRAE 90.1 2010 standard provides? MR. LEWIS: Objection. Asked and answered. THE WITNESS: It -- just -- just when -when -- when you mention the indirect, would that also include educational courses and other activities that are based on the standard, as well? Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Good -- good question. No. A. Okay. Q. What I meant by "indirect" here is that either ASHRAE sells to a ultimate purchaser or it sells to a book dealer or a bookstore or it sells to ANSI and ANSI sells it where the ultimate purchaser 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 of -- of -- of the components, especially from the big resellers that we have. If it's a reseller that just resells specific documents then we may see that, but that's a very small percentage of the whole. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Who are ASHRAE's big resellers? A. The -- the largest one would be Information Handling Services. Second largest one would be Techstreet. Third would most likely be ANSI. Fourth, MADCAD. Those would be the top four. Q. And if you had to estimate what proportion of your reseller revenue comes from those four, what would that estimate be? A. From those four? Oh, gosh, that would be 85, 90 percent. Q. What is ANSI's [sic] yearly publication-based revenue from resellers? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: I have no idea. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) What royalties does ANSI [sic] collect with respect to its standards? MR. LEWIS: Objection. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Let me -- I'll clarify the question. Page 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 is not interacting directly with ASHRAE. That's what I mean. A. So now that I have achieved that clarification, could you repeat your original question, please? Q. Certainly, certainly. Do you have an estimate of what the total revenue stream is to ASHRAE that the ASHRAE 90.1 2010 standard provides, taking into account all of the channels of distribution and licensing? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: Yeah, I -- I really do not. I mean, I -- I just know -- I -- I know the -or could derive the -- the amount of income from the sales that we are responsible for, where we make the sale, and it's a substantial, you know, proportion. It's our largest revenue generator in -- in standards. I would intuitively think that -- that it would also be a substantial re- -- portion of the revenue that comes from the resellers, but we just do not receive the information in that -- that manner. We receive our royalty, a royalty check, and there is -- we do not receive a breakdown Page 32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 What types of royalties and for what types of transactions does ASHRAE collect publication-related royalties? A. This is with -- just generally? Is that -Q. Yes. A. Yeah. For the most part, my understanding is that the -- the resellers are selling network licenses and broad-based access to our standards within companies. They -- typically, they would reach a little different market than we would, whereas, you know, they're for the most part, my understanding would be, reaching larger corporate entities, institutional entities, whereas our membership is -- is more -- it's an in- -- ASHRAE is an individual member-based organization. So our market is typically those individuals. Q. Do you know roughly how much revenue ASHRAE receives in royalties from network licenses? A. I -- I know the amount of -- I can estimate the -- the amount of revenue that we receive from our value-added resellers. I'm -- again, I -- I know that they also will sell one-off copies from their -from -- that's one of their sales channels. However, I do not believe that's a major component of their sales. Page 31 Page 33 9 (Pages 30 - 33) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 So I -- I would -- I would assume that the -- the largest -- the most substantial revenue stream that they provide to us in royalty comes from network licenses. Q. And how much would you estimate that to be on an annual basis? A. Do you mean the -- the -- the total revenue or the part from -- or the part from network licenses? Q. Let's say the total revenue from value-added resellers to begin with and then understanding whether you can break out network -A. Yeah. Q. -- licenses. A. Our -- our total royalty revenue would be roughly 1.2 million to 1.4 million. Q. And when you identify your total royalty revenue, that revenue number is separate from the revenue number you gave me earlier about publications revenue; is that correct? A. Yes, that's correct. Q. So to understand the total -- I hate to use the word, but monetization value of publications, one would have to add in the publications revenue and the royalty revenue; correct? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 revenue is both what we sell and the royalties, what's the component of that that is attributable to -Q. (By Mr. Bridges) 90.1 -A. -- 90.1? Q. -- all versions. A. Yeah. And let me just go through some math as I'm -- as I'm speaking. And this would not be any of the kind of indirect educational or, you know, credibility and other -- other ways that that may impact us. Q. Right. A. Yes, just give me -- okay. Now let me just run through those numbers now. Well, when it gets to the royal- -- the problem is for the royalty part I'm really making guesses, because it's -- because I don't have -- you know, it -- it -- I -- I don't have those numbers, you know, broken down as such. Q. I'll just ask you for your best estimate. A. Best estimate. MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: So the best estimate, if the total was $450,000 -Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Out of the total. Page 34 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A. That is correct. Q. What other components would be missing if I had just the publication revenue and the royalty revenue? A. Now, we are speaking just -- of just publications? Q. Right, and really specifically standards. A. Standards. Just running through our financial statements in my mind. That -- that's it. Again, there's educational components that we may use standards in which -- but there's no -but sometimes like we include a standard in a registration fee for a conference, so there's no direct revenue from that standard. But if you added together the royalty sales and you added together our direct sales of publications, that would represent our -- our total publication revenue. Q. Do you have an estimate as to what percentage of that total revenue is attributable, in your mind -- or in ASHRAE's mind, to all versions of 90.1? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: So what percentage of our total publications revenue, if that total Page 36 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A. Out of the total as an estimate, just conjecturing. Q. Is -- excuse me, I may have -- I don't think I asked the exact same question. I may have asked a similar question earlier. Forgive me if I repeat myself because I'm working on one hour of sleep. Is 90.1 ASHRAE's -- I think -- strike that. I think you said it was ASHRAE's most popular standard; is that correct? A. (Witness nodded head affirmatively.) MR. LEWIS: Objection. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) What would you consider the second most popular standard to be? A. Second I would consider Standard 62.1, which is ventilation requirements for buildings. Q. What would round out the rest of the top five, in your view? A. Top five. Standard 55, which is a thermal comfort standard; Standards 15 and 34, which relate to refrigerant use and -- in air-conditioning and refrigeration systems. Q. I think, based on the number of years you've been at ASHRAE, is it correct that you started at ASHRAE before ASHRAE first published 90.1? Page 35 Page 37 10 (Pages 34 - 37) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A. My first job at ASHRAE was to edit the proposed version of Standard 90. Q. Of 90? A. It was originally called Standard 90 when it was first released in 1975. The .1 was added as a variation at a later time. Q. Did -- did ASHRAE take that work over from some different predecessor? MR. LEWIS: Objection. Vague. THE WITNESS: To my knowledge, there was a National Bureau of Standards. I've heard that was -- that was -- that was underway. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) And so had it published an earlier standard that ASHRAE then updated and made ASHRAE's own standard? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: I don't believe so. I don't -- I don't believe there was a previous document in existence. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Is it your understanding that there was a previous process in existence and ASHRAE took that over? MR. LEWIS: Objection. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) I thought I read someplace that -- that -- that ASHRAE developed it as 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 I want to come back to the reading room for a second -- I'm sorry, the free reading facility. I should use your terminology. What functions can a viewer carry out at the free reading facility? A. When we used the RealRead platform, I know it was -- it was just to view. So it was purely to view, you did not download. And there was a -- at some point in time, we added a "Buy Now" button, so we put a "Buy Now" button there. When we switched to iWrapper, my -- my recollection is that that is pure viewing only and I do not know if we've got a "Buy Now" button on -with the iWrapper platform, but I'm quite sure we do. I can't imagine why we wouldn't. That was -- we switched platforms -- I think that was two years ago. Q. How do you spell "iWrapper"? Is it capital I-W-r-a-p-p-e-r? A. I think it's small i, capital W-R-A-P-P-E-R. Q. Oh, okay. A. And I think -Q. Do you recall whether there's a text search function that when somebody goes to the -A. I do not recall. Page 38 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 some follow-on to something else, and I'm trying to 1 figure out what that is. 2 A. I think there was -3 MR. LEWIS: Objection. 4 THE WITNESS: I think there was a desire. 5 There was a need that was voiced that ASHRAE 6 then fulfilled that need by developing 7 Standard 90. 8 Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Do you know who it was 9 who articulated that need? 10 A. With -- within ASH- -- within ASHRAE now? 11 Q. No, no, whoever it was that initiated the 12 statement saying there's a need for something like 13 this -14 MR. LEWIS: Objection. 15 Q. (By Mr. Bridges) -- and then ASHRAE 16 fulfilled it. 17 A. I -- I -- I do not. I'm working from my 18 memory of presidential speeches of that -- of that 19 year, "presidential" meaning ASHRAE presidential -- 20 Q. ASHRAE -21 A. -- not President Nixon -22 Q. Right. 23 A. -- whoever was in office at the time. 24 Q. Right. 25 Page 40 Q. Do you recall whether there's a possibility of selecting text for pasting? A. I do not -- I do not believe there is. I believe it's -- it's viewing, but I -- I'm not sure. Q. Who is in charge of the technical aspects of the iWrapper implementation? A. I approve it. We -- when RealRead -- when I received the notice from RealRead going out of business, I was responsible for shifting us over to another platform. And so we -- I talked -- we use various suppliers and vendors, and so one vendor who we use extensively for publications work, we asked him what his solution would be and -- and he recommended iWrapper, which is a commercially-available -- I'm not sure if that's Adobe or that's -- I think it's probably Adobe, but -- but that's commer- -- so he recommended using that commercially-available platform. And -- and my intent would have been to replicate what we had with the RealRead functionality. Q. Who's the vendor that ASHRAE uses? A. For -- for -- for this project, we used -used a firm iENGINEERING, which is outside of Page 39 Page 41 11 (Pages 38 - 41) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Washington. Q. Who is ASHRAE's principal contact there? A. Riaz Ahmed. Q. R-I-A-Z A-H-M-E-D? A. Yes. That's the first name and last name. Q. Who at ASHRAE supervises the relationship with iENGINEERING? A. Well, at the -- approving the payment of invoices and approving the initiation of work, it is me, and -- and then there's a -- a gentleman in my group who actually then works on a day-to-day basis with vendor relationships. David Soltis is his name. Q. How do you spell Soltis? A. S-O-L-T-I-S. Q. If a member of the public wanted to write an article about the evolution of the 90.1 standard over the last 20 years by showing a comparison through, let's say, a redline, an electronic comparison -- let me back up. Do you understand what a redline is? A. I do. Q. If a member of the public wanted to write an article about the evolution of the 90.1 standard over the last 20 years by providing a redline of the various changes from version to version, is there 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: Yes. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) And what would the earlier versions be? A. PDFs. MR. LEWIS: Objection. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) PDF. And if one wanted to trace the evolution across four versions to produce one document with annotations showing, for example, when each provision entered into the standard and when various provisions disappeared from the standard, would the person need to get permissions to reuse each of the four versions, according to ASHRAE's practices? A. If they were doing this for their personal use, then no, because that would be allowed for in their purchase of the standards. The permission would require -- would be required for the extent to which that person would want to make information available more widely other than for personal use, and then there would be considerations that would be given for amount of content, so on. Q. Well, what -- what if somebody wanted to write an article criticizing the evolution and saying Page 42 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 a -- what would the -- I'm going to start the question again. Let me strike that. If a member of the public wanted to write an article about the evolution of the 90.1 standard over the last 20 years by providing a redline of various changes from version to version, what steps would that person need to go through in order to generate a comparison document? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: We currently offer for the current version of Standard 90.1 -- .1 a redline version that's available for sale. That's something we only initiated a year ago, year and a half. So we would not be able to provide that document, if that's a -- if that's -- if that's the question. If they wish to reuse our content, then we have a process that we follow for reprint permission or request for -- for -- for use. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Leaving aside the permissions process, how, from a technical standpoint, would one be able to generate that redline? Would one have access to earlier versions in an electronic format that would be suitable for applying a comparison tool to? Page 44 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 that it had gotten off track and wanting to illustrate the arguments by quoting substantial bits, let's say two pages at a time for five different instances. According to ASHRAE's practices, what would be required for the person -- for that person to be able to do this? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: Whether the article is critical or not isn't part of our process of granting permission for use of content. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Leaving that part aside, then, what would the person need to do, according to ASHRAE's practices, to get permission to provide, let's say, four two-page excerpts showing the changes? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: They would need to specify what content from the standard they wished to use, what -- how much content, what type of content, and what the use would be, say an article. We do not ask what that article is going to say, nor do we review that article before it is used. That's not part of our process. Page 43 Page 45 12 (Pages 42 - 45) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 So they would have to specify the amount of content that they wish to use, what content, and how and what that use would be. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Would ASHRAE give that permission without charge? A. We always use a balance in -- in -- in how we approach reprint requests. If I do not feel there's going to be a negative impact on the sales of -- of a standard, typically I will grant reprint permission use, because I think it also promotes awareness of a standard. I should say that we also have an on-line system that we use, as well, RightsLink. You can go to our website and you can see that. But that hasn't worked very well. That was my attempt at trying to remove a little bit of the care and hand- -- well, the time that has to go in with processing requests. In -- in that system, it was a cookie cutter, a certain amount of money for a certain -for a certain number of figures and so on. But that's really not a very practical system and it's just about -- we -- I think we still have the link there, but it's really -- doesn't have very good functionality. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 the proceedings.) VIDEOGRAPHER: This is the beginning of Video 2. We are going on the record at 11:46 a m. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Do you know roughly what percentage of publications income comes from government sources for ASHRAE? A. I do not. Q. Do you know what government support ASHRAE gets in the development or revision of standard -standards? A. I am not aware of any funding received by ASHRAE for development or the revision of -- of standards. Q. You're aware that government employees participate in the standard development process? A. I do. And -- well, I -- what I am aware of is that there -- there may be individuals with the government who purchase copies of -- of standards. I'm not exactly sure of their role on project committees, but -- but they are -- would be included in the -- the customer base for standards. Q. And you're aware that -- does the U.S. government enter into any contracts with ASHRAE for the sale or availability of standards? Page 46 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. And it sounds to me as though the reason for that is that it wasn't flexible enough to accommodate different use cases? A. That -- that's correct. And -- and it's hard to keep it up to date. We publish many articles, we publish many standards, and so to try to keep that database of permission -- so when somebody goes in and they identify the -- the source of the content, it was as much work for us to keep the database up to date as it was to handle the permissions personally. Q. Do you have a dedicated permission staff? A. My administrative assistant is the focal point for permissions. Q. What is your assistant's name? A. Julie Harr, H-A-R-R. MR. BRIDGES: If it's all right with you, I ask that we take a break. We've gone just a little bit over an hour. Normally I'd like to go longer, but I'm working on sleep deprivation. I'll try and keep the breaks short, but I may need them every hour. VIDEOGRAPHER: This is the end of Video 1. We're going off the record at 11:26 a m. (Thereupon, there was an interruption in Page 48 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A. We have had -- in -- in recent -- this is in recent years, we've had three contracts I've been engaged with related to the distribution of standards, specifically 90.1. Q. What were the contracts for? A. Three -- first contract was for making 90.1 -- and I believe that was the 2010 version of the standard -- available to ASHRAE members for -well, I -- available from the ASHRAE website for free download. And then there were two subsequent contracts that were done in conjunction with the International Code Council where actually they did the -- the distribution, but inclu- -- which -- which the distribution included one of their documents, the -- what is called the IECC, International Energy Conservation Code. So -- so that -- that document was provided -- distributed by ICC and included in that package ASHRAE Standard 90.1 2010. And then the third contract added 90.1 2007 distribution, and that was to a distribution list provided to ICC from, in this case, Pacific Northwest Laboratories, which was a -- a laboratory under contract at the Department of Energy. Page 47 Page 49 13 (Pages 46 - 49) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. I'd like to go back to the beginning of 1 your answer, because I -- I didn't quite understand 2 it. 3 The first contract was for making the 2010 4 version of the standard available in some fashion and 5 I think first you said available to ASHRAE members 6 and then I think you said available from the ASHRAE 7 website for free download. 8 Is -- did you mean available not 9 specifically to ASHRAE members, but available from 10 the ASHRAE website for download? 11 MR. LEWIS: Objection. 12 THE WITNESS: I meant to say was available 13 for free download from the ASHRAE website. 14 Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Who -- and under that 15 contract, who had access to the free downloads? 16 A. Anyone who logged into our website and 17 clicked on the option to complete that download. 18 Q. Oh, any person -19 A. Anybody could -20 Q. -- any person, country? 21 A. That's correct. Actually, in the world. 22 Q. In the world. 23 A. That's my -- as I say that, that's my 24 recollection, is it was not rest- -- I know it was 25 A. So that was how we did the -- knew when it ended. Q. How could you distinguish, let's say, between a download and a simple view of the document from ASHRAE's website? A. There was no viewing associated with this particular functionality. You just clicked on a box that said "Download." Q. Got it. With what government agency was the contract? A. Our contract was with PNL, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, which is a laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy. Q. Did ASHRAE ever come to have an understanding as to why Pacific Northwest Laboratory wished to have that facility available? A. This was part of the -- the time frame is 2011, and I believe this was part of the -- the Recovery Acts, the National Recovery Acts that were in place at that time. And I was approached by somebody from PNL as a -- to do that. I do not know what their -their motivations were except to make the standard available. Page 50 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1 not restricted to members -- I misspoke at first -2 and I think it was open to -- to anyone. 3 Q. And that's what I was trying to figure out. 4 A. Yeah. 5 Q. Okay. So the first contract -- just to 6 summarize again, the first contract was for ASHRAE to 7 make 90.1 available for free to the public by 8 download; correct? 9 A. That is correct. 10 Q. Was that contract for a limited period of 11 time or was it for -- what were the terms of that 12 contract? 13 A. There was a contract that had a -- a dollar 14 amount associated with it, and so there was a fee 15 that every -- every time a download was made, a fee 16 for that unit was charged. So once that total 17 contract amount was met, then the downloads stopped. 18 Q. Do you recall what the per-download fee 19 was? 20 A. I believe it was $15 a -- a document. Q. Do you know how ASHRAE knew when a download 21 22 occurred? 23 A. Yes, because we had a -- a system that 24 would click -- keep track of the downloads. 25 Q. How -- Page 52 Q. Do you know how many downloads occurred under that contract? A. I do not, but if -- if it was the 15 per download and the contract was $322,000, it would be that division. (Defendant's Exhibit 1077 was marked for identification.) Q. (By Mr. Bridges) My brain is sitting next to me and my brain hands me important things from time to time. Mr. Comstock, I ask you to look at Exhibit 1077. Could you identify it, please? A. This appears to be the -- the proposal that I just -- I just spoke of. I think I did say 2010. This document says 2000 -- 2007 version of that -oh, no, I'm sorry. Yeah, it says -MR. LEWIS: I'll just note for the record that the document is two sided. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Yes, always. I think all of our documents will be. A. So it's the 2007 version, yes. Q. Okay. Was this free download facility something that ASHRAE proposed? A. No. The -- we -- we were approached by Page 51 Page 53 14 (Pages 50 - 53) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 PNL, to my -- to my knowledge. Q. The -- just the format, it's in response to an RFP or request for proposals. Do you know what the RFP No. 140008 specified? A. I -- I do not. Q. The proposal envisioned that ASHRAE would promote the free download program through targeted e-mails to members of ASHRAE; correct? I'm looking rough- -- just above the midpoint in that exhibit. A. Correct. Q. Do you know to what extent ASHRAE promoted the free download program to the broader public, apart from members of ASHRAE? A. I -- we put notices on our website to -- is my recollection. I believe we did news releases, but I am -- that's an assumption on my part. Q. And then you said there were two other contracts; is that correct? A. That's correct. Both of those also involved versions of Standard 90.1 and then also included a document, the -- the IECC that I referenced. Q. Were they on roughly the same terms as the terms in Exhibit 1077? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Now, the first agreement I believe was $188,000, in that neighborhood. The second agreement was $230,000. The -- the -- but the second agreement, I think -- so the first one, it would be dividing the 45,000 into that -- $45 into that total amount. The second agreement actually included two versions of 90.1, if I recall, and two different versions of the IECC, so it could have been that cost was $90 total in- -- $90 per unit into that $230,000 number. Q. And just to clarify one thing. In the last couple of answers, you referred to the first contract and the second contract. If we put them in the context of the other contract, that would make these the second and third contracts? A. That's correct. Q. Okay. In your answer just now, when you were saying first and second, in the broader scope, you were referring to the second and third contracts; is that correct? A. That is correct. Q. As a result of these contracts, did ASHRAE observe any effect on its other sales or licenses of the 90.1 standard? A. These -- these three contracts all involve Page 54 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A. No. That -- that was a -- a different arrangement. For that process, the documents were sent in hard copy form to recipients who were provided to us from the -- from PNL. And the distribution was made by ICC, which is the publisher of the IECC. ICC is International Code Council. Q. Were the second and third contracts contracts between PNL and ICC? A. No. I believe they were contracts between PNL and ASHRAE and then ICC was engaged to fulfill the agreement. Q. Do you recall the expected audience, recipients, of the hard-copy publications in the second and third contracts? A. I believe the targeted audience for that was code officials at state and municipalities. Q. Do you recall quantities and financial terms for the second and third contracts? A. The -- the -- the -- the purchase price for the 90.1 inclusion was the same as this, $15, if I recall, and then there was a -- I believe ICC charge for distribution of the IECC was also $15 and then there was a $15 charge by ICC for printing, mailing, inventory, distribution. So that was a total per unit, that I recall, of $45. Page 56 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 distribution of not the current version of the ASHRAE standard, but the previous version. Did we see any noticeable change in the distribution or the sales of the -- the current version? Nothing seemed to jump out. Q. Did ASHRAE observe any noticeable effect on the distribution, even of the earlier versions, apart from -- from these contracts? A. Intuitively, I would think there would have been some impact, but I can't say -- we didn't monitor that, so I have no evidence one way or the other. Q. So you don't know one way or the other whether these contracts cannibalized other types of sales of the same versions? A. Yeah, I have no -- no evidence one way or the other. Q. Has ASHRAE entered into any other agreements for public access or distribu- -- public access to or distribution of its -- strike that. Has ASHRAE en- -- entered into any other agreements for broad public access to or distribution of its standards, either for free or for reduced price? MR. LEWIS: Objection. Page 55 Page 57 15 (Pages 54 - 57) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 THE WITNESS: Was your question by -repeat the question, please? Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Sure. Has ASHRAE entered into any other agreements to provide broad public access to or distribution of its standards either for free or for a reduced price? A. At -- at times over the past -- not for 90.1, but for some other standards, a company may pay a license fee to make a standard available if it relates specifically to their products. That would be a license agreement. And that's very rare. I mean, it's -it's -- perhaps one standard every three to five years would -- would be the case. But nothing with government like was done here. Q. Okay. What proportion of ASHRAE's yearly revenues comes from the monetization of its publications? Do you understand that term? A. When you say "publications," do you include periodicals? Q. Good point, so I'm going to withdraw my question. But I just want to make sure -- I think you understand my -- my word "monetization" in this 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 there would be books. And I believe that -- that -that covers it. Q. Roughly what percentage of ASHRAE's expenses pertain to the organization and supervision of the standards development process and the costs of publication and the costs of administering the permissions and distributions and the like? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: I can speak to the side of that process that deals with the -- the -- the publications part. I do not know what the -the costs would be to support the development of the product. My role begins when we push that standard out to the -- to -- to the marketplace. What would be -- I -- I'd probably say there are staff salaries that would be attributable to standards activities from the publication side of things, production, so on. If you add portions of people's time together, we're probably speaking of four people from the publications side. And then the -- the cost of the infrastructure for the book- -- for the bookstore, the on-line process, and warehousing, and finally the -- the -- the work that may be Page 58 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 context. You nodded, but the court reporter can't take nods down. Do you understand, broadly speaking, monetization of publications through revenue sources like purchasing and licensing and the like? A. Yes. Q. And royalties? A. Yes. Q. What proportion of ASHRAE's yearly revenues comes from the monetization of its standards as publications? A. I'm making sure I'm doing the math right. Q. That's fair. That's fair. A. Let's see. It would be -- directly attributable to standards would be approximately 10 percent. Q. How else does ASHRAE earn revenue, other than through the monetization of its standards? A. Membership dues, conference registrations, advertising, subscription sales, educational course registrations, certification, exposition income. And when you said "publications," if -- so in addition to publications, we have books. So books, if -- if -- if -- if that's -- if you distinguish between standards in your questions, then Page 60 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 involved in -- in -- in managing that on-line bookstore. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Are you able to estimate a percentage of ASHRAE's expenses involved in what you've just described? A. Boy, and I -- and I -- I left -- the easiest numbers, the printing costs, I just left out. Q. Right. A. The cost to print -Q. Right. A. -- a unit would be included. You know, if -- if we have a hundred -- I'm just guessing now. If you have a -- I said those -those individuals, you know, we have a hundred employees, so -- with various activities. So I'd say 5 percent of labor and then you figure the -- the cost of that infrastructure, standards amounts to a large portion of it. And permissions, a lot of that is attributed to standards. That's maybe -- that part, $200,000. Q. 200,000 to the -A. For the -- just the expenses of doing those things. The bookstore, I mean, you know, processing orders, apart from the -- the -- the labor. Q. So you're saying 5 -- 5 percent of the Page 59 Page 61 16 (Pages 58 - 61) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 staff count plus about 200,000 in expenses? A. That's correct, for the portion of the standards work that is involved in what we do, which is the distribution of those to the -- to the marketplace. I -- probably in terms of context, our bookstore is actually -- we do that in partnership with an outside group, so that is a -- we pay fees associated with -- any time orders are taken through our bookstore. So there are -- are costs that we have through the -- through the vendor for operation of our bookstore. Q. And just to be clear, I think you either said this or started to say it. I think I didn't hear it completely. The expenses you just described were from that point in the process where your part of the organization takes over and pushes the standards out to the public. These numbers did not include the costs and expenses and staffing that ASHRAE invests in the creation and revision of the standards themselves; correct? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: That is correct. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Has -- do you understand 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. Is that David Hollman? A. It was somebody with Carrier, Carrier Corporation. Q. Carrier UTC? A. Yes. Yeah, yeah. Q. Does the name David Hollman ring a bell to you? A. I -- I think so. Q. Do you know whether he's an ASHRAE member? A. I do not know. Carrier's -- there are many employees with -- with -- from -- of Carrier who are members of ASHRAE. Q. Do you recall any other information ASHRAE has regarding any potential monetary loss as a consequence of defendant's conduct? A. I have no firsthand knowledge of -- of that. Q. Do you have any other information that you might have acquired secondhand? A. With regard to -Q. Monetary losses. A. -- this -- this -- in this case? Q. Caused by defendants, yes. A. No, I do not have any -- any other knowledge of that. Page 62 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 what a subvention is of a publication? 1 A. I do not. 2 Q. Has ASHRAE ever received any grants to 3 support the publication of any particular standards? 4 A. I have no knowledge of ASHRAE receiving 5 funds for that. 6 Q. Is ASHRAE aware of any monetary losses that 7 it has suffered as a consequence of the defendant's 8 conduct in this case? 9 A. I can't speak to any -- any tracking of -10 of losses. And anecdotally, people say if -- they've 11 asked me if a standard is available on the Internet, 12 is that -- is that allowed, is that permissible, so 13 we -- in those cases, we will seek to remove them. 14 But we don't -- we -- I don't have any 15 record of tracking such loss of -- of revenue. 16 Q. Apart from tracking it, does ASHRAE have 17 any information regarding monetary losses it has 18 suffered as a consequence of defendant's conduct? 19 A. I -- I do recall there was one message we 20 got from somebody who refer- -- I think it was 21 somebody with Carrier Corporation, if I recall, who 22 referred to -- who referred to that. I don't know if 23 they had intended to purchase or not, but that was 24 one specific case I do recall. 25 Page 64 Q. Are you aware of any persons being misled as to a relationship between the defendants and ASHRAE? A. I'm not aware of that. Q. Are you aware of anybody being confused in any way as a consequence -- strike that. Are you aware of anyone being deceived in any way by defendant? A. I am not aware -MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: -- of that. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Are you aware of anyone being confused in any way by any conduct of the defendant? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: If I recall, I think that was -- the fellow from Carrier was asking me a question of whether that was an authorized use, perhaps. I can't remember the exact wording, but there was a -- a question that I was asked of that -- of that person. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Are you aware of any other instances of anyone being confused in any way by any conduct of the defendant? MR. LEWIS: Objection. Page 63 Page 65 17 (Pages 62 - 65) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 THE WITNESS: Not -- not specifically. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Do you know whether ASHRAE is aware of anyone being confused in any way by any conduct of the defendant? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: I am -- that's -- if so, that's not been passed on to me. I -- I'm not aware of that. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Apart from Mr. Hollman and the other -- strike that. Apart from Mr. Hollman and other standards development organizations, has anyone complained to ASHRAE about the conduct of the defendant in this case? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: I do not know if anyone's complained to ASHRAE. The only instance I'm familiar is -- familiar with is that one. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Whom I think is Mr. Hollman. A. Mr. -- the fellow from Carrier. Q. Right. And just so you know, we're going to dig up what we think is the relevant document. We just don't have it. We'll probably have to print it out, 1 some ramification for us, but I can't point to a 2 specific claim that was made. 3 MR. BRIDGES: I think we've gone about an 4 hour. Why don't we take a lunch break now. 5 I'll just tell you that I don't anticipate using 6 the full seven hours in case you're worried 7 about timing. 8 MR. LEWIS: Okay. 9 VIDEOGRAPHER: We're going off the record 10 at 12:24 p m. 11 (Thereupon, there was an interruption in 12 the proceedings.) 13 VIDEOGRAPHER: We are back on the video 14 record at 1:43 p m. 15 Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Good afternoon. 16 A. Good afternoon. 17 (Defendant's Exhibit 1078 was marked for 18 identification.) 19 Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Mr. Comstock, during the 20 morning session, you had mentioned communication from 21 someone connected with Carrier; correct? 22 A. Correct. 23 Q. Please look at Exhibit 1078 and tell me 24 what that exhibit is. 25 A. This is an inquiry that we received from a Page 66 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 but I'll ask you to look at it. I'm not holding that back for some reason. Is ASHRAE aware of any harms that it has suffered in any way from the conduct of the defendant in this case? A. We always try to protect our copyright. Whether I'm aware of any specific instances that have been brought to my attention about the -- the conduct in this case, I can't say I'm aware of that, but we do have a process we follow where we protect our copyright, which we do consistently. Q. I understand that. Has ASHRAE suffered any harm to its reputation as a consequence of the defendant's conduct in this case? A. I can't say at this point that ASHRAE has. Q. Has ASHRAE encountered any communication in which a person informed or suggested to ASHRAE that ASHRAE would lose a sale of a standard because of the defendant's conduct in this action? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: I can't recall receiving any such messages or being engaged in such conversations. It's intuitive that if our documents are available, that there would be Page 68 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 person with a Carrier UTC e-mail address noting that he found an ASHRAE document published at website. Q. Was that the instance you were referring to in your testimony this morning? A. Yes, it was. Q. Do you recall whether there was any other communication with Mr. Hollman about this topic? A. I do not recall any further exchange except what's represented here. Q. What is Carrier? A. Carrier's probably -- well, one of the largest air-conditioning equipment suppliers in the world with a global -- global outreach, founded by Willis Carrier, the so-called father of air-conditioning, if you would. Q. That actually reminds me of -- the perspective you gave on that question reminds me, what was your background before joining ASHRAE? A. I worked for a newspaper after graduating from -- from college. Graduated from a -- from a school that had a very strong engineering program. I chose not to go into engineering, went into -- worked for a newspaper and then did that for a short amount of time and then took an editorial position with Page 67 Page 69 18 (Pages 66 - 69) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ASHRAE. Q. What newspaper were you working for? A. Bergen News. Q. Bergen County, New Jersey? A. Bergen County, New Jersey, yes. Q. And you mentioned you graduated from a school that had a very strong engineering program. Which one was that? A. Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Q. So you had come to -- you came to ASHRAE from a publishing and -- from a publishing background with a technology slant in the publishing? A. With a familiarity, to some degree, of engineering, but it was mainly with an editorial background. Q. To what extent -- strike that. Earlier today when we were talking about revenues, I think you were distinguishing between revenues that ASHRAE receives directly from the sale or licensing of publications and other revenues that may in some way involve the publications, such as training programs where a copy of a standard would be furnished. Do you recall that? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 five -- a total of five days of training, which is a -- an intensive HVAC design training program, and much of that content deals with Standard 90.1 content, Standard 62.1 content. Q. What other revenue-generating activities does ASHRAE engage in, apart from the publication sales and licensing and the education offerings you just mentioned? A. Do you mean with a direct or indirect tie to standards, for example? Q. Yes. A. The -- the magazine will -- our -- our principal magazine, which is a -- a trade publication, B-to-B publication, ASHRAE journal will -- will have -- will be quite often articles about ASHRAE standards there. So that -- that is always -- when we have topics related to standards, those are often articles that we will promote to our -- to our advertising base. Q. What other activities does -- strike that. What other revenue-generating activities does ASHRAE engage in relating to -A. We have -Q. -- standards? Page 70 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 MR. LEWIS: Objection. 1 THE WITNESS: Yes, I do. 2 Q. (By Mr. Bridges) I'd like to explore for a 3 little bit what activities ASHRAE engages in that may 4 touch upon standards, apart from the sale or 5 licensing of standards. 6 So education is one; right? 7 A. Correct. 8 Q. What types of education offerings does 9 ASHRAE provide? 10 A. We -- we offer a -- a varied program. We 11 really take seriously trying to help with the 12 application of the standard, ensure the standards are 13 applied properly. 14 And so that consists of instructor-led 15 training that we will provide, either -- typically, 16 three-hour or six-hour courses for which there are 17 registration fees, and we also will have web-based 18 learning programs that are available, which would be 19 e-learning experiences that are available on demand. 20 And many of those courses deal with 21 applications of -- of standards, and specifically 22 there's -- there's quite a few courses that would 23 deal with topics related to 90.1. 24 And -- and we also offer a -- a -- a 25 Page 72 A. We have some electronic products, for example, that are based on ASHRAE standards that -that -- apps that are based on content and ASHRAE standards specifically. So we offer those types of products for sale. Q. What are some of the apps? A. For -- related to 62.1, there would be a -a ventilation rate effectiveness app that we have available, a duct-fitting app and a duct-fitting database. However, that probably relates more to our hand- -- that relates more to our handbook than to standards. Right now, we're developing an app for 90.1 compliance. Q. Anything else in terms of standards relating to revenue-generating activities? A. Users manuals. Q. How are they organized? In other words, is there a user's manual for each standard? A. Not for all the standards, but the more popular standards, the more complex standards, we have users manuals to assist with their appropriate and proper application. Q. I assume there's a user's manual for 90.1? A. There is. Page 71 Page 73 19 (Pages 70 - 73) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. What other rev- -- revenue-generating activities does ASHRAE engage in pertaining to standards? A. We've covered royalties. We've covered the sales of the documents. We've covered the articles that would impact the advertising, the courses, the ancillary support documents. I could imagine at one -- at -- some extension of that could be either sessions that are presented at our conferences that would deal with 90.1, for which -- for which there would be attendance interests that would be generated for that. I believe that -- I believe that would cover the -- the -- the potential for -- for revenue. Q. Does the sale of -- strike that. Does the sale and licensing of standards subsidize other ASHRAE activities apart from standards development -MR. LEWIS: Objection. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) -- and publication? A. All of the revenue flows into a single -single source. There's some standards that are -are very low-selling standards, so there are -- so it would be fair to say that some -- if a standard 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 that are -- are -- are deemed by peers to have been successful. They're developed by people who are recognized by their peer -- peers as being knowledgeable in their respective fields. So it provides standards. And especially the -- the ASHRAE handbook really provide -- they provide solutions. They -- they -- they incorporate new technology that's available in products and equipment and assist designers as to what new design options may be available because of new products in the marketplace. Q. You use terminology that I hear frequently. I often push back at it a little bit wherever I hear it, so don't take this personally. But I've never quite understood what "solutions" means, because it's often a very vague term. Sometimes it's a liquid in a bottle; okay? That's not what you meant here. How else would you describe what you're referring to as solutions here? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: One of the things that I've noticed in the industry as an editorial person is that there's so many different technologies that can be provided that are available to Page 74 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 generates more revenue, that helps support those activities that don't have revenue streams that would cover them. Q. There's no requirement that each activity fully self-support itself? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: Our -- our obligation's to advance the technology. We -- we -- there are some items that are needed, but they have a difficult time finding the financial support to carry them forward. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) And in your last statement, you said, "Our obligation is to advance the technology." Is that a summary or a reference to ASHRAE's mission? A. In our bylaws, ASHRAE's organized to advance the arts and sciences of heating, refrigeration, air-conditioning, ventilation, and their allied arts and sciences. Q. How does ASHRAE's development and publication of its standards advance the technology? A. Because it sets a -- a standard for practice. It incorporates through user experiences those solutions to technical applications that are -- Page 76 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 maintain air in a building, whether it be conditioned air at a particular temperature or air that's free of contaminants. There's many, many different methods of applying technology, different types of technology, to provide a -an air-conditioning -- HVAC system in a building or a refrigeration system. And so designers have more choices available to them than ever before, so part of the role that ASHRAE provides in offering solutions is to help guide those engineers to -to provide the appropriate -- the -- the appropriate application of technology which best solves the design problem that they face. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Thank you for that explanation. I spoke with ASHRAE counsel during a break about your testimony earlier today about the reading room. Did you have any clarifications that you wanted to make about the functionality of the reading room? I'm sorry, about the functionality of the free viewing facility. A. Yes. I -- in -- in -- in checking that point, I understand now that there's search Page 75 Page 77 20 (Pages 74 - 77) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 capability that you can apply in our free viewing capability documents. It's still my understanding that you cannot cut and paste from those documents, but you are able to search and view. Q. Thank you. For the free viewing facility, you mentioned that one does not have to register; is that correct? A. That is my understanding. Q. Does someone have to agree to terms of service in order to engage in the free viewing? A. I do not believe so. Q. Moving away from free viewing now to sales of physical documents, does ASHRAE impose any obligations on the purchaser of standards in physical form as a condition of that transaction? A. If in paper form -Q. Right. A. -- no. Q. What about the sale of electronic access to standards? Does ASHRAE impose any obligations on the purchaser of standards in that fashion as a condition of that transaction? A. In -- in a legal sense, "obligations" means 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. Thank you for clarifying that. Again, regarding individual purchases of PDFs, can you think of any other terms and conditions for that type of sale? A. I cannot. Q. So we've just talked about terms and conditions for personal access to electronic documents. What other types of transactions does ASHRAE engage in with respect to electronic access to AS- -- ASHRAE's standards? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: We have CD products that would include standards. There would be a message that has an agreement that you would have in accessing that CD, which would be similar in -- in wording, that this is for personal use only. And then network licenses, although we do not direct- -- we do not directly sell network licenses ourselves, those are done by third-party -- those value-added resellers that I referenced before. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Apart from the ones you just discussed, what other types of transactions does Page 78 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 that -- restrictions? Q. Well, that's a good question. I'll get there, because that's not exactly what I had in mind. Does somebody have to promise to do something or promise not to do something in order to purchase electronic access to standards that ASHRAE has published? A. My recollection is that they would agree to certain terms and conditions when making a purchase of an electronic document. Q. Do you recall what some of those terms and conditions are? A. I believe those terms and conditions would be that the document is for personal use only, may not be copied nor distributed to another party. Q. Anything else? A. Perhaps there is store -- you're not able to store unless it's for your personal use. I can't recall that exact wording, but the notion would be that you're not able to put it into a cloud from which other -- or a company network from which other people would be able to gain access. And I should say we're -- I'm not speaking of network licenses now, I'm speaking of an individual purchaser of a PDF document. Page 80 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ASHRAE engage in with respect to electronic access to ASHRAE's standards? A. CDs, PDFs, network through our resellers. I believe that's it, those -- those three areas. Q. What -- strike that. Do the terms and conditions associated with the sale of CDs match i- -- identically the terms and conditions associated with the sale of physical documents? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: The wording would not be identical. The intent of what is conveying the -- the notion and concept this is for individual use would be consistent among the terms and conditions. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Actually, I think I misspoke. I may have given you a misleading question, so your counsel was wise to object. Because I think you said that there were no terms and conditions associated with the sale of physical documents; right? I think I should have meant PDFs, so let me start all over again. Am I correct -A. Yeah, I think I -- I believe I said -- I believe I said paper. Page 79 Page 81 21 (Pages 78 - 81) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. Oh, paper, but -- but did you mean PDF? This is confusing enough. I'm just going to -MR. LEWIS: I'm just going to throw an objection in there. MR. BRIDGES: Yeah, put an objection in there. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) I'll -- I'll move on and give you a better question. A. Okay. Q. I think you said there were no obligations, terms and conditions, on the sale of paper documents. A. I believe that's what I said and I believe that was the case. Q. So let me rephrase this question. There are terms and conditions associated with sales of electronic access to PDFs that users can download; correct? A. That is correct. Q. There are terms and conditions associated with the sale of standards in an electronic media, such as CDs, where the media are physically delivered to the customers; correct? A. That is correct. Q. How do the terms and conditions with 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 license has been purchased. Q. When a third-party reseller delivers ASHRAE products to customers for network uses, does a reseller impose terms and conditions on the purchasers? A. Yes. Yes. Q. And to the extent the reseller is reselling matters that pertain to ASHRAE's standards, does ASHRAE dictate the terms and conditions of the customer's use of ASHRAE's standards? A. Typically, we do not go into great detail about the terms and conditions statement. Often -- and we have maybe 10 such agree- -- maybe five such agreements -- the -- the language may actually be part of the agreement, part of the contract with the reseller. In other cases, it may be something generic, such as the -- the reseller will provide digital rights management, controls over the distribution. But I would dare say for all the agreements, there's a -- there's some language that says the -- the -- the -- the reseller is going to apply prudent and appropriate levels to ensure protection of the documents. Page 82 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 respect to those two categories differ from each other? A. The intent is -- would be similar, in that it's -- they are both meant for personal use. There may be some nuances of the platform that are involved with that delivery that may require some differences in the specific wording. Q. Then take me a step further. How do the terms and conditions with respect to network licenses differ from the terms and conditions that apply to either PDF delivery or CD delivery? A. For network delivery, probably -- first of all, ASHRAE doesn't deliver those products to -- for network uses. Those are done through third parties, and I am -- I'm sure there are variations among those third-party resellers about those terms. They may relate to the type of network license that's purchased, for example, is it simultaneous -- is the license based on simultaneous users? Is the license based on sites? There could be a wide spectrum of what the use is. The intent of all those licenses, however, is to restrict the access to the people -- number of persons, number of stations, for which the -- the Page 84 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. Does ASHRAE approve or review terms and conditions that the reseller imposes on its customer when its customer purchases electronic access to an ASHRAE standard? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: Typically, we do not. However, sometimes those terms are in the -- are in the agreement that we have with a reseller. In terms of -- of our bookstore, which is -- which is -- is managed by a third party, which is Techstreet, for that bookstore, we would review what those terms and conditions are, since that bookstore is on our site. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) When ASHRAE sells CDs of its standards, does that sale come with a license to the purchaser? A. It has an agr- -- a user agreement. I guess that would be called a license. Q. Does ASHRAE sell CDs for multiple user use? A. At the current time, I do not believe our -- we have one CD and I do not believe that one CD is a network option. It is meant for personal use. Q. I know I touched on this earlier, but I want to come back and ask the question in a way that Page 83 Page 85 22 (Pages 82 - 85) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ties very closely to the notice of deposition. Is ASHRAE aware of any consumer confusion, mistake, or deception caused by Public Resources' posting of ASHRAE's standards, apart from whatever you discussed this morning? A. I have no knowledge other than what I discussed this morning. Q. A similar question, but phrased slightly differently. Does ASHRAE have any awareness of any consumer confusion, mistake, or deception caused by the appearance of ASHRAE's standards that Public Resource has posted? A. Except for what I stated this morning, I'm not aware of any other. Q. Does ASHRAE have any special licensing terms with respect to its standards for particular types of users? MR. LEWIS: Objection. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) By -- for example, does it give different terms for the sale or license of its standards to public libraries or to universities or to professors? A. Our licenses would be -- our licenses would be handled by the resellers. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Does ASHRAE have different terms and conditions for licenses of standards according to whether the standards are incorporated into law or regulation or not? A. No, I cannot think of any -- any difference for that. I -- I did think of one other thing I should say. Q. Go ahead. A. I -- for example, I can -- back to a case like professors, which you mentioned, there may be a case where some group is writing another standard and that standards writing group will ask can they make a standard of ours available for reference on that association's website restricted to members of that committee. There's cases where I would probably grant that, as well. Q. That would be something as to which you would apply your discretion and custom tailor something, rather than having a -- a set alternative for that type of content? A. Yes. Usually, that -- that would come in through the channel of a reprint permission, may we reprint that standard. And as corollary to that, they say, "Well, instead of sending us paper copies, Page 86 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 When it comes to professors, there might be some cases where we would allow some content to be used in course packs, for example. I'm not sure if that borders as much on reprint permission as it does a -- as a network license, but certainly I do receive requests from instructors to use content in their classes. If -- sometimes if it's explained to me that the professor would put it on some sort of internal network restricted solely to students who are registered for that class -- and, typically, these would be professors who are members of ASHRAE and have -- I've interacted with over -- over the years -- I would typically grant that. There may be a fee that we would charge. Again, it would depend upon was it an entire standard they were going to use. So I -- I think there's -- until you said "professors," I think there are cases where we would have some different terms for professors. But if a university buys a product for a -- for a university network, that would go through one of the resellers. Q. Does ASHRAE have different terms and conditions for licenses according to whether -strike that. Page 88 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 can we put it on a -- a restricted intranet available only to the members of the committee writing the standard so they have reference?" So there are instances where we've -- we've done that sort of activity, which I apply my judg- -judgment for in granting. Q. Does ASHRAE have different terms and conditions for governmental agencies with respect to the licensing of ASHRAE standards? A. No. Again, that would be handled through our -- through our resellers and they would apply whatever their -- their sales principles are. Q. Would that be true -- strike that. But the resellers resell only networked standards, right, network access licenses? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: For the most -- they also will -- will sell single copies of documents if they have retail stores, if you would. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Okay. The resellers don't sell CDs; correct? A. That is correct. Q. I guess my question -- I'll ask it another way just to make sure I'm getting the point out. Do governments get any different terms of Page 87 Page 89 23 (Pages 86 - 89) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 access to ASHRAE's standards from the terms available to the general public? A. No. However, we do have a -- a price -- if somebody is a code official and writes to us making a request for purchase as a code official on their letterhead, there is a -- a discount category that's available to them as a code -- as an individual code official. Q. What do you mean by a code official? A. I've never explored it all that -- that detail. The -- it would be somebody who works for a code enforcement body that would be part of a governmental entity, most likely at a municipal, perhaps state, level. Q. When ASHRAE licenses its standards that are on a CD to an individual for personal use, does that license include the ability of the individual to make and preserve altered versions of the standards; for example, extracts for reference or terms juxtaposed in a different way? A. To the best of my knowledge, with our current CD product, those standards are each available on the CD. And I should clarify. This -- we have one 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 standards is in PDF form. So whatever the functionality associated with a PDF is, that is what you would find on the CD. That sounded to me like a technological restriction embedded in the CD, on what people could do with the CD; is that correct? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: What I meant to say was that we don't alter the PDF functionality; we just take the PDF that we finish our editorial process with, create a PDF, and that file gets moved over and manufactured as part of the CD. So we just use that -- that file format as being an easily transportable file that the user can -- can use the way you normally would a PDF. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) So my question following up on that is this: Is there anything in the license grant that accompanies the CD when ASHRAE sells or delivers the CD to a user that regulates the different types of things that the user can do with the CD with the -- with the documents on the CD? For example, does, to ASHRAE's understanding, the license prohibit a user from making edits to the standard for one's own reference and, therefore, changing the standard? Page 90 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CD that has our complete set of standards -1 Q. Okay. 2 A. -- and on that one CD, each one of those 3 individual C- -- standards is in PDF form. 4 So whatever the functionality associated 5 with PDF is, that is what you would find on the CD. 6 Q. Does that mean that ASHRAE uses limitations 7 on the functionality of the CD as a way of limiting 8 the license that is available for use of the CD? 9 MR. BRIDGES: Objection. 10 THE WITNESS: We want the CD and its 11 content to be usable for the purchaser. We want 12 to make it a product that meets the users' 13 demand. 14 The restrictions that are there are meant 15 to convey that this is for that user. 16 Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Oh, you're not talking 17 about technical restrictions, then; you're talking 18 about license restrictions? 19 A. Well, I don't understand. 20 Q. I may have misunderstood your earlier 21 question. 22 You said that on the one CD that has a 23 complete set of standards, each one of those 24 standards is -- each one of those individual 25 Page 92 MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: There is nothing in the license agreement that I can recall that would prevent a user from doing that. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Is there anything in the license agreement that authorizes a user to do that? A. To the best of my recollection, the license agreement would be silent on that issue. Q. Is it ASHRAE's understanding that the scope of permissions granted to the user in the license has the same contours as the technological capability of the PDF files in the CD -MR. LEWIS: Objection. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) -- themselves? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: That would be my understanding, the contours between the content on the CD and PDF technology would be the same. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) This is another one of these questions where I'm going back and tying it more precisely to the list in the notice. Has ASHRAE identified, apart from what you've mentioned today, any harms, financially or otherwise, to ASHRAE arising from any acts, omissions, or operations of Public Resource? Page 91 Page 93 24 (Pages 90 - 93) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A. The -- the -- the concerns that -- that -that ASHRAE has is to be able to maintain control over its -- its document for how it's -- it's used and distributed in the market in accordance with its -- with its terms. Whether there's a specific harm that's been seen from PR -- from the case at hand, I can't speak to that. But in -- in principle, the -- the organization sees harm if -- if it -- if -- if its documents are not able to be maintained. Q. And apart from that, has ASHRAE detected any harms, financially or otherwise, to itself arising from any acts, omissions, or operations of Public Resource? A. I -- I've got no evidence. I have not seen cases of that. Q. Again, this overlaps a little bit with some earlier questions. What -- what are all the factors that you understand ASHRAE considered in deciding to provide free viewing to ASHRAE's standards? A. I was the one who actually launched that effort, and it was -- so much of what we do is a balance between trying to assist our members, trying to help provide a better explanation of the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 How do ASHRAE's standards function as working tools for persons who are part of the engineering community? A. ASHRAE's stan- -- they -- they provide a -well, many of the standards are method of test, so they provide methods of testing equipment so that equipment can be measured -- can be compared with similar levels of performance. Our -- some of the standards set definitions of refrigerants and classify those refrigerants in terms of their flammability, in terms of their toxicity, different characteristics. And then you have a third type of standard, which is a design standard, which actually provides guidance that says, "You shall have a -- your design shall do this in these circumstances." Q. And as you just mentioned, does that guidance take the form of specific requirements that are specified in the standard? A. It says "shall." Q. So that answer's yes? A. Yes. Q. Were there any other factors involved in the decision to provide free viewing of ASHRAE's standards? Page 94 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 technology, and allowing our -- our business model to -- to -- to be supported. So it was a combination of those things. Number one was to -- in -- in theory, when we first decided to move in that direction, it was so that our members could see a document and be able to determine if they wished to buy it or not. So they had some familiarity that, yes, this is a document that would be worthwhile for us to have, and then -then to be able to build into that that notion that then it's going to lead to a sale. And then there are -- our mission statement means that we are to advance technology, so then the third element would be to make it available to other people who would have an interest in -- in looking at the standard, but -- but would not be an engineer or part of the engineering community, so wouldn't need the technical depth of the -- the document as a working tool. So it's those three factors that went into our decision to create the -- the free viewing, which, again, I'm -- I can't recall the exact year, but it's -- it's 15 years ago, maybe even a little bit longer than that. Q. How do the standards func- -- strike that. Page 96 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A. No. Those three factors were the -- that was the -- the -- the thrust of our initiative. Q. Are there any protocols or procedures at ASHRAE governing the granting of licenses or permission requests to anyone outside the organization? And you can limit your answer to standards. A. Typically, the factors that would be considered would be amount of content that's to be used. Typically, we would want it to be less than 33 percent of a standard. That's not a hard and fast rule, but that's a general guideline that my assistant has. We would look at what the use is. If it's a classroom use, that's one thing; if it's posting it on the Internet, that's another thing; if it's a company brochure, that's another thing. So it's -it's -- it's how the distribution will be done and -and who is doing it, for example, a company, as opposed to an educator. Then there would also be the -- you know, our expectation that the -- the -- the -- that there be a citation so that the doc- -- the document is sourced. And in that particular case, it would be reprinted as it is unless it's specified that it Page 95 Page 97 25 (Pages 94 - 97) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 is -- that there's commentary about it -- it -- it being modified in some way. Q. Do you know whether some jurisdictions incorporate ASHRAE standards into their laws or regulations by quoting the standards, literally, in the laws and regulations? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: I think there must be some cases like that. Offhand, I can't recall any specific instances. It seems logical that there would be such a reference. I'm not -- I don't get involved specifically with code adoption. The request to use our content would come to me; I just look at it in terms of a -- a reprint request. It seems that -- logical there would have been some cases to that nature. I don't think it's an abundance of such cases. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) And then another way in which standards get incorporated or adopted into law or regulation is by reference; correct? MR. LEWIS: Let me just stop for just a second and point out that this witness is not addressing incorporation or adoption. MR. BRIDGES: I understand. This is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 publishes the altered version that suits it. Are you aware of that type of scenario? A. I am not. I'm not saying it may not happen, but there's no -- I have no -- no knowledge of that passing through -- through my office -- or I have no knowledge of it happening at all. Q. Does ASHRAE require any royalties from any jurisdictions that adopt or incorporate ASHRAE's standards into law or regulation? A. By ref- -- by reference? Q. Whether it's incorporation or adoption, either explicitly or by reference. A. From -- from my perspective, I would look at reprint permission. I'm not aware of any reprinting of our standards with modifications by government officials, so there would be -- I'm not aware of any royalties from that. If a standard was adopted exactly as we have published it and is distributed by that governmental entity, that would be a reprint permission and we would charge a royalty fee that would be associated with that, because that would be a distribution of our standard. Q. So ASHRAE would charge the jurisdiction that reprint fee? Page 98 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 foundational to get to -MR. LEWIS: Sure, sure. I just wanted to make sure you were aware of that. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) So I'll repeat my last question. Another way in which standards get incorporated or adopted into law or regulation is by reference; correct? A. My understanding is that happens. Q. Do you know whether some jurisdictions, when they adopt an ASHRAE standard into law or regulation, adopt the standard with some modifications that that jurisdiction itself wanted? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: I do not know. I would -- I receive reprint requests. If they modify a standard, that probably would not -- that process would not come to -- to my attention. Q. Whose attention would that come to? A. My guess is that's to our standards staff. Q. And the reason I'm asking you these questions is: Are you aware of any publications by anyone other than ASHRAE of modified versions of ASHRAE's standards? If, for example, a state adopts your standards, but with changes, perhaps the state Page 100 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A. That -- that is correct. Q. If a state adopted an ASHRAE standard exactly into its law and then wished to make that standard, now law, available for free and unrestricted public access on the Web, would ASHRAE charge that state a fee for posting the standard on the Web? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: If that happened, that would seem to fit our business model that we would -there would be a fee involved because our -because of our standard being copyrighted. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Are there -- strike that. How would ASHRAE determine the appropriate price for such an action by the state? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: When I charge royalty fees or set royalty fees, I start with the price of the standard. I then take into account the distribution, the number of copies that are expected to be distributed, and I would take into account how that might impact our sales. Principally, though, I would look at the number of copies distributed and the price. Page 99 Page 101 26 (Pages 98 - 101) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 MR. BRIDGES: By the way, it's a little 2 unfair. I'm drinking coffee after coffee. If 3 you need a coffee or you need a break or if you 4 do, we can -- we can take breaks. 5 MR. LEWIS: How long have we been back on 6 the record? 7 VIDEOGRAPHER: An hour and three minutes. 8 MR. BRIDGES: Oh, maybe we should just take 9 a break then. 10 THE WITNESS: Sure. 11 VIDEOGRAPHER: This is the end of Video 2. 12 We're going off the record at 2:46 p m. 13 (Thereupon, there was an interruption in 14 the proceedings.) 15 VIDEOGRAPHER: This is the beginning of 16 Video 3. We are on the record at 3:07 p.m. 17 Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Mr. Comstock, I'm handing 18 you Exhibit 1079. 19 (Defendant's Exhibit 1079 was marked for 20 identification.) 21 Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Can you please tell me 22 what it is? 23 A. This appears to be the terms of use for the 24 website. 25 Q. How did these terms of use differ, to your 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ASHRAE home page. Secondly would be if they con- -- if they just contact ASHRAE in -- in general. Q. And if -- are there any other ways that you're aware of? A. No, just those two. Q. If someone contacts ASHRAE in general, is it my understanding, based on your testimony earlier, that the person contacting ASHRAE is likely to be directed to your assistant? A. That is correct. Q. And your assistant would typically act as some kind of interface between ASHRAE and whoever's seeking the permission? A. That is correct. Q. Who besides yourself would direct your assistant in connection with the assistant's handling the requests for permission? A. I would be the only person who would be giving her that direction. Q. I also want to review systematically some of the information that I've heard today about sources other than ASHRAE for ASHRAE standards. So to begin with, ASHRAE makes its standards available through the Web to persons who Page 102 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 knowledge, from the terms of use that apply, for example, to CD products that ASHRAE delivers? A. The intent of this was for access to the website, so it was developed specifically for the website, the other -- the terms of use for the CD for that product. Q. Is it your understanding that Exhibit 1079 applies to persons who use the free viewing facility of the ASHRAE website? A. I'm not sure of that. This appears to deal with the website and its content, so if the free viewing is part of that, then my assumption is that would apply. Q. Do these terms in Exhibit 1079 apply equally to ASHRAE members and to non-members? A. I'm not aware of any separate agreement for -- for members. Q. So to the best of your information, it would apply to both members and non-members? A. I would think that's correct. Q. You've touched on this a little bit, but what are the different ways persons can approach ASHRAE in order to gain permission to use information from an ASHRAE standard? A. One, it is from a permissions link on the Page 104 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 want to view or acquire the standards through the Web interface, whether by using the free viewing facility or by ordering a PDF or ordering a CD; is that correct? A. That is correct, or a book. Q. If somebody wants networked access to ASHRAE's standards, that person normally goes through a reseller; is that correct? A. That is correct. Q. And you identified several resellers earlier today; correct? A. That is correct. Q. Are there any other significant resellers apart from the four you mentioned who resell ASHRAE's standards? A. I don't -- significant sellers, the only other ones that come to mind, SAI Global -- I don't believe I referenced them, and Barber Index would be -- would be -- I think that may be six then. Those are the principal resellers. Q. And then apart from them, there may be book retailers? A. (Witness nodded head affirmatively.) MR. LEWIS: You have to -THE WITNESS: Yes. Page 103 Page 105 27 (Pages 102 - 105) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. (By Mr. Bridges) What other major sources of AST- -- sorry, of ASHRAE standards other than ASHRAE have I missed? A. When you say "sources," sources that make our documents available in the marketplace? Q. Right, right. What I would consider to be a source to which a member of the public would go in order to obtain ASHRAE standards. A. I know we have publications in Amazon, for example. I don't know if -- offhand, I can't recall if among the titles they offer are standards, but I would think it's likely that they would be. Q. Any others that we haven't reviewed? A. There's an assortment of small book redistributors, Engineer's Bookstore over at Georgia Tech, for example, Barnes & Noble, which does college bookstores. They may maintain inventory of ASHRAE standards for resale. Q. Do college students get a discount on the price of AS- -- of ASHRAE standards? A. We have a student member price that is available to student members of ASHRAE. Q. And do members have to purchase standards through ASHRAE's website in order to take advantage of member discount? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 include in the package that's purchased documents from ASHRAE, as well as other organizations. Q. Okay. So that might be a -- would that be for on-line access? A. My understanding is that, yes, that would be for on-line access. Q. So that would be a form of multi-title on-line access where the different titles might come from different organizations? A. That is correct. Q. Does ASHRAE authorize anyone to disseminate to the public any ASHRAE standards together with someone else's annotations or commentary? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: I do not recall any such license. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) If someone wishes to publish a book advising the public how to make the most effective use of ASHRAE standards, does ASHRAE take the position that the author or publisher of such a book would need a grant of permission or a license from ASHRAE? A. ASHRAE's position would be if there's content from the standard that is used as it's expressed in the ASHRAE standard, then permission Page 106 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A. Yes, yes, through the website or by calling our customer service department. Q. And did you say earlier that ASHRAE authorizes some entities to include ASHRAE standards in some other publications that include a broad collection of standards? MR. LEWIS: Objection. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) I may have misheard you or misunderstood. I thought I heard something to that effect. A. I don't believe I said that. Q. So if -- if -- so any authorized distribution of ASHRAE standards would be only individually or grouped with other ASHRAE standards or other ASHRAE publications; correct? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: We have resellers who will sell ASHRAE standards with other collections. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Would that be bundling separate products together the way Amazon might suggest, that if you like book A you might want book B and it tries to sell you both? A. I am not sure how they may package standards. I was referring to electronic access that would be available from resellers where they would Page 108 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 would be required. Q. Does ASHRAE know whether, apart from the defendant in this -- this case, there is any other source apart from ASHRAE's website for free viewing of ASHRAE's standards? A. There have been occasions where posting of ASHRAE standards have been brought to our attention. Q. Were these postings without ASHRAE -without ASHRAE's permission? A. That's the first thing we do, is check and see if there is an authorization that's been granted. And as part of that process, then we would ask if the person posting has authorization. Q. Does ASHRAE regularly demand that persons making those postings stop the postings? A. Yes, that is a process that we follow. Typically, what we see most often are file-sharing sites. Q. Does ASHRAE have any information suggesting that the presence of its standards on file-sharing sites has caused it to lose money? A. All we have are complaints from somebody who perhaps has bought a standard and says, "Now I see this is available here, what gives." Q. Has ASHRAE succeeded in eliminating the Page 107 Page 109 28 (Pages 106 - 109) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 unauthorized postings of its standards apart from the posting by defendant in this case? A. We typically have success removing postings as they come up, but it's a continuing problem. Q. Does ASHRAE have any information suggesting that Public Resource has posted ASHRAE standards or any standards to the Internet for purposes other than a public benefit? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: I have no knowledge of the motivations. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Apart from the formal committee process leading to standards development, are you aware of any of the plaintiffs providing a public facility for the posting of discussions or comments by the public about the standards of the plaintiffs? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: I have no knowledge of any other organizations -Q. (By Mr. Bridges) What about -A. -- what they do. Q. -- ASHRAE? How does that apply to ASHRAE? A. Could you ask the ques- -- question again, please? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 qualify to register to make comments on that ExCHANGE? A. My -MR. LEWIS: Same objection. THE WITNESS: My recollection is that you provide your name, e-mail address, and verify you're over a certain age to allow you to post. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) And does one have to agree to terms of service? A. I imagine there -- there is a -- yes, there is a terms of service that you would agree to. Q. Does ASHRAE make public its standards for free viewing through a facility other than the free viewing facility we've discussed when standards are under consideration for incorporation by a government? A. I am not aware of that. (Plaintiffs' Exhibit 1080 was marked for identification.) Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Mr. Comstock, I hand you Exhibit 1080. This is an exchange of e-mails between you and someone who's contacted ASHRAE regarding extracting some information for another code and guideline; is that correct? A. This appears to be a request for use of Page 110 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. Sure. Apart from the formal committee process that's part of standards development, are you aware of ASHRAE's providing a public facility for the posting of discussions or comments about ASHRAE's standards? MR. LEWIS: I'll just insert an objection here that this is outside the scope of the topics for this witness. MR. BRIDGES: We can debate it, but you're not instructing him anyway, so... THE WITNESS: There's interpretations of standards that are -- that are -- that are made. I'm not aware of a place on our website where we allow posting of comments about any of -- about our standards or other publications. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Does ASHRAE maintain any public forum where the interested public can make comments and where commenters can, for example, respond to each other? MR. LEWIS: Same objection. THE WITNESS: The -- ASHRAE offers a platform called ASHRAExCHANGE at which if you register, you may post comments. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) What must one do to Page 112 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 content for 90.1. Q. And I'm not trying to force you into a -any unfair characteriz- -- characterization, so feel free to push back. Is this within a typical range of the types of communications that ASHRAE receives for permissions? A. It's not unique. I'm not sure it could be characterized as being typical, but it's certainly a type of request that we receive. (Plaintiffs' Exhibit 1081 was marked for identification.) Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Can you please identify Exhibit 1081? A. Okay. This is a multiuser license for use of 90.1, 2007. Q. Help me understand one thing. This is a license for use of a PDF file by multiple persons; is that correct? A. I believe that's correct. Q. What I don't understand is it says the purchase of the PDF file is not included in the license fee. Do you see that in the first full paragraph in the body of it? Page 111 Page 113 29 (Pages 110 - 113) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A. (Witness nodded head affirmatively.) Q. So this means that -- is this correct that this means that somebody has to pay this license fee and then separately has to purchase a PDF file? A. That is correct. Q. This license fee, this agreement, cost $1,000; correct? A. As I -- as I see stated here, yes. Q. How much more does somebody have to pay to purchase the PDF file? A. This would have been a -- somewhere between -- well, what's the date of this? 2009. My assumption is that there's previous reference to these being ASHRAE members, so most likely they paid a fee of something about $99, which would have been the member price. Q. And it goes on to say, "Networking of updated standards would require a new licensing agreement. This standard is on continuous maintenance." What does that last sentence mean? A. Continuous maintenance is the process that ASHRAE followed so that every three years there's a revision of that standard released. Q. Now, in the sentence before that, I think 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A. Year designation. Q. Year designation. And that would -- a new year designation means that, within the meaning of this document, it's an updated standard? A. That is correct. Q. Okay. What do the addenda typically include? A. Typically, an addenda -- or I guess I should -- a singular addendum would be a section of the standard that has been revised, so the committee has agreed to revise this section of the standard. That then becomes an addendum. Q. Do the addenda contain corrections to errors that may have appeared in a published version of a standard in the nature of an errata? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: I -- I believe the errata is a sep- -- that's a separate issue. The addenda would be a change to the standard. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Okay. Thank you. Would the errata be furnished -- would the errata to a particular version be included within the license for that version? A. Yes, and that was our attempt to say that, Page 114 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 which I also earlier read, it said, "Networking of updated standards would require a new licensing agreement." Then it goes on to say, "This standard is on 'continuous maintenance'" and then it says, "Any approved addenda posted on the ASHRAE website may also be included with the document on the network at no additional fee." So there's a license to a standard, but it doesn't cover updated standards; correct? A. It does not include revisions -- different versions of that standard. This license is for 90.1 2007. Q. But it looks to me as though it does -that the license does extend to any approved addenda posted on the ASHRAE website. A. That is correct, because those addenda are freely available as individual units. Q. Okay. So there's a -- there's a standard and then the standard may have some addenda over time; is that correct? A. That is correct. Q. But then after a certain point in time, the standard is updated and that becomes a new version of the standard, typically given a new date? Page 116 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 "Here is you -- you have access -- just as anyone has access to the addenda, you do, as well." Q. So this says that the license does not expire, correct, in the second sentence of the first full paragraph? A. Second sentence. I see the sen- -- that's correct, it does say that. Q. So help me understand this. This is ASHRAE Standard 90.1 2007? A. Yes. Q. So this means that the holder of this license can have multiple -- it can have multiple user access to 90.1 2007, to the addenda to 90.1 2007, not explicitly, but presumably also to any errata that pertain to 90.1 2007; correct? A. That is correct. Q. And that this license would enable somebody to have access to that version of that standard indefinitely? A. That is correct. Q. Even after a new revision has come out? A. That is correct. Q. How many addenda does ASHRAE typically publish for any standard during a -- one revision cycle? Page 115 Page 117 30 (Pages 114 - 117) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 A. I do not know and -- and I think it would 2 vary quite a bit, depending upon the standard. 3 Q. How many errata does ASHRAE publish for any 4 standard during one revision cycle? 5 A. I do not know. 6 Q. Do you know the range? 7 A. I do not. 8 Q. Do you know the type of errors that are 9 included among the errata? 10 MR. LEWIS: I'm going to insert my 11 objection again about being outside the scope 12 and topics, but... 13 MR. BRIDGES: It's generally within -- I 14 mean, he's basically in charge of publication. 15 The errata is part of the publication process. 16 That's why I'm asking him. I'm not asking you 17 to agree with me; I'm just trying to explain. 18 MR. LEWIS: I understand. 19 THE WITNESS: The -- the errata are posted 20 on the ASHRAE website in the standards section 21 of the website, which is different from -- from 22 the section of the website where we sell the 23 standard. 24 So they're published in that -- they're 25 posted on the website and I'm not engaged in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A. This is for packaging 90.1 with the IECC, which is published by the International Code Council. Q. And this is an agreement between ASHRAE and the International Code Council; is that correct? A. That is correct. Q. Do you know by what method ICC reproduced ASHRAE's Standard 90.1 2007 in its publication? A. I know they did a book. Q. Do you know how the book was typeset, for example? A. I -- what we did was provide them with a PDF from which they -- they manufactured the book. Q. Do you know whether they simply reproduced the PDF? A. My assumption is they -- they -- my understanding and assumption is that they reproduced the PDF as we provided it to them, and I think it may even say in here that they're required to do so. Q. I didn't see that. What I saw was paragraphs 4 and 5. A. It's certainly my understanding that the document was reprinted as ASHRAE distributes it. I -- which, I believe, is covered in Section 4. Q. I guess in Section 4(a), I -- I'm not sure what I -- what the phrase "in other formats" means. Page 118 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 that process. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Who -- who is engaged in that process? A. That's our standards staff that does that. Q. Do you -- do you know -- sorry. Do you have any knowledge of the types of corrections that the errata include? A. I -- I really do not. I've -- I've not looked at them. (Plaintiffs' Exhibit 1082 was marked for identification.) Q. (By Mr. Bridges) I think I gave you two copies. A. I have two, yes. Q. Please give one to your counsel. MR. LEWIS: Thank you. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Actually, I'm going to start doing that on a regular basis -A. Okay. I'll be prepared. Q. -- since you're closer to him. So it wasn't my mistake after all, it was just a brilliant plan. Do you recognize Exhibit 1082? A. I do. Q. What is it? Page 120 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A. I'm not sure exactly what that means either. Q. In paragraph -- or in Section 5, paragraph (b), what did ASHRAE mean by "stringent quality control procedures"? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: I'm sorry. That was in Section 5(b)? Q. (By Mr. Bridges) 5(b), I'm sorry, on page 3 of 6. A. My reading this agreement would mean that it was -- that the document was up to -- is comparable to the standards by which our products are distributed to the public, made available for sale. Q. Are you familiar with the term "double keying"? A. Yes. Q. To what does that term apply? A. I -- my understanding of double keying would mean there would be a document that would be keyboarded twice to ensure accuracy to the document -- of what's been typed in. Q. Do you have a view as to whether that is a standard for entry of text into a -- into a publication in the publishing industry? Page 119 Page 121 31 (Pages 118 - 121) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: I've not come across that being done for many, many years, because now so much of the reproduction is PDF. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) What about fresh entry of text? Are you familiar with double keying as a standard in the industry for fresh entry of text? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: I'm not aware of that now as a standard. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Were you aware of it as a standard at any time in the past? MR. LEWIS: Same objection. THE WITNESS: I'm aware of it being done. I'm not aware that it was a standard. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Whom were you aware of doing it? A. In the mid-1970s, we did a directory and there was a firm that we used in Pennsylvania for this directory. So it was very straightforward keying, and they employed double -- double keying. Q. Do you recall ever asking a vendor to provide triple keying of fresh text entry? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: I am not. 1 case, if ASHRAE is ever aware of any error in 2 the defendant's posting, please do let us know 3 immediately. 4 You can reserve whatever rights you want to 5 it, but we think it would be better for us to 6 know sooner, rather than later, not as a matter 7 of discovery, but as a matter of public 8 interest. 9 I raise that because this has come up in a 10 different context with others where it appears 11 that they are collecting instances of errors, 12 but not telling Public Resource. 13 MR. FEE: I'd like to note for the record 14 that we object to that and move to strike it. 15 This is Kevin Fee on behalf of ASTM. 16 MR. REHN: NFPA will join that. 17 MR. BRIDGES: Well, for the record, I made 18 the same offer to both -- and request to both 19 NFPA and ASTM. 20 (Defendant's Exhibit 1084 was marked for 21 identification.) 22 Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Mr. Comstock, I don't 23 believe I see -- you are copied on this document. 24 Do you recognize this document? 25 A. I don't recall it, but I see that I'm -- Page 122 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 (Plaintiffs' Exhibit 1083 was marked for identification.) Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Mr. Comstock, I've handed you Exhibit 1083. Could you please identify it? A. This is an e-mail exchange between myself and Jeff Littleton. Q. Who is Mr. Littleton? A. He is our executive vice president and person to whom I report. Q. Does this e-mail exchange pertain to the agreement we've just discussed as Exhibit 1082? A. Yes, it does. Q. By the way, have you -- strike that. Has ASHRAE studied the reproductions of ASHRAE's standards on the defendant's website? A. I have not. Q. Do you know whether anyone at ASHRAE has? A. I am unaware. Q. Do you know whether ASHRAE is aware of any errors in the standards -- in the ASHRAE standards posted by defendant? A. I am not aware of any errors. MR. BRIDGES: I would just like to say for -- for the record, regardless of what positions the parties take as they combat this Page 124 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 I'm copied on this exchange and was involved in it. Q. And this is an exchange of e-mails in part to you, but between someone named Mike Moore at Newport Ventures, Inc. and ASHRAE regarding a request for permission to reprint ASHRAE 90.1; is that correct? A. That is correct. Q. Who is Julie Harr? A. Julie Harr is my assistant. Q. And she's the one we discussed earlier as having responsibility for acting as a point person or interface with ASHRAE with respect to requests for permission; is that correct? A. That is correct. (Defendant's Exhibit 1085 was marked for identification.) MR. LEWIS: Thank you, sir. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Mr. Comstock, this is a -- at the top, an e-mail from Steve Ferguson to you regarding a request to reprint tables from ASHRAE 90.1 2010 and one or more codes in Minnesota; is that correct? A. That's what this pertains to, yes. Q. Do you recall the outcome of this request? A. I do not recall. Page 123 Page 125 32 (Pages 122 - 125) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. Based on the information in this e-mail, would you have an expectation as to what the likely outcome of this request was? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: We try to work with -- this is from the Minnesota -- State of Minnesota Energy Mechanical Codes. We like to cooperate with them. It looks like there's a couple of tables. My guess is we would probably grant that permission. (Defendant's Exhibit 1086 was marked for identification.) Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Mr. Comstock, I've handed you Exhibit 1086. Is this an e-mail from you, with other e-mails earlier in the thread, to your assistant regarding permission ASHRAE granted in response to a request from Minnesota? A. I'm sorry. What's -Q. I'm sorry. Is this an e-mail from you -A. Oh. Q. -- with other e-mails earlier in the thread to your assistant regarding permission ASHRAE granted in response to a request from Minnesota? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Was the import of this that Minnesota was adopting these two other codes and not ASHRAE codes, but wanted certain sections from an ASHRAE code to graft into those Minnesota codes? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: My concern here was the use of -- the request to use content from Standard 90.1. So I focused my attention on -- on that use. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) But the permission you granted was to use material from 90.1 in a state code that was incorporating provisions from other codes through other sources; correct? A. I think our intent was to allow reprinting of the sections that were specified in the message. Q. Well, the context was that that reprinting would be in a state code that also incorporated material from two other codes from another source; correct? A. That's -- that -- as I read it here, that's what that seems to say. (Defendant's Exhibit 1087 was marked for identification.) Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Mr. Comstock, this is an e-mail that you received from your colleague, Page 126 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A. Yes, this appears to be the same thread. Q. The beginning of the thread on the second page of the exhibit says, "The State of Minnesota intends to adopt the 2012 International Mechanical Code and the 2012 International Energy Conservation Code by reference with amendments." You see that? A. Was that the previous document? Q. No. That's on page 2 of -- of Exhibit 1086. A. Page 2. Yes, I see that. Q. Are the International Mechanical Code and International Energy Conservation Code both ASHRAE codes? A. No, they are not. Q. Is either of them? A. No, neither of them is an ASHRAE document. Q. So he was just giving that to you by -for -- for informational purposes or what? Do you -did you have an understanding as to what the relevance of that was? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: I'm -- I -- I think he's -- I think it's just providing additional information. Page 128 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Michshell Phillips, regarding a request for a copy of a standard -A. Yes. Q. -- from -- and -- sorry, it's from someone in Israel; is that right? A. Israeli standards organization, I believe. Q. Who is Michshell Phillips? A. She is an editorial coordinator in our -in our special publications group. Q. It appears that -- in this e-mail that ASHRAE generated an invoice for one-time license fees for the use of ASHRAE Standard 62.1 and Standard 90.1 to be included in Israeli standards; correct? A. That is what this indicates, yes. Q. How much would -- would -- strike that. Would ASHRAE consider that revenue to be royalty revenue or sale of publication revenue or something else? A. We would account for that as a royalty. Q. Do you know how much ASHRAE earns in royalties in a particular year paid to it by other entities that are responsible for developing standards or codes? A. So the question is to restrict it to entities that are going to use content from us in a Page 127 Page 129 33 (Pages 126 - 129) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 code -Q. Right -A. -- not just -Q. -- but in a code, I -- I mean in a -- not in a legal code, but in a -- in some other standard or code produced by some other standards organization or standards authority. MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: On an average basis, my guess would be $10,000. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Per year? A. Per year, yeah. Q. Does ASHRAE pay other standards organizations for the privilege of using material from their codes or standards in ASHRAE's codes or standards? A. To my knowledge, we do not. (Defendant's Exhibit 1088 was marked for identification.) Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Mr. Comstock, what is Exhibit 1088? A. A multiuser license for 90.1 2010 and 189.1 2009. Q. So this is a -- sort of a bundled license for two different standards? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Doesn't a license give rights to use the content? A. It -- it may be a bad choice of words in this case. Q. Okay. What -- what do you think this means? A. That ASHRAE retains ownership over the content. That's how I would read that. Q. By the way, I see references to IP and SI versions from time to time. Does "IP" stand for inches and pounds and "SI" for system international? A. Correct. Q. And a more ordinary word for "SI" would be metric? A. A more ordinary word, but perhaps not as precise. Q. Thank you. (Defendant's Exhibit 1089 was marked for identification.) Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Mr. Comstock, I've handed you Exhibit 1089. It is an exchange of correspondence between ASHRAE and someone in Slovenia regarding Standard 90.1 2013; is that correct? A. That is correct. Page 130 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A. It looks -- it appears to be that way, yep. Q. In the first sentence in the main part of the text, in the smaller print, it says, "In purchasing a Multiple User License from ASHRAE for a Standard, the purchaser recognizes that the title, ownership rights and intellectual property rights in the data shall remain in ASHRAE and/or its supplier." Do you see that? A. Yes, I do. Q. For what ASHRAE standards do title ownership rights and intellectual property rights in the data remain with a supplier of ASHRAE, as opposed to ASHRAE itself? A. I can't answer that -- answer that. That -- that may be referring to a distribution process that's applied. Q. Well, then that would normally be ASHRAE and/or its distributor, I would assume. A. I -- I would think so. Offhand, I can't -I -- I -- I'm not aware of -- of content being provided by a supplier, if the content's an ASHRAE standard. Q. Farther along in the second line, after "and/or its supplier," it says "This license gives no rights to content." Page 132 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. Do you understand that this refers to a Slovenian translation? A. Yes, I do. Q. Did you have an understanding as to who was going to conduct the translation or prepare the translation? A. My understanding was that it would be prepared by the Slovenian Society of Mechanical Engineers, was their name. (Defendant's Exhibit 1090 was marked for identification.) Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Mr. Comstock, I've handed you Exhibit 1090. Could you identify it, please? A. This is a license and distribution agreement with -- between ASHRAE and ICC. Q. Is this for a -- is this an update of a previous agreement? A. It -- it -- it is. This is the replacement for an earlier agreement we had for an earlier version of -- of our standard and their code. (Defendant's Exhibit 1091 was marked for identification.) Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Is Exhibit 1091 e-mail correspondence between yourself and Mark Johnson of Page 131 Page 133 34 (Pages 130 - 133) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 the International Code Council regarding the document you just identified as Exhibit 1090? A. Yes. Q. And a draft of 1090 is an attachment to this e-mail in 1091; correct? A. Correct. MR. LEWIS: Objection. (Defendant's Exhibit 1092 was marked for identification.) Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Please identify Exhibit 1092. A. This is an e-mail exchange between myself and Jodi Scott in our office. Q. The e-mail identifies Jodi Scott as communications manager; is that correct? A. That's correct. Q. What does that role entail? A. She was the -- our public relations and she would monitor Internet postings related to ASHRAE. Q. You said to her -- strike that. The underlying e-mail is from you to your assistant, Julie Harr; correct? A. That's correct. Q. And that e-mail says, "If you ever receive a copyright infringement notice/message involving 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 various trade publications. Q. Did you become aware of it from other persons in the industry through conversations or e-mail messages? A. Not from -- from e-mail messages, I don't believe. There were discussions that -- that I heard about free access to documents on the Internet. Q. What -- what discussions do you recall? A. If I would go to conferences at which publishing matters were discussed, whether it be academic journals, books, standards. Q. Who -- who would speak at those conferences about these issues? A. There would be -- typically, they would be peer-to-peer groups that would -- so people in my roles who would -- who would discuss perhaps people from commercial publishers. Q. To your knowledge, did ASHRAE ever communicate to Mr. Malamud before this lawsuit that it wanted Mr. Malamud to remove ASHRAE standards from his website? A. I have no knowledge of that. Q. Do you know who would? A. I -- I don't know. Q. Did you ever become aware of Underwriters Page 134 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Karl Malamud (sp?) bring to my attention." What type of copyright infringement notice or message were you anticipating in that statement? A. That someone would bring to our attention that there was a -- a violation of our copyright. Q. Would that be something along the lines of the communication from Dave Hollman of Carrier that we reviewed earlier today? A. Something along those lines, that's correct. Q. Do you recall receiving any other written communications or notices of a similar sort that fall within the description of what you are looking out for in Exhibit 1092? A. Yeah, I do not recall that. Q. Did you read the article that Jodi Scott brought to your attention? A. I -- I believe I did. Q. Did you have a -- an impression about Mr. Malamud before you ran that article? A. I was aware that -- that he held a position where copyrighted documents could be -- be made available on the Internet. Q. How did you become aware of that? A. I think from articles such as this one from Page 136 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Laboratories having discussions with anyone at ASHRAE about Mr. Malamud? A. No. Q. Did you ever become aware of anyone at ASME having discussions with anyone at ASHRAE regarding Mr. Malamud? A. No, I have no knowledge of such discussions. Q. Were you -- sorry. Was ASHRAE aware of a lawsuit that Public Resource brought against SMACNA, or the Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors' National Association? A. Yes, I was aware of that. (Defendant's Exhibit 1093 was marked for identification.) Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Can you please identify Exhibit 1093? A. This is an e-mail exchange that involves Claire Ramspeck and me. Q. Claire Ramspeck is director of technology at ASHRAE, or at least was at the time of this e-mail; correct? A. That is correct. Q. What were her functions as director of Page 135 Page 137 35 (Pages 134 - 137) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 technology? A. She's administrator of our standards activity, or they fall within her area. Q. Please turn to the earliest e-mail in the thread on the reverse side of the page. Are you familiar with something called the IPRPC? A. I am not. Q. At the bottom of the front page of Exhibit 1093, Ms. Ramspeck -- that's a -- that's an e-mail from Ms. Ramspeck to you; correct? A. That's correct. Q. And she said, "I thought you'd want to know about the latest development in the Carl Malamud/Incorporation by Reference issue." Do you see that? A. Yes, I do. Q. What earlier developments was ASHRAE aware of with respect to the Carl Malamud incorporation by reference issue? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: What I'm aware of is the -is the position of Mr. Malamud that -- that documents -- that copyrighted documents could be made freely available, from articles such as had 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 standards and other information. Q. That's a business name? A. That's correct. Q. That's not an industry category? A. No. That's a company name. Q. When you said "he," referring to Tom Soles -- strike that. In the second sentence of that paragraph, the "he" at the beginning of the sentence refers to Tom Soles of SMACNA; correct? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: Uh-huh (affirmative). Q. (By Mr. Bridges) You said, "He had his hand slapped by Tom Pace (ASTM), ANSI and had a call from NFPA when I was actually with him." Do you see that? A. Yes, I do. Q. What did you mean by the phrase, "He had his hand slapped by Tom Pace (ASTM)..."? A. That's what Tom Soles told me. Q. What -- what details did he furnish to you? A. Just that there was a lot of concern from -- among the -- the -- the standards developers about the -- the violation of the copyright postings on the Internet. Page 138 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 been sent to me from -- from Jodi. So I was 1 aware of this being an issue. 2 Q. (By Mr. Bridges) I'm trying to focus on 3 her choice of the words "the latest development," and 4 I was wondering what earlier developments either you 5 or ASHRAE was aware of that made this the latest 6 development. 7 A. I'm not aware of earlier developments 8 except that the -- the position of -- about posting 9 copyrighted documents is one that all publishers 10 follow -- were following that issue. 11 Q. Following Ms. Ramspeck's e-mail to you, you 12 sent an e-mail back to her on February 26, 2013; 13 correct? 14 A. That's correct. 15 Q. You're referring in that e-mail to the IHS 16 meeting. 17 What was that? 18 A. I was at a conference of Information 19 Handling Services. 20 Q. Information Handling? 21 A. Yes, uh-huh (affirmative). 22 Q. What does Information Handling Services 23 mean? 24 A. They're -- they're a distributor of -- of 25 Page 140 Q. Does that explain why Mr. Soles would say he had his hand slapped by Tom Pace, ASTM, and ANSI? A. I wasn't involved in -- in their discussions. That's just what Tom -- what Tom Soles relayed to me. Q. So I'm trying to understand the context of his explaining that. It -- it suggests that he was reprimanded by ASTM and ANSI. MR. LEWIS: Objection. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Was that your understanding of it? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: Those were the words he used with me. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Was it your understanding when he used those words that it was some kind of a reprimand that he was referring to? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: I can't say. That was -that -- those were the words he -- he relayed to me. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) And then you relayed to Ms. Ramspeck that Mr. Soles had a call from NFPA when you were with him; correct? Page 139 Page 141 36 (Pages 138 - 141) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A. That's correct. Q. What did you observe with respect to him during that call that came in from NFPA? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: I'm -- that's what Tom Soles told me, that he had a phone call. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Well, I thought you were telling Ms. Ramspeck that Tom Soles had a phone call from NFPA when you were with Tom Soles. A. Well, I -- I wasn't part of that conversation. Q. But were you -A. I -Q. Were you with him as he engaged in that conversation on the telephone? A. Not -- not that I recall. Q. By the way, the reference to Tom Pace, could that have been John Pace, the director of publications at ASTM? A. Yeah, that's John Pace. MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for speculation. COURT REPORTER: Who was that, please? MR. FEE: That was Kevin Fee from ASTM. COURT REPORTER: Thank you. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A. Well, that he'd be at the center of that. Q. Why would it be unfortunate that he would be at the center of that? A. Because it would be a -- it would be a -- a significant effort to try to resolve the copyright issue. Q. Was there -- was there concern that it was unfortunate because he was the -- was not -- or because SMACNA was not the most strategically advantageous party to litigate the issue? MR. LEWIS: Objection. MR. FEE: Objection. Calls for speculation. Vague. Calls for legal conclusion. Kevin Fee again. THE WITNESS: I -- I can't speak to what -what the motivations were. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) I'm not asking for speculation about motivations; I'm trying to explore why the fact that SMACNA would have a high-profile case as to which there would be a great deal of awareness would be unfortunate. MR. FEE: Same objection. THE WITNESS: I just think anyone who was gonna be involved in this would really need to be aware of what all the issues were. Page 142 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. (By Mr. Bridges) As you sit here, you say you -- you now know that that was John Pace? A. My recollection. MR. FEE: Same objection. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Then you said to Ms. Ramspeck, "Not a good excuse but he had no idea of what he was getting into." Could you please explain the -- your statement that he had no idea of what he was getting into? A. That was from articles such as the -- the previous one, where we saw where this -- where there was a lot of concern about the high-profile nature of -- of the -- of the postings. Q. What was it that he was getting into? A. A case of high visibility. Q. Anything else? A. No, not that I'm aware of. Q. And Ms. Ramspeck responded to you by saying, "It is unfortunate." What did you understand from that to have been unfortunate? A. That there would be a lot of -- a lot of -be a high-profile case, high-profile awareness. Q. And what -- what makes that unfortunate? Page 144 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. (By Mr. Bridges) What are all the issues that one needs to be aware of? A. I would say that would -MR. FEE: Same objections. THE WITNESS: The -- the high-profile nature of the -- of -- of the case. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) What else? A. I'm not aware of any- -- anything else. Q. Ms. Ramspeck went on to say, "SMACNA should have been more plugged in on this issue...." What did you understand that to mean? A. From the high-profile nature of the -of -- of -- of the -- the -- the postings, that this was meant to be a real test case of copyright on the Internet. Q. But what did "more plugged in" mean? Did that mean in greater conversation with others? A. I can't speak -MR. FEE: Objection to form. THE WITNESS: I -- I don't know which -I -- I would interpret that as being awareness, but I can't speak to anything more than that. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Why is it unfortunate for SMACNA to have had litigation with Public Resource, as opposed to ASHRAE, ASTM, and NFPA to be in Page 143 Page 145 37 (Pages 142 - 145) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 litigation with Public Resource? MR. FEE: Objection to form. MR. LEWIS: Objection. MR. FEE: Lack of foundation. THE WITNESS: I'm not aware of what those issues might be. (Defendant's Exhibit 1094 was marked for identification.) Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Mr. Comstock, Exhibit 1094 is an e-mail from you to your assistant, Julie Harr; correct? A. That's correct. Q. Do you understand -- strike that. What did you mean when you wrote to Julie Harr, "Be glad not me and you"? A. I believe this would be a high-profile case that would take a considerable amount of time to resolve. Q. But ASH- -- ASHRAE brought a lawsuit against Public Resource; correct? A. That -- I'm not sure when that -- when that action initiated, but that was not something I was -that I was involved in. Q. Bringing the lawsuit was not something you were involved in? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 support that. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Do you know who at ASHRAE decided that ASHRAE would be one of the plaintiffs in this lawsuit? MR. LEWIS: Same objection. THE WITNESS: I do not know. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) In your response to Ms. Harr at the top of the page on Exhibit 1094, you mentioned you "...played golf with the SMACNA guy who did this back in February when he told me I said watch out." So -- so what was the name of the SMACNA guy you were referring to there? A. Tom Soles. Q. Tom Soles. The same one you saw at the ISH meeting? A. That's correct. Q. What caused you to tell him, "Watch out"? A. Because from all I had read in the trade press and so on, it was going to be a high-profile case. Q. Did you tell him to watch out because it would be a risky case to SMACNA? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: I told him it was going to -- Page 146 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A. That's correct. Q. Were you aware of ASHRAE's plans to file this lawsuit before ASHRAE filed it? MR. LEWIS: I'll insert my objection that this is outside the scope of this witness' topics. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) You may answer. A. I -- I remember -- there were discussions that were -- that were held that I was aware of, but I was not privy to those. Q. Did you offer any opinion internally at ASHRAE about the wisdom or propriety of ASHRAE bringing a lawsuit against Public Resource? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: I did think it was important for ASHRAE to protect its copyright. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Did you offer an opinion internally at ASHRAE about the wisdom or propriety -MR. LEWIS: Objection. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) -- of -- of ASHRAE bringing a lawsuit against Public Resource? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: I thought it was prudent for ASHRAE to -- to protect its copyright, and if that meant engaging in a lawsuit, then I would Page 148 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 it -- my intention was that it was going to be a high-profile case, it was going to require much, much detail and attention. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Did you tell him that the case might have bad consequences for the standards development industry? A. I did not. Q. Did you have any other explanation to him of why he should watch out? A. No. Q. Did Jeff Littleton decide to bring the case on behalf of ASHRAE? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: I do not know if -- I do not know if it was Jeff. Such decision -- decisions are usually made by our executive committee. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Who chairs the executive committee? A. The president of the association. Q. The president of the executive -- sorry. The president of the association is a volunteer; is that correct? A. That is correct. Q. Who's the senior-most employee of the association? Page 147 Page 149 38 (Pages 146 - 149) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A. Jeff Littleton. MR. LEWIS: We've been going for about an hour and a half now, but I didn't want to stop you if you guys were getting close to -MR. BRIDGES: Let me just do one or two more. It's not some great crescendo or anything. I'm just -- let me get through one or two. I'll stop in an instant if you need to stop right now. THE WITNESS: I'm okay. MR. BRIDGES: We'll go a couple of minutes. All that coffee's finally having its effect on me. (Defendant's Exhibit 1095 was marked for identification.) Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Mr. Comstock, do you recognize Exhibit 1095 as an ASHMAE -- as an e-mail that you received from Jodi Scott, ASHRAE's communications manager? A. Yes, I do. Q. This appears to forward a Google News Alert on Carl Malamud. Do you see that down below? A. Yes, I do. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A. Yes, it is. Q. -- and it's in response to a request from someone in Vermont for use of material from an ASHRAE standard; is that right? A. Yes, that is correct. (Defendant's Exhibit 1097 was marked for identification.) Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Please identify Exhibit 1097. A. This is a copyright permission request. This looks like a -- a blank form, a model. Q. Is this a model that ASHRAE furnished to persons seeking permission to reprint material from ASHRAE standards? A. This was not specific to standards; this would have been used for general publications content. Q. That would include standards, as well? A. That's -- that is correct. (Defendant's Exhibit 1098 was marked for identification.) Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Mr. Comstock, Exhibit 1098 is an e-mail exchange between you and an employee of the City of Houston regarding Houston's adoption of an ASHRAE standard, at least portions of Page 150 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. Were you aware of ASHRAE having a Google 1 News Alert subscription for -- for references to Carl 2 Malamud? 3 A. I would get items from Jodi Scott from 4 Google Alerts. 5 Q. Do you know how many Google Alerts 6 regarding Carl Malamud you saw? 7 A. I do not recall. I don't -- just a couple, 8 I think, but I'm not aware of anything more. 9 Q. Do you know when ASHRAE first started a 10 Google News Alert on Carl Malamud? 11 A. I do not know. 12 MR. BRIDGES: This is a good time to break. 13 VIDEOGRAPHER: This is the end of Video 3 14 We're going off the record at 4:45 p m. 15 (Thereupon, there was an interruption in 16 the proceedings.) 17 VIDEOGRAPHER: This is the beginning of 18 Video 4. We're on the record at 4:58 p.m. 19 (Defendant's Exhibit 1096 was marked for 20 identification.) 21 Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Mr. Comstock, I've just 22 handed you Exhibit 1096. 23 Can you confirm for me, please, that this 24 is an e-mail from your assistant, Julie Harr -25 Page 152 an ASHRAE standard; is that correct? A. That is correct. (Defendant's Exhibit 1099 was marked for identification.) Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Mr. Comstock, can you please identify Exhibit 1099? A. This pertains to an article that was -- was published with ASHRAE -- I assume with ASHRAE content from 90.1. MR. BRIDGES: With counsel's permission, I would like to add the following as a second part to this exhibit. They're sequential Bates numbers and I believe that this is probably identified as an attachment in the e-mail cover page of 1099. MR. LEWIS: I'm happy for you to ask the witness if that's his recollection. MR. BRIDGES: Sure. Just for the formality, I'd like to go ahead and say that the exhibit now constitutes Bates Nos. ASHRAE0027658 through -665. MR. LEWIS: That's fine. I do want the record to reflect that -MR. BRIDGES: I'll ask him. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Mr. Comstock, do you Page 151 Page 153 39 (Pages 150 - 153) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 recognize the second portion of Exhibit 1099 as the article to which the e-mail refers as the first part of Exhibit 1099? And I draw your attention, as well, not only to the Bates numbers as given them by ASHRAE in producing documents, but also to the attachment file name as shown on the front page of the exhibit. A. So this article is what is referred to in the e-mail. Q. And the article being the second part of Exhibit 1099? A. That's correct. Q. Exhibit 1099 is an e-mail ostensibly from Julie Harr to herself several times. Do you know if you received a copy of this as a bcc recipient? A. I don't recall that I -- I don't recall receiving copies as bcc. Q. Do you understand what the reference is at the top of Exhibit 1099, "Call Julie at NIA..."? A. I do not. Q. Is "NIA" an acronym you're familiar with, referring to the National Insulation Association? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: I'm -- I'm not aware of a -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 there was concern that content was used without permission. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Is it ASHRAE's belief that for that reason, the use of the content was illegal? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: My understanding of a copyright violation is that would be unlawful. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Is it ASHRAE's view that this article violated ASHRAE's copyright? MR. LEWIS: Objection. Asked and answered. THE WITNESS: I need to look at the standard to confirm that. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Without -- this is a standard that you have been in charge of publishing for at least 20 years; correct? A. That's correct. Q. And how many pages is the standard, in its standard typesetting as a PDF? A. Off the top of my head, 140 pages. Q. How long is this article? A. Four pages. Q. How much of this article -- strike that. What do you think the highest possible percentage is the material in this article Page 154 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 of that -- I'm not aware. Don't know. 1 Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Do you know whether the 2 National Insulation Association is responsible for 3 the publication of Insulation Outlook and 4, which is the subject of this 5 message? 6 A. That seems logical. Offhand, I don't -7 I -- I don't know if there is a National Insulation 8 Association. 9 Q. Well, for the record, I looked up the phone 10 number and that's what came back. 11 A. It is? Then -12 MR. LEWIS: Objection. 13 Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Is it ASHRAE's position 14 that the references to Standard 90.1 in this article 15 are illegal? 16 MR. LEWIS: Objection. 17 THE WITNESS: I think the concern was 18 whether or not there was use of the cop- -- of 19 copyrighted content. 20 Q. (By Mr. Bridges) So my question is: Is it 21 ASHRAE's position that the use of ASHRAE's 22 copyrighted content in this article was illegal? 23 MR. LEWIS: Objection. 24 THE WITNESS: It appears from this exchange 25 Page 156 constituted in ASHRAE's Standard 90.1? MR. LEWIS: Objection. Vague. THE WITNESS: A very small amount of content. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Can you assign a percentage to that, please? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: I'd just be guessing for a percentage. It's not much. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Under 5 percent? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: I think that's an accurate estimate. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Turning to the tables and footnotes at the top of the second and third pages of Exhibit -- sorry, of the article, Bates Nos. -027663 and -027664, it appears that those tables were taken directly from ASHRAE's Standard 90.1, given the references at the top of the pages; is that correct? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: I'd -- I'd have to look at the standard to tell if they were taken directly or not. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Could you suggest other ways by which a writer could express the ideas Page 155 Page 157 40 (Pages 154 - 157) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 contained in those two tables at the top of pages 1 -027663 and -027664? 2 MR. LEWIS: Objection. 3 THE WITNESS: They could likely reformat 4 tables. 5 Q. (By Mr. Bridges) What else? 6 MR. LEWIS: Objection. 7 THE WITNESS: I'm not sure. 8 (Defendant's Exhibit 1100 was marked for 9 identification.) 10 Q. (By Mr. Bridges) I'm showing you 11 Exhibit 1100. 12 Who is Doug Reed? 13 A. He was our director of government affairs 14 in Washington. 15 Q. During what period of time did he hold that 16 post? 17 A. I can tell you more accurately when he 18 ended, which was approximately -- he retired six 19 months or so ago. He was employed by ASHRAE for 20 probably five to seven years before that. 21 Q. Has someone succeeded him in that role? 22 A. Nobody. 23 Q. Has someone else taken over his job 24 functions? 25 identification.) MR. LEWIS: Thank you. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) I've handed you Exhibit 1101. Can you identify this, please? A. Yes. This is an exchange between me and someone from Vancouver -- City of Vancouver. Q. That's Vancouver, Canada; correct? A. That's correct. Q. What are the ASHRAE 90.1 2007 compliance PDFs? A. Those were or are forms that are -- are used where you would enter data to -- to achieve compliance with the -- the standard. Q. What creative expression is in those forms, to the best of your knowledge? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: Could you ask the question again? I'm sorry. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) What creative expression is in those forms, to the best of your knowledge? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: Yeah, I -- I do not know the -- the technical application. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Please look at the page Page 158 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A. We have several other people in our Washington office and -- and among those people there, they are conducting the affairs of our Washington office. Q. Who are those persons? A. Jim Scarborough and Mark Ames. Q. Are you familiar with this e-mail exchange or with its topics? A. I -- I do recall this now. Q. Do you recall interest of the United States State Department in extracting an appendix of ASHRAE's 90.1 standard? A. Only from -- from -- from what's in the exchange, where I guess they asked to use Appendix B, for which I provided that to them. Q. And does this exhibit refresh your recollection about that? A. Yes -MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: -- I think I did and required it be -- be referenced from the standard. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) What is Appendix B to Standard 90.1? A. I do not know. (Defendant's Exhibit 1101 was marked for Page 160 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 stamped with the number at the bottom -0027650. What was the rationale for the conditions that ASHRAE imposed upon the City of Vancouver? A. The -- the rationale would be that -- that the -- this -- this standard was still required to use the forms and that there would be recognition of the ASHRAE ownership and its copyright for the forms. Q. Does ASHRAE sell those forms? A. They are part of the standard. Q. Does it sell the forms independently of the standard? A. No, I don't believe we do. Q. What harm would come to ASHRAE from the unbridled distribution of those forms? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: Our -- our procedures and policy are to maintain the copyright and to ensure that the -- or try our best to ensure that the forms are -- are properly used and associated with the Society and the standard in the correct manner. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) I -- I hear that as a concern. I -- I guess I'm not sure I heard what harms would flow to ASHRAE from the unbridled distribution of those forms. Page 159 Page 161 41 (Pages 158 - 161) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: Our -- our process is to try to protect our copyright whenever -- whenever we can. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) And the harm came -would come -- would be in what nature? A. Harm would be if -- if -- if our -- if the information was -- was made in a way that didn't provide a -- a connection to ASHRAE as being a source for additional information, explanation, further background. Q. Would it -- would ASHRAE suffer greater or less harm if the forms were used without any reference to ASHRAE whatsoever? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: I'm not sure I can -- I -- I can answer that. Again, our process is to protect our -- our copyright. I'm not in the position of -- of -of knowing what could be the consequences of not using the forms properly or without reference to ASHRAE. (Defendant's Exhibit 1102 was marked for identification.) Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Exhibit 1102 consists of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 intent of the files were kept intact. They -they couldn't be modified to the extent that they were asking for information that weren't part of the original files. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Is there a reason ASHRAE had to prevent people from adapting the files to their own particular specifications or desires? A. I believe in this case, it was to demonstrate compliance with the standard. Q. Is there only one way to demonstrate compliance with the standard? A. I'm -- I am not aware of -- I -- I don't have the knowledge of the technical application. Q. Was the form necessary and -- was the form uniquely necessary to demonstrate compliance? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: I don't believe so. I think it was a -- it was a -- a tool to assist, an aid. (Defendant's Exhibit 1103 was marked for identification.) Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Mr. Comstock, I've handed you Exhibit 1103. I think we've seen another exhibit -- and I'm sorry I don't have the number right at hand -- with some of this e-mail thread in Page 162 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 other correspondence between you and Mr. McCall of the City of Vancouver, Canada; is that correct? A. That is correct. Q. You mention that the files -- strike that. You mention files on the front page of Exhibit -- Exhibit 1102; is that correct? A. That's correct. Q. What files were you referring to? A. These would be the files of the -- of -- of the forms. Q. PDF files of -- of the forms? A. We may have converted them to Word. Q. So whatever format they were, these were electronic files containing files in a particular format; is that correct? A. Yeah, they were -MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: -- they were files of -of -- of -- that were formatting files. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Was there rationale as to why ASHRAE wanted to use tamperproof formatting or tamperproof files for these forms? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: Looking back on this, that would be so that the -- the -- the nature and Page 164 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 it, but this is correspondence on which you were copied between your assistant, Ms. Harr, and an employee of the City of Minneapolis, I believe; is that correct? A. That's -- I believe that's correct. Q. And this involves permission without a royalty fee for use of one section and three tables of an ASHRAE standard; correct? A. That is correct. Q. And looking at the context and the discussions earlier, this is -- they grant under conditions of a request to use these in one or two Minnesota codes, namely the Minnesota Mechanical Code and the Minnesota Commercial Energy Code; correct? A. That is correct. Q. At the end of Ms. Harr's e-mail to Mr. Manz, M-A-N-Z, in this exhibit, she refers to a required copyright notice -- to a copyright notice that ASHRAE was going to require of the City of Minneapolis; is that correct? A. That is correct. Q. And that notice would be required where more than one element or more than a 50-word excerpt from those portions of ASHRAE 90.1 2010 were going to be used by the State of Minnesota; is that correct? Page 163 Page 165 42 (Pages 162 - 165) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A. That is correct. Q. Did ASHRAE understand the final sentence of that copyright notice to be a legal requirement? And I quote, "This material may not be copied nor distributed in either paper or digital form without ASHRAE's permission"? A. Yeah, I think that's just an expression of our -- our wishing to maintain copyright. Q. It's not, in your view, a statement of a legal restriction? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: I -- I can't speak to the -to the legality of this. I -- this is our standard statement we use that we wish to have our copyright respected. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Where did ASHRAE expect that copyright notice to appear in either of the Minnesota codes that were the subject of this correspondence? A. That would be with the applicable sections or tables, I imagine. Q. Was it ASHRAE's view that the Minnesota Mechanical Code and the Minnesota Commercial Energy Code, to the extent they included more than one element mentioned in this e-mail or more than a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 namely Exhibit 1103, indicate such a limitation or narrowness of ASHRAE's expectation? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: Not that I read here. (Defendant's Exhibit 1104 was marked for identification.) Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Please identify Exhibit 1104. A. E-mail exchange between myself and David Branson. Q. Who is Mr. Branson? A. He's a member of ASHRAE. He's active on our committees. Q. What was the subject of this correspondence? A. It looks like he wants to develop a software product. Q. Do you know whether he ended up developing that software product? A. I have -- I have no recollection of anything further from -- from this message. Q. Was it your expectation, in connection with this correspondence, that ASHRAE would have to pay Mr. Branson or any of his students for their efforts on that software product? Page 166 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 50-word excerpt, could not be copied or distributed in either paper or digital form without ASHRAE's permission? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: The intent here would be to restrict this to the use of the ASHRAE content that's -- that's reprinted. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Where would that be reprinted? A. With -- with those pertinent sections. Q. Right. Was it ASHRAE's expectation that to -let's assume that the section and all three tables from ASHRAE's Standard 90.1 2010 appeared in the Minnesota Mechanical Code. Let's assume one full section, 6.4.4, and the three tables referred to all appeared in the Minnesota Mechanical Code. Was it ASHRAE's expectation that as a consequence, the Minnesota Mechanical Code could not be copied or distributed in either paper or digital form without ASHRAE's permission? A. That would not be my expectation. Those elements separate from the -- those two codes is what my expectation would be. Q. Does anything in this correspondence, Page 168 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A. Could you repeat that, please? Q. Sure. Was it your expectation or ASHRAE's expectation in connection with this correspondence in Exhibit 1104 that ASHRAE would have to pay Mr. Branson or any of his students for their efforts on the software product? A. If we developed a software product with Mr. Branson, we'd have an agreement to do that and the agreement would spell out those terms and perhaps a distribu- -- perhaps a distribution agreement. Q. Does anything in this exchange of correspondence in 1104 indicate an expectation of payment on Mr. Branson's part or on his students' part? A. Payment from ASHRAE to Mr. Branson? Q. Or his students, correct. A. I don't think so. I don't recall anything. Q. ASHRAE, in fact, had an expectation that it could use the apps that Mr. Branson and his students developed in order to gain revenue for ASHRAE, correct -MR. LEWIS: Objection. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) -- if you look at the bottom of page 2 and the top of page 3 of the Page 167 Page 169 43 (Pages 166 - 169) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 correspondence? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: So what I was suggesting here was, yes, the possibility that he would develop an app for ASHRAE. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) And there's also a suggestion of the possibility that the app that he would develop for ASHRAE would provide a modest revenue stream, looking at the top of page 3 of the exhibit; correct? A. That is correct. Q. And you see that Mr. Branson had -- strike that. Do you see that Mr. Branson expressed a possible motivation for developing the app? At the bottom of page 3, he said, "I was looking for something to use in a coding exercise, and noted that 90.1 could possibly be a fit. I also determined that this could be an easy way to get the Standard into the hands of a huge number of Authorities Having Jurisdiction (building inspectors, fire marshals, etc.), engineers, and contractors." Do you see that? A. I -- I -- I see where he wrote that, yes. Q. To this date, has ASHRAE developed an app 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 building inspectors and fire marshals, as well as engineers and contractors? A. Nothing specific I'm aware of other than the -- the agreements we had with ICC for distribution of 90.1. (Defendant's Exhibit 1105 was marked for identification.) Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Mr. Comstock, I'm going to be handing you a series of documents in the nature of financial discovery that we received from ASHRAE, and I just want to get you to identify or authenticate them, if you can. So there won't be a lot of questions on these. Do you understand this printout, which we received from ASHRAE, to represent accurately the dues -- membership dues revenues that ASHRAE has received each year from 2002-3 to 2013-14? A. Yes. And the question was? Q. Do you understand this printout to represent accurately the membership dues revenues for each of the corresponding years? A. They appear to be. I don't know the exact numbers, but they appear to be relatively accurate. (Defendant's Exhibit 1106 was marked for identification.) Page 170 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 of the sort Mr. Branson was suggesting? A. We are develop- -- we're -- we're just beginning development now of an app that would be tied in with compliance for the standard. Let's see what was he suggesting. 90.1 checklist. It -- it -- what we're developing may be very similar to what he was thinking of doing, as well. There's much interest in -- in -- in publishing about making -- having electronic tools that help make books and documents easier to use in different formats. Q. Of course, at the bottom of page 3, he wasn't suggesting making the documents easy to use. He said, "I also determined that this could be an easy way to get the Standard into the hands of a huge number of Authorities Having Jurisdiction (building inspectors, fire marshals, etc.), engineers, and contractors." Do you see that? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: Yes, I do. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Has ASHRAE on its own taken any steps since this exchange of correspondence in 2010 to get the standard into the hands of a huge number of authorities having jurisdiction, such as Page 172 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. (By Mr. Bridges) I ask you to look at Exhibit 1106, which again I'll represent to you is a document that we received in discovery from ASHRAE. Does this appear to you to be an acc- -accurate representation of the sales of the ASHRAE 90.1 standards for three different versions of the IP version, the inches pounds version? A. Yes, it does. Q. Did the member price and retail price of those standards change over those three versions? A. I do not believe so. I don't think between 2010 and '07. I can't recall if '04 had a different price. Q. Do you know -- I'm not sure that we have -or maybe I don't have handy -- the corresponding figures for the SA version. There was an SA version at one point? A. SI. Q. SI? A. Yeah. Q. I'm sorry. Do you recall roughly how they compared to these numbers? A. They'd be much smaller. Q. Much smaller? Page 171 Page 173 44 (Pages 170 - 173) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A. Yeah. Q. Would the -- would the pattern of growth and diminishment be equivalent, in your view? MR. LEWIS: Objection. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Let me say this: Would the trends be equivalent to the trends evident in Exhibit 1106, in your view? A. I don't think you'd have as many sales of older versions. Q. Otherwise, would the trends be roughly equivalent? A. The market for the SI version is overseas, so much smaller numbers. And -- what do you mean by -- by -- what -by trends? What do you mean? Q. Well, for example, if you look in the middle, the 2007, the numbers grew substantially as a percentage of the previous year until they peaked, and then they went down a bit and then fell very substantially. A. When the standard is -- is newly released, the sales are higher. Q. Right. And my question just has to do with the -whether the graph that might describe the SI sales 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 various formats or from various channels, I guess is a better description. Q. Did you prepare this chart? A. Someone in my group did. Q. Is it -- is this -- does this reflect current projections? A. That's correct. Q. And does this show all of the methods and channels of monetization of the standards themselves, as opposed to other activities that may involve the standards? A. Those that are directly related to the standards, yes. Q. Okay. Is there a reason why ASHRAE projects lower -- a lower -- or a declining trend in projected revenue of PDF sales? A. That would be tied to the cycle of the standard. Q. Would that imply, then, that over these three years, the standards would be approaching end of their current life as a new version of the standard being prepared? A. That's right, that would -- yes, that's correct. That would occur in some place around '16 -- 2016-2017, which is probably why it goes back Page 174 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 would be roughly analogous to the graph describing the IP sales in terms of the slope and peak and the like. MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: I don't think you'd have as many years. The -- the sales would be focused on those years when the SI version was current. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) And when you say the SI sales are much smaller, what's your best estimate as a percentage of the IP sales? A. Let me look at -- for 2013, for example, if you ask me what the SI version of the 2010 would be, a hundred. Q. A hundred quantity? A. A hundred quantity, yeah. That may even be a little on the high side. That's -- I'm guessing at that now, but... Q. But that's an estimate? A. That's correct. (Defendant's Exhibit 1107 was marked for identification.) Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Exhibit 1107 is a document that ASHRAE produced to us in discovery. Can you identify it, please? A. These are sales of -- of -- of standards in Page 176 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 up a little bit. Q. All right. I'm sorry. I misread it. You're -- you're correct. So my description of the trend was inaccurate. Looking at the 2014-2015 projected revenue, how did those numbers compare with the projected revenue for 20- -- or, I'm sorry. Strike that. How did those numbers compare with the actual revenue for 2013 to 2014? A. My guess is this number's a little bit higher. Q. The number in the projections? A. That's -- the '14-'15 year is probably projected slightly higher than '13-'14. Q. Thank you. Please look back at Exhibit 1106. What's interesting to me is that the peak revenue for the different standards doesn't appear to be in the year of introduction of a new standard. So that's just a statement, but let me then ask you a question. If we look at the numbers for 90.1 2004, that standard was introduced in 2004; correct? A. That is correct. Q. Its peak sales were in 2007; correct? A. Correct. Page 175 Page 177 45 (Pages 174 - 177) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. And if we look at the 2007 version -- it was introduced in 2007 -- its peak sales were in 2009; correct? A. Correct. Q. What, in your view, causes peak sales to lag maybe two years or so, maybe two or three years, behind the introduction of a new version? A. Typically, our standards will come out late in the year, so I'm assuming this is a calendar year, how this was done. Yeah, I'm quite sure a calendar year. So it wouldn't come out early in that year, it would come out somewhere around the midpoint of the year, sometime later than June 1. So that would certainly explain why you would have -- see the -the sales then the next year. Now, why it may lag two years behind, that could be cases where there's more awareness of the standard, there's more knowledge that there's a newer version available and it may catch up in that manner. But it doesn't surprise me it's one year behind. Two years, it -- it may be that that -- that that -- the big boost of sales is early in that -that second year out and then it starts dipping down again towards the latter half of the year. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 about to forget my own name. THE WITNESS: I wasn't going to help. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Mr. Comstock, what is Exhibit 1108? A. This is a sales by customer type report. Q. Could you please go through the various columns and indicate what those headings mean? A. Sure. So "Product Code" is the code for a particular item, book, document that we sell. "Non-Member" would be sales to someone who's not a member of ASHRAE, both quantity and dollars. Sales to members at -- at member prices, quantity and amount. Book dealers would be those organizations that buy products in bulk and resell. Then same pattern for school libraries, public libraries, subscription agencies, and bookstores. Q. Does this page refer to any sales of standards? A. This page does not. (Defendant's Exhibit 1109 was marked for identification.) Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Same questions with Page 178 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. But if we look at the peak year for 2004, that came in 2007 after two full years. A. Yeah, I -Q. Could it have to do with that -- the fact that awareness of these codes flowed in part from their incorporation by governments into laws and regulations requiring -MR. LEWIS: Object. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) -- more persons to consult and apply the standards? MR. LEWIS: Objection. Calls for speculation. THE WITNESS: I'm -- I'm not sure. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Is that an ex- -- a possible explanation for it? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: I would think that's a possible explanation. (Defendant's Exhibit 1108 was marked for identification.) MR. LEWIS: Thank you. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Mr. -- I'm sorry, I'm now spacing. I've forgotten your name. MR. BECKER: Comstock. MR. BRIDGES: Comstock. I'm so sorry. I'm Page 180 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 respect to Exhibit 1109. I don't think we need to repeat the columns, but the question is: Does this exhibit reflect any sales of standards? A. This page does not reflect sale of standards. Q. Is there a reference to "Out of Print"? A. I see "Not Available." Q. If we look about two-thirds of the way -or I guess 60 percent of the way down -A. "Out of Print," yes, I see that. Q. It's "01"- -- sorry, "081900 Out of Print. Use 01940." That's just referring to a work farther down in the -- in the list there; correct? A. I see the "Doubt of" -- the "Out of Print" references now. Q. Down below there are items that say "Not available thru ASHRAE." Do you know what that is? A. I -- I do not know. (Defendant's Exhibit 1110 was marked for identification.) Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Could you please identify Exhibit 1110? A. This is an e-mail exchange started by Jodi Page 179 Page 181 46 (Pages 178 - 181) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Scott. Q. Are you familiar with the discussions that are contained within this e-mail? A. This -- only what I read here. Q. At the end of Mr. Ames' e-mail at the top, he said, "Standards community lobbyists are keeping a close watch on this...." Do you have any idea who the lobbyists for ASHRAE are and have been? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: I'm not -- I don't know what he's referring to here. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Who is Michael Burgess, do you know? A. Is he on this? Q. He's on a different -A. Different. There was a -- a member on our board, Michael Burgess, from California. I'm not sure if that's who's being referred to. Q. Xpera Group? MR. LEWIS: Objection. Vague. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) That's I think -MR. BRIDGES: You're right. It is vague. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Does that name ring a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 that would -- that would be applicable. Q. But do you know why ASHRAE allows ANSI to make its standards available for free viewing? A. I would say only because they're also ANSI standards. Q. Are all ASHRAE standards ANSI standards? A. No. There are some that are not. Q. Do you know whether ANSI makes available for public viewing all of ASHRAE's ANSI standards? A. I do not know. (Defendant's Exhibit 1111 was marked for identification.) Q. (By Mr. Bridges) I've handed you Exhibit 1111. This is an exchange of e-mails among ANSI employees and also ASHRAE employees; correct? A. I'm not -- I do not know who all those people are. Q. Who is Cindy Simmons? A. Cindy Simmons is our controller. I -- I do recognize the names on the top message. Q. Mr. Littleton is the executive director of ASHRAE; correct? A. That is correct. Q. And he says to the others, "You will want Page 182 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 bell with you as being associated with Mr. Burgess? A. Could you repeat the name of that? Q. Xpera Group. A. No, it does not. Q. Do you receive copies of e-mails on a distribution list from the ASHRAE board of directors? A. Typically not. Q. You're not part of ASHRAE-BOD? A. I am not. Q. Has ASHRAE published any information to its members about this lawsuit? A. I do not believe we have. Q. When did -- strike that. Has ASHRAE given per- -- permission to ANSI to make ASHRAE standards available for free on-line? A. I believe they have a reading room at which we allowed for free viewing some years ago, I believe. Q. Do you know why ASHRAE makes its standards -- strike that. Do you know why ASHRAE allows ANSI to make ASHRAE's standards available for free viewing? A. My assumption would be that they would only be the -- the ANSI-approved standards. So they're ANSI -- ANSI standards, as well as ASHRAE standards Page 184 1 to read the testimony referenced below. No e-mails, 2 please"; correct? 3 A. That's correct. 4 Q. What conversations occurred regarding the 5 testimony that this e-mail thread refers to? 6 A. Personally, I don't recall any 7 conversations about the -- about the -- the -- the 8 thread or the items in the thread. 9 Q. Do you recall any other non-written 10 communications? 11 12 A. No, no. (Defendant's Exhibit 1112 was marked for 13 identification.) 14 Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Mr. Comstock, 15 Exhibit 1112 is a document that ASHRAE's furnished to 16 us in discovery. 17 Are you familiar with the -- with this 18 e-mail? 19 A. I -- yeah, I have a recollection of it now 20 that I see it. 21 Q. So it appears to be an exchange between 22 Kimberly Gates of ASHRAE and Thomas Long, a member of 23 ASHRAE and chair of the Chapter Education Committee; 24 is that -25 A. That's correct, yes. Page 183 Page 185 47 (Pages 182 - 185) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. Is that what this e-mail correspondence is about? A. That is correct. Q. Who is Kimberly Gates? A. She manages our inventory. She works in my group. Q. Do you know anything about Thomas Long beyond what's indicated in this e-mail? A. No, I don't. Q. Do you know anything about Larry Spiel- -Spielvogel? A. He's been a member of ASHRAE for the whole time I've been an employee. Q. Has he had any leadership roles? A. He was on our board of directors at some point. He -- he's been a -- certainly on many committees. Q. Who is Kristina Rayford? A. She was an employee who reported to Kimberly Gates. Q. What did you understand about Mr. Long's needs for print copies of the standard? A. It appears as if he was organizing a chapter seminar at which he wished to have copies of the standard for the seminar. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. And is it ASHRAE's understanding that it needed to give permission to New York State in order for New York State to incorporate the materials by reference? A. I can't speak to that. My involvement was their contacting us to ask if they could make copies for their libraries, which I granted. Q. Are ASHRAE's standards available in most public libraries, to your knowledge? A. I -- I do not know. Q. If -- if someone living in New York City and interested in some of the legal requirements that pertains to ASHRAE standards wanted to review what those legal requirements were, what would that person's practical options be for reviewing the standards? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: I think in New York State, they would go to one of those libraries. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) What about someone in Brunswick, Georgia? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: I'm not aware what library facilities may have our standards. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Do you know what Page 186 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. And it appears that chapter -- chapters wanting to use ASHRAE standards have to buy those standards from the organization; is that correct? A. Well, from a source. I mean, we -certainly from us, but there's others, as well. Q. But -- but a chapter doesn't get a special dispensation to get free copies of standards for chapter education? A. No, that's correct. (Defendant's Exhibit 1113 was marked for identification.) Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Exhibit 1113 is something that ASHRAE produced to us in deposition -- sorry, in discovery. That was correcting it. The record should reflect that. Do you recall this document? A. Vaguely. Q. Is this a request from a New York State agency? A. That is correct. Q. What do you recall about the context of this? A. I believe it was to maintain copies in libraries in New York State so they could be referenced. Page 188 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 libraries in Georgia have ASHRAE's standards, the ones that have been incorporated -A. I do not. Q. -- into law? A. I would just process requests like this. (Defendant's Exhibit 1114 was marked for identification.) Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Mr. Comstock, Exhibit 1114 is an exchange of correspondence between you and a gentleman in Canada regarding creation of a code and guideline; is that correct? A. That appears to be the case. Q. And in it you quoted a price of $10 per table with a minimum fee of $25 for your correspondent to extract tables or figures from the standard; is that correct? A. That's correct. Q. All right. And, in fact, the person wanted to take information from the tables and figures, as opposed to the formatted tables and figures themselves; is that correct? MR. LEWIS: Objection. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) At least that's evident in his statement in the e-mail; correct? MR. LEWIS: Objection. Vague. Page 187 Page 189 48 (Pages 186 - 189) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 THE WITNESS: I -- I think that was a question I had, whether or not they would be lifted exactly as they were. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) I mean, I think he answered no to that; correct? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: I don't see my reply to that. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Yeah, I don't see your reply, but this seems to be his reply to you. "If you lifted tables or figures exactly as they were," and you go on to say more, and he responds by saying, "We will not be using tables and figures exactly as they are in the standard; they will instead be applied to the needs of this proj- -this project. Also, we will be using some text as it appears in the standard but not taking exact pages of text from it." Does that suggest to you that he was looking for the formatting and expression of the standard or the information in the standard? A. That would suggest to me it's the information and I would not charge a fee. (Defendant's Exhibit 1115 was marked for identification.) Q. (By Mr. Bridges) I'm handing you a -- an 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 which consists of an e-mail followed by several pages. This is the way they were produced to us. I think the several pages after the first two were in a separate file associated with the e-mail on top, so I suspect that after the second page of the exhibit, we're looking at the attachment, "How to Use RightsLink.doc." Is that your understanding looking at the document, as well? A. Yes. Q. And, again, this is an e-mail by your assistant, Julie Harr, to someone outside of ASHRAE apparently named Sam Hurt, who describes himself on page 2; is that right? A. Yes, that's correct. Q. Do the pages in the apparent attachment starting on the third page of the exhibit depict the RightsLink process? A. Yes, it does. Q. And it depicts the RightsLink process as ASHRAE offered it to persons wishing to seek permission to use ASHRAE material; is that correct? A. Yes, that's correct. (Defendant's Exhibit 1117 was marked for identification.) Page 190 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Exhibit 1115. This is as we received, a group of documents, it appears to us, from ASHRAE in discovery. And I was wondering if you had an understanding as to what this group of documents is. MR. LEWIS: There's quite a bit there, so take your time. THE WITNESS: These appear to be various reprint requests that Julie Harr had processed or involved with. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Is it your understanding that she compiled and gathered these various requests? A. Yes, that's what I believe has happened. Q. Did she compile it for purposes of discovery in the case? A. I -- I believe that's the case. I believe she was asked for samples. Q. So these are samples from the -- from ASHRAE's records? A. That's -- that's my understanding. Q. Thank you. (Defendant's Exhibit 1116 was marked for identification.) Q. (By Mr. Bridges) I hand you Exhibit 1116, Page 192 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Mr. Comstock, Exhibit 1117 is an exchange -- strike that. Exhibit 1117 is a series of e-mails, one to you from someone named Mike Moore and then another from you forwarding it to your assistant; is that correct? A. That is correct. Q. And in the top e-mail, this is your communication to your assistant on how to respond to the request in Mr. Moore's e-mail; is that correct? A. That is correct. (Defendant's Exhibit 1118 was marked for identification.) Q. (By Mr. Bridges) I hand you Exhibit 1118. This is a series of e-mails between you and Mike Moore, who we referred to in a previous exhibit, followed by a response to you from Steve Comstock, who you had copied on one of your e-mails to Mr. Moore; is that correct? MR. LEWIS: Objection. THE WITNESS: Steve Ferguson. Q. (By Mr. Bridges) Yes, I apologize. Let me restate that. This is a series of e-mails between you and Mike Moore, whom we referred to in a previous Page 191 Page 193 49 (Pages 190 - 193) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 exhibit, followed by a response to you from Steve Ferguson, whom you had copied on one of your e-mails to Mr. Moore; is that correct? A. That is correct. Q. What is Steve Ferguson's role? A. He's -- he's in our standards group and he works with code bodies. Q. And what do you mean by "code bodies"? A. Oh, I guess code-writing groups like -- so he would go to code hearings, for example, for codes that are considered for adoption. Q. Is that codes within ASHRAE or outside ASHRAE or both? A. External to ASHRAE. Q. External. When you say "codes being considered for adoption," do you mean codes being considered for adoption into law or regulation? A. I think it's building codes. Steve, he's outside of my group so I'm not sure exact- -- exactly what his responsibilities are, but they are in the codes arena within our standards area. Q. Can you explain the context of the e-mails in Exhibit 1118, please? A. So it looks like this fellow, Mike Moore, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 If ASHRAE did it, then that was the -- the standards people involved thought that was a -- that it was a -- a good technical solution to submit our content. So -- but at that time, there was concerns about whether somebody else -- somebody else using our content and submitted it. Q. Does ASHRAE 90.1 include any content from other standards organizations? A. I don't believe so. MR. BRIDGES: Why don't we take a short break and then I think I may have a few wrap-up questions, but I think I'm through with the documents. Oh, sorry, I may have one more. Oh, yes, let me just do this. No. So let's take a break, we'll do a short regroup, and then we'll have just a final set of questions. MR. LEWIS: Okay. VIDEOGRAPHER: This is the end of Video 4 We're off the record at 6:38 p m. (Thereupon, there was an interruption in the proceedings.) VIDEOGRAPHER: This is the beginning of Video 5. We're on the record at 6:45 p.m. Page 194 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 wanted to get permission from ASHRAE for use of content. And besides what I -- I really can't recall any of the background for this besides what I can read here. Q. You refer to ICC policies as having been made clear to us. Do you recall what that means? A. Yeah. Back in this era -- this is quite some -- it was quite a few years ago -- when ASHRAE content was submitted to the ICC at the time, ASHRAE lost the copyright of the con- -- ownership of the content. Q. Do you know what specific documents you're referring to? A. I real- -- I think this was back -probably IECC, the International Energy Conservation Code, is probably the document that this was to be include- -- yes, IECC. Q. And does this reference mean that somehow ASHRAE lost the copyright because of an ICC policy? A. That's -- that was my understanding at the time, that if -- if our content was submitted by somebody to ICC, then we would lose the ownership of that. Page 196 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 MR. BRIDGES: Mr. Comstock, I have no further questions. Thank you very much. VIDEOGRAPHER: This concludes the deposition. We're going off the record at 6:46 p.m. (Whereupon, the deposition was concluded at 6:46 p.m.) (Pursuant to Rule 30(e) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and/or O.C.G.A. 9-11-30(e), signature of the witness has been reserved.) Page 195 Page 197 50 (Pages 194 - 197) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 1 2 3 CERTIFICATE STATE OF GEORGIA: 4 COUNTY OF FULTON: 5 6 I hereby certify that the foregoing transcript was 7 taken down, as stated in the caption, and the questions and answers thereto were reduced to 8 typewriting under my direction; that the foregoing pages represent a true, complete, and correct 9 transcript of the evidence given upon said hearing, and I further certify that I am not of kin or counsel 10 to the parties in the case; am not in the regular employ of counsel for any of said parties; nor am I 11 in anywise interested in the result of said case. 12 13 14 15 16 LEE ANN BARNES, CCR B-1852, RPR, CRR 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Page 198 1 DEPOSITION ERRATA SHEET 2 3 Our Assignment No. 2023730 Case Caption: AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING 4 AND MATERIALS d/b/a ASTM INTERNATIONAL, et al. vs. PUBLIC.RESOURCE.ORG, INC. 5 DECLARATION UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY 6 I declare under penalty of perjury that I have read the entire transcript of 7 my Deposition taken in the captioned matter or the same has been read to me, and 8 the same is true and accurate, save and except for changes and/or corrections, if 9 any, as indicated by me on the DEPOSITION ERRATA SHEET hereof, with the understanding 10 that I offer these changes as if still under oath. 11 Signed on the ______ day of ____________, 20___. 12 ___________________________________ 13 STEVEN COMSTOCK 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Page 199 51 (Pages 198 - 199) Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [& - 2007] & & 2:4,11,17 3:3 8:16 8:20 9:1,4 106:16 0 0027650 161:1 01 181:11 01215 1:12 01940 181:12 027663 157:16 158:2 027664 157:17 158:2 04 173:12 07 173:12 081900 181:11 1 1 1:25 38:5 43:11 47:23 178:14 1,000 114:7 1.2 34:16 1.4 34:16 1.5 14:18 16:1 1.7 14:18 16:1 10 10:21 11:17,20 59:16 84:13 189:13 10,000 130:10 100 2:5 101 5:7 1075 1:20 1076 5:3 10:13,14 1077 5:5 53:6,12 54:25 1078 5:6 68:17,23 1079 5:7 102:18,19 103:7,14 1080 5:9 112:18,21 1081 5:10 113:11,14 1082 5:11 119:10,23 123:11 1083 5:12 123:1,4 1084 5:13 124:20 1085 5:14 125:15 1086 5:15 126:12,15 127:10 1087 5:16 128:22 1088 5:17 130:18,21 1089 5:18 132:19,22 1090 5:19 133:10,13 134:2,4 1091 5:21 133:22,24 134:5 1092 5:22 134:8,11 135:14 1093 5:23 137:15,18 138:10 1094 5:24 146:7,10 148:8 1095 5:25 150:15,18 1096 6:3 151:20,23 1097 6:4 152:6,9 1098 6:6 152:20,23 1099 6:7 153:3,6,15 154:1,3,11,13,20 10:20 1:19 8:12 1100 6:8 158:9,12 1101 6:9 159:25 160:4 1102 6:10 162:23,25 163:6 1103 6:11 164:20,23 168:1 1104 6:12 168:5,8 169:5,13 1105 6:13 172:6 1106 6:14 172:24 173:2 174:7 177:16 1107 6:15 175:20,22 1108 6:16 179:19 180:4 1109 6:17 180:23 181:1 111 5:9 1110 6:18 181:21,24 1111 2:18 6:19 184:11,14 1112 6:20 185:12,15 1113 6:21 187:10,12 1114 6:22 189:6,9 1115 6:23 190:23 191:1 1116 6:24 191:23,25 1117 7:3 192:24 193:2,3 1118 7:4 193:12,14 194:24 112 5:10 118 5:11 11:26 47:24 11:46 48:4 12 10:1,21 120 29:16 122 5:12 123 5:13 124 5:14 125 5:15 127 5:16 129 5:17 12:24 68:10 13 10:21 177:14 131 5:18 132 5:19,21 133 5:22 136 5:23 14 10:21 177:13,14 140 156:20 140008 54:4 145 5:24 149 5:25 15 11:1 21:1 26:13 29:17 37:20 51:20 53:3 55:20,22,23 95:23 177:13 150 6:3 151 6:4,6 152 6:7 157 6:8 158 6:9 16 176:25 161 6:10 163 6:11 167 6:12 171 6:13,14 174 6:15 178 6:16 179 6:17 18 10:21 180 6:18 183 6:19 184 6:20 1852 1:23 198:16 186 6:21 188 6:22 188,000 56:2 189 6:23 189.1 130:22 190 6:24 191 7:3 192 7:4 1970s 122:18 1975 38:5 1985 9:21 199 1:25 1:13 1:12 1:43 68:14 2 2 48:3 102:11 127:9 127:11 169:25 192:14 20 42:17,24 43:5 156:16 177:7 199:11 20,000 14:12 200,000 61:20,21 62:1 2000 9:23 53:16 20004-2541 2:19 2002-3 172:17 2004 177:21,22 179:1 2007 49:21 53:16,22 113:16 115:13 117:9,13,14,15 120:7 160:10 174:17 177:24 Page 1 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [2007 - acquire] 178:1,2 179:2 2009 114:12 130:23 178:3 2010 13:10 26:19,21 27:5 29:1 30:11 31:8 49:7,20 50:4 53:15 125:21 130:22 165:24 167:14 171:24 173:12 175:12 2011 52:19 2012 127:4,5 2013 132:24 139:13 175:11 177:9 2013-14 172:17 2014 177:9 2014-2015 177:5 2015 1:18 8:1,11 2016-2017 176:25 202.739.3001 2:20 202.739.5118 2:19 2023730 199:3 23 10:21 230,000 56:3,9 24 10:21 25 189:14 26 139:13 27th 2:12 28202 2:6 2:46 102:12 3 3 102:16 121:10 151:14 169:25 170:9,16 171:12 30 1:16 5:4 8:9 10:17,21 26:15 197:8 300 14:7,8 30309 1:22 31 10:21 322,000 53:4 33 97:11 34 37:20 3625 1:21 3900 2:6 3:07 102:16 4 4 10:20 120:20,23 120:24 151:19 196:20 4/19/10 6:21 40 9:16 13:9 400,000 14:8 415.281.1350 3:6 415.512.4000 2:13 415.875.2300 3:5 45 55:25 56:5 45,000 13:9 56:5 450,000 36:24 4:45 151:15 4:58 151:19 5 5 1:18 8:1,10 10:21 16:8 61:16,25,25 120:20 121:3,8,9 157:10 196:25 50 165:23 167:1 500 22:15 27:11 500,000 14:8 52 5:5 55 37:19 555 3:4 560 2:12 6 6 1:16 5:4 8:9 10:17 121:10 6.4.4 167:16 60 181:9 62.1 37:15 72:4 73:7 129:12 665 153:21 67 5:6 6:38 196:21 6:45 196:25 6:46 197:5,7 7 7 10:21 7,000 27:6 704.503.2583 2:7 704.503.2622 2:7 75 11:14 750 22:16 8 8 4:3 10:21 16:8 8.b 8:4 800,000 14:10 85 32:16 9 9 5:3 10:21 9,000 27:6 9-11-30 197:10 90 27:5 32:16 38:2,3 38:4 39:8 56:9,9 90.1 6:14 13:8,14 22:15 25:20,24,25 26:2,17,21 27:5,10 27:13 28:4 29:1,11 29:15,22 30:10,11 31:8 35:22 36:4,5 37:8,25 42:16,23 43:4,11 49:7,20,21 51:7 54:21 55:20 56:7,24 58:9 72:3 73:13,24 74:11 113:16 115:12 117:9,13,13,15 120:1,7 125:5,21 128:11 129:12 130:22 132:24 155:15 157:1,18 159:12,23 160:10 165:24 167:14 170:18 171:6 173:6 177:21 196:8 90.1. 30:5 49:4 71:24 113:1 128:8 153:9 172:5 94104 3:5 94105 2:13 99 29:16 114:15 a a.m. 1:19 8:12 47:24 48:4 ability 23:19 90:18 able 12:5 23:16 43:14,22 45:7 61:3 78:4 79:17,20,22 94:2,10 95:6,10 abridges 3:6 abundance 98:17 academic 136:11 acc 173:4 access 10:24 11:1 12:1 13:14 14:2 26:18,20 27:7 33:8 43:23 50:16 57:19 57:20,22 58:5 78:21 79:6,22 80:7,10 81:1 82:17 83:24 85:3 89:15 90:1 101:5 103:3 105:6 107:24 108:4,6,8 117:1,2,13,18 136:7 accessed 12:15 28:17 accesses 13:6 accessing 80:16 accommodate 47:3 accompanies 92:18 account 31:9 101:20 101:22 129:19 accuracy 121:21 accurate 14:19 157:12 172:23 173:5 199:8 accurately 158:18 172:15,20 achieve 160:13 achieved 26:9 31:3 acquire 105:1 Page 2 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [acquired - appeared] acquired 64:19 acronym 154:22 act 104:12 acting 125:11 action 1:11 67:20 101:15 146:22 active 168:12 actively 28:20 activities 30:17 60:17 61:15 71:4 72:5,21,22 73:16 74:2,18 75:2 176:10 activity 75:4 89:5 138:3 acts 52:20,20 93:24 94:13 actual 177:9 adapting 164:6 add 14:13 34:24 60:19 153:11 added 9:22 27:15 29:2 30:2 33:21 34:11 35:15,16 38:5 40:9 49:21 80:22 addenda 115:6,15 115:17,20 116:7,9 116:14,19 117:2,13 117:23 addendum 116:10 116:13 addition 59:23 additional 115:8 127:24 162:10 address 69:1 112:6 addressing 98:24 adequate 17:19 administering 60:6 administrative 47:13 administrator 138:2 adobe 41:16,17 adopt 17:22 99:11 99:12 100:8 127:4 adopted 17:2,3,11 98:20 99:7 100:18 101:2 adopting 128:2 adoption 16:19 98:13,24 100:11 152:25 194:11,17 194:18 adopts 99:24 advance 75:8,13,18 75:22 95:13 advantage 106:24 advantageous 144:10 advertising 59:20 72:19 74:6 advising 108:18 affairs 158:14 159:3 affect 15:2 affirmative 25:22 139:22 140:12 affirmatively 37:11 105:23 114:1 afternoon 68:15,16 age 112:7 agencies 89:8 180:18 agency 52:10 187:19 ago 10:1 11:2 21:2 21:14 24:22 40:16 43:13 95:23 158:20 183:17 195:10 agr 85:17 agree 78:11 79:8 84:14 112:9,11 118:17 agreed 116:12 agreement 5:11,20 55:11 56:1,2,4,6 58:12 80:15 84:15 85:8,17 93:3,6,8 103:16 114:6,19 115:3 120:3 121:11 123:11 133:16,18 133:20 169:9,10,11 agreements 57:19 57:22 58:5 84:14,22 172:4 ahead 88:9 153:19 ahmed 42:3 aid 164:19 air 1:9 2:3 8:23 37:21 69:13,16 75:19 77:1,2,3,6 137:12 al 199:4 alert 150:22 151:2 151:11 alerts 151:5,6 alewis 2:8 allied 75:20 allow 12:4 17:25 87:2 111:15 112:7 128:14 allowed 44:16 63:13 183:17 allowing 95:1 allows 183:21 184:2 alter 92:9 altered 90:19 100:1 alternative 88:20 amazon 106:9 107:20 amended 5:3 amendments 127:6 american 1:4,8 2:3 2:15 8:21 9:2 199:3 ames 159:6 182:5 amount 16:2 31:14 33:19,20 44:22 46:1 46:20 51:14,17 56:6 69:24 97:9 146:17 157:3 180:14 amounts 61:18 analogous 24:4 28:3 28:18 175:1 ancillary 74:7 andrew 3:3 8:15 anecdotal 18:17 19:2 anecdotally 63:11 ann 1:23 198:16 annotations 44:10 108:13 annual 34:6 ansi 30:25,25 32:10 32:21 140:14 141:2 141:9 183:14,21,24 183:25,25 184:2,4,6 184:8,9,15 ansi's 32:17 answer 13:18 27:24 28:8 50:2 56:17 97:6 131:14,14 147:7 162:17 answer's 96:21 answered 30:13 156:11 190:5 answers 56:12 198:7 anticipate 68:5 anticipating 135:3 antonio 2:5 8:20 anybody 50:20 65:5 anyone's 66:16 anyway 111:11 anywise 198:11 apart 18:16 54:14 57:7 61:24 63:17 66:9,11 71:5 72:6 74:18 80:24 86:4 93:22 94:11 105:14 105:21 109:2,4 110:1,12 111:2 apologize 193:22 app 73:8,9,13 170:5 170:7,15,25 171:3 apparent 192:16 apparently 192:13 appear 166:17 172:22,23 173:4 177:18 191:8 appearance 86:12 appearances 2:1 3:1 appeared 116:15 167:14,17 Page 3 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [appears - ashrae's] appears 53:14 102:23 103:10 112:25 124:10 127:1 129:10 131:1 150:22 155:25 157:17 185:21 186:23 187:1 189:12 190:16 191:2 appendix 159:11,14 159:22 applicable 166:20 184:1 application 21:5,7 21:12 71:13 73:23 77:13 160:24 164:13 applications 71:22 75:25 applied 71:14 131:16 190:14 applies 103:8 apply 78:1 83:11 84:24 88:19 89:5,11 103:1,13,14,19 110:23 121:18 179:10 applying 43:25 77:4 approach 46:7 103:22 approached 52:22 53:25 approaching 176:20 appropriate 73:22 77:12,13 84:24 101:14 approve 16:12 22:6 41:7 85:1 approved 115:6,15 183:24 approving 42:8,9 approximate 29:21 approximately 59:15 158:19 apps 73:3,6 169:20 area 17:15 138:3 194:22 areas 81:4 arena 194:22 arguments 45:2 arising 93:24 94:13 arrangement 55:2 article 8:4 42:16,23 43:4 44:25 45:9,22 45:23,24 135:16,20 153:7 154:2,8,10 155:15,23 156:10 156:21,23,25 157:16 articles 47:6 72:15 72:18 74:5 135:25 138:25 143:11 articulated 39:10 arts 75:18,20 ash 39:11 146:19 ashmae 150:18 ashrae 5:4 9:15 10:17,20,23 11:4,10 11:19,25 12:14 13:21 14:1,20,23 16:17,25 17:7 18:18 19:18,25 20:4,7,12 20:14,16,19,23 23:11,14 25:21 26:17,20 28:4,25 29:11,14,18,20,22 30:11,11,23 31:1,8 31:8 33:2,14,17 37:24,25,25 38:1,7 38:14,22,25 39:6,11 39:16,20,21 41:23 42:6 46:4 48:7,9,13 48:24 49:8,9,20 50:6,7,10,11,14 51:6,21 52:15 53:24 54:7,9,12,14 55:10 56:22 57:1,6,18,21 58:4 59:17 62:20 63:3,5,7,17 64:9,12 64:13 65:3 66:3,13 66:17 67:3,13,16,17 67:18,19 69:2,19 70:1,11,20 71:4,10 72:6,14,16,23 73:2 73:3 74:2,18 76:6 77:10,17 78:15,22 79:6 80:10 81:1 83:14 84:2,9 85:1,4 85:14,19 86:2,10,16 87:12,23 88:1 89:7 89:9 90:16 91:7 92:18 93:22,24 94:2 94:11,20 97:4 98:4 99:11,23 100:7,24 101:2,5,14 103:2,9 103:15,23,24 104:1 104:3,7,9,13,23,23 104:24 106:2,3,8,17 106:20,22 107:3,4 107:13,14,15,18 108:2,11,12,19,19 108:22,25 109:2,7,8 109:14,19,25 110:5 110:6,23,23 111:17 111:22 112:12,22 113:6 114:14,23 115:6,16 117:9,23 118:3,20 120:3,22 121:4 123:14,17,19 123:20 124:1 125:4 125:5,12,20 126:18 126:24 127:13,17 128:3,4 129:11,12 129:16,20 130:13 131:4,7,10,12,13,17 131:21 132:7,23 133:16 134:19 136:18,20 137:1,5 137:10,22 138:18 139:6 145:25 146:19 147:3,12,12 147:16,18,20,24 148:2,3 149:12 151:1,10 152:3,12 152:14,25 153:1,8,8 154:5 158:20 160:10 161:3,7,8,13 161:24 162:9,12,14 162:22 163:21 164:5 165:8,19,24 166:2,16 167:6 168:12,23 169:5,16 169:19,21 170:5,8 170:25 171:22 172:10,15,16 173:3 173:5 175:23 176:14 180:11 181:18 182:9 183:6 183:8,10,14,15,19 183:21,25 184:2,6 184:16,23 185:22 185:23 186:12 187:2,13 188:13 191:2 192:12,21,22 194:12,13,14 195:1 195:10,11,21 196:1 196:8 ashrae's 10:24 11:15 12:8 13:13 15:2,14 17:11 32:6 35:21 37:8,9 38:15 42:2 44:14 45:5,14 52:5 58:17 59:9 60:3 61:4 75:16,17 75:21 80:11 81:2 84:8,10 86:4,12 90:1 92:22 93:9 94:21 96:1,4,24 99:24 100:8 105:7 105:14 106:24 108:23 109:4,5,9 111:4,5 120:7 123:15 130:15 147:2 150:19 155:14,22,22 156:3 156:9,10 157:1,18 159:12 166:6,22 167:2,12,14,18,21 168:2 169:3 183:22 Page 4 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [ashrae's - believe] 184:9 185:15 188:1 188:8 189:1 191:20 5:7 102:24 ashrae0027658 153:20 ashraexchange 111:23 aside 43:20 45:12 asked 19:3 21:22 30:13 37:4,5 41:13 63:12 65:20 156:11 159:14 191:18 asking 65:17 99:21 118:16,16 122:22 144:17 164:3 asme 137:4 aspects 41:5 assign 157:5 assignment 199:3 assist 73:22 76:9 94:24 164:18 assistant 47:13 97:13 104:10,12,17 125:9 126:17,24 134:22 146:10 151:25 165:2 192:12 193:5,9 assistant's 47:15 104:17 associated 51:14 52:6 62:9 81:6,8,20 82:16,20 91:5 92:2 100:22 161:20 183:1 192:4 association 1:7 2:10 9:5 137:13 149:19 149:21,25 154:23 155:3,9 association's 88:15 assortment 106:14 assume 19:20 34:1 73:24 131:18 153:8 167:13,15 assuming 178:9 assumption 54:17 103:12 114:13 120:15,16 183:23 ast 106:2 astm 1:5 2:16 24:4 24:11,12 25:5 124:15,19 140:14 140:19 141:2,9 142:19,24 145:25 199:4 atlanta 1:22 attachment 134:4 153:14 154:6 192:6 192:16 attempt 46:16 116:25 attendance 74:12 attention 67:8 99:18 99:19 109:7 128:8 135:1,4,17 149:3 154:4 attributable 30:5 35:20 36:3 59:15 60:17 attributed 61:19 audience 55:12,15 authenticate 172:12 author 108:20 authorities 170:20 171:16,25 authority 130:7 authorization 109:11,13 authorize 108:11 authorized 65:18 107:12 authorizes 93:6 107:4 availability 48:25 available 10:25 11:5 11:16,18,19 12:18 13:12 20:13 22:24 27:19 28:15 41:15 41:18 43:12 44:20 49:8,9 50:5,6,7,9,10 50:13 51:7 52:17,25 58:10 63:12 67:25 71:19,20 73:9 76:8 76:10,25 77:9 88:14 89:1 90:1,7,24 91:9 95:14 101:4 104:25 106:5,22 107:25 109:24 115:18 121:14 135:23 138:25 178:20 181:7,18 183:15,22 184:3,8 188:8 ave 2:18 average 130:9 aware 17:24 24:6 48:12,15,17,23 63:7 65:1,4,5,7,9,12,22 66:3,8 67:3,7,9 86:2 86:15 99:3,22 100:2 100:14,17 103:16 104:5 110:14 111:3 111:14 112:17 122:9,11,14,15,16 123:19,22 124:1 131:20 135:21,24 136:2,25 137:4,10 137:14 138:18,22 139:2,6,8 143:18 144:25 145:2,8 146:5 147:2,9 151:1 151:9 154:25 155:1 164:12 172:3 188:23 awareness 46:11 86:10 143:24 144:21 145:21 178:18 179:5 b b 1:5,16 2:16 3:4 5:4 8:9 10:17 72:14,14 107:22 121:4,8,9 159:14,22 198:16 199:4 back 19:5 20:25 25:20 40:1 42:19 50:1 67:2 68:13 76:13 85:25 88:10 93:20 102:5 113:4 139:13 148:10 155:11 163:24 176:25 177:16 195:9,16 background 69:19 70:12,16 162:11 195:4 bad 132:3 149:5 balance 46:6 94:24 barber 105:18 barnes 1:23 106:16 198:16 base 16:9,11 48:22 72:20 based 30:9,17 32:18 33:8,15 37:23 71:18 73:2,3 83:20,21 104:8 126:1 basically 118:14 basis 27:4 34:6 42:11 119:18 130:9 bates 153:12,20 154:5 157:16 bcc 154:16,18 becker 3:4 8:16 179:24 began 11:25 beginning 8:8 48:2 50:1 102:15 127:2 140:9 151:18 171:3 196:24 begins 60:13 behalf 2:3,9,15 3:2 8:21 124:15 149:12 belief 156:3 believe 11:1,17,24 12:21 13:9 19:10 20:9 23:22 29:14,16 33:24 38:17,18 41:3 41:4 49:7 51:20 Page 5 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [believe - buys] 52:19 54:16 55:9,15 55:21 56:1 60:1 74:14,14 78:13 79:13 81:4,24,25 82:13,13 85:20,21 105:18 107:11 113:20 116:18 120:23 124:23 129:6 135:18 136:6 146:16 153:13 161:12 164:8,17 165:3,5 173:11 183:12,16,18 187:23 191:14,17 191:17 196:10 believes 28:25 bell 64:6 183:1 benefit 110:8 bergen 70:3,4,5 best 36:20,21,23 77:13 90:22 93:7 103:18 160:16,21 161:18 175:9 bethlehem 70:9 better 21:7 82:9 94:25 124:5 176:2 beyond 186:8 big 27:16 32:2,6 178:23 bit 9:16 46:17 47:19 71:4 76:13 94:17 95:24 103:21 118:2 174:19 177:1,10 191:6 bits 45:2 blank 152:11 board 8:5 182:18 183:6 186:15 bockius 2:17 9:1 bod 183:8 bodies 194:7,8 body 90:13 113:25 book 30:24 60:23 105:5,21 106:14 107:21,21 108:18 108:21 120:8,9,12 180:9,15 books 28:23 59:23 59:24 60:1 136:11 171:10 bookstore 18:24 22:22 23:2,6 30:24 60:24 61:2,23 62:7 62:10,12 85:9,11,13 106:15 bookstores 106:17 180:19 boost 178:23 borders 87:4 bottle 76:17 bottom 138:9 161:1 169:25 170:16 171:12 bought 109:23 box 52:7 boy 61:6 brain 53:8,9 branson 168:10,11 168:24 169:6,9,16 169:20 170:12,14 171:1 branson's 169:14 break 34:12 47:18 68:4 77:17 102:3,9 151:13 196:12,16 breakdown 30:3,7 31:25 breaking 15:17 breaks 47:21 102:4 bridges 3:3 4:3 8:15 8:15 9:6,12 10:16 13:18 16:9 17:24 18:5 19:7,17 22:7 24:3,10,23 26:16 28:6 29:9 30:19 32:6,21,24 36:4,25 37:13 38:13,20,24 39:9,16 43:20 44:3 44:7 45:12 46:4 47:17 48:5 50:15 53:8,20 58:3 61:3 62:25 65:12,22 66:2 66:9,19 68:3,15,19 71:3 74:21 75:12 77:15 80:24 81:16 82:6,8 85:14 86:20 89:20 91:10,17 92:16 93:5,14,19 98:19,25 99:4 101:13 102:1,8,17 102:21 106:1 107:8 107:19 108:17 110:12,21 111:10 111:17,25 112:8,20 113:13 116:21 118:13 119:2,12,17 121:9 122:5,11,16 123:3,23 124:17,22 125:18 126:14 128:1,10,24 130:11 130:20 132:21 133:12,24 134:10 137:17 139:3 140:13 141:11,16 141:23 142:7 143:1 143:5 144:17 145:1 145:7,23 146:9 147:7,17,20 148:2,7 149:4,17 150:5,12 150:17 151:13,22 152:8,22 153:5,10 153:18,24,25 155:2 155:14,21 156:3,9 156:14 157:5,10,14 157:24 158:6,11 159:22 160:3,20,25 161:22 162:5,25 163:20 164:5,22 166:16 167:8 168:7 169:24 170:6 171:22 172:8 173:1 174:5 175:8,22 179:9,14,22,25 180:3,25 181:23 182:13,23,24,25 184:13 185:14 187:12 188:20,25 189:8,23 190:4,8,25 191:11,25 193:1,14 193:22 196:11 197:1 briefly 25:23 brilliant 119:21 bring 135:1,4 149:11 bringing 146:24 147:13,21 broad 33:8 57:22 58:5 107:5 broader 54:13 56:18 broadly 59:3 brochure 97:17 broken 36:19 brought 67:8 109:7 135:17 137:11 146:19 brunswick 188:21 build 14:7 95:10 building 19:24 26:4 26:14 77:1,6 170:21 171:16 172:1 194:19 buildings 26:1 37:16 bulk 180:16 bundled 29:2 130:24 bundling 107:19 bureau 38:11 burgess 182:13,19 183:1 bush 3:11 business 12:21 18:10,14 41:9 95:1 101:10 140:2 button 40:9,10,13 buy 19:13 40:9,10 40:13 95:7 180:16 187:2 buys 87:21 Page 6 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [bylaws - collecting] bylaws 75:17 c c 91:4 198:1,1 ca 3:5 calendar 178:9,10 california 2:13 3:4 182:19 call 20:9 27:15 140:14 141:24 142:3,6,8 154:20 called 38:4 49:16 69:15 85:18 111:23 138:6 calling 107:1 calls 142:21 144:12 144:13 179:11 canada 160:8 163:2 189:10 cannibalized 57:14 capability 78:1,2 93:11 capital 40:17,19 caption 198:7 199:3 captioned 199:7 care 46:17 carl 3:10 8:19 138:14,19 150:23 151:2,7,11 carolina 2:6 carrier 63:22 64:2,2 64:4,11 65:17 66:21 68:21 69:1,11,15 135:7 carrier's 64:10 69:12 carry 40:4 75:11 case 10:4 11:24 12:12 22:23 49:23 58:15 63:9,25 64:22 66:14 67:5,9,15 68:6 82:14 88:10,12 94:7 97:24 109:3 110:2 124:1 132:4 143:16,24 144:20 145:6,14 146:16 148:21,23 149:2,5 149:11 164:8 189:12 191:16,17 198:10,11 199:3 cases 47:3 63:14 84:17 87:2,19 88:16 94:16 98:9,16,18 178:18 catch 178:20 categories 83:1 category 90:6 140:4 caused 64:23 86:3 86:11 109:21 148:18 causes 178:5 ccr 1:23 198:16 cd 14:12 27:9 80:13 80:16 83:11 85:21 85:22 90:17,23,24 91:1,3,6,8,9,11,23 92:3,5,6,12,18,19,21 92:21 93:12,18 103:2,5 105:3 cds 81:3,7 82:22 85:14,19 89:21 center 144:1,3 certain 12:23 13:3 22:2 46:20,20,21 79:9 112:7 115:23 128:3 certainly 31:6,6 87:5 113:9 120:21 178:15 186:16 187:5 certification 59:21 certify 198:6,9 chain 5:6,9,12,13,14 5:15,16,18,21,22,23 5:24,25 6:3,6,7,8,9 6:10,11,12,18,19,20 6:22,24 7:3,4 chair 185:23 chairs 149:17 chance 10:9 change 57:3 116:20 173:10 changed 12:17 22:18 changes 42:25 43:6 45:16 99:25 199:8 199:10 changing 92:25 channel 88:23 channels 31:10 33:23 176:1,9 chapter 185:23 186:24 187:1,6,8 chapters 187:1 characteristics 96:12 characteriz 113:3 characterization 113:3 characterized 113:9 charge 30:8 41:5 46:5 55:21,23 87:15 100:21,24 101:6,17 118:14 156:15 190:22 charged 51:16 charlotte 2:6 chart 176:3 check 31:24 109:10 checking 77:24 checklist 171:6 choice 132:3 139:4 choices 77:8 chose 69:23 cindy 184:19,20 circulation 28:3,7 28:12,22 circumstances 19:17 96:16 citation 97:23 city 152:24 160:7 161:3 163:2 165:3 165:19 188:11 civil 1:11 197:9 claim 68:2 claire 137:20,21 clarification 31:4 clarifications 77:20 clarify 32:24 56:11 90:25 clarifying 80:1 class 87:11 classes 87:7 classify 96:10 classroom 97:15 clear 62:13 195:7 click 51:24 clicked 50:18 52:7 close 150:4 182:7 closely 86:1 closer 119:20 cloud 79:20 code 49:13,17 55:6 55:16 90:4,5,7,7,9 90:13 98:13 112:23 120:2,4 127:5,6,12 127:13 128:4,11,17 130:1,4,5,6 133:21 134:1 165:13,14 166:23,24 167:15 167:17,19 180:8,8 189:11 194:7,8,9,10 195:18 codes 19:22 125:21 126:7 127:14 128:2 128:3,4,12,18 129:23 130:15,15 165:13 166:18 167:23 179:5 194:10,12,16,17,19 194:22 coding 170:17 coffee 102:2,2,3 coffee's 150:13 colleague 128:25 collect 32:22 33:2 collecting 124:11 Page 7 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [collection - content] collection 27:9 107:6 collections 107:18 college 69:21 106:16 106:19 columbia 1:2 columns 180:7 181:2 combat 123:25 combination 95:2 come 23:1 40:1 52:15 70:11 85:15 85:25 88:22 98:14 99:18,19 105:17 108:8 110:4 117:21 122:2 124:9 161:13 162:6 178:8,12,13 comes 23:5,8 26:12 30:1 31:21 32:13 34:3 48:6 58:18 59:10 87:1 comfort 37:20 coming 25:20 commentary 98:1 108:13 commenters 111:19 comments 19:3 110:16 111:5,15,19 111:24 112:1 commer 41:17 commercial 136:17 165:14 166:23 commercially 41:15 41:18 committee 88:16 89:2 110:13 111:2 116:11 149:16,18 185:23 committees 48:21 168:13 186:17 communicate 136:19 communication 67:17 68:20 69:8 135:7 193:9 communications 9:21 113:6 134:15 135:12 150:20 185:10 community 95:17 96:3 182:6 companies 33:9 company 58:9 79:21 97:17,19 140:5 comparable 121:13 compare 177:6,8 compared 96:7 173:22 comparison 42:17 42:19 43:8,25 compendia 30:10 compendium 30:8 compile 191:15 compiled 191:12 complained 66:12 66:17 complaints 109:22 complete 50:18 91:1 91:24 198:8 completely 62:15 complex 73:21 compliance 73:14 160:10,14 164:9,11 164:15 171:4 component 9:22 14:10 15:17 30:4 33:24 36:2 components 32:1 35:2,10 comstock 1:17 4:2 8:1,10 9:9,13 10:18 53:11 68:19 102:17 112:20 123:3 124:22 125:18 126:14 128:24 130:20 132:21 133:12 146:9 150:17 151:22 152:22 153:5,25 164:22 172:8 179:24,25 180:3 185:14 189:8 193:1 193:17 197:1 199:13 con 104:2 195:12 concept 16:18 81:13 concern 128:6 140:22 143:13 144:7 155:18 156:1 161:23 concerns 94:1 196:5 concluded 197:6 concludes 197:3 conclusion 144:14 condition 78:17,23 conditioned 77:2 conditioning 1:9 2:3 8:23 37:21 69:13,16 75:19 77:6 137:12 conditions 79:9,12 79:13 80:3,7 81:6,8 81:15,20 82:12,16 82:20,25 83:9,11 84:4,9,12 85:2,12 87:24 88:2 89:8 161:2 165:12 conduct 63:9,19 64:15 65:13,24 66:4 66:13 67:4,8,15,20 133:5 conducting 159:3 conference 35:13 59:19 139:19 conferences 74:10 136:9,12 confirm 151:24 156:13 confused 65:5,13,23 66:3 confusing 82:2 confusion 86:2,11 conje 29:7 conjecturing 37:2 conjunction 49:12 connected 68:21 connection 104:17 162:9 168:22 169:4 consequence 63:8 63:19 64:15 65:6 67:14 167:19 consequences 149:5 162:20 conservation 49:17 127:5,13 195:17 consider 24:10,12 37:13,15 106:6 129:16 considerable 146:17 consideration 112:15 considerations 25:17 44:22 considered 94:20 97:9 194:11,16,17 consistent 81:14 consistently 67:11 consists 71:15 162:25 192:1 constituted 157:1 constitutes 153:20 constructed 26:14 consult 179:10 consumer 86:2,11 contact 42:2 104:3 contacted 112:22 contacting 104:9 188:6 contacts 104:7 contain 116:14 contained 158:1 182:3 containing 163:14 contaminants 77:3 content 43:17 44:23 45:11,19,20,21 46:2 46:2 47:9 72:3,4,4 73:3 87:2,6 88:21 91:12 93:17 97:9 98:14 103:11 Page 8 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [content - crr] 108:24 113:1 128:7 129:25 131:20,25 132:2,8 152:17 153:8 155:20,23 156:1,4 157:4 167:6 195:2,11,13,23 196:4,7,8 content's 131:21 context 23:4 28:7 56:14 59:1 62:6 124:10 128:16 141:6 165:10 187:21 194:23 continue 19:16 continued 3:1 continues 15:7 continuing 110:4 continuous 114:19 114:22 115:5 contours 93:11,17 contract 49:6,21,25 50:4,16 51:5,6,10 51:12,13,17 52:11 52:12 53:2,4 56:13 56:13,14 84:16 contractors 137:12 170:22 171:18 172:2 contracts 48:24 49:2 49:5,12 54:19 55:7 55:8,9,14,18 56:15 56:19,22,25 57:8,14 control 94:2 121:5 controller 184:20 controls 84:19 conversation 25:1 142:11,15 145:17 conversations 67:24 136:3 185:4,7 converted 163:12 convey 91:16 conveying 81:12 cookie 46:19 cooperate 126:7 coordinator 129:8 cop 155:19 copied 79:15 124:23 125:1 165:2 166:4 167:1,20 193:18 194:2 copier 23:7 copies 22:16,24 26:17 27:6,8,13 28:13 29:25 33:22 48:19 88:25 89:18 101:21,25 119:13 154:18 183:5 186:22,24 187:7,23 188:6 copy 23:18,20 29:2 55:3,13 70:23 129:1 154:15 copyright 5:11 6:4 67:6,11 134:25 135:2,5 140:24 144:5 145:14 147:16,24 152:10 156:8,10 161:7,17 162:3,19 165:18,18 166:3,8,15,17 195:12,21 copyrighted 101:12 135:22 138:24 139:10 155:20,23 corollary 88:24 corporate 33:12 corporation 63:22 64:3 correct 13:9 14:25 15:1 21:14,18 23:24 24:2 34:20,21,25 35:1 37:10,24 47:4 50:22 51:8,9 54:9 54:11,19,20 56:16 56:20,21 62:2,22,24 68:21,22 71:8 78:9 81:23 82:18,19,23 82:24 89:21,22 92:6 98:21 99:8 101:1 103:20 104:11,15 105:4,5,8,9,11,12 107:15 108:10 112:24 113:19,20 114:2,5,7 115:10,17 115:21,22 116:6 117:4,7,15,16,20,22 120:4,5 125:6,7,13 125:14,22 128:13 128:19 129:13 132:13,24,25 134:5 134:6,15,16,22,23 135:10 137:23,24 138:11,12 139:14 139:15 140:3,10 141:25 142:1 146:11,12,20 147:1 148:17 149:22,23 152:5,19 153:1,2 154:12 156:16,17 157:19 160:8,9 161:21 163:2,3,6,7 163:15 165:4,5,8,9 165:14,15,20,21,25 166:1 169:17,22 170:10,11 175:19 176:7,24 177:3,22 177:23,24,25 178:3 178:4 181:14 184:16,23,24 185:2 185:3,25 186:3 187:3,9,20 189:11 189:16,17,21,24 190:5 192:15,22,23 193:6,7,10,11,19 194:3,4 198:8 correcting 187:14 corrections 116:14 119:7 199:8 correspondence 132:23 133:25 163:1 165:1 166:19 167:25 168:15,23 169:4,13 170:1 171:23 186:1 189:9 correspondent 189:15 corresponding 172:21 173:15 cost 56:8 60:22 61:9 61:17 114:6 costs 60:5,6,12 61:7 62:10,20 council 8:5 49:13 55:6 120:2,4 134:1 counsel 2:1 3:1 8:13 8:24 10:10 77:17 81:18 119:15 198:9 198:10 counsel's 153:10 count 62:1 counterpart 24:13 24:14 counterparts 24:11 country 50:21 county 70:4,5 198:4 couple 56:12 126:9 150:12 151:8 course 13:11 59:20 87:3 171:12 courses 30:16 71:17 71:21,23 74:6 court 1:1 8:5 9:7 59:1 142:23,25 cover 74:15 75:3 115:10 153:14 covered 74:4,4,5 120:23 covers 60:2 create 92:11 95:21 creation 62:21 189:10 creative 160:15,20 credibility 36:10 credit 26:2 crescendo 150:6 critical 45:10 criticizing 44:25 crr 1:23 198:16 Page 9 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [current - different] current 9:17 11:10 11:17,21 13:22 15:15 21:4,8,11 22:9 29:10,15 43:11 57:1,4 85:20 90:23 175:7 176:6,21 currently 43:10 custom 88:19 customer 6:16,17 23:15,18,19 48:22 85:2,3 107:2 180:5 customer's 84:10 customers 27:19 82:23 84:3 cut 78:4 cutter 46:20 cv 1:12 cycle 14:16,21 15:2 15:5 117:25 118:4 176:17 cycles 14:5 15:11 d d 1:5 2:16 42:4 199:4 d.c. 2:19 dare 84:21 data 131:7,12 160:13 database 47:7,10 73:10 date 6:14 8:10 11:2 47:5,10 114:12 115:25 170:25 dated 6:21 dave 135:7 david 42:12 64:1,6 168:9 day 42:11,11 199:11 days 72:1 deal 71:21,24 74:10 103:10 144:20 dealer 30:24 dealers 180:15 deals 60:10 72:3 debate 111:10 deceived 65:7 deception 86:3,11 decide 16:17 149:11 decided 95:5 148:3 deciding 94:20 decision 95:21 96:24 149:15 decisions 149:15 declaration 199:5 declare 199:6 declining 176:15 dedicated 47:12 deemed 76:1 defendant 1:14 3:2 8:17 65:8,14,24 66:4,13 67:4 109:3 110:2 123:21 defendant's 5:2,3 6:2 7:2 10:14,16 53:6 63:8,19 64:15 67:14,20 68:17 102:19 123:15 124:2,20 125:15 126:12 128:22 130:18 132:19 133:10,22 134:8 137:15 146:7 150:15 151:20 152:6,20 153:3 158:9 159:25 162:23 164:20 168:5 172:6,24 175:20 179:19 180:23 181:21 184:11 185:12 187:10 189:6 190:23 191:23 192:24 193:12 defendants 64:23 65:2 definitions 96:10 degree 70:14 deliver 17:20 83:14 delivered 82:22 delivers 84:2 92:19 103:2 delivery 23:10 83:6 83:11,12,13 demand 11:8 12:6 15:7 17:17,20 22:23 23:3,8,15,17 71:20 91:14 109:14 demonstrate 164:9 164:10,15 department 49:25 52:14 107:2 159:11 depend 19:22 87:15 dependent 22:14 depending 14:4,14 118:2 depends 14:20 depict 192:17 depicts 192:20 deposition 1:16 5:4 8:1,9 9:24 10:2,10 10:11,17 86:1 187:13 197:4,6 199:1,7,9 deprivation 47:20 depth 95:18 derive 31:14 derived 30:2 describe 25:23 76:19 174:25 described 61:5 62:16 describes 192:13 describing 175:1 description 5:2 6:2 7:2 135:13 176:2 177:3 design 25:25 26:4 72:2 76:9 77:14 96:14,15 designation 116:1,2 116:3 designers 76:9 77:8 desire 39:5 desires 164:7 detail 84:11 90:11 149:3 details 140:21 detected 94:11 determine 17:25 95:7 101:14 determined 170:18 171:14 develop 168:16 170:4,8 171:2 developed 38:25 76:2 103:4 169:8,21 170:25 developers 140:23 developing 39:7 73:13 129:22 168:18 170:15 171:7 development 14:23 17:2 48:10,13,16 60:5,12 66:12 74:19 75:21 110:13 111:3 138:14 139:4,7 149:6 171:3 developments 138:18 139:5,8 dictate 84:9 differ 83:1,10 102:25 difference 88:5 differences 83:7 different 23:14 33:10 38:8 45:3 47:3 55:1 56:7 76:24 77:4,5 86:21 87:20,23 88:1 89:7 89:25 90:21 92:20 96:12 103:22 108:8 108:9 115:11 118:21 124:10 130:25 171:11 173:6,12 177:18 Page 10 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [different - edition] 182:16,17 differently 86:9 difficult 75:10 dig 66:23 digital 84:19 166:5 167:2,20 diminishment 174:3 dipping 178:24 direct 29:22 35:14 35:16 72:9 80:20 104:16 directed 104:10 direction 95:5 104:20 198:8 directly 31:1 59:14 70:20 80:20 157:18 157:22 176:12 director 9:18,20 16:24 137:21,25 142:18 158:14 184:22 directors 183:6 186:15 directory 122:18,20 disappeared 44:12 disclosure 8:3 discount 29:17 90:6 106:19,25 discovery 124:7 172:10 173:3 175:23 185:16 187:14 191:3,16 discretion 88:19 discuss 24:17 25:16 136:16 discussed 24:20 25:14 80:25 86:5,7 112:14 123:11 125:10 136:10 discussions 24:24 110:15 111:5 136:6 136:8 137:1,5,8 141:4 147:8 165:11 182:2 dispensation 187:7 disseminate 108:11 distinguish 52:3 59:25 distinguishing 70:19 distribu 57:19 169:11 distributed 26:17 49:19 79:15 94:4 100:19 101:22,25 121:14 166:5 167:1 167:20 distributes 120:22 distribution 5:11,19 31:10 49:3,14,15,22 49:22 55:5,22,24 57:1,4,7,20,22 58:6 62:4 84:20 97:18 100:23 101:20 107:13 131:15 133:15 161:14,25 169:11 172:5 183:6 distributions 60:7 distributor 131:18 139:25 distributors 27:13 27:15 district 1:1,2 dividing 56:5 division 53:5 doc 97:23 document 23:7 38:19 43:8,15 44:9 49:18 51:20 52:4 53:16,19 54:22 66:24 69:2 79:10,14 79:25 94:3 95:6,8 95:18 97:23 115:7 116:4 120:22 121:12,20,22 124:23,24 127:8,17 134:1 173:3 175:23 180:9 185:15 187:16 192:9 195:18 documents 14:5 32:3 49:15 53:21 55:2 67:25 74:5,7 78:2,4,15 80:8 81:9 81:21 82:12 84:25 89:18 92:21 94:10 106:5 108:1 135:22 136:7 138:24,24 139:10 154:6 171:10,13 172:9 191:2,5 195:14 196:14 doing 44:15 59:12 61:22 93:4 97:19 119:18 122:17 171:8 dollar 51:13 dollars 180:12 double 121:15,19 122:6,21,21 doubt 181:15 doug 158:13 download 12:5 40:8 49:10 50:8,11,14,18 51:8,15,18,21 52:4 52:8 53:4,23 54:8 54:13 82:18 downloads 50:16 51:17,24 53:1 draft 134:4 draw 154:4 drinking 102:2 drive 12:6 dropoff 15:6 duct 73:9,9 dues 6:13 59:19 172:16,16,20 duly 9:9 e e 2:5 5:6,9,12,13,14 5:15,16,18,21,22,23 5:24,25 6:3,6,7,8,9 6:10,11,12,18,19,20 6:22,24 7:3,4 25:2 40:18,20 42:4 54:9 69:1 71:20 112:6,21 123:5,10 125:2,19 126:1,16,17,21,23 128:25 129:10 133:24 134:5,12,14 134:21,24 136:4,5 137:19,23 138:4,11 139:12,13,16 146:10 150:18 151:25 152:23 153:14 154:2,9,13 159:7 164:25 165:16 166:25 168:9 181:25 182:3 182:5 183:5 184:15 185:1,5,18 186:1,8 189:24 192:1,4,11 193:3,8,10,15,18,24 194:2,23 197:8,10 198:1,1 earlier 11:20,23 13:21 34:19 37:5 38:14 43:23 44:4 57:7 70:18 77:18 85:24 91:21 94:18 104:8 105:11 107:3 115:1 125:10 126:17,23 133:20 133:20 135:8 138:18 139:5,8 165:11 earliest 138:4 early 178:12,23 earn 59:17 earns 129:20 easier 171:11 easiest 61:7 easily 92:14 easy 170:19 171:13 171:15 edit 38:1 edition 26:11,19 29:1,15 Page 11 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [editions - exhibit] editions 15:8 26:9 editorial 69:25 70:15 76:23 92:10 129:8 edits 92:24 education 9:18,21 18:25 71:7,9 72:7 185:23 187:8 educational 30:16 35:10 36:10 59:20 educator 97:20 effect 13:14 56:23 57:6 107:10 150:13 effective 108:19 effectiveness 73:8 efficient 26:1 effort 94:23 144:5 efforts 168:24 169:6 egs 1:12 either 14:1,2 16:18 30:23 57:23 58:6 62:13 71:16 74:9 83:11 100:12 121:2 127:16 139:5 166:5 166:17 167:2,20 electronic 42:18 43:24 73:1 78:21 79:6,10 80:7,10 81:1 82:17,21 85:3 107:24 163:14 171:10 element 95:14 165:23 166:25 elements 167:23 eliminating 109:25 else's 108:13 embedded 92:5 employ 22:24 198:10 employed 122:21 158:20 employee 149:24 152:24 165:3 186:13,19 employees 48:15 61:15 64:11 184:16 184:16 en 57:21 enable 117:17 encountered 67:17 ended 52:2 158:19 168:18 energy 26:1,3,13 49:16,25 52:14 126:7 127:5,13 165:14 166:23 195:17 enforcement 90:13 engage 16:25 72:6 72:23 74:2 78:12 80:10 81:1 engaged 49:3 55:10 67:23 118:25 119:2 142:14 engages 71:4 engaging 147:25 engineer 95:16 engineer's 106:15 engineering 69:22 69:23 70:7,15 95:17 96:3 engineers 1:10 2:4 8:23 77:11 133:9 170:22 171:17 172:2 ensure 71:13 84:24 121:21 161:18,18 entail 134:17 enter 48:24 160:13 entered 23:9 44:11 57:18,21 58:4 entire 87:16 199:6 entities 33:13,13 107:4 129:22,25 entity 90:14 100:20 entry 121:24 122:5 122:7,23 envisioned 54:7 equally 103:15 equipment 23:17 69:13 76:9 96:6,7 equivalent 174:3,6 174:11 era 195:9 errata 116:16,18,22 116:23 117:15 118:3,9,15,19 119:7 199:1,9 error 124:1 errors 116:15 118:8 123:20,22 124:11 especially 32:1 76:5 esq 2:5,11,17,18 3:3 3:4 estimate 15:13,20 15:21 16:10 28:2 30:9 31:7 32:12,14 33:19 34:5 35:19 36:20,21,23 37:1 61:3 157:13 175:9 175:18 et 199:4 everybody 9:6 evidence 57:11,16 94:15 198:9 evident 174:6 189:23 evolution 42:16,23 43:4 44:8,25 ex 179:14 exact 11:2,12 15:9 37:4 65:19 79:19 95:22 172:22 190:16 194:20 exactly 48:20 79:3 100:18 101:3 121:1 190:3,10,13 194:20 examination 4:1,3 9:11 examined 9:10 example 22:15 44:10 72:10 73:2 83:19 86:20 87:3 88:10 90:20 92:22 97:19 99:24 103:2 106:10,16 111:19 120:10 174:16 175:11 194:10 excerpt 165:23 167:1 excerpts 45:15 exchange 25:2 69:9 112:2,21 123:5,10 125:1,2 132:22 134:12 137:19 152:23 155:25 159:7,14 160:6 168:9 169:12 171:23 181:25 184:15 185:21 189:9 193:2 excuse 37:3 143:6 executive 123:8 149:16,17,20 184:22 exercise 170:17 exhibit 5:2,3,5,6,7,9 5:10,11,12,13,14,15 5:16,17,18,19,21,22 5:23,24,25 6:2,3,4,6 6:7,8,9,10,11,12,13 6:14,15,16,17,18,19 6:20,21,22,23,24 7:2,3,4 10:13,14 53:6,12 54:10,25 68:17,23,24 102:18 102:19 103:7,14 112:18,21 113:11 113:14 119:10,23 123:1,4,11 124:20 125:15 126:12,15 127:3,10 128:22 130:18,21 132:19 132:22 133:10,13 133:22,24 134:2,8 134:11 135:14 137:15,18 138:10 146:7,10 148:8 Page 12 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [exhibit - flows] 150:15,18 151:20 151:23 152:6,9,20 152:23 153:3,6,12 153:20 154:1,3,7,11 154:13,20 157:16 158:9,12 159:16,25 160:4 162:23,25 163:6,6 164:20,23 164:24 165:17 168:1,5,8 169:5 170:10 172:6,24 173:2 174:7 175:20 175:22 177:16 179:19 180:4,23 181:1,3,21,24 184:11,14 185:12 185:15 187:10,12 189:6,9 190:23 191:1,23,25 192:5 192:17,24 193:2,3 193:12,14,16 194:1 194:24 exhibits 5:1 6:1 7:1 existence 38:19,21 expect 166:16 expectation 97:22 126:2 167:12,18,22 167:24 168:2,22 169:3,4,13,19 expected 55:12 101:21 expenses 60:4 61:4 61:22 62:1,16,20 experience 12:8,10 13:13 18:17 24:6 experiences 71:20 75:24 expire 117:4 explain 118:17 141:1 143:8 178:15 194:23 explained 87:8 explaining 141:7 explanation 77:16 94:25 149:8 162:10 179:15,18 explicitly 100:12 117:14 explore 71:3 144:18 explored 90:10 exposition 59:21 express 157:25 expressed 108:25 170:14 expression 160:15 160:20 166:7 190:19 extend 115:15 extension 74:9 extensively 41:13 extent 44:19 54:12 70:17 84:7 164:2 166:24 external 194:14,15 extract 189:15 extracting 112:23 159:11 extracts 90:20 extremely 16:21 f f 198:1 face 77:14 facilities 24:4 25:7 188:24 facility 20:7,20 26:23 29:5 40:2,5 52:17 53:23 77:23 78:7 103:8 105:2 110:15 111:4 112:13,14 facsimile 2:7,20 3:6 fact 14:22 22:22 25:10 144:19 169:19 179:4 189:18 factors 94:19 95:20 96:23 97:1,8 facts 17:25 fair 59:13,13 74:25 fall 135:12 138:3 familiar 16:18 17:7 24:3 66:18,18 121:15 122:6 138:6 154:22 159:7 182:2 185:17 familiarity 70:14 95:8 farther 131:23 181:13 fashion 50:5 78:23 fast 97:11 father 69:15 feasible 22:19 february 139:13 148:10 federal 197:8 fee 2:18 35:13 51:14 51:15,18 58:10 87:15 100:21,25 101:6,11 113:23 114:3,6,15 115:8 124:13,15 142:21 142:24,24 143:4 144:12,14,22 145:4 145:19 146:2,4 165:7 189:14 190:22 feel 46:8 113:3 fees 62:8 71:18 101:17,18 129:11 fell 174:19 fellow 25:3 65:17 66:21 194:25 fenwick 3:3 8:16 3:6,7 ferguson 125:19 193:21 194:2 ferguson's 194:5 fields 76:4 figure 28:3,7 29:18 39:2 51:3 61:17 figures 46:21 173:16 189:15,19,20 190:10,13 file 1:11 92:11,13,14 109:17,20 113:18 113:22 114:4,10 147:2 154:6 192:4 filed 147:3 files 93:12 163:4,5,8 163:9,11,14,14,18 163:19,22 164:1,4,6 final 166:2 196:17 finally 60:25 150:13 financial 35:9 55:17 75:10 172:10 financially 93:23 94:12 find 18:23 91:6 92:3 finding 75:10 fine 153:22 finish 16:4 92:10 fire 1:6 2:9 9:5 170:21 171:17 172:1 firm 9:4 41:25 122:19 first 9:9 15:5 21:1 37:25 38:1,5 42:5 49:6 50:4,6 51:1,5,6 56:1,4,13,18 83:13 95:5 109:10 113:24 117:4 131:2 151:10 154:2 192:3 firsthand 64:16 fit 101:10 170:18 fitting 73:9,9 five 37:18,19 45:3 58:14 72:1,1 84:14 158:21 flammability 96:11 flat 12:11 flexible 47:2 floor 2:12 flow 161:24 flowed 179:5 flows 74:22 Page 13 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [focal - governments] focal 47:13 focus 139:3 focused 128:8 175:6 follow 39:1 43:18 67:10 109:16 139:11 followed 114:23 192:1 193:17 194:1 following 92:16 139:11,12 153:11 follows 9:10 footnotes 157:15 force 113:2 foregoing 198:6,8 forget 180:1 forgive 37:5 forgotten 179:23 form 13:17 16:5 28:5 29:6 55:3 78:17,18 91:4 92:1 96:18 108:7 145:19 146:2 152:11 164:14,14 166:5 167:2,21 formal 110:12 111:2 formality 153:19 format 43:24 54:2 92:13 163:13,15 formats 120:25 171:11 176:1 formatted 189:20 formatting 163:19 163:21 190:19 forms 160:12,15,21 161:6,7,8,10,14,19 161:25 162:13,21 163:10,11,22 forum 111:18 forward 75:11 150:22 forwarding 193:5 found 69:2 foundation 146:4 foundational 99:1 founded 69:14 four 24:21 32:11,13 32:15 44:9,13 45:15 60:20 105:14 156:22 fourth 32:11 frame 52:18 francisco 2:13 3:5 8:17 free 20:8,9,10,11,14 20:16,20,24 21:1 23:23 24:4,6 25:6 26:23 29:5 40:2,5 49:9 50:8,14,16 51:7 53:23 54:8,13 57:23 58:6 77:3,22 78:1,7,12,14 94:21 95:21 96:24 101:4 103:8,11 105:2 109:4 112:13,13 113:4 136:7 183:15 183:17,22 184:3 187:7 freely 115:18 138:25 frequently 76:12 fresh 122:5,7,23 front 138:9 154:7 163:5 fulfill 55:10 fulfilled 39:7,17 full 68:6 113:24 117:5 167:15 179:2 fully 75:5 fulton 198:4 func 95:25 function 40:24 96:1 functionality 41:22 46:25 52:7 77:21,22 91:5,8 92:2,9 functions 40:4 137:25 158:25 funding 48:12 funds 63:6 furnish 140:21 furnished 70:24 116:22 152:12 185:15 further 69:9 83:8 162:10 168:21 197:2 198:9 g gain 14:1 79:22 103:23 169:21 gained 29:21 gates 185:22 186:4 186:20 gathered 191:12 general 19:8 90:2 97:12 104:3,7 152:16 generally 22:11 33:4 118:13 generate 43:8,22 generated 74:12 129:11 generates 75:1 generating 72:5,22 73:16 74:1 generator 31:17 generic 84:18 gentleman 42:10 189:10 georgia 1:22 8:6 106:15 188:21 189:1 198:3 getting 89:24 143:7 143:9,15 150:4 give 36:13 46:4 82:9 86:21 119:15 132:1 188:2 given 44:22 81:17 115:25 154:5 157:18 183:14 198:9 gives 109:24 131:24 giving 104:20 127:18 glad 146:15 global 69:14,14 105:17 go 16:14 21:24 36:7 43:7 46:14,18 47:20 50:1 69:23 84:11 87:22 88:9 106:7 136:9 150:12 153:19 180:6 188:19 190:11 194:10 goes 40:24 47:8 105:7 114:17 115:4 176:25 going 9:22 20:25 41:8 43:1 45:23 46:8 47:24 48:3 58:22 66:23 68:9 82:2,4 84:23 87:16 93:20 95:11 102:12 118:10 119:17 129:25 133:5 148:20,25 149:1,2 150:2 151:15 165:19,24 172:8 180:2 197:4 golf 148:9 gonna 144:24 good 9:13,14 30:19 30:19 46:24 58:22 68:15,16 79:2 143:6 151:13 196:3 google 150:22 151:1 151:5,6,11 gosh 32:15 gotten 45:1 governing 97:4 government 48:7,9 48:15,19,24 52:10 58:16 100:16 112:16 158:14 governmental 89:8 90:14 100:20 governments 89:25 179:6 Page 14 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [graduated - identified] graduated 69:21 70:6 graduating 69:20 graft 128:4 grant 46:10 87:14 88:17 92:18 108:21 126:10 165:11 granted 93:10 109:11 126:18,24 128:11 188:7 granting 45:11 89:6 97:4 grants 63:3 granul 14:6 granular 14:7 graph 174:25 175:1 great 84:11 144:20 150:6 greater 145:17 162:12 greatest 11:7 grew 174:17 group 22:3 42:11 62:8 88:12,13 129:9 176:4 182:21 183:3 186:6 191:1,5 194:6 194:20 grouped 107:14 groups 27:18 136:15 194:9 growth 174:2 guess 9:22 16:7 85:18 89:23 99:20 116:9 120:24 126:10 130:9 159:14 161:23 176:1 177:10 181:9 194:9 guesses 36:17 guessing 61:13 157:8 175:16 guidance 25:25 96:15,18 guide 77:11 guideline 97:12 112:24 189:11 guy 148:9,13 guys 150:4 h h 42:4 47:16 half 43:14 150:3 178:25 hand 46:17 73:11 94:7 112:20 140:14 140:19 141:2 164:25 191:25 193:14 handbook 73:11 76:6 handed 123:3 126:14 132:21 133:12 151:23 160:3 164:22 184:13 handing 102:17 172:9 190:25 handle 47:10 handled 86:25 89:10 handling 32:9 104:17 139:20,21 139:23 hands 53:9 170:20 171:15,24 handy 173:15 happen 100:4 happened 101:9 191:14 happening 100:6 happens 16:12 20:21 99:9 happy 153:16 hard 47:5 55:3,13 97:11 harm 67:13 94:6,9 161:13 162:5,7,13 harms 67:3 93:23 94:12 161:24 harr 47:16 125:8,9 134:22 146:11,15 148:8 151:25 154:14 165:2 191:9 192:12 harr's 165:16 hate 34:22 head 37:11 105:23 114:1 156:20 headings 180:7 hear 26:7,8,12 62:15 76:12,13 161:22 heard 25:8 38:11 104:22 107:9 136:6 161:23 hearing 198:9 hearings 194:10 heating 1:8 2:3 8:22 75:18 held 135:21 147:9 help 71:12 77:11 94:25 113:17 117:8 171:10 180:2 helps 75:1 hereof 199:9 high 143:13,16,24 143:24 144:19 145:5,12 146:16 148:20 149:2 175:16 higher 174:22 177:11,14 highest 156:24 hold 158:16 holder 117:11 holding 67:1 hollman 64:1,6 66:9 66:11,20 69:8 135:7 home 104:1 hoping 12:2 hour 37:6 47:19,22 68:4 71:17,17 102:7 150:3 hours 68:6 houston 152:24 houston's 152:24 huge 170:20 171:15 171:24 huh 25:22 139:22 140:12 hundred 61:12,14 175:13,14,15 hurt 192:13 hvac 72:2 77:6 i icc 49:19,23 55:5,6,8 55:10,21,23 120:6 133:16 172:4 195:6 195:11,21,24 idea 32:20 143:6,9 182:8 ideas 157:25 identical 81:12 identically 81:7 identification 10:15 53:7 68:18 102:20 112:19 113:12 119:11 123:2 124:21 125:16 126:13 128:23 130:19 132:20 133:11,23 134:9 137:16 146:8 150:16 151:21 152:7,21 153:4 158:10 160:1 162:24 164:21 168:6 172:7,25 175:21 179:20 180:24 181:22 184:12 185:13 187:11 189:7 190:24 191:24 192:25 193:13 identified 93:22 105:10 134:2 153:14 Page 15 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [identifies - inventory] identifies 134:14 identify 34:17 47:8 53:13 113:13 123:4 133:14 134:10 137:17 152:8 153:6 160:5 168:7 172:11 175:24 181:23 iecc 49:16 54:22 55:6,22 56:8 120:1 195:17,19 iengineering 41:25 42:7 ihs 139:16 illegal 155:16,23 156:5 illustrate 45:2 imagine 18:7 40:15 74:8 112:10 166:21 immediately 124:3 impact 12:12,13 13:19 36:11 46:9 57:10 74:6 101:23 implementation 26:4 41:6 imply 176:19 import 128:1 importance 30:10 important 53:9 147:15 impose 25:18 78:15 78:22 84:4 imposed 161:3 imposes 85:2 impression 135:19 inaccurate 177:4 inches 132:11 173:7 inclu 49:14 include 17:23 27:10 27:12,14,25 30:16 35:12 58:20 62:19 80:14 90:18 107:4,5 108:1 115:11 116:8 119:7 152:18 195:19 196:8 included 27:10 48:21 49:15,19 54:22 56:6 61:11 113:22 115:7 116:23 118:9 129:13 166:24 inclusion 55:20 income 31:14 48:6 59:21 incorporate 76:7 98:4 100:8 188:3 incorporated 8:23 17:3,4,8,11 88:3 98:20 99:7 128:17 189:2 incorporates 75:24 incorporating 128:12 incorporation 16:19 18:2,18 98:24 100:11 112:15 138:15,19 179:6 increase 12:2 15:4 indefinitely 117:19 independently 161:10 index 4:1 5:1 6:1 7:1 105:18 indicate 168:1 169:13 180:7 indicated 186:8 199:9 indicates 129:14 indirect 29:22 30:15 30:22 36:10 72:9 individual 33:15 79:25 80:2 81:14 90:7,17,18 91:4,25 115:18 individually 107:14 individuals 33:16 48:18 61:14 industry 18:12 28:22 76:23 121:25 122:7 136:3 140:4 149:6 information 12:14 29:24 31:22 32:8 44:20 63:18 64:13 64:18 103:18,23 104:22 109:19 110:5 112:23 126:1 127:25 139:19,21 139:23 140:1 162:8 162:10 164:3 183:10 189:19 190:20,22 informational 127:19 informed 67:18 infrastructure 60:23 61:17 infringement 134:25 135:2 initiated 39:12 43:13 146:22 initiation 42:9 initiative 97:2 inquiry 68:25 insert 111:7 118:10 147:4 inspectors 170:21 171:17 172:1 instance 66:17 69:4 instances 45:4 65:23 67:7 89:4 98:10 124:11 instant 150:9 institutional 33:13 instructing 111:11 instructor 71:15 instructors 87:6 insulation 154:23 155:3,4,8 insulationoutlook.... 155:5 intact 164:1 intellectual 131:6,11 intended 63:24 intends 127:4 intensive 72:2 intent 41:20 81:12 83:3,23 103:3 128:14 164:1 167:5 intention 149:1 interacted 28:25 87:13 interacting 31:1 interest 19:13 95:15 124:8 159:10 171:8 interested 111:18 188:12 198:11 interesting 177:17 interests 74:12 interface 104:13 105:2 125:12 internal 87:10 internally 147:11,18 international 1:6 2:16 49:13,16 55:6 120:2,4 127:4,5,12 127:13 132:12 134:1 195:17 199:4 internet 63:12 97:16 110:7 134:19 135:23 136:7 140:25 145:15 interpret 145:21 interpretations 111:12 interruption 24:8 47:25 68:11 102:13 151:16 196:22 intranet 89:1 introduce 8:13 introduced 177:22 178:2 introduction 177:19 178:7 intuitive 67:24 intuitively 31:19 57:9 inventory 16:13,14 17:18,20 22:2,25 Page 16 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [inventory - legal] 55:24 106:17 186:5 invests 62:20 invoice 129:11 invoices 42:9 involve 10:4 56:25 70:22 176:10 involved 54:21 61:1 61:4 62:3 83:6 96:23 98:12 101:11 125:1 141:3 144:24 146:23,25 191:10 196:2 involvement 188:5 involves 137:19 165:6 involving 134:25 ip 132:9,11 173:6 175:2,10 iprpc 138:7 ish 148:16 israel 129:5 israeli 129:6,13 issue 93:8 116:19 138:15,20 139:2,11 144:6,10 145:10 issues 20:16 24:17 24:20 136:13 144:25 145:1 146:6 item 22:4 180:9 items 22:21 75:9 151:4 181:17 185:8 iwrapper 12:22 13:2 40:11,14,17 41:6,15 j j 2:18 jeff 123:6 149:11,15 150:1 jersey 70:4,5 jim 159:6 jkfee 2:21 job 38:1 158:24 jodi 134:13,14 135:16 139:1 150:19 151:4 181:25 john 24:13,13 25:12 142:18,20 143:2 johnson 133:25 join 124:16 joining 69:19 jordana 2:17 8:25 journal 72:14 journals 136:11 jrubel 2:20 judg 89:5 judgment 89:6 judicial 8:5 julie 25:4 47:16 125:8,9 134:22 146:11,14 151:25 154:14,20 191:9 192:12 jump 15:10 18:19 57:5 june 178:14 jurisdiction 99:13 100:24 170:21 171:16,25 jurisdictions 98:3 99:10 100:8 juxtaposed 90:20 k karl 135:1 keep 18:14 47:5,7,9 47:21 51:24 keeping 18:16 182:6 kept 164:1 kevin 2:18 124:15 142:24 144:14 keyboarded 121:21 keying 121:16,19 122:6,21,21,23 kimberly 185:22 186:4,20 kin 198:9 kind 10:4 36:9 104:13 141:17 king 2:4 8:20 knew 51:21 52:1 know 11:25 12:23 12:25 13:3 15:9,16 15:16 17:9,10 18:8 19:5 26:16 29:8 31:13,13,16 33:11 33:17,19,21 36:10 36:18,19 39:9 40:6 40:13 48:5,9 50:25 51:21 52:23 53:1 54:4,12 57:13 60:11 61:12,14,23 63:23 64:9,10 66:2,16,23 85:24 97:21 98:3 99:10,15 106:9,10 109:2 118:1,5,6,8 119:5 120:6,8,9,13 123:17,19 124:2,6 129:20 136:23,24 138:13 143:2 145:20 148:2,6 149:14,15 151:6,10 151:12 154:15 155:1,2,8 159:24 160:23 168:18 172:22 173:14 181:19,20 182:11 182:14 183:19,21 184:2,8,10,17 186:7 186:10 188:10,25 195:14 knowing 162:20 knowledge 25:9 38:10 54:1 63:5 64:16,25 86:6 90:22 100:4,6 103:1 110:10,19 119:6 130:17 136:18,22 137:7 160:16,21 164:13 178:19 188:9 knowledgeable 16:21 76:4 kristina 186:18 2:8 l l 6:16 42:14 labor 61:16,24 laboratories 49:24 137:1 laboratory 49:24 52:13,13,16 lack 146:4 lady 25:2 lag 178:6,17 language 84:15,22 large 27:22 61:18 larger 33:12 largest 31:17 32:8,9 34:2 69:13 larry 186:10 late 178:8 latest 138:14 139:4 139:6 launched 94:22 law 9:4 16:19 17:3,6 17:8,12 18:3 88:3 98:20 99:7,11 100:9 101:3,4 189:4 194:18 laws 98:4,6 179:6 lawsuit 136:19 137:10 146:19,24 147:3,13,21,25 148:4 183:11 lead 95:11 leadership 186:14 leading 110:13 leads 18:18 learning 25:5 71:19 71:20 leaving 43:20 45:12 led 71:15 lee 1:23 198:16 left 61:6,7 legal 78:25 130:5 144:13 166:3,10 Page 17 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [legal - mail] 188:12,14 legality 166:13 legislation 19:21 lehigh 70:9 letter 6:21 letterhead 90:6 level 14:7 22:2 26:3 90:15 levels 84:24 96:8 lewis 2:5,17 8:20,20 9:1 10:10 13:17 16:4 17:13 18:4,20 19:9 21:19 23:25 24:18 26:6 28:5 29:6 30:13 31:11 32:19,23 35:23 36:22 37:12 38:9,16 38:23 39:4,15 43:9 44:1,6 45:8,17 50:12 53:18 57:25 60:8 62:23 65:10,15 65:25 66:5,15 67:21 68:8 71:1 74:20 75:6 76:21 80:12 81:10 82:4 85:5 86:19 89:16 92:7 93:1,13,15 98:7,22 99:2,14 101:8,16 102:5 105:24 107:7 107:16 108:14 110:9,18 111:7,21 112:4 116:17 118:10,18 119:16 121:6 122:1,8,13,24 125:17 126:4 127:22 128:5 130:8 134:7 138:21 140:11 141:10,13 141:19 142:4 144:11 146:3 147:4 147:14,19,22 148:5 148:24 149:13 150:2 153:16,22 154:24 155:13,17 155:24 156:6,11 157:2,7,11,20 158:3 158:7 159:19 160:2 160:17,22 161:15 162:1,15 163:17,23 164:16 166:11 167:4 168:3 169:23 170:2 171:20 174:4 175:4 179:8,11,16 179:21 182:10,22 188:17,22 189:22 189:25 190:6 191:6 193:20 196:19 libraries 86:22 180:17,18 187:24 188:7,9,19 189:1 library 188:23 license 5:10,11,17 5:19 23:20 29:3,4 58:10,12 83:19,20 83:21 84:1 85:15,18 86:21 87:5 90:18 91:9,19 92:17,23 93:3,6,7,10 108:16 108:22 113:15,18 113:23 114:3,6 115:9,12,15 116:24 117:3,12,17 129:11 130:22,24 131:4,24 132:1 133:15 licenses 18:1 27:23 33:8,18 34:4,9,14 56:23 79:24 80:19 80:21 83:10,23 86:24,24 87:24 88:2 89:15 90:16 97:4 licensing 14:1 29:22 31:10 59:5 70:21 71:6 72:7 74:17 86:16 89:9 114:18 115:2 life 6:14 176:21 lifted 190:3,10 limit 97:6 limitation 168:1 limitations 91:7 limited 51:10 limiting 91:8 line 22:22 23:1,6 46:13 60:24 61:1 108:4,6,8 131:23 183:15 lines 19:4 135:6,9 link 46:23 103:25 liquid 76:17 list 29:16 49:22 93:21 181:14 183:6 listening 8:19 literally 98:5 litigate 144:10 litigation 145:24 146:1 little 9:16 14:4,6 33:10 46:17 47:19 71:4 76:13 94:17 95:23 102:1 103:21 175:16 177:1,10 littleton 123:6,7 149:11 150:1 184:22 living 188:11 llp 2:4,11 3:3 lobbyists 182:6,8 logged 50:17 logical 98:10,16 155:7 long 9:15,19 102:5 156:21 185:22 186:7 long's 186:21 longer 47:20 95:24 look 10:13,18 17:17 18:8 53:11 67:1 68:23 97:14 98:14 100:13 101:24 156:12 157:21 160:25 169:24 173:1 174:16 175:11 177:16,21 178:1 179:1 181:8 looked 119:9 155:10 looking 14:6 54:9 95:15 135:13 163:24 165:10 170:9,16 177:5 190:19 192:6,8 looks 115:14 126:9 131:1 152:11 168:16 194:25 lose 67:19 109:21 195:24 loss 63:16 64:14 losses 63:7,11,18 64:21 lost 195:12,21 lot 61:19 140:22 143:13,23,23 172:13 low 22:4 74:24 lower 176:15,15 lunch 68:4 m m 42:4 165:17 madcad 32:11 magazine 28:13 72:12,13 magazines 28:9,11 28:23 mail 5:6,9,12,13,14 5:15,16,18,21,22,23 5:24,25 6:3,6,7,8,9 6:10,11,12,18,19,20 6:22,24 7:3,4 23:9,9 25:2 28:13 69:1 112:6 123:5,10 125:19 126:1,16,21 128:25 129:10 133:24 134:5,12,14 134:21,24 136:4,5 137:19,23 138:4,11 139:12,13,16 146:10 150:18 151:25 152:23 153:14 154:2,9,13 Page 18 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [mail - minnesota] 159:7 164:25 165:16 166:25 168:9 181:25 182:3 182:5 185:5,18 186:1,8 189:24 192:1,4,11 193:8,10 mailing 55:23 mails 54:9 112:21 125:2 126:17,23 183:5 184:15 185:1 193:3,15,18,24 194:2,23 main 131:2 maintain 77:1 94:2 106:17 111:17 161:17 166:8 187:23 maintained 94:10 maintenance 114:20 114:22 115:5 major 33:24 106:1 making 36:16 49:6 50:4 59:12 79:9 90:4 92:24 109:15 171:9,13 malamud 3:10 8:19 135:1,20 136:19,20 137:2,6 138:15,19 138:23 150:23 151:3,7,11 managed 85:10 management 84:19 manager 134:15 150:20 manages 186:5 managing 61:1 manner 31:23 161:21 178:20 manual 73:19,24 manuals 73:17,22 manufactured 92:12 120:12 manz 165:17 march 1:18 8:1,10 mark 133:25 159:6 marked 10:14 53:6 68:17 102:19 112:18 113:11 119:10 123:1 124:20 125:15 126:12 128:22 130:18 132:19 133:10,22 134:8 137:15 146:7 150:15 151:20 152:6,20 153:3 158:9 159:25 162:23 164:20 168:5 172:6,24 175:20 179:19 180:23 181:21 184:11 185:12 187:10 189:6 190:23 191:23 192:24 193:12 market 19:13 21:11 27:16 33:10,16 94:4 174:12 marketplace 19:19 60:14 62:5 76:11 106:5 marshals 170:21 171:17 172:1 match 81:7 material 128:11,18 130:14 152:3,13 156:25 166:4 192:22 materials 1:5 2:16 9:2 188:3 199:4 math 36:7 59:12 matter 10:5 124:6,7 199:7 matters 84:8 136:10 matthew 3:4 8:16 mbecker 3:7 mccall 163:1 mean 18:7,22 19:10 23:4 26:22,23 28:7 31:2,13 34:7 50:9 58:13 61:23 72:9 82:1 90:9 91:7 114:21 118:14 121:4,11,20 130:4 139:24 140:18 145:11,16,17 146:14 174:14,15 180:7 187:4 190:4 194:8,17 195:20 meaning 39:20 116:4 means 23:5 76:16 78:25 95:13 114:2,3 116:4 117:11 120:25 121:1 132:6 195:8 meant 30:22 50:13 76:18 81:22 83:4 85:22 91:15 92:8 145:14 147:25 measured 96:7 mechanical 126:7 127:4,12 133:8 165:13 166:23 167:15,17,19 media 82:21,22 meet 10:9 meeting 139:17 148:16 meets 91:13 member 29:15,17 33:15 42:15,22 43:3 64:9 106:7,21,25 114:16 168:12 173:9 180:10,11,13 182:18 185:22 186:12 members 49:8 50:6 50:10 51:1 54:9,14 64:12 87:12 88:15 89:2 94:24 95:6 103:15,15,17,19,19 106:22,23 114:14 180:13 183:11 membership 6:13 33:14 59:19 172:16 172:20 memory 39:19 mention 30:15 163:4,5 mentioned 21:13 23:22 25:12 68:20 70:6 72:8 78:8 88:11 93:23 96:17 105:14 148:9 166:25 message 63:20 80:15 128:15 134:25 135:3 155:6 168:21 184:21 messages 67:23 136:4,5 met 51:17 metal 137:11 method 96:5 120:6 methods 77:4 96:6 176:8 metric 18:7,14,16 132:15 michael 25:2 182:13 182:19 michshell 129:1,7 mid 122:18 middle 174:17 midpoint 54:10 178:13 mike 125:3 193:4,15 193:25 194:25 million 14:18 16:1 34:16,16 mind 35:9,21,21 79:3 105:17 minimal 13:15 minimum 189:14 minneapolis 165:3 165:20 minnesota 125:21 126:6,6,19,25 127:3 128:2,4 165:13,13 Page 19 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [minnesota - numbers] 165:14,25 166:18 166:22,23 167:15 167:17,19 minutes 21:13 102:7 150:12 misheard 107:8 misleading 81:17 misled 65:1 misquote 21:15 misread 177:2 missed 106:3 missing 35:2 mission 2:12 75:16 95:12 misspoke 51:1 81:17 mistake 86:3,11 119:21 misunderstood 91:21 107:9 model 95:1 101:10 152:11,12 modest 170:8 modifications 99:13 100:15 modified 98:2 99:23 164:2 modify 22:6 99:16 monetary 63:7,18 64:14,21 monetization 34:23 58:18,25 59:4,10,18 176:9 money 46:20 109:21 monitor 57:11 134:19 months 158:20 moore 125:3 193:4 193:16,19,25 194:3 194:25 moore's 193:10 morgan 2:17 8:25 9:1 2:20,21 morning 9:13,14 68:20 69:5 86:5,7 86:14 motivation 170:15 motivations 52:24 110:11 144:16,18 move 21:10 82:8 95:5 124:14 moved 92:12 moving 78:14 2:14 multi 108:7 multiple 5:10,17 85:19 113:19 117:12,12 131:4 multiuser 113:15 130:22 munger 2:11 9:3 municipal 90:14 municipalities 17:22 18:13 55:16 n n 2:5 165:17 name 42:5,5,12 47:15 64:6 112:6 133:9 140:2,5 148:12 154:7 179:23 180:1 182:25 183:2 named 125:3 192:13 193:4 names 184:21 narrowness 168:2 national 1:6 2:9 9:5 26:3 38:11 52:20 137:12 154:23 155:3,8 nature 15:9 98:17 116:16 143:13 145:6,12 162:6 163:25 172:9 necessary 164:14,15 need 39:6,7,10,13 43:7 44:12 45:13,18 47:22 95:17 102:3,3 108:21 144:24 150:9 156:12 181:1 needed 75:9 188:2 needs 145:2 186:22 190:14 negative 12:13 46:9 neighborhood 11:13 27:6 56:2 neither 127:17 network 14:11 27:23 29:4 33:7,18 34:4,8,12 79:21,24 80:19,20 81:3 83:10 83:13,15,18 84:3 85:22 87:5,10,22 89:15 115:7 networked 89:14 105:6 networking 114:17 115:1 never 21:21 24:5 25:19 76:15 90:10 new 15:11 19:11,12 21:17 26:11 70:4,5 76:8,9,10 114:18 115:2,24,25 116:3 117:21 176:21 177:19 178:7 187:18,24 188:2,3 188:11,18 newer 20:15 22:19 178:19 newly 174:21 newport 125:4 news 54:16 70:3 150:22 151:2,11 newspaper 69:20,24 70:2 nfp 24:19 nfpa 24:4,11,14,16 24:21 25:6 124:16 124:19 140:15 141:24 142:3,9 145:25 nia 154:20,22 nixon 39:22 noble 106:16 nodded 37:11 59:1 105:23 114:1 nods 59:2 non 103:15,19 180:10 185:9 normally 47:19 92:15 105:7 131:17 north 2:6 northwest 49:23 52:13,16 nos 153:20 157:16 note 53:18 124:13 noted 170:17 notice 5:3 10:17 41:8 86:1 93:21 134:25 135:2 165:18,18,22 166:3 166:17 noticeable 57:3,6 noticed 76:23 notices 54:15 135:12 noting 69:1 notion 21:6 79:19 81:13 95:10 nuances 83:5 number 11:12 13:6 27:25 28:22,24 34:18,19 37:23 46:21 56:10 83:24 83:25 95:4 101:21 101:25 155:11 161:1 164:24 170:20 171:16,25 177:12 number's 177:10 numbers 27:12,12 36:14,18 61:7 62:19 153:13 154:5 172:23 173:23 174:13,17 177:6,8 177:21 Page 20 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [nw - packaging] nw 2:18 167:4 168:3 169:23 170:2 171:20 174:4 o 175:4 179:11,16 o 42:14 182:10,22 188:17 o.c.g.a. 197:9 188:22 189:22,25 oath 199:10 190:6 193:20 object 13:17 16:5 objections 145:4 28:5 29:6 81:18 objective 21:20 124:14 179:8 obligation 75:13 objection 17:13 18:4 obligation's 75:7 18:20 19:9 21:19 obligations 78:16,22 23:25 24:18 26:6 78:25 82:11 30:13 31:11 32:19 observe 56:23 57:6 32:23 35:23 36:22 142:2 37:12 38:9,16,23 observing 18:17 39:4,15 43:9 44:1,6 obtain 106:8 45:8,17 50:12 57:25 occasions 109:6 60:8 62:23 65:10,15 occur 176:24 65:25 66:5,15 67:21 occurred 51:22 53:1 71:1 74:20 75:6 185:4 76:21 80:12 81:10 offer 24:6 43:10 82:5,6 85:5 86:19 71:11,25 73:4 89:16 91:10 92:7 106:11 124:18 93:1,13,15 98:7 147:11,17 199:10 99:14 101:8,16 offered 192:21 107:7,16 108:14 offering 77:10 110:9,18 111:7,21 offerings 71:9 72:7 112:4 116:17 offers 111:22 118:11 121:6 122:1 offhand 98:9 106:10 122:8,13,24 126:4 131:19 155:7 127:22 128:5 130:8 office 16:15 39:24 134:7 138:21 100:5 134:13 159:2 140:11 141:10,13 159:4 141:19 142:4,21 official 90:4,5,8,9 143:4 144:11,12,22 officials 55:16 145:19 146:2,3 100:16 147:4,14,19,22 oh 32:15 40:21 148:5,24 149:13 50:19 53:17 82:1 154:24 155:13,17 91:17 102:8 126:22 155:24 156:6,11 194:9 196:14,15 157:2,7,11,20 158:3 okay 30:21 36:13 158:7 159:19 40:21 51:5 53:23 160:17,22 161:15 56:17 58:17 68:8 162:1,15 163:17,23 76:17 82:10 89:20 164:16 166:11 91:2 108:3 113:15 115:19 116:7,21 organizations 14:24 119:19 132:5 17:2 27:20 66:12 150:11 176:14 108:2,9 110:20 196:19 130:14 180:15 old 22:12 196:9 older 15:15,17,22 organized 73:18 16:3 18:23 19:14,18 75:17 20:14,19,24 21:16 organizing 186:23 174:9 original 31:4 164:4 olson 2:11 9:4 originally 12:19,19 omissions 93:25 38:4 94:13 ostensibly 154:13 omitting 29:4 outcome 125:24 once 25:13 51:16 126:3 one's 92:24 outlook 155:4 ones 11:7 80:24 outlying 27:8 105:17 189:2 outreach 69:14 online 28:17 outside 17:15 23:1 open 51:2 41:25 62:8 97:5 operation 18:15 111:8 118:11 147:5 26:1,5 62:11 192:12 194:12,20 operations 93:25 overlaps 94:17 94:13 overseas 174:12 opinion 147:11,17 owner 19:23 opposed 97:20 owners 19:23 131:12 145:25 ownership 131:6,11 176:10 189:20 132:7 161:7 195:12 option 23:15 50:18 195:24 85:22 p options 76:10 p 3:3 40:18,18,20,20 188:15 p.m. 68:10,14 order 21:18 23:5,6,8 102:12,16 151:15 43:7 78:12 79:5 151:19 196:21,25 103:23 106:8,24 197:5,7 169:21 188:2 pace 24:13 25:12 ordered 22:21 140:14,19 141:2 ordering 105:3,3 142:17,18,20 143:2 orders 23:1,1 61:24 pacific 49:23 52:12 62:9 52:16 ordinary 132:14,16 package 49:20 organization 10:6 107:23 108:1 25:17 33:15 60:4 packaged 23:9 62:18 94:9 97:6 packaging 120:1 129:6 130:6 187:3 Page 21 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [packs - please] packs 87:3 page 4:3 5:2 6:2 7:2 45:15 104:1 121:10 127:3,9,11 138:5,9 148:8 153:15 154:7 160:25 163:5 169:25,25 170:9,16 171:12 180:20,22 181:4 192:5,14,17 pages 1:25 45:3 156:18,20,22 157:15,19 158:1 190:16 192:2,3,16 198:8 paid 26:25 114:15 129:21 paper 78:18 81:25 82:1,12 88:25 166:5 167:2,20 paragraph 113:24 117:5 121:3,3 140:8 paragraphs 120:20 part 18:9,14 22:17 27:9 33:6,11 34:8,8 36:16 45:10,12,25 52:18,19 54:17 60:11 61:20 62:17 77:9 84:15,15 90:13 92:12 95:17 96:2 103:12 109:12 111:3 118:15 125:2 131:2 142:10 153:11 154:2,10 161:9 164:4 169:14 169:15 179:5 183:8 participate 48:16 participating 8:18 particular 18:18 52:7 63:4 77:2 86:17 97:24 116:23 129:21 163:14 164:7 180:9 parties 83:15 123:25 198:10,10 partnership 62:7 party 79:15 80:22 83:17 84:2 85:10 144:10 passed 66:7 passing 16:22 100:5 paste 78:4 pasting 41:2 pattern 174:2 180:17 pay 27:4 58:9 62:8 114:3,9 130:13 168:23 169:5 payment 42:8 169:14,16 pdf 14:9 23:18 44:7 79:25 82:1 83:11 91:4,6 92:1,2,9,10 92:11,15 93:12,18 105:3 113:18,22 114:4,10 120:12,14 120:17 122:4 156:19 163:11 176:16 pdfs 44:5 80:3 81:3 81:22 82:17 160:11 peachtree 1:20 peak 175:2 177:17 177:24 178:2,5 179:1 peaked 174:18 peer 76:3 136:15,15 peers 76:1,3 penalty 199:5,6 pennsylvania 2:18 70:10 122:19 people 12:25 18:12 21:16 24:25 26:2 60:20 63:11 76:2 79:22 83:24 92:5 95:15 136:15,16 159:1,2 164:6 184:18 196:2 people's 60:19 percent 16:8 26:13 26:15 29:17 32:16 59:16 61:16,25 97:11 157:10 181:9 percentage 15:14,19 16:2 17:10 27:16,22 32:5 35:20,24 48:6 60:3 61:4 156:25 157:6,9 174:18 175:10 performance 96:8 period 51:10 158:16 periodicals 58:21 perjury 199:5,6 permissible 63:13 permission 6:4 43:19 44:18 45:11 45:14 46:5,10 47:7 47:12 87:4 88:23 97:5 100:14,21 103:23 104:14,18 108:21,25 109:9 125:5,13 126:11,18 126:24 128:10 152:10,13 153:10 156:2 165:6 166:6 167:3,21 183:14 188:2 192:22 195:1 permissions 43:21 44:13 47:11,14 60:7 61:19 93:10 103:25 113:7 person 43:7 44:12 44:19 45:6,6,13 50:19,21 65:21 67:18 69:1 76:23 104:9,19 105:7 109:13 123:9 125:11 189:18 person's 188:15 personal 44:15,21 79:14,18 80:7,18 83:4 85:22 90:17 personally 16:24 47:11 76:14 185:6 personnel 10:5 persons 12:15 14:2 24:16 28:25 65:1 83:25 96:2 103:8,22 104:25 109:14 113:19 136:3 152:13 159:5 179:9 192:21 perspective 69:18 100:13 pertain 60:4 84:8 117:15 123:10 pertaining 74:2 pertains 125:23 153:7 188:13 pertinent 167:10 phillips 129:1,7 phone 8:24 142:6,8 155:10 phrase 120:25 140:18 phrased 86:8 physical 29:1 78:15 78:16 81:8,21 physically 82:22 piece 30:8 place 52:21 111:14 176:24 plaintiff 2:3,9,15 8:21 plaintiffs 1:11 110:14,17 112:18 113:11 119:10 123:1 148:3 plan 119:22 plans 147:2 platform 12:18 40:6 40:14 41:10,19 83:5 111:23 platforms 40:16 played 148:9 please 8:13 9:8 10:17 21:14 31:5 53:13 58:2 68:23 102:21 110:25 Page 22 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [please - promote] 113:13 119:15 123:4 124:2 133:14 134:10 137:17 138:4 142:23 143:8 151:24 152:8 153:6 157:6 160:5,25 168:7 169:1 175:24 177:16 180:6 181:23 185:2 194:24 plugged 145:10,16 plus 22:21 62:1 pnl 52:12,22 54:1 55:4,8,10 point 22:1 40:9 47:14 58:22 62:17 67:16 68:1 77:25 89:24 98:23 115:23 125:11 173:17 186:16 policies 195:6 policy 161:17 195:21 popular 11:6 25:21 37:10,14 73:21 portion 31:20 61:18 62:2 154:1 portions 60:19 152:25 165:24 position 69:25 108:20,23 135:21 138:23 139:9 155:14,22 162:19 positions 123:25 positive 12:12 possibility 41:1 170:4,7 possible 156:24 170:15 179:15,18 possibly 170:18 post 111:24 112:7 158:17 posted 86:13 110:6 115:6,16 118:19,25 123:21 posting 86:4 97:15 101:6 109:6,13 110:2,15 111:5,15 124:2 139:9 postings 109:8,15 109:15 110:1,3 134:19 140:24 143:14 145:13 potential 64:14 74:15 pounds 132:11 173:7 pr 94:7 practical 46:22 188:15 practice 75:24 practices 44:14 45:5 45:14 precise 132:17 precisely 93:21 predecessor 38:8 preference 21:10 prepare 10:11 133:5 176:3 prepared 119:19 133:8 176:22 presence 109:20 present 3:10 presented 74:10 preserve 90:19 president 39:22 123:8 149:19,20,21 presidential 39:19 39:20,20 press 148:20 presumably 117:14 prevent 93:4 164:6 previous 15:8 22:7 26:9,14 38:18,21 57:2 114:13 127:8 133:18 143:12 174:18 193:16,25 price 29:10,15,16 55:19 57:24 58:7 90:3 101:15,18,25 106:20,21 114:16 173:9,9,13 189:13 prices 180:13 principal 42:2 72:13 105:20 principally 101:24 principle 94:8 principles 89:12 print 12:5 14:8 16:12 17:19 21:17 22:5,7,8,11,11,18,19 22:21,22,23 23:3,15 23:16 61:9 66:25 131:3 181:6,10,11 181:15 186:22 printing 22:18 23:11 55:23 61:7 printout 172:14,19 privilege 130:14 privy 147:10 probably 9:23 19:22 41:17 60:15,20 62:6 66:25 69:12 73:10 83:13 88:16 99:17 126:10 153:13 158:21 176:25 177:13 195:17,18 problem 36:16 77:14 110:4 procedure 197:9 procedures 97:3 121:5 161:16 proceedings 24:9 48:1 68:12 102:14 151:17 196:23 process 16:24 20:25 21:24 38:21 43:18 43:21 45:10,25 48:16 55:2 60:5,10 60:24 62:17 67:10 92:11 99:18 109:12 109:16 110:13 111:2 114:22 118:15 119:1,3 131:16 162:2,18 189:5 192:18,20 processed 191:9 processes 25:11 processing 46:18 61:23 produce 44:9 produced 130:6 175:23 187:13 192:2 producing 154:6 product 60:13 87:21 90:23 91:13 103:6 168:17,19,25 169:7 169:8 180:8 production 60:18 products 58:11 73:1 73:5 76:8,10 80:13 83:14 84:3 103:2 107:20 121:13 180:16 professor 87:9 professors 86:23 87:1,12,19,20 88:11 profile 143:13,24,24 144:19 145:5,12 146:16 148:20 149:2 program 54:8,13 69:22 70:7 71:11 72:2 programs 70:23 71:19 prohibit 92:23 proj 190:14 project 41:24 48:20 190:15 projected 6:15 176:16 177:5,6,14 projections 176:6 177:12 projects 176:15 prominent 13:7 promise 79:4,5 promote 54:8 72:19 Page 23 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [promoted - read] promoted 54:12 promotes 46:11 proper 73:23 properly 71:14 161:19 162:21 property 131:6,11 proportion 31:17 32:12 58:17 59:9 proposal 5:5 53:14 54:7 proposals 54:3 proposed 38:2 53:24 propriety 147:12,18 protect 67:6,10 147:16,24 162:3,18 protection 1:7 2:9 9:5 84:25 protocols 97:3 provide 11:21,21 23:14 34:3 43:14 45:14 58:5 71:10,16 76:6,7 77:5,12 84:18 94:20,25 96:4 96:6,24 112:6 120:11 122:23 162:9 170:8 provided 26:18 27:7 49:19,23 55:4 76:25 120:17 131:21 159:15 provides 25:21,25 30:12 31:9 76:5 77:10 96:14 providing 10:23 11:25 26:20 42:24 43:5 110:14 111:4 127:24 provision 44:10 provisions 44:11 128:12 prudent 84:24 147:23 public 10:24 11:16 12:1 13:14 20:7 28:19 42:15,22 43:3 51:7 54:13 57:19,19 57:22 58:5 62:19 86:3,12,22 90:2 93:25 94:14 101:5 106:7 108:12,18 110:6,8,15,16 111:4 111:18,18 112:12 121:14 124:7,12 134:18 137:10 145:24 146:1,20 147:13,21 180:18 184:9 188:9 1:13 3:2 199:4 8:18 publication 24:17 24:20 32:18 33:3 35:3,18 60:6,18 63:1,4 72:6,14,14 74:21 75:22 118:14 118:15 120:7 121:25 129:17 155:4 publications 9:18,20 15:14 16:23 22:1 34:19,23,24 35:6,17 35:25 41:13 48:6 55:13 58:19,20 59:4 59:11,22,23 60:11 60:21 70:21,22 99:22 106:9 107:5 107:15 111:16 129:9 136:1 142:19 152:16 publish 11:11 47:5,6 108:18 117:24 118:3 published 19:12 37:25 38:13 69:2 79:7 100:19 116:15 118:24 120:2 153:8 183:10 publisher 28:9 55:5 108:20 publishers 136:17 139:10 publishes 100:1 publishing 22:20 70:12,12,13 121:25 136:10 156:15 171:9 purchase 44:17 48:19 55:19 63:24 79:6,9 90:5 106:23 113:22 114:4,10 purchased 83:19 84:1 108:1 purchaser 30:23,25 78:16,23 79:25 85:16 91:12 131:5 purchasers 84:5 purchases 23:18 80:2 85:3 purchasing 59:5 131:4 pure 29:7 40:12 purely 40:7 purpose 25:24 purposes 110:7 127:19 191:15 pursuant 8:3 197:8 push 60:13 76:13 113:4 pushes 62:18 put 18:25 23:9 28:13 40:10 54:15 56:14 79:20 82:6 87:9 89:1 q qualify 112:1 quality 121:4 quantities 55:17 quantity 175:14,15 180:11,14 ques 110:24 question 16:5 21:22 26:18 27:24 29:5 30:19 31:5 32:25 37:4,5 43:2,16 58:1 58:2,23 65:18,20 69:18 79:2 81:18 82:9,15 85:25 86:8 89:23 91:22 92:16 99:5 110:24 129:24 155:21 160:18 172:18 174:24 177:20 181:2 190:2 questions 19:2 59:25 93:20 94:18 99:22 172:13 180:25 196:13,18 197:2 198:7 quite 40:14 50:2 71:23 72:15 76:15 118:2 178:10 191:6 195:9,10 quote 166:4 quoted 189:13 quoting 45:2 98:5 r r 40:18,18,20,20 42:4 47:16,16 198:1 raise 124:9 ramification 68:1 ramspeck 137:20,21 138:10,11 141:24 142:8 143:6,19 145:9 ramspeck's 139:12 ran 135:20 range 11:3 16:1 113:5 118:6 rare 58:13 rate 73:8 rationale 161:2,4 163:20 rayford 186:18 reach 33:10 reaches 27:16 reaching 33:12 read 11:1 38:24 115:1 128:20 132:8 Page 24 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [read - reminds] 135:16 148:19 168:4 182:4 185:1 195:5 199:6,7 reading 10:23 11:16 11:20 12:15 20:1,3 29:5 40:1,2,5 77:18 77:21 121:11 183:16 real 145:14 195:16 really 15:16 18:21 31:12 35:7 36:16 46:22,24 71:12 76:6 119:8 144:24 195:3 realread 12:20,24 13:4 40:6 41:7,8,21 reason 20:23 21:3 47:1 67:2 99:21 156:4 164:5 176:14 recall 13:5 24:23 25:3,5 40:23,25 41:1 51:18 55:12,17 55:21,25 56:7 63:20 63:22,25 64:13 65:16 67:22 69:7,9 70:25 79:11,19 93:3 95:22 98:9 106:10 108:15 122:22 124:25 125:24,25 135:11,15 136:8 142:16 151:8 154:17,17 159:9,10 169:18 173:12,22 185:6,9 187:16,21 195:3,8 receive 31:22,24,25 33:20 87:5 99:16 113:10 134:24 183:5 received 41:8 48:12 63:3 68:25 128:25 150:19 154:15 172:10,15,17 173:3 191:1 receives 33:18 70:20 113:6 receiving 63:5 67:22 135:11 154:18 recipient 154:16 recipients 55:3,13 recognition 161:6 recognize 119:23 124:24 150:18 154:1 184:21 recognized 76:3 recognizes 131:5 recollection 11:13 13:9 27:5 40:12 50:25 54:16 79:8 93:7 112:5 143:3 153:17 159:17 168:20 185:19 recommend 22:5 recommended 41:14,18 record 8:11,14 47:24 48:3 53:18 63:16 68:9,14 102:6 102:12,16 123:24 124:13,17 151:15 151:19 153:23 155:10 187:14 196:21,25 197:4 records 191:20 recovery 52:20,20 redistributors 106:15 redline 42:18,20,24 43:5,11,23 reduced 57:23 58:7 198:7 reed 158:13 ref 100:10 refer 63:21 180:20 195:6 reference 75:15 88:14 89:3 90:20 92:24 98:11,21 99:8 100:10,12 114:14 127:6 138:15,20 142:17 154:19 162:14,21 181:6 188:4 195:20 referenced 19:21 54:23 80:23 105:18 159:21 185:1 187:25 references 132:9 151:2 155:15 157:19 181:16 referred 23:3 56:12 63:23,23 154:8 167:16 182:20 193:16,25 referring 14:22 56:19 69:4 76:20 107:24 131:15 139:16 140:6 141:18 148:13 154:23 163:8 181:13 182:12 195:15 refers 133:1 140:9 154:2 165:17 185:5 reflect 153:23 176:5 181:3,4 187:15 reformat 158:4 refresh 159:16 refrigerant 37:21 refrigerants 96:10 96:11 refrigerating 1:9 2:3 8:22 refrigeration 8:22 37:22 75:19 77:7 regard 12:9 64:20 regarding 13:5 63:18 64:14 80:2 112:22 125:4,20 126:18,24 129:1 132:24 134:1 137:5 151:7 152:24 185:4 189:10 regardless 123:24 register 78:8 111:24 112:1 registered 87:11 registration 12:25 23:23 25:6,18 35:13 71:18 registrations 59:19 59:21 regroup 196:17 regular 119:18 198:10 regularly 109:14 regulates 92:19 regulation 16:20 17:12 18:5 19:21 88:4 98:21 99:7,12 100:9 194:18 regulations 8:4 98:5 98:6 179:7 rehn 2:11 9:3,3 124:16 relate 37:20 83:18 related 19:1 33:3 49:3 71:24 72:18 73:7 134:19 176:12 relates 15:15 58:11 73:10,11 relating 72:23 73:16 relations 134:18 relationship 18:1 42:6 65:2 relationships 42:12 relative 25:15 30:9 relatively 12:11 172:23 relayed 141:5,21,23 released 15:12 38:5 114:24 174:21 releases 54:16 relevance 127:21 relevant 19:15,19 66:24 remain 131:7,12 remember 65:19 147:8 reminds 69:17,18 Page 25 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [remove - right] remove 46:17 63:14 136:20 removes 20:23 removing 110:3 repea 15:23 repeat 31:4 37:6 58:2 99:4 169:1 181:2 183:2 rephrase 82:15 replace 16:13 20:14 replacement 133:19 replenish 16:14 replicate 41:21 reply 190:7,9,9 report 6:17 123:9 180:5 reported 186:19 reporter 8:3 9:7 59:1 142:23,25 reporting 8:5 represent 29:25 35:17 172:15,20 173:2 198:8 representation 173:5 representative 10:20 represented 69:10 representing 8:17 9:1,4 reprimand 141:18 reprimanded 141:8 reprint 6:23 22:4 43:18 46:7,10 87:4 88:23,24 98:15 99:16 100:14,20,25 125:5,20 152:13 191:9 reprinted 97:25 120:22 167:7,9 reprinting 100:15 128:14,16 reproduced 23:8 120:6,13,16 reproduction 122:4 reproductions 123:14 reputation 67:14 request 6:5 43:19 54:3 90:5 98:13,15 112:25 113:10 124:18 125:4,20,24 126:3,19,25 128:7 129:1 152:2,10 165:12 187:18 193:10 requests 6:23 16:14 46:7,18 87:6 97:5 99:16 104:18 125:12 189:5 191:9 191:13 require 44:18 83:6 100:7 114:18 115:2 149:2 165:19 required 44:19 45:6 109:1 120:18 159:20 161:5 165:18,22 requirement 23:23 25:18 75:4 166:3 requirements 25:6 37:16 96:18 188:12 188:14 requiring 179:7 resale 106:18 resell 27:21 89:14 105:14 180:16 reseller 32:3,13 84:2 84:4,7,16,18,23 85:2,8 105:8 resellers 30:2 31:21 32:2,7,18 33:7,21 34:11 80:22 81:3 83:17 86:25 87:22 89:11,14,20 105:10 105:13,20 107:17 107:25 reselling 84:7 resells 32:3 reserve 124:4 reserved 197:11 resolve 144:5 146:18 resource 86:13 93:25 94:14 110:6 124:12 137:11 145:24 146:1,20 147:13,21 69:2 resources 86:3 respect 32:22 80:10 81:1 83:1,10 86:17 89:8 125:12 138:19 142:2 181:1 respected 166:15 respective 76:4 respond 111:20 193:9 responded 143:19 responds 190:12 response 54:2 126:18,25 148:7 152:2 193:17 194:1 responsibilities 194:21 responsibility 125:11 responsible 31:15 41:9 129:22 155:3 rest 37:17 50:25 restate 193:23 restrict 83:24 129:24 167:6 restricted 51:1 87:10 88:15 89:1 restriction 92:5 166:10 restrictions 79:1 91:15,18,19 result 56:22 198:11 retail 29:10 89:19 173:9 retailers 105:22 retains 132:7 retired 158:19 reuse 43:17 44:13 rev 30:4 74:1 revenue 6:13,15 13:25 29:21,25 30:1 30:4,11 31:8,17,21 32:13,18 33:17,20 34:2,7,10,15,18,18 34:19,20,24,25 35:3 35:4,14,18,20,25 36:1 59:4,17 63:16 72:5,22 73:16 74:1 74:15,22 75:1,2 129:16,17,17 169:21 170:9 176:16 177:5,7,9,17 revenues 15:14 58:18 59:9 70:19,20 70:21 172:16,20 reverse 138:5 review 45:24 85:1 85:12 104:21 188:13 reviewed 106:13 135:8 reviewing 188:15 revise 116:12 revised 21:6 116:11 revises 19:25 20:12 revision 14:5,15,21 15:2,5,11 20:1,13 48:10,13 62:21 114:24 117:21,24 118:4 revisions 115:11 rfp 54:3,4 riaz 42:3 right 15:25 17:6 22:22 26:21,22 28:10,14,16 35:7 36:12 39:23,25 47:17 59:12 61:8,10 66:22 71:7 73:13 Page 26 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [right - service] 78:19 81:21 89:15 106:6,6 129:5 130:2 150:10 152:4 164:25 167:11 174:23 176:23 177:2 182:24 189:18 192:14 rights 84:19 124:4 131:6,6,11,11,25 132:1 rightslink 46:14 192:18,20 rightslink.doc. 192:7 ring 64:6 182:25 risky 148:23 role 16:23 48:20 60:13 77:10 134:17 158:22 194:5 roles 136:16 186:14 room 10:24 11:16 11:20 12:16 20:2,3 40:1 77:19,22 183:16 rough 54:10 roughly 13:25 17:10 33:17 34:16 48:5 54:24 60:3 173:22 174:10 175:1 round 37:17 routinely 16:16 royal 36:15 royalties 14:11 32:21 33:1,3,18 36:1 59:7 74:4 100:7,17 129:21 royalty 31:24,24 34:3,15,17,25 35:3 35:15 36:16 100:21 101:17,18 129:17 129:19 165:7 rpr 1:23 198:16 rubel 2:17 8:25,25 rule 97:12 197:8 rules 8:4 197:9 run 16:13 22:5,12 36:14 running 22:4 35:8 runs 16:12 17:19 22:8,19 s s 2:17 42:14,14 sa 173:16,17 sai 105:17 salaries 60:16 sale 14:1 29:2,3,21 31:16 43:12 48:25 67:19 70:20 71:5 73:5 74:16,17 78:21 80:4 81:7,8,20 82:12,21 85:15 86:21 95:11 121:14 129:17 181:4 sales 6:14,16,17 12:3 14:8,9,11,12 15:3,23,25 18:1,8 18:19 19:6,8 27:25 31:15 33:23,25 35:15,16 46:9 56:23 57:4,15 59:20 72:7 74:5 78:14 82:17 89:12 101:23 173:5 174:8,22,25 175:2,6 175:9,10,25 176:16 177:24 178:2,5,16 178:23 180:5,10,13 180:20 181:3 sam 192:13 samples 191:18,19 san 2:13 3:5 8:17 save 199:8 savings 26:3,8,13,15 saw 120:19 143:12 148:16 151:7 saying 28:8 39:13 44:25 56:18 61:25 100:3 143:20 190:12 says 53:16,17 84:23 96:15,20 109:23 113:21 115:5 117:3 127:3 131:3,24 134:24 184:25 scarborough 159:6 scenario 100:2 school 69:22 70:7 180:17 sciences 75:18,20 scope 25:23 56:18 93:9 111:8 118:11 147:5 scott 134:13,14 135:16 150:19 151:4 182:1 search 40:23 77:25 78:5 second 32:9 37:14 37:15 40:2 55:7,14 55:18 56:2,3,6,13 56:15,18,19 98:23 117:4,6 127:2 131:23 140:8 153:11 154:1,10 157:15 178:24 192:5 secondhand 64:19 secondly 104:2 section 116:10,12 118:20,22 120:23 120:24 121:3,8 165:7 167:13,16 sections 128:3,15 166:20 167:10 see 13:19 15:11 16:16 32:4 46:15 57:3 59:14 95:6 109:11,17,24 113:24 114:8 117:6 120:19 124:23,25 127:7,11 131:8 132:9 138:16 140:16 150:24 170:12,14,23,24 171:4,19 178:15 181:7,10,15 185:20 190:7,8 seek 63:14 192:21 seeking 104:14 152:13 seen 94:7,15 164:23 sees 94:9 select 11:4 selected 10:25 selecting 41:2 self 75:5 sell 13:21 15:8 19:11 19:15,16 27:21 29:25 33:22 36:1 80:20 85:19 89:18 89:21 107:18,22 118:22 161:8,10 180:9 sellers 105:16 selling 30:7 33:7 74:24 sells 30:23,24,24,25 85:14 92:18 seminar 186:24,25 sen 117:6 sending 88:25 senior 149:24 sense 28:24 78:25 sent 55:3 139:1,13 sentence 114:21,25 117:4,6 131:2 140:8 140:9 166:2 sep 116:19 separate 34:18 103:16 107:20 116:19 167:23 192:4 separately 114:4 sequential 153:12 series 172:9 193:3 193:15,24 seriously 71:12 service 78:12 107:2 112:9,11 Page 27 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [services - standard] services 32:9 139:20 139:23 session 68:20 sessions 74:9 set 88:20 91:1,24 96:9 101:18 196:17 sets 75:23 seven 22:12 68:6 158:21 sharing 109:17,20 sheet 137:11 199:1,9 shifting 41:9 short 47:21 69:24 196:11,16 show 176:8 showing 42:17 44:10 45:15 158:11 shown 154:7 si 132:9,12,14 173:18,19 174:12 174:25 175:7,8,12 sic 32:17,22 side 60:9,18,21 138:5 175:16 sided 53:19 signature 197:10 198:15 signed 199:11 significant 26:3 105:13,16 144:5 silent 93:8 similar 37:5 80:17 83:3 86:8 96:8 135:12 171:7 simmons 184:19,20 simple 52:4 simply 120:13 simultaneous 83:20 83:20 single 74:22,23 89:18 singular 116:10 sir 125:17 sit 143:1 site 85:13 sites 24:5 83:21 109:18,21 sitting 53:8 six 71:17 105:19 158:19 slant 70:13 slapped 140:14,19 141:2 sleep 37:7 47:20 slightly 86:8 177:14 slope 175:2 slovenia 132:23 slovenian 133:2,8 smacna 137:11 140:10 144:9,19 145:9,24 148:9,12 148:23 small 32:4 40:19 106:14 157:3 smaller 22:8,19 131:3 173:24,25 174:13 175:9 soci 8:21 society 1:4,8 2:3,15 8:21 9:2 133:8 161:20 199:3 software 12:18 168:17,19,25 169:7 169:8 sold 26:17 27:13 solely 87:10 soles 140:7,10,20 141:1,4,24 142:5,8 142:9 148:14,15 soltis 42:12,13 solution 41:14 196:3 solutions 75:25 76:7 76:16,20 77:11 solves 77:14 somebody 12:4 18:22 22:3 40:24 44:24 47:7 52:22 63:21,22 64:2 79:4 90:4,12 105:6 109:22 114:3,9 117:17 195:24 196:6,6 somebody's 30:7 someplace 38:25 somewhat 22:13 soon 20:16 sooner 124:6 sorry 28:3 40:2 53:17 77:22 106:2 119:5 121:7,9 126:20,21 129:4 137:9 149:20 157:16 160:19 164:24 173:21 177:2,7 179:22,25 181:11 187:13 196:14 sort 28:18 87:9 89:5 130:24 135:12 171:1 soun 14:19 sounded 92:4 sounds 14:17,19 47:1 source 47:8 74:23 106:7 109:4 128:18 162:9 187:4 sourced 97:24 sources 28:1 48:7 59:4 104:23 106:1,4 106:4 128:13 sp 135:1 spacing 179:23 spalding 2:4 8:20 speak 60:9 63:10 94:7 136:12 144:15 145:18,22 166:12 188:5 speaking 35:5 36:8 59:3 60:20 79:23,24 special 86:16 129:9 187:6 specific 19:5 26:18 30:3,6 32:3 63:25 67:7 68:2 83:7 94:6 96:18 98:10 152:15 172:3 195:14 specifically 35:7 49:4 50:10 58:11 66:1 71:22 73:4 98:13 103:4 specifications 19:24 164:7 specified 54:5 96:19 97:25 128:15 specify 45:18 46:1 spectrum 83:22 speculation 142:22 144:13,18 179:12 speeches 39:19 spell 40:17 42:13 169:10 spencer 3:11 spiel 186:10 spielvogel 186:11 spoke 53:15 77:17 staff 47:12 60:16 62:1 99:20 119:4 staffing 62:20 stamped 161:1 stan 19:14 96:4 stand 132:11 standard 13:11,14 15:12 17:23 18:2,2 18:18,19,24 19:1,11 19:12,14,18,25 20:1 20:12,13,15,16,17 20:20,24 21:6,12 22:12,14 25:21 26:10,11 28:22 29:10,15,23 30:12 30:17 31:9 35:12,14 37:10,14,15,19,20 38:2,4,14,15 39:8 42:16,23 43:4,11 44:11,12 45:19 46:9 46:12 48:10,16 49:8 49:20 50:5 52:24 54:21 56:24 57:2 Page 28 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [standard - success] 58:10,14 60:14 63:12 67:19 70:23 71:13 72:3,4 73:19 74:25 75:23 85:4 87:16 88:12,14,24 89:3 92:24,25 95:16 96:13,14,19 97:11 99:11,12,17 100:18 100:23 101:2,4,6,12 101:19 103:24 108:24,25 109:23 114:19,24 115:4,9 115:12,19,20,24,25 116:5,11,12,16,20 117:9,18,24 118:2,4 118:23 120:7 121:24 122:7,10,12 122:15 128:7 129:2 129:12,12 130:5 131:5,22 132:24 133:21 152:4,25 153:1 155:15 156:13,15,18,19 157:1,18,22 159:12 159:21,23 160:14 161:5,9,11,20 164:9 164:11 165:8 166:14 167:14 170:19 171:4,15,24 174:21 176:18,22 177:19,22 178:19 186:22,25 189:16 190:13,16,20,20 standards 10:24,25 11:4,7,9,10,15,18,20 11:22 12:1,3,4,5,6,7 12:15 13:6,8,22 14:2,10,23,24 15:15 15:24,25 16:19 17:1 17:2,8,11,18 19:15 19:16 20:8 21:16 22:8,9 27:19,20,21 28:19 31:18 32:22 33:8 35:7,8,11 37:20 38:11 44:17 47:6 48:11,14,19,22 48:25 49:4 57:23 58:6,9 59:10,15,18 59:25 60:5,17 61:18 61:20 62:3,18,21 63:4 66:11 71:5,6 71:13,22 72:10,16 72:18,25 73:2,4,12 73:15,20,21,21 74:3 74:17,19,23,24 75:22 76:5 78:16,22 78:23 79:6 80:11,14 81:2 82:21 84:8,10 85:15 86:4,12,17,22 88:2,3,13 89:9,15 90:1,16,19,23 91:1 91:4,24,25 92:1 94:21 95:25 96:1,5 96:9,25 97:7 98:4,5 98:20 99:6,20,24,25 100:9,15 104:23,25 105:1,7,15 106:2,8 106:11,18,20,23 107:4,6,13,14,18,24 108:12,19 109:5,7 109:20 110:1,6,7,13 110:16 111:3,6,13 111:16 112:12,14 114:18 115:2,10 118:20 119:4 121:13 123:15,20 123:20 129:6,13,23 130:6,7,13,15,16,25 131:10 136:11,20 138:2 140:1,23 149:5 152:14,15,18 173:6,10 175:25 176:9,11,13,20 177:18 178:8 179:10 180:21 181:3,5 182:6 183:15,20,22,24,25 183:25 184:3,5,6,6 184:9 187:2,3,7 188:8,13,16,24 189:1 194:6,22 196:2,9 standpoint 43:22 start 10:23 43:1 81:22 101:18 119:18 started 21:1 37:24 62:14 151:10 181:25 starting 192:17 starts 178:24 state 55:16 90:15 99:24,25 101:2,6,15 126:6 127:3 128:11 128:17 159:11 165:25 187:18,24 188:2,3,18 198:3 stated 86:14 114:8 198:7 statement 28:12,19 39:13 75:13 84:12 95:12 135:3 143:9 166:9,14 177:20 189:24 statements 35:9 states 1:1 17:21,21 18:13 159:10 stations 83:25 statistics 13:5 step 83:8 steps 43:6 171:23 steve 18:23 21:22 125:19 193:17,21 194:1,5,19 steven 1:17 4:2 8:1 8:10 9:9 199:13 stock 21:17,21,23 stop 98:22 109:15 150:3,9,9 stopped 51:17 store 79:17,18 stores 89:19 straightforward 122:20 strategically 144:9 stream 23:10 30:11 31:8 34:3 170:9 streams 75:2 street 1:20 2:5,12 3:4 stretching 25:4 strike 11:9 13:24 16:17 20:2 25:15 29:18 37:8 43:2 57:20 65:6 66:10 70:17 72:21 74:16 81:5 87:25 89:13 95:25 101:13 123:13 124:14 129:15 134:20 140:7 146:13 156:23 163:4 170:12 177:7 183:13,20 193:2 stringent 121:4 strong 69:22 70:7 student 106:21,22 students 87:10 106:19 168:24 169:6,14,17,20 studied 123:14 subject 155:5 166:18 168:14 submit 196:3 submitted 195:11 195:23 196:7 subscription 29:4 59:20 151:2 180:18 subsequent 49:11 subsidize 74:18 substantial 31:16,20 34:2 45:2 substantially 174:17 174:20 subvention 63:1 succeeded 109:25 158:22 success 110:3 Page 29 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [successful - think] successful 76:2 suffer 162:12 suffered 63:8,19 67:4,13 suggest 107:21 157:24 190:18,21 suggested 67:18 suggesting 109:19 110:5 170:3 171:1,5 171:13 suggestion 170:7 suggests 141:8 suitable 43:24 suite 1:21 2:6 suits 100:1 summarize 51:6 summary 75:15 supervises 42:6 supervision 60:4 supplied 12:20 supplier 23:13 131:7,12,21,24 suppliers 41:12 69:13 support 48:9 60:12 63:4 74:7 75:1,5,10 148:1 supported 95:2 sure 15:18 17:19 24:14 40:14 41:4,16 48:20 58:3,24 59:12 83:16 87:3 89:24 99:2,2,3 102:10 103:10 107:23 111:1 113:8 120:24 121:1 146:21 153:18 158:8 161:23 162:16 169:2 173:14 178:10 179:13 180:8 182:19 194:20 surprise 178:21 suspect 192:5 swear 9:8 25:10 switched 12:22 40:11,16 sworn 9:9 system 12:20 46:14 46:19,22 51:23 77:6 77:7 132:12 systematically 104:21 systems 37:22 t t 42:14 198:1,1 table 189:14 tables 125:20 126:9 157:14,17 158:1,5 165:7 166:21 167:13,16 189:15 189:19,20 190:10 190:12 tailor 88:19 take 10:17 20:19 27:18 38:7 47:18 59:2 68:4 71:12 76:14 83:8 92:10 96:18 101:20,22 102:4,8 106:24 108:20 123:25 146:17 189:19 191:7 196:11,16 taken 9:24 10:1 62:9 157:17,22 158:24 171:23 198:7 199:7 takes 62:18 talked 41:11 80:6 talking 28:23 70:18 91:17,18 tamperproof 163:21 163:22 targeted 54:8 55:15 tech 106:16 technical 5:5 41:5 43:21 75:25 91:18 95:18 160:24 164:13 196:3 technological 92:4 93:11 technologies 76:24 technology 21:5,7 21:12 22:18,20,24 70:13 75:8,14,22 76:8 77:4,5,13 93:18 95:1,13 137:21 138:1 techstreet 32:10 85:11 telephone 2:11,17 2:18 3:10 8:19 25:1 142:15 tell 68:5,23 102:21 148:18,22 149:4 157:22 158:18 telling 124:12 142:8 temperature 77:2 term 20:3,6 58:19 76:17 121:15,18 terminology 40:3 76:12 terms 5:7 15:23 51:11 54:24,25 55:18 62:6 73:15 78:11 79:9,11,13 80:3,6 81:6,7,15,20 82:12,16,20,25 83:9 83:10,17 84:4,9,12 85:1,7,9,12 86:17 86:21 87:20,23 88:1 89:7,25 90:1,20 94:5 96:11,11 98:15 102:23,25 103:1,5 103:14 112:9,11 169:10 175:2 test 96:5 145:14 testified 9:10 testify 10:7 testifying 10:20 testimony 69:5 77:18 104:8 185:1,5 testing 1:4 2:16 9:2 96:6 199:3 text 40:23 41:2 121:24 122:6,7,23 131:3 190:15,17 thane 2:11 9:3 thane.rehn 2:14 thank 77:15 78:6 80:1 116:21 119:16 125:17 132:18 142:25 160:2 177:15 179:21 191:22 197:2 theory 95:4 thereto 198:7 thermal 37:19 thing 56:11 88:7 97:15,16,17 109:10 113:17 things 53:9 60:18 61:23 76:22 92:20 95:3 think 9:6 13:2,8 18:11 19:22 21:13 24:21 25:2,8,12 31:19 37:4,8,9,23 39:3,5 40:16,19,22 41:16 46:11,23 50:6 50:7 51:2 53:15,20 56:4 57:9 58:24 62:13,14 63:21 64:8 65:16 66:19,24 68:3 70:19 80:3 81:16,19 81:21,24 82:11 87:18,19 88:5,7 98:8,17 103:20 105:19 106:12 114:25 118:1 119:12 120:17 124:5 127:23,24 128:14 131:19 132:5 135:25 144:23 147:15 151:9 155:18 156:24 157:12 159:20 164:17,23 166:7 169:18 Page 30 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [think - understand] 173:11 174:8 175:5 179:17 181:1 182:23 188:18 190:1,4 192:3 194:19 195:16 196:12,13 thinking 171:8 third 32:10 49:21 55:7,14,18 56:15,19 80:22 83:15,17 84:2 85:10 95:14 96:13 157:15 192:17 thirds 181:8 thomas 185:22 186:7 thought 38:24 107:9 138:13 142:7 147:23 196:2 thread 126:17,23 127:1,2 138:5 164:25 185:5,8,8 three 24:21 49:2,6 56:25 58:14 71:17 81:4 95:20 97:1 102:7 114:23 165:7 167:13,16 173:6,10 176:20 178:6 throw 82:4 thrust 97:2 tie 19:8 72:9 tied 171:4 176:17 ties 86:1 time 8:11 11:3,17 13:11 21:8 24:17,17 38:6 39:24 40:9 45:3 46:18 51:11,15 52:18,21 53:10,10 60:19 62:9 69:25 75:10 85:20 115:21 115:23 122:12 129:11 132:10,10 137:22 146:17 151:13 158:16 186:13 191:7 195:11,23 196:5 times 18:22 21:16 58:8 154:14 timing 68:7 title 9:17,19 108:7 131:5,10 titles 106:11 108:8 today 10:19 70:18 77:18 93:23 104:22 105:11 135:8 today's 8:10 told 140:20 142:6 148:10,25 tolles 2:11 9:4 tom 140:6,10,14,19 140:20 141:2,4,4 142:5,8,9,17 148:14 148:15 tool 43:25 95:19 164:18 tools 96:2 171:10 top 32:11 37:17,19 125:19 148:8 154:20 156:20 157:15,19 158:1 169:25 170:9 182:5 184:21 192:4 193:8 topic 69:8 topics 10:20 71:24 72:18 111:9 118:12 147:6 159:8 total 14:14,18 15:23 15:25 30:4 31:7 34:7,10,15,17,22 35:17,20,25,25 36:24,25 37:1 51:16 55:24 56:5,9 72:1 totals 19:6 touch 71:5 touched 85:24 103:21 toxicity 96:12 trace 44:8 track 12:24 13:1 17:21 45:1 51:24 tracking 63:10,16 63:17 trade 72:13 136:1 148:19 training 18:25 70:23 71:16 72:1,2 transaction 78:17 78:24 transactions 33:2 80:9,25 transcript 198:6,9 199:6 translation 133:2,5 133:6 transmitted 23:7 transportable 92:14 trend 19:8 176:15 177:4 trends 174:6,6,10,15 trial 10:7 tries 107:22 trigger 19:5 21:25 22:1 triple 122:23 true 26:2 89:13 198:8 199:8 try 47:6,21 67:6 126:5 144:5 161:18 162:2 trying 28:24 39:1 46:16 51:3 71:12 94:24,24 113:2 118:17 139:3 141:6 144:18 tryon 2:5 turn 138:4 turning 157:14 twice 121:21 two 24:25 40:16 45:3,15 49:11 53:19 54:18 56:6,7 83:1 104:6 119:12,14 128:2,18 130:25 150:5,8 158:1 165:12 167:23 178:6,6,17,22 179:2 181:8 192:3 tying 93:20 type 6:16,17 14:11 23:14 45:20 80:4 83:18 88:21 96:13 100:2 113:10 118:8 135:2 180:5 typed 121:22 types 33:1,1 57:14 71:9 73:4 77:5 80:9 80:25 86:18 92:20 113:5 119:6 typeset 120:9 typesetting 156:19 typewriting 198:8 typical 113:5,9 typically 16:12 27:22 29:17 33:9,16 46:10 71:16 84:11 85:6 87:11,14 97:8 97:10 104:12 109:17 110:3 115:25 116:7,9 117:23 136:14 178:8 183:7 u u.s. 48:23 52:14 uh 25:22 139:22 140:12 ultimate 30:23,25 unauthorized 110:1 unaware 123:18 unbridled 161:14,24 underlying 134:21 understand 10:19 17:1 28:6,21 30:6 34:22 42:20 50:2 58:19,25 59:3 62:25 67:12 77:25 91:20 94:20 98:25 113:17 113:21 117:8 118:18 133:1 141:6 143:21 145:11 Page 31 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [understand - wanted] 146:13 154:19 166:2 172:14,19 186:21 understanding 10:22 16:22 24:2 29:20 33:6,12 34:12 38:20 52:16 78:3,10 92:23 93:9,17 99:9 103:7 104:8 108:5 120:16,21 121:19 127:20 133:4,7 141:12,16 156:7 188:1 191:5,11,21 192:8 195:22 199:9 understood 76:15 underway 38:12 underwriters 136:25 unfair 102:2 113:3 unfortunate 143:20 143:22,25 144:2,8 144:21 145:23 unique 113:8 uniquely 164:15 unit 51:16 55:25 56:9 61:11 united 1:1 159:10 units 115:18 universities 86:22 university 70:9 87:21,21 unlawful 156:8 unrestricted 101:5 update 133:17 updated 38:14 114:18 115:2,10,24 116:5 updates 14:24 usable 91:12 use 5:7 18:7 20:3,6,6 23:12,12 34:22 35:11 37:21 40:3 41:11,12 43:19 44:16,21 45:11,20 45:21 46:2,3,6,10 46:14 47:3 65:18 76:12 79:14,18 80:18 81:14 83:4,22 84:10 85:19,23 87:6 87:17 90:17 91:9 92:13,15 97:14,15 98:14 102:23,25 103:1,5,8,23 108:19 112:25 113:15,18 128:6,7,9,11 129:12 129:25 132:1 152:3 155:19,22 156:4 159:14 161:6 163:21 165:7,12 166:14 167:6 169:20 170:17 171:11,13 181:12 187:2 192:6,22 195:1 user 5:10,17 75:24 85:17,19 91:16 92:14,19,20,23 93:4 93:6,10 117:13 131:4 user's 73:19,24 users 73:17,22 82:17 83:21 86:18 91:13 uses 41:23 83:15 84:3 91:7 usually 21:22 22:5 88:22 149:16 utc 64:4 69:1 v vague 38:9 76:16 144:13 157:2 182:22,24 189:25 vaguely 187:17 value 27:15 29:2 30:2 33:21 34:11,23 80:22 vancouver 160:7,7,8 161:3 163:2 variation 14:14 38:6 variations 83:16 varied 71:11 various 6:23 13:6 14:5 41:11 42:25 43:6 44:11 61:15 136:1 176:1,1 180:6 191:8,12 vary 14:4 118:2 vendor 12:20 23:12 41:12,23 42:12 62:11 122:22 vendors 41:12 ventilation 37:16 73:8 75:19 ventures 125:4 verifies 28:12 verify 112:6 vermont 152:3 version 13:10 18:23 19:12,18 20:14,15 20:19 21:11 26:14 29:10 38:2 42:25,25 43:6,6,11,12 49:7 50:5 53:16,22 57:1 57:2,5 100:1 115:24 116:15,23,24 117:18 133:21 173:7,7,16,17 174:12 175:7,12 176:21 178:1,7,20 versions 11:20,22,23 13:21 15:15,18,22 16:3 19:14 22:8,9 35:21 36:6 43:23 44:4,9,14 54:21 56:7,8 57:7,15 90:19 99:23 115:12 132:10 173:6,10 174:9 vice 123:8 video 8:11 47:23 48:3 68:13 102:11 102:16 151:14,19 196:20,25 videographer 3:11 8:8,24 9:7 47:23 48:2 68:9,13 102:7 102:11,15 151:14 151:18 196:20,24 197:3 videotaped 1:16 8:9 8:9 view 12:4 19:8 20:7 37:18 40:7,8 52:4 78:5 105:1 121:23 156:9 166:9,22 174:3,7 178:5 viewer 40:4 viewing 12:19 20:9 20:10,11,14,16,20 20:24 21:1 23:23 24:4,7 25:7 40:12 41:4 52:6 77:23 78:1,7,12,14 94:21 95:21 96:24 103:8 103:12 105:2 109:4 112:13,14 183:17 183:22 184:3,9 views 12:24 13:1,10 violated 156:10 violation 135:5 140:24 156:8 visibility 143:16 voiced 39:6 volunteer 149:22 vs 1:12 199:4 w w 40:18,20 want 21:15,16 40:1 44:20 58:24 85:25 91:11,12 97:10 104:21 105:1 107:21 124:4 138:13 150:3 153:22 172:11 184:25 wanted 42:15,22 43:3 44:8,24 77:21 Page 32 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 [wanted - z] 99:2,13 128:3 136:20 163:21 188:13 189:18 195:1 wanting 45:1 187:2 wants 105:6 168:16 warehousing 60:24 washington 2:19 42:1 158:15 159:2,4 watch 148:11,18,22 149:9 182:7 way 13:19 57:11,13 57:16 65:6,8,13,23 66:3 67:4 70:22 85:25 89:24 90:21 91:8 92:15 98:2,19 99:6 102:1 107:20 123:13 131:1 132:9 142:17 162:8 164:10 170:19 171:15 181:8,9 192:2 ways 36:11 103:22 104:4 157:25 we've 40:13 47:18 49:2 68:3 74:4,4,5 80:6 89:4,4 112:14 123:11 150:2 164:23 web 71:18 101:5,7 104:25 105:1 website 5:8 46:15 49:9 50:8,11,14,17 52:5 54:15 69:3 88:15 102:24 103:4 103:5,9,11 106:24 107:1 109:4 111:14 115:6,16 118:20,21 118:22,25 123:15 136:21 went 12:21,21 69:23 95:20 145:9 174:19 west 3:3 8:16 whatsoever 162:14 whoever's 104:13 wide 83:22 widely 44:20 willis 69:15 wisdom 147:12,18 wise 81:18 wish 21:4 22:4 43:17 46:2 166:14 wished 45:19 52:17 95:7 101:3 186:24 wishes 108:17 wishing 166:8 192:21 withdraw 58:22 witness 4:2 9:8 16:6 17:14 18:21 19:10 21:20 24:1,19 26:7 29:7 30:14 31:12 32:20 35:24 36:23 37:11 38:10,17 39:5 43:10 44:2 45:9,18 50:13 58:1 60:9 62:24 65:11,16 66:1 66:6,16 67:22 71:2 75:7 76:22 80:13 81:11 85:6 89:17 91:11 92:8 93:2,16 98:8,23 99:15 101:9 101:17 102:10 105:23,25 107:17 108:15 110:10,19 111:9,12,22 112:5 114:1 116:18 118:19 121:7 122:2 122:9,14,25 126:5 127:23 128:6 130:9 138:22 140:12 141:14,20 142:5 144:15,23 145:5,20 146:5 147:5,15,23 148:6,25 149:14 150:11 153:17 154:25 155:18,25 156:7,12 157:3,8,12 157:21 158:4,8 159:20 160:18,23 161:16 162:2,16 163:18,24 164:17 166:12 167:5 168:4 170:3 171:21 175:5 179:13,17 180:2 182:11 188:18,23 190:1,7 191:8 193:21 197:10 woman 25:3 wondering 139:5 191:4 word 34:23 58:25 132:14,16 163:12 165:23 167:1 wording 65:19 79:19 80:17 81:11 83:7 words 73:18 132:3 139:4 141:14,17,21 work 18:12,12 38:7 41:13 42:9 47:9 60:25 62:3 126:5 181:13 worked 9:15 46:16 69:20,23 working 37:6 39:18 47:20 70:2 95:19 96:2 works 42:11 90:12 186:5 194:7 world 50:22,23 69:14 worried 68:6 worthwhile 95:9 wrap 196:12 write 42:15,22 43:3 44:25 writer 157:25 writes 90:4 writing 88:12,13 89:2 194:9 written 135:11 185:9 wrong 21:14 wrote 146:14 170:24 x xpera 182:21 183:3 y yeah 10:1 27:1,3,5 31:12 33:6 34:13 36:7 51:4 53:17 57:16 64:5,5 81:24 82:6 130:12 135:15 142:20 160:23 163:16 166:7 173:20 174:1 175:15 178:10 179:3 185:19 190:8 195:9 year 13:25 14:15 15:5 22:12 39:20 43:13,13 95:22 116:1,2,3 129:21 130:11,12 172:17 174:18 177:13,18 178:9,9,11,12,14,16 178:21,24,25 179:1 yearly 32:17 58:17 59:9 years 9:16 10:1 11:2 14:24 21:2 24:22 25:9 37:23 40:16 42:17,24 43:5 49:2 58:15 87:14 95:23 114:23 122:3 156:16 158:21 172:21 175:6,7 176:20 178:6,6,17 178:22 179:2 183:17 195:10 yep 131:1 york 187:18,24 188:2,3,11,18 z z 42:4 165:17 Page 33 Veritext Legal Solutions 866 299-5127 Federal Rules o f Civil Procedure Rule 30 (e) Review By the Witness; Changes . (1) Review; Statement of Changes . On request by the deponent or a party before the deposition is completed, the deponent must be allowed 30 days after being notified by the officer that the transcript or recording is available in which : (A) to review the transcript or recording; and (B) if there are changes in form or substance, to sign a statement listing the changes and the reasons for making them . (2) Changes Indicated in the Officer ' s Certificate . The officer must note in the certificate prescribed by Rule 30(f) (1) whether a review was requested and, if so, must attach any changes the deponent makes during the 30 - day period . DISCLAIMER : THE FOREGOING FEDERAL PROCEDURE RULES ARE PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY . THE ABOVE RULES ARE CURRENT AS OF SEPTEMBER 1, 2014 . PLEASE REFER TO THE APPLICABLE FEDERAL RULES OF CIVIL PROCEDURE FOR UP - TO - DATE INFORMATION .

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