Filing 204

LARGE ADDITIONAL ATTACHMENT(S) to Public Resource's Second Motion for Summary Judgment by PUBLIC.RESOURCE.ORG, INC. 202 MOTION for Summary Judgment filed by PUBLIC.RESOURCE.ORG, INC., 203 SEALED MOTION FOR LEAVE TO FILE DOCUMENT UNDER SEAL filed by PUBLIC.RESOURCE.ORG, INC. (This document is SEALED and only available to authorized persons.) filed by PUBLIC.RESOURCE.ORG, INC.. (Attachments: # 1 Public Resources Statement of Disputed Facts, # 2 Public Resources Evidentiary Objections, # 3 Public Resources Request for Judicial Notice, # 4 Declaration Carl Malamud, # 5 Declaration Matthew Becker, # 6 Consolidated Index of Exhibits, # 7 Exhibit 1, # 8 Exhibit 2, # 9 Exhibit 3, # 10 Exhibit 4, # 11 Exhibit 5, # 12 Exhibit 6, # 13 Exhibit 7, # 14 Exhibit 8, # 15 Exhibit 9, # 16 Exhibit 10, # 17 Exhibit 11, # 18 Exhibit 12, # 19 Exhibit 13, # 20 Exhibit 14, # 21 Exhibit 15, # 22 Exhibit 16, # 23 Exhibit 17, # 24 Exhibit 18, # 25 Exhibit 19, # 26 Exhibit 20, # 27 Exhibit 21, # 28 Exhibit 22, # 29 Exhibit 23, # 30 Exhibit 24, # 31 Exhibit 25, # 32 Exhibit 26, # 33 Exhibit 27, # 34 Exhibit 28, # 35 Exhibit 29, # 36 Exhibit 30, # 37 Exhibit 31, # 38 Exhibit 32, # 39 Exhibit 33, # 40 Exhibit 34, # 41 Exhibit 35, # 42 Exhibit 36, # 43 Exhibit 37, # 44 Exhibit 38, # 45 Exhibit 39, # 46 Exhibit 40, # 47 Exhibit 41, # 48 Exhibit 42, # 49 Exhibit 43, # 50 Exhibit 44, # 51 Exhibit 45, # 52 Exhibit 46, # 53 Exhibit 47, # 54 Exhibit 48, # 55 Exhibit 49, # 56 Exhibit 50, # 57 Exhibit 51, # 58 Exhibit 52, # 59 Exhibit 53, # 60 Exhibit 54, # 61 Exhibit 55, # 62 Exhibit 56, # 63 Exhibit 57, # 64 Exhibit 58, # 65 Exhibit 59, # 66 Exhibit 60, # 67 Exhibit 61, # 68 Exhibit 62, # 69 Exhibit 63, # 70 Exhibit 64, # 71 Exhibit 65, # 72 Exhibit 66, # 73 Exhibit 67, # 74 Exhibit 68, # 75 Exhibit 69, # 76 Exhibit 70, # 77 Exhibit 71, # 78 Exhibit 72, # 79 Exhibit 73, # 80 Exhibit 74, # 81 Exhibit 75, # 82 Exhibit 76, # 83 Exhibit 77, # 84 Exhibit 78, # 85 Exhibit 79, # 86 Exhibit 80, # 87 Exhibit 81, # 88 Exhibit 82, # 89 Exhibit 83, # 90 Exhibit 84, # 91 Exhibit 85, # 92 Exhibit 86, # 93 Exhibit 87, # 94 Exhibit 88, # 95 Exhibit 89, # 96 Exhibit 90, # 97 Exhibit 91, # 98 Exhibit 92, # 99 Exhibit 93, # 100 Exhibit 94, # 101 Exhibit 95, # 102 Exhibit 96, # 103 Exhibit 97, # 104 Certificate of Service)(Bridges, Andrew)

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EXHIBIT 83 CodeFinder11.• Tool DISCLAIMER lrnputant Hotices .-id Dlscta;mers: By uslng this " CodeFlmler- tool (the "tool"), you agree to the terms and conditions of this agreement . Publlcatloo ofihis oot Is for the sole purpose of creating general pUbllc awareness of some of thejurisdictlons where Aulhontces Hav•ng Jurisdiction {"Al-'Js"I may require the use of NFPA codes and/or standaros. While we r~uest 1ha11urisd1ct10ns report their use or or amendme11t to NFPA codes and standards. we ere unable to require this reoortina. and therefore th.s oot Is not a comprehensive or exnaustive tis1 nor are amendments to NFPA codes and/or standards reflected In this Information. In addition. while the Informa1ion reflected in tti1s tool is updated from time o time, 1t may not reflect current regulations requirements, editions or AHJs. In no event should a user rely on this too! as a complete source of Informa1ion about the local, state, federal or other legal or regulatory requirements applicable In any Jurisd iction whatsoever IMPORTANT NOTE: The tool includes a color-code<! map. The map reflects onry ihe most tJp-t<>-date edition of a particular code or standard incorporated by any AHJ in the state or cotm1ry, but not necessarilyt.tie edrtion or the code or standard tha controls the entire jurlsdlct:on. For example, r one city In a state has incorporated the most recent edi11on of an NFPA standard, the coror-codlng for tha' statewrJ reflect this most recen1 edition, even if i has not been lncorpora1ed state-wide. This tool is desioned to be rifonnational and 'I 0 ou> Oja''"- lr..£ CGti6'l'ICER.. https://codefinder nfpa.onr/ 7/30/20 19 NFPA-PR0098059 CodeFinder™ Tool DISCLAIMER lllis tool is deSimied to be informational and educational only and in making this infOfT11ation ""' ai,ailabte, NFPA9 iS not, and is not attempting to provide or rendet" legal, r~Ja101Y. engmeenng or o1 professional seNices or advice nor is NFPA her undertaking to perfo1m any duty owed by an. person or entity to someone etse. AnyOlle using 11\is tool should rely on his or her own independe.nt judgment or, as ai>l]l'opriate. seek the advice of a Ci)mi,etent professronal an<l/or the aat1lOri1Y hav junscfldioo. While every effort t>as beer. made to achieve a wor1< of high quality,~ of this tool is at tile usets own risk; it is provided AS IS and AS AVAILABLE without guarantee or warranty of any kind, express or imp{Jed (including the wananties of merchantability and fitness for a patlicular purpose) and without representation orwaJTanty regarding the accuracy, completeness, use-1ulness, timeliness, relrabifity or appropnateness. NFPA assumes no responsibility or llablllty 1n connectlon wtm 1he lnformalion or opinions contalned In 01 expressed by this too~ rts use or output.The NFPA sllBII In no e-,ent be liable for any persomi! Injury, property, or other damages Qf any nature wh atsoever, whether special, indirect, consequentiel, or compensatory, directly or indirectly resulting fr<>m 1he publication, use of, or reliance on tti,s tool . This tool is made available subject to Important Notices and Legal o,sc1 a,mers, which can be v·ewed at WU, w.ntpa Olg/diSCl,'ilMel'S. 'V RCO CUI l"R!\l.r.cYPQ.X;Y COO~ http s://codefi nder. n fpa. org/ Cil!- 7/30/20 19 NFPA-PR0098060

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