Securities and Exchange Commission v. Nadel et al

Filing 1192

Declaration of M. Yip by Burton W. Wiand re 1190 MOTION for miscellaneous relief, specifically Motion to Overrule Objections to Claims 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, and 477 Notice of Filing Declaration of Maria Yip (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit M. Yip Declaration, # 2 Exhibit Ex. 1 to M. Yip Declaration, # 3 Exhibit Ex. 2 to M. Yip Declaration, # 4 Exhibit Ex. 3 to M. Yip Declaration, # 5 Exhibit Ex. 4 to M. Yip Declaration, # 6 Exhibit Ex. 5 to M. Yip Declaration, # 7 Exhibit Ex. 6 to M. Yip Declaration, # 8 Exhibit Ex. 7 to M. Yip Declaration, # 9 Exhibit Ex. 8 to M. Yip Declaration, # 10 Exhibit Ex. 9 to M. Yip Declaration, # 11 Exhibit Ex. 10-1 to M. Yip Declaration, # 12 Exhibit Ex. 10-2 to M. Yip Declaration, # 13 Exhibit Ex. 11 to M. Yip Declaration, # 14 Exhibit Ex. 12 to M. Yip Declaration, # 15 Exhibit Ex. 13 to M. Yip Declaration, # 16 Exhibit Ex. 14 to M. Yip Declaration, # 17 Exhibit Ex. 15 to M. Yip Declaration, # 18 Exhibit Ex. 16 to M. Yip Declaration, # 19 Exhibit Ex. 17 to M. Yip Declaration, # 20 Exhibit Ex. 18 to M. Yip Declaration, # 21 Exhibit Ex. 19 to M. Yip Declaration, # 22 Exhibit Ex. 20 to M. Yip Declaration, # 23 Exhibit Ex. 21 to M. Yip Declaration, # 24 Exhibit Ex. 22 to M. Yip Declaration, # 25 Exhibit Ex. 23 to M. Yip Declaration, # 26 Exhibit Ex. 24 to M. Yip Declaration, # 27 Exhibit Ex. 25 to M. Yip Declaration, # 28 Exhibit Ex. 26 to M. Yip Declaration, # 29 Exhibit Ex. 27 to M. Yip Declaration, # 30 Exhibit Ex. 28 to M. Yip Declaration, # 31 Exhibit Ex. 29 to M. Yip Declaration, # 32 Exhibit Ex. 30 to M. Yip Declaration, # 33 Exhibit Ex. 31 to M. Yip Declaration, # 34 Exhibit Ex. 32 to M. Yip Declaration, # 35 Exhibit Ex. 33 to M. Yip Declaration, # 36 Exhibit Ex. 34 to M. Yip Declaration, # 37 Exhibit Ex. 35 to M. Yip Declaration, # 38 Exhibit Ex. 36 to M. Yip Declaration, # 39 Exhibit Ex. 37 to M. Yip Declaration, # 40 Exhibit Ex. 38 to M. Yip Declaration, # 41 Exhibit Ex. 39 to M. Yip Declaration, # 42 Exhibit Ex. 40 to M. Yip Declaration, # 43 Exhibit Ex. 41 to M. Yip Declaration, # 44 Exhibit Ex. 42 to M. Yip Declaration, # 45 Exhibit Ex. 43 to M. Yip Declaration, # 46 Exhibit Ex. 44 to M. Yip Declaration, # 47 Exhibit Ex. 45 to M. Yip Declaration, # 48 Exhibit Ex. 46 to M. Yip Declaration, # 49 Exhibit Ex. 47 to M. Yip Declaration, # 50 Exhibit Ex. 48 to M. Yip Declaration, # 51 Exhibit Ex. 49 to M. Yip Declaration, # 52 Exhibit Ex. 50 to M. Yip Declaration, # 53 Exhibit Ex. 51 to M. Yip Declaration, # 54 Exhibit Ex. 52 to M. Yip Declaration, # 55 Exhibit Ex. 53 to M. Yip Declaration, # 56 Exhibit Ex. 54 to M. Yip Declaration, # 57 Exhibit Ex. 55 to M. Yip Declaration, # 58 Exhibit Ex. 56 to M. Yip Declaration, # 59 Exhibit Ex. 57 to M. Yip Declaration, # 60 Exhibit Ex. 58 to M. Yip Declaration, # 61 Exhibit Ex. 59 to M. Yip Declaration, # 62 Exhibit Ex. 60 to M. Yip Declaration, # 63 Exhibit Ex. 61 to M. Yip Declaration)(Morello, Gianluca) Modified on 8/12/2015 (KMM).

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EXHIBIT 8 Case No.: 8:10-cv-77-T-17MAP et al. Analysis of Deposits and Disbursements Viking Fund, LLC Bank of America Account No. 003730047518 For the Period June 2001 through March 2003 (Sorted in Chronological Order) Institution Account Name Account Number Bank Type Bank Date Check No. (Payee)/Payor QB Only Memo Amount Bank of America Bank of America Bank of America Bank of America Bank of America Bank of America Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Deposit 06/11/01 N/A Neil V. Moody Deposit 100.00 Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Debit 06/22/01 N/A Bank of America checks (15.00) Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Deposit 06/30/01 N/A Bank of America Service Charge (0.01) Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Deposit 07/31/01 N/A Bank of America Service Charge (14.67) Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Deposit 08/31/01 N/A Bank of America Service Charge (14.86) Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Wire 09/04/01 N/A Richard F. & Marilynn O. Formica Deposit 100,000.00 Bank of America Bank of America Bank of America Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Deposit 10/02/01 N/A Angela Daukas Deposit 110,000.00 Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Deposit 10/03/01 N/A Angela Daukas Deposit 200,000.00 Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Wire 10/04/01 N/A Viking Master Fund, Ltd / Unknown Bank Account Daukas, Angela (309,000.00) Bank of America Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Wire 10/05/01 N/A Viking Master Fund, Ltd / Unknown Bank Account Grover, John Allen (100,000.00) Bank of America Bank of America Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Debit 10/18/01 N/A Bank of America checks Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Deposit 10/19/01 N/A Richard F. & Marilynn O. Formica Deposit 100,000.00 Bank of America Bank of America Bank of America Bank of America Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Deposit 10/22/01 N/A Deposit 62,000.00 Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Deposit 10/24/01 N/A Deposit 238,000.00 Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Deposit 10/29/01 N/A Richard F. Formica, Trustee Richard F. Formica, Trustee Carol J. Hutton Deposit 30,000.00 Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Wire 10/29/01 N/A Trust Company of America FBO Lenard Hutton Deposit 200,000.00 Bank of America Bank of America Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Debit 10/31/01 N/A Bank of America Service Charge Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Wire 10/31/01 N/A Viking Master Fund, Ltd / Unknown Bank Account Formica 400 & Hutton 230 Bank of America Bank of America Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Deposit 11/01/01 N/A Anne Smith Deposit 100,000.00 Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Wire 11/02/01 N/A Viking Master Fund, Ltd / Unknown Bank Account Daukas, Angela (94,000.00) Bank of America Bank of America Bank of America Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Check 11/21/01 301 Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Deposit 11/28/01 N/A Neil V. Moody Rev Tr dtd 2/9/95 Daniel S. Cooper Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Wire 11/29/01 N/A Viking Master Fund, Ltd / Unknown Bank Account Cooper 70 & 1895.95 xtra Bank of America Bank of America Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Debit 11/30/01 N/A Bank of America Service Charge Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Deposit 11/30/01 N/A Richard F. Formica, Trustee Deposit Page 1 of 5 X (10.00) (50.51) (630,000.00) (100.00) Deposit 70,000.00 (71,894.95) (107.61) 350,000.00 EXHIBIT 8 Case No.: 8:10-cv-77-T-17MAP et al. Analysis of Deposits and Disbursements Viking Fund, LLC Bank of America Account No. 003730047518 For the Period June 2001 through March 2003 (Sorted in Chronological Order) Institution Account Name Account Number Bank Type Bank Date Check No. (Payee)/Payor QB Only Memo Amount Bank of America Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Wire 12/03/01 N/A Viking Master Fund, Ltd / Unknown Bank Account Formica, Richard Bank of America Bank of America Bank of America Bank of America Bank of America Bank of America Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Debit 12/31/01 N/A Bank of America Service Charge (211.87) Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Check 02/15/02 302 UBR Filing Fee (50.00) Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Deposit 02/26/02 N/A Department of State Evelyn Brown Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Debit 02/28/02 N/A Bank of America Service Charge Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Deposit 03/04/02 N/A Deposit Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Wire 03/04/02 N/A First Trust Co. FBO Don Zinman Viking Master Fund, Ltd / Unknown Bank Account Bank of America Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Debit 03/14/02 N/A Viking Master Fund, Ltd / Unknown Bank Account Zinman IRA (Wired Incorrectly) Bank of America Bank of America Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Debit 03/20/02 N/A Bank of America Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Debit 03/20/02 N/A Viking Master Fund, Ltd / Unknown Bank Account Bank of America Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Check 03/26/02 303 Delaware Secretary of State Bank of America Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Deposit 03/26/02 N/A Lucy J. Wierum Revocable Trust (VIK) Deposit Bank of America Bank of America Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Debit 03/31/02 N/A Bank of America Service Charge Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Wire 04/02/02 N/A Viking Master Fund, Ltd / Unknown Bank Account Wierum, Lucy Bank of America Bank of America Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Deposit 04/23/02 N/A Deposit Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Wire 04/26/02 N/A Richard F. Formica, Trustee Viking Master Fund, Ltd / Unknown Bank Account Bank of America Bank of America Bank of America Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Debit 04/30/02 N/A Bank of America Service Charge Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Wire 05/01/02 N/A Deposit Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Wire 05/02/02 N/A Philip & Janice M. Day Viking Master Fund, Ltd / Unknown Bank Account Bank of America Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Deposit 05/28/02 N/A Wing Y & Margaret Chin, Revocable Trust Deposit 100,000.00 Bank of America Bank of America Bank of America Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Deposit 05/29/02 N/A Deposit 100,000.00 Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Deposit 05/30/02 N/A Deposit 100,000.00 Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Wire 05/30/02 N/A Harvey & Bettye J. Hinrichs Don Zinman Viking Fund 2 Lois Lesser Deposit 100,000.00 Page 2 of 5 Deposit Brown, Evelyn (350,000.00) 200,000.00 (15.46) 19,088.74 (200,000.00) (10,000.00) (5.00) Zinman, Don IRA (Wired Incorrectly) (9,088.74) (100.00) Formica, Richard Day, Ray 100,000.00 (162.48) (100,000.00) 75,000.00 (75,000.00) (91.96) 100,000.00 (100,000.00) EXHIBIT 8 Case No.: 8:10-cv-77-T-17MAP et al. Analysis of Deposits and Disbursements Viking Fund, LLC Bank of America Account No. 003730047518 For the Period June 2001 through March 2003 (Sorted in Chronological Order) Institution Account Name Account Number Bank Type Bank Date Check No. (Payee)/Payor QB Only Memo Amount Bank of America Bank of America Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Debit 05/31/02 N/A Bank of America Service Charge Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Deposit 05/31/02 N/A Barry-Owen Co., Inc. Retirement Plan Trust Deposit 100,000.00 Bank of America Bank of America Bank of America Bank of America Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Wire 05/31/02 N/A Jordan Woosley Deposit 48,751.49 Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Deposit 05/31/02 N/A Jordan Woosley Deposit 90,000.00 Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Wire 06/04/02 N/A Scott Lochridge Deposit 100,000.00 Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Wire 06/04/02 N/A Viking Master Fund, Ltd / Unknown Bank Account Chinn, Kayser, Lesser, Zinman, Woosley, Woosley, Owen (638,751.49) Bank of America Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Wire 06/05/02 N/A Viking Master Fund, Ltd / Unknown Bank Account lobdell (100,000.00) Bank of America Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Deposit 06/27/02 N/A Bradd K. Christensen, M.D., P.C., Pension Deposit 465,508.32 Bank of America Bank of America Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Deposit 06/28/02 N/A Carl Gessler Deposit 100,000.00 Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Wire 06/28/02 N/A Viking Master Fund, Ltd / Unknown Bank Account Christensen Bank of America Bank of America Bank of America Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Debit 06/30/02 N/A Bank of America Service Charge Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Deposit 07/08/02 N/A Deposit Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Wire 07/09/02 N/A Jason Investment Co., LLC Viking Master Fund, Ltd / Unknown Bank Account Bank of America Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Deposit 07/26/02 N/A Richard F. & Marilynn O. Formica Deposit 75,000.00 Bank of America Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Deposit 07/30/02 N/A Jerome J. & Velma T. Ungs, Revocable Trust Deposit 100,000.00 Bank of America Bank of America Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Debit 07/31/02 N/A Bank of America Service Charge Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Wire 08/02/02 N/A Viking Master Fund, Ltd / Unknown Bank Account 100 Ungs / 75 Formica, Richard Bank of America Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Deposit 08/27/02 N/A Barry-Owen Co., Inc. Retirement Plan Trust Deposit Bank of America Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Wire 08/30/02 N/A Viking Master Fund, Ltd / Unknown Bank Account Barry-Owen Bank of America Bank of America Bank of America Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Debit 08/31/02 N/A Bank of America Service Charge Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Deposit 09/03/02 N/A Scott Lochridge Deposit 25,000.00 Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Debit 09/04/02 N/A Deutche Bank Cayman, Ltd Lobdell (25,000.00) Page 3 of 5 Gessler 100 / Jason 100 (108.96) (465,508.32) (102.73) 100,000.00 (200,000.00) (123.87) (175,000.00) 100,000.00 (100,000.00) (78.59) EXHIBIT 8 Case No.: 8:10-cv-77-T-17MAP et al. Analysis of Deposits and Disbursements Viking Fund, LLC Bank of America Account No. 003730047518 For the Period June 2001 through March 2003 (Sorted in Chronological Order) Institution Account Name Account Number Bank Type Bank Date Check No. (Payee)/Payor QB Only Memo Amount Bank of America Bank of America Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Deposit 09/26/02 N/A Leonard Wroten Deposit 100,000.00 Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Deposit 09/27/02 N/A Richard F. & Marilynn O. Formica Deposit 30,000.00 Bank of America Bank of America Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Debit 09/30/02 N/A Bank of America Service Charge Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Wire 09/30/02 N/A Viking Master Fund, Ltd / Unknown Bank Account Wroten & Formica Bank of America Bank of America Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Wire 10/16/02 N/A Scott Lochridge Deposit 266,145.89 Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Wire 10/17/02 N/A Viking Master Fund, Ltd / Unknown Bank Account Lobdell (266,145.89) Bank of America Bank of America Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Deposit 10/22/02 N/A Deposit 120,000.00 Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Deposit 10/28/02 N/A Richard F. Formica, Trustee Jerome J. & Velma T. Ungs, Revocable Trust Deposit 100,000.00 Bank of America Bank of America Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Debit 10/31/02 N/A Bank of America Service Charge Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Wire 10/31/02 N/A Viking Master Fund, Ltd / Unknown Bank Account Ungs, Jerome Bank of America Bank of America Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Wire 11/01/02 N/A Daniel S. Cooper Deposit Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Wire 11/01/02 N/A Viking Master Fund, Ltd / Unknown Bank Account Formica, Richard Bank of America Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Wire 11/05/02 N/A Viking Master Fund, Ltd / Unknown Bank Account Cooper, Daniel (60,000.00) Bank of America Bank of America Bank of America Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Debit 11/30/02 N/A Bank of America Service Charge (81.47) Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Check 12/16/02 304 Inv #1383626 Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Deposit 12/23/02 N/A Holland & Knight, LLP Jerome J. & Velma T. Ungs, Revocable Trust Deposit 100,000.00 Bank of America Bank of America Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Deposit 12/23/02 N/A Deposit 100,000.00 Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Wire 12/27/02 N/A Stuart H. & Vera J. Archer Viking Master Fund, Ltd / Unknown Bank Account Deposit 500,000.00 Bank of America Bank of America Bank of America Bank of America Bank of America Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Wire 12/30/02 N/A Carl Gessler Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Wire 12/30/02 N/A Dean Witter Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Wire 12/30/02 N/A Scott Lochridge Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Debit 12/31/02 N/A Bank of America Gessler Redemption Woosley Redemption Lobdell Redemption Service Charge Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Deposit 12/31/02 N/A Barry-Owen Co., Inc. Retirement Plan Trust Page 4 of 5 Deposit (118.58) (130,000.00) (115.65) (100,000.00) 60,000.00 (120,000.00) (3,250.00) (109,694.92) (153,911.09) (418,364.01) (34.53) 50,000.00 EXHIBIT 8 Case No.: 8:10-cv-77-T-17MAP et al. Analysis of Deposits and Disbursements Viking Fund, LLC Bank of America Account No. 003730047518 For the Period June 2001 through March 2003 (Sorted in Chronological Order) Institution Account Name Account Number Bank Type Bank Date Check No. (Payee)/Payor QB Only Memo Amount Bank of America Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Check 01/06/03 305 Scoop Management, Inc. / Northern Trust #4544 Bank of America Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Debit 01/06/03 N/A Viking Fund / TradeStation #9RS1 Bear Sterns Securities Corporation Bank of America Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Check 01/13/03 306 Florida Department of State UBR Fee Bank of America Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Deposit 01/13/03 N/A Johnston Supply, Inc., Pension Trust Deposit Bank of America Bank of America Bank of America Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Check 01/15/03 308 Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Check 01/15/03 309 Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Wire 01/16/03 N/A Jordon, Woosley, Crone & Keaton Lobdell Capital Partners, L.P. Viking Fund / TradeStation #9RS1 Bank of America Bank of America Bank of America Bank of America Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Check 01/17/03 307 Carl John Gessler Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Deposit 01/28/03 N/A Kerry J Ungs Deposit 100,000.00 Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Deposit 01/30/03 N/A Deposit 200,000.00 Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Check 01/30/03 311 J. Sisk and J. Whitlock Trustee Scoop Management, Inc. / Northern Trust #4544 Office Fee Feb. (5,000.00) Bank of America Bank of America Bank of America Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Debit 01/31/03 N/A Bank of America Service Charge (44.11) Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Wire 01/31/03 N/A Deposit Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Wire 02/04/03 N/A W.W. Whitlock Foundation VIKING FUND LLC / RYDEX FUNDS #4178 Bank of America Bank of America Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Check 02/04/03 310 CT Corporation Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Wire 02/04/03 N/A Viking Master Fund, Ltd / Unknown Bank Account Bank of America Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Check 02/07/03 312 Advent Software Inc. Bank of America Bank of America Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Deposit 02/07/03 N/A Deposit Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Wire 02/07/03 N/A Jason Investment Co., LLC Viking Fund / TradeStation #9RS1 Bear Sterns Securities Corporation (100,000.00) Bank of America Viking Fund, LLC 003730047518 Debit 02/19/03 N/A Viking Fund, LLC / Northern Trust #0928 Acct Closure Chashier's Check # 2775624 (128,234.58) Source: 1. Bank of America bank account statements including deposit slips, cancelled checks and wire detail. 2. QuickBooks file. Page 5 of 5 (5,000.00) (50,000.00) (50.00) 100,000.00 (768.64) (2,089.35) Bear Sterns Securities Corporation (80,000.00) (547.84) Rydex Series Funds 250,000.00 (1,000,000.00) (700.00) Swf of 03/02 560,000.00 (5,824.50) 100,000.00

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