State of Texas et al v. United States of America et al

Filing 64

REPLY in Support of 5 Opposed MOTION for Preliminary Injunction, filed by Phil Bryant, Paul R. LePage, Patrick L. McCrory, C.L. "Butch" Otter, Bill Schuette, State of Louisiana, State of Alabama, State of Arizona, State of Arkansas, State of Florida, State of Georgia, State of Idaho, State of Indiana, State of Kansas, State of Montana, State of Nebraska, State of North Dakota, State of Ohio, State of Oklahoma, State of South Carolina, State of South Dakota, State of Texas, State of Utah, State of West Virginia, State of Wisconsin. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Ex 1, # 2 Exhibit Ex. 2, # 3 Exhibit Ex. 3, # 4 Exhibit Ex. 4, # 5 Exhibit Ex. 5, # 6 Exhibit Ex. 6, # 7 Exhibit Ex. 7, # 8 Exhibit Ex. 8, # 9 Exhibit Ex. 9.a, # 10 Exhibit Ex. 9.b, # 11 Exhibit Ex. 10.a, # 12 Exhibit Ex. 10.b, # 13 Exhibit Ex. 10.c, # 14 Exhibit Ex. 10.d, # 15 Exhibit Ex. 10.e, # 16 Exhibit Ex. 10.f, # 17 Exhibit Ex. 10.g, # 18 Exhibit Ex. 10.h, # 19 Exhibit Ex. 10.i, # 20 Exhibit Ex. 10.j, # 21 Exhibit Ex. 10.k, # 22 Exhibit Ex. 10.l, # 23 Exhibit Ex. 10.m, # 24 Exhibit Ex. 10.n, # 25 Exhibit Ex. 10.0, # 26 Exhibit Ex. 10.p, # 27 Exhibit Ex. 10.q, # 28 Exhibit Ex. 10.r, # 29 Exhibit Ex. 10.s, # 30 Exhibit Ex. 11, # 31 Exhibit Ex. 12, # 32 Exhibit Ex. 13, # 33 Exhibit Ex. 14, # 34 Exhibit Ex. 15, # 35 Exhibit Ex. 16, # 36 Exhibit Ex. 17, # 37 Exhibit Ex. 18, # 38 Exhibit Ex. 19, # 39 Exhibit Ex. 20, # 40 Exhibit Ex. 21, # 41 Exhibit Ex. 22, # 42 Exhibit Ex. 23, # 43 Exhibit Ex. 24, # 44 Exhibit Ex. 25, # 45 Exhibit Ex. 26, # 46 Exhibit Ex. 27, # 47 Exhibit Ex. 28, # 48 Exhibit Ex. 29, # 49 Exhibit Ex. 30, # 50 Exhibit Ex. 31, # 51 Exhibit Ex. 32, # 52 Exhibit Ex. 33, # 53 Exhibit Ex. 34, # 54 Exhibit Ex. 35)(Oldham, Andrew)

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Evidence of CR and Presence on 6/15/12 (Continued) Memberships Military -Records Additional Documents • Official records from a religious entity in the United States confirming the requestor's participation in or attendance at a religious ceremony, rite, or passage (e.g., baptism, first communion, wedding, etc.). • Documentation showin membershi in communit or . e .. Scouts . Military records (e.g., certificate of discha·rge, military · ersonnel records; or p militar health records . Additional documents to support the requester's claim may include: Money order receipts for money sent in or out o~ the country; • • Passport entries; • Birth certificates of children born in the United States; • Bank books with dated transactions; • Correspondence between the requester and other persons/org.; e Social Security card; • Selective Service card;- · - --- Automobile license receipts, title, vehicle registration, etC; • • Deeds; mortgages, contracts to which requestor has been a party; • Tax receipts; • Insurance policies, receipts, or postmarked letters; and/or Any other relevant document. 47 FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0460 Applying the DACA Guidelines - Education Basic Educational Guidelines The educational guideline for DACA can be met in a number of different ways . . The requester can show that he/she: • Is currently in _ school; • Has graduated from high school; or • Has obtained a certificate of completion from high school or a General Educational Development (GED) certificate. . . 48 U.S: Citizenship . .in d ln1n1igratiun . ,)erv1ccs "' ( FOLIO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0461 Applying the DACA Guidelines - Education (Continued) Homeschooling A claim of homeschooling is not, in and of itself, an indicator of fraud; however, because homeschool .programs and their requirements vary widely from state to state, ·refer the case to CFDO for further research and evaluation. • Even· if the file contains evidence including .transcripts, diplomas, or certificates of completion received as a result of homeschooling, the case must be referred to CFDO for further research and evaluation, prior to final adjudication . -1 ' • : 7 ".,_;;-~- U.S. Clti1~:n~;hip a.11d frnnllpr,Hion Service'." '~ 49 . FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0462 Applying the DACA Guidelines - Educ· tion (Continued) a Currently in School The DACA requester can be enrolled in: 1.~,__,... c - . . ,,. --- 1 ... · A--publiG/private ~elementary secondary school; ii school, junior-high . or- .middle sc.hool, high school, or · · An education, literacy, or career training program (including vocational training or an English as a Second Language (ESL) course); • An education program assisting students either in obtaining a regular high school diploma or its recognized equivalent under State law (including a certificate of completion, certificate of attendance, or alternate award}, or in passing a GED exam or other equivalent State-authorized exam; or • A .public·or private college or university or a community college. S ('-i4"·?.C,I S·l·11•.p ll "''I and Innrligr<1tion 50 · T.T 1...1. '· • ·-, Services FOUO - law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0463 Applying the DACA Guidelines .- Education (Continued) School Breaks and Medical Leave School Breaks : When the DACA requestor files the DACA request, it is possible that school may not be in session due to a holiday or a semester (or · ·:··· ·· quatter~6r trimeslerfbreEik. ·· ·-·.. · · - · - ··."' -·, -··~ - - ·· ·· ..,, ,_ · · .- ..-·,.....-.· ·-··..·- -..._ _·-·-·~ --· -~~ --.-···. .-...~. · ...... ·---""' ·-. -.. • A break may occur during a course, for example spring break, or it may OCC?Ur between semesters, for example summer break. • If~ DACA request is .filed between semesters, the requester is considered to be currently in school if he/she is enrolled for the next semester and submits eyidence of such enrollment. Medical. Leave: ..,Note that a DACA requester on temporary medical leave from school is. considered to be currently in school. Evidenc.e of th. medica. e 1 leave and the expected return date to school are to be provided. U.S. Citizens.hip I . : <:111(1 lTlll11VfJtlOll Services ·" . 51 l FOLIO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0464 Applying the DACA Guidelines - Education (Continued) Enrollment in Personal Enrichment or Recreational Classes .... -,.,..~ ..., ·-A--DACA.·r.equestor .-in . a--persoria.I enrichment-class -.. .. (such as .arts and crafts) or who is enrolled in a recreational class (such as canoeing) is not in an alternative educational program and thus ·not considered to be "currently in school" for DACA purposes. ~ ·: . . . .... _... .._,. . • •• · • • .: - -:. ·o l._ ~ ..,.. . ... .. ..,., - · ~ -· 52 U.S. Cit il.enship ancl [nrm1Frar.inn r• ,)e.rv ice~: ·• o FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0465 - ·.,.- . . . Applying the DACA Guidelines - Education (Continued) Enrollment in On-Line Classes 11 ,_, ••• •-••••• , ... ,_ C.. • •• Evidence of enrollment in on-line courses is acceptable. -'=•=>· 0-ffi.ce. r-s,.,sflould~·focHS···OA -tne- sch ooh·· not-~the--·m ed i um-·_,... ,-~~=,-. ,. ~,-~.-~.,.,.--,., '""._.,.,~.,~,-~=-~· -~-- ·•· · . ,. ... .. • It is not uncommon for students to be enrolled in online courses. • Officers· should focus on the completeness, credibility, · relevance, and sufficiency of the evidence to see if it is germane. !J.S. CHizcnshi p ::rnd lnn11 hrr;iticn .... Sf-'l"'\' i l - I ' ' -.: ··~ - ' - ....... 53 FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0466 Appl. ing the DACA Guic;telines - Education (Continued) y Primary/Middle/Secondary Schoo/ - .A ccepted for Enrollment Evidence of acceptance for enrollment may include, but is not limited to: ., ... _ -·.... ... . ... ·An..·atcepta-rrce..·1ettert>n·.Jschool Jette-rhe-ad-n·om the··st~ho.ol's- auth6rized ~'-:-·~~·-·...--,.,. .::.......-.....--w~ · representative·, if the requestor was accepted for enrollment, but th_ classes have e not yet comm~nced. • Such accept8:nce letter is to include the name.and address of the school, the requester's grade level, and the date that the classes are scheduled to commence. • Such. acceptance letter is·to be accompanied by evidence that the student has registered for classes, or other evidence showing the student has accepted the offer and has committed to start classes on a certain date. · · ·If the requester has been accepted for enrollment at a private school, evidence of enrollment, such as paid tuition receipts , is to be included. U.S. Citi;;.cnship and Inunigratfon Ser.· ices 54 FOU_ - Law Enforcement Sensitive O App. 0467 ...- . .. o:.~· ' .. Applying the DACA Guidelines - Education (Continued) Primary/Middle/Secondary School - Accepted for Enrollment (Continued) . ..... -.. .... .. ;_ . . . . ..., • .. - ·r.:. . ~ , , .:.. . _ ,..;•.:. . . .... . ... .. • . •• . - · ··' · . • ., .. ''"'"- • ~ · --·'- ... _:.:;.-. · "' -.:..- ··.... ·-·. - • A program (l~P), . as required under the Individuals with Disabilities Education.Act, for a student with a disability, would also be acceptable evidence of enrollment; · · • A current class schedule containing the student's name, the list of courses, and the day and time of eacD class; or · 11 Any other relevant evidence. 55 lJ.S. CH·izcnship anc! •lnHl11Frai.io1; ' ~-:a S'"r\· 1 ci--•· t '-- - -·' FOLIO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0468 .,. . . .. - . · - Applying the DACA Guidelines - Education (Continued) Primary/Middle/Secondary School - Attending Classes DACA requestors already enrolled and.attending classes may submit: • Current school registration cards, .. ,..-. ·-···· - ·:-:·· .. =··- - o - • Current transcripts; • Report cards; or • Progress reports. The document(s) presented are to show the ·name·of the student, the ·name. of the school, the time perioo· or semester covered by th~ docume. t, and the cu rrent grade n level. · A current IEP. showing .the student's progress·to date would also be acceptable evidence that the DACA requestor has been accepted for enrollment and is attending classes. , 56 U.S. Ci ri1c.11ship and hnniigraJion • Se.rv ices FOUO - law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0469 • Oo O •o 0 0 L . • • • Applying the DACA Guidelines - Education (Continued) GED To show "currently in school" based on enrollment in a class for a GED or other equivalent State-authorized exam, look for a letter or other document -=·-<i•r ~··· · ,·~from·-an, authorized·,T epresentative of-the -program, that includes information such as: . · • The requesto. 's name and date of enrollment; r • The duration of the program .and expected completion date; · • Whether the course of study is for or a GED exam· or other equivalent Stateauthorized exam; · · -~- - ~ -.--.. . ~ The pro· ram's· source ·ofpublic ·furiding· (Federal, State; county, or municipal), if any; g and · • The program's authorized representative's contact information. 57 l J. S. Citi zcn ship and 1Inn1 igratior1 Services FOUO-Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0470 Applying the DACA Guidelines - Education (Continued) GED (Continued) • If the GED/Equivalency program is .not publicly funded in whole or in .part, documentation from the program is also to provide information about its is not •r.""·•-•'"' ••. .,.,.:"" . . demonstrated effectiveness. Such information could include, but ,..._.:.-.r.·-,.. ..... limited. to: .. • • •• 11 . '. •• - - -· · •• • ... . - ,, • ., ....·• • . : ..... .. ~ , _ .:,. - · • • • :· .- ... • '···· ..._, .. ,.,.-::.,.. ...... :-.i:t'"• • ., .,..... . · • · ··~-~ ~· ~ .:-.-:. ~..:.~·..:..:... .- ~ ·-o.....:, - • • ·.-. :.~-.. ·.-r: .. .) • .'. i: -:-~· ~ ;.-..: ::..,C::..<t '.J~ - ! : · - a··-.· --··.:• ·.-. · - :.•• : The duration of the program's existence; "' The program's track record in assisting students in obtaining a GED, or a recognized equivalent certificate; 11 Receipt of awards or special achievement or recognition that indicate the program's overall quality; and/or . • Any other information indicating the program's overall quality. l . ...,~ t"'' • U•" ....."II:1zcns1np anci . l111n1j~11-.1l ion ,-:. , crv1ces S . . ....... -.- -·- ··· ·-- .. - -· ... 58 FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0471 Applying the DACA Guidelines - Education (Continued) Public or Private College or University, or Community College Accepted for Enrollment · ... - :--·--'"-.. Evidence~·of ·enrollment . in a·public-·or private college or university ora ... community college may include, but is not limited to: • An acceptance package and related materials.on school letterhead from the n school's authorized representative, if the requestor was accepted for e· rollment, but the classes have not yet commenced. . . ., - . . ~- • Such acceptance package is to include the name and address of the school, the requestor's grade level or class year, and the· date or term when the classes are ,, .... scheduled to commence. • Such acceptance package is to be accompanied by evidence that the student has registered ·for classes, or other evidence showing the student has accepted the offer and has committed to start classes on a certain date. '· lT. .). t... li ·i zcnsn rp ,., .-. . . ' . and 59 Jni111i~r<:..rion Service:.; ·· FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0472 Applying the DACA Guidelines - Education (Continued) Public or Private College or University, or Community College - . : --- • • • # .- • -~~~,ep~ed ft?[ ~n~~!l~_~n,~ (q<.?~~~~.'!-~.<!l -·-···· _....... ·---·· ·..... . ........... ·----.· ·-·-·-· _. .. . .... ~.-- ·-· -···____ . ... .. Evidence of acceptance for enrollment can also include: •· A current individualized education program (IEP), as required under the · Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, for a student with a disability; 11 A copy of the student's current tuition bill; • The student's current class schedule containing the list of courses, and the day and time of each class; or .· 111 Any other relevant evidence . I ~ • -- . ~ U.S. Cir·i7.enship :1) and 1rnn1igra.t t(lfl -- ~ Services . 60 FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0473 Applying the DACA Guidelines - Education (Continued) Public or Private College or University, or Community College Attending Classes: · "···:·-=·,,.~=~ Fer- . QA. A.. C .,requestor-s. already< enrolled ~-and attending"·classes, evidence-may.-include,,,_,. __,· but is not limited to: • Current school registration cards; • Current transcripts; • Report cards;_or • Progress reports. The document( s) presented are to -show the name of the student, the name of the school, ·the time period or semester covered by the document, and the · urrent grade c level or class year. U.S. Cir i · ~, h·i n ~lld ! n1n1Jgr JJi'on !)erv1ces 61 FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0474 -.: Applying the DACA.Guidelines - Education (Contin ued) Public or Private College or University, or. Community College . Attending Classes (Continued): A current IEP showing the student's progress to date would also be ···· -· ·· ·· acceptable· · ·evicfehc --oren ~e r-oH me"fif'Ei'r1.d alte'nd .1ass· s. e rn-~fc :····--,..~ . _;.-:- -. -.. . ~· ·:-.··. -~·.·~~.,,. ·--"<· ~.,-_- ..·,~-=,..._,~-·-·· ""'.· . ~ .. It is not necessary to RFE for a copy of the high school diploma or GED, unless there are articulable-reasons to question. the evidence of acceptance and enrollment or attendance in a public or private college or university, or community college. 62 FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0475 Applying the DACA Guidelines - Education (Continued) Alternative Educational Programs DACA requestors can show they are currently in school by enrolling in/attending an alternative education program. ,._,~-·-"·'·:~, .Differ:ent.guidel.i.nes..,apply.;-,.dependin.g ... on~.the ..ty.p. < e otpr:o.gram and .whether .the .program. is publicly or privately funded. Pu blic funding can be in whole or in part and can be: • Federal; • State; 111 County; and/or 11 Municipal. · If the not publicly funded, "it must show its demonstrated .effectiveness. • ·Doesn't apply to non-profit literacy programs. 63 -~·~· l . ->. U• .~ 1.._.l t17.Cn;),1l[.> ..., ~ 1 ,._ i r Lt J .. 1 T·1··"'111·· {r1· IL\" J (_'1.· i '-r;..,, :i 1·; • " ! t I I .& ~ln··.·1· r-'"S .. J v \...\..... . . . ..... <.; FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0476 Applying the DACA Guidelines - Education (Continued) Alternative Educational Programs (Continued) Type of Program Alternative Educational Programs - Funding/Effectiveness Non-Profit Public Funding (in whole Demonstrated Effectiveness - Required for Status or in part) each program that is not publicly funded. (Does not apply to non-profit literacy - -·· ·· . __ ._, ......., ,.,_•....,,_=. ·--~-- .. ~---- '"""'~- -- · · ··• ... · ~ ......, . ...,.. ~ -- ~•.,....., ,, pro·grams): ,;_..., ~ ....... ·'"""·-· ~'"'·'"'"··-.__... ,,_ ,-..~~·-.,.->:"'·"'" ' .,_"·" ···"· .•:......;_,, '"""' · "· · ' ··~ r ESL N/A Letter from the ESL program administrator or authorized representative providing basic details about the source(s) of funding. ~*-*-L-~-e-ra_c_y~~~A~co_p_y_o~t~t-h_e_IR-S~~lf--n-ot_t_a_x_e_x_e_m_p_t.-b-u_t_p_u_b_lic-ly~~ . letter confirming tax exempt status under 501 (c)(3) I .~ '. t - Career Training and Vo-Tech N/A funded, a letter from the program administrator providing basic details about the source(s) of · .funding . ..· ..... ~ Letter from the school registrar or authorized school representative . providing basic details about the source(s) of public funding. .. .. , • • , . The program administrator or authorized representative is to provide .information about the program's demonst rated effectiveness. Such information could include, but is not limited to : • The duration of the program's existence; • · The program's track record in placing students in . pos~seconda~educat~n.jobtraining,or • ·• · employment; Receipt of awards or special achievement or recognition that indicate the program's overall quality; and/or Any other information indicating the program's overall quality. ** Refer the case to CFDO if enrolled in a literacy p ro gram run by a for-profit entity. 64 FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0477 Applying t'he DACA Guidelines - Education (Continued) Alternative Educational Programs - Evidence of Acceptance for Enrollment or Attending Classes Enrolled in/Attending Literacy or ESL Program A letter from the program administrator or authorized representative providing information such ESL as: • ... TnEfrequestor's na'me; ... • • • Career Training and VoTech ·· • ·• oo- r o,.,. ~' · I • •• .. -~ ~ I ,._1.. •,- . .. ~ ; -·• ..... . . ~ . ... ·.·....... ·--· . ..._ Date of enrollment; Duration of the ESL program and expected end date; The program admin/auth. Rep's contact info. Accepted for Enrollment An acceptance letter on school-letterhead from the school registrar/authorized school representative. Letter is to include: name and . . . · address oft.he program, a .b rief description of • the program, the duration of the program, the .... .. ,. , ..,.. , , .... .. . , .. ..... •• _ ... . ....... .:;...••.• - ....... " 4"" date. classes will begin, .ll'(ith evidence.of Attending Classes • Current attendance records • Transcripts • Report cards • Test reports ·· • Progress repo11s · ·· •--Documents are to sho·w ·the name of the school, registration . the name of the requester, the time period or semester covered by the document, and, if Evidence of acceptance for enrollment may also relevant, the current educational or grade level. include a copy of the current year registration (intake form/enrollment form), or any other relevant documentation. 65 YJ.~~. C itiZCl'bbj F and Trrrn1i < i:::.Ue:n ! St:f\lld' S .. .. FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0478 ... . ~ _ ... .;_,, ___ .... . . Applying the DACA Guidelines - Education (Continued) Graduated from School Evidence of "graduated from .school" may include copies of: • A diploma; 11 11 Transcripts showing the date.of graduation; or ·A GED Certificate, certificate of completion, certificate of att_ ndance, e or alternate award from a public or private high school/secondary school . .--.~ · -.~·-Evidence · 0f.· GEIJ-.0r·· equivalent eertific-ate~ +ncludes, but--is·· not lim·ited to : ~ Passed a GED exam; or • Other comparable State-authorized exam resulting in the issuance of a recognized equivalent of a regular high school diploma under State law . ! ) ~ • -..,;;:::::- ._... 66 . U.S. Ciri7enshi.p and . lnnnigr.1tio11 ,, ,.)Cr VlCt:.S ·FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0479 '{ I r Cf) Cf) >- >- w c. w co () Q) 0::: en Q) c ·-Q.) "'C ·::J C.9 +I c ro Q) E Q) c 0 0 ......., ·- L. .E c w co () ~ m _J :J I 0 "'C ::> w 0 u. <( () <( 0 Q) ..c ......., 0) c ·~ -c.. 0.. <( ' ~ ~ ~ ,, r. i' . ; !. App. 0480 Interim Review Fact Pattern: The requester is 19 years old and indicated that she went to a U.S. high school for 2 years and was then homeschooled. She submitted: :.~.,.. _,~_,,.~ ....---.=- .._. .••.·.·~ G , ·ep1es··or= h····sc hooI., .transcnp tS"Shew1ng··a···en d-aflC~'"" ·h er:..·~.,._,_·~'~'·-·~-~ . ~~-·--·""·...._··-=-,--=,,--·--·; n1g . 1f>r · """' · . . tt · . freshman and sophomore years (2007-2009) · • 2 affidavits indicating she was homeschooled until last year • A receipt indicating enrollment in an ESL course to start next we~k · Questions for Discussion: • .Did the requestor meet ·the "education" guideline? Explain. .. . - ···"' " . . ....... _ . - • Does this case require a referral to CFDO? . .1 Ll7 Cn\; l llp "fl (" ('. . . \., . ... >. and . Innni~.;r~1tinn Serv1ces FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive 68 App. 0481 •• ~~· .... l -· · · - Applying the DACA Guidelines - Honorable Military Discharge As an alternative to showing that he/she is currently in school or has graduated from school, a DACA requestor can meet the Secretary's. guideHnes· by showing -that he/she is an honorably discharged veteran of the --, .,.·-···· U.S. ·arill°ed~-"fo.rces. O'r~ O·~ S~ · ·Guara·~· ··:-·=···.-·... "-.··- ~~~,.~~,...,. -... ·.· · -·.. =-~..~·~=··-·~µ~;_~,A~···..-•.,,.....--...~,_·;:·,,... , ...~,, .. .. J Examples ·of a.cceptable discharge include: 11 evide~ce . of honorable Form 00-214, Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty; . 11 military/Coast Guard . . . NGB Form 22, National Guard Report of Separation and Record of Se. vice; r • Military personnel records; Iii Military health records; or · • 11 A military health record will indicate branch of service, but not the character of the service member's discharge; . e Any other relevant document. ~ ·- . TJ·· •c··· ,. , .. =1 • 1t1zen ~:rn p ) ~nd ~111 111 i.rn1 ~ie1 vices 69 FOUO - Law·Enforcement Sensitive App. 0482 ······-·· ... . · - - Applying the DACA Guidelines - Honorable Military Discharge (Continued) The Form DD-214 and NGB Form 22 both contain a section, "Chara~ter of Service".listing the type of discharge a. service me~be.r .. . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . .. . obtained. The main types of discharge include the following: - . . . . ~ . . • Honorable: • General (under Honorable Conditions); • Under Other Than Honorable Conditions; • Bad Conduct; • Dishonorable; or • Uncharacterized. To meet the military guideline, the "Character of Service" must be Honorable or General (under Honorable Conditions). 0 S. Citi:1.cnsh1~) and Tn1rni~l1-.:ni on Scrv . , ices ' 70 1 FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0483 Ap. lying the DACA Guidelines - Issues of Criminality, p Public Safety and National Security Under the Secretary's guidelines, removal will not be deferred under DACA when the requester: • -Has be. n convicted of a felony ·offense, a significant misdemeanor e offense, or three or more other misdemeanor offenses not occurring on the ·same date and not arising out of the same act, omission, or scheme of misconduct; or •· Otherwise poses a threat to national security or public safety. . . The guidelines and procedures for cases involving criminal, national security, and public safety issues are·covered more in depth .later in the training. 71 U.S. Cili7.Cnsh ip. and hnmi.gra.tion Services FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0484 ·-c \f- 0 . c .o ro L- CD a_ (.) '+- c 0 (]) -0 -0 s.... ·- > w co -0 c . Q) ~ £ (/) Ol c ··..c Q) > :e en c CD (f) .... c Q) E Q) e .E c w ~ m ...J I 0 :::> 0 LL 0) ·Q) s > App. 0485 • I M9dule Objectives ·The objective of this section is to provide a basi~ understanding of: • Review primary and secondary evidence; . • Understand how to weig_h the totality of .the primary and secondary evidence when adjudicating a DACA request; · • Apply the preponderance of the evidence standard in the adjudication of DACA requests; and, . . . • Understand which DACA guidel ines can be supported by an affidavit 73 FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0486 Evaluating the Supporting Evidence • The requester is to show, by a preponderance of the .evidence, that he/she meets the guidelines for deferral of removal under DACA. • Evaluate and weigh the sufficiency of all evidence according to its _,. consistency, and probative value·. _ • Consider any additional and new facts and/or evidence in response to an RFE or NOID before rendering a .final determination. --· ({i , I : I 1 \ I · -- ~ 74 TJ \. C:' l '/'"• IS 1' : l! \' .. .... .. ilL and lnunw,T.~tton 0 ~ .~ ~ I ~ • Scrv ice~j ' \ ~ FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0487 Standard of Proof: Preponderance of the Evidence A DACA requester is to establish by a preponderance of the evidence that he/she meets the guidelines for the exercise of prosecutorial discretion in the form of deferred action . .. Under this · tariaard, ·th_ ·reqfie· tot ·mcfsrc:femoii$trate-that ir-i"s·Yrfore··-·· -~~···:··. . ,_....__.,_. · s e. s ,. ._ .._, _. likely than not that he or she meets those g·uidelines. e The preponderance of the evidence standard is a lower standard ·of pro.of than both the ."clear and convincing evidence" standard and the "beyond a reasonable doubt" standard applicable to criminal cases. 0 - • More likely than not means probable, in other words, 51_ or more. /o 75 .,. T .., -: ' 1 • l_,,:--;_ C Jti' 7en s1Y1p ~nd ~n1n1igr.ltion S 'l'' ' : l. "e••:' 1 L \... Y ... ~) ' FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0488 Primary Evidence Primary evidence is evidence which, on its face, proves a fact. • ·In the DACA context,.an···ex· m·pl€f ofprimary evid.e ncethat ·a s could ·be.submitted to sati_ fy the age guideline would be a birth certificate. · • - example of primary evidence that could be submitted to An· satisfy all or part of ~he CR .guideline would be scho~I records. U.S. Ci tizcnshi p and lnnnigratinn Services 76 FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0489

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