State of Texas et al v. United States of America et al

Filing 64

REPLY in Support of 5 Opposed MOTION for Preliminary Injunction, filed by Phil Bryant, Paul R. LePage, Patrick L. McCrory, C.L. "Butch" Otter, Bill Schuette, State of Louisiana, State of Alabama, State of Arizona, State of Arkansas, State of Florida, State of Georgia, State of Idaho, State of Indiana, State of Kansas, State of Montana, State of Nebraska, State of North Dakota, State of Ohio, State of Oklahoma, State of South Carolina, State of South Dakota, State of Texas, State of Utah, State of West Virginia, State of Wisconsin. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Ex 1, # 2 Exhibit Ex. 2, # 3 Exhibit Ex. 3, # 4 Exhibit Ex. 4, # 5 Exhibit Ex. 5, # 6 Exhibit Ex. 6, # 7 Exhibit Ex. 7, # 8 Exhibit Ex. 8, # 9 Exhibit Ex. 9.a, # 10 Exhibit Ex. 9.b, # 11 Exhibit Ex. 10.a, # 12 Exhibit Ex. 10.b, # 13 Exhibit Ex. 10.c, # 14 Exhibit Ex. 10.d, # 15 Exhibit Ex. 10.e, # 16 Exhibit Ex. 10.f, # 17 Exhibit Ex. 10.g, # 18 Exhibit Ex. 10.h, # 19 Exhibit Ex. 10.i, # 20 Exhibit Ex. 10.j, # 21 Exhibit Ex. 10.k, # 22 Exhibit Ex. 10.l, # 23 Exhibit Ex. 10.m, # 24 Exhibit Ex. 10.n, # 25 Exhibit Ex. 10.0, # 26 Exhibit Ex. 10.p, # 27 Exhibit Ex. 10.q, # 28 Exhibit Ex. 10.r, # 29 Exhibit Ex. 10.s, # 30 Exhibit Ex. 11, # 31 Exhibit Ex. 12, # 32 Exhibit Ex. 13, # 33 Exhibit Ex. 14, # 34 Exhibit Ex. 15, # 35 Exhibit Ex. 16, # 36 Exhibit Ex. 17, # 37 Exhibit Ex. 18, # 38 Exhibit Ex. 19, # 39 Exhibit Ex. 20, # 40 Exhibit Ex. 21, # 41 Exhibit Ex. 22, # 42 Exhibit Ex. 23, # 43 Exhibit Ex. 24, # 44 Exhibit Ex. 25, # 45 Exhibit Ex. 26, # 46 Exhibit Ex. 27, # 47 Exhibit Ex. 28, # 48 Exhibit Ex. 29, # 49 Exhibit Ex. 30, # 50 Exhibit Ex. 31, # 51 Exhibit Ex. 32, # 52 Exhibit Ex. 33, # 53 Exhibit Ex. 34, # 54 Exhibit Ex. 35)(Oldham, Andrew)

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Determining When a Cas~ Requires BCU Handling (Continued) For Cases Indicating Criminal Issues (cont.) ' ··-··.-~., ....~,,"~·"-···· ··If the req uesto F·answe red·-~~Yes!.~ · to ...cri min a lity questions -on--- -· · his/her DACA request then: There is. clear derogatory information provided by the reauestor and/or in our records;. No derogatory information can be found in our · re~ords or it is unclear, and the requestor did not provide any additional information or documentation; U.S. Cir.i1:cn:~hip and . Irnn1igratirn1 ,.., . .~ ~rv ices 1 ,_ ... -·· ·-·· .. Case is handled by the BCU DACA Team. 152 FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0558 -- . . ... Handling DACA Cases with Public Safety Concerns Criminal Cases with EPS Concerns · -,_,~"'~,..,.._,~,.. lf.the~B.C_U,,~de.te:rmin.e.s the .cas.ap.res.e.ntsJssue.s .o.f. criminality, ____._. . .. ····~-.,...,-...,~.·-· ·- --. ,.,-- . --.,~ _ .. . -. processing of the DACA request must be categorized as either EPS or non-EPS. • Criminal cases d. termined to be Non-EPS are handled and e adjudicated by the BCU DACA Team. ·.·· . . . · • Criminal cases determined to be E· s are handled by the .BCU P ·· ·- · -··o ACA Team~ ·T he· BCU DACA Team shall refer the case to ICE prior to adjudicating the case, eve·n if USCIS can deny the DACA request on its merits. If ICE do· s not accept the referral, e the BCU will adjudicate the case. 153 FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0559 Handling ·cases Involving NS Concerns (Continued) If the requestor answered "Yes" to questions on the 1-821 D related to ~S issues of violent crimes_ terrC?rism, human rights violations, , persecution of others, etc. then: :::0 CD "O ~ . .. .0 . - ... 0.. c Q. CJ CD ~ ..::J , , ... ··t--; l~~· ~ ~.'/ ' ~~ ....._ f~/''' ,.:. ..>~r; ~ ,G:;! ,;.,, ' ·~· .7 }; '~ ~...?~\C, ,i.£'>,;~~ ·.7 r · }-.,;,.:.,. ~ 1 \\ ;-·.~ ~ ....;~«~(~> <!~ .:---!.' •:.. . r~·..:.·~':'c- , t-·J..· f'' .....~ .'?·. ;:.~ (. : \~) -~~) '•' 0 'l.1 "O 0 · '< ;..::-:.. ,;:.-. ? . )> !-::/~....1 < DJ DJ CJ CD . \ • .. . , "(J ,., (...,'ti ·-py ··l ·,. . ..). .I .1 ...... • 1" 155 11 i) ; and 1m tnigr.1 1·ior Sc r\' ices FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0560 Handling Cases lndi.cating Possible Gang Memb~rship I Activity (C. ntinued) o If the requestor disclosed issues indicating gang membership on his/her 1-821 D, then: There is clear derogatory information provided by the requestor and/or in our records, No.derogatory information can be found in our records or it is unclear and the requester di. not d rovide information, -, @) Case is handled by the BCU DACATeam. U.S. CiU.r.cnshlp ~ ~nd !rn1njgraticm ( -~ -· ;)i.'.f\: lC(''S 157 FOLIO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0561 When Supervisory Review is Required for Denials Involving Issues of Criminality, Public Safety, or National Security Denials due to the following issues of criminality require supervisory review: ·• Conviction for any crime committed before reaching age 18, and was tried as an adult; or • Conviction for a "significant misdemeanor;" or . . · • No crimina. convictions and outwardly appears to meet the in the 1 Secretary's June 15, 2012 memorandum; however, based on other derogatory information obtained through routine systems and background/security checks, there are credible reasons to believe that the requestor poses a threat .to national security or public safety. _ In these instances the officer.should refer the proposed denial for supervisory review: after the case has been processed through the CARRP process. ·NOTE: These are not the only denials that require supervisory full list is discussed is the Decisions module. ·r·r :1. c· . 1. u. r• Jt1zcns.11p ancl Inunigrahon Servif:es r~vi ew. T he 159 FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0562 • . " .. .C 0 ·+-' ro :+-' . c Q) en (]) ~ c.. Q) L.. en ·· ~ -c c (1J -c :::J co CD > ~ Cll c Q) CIJ ..... c Q) E Q) e .g c: w ~ m _J I 0 ::> 0 u. ~ LL • >< - App. 0563 Module Objective • Understand how to detect potential fraud in the DACA context and when to refer to CFDO for further research and evaluation. • Identify what work product you can expect from the CFDO. 1 •• Describe the pU-rpose of the Intelligence Compass. U.S. Cili?enship • • a nn 1111 nng,r;:it ion , 161 I St:rv.;ce:; FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0564 Fraud Review and Fraud Referrals In the normal course of adjudication, officers should be aware of potential fraud indicators. Fraud encompasses any material representation or omission, accompanied intent to deceive. Fraud-related concerns should be addressed according to the March 2011 Fraud. Detection SOP and the 2008 ICE/USCIS Investigation of Immigration Benefit Fraud MOA. . -. TJ.:). c··l/(:n s.11p r· tl 1· t ( ) and I1n migrat ion Services • ..___ -...: 162 , FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0565 Fraud Review and Fraud Referrals (Continued) In the immigration conte):(t, fraud is a willful misrepresentation of a material fact. An omission of a. material fact can also constitute a willful misrepresentation, rising to the revel of fraud. When reviewing an imniig·ration reque~t, a..findihg of fraud is generally supported the by presence of the following three elements. 1. There must have been a misrepresentation or concealment of a fact; 2. · The misrepresentation or concealment must have been willful; and 3. .The fact must be material. . · A finding of fraud is also supported when the immigration filing contains fraudulent documents that are germane. ·u-. ,,. (•.". d r .l .. l: •1 s 11 f; . ·1 ..' t·' 7 .•.• 163 ;:111d rn1n1i 9ral"ion St~rv ices ·.'." FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0566 How to Evaluate Inconsistencies Many DACA requesters were. brought to the United States as young .children by their parents. .. __ .. Documents that officers are generally accustomed to seeing may or may not be available. The absence of a given document does· not in and of itself mean that a guideline is not met, nor is· it necessarily an indicator of fraud . DA~A req. estors have spent a significant portion of their live~ in µ the United States as minors: Thus, the requisite intent normally .associated with fraud and willful misrepresentation ·may not be present. --· 9 {i ~ ~ U.S. Citi1.cnship ~ and ~r.nn1igratioo Services 164 FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0567 H. w to Evaluate Inconsistencies (Continued) o Applying the concept of the totality·of the circumstances, officers should·look at the entire record, in. luding the DACA request, the supporting documents, e tt:ie results of background and security checks, and any information obtained . from _ routine systems checks. One example of an inconsistency could be the use of different names. • Officers might see name discrepancies in school or employment records. • Name discrepancies! standing alone, may not necessarily be a fraud _ indicator. • Officers need not issue an RFE for evidence-of a legal name change or ot her eviden·ce; or refer the case to CFDO, if they can reconcile the discrepancy by applying .the totality of the circumstances test. ''1 ~i· ~ U (' ,.... .,.~! 7.._.. l ~ ll. I-· J 165 .>)- ..... and Innni~rai-ion Se r vi c~s FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0568 Potential Fraud Indicators In the DACA context, examples include: . of p otential fraud indicators could . • U.S. Citizenship ~ - ~ 166 ) ~nn !-n1 n1 igr,:ltion ~ ~~ ~erv1ces FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0569 Fraud Indicators (cont'd) When needed, CFDO can call the State· DOE to verify education. u.~;_. Citi·7cnship and . Ir.nn1ivr;nio11. ., ~\ Sernccs \ ""/ \' I \"'I "' - 167 . FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0570 FONS in the DACA Process • The Fraud Detection and National Security (FONS) Directorate administratively investigates allegations of immigration benefit fraud and produces a Statement of Findings (SOF) that adjudicators use to render their decisions. • In the DACA context, the SOF will docum~nt all fraud findings and u.nderlying issues impacting the favorable exercise of prosecutorial · discretion. • When adjudicating Forms 1-821 D and 1-765 for DACA, officers will refer.cases to the CFDO via a fraud referral sheet when there are articulable elements of fraud found within the filing. Officers will refer cases prior to taking any adjudication action even if there are issues which negate the.exercise of prosecutorial discretion to defer removal. lJ.S. Cit izcnship .n1d ion ~en ices - 168 FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0571 The Work Product You Can Expect From the CFDO Officers can expect a complete SOF documenting the results of the . following: • Extensive checks • Phone calls • USCIS systems • Schools • LEA systems • State Departments .of Education • Other government systems • Employers • Electronic records · , · ·· .... -·.· - ~~ ... .... · e Commercial databases • Public records • Education systems - - ~ US. C.ilizc11ship 1 ~nd !n1n1igr(1tion 0crv1ccs • __ .. 169 \ ... FOLIO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0572 Limitations of the CFDO • Interviews only in rare circumstances • Schools may not be able to divulge information to the CFDO due to privacy laws - great variation in school documents. . . - . • · · s. a .result, the CFDO's inability to obtain any information from the school is A not necessarily indicative of fraud. • Always remember, many DACA requestors might have limited documentary evidence. . . • Sometimes one document can meet more than one guideline and other · times, .several documents, viewed. together, can meet a single g~ideline . .- t~ ~ • "'- U.S. C1tiZ('f1Ship ~ ~nd !1nmigration ~,c.rv H..:es 170 FOLIO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0573 What Will You Receive from CFDO? • Results of investigation documented in Statement of Findings (SOF) • Fraud Found, Fraud Not Found, Inconclusive • Fraud Found SOF can be used to issue a Notice to Appear • One piece of the evidence puzzle .- J \' (-.·j-1· • ·L p·r l 1·. 1)1 ·p •· ... tl ... and Ilntnivration <":! ::>crvices T l . "'· 171 .1 FOLIO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0574 CFDO Referrals and Responses • The CFDO findings will be recorded in FONS-OS and reported in an SOF and placed in the A-file to. enable officers to make accurate and informed decisions on the DACA requests . ..._,. .........,. .,,,, _.--,.~ ...! d oo a.Jinding .. of fraud must be recorded in C3. • DACA cases denied due to confirmed fraud shall be referred for NTA issuance in accordance with the NTA memorandum dated November 7, ·2011. The a·p propriate NTA charge will be determined on a caseby-case basis in consultation with local counsel. -·-. • -- ~ , U.S. sh]p .: and Irnrni\.•rdl i<)ll .._, Services 172 FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0575 Inadmissibility Due to Fraud or Misrepresentation Individuals requesting DACA are not subject to the 212 inadmissibility grounds, because they are neither applying for a visa nor seeking admission to the United States~ Instead, they are seeking the exercise of for deferral of removal under DACA. -1 • --·~- • • \ "-•• • • •• · • , •• - •.Jo • • • • • .. .,. _. _ , . , _.:.•... ::• • _:,. _ _ ..,_ ,..._ • : - - • . •• • _ - · ••• ' • • '';"", -•- • - ·~ .· ·~.,.,._ , , , ,..., ..L :";i..3;.:_~ ...· - : • • H•.., .;. If found in a DACA request The presence of confirmed or suspected fraud issues are germane in deciding whether it is appropriate to defer removal under DACA. • As a result, when an individual is found to have committed fraud in connection with a DACA request, the DACA request is denied not because the individual is inadmissible due to fraud, but rather, because the fraud negates the exercise of discretion to defer removal. G • Denials are to be supported by a properly documented SOE NTA issuance is in accordance with the NTA memorandum dated November 7, 2011. U.S. C i s1'ip and lnnni 0 ~rration n • ~)er vKes 173 FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0576 ""=-···- · ."- - The Intelligence Compass (I • I Identifies trends and patterns in immigration, migrant flows, and fraud practices, as well as fraud indicators. It is an additional tool available to officers-to assist them in established fraud detection procedures Does not in itself establish an element of fraud . It may assist officers in identifying ·-..).,.. ..,......,. - ··~·-~-~~additional ··lines---of·inquiry ..or·identifying·-cases for-further scrutiny or referral t o Center ·· ··· · Fraud Detection Operations· (CFDO) or other FONS officers ; 1:1 . 11 . I No information in the Intelligence Compass will be used to determine the adjudication of any immigration benefit . e A ~ "" ~· .~ ,. c· ,..,. . I. U • .::i ....... 11:1zcns np ; and :111n-1igralion Serv 1ccs FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0577 Module Objectives The objective of this section is to : • Understan9 plain language basics; • Introduce the use of the standard DACA RFE templates, which are mandatory; and; 11 Understand and apply the elements of the new RFE templates . -- . i, • ----·- , U.S. CHizcnship ; ;lJld hnn1jgrarion S\·'.rv ices 181 FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0578 Plain Language Basics USCIS policy directs the use of plain language in RFEs, NOIDs,. and other communications with its customers Use of Plain Language in DACA-related RFEs and NOIDs: • Shows customer focus • Communicates more effectively •. Reduces time spent explaining - • Improves·compliance • Reduces ambiguity and complaints • Reduces the likelihood of ·S RMTs or possible litigation TJ" (..,. . . . .,_;. _ 1t11.ens i11u .:tnd Innnigrarion . ,_ .. Sp1-v1' r•ps . . \ ,.. FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive 182 App. 0579 - - -- - -- - - -- -- ---:-. . .. I Plain Language Basics (Continued) A goal of Plain Language is that the intended message is clearly and completely understood the first time an individual reads the document. ·· ~-· ·",. .·-- ·- ' ·-Tu··create~·p1a-in Languag· ·content for·DACA e communication~ use: • Simple words • Active voice • "You" in place of "the requestor'' .. • Short sentences (approx. 20 words or less) and brief paragraphs (7 sentences or less) 11 Bulleted lists • . Extra blank spaces on the page for readability. ·i ~ T r:: ~- l td . I ' . .~-.-i •I <' !11 t . ,-.. . ) . · · l.i • • :-111d J.;n 1ni:~r~1rl.oi1 Services · FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive 183 App. 0580 . ... _ "" Word and Phrase Usage SUGGESTED ALTERNATIVES WORD TO AVOID e • allege •· ·claim - . -:· . . .. . .. .... ... . .... -- ... ·- - · . state; explain; say; suggest -~-·-···stale; ·exprain·;···si1y; ·si19· - sf 9e • • ludicrous preposterous • • • • merely e outlandish· • poppycock e not credible· • prove show; ·establish e ridiculous • • • •r not c redible. e • on·l y; o r delete altogether ~ • ---· • · failed to submit ·- ··-:. U.S. Citizenship and In1n1igrJ.tion Sen:i.ces .. did not submit not credible not credible not credible FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive 184 App. 0581 • • .. • ., ~ • ., ,., ••• ' • Clear and Focused RFEs A series of RFE templates have been created for DACA and are included in the DACA SOP. These DACA RFE templates w ill be loaded to all centers' common drive/correspondence generator. Use ~-n- ~.,,~,····· ··~ 0f.these-- RF-E·· tem- l· tes ~is ·· m- Adatory .·. --1-nd·ivid ual ized, locally ·created · pa a RFEs shall not be used. When an officer encounters an issue for which there is no RFE template, the officer must work throug_ h his/her supervisor to identify the iss·u e .for SCOPS so that a template can be created. 11 ll1 Better requests lead to better RFE responses. T he DACA ·RFE·temp·l ates implement standards from the RFE initiative. l.lS_. Citi7.enship and In11nigrati.on Services FOLIO - Law Enforcement Sensitive 185 App. 0582 RFE Tips • 111 -.. .. -. .... .- A key goal for DACA is consistency. Use the standard DACA RFE templates only . -· .- . 11 . ~· . - .- . . -··- - . .... ...... - - .. .:. ........ -..... . •_ . .. ,, -· . . . .. . . . _ •• ~ .... . . . . .. .. _ .":.L...-. •• ;.· • • ••• •• • ··-'"1---::...:.. .- -... ~ :., :· ....:;...•·. ...._,,,,... ; •• ·- ~-- -.. - _.,••:..,.. · !_ ~· ..:::::... ~-. . Add appropriate additional language to inform the requestor: 1. What evidence was already submitted, 2. Why the previously submitted evidence is deficient, and 3. What evidence he/she needs to provide. TJ • ~- • S c . 1· ~ i. .,,'...1•\..:. ~ .• 1· - ) , l · · ' l 1 and . In1n1i~¥r~1tion ., :::. :)erv1ces FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive 186 App. 0583 _ .. -~ - .. - , .. . . . Neutral-Tone . . • ISOs are "triers of the facts." This means that RFEs will have a neutral tone and will weigh evidence to determine only whether the basic requireme'nts have been met. ,. ,...,.. c· · l· l J ~.Hl7.Cll~; 11p I ~~H u I . . . 1nn11gr.1n<rn St::r'>' 1ces .... ·.. FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive 187 App. 0584 Use of Legal Citation 1 ·"·· - ··0 . . .. -,. _ ··'· • The RFE will use Plain Officers should not -i- sert .. an, . .c itations .to statutes, regulations, case law, . n y the AFM, etc . .... ; •• • · - . - ,.- _ .. ·u1-~. Citi1enshi .... . . 1) 1 and {n1 n'li t ra1 i 0 11 .)erv ices 1 ~ll I' . • FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive 188 App. 0585 .~ ·~ , \·, en C) +-' ~ en C E ··(I.) en en ~ ' U) ·i ! ' : ! f c 0 ·en ·(..) (I.) o. • >< (I.) (.) 0 L- a.. Q,) > :;; (/) c Q,) ... c (/) Q) E Q) e .2 c: w ~ m ..J I 0 :::> 0 LL App. 0586 ·Module Objectives The objective of this section is to: • Provide a basic understanding of the requirements to properly update C3; • Understand the C3 updates required for BCU and CFDO activity; • Understand the supervisory review process for denials; • Understand the categories that require supervisory review; .and • Introduce the mandatory DACA denial template. u •.-.• • c·1tl·?.<::~ n s I11·p " . J.nd Scrvjces · 190 FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0587 Processing Decisions • All actions taken on a DACA request m~st be reflected on C3, .... including approval, continuation, denial or a customer service . . 1.nqu1ry. • Standard History Action Codes will be used with the exception of SRMT actions. · · • Denials based on a fraud finding must reflect its designated History Action Code ["EC"]. s. c·.l . l·11. p and In1111igratfrm Services ·n .. u. t1zen~ 191 FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0588 Processing Decisions BCU and CFoo·C3 codes • Gases being transferred to the BCU DACA Team - C3 shall be updated with ["FF5"] Sent to the Background Check Unit (BCU) for resolution . .,,,., .~- ?'<· ~ ·· .• ... . , .. ~. 1i1 ·- .. · ....... G·a ses·being·returned·to Adjudications·from the··BCU DACA ·Team-·or ···.'·· ~ -.. -.·· · just prior to final adjudications by the BCU DACA Team shall be updated with ["HCC5"] Received from Background Check Unit (BCU) with Resolution , .. · · 11 ·· ·c ases being transferred to the CFDO with a fraud referral ·shall be updated with ["FF1 "] Sent to the Fraud Detection Unit (FDU) for Analysis ·Cases-·being returned to Adjudications from the CFDO shall be updated with ["HCC1 "]Returned from Fraud .Detection Unit (FDU) with Results. 1J.S. Cit i:.u~n~,h ip ;1nd l1nn1igratfon Sc- v 1· '.,., · · r· '-'-:-, 192 FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0589 Processing Decisions - Fraud Indicators If fraud indicators are present during the case review process, - ··· -~·· -· ..... · ··~ ...the rd.ed to_ a a .th.eJ;.FDO... wittl._ , ed.. ~.· ~---··,. ·..·; ~.----, .·.-.-.··-·~·~··· · · , -­ a t fraud ·referral sheet prior to any further adjudicatory actions. 11 11 If the case is returned with a finding of fraud, the filing shall be · denied with a finding of fraud "EC". T . ,. c.1t 1zens I11p J' . . . . . 1 ~~. unrl l n nnioratf011 b . Services 193 FOLIO - Law Enforcement S~nsitlve App. 0590 Processing Decisions - RFE For DACA requests, when requesting additional evidence, an RFE will be used. · A NOID will rarely be used. Appendix D has a list of DACA RFE call ups to be used when processing a DACA request OJ CD (fl ..Al .j ·-··, .1 ~ 1: :·..... ~-: .. ...... ·---· Follow-· the ·steps below to process · an,·-RFE~· ---- . .. '···- . ....... . . --~ ~, CD "O -· ·- . ·-· ~· --·g_· . ",.... .....--·.. c Q. 0- -·. .!:~\~~:~:,~~ ~.{..(~~. ~~:~! :.~~:·.~~~:.~.-~~:~ ~-~:;;~.'~~~~;{;.:,.~~; J~:~: -~::u~:~ ' .. ,;_ • <fi• "'"A'"'Ct~ .:..... t:·. ~··~~'.~.~~:;~; • J ...:-;:·~;~~ :.~~r.~-- ·:.:~\~;;~;:.,. If ,,. . , (") 0 "O . . •• ~;: ~- ~ ~j~ CD 2~.~~·(~.:.. \Y~fr~: ~~~.. ~ :~: ...~·~-.r~ §:~~~\v~~~:;~: ~r:(.~;:~'.~,~~. ~· ~ '< )> . ~.r.~:\v:.~"~'\):t . . ,. 1°1, '!a "' f~r::~ .~-;~.::: I·~ .... •J ~ -~·~ .... ~\...,..~).' ;5: ~~ ,.,,..;.• 'I ' cs "'' ~2·.:·~,_~;.;, :"'~~-~ . ~;~~;·. ~ 'i,} ··· _,z,.~~~ 1 ; . .. < ~. 0) 0- CD • > ~:;:.~ ~.:::~ -~1:~ -~i'":·;~~::~".:~ ~"(~:, !;:.~~'• ~;r:·~:.r;~~ ~~:~'~::_:.~.rr:... ~'!·1:·.!-~.~-'· ~~~-:~.~: ~ ~~~~~, ~-.-,~:~r~.: ·.~~~~~;:~_~·:~.\. . .•. .. --~·~'-~.-;: ... '¥·~~·~.;. 2'.~~:;: :t. ~~- ;~~~:?~ •' .. " .:~~~~-~;f;~'ft:~~.; E'.'.'.-,'.:!; • -~~ ......, .,_... .... ~ . \.·1' 't"l~ f..'" I ,p:~ i.' ' ~l' (/""! ,; J .r,,.J•'..::. / ~il::,C'.\"".•"<,,11 ~~to!·>'· · .-:,. """"" t .: ~-~~·... F!. ~ ,,..._.~ , ... I'\ \ . • • • • '\:.;\..':, •:1 ........ 1 ,., ...'~: · I:""\• ' ~ ..... .. • ; U.S. Cit izcn sh 1 p ::n1d lrnn1igr~tt ion Services (: ,~-~~··:;~:-~':{~. t;~~"~\y '") ' 1 1 '' ,'( · J,'1 01" ,;o ....\~ .. A'l,1'1. . . ~,,. •• ( ~··u.A_, •• ·.:.,.;.- • • • •• • .. •• ~· • • '•11' ~ 0 .)_,. ' .. .......,• . '~.. .. <t' • r ,.,~·vy ·'..; . ·:,t .").. ... ·C' ( •• '. . , ... • ' .. , ; • ,,~ ••• ~~~~~- ~:~~ ~r::- ·~ ·~ n::!~ ! ~jc~~ ~\- .. {°~;~~~ .~ _,.... ..... .. . ....1~ :" f'l .. ""'r.l .. ..-/Ii. ,,!~, ~."!)°<(\ .;;;•.i•\J ..; .. • ct,"'' .. ,,.. . ...._\(1' jl !""..;;,., f •• · ··'' .;:, •• .• -.1.,.. •• 'l_j,.... ·,, ,f\~I~ (.:~ ·:.:~~ ~~~· :: ';:~l r~::::.1: .t:. ~'~ f:, _; ·.!\\ ,· '~ !' ,.).1, r' ~~·'-·,,, ........ ,;~ . :. ~::'.~;~.:(; c~·.~ ." . .. .... ·"'' .• ; , .. · ~·_,n ~\ .. . . .,.. ...\;,/ .l l\ r~i/~.\~·~~ ~- ~-~:~;·~'..- ' l •• • • ~·."n .,, , ,,:.l"ti ro•,1;\v/ • • · ... .. ..-~ .,., • '1 '<!/I .~.~·::-)• ..., ...,.,., .. ·~..'~l' ..: 194 FOLIO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0591 Processing Decisions - NOID Following a determination to issue a NOID, the Service Center must take the following steps to process the NOID. ~ ·'• -·-· ~ U.S. Citi7.cnship 1 and Innni<:.>r.ttion " Services '" ' 195 FOUO - law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0592 OJ ro (fl rT

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