State of Texas et al v. United States of America et al

Filing 64

REPLY in Support of 5 Opposed MOTION for Preliminary Injunction, filed by Phil Bryant, Paul R. LePage, Patrick L. McCrory, C.L. "Butch" Otter, Bill Schuette, State of Louisiana, State of Alabama, State of Arizona, State of Arkansas, State of Florida, State of Georgia, State of Idaho, State of Indiana, State of Kansas, State of Montana, State of Nebraska, State of North Dakota, State of Ohio, State of Oklahoma, State of South Carolina, State of South Dakota, State of Texas, State of Utah, State of West Virginia, State of Wisconsin. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Ex 1, # 2 Exhibit Ex. 2, # 3 Exhibit Ex. 3, # 4 Exhibit Ex. 4, # 5 Exhibit Ex. 5, # 6 Exhibit Ex. 6, # 7 Exhibit Ex. 7, # 8 Exhibit Ex. 8, # 9 Exhibit Ex. 9.a, # 10 Exhibit Ex. 9.b, # 11 Exhibit Ex. 10.a, # 12 Exhibit Ex. 10.b, # 13 Exhibit Ex. 10.c, # 14 Exhibit Ex. 10.d, # 15 Exhibit Ex. 10.e, # 16 Exhibit Ex. 10.f, # 17 Exhibit Ex. 10.g, # 18 Exhibit Ex. 10.h, # 19 Exhibit Ex. 10.i, # 20 Exhibit Ex. 10.j, # 21 Exhibit Ex. 10.k, # 22 Exhibit Ex. 10.l, # 23 Exhibit Ex. 10.m, # 24 Exhibit Ex. 10.n, # 25 Exhibit Ex. 10.0, # 26 Exhibit Ex. 10.p, # 27 Exhibit Ex. 10.q, # 28 Exhibit Ex. 10.r, # 29 Exhibit Ex. 10.s, # 30 Exhibit Ex. 11, # 31 Exhibit Ex. 12, # 32 Exhibit Ex. 13, # 33 Exhibit Ex. 14, # 34 Exhibit Ex. 15, # 35 Exhibit Ex. 16, # 36 Exhibit Ex. 17, # 37 Exhibit Ex. 18, # 38 Exhibit Ex. 19, # 39 Exhibit Ex. 20, # 40 Exhibit Ex. 21, # 41 Exhibit Ex. 22, # 42 Exhibit Ex. 23, # 43 Exhibit Ex. 24, # 44 Exhibit Ex. 25, # 45 Exhibit Ex. 26, # 46 Exhibit Ex. 27, # 47 Exhibit Ex. 28, # 48 Exhibit Ex. 29, # 49 Exhibit Ex. 30, # 50 Exhibit Ex. 31, # 51 Exhibit Ex. 32, # 52 Exhibit Ex. 33, # 53 Exhibit Ex. 34, # 54 Exhibit Ex. 35)(Oldham, Andrew)

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Procedures for Unclassifiable FBI Prints An FBI response might indicate that an individuars fing·e rprints were unacceptable for fingerprint analysis. ~-·· ·~v~--:~-~ -----.Afte.r...a,n j.1:1.i.tial.".u.naccepta.b.le'.'·J -response, .the ind ivid ua I. ··J·· must be reprinted. -·-'-·- ....·.·-· If the first fingerprint results are Unclassifiable, check SNAP to see if the requestor appeared for a second ASC appointment. • · If yes, check BBSS for the results. s • · If not, · chedule a second ASC appointment, using priority code "1" in SNAP to bypass the 60 ·day waiting period for rescheduling . . U.S. s:iti·1c_nsh ip ~ • in 1nngranon Serv iu:s 118 ) J1Hi .. ...._ ~ FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0524 Procedures for Unclassifiabl~ FBI Prints (Continued) RFE guidance for unclassifiable prints • • ' • O • • ' ' • ·• • •• •• _.,., • • ' • • •• • - , • . .. • ' " • • .;...-•-• ' • o • • o • ,' " l.. , . _ , , ., •'•• •~• 4 '' .C •• • : ' , , •.I ...' . : . . . . . ·~. •• •• • - ' - -· - .,_ -'•• 0 • , • , ; •'"" ,":,.o•.,, ... , , , ...... '.~ .J'";";il,' •'ro! • .. ;:-.. ••., ·, •• '" · •o." ','I>, : • If the second set of fingerprints are returned as "Unclassifiable", the officer should issue DACA RFE 150 call up from Appendix D for police certificates. • The DACA.requestor must provide (1). police clearances v _for the pre. ious five years from all places of reside nce, and (2) a stat~ment discl_ sing any and all criminal o history (arrests, charges, etc.), including overseas. U.S_. CHi7.cnsli-ip 1.i.nd hnn1igrafion Services 119 FOUO - law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0525 •· · - - ..ol RAP Sheet: Accuracy and Completeness Concerns Since participation by state and local agencies is not mandatory, the FBI Fingerprint check does not contain records from every jurisdiction. - , ~, ,.. ---.~-.-~ . ·--·...-.·.·Therefere ··~~Non-l·DEN,T· · does not·mean that the ·individual has· no·· . . ' administrative or criminal history. . If a criminal hit comes up in another system or the individual has provided testimony, a sworn statement, or other evidence of, crim inal activity that does not appear in the fingerprint results or RAP sheets ,. U·SCIS personnel should follow specific form SOPs .(where applicable) for determining. what additional. steps are needed to address the derogatory. information . . lIS. CH izcnship a11d . Jnrmigration ServKes 120 FOLIO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0526 Criminal Issues Specific to DACA An individual may not -be considered for DACA if he or she has been convicted of: A . felony offense; -'-- · ... . - -· . - .. -·· ----· ·" -· • A ·significant misdemeanor offense; or 11 -·. ·- . . -- . . - · ~ - - . ,,. . -:....- • Three or more other misdemeanors, OR, poses a threat to national,. security or public safety; UNLESS9 USCIS determines there. are exceptional circumstances. . . . . . ·~ : . ~· - -··- --The· determination·· th·at·exceptiona1-- ·i rcumstances exist for . c ·. deferral of removal under DACA will be made only at the HQ ·1evel and in extremely rare cases. 121 FOUO-Law Enforcement-Sensitive App. 0527 i '· ,. ,. N N ~ ; ~ . ! . i l C'-· ~ c 0 -(]) u. co en ·......, ro ..c Q) > ' !i ~ ~ rn c Q) en c .... Q) E Q) 0 '- ~ c w ~ <U _, I 0 ::> 0 LL s App. 0528 Felony • A felony is a federal, state or local criminal offense for which .the maxJmum term of. imprisonment authorized is for a period of more than one year. • A requestor convicted of one felony will be found not to meet the guidelines for DACA consideration, unless USCIS determines there are exceptional circumstances. ·1J·s·· . ('<; I111) . . •. . ' . . l an d f.}11111irr,1t·ion ,, __ . ~ .:>t:rv in.~s FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive 12 3 App. 0529 ~ C'-· s.... N "t"""" 0 c ro CD E Q) -0 en ·~ ......, c co (.) II'+- ·c C) ·Cf) Cl> > :E (/) c: Cl> en .... c: CD E Q) ~ .E c: w ~ t1:S ...J I . ·0 => 0 LL ro en ·......, ro ..c s App. 0530 Significant Misdemeanor A significant misdemeanor is a misdemeanor that involves: • Domestic violence • ·. Sexual abuse or exploitation • Burglary • Unlawful po_session or use of a firearm s • Drug distribution or trafficking, or • Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs; OR ·• for which the individual was sentenced to time in custody of more than 90 days. 125 FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0531 Significant Misdemeanor (Continued) • Sentence must involve time to be served in custody, and does not include suspended sentence. • Tim~ in custody does not include period in ICE custody that may follow completion of criminal sentence. • "A requester convicted of one significant misdemeanor will be . ··- fo.und .notto meet the guideli.n. s .f or DACA consideration , e · unless USCIS determines there are exceptional circumstances. U.S. Ci fr1.ens1 ii p and Irnn1ivra.tinn Services ' 126 Co FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0532 C'-· . L.. 0 c ro Q) .E Q) > :e c "' Q) Q) en -0 E Q) en ·:?!· ro en ·......., ... c Q) 0 L.. .E c w ~ ca ~ I 0 :::> 0 u. ro ..c s App. 0533 Misdemeanor .• Any federal state or local criminal offense, if: ~·· maximum - term of iniprisonmerit authorized is for a period of more than 5 days but not more than one year, • regardless of Whether the jurisdiction in which the offense is committed classifies the offense as a misdemeanor. U.S. Ci U7.c:nsh i p d.nd lmrnigrJtion Scrv ices ._ 128 FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0534 Multiple Misdemeanors • The requestor does not meet the guidelines for DACA .. consideration if convicted of three or rnore non-significant misdemeanors, unless USCIS determines there are -exceptional circumstances. • Misdemeanors occurring on. the same day or arising out of the same act, omission, or scheme of.misconduct, will only be a counted - s one misdemeanor for these purposes. -;.... . ,.... . · l s- '-.. it!7.Ct1 S I 11 p ~nd Innnigrai-1011 S1:rvices FOLIO - Law Enforcement Sensitive 129 App. 0535 Misdemeanors (Continued) • A minor traffic offense, such as driving without a license, will _·-···· -·. ... --· .. ...n.o.t .be._c.onsidere.d._ misdem~anor for purposes of this ... ···- . ... .. . .a process. •· State law immigration-related offenses characterized as felonies or m·i sdemeanors by ·state immigration laws will not be treated as disqualifying felonies ·or m·i sdemeanors. s Distinguish from ·federal immigratio~ offenses. U.S. CHi7.(~ns1d1) . .r antii I.mn1iPr.1i1on . (~ Services · FOLIO - Law Enforcement Sensitive 130 App. 0536 Foreign Convictions • Will generally not be treated as a disqualifying felony or . d . mis em. a nor. _ .. e . _ .--·· . . ··-· .... · -·-···-·-· ······-··---- -- ........ . ... · ··· • May be relevant to public safety concerns and whether, under the particular circumstances, ·the exercise ·of prosecutorial discretion is warranted. • Cases involving foreign convictions should be elevated for super\iisory review. ,. . u ..c..··1. '-...11.1 1.ens Inp 7 'V .~". l and I mn1i_g ration Services 131 FOUO - law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0537 C'-· . c 0 ·(.) ~ ·> c 0 · o ·o r en Q) ......., ::J ......, ·en · ~ c Cl> > :;; ·u; c Cl> en +" c Cl> E Q) e .g c w ~ l'l3 ~ I 0 :::> 0 u. 0 () App. 0538 What Constitutes a Conviction? Defined in _ INA § 101 (a)(48)(A) as: • A formal judgment of guilt entered by a court, or • If adjudication of guilt has been withheld, where: • · a judge or jury has foun_ the ·alien guilty or the alien has entered a plea of d .guilty or nolo contendere or has admitted _.sufficient facts to warrant a fin.ding of guilt; and • the judge has ordered some form of punishment, penalty, or restraint on the alien's liberty to be imposed. U.S. Ciri1enshh) and In1nYivrcHion , "-"' .. Serv i.ces 133 FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0539 Formal Judgment of Guilt by Cou rt • The entry of guilt can be found on the record of conviction itself . --if the alien pied guilty, theh there\tVill be an indication of the plea and the court's finding of guilt . . • If th· alien went to trial, then. the conviction record should e . indicate that the defendant-was found guilty by judge or jury • Court records vary f~om jurisdiction to jurisdiction, but you want _ to 109~ for plea, finding, entry.. or. s_ i milar words relating to guilt or a no contest (no/o contendere) plea • Indication that.entry of judgment of gu.ilt was not made include words such as "withheld" or "deferred" U.S. Ciri:1cnship .u:d Jm n li~~r<Hion Scrv ices - 134 FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0540 No Entry of Judgment of ·Guilt • Sometimes called Continued without a Finding (CWOF); ...., . . . --~~.._,.~.~. adj.udicatio.n. .w.ithh.etd.; deferred adjudication, etc. _ Different jurisdictions use different terminology. • If adjudication has been yvithheld, then to constitute a conviction, there must be 2 prongs satisfied:_ ( 1) Verdict, Plea or finding of guilt and (2) Punishment or restraint on liberty - , : • I. 'l JS ,--.... 1.ens.11 p . .. ·-.-H1 ) <tnd ilnmigr:Hic ;11 ._ ...- Serv iet", 135 FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0541 Conviction - Pleas If there is no formal judgment of guilt, then for the cou rt's action to constitute a conviction: . . ·-····,_ ···~·..-·-·'·. ··-··-~The'"'defenda·nt'"must'plead . ·guilty·or·th-e··court ·must. make a ·finding··of·guilt.-· ......... ... • . • - . :t..• ...: • _ .. . ... ~ - •· - . .... • A "nolo contendere" or "no contest" plea is still a guilty plea for immigration purposes. • Therefore, a "deferred prosecution" or pre-trial diversion program that does not- require the defendant to plead guilty or require the court to make any findin'g of guilt cannot constitute a conviction. U.S. Cirizcn slrin ;:-rnd .f n1n1igrat {on Serv1ces FOLIO - law Enforcement Sensitive 136 App. 0542 Convic~ion - Punishment, Penalty, Restraint on Liberty Imposition of costs in a criminal case constitutes a form of . ._ _ pu_o_ is.hm_ent_ fo.rJ. .8.,... . 101_ ).(48 )(.A) _ .efioJtio.n of cg_n_'lictiQn~ --. _ _,_ _. N (_a d · ___ _____. Matter ·of Cabrera, 24 l&N Dec. 4_ 9 (BIA 2008). 5 11 ~ ...... • .:. ~ : .r - - • Punishment might be fines. • ·Probation, community supervision etc., is a restraint on liberty. • Where the only consequence of a criminal judgment is a suspended non-incarceratory sanction, however, it may not constitute a: conviction for .immigration purposes. Retuta v. Holder; 591 F.3d 1181 (9th Cir. 2010) (a suspended fine was not a .punishment or penalty sufficient to be a conviction). U·-·--- ,) U.S. Citizenship · , and rnunigration ~ -- - scrv1.ces . FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive 137 App. 0543 - Exam· les of Possible Valid Gonvictions under the INA p •a. • •• • •• ' -· o • Pleas. An Alford plea, no contest plea and nolo contendere ·-~--·· r- · _ plea the "fin.ding of'~ re.q.uire. nent tor~. a. - .- ·-· ·.. . -.-. r · .conviction. ·See Abimbola v. Ashcroff, 378 F.3d 173 (2d Cir. 2004)(Alford plea is a guilty plea and therefore may form ~he basis of a conviction). . ._-_ .. . -. • Deferred Ad·judication. Both the Board and the federal courts have held that a deferred adjudication is a conviction for immigration purposes where it involves an admission of guilt and limitations on the defend· nt's liberty. See Matter of Punu, a 22 l&N Dec. 224 (BIA 1998) (Texas qeferred adjudication is ~ conviction) . , 1 . , • .... .,J,. . \ l . •). ) c··· 1.c n s ,.J p 111 1 1 and Trn m igr.ll ior 1 Serv ices 138 . FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0544 Examples (Continued) . • One court has held that a Massachusetts conviction, in which - ·-·-·-·_·-·· -· .. the _ e fen_ ant adm.i tted to .facts . s. Jficlent.for .a findi ng _ -·-· _ d_ d u _ of,g,~U.t, -· ·- ·--- --·-· -· .. -...... . · with a continuation without a finding (CWOF), and with the .·imposition of a restitution order, is a conviction under the INA. De Vega v. Gonzales·, 503 F.-3d 45 (1st Cir. 2007). 11 A "guilty filed" disposition under Massachusett~ law satisfi ~s the finding. of guilt requirement and may constitute a conviction under the .IN· . Griffiths v. INS, 243 F.3d 45 (1st Cir. 2001 ). A l_ IS_. ~ i t ·i 7.(~ n sh i p 139 and ln1111igrJ l i on " .1erv . Lees FOUO -' Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0545 Examples (Continued) • Court Martial. A judgment of guilt that has been entered by a '. _ ··-·-·--····.. ...· g.e.neral . cou.rt-;martia.I. .o f .the .. United S~tates .. Armed. __ _-·-·-· ----,~· ·.--···:_ .. . _ ._.-... . qualifies as ·a conviction. Matter of Rivera Valencia, 24 l&N Dec. 484 (BIA 2008). . . •. Probation Before Judgment. A court's grant of probation before judgment generally constitutes a conviction under the INA.. See generally, Yanez~Popp v. INS, 998 F.2d 231 (4th Cir. 1993). • Guilty Pleas Held in Abeyance. A guilty plea held in abeyance may satisfy the statutory definition of conviction. U.S. v. Zamudio,.314 F.3d 517 (10th Cir. 2002). d ~- . , · . · l l.. <: : ..-·;, 17.i..' n ~.-,1 11 p J.nd Jnnnigration '-' Servires 140 FOLIO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0546 Not a Conviction? • New York's Pretrial Diversion Agreement (PDA) is generally not q_Q_ sidered a _c9~y~ction bE?~~u~-~- . g~!l.t.. ~a-~ _ ~e~_n --~-~!a_qJi~h-~q····~·~ ---···-· -··- .... __ __ ~ .. n r1qt trial, plea or admission; nor have sufficient facts been admitted to support a finding of guilt. Iqbal v. Bryson; 5·0 4 F .Supp.2d 822 (E.D.Va. 2.009). . • · It's ·important to look at the actual diversionary agreement to see . whether there was-any type of admission or finding of guilt in _he t written agreement. Generally there ·will not be, but there are some states where admissio_ of guilt is required for en~ry ir:ito the program n (fairly rare to find these) . --- ~ U.S. Citizenship ' ) and In11wig1'.:1tion ~ ~ Services • -- ~ ~ 141 FOLIO '- Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0547 Convictions - Appeals A conviction is effective for immigration purpo. es, including s .. - ACA. .while it is on direct appeal. D , • See Plane v. Holder, 652 F .3d 991 (9th Cir. 2011 ), rehearing en ·bane .denied, 2012 WL 1994862 (2012). • If the conviction is ultimately.reversed on appeal, the DACA requester is free ·to file a new request for DACA, with fee, if. otherwise eligible lIS. Citi1.c:nship an d hnrnigrai irn.1 Se.rv it L' S 142 FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0548 Vacated I Expunged Convictions. .,, •. Generally speaking, convictions may be vacated -for one of two reasons. _··· - ·- _. • • • \ • ·· - ··- • • •• ' • • • .... • I • ,. . - . ·- ..• -.-: ... . - .;..........._ . . ·.··.. .:.n - - .-.·· .:. .. .-. .. . • .A conviction may be vacated due to a procedural or substantive defect in the conviction itself • A conviction may be vacated /expunged to provide post- . r conviction relief, such as a · ehabilitative provision that removes the stigma ·of a convicti'on or an expungement for ·youth offenders or first-time offenders. U.S. Citi1.cnship and I1nr11 ivr.Hion · "' S. ., t· \, ,· c··... e ,. ... \. ' •- 143 FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0549 Vacated I Expunged Convictions ( • .FOR PURPOSES OF DACA-ONLY, these expunged -or vacated convictions will NOT be treated as disqualifying felonies or misdemeanors . . - • Case-by-case assessment to determine whether the person · poses a threat to public safety a·nd whether the exercise of prosecutorial ·discretion is warranted. • Elevate for supervisory review . . U.S. Citi7cnshin and Jrnn1igr:lr1'on ,.., <. ~)ervin·s FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive 144 App. 0550 Juveniles • Juvenile delinquency adjudication is not a conviction . Matter of Devison, 22 l&_ Dec. 1362 (BIA 2001 ). · N c • .A conviction for immigration purposes includes convi. tion of an alien unde,r age 18 who was charged as an adult. • Juvenile -delinquency may impact public safety issues w hen co.n sidering a request under DACA • May also ·be c9nsidered in determining whether the exercise of prosecutorial discretion is ·warranted. u (,;. Ci1\71_'i'!S!ii.p iHl I! i ' •.• , i () ,. '"1' -·,·..1 . :·icn;ces ·1 I. ..., • , _ I J J • _~ "' -~ t t .. ;,. I _. 1 FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive 145 ' App. 0551 Pardons · • A full ·a nd final unconditional U.S. pardon by th.e President or . by the Governor of a .state can erase a conviction for immigration purposes. See Matter of Nolan, 19 l&N Dec. 539 (BIA 1988). .• Underlying offense may impact public safety. issues when considering a request under DACA May be considered in determining whether the exercise of . prosecutorial. discretion is warranted. · 11 ,.,_,.... ·· _·· . -·-• ··,Acli·m·ited.. pardon- wil-1 not - rase conviction for immigration , : . e purposes. FOLIO - Law Enforcement Sensitive - 146 App. 0552 Exceptional Circumstances • The requestor must specifically ask for the exception and must fully ·document the exceptional circumstances. · ·M····-·- · ._ __ .. , . ~... ·-Cri·m tnai·.history··and a·c tivities· co·m·p romising national security- · · · · and public safety carry considerable weight in the totality of the circumstances analysis. • Requires truly exceptional circumstance to overcome. •: . he determination that exceptional circumstances. exist T for deferral of removal under DACA will be made only at ".i-iQ and · n ·e xtremehi rare~. cases ....... .......... ~ . ... . ... . ·-·i . ,, ·the 8 -.. 1 : , ......:.':! __ .,. ie. e· vI U.S. CH17cnshi p ) and Irnrnigra! .iun Services FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive . .. 147 App. 0553 ... . ,... Handling Criminality, National Security or Public Safety Concerns The evaluation of criminal issues with respect to a DACA request is done after =...,... .... ~u.. .. ...~~'8·eu·~vetting ""of--the"·-TE·es ~check ·and·the·U Fil"2·5-B·· fing·erprint ·-results · from ·-the"·FB+: ,.. _, __ ,........ ---~ -·· ··-· · If the up-front TECS check reveals a hit, the DACA request goes to BCU/Triage. If the hit relates, BCW triage routes the DACA request tot.h e BCU for resolution. If the FD 258 fingerprint results returri an IDENT, the BCU reviews the results to determine whether they are germane to the DACA: request and the exercise of . prosecutorial discretion. BCU will adjudicate all OACA requests with IDENT.. _ For guidance on when to seek supervisory review of a denial involving issues of criminality, see Chapter 9, Section D. 1JS. Ci cizensh.i p ""'. 1 , I . 148 . ~IC! . 1l111HgLHiOil ~CL\'lCt:~ FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0554 Handling Criminality, National Security or Public Safety Concerns (Continued) The evaluation of criminal issues with respect to a DACA request is done after BCU vetting of the TECS check and the FD 258 fingerprint results from . the FBI. If the up-front TECS check reveals a hit, the DACA request goes to _... -·· ___...,_. ·- - ..BCU/.Tr.i.age_ .-....... --···-""'--·:... .- -· _, .... ·~--"-------~---- ·.-~..,- . 4. . -. -.-.,-. , ·--~J--~ ~-- · ·~---. .,. . .~, ,.. -· _ ,.. . -, ":. .,... ~.,,,-- . - -, -~-~--~··,,;.,. . -... -- ·.~. ... ·· _ """"~~· .... BCU Triage and Resolution Overview 1. If the hit relates, BCU triage routes the DACA request to the BCU; 2. · BCU documents the TECS hit and the resolution in the ROIQ. While ·the DACA request is undergoing the up-front TECS check, the DACA requester is placed in .the scheduling queue for an ASC · appointment to have his/her biometrics captured; 3. .-· ti) 4. . \ 1 If the·FD 258 fingerprint results return an !DENT, the BCU reviews e the results to .determine whether they ar· germane to the DACA request and the exercise of prosecutorial discretion; BCU handles the case through to completion . T) I.'" <'. . ., . . , .. ,,. "-- Hl7.Cl1 Sll lp · and lrn rnigration Services 149 FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0555 ·Evaluating.Cases for EPS Concerns The scope of criminal offenses deemed to be Egregious Public Safety (EPS) concerns are described in the November 11, 201 1 ,., . ........_. _____ , ____ NIA .me:r:n.o.randum .and the M.O A between _.USCl.S. . n--·---~·-~- .... _ and ICE. The nature and severity of the underlying crime or in th~ case of multiple crimes, the totality of the crimes, are weighed heavily and are si'gnificant unfavorable factors in evaluatir:ig public safety · concerns: regardless of the dispositi_ n of the crime( s ). · , o For ·example, an individual w.ith multiple arrests with no convictions could pose significant public safety concerns. ·• . · Similarly, an individual arrested for multiple ass~ults or other violent crimes could .be deemed a public safety risk. • 9 ; ~ lJ c c"· . i ···'· ltl7.C'l1S111p ) and hnrnigration Scrvicts 150 ~ FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0556 O> c ·"O 0 ~ N c ro CX) I I l.1.·· l c 0 en c ;t •:f! ~ ~ ·.) "-~ /- > t , en ..0 ro ro > <( >- 0.. 0 0 <l) ..0 ·o ::i "O 0 .... 0.. <l) - 0::: ( /) <l) (() ro () ro c: CD ..c $ O> c ·c ·E ~ ()) +-' CD 0 ~~ ; ...:: . -:;. \\:1 ,,,... -t:.·~ ~- ? ·'•• l ,,..., ,7 ·~ "•• ..jl • ~ ...... ro 1<\'tY •' ''""'" Q) > :e ~·<t r: ~ £T "~./ ;... ";/ .(. \\ c i \':/I E ()) en fo\'\" ,\ ~ r. \"- ~~... :::l C'" 0::: <l) :, I• ''!~ co:}<',, 0,) Q) 'f' "" ,; ·,, G.i:\ r'hl +:i c-· ~ ~ 0 ::J ' ·c CIJ c: Q) ... c: CIJ Q) . .,. ,, (.) 0 en ....... E Q) ~ .E c: 0,) :: :::l en en 0 z :: co c .~: ~t -0 ··- w ,'I' :-, ~~r:~ ~ . ..: t m ~ 0,) r, :- 0 L.. E ·;::: 0 ffi 0 ....... ::::I 0 ~ en c +:i co (.) "O c en j:f..~ ; ..; \\ u.. ~ -::-~ -.~ ~;-I ,.. •:·..:• !. .. r I ' 0,) ·~ :.1 . ~-;~ ... V' .,. .. ~.,: (, ;\ l: ~~\..... ~~- :::l C'" ,..., 4·.. "- ~ 1.~ .;'\ i:: / - .,, ~ , ' , t.::7 , . " , .... . ~~; .:;.. '":·'"· .t·;. ~~ ;- ~; en 0,) 0,) en ..c: co ...... () c 0,) L.. ..c: 0 LL I ~/· 0,) .: ;:• '::.j, •;:,,., ·'" r~ ~o/~ ' 111::.l.>' (:.~ .,,,, ~'f.~ . :::; ~;, ,.C7: ~ ~.; I/ ... ~ \·:~:' s ' 'ii ,. L App. 0557

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