State of Texas et al v. United States of America et al

Filing 64

REPLY in Support of 5 Opposed MOTION for Preliminary Injunction, filed by Phil Bryant, Paul R. LePage, Patrick L. McCrory, C.L. "Butch" Otter, Bill Schuette, State of Louisiana, State of Alabama, State of Arizona, State of Arkansas, State of Florida, State of Georgia, State of Idaho, State of Indiana, State of Kansas, State of Montana, State of Nebraska, State of North Dakota, State of Ohio, State of Oklahoma, State of South Carolina, State of South Dakota, State of Texas, State of Utah, State of West Virginia, State of Wisconsin. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Ex 1, # 2 Exhibit Ex. 2, # 3 Exhibit Ex. 3, # 4 Exhibit Ex. 4, # 5 Exhibit Ex. 5, # 6 Exhibit Ex. 6, # 7 Exhibit Ex. 7, # 8 Exhibit Ex. 8, # 9 Exhibit Ex. 9.a, # 10 Exhibit Ex. 9.b, # 11 Exhibit Ex. 10.a, # 12 Exhibit Ex. 10.b, # 13 Exhibit Ex. 10.c, # 14 Exhibit Ex. 10.d, # 15 Exhibit Ex. 10.e, # 16 Exhibit Ex. 10.f, # 17 Exhibit Ex. 10.g, # 18 Exhibit Ex. 10.h, # 19 Exhibit Ex. 10.i, # 20 Exhibit Ex. 10.j, # 21 Exhibit Ex. 10.k, # 22 Exhibit Ex. 10.l, # 23 Exhibit Ex. 10.m, # 24 Exhibit Ex. 10.n, # 25 Exhibit Ex. 10.0, # 26 Exhibit Ex. 10.p, # 27 Exhibit Ex. 10.q, # 28 Exhibit Ex. 10.r, # 29 Exhibit Ex. 10.s, # 30 Exhibit Ex. 11, # 31 Exhibit Ex. 12, # 32 Exhibit Ex. 13, # 33 Exhibit Ex. 14, # 34 Exhibit Ex. 15, # 35 Exhibit Ex. 16, # 36 Exhibit Ex. 17, # 37 Exhibit Ex. 18, # 38 Exhibit Ex. 19, # 39 Exhibit Ex. 20, # 40 Exhibit Ex. 21, # 41 Exhibit Ex. 22, # 42 Exhibit Ex. 23, # 43 Exhibit Ex. 24, # 44 Exhibit Ex. 25, # 45 Exhibit Ex. 26, # 46 Exhibit Ex. 27, # 47 Exhibit Ex. 28, # 48 Exhibit Ex. 29, # 49 Exhibit Ex. 30, # 50 Exhibit Ex. 31, # 51 Exhibit Ex. 32, # 52 Exhibit Ex. 33, # 53 Exhibit Ex. 34, # 54 Exhibit Ex. 35)(Oldham, Andrew)

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Secondary Evidence :·-.·-··-··' . Secondary evidence may be submitted to prove a fact or satisfy a guideline when primary evidence is unavailable. Secondary evidence must lead the . officer to conclude that it is more likely than not, in other words, probable , that ···--·-· ·the ·fact sought to be proven is true: · · · ·- · ·· _... · --·· 11 Examples of acceptable secondary evidence to prove date of birth: Baptismal records issued by a church showing that an· individual was born at a certain time. • ·Examples of acceptable secondary evidence to meet the CR guideline: Rental agreeme· ts in the name of the DACA request.or's parent, if n corroborating .evid.en.c.e in the file (such as. school or medical records) points to the DACA request.or's residence at that address. 8 (~ ~ 77 U.S. Citi7C:nship } ~1 nd _!1nrnigr~ttion s -.~rv H.:es FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0490 Affidavits (Continued) Weigh the assertions in the affidavits in light of the totality of all the evidence presented. When evaluating what weight to give an affidavit, take the following into consideration: ·- · --·· · - •.·.• ·. - · ···· · - -\ . . ..... ...._ ,...,. _ ______ ..... . .. ... . . ···- · ·- ·· ...- ·· '·" • • _ . ..... ........ . _ .. ~ .. . _ ... ..;_ _ _ _ ___ ,__ .•. - - · ·· --:•. ,,,,,.. _ ., :-.A.•-•., ... -. ... .....:. •. -). ~·· ····-· -...:.:~...r - .. .:::-.=. .... . r-.--.. ...:.. .. • • An affidavit needs to be signed and dated; • The identity of the affiant needs to·b· readily ascertainable from e the information in the affidavit;· ..... . . . ... -.. - - . • The· affidavit should state the relationship betwee~ the affiant and ... the DACA requestor and .contain facts that are relevant to the - guide·lin· ·the·:requestor seeks to meet; and e • The· affidavit should state the basis of the ·affiant's knowledge and exhibit first-h.and knowledge of the fact asserted. 79 FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0491 · ....._. Totality of the Evidence Review the totality of the documentary evidence to determine whether the facts needed to establish a specific guideline have been demonstrated. . When one piece of evidence can satisfy more than 1 DACA guideline: ·--·--·"..n ,_~,··~-,.--~~Examp1e; '-Sch-oo .l ""transcripts..can· showAlcarrently'. in· schoolu·;-e-R-;·and -,~~-·... · presence on 6/15/12, and can also corroborate age. -.- -·J..~~--r--'· ... ~-··v When multiple documents viewed together can satisy 1 DACA guideline: • Example: A DACA requ.estor could meet the "present in the U.S. on . 6/15/12" guideline by.submitting various form~ of.credible.documentation _ . evidencing that he/she was .present in the United States shortly before and . ._ June· 1 :·2· 1-2·,·suc·t1 ·as .bank state·m·5· 0 en'ts," pha· · .rec-ords·, ·wHfl,.,.,.~. ----· . ne .- shortly.atter_ ·.receipts with identifying information, etc. The officer could infer, based o~ ·the totality.of the evidence, t~at the individual meets this .guideline. ti.-.~ !t'Cl ~ ) D.S. Citizenship and I1nn1igrcltion St-•rvices 81 FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0492 J ,. (/) O> c ·-0 .a> . ().) . () 0 s.... a.. -ro > 0 E CD 0::: > II Q) > :;:::; 'Ci) c: Q) (/) ..... c: Q) E Q) 0 ~ .E c: w ~ C1l _J I 0 ::> 0 u. App. 0493 Charging Documents Form 1-862, Notice to Appear, initiates a removal proceeding under INA 240, and is the most common kind of charging document. ....,_ ._.__,.·.-···.·ether·c.urrently-used charging documents includes: _ • Form 1-860, Notice and Order of Expedited Removal. . U.S. Citizenship and Tnnn i~ration . Services "" 87 FOLIO-Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0494 Underlying Removal Ground Impacts DACA If the DACA requester indicates in Question #3.a. in Part 1 of Form 1-821 D that he/she has been in removal proceedings, and/or routine -,,"'7,, ... . ·--~_.,.,_systems; . . background ,-and--·,fing· rprint"· ch· cks · i nd·icate· that the··. ,..... ·-·. ..... ·-... ·--"..,-... -·· e e · requestor is in removal proceedings, proceed as follows: • Review the underlying removal charges; and · • Review the derogatory information obtained through routine · checks. ~ --- ~ lf.S_. CHizensh·ip ~ a.nd I n1 n1 igrai ic :n • --- Servjce:, 89 FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0495 Underlying Removal Ground Does Not Impact DACA A individual in proceedings can have his/her removal deferred under DACA if the underlying removal ground does not adversely impact the exercise of discretion. •• '" ' - ·• 4 • - · :. ·. • • • : · ·-······ ·-:.~ r.:,,- r •• ._ •• • -·~ ··. ·.-. 1. :...•:...- :..•; :• • - · • •· · • : •. ::::••·-· .._--.-..·.·i•.,. tv-:.::""'•'"""""·-· : -•. 'l. · ."· -:O, _ .. :.:;:•,;: : .. ·- •• .-.._•: - -· - : · :;.""l."" ". rr-~·.-·':--~·..-:;.- ..·J.:,•f';," .;"::-J••• ~.-t o;-;._ • ....,..n:- .r. ::: .::.•_..-;:-.:'~ ··-~-;,...·. ._:- . · -. • Review the results .of all routine systems, background, and fingerprint checks. • If those routine·checks do not reveal any additional derogatory information (such as issues of criminality, national security, or public safety), proceed with adjudication. lJ.S. Citizen ship and Tn1 n1igr::nion. Service'.' - 90 FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive <---- App. 0496 Important·Note Do not rely solely on the grounds listed in the charging document and/or'EARM . .· .. . .. . . . . . .. ........... • Not all issues may have necessarily been captured in the charging document.· • New issues may have arisen since the charging document was issued .. Review all derogatory information in its .totality and then make a'n informed.·assessment regarding the appropriate exercise of discretion for DACA. 9'1 lJ.S: Ci t.iz<~nsh1p anci 1rnnllvrzltion I - ~erv ices - (_.., . ·~·.:. FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0497 Reinstatement of the Prior Removal Order When an individua' reenters the United St~tes illegally after having been removed or after leaving voluntarily under an order of. removal, he/she is subject to reinstatement of the prior removal · orde-r··frc5m ·its original date. INA 241 (a)(5) To meet the DACA guidelines, the removal AND the subsequent illegal reentry had to occur before June 15, 2007. • Requester is to have ·a t least 5 years CR .before June 15, 2012 up to the ·date of filing . ·· •· ·Re·moval is·-not a BCI· departure· ~ it interrupts the CR period. · 92 FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0498 Exercise Fact Pattern: The req.uestq,r claims that he is 14 ye~rs old an_ indi. ~a.t.e~. -·- ... d that his proceedings were administratively closed. · • I ' - • Questions for Discussion: How would you verify whether or not the requestor is ~ . ·-· · ·· · ····.···~currently in proceedings? -··- ··· -- ·· ·· · -- · -- ~- · ·. . · · --·-· · ~-· ·::----··- · - · ------- -· If the requestor is in proceedi.ngs· what impact does it have , on his DACA request? . · - YJ ~ c····1' (:.~."71"11·t"f'J I I .'I::.. and Iru111jgratio11 Services ~ , 1.>. , .l 93 FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0499 ~ - en ~ .:::t::. '-- (.) :::J Q) (.) Q) ..c ; ,. (/) () ca -c c :J 0 . '-O> .:::t::. . (.) ro en - Q) > :;; (/) c Q) ... c CJ') Q) E Q) 0 ..... .E c w ~ ca -' I 0 :::> 0 u. • > App. 0500 Module Objective·s The objective of this section is to provide a basic understanding of: 0 Identify .mandatory background checks • Identify if a case needs to be referred to the BCU DACA Team • Comprehend how to process various background-check elements lJ.S: Citif.cnship ~ind l rn mi~., ra.t ion .. 95 ~ '°"i'',_,,,,y. ;(''" · \.J ' .1 ~ FOLIO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0501 Background & Security Checks Background checks refer to t~e analysis of the results of security checks or any other identified concern relating to national se. urity of public safety c and the actions required to resolve the concern . . : The routrne background and· security checks·to be performed on DACA are: .. TECS queries; and • FBI fingerprint checks. Conduct the resolution in accordance with current NaBISCOP and CARRP policies. 96 U.S_. CJtizcnship and , 1:ri·~u ion ln1111t C"t . Services FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0502 Background & Security Checks. (Conti"nued) The CARRP process will guide the resolution of all TECS hits with national security issues. • The BCU ~ill process all non-KST I KST national security concerns . . -., .... -,.,,. - ... ,._.........·T-he GARRP··-unit·wi·ll-rol:Jte·cases··Jor-supervisory review·before the .... · ·decision is issued~ with issues of criminality should be handled per standard protocols . according to whether Egr~gious Public Safety (EPS) issues are present, -as described in the November 7·, 2011 NTA memorandum. U.S. Ci.tiz<~11ship 97 .lnd ln1n1tpra1·io1 i ... ,,,,. Services FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0503 Routing and Handling of TECS Hits and IDENTs For·DACA, a specialized adjudication team has been established at each center within the BCU. This team, BCU DACA, will process and ··~··"",u.dicate._.alLDACA~[e.q.u.ests.. .thatJ1aveJssu. s. . cri.mi.n,al.ity...... -·~-·= -c·-..-~--·---"..,_ ....~...._-. -· e of_ TECS hit and IDENTs with issues of criminality will be routed directly to the BCU DACA. When an officer conducts a backend TECS que· y and the SQ-11 r returns an issue of criminality that relates, .the officer will ·route the case to·the BCU DACA team for further processing . ... -·-....-.. · ·. •'. " If-an officer ·inadvertently receives·a DACA·request ·with a criminal TECS hit and/or an IDENT, the officer must route the case to the BCU DACA. • Officers will receive DNRs and non:-criminal resolutions from the BCU . · ···- ( • TT ( ' -, . • i· · u ..) . Lil 17.( ' :lS 11 t) ) a nd lrnn1ig;·~Hi'o11 Servi ces 98 FOLIO- Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0504 low chart indicates overview f the background check rocess once potentially erogatory information has een. identified as a result. of he security checks or from . ther sources. I .. 'I-. T ...... •, .. i' ! . J \; ,., 17CnSl"llp ' , 1.. and I rn migration Serv icl's 99 FOUO- Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0505 Alias and Date of Birth Search Confirming a HiUMatch • Post-discovery of potentially derogatory information: ·~--~·--..·~-=""'~~-:~.-- n -... , :'--u . o t· "b " t -·- -··· -· et· r-m . e"·I·,.. th e-\'.Je re@- to ry,.-1A f· rrna-·1on-~·- - e:I0 Ags-':-·-CJ-th e-"' requ_ st 0 r--~----~·--='-=.:... _,-~-- ···-e 1-n 'f - ,.J a · " e ° Compare the derogatory information -to information of the req·uestor • Uncertain whether the derogatory information belong·s to the requestor? - .consult with your supervisor • Persistent uncertainty?~ supervisors may work through their chain qf command and BCU DACA Team continued . .. 0.S. Citi.1.c nship 100 and lrn nrigratjon Services - FOLIO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0506 Background & Security Checks (Continued) Does the Information Belong to the Requestor? • Conclusive Match - determine the appropriate categories: .... · ·~·~< ...:.. . . _ •. · . .•.. -·~ .. N atio.n.a I .Se. u rity._.__ c J . ... . -~ ~.·----··:··. .,._.~,....,. • • • _• • ...:_ ~.·- ._,,_._-.~-- -. - -~.~·~.r·m,,.~~~,.-,.,.. _ _ __, ;.. · - , .. . . . . ..:.,·.. .... _~="" ,,,___...._.,.-.:... ~.,, ..-.,..,.._,,._,_. ·-:=~=...,."...._._.,. , _,,,,,.._ .. , r. -• .. ",, ... • EPS or other criminal cases • Forward to the BCU DACA Team if NS or criminal • Immigration related or other non criminal • Inconclusive {TECS/IBIS) Match -consult your chain of command for appropriate follow-up action • Process all DNRs • Process all Immigration related or other non criminal inconclusive matches • Forward all criminal or NS inconclusive matches to BCU DACA Team . ... . lt17.tll <:.1· L) 1J l .1s·c·. J Jnd I-m rnigr,l tiori Services I ~ • · ~- ~ . . 101 FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0507 Background. & Security Checks (Continued) Resolving the Concern • Sample activities of BCU resolution process · ·· • Contact with other components and/or agencies ··• Referral to ICE · ··· .. ·- ·--· ·· · ··· _ , ... ~. · ·. · · · · ~- · ····· ········ ·· ··-···--..... , ~.~.:.·:- . -.-..,, .... ---.. ..... ... , • Deconfliction • BCU DACA Team documents findings on each resoluti<?n • BCU. DACA Team ISO reviews reques_ following resolution t • All DNR hits identified in the normal adjudicative process will remain in the normal adjudicative workflow •··The BCU DACA Team will review·all related hits that will result in a denial due to criminal or NS concerns 1i" ,,, -''""1' t i"7;•11<.;J·iin , . . . . . . . 1'. . ·'- - 102 ... ,._.. ::i.nd ln1n1ivrJ.don ,_, Scrv ice~. FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0508 Systems Checks - TECS • Conduct batch TECS queries on primary name and DOB within 15 days • Conduct a separate query for each name and DOB (alias) .combination , .. . ., . _... . _ , ~· . . . - . .,... . ~ .... _ .. ... - -- . ... -.-. . .. ,. ~ • Some files may contain multiple names and/or DOBs • TECS query results are.valid for 180 calendar days • TE.CS views include: • records of wants and warrants • · lookouts from the NCIC (National Crime Information Center) · o& . . . . -- - ·e USCIS has access to other types of records U.S. CHi:;.cnship and Tmn1igration Services 103 FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0509 Systems Checks - TECS (Continued) • Review the following in the A-file for name and DOB combinations and aliases: • Form 1-821 D ... _...· ··~~ .,..-~ · .. :-• Form 1..:755 ·and ·1-765WS . . .., ·~ · .. . .. . .,.... . -. ~ . _ ,.._....-.... ·.·... _ ~. . .............. --.. • All supporting documents filed with the 1-821 D and I-765 • Other DACA-related documents in the A-file ... l . .•. _.ltl7.Cl1 \. HO US . ('" . ' . . -·-· -·- .. 104 1 and I n1111igrdli on Se.rv lees -·· FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0510 Systems Checks - TECS (Continued) Possible Results of TECS Queries: 11 NO MATCH FOUND - screen displays "No Match Found" • -TECS RECORD - ..system located one possible match.·--· .... . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .... .-. ... . - . ~... .,; . . , .. .. . . ... .. -- ·· -· . . • '- •'• •, ...... .. .. .. . • HIT LIST - system located more than one possible match U.S. Citizenship and ..l nin1ivr,1rirni ....., :icrv1ces 105 ~ FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0511 Systems Checks~ TECS (Continued) Types of TECS Hits • National Security (NS) - may indicate an NS concern • Egregious Public Safety- See Nov. 7, 2011 NTA r:nem~~an~~m • INTERPOL - Indicates record of international want, warrant, etc. • Examples of other TECS hits include: • Agricultural violations • Visa overstays • Marriage fraud • Absconders -· - ( • , U.S. Ci£ i7.enship ) and frninigt«llion Serv ict'~ 106 FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0512 Systems Checks - TECS (Continued) • Determine if the result of a security check relates to the requeste r • Review and resolve security checks ... -·. ~--.... ........•....Complete the background checks • NaBISCOP policy • SQ-1'1 procedures, search criteria, _ and best practices • Procedures and formats for resolving hits U.S. CHi?.cnship and lrn rnigr·~lJion Servin:s ( 107 FOLIO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0513 Systems Checks - Fingerprints • FBI Fingerprint Check - provides summary information of a U.S. administrative or criminal record • AS. captures fingerprints for.full biometrics capture C ... Four results frbni FBl"system: · ·· · ... .... ······ -.. - .. · ··· .. · . ~ . . . .... ·-: .. -....... ~ ..... - ... - .-.- . • NON-IDENT • IDENT • Unclassifiable • No Record U.S. Ci t'i 7.(' ll ~,ht p and lrn niigraUon Services 108 FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0514 Systems Checks - Biometrics/Prints Collection • All requesters must be scheduled for biqmetrics capture at an ASC • Requesters younger than age 14 will have press print captured , ___ -···,···-'< ·-·····• ,."" ····Al-l ,ether.,requestors·require -both- biometrics and·· 10-prints · TJ S. CHL•cn sh in and I1nmigradon Service~ 109 FOLIO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0515 Interim Review Fact Pattern Number: On his Form 1-82·1D, a requester listed his name and date of birth as ~.·.~-=,..;~._,_ .•• ~••John..C,b. c.o.n,~,M a¥.J_ .... A\n, e m.p l.o¥e Laffi davit .Ii e .. q.u.e.sto [~Sr....... ,~ ~..... :·· a 7., _ .. .r.e first name as Johan with a DOB May 17, 1989. What additional SQ11 .queries must the officer conduct? -·· : ~ • -·- TJ.S. Cidzc:nshi1j and hnmigrJ.tin.n Services 110 FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0516 ·. ~ \J ~ I ' Q) c m 'I ~m I ' Cl) ·' ·- (.) m ·- _ .c .c :J E a.. ·L... (.) Q) > :;; Cl) c: Q) .. CfJ c Q) E Q) 0 L. .E c 'I w 0 ~ CG _. en Q) I 0 :::> 0 u. :J en CJ) ll > App. 0517 Module Objectives This module is geared more towards the BCU DACA Team, but all officers should be familiar with issues of criminality and case _ .. hanoJing._Review fing~rprin_t 9no RAP ~_he~t handliJ1g ... ... ____ --- - . · • Understand and be able to apply the criminality guidelines relevant to DACA • Pre~ent and understand the criminal definitions to be used in DACA adjudications • Understand the ·role of the centralized BCU DACA Team 11 Understand when supervisory review is mandatory •· Review Process Handling --· • (_ . .. n t7ens1 · 11p U·s·· . <'"'· ·· ) anci J m 11Jig Scr v ices 112 FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0518 Introduction The Secretary's memorandum identifies the issues of criminality and public safety that would, as a matter of discretion, result in a decision to not defer removal under DACA. Criminality No conviction for: • A felony offense; • A significant misdemeanor; or a Three or more non-significant misdemeanors. • _ Not.occurring on the same day and not arising out of the same act, omission , or scheme of misconduct. Public Safety Public safety concerns .are evaluated under the totality of the circumstances by taking into account the DACA requestor' s entire crimina· record and any other relevant factors. 1 TJ. s· . c· · · \. •. ..lt17.Cll.Sl 11 p and Tn1n1 igr,V. on i Services ..., 113 FOLIO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0519 Fingerpri.nts and Rap Sheets At the time of adjudication, the file should contain a screen print of either the. FBI . .Query with the RAP -sheet (if applicable) or the--··--·-- ... . based C3 ..... .. -· ·-··· . . .. . .. -· .. - . . · Fingerprint Tracking System to indicate the present status of the fingerprint checks. A definitive fingerprint-clearance response is required before any DACA.request for an _individual 14.years of age and older may be approved. . • • • .... . . When there is a po· itive TECS hit and/or an IDENT, these cases will s not be routed·to the floor, but rather, to the dedicated BCU DACA team. Officers should not see these cases. If an officer does see such a case, or encounters issues of criminality in the course of adjudication or conducting the back-end TECS check, route the case to the BCU DACA Team . -- I • . t.J.S. Cit17.cnship 114 ) and Irnn1igr<ll ion __W C ·~1-'\: l• I . '-"" v ·-"-·., 1)C FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0520 Fingerprints and Rap Sheets (Continued) Validity of Print Results - ···,-··--·····-While. normally th'e·response-·· is ·valid ·for ·1'5 months from the date the FBI processed the fingerprints, for DACA.prior fingerprint results will not be accepted. Officers should utilize FD-258 to verify that the fingerprint check was completed specifically for the DACA request. ·Although biometrics will not be cloned from other filings, if the requestor ·has a criminal history with ·an IDENT result and there are already.RAP · ..... - . sheets-in·tt:'te · i.le·;f .request updated RAP--sheets through the Fingerprint Refresh Resubmission Process. U~S. C"it i1cn sh ip and It 11 m.igr;trion S.., l . 'l"' I \.. ~,", 'r -'· ' - ..... 115 FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0521 Fingerprints and Rap Sheets (Continued) Getting Fingerprint Results The fingerprint clearance .shoulq be complete before the case is sent for . . .... ... ... a_dj~d_i_ca~_i9~.: ..H9.VY.E?~E?.f,.. i_f.t~-~.r~ . '-~- ~9..f!i!.9.~~.J?Il~t-.~~-~.~1!_ p_r!~.!~.u_t___~~~!.h~~-.f.!J.~~~--··'·'"...... ____ __ ..· ., .... the officer is responsi. le lo perform a query of FBI Fingerprint Tracking in b CLAIMS Mainframe and to also check SNAP to see if the requester has been scheduled for an appointment at an ASC. A-number/Alias Information on the RAP Sheet If any other A-numbers are found on· the RAP sheet, the files n1Li$t be . -· requested·~ 'revfewed~··an-d consolidcife''( (pflor'" o-any. final iiction" t .""ffthe .....~ ... . ·-<~,....... .RAP sheet indicates any aliases or alternate dates of birth, the officer must conduct required background and systems checks on all additional name/DOB combinations. U.S. Citizcnsh1 p and ! nnnigration Serv1ces 116 FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0522 Understanding Fingerprint Query Results There are four ·possible results of a fingerprint query: . . • ·-~.- • • Non-IDENT - FBI possesses no administrative or criminal history · IDENT ·- There is an admiiiist(ative Cir·criminal record listed in the FBI files relating to the· individual. FBI will forward a copy of the RAP sheet to USCIS. .. . ".. U.nclassifiable ~The individual's fingerprints were unacceptable for ·fingerprint analysis. The Service Center must follow procedures to schedule a reprint appointment and any required follow-up · verification in lieu of fingerprint results. No Record - No Record an FD-258 was sent to the FBI or no respon·s e from ·the FBI. The SerJice Center must follow procedures regarding ASC reschedules and -~ no shows. 1J.S. C'itizcnsh1 p ;111d i_ n.;111 i 1.' ra..tir'm ~, ' C.• :-icrv1ces 117 FOUO - Law Enforcement Sensitive App. 0523

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