State of Texas et al v. United States of America et al
REPLY in Support of 5 Opposed MOTION for Preliminary Injunction, filed by Phil Bryant, Paul R. LePage, Patrick L. McCrory, C.L. "Butch" Otter, Bill Schuette, State of Louisiana, State of Alabama, State of Arizona, State of Arkansas, State of Florida, State of Georgia, State of Idaho, State of Indiana, State of Kansas, State of Montana, State of Nebraska, State of North Dakota, State of Ohio, State of Oklahoma, State of South Carolina, State of South Dakota, State of Texas, State of Utah, State of West Virginia, State of Wisconsin. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Ex 1, # 2 Exhibit Ex. 2, # 3 Exhibit Ex. 3, # 4 Exhibit Ex. 4, # 5 Exhibit Ex. 5, # 6 Exhibit Ex. 6, # 7 Exhibit Ex. 7, # 8 Exhibit Ex. 8, # 9 Exhibit Ex. 9.a, # 10 Exhibit Ex. 9.b, # 11 Exhibit Ex. 10.a, # 12 Exhibit Ex. 10.b, # 13 Exhibit Ex. 10.c, # 14 Exhibit Ex. 10.d, # 15 Exhibit Ex. 10.e, # 16 Exhibit Ex. 10.f, # 17 Exhibit Ex. 10.g, # 18 Exhibit Ex. 10.h, # 19 Exhibit Ex. 10.i, # 20 Exhibit Ex. 10.j, # 21 Exhibit Ex. 10.k, # 22 Exhibit Ex. 10.l, # 23 Exhibit Ex. 10.m, # 24 Exhibit Ex. 10.n, # 25 Exhibit Ex. 10.0, # 26 Exhibit Ex. 10.p, # 27 Exhibit Ex. 10.q, # 28 Exhibit Ex. 10.r, # 29 Exhibit Ex. 10.s, # 30 Exhibit Ex. 11, # 31 Exhibit Ex. 12, # 32 Exhibit Ex. 13, # 33 Exhibit Ex. 14, # 34 Exhibit Ex. 15, # 35 Exhibit Ex. 16, # 36 Exhibit Ex. 17, # 37 Exhibit Ex. 18, # 38 Exhibit Ex. 19, # 39 Exhibit Ex. 20, # 40 Exhibit Ex. 21, # 41 Exhibit Ex. 22, # 42 Exhibit Ex. 23, # 43 Exhibit Ex. 24, # 44 Exhibit Ex. 25, # 45 Exhibit Ex. 26, # 46 Exhibit Ex. 27, # 47 Exhibit Ex. 28, # 48 Exhibit Ex. 29, # 49 Exhibit Ex. 30, # 50 Exhibit Ex. 31, # 51 Exhibit Ex. 32, # 52 Exhibit Ex. 33, # 53 Exhibit Ex. 34, # 54 Exhibit Ex. 35)(Oldham, Andrew)
App. 0822
et al.,
) No. 03-1361
Consolidated with Nos. 031 362-1 368
I, MICHAEL C. MaoCRACKEN, declare as follows:
I received my Bachelor's of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Princeton
University in 1964,I then received my Master of Science and Ph.D. degrees in Applied Science
from the University of California Davis in 1966 and 1968, respectively. I was elected to the Phi
Kappa Phi honorary society at both undergraduate and gtaduate levels. From 1968 to 2002,I
was employed as a physicist at the University of California's Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratory (LLNL), where I led a number of scientific projects using numerical models to
simulate the effects of transport and industrial emissions on air quality and the response of the
climate to a range of natural and human-induced perturbations, including the likely impacts of an
increase in the concentrations of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide. As a result of these
projects, I am the co-author/co-editor of eight books, 22 journal articles, and hundreds of other
reports and other notes.
From 1993 to 2002,I was on assignment from my permanent position with LLNL
to serve as the senior scientist on global change at the Office of the U. S. Global Change
App. 0823
Research Program. In this capacity,
I served
as the
first Executive Director of the Office of the
U.S. Global Change Research Program ("USGCRP") from 1993-1997. I was responsible for
assisting in the coordination of the global change research programs of ten federal agencies,
including the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Energy, the National Science
Foundation, the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, NASA, and others. In
addition, in my role as senior scientist, I was responsible for keeping up with scientific advances
in the field for the USGCRP andãssisting the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP)
of the Executive Office of the President in summarizingthe scientific advances for government
Following my tenure as Executive Director of the Office of the USGCRP, I was
appointed Executive Director of the National Assessment Coordination Office, and served from
1997 through 2001 in this
role. I led a small staff that had responsibility for coordinating
U.S. National Assessment of the Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change
(U.S. National Assessment), which was carried out under the auspices of the USGCRP. This
responsibility included helping to design and support the overall assessment activity, focusing
particularly on ensuring the high quality of the scientific aspects. The U. S. National Assessment
was carried out at the direction of the Director of OSTP. The National Assessment brought
together the efforts of 20 university-based regional teams, 5 joint university-government
scientific teams focused on particular sectors of the economy and natural resources, and a federal
advisory committee composed of 12 leading scientists and experts. In addition to participating in
and reviewing many of the regional and sectoral activities and reports,
I served as an additional
lead author and generally contributed to the preparation of the national level reports entitled
Climate Change Impacts on the United Støtes: The Potential Consequences of Climate
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App. 0824
Variability and Change, that were published in 2000 and200L r I was an additional lead author
of the National Assessment's Overview Report, and for the National Assessment?s Foundation
Report I was one of the lead authors of "Chapter 1: Scenarios for Climate Variability and
Change" and "Chapter 12: Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change for Native
Peoples and Homelands." In my role as Executive Director of the National Assessment
Coordination OfÍice, I also prepared Chapter 6 of the U.S. Government's Climate Action Report
2002.2 This report was the U.S. Government's quadrennial national communication under the
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change; Chapter 6, on impacts and
adaptation, incorporated the findings of the National Assessment.In2002-03, I also assisted the
Department of Transportation in the conduct of a workshop on the potential impacts of climate
change on transportation.
I have served in various capacities in the preparation of the First, Second and
Third Assessments of the Intergovemmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). For the IPCC's
First Assessment Report, which was completed in 1990, I was a contributor to Chapter 5 on
"Equilibrium Climate Change-and its Implications for the Future" and Chapter 8 on "Detection
of the Greenhouse Effect in the Observations." For the Second Assessment, which was
completed in 1995, I was a contributor to Chapter 8 of V/orking Group I, "Detection of Climate
Change and Attribution of Causes," and a lead author of Chapter 25 of Working Group
"Mitigation: Cross-Sectoral and Other Issues," For the Third Assessment that was completed in
2001,I was a contributing author to Chapter 12 of V/orking Group I, "Detection of Climate
Change and Attribution of Causss." I was a reviewer of various chapters for each of these
U.S. Globul Change Research Prograrr¡ Climate Change Impacts on the tJnited States; The potential
ConseQuences of Climate Variability and Change: Overview Report (2000) and Foundation Report (2001).
Available from Cambridge University Press.
U.S. Dept. of State, U.S. Climqte Action Report 2002 (U.5. Government Printing Office 2002).
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App.iJ0825 f?
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assessment reports and as part of my responsibility for the Office of the U.S. Global Change
Research Program,
I served
as scientific coordinator
for the official reviews of the U.S.
Government for both the Working Group I and II contributions for the Second and Third IPCC
Assessment Reports.
I also served as scientific advisor to the U.S. delegation
at the plenary
meetings of Working Group I for the Second and Third Assessments,3 conhibuting to the
preparation of the Summary for Policymakers of each assessment. For the IPCC's Fourth
Assessment Report to be completed
in 2007,I was recently appointed by the leadership of
Working Group II to serve as Review Editor for Chapter 14, which will focus on past, ongoing,
and future impacts of climate change on North America.
Summarv of Opinions
The following findings and supporting information are offered as my expert
scientific opinion, based on my education, qualifications, experience, and knowledge of the
relevant scientific literature. These findings, in my expert opinion, also reflect the strong
consensus of opinion among qualified scientifiq experts involved in climate change research
the U.S. and around the world:
The atmospheric concentrations of three important greenliouse gases, namely carbon
dioxide (COz), methane (CH¿), nitrous oxide (N2O), have been increasing since about
1750 as a result of human activities, principally the combustion of fossil fuel. The higher
concentrations of these greenhouse gases enhance the Earth's natural gteenhouse effect
and exert a warming influence on the Earth's climate. The human-induced increases in
the concentrations of COz, CH¿, and NzO are widely considered to be the major factor
responsible for the global warming of about 0.6"C (about 1"F) that occurred during the
to joining the Office
as a scientific adviser to the US delegation for consideration of the IPCC Working
H"ld in Madrid, Spain in November 1995 and in Shanghai, China in January 2001. Prior
I also served
Group I special report in January l992held in Guangzhou, China.
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App. 0826
20th century.
The most probable scenarios of future greenhouse gas emissions indicate that, in the
absence of
policy change, atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases will continue
to rise steadily throughout this century, very likely exceeding concentrations seen over at
least the last 10
million years. As a result, global average surface air temperature, which
has already increased by about 0.6'C (about 1'F) over the last century,
also continue
rising at rates unprecedented in human history. In its Third Assessment Report,
averaging across the results of climate models, the IPCC concluded that global surface air
temperature is likely to increase by about 0.2 to 0.5oC (about 0.3 to 0.9"F) per decade. By
the end of the century, global average surface air temperature is projected to increase by
about 2 to 4.5"C over 1990 levels.
Important environmental impacts of global warming that have occurred to date include:
(i) the warming of the oceans and the increased melting of many mountain glaciers
around the world that were the major contributions to the rise in global sea level
by 10-20
cm (4 to 8 inches) observed over the past century; (ii) the lengthening of the growing
season in
mid- and high-latitudes that has contributed to poleward and altitudinal shifts of
plant and animal ranges and the deciines of some plant and animal populations; and (iii)
the thawing of permafrost, and the later freezing and earlier break-up of ice on rivers and
The environmental impacts ofprojected global warming will include: (i) an increase in
level at an average rate of about 0.5 to 3.5 inches per decade, reaching 4-35 inches by
the end of the century (with the most likely value being, in my expert opinion, near or
So*" text is drawn from the IPCC's Third Assessment Report Climate Change 2001; Impacts, Adaptation and
Vulnerability; Cambridge University Press, page 3
L; i.l i. r- ;;Ö
App. 0827
above the middle of this range);
ecosystems (e.g., coral reefs,
severe and irreversible changes to important natural
Arctic coastal environments) and geographic features (e.g.,
forest boundaries, glaciers and ice sheets); and (iii) significant reduction of water storage
in winter snowpack in mountainous regions with direct and important economic
Achievable reductions in emissions of COz and other greenhouse gases from U.S. motor
vehicles would significantly reduce the build-up in atmospheric concentrations of these
gases and delay and moderate many of the adverse impacts
of global warming.
The scientific basis for each of these findings is explained in more detail below.
Current State of Scientific Authoritv on Climate Chanee
Collective scientific understanding of climate change is best represented in major
assessment reports that assemble, evaluate and critically summarizethe results of thousands
scientific papers and studies that have been written about the many aspects of the climate change
issue. These carefully peer reviewed assessment reports present the most authoritative consensus
available of the scientific understanding of the effects of human activities on climate, as well as
of the potential impacts of climate change on the world and the U.S.
In the late 1980s, the international community formed the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which produced a series of major assessments of climate
in 1990,
1995 and 2001.5 The national academies of science of approximately twenty
The IPCC's First Assessment Report series in 1990 consisted of the following reports: Scientific Assessrnent of
Climate Change - Report of Working Group / (Cambridge University Press, UK); Impacts Assessment of Clímøle
Change - Repòrt of Working Group 11(Australian Government Pubtishing Service Marketing Section); and The
IPCC Response Stralegies - Report of llorking Group III (Island Press, USA). The IPCC's Second Assessment
Report Series in 1995 consisted of the following: Climate Change 1995: The Science of Climate Change; Climate
Change 1995; lmpacts, Aclaptations and Mitigation of Climate Change: Scíentifi.c-Technical Analyses;and Climate
Change I 99 5 ; Economic and Social Dimensions of Climate Change (all available from Cambridge University
Press). The IPCC's Third Assessment Report series in 2001 consisted of the following: Climate Change 2001:
Synthesis Report; Climate Change 2001: The Scientific Basls (Houghton et al. eds., Cambridge Univ. Press 2001)
App. 0828
nations, including the U.S.,6 recognize the IPCC's 2001 findings as the most authoritative
available concerning human-induced changes in climate and associated consequences. As a
result of my involvement in the development of these assessments, as summaized in paragraph
4, I have an extensive understanding of the findings of the IPCC reports relating to climâte
change science and consequent impacts, especially as they relate to the United States.
The National Assessment of the Potential Consequences of Climate Variability
and Change, undertaken by the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) pursuant to
Section 106 of the Global Change Research Act of 1990 [Public Law 101-606], is the major
assessment most directly focused on the potential impacts of climate change for the United
States.T As
result of my role as an author and as Executive Director of the ofTice responsible
for coordinating preparation of the National Assessment (see paragraph 3), I have a detailed
knowledge of the findings of the National Assessment.
The U.S. Government also included the findings of the National Assessment in its
Climate Action Report 2002, the U.S. Government's quadrennial national communication under
the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.s I prepared Chapter 6 of this
report, on impacts and adaptation, in my capacity as Executive Director of the National
Assessment Coordination Offrce of the USGCRP. It is in
full agreement with the presentation of
the science and impacts contained in the IPCC and National Assessment reports.
(available at ("Working Group I report"); Climate Change
2001: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerablli6l (McCarthy et al. eds., Cambridge Univ. Press 2001) (available at
htþ:// ("Working Group II report");and Climqte Change 2001; Mitigation
(Pachauri et al. eds., Cambridge Univ. Press 2001) (available at
htþ://www, ("Working Group III report"). In addition, the IPCC has
published many other special reports and documents. S
Natl. Research Council, Climate Change Science; An
Acadei¡ries press
U.S. Global Change Research Program, Climate Change Impacts on the (Jnited States: The Potential
Consequences of Climutè Variability and Change: Overview Report (2000) and Foundation Report (2001). Both
reports are available from Cambridge University Press.
U.S. Dept. of State, II.S. Climate Àction Report 2002 (U.5. Government Printing Office 2002).
App. 0829
The IpCC and NAST assessments carefully indicate the level of confidence
uncertainty that can be associated with the various dimensions of the issue. For example,
IpCC's Third Assessment Report adopted a specifîc set of terms to address the degree
associated with
certainty associated with various findings, with a numerical range of likelihood
each term:
"In this Summary for Policymakers and in the Technical Summary, the following
words have been used where appropriate to indicate judgmental estimates of confidence:
virtually certain(greater thanggo/ochance that
result is true); very likely (90-99% chance);
tikely (66-90%); medium liketihood (33-66% chance); unlikely (IO-33% chance); very
l% chance)."e For the U.S. National
e-L0%chance); exceptionatly unlikely (less than
or probable,
Assessment, NAST developed a similar lexicon: very likely or very probable, likely
possible, unlikely or some chance, and very unlikely or little chance. My use of these terms
the followingpafagaphs is consistent with this IPCC and NAST usage.
The Role of Greenhouse Gases in Global W?rming
Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere absorb about 90% of the solar eneigy that
of the
radiated upward from the Earth's surface, and thon these greenhouse gases re-radiate much
energy back down to the surface. In this way, the greenhouse gases act in a mail,ler
greenhouse gases'
equivalent to adding a blanket over the Earth. The higher the concentrations of
in surface
especially CO2, CHa, and NzO, the greater will be the trapping of heat and the increase
tpCC Working Group I report, 2004,page 2, footnote 7 [iølics in original].
App. 0830
induced a cooling influence over the past 50 years-so the two most important natural influences
would have tended to cool the Earth just when it was in fact warming rapidly. The warming has
also been larger than could be explained by past natural oscillations in the climate since the end
of the last glaciation about 10,000 years ago.
Reliable projections of future changes in the climate are most effectively carried
out using: (a) climate models that ensure objective and quantitative consideration is given to all
relevant processes and factors governing the behavior of the climate system, and (b) emissions
scenarios that are based upon the best available projections of how population, economic
development, and energy technologies are expected to evolve.
Absent changes in policy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, atmospheric
concentrations of these gases are likely to increase at least as much and at least as fast as in
recent decades. I base this opinion on internationally accepted quantitative scenarios generated
by the IPCC.]3 These scenarios cover a wide range of possible outcomes from now until the end
of the 21't century in terms of global population growth, economic development, and energy
technologies and rates of use.
If arurual global emissions of greenhouse
gases continue to increase in the next
several decades in accordance with these scenarios, there
will be significant
increases in the
atmospheric concentrations of these gases. Under the most plausible energy scenarios, the COz
will continue to increase over the coming decades, reaching between two to three
times its preindustrial level by the end of this century (for reference, the current concentration is
approximately 1.35 times the preindustrial concentration).
IPCC, Emissions Scenarios,200Ó (Cambridge Univ. Press 2000) (avail. at http://www.ipcc.chlpub/sres-e.pdf).
App. 0831
r-: tì ir':
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Future Global'Warming
These increases in concentrations
will likely
accelerate the rate of
warming' In its
Third Assessment Report, averaging across the results of climate models, the IPCC concluded
that global surface air temperature is likely to increase by about 0.2 to 0.5"C (about 0.3 to 0.9"F)
per decade. By the end of the century, global average surface air temperature is projected to
increase by about 2 to 4,5"C over 1990 levels. These are projections for changes in the global
average surface temperature. Temperature changes over land areas are expected to be greater
than over the oceân and temperature changes in mid to high latitudes are expected to exceed
changes in low latitudes. Because of this, the IPCC's projection of regional temperature changes
indicates larger changes are likely over North America. Warming in the Arctic is projected to be
Overall, this projected temperature increase would be likely to make avorage
conditions by the end of this century warmer than they have been for at least 420,000 years (the
period for which ice core data is available).
The Conseqlrences of Future Global Warming
This projected temperature increase would have widespread adverse
consequences.t'For the U,S., the National Assessment summarizes key findings for different
regions of the country and for different national sectors.ló The following enumeration
'o IPCC Working Group I report, 2004,atchapter 10.
See IPCC's Third Assessment Report Climøte Change 2001: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability (McCarthy
et al. eds., Cambridge Univ. Press 2001) (available at tarlwg2l) ("Working Group
II report"). In additiãn, a database of articles on the likely impacts of climate change for the U.S. and other countries
is availab le at .
National Assessmeut Synthesis Team, U.S. Global Change Research Prograrn, Climøte Change Impacts on the
United States, Overview (Cambridge Univ, Press 2000) and Foundation (Cambridge Univ. Press 2001) (these
reports and supporting regional and sectoral reports are
App. 0832
conditions focuses mainly on consequences related to human health and the services provided by
ecosystems and landscapes within the U.S.
Increøsed íncidence of high temperatures and ertremely hígh heøt index: The
climate scenarios considered in the U.S. National Assessment were based primarily on model
simulations done by two IPCC-accepted rnodels, each running a mid-range scenario for future
emissions. These models projected an annual average warming of about 3 to 5'C (about 5 to 9'F)
across the U.S. during this century, which would be several times the increas.
the U.S.
during the 20th century.lT The change in summertime temperatures, combined with the associated
increase in absolute humidity, is projected to cause the 24-hour avem,ge heat index (a combined
measure of temperature and humidity) for July (as a representative surnmer month) to increase
by at least 6"C (about
1OoF) over most
of the country by 2100. Changes are projected to be about
double this amount in some regions, particularly across the southeastern and south-central U.S.
where the summertime heat index is already high. kr addition to such changes in the monthly
average temperature, the models also project that the length of the very warm season
increase and the occwrence of very high heat index conditions
will be expected to be more
frequent in more northerly parts of the country where people are not well adapted to such
Air quality is líkety to befurthe) impøíred.. Without additional control measures,
ongoing and projected changes in climate due to global warming are very likely to increase
emissions of various High.r temperatures caused by global warming will increase
MacCracken et al,, Climate change scenarios for the U.S. National Assessment , 84 Bulletin of the American
Meteorological Society,lTl I (2003) (