Overture Services, Inc. v. Google Inc.

Filing 116

Declaration of Ravind S. Grewal in Support of 115 Google's Responsive Claim Construction Brief filed by Google Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1# 2 Exhibit 2# 3 Exhibit 3# 4 Exhibit 4# 5 Exhibit 5# 6 Exhibit 6# 7 Exhibit 7# 8 Exhibit 8# 9 Exhibit 9# 10 Exhibit 10# 11 Exhibit 11# 12 Exhibit 12# 13 Exhibit 13# 14 Exhibit 14# 15 Exhibit 15# 16 Exhibit 16# 17 Exhibit 17# 18 Exhibit 18# 19 Exhibit 19# 20 Exhibit 20# 21 Exhibit 21# 22 Exhibit 22# 23 Exhibit 23# 24 Exhibit 24# 25 Exhibit 25# 26 Exhibit 26# 27 Exhibit 27# 28 Exhibit 28# 29 Exhibit 29# 30 Exhibit 30)(Related document(s) 115 ) (Grewal, Ravind) (Filed on 1/30/2004)

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Overture Services, Inc. v. Google Inc. Doc. 116 Att. 11 Case 3:02-cv-01991-JSW Document 116-12 Filed 01/30/2004 Page 1 of 6 EXHIBIT Dockets.Justia.com Case 3:02-cv-01991-JSW Document 116-12 Filed 01/30/2004 Page 2 of 6 The New Oxford Dictionary of English EDITED BY Judy Pearsall CHIEF EDITOR , CURRENT ENGLISH DICTIONARIES Patrick Hanks ,.jI CLARENDON PRESS. OXFORD 1998 . r- Case 3:02-cv-01991-JSW Oxford Urtlvcr,")' Prm. CrearClarendarl S""', Document 116-12 Filed 01/30/2004 Page 3 of 6 Oxford oX! 6op Oxford New fork AchenJ Auckland Bangkok Bogoca Salaam Oar" u.pe Town Chennai Karachi Kuala Nairobi Po", Bombay BuenoJ AireJ Florence Hong Kong IStanbul Delhi CH)' Mumbai Madfld Melbourne Mexico Lumpur Singapore Taipei Tokyo Toronto WafJa... and ajJaCJatedcampanre' 1M Berlin Oxford Oxford tbadan UnlVer,ir)' " a regiscered rrade mark of Oxford UrtlvefJiry pre" 1998 1998 mar be pr", Firsr published AII flgh" reserved. No parr 01 eh" publICarion reproduced. scored In a recriCl'al wlehauc ",chin Ih, UK, anr form or by an)' means, J)'stem or rranJmlcced, in Prw the pflor p"rmi5JIon in writing of OxfordUn I ver,")' ch, ""eel' "ons are allowed in respur of any fair dealIng for purpo" of researeh under or review as permicced critici,m or pflvate "udy, or CO" of DeJJgns and Paten" AC! 1988, or in the tam, of the licence, In repro graphic reproduce ion accordance with the concerning Agene)' Enquirie' Licensing i"ued by rh,CoPYflghl should "rmS and ,n olher counrr;es reproduce ion outside Ihese che Copyrighc senr co che Righrs Dcparrmcnl. Oxford UniversiIy Prw, or che addres; above This book iJ sold subiuc of trade or ocherwise, ill ocher chon that to be lent, the condition thaI II shall noC, by way re .,old. hired ouc or otherwi" c"",laced ar cover in any form ofbinding consent wichour chepublisher's prior is hich ic l'ublislICd and without J;miJIJr condition a inclu ding chis condicio" being rrnpo;ed on the sub,"1uwc purcha;er in BflClsh Library Cataloguirlg Pub/",at;an Daca Daw Daw ava;Labl" 1M Librar)' o/Congres; CAtaloging publicacion DaCLl avaiLable rSBN 0-'9- 86126)-X 10987654)21 DeSIgned Types" by and in SWIft Sy;rems, ..\"dre~' Boag, Typographic problem ;alving. London Aflal by Selwood Midsoma Narron , Bach Prin!Cd inSpai" on acid. rrce paper l'vfa"u Cromo Arle; Craficas Madrid ,.t. Case 3:02-cv-01991-JSW Amos (land I (0 a corporation in . ma. from Old French amor!i". , lengthened stem 0, amorrrr , based on Latin ad ' to, at ' + mo". mar!' and ' transfer Document 116-12 a(lpha.jm(,'hyl) phe(",)~hyl Filed 01/30/2004 foot Page 4 ofa6 plitude m - ORIGIN \930s: abbreviation of irs chemical nor. )amine. amphlram~J .. combining lorm 1 both: amphibian. .of both Ionds: amphipod. . on both sid": ampnlprosryk 2 around: omphiCheatre. - ORIGIN from Gr",k. dnds ' (because some legs are specialized for 5.. .."ming and some for feeding) + Greek pous, pod. death' amphiprostyle lam flpro""rI/ .. adjective (of a Amos relmos/a Hebrew minor prophet (c. 760 Bcl, a shepherd of Tekoa, near Jerusalem, classical buildingl having a portico al each end but not at the sides. - DRiGIN early 18th cenL: via Latin from Greek book of the Bible containing hI! prophecies. amosite r"mos,\lt/ .. noun Imass noun) an iron-rich amphibole asbestos, mined in South Africa, - ORIGI" early 20th cent, : from the initialleners of AsbestOs Mines of South Africa + -'TE amphibian ~ noun ZOOI"9I' a cold, blooded verreb"te omphlprosrulos, from amphi. ' both, on both sides'prasrulos ' having animal of a cla" that comprises the frogs, toads, pillars in front' (see PROSTYLEI. newts, salamanders, and caecilians. They are distinguished by having an aquatic gill- breathing larval stage followed (typicallyj by a terrestrial lung' breathing adull stage. . C"", Amphob'" orders Urade" InaWls and salamandersl. Anura (Irogs and loads). and Gymnoph,ona (caecilians). amphisbaena /, amflS bi:nol ~ noun poeWI""OfY a amount.. noun a quantity of something, especially the tOtal of a thing or things in number, size, gives an enormou, amount 10 many p,ople che ,ubStance i5 harmless mythical serpent with a head at each end. - ORIG'N late Middle English: via Latin from Greek amphisbaina , from amphis ' both ways' + balnCln value. or eXtent: 'port plea,u" Amphisbaenia l.amflS bi:nlo' ZOOI"9Y a group of if taken Ln ,mall amounts. sum of money: chey havr spmc a colo55al amoun' . a seaplane, tank. or other vehicle that can opera" on .. adjecliye Zoology of or relating to this class of animals: amphibian eggs. land and on water. reptiles which comprises the worm lizards. . Suba'der Amph"baenia , evder Squama". - DERIVATIVES amphisbaenian noun & adJechve. rebuilding rl" Stadium. .. verb Ino obi. j (amount tolcome to be added together: 10m' amounted to Ithe tOtal I when aver 10 million pounds. . be the equivalent of: thm anIons - ORIC'N mid 17th cent. (in the sense ' having tWo modes of existence or of doubrful nature): from - 0 RIG I N modern Latin, from Greek amphi,baina, b from amphis ' oth' - bainnn ' go, walk' amphitheatre (US amphitheater) .. noun amounted to a modern Latin amphibium ' an life amphibian , from + bio, consl"racy. - PH RASES any amount of a great deal or number of: of onion. no the second half produced any amount Greek amphibian (noun use of amphibia' ' living borh in water and on land' , from amphi ' both' (especially in Greek and Roman architecturel a round building, typically unroofed, with a central space for the presentation of dramatic or ,porting eventS surrounded by tiers of sears for spectators. .a semicircular seating gallery in " theatr.. amphirheatron , from omphi ' on (see THEATRE). borh sides' -chealron amount of not even the greatest possible amount to of: no amountof tal. I' going chonge anything. amphibious /am flb,osl .. adjectiy, relating to, living in. or suited for both land and water.. on ampnibiauJ v,hide. .(of a military operation 1 - a RIGI N late Middle English: via Latin from Greek - ORIGIN Middle English (as a verb): from Old French amunter, from amont ' upward' , literally ' uphill'. from Latin ad montem, The noun use dates from the involving forces landed from rhe sea: on amphibiau, aSJaulc. .(of force'l Amphitrite /, amfi"'Alli/ like amphibian with very Greek My1hology a sea goddess, early 18th cent. amour /omuo/ .. noun a love affair or lover, especially one that is secret: he is rnraged at thi, ",'elation of hi, post amou". - DR I GI l' trained for ,uch operalioru. - OERIVATIVES amphibiously advert. - ORICI" mid 17th cent.: from modern Latin amphibium, from Greek amphibion (see A"'PHIBIAN) - wife of Poseidon and mother of Triron. amphiuma /,amfl ju:moJ ~ noun a fully aquatic eelsmall limbs, occurring in Amph;"""': Middle English (originally in the sense -ou.. stagnant water and swamps in the south-eastern US, . Family Amphiumidae .nO genu, love, affection)': via Old French from Latin amor love. The currenl sense dates from the late 16th amphibole /,amflbool/.. noun any of a class of rockforming silicate or aluminosilicate minerals Inree spedol, cent. amour courtois /o moo b;'IWh, French amu. kuR'~' a/" noun another tenn for COURTLY LOVE. typically occurring as fibrous or columnar crystals. - ORIGIN early 19th cent.: from French, from Latin amphibolus ' ambiguous ' (because of the varied structure of these minerals), from Greek amphibolcn, - ORIGIN modem Latin, probably fanned irregularly from AMPHI- 'both' + Greek pneuma ' breath' amphora /,amno)ro/ .. noun (pl . -ORICIN Latin, from Greek French amphorae ri:J amphoras) a tall ancient Greek or Roman jar or jug with tWO handles and a narrow neck, amphOTeus, -DRIGIN French. amour fou /0 - ORlGI" 1970s: 0100 ' fu:, French .mUR fu/ .. noun Imm noun) uncontrollable or obsessive passion. from omphi. ' both, throw on both sides ' + ballrin ' or from amphore. French, ' insane love amphibolite /am f,bol",,/ .. noun 1m", nounJ Geol"9Y a amphoteric /, amfitErlk/ .. adjective ChemiSlfy (of a compound, especially a metal oxide or hydroxide) amour propre 'a muo ' proprio), French amu. poop./" noun 1m", granular metamorphic rock consisting mainly of hornblende and plagioclase. : - ORIGIN early 19th cenr_ from AMPHIBOLE + -ITE a nounj sense of one , own worth: . been tested propre must have self,respeCt: Pablo , amour byhi5 ,hart Jtature. able to react both as a base and as an acid. - ORIGIN mid 19th cent, : from Greek omphotero" comparative of amphO amphibology /,amfl her hu,band. - ORIGIN late Middle bulod3i/ ~ noun (pl ies) a borh' , + -IC. - ORIGI" French. Amoy /o phrase or sentence that is grammarically ambiguou" such., She ,m more of her childrrn tMn ampicillin J, amPI mot/another name for XIAMEN. AMP Biochemistry " abbrevialion for adenosine monophosphate. amp " noun short for AMPERE. English: from Old French amphibalogie, from late Latin amphibologia, from Larin amphibolia, from Greek amphibolos ambiguous a bushy (see AMPHIBOLE). srlrnl .. noun Imass nounj Medicine , semi-synthetic form of penicillin used chiefly to creat infections of the urinary and respiratory tracrs. - ORICIN 1960s: blend of AMINO and a contraction of PENICILLIN, amp " noun inlormal shore for AMPLIFIER. ampelopsis J,ampl lopsrsl .. noun (pI. same) lhe Norlh American A. cevdala. ample.. adjective (ampler, amplestl enough or amphiboly /am flboli/ .. noun (pI. - ies) another term for AMPHIBOLOGY. climbing plant of the vine family. . Genus Ampelapsis. family Votaceae: two species. espedatry amphibrach ramflbrakl .. noun Prosody a metrical syllable betWeen tWo shorr syllables. - ORICIN late 16th cent. (originally in the -ORIGI" modern Latin, from Greek ampelos opsis ' appearance vine an foot consiscing of a stressed syllable betWeen tWo unstressed syllables or (in Greek and Latin) a long Latin forms omphibrachus, amphibrachy'l: via Larin from Greek amphibrakhus ' shorr - DERIVATIVES ampleness noun , more than enough: plentiful: there is ample timr for of can,umer goods. discuSJion 1 on ample supply .Iarge and accommodating: he leaned bark in his ample convey rhat ,om.cne rhair. . used euphemiscically to her hands on her ample hips. i, scout: she Stood ~,th amply advert, . amperage ramp(o)rrd31 .. noun the srrengrh of electric current in amperes. French Ampere ramp'" op"l, Andre,Marie (1775- at both ends - DR!GIN lore Middle English: via French from Latin l amplu, ' arge, capacious, abundant'. amplexus !am piE..../.. noun 1m", noun)Zoology the philosopher, who analysed 1836), French physicist, mathematician, and amphimixis !, amfl mlk",/ .. noun 1m... naunj Botany sexual reproduction involving the fusion of tWo form a zygote. Often contrasted with APOMIXIS. mating position of frogs and toads. in which the - ORIGIN the relationship ampere ramp"/ (abbrev, : A) .. noun a unit of eleerric current equal to a flow of one coulomb per second. . The 51 base unil 01 eLecllic ",,"anI. 1 ampere is precisely betWeen magnetic force and electric current. different gametes to mingling male clasps the female about the back. 1930s: from Latin, ' an embrace amplifier.. noun an electronic device for incre.,ing - OERIVATIVES amphimictic adjective. - ORIG'N late 19th cenL: from AMPHI- + Greek mixis the amplitude of elecrrical signals, used chiefly in sound reproduction. . a device of rhis kind combined wirh a loudspeak", used to amplify eleccric guitars and other musical defined as thai canstanl """en! which , n mainlOined in two Slraighl paralLel conductev' of infmile length , of negligible e,rcular ,"oss ,eetian , ano placed' melle aparl in a vacuum. amphioxus I, amfl ok"s/ ~ noun a small lancelet which is caught for food in pam of Asia. . Genus Branch;oslama (Iormeny Amphiarus), family instruments. ) amplify .. ye'" (-ies ied) lW1th obi. (often be amplified) increase the volume of (sound I, would produce be"""en these conductors a levce 01 2 x '0. neWlon per melre Branr:hioslomidae. - DRIGIN mid 19rh cent.: modern Latin, from AMPHI, ampersand as in 5c. - ORtGIN late 19th cent.: named after A. M AMPERE. "amposand/ .. noun the sign '" + Greek ox us ' sharp accompanying especially using an amplifier: th, chords have been amplified in our arrang""enl (standing for and, as in Smith 5 Co.. or the Latin et, and amphipathic I,amfr pa6Ikl ~ adjective Biacl1emlSlry (of a molecule, especially a protein) having both hydrophilic and hydrophobic pares. - ORIGIN 1930s: from ""'PHI, + Greek pathikos (from pathos experience . increase the amplitude of (an electrical signal or other oscillation). . cause to become more marked per" - ORIGIN mid 19th cent.: alteration of and ampiified ioriol or intense: urban policy initiative! palarUorion. . Genelics make multiple copies of (a gene 5 by itself is and' , chanted as an aid to learning the sign. amphetamine Jam f"omi:n, -mJ ~ noun Imass noun I a amphiphilic I,amfl flllki Amphipoda I,amfl synrhetic, addictive, mood.altering drug, used illegally as a stimulant. 'Icoum noun I a tablet of this drug. AllerMI"'" name: \ . pheny1- 2-aminooropane lev on.or its sa"'. especialLy amphetamine sulphate): chem. . formuLa: C, CHr CH(CH, )NH,. Slory or statemen!): the now amplify infonnarion rontained in che ,ratemen'~ adjective B,ochemislry - DER'VATIVES amplification noun, another tenn for AMPHIPATHIC, or DNA sequencel. . enlarge upon or add detail to (. poudo/ Zoology an order of chiefly - ORIGIN late Middle English (in the general sense marine crustacearu; with a laterally compressed body and a large number of leg- like appendages. - DERIVATIVES amp hi pod I' amflpudl noun. - DRIGIN modern Latin (plural), from AMPHI, ' from Latin amplificare, from amplus ' large, abundant', increase, augment ): from Old French amplifier, amplitude.. noun 1m... noun) 1 Phys'" rhe maximum b but I d dog I ffewl g gel 1 h he Ij yes I k cat II leg I m man 1 n no 1 p pen 1 r red I S sillll0p I vvoice I wwe I ZIOO I J she I 3 deciSIon 18 thin I 0 this 1 Q ring 1 x loch I tJ chip I d3jar Case 3:02-cv-01991-JSW bibliomancy of .a list of the book' a specific author or publisher, subject. . (m", ""unl the hiStory or or on a specific of books, their authorship, description 'YSIematic printing. publication. editions, etC. . any book Document 116-12 170 bicker ~ verb Ino ODI.11 must anS..er it. (of 2 pQCllcllll""y Filed 01/30/2004 Page 5 of 6 biennale he bade hu argue about petty and trivial . inviIe (someonel to do somerhmg: companron! mICr. to: 1J1, girl bod, fair phont matters: ..h,nrv,r the rings. rhq bicker ()11~ who - PHRhSES bid lair 10 "ena" or poeliclhl""y seem likely waterl now or fall with a gentle containing ,uch information. - OERlYhTI\' ES bibliographer noun. bibliographic bibliographlcal /" -gr:rr,k(.)11 /,o graflkl adJeC1IYO. repetitive noise: patter. .Iof a name or light! flash. gleam, or flicker. - ORIGIN Old English biddan ' ask' . 10 b, prerT)'. of Germanic adjeclive, bibliographically l, o'graflk(.llil ad""rt. - ORIGIN early 19th cent, : from French bibliographi, or modern Latin bibliogruphlo, from Greek biblioo book' . ' graphla ' writing bibliomancy rblbli.(ulm.nsi/ ~ noun 1m", noun) the - DERIYhTlVES bickerer noun. - ORIGIN Middle English: of unknown origin. bicky (also bikkYI ~ noun (pi - iesl,nlorma'. biscuit. - PHRhlES big bickie. AuSIr,llnlorm,1 a large money: Just ,ho\\ong up iJwor!h big brrkies. - ORIGIN 1930s: diminutive of BISCUIT. origin: related to German bitten. bidarka /b, da:ko/ ~ noun a canoe covered with animal skins, used by the Inuit of Alaska and adjacent regions. sum of - ORIGIN early 19th cent.: from Russian diminutive of baidara ' an umiak' baldorko biddable ~ adjective 1 meekly ready to accept and follow instructions. 2 Bridge strong enough to justify a bid. - OHIVhTlVES biddabllity /- brillil noun. bidden archaic or poetic/literary past participle of BID practice of foretelling the future by interpreting a the Bible. randomly chosen passage from a book. especially Bicol ~ noun & adjective variant bicolour ~ bitolour spelling of BIKOL adjective having tWO colours: a mok noun) passionate enthusiasm for collecting and possessing books. noun & adjeCilve. - OERlVhTIV" bibliomaniac bibliometrics ~ plural noun 11""'0" Slng, \ statistical anah~is of books. articles, or other publications, - OER ;V,\T'VES bibliomelric adjeClI,,". bibliomania ~ noun 1m'" damselfi"'- ~ noun, bicolour flower or breed. - OERI\'hTrVES bicoloured adjective & noun. biconcave ~ adjective concave on both' sides. bidding.. noun 1m'" auction. noun\ 1 the offering of biconvex ~ .diective convex on both sides. bicultural ~ particular prices for something. especially at an .the offersmade in such a situation: from, op,n" of 00, th, bidding ,oared IO . lOp of bibliophile ~ noun a person who collects or has a adjective h.ving or combining the cultural attitudes and customs of tWo nations, peoples, or ethnic groups. rauliou! (48. .(in great love of books. - DERIVhTIVES bibliophilic adjectl,," , bibliophily - DERIVATIVES biculturalism noun. bridge and whist) the aCtion of Jlating before play ofllilnoun. bicuspid ~ adjective having tWo cusps or poims. premolar tooth. - ORIGIN mid 19rh cent.: ",spid. ' sharp point'. how m.ny trick' one intends to make. 2 the ordering or requeSting of someone to do something: women s,"g. j/ nrver needed rame running at his - ORIGIN early 19th cent. : from French, from Greek bib!!on ' book' + philo, ' Ioving ~ noun a tooth with tWo cusps, especially a ' human from BI, ' tWO . Latin ",spi' AnalOmyanother term bidding I I'" bibliopole rblbliolulpoull ~ noun ,,(ha,c a person who buys and sells books, especially rJre ones. bibliopOI~s, from bib!ion ' book' . pOl~ ' seller n , :rsjo'no:1. - PH RASES do someone . bidding do what someone orders or requeStS,especially in . way considered a ,"cond bidding. - ORIGIN late IBth cent.: via Latin 'pn:r French bibljotCk n:r from Greek bicuspid valve ~ noun MITRAL VALVE. for overly slavish. bidding paddle ~ noun a paddle.shaped b.ton, typically marked with an identifying number, used to signal bids .t auctions. Bibliotheque nationale I.blbli.u ..k bicycle ~ noun. vehicle composed of tWO wheels 1/ the nationJI librory of France, in Paris, which receives a copy of every book and periodical etc. published in France, held in a frame one behind the other, propelled by bib tap ~ noun another term for BIBCOCK. ('blbjul,,/ ~ adjective lormai excessively fond bibulous pedJls and steered with handlebars attached to the front wheel. ~verb In' obi.. ...Ih advertJlal of dlfeclionj ride a bicycle in a panicular direCtion: thQ hod spenr ch, holiday! birycling around the btaucifuILHI'On,hire countrysid,. bidding prayer ~ noun (ir, church use) a prayer in the form of an invit.tion by a minister or leader to the congregation to pray about something. biddy ~ noun (pi - ias) Inlorm" a woman, especially an elderly one, regarded.. annoying or interfering: 1J1, old biddies wen: murIering cent, - ORIGIN early 17th in his direCtion, of drinking alcohol. - OERIVhTlVES bibulously adverb, bibulousness noun. - ORIGIN late 17th cent. (in the sense ' absorbent'j: from Latin bibulus ' freely or reJdily drinking ' (from bib", ' o drink' ) . -ous. t kam(.)ri.)lf ~ adjective (of - DERtVhTlVES bicyclist noun. - ORtGIN mid 19lh cente from BI, ' tWo ' kuklo, ' whee\', . Greek bicycle chain ~ noun rear wheel. a chain that transmitS the driving power from the pedals of a bicycle to itS metal clips (originally denoting. chicken): of unknown origin: probably influenced by the use of biddy denoting an Irish m.idservanc. from Biddy, pet form of the given name Bridger. bicameral /b. legislative body) having r\Vo chJmbers. bicycle clip ~ noun either of a pair of the bicycle chain. bide ~ verb Ino obi.. ...th ad"",lal 01 p'aceJ archait or dialed - ORIGIN mid 19th cent. : from BI. ' tWo ' camero chamber' . -AL. ko:bormt. of - OERIVhTlVES bicameralism noun. . Latin worn by a cyclist round their ankles to prevent their trouser iegs from becoming entangled with a bicarb ~ noun 1m", noun) Inlormal sodiumbicarbonJte. bicycle pump ~ noun . inflating bicycle ryres. portable pump for bicarbonate /b. bicarbonate. -nOli ~ noun ChemlsllY a remain or stay JOmewhere: how long muse Ibid, hen: to wair for th, answer? - PHRhSES bide one s lime wait quietly for a good opportunity to do something: she pali,ntJ)' bid,d her cime b'Jare making on mop' bid. - ORtGIN Old English bldan. of Germanic origin. for bidet ~ noun a low oval b.,in used salt containing the anion HCO, .(also bicarbonate . bicycle rickshaw ~ noun RICKSHAW. another term forC~CLE washing one'; soda, I'""" noun I sodium bice Ib.\I;/ ~ noun 1m", nounl daled a medium blue or blue- green pigment made from bJsic genital and anal area. or cent, ~ bicyclic tb. \lkJrk, oSIk-/ . adjeClive Chemistry - ORIGIN mid 17th pony(in the sense ' h'tose ): from trot , of ', from bider French, literally ' having two rings of aroms in its molecule. bid' ~ verb (bidding:pas, copper carbonate. - 0 R IC I and paS! p,nieiple bid)I"lIh Obl. unknown origin. N Middle English (originally in the sense offer (a certain price) for something, especially at an auction: a con,ortiumof deal,,"s bid a worl.c! record price for snuff box I what am I bid? Iino obl. j guests WIll 'tlid for pieces oj fi n' jewell'")' .1"" obl. jlbid for, (of a contraCtorl o frer to do (work) for a Stared price: render for. nineteen companies have indicaICd 'heir inIenIian to bid for the rootract. . Ino Obi. (also beedi or bin) ~ noun (pI. bidi f'bi:di:f bidi.1 (in dark or brownish grey ' I: from Old French vis ' dark noun (pI. - Ies) the Indian subcontinent) a type of cheap cigarene made of unprocessed tObacco wrapped in leaves. - ORIGIN from Hindi bidi ' betel plug, cigar , from Sanskrit vitikd. bidirectional ~ grey', of unknown ultimate origin. bicentenary I.b.\l$oo ,i:n.ri. the tWo-hundredth anniversary of a significant an anniversary: rh, adjective funCtioning in tWO event. ~ adjective of or relating to such hug' bircn"nal)' rel,brarion,. BrCEHTENAR~. directions, Ibid fori make an effort or attempt to achieve: th, "'" f'n,~rd! bicentennial ~ noun & adjective another term bicephalous Ib. tWo heads, ,dlo)'.s, kef-I for auction underraking to make (a certain number of tricks if with a stared suit ., trumps) the bid is successful . B"dge make a statement are bidding for plow in rh, England sid,. bidonville f'bld(.)nvlll ~ noun a shanty town built of oil drums or other metal containers, especially the outskirts of a North African city. -ORIGIN 19505: from French, from bidon ' container for liquids' + ville ' town bid price ~ noun the price at which a market. during the ~ adjective having - ORIG'N early 19rh cent.: from BI, kepholl ' head' . -ous. ' tWO ' . Greek ~ noun an offer of a price, .nd one becomes the declarer: Nor!h bid, h,artS I four !no Obl. with rhi! hand. South ,hould no! bid. J especially at an auction: tJr, fur tables, ,"wral burers mak, bids th, peltS. for maker or dealer is prepared to buy securities or other assets. Compare with OFFER PRICE. bidri f'bldrif~ noun Imm noun) an alloy of lead, tin, and zinc, used as a ground for with gold and silver, copper. biceps rb.";cp;/ ~ noun (pi sJmel any of several .an offer to buy the shores of a company in order to muscles having tWO points of attachment at one end, in panicular: .Ial,o ' biceps brochii J'br(lk\.\lfJ a large muscle in the uppermost and gain control of it: a luk",' e" oiJ. . an offer ro do work or supply goods at a stated price: , lender. . an attempt or effort to achieve something: Ed,,~rd helped him make a bid for rh, Scotti,h whal hod hoppencd. chro", inlJ)'ing upper arm ~'hich turns the hand to face palm flexes the arm and forearm: he biceps femoris If"mo:rrsl or leg biceps' Analomy I I"~h inhn~ivej on - ORIGIN late IBth cent, : from Urdu bidl1. from Bidar, in\'CSligoIion "'Quid b, carri,d out in a bidco establish the name of a town in India, drnch(d hi! fist and "hihlll'd hi, blllgjng bi"p'. . (also muscle in the back of the thigh whICh helps to flex the leg. . Blid9' an undertaking by. player in the auction to make a stated number of tricks with a stated suit as trumps. - DERIVATIVES bidder noun, - ORIGIN Old English biodan ' to offer. command' , of Biedermeier ('bi:do relating to a "./ ~ adjective denoting or style of furniture and interior decoration CUITent in Germany in the period 1B15- - ORIG'N mid 17th cent.: from Latin, literally ' tWO. headed' , from b" ' rwo ' . 'C"P' (from ',IPUI ' head'J, bichir J'blJlol noun an elongated AfricJn freshwater ~ Germanic origin: related to Dutch bieden and German bieten. fish with an armour of hard shiny scales and a series of separate fins _long its back. . Genus Polyp/erus . 'am"y Polyp'eridae: InClu'lng P senega/vs. several speCies. " bid' ~ verb (bidding:pasl bid or bade: paS!pan,c,ple bidl I,,;'h obj. j1 utter (a greeting or farewell I to: 0 rhoncr tht '0 bidfare\\',11 IO ,heir prcsidm' and ,,~lrom' nrw 4B, characterized by restraint, conventionJlity, and utilitarianism. - ORIGIN from the name of Gonlieb 8"dmnoil"1", a fictitious German provincial schoolmaster and poet created by L. Eichrodt (lB541. Bielefeld f'bi:lo rcltl an industrialcity in North mono 2 mhalt or poelic/h""ry - a RI GIN 19605: via French from dialect Arabic shir. command or order (someone) WE I z zoo to do something: 1 did as he bod, me. Rhine, Westphalia in \vestern Germany: pop. 322. 130 (1991). biennale l, bi:,no:ICI Iii ~ noun a large ar1 b bul : d dog I f f2W I 9 g,11 h he I j yes I k call I leg I m man I n no I p pen I rred I S SIll t top I v voice I W IS she 13 deciSIon I e thin I a this \ D ring I X loch I ti chip I d3 ja' .. Case 3:02-cv-01991-JSW modern Pre'byterian minISter presidIng over ,- .q)' (q! ,- Document 116-12 1189 Filed 01/30/2004 Page 6 of 6 Moesia ecclesiastical body. 2 . person who reviews examination pape'" ensure consistency, or otherwise oversees ..ce"ively large, elaborate, or expensive: in Fulham. a modCSlJloc combined in a number of ways 0 "'"..mal,C! of or relating to examination. attracting sexual attention, mod", dress mrans 3 (of a woman! dressing or behaving so as to impropriety or indecency, especially to . modulu, avoid avoid - DERtVATIVES modularity noun. - ORIGIN late mud neutrons. 3 PtTyslCl a substance used in a nuclear reactor olaf clothing! not revealing or emphaSIzing the figure: thac h,mlines muSt be brio.. thr knee. 18th cent. : from modern Latin modularis, from LatJn modulus (see MODucusl. a modulate f'modJulenl ~ .erb I""h ObJ. exert ) - DERIVATIVES moderatorship noun. modern ~ Idjee1i.. - DERIVATIVES modestly adverb. of or relating the present or to recent times as opposedto the remote past: th, pace oJ mod,"", lif, I modem Chinese history. - ORIGIN mid 16th Cent, : from French modeHe, from Latin modest us ' keeping due measure , related to modus measure modifying or COntrolling influence on: tnr stote aC!emp" 10 modulatr pnva" buSIness, co,h Jlow ovary the strength, tone, or pilCh of (one , voicel: .. 011 modulaCr our voicr by hranng ic. . .ller the .characterized by or uSIng the most up.w- date modesty ~ noun Maci", , contribution to modrm art. ~ noun (usu. moderns I a person who advocates or departure from traditional styles . and valu",: or other cultural activity marked by a significant ,echniques, ide.., or equipment:chq do nor havr mod"n wraporu. . l'Unb. 1 denoting the form of a language that is currently used, as opposed any to earlier form: modrm Gmnan. . I""ib.denoting a ) eurrenl orrecent style or trend In arL architecture. I""" noun the quality or state of I toting unassuming or moderate in the estimauon of one s abilities: Iypical modesty hr insiSted with shoring thr credit with othm. or other .mplitude or frequency of (.n electromagnetic wave variationJ of a second signal. typicallv one of. lower are madulal ;d co co")' th, onalogut informacion oJ rnr voicr. 0 Ino Obi) Musoc change from one key to another:cor Jim holf of che mciody. modu!azing from E minor 10 G. 0 100 Obl. imodulo.. 1 condition into che fraught ,ilrncr would modulate into lanotherl: conciliatolJ' monosyllables. oscillationl in accordance ""th the frequency: radio waves 0 the quality of toting relatively moderate, limited, or small in amount, rate, or level: "" modesty of h~ political aJpirations. 0 tothaviour. manner. or appearance intended to avoid impropriety or her to undress in franI of indecency: modcsry forVadr many people, Into) ch.nge from one form or values. proClises a departure from traditional styles or modicum f'modlkaml Statcmrnc hod - DERIvATIVES modulation noun , modulator noun. ~ noun lin song. a small ) - OERlvAT,VES modernity noun , modernly adverb, modernne.. noun. - ORIGIN late Middle English: from late Latin something considered desir:rble or valuabl., hi! more than a modicum of , from modus quantity of a particular thing, especially truth. - ORIGIN mid 16th cent. lin the sense ' intone la songl'/: from Latin modular. measured, made melody , from the verb modulo", from modulu, measure ' (s"" MOOULusl. modemu" from Latin modo ' just now - ORIGIN late 15th cent.: from Latin, neuter of module ~ noun each of a set of standardized parts or independent units that can be used to construct more complex structure, such as an item of modern dance ~ noun Imm nOlJn) free expressive style of dancing Slar!ed in the early 20th century as a reaction to classical ballet. In recent yea,., it has modi"" ' moderate modification ~ noun measure 1m", nounJ the aCtion of dance, such as speech and film. moderne included elements not usually associated with bright colou,., and geometric shapes. ""lien "raga'ory denoting an ultra-modern Ima do:nl ~ adjee1i.. of or relating to popularization of the art deco scyle marked by scyle. modifying something: th, pam suppli,d should with IirrI, or no modijication. olcounl nounJ a ch.nge made: 0 number of modiJication, ore being canied out ro the rn/jiru:s. - ORtGIN late 15th cent. (in Scots law, denoting the furniture or a building. e each of a set of independent unitS of study or training that can be combined in a numtotr of ways 10 fonn a course at a college or university. 0 luJu. Mlh modifierl an independent self-contained unit of a 'pacecraft. 0 Compulinq any of. number of distinCt bur a"essment of a paymentl: from French, or from Latin modijicaCio(n.), from modijirare (see MODIFY), modern English ~ noun Uni"",.,icy! the - ORIGIN mid 20th cent.: French, ' modern modifier ~ noun built up or into which .. a complex activity may tot analysed, interrelated unitS from which. prognm may tot a person or thing that makes language as it has been since about 1500. 1m", noun I the English partial or minor changes to something. oGrammar a word. especially an adjective or noun used attributively, that reStricts or adds head noun (e.. good and famil)' in g to the sense - ORIGIN late 16th cent. (in the senses ' allotted scale and ' plan, model,/: from French, or from Latin modulus (see MODULUS!. Current senses dare from the 1950s, Modern Greats ~ plurol economics. noun (at Oxford of a school of philosophy, politics, and 0 Gonetics a gene which modifies good family housel. the phenotypic modern history ~ noun !mass noun) history up the present day, from some arbitrary point taken expreSJion of a gene at another locus. modulo f'modjulau( ~ preposition ...lhemall"" (in number theory! with res~ct to modify ~ verb (- I.,s ied)I"'th obi. ) make partial or represent the end of the Middle Ages. In some contexts it may be contrasted with ' ancient ' rather than ' medieval' history, and start (e. ) from the fall of the WeStern Roman Empire. minor changes to (something), typically so as improve it or to make it less extreme: she may prepared Co modify her views I I" .dj. modified) a modijied version of the aircraft. of a specified number. Two numbers are congruent modulo a given number if they give the same or using a modulus remainder when divided by that number. olas modii,",! using moduli: modulooperation,. - ORIGIN late 19th cenL: from Latin, ablative of modulUJ Isee MODULusl. f'modjulasl modulus modernism ~ noun 1m... noun) modern character or quality of thought, "pression, or technique: when he comes ova as a rtrangr mix the am that aims to .. styleor movement in hr waxes philosophical. 0 Bioloqy tranJform la struCture! from itS original .natomical form during development or evolution. 0 Gram..., lespecially of an adjeCtive! restrict or add to the sense of (a noun enr lorger noun is modiJied by 0 I: IAI, -li:1I1 ",,"'mall'" "noun (pl . moduli another term for ABSOLUTE VALUE. nortolgia and modemi,m, break with dossial and traditional fonn,. 0 a movement towards modifying traditiona! beliefs in accordance with modern ideas, e'pecially in the Roman Catholic Church in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. direrrion ' word. 0 pronounce (a speech sound! in a way that is different from the norm for that -its 0 the po,itive square root of the sum of the squares of the real and imaginary parts of. complex numbe. sound. - OERIVATIVES modifiable .dject;..", modlfiC.iltory .djed;..". - ORIGIN late Middle English: from Old French modernist ~ noun. believer in or supporter of modernism, especially in the especially in the modijicr from Latin MOOE). modiflcare from modus (see congTUent when giving the same remainder when effect and the force producing it, 3 a number used as a divisor for considering numbe,., in sets, numbers being considered 2 a constant factor or ratio. 0 a constant indicating the relation betWeen a physical arts. divided by a particular modulus. "adjee1i.. of or associated with modernism, Modigliani I.modl ljo:ni/, Amedeo (1884-19201. - ORIGIN mid 16th cent. (denoting an architectural unit of length): from diminutive of modus, arts. -Ise) ~ .erb !"ith obj. adapt ) Italian painter and sculptor, resident in France modernize (also - DERIVATIVES modernistie adjecti"". from 1906, His portraits and nudes are noted for Latin, literally ' measure opa their elongated forms, linear qualities. and earthy colou,." modillion modus operandi I, maud.. (something) to modern needs or habits, typically by installing modern equipment or adopting modern ideas or methods: hr wanc"d to modernize SrTViCl. the health ~ noun Arch,leclu," a projecting bracket under the corona of a cornice. in the jma'dllJonl Corinthian and other orders. (pl. modi operandl/, maudifl lusu. in sIng. ! . particular way or method of doing something, especially one that is characteristic or well-established: killer ev,ry ho.s his own special modu, operandi. the way something operate' or works. randi: ,,/ ~ noun - DERIVATIVES modernization noun , modernlur noun. modern jazz ~ noun 1m", nounjjazz as developed in 1950s, especially bebop and the music that followed it. the 1940s and modern languages ~ plural noun European languages lespecially French and German) as a subject of Study, as contrasted with classical Latin and Greek. - ORIGIN mid 16th cent.: from French modillon, from Italian modiglione, based on Latin mutu/us ' mutule modiolus Ima d"alasl ~ noun (pI. modioli) An.lomy the conical central axis of the cochlea the ear. of - ORIGIN ear!y 19th cent. from Latin, literally : nave of. wheel'. -ORIGIN Latin, literally ' way of operating modus ponens I, maud.. ' paunEnzf ~ nounthe rule of logic which states that if a conditional statement ('if p then q ) is accepted, and the antecedent (p) holds, then the consequent may be inferred. modish /,maudlII ~ odjee1ive o~en derog.tDry conforming to oan argument using this rule. or following what is sad compelled to use this modern Latin" noun 1m", noun) Latin as developed since 1 500 popular and fashionable: il seems scholar should feel currently that such a - ORIGIN Latin, literally ' mood that affirms modus tollens /, maudas ' loIEnz/ ~ noun the rule of logic which states that if. condirionalstatement ) is accepted, and the consequent does not hold (not. then the negation of the antecedent Inor. l can be inferred, p terminology. used especially in scientific modish jargon. - DERIVAtrVES modishly ad""rb, modishness noun. ("if p then q modern pentathlon ~ noun JOe PENTATHLON. modest ~ .djecti,e 1 unassuming or moderate in the modiste Imo di:stl ~ milliner or dressmaker. - ORIGIN mid fashion ' noun d.,ed a fashionable from 19th cent.: French, mod, estimation of one oan argument using this rule. - OR I GIN Latin, literally ' mood that denies ":U5 0 vax modest man rn"rprise. s abilities or achievements: refusing to takr any credic for the Mods " plural noun ,"formal modus vivendi I, maudas I'I the examination at Oxford Unive,.,ity, Moderations 2 lof an .mount , rate, or level of something) relatively moderate, limited, or small: drink modeS! amounlJ of alcohol modular ~ adjecti.e employing or involving a module or modules as the basis of design construction: modularhousing unilS. .ofor relatingto an educational course designed as series of inJependem units of study rhac can see modi vivendi I, maudililusu. '" sing. ) an a,rrangement or agreement allowing conflicting parties to coexist peacefully, either indefinitely or until a vcndi:, - "1 ~ noun (pl. settlement is reached. a o. way of living. - ORIGIN Latin, literally ' way of living final modrSt. I employment gro~~h ",os rdotive!y '(of a place in which one liv", eatS. or stay,) nOt Moesia fmi:m mi:jal an ancient country of "" lireI aUJ sour . call 0: arm I E bed I E: hair I J ago I J: her II sill i cosy I i: I 0 hall J: saw I , run I u pull u: loa I "my I au how I fI day I ~u no I 'J near I JI boy I u" poor I

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