Overture Services, Inc. v. Google Inc.

Filing 116

Declaration of Ravind S. Grewal in Support of 115 Google's Responsive Claim Construction Brief filed by Google Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1# 2 Exhibit 2# 3 Exhibit 3# 4 Exhibit 4# 5 Exhibit 5# 6 Exhibit 6# 7 Exhibit 7# 8 Exhibit 8# 9 Exhibit 9# 10 Exhibit 10# 11 Exhibit 11# 12 Exhibit 12# 13 Exhibit 13# 14 Exhibit 14# 15 Exhibit 15# 16 Exhibit 16# 17 Exhibit 17# 18 Exhibit 18# 19 Exhibit 19# 20 Exhibit 20# 21 Exhibit 21# 22 Exhibit 22# 23 Exhibit 23# 24 Exhibit 24# 25 Exhibit 25# 26 Exhibit 26# 27 Exhibit 27# 28 Exhibit 28# 29 Exhibit 29# 30 Exhibit 30)(Related document(s) 115 ) (Grewal, Ravind) (Filed on 1/30/2004)

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Overture Services, Inc. v. Google Inc. Doc. 116 Att. 28 Case 3:02-cv-01991-JSW Document 116-29 Filed 01/30/2004 Page 1 of 5 EXHIBIT 28 Dockets.Justia.com Case 3:02-cv-01991-JSW Document 116-29 Filed 01/30/2004 Page 2 of 5 The New Oxford Dictionary of English EDITED BY Judy Pearsall CHIEF EDITOR, CURRENT ENGLlSH DICTIONARIES Patrick Hanks ..k CLARENDON PRESS. OXFORD 1998 Case 3:02-cv-01991-JSW Document 116-29 Filed 01/30/2004 Page 3 of 5 Oxford Un/verw)' Pre", Creal Clarendon SIre", 040rd ou 6op Oxford New lark Athen, AuckLand Bangkok Bogola Bomba)' Bueno, e; SaLaam Delhi Florence cApe Town Chennai Oar AI'" Hong Kong IStanbul Karachi Kuala Lumpur Madnd Melbourne Mexico CIIY Mumbai Nairob, Pam Singapore Taipei Tokyo ToronlO Wa"aw and a;sociaLed companies Berlin Ibadan Oxford I.' a regi;med trade mark of Oxford Un/Versin' pr", 1998 (9 Oxford Universir)' PreH FirJ/ publi;hGd 1998 publlCanon ma)' be All flgh/5 resavGd, No parr 01 rh reerie"al Sj'SlCm, or transmlrred , In an)' form Jlored In a repraducGd, or b)' an)' mean', rhe of Oxford Unive"II)' PrC5J "",hour rhe prIOr perltlls"on writing in resp"" of alt V fair dealing for are allowed in Wirhin rhe UK, exceprlOn; or or purpose of researeh pflvace Stud)', aitici,m or review a; pcrmirred CO" undcr rhe Copyrighr DCSlgns and Parenrs AC11988,or in rite of In reprographie reproduce ion aa:ordonce wirh rhererm, iSJuGd by rheCop)'righr senllO rhe ofrhe lianees Licensing , ~genCf: Enquiries concerning In reproduceion outSide rhcse tcrms and orha counrries should Righrs Department, Oxford Uni"e"iry PreH, way "ICIlLared publisher , prior coniCnr in on)' form of binding or cover in char which ir i, published and withour a simiLar condition 01 rhe addres; above sholl nor, by Ihal ir Thi; book i, sold s"biar co the condllion hired oulor othcrw;" be lent, re'Jold, or orhcrw;", Ihe of trod. wirhoul orhcr chon ,ncluding Ihi, condilion BI/flsh Libra'." Culalogu"'g being imposed on the ,ubslL/u"II purcha;cr in P"blicatlOn Dora Data avaiLable Librar)' 0/ Congre" (Alaloging 1MPublicalion Dora DaU1 available ISBN O-19- 86126)-X IO9Bi6S4J21 De5lgned by ,~ndre'" Boag, TypographIC problem ;olving, Landon Typesee In SWIft and Anal lvlidsoma Narron, Barh by Selwood sy"ems, Prinled in spn'" on acid- free papcr b)' (areu Cromo Arw Craftca; 5,, Madrid ,.J Case 3:02-cv-01991-JSW accli'onate Document 116-29 Filed 01/30/2004 aSS Page 4 of 5 account agreement. ele, ) by overwhelming vocal app, . and without ballot. 2 C,n'Clan (01 election) by VIrtue flight of Steps up the side of a ship allowing - _ from a small boal or a quayside, .,GIN Middle English: from Old French acordanl from aeordtT' bring to an agreetRent' (see 4CCOROI, of being the sole eandidate, - ORIGIN mid 16th cent.: from Latin aeclamatio(n,), s from acclamarr ' hout or accommodation platform... noun platform serving an offshore according.. .d.orb 1 laccording tal as stared by or in: the ourlook for , latee ' shout in approval' Isee ACCLAIM I, acclimate !,akllmeH, a kl.\lm"! ~ .erb Ino obl, l thielly as accommodation for workers in offshore oil or gas produCtion, accompaniment.. noun 1 a musical pan whieh supports or partners a solo instrument, voice, or group: she song 10 guitar accompanlmenl Ilmm nounJ sonala' for piano with VIolin acrompanlm"'t, InveStor, i, not bright, according 10 jinanClal expert.!, g1\'e Ihe soldlcr5 time to N Amer,acclimatize: we had 10 .in a manner colTesponding or conforming 10: rook In, rice occording to Ihl inmumon', . In proportion or relation to: ,alary ,,;11 be Jixrd DCto,d,ng 10 "penen", 2 (accoeding asl depending on whether, aeclimaLc, .a,01C'9Y respond physiologieally or behaviourally to a change In a single environmental factor: trees may acdimale to high CO, """" by rrducing the number 1 Bouny & stomala, Compare with ACCCIMAn,,", .l~'" 001. HO",CUllu" harden off (a planrl, oeclimatcr .a lush baekground to an aCtivity: SInng accompanimentS 10 romDnlIC srrncs in filrru, piece of music played as a complement or accordingly.. ad.erb 1 in "'ay that is 2 something that supplements or complements something else, especially lood: these bisrui15 are a appropriate to the particular circumsranees: we have to discover what hi, plan, arr and oct accordingly. 2 lsonlenee 'dverbj consequently; therefore: chm was there will be no of the rules; accordingly, breach - DERIVATIVES acclimation noun, - ORIGIN late 18th cent.: from French from a-Ifrom Latin ad ' to, an" climat ' climate', - PHRASES to the accompaniment or with accompanying or background music or sound of the organ, from: we filed out to the accompanimenl lovely accompaniment to tea. di'riplinary inquiry, accordion ,.-b:dlanl" noun a musical instrument played by "'e!Ching and squeezing with the hands oYer to work a central bellows that blows air acclimatize (also -isel ~ .erb Ino obi) become metal accustOmed to a new climate or to new conditions: . with another event happening at the same time as, - ORIGIN accompagnmenl, reeds, the melody and chords being sounded by buttons or keys. Compare with folding .1" IOOdilierJ accordion pl,at. - OERIVATIVES accordionist noun, - ORIGIN mid 19th cent.: from German Akkordion to tune from Italianaccordare it's unknown whether people ",ill acdimatize to increa,ingly wann weath,r I they like 10 aedilTUltize beforr doIng anything, themselves properly CONCERTINA, .a,0109Y respond physiologically or behaviourally 10 ehanges in a eomplex of environmental factors, Hon"unu" J BoTany & Compare with ACCCIMAn, . I~'" OOI. a Irom accompognrr ' ccompany accompanist.. noun a person who provides a musical accompaniment to another musician or to a singer, early 18th eent.: from Freneh like the bellows of an accordion: an harden off ia plantl, - DERIVATIVES acclimatiution noun, accompany ~ vert acclima"r ) i i- es, -iedl Iwlln obi, 1 go accost ~ .erb - ORiCIN mid 19th cent.: from French acclimatize' "-OZE, somewhere with (someonel as a companion or escort: the IWO siSters were ro arrompany us to London. acclivity ,.-kli"l1i/.. noun Ipl. - lesion upward slope, - OERIVATIVES acclivitous adjecti.., 2 lusu, be accompanied I be present or occur at the same time as (something else): rhe illness accompanied by nausea, is of 1'" I~ilh obi, r'porler, Isomeone) boldly or aggressively: him in the meet I man tried to aCtost the way to scl1ooL ) approach and address aCtoSted !rrl on the - ORIGIN early 17th cent, : arclivis, from od, ' lOwards from Latin aeclivllas, eli"", a slope from - ORIGIN late 16th cent. (originally in the sense ' lie or go alongside): from French accOSter, from Italian COSUI rib, side from Latin ad, ' accasta", .providelsomethingl as a ,omplement or addition to something else: hame;:ook,d brown bread, nom accompanied by accouchement ,o ku:)mol .. noun I'"'" the aCtion of giving birth to a baby, put to bed' isee COUCN noun) arellair accolade !,akaleld, , ab' leldf .. noun 1 an award or privilege granted as a, special honour or as an aeknowledgement of merit: the ultima" accolade of a visir by the Queen. official J playa musical accompaniment for, - ORiGIN late Middle accompagner, - ORIGIN late 18th cent.: French, fromaccoueher s shoulders with a sword at the bestowing of a knighthood, 2 a touch on a person . an expression of praise or admiration, French eampaignon eompagne, from companion , The spelling change was due to association with COMPANY, accomplice la bmplis, .. noun a person '-kom-I who helps another commit a crime, - ORIGIN mid 16th cent, : a1terouon Iprobably by English: from Old French from 0' (from Latin ad ' to, at act as midwife , from a,(from Latin ad ' la, at") . eoucher French, from accouchrr Old accoucheur I, aku:")o:'" noun 0 male midwife, - ORIGIN mid 18th cent.: isee ACCOUCNEMENT), an account.. noun 1 a report ot description of has what event or experience: - ORIGIN early 17th cent.: from French, from Proven~al aeoloda, literolly ' embraee around the (of physical neck (when beStowing knighthood)', from Larin ad, at, to ' . eollum ' neck' ) accommodate.. .erb IwHn obi. 1 association with ACCOMPANY) of Middle English eomplice ' an associate , via Old French from late plieare the root of been achieved,Qf music: a .an interpretation or rendering of a piece and receiptS relating to a particular submirred deUliled account of space, especially a building) provide lodging or eacragcs accommodate up ta six sufficient space for: rho Latin complex, eompli,- ' allied' , from com, ' together" . to fold' achieve or complete people, 2 fit in with the wishes accomplish.. ,orb !~lln obi.) acompliJs- , lively account of Offenbaeh' s score, 2 a reeord or Statement of financial expenditUre period or purpose: the bannon WQJ doing his aecount5 I he quarterly account. or needs of: any lariguage must accommodate ",w eoneqlts, 1 'Ino 001,iaccommodate tol adapt to: oj coday s mark"pla'~ arrommodatc 10 the realities - DERIVATIVES mal:ing usm - ORIGIN late Middle English: from Old French Latin ad, ' successfully: the planes accomplished rhrir mission, .IAccountsl the department of a company thar deals with sueh records, accounts thi, moneh. lengthened stem of aeomplir, based on . eomplm ' to complete accommodative - O",GIN mid 16th cent.: from Latin made fitting ' . rommodus ' fitting adjecti.., ' with . '"',ny a bill taking the form BIOL of such a record: there ! no money to pay the tradesmen accommodal, from the verb accommodare,from ad, accomplished ~ odjecti.e highly trained skilled in a particular activity: on accomplished J an arrangement by which a body holds funds on behalf of a client or supplies goods or servie.. to them on credit: accommodating .. adje'ti.e fitting in - DERIVATIVES someone s wishes or demands in a helpful way, accomplishment.. accommodatingly adverb, pianiSt, . well educated and having good social skills, noun something that has of been achieved successfully: Ihe reduction inflation was a remarkable accomplishment, bank accounr I eharge it to my account 11 began buying thing' on acrount. .a client having sueh an a"angement with a supplier. selling bibles 10 eJUlb1i,hed accounts in the North. . a contraCt to do work periodieally for adient: anDthtT' account. agency, werr a"~rd,d the accommodation.. naun live or 1 lmass noun) a room, . SIOCk hcna"9', Bill a group of rooms, or building in whieh someone may stay: rhcy were living in temporary arrommodatioll. , .(accommodationsl ,n"lly H. AA1e' lodgings, sometimes 'Imass nounl the successful achievement of a task the aCtomplishmenl of planned objectives, . an activity that fixed period on a Slock exchange, at the end of which a person can do well, typically as a result of study or oj practiee: 'YPing was another htT' accomplishments, poet ability in an aCtivity: 4 Imass noun) importance: money wa' of no ""count to payment must be made for bought, Sloek Ihat has been also including board: the eompony guest house accommodations in or vessel: there ,,'" lifeboat offm a numooOberammtrgau. . the for 1.178 . Imass noun) skill or ,0nsidtT'able accomplishment, available space for occupants in a building, vehicle, accommodation accord.. .erb 1 (witn obi, ) give or g..nt someone accorded !h, General more power, ~ .ert 1 IwHn obi. and complemenlj consider or regard in a ' htT', ipower, status, or recognitionl: the powers accOTd.d to rhe head of sune I IMIh !wO obiS) the nationol assembly specified way: her visit could not b, aecounted a people. . the providing of a room or lodgings: the building iJ used exclu'ively for the accommodalian compromise: 2 a convenient arrangement: a settlement or ",king the guests. ) (accord 2 Ino obi, withl lof a concept or facrl be success I he ""counted himself rhe unluekiest man receive an account for money ) ar",ic give or 2100 obiafter 2292 he accounted to Ihe WrstminsttT' received: alive, prime miniSttT' wa, harmonious or consistent with, .. noun an official agreement or treaty, 'Im", noun) agreement or harmony: the governmenl and the reb,iJ are in accord on one point. exchequer, - P H R~S ES by (or aemmmodatJan W1rh LDbouc from I all accounts according to what one has heard or read: by all accounts h, is a prelfy nice guy. call (or bring) someone to account require someone to explain a mistake or poor performance, give a good (or badl account or 'Imass nounJ the process of adapting or adjusting to was nol possiblt.'Imass noun) the political enlilY automatic adjustment of the focus of the eye by someone or something: accommodalion to a separate flattening or thiekening of the lens, - PHRASES in accord with aecording to, or one own accord voluntarily or without outSide intervention: he would not ",k lreatmenl of his own onesetf make a favourable lor unfavourable) - ORIGIN early 17rh c~nt, accommodatio(n'I, from aemmmodare ' fit one thing to another (see ACCOMMODATEI, from Latin accord, with one accord in a united way, - ORIGIN Old English, from Old French impression through one's performance, keep an account or keep a record of. leave something out of account fail or decline to consider a factor, money or account denominations of money used in reckoning but not aeorder . eor reconcile, be of one mind' , from Latin ad, eord, ' heart : influenced by CONCORO, accommodation address wishes to conceal or does .. noun 811L an accordance ~ noun (in phrase in accordance address for correspondence used by a person who not have a permanent withl in a manner conforming with: the ballot was held in accordance with Irade union rules, from acorder ' bring to an agreement for a specified pe"on benefit: don t both", on my account. on account of because of. on no account under no someone . account client: he b'gan trading on hi, O"TJ account. settle current as coins. on address, - ORIGIN Middle English: Irom Old French arordanrr, US a person who accommodationist .. noun seeks compromise ,, 'ith an opposing point of view rypically a political one, a ladder 01 accordant ~ adjecti,e of the servirr, arch, it agreeing or (see 4CCORC), circumstances: on no accounl leI onyone I:noll' we interested on one s own account with one's own money or assetS, rather than for an employer or compatible: I found the music ""cordant with the word, lor accommodation ladder ~ noun square! accounts with pay money owed to sour a call 0: arm I E bed I c: hair I 0 ago I 0: her II sill i cosy I i: see I 0 holl J: saw I A run I u pull u: 100 I AI my I au how I eJ day I ou no 110 near I 01 boy I uo poor I Aid lire I au' Case 3:02-cv-01991-JSW ~ecoy unwanted AC disrotllon or osciUa Document 116-29 480 -ORIGIN early 19th cent.: deereasing Filed 01/30/2004 founders of Page 5 of deductive 5 ' do:da.,nll, Richard n d' with a common power supply, decoy ~ noun f'di:bl, di'kOl11 a bird or mammal. or an imitation of one, used by hunters to attraCt thunder II" adl,deCTescendo heart munnur I I la he decrescendos down to a whISper, Italian, literally -kind f'deidaklOd,German 1-1916), German mathematician, one the abstraCt algebra and modern mathematics, other birds or mammals: I" modiherj a decoyduek, -a person or thingused to lure an animal or person imo a trap. . a fake or non,working article, especially a weapon, used to mislead or mISdirect decrescent Idl moon) waning, krcsla)nt/ .. adje,"v. lan/lb,) lof the dedendum /d,-dEndoml ~ noun Eng,n""ng the radial distance from the pitch circle of a cogwheel or wormwheel to the bottom of the tooth space or groove, Compare with ADDENOUM - ORIGIN early 20th cent, - ORICI" early 17th cent.: from Latin decresrenl' growing less', from the verb decrmm Isee DECREASE), 2 a pond from which narrow netted ehannels lead, intO which wild duck may be enticed for caprure, "vert Idlkol, ' di' :bll IWlln and advertHal 01 dlrecllOnllure obi, decretal ldi'kri:l(aJiI .. noun concerning a poim of canon law, a papal decree Irom Latin, ' thing thai can be surrendered' , neuter gerundive of dedm. or entice la person or animal) away from their in tended course, typicaUy into a crap: thry would try 10 docoy the enemy towards the hidden group, - ORIGI" mid 16th cent. (earlier ascoyl: from Dutch dedicate ~ vert lwiln Obl, l devote (time, effort, or oneself) to a particular task or purpose: dldicaUd her liJe joan ha, ~ adj."ive 01 the nature of a decree, de kool ' the decoy', from Middle Durch de kouw ' the cage , from Latin cavea cage'. Sense 1 is from the praCtice 01 using tamed ducks to lead wild ones along channels into eaptiviry, decrease.. verb Idl kri:Sf Ino Obl, l become smaller or degree: the fewer in SIlO, populaflOT1 oJ the area ha.s dlcrea"d, rodieally. ) 'IW1I!1 001, make smaller or fewer in sile, amount, aulcs w""' decreased in heigh'IntenSI!)' , or degree: tl" amount, intensity, or decided' , from the vert dmrnere. Decretum Idl kri:taml ..nDun a colleCtion 01 decisions and judgementS in canon law, - ORIGIN Latin, literally ' something decreed' decriminali:te (also -lseJ ~ vert IWlln obi, ) cease to treat (something) as illegal: a battle to decriminalize drugs, - DERIVATIVES decrimin8liuotion noun, - ORICI N Middle English: from late Latin decretale, neuter of decretOh, ladjective), from Latin decre!' to animals, .devote (something) to a parriC\Jlar subje(1 or purpose: volume Jour u dedicated to wosp', slusu, d...ic.todl cite or nominate la book or other arriS!ic work) as being issued or performed in sameon" oJ honour: the novel is dedicored to the memory assign la mother, . (uso, b. dodl~.tedl eeremonially pa~sh ehurrn " dedi=d to 51 Paul. dedicatory ad,,~IVO. church or other building! to a deity or saint: Ih, - DEilVATIVES dedicatee naun, dedicator noun, decry /dl ~ noun f'di:kri:sf an instance or example of becoming smaller or fewer: decrea.se in births, -Im"s noon) tbe aCtion or process of becoming smaller oJ demase became greater, or fewer: Ihe raft - PHRASES on the decruse becoming less common kr_\l1 ~ vert joles, - led) Iwlln obi,) abuscs, denounce: they decried human rightJ publicly - ORIGIN late Middle English (in the sense ' devote to sacred use by solemn rites l: from' Latin dedical' devoted, consecrated' , - DERtVATtVES decrier noun, from the vert drdicare, - ORIGIN early 17th eent, lin the sense ' decrease the value of eoins by royal proclamation ): from OE. dedicated ~ adjeo'ivs tof a person I devoted to a task or purpose: team oJ dedieated dOCtors, or widespr..d: decreasing, votm have proved party, down ' . CRY , on the pattern of French dicrier ' cry down .Iof a thingl exclusively assigned or allocated to or intended for a particular servieeor purpose: , Channe' Tunnel. dedieated high-speed ref/lint from Ihe - DERIVATIVES dedlcatedly a"""rb, - DERIVATIVES decreuingly adverb !as submodilier! ecrypt d support the d,cr.."ngly willing to - ORICI" late Middle English: from Old Frenchdecreis Idi: knptl ~...rt j..;th obi, ) make (a coded or unclear message) intelligible: tht computer can be (noun), demiSlre (verb), based on Latin decrescm, grow decree ~nDun an official order issued by ... ruler or authority that has theforee of law, from de. ' down crmm try decree. . a judgement or decision of eerrain law Courts, especially in matrimonial cases, Iwlln obi,l order decreed a ban (something) by decree: rhe govemment on any contact "ith the guerrilla.! I Iwith douse) the used to encrypl and decrypl sensiti,-e tronsmissions, ~ noun a lext that has been decoded, dedication ~ nDun 1m", nounl1 the quality of being dedicated or committed to a task or purpose: dldica1io"-W hi, - DERIVATIVES decryption noun, - ORICI~ 1930s: from DE, (expressing reversal). crypt as in encrypt, building to a deity or saint: rho dedication chiefly 2 the action his duties, of dedicating a churcb or other oJ a new 'Im"s noun) the issuing of such an order: the king ruled decubitus Idl kju:bnosf ~ noun 1m", nounl Medicine the posture adopted by a person who is city church, '1"""" IID\I1jan inscription dedicating a building in this way, . !'- noun)the words with which a book or lying down: 'I" madmer) lumbar p~nerure with the ~v.rt (decrees, decreed, decreeing) patient in the lateral decubi!1l' po'ition. president decreed that the military was to be Jlreamhned. : - ORIGI" late 19th cenE, modem Larin, from Lalin decumbm lie down , on the pattern of words such as aecubitlLS ' reclining at rabie', other artiStic work is dedicated, - ORICI" late Middle English: from Latin dediealio(n'l, from dedieare ' devote, consecrate ' (see DEDICATEI, de dicto Idel 'dlktau, di:/ ~ adje,liv.Philosoplrf relating to the form of an assertion or expression itself, rather than any property of a rhing it - refers - ORIGIN Latin, from - ORtGI" Middle English Idenoring an edict issued by an eeclesiasrical council to settle a point of doCtrine or deem, decubitus ulcer ~ noun rechnical term for BEDSORE, discipline): from Old French decre, from Latin decretum ' something decided' decumbent Idl hmb(o)ntl .. adjeoliv. Botany (of a plan I or parr of a plant) lying along the ground or along a surface, with the extremity curving upwards, - ORICI" late 18tb cent, : from Latin decumbent' ' lying down , from the vert decumbere, based on de, ' down . a verb related to cubo" to lie to, Compare with DE RE, what is said' Biology (of a cell from dmrncre ' decide dedifferentiate /,di:dlr.rcnJlCn/ ~ vert Ino or tissue! undergo a reversal - DERIVATIVES dcdiNerentiation noun. obi, decree absolute.. nDun (pI. decrees absolute) English Law a final order by a court of law which differentiation and lose specialized eharacreristics, j deduce.. vert IMln obi. arrive at la fact or a officially ends a marriage, enabling either parry to remarry, decree nisi ~ noun (pI. decrees nisi) Englisn Law an order by a court decumbiture /dl a kAmbnJaf ~ noun AsICOlogy chart of law that States the date on whieh a marriage will end, unless a good reason to prevent a divorce is produced, made for rhe time 01 onset of an illness, to aid in making a prognosis and determining appropriate treatment. 'Imass noun) ""'a~ the ocrion of raking to one's bed with an illness, - ORIGI" late 19th cent-: Latin nisi ' unless decrement f'dEknm(a)nt/ diminution: diminished: ~ noun a reduction relaxation produces a decrement - ORICI" mid 17th cent,: formed irregularly from Latin decumbm ' lie down ' . -URE. Ihm ,aJely dedueed from conclusion: little can be rhey dedw:ed thaI the JUh died I Iwiln clausel figures because oJ waler pollution, he trace (he course or derivation of: cannOI .a,",,'" deseenl wholly by htirs mole, dedu" hi, - DERIVATIVES deducible adjeC\ive, conclusion) by reasoning: draw as a logical - ORIGI" late Middle English (in the sense ' lead or convey , ): from Latin d,dueere from de' 'down sympathetie nervous oerh'ity. . an amount by which something is redueed or the dose """ red."d by 10 mg we'kly decurrent Idl kAlja)nt/ ~ adj.,'ive Bolany (of a fungus gill. leaf. etc.) extending down the stem below the dueerr lead' ...vert Iwilh obi, l decrementJ the decrrments, . Pllysics the ratio of the amplitudes in successive cycles of a damped oscillation, Compuling eause crl/elly point of attachment. deduct ~ vert Iwitn obi, ) - .Iof a shrub or the crown of a treel having roughly equal branehes, several discrete reduction in (a numerieal quantity): the instruction aecumuJator by one, - ORICI" mid 18th cent,: bill) curved downwards, from Latin decurrenr, a bird' obi. subtract or rake away (an be", dlductld amount or parr) from a total: tax has the paymentS, from ORICI" late Middle English: from Latin dedun, running down , from the vert decurrere, taken or led away', from the verb deduc"" o.dua and deduce were not diStinguished in sense until the mid 17th cent. - ORICI" early 17th cent, (as a nounj: from Larin demmentum ' diminution , from the Stem of decrest'" ' to decrease', decurved ~ adjeolive Biology (especially of decrepit jdl krrpilJ ~ adjective lof a person) elderly and infirm: a rarher decrepit old man. - DERtVATIVES decrepitude noun, decussate "'11111,,1 ~ v.rt Idl kAseil. ' dEbsenllno deductible ~ adieo'ive ~ nDun cn,rlly N. Arnel. rhe part able to be deduered, (of (\Yo or more things) cross or intersect each espeeially from taxable income or tax to be paid, be paid by the insured: - OERtVATIVES deductibility noun, other to form an X: the fibres decussate in thi collar. . worn out or ruined because of age or neglect: a row adjeo'iv. jdl kAsotl shaped like an X, ~ dmrpiJ houses, oBolany (or leaves) arranged in opposite pairs, each pair - OERtVATIVES decussation -ORIGIN mid 17th cent, of an insurance claim excess, an - ORIGI" late Middle English: from Latin decrepitus, from de' down rattle. creak' crepitus, being at right angles to the pair below. noun, deduction.. noun will be paid without 1m", nounj 1 the aCtion or crepare paSt participle of deducting or subtracting something: the diYldend deduction (as a verb): from Latin decussatu" past participle of dlcussare 'divide oJ tax .!eounl noun) an amount that is or may be deduCted decrepitate Idl krrpileill ~ verb Ino obi. ) iechm"l(of a cryStal or an inclusion of something within a cryStal) crosswise , from decu"is (describing the figure X, i, the Roman numeral for the number 10), from decem ren from something, especially from taxable income tax to be paid: tax deduC1ion" disintegrate audibly when heated, 2 the inference of particular instances by referencr to a general law or - DERIVATIVES decrepitation noun, - ORICI" mid 17th cent, from DE. ' away" . Latin verb crepitare, crrpHal' ' crackled' , from decyl f'dISAIl, -sill ~ noun I" modifier) Chemistry of denoting an alkyl radical -C"H", decane, derived from principle: the detective m.~ the Often uncover rho murderer by deduC1ion Jrom JoctS, contrasted with INDUCTION, 'Icoun, noun! a conclusion that has been deduced, - 0 RICI" late Middle English: from Latin dedumo(n'I, from the verb deduem (see DEDUCEI, frequentative of crepa" ' rattle' (see DECREPIT), decrescendo I,di:kr.-)Endaul ~ nDun Ipi. .osj, adverb adjective & verb (.os , -oed) another term for OIMINUENOO: I" nounl the decrescendo oJ distant - ORICI" mid 19th cent.: from Greekdeko, ten . -YL-dedans /d.del ~ noun (in real tennis) an open gallery for spectatOrs at the serviee side of a court. - ORIGIN early 1Bth cenr, : French, literally ' inside I wwe I noo deductive .. adjective characterized by th' b bull d dog I ffew!g gellh he Ij yes I k calli leg I m man! n nol ppenl r red I s sill t top! V voice IJshe I 3 deciSIon I e thin 16th,s I ~ ring I x loch ItJ chip I d3jll

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