Overture Services, Inc. v. Google Inc.
Declaration of Ravind S. Grewal in Support of 115 Google's Responsive Claim Construction Brief filed by Google Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1# 2 Exhibit 2# 3 Exhibit 3# 4 Exhibit 4# 5 Exhibit 5# 6 Exhibit 6# 7 Exhibit 7# 8 Exhibit 8# 9 Exhibit 9# 10 Exhibit 10# 11 Exhibit 11# 12 Exhibit 12# 13 Exhibit 13# 14 Exhibit 14# 15 Exhibit 15# 16 Exhibit 16# 17 Exhibit 17# 18 Exhibit 18# 19 Exhibit 19# 20 Exhibit 20# 21 Exhibit 21# 22 Exhibit 22# 23 Exhibit 23# 24 Exhibit 24# 25 Exhibit 25# 26 Exhibit 26# 27 Exhibit 27# 28 Exhibit 28# 29 Exhibit 29# 30 Exhibit 30)(Related document(s) 115 ) (Grewal, Ravind) (Filed on 1/30/2004)
Overture Services, Inc. v. Google Inc.
Doc. 116 Att. 23
Case 3:02-cv-01991-JSW
Document 116-24
Filed 01/30/2004
Page 1 of 4
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Case 3:02-cv-01991-JSW
Document 116-24
Filed 01/30/2004
Page 2 of 4
;; v. Google , N. D. Gal. CO2-01991
.. CioTo H!U
bl11):II...",w. O\;w(ddy. t:om/inkl~rcbj' I~s.l97.'27byt(;.
1 !.98- \html
(Wj byte marks
GoTo. Hell
rYhal happens
lVe your ~ycballs for sale'?
i L-
The ~tarch ~IIgiI1e
GoTo. com think.!;
so, and its approach is genern~ing $I bjl of controversy on the
when an online search engine
accepts cash from JiVeb sites?
B;I W)'n Hill)
Internet. Tradi6omi!ly, search engines havc us~d a mathcmaticat algorithm truLt C:O\lOlS keywords to rank their results (like \haVj';l:l and r \(r,~) or the more human touch of an edilorial Yaboo t). BUf staff sorting through rhousa.nds of Web 5ites (like Pasadena.- bMed GoTo has come:- up with a radically different method; he:- wbo coughs up roe most cash .....1m;,
With me alsorithm Lyees uscs, j'oujust gel too momy re~dts
for on~ se'1fch term, " ~xplained GoTo CEO Jdfrc:y Brewer. " The Yahoo! mQdel is editoriall)' col1sLrained by constantly reviewing site~. \Ve re lhr first search engine thal)S gc, ing iol.ltililG a third way-th~ free market
n-;;;;;~, II",, ; '"",Ir t;1,ml~r
II..",. C'
In th(: GoTo mudd , b\l$jne:;~ bid for p~accm'Cnt jn the results from a query. The: results ar~ rank,=d with tm highest
bidder5 fi~i , foHowe.d by the mas: popu:ar 5it"D (dctcm-.im;d b:;: user polls) and then by the common rabble of non- paying. sites. , fDf example, a ~arch for " ~por1S ' tu.rJu; up row businesses
v,'illing to pay
11"1 u'l 't
5 c~n15 api~ce for each pa~r of eyes that goes to
their sitl;:s (advcrti~(:r~ On GoTo pay onJy for " dick throughs: or
~cruaJ visits to the
rde::1.Sc thOiI this
adV-I';rilSE:d si!t::)-
GaIo claimed in a press
matkel appro~ch " r~moy(':s tht cot'lfm:ion of lUl/.':m~t searches by en.abling COn5umers to find what they're Jooking for faster, and (allows) Wc::b 5i\es to fc:ach targeted cons-UIT1~rs in Ih~ most efficient way,
fy 5earch on GaTo far " orange county," howev~T, tl.lrnt.d up
Some rather dismaJ r~ts: 5t\' ~n out of the first 10 listings had nolh.ing to do with oc. J gol si!es d~ing with Alachu.a County schools, me LA County library and the National Oraogc Show
Bapardino. Brewer pointed out that Mnot oftbose sites ""'ere paying advcrtj~rs and said my disappointing search results simply I::Ughlighted the: problem" inhc:rcl1t in al,gorithrn- ba.scd x~!.rr;bts Jjke those J.J.SC.d by Lyros- But the s.amc:: search on Lycos turned up ntW5 articks OD GC , local re.a.l-':S'late
Ev(:111$ C,c:f!kr in Sa!!
listings and so fl)M-a perfect 10 O\.lt of 10..
Y.ilico' brought up
stMchihg on
a 1Tea$ill'e trove of sites dt'Votro 10 OC.
including govelluneOr sites , bosines~s and online guidc:s to the county. Even the paying sites on GoT Q occasionally seem out of
rJ act;, My sear~h for " SPN1) "
or'll1ne malL
brougbt ur shc.pping. com , a.'1
Leaving aside the que$tion of wh~lher Go T Q. com iiv~s up 10 its billing as il more efficient 5t:a:rch cngim;,; , it:; capitalist emphasis
OVG OO1232
;. .
Case 3:02-cv-01991-JSW
Document 116-24
Filed 01/30/2004
Page 3 of 4
a v. Google , N. D. Gal. CO2-01991
I1l1p:llw",w. oc""etld~. comJmlu' archj\. t:J97127b)1c-
11. 98. 1
ShIm I
L~ Mousing
~QT;1C a:TJtiplithy
among tTaditionaJIy frcc-5piritJ::d
ve etlcounl.ered some resistarli:e;' Brewer admitted. He ascribed l\1Ih.:h oftl1e opposition to an experience Ne.jzws had two y~a;s ago with a search engine called Open Text, like GoTe, Ope-n T(;xl offered companies the opportunity
Nt:ti:rell:;', "
to pay rOt a higher nmking in its search results. But , according to
Wired NeWs , after customer CQrflpl.airll~. Open T cxl dr"pped the. pay- foI~ pl~!;:emefit plan.
ve been compared to OpC:fI T c:.~t, a Brr;wer sai-d, "BlJt the .. dIfference is 1.he-y we('(;n t open about it. They were se!!in,g placemctlt without ~Uing ronsumers. We re doing the opposite.
challenge the model ,
We want yOli to know bow this mockl worlcs. You could but you can ( say we re being disbonc:st.
reap-Ie confu:;t: the hQn~sty issue \Vim the EU1!i-comrnerci~j~m 5;l':ntim~nt c1.lITmtly On thl!: Net."
Indeed , GDTo is quite upfront about it:; pay- for- plac.em~t
~tr.1h:gY- l)nt: might e-veTI. say brazen. Nc)(j to each listing in its search results is the all1oW11 of mofJe1 th~ advertiser is paying for a click through. No Olll': could argue tt' s trying to deceive: its
uscn about how it ranks it, re:sults. .I\nd advertising is nothing lleW to search ~rlginl:s; Yahoo! , fOT instance, TtapS millions from
ooru1.;'r ads
and partnership deals wilh other compan.ie~ tQ di$pl~y
Ihem prort1ine~tJy on their pages, But those ads are entire-I)' separate from tht sl;:ar-ch rc$Ull:';8 re-wer
ar~ed that Ga To s more capitalist apPfIJ;\ch i:;;
bett~r- suiled to an incrtasingly commercial ir1t~rn~t. " FoT certain categories , there ace an increasing number of comparU~ OD the
group of cori1p~it:S jn1erestc:d in :lelling t)T1.lin~ . As tho~ Dwducls aJ1d seflilces become a btgger component of the Web , I Ihirtk our modtl btcom~s much more viable. P~opk are looking for thing:;; !~ko: thai more 1han ",,'hat the Web is traditionally
!cTJ.Qwn for, lik~ Tinra-')' or rdm~n~ ffia!eria1s.
We:-b that are trying to e-duc-ale consumers about thing.s you can buy in the outside \"' otld," he ~d. " Then s also a whole olkr
to point (jut that GoT 0 wasn t trying to sites. But Bill Gross . chairman of (;o1'o s parenl company, id~alab! , took a more antagonistic stancc, ~ Tho OoTo modd :recognizes the:- dr3rTli!.ti~ shift tl--.at ha5
exdud~ noJX:omm~rda!
Brewer was .111pains
tahn p!4ce 011
the- jll.t~mct sine;;
i~ in(-eptiOf1. No long.t't aii.
egaIitaridI1 playground for th~ tt~h-$avvy community. it has Ix:com!:: Ihe foc-u.s of corporations and invaded by the ma.o;ses:' he
realized it was possible lo make money onlin!:. Gross wmmenls might remind you of an ad IBM ran a while back fearuri:i.1.g comedian Derus L\'..8.ry ;;laJk;ng around Jih: an irritated pamJler and sneering ,n aJ, the !bings ~opl~ could do opji.n~.wilb the mlplicalion bei..i1g that (:verything people had achie'ycd Of) the Int~met tIJI..IS far was worthl~ bct.ausc it didn' t earn;my IDom:y.
Then attitude !end" to irritate die- hard NelizerLS wb) dun t
Wr~slirJg control of the ICllemtt away from insular eggheads and 1adoring it for f11a$S consumption ha.$ become a rallying cry for corporaliops ()vt'f the pas'. wupk of Y~-(;vcr since thq
OVG 001233
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Case 3:02-cv-01991-JSW
Document 116-24
Filed 01/30/2004
Page 4 of 4
v. Google , N. D. Gal. C02-01991
,oTo. Hdl
http. ,'\"""". 11cwcdJ)' . com.:inl'/3r(hi"t,,' 9 71271.~1c- 11. 9&.
mind if .5omconc wants to sell ~hlff Qnlin~ but resent belng lL)ld
111.af fan pag1:s ,
~causr;'; they
re nol pwfitilblt- Value 3S
ch:lt rooms and Sla.r Trek jQk~s ,m~ un!mportant not ;1h'-' 3)'5 mta5ured in
Exc~pt , ofcoUJ'$~ , Lha\ GoTe thit1.ks il d.-x:s. ImpJ1cit in its pay. for- pi i1tcmeut modd is lht 355umption that if 8 comp.my is.
~illing to shell out cash for a higher se.aI\:h raJlJdng, il mU5~ be
ju.st what conSLID1en assumptjon tracks.
arc J""kirtg fQT . And
not ~tlf~ tIml
Tell Wyn what she s
worth at
wl1iit\ ,
(oP!" '~~I~
I\","~ 1' , I .J;~I"d ", ;,1, oi~( tL' I\;II:'~"
I~t, wo')'
\t., ln,I,1: '~\'
"cl" I P"'"",I-
" "M,,'~1J.
., .'f 1
liD/,(8 J O:S6 AM
OVG 001234
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