Overture Services, Inc. v. Google Inc.

Filing 116

Declaration of Ravind S. Grewal in Support of 115 Google's Responsive Claim Construction Brief filed by Google Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1# 2 Exhibit 2# 3 Exhibit 3# 4 Exhibit 4# 5 Exhibit 5# 6 Exhibit 6# 7 Exhibit 7# 8 Exhibit 8# 9 Exhibit 9# 10 Exhibit 10# 11 Exhibit 11# 12 Exhibit 12# 13 Exhibit 13# 14 Exhibit 14# 15 Exhibit 15# 16 Exhibit 16# 17 Exhibit 17# 18 Exhibit 18# 19 Exhibit 19# 20 Exhibit 20# 21 Exhibit 21# 22 Exhibit 22# 23 Exhibit 23# 24 Exhibit 24# 25 Exhibit 25# 26 Exhibit 26# 27 Exhibit 27# 28 Exhibit 28# 29 Exhibit 29# 30 Exhibit 30)(Related document(s) 115 ) (Grewal, Ravind) (Filed on 1/30/2004)

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Overture Services, Inc. v. Google Inc. Doc. 116 Att. 20 Case 3:02-cv-01991-JSW Document 116-21 Filed 01/30/2004 Page 1 of 4 EXHIBIT 20 Dockets.Justia.com Case 3:02-cv-01991-JSW Document 116-21 Filed 01/30/2004 Page 2 of 4 WEBSTER' NEW WORLDll" COLLEGE DICTIONARY THIRD EDITION e Case 3:02-cv-01991-JSW Document 116-21 Filed 01/30/2004 Page 3 of 4 Dedi.co. ted to David B. Guralnik le;:.icogrophical mentor and friend Webster s New WorJdTM College Dictiona!)' . Third Edition CoP.\Tight Cf) 1997 1996 1994 1991 1988 by Simon & Schuster, Inc. This edition is a major revision of Webster's New IVorld Dictionary(f;J Second Col1ege Erution , coPYTight (91986 1984 1982 1980 1979 1978 1976 , 1974 1972 1970 by Simon & Schuster , Inc. illl rights reserved inc1uding the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form Macmillan General Reference A Simon & Schuster Macmillan Company 1633 Broadway New York , NY 10019- 6785 A Webster s New \VorldTM Book MACMILL.~~ is a registered trademark of Macmillan , Inc. WEBSTER' S NE\V WORLD DICTIONARY is a registered trademark of Simon & Sc1mster, Inc. DictiorLury Editorial O/~l.ces: New World Dictionaries 850 Euclid Auenue Cleueland , Ohio 44114 Library of Congress Catalog-ing- in- PublicatioD Data Webster s New World conege dictionar)' / Victoria Neufeldt , edJtor in chief , David B Guralnik , editor in chief emeritus. - 3rd m. 423- oc2) PE1628W5629 1997 ISBN 0- 02- 861673- ) (thumb- indexed) - ISBN 0- 02- 861675- .3 (plain). - ISBN 0- 02- S61674. X (Jeatnerkraft) 1. English language DJctionaries. I ;~eufeidt , Victoria II. Guralnik , D2\r:id Bernard. 192096- 44362 CIP DoLcease service 2nd principal typc:settir:g by Lexi- Comp, .M2:lufaccur'2G in 34567891C! the Inc , Hudson , OnJcl United States of 1\.rneric2 979899000102 i Case 3:02-cv-01991-JSW Document 116-21 686 nd indemonstrable, in. de.mon. stralble iian file in- de- ter.mi. in. dene (m d;,n ) ;,. !IND\Ou:1 - - f':NE . colori=. oily hydrocarbon H.. obullna irom coli! \.Or and used in che manufacture of syn. th~tic r~stn' ",demon.HraDi;!.' (", dj r I nO' demo. r., ~o:: in dem on- ) adj. iLL , ole: chat cannot be pro' 'ed b"lnr inde" nil.e: uncertalr. Filed 01/30/2004 Page 4 of 4 . (n de l"r'mi r, . St ) n. U- sLal.e or oulilitl' 01 in. de. ter.mi. et~rm."" rinciplec"r'mi nil d;- I"fUNCIP\.Z i (rn . UNCE:RT""'TY ) adj. .1 1 not dete'mlnate . speed.. al Inex.ct 111 'U; hrmL"- nBl.ure . et.C. : mdeflaru. Ian ;ndetenol""lf amoLlD::j bl not yet LL meV:LenrunaLw J "",tied. in- den" Uo' L' In dw: OF'T eru1P..nLe.- lor n. ir. den:' . in den: ) vt I ME eru1P..nlen c TOOTH J 1 or M;" Inaenwrc both" L Lr" in ~ MT'I.!,. (an eci?e or border): l"Ot.Cb: a!so. by m8tin. not.Cbes bj \.c. maXE .lagged or zi~"f in outlinE 2 to sev~r aJOn~ !UJ irT~rular linE , so tbal the paN may be idenLifJ~d 3 1.0 wnte out (a contract. ele. ) in duplicate 4 to blDd (. .erv~nt aT apnrenlice) by indenture 5 \.0 "Pace (lhE firsc linE (. wntcen com.acL ~LG. j to space u, from or requisitior. an edg. 2 an 1.(, cut \.OolhJii;e poLn~ tnLG to join 0' \;nowr,; doubtful or incoo.c!us.ivr 2 Bot. kACf':MOSE conciuded.. de. I"r'mi' ""'te' n~,", n. ady. oe. ter'mi.n8\e!ly Z"ol. the div","or. of 8IE eg, into celli. eact indeterminate cleavage of aeveioplD'I; intO . complete orga.n"",,-: of whIch has the pocentla! in. de. ter.mi.na. tion in. de' cf. ",,'NNING (sen.. (in at l~, mi ni' sb~D. - 4- ) "'- 1 I~cl of de1.ermi- naClor 2 an indel.ermlnaU sUiU or quabty of a pnrapapr, . from the "'rular mal"fID an encire para...~aph. . column af figures. elc.1 i~ b!.C' order by an lIldent - vi- 1 to ionI) or ler.min. ism (In de t~r roi niL ru- ) rt 1";DE:TERMII;. ISM! 1 tb. doctTlnf lM\ lbe ..~Ii i.fr"" Dr to '&ome de!,!"", I"" U:: .cuom and cboice, are no~ eJLogether lot ne-:ea&ar\' result Lh.1 ant. """quencr of cause' 2 ,he quaJity or con diGo r, of be marked by no\.Ches. pOlIl15. OT . .iagged border :2 thE mar!"I'.: mah ",., Lndention 3 to draw up an ~er ind~ntlor. bl an tnoenced or crip"calt - n. 1 . noleh 0; cut in U, duplicau indenwT'f. or wn,Len contract 3 al a space in from th. in. dex (i~ margm: linf- parag1"aph. el.(.- 4 Euslnes! ar; order in-den. ta. tion (in indenting dra...n ap in dup;lcalt tnphesl.e: apecil.. a) any order (01 ioreigTJ mercn.uooise b) an order to buy certain rOOCl5 at s\..lIted l.erms in. : 10' " iJ;'dent. . in dent ! vt 11",.1 " DE:.--r') 1 ) eLe- with or slight holiow to make a dent. no dent pressur,,: impre",; SLamI' den t8' shon) n. f INDE"'T' or forlL used u, iorel"" Lraoe and usually dent' Vor " in den:' upor: being indeleris\ n.. adj. -in' Oe-te!"'Trlim. bc adj. pi. -der iEs or -di.ces' (- cU..er) I L. inlorme, . 'Mt which pom15 out ~ inaLeare . INDICATE) 1 shorr: lor INDEX f'lNCEF. 2 or . poir1l.er lndicalOr . "' the needJ, or. "dial :J . thin. that point..! : out: indlcatior. : "!;T. represeoUitior lp"-rfo:-twlU1c, " an !neV:: of of minat. - in' de'ler'mon. deb' ability) . a) 8Jl aJphahl.caj list of narDes. suinj~ . ,,~U-, lh. page cumbers wh~", they appear iJ; th.= Ler,. usual1\' pLaced o( . book or other publicatior, b) ele. LOgether cl a 118\ a~ the end ir, - . in 2 to apply (.. marl. T1'IruMB INDD: prec. " -'TlO") 1 .n de!'Criblng ,he il.erru of a collection and whe", 'Lbey may be lound.. caLaJog fa library ",dEL! . d) . P"'-riodicaJ that lis"" books accordinr to 'Ub)ECl. wich pubhshmg InformatIOn arK! or bein~ Indented 2 a resul; of indeutin.. nOLen, cut or iniet on a c08stlim. eLe. b) s dent specif.. aj a , or slight bollow c) is 3 0) th, relatlon or ratioaf on. amount or sum"""ry oi contents 5 aj dimension: l.O anoLher . or lb. cu."" to etc_ in. den- tion in. den- ture an indention: space In from , maTj!'in (m oen shon In. !INDENT; or lNDE"": . musure ch8nge i~rj b). number formula expressing LhiB relation Icrania! ir. prices , wag"'- . employmenL production. dent in from lhe ma rgin 2 an empty or blfJ1l: space kh by ,h of 2 dent or slight bollo. bJ the m.king (in den charl n. I ME INDE"'T' : no'" used also e. if ~ INDE"n-o or endenture -10'" I 1 a spacing &. ~ ML shaws percenLBg' variation Irom an amitr"ry .r-Anciard. uauall" JOO. inl.eger sYm. or ?rinLL~ 6 Marh aj EXPONE"'" representinr th. sUitus at oom, earlier time (inr full index number) (sense 3) b) subscript ~ aI, i-i!! 113 f'x) " OFr inden. for bol placed above an.d to lhE len of a radiCAJ index 2 to be an . index. . or slpl. of: inLeresl races. lure.: S... INDE""'ATIO" 2 a writ1.en conlroct agreement' ",riginally. it was in j 1 I No,,' Rard sigr. "" callmg attentIon \.0 somethIng; fist - WI.. , 0) to no.ake or, b) to include in an index c) to ",upply ..~tb . thumb index or or lor ele. autOmallcaUy \.0 ehOU1ge. iDdlcat.e 3 to adjust ("'14:eE u,. the cost ollil..;n~ duplical.e . tn. two copie, ha'~ng correspondingly no\.Ched edges identiiiestion 3 pl.) E contract binding a pe~an to wor\; for lafLen of time. a. an apprentice lO a master another lor. given leng'th ,,'bich bonds are is-,ued - v!. -turec! . .tur- ing 1 to tied by indenture 2 I Archaic) fND"""': in. de- pe-nd.ence (in de pen dons. .di. ) n. l ML indcpnMntLO"J of being' independEnt: Ireedom from the influ. lbe sUIte or quality 2 I No,,' Rarel enc.. control , or determination of another or ot~ro In- de. pend.ence SON in allll5ion to his an Immi",ant to se,,'ice in a colony 4 an official , authenticated hsl a document conlainin(; the Lerms under inven\.ory. et.C. 5 FJn.once EXPURGATORJUS/1.1 al INDEX L,BRORUM PROHIBITORUM bj der'l"r n. - in. der c81 adjin. de:da. tion (in dek. ;:' sh;,n) n. Ih. pract.ice of imderlng wages. int.eT- IN~ In. dex Ex-pur-ga- to. riius demned as dangerous to faith est rates. eLe. (in dek,- el:.s pOOrg;;, lO'r;. expurgatory index I . (ormer Church foroade its membeTb to read unless =rtaiJ; or 01 60s ) I MociL ItS\ of boob that lh. Roman Catholi~ pes""",e. coo- a.n income sulflcient lor. hvelihood (in de pen ' dons di- ) I in honor 01 Andre... J,CJ.:. inaependencf 01 chaTacter J city in W Mo. suburb 01 Kan.", Ciry: pop. J J 2 000 "'Independence Day E legal holiday in the U. , celebraLed on July in. de' pend. enlcy (in d;. peo don se di. ) n~ pI. --cies 1 INDf':Pf':ND. ENCf': 2 /I-I the church po!.tO' ollh. Independents 3 an independent index finger Lhe linger next to index fossil any fos.sil BLed lossils lbat th. morals wee. deleted or changed the thumb; fordnnger wide geographiesl distLribul.ion and a short their 8."-",,,i. rangE In lime. used to correlate and o..t.c rock sUral..!; an d ence in J 776 adj. t ML independeru: or . the ";,nive,,,a;-y of ,he adoption (,f th. Ded"ralion of IndeDEnd. (in dels ' IE bra' rOOm ' In. dex Li. bro.rum Pro.hi1bi- to.rum to' r60m ) t ModL. index 01 prohibited books) '" fo,mer hsl in. de. pend.enl (in de pen d~nL. . di- ) nation. pro\~nce. e1.( index 01 retraction Ihe ratio morals (except by special permi..ion) Ihe sinE or lh. angle oi refraction lor a ray R~man Catholic Church j"rilade iM becau"",, judged pro bitT' of members lo cd.a.ngeroll5 to faith bvob r".d of th. si"", of the .an-Ie of lncidence to see IN- oll~ht .crossing from one relying only m.asion. or bias; ob)ealvE faIl independent ahilities. judgment. el.o.: ,""!I-confidenl: self. on one"""J( or on", o"' ad.h",rin. to 8JlY polil.;' reliant lindependen! o""r1 d Dol co:1:1ec",d ca! pa"y or organi""'L,on f.n .",;epec, dec.: or relBted to anolhe: to each other or to a grOlJP: separau fan Inaepf.'ndenl grocer) 2 0) not depending on anou,er or olhe"'-. esp, lor financial ,uPPOr1 b) I..g. enough \.0 enabie anf to live without . e\.C. ) c) b...1..;ng independor, or having l0 do ent inoome: not needing te work for a living 3 II-J of dfl.ermrnatlon from the rule ",f a.nother, controlof another or others: specii.. 0) free ling or governing oneself: self- governing b) free frorn influence . per. & Df':PE;NDf':'" J 1 freE from lhe influence . conl.ro!. obs~~rJ cl medium intO another In. dr, a (in de.1 ! L ~ Gr ~ Inao$. lhe Indus .: OP'..ero HIndu . Ind.iz.: aet Hlrmu j, , region in S Asia . south of the HLimaJeyas . lncludi.nj; a 18'l'E peninsuia between the Arabian Sea & t!he Ba~' 01 Bengal: it contains India (seos. 21. r.kislan , in his thinking) dl not BBLlf'ladesh'" N.pal , & Bhu\.aJ1 2 r~publi, in central & S Indi.: eslablisb.ed by /!.ct of Bri~jsb Perlia. rn~nl (190) , becarne a republic (19~). mem!;,.er of lbe Caromoo- wealth: 1.269. Ne.' Delhi: see 000.q mi- (3. 267 590 sq. km); P'Op. 783.940. 000; cap also ,I "'ML' 'NO KASHMIR 3 LNiJLA" EMPIRE India ,ink 1 a black pigment . as or spec.iaJ)y pRepared leropblacl 8J1d dried into working (s.id of an income fortun. with Independents - n. 1 a pe",on who is independent in thinking. committed co iny politicaJ political movement of action , ete. '02 I o/ten I-) a "oter who is not :an adherent of lh. ncn cent. in England tZ.aL advocated self. party 3 /I,) a rn.mr-"'r of a religious and .le. or slid;s 2. liquid in\; made from this , used iD. -writin"-; dre~.;ng. . Inldi;a.man (in de" rr.~n; no pi. -men Losee MM.L:. C 101 a larg~ mercham ship formerly S8ilin~ rerularly beLw""n En~land ""d Inci. Indian"" ~ IL India I 1 6esi,."a\. In- di;an (lr,'de en. . dyani adj. (LL carbor blad . mixed "'~lb a gdalinous subslaDc!!T We! rlliOvement led \.0 the organi""t;on of Congregalionaliscs .nd Baptist,; - independent of in' de. p-end' entjjy adv apart from: regarruess of independent clause Cram. " clause that can fumcLion ,yn:..aCllcally sufficiency of Each local Christian church: th. t,'P. ~sed 0' made by Indians "'4 mack of m. desijeor ing 0' of Incl. or the E2.5 , Indies . theiT peopl"-,=,,. or culture, 3 of nalino or of America.n IndiaIl' or Lhoi. Lanrua",= '(;u or indl." co:" of Indi. 0: th, East Indie, 2 AMERIC,'" hiD"" 3 1 a native culture 2 independent SChD.:,I' the public "nd lhat conve,' " a romplele mean. ing: main c1au.c distin~isheo from Df':Pf':"D~!," cu.USE (Ex.. she /DiU oL.S"u.!ifshecarf!\ . private schoo!. not " a' . complete ,enCence by ".. ,If open W or conlroliEd bv independent variable Malh a variable ,,'hose vcaJue may b. de",r. in- dept1l (J';' depth' ,Uluon end privR'" fund, . esp.. one that i, nonrehgious ana sLApported mainly b;' I No,,' Rare I any of the . 1a.J1~ages spokeD bv Arru"riC2J1 Indiar. pNpl., In. dl.an:a (in d. a.n a) l MoclL. - land of lb. Indiam.s ) Mideli. West.eru SUIte of th, L: S.. admitted . 1816: 36. 291 sc mi. (9' :'5'1 sq. kIn); pop i,an . Jr~ lOr Ind di. 544 0()(;-. cap. Indlanapo;,s: sbbr.\' adj- r.. "'Indian agenl IHistone.1I '" th, l' S. or CELDa:idE. ar,officiaJ rep"'- mined Ir...,l" "n,hout reference I.C oLher variables. l ad/. c"ref' II~' J ... orked out . oeta;led . profound. - in' de' in- de.scrib- alble (in In. de' Slruct- ilble (in - be desLTe'yed - thorough . slud" eto. fan ;n.oep(~ di sk:ib' , ball ad;. lbEt C"""nol be beyond the pow.r of oescnption scrit' aroly a (ii', (ir, scrib' c.bil'i~y n described; de. "'Indian bread 1 bread made from commeaJ :2 TUO. ,HOc ?Ind,an club a botUe-sh.p.d c.lut, or ""00d.. m",\.Oi ele. va,ions In. di.an. "plo. lis (mdo , "Ep . Ii,) lIND1""" ~ Gr paiL.S. oit~:. "'" POLIS! capit.al oi Inci.. In th. central p"'" of Vne Sl.8LE: p.op. '742. CY.K: (me~ "r~" 1.250.000. urbu, ere' ...;th Anderwrr, 1,380. C"JOi s"-'\Jng i.n Lhe senteN Lhe govtrnmenl lr, deaJlnp ,,';::11 native P"Oples . ., on reser- In. de-ler-mi.nalbie ol slru~:I.. t. oll adj. no . destructible: that cannot des\ruc,ilbil' ilty n. - In' de- SlJucnbly adv ?Indian corn COk," (se.ns, 3: Indian Desert THA". D"SE:R~ dissolved In 19i~ hand fo: exercis, dE tc, ml n. t;..;I bib 1 no~ del.fTroinable- ,peol. 0) or bl lhal cannot be der'nJt~h learned Lndelermlno that cannot tue dtreided or settled ascer...ruined -rn c!eter'mi nalble.ness f'L - rn' de.ter'mi.naibly adv ; adj~ 1 LL 0'. Indian ~mplre turilone, In & neB' indIa . ulnaer British concral: "'Indian file SI"'~LE rl~L. from the noLir..-, or Aanenndia n peoplE' ~' a of ,,' li:ing alon. " CI,il

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